ISSN newsletter 10/12. DIGITAL EDITION Nr Juni 2012

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1 ISSN ISSN newsletter 10/12 DIGITAL EDITION Nr Juni 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr K o r n t a l Fon: Fax: - Web:

2 Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Eigentlich hätten wir gar nicht damit gerechnet, dass das Interview unseres Filmbloggers Wolfram Hannemann mit dem Meister der visuellen Effekte Douglas Trumbull, jemals transkribiert werden würde. Aber eben nur eigentlich. Denn kaum war das Interview auf unserem YouTube-Kanal online, stand auch schon ein Freiwilliger auf der Matte: Brian Guckian, überzeugter Verfechter des 70mm-Films und regelmäßiger Gast der Festivals in Karlsruhe und Bradford, bot uns an, das Interview in Textform zu bringen, um es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt auf zu publizieren. Dieses Angebot haben wir uns natürlich nicht entgehen lassen! Dank des fleißigen Iren aus Dublin kommen die Leser unseres Newsletters nun als Erste in den Genuss, das Interview nachzulesen. Auf Seite 6 geht s los. Alles natürlich in Englisch. Aber vielleicht findet editorial sich ja auch noch ein freiwilliger Übersetzer...? Da wir eben unseren YouTube-Kanal erwähnten: es gibt dort schon wieder einige Neuzugänge zu sehen. Denn wir waren zu einigen Filmpremieren eingeladen und haben den Ablauf wie immer in Bild und Ton für Sie festgehalten. DIE KUNST ZU LIEBEN, TABU und JASMIN warteten jeweils mit prominenten Gästen auf, die im Anschluss an die Filmvorführungen dem Publikum gerne Rede und Antwort standen. Also: einfach mal vorbeisurfen! Aber zurück zum eigentlichen Geschäft: DVDs und BDs. Hier ist zu beobachten, dass der Markt für die physischen Produkte nicht nur in den USA, sondern auch in Deutschland stetig unübersichtlicher wird. Längst ist nicht mehr alles über den Großhandel oder gar den direkten Lizenzinhaber zu bekommen. So ist in den USA das für seine renommierten Soundtrack-CDs bekannte Label Screen Archives dazu übergegangen, speziell ausgewählte Filme auf Blu-ray selbst zu vermarkten meist als limitierte Auflagen und mit isolierter Filmmusikspur. Und in Deutschland werden wie bereits in den USA einige Filme nur als MODs (Manufactured on Demand) auf DVD-R vertrieben. Den Hinweisen unserer Kunden ist es zu verdanken, dass wir hiervon überhaupt erfahren haben, da solche Produkte leider grundsätzlich ohne Einbeziehung der Fachgeschäfte vermarktet werden. Dadurch ist es quasi auch unmöglich, diese speziellen Releases in unsere Übersichten zu integrieren. Nichtsdestotrotz werden wir natürlich immer bemüht sein, Ihnen auch solche Titel problemlos zu besorgen. Einziger Nachteil: der höhere Preis. Ihr Laser Hotline Team Unser Top-Angebot! Jeder Lieferung mit einem Rechnungsbetrag ab 150 Euro legen wir gratis die neueste DTS-Demo-Disc bei. Bei Vol. 16 handelt es sich um eine Blu-ray Disc mit 2D- und 3D-Bildmaterial und natürlich bestem DTS-HD-Sound. Ein absolutes Muss für jeden Heimkinoenthusiasten. Dieses Angebot gilt nur einmal pro Kunde und nur solange der Vorrat reicht. Wer zuerst kommt mahlt zuerst. LASER HOTLINE Seite 2

3 Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012 Ein Hippie wird zum Punker Die erste von nur zwei Pressevorführungen in dieser Woche kam aus Norwegen. SONS OF NORWAY (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Sønner Av Norge Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) Land/Jahr: Norwegen, Schweden, Frankreich, Dänemark 2011 Regie: Jens Lien Darsteller: Sven Nordin, Åsmund Høeg, Sonja Richter Kinostart: Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Es herrschen die siebziger Jahre in einem tristen Vorort von Oslo. Wenn Teenager Nikolaj Weihnachten im Kreise seiner Familie verbringt, dann hat das einen ganz besonderen Touch. Denn statt Weihnachtskugeln hängen Bananen vom Weihnachtsbaum! Magnus, Nikolajs Vater, ist ein gestandener Alt-Hippie mit Rauschebart. Als Architekt hat er am Aufbau der Reihenhaussiedlung mitgeholfen. Nikolaj mag seine Eltern sehr. Umso schmerzhafter ist es für ihn, als seine Mutter bei einem Unfall getötet wird. Er hilft seinem Vater, durch die anschließende Depression zu kommen und unterdrückt seine eigenen Gefühl dabei. Da hört er erstmals die Musik der Sex Pistols. Gemeinsam mit seinem besten Freund beschließt er Punker zu werden... SONS OF NORWAY ist ein würdiger Vertreter des skandinavischen Films. Wie kein anderes Land versteht sich Skandinavien hervorragend darauf, seine Filme mit skurril anmutenden, aber gleichzeitig auch sensiblen und gutherzigen Charakteren zu besiedeln. In diesem Film ist es ganz besonders Sven Nording als Magnus. Wenn er die Untaten eines Sohnes vor dem Schulrektor auf das härteste verteidigt, dann hat das was. Auch bei seinem Sommerausflug ins Nudistencamp und der anschließenden Mutation vom Hippie zu einem punkigeren Punker als sein Sohn je sein wird, darf herzhaft geschmunzelt werden. Unterlegt ist der Film mit den wuchtigen Rhythmen der Sex Pistols, einer Musik, die Nikolaj helfen, seine Gefühle zu verarbeiten. Johnny Rotten, der Kopf der Sex Pistols, gibt sogar einen Gastauftritt in Jens Liens Komödie mit Tiefgang. Eine Komödie, deren Machart etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig erscheint, lässt sie doch ab und zu das große Ganze vermissen. Freitag, 01. Juni 2012 Wagner, seine Musik und die Nazis Die zweite und letzte Pressevorführung dieser Woche gab es leider nur von DVD zu sehen. Zu hoffen ist, dass die in den Kinos eingesetzten DCPs von besserer Güte sein werden. WAGNER & ME (1:1.85, Stereo) OT: Wagner & Me Verleih: Film Kino Text Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2010 Regie: Patrick McGrady Darsteller: Stephen Fry Kinostart: Für Stephen Fry, den britischen Charakterdarsteller und begeisterten Richard Wagner Fan, geht ein lang gehegter Wunsch in Erfüllung: er hat nicht nur nach Jahren des Wartens eine der begehrten Eintrittskarten zu den Bayreuther Festspielen in der Tasche, er darf auch zusätzlich noch mehrere Tage lang hinter die Kulissen der dieser pompösen Veranstaltung blicken. Dabei treibt ihn persönlich eine ganz spezielle Frage um. Darf er als Jude, dessen Verwandte im Konzentrationslager umgekommen sind, überhaupt die Musik des Richard Wagner genießen? Die Frage ist durchaus berechtigt. Denn nicht nur galt Wagner als der Lieblingskomponist des Führers, sondern bekannte sich zu Lebzeiten selbst zum Antisemitismus. Um alles zu verstehen schickt Regisseur Patrick McGrady seinen Star Stephen Fry nicht nur nach Bayreuth. Auch St. Petersburg, London und Nürnberg sowie die Schweiz sind Frys Reiseziele auf der Suche nach einer Antwort. Auch wenn man Wagners Musik nicht mag, so lässt man sich bereitwillig von Frys diebischer Freude, die er angesichts des Besuches in Bayreuth empfindet, wahrhaftig anstecken. Dazu gibt der Film in sehr unterhaltsamer Weise einen Einblick in das Schaffen Richard Wagners, seine Bedeutung in der Musikgeschichte und sein Privatleben, das von ständigen Schulden geprägt war. WAGNER & ME ist eine tolle Musikdokumentation mit politischem Anspruch. Sehenswert. Dienstag, 05. Juni 2012 Eine Frau bricht auf Gegenüber der vorigen Woche erleben wir in dieser Woche eine hundertprozentige Steigerung der Pressevorführungsaktivitäten in Stuttgart vier statt nur zwei! DAS HAUS AUF KORSIKA (1:2.35, DTS Stereo) OT: Au Cul Du Loup Verleih: Schwarz-Weiss (Filmagentinnen) Land/Jahr: Belgien 2011 Regie: Pierre Duculot Darsteller: Christelle Cornil, François Vincentelli, Jean-Jaques Rausin Kinostart: Bis zum Schluss pflegte sie ihre Großmutter liebevoll. Jetzt hat Christine mit gerade einmal 30 Jahren ein Haus von ihr geerbt. Aber es ist nicht etwa ein Haus in Charleroi, jener kleinen belgischen Stadt, in der Christine mit ihrem Freund zusammen wohnt und jobbt. Das Haus, von dem die ganze Familie nichts wusste, steht in einem kleinen Kaff auf Korsika! Obwohl alle ihr raten, das Haus so schnell wie möglich zu verkaufen, will Christine es sich erst einmal ansehen. Das führt zum Streit mit ihrem Freund, den sie darauf einfach sitzen lässt und Hals über Kopf nach Korsika fährt. Bald schon kommt die Ernüchterung: das Haus ist vollkommen renovierungsbedürftig, die Bewohner des 12-Seelen- Dorfes gewöhnungsbedürftig. Doch die phantastische Natur und die Begegnung mit einem Ziegenhirten ändern alles... Pierre Duculot, schon immer von Korsika fasziniert, erzählt die Geschichte einer jungen Frau, die es tatsächlich wagt, ihr Leben selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und sich ihrem Schicksal zu stellen. Eine Entscheidung, die nur Wenige treffen und stattdessen ein wenig befriedigendes und angepasstes Leben führen. Die Oma wird sich schon etwas dabei gedacht haben, als sie ihr das Haus vermachte, vermutet die Protagonistin. Und es stimmt. Je länger sich Christine auf Korsika aufhält, umso mehr dringt sie in ihre Familiengeschichte vor und lernt dabei auch die unglaubliche Natur lieben. Und die wird Dank Hichame Alaouie großartig in CinemaScope-Bildern LASER HOTLINE Seite 3

4 eingefangen. Christelle Cornil in der Rolle der Christine ist sehr authentisch und gewinnt die Sympathie des Publikums. Perfekt gesetzte musikalische Akzente runden den Film ab. Mittwoch, 06. Juni 2012 Mehr als nur ein Handicap Heute stand schon wieder eine belgische Produktion auf dem Menü-Plan... HASTA LA VISTA (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Hasta La Vista Verleih: Ascot Elite Land/Jahr: Belgien 2011 Regie: Geoffrey Enthoven Darsteller: Robrecht Vanden Thoren, Gilles De Schryver, Tom Audenaert Kinostart: Lars, Philip und Jozef verbindet eine ganz besondere Freundschaft. Nicht nur sind sie alle etwa Anfang bis Mitte 20, sie haben alle auch ein Handicap. Lars ist von einer voranschreitenden Krankheit an den Rollstuhl gefesselt, Philip ist vom Hals abwärts gelähmt und der scheue Jozef ist fast vollkommen blind. Und noch eine Sache vereint das Trio: keiner von ihnen hatte bisher Sex! Und genau das soll sich jetzt ändern. Das El Cielo in Spanien ist ihr Traumziel ein Bordell, das auf behinderte Klientel eingestellt ist. Der Urlaub muss natürlich den fürsorglichen Eltern gegenüber als Wein-Tour getarnt werden. Dass die drei Freunde entgegen ihren Plänen aber plötzlich in einem heruntergekommenen Kleinbus kutschiert werden, dessen Fahrer sich auch noch als übergewichtige Frau entpuppt, sind nur ein paar der Probleme... Geoffrey Enthoven erzählt in seinem Film von der Liebe und von Freundschaft, aber auch von Humor, mit dem sich jede schmerzvolle Erfahrung meistern lässt. Doch es ist auch gerade der Humor, der in diesem Film nicht so recht zündet. Dabei wäre das aber sehr wichtig gewesen, um die Melancholie und Trauer, die hier immer mitschwingt, im Zaum zu halten. Dafür sind aber die vier Protagonisten dieses Road-Movies gut ausgewählt, insbesondere Tom Audenaert als der extrem sehbehinderte Jozef. Eine kleine Warnung: wer hier einen Film wie ZIEMLICH BESTE FREUNDE gemischt mit SEX ON THE BEACH erwartet, läuft große Gefahr, enttäuscht zu werden. Freitag, 08. Juni 2012 Das Mädchen und der Mörder Ein deutsches Drama und ein amerikanisches Musical ließen eine doch recht spärliche Pressewoche ausklingen. Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog TÖTE MICH (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: farbfilm Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Schweiz, Frankreich 2011 Regie: Emily Atef Darsteller: Maria-Victoria Dragus, Roeland Wiesnekker, Wolfram Koch Kinostart: Seit dem Unfalltod ihres Bruders lebt Adele alleine mit den Eltern auf einem Bauernhof. Die Arbeit ist hart. Adele ist gerade einmal 15 Jahre alt und hat beschlossen zu sterben. Einsam steht sie an einem tiefen Abgrund, wagt den tödlichen Sprung jedoch nicht. Als eines Tages der Mittvierziger Timo, ein entflohener Mörder, Schutz bei ihr sucht, schlägt sie ihm einen ungewöhnlichen Deal vor. Sie hilft ihm bei der Flucht und im Gegenzug muss er sie umbringen. Zögerlich geht Timo auf den Deal ein. Für die beiden beginnt eine lange Reise... Das eindrucksvoll im CinemaScope-Format eingefangene Bild, mit dem der Film beginnt, macht große Hoffnung. Sie zeigt die junge Protagonistin bei ihrem vergeblichen Versuch, sich in die Tiefe zu stürzen. Je weiter jedoch der Film fortschreitet, desto mehr wird die Hoffnung zerschlagen. Das liegt weniger am Kameramann Stephane Kuthy, der durchweg kinogerechte Bilder abliefert, als am Drehbuch des Films. Warum sich Adele unbedingt das Leben nehmen möchte, wird nie richtig erklärt. Der Unfalltod des Bruders alleine kann es kaum sein. Auch die Konstellation von Mädchen und Mörder zueinander wirkt ziemlich künstlich. Wie vieles andere auch. Da gibt es beispielsweise die Szene, in der Timo zusammen mit Adele seinen Bruder in Marseille aufsuchen, um Geld zu bekommen. Obwohl das Haus des Bruders von der Polizei überwacht wird, haben ein Kampf oder sonstige lautstarke Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den Brüdern keinerlei Auswirkungen. Derlei Szenarien machen es dem Zuschauer nicht gerade einfach, den Film ernst zu nehmen. Immerhin geben die Hauptdarsteller ihr Bestes, um ihre Rollen möglichst authentisch zu spielen. Besonders Nachwuchstalent Maria Dragus als Adele verdient hier Erwähnung. ROCK OF AGES (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Rock Of Ages Verleih: Warner Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Regie: Adam Shankman Darsteller: Julianne Hough, Diego Boneta, Paul Giamatti, Russell Brand, Mary J. Blige, Malin Akerman, Bryan Cranston, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Alec Baldwin, Tom Cruise Kinostart: Ein Mädchen aus der Provinz kommt Ende der achtziger Jahre nach Los Angeles, um eine Karriere als Sängerin zu starten. Dort lernt sie einen netten Kerl kennen, der ihr sogar einen Job als Bedienung im angesagten Rock-Club The Bourbon Room besorgt. Die beiden verlieben sich ineinander. Doch die Romanze endet jäh, als Er einem Irrtum unterliegt und meint, Sie hätte ein Nummer mit Stacee Jaxx geschoben, jenem Ober-Rocker, dem alle Mädels zu Füßen liegen... ROCK OF AGES ist die typisch (amerikanische) Boy meets Girl -Geschichte, die schon in so vielen Filmen durchexerziert wurde. Dieses Mal eben als Musical. Angesiedelt im Jahre 1987 werden auf der Tonspur des Films zahllose Evergreens der Rock-Geschichte rezitiert. Ein Erfolgsrezept, das bereits mit MAMMA MIA die Kassen klingeln ließ. Für mich persönlich jedoch gelang es nur einem einzigen Film bzw. Musical, die bereits vorhandenen Songs überzeugend zu einem großen Ganzen zu verbinden: MOULIN ROUGE. Davon ist ROCK OF AGES Meilen entfernt und muss sich darüber hinaus auch noch mit der ein oder anderen Fehlbesetzung herumschlagen. Catherine Zeta-Jones etwa, die als Frau des Bürgermeisters für die Schließung des Rock-Tempels Bourbon Room kämpft, beweist einfach nur, dass sie für eine Musical-Rolle vollkommen ungeeignet ist. Tom Cruise als überdimensionale Rock n Roll Sex-Maschine mit ständig entblößtem Oberkörper erinnert in seiner Rolle irgendwie an den Guru, den er in MAGNOLIA spielte. Das LASER HOTLINE Seite 4

5 sich findende und wieder trennende Liebespaar wird von Julianne Hough und Diego Boneta gespielt, beides Nachwuchsstars aus der Retorte könnte man fast meinen: jung, schön, oberflächlich. Identifikationspotenzial? Fehlanzeige. Da sind dann Schwergewichte wie Paul Giamatti als schmieriger Manager und Alec Baldwin als langhaariger und bärtiger Club- Besitzer schon ganz andere Kaliber. ROCK OF AGES ist zwar gut fotografiert, dafür aber weniger gut choreographiert. Irgendwie haben es die Amerikaner verlernt ihren Musicals das gewisse Etwas mitzugeben. Vielleicht lag es aber auch einfach nur daran, dass der Film wesentlich lauter hätte vorgeführt werden sollen. Denn Rock-Musik sollte man nicht nur hören, sondern auch spüren! Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012 Rentner im Himmel und Zocker in Vegas Die beiden ersten von nur drei Pressevorführungen in dieser Woche könnten den für morgen angesetzten Film schlichtweg zum Meisterwerk machen... BIS ZUM HORIZONT, DANN LINKS! (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Verleih: Neue Visionen Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Regie: Bernd Böhlich Darsteller: Otto Sander, Angelica Domröse, Ralf Wolter Kinostart: Annegret Simon, Seniorin im besten Alter, wird von ihrer Familie in ein Altersheim entsorgt. Sie fühlt sich alles andere als wohl dabei, ab jetzt ständig mit einem ganzen Heer von anderen Insassen den Lebensabend zu verbringen. Eckehardt Tiedgen, einer der Mitbewohner, sieht das ganz genau so. Und so beschließt er, einen gemeinsamen Rundflug der Seniorenschar dazu zu nutzen, das Flugzeug zu entführen. Mit der zufällig gefundenen Pistole zwingt er die Piloten, die Maschine ans Mittelmeer zu fliegen. Nicht jeder der Rentner ist davon begeistert, wohl aber Frau Simon... Bernd Böhlichs Film hat gleich eine ganze Reihe namhafter deutscher Schauspieler aus dem wohlverdienten Ruhestand zurückgeholt. Otto Sander und Ralf Wolter sind nur zwei davon. Und trotz dem prominenten Aufgebot funktioniert der Film überhaupt nicht. Zum Einen hat er mit ziemlich vielen Längen zu kämpfen, zum Anderen versteht er es nicht, Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog einmal aufgegriffene Handlungselemente nicht zu Ende zu führen. So läuft beispielsweise eine Zwischenlandung in Wien, wo auf eine ganz wichtige Delegation aus Russland gewartet wird, sang- und klanglos ins Leere. Oder der Appell des Sohnes von Frau Simon an die vermeintlich arabischen Entführer, der per TV ausgestrahlt wird, bleibt ohne weitere Bedeutung. Das reife Ensemble gibt zwar sein Bestes, um den Film bei der Stange zu halten, doch sind nicht alle Rollen perfekt besetzt. So tut man sich als Zuschauer ziemlich schwer damit, Angelica Domröse als Bewohnerin eines Altenheims zu akzeptieren. Insgesamt ein Film zum Fortbleiben. LADY VEGAS (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Lay The Favorite Verleih: Wild Bunch (Central) Land/Jahr: USA, Großbritannien 2012 Regie: Stephen Frears Darsteller: Bruce Willis, Rebecca Hall, Catherine Zeta-Jones Kinostart: Sie ist jung, schlank, sexy und strotzt vor Optimismus: Beth Raymer hat die Schnauze voll vom Strippen und möchte stattdessen viel lieber als Kellnerin in einer Cocktailbar in Las Vegas jobben. Doch erstens kommt es anders und zweitens als man denkt. Denn als sie bei ihrer Jobsuche auf den alten Zocker Dink trifft, macht sie Bekanntschaft mit Sportwetten und wird zu so etwas wie Dinks Glücksbringer. Allerdings nur solange, bis Dinks eifersüchtige Ehefrau Tulip dem ein Ende macht. Beth wendet sich an den Buchmacher Rosie, der in New York mit illegalen Wetten das große Geschäft macht und sitzt alsbald tief in der Tinte... Man muss schon ziemlich viel Ahnung vom Sportwettengeschäft haben, um der Handlung von Stephen Frears neuem Film folgen zu können. Wer hier wen wie abzockt, hat sich zumindest mir nicht erschlossen. So hat der Film außer seinen guten Darstellern (Bruce Willis mit eingeschlossen!) und den Schauwerten (Rebecca Hall als Beth ist stets mit knappen Shorts oder Mikrominis bekleidet!) leider nicht viel zu bieten. Dabei hätte man gerade von einem Regisseur wie Frears ganz Anderes erwartet. Schade eigentlich. Freitag, 15. Juni 2012 Ein Schwein im Schafspelz Eines stand schon von vornherein fest: nach dem Debakel de4r gestri- gen Pressevorführungen konnte der heutige Film eigentlich nur gut sein. In der Tat! DAS SCHWEIN VON GAZA (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Le Cochon De Gaza / When Pigs Have Wings Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Deutschland, Belgien 2011 Regie: Sylvain Estibal Darsteller: Sasson Gabai, Baya Belal, Myriam Tekaïa Kinostart: Jaffar ist ein erfolgloser kleiner Fischer. Zusammen mit seiner Frau lebt er in einem Haus in Gaza, das mehr einer Ruine gleicht denn einer Behausung. Zudem haben sich israelische Soldaten oben im Turm einquartiert. Um den Lebensunterhalt zu bestreiten fährt Jaffar tagtäglich aufs Meer hinaus um zu fischen. Doch mehr als Unrat holt er nie aus dem Wasser. Eines Tages jedoch angelt er ein lebendes Schwein aus der See. Ausgerechnet ein Schwein! Da dieses Tier auf beiden Seiten der Grenze als unrein gilt, Jaffar aber damit unbedingt Geld verdienen möchte, muss er zu allerlei Tricks greifen. Da ist dann das Schafsfell, das er dem Schwein überzieht, nur einer dieser Tricks... Wenn es nach Regisseur und Drehbuchautor Sylvain Estibal geht, dann sind Friedenstauben schon lange out. Jetzt muss ein Schwein her! Und das nicht ohne Grund. Denn das Schwein scheint das einzige Bindeglied zwischen Palästinensern und Israelis zu sein, über das Einigkeit herrscht: für beide Völker ist es tabu, da es als unrein gilt. Wenn also Estibal seinen Helden Jaffar mit einem Schwein auf eine Odyssee schickt, dann ist damit auch gleichzeitig eine politische Aussage verknüpft. Und die ist sogar sehr ausgewogen, vermeidet sie doch tunlichst Partei für eines der beiden Lager zu ergreifen. Der skurrile Film mit seinem großartigen Hauptdarsteller Sasson Gabai (DIE BAND VON NEBENAN) ist ebenso herzerfrischend wie intelligent und wartet mit einem gar surreal-märchenhaften Ende auf. Ein Kinobesuch weitab vom Mainstream und umso lohnenswerter. Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: LASER HOTLINE Seite 5

6 Douglas Trumbull in conversation with Wolfram Hannemann WH: So, good morning Mr. Trumbull, thank you very much for taking your time to talk with me DT: Good morning, great to be here. WH: It s your first time in Stuttgart I guess? DT: Yes, it is. WH: And you came here to participate in FMX you like it? DT: Very much we re having a great time. WH: So how did it all come about; how did you end up doing special effects, visual effects...what is your background? DT: Well, I started out a young man as an illustrator, kind of a commercial artist, and I was very personally interested in science fiction, and so my portfolio was all spacecraft and alien planets; and that led me to a job at a company in Los Angeles called Graphic Films, who were doing films about the space program the American space program, particularly the Apollo program, things like that. And so I got a job there, and then one of the projects that came up at Graphic Films was a movie called To the Moon and Beyond, which was for the New York World s Fair in 1964, and I did all the illustrations and artwork for this multiplane photography, space science fiction spectacle on a big dome screen. And Stanley Kubrick and Arthur Clarke saw that film, and hired Graphic Films and me, and ultimately I got a job on 2001 from that connection, because they were looking for validation that you could make a big 70mm science fiction movie, but also looking for help on how to actually do it, and make it credible. WH: I understand that To the Moon and Beyond was filmed in a process called Cinerama 360 DT: Correct WH: Can you describe it a little bit? DT: Well, it was a 65mm negative, 70mm prints, and the film format was a circular film image, ten perforations high it was double the normal size of the 70mm frame so it was double your shirt [Gestures to 70mm logo on t-shirt]. And it was projected with fisheye lenses onto a big dome screen, and a lot of it was photographed with fisheye lenses as well it was all looking up; looking at the sky, looking at the trees, looking at the microcosm, looking at the Big Bang. So it was a pretty spectacular movie, that got me started on this whole idea of Immersive Cinema. WH: So was Cinerama actually involved in this project, or was it just the name? DT: No, Cinerama was involved Cinerama was still a going company; it had offices in Marina Del Rey and was doing a lot of projects for the Fair, because Cinerama was a specialist in large-format 70mm presentation, so they had many different kinds of cameras, lenses and technologies that were used in many Pavilions at that Expo. WH: What about the sound system on that particular one? DT: You know I had nothing to do with the sound system, so I couldn t tell you it was just some magnetic soundtrack because we used magnetic sound-on-film so it was at least six tracks of stereo sound. WH: So did you work on designing the system itself? DT: No WH: It was supplied by Cinerama? DT: Yes. WH: And as you said, this led to your engagement on 2001: A Space Odyssey. What was it like working with Stanley Kubrick? DT: Well it was amazing, because he was a very, very intelligent, genius-level, intellect. And he wanted to make what he called a really, truly valid and scientifically-accurate science-fiction film he didn t want to make what was known; science fiction was kind of B-movie stuff of the past, and he wanted to make a really excellent, beautiful, science-fiction film. And he knew that that involved a lot of experimentation all the development, breaking new ground and so that was what that whole project was about, that s what was so great about 2001; for me particularly, because it turned out that I had the right kind of qualities, to be able to think differently about photography, imagery on screens and I was young, didn t have any old habits, building props or doing special effects or anything, so I was able to work with him and solve a lot of challenging problems. WH: So was this all done in England? DT: Yes WH: At Pinewood? DT: Borehamwood Studios MGM Borehamwood. The studio is no longer there doesn t exist. LASER HOTLINE Seite 6

7 WH: 2001 won an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects: but I think only Kubrick was awarded for Effects? DT: That s right WH: Was there a special reason why he got the award, and not yourself? DT: Well, I thought that was a bit of a scandal, and when Kubrick at the end of the movie decided to keep a credit for himself and he took a credit on the film that said Special Photographic Effects Designed and Directed by Stanley Kubrick, which was not entirely accurate but also, according to the Academy rules at the time, in the Special Effects category you could not have more than three individuals, and there were four of us. There was me, Tom Howard, who did the front projection, Con Pederson, who was working on the effects came from Graphic and Wally Veevers, who did the mechanical effects. So they said we didn t qualify because there were too many people. I think it was a little bit of scandal I think it s a tragedy that that s the only Academy Award that Stanley Kubrick ever won, because I thought he deserved much more credit than that, as a Director, really. WH: Was all the work on 2001 done on 65mm? DT: Yes. WH: And there was a rumour and in fact I think a photograph exists, showing the making of 2001 and you can spot an Ultra Panavision camera. Do you know anything about any portions of 2001 being filmed in Ultra Panavision anamorphic 65mm? DT: No, there was none. The cameras were the same they were 5-perforation 65mm negative cameras. They were owned by Panavision, and some special equipment came from Lin Dunn s company, Film Effects in Hollywood, who rented optical equipment and special cameras. But Ultra Panavision was only about the anamorphic lenses, and they were not used on In fact, many of the lenses used on 2001 were not even Panavision lenses Panavision didn t want anyone to talk about that. WH: So when was the last time you saw 2001, on the big screen? DT: It was two or three years ago, at the Academy in Los Angeles, where there was a special screening of 2001 for the Academy. And Tom Hanks and I did a whole Making of 2001 two-hour show, with a lot of behind-the-scenes photographs and stories. It was really a lot of fun. WH: It s one of my all-time favourites, on 70mm DT: Me too WH: I think I ve seen the film only in 70mm DT: Good! WH: Never, never on 35mm! DT: That s exactly the way it should be. But it s almost impossible to see it on a 90-ft Cinerama screen; that was a really rare experience. WH: Unless you come to Bradford, in England you know about Bradford; the Widescreen Weekend? DT: Yes. WH: So after your success with 2001, the next thing that came along I think was The Andromeda Strain, for Robert Wise were the visual effects in 65mm? DT: No that was all 35mm. At that time I didn t have any 65mm equipment; it was a very low budget movie, from a special effects point of view. Most of the work I did for The Andromeda Strain was effects that were going to be rearprojected onto screens, in the laboratories. So that was 35mm rear projection. WH: And then, Close Encounters of the Third Kind? DT: No Silent Running. WH: OK, that s a film you made you made two films as Director, which were released in the cinema Close Encounters was just for the visual effects. OK, let s talk about Silent Running. Your first job as a Director how did the project come about? DT: Well, it came about through some relationships I had with friends at the Studios, and agents; and there was a very interesting moment that happened at Universal where this movie called Easy Rider came out. Easy Rider surprised everybody it was a very profitable, low-budget independent film that no-one understood. The Studios just didn t have any idea how to do this. So they decided to experiment with five or more films one-million-dollar independent films. I can t remember all the other films, but there was a Kurt Vonnegut film you probably remember, then there was The Last Picture Show, there was Silent Running...I can t remember the others. But anyway, the whole objective was that the Studio would experiment with making five or more one-million-dollar movies, and not have anything to do with them they would put up the money but they wouldn t see the script, they wouldn t have Final Cut, they wouldn t do anything. So I had this amazing experience on Silent Running where I got complete control, as long as I stayed within budget. So it was a really great experience; it was a very simple movie, it was a very low budget movie, it was made with a very small crew, and shot in 32 days. Shot on board this aircraft carrier, airplane hangar, with a lot of miniatures I kind of learned how to direct during the making of that movie. WH: So was it due to budgetary reasons that it was only 1:1.85? DT: Yes that was not enough money to make a big spectacle, in 70mm. WH: And also I understand some 70mm print s of the film have been made? DT: No not that I know of...i ve never heard of that. But there was just recently a restoration done, in England I can t remember the name of the company right now, but there s a really beautiful Blu-Ray restoration it s quite nice. It s the best version of the film I ve ever seen better than the original prints. WH: The music in the film was composed by Peter Schickele and the songs by Joan Baez how did that come about? LASER HOTLINE Seite 7

8 DT: Well, you have to remember this was the early seventies: Flower Children, Vietnam War and all kinds of issues going on, and I was a big fan of Joan Baez s music I had many of her albums; I was part of that scene. And I noticed that I was really liking the orchestrations and the music behind her singing, and I would look on the albums and there was Peter Schickele, and well, I wanted to find someone who wasn t in the movie business, to do something different. So I contacted Peter, and he said he was willing to do it, and he came and did the score for the film and did a beautiful job, an unusual job, and then he ultimately helped me with Joan Baez, because I wanted her to do the song, which Peter wrote with another woman named Diane Lampert. And it was kind of an interesting story, because she was very, very busy at the time she was extremely popular, travelling all over the world, performing everywhere, and Peter was calling and calling and calling, and he couldn t get a return call. And just by complete freak chance I was in Chicago Airport changing planes, and I saw Joan Baez get off another plane about 100 yards away. And I just went over and talked to her; I said, I m Doug Trumbull, I ve been trying to reach you to work with Peter Schickele, would you do the movie? She said, Oh yeah, OK. So we got her [Laughs]. WH: So did she do it for a small budget then? DT: Sure, everybody did. WH: I think it became a sort of cult movie I think in Germany it was released only on television...i think it never made it into theatres. DT: That s possible WH: Did it earn its money back in the US? Theatrically? DT: Yes, but it was another business experiment that Universal tried, on Silent Running, which was to see if they could get word of mouth to carry the film rather than an advertising campaign. So they did no advertising for Silent Running, which hurt the movie very badly. So it took a long time to make its money back it did, but it was very disappointing for me to have the movie not be promoted properly by the Studio it was another little social experiment they did. WH: And I read on that film names like John Dykstra, and also Richard Yuricich worked on that film as well did they start some years before? DT: It started John Dykstra s career, and many others that worked with John Dykstra, like Wayne Smith John and Wayne and a whole lot of the crew came from Long Beach State College, from the Industrial Design Department. I found them, and we hired them to build all the sets, and do all the conversion of the aircraft carrier and help build the models and everything. It was quite a clever mixture of a few Hollywood professionals, like Charles Wheeler, who was a Cinematographer and Camera Operator and Gaffer; Harry Sundby who was a really good Lighting man, and [we also had] a wonderful Editor. But a lot of the crew that actually did the work to fabricate the movie were students. And that was a great experience, and I ve always believed that that s a really good way to go. WH: The next directorial project you did was Brainstorm, which was much later in the meantime you concentrated on doing visual effects. Did you get many offers to direct? DT: I had many, many offers as a Director; Silent Running made me very popular in Hollywood for directing jobs. And I went into a process of developing projects so I had science fiction movies in development at MGM, Columbia, Warner Bros. and Fox. And in that process of developing these projects, all of which were sitting on my shelf, unproduced, I just had all these tragic experiences happen, that I had no control over. For instance, we had a really amazing sci-fi adventure called Pyramid, written by David C Goodman; it was a really terrific script and it was going to be produced at MGM. And then Kirk Kerkorian, who owned MGM, just closed the Studio and decided to build a Casino in Las Vegas. So the project just ended. That was a year of my time. Then I had another production with Arthur Jacobs, who d done Planet of the Apes a kind of big underwater adventure movie, it was kind of like The Abyss and Arthur Jacobs died, suddenly, of a heart attack. And the whole project got tied up with his estate. And then I had a project called The Ride I was very interested in theme park rides, as almost a narcotic form of entertainment. It was at Warner Bros., and then suddenly all the management changed and the project got dropped. Now I can t make a living I want to direct these movies, but they re not happening. And that was when I talked Paramount Pictures into forming this company called Future General Corporation, which was a research and development company to look at the future of cinema technology. And that s where we invented the Showscan film process, the simulation rides, interactive video games, Magicam Magicam was this compositing thing: real-time video special effects. And so that went very well for year, getting that started. And then all the management at Paramount changed get me out of here! So that was when Close Encounters came along. And Paramount agreed to loan me to Columbia Pictures. I wanted to meet Steven Spielberg; he had just come off Jaws, and I thought he was a really interesting Director, and I thought, Well this ll be cool. And it was a way to get 65mm cameras because I said to Steven, I ll do this job if we can do all the special effects in 65mm because I wanted the cameras for Showscan. So I had my own agenda going on. But it was a really great opportunity to work on that movie we developed the first motion control system, recorded camera movements on location, Richard Yuricich developed all kinds of amazing optical printing techniques to get those beautiful, soft, glowy UFOs and motherships and everything it was a tremendous amount of fun. WH: So what was it like, working with the young Spielberg? DT: It was great Steven was adventurous enough, and powerful enough, to get the Studio to do things that they didn t understand. And in those times the visual effects budget for Close Encounters was high according to what they thought it should be, and they had no idea. Steven managed to get the money for us, and convinced the Studio and the Producers that we should do all this, and it was at a time when Columbia Pictures was in a tremendous amount of financial trouble, and if Close Encounters had not been very successful I think the Studio might have gone out of business. It was a very, very close call. So Close Encounters saved Columbia Pictures from bankruptcy maybe. But that was a really big moment, when we finally showed the movie to the Studio, and said, Phew, thank God, it s going to be OK. And it was fun, because during the production of Close Encounters was the same time that George Lucas was making Star Wars Star Wars was a little bit ahead, but it LASER HOTLINE Seite 8

9 was all in the same year and Steven and George were talking all the time they were kind of competing, and it was interesting, because I d been asked by George to do the effects for Star Wars. But I was a Director, I was still trying to direct projects, and I said no to George, I was trying to do something else. And after all this turmoil at Paramount I agreed to do Close Encounters, because I thought it was different enough, and interesting enough, and it fulfilled my desire. So George Lucas says, Well can I hire your crew? because I wasn t doing anything at that moment so George Lucas hired John Dykstra, and all of my whole crew. And they went to work at what was originally called Industrial Light and Magic and they included my own father. WH: Really? DT: Yeah! So they did a great job, but you know making the first Star Wars film was very tricky, because it was a first time for a lot of those kinds of motion control effects, and it was a very close call they were trying to do front projection for Star Wars, where they d have plates out the windows of the spacecraft nothing worked, and it turned out to be a bad idea. And so they had to switch gears at the very last minute and go for blue screen compositing and optical printing. Everything turned out fine, but it was a very close call. WH: So do you regret rejecting Star Wars? DT: No, not at all, I m very friendly with George, we ve gotten along well over the years, and since it became an opportunity for me to do Close Encounters, everything turned out just fine. I think my personal aesthetic photographically was much more appropriate for Close Encounters than Star Wars. Star Wars in a way was more like the same as 2001: you know, flight spacecraft, black stars that was kind of not as interesting. WH: I prefer Close Encounters because it s more scientific; Star Wars is fantasy. DT: Well you know Close Encounters is actually based on reality you know the whole story about Jacques Vallée? WH: Which one? DT: Well Close Encounters remember François Truffaut plays this French UFO Researcher, named Lacombe? I found out many years later that that was actually Jacques Vallée, a French UFO Researcher he s become a good friend of mine. And he had written many books about UFO phenomena, and events that happened back in the fifties and sixties. And Spielberg read all these books he wrote the screenplay for Close Encounters, based a lot on Jacques Vallée s stories which were always sold as fictional stories, but they were true stories...if you buy the whole UFO phenomenon. I think Jacques Vallée is an incredible, wonderful, believable person who had a UFO encounter when he was 11 years old in France changed his life totally. So he became one of the most, if not the most, mature chroniclers of all UFO phenomena, to this day. So anyway, that s the story of Close Encounters as real so the whole idea of that whole story, maybe that really happened. WH: Do you believe in UFOs? DT: Oh yes, absolutely. WH: I think Close Encounters influenced a lot of movies that came after it. Important television series like The X- Files you see so many elements that were seen in Close Encounters again, it was a ground breaking film. DT: It s one of those very unusual films that treated the whole UFO / Alien Encounter thing as a benign exchange rather than tacky, flesh-eating monsters from Mars, you know, which is so stupid. So I thought it was that kind of benign, loving, kind of amazing awesomeness that attracted me to it. I think a lot of people appreciate it, and it s shocking to me there hasn t been more like that. I m intending to do one myself. WH: That sounds promising! DT: Good I hope you like it! WH: Along came Star Trek: The Motion Picture, for Robert Wise again, this time in 65mm DT: Yes, the timing of it was that I was developing the Showscan film process 70mm at 60 frames per second which was spectacular and I was working at Paramount, and were enthusiastic about it at the time, and I was told to develop a feature movie that I would direct, that would demonstrate this process. And that became Brainstorm. Brainstorm was written for Showscan, to be this experiment, this experiential spectacle. So that s what I was doing, and I was very devoted to that mission. And at the same time that that was happening, Paramount had got started on Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and were having all kinds of problems. They hired Robert Abel s company and a lot of other people to do the special effects I was not interested in doing the special effects for Star Trek. And they spent almost a year and half trying to do the special effects for Star Trek. But at the same time Paramount closed my company because they didn t believe in Showscan, didn t believe in Brainstorm, didn t believe in video games. They didn t believe in anything I was trying to do, but they wanted to keep me under contract so I wouldn t go out and do something different for somebody else. So when they got into so much trouble on Star Trek they asked me again if I d do the special effects. And I said, OK, I will do it, but only if I can leave immediately after. Then I ll take Brainstorm, I ll take Showscan, I ll take my company and be out of my contract they had a six year contract on me; they wanted to keep me out of circulation. So we made this deal. I wasn t really too eager about doing Star Trek, but I did it to earn my way out of my contract. And it was very difficult; they had no time left. There was as many shots as Close Encounters and Star Wars combined, in Star Trek. And Robert Wise had directed the movie in such a way that there was no way around it there was no way to change the need for that many shots. There were 650 shots, which had to be completed in six months. So we worked out a deal for my company, and John Dykstra s company, which was then called Apogee, to join forces. They were all VistaVision and we were all 65mm we had to make an optical printer to swap. And we took separate sequences, and we all worked 24 hours a day for six months. Seven days a week, around the clock, to get that movie done. WH: I hope you were paid for it! DT: I was paid, I was paid very well it was nothing to complain about. But I ended up in hospital it was major recovery; I had ulcers, all kinds of exhaustion because I LASER HOTLINE Seite 9

10 was working seven days a week, almost living in the studio, not getting enough sleep. It was very stressful; there was a lot of tension at the Studio, and part of the tension was that Paramount had been threatened by the Exhibitors do you know this story? Well, around that time, that Star Wars and Close Encounters had been made, there was a process called Blind Bidding, that was used largely in all theatres, but maybe even more so in European theatres, where the theatre chains would have to pay in advance for the right to show a certain movie before they could even see the movie and it was called Blind Bid. So that was a way for the Studio to get money in advance, and so the Studio had received something like $ 35 million in advance payments for Star Trek. And they didn t like blind bidding the theatres thought it was a horrible practice, they were being abused, they didn t really want to have to pay this money, they thought this illegal actually. And so they got the word that Star Trek was in trouble, and might not be delivered according to the contract, on December 7 th of whatever year 79 I think it was. And so the Exhibitors got together, and threatened Paramount with a huge lawsuit. And they were actually going to close thousands of theatres around the world over the Christmas holidays if the movie didn t get delivered. And they were going to use it to break Blind Bidding to make Blind Bidding illegal. So I was in this meeting with Barry Diller at Paramount, and he said, I don t care what this movie s like: I don t care if this movie makes any sense, I don t care if this movie has black leader, or has missing scenes, but we re going to deliver this movie on that date. Otherwise we re going to go bankrupt. I said, Now I understand what s motivating you! I had to get this movie finished, and that s why I had a really good, negotiated contract. Well everybody did it, and we got it done it s not my greatest work because it was impossible to do, you know, world-shaking work in a short period of time, but we got it done. WH: I guess you fully recovered from your exhaustion! DT: Oh yes! WH: If I m not wrong, you turned 70 back in April how do you keep up with all the new technology? DT: I m so excited right now it s not a matter of keeping up, it s that the technology we have now with digital cameras that can run at any frame rate, digital projectors that can run at almost any frame rate, now makes Showscan possible, which was very difficult back then. And so, I m back, trying to bring to the cinema this spectacular illusion of know, the spectacle of 2001 and everything, and I think it s now possible with this new high frame rate, larger screens, higher reflective screens, and 3D. There are so many things now available to make a new kind of movie experience which is going to be more like a window onto reality like a Holodeck or something; a high frame rate theatre. And so I m tremendously excited about it I m now writing screenplays for that...and I hope movies get made, I don t want to make them all myself, but I d like to break ground on what I think will be a really powerful new kind of cinema experience that you cannot get on your tablet computer, or your cellphone, or even in a regular theatre I think that the movie industry really needs a kind of shot of excitement, because people are streaming their movies, downloading their movies, and so the phrase I use now is that the multiplex is in your pocket convenience, low cost, ease of use, any time you want, anything you want; and so the rationale for the multiplex cinema, which was all about that, is now changing: movie-going attendance is at a 16-year low right now, and probably getting worse. And the theatres are very worried about it, deeply concerned about it. There continues to be tremendous enthusiasm about IMAX and I helped bring IMAX public a few years ago: I was part of the team that bought IMAX from this Canadian company and merged it with my company, raised money on the world markets, took IMAX public, raised funds $ 350 million and brought IMAX into the commercial marketplace. Now IMAX is the only current representative of spectacular, giant screen cinema. WH: OK, are we talking about IMAX 70mm? DT: No, we re just talking about IMAX WH: Digital DT: Yes I mean, IMAX, whether it s 70mm or not, they re blown-up movies from 35mm these movies have not been made in IMAX. Most people don t realise that. WH: I think we re talking about the motion pictures, not the travelogues. DT: I m talking about the major motion pictures in IMAX feature-length movies blown up from 35mm or if they re made digitally they re blown up from a digital original. They re not shot in 15-perf 70mm. There have been some sequences shot in 15-perf 70mm, like The Dark Knight that s beautiful IMAX, truly spectacular so I m a big advocate of that, but, as we all know, film is dying, rapidly: the Studios are not going to be delivering film prints of anything, starting next year so all the theatres have to convert to digital, including IMAX, which was already mostly digital anyway so it kind of levels the playing field: it opens an opportunity to start thinking differently about what a movie can be. That s why I m so fascinated by this 120 frames per second 3D, giant screen, very bright, immersive medium. I think you can tell a story in a completely different way, where the audience becomes a participant. WH: I once saw Showscan: I saw it in Brussels, in a multiplex they had it for a short while, and I must say, it was a very unique experience I would describe it like a live TV transmission. It was not film, but it looked completely different. This look is difficult for some cinema goers; they think it s not right. Do you think we all have to change our point of view? DT: No, not at all. I think movies as they are are fantastic; it s the bedrock of cinematic entertainment. So 35mm, or 2K digital, or 24 frames-per-second on a rectangular screen is the most common, solid, great medium to tell a story love stories, musicals, everything you name it. All works great. I m not trying to threaten anyone; or say, change to something else not at all. The nice thing about the new digital projectors is that they re already running at 144 frames per second, just it s not being used. So even when you see a regular movie in a digital theatre it s running at 144 frames it s just that the frames are being repeated multiple times being flashed multiple times. So it just looks like 24 frames it doesn t flicker anymore because there s no shutter, but it just enables me to think about Showscan now, because I don t have this problem of having to install new projectors they re already there. So I think it s going to get rid of one of the biggest barriers to Showscan. But my feeling is that that weird texture of a movie becoming too much like live television is a problem; it is an issue. So I ve invented and applied for a patent on it a LASER HOTLINE Seite 10

11 very interesting approach to that, which is that I ve been shooting experimental demonstration films at 120 frames per second, where the shutter in a digital camera is at 360 degrees, not 180 degrees, so it means everything is being captured so if you want to take that material and reduce it to 24 frames, all you do is blend three adjacent frames together to recover the blur that s appropriate for 24, and then you delete the next two frames. That gives you a 5 to 1 ratio between 120 and 24. So you can make a 24 frame movie from the 120 master, and it looks exactly like film a 24 frame movie. Same blur, same difference. But any object that s moving in a scene, moving so fast that it starts to blur, you can actually uprez that portion of the shot just a football, or a hockey puck, an exploding car, or a chase suddenly ramp up to 30, 48, 60 or 120 frames per second as needed only on that part of the scene, so the rest of the movie will still look like 24 it ll get rid of that problem. There s a lot of discussion now, because Peter Jackson has been showing 48 frame Hobbit material some people feel and I say I understand it, and I ve experienced it with Showscan I made a film called Leonardo s Dream about that, 30 years ago which was a costume, period drama about Leonardo DaVinci and it was very...weird, in that it felt like live theatre. It wasn t a movie it was a window onto Leonardo s laboratory. And I concluded then that maybe that wasn t the appropriate way to go. So now I know that these new digital technologies will allow a Director, as they do now in 3D movies if a Director directs a 3D movie, some shots are a lot of 3D, some shots are a little 3D, some shots are almost no 3D: they can modulate the dimensionality as needed, for the storyteller, which is completely appropriate. Now we can modulate frame rates as well, dynamically, just like you modulate colour timing, colour grading, brightness, or loudness of sound: they re all variable. So I think it s possible to make a new kind of movie that still, to all intents and purposes, looks like a regular movie, but when some big action happens, it doesn t become a bunch of blurred stuff: freeze-frame on your action sequences and you ll see how much is lost. Blurring is a big problem, particularly on fast pans and fast action sequences and everybody wants action sequences; not all the time, but in certain parts of the film, so it s possible to dynamically modulate the frame rate and everything. This is totally new it s a radical new idea I m just talking about it for the first time right here. WH: So this will also eliminate things like wheels turning the wrong way, when you see a car driving? DT: Yes it can do that also. WH: That s very interesting when will we see the first film with that? DT: Well I m hoping to shoot a sequence with my film I m working on a science-fiction film that I hope to shoot in June or July maybe a little 5-minute piece and my plan is to shoot it this way at 120 frames per second, and then I will be able to print the film at 120, 60, 48, 30 and 24, so you can look at it that way. And then we can also change frame rate dynamically on an object-by-object basis, and it can also be 3D or 2D. So the design of this idea is to make it completely compatible with every film process ever considered, and see if that s a better way to make a movie...and offer something that will work just fine on your tablet, on your computer, on your ipad, whatever, but also offer something much more spectacular, particularly on a giant screen because when you go to a giant screen, like Cinerama was, the displacement from one frame to the next can be several inches or several feet and your eye can t connect that together. So there s a lot of eyestrain attended to particularly large screen movies. You can see with IMAX movies that the action is too fast; it gets very hard to watch. But if you increase the frame rate, then it s great, it becomes very comfortable. And there s a lot of eyestrain attended to 3D as well, because of 24 frames. So I think when people see The Hobbit at 48 frames they may have a weird feeling about the realism of it, but they ll notice immediately how much better the 3D is. And that ll be a very interesting social experiment to see if that ll get people back into theatres. It s a big, big move in the right direction and Jim Cameron you know wants to do Avatar 2 and 3 in 60 frames. WH: Which would be Showscan speed Showscan analogue! DT: Yes! WH: That brings me back to Brainstorm, which you ve already said was intended to be shown in Showscan, at least the dream sequences. The reason why that didn t come about was because the cinema industry resisted? DT: It was two things: everybody who saw Showscan thought it was fantastic; I mean they just loved it; a unanimously positive response. The problem was that I couldn t get the Studio to make the first film, because they said, We will only make a film, and spend millions of dollars making a film, unless there s thousands of theatres equipped to show it. So we go to the Exhibitors, and we say, OK, would you like to set up the theatres, with the projectors. And they say, Well, we would, but only if all the movies were made that way. And so it was Catch-22, blaming the other guy. And I tried for a couple of years to make it happen, and I realised it was just about impossible. There was a big barrier between the Exhibitors and the Studios, and I just couldn t make it happen. So I had to give up, and agree to make Brainstorm conventionally. So I went 70mm and 35mm and changed the aspect ratio, changed from mono sound to stereo sound, back and forth I did as much as I could within the context of not having Showscan. But it s been my dream, for years, a long, long time, to make a movie in a process like this, that changes the relationship between the audience and the movie where the audience is in the movie; not looking at the movie. That s what Brainstorm was about getting inside someone else s head. So we can do that now because the system s all there: the cameras are there, the projectors are there; we just need to change the servers a little bit give them a little bit more data. WH: Did some original Showscan footage go into Brainstorm? DT: No never. WH: So the scene with the truck on the road everything was done in Super Panavision? DT: Yes. WH: In that film I especially like the music score by James Horner. Can you tell us a little bit about how that came about? DT: I can t remember when I first met James, but he was a very young man when I first met him, and I met him when he was working on a score for some other film I can t LASER HOTLINE Seite 11

12 remember what it was but we met, and I really liked him. And he really liked me, so he agreed to do the score for Brainstorm. And we wanted to do some musical things kind of unusual, exploratory and MGM said that was fine, and it was just a fantastic experience, and I d like to work with him again. You know, Steven Spielberg always works with John Williams well I d like to always work with James Horner! WH: Was it just that one film you worked on together? DT: Yes, because I haven t made any films since Brainstorm the whole tragedy of Natalie Wood dying during Brainstorm just completely discouraged me. I was already discouraged that I couldn t get Showscan happening, and then to have my actress die under very, suspicious circumstances, let s say, and I had an extremely challenging time to get the movie finished. The Studio didn t want to finish the movie, they wanted the insurance money, and I was not welcome at the Studio anymore, I was not welcome by Management at the Studio anymore. And I d already had so many experiences with Studios prior to that, you know with my development and so forth, I just decided I had enough of that, I can t take this; this is too unpleasant, too disturbing, and I decided, well I ll just have to stop directing. I had to do something; literally, I just had to move out of LA and start over again. So I moved to Massachusetts and set up a little studio there, and it didn t take long before Back to the Future. And I thought, ah, this is good, because I invented the simulator ride, at Future General years before, and it had developed into this new business, and so they were going to do this big ride, and Steven Spielberg was involved with Universal with this ride. Friends of mine had been working on it, and they couldn t make it work so I got a call from a friend who said, They re looking for a Director for the Back to the Future ride, to fix it, and I said, I m here; I d love to do that. So I talked to Steven, and I kind of know how Steven directs; I know how Steven thinks. And I pitched an idea for the ride, that I thought it would be in keeping with the trilogy of films that he had produced with Bob Zemeckis, and I thought would be a really terrific ride. But I also had the technical understanding of the whole simulation the relationship of motion to a movie. And of the fact it was going to be IMAX projection, a flight simulator-type ride. And I thought it was a really interesting moment, to explore this same concept, the whole idea of putting the audience inside the movie was what that ride was all about. You re in the movie you re not looking at a movie, you re inside the movie, you re feeling the movie, you re tasting the movie, it s all around you. And that was just a wonderful, spectacular project. It was hugely successful probably made $1 billion for Universal played for almost 20 years, in all three of their parks and a lot of people felt it was the best theme park attraction ever made. Did you ever see it? WH: No DT: Well, you have to go there! There are only three places to see it, so WH: I ve never been to the USA...I hate long flights! DT: Really? OK, anyway it was a wonderful experience, but it was also disappointing that the cinema industry, that I feel that I m part of, did not recognise that the Back to the Future ride was a cinematic experiment. It was like when the Lumière Brothers had the train coming into the station scene, which is in Hugo that was such a big moment in Cinema that everybody freaked out. So I think the Back to the Future ride for me is a big moment in Cinema, because it actually allows the audience to participate in the movie. Even though it s only four minutes long, it s an incredibly kinetic, powerful experience. But it was limited by 24 frames, and blurring, and strobing, and a very dim image, and other, technical challenges at the time. But now we can do it. WH: There s a chance for upgrading it! DT: Absolutely...they ve turned it into something else now into a Simpson s ride...kind of silly it s OK, doesn t really matter much. To me, there s a continuity to the theme of my work, which is to try to see if we can t get closer and closer to using the cinema to create its own immersive, powerful personal experience for the audience. Through direct experience rather than through empathy for characters. I think that s an interesting challenge; that s what I m all about...i m still trying to get there. WH: The whole cinema industry is going digital now, but if I m not mistaken, you did some 65mm on The Tree of Life? DT: No, what we did on Tree of Life I don t hire out as a special effects guy, but Terry Malick is an old personal friend of mine we were contemporaries, the same age, we grew up as Directors together and we were talking two years ago about this passion for this Tree of Life project. And his disappointment with computer graphics to create anything really beautiful, organically cosmic, like we did in 2001 or even Close Encounters which were all water tank tricks with paint and high-speed cameras and I said, Well we ve got high-speed cameras that ll go 1000 frames per second now; effortlessly; just like that. And what if we did effects for Tree of Life using high-speed cameras and water tanks and turbulence and liquids and flows try to create these what I call organic effects, that would be unpredictable. And he loved that idea, because Terry is all about what he calls the dowse trying to create a circumstance where something unexpected will happen, during the photography. I mean if you read about Terry s movies, you ll see that s the whole theme that s going on. So he s constantly, even in live action shooting, he will get his actors all prepped, and everybody knows the scene, they ll know the story but he ll suddenly inject some unexpected other character, or situation, or a disturbance in the scene, to get the actors to become spontaneous to get to another level. So we were trying to that with the effects optically something would happen in front of the camera that none of us could even plan, and that was just a lot of fun. It s an art movie, so to speak it s certainly not a mainstream, action-adventure like Transformers or anything it s the anti-transformers. So I was delighted that it was so well received; it made me comfortable that there s I think there is still a big audience for intelligent movies thoughtful, intelligent movies. These superhero movies are OK I have no problem with them but I think there s an audience who like a little bit more gratification, a little depth, a little more important ideas and thoughts. WH: The science-fiction project you re developing currently, is it more like that then? DT: It is I have my own limited intelligence, but I m trying to tell a story that I think is as possible and as intelligent as based on scientific reality, astronomical reality, space and time s not a monster movie, there s no aliens attacking but it will touch on alien contact, and LASER HOTLINE Seite 12

13 issues that are all starting to come up now. I mean it s so fascinating that we have things like the Kepler spacecraft after finding that there are probably 100 billion habitable planets I mean that s mind-boggling! So that s scientific evidence that you can see on any bookstand you can buy Telescope magazine, or Scientific American, or anything; you can read online that the propensity for life in the Universe is enormously big and there s some reason why we don t know that. I think that s really interesting, and if you poll people in the world, most people will say that they believe there s life in the Universe. But there is a big stigma attached to UFOs and aliens; in the sense that it s been so demonised in movies, and so trivialised, in science-fiction movies, that nobody who has an academic credential will touch the subject it s an interesting thing. So astronomers, physicists, astrophysicists, people in the space program, people in NASA they all believe in life in the Universe but nobody wants to talk about UFOs because they ll lose their job. They ll lose tenure, they ll be ridiculed, they ll be locked up, become a laughing stock so no-one wants to talk about it. I think it s a really huge and interesting story and I m not afraid of it, because I don t have tenure and I m not a scientist I don t have anything to lose! So I think it s really fun territory this, very fertile ground. You can see hundreds of thousands of early great science fiction stories that deal with contact with other planets, the future, time travel, space-time continuum issues, quantum physics I think it s fascinating; I think the audience is really very smart. We have the most technologically-astute audience that has ever lived on this planet and Hollywood treats them like they re stupid. So, there s plenty of room to do something different. WH: It sounds very promising you have the screenplay ready. Now you are going to do a test sequence of Showscan Digital, and then you will be looking for finance? DT: I don t really call it Showscan Digital it s not technically the name of this thing. I have an arrangement with Showscan, because they actually paid for some of these early tests this whole idea of embedding high frame rates and low frame rates is the Showscan Digital concept, but the 3D application of it into the higher frame rates is not Showscan Digital. I haven t even named it yet it s a whole different thing I have two separate patents applied for, just to have some business control over it. I ve been out of the movie business for thirty years. I m not on anybody s A-List as a Director, or Writer, or Producer or anything. But I am trying to re-appear on the scene because I really have a passion to do something important. And because of this disconnect between the Studios and the Exhibitors, there s really no technological undercurrent that pins the movie business together; there s just suppliers of cameras, there are suppliers of projectors, and there are people that use them; Studios that want to sell a lot of tickets on a long weekend and so I don t expect the Movie Studio to call me up wanting me to direct a movie, because I ll probably say no anyway. And so I m crazy enough to believe that we can actually somehow jumpstart a new industry...that I tentatively call this idea of a HyperCinema: where you would go to a place that s not even a movie theatre. I don t call it a movie theatre: it s like going to the Holodeck; it s like going to see Cirque du Soleil; it s like going to the theatre to see a Broadway show. You know it s going to be a live event, or a circus, or something that s going to happen that s extraordinary. And so I think we need to bring some Showmanship back in, it has to be special reserve seat tickets, it has to be a spectacle, of epic proportions; so different from anything you would expect to see in the movie theatre. So it will be higher priced, worth it, and totally different. And I don t know where the funding ticket is going to come from; Silicon Valley, or some Billionaire who s interested in the future of space travel; I don t ll come from somewhere else. WH: I hope you ll succeed with it DT: I m trying WH: because I m excited to see it! DT: I m so excited right now, it s so much fun. And it s a really great time. WH: There have been some short films produced in Showscan; what has happened to the negatives, the sound masters? DT: They re all there Showscan has an Archive of all those negatives. One of the interesting things that s happening right now is that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences wants to archive at least two of them, Showscan original negatives, because there was a very important film I made called New Magic, which was my first real Showscan experimental film, and it s admired by a lot of people who remember seeing it, because it showed for the first time you could put something on the screen that would be indistinguishable from reality. That had never been done before. I was experimenting with a lot of things this was many years ago but I hired Nicolette Sheridan, you know, who s been a big star on Desperate Housewives she was very young, very beautiful, an untrained supermodel and we hired her to look into the camera, about a foot away, like this close [Gestures]...and try to seduce the audience. And it was freaky, actually. And then I hired a hypnotist, to do a hypnotic routine; try to hypnotise the audience and we could hypnotise the audience. And we hired Ricky Jay, who was one of the greatest card trick manipulators, to do card tricks in front of the audience wow. So we were going into this new kind of direct contact kind of filmmaking experiment; that s what New Magic was all about. And I did this funny scene, in New Magic, which has become kind of a historical moment in movies, where I knew that people coming to see this demonstration film were coming to Doug s office to see Doug s film, Doug s screening room, Doug s demonstration of Showscan that was what I knew they knew. So I purposely made a really bad movie. And so we shot this horrible little 35mm documentary film, of a kind of a fireworks show being set up: terribly directed, terribly shot, terribly edited; we scratched the print, we spliced it out-of-frame, we ripped the perforations off one side, and then projected it crooked and out-of-focus. So it was a movie of a movie I had a big screen, but there was just a small movie in the middle of the screen, and it was bad. And then it burned and then you hear this clank in the back and you see the shutter douse on the projector. And then the house lights came up...but they re not real house lights they re a movie of houselights. And then you hear the Projectionist screaming, in the projection booth he s freaking out that he broke the film and you hear him run around the theatre on the surround sound, and then he opens the door behind the screen, and comes up to the screen from behind, with a flashlight, and starts talking to the audience, explaining that he s sorry, he made a mistake, he s got another print back there somewhere and he s gone rummaging around and so people like, seasoned movie professionals like LASER HOTLINE Seite 13

14 Steven Spielberg, he s a really good example he s a friend of mine came to see my demo film. And so when that happened, he got up out of his seat, shook my hand and said, Doug, you know, call me when you get it fixed. And then he just started walking across, and I was just waiting: He s going to understand this in a minute and he got to the door and looked sideways to the screen and realised it was just a two-dimensional movie of this Projectionist. And so it was that moment, that to me was a moment in movie history as well. That we would create this illusion of something really happening, live, in the theatre at that moment. That s where I ve been trying to go ever since it s been a huge setback to not be able to do Showscan, a huge setback not to be able to do Brainstorm the way I wanted, a huge setback for Natalie Wood to die I just had to retrench, and rethink. So I ve decided that now we have digital projectors, I realised about three years ago that these projectors were running at 144 frames per second I m trying to think, Well why s that? because they re triple flashing the left and right eye for 3D movies. I thought, Well, that s way better than Showscan it s already there. So I started talking to the projector manufacturers, and I started talking to camera manufacturers, and I asked, Can we go 120 frames? Oh yeah, that s easy Can we shoot at 120 frames? Yeah, that s easy too. So I started this experiment, but it calls into question the whole cinematic language. Not that it s going to make it obsolete it s just different; that s all it is: different. WH: So with a film becoming that real have you ever been approached by the military, similar to what happens in Brainstorm? DT: Actually I haven t been approached...well I have...i will say I have. There are other initiatives going on there s an interesting crossover, because I work with Christie Digital s projectors, and I deal with a different division of Christie because it s the simulation division that makes special projectors for flight simulators; training simulators and things like that. So there s a whole different culture of that world, and there has been a huge amount of recent interest in what I ve been doing in training. And I m just a little bit cautious about training people to kill more just disturbs me. I m sure it s going to happen; I can t make it not happen: if it s a profitable way to go, it will. If it can train people to save lives, or live longer, or save the planet from destruction, then I m all for that. But I just feel like I need to explore what we can do with this medium. I m a member of a new group called the Overview Institute there s a thing called the Overview Effect, it s a book written by a man named Frank White, who was interviewing astronauts coming back to Earth, who all were completely their minds were expanded by looking at the Earth from Space. And they said, Woah, we re on this planet that s in the middle of nowhere, and it s very precious, and it s very beautiful so why are we having all these wars; why do we have borders; why do we fight over everything? They just came back with this changed view of Mankind, of Earth as an issue. And Edgar Mitchell, who was one of the Apollo astronauts, formed this thing called the Noetics Institute, and he s on the Board of the Overview Institute. Our objective is to see if we can give people that kind of experience a profound experience of our planet as a precious jewel, in the void and see if that will help change people s political views, or environmental views, or help solve global warming, or all the other things that we re doing to basically use up this planet. You read just this last month about this new company called Space Resources, which is planning to mine the asteroids have you read about that? I mean, it s for real! These people multi-millionaires, including Jim Cameron and some of these people involved in the new space movement, are planning to mine asteroids, to try to get more raw materials, to keep Earth going. It s happening! WH: It sounds like a science fiction movie! DT: Exactly! But see, that s the whole thing; that it s not science fiction, it s science fact. So I think if you can make that leap of faith, and say, Let s not make a movie about some experience...let s have the experience directly. That s where I m trying to go. And believe me, there is not any other Producer or Director or Writer I could talk to, about that WH: You re a pioneer DT: I m a pioneer; OK, that s my life, I ll just keep doing it until I do it. So I ve built my own studio, I have my own screen, I have my own stage, I have my own projectors, I have everything, just about ready to go. I m looking for informed, innovative funding, from some wealthy individual or company who sees the vision of all this, and sees not only the value of it, but the profitability of it I think it d make a huge amount of money; I think it s a no-brainer about making money. But it s completely outside the mould of what Producers, Directors and Exhibitors think is a movie. It s another conundrum. So that s why I go around trying to tell everybody what I m trying to do; so the story gets out, and people talk about it. WH: Well I wish you every success with it! DT: I appreciate it, being on camera [Gestures to camera]. WH: I wanted to ask you something else, because it s something since the arrival of digital projection in the cinemas everybody is saying, Digital can never look as good as film DT: That s not true. WH: and some say, 35mm cannot be beaten by digital, or, If it s 4K it s not enough; maybe if it s 8K it reaches 70mm. What is your opinion on that? DT: I concluded, having been totally familiar with 70mm, and IMAX, and every conceivable kind of screen, every medium, I m absolutely confident that the digital image has caught up with film is now going to far exceed it in terms of frame rate, resolution, steadiness, brightness, colour saturation you know laser projectors are moving too everything is happening, which has tremendous upward mobility. The digital thing just gets better it s Moore s Law: doubles in power every eighteen months. And so that s not true. Film is also, as much as it s been a beautiful artform all these years I ve nothing against film it s a very polluting thing, it s petrochemical: there s a lot of chemicals involved in the process of making the film that s toxic...and digital s not toxic. And it doesn t take a lot of energy; it doesn t take a lot of shipping. And there s a lot of other things about it too. So I ve gone totally digital; I m not interested in film at all. WH: One of the issues is, will digital survive Mankind? DT: Probably that s another good science-fiction story! LASER HOTLINE Seite 14

15 WH: Because as you know, data storage media are not there forever you have to copy your files every five years or so. DT: There s a lot of new I saw at NAB, just last month, holographic storage it s a reality. It has at least 100 year archival perpetuity as good as any photographic material that ever was. There are other technologies in the pipeline now that will be archival. So that gives me some comfort. But I thought you were talking about the fact that the singularity is going to happen and we re all going to be subsumed by digital intelligence, which I think is a more likely scenario... WH: Like The Terminator DT: Yeah it s pretty weird. know you re working on something and it really wants to be involved. It s just a really good, social media kind of thing Peter Jackson has a blog every month about the making of The Hobbit so people feel like they re behind the scenes, they re part of the creative process, can see what s going on. So there s nothing lost, to The Hobbit, by seeing behind the scenes, so I think that kind of social process is really good. And I ll be doing that, sometime soon. Because I think that working with a major Studio and spending $40 million on prints and ads to get people s attention it s not the way to get people s attention. You get people s attention by telling them a real story not by paid advertising. And so it s a completely different world that way. Digital media has fewer barriers between the Producer and the Audience. I really like that. WH: We ll keep our eyes open for your website, and for your blog! Thank you! WH: People are always relying on digital technology: they think they have to push the button and everything works. But sometimes it s very tricky DT: Yes well, there s kind of dumbing down of humanity that s happened as a result of that...because people are enabled by all these digital technologies, that make manual labour obsolete it s one of the big problems in society right now, there s no jobs because nothing needs to be made it s all robotically-produced. So there s huge impact on electronics and these technologies on keeping our world going. But it doesn t really get to the point it probably won t. It s very scary. And we re over populating this planet way beyond its capacity. There s a lot of big social issues. WH: So among all the films you ve worked on, is there any particular film you liked especially? DT: I still like 2001; as a young man as a man now I feel that was the most interesting movie, that touched on the deepest, most profound ideas. On missions, omnipotence, infinity...big issues. You don t see that in a monster movie. And it s really sad to me that I don t see many like that. So that was a big moment for me, it was great to be involved with it, I m very proud of it, and it s been disappointing that things like that haven t happened more often. And I d like to help I m trying to do my part to help make that happen. I think that there s a very intelligent audience that I m talking about that s very underserved and would love to see something more like you know, Tree of Life, beyond. Terry is working on another film that I m helping on too, called The Voyage of Time, which will be more of that. My film is much it s different in the fact that there s a real story, it s scientifically-formed story. And there is drama and there s plot, and there s action and a whole lot of other stuff, and it s a very big idea. Das Gespräch fand am 10. Mai 2012 im Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, anlässlich der FMX statt. Ein herzlicher Dank gebührt Brian Guckian, Dublin, der das Interview für uns transkribierte. (c) 2012 by WH: Do you have a title for it? DT: Yes, but I can t tell you. WH: OK! DT: The title gives too much away. WH: I understand. DT: I will probably talk about it some time in the next few months. Because there s this other weird phenomenon these days promoting a movie, or letting your audience LASER HOTLINE Seite 15

16 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Animation Abenteuer am Flussufer Tales Of The Riverbank Dir. John Henderson Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG tba BestellNr.: Balto Auf der Suche nach den Dalmatinern / Balto / Hunde-Babies / Fangs of the Wild Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 201min. da music(best Entertainment) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Blood-C: The Series - Part 1, Volume 1-3 (Blu-ray) (k.j.) Blood-C Dir. Tsutomu Mizushima, Yukina Hiiro, Hiroyuki Hata Zeichentrick/Action min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Blood-C: The Series - Part 1, Volume 1-3 (k.j.) Blood-C Dir. Tsutomu Mizushima, Yukina Hiiro, Hiroyuki Hata Zeichentrick/Action min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Cartoon Network: FireBreather Firebreather Trickfilm/Action min. Warner Home Video Germany ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Chuggington 15 Chuggington Dir. Sarah Ball Trickfilm min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Chuggington 16 Chuggington Dir. Sarah Ball Trickfilm min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Cosmo & Wanda - Wenn Elfen helfen, Vol. 5: Kinder an die Macht The Fairly Oddparents Zeichentrick min. Edel Germany(Panini) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Emily Erdbeer - Neues aus Bitzibeerchenhausen, Teil 6 Strawberry Shortcake Zeichentrick min. justbridge entertainment media(fm Kids) tba BestellNr.: Ferkels großes Abenteuer / Winnie Puuh (2 Discs) Piglet s Big Movie / Winnie The Pooh Zeichentrick min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Fischen Impossible - Eine tierische Rettungsaktion Seefood Dir. Goh Aun Hoe Trickfilm/Komödie min. Splendid Film ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Fischen Impossible - Eine tierische Rettungsaktion (Blu-ray) Seefood Dir. Goh Aun Hoe Trickfilm/Komödie min. Splendid Film ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Heffalump - Ein neuer Freund für Winnie Puuh / Winnie Puuh (2 Discs) Pooh s Heffalump Movie / Winnie The Pooh Zeichentrick min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Jake und die Nimmerland Piraten - Yo Matrosen, o hey! / Meister Mannys Werkzeugkiste -... Jake And The Never Land Pirates / Handy Manny Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Der König der Tiere II - Das große Abenteuer (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 30min. da music(best Entertainment) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Lego Hero Factory - Der wilde Planet Lego Hero Factory Christopher B. Duncan, Bryton James, Jean Louisa Kelly, Eric Christian Olsen, John Schneider, Stephen Stanton, Henry Winkler, Charles Adler - Dir. Mark Baldo Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Warner Home Video Germany ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Miffy & Freunde - Teil 2 Miffy And Friends Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 130min. justbridge entertainment media(fm Kids) tba BestellNr.: Naruto Shippuden - Die komplette Staffel 5 Naruto: Shippûden Dir. Hayato Date Storyboard, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Mini-Clips, Settings, Naruto Karten Booster Deck Zeichentrick/Fantasy 530min. KSM(NewKSM) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Die Pinguine aus Madagascar - Operation: Ferienspaß The Penguins Of Madagascar Dir. Bret Haaland Zeichentrick min. Paramount Home Entertainment(DreamWorks) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Pinocchio (Einzel-Disc) (Blu-ray) Pinocchio Dir. Hamilton Luske, Ben Sharpsteen Picture-in-Picture, Musikvideo, Liederauswahl, Hintergrundinfo, Quiz, Audiokommentar Zeichentrick min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Pinocchio (Special Edition) Pinocchio Dir. Hamilton Luske, Ben Sharpsteen Audiokommentar, Hintergrundinfo, Liederauswahl, Musikvideo Zeichentrick min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Pokémon: Der Film: Schwarz - Victini und Reshiram / Weiß - Victini und Zekrom (2 Discs) Pokémon: The Movie: Black - Victini And Reshiram / White - Victini And Zekrom Dir. Kunihiko Yuyama Zeichentrick min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Schweinchen Baby Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 55min. da music(best Entertainment) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Strings - Fäden des Schicksals Strings James McAvoy, Catherine McCormack, Julian Glover, Derek Jacobi, Ian Hart, Claire Skinner, David Harewood, Samantha Bond - Dir. Anders Rønnow Klarlund Making of, Trailer Trickfilm/Puppenfilm min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG tba BestellNr.: Strings - Fäden des Schicksals (Blu-ray) Strings James McAvoy, Catherine McCormack, Julian Glover, Derek Jacobi, Ian Hart, Claire Skinner, David Harewood, Samantha Bond - Dir. Anders Rønnow Klarlund Making of, Trailer Trickfilm/Puppenfilm min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG tba BestellNr.: Strings - Fäden des Schicksals (Limited Edition) Strings LASER HOTLINE Seite 16

17 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD James McAvoy, Catherine McCormack, Julian Glover, Derek Jacobi, Ian Hart, Claire Skinner, David Harewood, Samantha Bond - Dir. Anders Rønnow Klarlund Making of, Trailer, Booklet, O-Card Trickfilm/Puppenfilm min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG tba BestellNr.: Strings - Fäden des Schicksals (Limited Edition) (Blu-ray) Strings James McAvoy, Catherine McCormack, Julian Glover, Derek Jacobi, Ian Hart, Claire Skinner, David Harewood, Samantha Bond - Dir. Anders Rønnow Klarlund Making of, Trailer Trickfilm/Puppenfilm min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG tba BestellNr.: Tiggers großes Abenteuer - Zum 10. Jubiläum / Winnie Puuh (2 Discs) The Tigger Movie / Winnie The Pooh Zeichentrick min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Tom & Jerry: Katz und Maus im Märchenland Tom And Jerry Dir. Chuck Jones, Fred Quimby Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 69min. Warner Home Video Germany ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Wiedersehen bei Pia Carrot - Teil 1 Pia Kyarotto E Yôkoso Menu 2 Zeichentrick/Erotik min. AV Visionen(Anime House) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Wiedersehen bei Pia Carrot - Teil 2 (k.j.) Pia Kyarotto E Yôkoso Menu 2 Zeichentrick/Erotik min. AV Visionen(Anime House) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Wiedersehen bei Pia Carrot - Teil 3 (k.j.) Pia Kyarotto E Yôkoso Menu 2 Zeichentrick/Erotik min. AV Visionen(Anime House) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Yakari - Der Ausreißer Yakari Dir. Xavier Giacometti Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Edel:Kids ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Yakari - Yakari und die Pferdediebe Yakari Dir. Xavier Giacometti Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Edel:Kids ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Film Die Abenteuer des Fu Manchu The Adventures Of Dr. Fu Manchu Glen Gordon, Lester Matthews, Clark Howat, Carla Balenda, Laurette Luez, John George Kriminalfilm/Thriller min. cms constructive media service(great Movies) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.j.) Abraham Lincoln Vs. Zombies Bill Oberst Jr., Jason Vail, Baby Norman - Dir. Richard Schenkman Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Horror/Action min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) tba BestellNr.: Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (Blu-ray) (k.j.) Abraham Lincoln Vs. Zombies Bill Oberst Jr., Jason Vail, Baby Norman - Dir. Richard Schenkman Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Horror/Action min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) tba BestellNr.: Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (k.j.) Abraham Lincoln Vs. Zombies Bill Oberst Jr., Jason Vail, Baby Norman - Dir. Richard Schenkman Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Horror/Action min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) tba BestellNr.: Adrenalin Rush Kwik Lee Min-ki, Kang Ye-won, Kim In-kwon, Ko Chang-Seok, Ju Jin-mo, Kim Byeong-cheol, Yun Je-mun, Yoo Seung-Mok, Ma Dongseok, Song Jae-ho, Jeon Gook-hwan - Dir. Cho Beom-gu Action/Komödie min. Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) tba BestellNr.: Adrenalin Rush (Blu-ray 3D) (Bluray) Kwik Lee Min-ki, Kang Ye-won, Kim In-kwon, Ko Chang-Seok, Ju Jin-mo, Kim Byeong-cheol, Yun Je-mun, Yoo Seung-Mok, Ma Dongseok, Song Jae-ho, Jeon Gook-hwan - Dir. Cho Beom-gu Action/Komödie min. Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) tba BestellNr.: Adrenalin Rush (Blu-ray) Kwik Lee Min-ki, Kang Ye-won, Kim In-kwon, Ko Chang-Seok, Ju Jin-mo, Kim Byeong-cheol, Yun Je-mun, Yoo Seung-Mok, Ma Dongseok, Song Jae-ho, Jeon Gook-hwan - Dir. Cho Beom-gu Action/Komödie min. Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) tba BestellNr.: Agent Hamilton (Blu-ray) (k.j.) Hamilton - I Nationens Intresse Mikael Persbrandt, Seba Mubarak, Pernilla August, Jason Flemyng, Lennart Hjulström, Alexander Nosik, Ray Fearon, Peter Andersson, Gustaf Hammarsten - Dir. Kathrine Windfeld Action/Thriller min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: Agent Hamilton (k.j.) Hamilton - I Nationens Intresse Mikael Persbrandt, Seba Mubarak, Pernilla August, Jason Flemyng, Lennart Hjulström, Alexander Nosik, Ray Fearon, Peter Andersson, Gustaf Hammarsten - Dir. Kathrine Windfeld Action/Thriller min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: Airport (Jahr100Film) Airport Burt Lancaster, Dean Martin, Jean Seberg, Jacqueline Bisset, Helen Hayes, George Kennedy, Van Heflin, Maureen Stapleton, Barry Nelson, Dana Wynter, Lloyd Nolan, Jessie Royce Landis, Gary Collins, John Findlater - Dir. George Seaton Abenteuer min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Aladin Aladdin Bud Spencer, Luca Venantini, Janet Agren, Julian Voloshin, Lou Marsh, Diamy Spencer - Dir. Bruno Corbucci Komödie min. KSM(KSM Klassiker) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Alien Trespass Alien Trespass Eric McCormack, Jenni Baird, Robert Patrick, Jody Thompson, Dan Lauria, Aaron Brooks, Sarah Smyth, Andrew Dunbar - Dir. R. W. Goodwin Making of, Interviews, Trailer Komödie/Science Fiction min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) tba BestellNr.: Alien Trespass (Blu-ray 3D) (Bluray) Alien Trespass Eric McCormack, Jenni Baird, Robert Patrick, Jody Thompson, Dan Lauria, Aaron Brooks, Sarah Smyth, Andrew Dunbar - Dir. R. W. Goodwin Making of, Interviews, Trailer Komödie/Science Fiction min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) LASER HOTLINE Seite 17

18 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD tba BestellNr.: Alien Trespass (Blu-ray) Alien Trespass Eric McCormack, Jenni Baird, Robert Patrick, Jody Thompson, Dan Lauria, Aaron Brooks, Sarah Smyth, Andrew Dunbar - Dir. R. W. Goodwin Making of, Interviews, Trailer Komödie/Science Fiction min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) tba BestellNr.: Alles Klara - Folge 1-8 Wolke Hegenbarth, Felix Eitner, Alexa Maria Surholt, Christoph Hagen Dittmann, Jan Niklas Berg, Winnie Böwe, Stephan Grossmann, Antonia Görner, Jörg Gudzuhn, Sönke Möhring, Susanne Szell, Thorsten Wolf, Horst-Günter Marx - Dir. Jakob Schäuffelen, Andi Niessner Kriminalfilm/Komödie min. KNM Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: Alone in the Dark 2 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.j.) Alone In The Dark II Rick Yune, Rachel Specter, Lance Henriksen, Bill Moseley, Ralf Moeller, Danny Trejo, Zack Ward, Natassia Malthe, Jason Connery, Michael Paré, P.J. Soles, Brooklyn Sudano, Allison Lange, Peter Looney - Dir. Michael Roesch, Peter Scheerer Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, B-Roll, Interviews Horror/Action min. Splendid Film tba BestellNr.: alphateam - Die Lebensretter im OP: Staffel 2, Folgen (3 Discs) Moritz Lindbergh, Marlies Engel, Oliver Hermann, Uwe Karpa Drama min. Edel Germany(Aviator) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: American Pie 1-3 / American Pie - Das Klassentreffen (Limited Edition, 4 Discs) American Pie / American Pie 2 / American Wedding / American Reunion Jason Biggs, Shannon Elizabeth, Alyson Hannigan, January Jones, Chris Klein - Dir. Paul Weitz, James B. Rogers, Jesse Dylan, Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg Komödie min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: American Pie 1-3 / American Pie - Das Klassentreffen (Limited Edition, 4 Discs) (Blu-ray) American Pie / American Pie 2 / American Wedding / American Reunion Jason Biggs, Shannon Elizabeth, Alyson Hannigan, January Jones, Chris Klein - Dir. Paul Weitz, James B. Rogers, Jesse Dylan, Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg Komödie min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: American Pie: Das Klassentreffen American Reunion Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan, Chris Klein, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Tara Reid, Seann William Scott, Mena Suvari, Eddie Kaye Thomas, John Cho, Jennifer Coolidge, Eugene Levy, Natasha Lyonne, Dania Ramirez, Katrina Bowden, Jay Harrington, Chuck Hittinger, Shannon Elizabeth, Chris Owen, Justin Isfeld (MIGF-Typ #1), Charlene Amoia, Jesse Malinowski, Robert Hayes, Vik Sahay, Steven Ray Dallimore, Kim Wall, George Christopher Bianchi, Jennifer Bell, Autumn Dial, Rebecca Field, Benjamin G. Arthur, Hart Turner, Neil Patrick Harris, Anita Hopt - Dir. Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg Komödie min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: American Pie: Das Klassentreffen (+ DVD, inkl. Digital Copy) (Bluray) American Reunion Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan, Chris Klein, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Tara Reid, Seann William Scott, Mena Suvari, Eddie Kaye Thomas, John Cho, Jennifer Coolidge, Eugene Levy, Natasha Lyonne, Dania Ramirez, Katrina Bowden, Jay Harrington, Chuck Hittinger, Shannon Elizabeth, Chris Owen, Justin Isfeld (MIGF-Typ #1), Charlene Amoia, Jesse Malinowski, Robert Hayes, Vik Sahay, Steven Ray Dallimore, Kim Wall, George Christopher Bianchi, Jennifer Bell, Autumn Dial, Rebecca Field, Benjamin G. Arthur, Hart Turner, Neil Patrick Harris, Anita Hopt - Dir. Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg Komödie min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: American Pie: Das Klassentreffen (Limited Collector s Box, + DVD, inkl. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) American Reunion Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan, Chris Klein, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Tara Reid, Seann William Scott, Mena Suvari, Eddie Kaye Thomas, John Cho, Jennifer Coolidge, Eugene Levy, Natasha Lyonne, Dania Ramirez, Katrina Bowden, Jay Harrington, Chuck Hittinger, Shannon Elizabeth, Chris Owen, Justin Isfeld (MIGF-Typ #1), Charlene Amoia, Jesse Malinowski, Robert Hayes, Vik Sahay, Steven Ray Dallimore, Kim Wall, George Christopher Bianchi, Jennifer Bell, Autumn Dial, Rebecca Field, Benjamin G. Arthur, Hart Turner, Neil Patrick Harris, Anita Hopt - Dir. Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg Komödie min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ancient Demons 5ive Girls Ron Perlman, Jennifer Miller, Jordan Madley, Terra Vnesa, Barbara Mamabolo, Tasha May Currie, Amy Lalonde, Krysta Carter, James Kidnie - Dir. Warren P. Sonoda Horror/Fantasy min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Angriff der Tempelritter I Crociati Thure Riefenstein, Johannes Brandrup, Alessandro Gassman, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Dieter Kirchlechner, Thomas Heinze, Karin Proia, Franco Nero, Barbora Bobulova, Rodolfo Corsato, Flavio Insinna, Antonio Iuorio, Slobodan Ninkovic, Nebojsa Milovanovic, Slobodan Custic, Dubravko Jovanovic, Elizabeta Djorevska, Renzo Stacchi - Dir. Dominique Othenin- Girard Filmografien, Trailer, Produktionsinfo, Historischer Hintergrund, Slideshow, Making of Abenteuer/Drama min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Attentat auf Richard Nixon The Assassination Of Richard Nixon Sean Penn, Don Cheadle, Naomi Watts, Jack Thompson, Michael Wincott, Mykelti Williamson, Nick Searcy, Brad Henke, Lily Knight, Tracy Middendorf - Dir. Niels Mueller Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Drama/Thriller min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG tba BestellNr.: Azumi / Azumi 2 (Blu-ray) (k.j.) Azumi / Azumi 2 Action/Abenteuer min. Intergroove Media(TB Productions) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Azumi / Azumi 2 (k.j.) Azumi / Azumi 2 Action/Abenteuer min. Intergroove Media(TB Productions) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Back Flash Blues (k.j.) Backflash Robert Patrick, Jennifer Esposito, Mike Starr, Melissa Joan Hart - Dir. Philip J. Jones Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller 2001 min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bad Ass (Blu-ray) (k.j.) Bad Ass Danny Trejo, Charles S. Dutton, Ron Perlman, Joyful Drake, Patrick Fabian, John Duffy, Winter Ave Zoli, Danny Woodburn - Dir. Craig Moss Audiokommentar Action/Thriller min. Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch LASER HOTLINE Seite 18

19 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Germany) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bad Ass (k.j.) Bad Ass Danny Trejo, Charles S. Dutton, Ron Perlman, Joyful Drake, Patrick Fabian, John Duffy, Winter Ave Zoli, Danny Woodburn - Dir. Craig Moss Audiokommentar Action/Thriller min. Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch Germany) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bad Behaviour (Blu-ray) (k.j.) Bad Behaviour John Jarratt, Georgina Symes, Lindsay Farris, Robert Coleby, Caroline Levien, Jean Kittson, Roger Ward, Dwaine Stevenson, Ellen Grimshaw, Dominique De Marco, Rio Holland, L.J. Sims, Nicolai Mohr, Tyson Hargreaves, Joe Bugner, Jean-Marc Manning, Glenys Dennett, Adam Freeman, Daniel Kargar, Anna Kennedy - Dir. Joseph Stephen Sims Thriller/Horror min. Donau Film ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bad Behaviour (k.j.) Bad Behaviour John Jarratt, Georgina Symes, Lindsay Farris, Robert Coleby, Caroline Levien, Jean Kittson, Roger Ward, Dwaine Stevenson, Ellen Grimshaw, Dominique De Marco, Rio Holland, L.J. Sims, Nicolai Mohr, Tyson Hargreaves, Joe Bugner, Jean-Marc Manning, Glenys Dennett, Adam Freeman, Daniel Kargar, Anna Kennedy - Dir. Joseph Stephen Sims Thriller/Horror min. Donau Film ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battlefield War - Kriegsnarben sind tief The Mark Of Cain Matthew McNulty, Gerard Kearns, Leo Gregory, Shaun Dooley, Naomi Bentley, Brendan Coyle, Heather Craney, Shaun Dingwall - Dir. Marc Munden Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Kriegsfilm min. Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battlefield War - Kriegsnarben sind tief (Blu-ray) The Mark Of Cain Matthew McNulty, Gerard Kearns, Leo Gregory, Shaun Dooley, Naomi Bentley, Brendan Coyle, Heather Craney, Shaun Dingwall - Dir. Marc Munden Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Kriegsfilm min. Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battleship Battleship Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgård, Rihanna, Brooklyn Decker, Tadanobu Asano, Greg Gadson, Liam Neeson, Josh Pence, Jesse Plemons, Hamish Linklater, Stephen Bishop - Dir. Peter Berg Trailer Action/Science Fiction min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battleship (+ DVD, inkl. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Battleship Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgård, Rihanna, Brooklyn Decker, Tadanobu Asano, Greg Gadson, Liam Neeson, Josh Pence, Jesse Plemons, Hamish Linklater, Stephen Bishop - Dir. Peter Berg Trailer, Alternatives Ende, Featurettes Action/Science Fiction min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battleship (Limited Special Edition, Steelbook, + DVD, inkl. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Battleship Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgård, Rihanna, Brooklyn Decker, Tadanobu Asano, Greg Gadson, Liam Neeson, Josh Pence, Jesse Plemons, Hamish Linklater, Stephen Bishop - Dir. Peter Berg Trailer, Alternatives Ende, Featurettes Action/Science Fiction min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battleship (Steelbook, + DVD, inkl. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Battleship Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgård, Rihanna, Brooklyn Decker, Tadanobu Asano, Greg Gadson, Liam Neeson, Josh Pence, Jesse Plemons, Hamish Linklater, Stephen Bishop - Dir. Peter Berg Trailer, Alternatives Ende, Featurettes Action/Science Fiction min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Berlin - Tag & Nacht - Staffel 2 (Folgen 21-40) (4 Discs) Prashant Prabhakar Interviews, Armband Doku-Soap min. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bettgeflüster - Doris Day Collection (Jahr100Film) Pillow Talk Rock Hudson, Doris Day, Tony Randall, Thelma Ritter, Lee Patrick, Nick Adams, Marcel Dalio, Julia Meade, Allen Jenkins, Mary McCarty - Dir. Michael Gordon Komödie min ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Black Worm Black Worm Lorena Sanchez, Alektra Blue, Mikayla, Tony DeSergio, Van Damage, Justice Young - Dir. Andres Tabogo Trailer Erotik/Thriller min. Musketier Media ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bloody Mary - The Legend Returns (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.j.) Bloody Mary 3D Veronica Ricci, Ron Jeremy, Alena Sawostikowa - Dir. Charlie Vaughn Horror min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bloody Mary - The Legend Returns (k.j.) Bloody Mary 3D Veronica Ricci, Ron Jeremy, Alena Sawostikowa - Dir. Charlie Vaughn Horror min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Das Blutgericht der reitenden Leichen La Noche De Las Gaviotas Victor Petit, Maria Kosti, Sandra Mozarosky - Dir. Amando de Ossorio Horror 1975 min. Soulfood Music Distribution(HanseSound) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Blutige Leidenschaft Fatto Di Sangue Fra Due Uomini Per Causa Di Una Vedova - Si Sospettano Moventi Politici Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Giancarlo Giannini, Turi Ferro, Mario Scarpetta, Antonella Murgia - Dir. Lina Wertmüller Drama min. Intergroove Media(TB Classics) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Bonanza - Die komplette 5. Staffel (8 Discs) Bonanza Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Dan Blokker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung Western min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Born 2 Die (Blu-ray) Cradle 2 The Grave Jet Li, Anthony Anderson, DMX, Kelly Hu, Tom Arnold, Mark Dacascos, Gabrielle Union, Michael Jace, Drag-On, Paige Hurd, Paolo Seganti, Richard Trapp, Ron Yuan, Park Woon-young, Stephen Quadros, Sean Cory - Dir. Andrzej Bartkowiak Action 2003 min. Warner Home Video Germany ,90 EUR BestellNr.: California Goldrausch In Old California John Wayne, Binnie Barnes, Albert Dekker, Helen Parrish, Patsy Kelly, Edgar Kennedy, Dick Purcell, Harry Shannon, Charles LASER HOTLINE Seite 19

20 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Halton, Emmet Lynn, Robert McKenzie, Milton Kibbee - Dir. William McGann Western min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Casino Jack Casino Jack Kevin Spacey, Ruth Marshall, Graham Greene, Hannah Endicott-Douglas, Barry Pepper, John Robinson, Jason Weinberg, Spencer Garrett - Dir. George Hickenlooper Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Thriller min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany tba BestellNr.: Casino Jack (Blu-ray) Casino Jack Kevin Spacey, Ruth Marshall, Graham Greene, Hannah Endicott-Douglas, Barry Pepper, John Robinson, Jason Weinberg, Spencer Garrett - Dir. George Hickenlooper Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Thriller min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany tba BestellNr.: Jackie Chan Collection (2 Discs) Kung Fun Master / Fantasy Mission Force / Bruce Lee und ich / Der Meister Jackie Chan Wendecover Action/Eastern min. MIG Film ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Das Chaos - Gar nicht allein zu Haus! The All Together Martin Freeman, Danny Dyer, Corey Johnson, Velibor Topic, Richard Harrington, Amanda Abbington, Jamie Kenna, Charles Edwards, Jonathan Ryland, Ian Thompson, Nicholas Hutchison, David Bamber, Alexandra Gilbreath, Marcia Warren, Wendy Mae Brown, Fenella Fielding - Dir. Gavin Claxton Komödie/Kriminalfilm min. MIG Film(WGF) tba BestellNr.: Das Chaos - Gar nicht allein zu Haus! (Blu-ray) The All Together Martin Freeman, Danny Dyer, Corey Johnson, Velibor Topic, Richard Harrington, Amanda Abbington, Jamie Kenna, Charles Edwards, Jonathan Ryland, Ian Thompson, Nicholas Hutchison, David Bamber, Alexandra Gilbreath, Marcia Warren, Wendy Mae Brown, Fenella Fielding - Dir. Gavin Claxton Komödie/Kriminalfilm min. MIG Film(WGF) tba BestellNr.: Chronicle - Wozu bist du fähig? Chronicle Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly, Ashley Hinshaw, Bo Petersen, Anna Wood, Rudi Malcolm - Dir. Joshua Trank Featurettes Action/Science Fiction min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Chronicle - Wozu bist du fähig? (+ DVD, inkl. Digital Copy) (Bluray) Chronicle Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly, Ashley Hinshaw, Bo Petersen, Anna Wood, Rudi Malcolm - Dir. Joshua Trank Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, 2 Filmfassungen, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Action/Science Fiction min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Cleanskin Cleanskin Sean Bean, Abhin Galeya, Charlotte Rampling, Peter Polycarpou, Tuppence Middleton, Tom Burke, Sam Douglas, Michelle Ryan - Dir. Hadi Hajaig Audiokommentar, Making of Thriller/Action min. WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Coffin - Lebendig begraben The Coffin Ananda Everingham, Karen Mok, Andrew Lin, Florence Vanida Faivre, Napakpapha Mamee Nakprasitte, Suchao Pongwilai, Micheal Pupart, Tassawan Seneewongse, Aki Shibuya - Dir. Ekachai Uekrongtham Trailer Horror/Mystery min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Coffin - Lebendig begraben (Bluray) The Coffin Ananda Everingham, Karen Mok, Andrew Lin, Florence Vanida Faivre, Napakpapha Mamee Nakprasitte, Suchao Pongwilai, Micheal Pupart, Tassawan Seneewongse, Aki Shibuya - Dir. Ekachai Uekrongtham Trailer Horror/Mystery min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Francis Ford Coppolas - Die Kriegsprinzessin The Legend Of Suriyothai Piyapas Bhirombhakdi, Sarunyu Wongkrachang, Chatchai Plengpanich, Siriwimol Charoenpura, Johnny Anfone, Pongpat Wachirabunjong, Sinjai Plengpanich, Sorapong Chatree, Suchao Pongwilai, Wannasa Thongwiset, Suphakit Tangthaswasd, Saharat Sangkapricha, Ronrittichai Khanket, Sombat Medhanee, Varuth Waratham - Dir. Chatrichalerm Yukol Trailer, Bildergalerie Historienfilm/Abenteuer min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Francis Ford Coppolas - Die Kriegsprinzessin (Blu-ray) The Legend Of Suriyothai Piyapas Bhirombhakdi, Sarunyu Wongkrachang, Chatchai Plengpanich, Siriwimol Charoenpura, Johnny Anfone, Pongpat Wachirabunjong, Sinjai Plengpanich, Sorapong Chatree, Suchao Pongwilai, Wannasa Thongwiset, Suphakit Tangthaswasd, Saharat Sangkapricha, Ronrittichai Khanket, Sombat Medhanee, Varuth Waratham - Dir. Chatrichalerm Yukol Trailer, Bildergalerie Historienfilm/Abenteuer min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) ,90 EUR BestellNr.: Coriolanus Coriolanus Ralph Fiennes, Gerard Butler, Vanessa Redgrave, Jessica Chastain, Brian Cox, James Nesbitt, Lubna Azabal, Ashraf Barhom, Dragan Micanovic, Slavko Stimac, John Kani, Paul Jesson - Dir. Ralph Fiennes Interviews, Dokumentation, B-Roll, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Kriegsfilm min. 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