B*kHAMS*ta. H*MATfl.j0100 OlOCOIlNy y0j OO.j.4 - bc PER COPY VOL. 14 NO. 42 fl1e BUGLE, THURSO9Y APRIL rom i ills 116 Selling Tickets,

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Download "B*kHAMS*ta. H*MATfl.j0100 OlOCOIlNy y0j OO.j.4 - bc PER COPY VOL. 14 NO. 42 fl1e BUGLE, THURSO9Y APRIL rom i ills 116 Selling Tickets,"


1 your loteo Newport oster Ballard t ti AWREN SHOPPNG CENTER AFGHAN CROCHET KTS Our Reg 844 SJiel or rpple daolgns 45*60" Completed xe Woa1 poro $tructofl5 PUSHY EASTER RASBTS Our Regular 316 Ea t 2Q liodowfl 30" $ 1396 Fashionable MSSES POYESTER PANE SUT Ea begging a CASU1% v Ttlto lolw cloct of Top * or Sitoolder Srop Bogo; Whit Se1f11*p 006 Toro lock No Red Copm Mmood 006 morel allays! f You Ch80 fa CANDY COATED EGGS Regular 73C 1lb Molta milk chocolate SAE DATES THURS FR SAT APR12 3 STORE HOURS; KTON WAUKEGAN RD NES s*d ir Our POYESTER x25hag RUGS Wow Fitlytoler Sktg with tstñ _ 0186 woiflebocliaog lo titoice of /vocdo OokSpokB1ue t 3 DAYS _; 2 /C 15 1 crncgoss lady leas Podd01 copo 326SiB Our Reg 388 Ea NEW EASTER DRESSES FOR GRS 46X 12 i MARSHMAOW EGGS SAEÎ Reg MONFR 9;30 am9;oo pm SAT 9;30 am 5;30 pm SUN 1;OO om 500 pm OSrRØg96 SEEEESS SHflS FOR MSSES SX 48 28C 5; Çhocolatecoot JUPTER W AGAN HAE E AT OurReg3i Cg SEEP OR a0188 l \ \R4 OX261D PERMANENT PRESS DRESS SHRTS allays! DSCOUNT Choice of føitr styles geg fl0n SOCKS N Noiron polyeotor/coion Solid colors stripes p01 foam/058lker hlnd Pr Pr Fits slzés 1013; Color8 24 x 48 FRAMED PCTURES t 0mo A000rtod OUbjeCto tr Add odocorothtooch oyooruvogloomur SocloWog oreo ood g nomo 106 t tf\f 0M 0000*009 2 wood _ff fr00io_00 3 Doy Ooiyt *09698 s Si 7 3 oajs t RUHRS$TANT PANTY loso Reg Uooy pint solos i nylo smutt ack 3 0p* OttO0 6 tongl olfotoftoyoo hod slid 810 SU_ 1B JEY BRD EGGS Reg 36C ge00s reots CMAÇEff 4 WTHA Jupyur Curo cesó W00SUW0*0 WEUOjOR BANK AMESCAD Tooi 3 OaySOtly! B*kHAMS*ta CHOCE Ny1oslTr0 Sold& So0 o lo 011o wth bot ttt on si l4il? Sote tool SAE SOD CHOCOATE EGGS Reg 18C 29 lk 00*0065 lai 8*o f H*MATflj0100 OlOCOlNy y0j feil wrapped OUrRog CUP PERCOATOR 8 WeOtmsrk Auoomotao Party Percolotor breo*o crowd y1osolo coffo 0816 koeyt it ooytoghgr OU bog co medd Bao Sigool igio od 2soy t FOUCO Sgl 96639OOj4 ARGEST aeca4non N OCÇM MOT M*N MORON NuES ASCA $cihigthc illage of 1Jics DWMED O om HOMOS N Null MORTON ORpvc AND CAST MANE FUE 9042 N COBETAND AE NES A 9180 N Mil000k AO) bc PER COPY O 14 NO 42 fl1e BUGE THURSO9Y APR rom i ills 116 Selling Tickets t1ulu Not Giving T Them Edtor Os i ûblloker Wo received a leiter the pool week from rr Rotise o former N1OS1tC who 050W lvco io Beech Coulomb 1ro woo very occive n Nlles;and we f8001 his observations concerning involved with scout groups the tfa ot the Jefferson acloòol as wefl oo beingocuve in Ookton Monor and a1d1n n creottog Nileo pork d*otrlct The following s his letter which was v attoched to o copy of the local nowopoir The JoWporter News; lois furmer Ommunhty of much nterest He woo Ttot fl0 NUes lbilcemenaro 110W So! Thought yo might be terested i look)00 t at the Newpoyt version of the "Nues Bug1e ywad of tgønoco Traffic problem" out lofe t o the "PotUto Coast Freewo Suburbo are the lame all over1 only tho nomes change Several nteresting thlngo opor to the "Newporter" One io pardcolor s Forgit Hordwoxo ad on the back jmge Every week ;;; heotote* hsjolloaophy 8* thfi manner Do you 01515k tfloobf" Friedman would do that with hs ad? lite the Editors column ; of BOCkWO$h"; (Wilot else toname it n Neoo " port Beoch?)somowhot luce your "eft Bond t Column ;j; trtct) remember w1enth 1950 we citlzeoio of " Prospect Ayo atartod o movement to ESTASi lash 6 NOies Pork District0 wldch dldnt evon e;dot at that 11mo orni oov000l tf sot Sorno randm theughts that Jove Occured to mo n)tdngaut here 2200 mles awayfromnilos ; and using the Bugle 09 tloo tie bototos us ked your Commento on the Nfle Faft Dio»; with the hodgopodge" development of Nibs ; interveidog years vo been qute dloappolnted j porkoyea BudJufl it omn meetings for that juoblic hody whom to be )11SdS1g their 090poyero09110fwtthol39 good pa6otaogwit t; t Speaking ofpanntog o novor underatand why the ilisgo öfniles poas and preoent Trustees included cant )SJatYearo ago wo envtsooed the intorooction of Mllwèukee and OSctoit (fouthoast Corner) as becoming the huh of illage governmentthjek of wkot an osoet this would be to Nues today with the illage Hail located there(inoteod of in on obandonod A&P otero) ;the zelottvely now and heautiful N)le 0_ OOtinoed on Pago 39 N THSSSJE 8 uh POCE REPORT Page 10 PARK DSTRCT NEWS Page 18 ETTERS TO THE U EDTOR rtw0c«r Page 14 ; o // ollutioñ N1e ic1bary Nues Police ticketo do not require a court opleorance They will admit you and your dato to the 1971 Nibs Poitcemens Boll May lis the datetho Grand Ballroom of the new Regency Hyatt House in Rosemont s the ploce Donclog will atort promi*y at 9 pm Everybody to walcomol Muolt chores will be handled by Don Jorio and his orchestra ond by the fabulous "Conolldated Freight" A fine comedy revue opotllghting Sonny Moro and Freddy CeosUrjo wtli round off a memoakin evening Ticketa are avalable at the Nileo Pollee tauon from ony Wolke Officer or tickets can 0010oivered by calling Renseniber oü proceeds from ths gola hall go towards poying 181e limonate premiums for all Nibs Police Officers) vi1*ge Uoliday flours The illage of Nilog Adm80 iswatlon Offices will be closed Saturday April SHOQ ST On Saturday April 10 velato in Momo and Nues Townshipo will go to the polls to till vaconcies en the elementary high school and Jonlor college boards Three condidateo will be vying to 111) the two acant seats on the Board el Education of East Maine School District!63 in the school boordelectiononloturday Aorii 10 The polls will be open noon to 7 pm isted in the order that they will appear en the ballot the candidateo ore Harold Hal Schwartz 2510 Golf Rd Maine Twp Glenview; John A Di Primas 7235 Arcadia lu5 Morton Grove; ond Milton F aoget 7343 yons MortonGrove The three candidates are endorsed by the East Maine General Caucüs The polling precincts will correspond to the nine elomentary school attendonce areas s the district The polling placeo are; Precinct No i; Ballard School 8320 Ballard Rd Niloo ll Township Meetings The nnuol Township Meatjogs will be held on ltlesday April 13 at 8 m Maine Township macsing will be told at City Boll Graceland and Miner Des Plaines Nibs Towoship meating will be held at Rookie Police Stotino incoln and Main Skokie Precinct No 2; Mark Twain School 9401 Hornto Ave Maine Twnship Cook Cousty ll ontestants t Precinct No3; Emma S Melzer School 9400 Orole St Morton Grove ll Precinct No 4t Shelley Nathdnson School Potter aed Church St Maine Towosbip Cook County ll Pyecinct No 5; Nelson School 6901 Ozooam St Nibs0 ll Precinct Ne 6; 00k School 7540 Main St Nues0 ll PrecinctNo 7 Wonhington School 2710 GOlf Rd Maloe Township Cook Couoty U Precinct No 8; Woodrow Wl000 School 8257 Harrison St Nileo 11! Precinct No 9 Adlal Stevenson School Rd and Capitol Dr Cook County ll DlSfltiCT Three cand4dateo ronning for two threeyear terms; inceet Eugarin 6535 Rivervlew dr ContinUed on Page 19 The Mrch mting o the Womras Club CRib of NUes in ofnfles Waahpiiorid with the )7eeence conjonction wios the school e the d!sllirt N63 The mgo winners hulled ftom cld*?1 wel*e d151t abénegon" nchnel ñíthi

2 PARKNSON Ther Page 2 AlJ NUes ColnmunityCalgndur S John Brebeu Rummage Sale A ad1e Aiix1ty vfw Pest HileS &sebau egue8pm # jm Bunker Hill ecreadon Center CowitryClub vlllege OoardMeet1ng8prn NUes Tops Meeting 7 pm WC1 Cfl3bCrS ; r Recreation Center ; Cathoftc Womens Club Joint Nues Trim Club 10 ain Holy Name & CWC 745 pm Recrean Center School Hall! 7j AF ; For your car Manor Homeowne your orne Mth 8 pm Homé of your life Í ;1;er and Morton Grove Community Ch ake & Atwtln Morton Groy Senior Cltizeiw Club SingA oiig 11 a m Recreaclon Ctr April inie Squares Beginn _ SpmRecadonnr Nues Terrace 2 AU3 171 your health eu oí Women oters Nibs & Morton Grove 95am Townhouse A f $ ; ; Overwhelmed by the many ltema gatherd m Mary Stelner Paatpe of StJom On Frlday March 26 the Nitos Terrace Townhouse As noclation was reformed after being dormant or several lögether for the forthcoming Rummage Sale to Brebeuja Womena held ón Saturdays APr 17 Ot StJohn Chairman Brebeijf School 8307 N The Sale will be from 10 Harlem ave NUeo nodi 5 pm in the School am ni are (i to r) Henrietta Uvora Gymnasium Re CeChar froshmonts will be available Stato Farm is all you need ssocia ion Club and Mary Dorosjer to know about insurance Give me a call FRANK onor ar A ook to the Future Student ferment of the community" 7745 MWAUKEE Those elected to A total of 980 Eaoternllflnot a aix month Tb AM Party(Acdveljm_ j va5j smnm seceiye Orove Des Plaines or Nitos E term were o Membars) have atailtimea s a problem wo must ali solve President Joseph evi academic honore for the winter quarter it was announced rer PUOdE Y07 5 waged a positive campagn with and to this end we bave pro 47 A Wavhiigten; ito Fiée 545 costly the aame dedicaufn aedpostie vided asrong legislation Wewill Went Sherwin eitison 8621 the total 328 students reapproach to illag000vnrnmeùt promote s comprehensive drug D Washington; Recording Sec sa aa State Farm rotary Barbara Cole ived high honors and 652 sotterms n office Ralph Omet a the fight by adopting a illage they have provided during their program and have alreadybegun 8839 dønts received honors ncluded all B Waahlngton; n ed Correeponcting Secretary Was Suzanne Pbipfe Morton Man of Action prpviding the Drug Abuse Council We will to brina ahoat Dan Zachary 8933 Drove illage Board wth an appral te try to assist our Schools in ob Washington; ravalant Treasurer the Youth ofnlles RichardHar nsarante taming Federal and State sup Moiety Dud 8927 D Washing czak Mr Businessman con port to lower our local ton; Sgc at Arms toqnhouno "s oo OOC csasoo }laroldfliroh area will support prop verting his bosinvos acumen as erty tunes We must 9eekether 8839 C Waahington their aeouclatlon in to quest to om a ouc0030ful businessman toute 000moo 000s means of raising money other it s hoped that the seek no mproved level of entire cornmunity living illage Board providing it with than 000tinually raising our thy oame astute business know property taxes Wewillcentinue a ledge and Angelo Marchesctg to preso for improved piblic Mr orsatifty of çro Board mass aisportauon in our vil providiog the Boord with the tage an area in which we bave Trustee that is truly a man for already taken correctivo otegu all seasons to improve conditions in this j TN SGHT TO MiT QUANTTU coùd EASTER u _ PERS OERNGHT SPORT SHRTS \\J q!!!11 j j TOPPSAER PANTYHOSE MENS SPORT SHRTS Reg $244 ZrPer 1K çc i atulwjr!njj1)a s rastd J iril 8 9lO [ongseva All8Slo_ ( nij April 8 9 io April 8 9 lo!4jt April89jQ f 4 i look to the future not forur We will oxpandourillageboun Platform "We must vitally impsrtaotarea 1 inaliy R gj nelveu hut for the generations dorios only with proof that noahead for they will become _ the flexation would be io the heut future of NUes To thio end wo economic nterest of our cornhave decated our enorglou to and desires ofour procontinue Progress With Ecos PO" omy by a lowviflago Youth Ralph Bast; Boinuss tax basé We witi conuue to Richard Hnrezak; eronuft fight Air llútiun by working nge(o Morchenchi; men of o with our neighboring villages tton proveo performers who nd all governmental bodies entablisboci Nileo no u Model We fully realizo thst air poi illage in the Northwest Cornlutins whether it is io Morton muni i BUGE NEWSPAPERS MEMBER oil4no42aprlis1971 t W APR Jr! F ; r 5042 N Courtland AveNileo ll 6ots Phone 96639io14 hflshod Weekly on Thursday Mall Subocripojoir Price $375 ir Year argest Qrulntion n Nileo Morton Grove GolfMili EastMaine Area ir\ RONNG *\ BOARD COER Reg SO April 89 io \ contact YSO SPRAT 88e Disinfetto on 14ot economy itt i891o ; o Barbara HonksDiapiy Advortisng t0rrib ducuon Depaeat S

3 S ship Thkeeis Alt and Fùfure lr eblic affaira mana Plalboy magaziw mead the ow 1151es writer forthe Odtaga Daily News wili dlscsws "ROligion Now andfunre acmaine Aahjlt Evenin School on Thenday ereuieer April 13 ilie twopeoi by prerene by Anton Mount of Playboy and Jansen H Bowman of fiber DailyNews in this seventh presentation of the Odyssey of Mau ntothesesenion" series presentet and cosponsored by the Forest Howpitel Fenindagjon and the Maine Adult Evenlee Sclsoof This is the fifth year that both organ isolions ar presendngthls ser ssed on doe generai theme bal The propram Wiilsed in the assdlcorjsoj of Maine Town High School South 1111 Cae rd Park Ridge k will begin at 8 pm and is opento the public Admisnfon s $150 _athdts and $100 for alu Apene 971 niquie Picture atst John iithèran 13e àiejirmaeo clan of Si John utheran Qourch n Hiles gave ts church a unlqie class memento n the ferns ofa ydcnere made up of nothlufg but words The words wrftrrisn n mierdscoplc form are the words of the Hew Testament No written thatthe first word lei the upper left corner is the first word of dneflrsthookof the New TentarneM Matthew while lse last word in the lower right corner s the last word of the last book of the NewTestaanent Revelations fin betweèn ivi Sequante are ali the 27 books of the New Testano However as you look at the idcdure you are not aware of any writing at au; ail you see picture of Jessie nkilland surrounded by angels The picture s doe masterpiece of a Koreanertist Gwang Hyuk Ritte wino spent about four years accomplishing this fantastic chievenient Anyone is welcome toconas stili one regstra feen left for the HileN Youth Consmiasions Job Oppvrtsmiy Program for any high school or college student 16years clage and older who is interested las obtaining a summer pisition Saturday April 10 from 11 am to 2 pm atthehiles Cairn cil Chambers 7200 N Wauke gao rd William Keener 8292 N Merrill Cbairm of the Camnoittee jim Balie of the liliotolo State Employment Sano vice 601 ee st Des Plaines and some of the Commissioners WilibOonbOfldforanOneifs5_ ing to come in and register Paper Diive United How theyouthgroupat utheran Church ei tne Res urrection is ho1dn a peper drive on April Please deposit all your newspapers in the feuck box n che chutch rklng loti 8450 N; Sheraner o p COUNT ON _!Y9u CAN w r c= ) Bapié Thy A toge T1 Frigidaire 146 cu ft FrostProof Refrigerator Door Storage! Other cämpnnlrnnnl 24 efe nests Aeep door Shell for lene cortan cons TwnHydrators fleepop is 214 qts of firedoce tardee trash eri crisp Porcelain tnemel unni reaisle Steins ved rust Frostiroof! Youll roardetiost atole! No space loot to frost Defrosts Only when reeded 126lb size top freezer with door shell turco can rock covered ce teats lofreep fond oui si cubes Hp Ht the ssr Baniiy eflcà M Wismpeì worths manager a Wool wak into the Easter basket et Golf Mill Shopping Center The quick prak previews Hip Hoppts appeorasce at Golf Mill on Saturday from 10 to 4 When the basket will e loaded with candy for ail of the children Golf Mili Shopping Cerner is at Milwaukee and Golf in Hiles l _4 shelves sldng to pot einen foot op front i adjustable fo adapt spoce to tour needs ORTHS* Frigidaire FrostProof Refrigerator with Automatic ce Makèr FPCD4TN 6flEW 4W91J 1OOH WRD DòvHH6rJ Gos 1StJ SATURDAy APR 10th f r Nafill! No spill! ta Miser filio teeren neleases cubes into doer sever autoerotically! FrostProof! Tosti neverdetreol again! N space oste beet! Defeoth only tben recisi! r 146 eu ft w11h125lb sloe feeet atteso Cte topi 000eA UpFront ighting! Pelo everything in your re leigerator lut fi!aifluiew DoorStorage! flotter csmpimect24 egfl ernie deepdoor ebeti for large Codons C30S GOF M STATE BANK GØSHONGN1* NOES NOS AMMOTHEFwERAoeosniNsuRANcoR1oAnoN tmeusmoatatax NCOMETAX ER!STU AMHUGPJO loan(o4pn ll Have Candy For You and Well HaveSo Much Fun! ove GoP 4E Milwaukee & Golf Niles F Pty d r r cwr FPD 46TAP e_ Ste ne da You ioèl M w*jag T & APPANCES 00 stono dyjitedng 7243 W TOUHY PHONE % " _ J CWdans

4 sm 7100 SGN beßug1e bnrd 3rij 8 zn CHURCH& TEMPE NOTES Nues Cornu s lluhly tllurch naster Sudeyat Nfles Con munfty huzcj (United Ph!*; Thursday 830 am Fashion teien) 7401 o8 comme with dse comijpjn a 7 nm puneze con_ "!i pm didbyy0 n1 Oloir reej nd 8ZO pn Sep1o* Cior reherj grcgatop The reùrectjo ( \YentyeZgJt Chiit win be tlgh pcjoo cejebd y yøung people were the reading of $Crjzre recently e Ceed tnto the ng of fouco and be pr mebes4p o Niim taking OftheOrsSuperu weet oj and Pe8)te*n) hng fully ucces the communion eemeflt$m bejs and fr$ep4 the dlrecuon of the youg ndoid s tore a*e thvked ro partkpate RE D Dogae Serp They 4 congregauo ; Jrner Benao Connie breakfant featuring the Mueje *oger Knw nwne food s used lober RnJca n the commiminn e w Keith _ løro» ßad be Served by th J neon wuuam enpejjs 7 eeo iucnaro Greg Enio e tradiuunni Eanter wer Jmn Roy Boieeth jj wmbnidt9;3o and Ji em Special grencathy FjerbJey_ nt en_ thema win born iui AsChacher aeng by the corn Jame binad Choirs care Fuhauf Ponald for codde Wnnr Obemeajer Jill ililough 2vearoieii Donald Frsnge ldec durjg iojj JOffray O$hona Church School claaaea ii h _ and Billy bold a nnnnl Chuich T6i 4prl 4 the duning a Week of special tini 12 will incii pm Monday Communion Service oy Scout Troop 62 dc new (umneafra); lucaday Mernbenn were pibiiciy wel 7 irn comed nto the Women 4sOoclatton felmynhlp of meeting (preparato0 Cbiwch aij forrummage» prenonre their Cerllfica «Memlwrshlp Wodnenday 630 pm Zum mage Salo for Member and Nf 1( MTJC Noet Maino Townhlp Jewinli Con Congregatio9 ty1aica Syhurilanjawiab eyeryoye a gregation 8800 BaUardtd De Joyoao iach Cpaeeovet)ro Plomo nvites all firot etti born commnnfty Paattover Serylcen male toaapeclalepaaaoyei Servire Orbi Sr O o _ With$abblawreme _ H Chantey anzor Awaav prij 1 Prolennoyer Faanie 8ehorjm ft Minyan) Rabbi Jay Carnen Sece (Foorofthe FmnnBQzn) will co n ucr the traditional will tko place t m Pri Slyum ceremony in their honor day and Sanadoy Night April 9 Refrehmenm wiji be aerved and 10 6 pm to 6;8O pm following th rimai ZßditloflZl Seryke; Brief oune Serviceat6pm $turday ami SundayMornmnn will noherinthe tøech Holiday Ñnil 10 am il Zerylce at 4 Congregation! Seder dinner 915 amsuydaynjt will follow There will April U n yo at 6 pm lote Service that evening ligio Re Thursday and Frldy aerylceso the fmftyo nigh; days of thl PZ 15 and 16 trßd*ilonalyer major hollday Sah 1Ce at Urday ami Sunday 7;30 pm Frldoyory pr lo 1fl5 and 1 will he APril 16 at 9;15 recited 001 OWl nm Cantor Harry 3O Saturdoy morning April 17 yt Solowincin 9115 nm with YlzkorMamorfl will chant the o The Pasaoer oj ;ì1; T ;;;; meeting Wed Paoaoyar Seryle neoday ineii i4 nn _ l*ogrn &n Woi "tion Ze;ylCe at 9d?ai neo tian will befeturodwlthcjal emphajo on Monity /prlï 12 Naroery "flow br9ted Sehool resumes Can the Jewish Tues day Woman? Aprl 13 Hebrew School llia Commlmlm b i NOME C _gjt cc ScWAPRU J0 taron Mctiay1j A0M OF BEAUTY z$p ot cogt 4 Show11 ùnchàc»n flic S; J9acJegijeoWayey dab Wlhl ORdfta»juaJp$o9 Shop Juncheo oy Snturday Ap* 24 bagjypi with cocjctall at am at the SJte_ ton ONare n Ropepoyt 1H itie fas$on will e $ltowii by Mi Marty of folf fl jd thcmodo$w*lljewomenfnnrn the irioit Tite theme orfle 4ay will Jo "Designs of the odlac" od the motif will be carried ftp le rame prize There will be that day for more rjnp 20 raffle prize fld the win he a weekend foi tyo ate Rev impoli nd do family wlu be moving nfo the pat aonpgp and jolnayg eut cornmwilty durlpg the first weòb in April an ha will aaaumo da poataral dmiop op Pastor morning y cenlcu the 6i30 Rid 10 am aervicto P1eoe coma ayd jein its p welcoming our saw poator of TNT 8ippo a SET APR 16ACt & TONER $12e50 WPGSWFØNESDA ca OUT AN * $ z00 EANED&s titulan BYNHETC $3a50 STUESDA & WEONESOAY 8HOtpØo SET j0 CUT & SET $ i *rflp MWAUKEE AENUE NES NOS (nrhwest corner of Milwaukee and Dempite) Ad* Shalom Copgrogapjoi 4d Shai will hold apacjalp9590fgr S ylcnn bgimthg at S;30 p lpi Ht1i*àkb ieung Mrn Heinz i apd let Weinen ices ai Ó2 W Crol S NJ tnnitw" Reuar $Jihßthmooio *09 win Jgi Raflirdoy 4pj q eyenpg oeiyces WlU otan S?5& 6;15 pm Oppie services will piary Msa nebj flniie ap 9;$9 wiu c t ductaery*cpy at;3o p noon or l;; iei0z pd! 9;3o am Pridaypj6 4 s7??oa o di ettnn and donnert win be ypii Belices will JteJtetd at 792f n the Cirel w Yapp opyge al12;15 Eery is n feo yeiyjce Øfl pm Sft ylted ro attend be Oailoble Mas ShaJep p a made Trdif*enal Synngague memberabip lequirjett ara TJia arge Uqlyejsfty s ConCerlBpndwhich ownbara 97 noyer nclydto amoo SS members Willlpm T Fe1c man 9934 Capailna ppc ClySy p lçoiuijeo5c 94iQ Oliptg both of Mprton Gipy BETh Ai lu Copgzlegapp iteti Por ieformsh path itíi will 96s_ss; flat hehl l ridayyppin Sjierlefl 9gsag o vipep pp 5ij 9 nno Ofiata Mrw Kirb hopper a chlldran Thpre willhe Morton Grove chalnya and Mro Micltael anody awl Jerusalem PPSOQ#r Sedpti r the Sypppppo p 4grJJ li M Mra Ray 4 Jpx and Bagel Bpc be held op /tpp win me za r 11 otier committee niembery yye been very busy collecung 91! the ùtbera ai the Synagoppe 900g am Jorupalon Whit ßv yth n hopan ps lovely raine Renia Church Petpaid pd Capilly Croye fpr a_ Themhera rttyone flt Mertop lroyo nill preppeçpve now ated$n pircsl9y host the to no mwnbertt lier more hiporp ing ticcen for the Choir ef Bpthapy Çellpge d9ymycpy M toot the ticjce kfo Mitmepory n tinti peanecanac Shaijepe Bethny Cç Edward R1 ChalZflZay ort_en Mro ti 1ovmnnop y legp is n Junior doilege ni the 4 Clepp ohow Baygelicol etherop Synod fpr the will he swan pml4çop pp 4JJ TJia choir bas 42 velcea 25 will greep an d a norvice of pen g in line with tite theme Fortune in lie Pør flfoifl9uqp regardi 01cc n iba Jord f the worka bëceype al øletpboraijp pl000e Çepfpp reflect mitilcall y Rch Siapel a eyoas docpcauep to pgr Jort Ed Saylpi Jaspa Chija; The JeWeils epottolre lycltyjep worho by Tha a toty tho celigregatlefl Scliubert $ *d the Bach Cpppa of S; ujie UJte4 Clwrch of Btipan f04 7 shorter worbo Tite Rev John l Chrly in Morton Groye feel The copce Jnwell Will ho held op will opeaji pp thy abotti their new paatot Rey Pisroday 4prll 15 and topic "W1p will fearys op Pire" John P Jewall Ma wife Judi bepin at 7;iO atibe S;Oam pn Myope ninotat n OUch praises onn day pzll l ptst lqlcoo and thah cwldreti Jahn Jale and Joyce jr to P#nter Sporipp SeryJCe on Spn toto the Qid s corjttl!y UpPed pvital to anepd 4 frye will of Sacrament of Jjply Coispplpp Church ofchaor Morlopßtpva Ray jewel cameo ta St yka frani RochforcJ llipol fering lo tkep givan to Sie Will be obperyp 4y the y!lent ha otto Attaaclate a! Paslei choir o Cover their expaeseo iam he Spring Crepb Congre Ths tottr will Pootival Serylfe Rev jewnll tobe ty choir gatlepal cjìyrt We aiw ouro loto 6 OtOteo pennon ;oplç wll he "New ileg aq5 Capacp 4t lopinpa and that his apiritpi gudance pd 615 pm p the chprch ljnçhprpocj ppde" lapderoldp will ita missed there torlyr the Sunday Schpol will ha members of the choir lo n bald at a much as lt will ha welcomed will propeo a program af op The lloai pi Chrlst4ap by St uicap tertalmpept eo that E4p yoppg n potion will meet op l4ppdy teteptod paoplp cap gar ap lcjp 4hprll 12 of whpp Pethapy ptherpp Col Chprch Coypçl a; ippal;baghprch loge is like will morirai!_lnl S at 1 pm the Tuesday Wednèsday Specials 7 Mernak S TNTS TUES1ÁW SPECA For The itberan Çbureh of RC$*flfeëtion pm coos Sniday leath ip W000ntitig "Chais; is thecpt crer ÇJ;yP bi 7;5O ter Sunday toavo pp qs peopç g5 holy with Çommunop a cpgee_bc al 9 and il There p ; am bo pp Spnday Church school Resurrect Swing ntó Spiing The new Regepçy Syati Nopap on River RoadaflteioM m o"yu nwnyio "Swing loto Scing Dapco POZlefkapSOtuiday pti 7 kce*iceau hbur beg5inn p dlpner áiy dasclg to the ou Br003e oeheot tmde the tuo omiso of ieo aen»i; Ppiends$ti be$fdtel Std th EUbUC areinyftet AWdlipry an their 25th tlt ersary by njang te1i rap orvallen as oogp ao poanible Dlynai rçogrejpap 6 gjorjotj days tø )%utsejf go! 1t DaySth*day an Anie*çan Mrfti çave OHare on 747e AW A peud check iøo DJ$uey!nna Ho*e resi ol dayin the "Magic Jøndon" 2nd»OySUØd_ Yoürc on you* owil retan! isft sucsae k Da Monday Tour ol Mulino an on!l1 the denizono ol the deep 4Th Pay Tuelday Yww Unie or lflooem alteaeelng oirea1uw U* Dar Wednesday Take ke UON COUNTw SAFAR see wild afihinala habitat ThrilkWl you wflera 6Th UayThn_jpp ter home eavea 1130 flrr*ve OHare 6;50 i Q iucludiog a 5 day stay at Any trip o vnny California is o memorable evént bu our CaJifornia dome Holiday promises thrflls here we and excitement far the entire family The here we exclusjve come pockoge* flcludesl roundtrip ak fare Chicago/A/returns toy Wthe fabulous Dbheyland 5day Hotels Deluxe book oftickets for Dineyand lunch & tour ot Marneland ond ioncounfry Safari1 plus q couple of days offreetme to 3iteee and vbt on your own Our nformotve brochure cove all the hihlihts of this nevertobe forgotten iojou!fl et a copy today ME UP! lock t over talk it over then come see u to make your reservations Send literature only nghtnow Pick up a bmchiùe at the 13TOurJuWe26July i TRAE DESK at the bank or 0 Name call Rosemarie ; atyo753uo f 2ndTour_Aug7Au912 Addrea OF NES DREN BANKNÒ twd7te FR PARKNG OAKUtON RJ 4 ftuws Two Dates st Tour OiThwidy1 Agw e 7 7 Take Yoúr Pick June 26 bru July t u u 2nd Tour Aug 7 Thru Avg 12 JER? WE COM $to Phone

5 59 SAEDiEStTHURFRlSATSUN Jotre Dame Foijemen flu Jibed d*lrfosthyaraftyasasen with a 131 record The trash i ftdi9wdwljian$2rcoz4 This was varsity team in SSstúlSeudtbe froshsojji hadthejr finn de feats since their btg5nf n meats Slnc isst leans dual meet end ild fencers competed as lieiividigòl5 in the Sectional cbamldonshlpe n St ouis and two buys went to the NaUonal n New York This ycarin AFA competauon NDfen cero bave act a jew school record of 16 lmllviduof trophies and 32 fthallst Tom 1cock led the $eck with S first piace awards and an 834touraiament lleßuee Thesay Apeil 8 i971 li l i e i Fëñcejs;Fjnjsh Fine Seasoñ record Jn *1st iiocest Tom cza PtGeiiis mu uyslie abo 174 for81oonaophjeve» canoed joist Mithcell CùrgöZebold teano site Pio! Qidnlff7JØ High junior was Tch Aleock Dive Contains ilusa Rempila now bal pecdamd 5 of de 6 And with c274)871 MgbSenlorwas Tain Beck Sophomore let w Cs n dentate Paul Qulniff (321l761 mea went to RandyMikos Jim NOWib Rcatssang 735 Tom Mcocit was featured in 111gb Team Scorer lar arsity etterswenztokirby was Tom Sfr is0rg&janes 685 Sports U1uatìtede Facesinthe Aicock alla (4314)796 Alcock 475 Crowd and both be anti Rassejjfoss Tim Glass and Jim Down the5treer Paul was also High Overifl Scorer 625 S35 onet*ueinn Qulniff werefeatjnedin fljjrkarj arsjtyietwrswentto o with (12225)813 Paul Qulniff 56 (Pr T nterview Year) Terry McConville demonstrating pj Zaei BaECOfNeS tdl uilanaged to hit the cenniry C1Ub 56 fencing Jobo Stabart Jon Fred Busch Saijo Jimit with his recordfor St Maria Sam EleFigilo (Sec ND finished 4th in the Kestler Widte Sterbe the year for a 643 Terry Mc eneain1en state osi ysarfom Mcock sod Gary Center Camera Co 56 with Paul Qulniff Cenville hd 60 an Si40 for the Beuialç ÇlJrdyear) POUQin Combined insurance taking 4th pace JndMthaflyaj season for a 647 Most valu 1ff Aspen Enterpelacs 255 earning A1StawTerryMu able plaper was Paul 805 unff ville aßophomoretosj3 Most lmjroved Player was Some of the fencers arelosk making ix to the quarter finals Sam DePigijo high Foosh ng to the Midwestboyocim scorer was RandyMikos (1413) At the annual awards banquet pionshipe on Saturday ApriJ 518 Hgh Sophomore 3 the following Beards was Jim went to at 111CC gym where the fencers the fencers Numerals John Burkart (2l9)7410 HlghSopho have the oppornmjty more arsity was Terry Mcto go to the Strass Bili fica Marc Sob US Nationaig n San Francisco ( (Ferry was in July Suburban Jowlers Honor Scores Dick Shimkus 658; lackabil 633; Jay Wolff 631 john Randoijit 620; Have Jeske6l6 R ts McCerthy Carpets 128 Park Ridge Simoco Colonial Plaza 103 Bawlers Shope 101 Domloiths Foods 100 Ryan Parke 98 Oehlers Fisheninaifs Dude Ranch 73 High individuai 3 Game Cugliomo 669 Highindividual Carne undi SJB Teams pto Riggino Restaurant 605 Colonial Funera3 57 NUes Savings 53 Skaja Funeral 50 Koope Fujieral 4$ Saul of Flies 45 Notwood Park Savings 39 Serien ron & Metal 375 Cult Oolito Jos Wledemano 3o HAMMS BEER 6 z ÇANS ( WNE TASTNG CHRSTAN BROTHERS WNES FRDAY & SATURDAY!!e BlìnmaA$r 8197l CORBYS BEND POPUAR BRAfD SKEY 319 QUART SOOSeries lamora 596 T Hewaba 595; J Zober 589; R Madura 1_ C Koderabek 568; S lath / KofC Team W (osp Funeral Homt AM Airfreight 3026 Co To Blases 3026 Hrczok Moats 2927 ßlrchway Drugs 2729 Coloidal Funorsi Homo 2729 Bunker Hill CC Formartyru Fourth Degree HAERS QDKA T 1 gal GOMMfq o ME o s T s itic flieotntiget hiig o do YQui Gç1dMeda1 Community Florist WE DEER OPEN EASTER MKES FORA shop 6500Ó6 s N M1wAuKEE One Block North of Devon NE NE PN BUSTERS Oswald 232; Weozl2S; Dama 225 SiB Women Mortons Unusual Faper Colette P1wblng io NUes Pizzeria Bank ofrfles Skaja Terray 90 SkajeTerrace 9 91 Btrchway Drugs Koolfi Fanerai Chicag loi Chicago Tcrrolnal 102 Waito T NUes Bowl 1095 High Came M Calitsoo 199; J Poiols 194; J DiCirolimo 189; S SchafleriSh; D Chorim i78 High Series J Demis 499; M Coflison 496; 5 Sneja 486 5feb11 Ten Pin eague w Harcz*Saus6ge 6444 SavltrFaireSbàp Su03vano Ed Classer Furs Nuts Bowl NiRidge Phat A&F Mami AróContt aeoece Restourajjt Foreot iew Bko Stte itc Schmeisoers Mit Marion Stift 47lh AÍice Cor rothcio 465; EstelieJarson436 aerne Wiosnnolek 432; and Dorothea oelkc 42d 599 /2 gal CE CREAM CANADA DRY GNGERAE Join th Cor" BOONES APPE 6 CANS 69C WNE FFTÑ WE RESERE THE RGHT TOMT SAE TEMS 800 N MWAUKEE At NES CORFR MWJKE[ AND DEMPSTEP NES NEWERA49 toe POTATO CHPS pkbox k 12 OZ BitS ANCENT AGE WHSKEY APR 59 GA

6 naonto7pnzad is Monday Alril 5 Bagle Thuray Ape (off thenuespo(ebotter Ambulance call to 7222 Conrad to inansprt Marion Nowacici to Holy Family Hospital ictlniof ntroke Motor ehicle Accident at 9043 Clfton involving George Nohr 9043 Clifton and Nifes Police car driven by Officer G Wilson 27 year old Glenview man atopled for driving violation and charged with driving while lntoldc4rpd npeedlng and ini leoper lace mage Sundsy Ajril 4 ;Ambujance call to 7106 Grceoleaf to ceansport Walter Semmerling Chicago resident to uthepan General Hospital Mr Semmerling fainted while visiting sonnlaw at aboveadiurtisnd dr resident reported noisy youths n area Officers found boys playlngbas cediall at 11h15 pm and boys were advised to stop playing bail for night Flre Deparnnent responded to call at 7928 Nora after report of smoke n house Caused by heater with faulty therme Your mother probably told you that a gos range is the only ono that gives you nstanton instantoff heat Soft gentle heat that surrounds the pon so there are no hotspots to make food stick and cookworo warp And she probably told you that only a gas rat lets you broil with he door closed Mother was right But what she told you wasnt halt of it Because today gos ranges have gone modern ir) a big big way ike for you oven scrubbing is out You can choose one hat cleans ilselt on command for pennies or one that cleans itself continuousiy while you bake Choose an introred broiler and you get the job done in half the time Mom could and the meat will be juicier and more tender too Northern WS Gas CÖrnpàj Sentiii mote than a mlllkjñ custom o o stat which firemen dinconsorted Motor ehicle Accident at 7016 Craln nvolving sotes of Joel C Coiten 7025 Crae and Barry Cohen 7015 Crae Nifes _Ambulance call tod000akmn ct co teansport Michael Kesser to utheran Cenerai Hospital in ll health lwo bikes reported stolen from driveway at 8452 North terr One heys red 20 nch Scbwlim and one boys gold 20 lnthseare Burgliry report on Checo ave House was broken n to while residents were out fer evening Missing was $l50cssh giso in Travelers checks a coin collection voced at $500 and a fur coat valuedst $800 $100 Specislwambwasplgced en heme due to front lock on doer being broken A 12 year old boy repoce red missing by Nifes mother aftèr boy left nolestatieg he was running away from home because he was tired el taking blame fer older brothers acm Keeney ave resident Called police to report someone had thrown eggs st window in rear Youre sometimes out all day? So what! Choose an automatic oven andit Wilcook dinner then keep it warm till youre ready for lt Andhowaboutan autematic meat therniometer that signals when the roast is ready or a builtin rotisserie griddle and timer? You can have them and lots more oli on a gas range the range designed for todays life style Mom knew a thing or two about cooking with gas all right But you could tell her o thing or two Right? See the modern gas ranges on display at our offices or visit your local appliance dealer or department store Mother never had it So good Oketo ave mmdsn rojr ted to policethat there were yeuthsfighthjg ln;stscetatlft4s pnt Youths were brought to staune both were 18 years of aget one a NUOS zealdent sipi the ether frofli Park Ridge Nues resident was taken to utheran General for medical atteñtioa when it became appa rent that hewas not in con tirnol of all his faculties Bath wererelsased co parents tus cody Saflirday April 3 _Nllcn terrace resident reportad youth on flhldihike n arè 10 yeaz old hoy Odd his dstcetwece!t!rrn6d of law ave mond re portddmalesubjectcauslngdjs turbante in lobby 49 year old Nifes resident brought to ocatian and beaked fer pobllc intodcstioñ Winner ave re5tat requested fingerprinting for citizenship Motor ehicle Accident at Waukegsn and Blrchweo& Unknown ht sed rim vehicle damaged autos belonging to Howard Jeno7544 Waukegan Nitos and Helen Taylor 7538 Waukegan s Chicago resident bòoked for driving while ntoxcated after being stepped by offcer fer driving wtthaut headlghts on after dark Friday April 2 Fire Deparrecenc resfonded ca call at 7036 Wright terr after faulty furnace Causedflre Thursday April 1 Motor ehicle Accident at 8049 WaShington liwolving autos af George Nickel 8122 Wast ington and Arthur Clexten Washington NUes Chicago cab driver come ta station and regorced that he had picked up a female fare in Chicago and transported her ta OOOOblackefWstOanwkemupan she proceeded to run from cab and left complainant with 385 loso Grass tire extinguished by Fire Depacimea n rearef 8800 MilwauJeo ave Field dr resdent reported theft of 12 boxes of Camp Fire cirro candy valued at $12 from her garage (A thief with a sweet tooth) Ambulance call ta 8217Mi1 waukee ta reausport Josephine Scisma to utheran General Hoapical n ll health Msbtdance call to82l2wls ser ta iracisport Sam layre to utherangaliofflal Matar ehicle Accident at 8043 Poster nvolving aucas af Gall Kreasin 8023 Foster and Richard Fabey 8045 Foster NUes Wednesday March 31 Greenleof ave resdent reparted to police that unknown 1wrsan(s)hay en the left rear windew of his auto while parked n franc of his home Mnbulance call ta 7156 Greenleof to Gemporr Karla Ash to utieres GeÑraj Hou Pirat Sublect was having ditticulty breacmrg Mnrtan Grove resident reparted stereo tape player removed from bet auto while parbed n Golf Mill Shoppng cen ter Pour male sobjntco and ase frmale broeght ta station of ter tryleg ta fraudently obtain drugs from s Mflwaak ave drug sto lire Depa tmnt teupqiidad to cali at 7832 fire hancied by CleveldhdDrphr firemen Neva ave resdent ted uoknawn perseo(a) threw a aladi p1u through the rear window of hi5pkedftm age was estimated a$80 Dist 71 Candidatjj Howard Serlin n Stlgool Distriçt 71 Heward R Serllnof Hites who 10 a candidate foitbe school board supporte the best education fer your tax dellar Mr Sechs has been a tax colisultant for 11 ye& Hoal5o lssnadeoçataofan early negotiated settlementwith the teachers and feels chat new denununtcatlon linfa with the parents and teachere should ho enmblshed Mr Senils s the ireasurer of tljsbueker Hill Homeowners Msjdon andls married and the father of threechildren ince Bugarin iiwe 8ug?ia$les resident for 14 years is seeking yeelection to his second tarin on the school heard Mr Bug ario has served capably since be waswlscted to offieg ia1968 Three yearn of Schsal Board experience chairman of the Building and Grounds cornmtftoo member of peesentteacliereschool Board negotiating committee former member of the Finance Education asdspecoal Education committees also a graduate et General Malers nstituto ie e background offered for your cesslderatlon rho election will ho hold en Saturday April 10 with the pow g places opsnfrom 12 noon Heroqnests your support and remnds you thøt all persans residing north of Howard st vete at Oho North cheol an Oaktan near Waukegan rd and those realdiog south of Haward st vste at the Sooth scheolan Fouhy ave sear Milwaukee Urge ail yaurfrleads lilogin our district te come eut sod vete dont forget yourself Eunice Warda Mrs Eunice Marte Wards s resident of Nilesfor the pant 13 years s seeking election to the vacancy ofnlles Sternentory SchoolDistrlct 71 Board la recent years there has nat been a hoard member wth as flexible a schedule enabling her to attend fuucdoea and acri nformatisa Whch she would disseminate to lier fellow board members Shots tharried todrfliomas Warda and they have 3cbllAmn David 12 ance l0and Suzetid 9 Ali 3 children are wesen R attending the District 71 school " A graduate of DO Paul University nelernentaryeducadan she has taught elementary school n this areafer 4 years Among her activities bave keen a two year torto as jresldent at the Hiles Eloniefltoryschools Northand South ParentToatber Asan room msther egislo dan Chalemai Corresponding secretary Budget and Finance cheminas nominating committes chairman Brownie leader of Troop 508 Presently she serving the Skokfe alley Council as their recording tecrot5ry th appreciation of faithful and devoted services rendered n behalf of children and youth Mrs Wards was awarded an Honorary ife Membership in the llloolo Congress of parents and Teachers She roqusste the support of all ambs nscheel District lard remladzdcemtherearo tviopolllng open from Ritli 10 Those living north of Hogrard vote at Hiles North School on Oakton; and those living south of Howard vote at Nifes South Sçhool on Touhy Duncan MacDOnald Dunces MacDonald s s aleg his first full term on the Nifes Schaal Board He was appointe ed last year to till the unespirad term when Mr ROdy Hill poesed away Matflaimld movedto Hiles n 1964e threeyearslaterhefeusd ed and s now president of the Ferentvlew Homeownern Assaciados A plant engineer or seven years MacDoneld feels that his knowledge and experience n this field will be of service to School District 71 Residente of District 71 are urged to vate on Saturday Apeil 10 from noon to 700 pm Residents north of Howard vate at North School 6921 Oaktos Residente south et Howard t South School 6935 vete a Touhy tibrarypleseflis Suie Harrand ThePretids of Nifes Piibiit ibrary n conjuncton with the Nifes Public ibrary District 1aestnta the final peoam of the season on Friday Apel! 16 at 8 pm at the librar Sulle Harrand a completo cant ofonewluperform Amoricas newest mllsltalhlt"1796" Martin Rubenstein brilliantatal versante dselst and chmpsser will accompany her Miss Narrend bas dans other great shows "Premises Promises" "Horne "Fu$5y Girl" just to nance a few has been called?a lovelygenli Who appears en the stage and creates abthe characters of the play be herse" Tickete are free but limited and can be obtained at the hrary upon request FURNACE HUMDFER WTH WHOE HOUSE AR CONDTQNNG ftound o nstall Carrier Model 38GF wholehouse air conditioning during thisoff season and you get a free Carrier49CA power humidifier completély installed to add healthful moistúre to your air during the heating season TAKtADANTAGt OFTH5 MTtDTMt OFFEROFFER DOES NOT APPY TO euotr SAES GOOD ONY UNT APR 15th FNANCNG AAABEEASY TERMS PHONE FRANK J TURK & So 7136 TOUHY1 NES Authorized Dealer s his BUg1 ThursdyApeil8197l PAY ESSGET MORE 2626 GOFROb MON UU WD THUg 9 9 MDAY S O satusea ill7 SSODATS 12$ APR 8 THRU WED APR 14 MESTER BRAU BOCKREGDRAFT 12i2oz CANS MGiE0B 6l2oz NO DEP BOTTES CASE OF 24 S5j9 PABST 6l2oz NO DEP BOTTES CASE OF 24 S379 CANADA DRY GNGER AE or WATER 4 NO DEP 28 OZ BOTTES NCUDES SC OFF ABE PHADEPHA BENDED WOFSCHMDT ODKA KAHUA ARGE BOTTE MARCA PETR CAPPEA NO PRMO of A FGURNES BUY AN TEM AT REGUAR PRCE BUY THE SECOND TEM OF EQUA PRCE AT HAF OFF Popoli 45 CARD &PARTYSHOP AWAYS A COMPETE SEECTON FOR YOUR EERY PARTY NEED 2626 GOF RD 89 FFTH 79 GA

7 procedure State BAKE lf ge Pag12 HAPPY EAS TER Thére is no hen that s anywhere near as deuil as electric heat Because other heats use a flame And a flame needs air Some of that air comes from the outside bringing dirt in around doors and windows Dirt that wouldn5 be there with flameltos electricheat And because youre noi drawing in that dry outside air you maintain a better humidity level So youre more comfortable Electric heat gives you a wide selection of heating systems Heating cables can be nstalled right in ceiling and floors You doni even know theyre there Sut youll be living cleaner and quieter And because the heat corneo from tht ceiling you can put your furniture anywhere you want it And theres ndividual room control The oame thing s true for baseboard heat lts installed where you need ii niast ike under windows and along outside walls where your ET& Happneso s dodlog out your highschool sweetheart 100ko 20 years older too "As caiidjdateo mectingi throughout thedlsirlct o pr! ete converoatioss with friends and neghbors and in the io formal door to door campalgniog which havebeguntheword s the aame wo cant afford any further bike in taxes Hal Schwar*y candidate for tho EaotMalne Dlocrictól Board of Educattoo made this ocote meat at a recent meeteg Tie continued bydeodliog ideas re gardlog the financial crunch currently beng faced by tour diobict and dlotr!cis throughout the otate ooe which m!ghr gut worse before t gets any heunr Schwartz noted that the first majortonk to face the two newly elected hourd members will be preparing the budget for the Upcomlog ochool year "For this rea000 fool that each of us (the three candidates for the two hoard posts) should fully room is coldest Again you get ndividual room control And then theres an electric furnace A furnace that has no flame so you get a cleaner more even heat And if you prefer hoi water heat you can even have a flameiess electric bolier Think about what youre heating with now the dirt noise and maintenance s 15 ali worth t? To find out which electric heat s best where you livê orplan to live contact your nearest Commonwealth Edison Office and ask for an Electric Heating ConsulianiCECo Commonwealth Edison CØcern for your lokl cnihronmen s DiSt candidates Hal Schwartz detall his positon Ñgardlng economico "Frst of all am opposed n the year ahead to a referendura district for the raising of tax rates The only hedge wili make on that stetèment would be an obvous need reuultlag from a tremedaus laiton of additonal pupos Then n the face of increá 5111g Costs formelntainlngaqua lity educatiooal programwhere would the additional money for runolis the system como from? lie anked "Frs; foul the stete will begin fulfilling the mandacegle en t n the new li000ls Con otlttition That meedate is con tamed lo the education article The State has the primary rth sionsibllty for flisanciog the system of public education "That to mo means 51 per cent of the cost at leaatcom pared to the Curreet 35 per cent And that to me means ròperty tax relief second thins the now procedaceo regarding tax aonesg monts as outlined by the Coonw The Assepsorn office will result io our receiving a good deal of found money money from persons and corporations in this area and outside which has been kept from us through speciafhsssmen and eecelled hardship redondons Schwartz emphaaized however that the longrange soliluso or deepeslng of ochool financial problems depends pri manly upon the State Milton F anger Milton F anger 7343 yons Morton Grove lllit4oa a Cou Cus backed codidhte for the Saut Moloc Schoolowict #63 School Board bsf been visitng the schools of the dlntrlcc Mr anger in isiting the schools bas attempted to determine the adminjatration andpollcy in each ochool Whore possible he has talked to principals teach ers nurses and secfeterial staff Tise teachers in reply to q000tjoon from Mr anger indicated varytog attitudes on clasoroom discipline grading and achievement oblectivos Generally Mr angiro atti tode toward elementary edocadon is that improved educational procedures should be adopted when t Can ht shown that the "newer" methods have advantage to the educational ad ancement of the districts studenis Milton F aoger s a candidate with experience n educatioa He teaches Geologyand other Physical Science subjects at the Southwesc College ose of the City Colleges of Chicago As an Msocjato Professor dnd department chairman he s nvolved with administrativo policy floanclui expendmes and educado As a matter of his position Mr anger has had to coonuel and dents and advise sto one of his greatest disapnntineo the apathetic preparation of the atudents for higher edscation The he said scadente have great difficulty in reading Wrltisgscience end of course mathematics Mr anger alooteaches agee logy program at North Park College where he presently s piaimhsg a field program Mr anger was eleccedmazj 27 Prealdent of fi National Asseciatlon of Geology TeachereCentral Section at th Oak FarkRjve Forent High School during the bastoeoo meeflo of the naejoaal conference Mr anger was previoeely ice President and program chain man for otte organization and was real»ssble for the three day program OPPN?d*ta! JSad4 EASTER EGG BREADS HOT CROSS BUNS 4ftft34( dm 13 W Drug Abuse Program Memoutul t f12 odilboid ane be"altoed for lea monthly rneengonmandey the forthcoming Card esdbunco nie affcile of Nilea Town ship woal4 hive the JbCte lleve that there is enly onequenotan to be answered et tite fowssblp Migual Meeting on April is endthátla Do you or do 300 itotwalit Drug Abuse Program in NUes TownaMp? The drug abuso program as enneuiced will nclude en cdiicatlonal campaign 8l tite CUte i1 treatment of drug uaera The admlnieuadve agency will be the TvmsbipYouthCommittee wsh the clinical services purchased from private agencies and paid forby uete lovied by the Township The eagues of Women o tors of Skokie and Morton GroveNOes believe there aro two edditional questloas co be answered before Niles Township Citizens vote on this ques tian They are (1) Can the township legally finid such a program? and C2) Have the altornadoes been thoroughly enplayed? The1ownsblp is not a "home rules imit of goue lt may only enter lstoprogralns specifically provided fo by Statute aetbe statutes ; n relating co TOwnship government utake no specific cuforenceto drug treennenc programs Cop Cakes on Saie Sàturday some one Come all to ureaferbake at the Bank of Nitos Tite Womens Auxiliary of the Nifes Police Department aaebakingtlieigown apecialtien tomeke thiabake aale a huge auccess Ourclsairman Rose Marie Msrgan says "youve Bled tse rest now y the best" Seo you all on April 10 from 9ap 12 pni 7lee 4é4c ÇT i ce i for the Y FOR EASTER J P44 54* r ARNGTON HEGHTSBERÇEY 1741 East Contrai Rd ïiciip & SAE ik çan AQMT2 CP& SAE SCHCK NJECTOR NJECTOR BADES Tir aue NJEW 70z M1Ø1 MORTON GROE 5813 St Charles Rd 9218 N Waukegan Rit SAE DATES APR 8th ThRU APR 14th ZiCP& SAEi $167 alue _i RGHT GUARD SAE 78c 100 COUNT 9C RAZOR SPECA PUS PATNUM 7 MT SAE 66c 63c CP & SAE TAS DRY CONTRO $149 alue SAE 80c69C eeqmt 2 TAMNC TAMN C NATURA FORM$j 250 mg; ea 100 Tablets! botie0 itamn E s3 ÑATURA FORM 200 Unit Capsules 100 Capsules per bottle We Reserse the Right to imit Qùantities and Correct Pricing E0u1 MÍNO DAE AND MORTON GROE BEEDSCOUNT ß 9218 N Waukegaí Roäd _wsh YOU A J 0 ThESds Aii O i es wsp Aigri 12 at 8 pmin the last Peilyto be held ón Armil 23 adminlutet ire no provsions ial health progrten even UmS OT7 unporuant stinco sue 507_057 uay cercee and oath Committee to cod to drug ubus by ysuth ing as officela for the comiog Poppy Day Cake and coffeewill minder the Youth Committee year woo " c eewoaha melur C buflu would involve an extremely the admielareation of mod cal or mescal health jirogramo eee Township Committee on Youth meet cooperate with the Uhisois Youth Commission (now the llinola Department of Correction) n developing programs te pre st joven 11e delnquency and may develope such programa of its ovil Youths served aro underliyearsofage the Township wishes to subsidize the medical meatment of asy resident it meet set up a health deportment or Public Health District NOes Towaship has neither of these comprehensive pik lic health programs Neither program would allow tos Township to condor mental health serviceo "rho Towaship cannot setup mental health facilities nor contract with other agencies te secsmo mental health sesvices Wilcos the proposal la approved by referendum 0flre are noatalutoryprovisions by which the Town ship migliòbiaisutafe match ng funda for a program handied under the auspices ai the oath Committee To place a medical amid men egion Auxiliary Meeting KRSPY RO SHOP 7633 Milwaukee Nues EASTER AMBS BUNNES CHCKNS POUND ÇAKE and ; TÑOETES Mr tt 0 s Welfare Chairman of the Mortoo Grove finit #134 of the Americait egion Auxiliary will mayees her pinar ttnoxtsseeka session Banes Cities chief uf Clinical service and a socal worker of the Orchard Mental Center The Aotdllary meeting le open catho public lt will take place at B pm Ttesday April 13 at the Momerial Rome 6140 Dampoter Presiding will be Mrs Hes mas Hack Unit president broad nterpretation of the law lt is doubtful that ths totorprecstlen would include "tme bringisg of a comprehensive mental health program to Nosa Townshif as announced by Township Supervisor Mr John Nimrod es March lo it seems clear however that the Yóuth Committee couldcon duct educational programa dealgood to prevent drug addleeton the schools municipal youth commssions0 private agencleo and tse media are al Swady engaged n this activity The eague of Women oters believes that there should be clarification et the rolo the Township wll play in this pro gram the legal basis fer im fm!llset and a compiere study lt Uhi Sltlrnallyc Sa ease eiot Oia ob m em Colònial Funeral Home 6250 MWAUKEE; AE SP Joseph Wojciechowski & Son HOURS Daily 10to 9 pm SatUrday 10 to O HAPPY EASSER 3 FNE STORES TO SERE YOU \ Anti Perspiran* $119 alue SAE 50e 65c \ AQUANET0r JUSTWONDERFU s a CHOCEOFSCENTS &HODS GOZ ea mpedal Sloe dldlmt 6QQs0dldl4 HAPPNESS FOAM4NHAR rs fl Now n 2 New Shades loshadestoch000e ; $250 t139 alue WE NOW HAE DET SUPPEMENTSAT OW BEEPRCES Ç SYNTHETC FORM 500 aig ea 100 Tablets per bottle o TAMN PRÖTEN ÇAPSUE» 26 Amino Acids 270 Capsules per bottle

8 happened written the willing Anyway ÄUP0s lòtion roer premiums MG Russ Storta Dalloy OPEN ; 3ftBmîm P$OPE WHO know 00 TO GOW" MAN E*NES BRANCHCHCAGO 4388 MWAUKEE C PBEEPCKUP& DEERY GOW CEANERS 000 Ockt n a a ipriflg flowers beautifully arranged in a wicker basket with a "liftour corsage Delivered Aiywhcre from 12 SPRNG NOSEGAy la wear jo b Eau Parnle Nsp«N rnernv i _ ttor syto CilAitci 0900 W 10429G URThUrsyAr18191l Y PANTS GOiDeOrflfr1ß 991i299 U1119Mi UOdPSdl UtpSweCaa!301 4S2$OO Sminariu a 33 1 AUOC Nothing R For Nothing ate ow C081 Housing DearMr Eóseer am a student Dear Mr Beseer at NUes Coi ; th Ubp htc3l a lege and 1m1n my aenlor wai ama2lyoaromse or easy to condemn buroing of i recently read your editoria losulking of schools oven miner demeostrations ligo cim tak grd4 for in The Bugia on the lthof t wa i very March and thought t should seajead The articlewasverywe have Just finished 01lD 0f Won orgliiat se ofotrife and belief but seldom "b0 YOUrartice en "Blase and oese same people able w co u 6 m *1w Wm9 eubo1nusj and Cost very fair to Nit Housiog" ther own worst violènce of which w jc who gu 0Wed for aibrarg B1asa both n prig tossed out to our entire a 4 st mild wosa out md wrkd ma ritlcibm i thlnjc dent bod you took a i would very m och erl Courageous riand aand and you like to thankyeu for tot ownverygodl ieg Reiar you hrn deserve Praise and ouppr for 1ecedeiice to the value of hu They not onlyrejeccthe aw GmEldag t do with lt Th Ba$lg what you did man bengs over the good ow and ma hut even destroytboir ladlia tarta a dcei modraio ncome housiog yors pocket book seo have lead humanity hie problem for asid aiw t ro Es Bendai the suburbs and discussions in the for Catholcpa them s that less and less will lttd ato atll worki Thy that matter n the city and jebes in NUes for they he ablicohdetoremy the past 4 riaed much of 0ar)there f more oop yearsand have lived lnarec themselves from their own ra as and with tue help d Nileg Dsy wese willing co o tory (Precious Blood up asid church clam Because seos they will fiind we can thus aleak out for Justice Congress and Westerri and equaldufng have co either face this racism thorn and no the vflloge fag ty for ali the Summer for the ast3ye manyjnij and notlust ars orbe destroyed by it ou UJtr4/ lia ibrary btch end to say the baut find few For the propo who scream about their ec000mic ed aeporatoly fromthe wople who share yourvlew 5 00nditoiis Periisluwewouidpro out thel Christianity and thelt Ca here greso dont mean that For speaking that vime thiuulam in Nues and every ooí8e in the suburbs doot Reap9CtfUy You and confronting people to where else can nay nothing have a Mario StUc right to want to human let alone Christian but 1 atto ashamedmy only an n prorec their tl1onmerri liamos thank you find lt for which they have very s_ s that believe that tito Norked very hard but co see people so closed r00 true Chriotianjoy the aw of thatthejz 111founded fearo narrow and so very Otreng are not a ha is ove my charch teaches has not Os fer the rejection of thos ow type et violence yetbeen trled hopetoheip another Fhoy are leute comanklnd tothemsely tryit not reasons to condemn Blacks and ootoo and àpeclaiiy to Cod We are Thachyou again for speaking outand hope you gheupo are sbeco nearest sanctuary and n the article that wer continue your belief with gave Mr stretlgtli Biaoes explanation there are manypoiir i find yatjd But disagree wth him en the premse that property valuto will go down just because ri ow or moderate ncome bore ng Tite reason this has n the ast s because it has almostaiways haplened on the fringes of ghettos or!iecaio the whlios ran to the pj to allow their hous0s to he aold cheaply by panic peddlers and real citate agents The good point lithe raises s that the federal government should help nsure the iropars uy valses of the middle and upper income poople with some sort of promise hut ooly 1f they remain within the neighborhood for a slgnijicaig length of timo Mother point though that Blase neglects n that quite possibly eope will htve no piace tp run to f they build low and moderate income hous ng hi all subiwban areas The only thing they could do then would be to huy a farsi But fkst theiederaigovernmentw have to tug off the fonds to suburbs co make them realizo diii ts for rea Congratulatinos on a veri fine editorial ànd beep up the gond work Slncerely Richard West NUes College 7135 N Harlem Ave Chicago llinois Tränkina To Whom it May Concern Two months ago i had ver baby resignedaszndvice Pros lient of the CiUzens Party and it was much to my surprise that saw my named listed on the pirtys stationery used in recent villgewide mailing This has created a falso m pression with my many friends throughout the village; and want eveyn to knnw that i ato not an Officer or member ct You[ove our OPEN A DAY EASTERuN Faturing Pouce Michael lniger Need For mprovémenf DearBnd As a candidate for the NUes Pick District recognize the fact that there is agreat need for improvement n our Park system n the paso promises have been made and not snot Quentimm aoked h1 the taxpayer but nevèr answered For Example Why was a firm cootracted to build the Recreation tento on Ballard rd that had no prior experience in recreation faciliclés? After much time loss the firm was replated by soother more competent (9) contrat tor but atan additional coat of approxmately $3$o00000 t the taxpayer Why had there not been a more thorough nvestigo ten as to the more exparioncj contractor n the first placo? Why w a park promised in Jonquil Terrace that has ootyet Resignation support them nthe upcoming elsiofinn enoorne one canaldacy of the mprovement Party Can didaces Marty Ashman Ed a Brice and Dick }lobs and will REGUAR MENU Selection Plus the following spècials BAKED RGNA HAM; rujt suoce $425 ROAST EG OF AMB mint jelly $495 PRME RB OF 8EEF Aujus $550 Complete diners dessern beverage Relervatloos suggested for grouge of more than four people ; park site by thé estrailer camp? The casipayer is ntellgent nough to nodorgtitd any 0mbf theádzetfs Party nor will TiriwishtQ atatothag warb for their election tw dlmensjoé eñcoiw erytrjyyonm mare people to take eonand Trankino Of 9339 Overhiii f the Patkamsadvantage éod ts acilitins For example Why Morton Greve ot an aut mechanics Class RESTAURANT MWAUKEE; C lawyer Keep up tle oodwdrkl 1 refec to your editorial on low income houslttr You mahe a paroon who works 12 hours i day to pay his hills i sucker fool like MS si doctor or other onoiooa mane if lila wech week ends t 40 hauts yet Pve ksìown1eo P!e who refute to wbrk over foily hours a week because that is enough time to waste workingtheyve gotalotof liviñg co do first Whlle were givieg themtheir choice of *hereto live they willilse nèedtwo çars mean n suburbia thti the only way to gol No need to charge them insurance remitttre let us suckers pay iugio iniurançe to oneco Ourselves from thosewho feel depivetf While were at ltwhy flot throw free pas000 tolt swimming eolo and free books for their school children Mr Beone ve always had a rough time gering a Job To some being colored lx their Croon with me fts being pity sicelly bandicapped Soista ted my own busineoe iti0 years age began scrubbing floors and washing windows call t a menial job that even the people They leek Onwelfarodontwant down on f Wo not the easiest way to earn a butk but its honest lve worked hard for everythi lve got live n NUes and bave a beautiful homeone that ces afford! (although do oes some bornes n Park Ridge which Woiddot mind havingi) This reminds mo of a story abolit a little child who went to the store with hin mother Uponleorning thathio mother was net going to buy hirn any candy the child began to try He tried and lepo on crying until his mother gave n sod bought 1dm sorno candy The moral of the story Q and keep crying someone will come along and get t for you" Proof Kotsirin 8137 Plold Do NUés matoajalinod nor en explanoclon given os to why not? Why hoi the Park District Waited toys years t? bi4ldi hanges &idfor lmprovemeoj Now programs shuuld be dded totbe presej cutrlctr r thé girls driving today there is need for them a to be able to handle any and e olsiust nver morgeos that mey arise oubio with b a flat tire car iwatoo fuel pimp de lo a Sorted aree may te canin hys ria to moat lady drivers m nçe more p0_roots would relax hic if thoy werg coofg oir dstjghters ti could handle mselves and their automn bu io n ais Why nota ut program on nu thon notcookmmboel Wth the peseut Ofl organic f0j trend on health mine vimmm rals C the ktchen has orne more ofa ha oeklng a science boratery und There are ioma doors to open astrology beauty cutue gardeni etc DEENO WORDS discus my geai Mitcerely W1llkm (BJ) Keener Candidates Nile Park _mim_ a Aetty aids allinaiow Roger adim the director who uncovered Brigtte Bardot Catherine Deneuve and Jano Fonda now brings you the American high sthtol girl and Rock Hudson Storto Friday April 9 lo Golf Mill i Rated R Art GUild Plans A Critique The MortonGrove Art Guild lo extending a welcome to au those interested 18 years and up te jots The sont meeting will be a critique held on Wedsesday April 14 at 830 pm lo the Mansfield Park fieldhouse 5830 Church st Morton MorTon Grove HA R EMD EM PST ER STRTh FRDAY WAT DSNEY BAREFOOT 2 EXECUTE es John Wayne le5ad? MA thee DAl G EXTRA TREAT MCKEY MOUSE wrencewood Oakton Waukegan tärpór1 G Nominatedfor 10 Academy Awards SattiSun Mon Thurs 7t Members and guests may bring o personal work 05 art to be dlscosond and evaluated by two professional artiste as well as the audleocethis month Fiery and Nofln Siegel well known MortonGrovo sollst will lend the pro GOF M Starts Frl Apr 9 RATED R Rocio Hudnon Angie Dickonson PRETTY MADS A N A ROW WEEKDAYS 6tO SAT & SUN HEATS Fri Apr 9 BOTHRATED R Dyan Cannon 2 "DOCTORS WES" PUS Elliott Gould OE MY WFE Kiddie Show Saturday Matinee CHTrY CHTFY BANG SANG 0200 MWAUX FA 200a SO ST THE liest N TOWN! OHARE CONCORD UNCHON DNNER MERNGS RANOUES WEDDNGS ACCOMODATONS TO 550 ENTeRTANMENT BYTHE THRE TWNS MANNHEM AT HGGNS TEE ThàBugle dedayt871 WaynèNewnStari aimill Run Danny Thomas Heads Benefit Thomas headlines the opening night benefit for the "ASAC" (Aid et eukemia Stricken Chldren) Fousdaldon Friday Aprii 23 8 pm Mill Rus Theatre n the Golf Mill Shopping tenter Corner of Golf rd and Milwaukee ave Nile The premier performance of the DannyThomao Shswhao been hought out by the ASAC organ zatlon to raise funds te Aid of eukemia Stricken Children ht St Judos Reuearth hospital of Memphis The entire hospital complex was cr rounded by Chicagos then CardisalGeorge Strttch and Danny Thomas who made the hospital and its goals his lts time ambition while hewao porforming at the theo 5100 Club Tickets fot this performance which are tax deductible are priced at $15 and $25 can be obtained from Ticket Chairman Betty Shaker 44 W Mad! 500 Oak Park Mi AUKEE WANE NEWTON00e of Amcottas great acterolngers will isouguatê the opening ei the Spruog ocasos at the Mill Run Theater Nues His Concert epgagemeot at this intimate theaterntheround atarte on Tuesday Apoll 13 and continues through Sunday April 18 WZflRD SATURDÑ SUNDAY 100 PM $150 Special rowe lqr uroups of a or more Phono l 1ll iili e Worlds reatest HOT DOG NESF 930 AM TO 1236 ST u P GHT li ODTHRU SUNAPR 11th U U CPTHSCOUPON U RU R u GODENFRED FOR ONY 12 PECES GÒEN FRED chicken a_ 1B F1ENG FRES REG COE SAW u SAiS 6 DNNER ROS WTH HÇNEY q U 2 REGUAR $475 a 9 U WTH THS COUPON a OFFER GOODTHRU SUN Nues APR 11th Carry E Out For Quick Pickup Or Eat Here! Col MWAUKEE Ui1U *U mu*ap a

9 EDSON uns Genoral Page16 The Bugle Thursday il Doris Sòpkiñ Seeks ReEiectioñ Dorio Sojdn present careful Pate all n positive secretary of the Board of Trus dlfeellons" said Mrs Soydn tees of Oakton Contnwilty Col Oneofthegreaecewur lege is seeking reelection on offered at Oakton s Called lui April "The school nian potential" semnar Here ba moved altead at a fast and the etudents are drected to fnd OPEN TONGHT_ ME STOP MDNGHT O ON YOUR 1 This yearget smorti Dont burn the BOTH midaight oil worlying with tax flguret FEDERA Why not let BOCK fig ore your return quickly STATE dependably and insure; ) you of maximam baselita? Drop in todoyl Youll be gad we ot togothar GuAaANvu We Scanna secaran prparonjaíjl every no return ti w malta any errera that coot tau any penalty n iitaatt we will pay that penalty a intureat HsR we would even sing for our dinner! co their slreegtiis and build a loshive self im Jnet laotweeknd Oaktonhad its premicedrama prenentotlon Two oncact ploys directed produced and acted by Ookton students There s no drania department ordramaticteochej at Oakton This grew eut of otudalit laiftiative At tte moment one of oor kig concerns bus been MS Sop kins personal concern lor a year i hs lo lti ijef St e k J j stele &osuon t ti petad porho giohlerno Wo lnrssof*ln bave sufficient parkng spocen for this years enr011mentwltich s just under 1000 students Next Sali tters will be 2500 hdre Mrs Sopithi bof olertedmayor Bode of Morton Grove to net what help lt available onoto villane taunt The tsr believe lles n die foimutloi of a moss AMERCAS largest TAX SERCEWN HiER S000OFCES ann1t disblctmáy or Smith of Skokle lthe chaisman of the Masn lronnjt DESPANES 556e M PARK Commttee and be t owaxe Sirens 8707 Narttwai Highway of Oaktons upcomingslcuauoj Mrs Sophie feels lier mujer GENEW ARNGTON HEeTs l3oswackanttaad S Wagt Campbell Cirait contributions to the board lie in ber knowlege of the junior AATNE a3no NES Nattweat Highway college educatlnn program und n49 Nodi Miiwoakar Aya inovemenb her concocts with Weekdays 99 Sat 8 Sun Q and tsxpayers through und other civc urgan1zotlons n riuntmcnt NECESSARY her rapport with tte Oak ton focnity and their thnking aer atuve rete in tuer Youre Sure jofud What You Want Righ1llere Wfth Us!! (FWEDONTHAET WEGETT) ThE AREAS ARGEST AND M0S2 compete PET CENTER PROuE )Oß EE ST F Pl AÑ «YOURDOGCOMESWTHOUR 10 YEAR REPACEMp PoucYt Hastet Suadáy 12 t o pm Wenkàpu82fe9p E &AGONOUN DjSta n an addrrs to thegolf School flcabrtnebart 9242 Mormora Morton Grove caedldate for Township School luntee who was endorsed by the High School Oitrjc Cautas for election this Sotos y April 10 lsted the various dutle f a echnol mistee as follows 1 The three ulm teen as a corporate entity bold litio to all school huijpe and building sites WthU the 514f1 2 Oversees the town blp schotl tiensurors offices whom they appolot 3 Ar responsible ferallfimdssecu tiles and disbursements of all Book Sale On Aprl and 24 the Priends will hold their annual barrel yf btoks Sale at the i brary Paporbackcblldtet and adokbtoks will go Cn nalefrem 79 pm on Aprl 22 and 23 andtoiii 10 ain to 2 pm on April 24 The barrel still bus room for ony honks yno may wish to contribute to tbls tule lt1is located soar the chldrens ibrary uncheon The Frjend Nehärt 219 Candi of Nues Bublic ibrary will hold their annual thrary Weekuncheonon April 21 at 12 noun at the ibrary Thoso whø hove received in %1taUons are School prmnclpaln librarians and patroits of the Friends They will be fomiliar zed with the new equipmentand books which the library boo oc qufred Easter Party The Friends of Nlles Public ibrary s p±eeanter forty for the children of the pce school niory hoer ne Tuesday MarC 30 The children wore entertained with engynnnaa then Oeatod to ie cream and speclul Euster cookies Each child received an Easter ban ket mudè by the Friende choir men of this event weremru Raymond Sbussou and Mrs Pblp Bergeroo What happens Wiftfl qouie oftë $16 forqour$22 pile of ashes? You lake ii t youjioverit lntrensed your home nsoryo to keep pacewon nflaton This is the kind ot probem you could face lt you bought andlnuueattyuur bemolar $00000 in 1963 See me to find out f your homo n lnuued for ta full atge llt tell you about a towcon State Faon Homeownam Policy that wilt meure your home for att irs worth and keep il that wayiittg oulomatic nflation Coverage school distends wltbi9ttb41t9o;9 ship 4 Mahe annual reports to the state Covering tite receilt and disbursements afilie tow_p ecbool treasurers fice Nehort further went on go say that n the lastncbool yenrend ed Juno a total of $ was received led reinvested with the result that ovar $ in nterest was earsed and returned ta the school districts Tng candidate concluded by urging everyone to vote between the hours of 12 noon and 7 pm at the usual elementary school district poll locations Dist 219 School Trustée Candidates Three longtime residents et Niles Townnblp bave heno eisdursed for election as Schuol Trootees by thefl tiiatricc 219 Coleus Mr Norman SchlcloAid Mr Robert Gonteor are built ncumbents while Mr Albert w Neburt Jr inneclthig bis first term ustruuteelogetber they represent 79 yearsof rs idence in thecommun4ty Caucus Charman; Mrs Dnris Welter otacedi "After the inter viewing of many cutididoten by both the ncreenng committee und general rnetnbersm tho Coucou selected three candid aten who aro not only soccess fol hunlnesnmenij uctive and interestedmembers of ourcorn mualty We feel they ore etloently qoalitied tusemejo these important psitions" Regular nclionl district pull ncubons will be open Saturday April 10 from noon until 7 pm unchèon mo Planning Committee for the Sprfeg Sajod uncheon and Fanbion Sbow are Mrs Eva Meyer Mrs Sally Prim hirt orrains Bartlett and Mrs rene Mien This gala event will be at St John utheran Church oudtmime 7423 M waultee ave Nuca en April 14 at neon Call for tickets at or Bill Southern 7942 W Oakton St Nilqa STATE FARN PRE and CASUATY COMPANY Hemt flhe ns*u tn HEP WAÑTEDTFÉMAE HEP WANTED FEMAE ASSSTANT DRE OR OF NURSES New piaition for experienced and renyónsible RÑ in a convalescent core facility (115 beds) Mme bave llinuto license Pleatant working conditions win e negotiate salary and relocation For further intorno don please call Mro Powell oc (414) ext377 SECRETARY EXECUTE We are a leading correspondence schuul which pin nently bo an oponiog fpr an executive sacretory with at least 5years experience Some previous exponence in working for a department hood olong with some personnel experience pryferred We offer free boupitolization und life insurance Pieuse contactt G KRO ADANCE SCHOO NC CAFETERA 800 am230 pm opaniagfor wqmanloaery in nur cdoarh Meals and unifeme pi lent company aseflis n cluding paid holidays lad vacillas group nsurance and Profit Sharing Trust Fund CONTAClMSS BYRNE TT Harper nc0 N WRG AE MORTON GROE O S4 N $4100 AO Equal Opporusmjiy Employer HOSTESS Nights Pull or part time HACKNEYS Onake PA _dy inthcauafter HEP WANTED MAE or FEMAE SalOs Peronno and Baker ght wonk in verypleaaant donut shop Working boucs 11 pam to 7am Either phone or visit parsonelly DUNKN DONUTS 8080 Milwaukee Ave NES STUDENTS ooking for por lime work after achool??? f you bave a pleasant gitons volcó and Can work from 330 to &30 give mn o cahll ParkRldge lilinoit or An Equal Oppurttndty Employer WATRESSES Days or sigles Full or part time HACKNEYS Ooake PA BEAUTCAN WANTED Pull Time b Part Tima Peuse coli or STUFF ETTERS into already addressed stamped enveleput supplied you fice Pays spare tizne bomeworkers $200 and up per hour No experience needed Cent of Starting Kit $200 Prepad DFD 3320 Huntington Rd ltert Wayne ndiana HEP WANTED MAE APPY NOW! MACHNE SETUP MAN SrdSHlPT 12 AM to8 AM TOPPAY BRNEFrS COMENORCA MR FYNN A#r FASTENER COMPANY 4100W CTORA chcago An 541cl Opportunty Employer Full Time Maintenance Man Ptior farming or niais texanes euperietice raquired Nibs Pack Diatrict HEP WANTED MAE HEP WANTED MAE CEMEtERY OTS FOR SAE MMEDATE OPENNGS We ore leaking for Cooks to work n our Family Style Reotaurunt SERCE STATON MANAGER NUes area Must be 25 years or oidor Call B x271 for apiiomntmnnt BUSNESS OPT NDUSTRA ENDNG ROUTE Pull nr part time No selling justrentock andcollect 85 stelo available will separate Mr Bonns KEY MARKETNG 505 N osado Chi BUSNESS SERCES ENJOY A COMPANY BENEFTS AFTERNÓON A EENNG SHFT u PAD ACATONS e HOSPTASURGCA NSURANCE FE NSURANCE s FREE MEAS 000D PAY floaeppoitwtity whit o grawieg company RED BAOON COFFEE HOUSE 55ERandtaod OsePhinu Guatem Made Draperies arge Seenden et Fabrica Expert Workmanship Call For Free Estimate HEPNG HAND SAAGEBUREAU Free PickUp Service Clothing T Siseen Ruga Wringer Washers Coucbes Furniture RefrigMaurnsues isd Misc tems KE ANDSCAPNG ANDSCAPNG AWN MANTENANCE SPRNG GEANDpi POWER RAKNG $2495 Spring Spaçll Seed and fertilizer Dali oared andspead Free rol andaeratlegc11 PHONE Apply to Mr Jatk GnoM The Bugle nradya1r BUSNESS SERCES ANDSCAPNG SERCE SAM BROTHERS ANDSCAPE COMPANY Complete landscaping ser vice spring cleanup power raking monthly lawn maintenonce evergreens pruned or plapted oodding seeding rock gardens weed killing rotetilling Black soil by the yard or load or for free estimates PANTNG DECORATNG MANE DECORATNG NTEROREXTEROR PANTNG PAPER HANGNG QUAifY WORK FREE ESTMATES CAiASTER 00PM JOHÑ ORES REMODENG General Contractor Carpenter KiTCHENS EEC figoms BASEMENTS OOM ADDTONS DORbERS All Trades Quality Wórkmannbip Bnodad&bmured ß2S2556 law CONSTRUÓØN Ridgewoed Cometary 6ltts excellent acchen 12Sopei fice all$1200ooerbesioffer Call after 610 pm FOR RENT Hiles 5 room office for rent $145 month ncluding heating 6 ar condtioning FOR SAE 6string folk gutar with new oct of ntnings $25 Call and ank for Donau Small size cbilds violin very rennonoble Xi8 SmimJg Pòol and filter $100 completo Picone call any Macbite Elecnnic Wasblng parmenent nass cycle 2 water temperatures Working Condition $ Hospital Bed manual full adjustable coolfoin with aide rails matteess with vinyl cover excel condition$!25er best offer 286 acres of land n Ari zona 20 mnutes fromfltc osa Aristas $7O50ertake over payments with $0000 down Call OST a FOUND ost Male gray cot wearing red cation tic Oakton & Ozark on 3/3O qiilds_ let Call Brown & white collie lost week of March 20 flair Oaktoa&WaabingtonNlles Name "Collie" bas akin condition Chlldrana pet Reward MUSC NSTRUCTON Piano Guitar Aclordlon Organ & oice ypvae ns structions bome or suidlo Classc E pupilar musc Ricbord Giannone PERSONAS READER & ADSER Advise on famuyaffrs baablest marriage Call fer apre er come to 9222 N Greenwuod Ave Actnb fiom Gulf M Sbnp 019g Contar Mes PETS FOR SAE EASTER TME S PUPPY PiPiE Overloøpagplennd actually all breeds puppy CORRA 9755 Wand AveFraelt lin Park 4S KedgieCblcago Heurs Daily PM io 9 FM Sauirds Noon to 8 PM Sundays Noon to 6 Rol OST PET OET SAMESE CAT Mile COS4200;N Ceurtlind Drivé REWARD $5000 call

10 AUTHORZED STEWfiRTWRRDEJ cuts air Conditioning còsts Yor leoi than the coot of moot window unito Stewart Warner can air condition your entire bôme Tine oimple economical summer cooling oysters imtalla quickly thé condenase outoiàe and The cooling roil eight lnyour pretent ductwork You simply set the thermostat and the StewartWarner system delivctn cool dehmoidified tutored oir to every FREE SUREY cull todoy foro free survey and netimate Youll be surprised at the low coat of StewartWarner air conditioning WAYS HEATNG SERCE AR CONDTONNGGASO Kl j Jiccoupigge Class Thls owlng the Nues Park terisla The course includes District will conduct a ogrdm insreuctlon in dgig cutting n did srl øfdecoupagelases antiquing painting on glass will be held on Thursday even lining beseaere lntbe begin lngs from 730 to 93Om for suera C001SOe each participais e five weeks beginning Azil n will work on three sojécm; s through May 2 at the Gremios gioqun a basket parso and s s i Heights Annex 8255 Oketo box Th isistructorfortho class Decoupuge is s creating art 15 MS Cantaora who bas coilin which you uso leverai two ductod classes n decoupage st cesses ongh as staining and varlois nervice instltuuons si antiquing infinlsdnyarlda SOP as giving iwivate lessees at her house She ban worked with ddw art medium for ais years slid s moot skilled at it Registration for the class is iiow being taken et the Patk Oftice 7877 Milwaukee ave from 9 am to5jmonmon day through Friday and from 9 to 0000on Saturday The feefor the five week 500alon s $5 for residents of the Park District sua $10 for nonresidents Por furiher nformation i1cann cañ k $ i i FRUT Camp MorGro Camp MorGro still has a few vacances for six through twelve )ear old boye ond glrls The camp ls located in the heart of Morton Grove Act Mlles include swimming cano log horseback riding cookouts archery riflery crsfts nature ntudey field tripa a family affale sod many other The counselors aro ali highly qualified n fact practically all of tiom have college degreeg Many of them keen been with the camp for sev6éàl years They icnnw how to enceurags fon n s oafe and enjoyshle manner Bus service s provided for Morton Grove Park District Residents Do not miss this opportunity! Registration s limited 1oradditionol infsrmatlen call the Morton Céove Park Districtof fico or stop n for registre Happiness s finding out the dull couple y o u obsoletely BATS TO llae to yow next arty s going away on voeu TEAK ANUT OOD MANY OTHERS OW AS each META STANDARDS BRACKETS N 5 COORS We hive Just received an mps notfce from Carrot ft5 Peter Cottontail win be visiting the NUts PC District on Apsll 10 and will be the special guest at our 500$al Easter Party The festivities will take place at Grennan Heights 8255 Oketo at 1 pm arious egg bimte and gamea have been planned for youngsters oges 313 Przes eggsters will be owarded to the "Chamf Peter Cottontail s looking forward tp meeting and talking with all the little folk He ban bssketsgaloro full nf for all the youngsters treats Dont puss up the chance to see "Peter" n parsec You will be surprised to see hew Blgu they 01 the country Pion to attend grow bunnies n this part Any youngster age 443 may be homemade andconetructed Participate We are searching by the participant 3 for unique and You may celte bonnets use any materials; an well as Enoter Bunny hate paper sty rkfoam flowers and escs Uso yarn etc 4 yourlmaglnatgon Sonnets must be and got busy constructing received slbe your maotepjoe Park Office 7877_ Milwaukee All bonnets will ave by 4 be judged end returned en Priday Ap tô their nl 9 5 Prnt owners at the cod nf the Easter your name ase Party grade sod phone snicker The following on a sf0 the slip of paper and attéch t to rules to be followed 1 De the bonnet 6 lricca wil signe and make and decorato be awarded byage and Easter Bonnet 2 groups 7 Thees Judges will consider tire bonnet (buse original loclltded)must lp Céestjvosesp and fleetness Golf Mainel Summer Day Camps Registration lo now being has 3 taken for the Golf Maine Park sessone Pe s $10 fòr Districts Sommer Camp each 3 week session Session Program ThreeFoo 1 begins June 22 terms July9 year old Session $2 begns Camp s offered on MWP from July 13 tent i to 12 at Mark Twain and July 29 Session ft3 begins Aug Shelly Nathansen aleo 3 tenu Aug 19 The objective fromi to 3 et Mark Twain of this pregram s on MWF and growth to provide on rlh frein 10 to 12 at Mark opportossjueo and max Twain Pee is $10 for mm recreation n the follow hp/f two week and $7 fon areas mnsic; crafts sparts T1h two week session (ex tennis badmnton) outdoor Sension f/i begins June 21 tenu living physical fjtee55 end one July 2 Session $2 hegiss trip oath session (ox;oldilnaun July M) 5 lbsu July 16 Sesson ft3 be gins Joly 19 tno July 30 Seo 4th Ste and 6th grade camp is offered on TTh sioo #4 begns Aug 2 tern from i to Aug 4 at Dee 13 Wthin the two bout sod Emerson Park pariod Tide \pregnorn the children willbeworklngwlth s 3 weeks n arts and crafts for their leogixend has S sessions Fee level nature studies ago is $10 fon each 3 week session rhythm Soosloes bands quiet and active games begin and end on the special events some dates as quoted aboyo playground at Zncand for tt!iileodr5m5tics55d one trip 3rd gradecamtbin par session (ex Pioneer Park) prugram will nclude crafts Refreshments will be musir oports (em provlde olleyball by the Park District tennis) Okllledlostrngdon ope cisl events outdoor living ebd FiveSix sear old ramo in one trip each oesolon (ex Pion offered on Mutt from0 oj eau Park) ; at Mark Twain and Shelly Namoot ohow bfrt$ ceititicates at AU 3 4 S apd 6roar oms thanson Feo s $15 for each two week 5000m efl time of roglstratio Registre tien for all sessions wiij be oui as quoted abnv for throo a ffrot comefleet oerve basis year old camp Activities for Each 0005lon bao a limited cui this age level will nclude phy rolinmaut anti s clouio date for sicalflteeso arts and crafts accegesoce e twgi5tratiop dramotics music playground activities5 Fb1sorml will be coispaoed natutentudis ope of adults andynang luits who cia ven sparts ottilled assist tite iay $smpe games contests and oume btts Petticipate in rescideg the trip a session (ess incoinpauk objeniiveo of the otst peognanso0 Zoo) Refj wlllbegio will have groper export vided by the thdie Esci cbapacer ebd child lo to bring s sack lunch pacaoty t mor thantime everagc 2ndSod gradecmpisotgeimtu panooe Por fiwtht lnfonmnan on TTh from to 4 ;t Dee Please contjôt the end Emerson pngjt Thio Park Dia potei tenet s 9229 EmneroonDgs?9ufl$B3we lui lenthttpnbg297300o ÏrÓm the teft HAND lic ibrary situated thereqhho were the id lots who decided to jolt io on Oaktoô access from hejroflcowood a disaster area itself? the only thin& lo close prenimity thot wao built tetre 15 time Park District bsulldlngwhat wen up thora originally?s gas station with sleeplog qùarters ovarthrtroad truck dniverutha only we could convince on the illage Buord n those days was Johnny Poescid New isgajn we have a Riles illage election forthcoming with how many pendas and independents run slog? When will our illage aver rise to the uastoo and run a uoited party to offset the ncumbents n pwar? The Blase machine s nemln1font of the Stankowicz comhlnodlvide and cooquer Split the vete among all these geod lsteotiolwd candidates and comolidate the Bluse power base The Cosd Guys" lose t remember when Blase wonted to be ogalo Continued from Pigé 1 President of the Jefferson PTA no he could further bis political ambition but we won that round However must admit he did bis job well wbeo be ousted the púrty lo power and brought the AAMERCA title to Hiles but now the illage s just a springboard toblgger and better things for him Weeder when some civic minded group is gelog tohold an "Appreciation Day" for tnt woodenful Nibs Public Works Dept? lve seen these gayo on Sundays Holldoyo s all kinds of weathor winter sod sommn do a magnificent job Theyre the best in the USA running a close second to them s that wooderful Pire Dept AnywaycQntlnued soccess and beep pitching foot and mulde kv Reate Newport Beach Cat Poster Board Election OtloOedfrom Pago t Contestants Nllesl thmtasmacd000ld 7725 Nordica Nues sod Howard Seslin Nitos Buganln and Mec Dooald aro both ncumbents Mro Eunice Wards 6840 Dobsen NUes is seeking a twoyear unexpired term DSTRCT 64 Three vacancies to be filled os school báard Candidates are incumbent Df Jerry C Scidel Eloise Straoohao Herbent H Zuegel and ndependent candidate Rodger K Johnson DSTRCT 67 Three vacancies to be filled os school board Candidatos ore Stanley D Frank Niles; Prod Miokua Morton Gno"o ncumbent sod John Koonce Golf n DSTRCT 70 fmortengre3g Two threeyear terms to ho filled en school board Candidates ore Glen eimen 5924 Crois Morton Grove and Paul Olseo 6009 Forest Drive Morton Grove Both are running as ndependents and oosen s an ncumbent HGH SCHOO DiSrRlCT2fl7 A twoyear unexpired term of Rev David Graham to he filled Candidate eonard Cro ztao Morton Grove Ywo threeyear termo to be filled Candidates are William Wehrmaoo William A PaceR and John W Gohalo au of Park Ridge HGH SCHOO DSTRCy 219 School trustee candidates are Norman Schack Skokle 6 year term unoppased; Albert W Nebart Jr Morton Grove 4 year term opposed by 1cv ng Katz iscolowood and Robent Cacher Golf 2 year term opposed by Patrick Craddocic high school dstrict 219 Board of EdUcation has six candidatos fôr two three year termo Dr rwin Gtosburgb 8925 Nashville Morton Grove; a caucus fandidate ted current president of the beard; James Gottrcich Skokie caucus; Benjamin ipis Skskie ndo pendent; Joseph Meonadlon 7928 otos Morton Grove ndependent; Mrs Rooelyo Reblo Skokie independent and Mrs Evelyn Roseozweig Sbnkle lodependent JUNOR COEGE DST 535 Two vacancies td be filled un school board Coodldates are Mrs Dorio Sopbin Skekie pcesent hoard secretary Griffith MacDonald Park Ridge prosent vicechairman; Stephen J oska Jr Des Plaines and Sherwin King Skohle PRESEASON SAE CENTRA AR CONDTONERS OFFER GOOD UNT FOR SF UPTO $100 Clriiatvd APR FREE ESTMATE CA PROCESSED AR SYSTEMS NC PARK RDGE NOS MUEER_CMATR0 5ERCE ; e Cootd from NllesEMslne P 1 honored gutherlog ottime award Michelle Rosen took first prize of a $25 savings hood two tetond prizes of $5 each went Ruse Stern sod Jeanne Barlette all of the Nelsen school The other winoera received honorable mention as well as rbbon awards \ Shown are the winners of the Pllotion Pester Contest Julie Tôylor Altee Schwartz arry Shuhert Carol Fischer Cony Pòciask Albert Guabos Ken Kaszniak Michelle Roseo Ellas Stern Jeanne Barlett Scott Rosenberg Debbie Krogstad and Tim Hagele with Paula Christcosen Judges fer the content are standing 1 Suzanne Rez C Mark Mattson and r Paye Blaze This is my new Stat Farm effic whr can bttr cervo you wijhthe bestln autohfe and fire insurance invito you to call or drop in anytime ATHONY J DeCANN AGENT *HSÍUNCE The Bugie Thursday Apoll Page 19 Watching What You Eat What Weight Watchers meso lives then sud what Weight Watchera $ndiy all WelgbtWatcberO say s that they see what they attend weikly meôtiogs whore eat not eat whet thay see they learn how te resist fattoning feeds During these Accordlng te RichirdCooper President et Weight Watchers meetings members identify of Chicago nc Tlde redueing philosophy of seeing what yea eat is especially impontant during Easter Many cornpuisive eaters galt weight dur ng this seasonandbctome Eauter basket cases because they have never learned tu watch what they eat" First cf all all Weight Wetchers learn how tochanneitheir eating habits toward the proper fonda As members of this weight re4uciien ergaoizatleo they enjoy three satisfying highprotelnmeala Auto Ue Five Medi Cash Car Fi Plan Fish Fr Cancelled which ore allowed n any quan The Morton Greve Past #134 tity all day long Because American egion Corporation their eating program lo so s wish the peblic toknowthatthey toneatln and so satisfying have cancelled this Fridays Weight Watchers nover feel any weekly floh fry as is their usuel hunger pangs in fact eac ceotom April 9 lu Geud Friday members report that they bave and the next doy the first dey of tbc Jewish Passuver never eaten so well n their eflsstfl s pt_flttsstétsjfl011sfls JpJfltsne AND SHRT SERCE GOOD AS NEW PROFESSONA DRY CEANNG 8Ó14 N WAUKEGAN NES PCKUP and DEERY YO fssstsensnnfls 4O WAUKSAN D OFF PHONE elUsOsU$ PHONE cehuiass 1r loma inaurasu with ali the common problems nf the comgolisive eater Nitos Weight Watcberclasses are new being held et NUes Community Church 7401 Went Oakton on Thursdays at 10 am and 8 pm Far further nformation abaut the program and the location of clasees feel free to call the Weight Watchers main office at

1.- L a m e j o r o p c ió n e s c l o na r e l d i s co ( s e e x p li c a r á d es p u é s ).

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始 まりのブザーが 鳴 るまでページをめくってはいけません 2013 年 度 青 山 学 院 高 等 部 一 般 入 学 試 験 問 題 英 語 始 まりのブザーが 鳴 るまでページをめくってはいけません 下 記 の 注 意 事 項 に 目 を 通 しておいてください 問 題 用 紙 は 1 ページから 12 ページまであるので 始 まりのブザー が 鳴 ったらすぐに 確 認 すること 解 答 はすべて 別 紙 の 解 答 用 紙 に 記 入 すること とじてある

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