Unit 9 Exam: Developmental Psychology

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1 Unit 9 Exam: Developmental Psychology Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. Ross believes that personality development is a e. fetus and finally develops into an embryo. matter of sudden qualitative changes at various turning points in the life span. His viewpoint is 6. When Joan touched her infant's cheek, he most directly relevant to the issue of turned his head toward the side that was a. imprinting or object permanence. touched and opened his mouth. Joan was b. nature or nurture. eliciting the c. assimilation or accommodation. a. startle reaction. d. continuity or stages. b. rooting reflex. e. schema or habituation. c. grasping reflex. d. attachment reflex. e. attention reflex. 2. The conflicting results of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of aging and intelligence are of greatest relevance to the issue of a. continuity or stages. b. stability or change. c. assimilation or accommodation. d. concrete or formal operational thought. e. nature or nurture. 3. Developmental psychologists study physical, cognitive, and changes throughout the human life cycle. a. cross-sectional b. embryonic c. genetic d. social e. longitudinal 4. As compared with the production of egg cells, sperm cell production a. begins later in life. b. involves a jellylike outer covering. c. begins earlier in life. d. involves differentiation prior to fusion with the egg. e. begins shortly after conception. 5. During the course of successful prenatal development, a human organism begins as a(n) a. embryo and finally develops into a zygote. b. zygote and finally develops into an embryo. c. embryo and finally develops into a fetus. d. zygote and finally develops into a fetus. 7. To test whether newborns can visually discriminate between various shapes and colors, psychologists have made use of the process of a. conservation. b. attachment. c. habituation. d. accommodation. e. imprinting. 8. From ages 3 to 6, the brain's neural networks are sprouting most rapidly in the a. frontal lobes. b. hypothalamus. c. cerebellum. d. brainstem. e. limbic system. 9. Maturation refers to a. the acquisition of socially acceptable behaviors. b. biological growth processes that are relatively uninfluenced by experience. c. any learned behavior patterns that accompany personal growth and development. d. the physical and sexual development of early adolescence. e. experiential studies performed on older adults to assess crystallized intelligence.

2 10. The concept of maturation is most relevant to understanding the absence of a. secure attachments among infants. b. bladder control among 2-year-olds. c. self-esteem among kindergarten students. d. moral behavior among adolescents. e. schema among preoperational thinkers. 11. Which psychologist was most influential in shaping our understanding of cognitive development? a. B. F. Skinner b. Konrad Lorenz c. Jean Piaget d. Sigmund Freud e. Erik Erikson 12. Piaget was convinced that the mind of a child a. is like a blank slate at birth. b. is not heavily influenced by maturation. c. develops through a series of stages. d. is heavily dependent on the child's personality. e. develops due to psycho-social conflict resolution. 13. According to Piaget, accommodation refers to a. parental efforts to include new children in the existing family structure. b. incorporating new experiences into existing schemas. c. developmental changes in a child's behavior that facilitate social acceptance by family and peers. d. adjusting current schemas in order to make sense of new experiences. e. the maturation of newborn reflexes into more mature ways of thinking and acting. 14. Children, even more than teens and adults, are likely to assume that something will be clear to others if it is clear to them. This curse of knowledge illustrates a. assimilation. b. egocentrism. c. imprinting. d. habituation. e. accommodation. 15. The Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky suggested that children's ability to solve problems is enhanced by a. basic trust. b. egocentrism. c. inner speech. d. conservation. e. imprinting. 16. The powerful survival impulse that leads infants to seek closeness to their caregivers is called a. attachment. b. imprinting. c. habituation. d. assimilation. e. the rooting reflex. 17. Providing children with a safe haven in times of stress contributes most directly to a. habituation. b. stranger anxiety. c. object permanence. d. secure attachment. e. egocentrism. 18. The process by which certain birds form attachments during a critical period very early in life is called a. imprinting. b. assimilation. c. habituation. d. bonding. e. the rooting reflex. 19. A mother who is slow in responding to her infant's cries of distress is most likely to encourage a. habituation. b. conservation. c. insecure attachment. d. object permanence. e. egocentrism. 20. Questions about the extent to which secure attachments are influenced by infant temperament or by responsive parenting are most directly relevant to the issue of

3 a. continuity or stages. b. stability or change. c. nature or nurture. d. egocentrism. e. assimilation or theory of mind. 21. Harlow observed that most monkeys raised in total isolation a. were totally apathetic and indifferent to the first monkeys they encountered. b. became incapable of mating upon reaching sexual maturity. c. showed slower social development but more rapid cognitive development. d. developed no lasting adverse effects when placed in a socially enriched environment. e. exhibited abnormal imprinting. 22. Authoritarian parents are especially likely to be a. inflexible. b. educated. c. permissive. d. trusting. e. egocentric. 23. Compared with many Asian and African parents, today's Westernized parents are more likely to teach their children to value a. civil obedience. b. emotional closeness. c. personal independence. d. family traditions. e. group belongingness. 24. When teased by his older sister, 9-year-old Waldo does not cry because he has learned that boys are not expected to. Waldo's behavior best illustrates the importance of a. temperament. b. gender roles. c. testosterone. d. stereotypes. e. self-concept. 25. The social roles assigned to women and men a. are virtually the same in all cultures. b. have been virtually the same in all historical time periods. c. differ widely across cultures. d. differ widely across historical time periods but not across cultures. e. are based on evolutionary and genetic strengths. 26. Elton responds to his daughter's fistfight with, Good girls don't fight! but when his son has a fistfight he says, Did you win?! The role of Elton's reactions in the gender typing of his children would be of most direct interest to a. behavior geneticists. b. social learning theorists. c. Freudian psychologists. d. evolutionary psychologists. e. humanistic psychologists. 27. The acquisition of a traditional masculine or feminine role is called a. heritability. b. behavior genetics. c. gender typing. d. gender identification. e. gender maturation. 28. An awareness that children's temperaments influence parents' child-rearing practices should inhibit our tendency to a. emphasize the interaction of nature and nurture. b. assess the stability of personality traits. c. blame parents for our own dysfunctional characteristics. d. identify cultural differences in child-rearing practices. e. correlate positive or negative outcomes with different parenting styles. 29. The term puberty refers to the period of a. formal operations and the development of conventional morality. b. late adolescence when self-identity is formed. c. rapid physical development and the onset of reproductive capability. d. sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent. e. attachment to parents that ends the beginning of adolescence.

4 30. Fourteen-year-old Lisa was asked, What would happen if everyone in the world suddenly went blind? She responded, Those who had previously been blind would become leaders. Lisa's answer indicates she is in the stage of development. a. concrete operational b. preconventional c. postconventional d. formal operational e. preoperational 31. According to Kohlberg, postconventional morality involves a. behavior based on self-interest. b. affirmation of self-defined ethical principles. c. strong concern for social approval. d. unquestioning obedience to authority figures. e. hypothetical reasoning and problem solving. 32. According to Kohlberg, morality based on the avoidance of punishment and the attainment of concrete rewards represents a(n) morality. a. egocentric b. conventional c. preconventional d. concrete operational e. postconventional 33. A postconventional level of morality is most likely to be found in cultures that value a. individualism. b. utilitarianism. c. communism. d. social harmony. e. socialism. 34. According to Erikson, isolation is to intimacy as role confusion is to a. mistrust. b. guilt. c. competence. d. inferiority. e. identity. 35. Erikson suggested that the capacity to form close, loving relationships in young adulthood depended on a. demonstrating generativity. b. developing a sense of integrity. c. mastering formal operational thinking. d. achieving a sense of identity. e. maintaining power of autonomy. 36. According to Erikson, committing oneself to meaningful social roles would be most indicative of the achievement of a. integrity. b. autonomy. c. competence. d. initiative. e. identity. 37. Adolescents are most likely to be influenced by their parents with respect to, and they are most likely to be influenced by their peers with respect to. a. language accents; college choices b. dating practices; religious faith c. bedtime preferences; political views d. career aspirations; clothing preferences e. learning styles; morals 38. Which of the following is true of adolescence today as compared with a century ago? a. Menarche occurs later in life, and adult independence occurs later in life. b. Menarche no longer occurs, and adult independence occurs earlier in life. c. Menarche occurs later in life, and adult independence occurs earlier in life. d. Menarche occurs earlier in life, and adult independence occurs later in life. e. Menarche no longer occurs, and adult independence occurs around the same age as a century ago. 39. The prenatal development of the external male sex organs is stimulated by a. gender schemas. b. the X chromosome.

5 c. testosterone. d. gender typing. e. schema. 40. Individuals who are both with incomplete or unusual combinations of male and female physical features are referred to as a. bisexual. b. transsexual. c. asexual. d. intersex. e. hypersexual. 41. When exposed to a scent derived from men's sweat, gay and straight men responded differently in the area of the that governs sexual arousal. a. cerebellum b. hypothalamus c. motor cortex d. reticular formation e. hippocampus 42. Research on the causes of homosexuality suggests that a. homosexuality develops most readily in families with domineering mothers and weak, ineffectual fathers. b. homosexuality arises from a fear of members of the opposite sex. c. male homosexuality results from abnormally high levels of testosterone in the blood. d. childhood sexual victimization contributes strongly to homosexual development. e. genetic influence plays a role in sexual orientation. 43. Aging cells may die without being replaced due to the shortening of a. critical periods. b. teratogens. c. plaques. d. telomeres. e. X chromosomes. 44. Evolutionary biologists have suggested that the symptoms of physiological degeneration that accompany old age in humans are a a. by-product of crystallized intelligence. b. genetically predisposed outcome. c. hindrance to natural selection. d. threat to the survival of the human species. e. problem related to secondary sex characteristics. 45. Most 20-year-olds outperform most 70-year-olds on video games because of age-related differences in a. role confusion. b. object permanence. c. crystallized intelligence. d. information-processing speed. e. postconventional reasoning. 46. Aerobic exercise programs during late adulthood stimulate improvement in a. object permanence. b. basic trust. c. menarche. d. memory. e. temperament. 47. A cross-sectional study is one in which a. the same people are retested over a period of years. b. different age groups are tested at the same time. c. different characteristics of a given individual are assessed at the same time. d. the behavior of a group is assessed by different researchers. e. variables are manipulated carefully between groups. 48. After living together for a year, Sylvia and Yefim have decided to marry. Research on premarital cohabitation most strongly suggests that a. they have more positive attitudes toward the institution of marriage than the average couple. b. their marriage will have a higher-than-average probability of being

6 successful. c. most of their college friends and acquaintances have viewed their cohabitation negatively. d. their marriage will have a higher-than-average probability of ending in divorce. e. they have a higher than average chance of remaining married due to shared self-concepts. 49. As adults advance in age, their positive and negative moods become a. less extreme and more enduring. b. more constant and less enduring. c. less extreme and less enduring. d. more extreme and more enduring. e. more extreme and more constant. 50. According to Erikson, adolescence is to identity as late adulthood is to a. integrity. b. autonomy. c. generativity. d. intimacy. e. trust.


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