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2 in Poland. Recruiting is increasingly social and Adecco wants to know how it evolves. An international survey, that involved over candidates and Human Resources managers between March 18 and June 2, 2014, collected 96 responses from Polish recruiters (74 complete responses and 22 partial responses 1 ), with the aim of understanding how firms use social media, which instruments they utilize, and what do they look for during the recruitment and selection processes for candidates. The sample is made of a majority of women (83%), recruiters born after 1981 (65%), mostly graduates (76%) with at least 5 years of experience (27%), employed in non-managerial positions (70%), in firms with more than 250 employees (68%), mostly recruiting agencies (72%). The report is structured in three areas: professional and corporate use of social media, the effectiveness of social media in the matching between supply and demand, and web reputation and its impact on recruitment processes. This report is concluded with a statistical appendix that offers a detailed analysis of the responses in the sample. 1 The total values reported in the tables and figures also include the partial responses, which did not provide information about the profile of the company in regards to its sector or size. Therefore, they may present a value that is not included in the range of values for the profile of the company. 1

3 72% of respondents utilize at least one social networking site for professional purposes. The platform reported to be used most often is Facebook (39% of respondents), while the professional use of YouTube and Instagram follows at relatively close distances, being effective for 34% and 13% of respondents respectively. LinkedIn, although usually the most common professional networking site for individuals globally, appears to have a stronger presence of use specifically for company account profiles (56%) (fig. 1). Fig. 1 - Accounts on Social Media for Professional Use and Active Company Presence on Social Media.. Notes: (1) Total Social Media is the percentage proportion of respondents using at least one of the considered social media platforms. (2) The analysis of Vkontakte and Odnoklasniki Social Media has been omitted because none of the recruiters have indicated either professional use or the presence of a company account on Social Media. 80,0 70,0 60,0 50,0 40,0 30,0 20,0 10,0,0 38,5 70,8 34,4 34,4 56,3 13,5 9,4 4,2 5,2 3,1 4,2 1,0 8,3 0 12,5 1,0 1,0 2,1 1,0 0 75,0 71,9 Professional use by the recruiter Company's account 2

4 As concerns those companies, which are active on social media, it appears that the use of social media is directly proportional to the size of the firm, being used most often by large sized companies (94% who employee at least 250 employees have a profile on at least one social networking site), followed by medium sized companies (less than250 employees with 67% having at least one active social media profile) (fig. 2). Fig. 2 - Active Company Presence on Social Media by Company Size.. Note: The analysis of recruiters in small or micro companies has been omitted because of a limited sample size ,7 75,0 94,0 0 Medium: Large: < 250 over 250 % by company size % in total companies Concerning corporate presence on social media, it appears that recruitment agencies (94%) are present most often when compared to the total number of companies from other industries who also utilize the various platforms (75%) (fig. 3). Fig. 3 - Active Company Presence on Social Media by Industry ,3 Recruiting 75,0 Total companies 3

5 The use of social media by Human Resource Managers is more often than not voluntary for both medium sized (less than 250 employees) and large sized (more than 250 employees) businesses, with average percentages equating to roughly 54%, and greater rates being exhibited by medium-sized companies (67%). It is mandatory only in a small percentage of cases (8%), with a slightly higher percentage again being exhibited for medium-sized companies (11%). Overall, we can see that Polish companies have realized the importance and usability of social recruiting and are adopting the strategy accordingly (fig. 4). Fig. 4 - Directives Regarding Recruiters Use of Social Media by Company Size.. Note: The analysis of recruiters in small or micro companies has been omitted because of a limited sample size. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 11,1 10,0 8,1 22,2 38,4 56,0 66,7 53,5 34,0 Medium: < 250 Large: over 250 Total Voluntary Highly recommended Mandatory Concerning the areas where the recruiters use of social media is either strongly recommended or mandatory, it is most commonly experienced in the recruiting sector (55% and 11% respectively). However, the voluntary use of social media for recruitment purposes is significantly higher for companies operating in other industries (54% vs 34%) (fig. 5). Fig. 5 Directives Regarding Recruiters Use of Social Media by Industry.. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 11,3 8,1 38,4 54,7 53,5 34,0 Recruiting Total companies Voluntary Highly recommended Mandatory 4

6 More in depth, the most recurrent activities that are pursued through social media are checking the validity of an applicant s CV (67%) and for employer branding purposes (66%), followed closely by the active sourcing of passive candidates (64%) (tab.1). Tab. 1 - Use of Social Media for Specific Recruitment Activities.. Note: Multiple choice question. Rank Recruiting activities: 1 Checking the accuracy of an applicant's CV 67,4 2 Employer branding 66,3 3 Sourcing passive candidates 64,0 4 Advertising jobs 62,8 5 Checking an applicant's network 62,8 6 Receiving job applications 53,5 7 Checking content posted by an applicant 51,2 8 Checking reference of an applicant 48,8 The motivation for companies to utilize social media as a part of their recruitment strategy mostly points towards increasing the number of applications received from candidates (78%), as well as improving the quality of those applications (55%) (tab. 2). Tab. 2 Objectives for the Use of Social Media in Recruitment Activities. Note: Multiple choice question. Rank Recruiting objectives 1 To increase the number of applications 78,4 2 To improve the quality of applications 55,4 3 To decrease the budget of recruitment 45,9 4 To quickly fill an open vacancy 43,2 The tendency for companies to utilize various internet channels, not solely social networks, in their recruitment efforts has increased tremendously in the last few years. In 2013, roughly 63% of total recruitment activity involved general web based processes and the usage percentage for 2014 is expected to increase even further to 70%. Although all companies have a high prepotency for social media activity, it is apparent that companies with more than 250 employees utilize digital resources to a greater extent (62% vs 57%) (fig. 6). Fig. 6 - Percentage of Total Recruitment Activity Involving the Internet by Company Size.. Note: The analysis of recruiters in small or micro companies has been omitted because of a limited sample size ,4 70,2 62,5 62, Medium: < 250 Large: over 250 % by company size % in total companies (2013) % in total companies (2014 forecast) 5

7 When analyzing the different industries, we notice that there is very little difference in terms of using the internet as a recruitment tool between companies operating in the recruitment sector and companies operating in all other industries as of 2013 (58%). It is apparent that companies in all sectors have acknowledged the shift in candidate behavior and have modified their strategies accordingly (fig. 7). Fig. 7 - Percentage of Total Recruitment Activity Involving the Internet by Business Area ,8 57,6 70,8 0 Recruiting 2013 Total companies 2013 Total companies 2014 (forecast) Roughly 23% of recruiters have reported that they have attended training courses about the use of social media for recruitment purposes, which were provided by their company (tab 3). Additionally, companies that have elaborated guidelines and policies for the use of social media in Poland are rated at 11%. Tab. 3 - Training Sessions (from company) About How to Recruit Using Social Media. / Indices Training sessions (Val %) 22,7 6

8 The assessment of social media s usefulness for recruiters has reported a positive threshold (0,56) throughout the course of the survey signifying a current high level of usefulness in the industry. The effectiveness is such, that there has also been increased rates for the intention by recruiters to use social media in their recruitment campaigns within the next 12 months (0,70). We can attribute these significantly high data points to social media s ease of use (0,49), as well as the fact that recruiters strongly believe that they currently have the knowledge (0,47), resources (0,38), and skills necessary to successfully implement an effective social media recruitment campaign (tab. 4) Tab. 4 - Index of Agreement with Specific Statements Regarding the Use of Social Media for Recruitment. Note: Index value from -1 (max disagreement) to 1 (max agreement), value 0 if neutral position. Rank Statements Index 1 I intend to use social media in the next 12 months 0,70 2 I find social media useful in my job 0,56 3 It is easy for me to master social media 0,49 4 I have the knowledge necessary to use social media 0,47 5 Using social media increases my productivity 0,42 6 I have the resources necessary to use social media 0,38 7 In general, my company supports the use of social media 0,35 8 People who are important to me think I should use social media 0,12 9 A specific person (or group) is available for assistance with social media difficulties -0,05 Among the social networking sites available today, LinkedIn is strongly believed to be the most effective platform in the recruitment process with an effectiveness index of 0,76 (the index assumes a value between -1, lowest effectiveness, and 1, greatest effectiveness), followed by Facebook at 0,18. The less effective networks are reported to be Twitter(-0,22) and Blog (-0,33) (fig. 8). Fig. 8 - Effectiveness Index of Social Media for Recruitment Purposes. Note: Index value from -1 (max ineffectiveness) to 1 (max effectiveness), value 0 if neutral position. 7

9 Focusing solely on LinkedIn, it is apparent that the perceived effectiveness of the platform is highest among large corporations (0,78) who employ more than 250 people (fig, 9). Additionally, LinkedIn continues to exhibit strong recruitment capabilities, as its effectiveness specifically for recruiting companies (0,81), is slightly higher than that of other sectors (0,76), however both indexes are seated in the extremely effective range (tab. 5). Fig. 9 - Effectiveness Index of LinkedIn for Recruitment Purposes by Company Size. Notes: (1) Index value from -1 (max ineffectiveness) to 1 (max effectiveness), value 0 if neutral position. (2) The analysis of recruiters in small or micro companies has been omitted because of a limited sample size. Tab. 5 - Effectiveness Index of LinkedIn for Recruitment Purposes by Industry (first 4). Note: Index value from -1 (max ineffectiveness) to 1 (max effectiveness), value 0 if neutral position. Industrial sector Index Recruiting 0,81 Total companies 0,76 8

10 Recruiters believe that, among the different elements displayed on candidates social media profiles, the most attractive ones are the presence of their listed professional experiences (attractiveness index 0,73), followed by references and comments posted by others in the candidate s network (0,54) that can be used to form a better picture of who the candidate is as a person. The importance of professional experiences matches the content that candidates regularly post to social media, however, even though references and comments posted play a big role for Polish recruiters, Polish candidates profiles often show a lesser importance towards this element (tab. 6). Tab. 6 - Attractiveness Index of the Applicant s Social Media Profile. Note: Index value from -1 (min attractiveness) to 1 (max attractiveness). Rank Elements on Social Media profile Index 1 Professional experience 0,73 2 References and comments posted by others 0,54 3 Professional prizes and awards 0,51 4 Content posted by the applicant 0,42 5 Personality emerging from profile 0,37 6 Pictures 0,15 7 Personal information (e.g. marital status, gender...) 0,12 8 Hobbies and personal interests 0,06 9 Number of contacts -0,03 The content that is posted to candidates different social media profiles plays a significant role in the recruitment process, as more than 40% of recruiters in Poland have declared that they have discarded a candidate s application at least once, as a consequence of the information, pictures, and/or additional external content displayed on a candidate s online social media profile. The elements which seem to most negatively influence a candidate s web reputation are the presence of comments posted in relation to controversial topics (0,26), while the posting and tagging of informal pictures and selfies does not seem to be particularly interesting to recruiters regardless of the content expressed in the photo (-0,36) (tab. 7). Tab. 7 - Impact's index of Web Reputation on Recruitment. Note: Index value from -1 (almost never negative evaluation of the recruiter) to 1 (always negative evaluation of the recruiter). Rank Elements on applicant's Social Media profile Index 1 (most negative impact) 2 Comments on controversial topics (e.g. illegal drugs) 0,26 Comments on participation in activities which are in violation of university or workplace policy 3 Controversial selfie / tagged photo (e.g. drinking alcohol) 0,08 4 (Least negative impact) 0,26 Informal selfie or tagged photo (e.g. wearing a swimsuit) -0,36 A reported 4% of recruiters in Poland admit to having requested a candidate s password for Facebook or for another social networking site at least once. Tab. 8 - Have you ever asked an applicant for their password for Facebook, or another social media platform, during a job interview? Have asked an applicant for their password 3,8 9

11 Tab 1.A - Do you have an account on these social networks? If yes, is this for personal or professional use? No Yes, for personal use only Yes, also for professional use Total Facebook 19,8 38,5 41,7 100,0 YouTube 61,5 34,4 4,2 100,0 LinkedIn 34,4 9,4 56,3 100,0 Twitter 90,6 4,2 5,2 100,0 Google+ 61,5 32,3 6,3 100,0 Blog 93,8 5,2 1,0 100,0 Tumblr 95,8 4,2,0 100,0 Pinterest 90,6 8,3 1,0 100,0 Instagram 86,5 12,5 1,0 100,0 Viadeo 97,9 1,0 1,0 100,0 Xing 93,8 2,1 4,2 100,0 Vkontakte 99,0 1,0 0,0 100,0 Odnoklasniki 99,0 1,0 0,0 100,0 Tab 2.A - Does your company have an active presence on these social networks for recruiting purposes? If yes, since when? No Yes, less than Yes, less Yes, over 2 1 year than 2 years years Total Facebook 29,2 24,0 21,9 25,0 100,0 YouTube 65,6 10,4 10,4 13,5 100,0 LinkedIn 43,8 16,7 15,6 24,0 100,0 Twitter 86,5 4,2 5,2 4,2 100,0 Google+ 91,7 3,1 4,2 1,0 100,0 Blog 96,9 1,0 1,0 1,0 100,0 Tumblr 99,0 0,0 1,0,0 100,0 Pinterest 100,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 100,0 Instagram 99,0 1,0 0,0 0,0 100,0 Viadeo 100,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 100,0 Xing 99,0 0,0 1,0 0,0 100,0 Vkontakte 100,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 100,0 Odnoklasniki 100,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 100,0 Tab 3.A - Is the professional use of social media in recruitment in your company? Voluntary 53,5 Highly recommended 38,4 Mandatory 8,1 10

12 Tab 4.A - Do you use social networks for the following recruiting activities? No Yes Total Employer branding 33,7 66,3 100,0 Advertising jobs 37,2 62,8 100,0 Sourcing passive candidates 36,0 64,0 100,0 Receiving job applications 46,5 53,5 100,0 Checking the accuracy of an applicant's CV 32,6 67,4 100,0 Checking an applicant's network 37,2 62,8 100,0 Checking content posted by an applicant 48,8 51,2 100,0 Checking reference of an applicant 51,2 48,8 100,0 Tab 5.A - What social networks and online tools do you use to check a candidate's online reputation? No Yes Total Facebook 43,0 57,0 100,0 YouTube 90,7 9,3 100,0 LinkedIn 32,6 67,4 100,0 Twitter 91,9 8,1 100,0 Google+ 91,9 8,1 100,0 Blog 95,3 4,7 100,0 Tumblr 98,8 1,2 100,0 Pinterest 98,8 1,2 100,0 Instagram 95,3 4,7 100,0 Viadeo 100,0 0,0 100,0 Xing 97,7 2,3 100,0 Google or other search engines 77,9 22,1 100,0 Vkontakte 100,0 0,0 100,0 Odnoklasniki 100,0 0,0 100,0 Tab 6.A - Recruiting objectives for using social media. To improve the quality of applications 55,4 To increase the number of applications 78,4 To quickly fill an open vacancy 43,2 To decrease the budget of recruitment 45,9 11

13 Tab 7.A - From 1 to 5, how effective do you find these social networks for recruiting? 1 5 I don't (very (very know ineffective) effective) Facebook 4,9 12,2 24,4 29,3 11,0 18,3 100,0 YouTube 19,5 13,4 13,4 0,0 2,4 51,2 100,0 LinkedIn 1,2 0,0 6,2 21,0 50,6 21,0 100,0 Twitter 11,3 3,8 15,0 2,5 3,8 63,8 100,0 Google+ 13,6 4,9 13,6 2,5 2,5 63,0 100,0 Blog 12,3 4,9 11,1 0,0 3,7 67,9 100,0 Tumblr 15,9 4,9 9,8 0,0 0,0 69,5 100,0 Pinterest 17,3 2,5 8,6 0,0 0,0 71,6 100,0 Instagram 17,1 6,1 7,3 0,0 0,0 69,5 100,0 Viadeo 17,3 3,7 9,9 0,0 1,2 67,9 100,0 Xing 16,0 2,5 9,9 0,0 0,0 71,6 100,0 Vkontakte 16,0 2,5 9,9 0,0 0,0 71,6 100,0 Odnoklasniki 12,7 2,5 10,1 0,0 0,0 74,7 100,0 Total Tab 8.A - Have you ever excluded a candidate from the recruitment process because of online information, photos or content on their social media profile? No 60,2 Yes 39,8 Tab 9.A - From 1 to 5, how likely are you to negatively assess a job applicant with the following items on his/her Facebook profile? Informal selfie or tagged photo (e.g. wearing a swimsuit) Controversial selfie / tagged photo (e.g. drinking alcohol) Comments on controversial topics (e.g. illegal drugs) Comments on participation in activities which are in violation of university or workplace policy 1 (very unlikely) 47,5 23,8 17,5 17,5 2 6,3 10,0 6,3 7,5 3 (neutral) 27,5 17,5 15,0 15,0 4 7,5 25,0 28,8 26,3 5 (very likely) 11,3 23,8 32,5 33,8 100,0 100,0 100,0 12

14 Tab 10.A - From 1 to 5, how much do the following attract your attention on an applicant s social media profile? Total (not at all) (neutral) (a lot) Personal information (e.g. marital status, gender...) 14,1 3,8 42,3 23,1 16,7 100,0 Personality emerging from profile 5,1 7,6 20,3 43,0 24,1 100,0 Pictures 11,3 8,8 31,3 36,3 12,5 100,0 Professional experience 2,5 1,3 3,8 32,5 60,0 100,0 Number of contacts 20,0 11,3 36,3 18,8 13,8 100,0 Hobbies and personal interests 12,5 12,5 32,5 35,0 7,5 100,0 Professional prizes and awards 2,5 1,3 19,0 45,6 31,6 100,0 References and comments posted by others 6,3 1,3 11,3 41,3 40,0 100,0 Content posted by the applicant 3,8 2,5 26,3 41,3 26,3 100,0 Tab 11.A - Have you ever asked an applicant for their password for Facebook, or another social media platform, during a job interview? No 96,2 Yes 3,8 Tab 12.A - Regarding the use of social media in your job as a recruiter, please indicate the level of your agreement or disagreement with the following statements on a scale of 1 to 7. 1 (I strongly disagree) (neutral) (I strongly agree) I find social media useful in my job 4,0 1,3 0,0 17,3 14,7 21,3 41,3 100 Using social media increases my productivity 4,0 2,7 5,3 17,3 21,3 20,0 29,3 100 It is easy for me to master social media 2,7 2,7 8,0 10,7 18,7 21,3 36,0 100 People who are important to me think I should use social media 10,7 1,3 5,3 44,0 9,3 20,0 9,3 100 In general, my company supports the use of social media 4,0 4,0 2,7 24,0 17,3 33,3 14,7 100 I have the resources necessary to use social media 2,7 5,4 1,4 24,3 21,6 20,3 24,3 100 I have the knowledge necessary to use social media 2,7 1,3 1,3 20,0 20,0 30,7 24,0 100 A specific person (or group) is available for assistance with social 16,0 8,0 14,7 25,3 14,7 16,0 5,3 100 media difficulties I intend to use social media in the next 12 months 0,0 0,0 1,3 9,3 16,0 24,0 49,3 100 Total 13

15 Tab 13.A - What percentage of your total recruitment activity involves the internet? In ,5 In 2014 (forecast) 70,2 Tab 14.A Assuming total online recruitment is 100, what share does each tool represent? Careers section on company website 19,8 Online recruiting sites 50,0 Social media 23,2 Mobile apps 7,0 Tab 15.A - Do you think the importance of the following recruitment tools will change in your company next year? Careers section on company website Online recruiting sites Social media Mobile apps Less important 8,0 2,7 1,3 4,0 No change 61,3 48,0 41,3 37,3 More important 30,7 49,3 57,3 58,7 100,0 100,0 100,0 Tab 16.A - Have you had (from your company) any training sessions about how to recruit using social media? No 77,3 Yes 22,7 Tab 17.A - Was training session helpful? (ALL MISSING VALUE) Tab 18.A - Do you think such training could be useful? (ALL MISSING VALUE) Tab 19.A - Does your company have any guidelines policy to manage social media? (e.g. crisis situations, day-to-day social media scenarios...). No 24,3 Yes 10,8 I don't know 64,9 14

16 Tab 20.A - What kind of candidate profiles do you search for on social networks? Non Manager 64,9 Middle manager 64,9 Manager 64,9 Senior manager and above 51,4 Controlling, Accounting & Finance 41,9 Purchasing 37,8 Manufacturing 50,0 Research & Development 35,1 Information Technology 47,3 Logistics 47,3 Sales 64,9 Marketing 39,2 Corporate Communication & PR 28,4 Human Resources 39,2 Quality Management 43,2 Tab 21.A - Gender. Female 85,3 Male 14,7 Tab 22.A - Year of birth. Before , , ,3 After ,3 Tab 23.A - What is the highest level of education you have completed? High School 4,0 Some College 20,0 2 or 3 year College Degree 5,3 4 or 5 year College Degree 4,0 Master or Doctoral Degree 66,7 15

17 Tab 24.A - How many years of experience do you have as a recruiter? 1 year or less 18,7 2 years 25,3 3-5 years 29, years 14, years 9,3 More than 20 years 2,7 Tab 25.A - What is your position? Non manager 70,3 Middle manager 12,2 Manager 9,5 Senior manager and above 8,1 Tab 26.A - Company size. Micro: < 10 people 4,1 Small: < 50 4,1 Medium: < ,3 Large: over ,6 Tab 27.A - Does your company have a corporate website? No 0,0 Yes 100,0 16

18 Tab 28.A - Business area. Oil & Gas 0,0 Chemicals 2,7 Basic Resources 2,7 Construction & Materials 4,1 Industrial Goods & Services 1,4 Automobiles & Parts 2,7 Food & Beverage 1,4 Personal & Household Goods 1,4 Health Care 0,0 Retail 0,0 Media 1,4 Travel & Leisure 1,4 Telecommunications 0,0 Utilities 0,0 Banks 0,0 Insurance 0,0 Real Estate 0,0 Financial Services 1,4 Technology 8,1 Recruiting 71,6 17

Fig. 2 - Active Company Presence on Social Media by Industry. % Value. Netherlands, 2014. 89,888,1 88,1 76,7 68,2 69,3 57,4 26,1 0,6 0,6 0 0,6 0,6

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