Piccadilly Catania. Workbook. Gruppo Pre-Intermediate

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1 Piccadilly Catania Workbook Gruppo Pre-Intermediate

2 Welcome to Piccadilly Catania English courses! This is your student workbook that you will need to bring to every lesson. We hope you enjoy the course and would like to thank you for choosing Piccadilly. Piccadilly - where English is just one stop away Piccadilly Catania Contents: 1. Present simple and Present continuous page 2 2. Hobbies and Free time page Past simple and Past continuous page House and Home page Futures page Using the futures page Reading and Comprehension page Holidays page Auxiliaries and Modals page No workbook material 11. Present perfect simple page 51 Past simple 12. Films and Movies (No workbook material) 13. Present perfect continuous page 56 For and Since 14. Daily Routines page Extra English (No workbook material) 16. Advertising and Marketing (No workbook material) 17. Conditionals 0, 1, 2 page Conversation 19. Recap 20. Recap.Reading material page 65.Irregular verbs page 68

3 1

4 La forma negativa si costruisce con do not e il verbo all'infinito senza to. Alla terza persona singolare si usa does not nello stesso modo. I do not work she does not work Io non lavoro lei non lavora Nel parlato e nei testi scritti informali si usano le forme contratte don't e doesn't. I don't work she doesn't work Quando si usa? Realtà che sono sempre vere/ verità assolute The sun rises in the east Il sole sorge a est. Azioni abituali Every day I wake up at 7.30 Ogni mattina mi alzo alle 7:30.

5 IL PRESENTE (PRESENT SIMPLE) forma3interrogativa LeCformeCinterrogativeCdelCPresentCSimpleCsiCcostruisconoCconCdo3seguitoCdalCsoggettoCe dalcverbocall'infinitocsenzacto.3allacterzacpersonacsicusacdoes3invece: Do you3work?3 Does he3work? Forma3interrogativa3negativa: Don't you3work? Doesn't he3work? SiCusaCdo/does anchecnellecdomandecchecinizianocconcwhen,3what,3why,3where,3how etc...: What do you3want?3 Where does she3live? Tuttavia,CseCWho/What etc..cfungonocdacsoggettocnoncsicusacdo/does: Who lives here?3 Which of you speaks English? Quando usiamo il Present Simple? PerCesprimereCazioniCabituali Every3day3I3get up at37:303am. PerCesprimereCunaCveritàCassoluta The3sun3rises in3the3east PerCcomunicareCfattiCpersonali John3loves ice-cream. ConCilCPresentCsimpleCsiCusanoCspessoCgliCavverbiCdiCfrequenza:

6 always--> I always get up at 7:00. often--> Pat often goes to the cinema. usually --> It usually rains when I go on holiday! sometimes--> We sometimes eat pizza for lunch. rarely --> Jane rarely listens to jazz. never --> My bus never arrives on time. Il verbo have, spesso seguito da got, corrisponde al verbo avere in italiano con accezione di possesso: Forma affermativa: I/you/we/they have (got) he/she/it has (got) Forma negativa: I/you/we/they haven't (got) he/she/it has't (got) Forma interrogativa: have I/you/we/they (got)? Has he/she/it (got)? Secondo le regole del British English, come riportato quì sopra, essendo have un verbo ausiliare come be non necessita nella costruzione di negative e interrogative di do e does tuttavia nell'inglese americano il verbo have viene usato come un verbo qualunque e usa per tanto do e does nelle negative e nelle interrogative. *Nota Bene: il verbo have è ausiliare solo quando esprime possesso! Esempio: I haven't a car --> possesso I don't usually have lunch --> uso particolare (fare colazione) Exercises Put the verbs into the correct form.

7 1. I (to like) lemonade very much. 2. The girls always (to listen) to pop music. 3. Janet never (to wear) jeans. 4. Mr Smith (to teach) Spanish and French. 5. You (to do) your homework after school. Simple present with 'have' and 'be' Fill in the correct form of the verbs. 1. We (to have) a nice garden. 2. She (to be) six years old. 3. Simon (to have) two rabbits and five goldfish. 4. I (to be) from Vienna, Austria. 5. They (to be) Sandy's parents. Negative Sentences Make negative sentences. 1. My father makes breakfast. 2. They are eleven. 3. She writes a letter. 4. I speak Italian. 5. Danny phones his father on Sundays. Questions Make questions. 1. you / to speak / English 2. when / he / to go / home 3. they / to clean / the bathroom 4. where / she / to ride / her bike 5. Billy / to work / in the supermarket

8 IL PRESENT Continuous Il Present continuous si forma con il presente di be seguito dal verbo in -ing. I am relaxing? he is relaxing? I verbi in -e perdono la -e quando si aggiunge -ing: like liking decide deciding write writing I verbi monosillabici che terminano con una consonante preceduta da una sola vocale raddoppiano la consonante quando si aggiunge -ing: sit sitting swim swimming dig digging I verbi in -ie cambiano -ie in -y. lie lying tie tying die dying Quando usiamo il Present Continuous? Per esprimere azioni che accadono al momento What are you doing? We are playing cards Per riferirsi a un'azione prossima nel futuro e già stabilita I am going to the beach tomorrow Con always quando ci si lamenta di azioni o situazioni ricorrenti e fastidiose You are always forgetting your keys!

9 Esercizi 1 Completa le frasi con il Present Continuous dei verbi tra parentesi adfsamfhdrinkdf /////////////////////fsomefmilk/ bdfyoufhnotfflistendf ////////////////////ftofmev cdfwhyfhyoufflookd////////////////////////fatfmeflikefthat? ddfmikefhnotffstaydf ////////////////////fatfthisfhotel/ edfyoufhsitdf ////////////////////////////////finfmyfplacev fdfwefhhavedf ///////////////////////////////fafgoodftime/ gdfifcan2tftalkfnow/fifhwashdf /////////////////////////////fmyfhair/ hdfwhofhtalkd/////////////////////////////? idfwhatfhyoufwritedf ///////////////////////? jdfitfhsnowd////////////////////////////fnow/ 2 Volgi le seguenti frasi alla forma interrogativa. adfi2mfmakingftoofmuchfnoise/f ////////////////////////////////////////? bdfhelenfisfreading/f /////////////////////////////////////////? cdfyoufarefhavingfafgoodftime/f ///////////////////////////////////////////? ddfitfisfsnowing/f //////////////////////////////////////////? edfyoufarefwaitingfinfthefrightfplace/f ////////////////////////////////////////? fdfyoufarefsittingfhere/f ///////////////////////////////////////////////? gdfdavidfisfenjoyingftheffilm/f ///////////////////////////////////////////? hdfthefbusfisfstopping/f //////////////////////////////////////////////? idftomfandfjimfarefstudying/f //////////// ///////////////////////? jdfthosefgirlsfarefspeakingffrench/f //////////////////////////////////////? 3 Da ogni coppia scegli la parola scritta correttamente. adfwriting/writtingf bdfhaving/haveingf cdfwasheing/washing

10 d) diging/digging e) lieing/lying f) riding/rideing g) takeing/taking h) readding/reading i) flying/flyeing l) decideing/deciding m) useing/using n) waitting/waiting 4 Scegli la soluzione corretta. a) Jean is swimming/swiming in the ppol at the moment. b) Why you are/are you putting on your coat? c) Hurry up! We're/Wer'e waiting for you. d) Clare not is/is not doing her homework at the moment. e) What you are/are you reading? f) Look outside! Its/It's raining! g) Paula is studying/studing economics in Germany. h) Bob is watching/is Bob watching television? i) I can't come now. I'm writting/writing a letter. j) Jack is'nt/isn't having a very good time. 5 Esprimi il futuro mettendo i verbi al Present Continuous a) What (you do)... this evening. b) I (not come)... to school tomorrow! c) Tina (go)... to Italy next week? d) (you have)... a party this week? e) We (not go)... home on the bus after school. f) (Mrs Simpson teach)... us today? g) Catherine and George (not arrive)... tomorrow. h) (Tom go)... to the football match tomorrow? i) Ann (not work)... on Friday j) (you leave)... this afternoon?

11 6 Compleata le frasi scegliendo tra i verbi elencati come cook do get go have leave meet stay work a) I've enjoyed my holiday here, but..... home tomorrow b) Mark a party on his birthday. c) Some friends... to stay with me next week. d)... anything tonight? Would you like to come to the cinema? e) What time... in the morning? Do you want me to take you to the airport? f) Don't forget. You... dinner this evening. It's your turn! g) I can't see you at I... some friends at that time. h) Helen and Mike... married in June. i)... tomorrow? Or have you got a free day? j) I haven't got any lessons tomorrow, so I... at home. 7 Traduci in inglese a) Io esco, tu vieni? b) Il Milan gioca a Liverpool mercoledì prossimo. c) Dov'è Philip? è in camera sua. Dorme d) Ciao, Bill. Che fai qui? Aspetti qualcuno? e) Stanno costruendo una chiesa nuova. f) Cosa fate domani sera? g) Tim mangia continuamente caramelle. h) Il direttore è fuori. Sta pranzando con Mr. Swan. i) Lisa parte la settimana prossima. j) Piove. Non hai un ombrello?

12 Daily Routines and Free Time Key Vocabulary Wakeup/Getup 0800 Eighto clock HaveBreakfast 0830 Eightthirty Haveashower/bath 0915 Ninefifteen Gotowork/university at 1020 Twentypastten HaveLunch 1.35pm Twenty fivetotwo Gohome 2.40pm Twentytothree Havedinner 6.45pm QuartertoSeven Gotobed/sleep 10.50pm TentoEleven 1 st Person Conjugation Iwakeupat Ihavebreakfastat Igotowork/universityat Ihavelunchat Igohomeat Ihavedinnerat Igotobed/sleepat 1. In pairs, ask each other about your daily routines. Write the answers on the next page. Forming a question Whattimedoyougetup? Whendoyouhavebreakfast/lunch/dinner? Whendoyougohome/touniversity/tobed/tosleep? 1

13 Followtheexamplesbelow,thentrytowriteoutyourownphrases: (Example) Carmelo getsupat 0830 hasbreakfastat goestoworkat 2. Listen to and read Maria s routine. Then answer the questions below the text. Maria: Inormallywakeupateighto clock.ihaveashowerthenihavebreakfast.ioften eatabowl of cerealandiusuallydrinkacupofcoffee.then, Igotoworkat thirty.ineverhavelunchbefore1o clockintheafternoon,becausei msobusy atwork.igohomeatseveno clock,andihavedinnerateight.ireadabookthen Igotobedatteno clockbecausei msotired. WhattimedoesMariawakeup? Whatdoesshehaveforbreakfast? WhydoesMarianeverhavelunchbefore1o clock? WhatdoesMariadobeforeshegoestobed? HowdoesMariafeelattheendoftheday? 2

14 Stefano: Igetupat10.30andnormallyhavetorunto catch the bus becauseiamalways running late. Iarriveatuniversityataround 11o clock.ihavealatelunchat3 o clockforacouple of hours. AfterlunchIgohometostudy.Ihavedinnerand thenget ready to go out. Imeetmyfriendsinthecitycentreuntil midnight whenigohomeandgostraight to bed. WhydoesStefanohavetoruntocatchthebus? WhendoesStefanogohome? WheredoesStefanomeethisfriends? Whatdoeshedowhenhegoesbackhomeatnight? 3

15 rilrpastrsimple Verbi regolari Il Past Simple dei verbi regolari si forma aggiungendor edrall infinito senza to. Con I verbi terminanti inr e si aggiunge solo d. Irenjoyedrtherfilm.r(darenjoy)r Il film mi è piaciuto Irlovedrthermusicr(darlove) La musica mi è piaciuta molto. La forma del Past Simple è la stessa per tutte le persone FIrloved,ryourloved,rherloved,recc.+ Ortografia I verbi in y preceduta da consonante cambianor y in ied: Tryr rtried Cryr rcried I verbi che terminano con una sola consonante preceduta da una sola vocale accentata raddoppiano la consonante finale: Regret Regretted Fitr rfitted Stopr rstopped Verbi irregolari Alcuni esempi: Past Simple Participio Passato EatrFMangiare+ AterrrEaten Drink FBere+ DrankrrrDrunk WakerFSvegliare/Svegliarsi+ WokerrrWoken I paradigmi dei verbi irregolari si imparano con lo studio e con l uso. Forme interrogative Le forme interrogative si formano con did + soggetto + infinito senzarto

16 Did you enjoy the film? Did you drink all the milk? Ti/Vi è piaciuto il film? Hai/Avete bevuto tutto il latte? What did you do yesterday? Why did she leave? Che cosa hai/avete fatto ieri? Perché è partita/se ne è andata? Non si usa did quando Who/What ecc. Fungono da soggetto. Who phoned? Chi ha telefonato? Forme negative Le forme negative si formano con did not e l infinito senza to. Nel parlato e nei testi scritti informali did not si contrae in didn t. The coat didn t fit me. Carol didn t eat very much. Il cappotto non mi andava bene. Carol non ha mangiato molto. Il verbo be è irregolare. Il paradigma è: be (infinito) was/were (Past Simple) been (participio passato). Le voci del Past Simple sono: Forma affermativa: I/he/she/it was You/we/they/were Forma negativa: I/he/she/it was not (wasn t) you/we/they were not (weren t) Forma interrogativa: Was I/he/she/it? Were you/we/they? It was very cold last Sunday. Era/E stato molto freddo domenica scorsa. Where were you yesterday afternoon? Dov eri/dove sei stato ieri pomeriggio? Il verbo have è irregolare. Il paradigma è: have (infinito) had (Past Simple) had (participio passato). Di solito non si usa got nel Past Simple. Ann had a car when she was a student. Ann aveva la macchina quando era studentessa Did you write the report yesterday? Non, I didn t have time. Hai scritto la relazione ieri? No. Non ho avuto tempo. What time did you have supper last night? A che ora hai/avete cenato ieri sera?

17 Il Past Simple: Significato Il Past Simple descrive azioni, situazioni o stati determinati nel passato. Puo essere accompagnato da un complemento che indica un tempo c I enjoyed the film we saw last night. Mi è piaciuto il film che abbiamo visto ieri sera. We listened to some new CDs yesterday afternoon. Abbiamo ascoltato dei CD nuovi ieri pomeriggio. Il Past Simple descrive anche azioni abituali del passato. In tal case, si traduce con l imperfetto. Every day we got up early and went to the beach. Ogni giorno ci alzavamo presto e andavamo alla spiaggia.

18 Esercizi 1 Completa ogni frase con il Past Simple del verbo tra parentesi a) Tom (look)... out of the window. b) We (take)... the bus from the airport to the city centre. c) Laura (read)... the book all afternoon. d) Kate (close)... all the windows and doors. e) Sam (live)... in a cottage in the country. f) An old friend (come)... to see me yesterday. g) I (see)... an interesting film last night. h) Sue (wait)... for her friends for more than an hour. i) Ruth (bring)... her sister to my party. j) The bus (stop)... opposite the school. 2 A partire da ogni affermazione scrivi una domanda. a) Tim wrote a lot. (Tim)...? b) Sam got up early. (Sam)...? c) Helen wanted to make a phone call. (Helen)...? d) Paul found the missing money. (Paul)...? e) Bill missed the bus. (Bill)...? f) George ate a sandwich. (George)...? g) Jim opened the window. (Jim)...? h) Emma helped the teacher. (Emma)...? i) Alice won a prize. (Alice)......? j) Robert enjoyed the film. (Robert)...? 3 Completa le frasi con il Past Simple di be o have. Usa le parole tra parentesi a) Lord Nelson... a famous English admiral.

19 b) What (you)... for breakfast this morning? c) I (not)... many toys when I... a child. d) (you)... at home yesterday evening? e) The party... super. We... a lot of fun. f) Mother (not)... very happy with my school report. g) Rod... an accident yesterday. h) We... in the park when it started to rain. i) There (not)... many people at the conference. j) I liked that shirt, but I (not)... enough money to buy it. 4 Usa la forma negativa di ciascuno dei verbi elencati per scrivere una frase che abbia lo stesso significato della prima Close fit forget get up like miss pass sit down stop win a) David caught the train.... b) Paula remembered her homework.... c) The lesson continued.... d) John opened the door.... e) Jean failed the French exam.... f) Tim's new trousers were too big....

20 g) Terry stayed in bed.... h) Karen hated Chinese food.... i) Chris's team lost the match.... j) I stood up on the bus all the way home Trova gli errori nelle forme verbali e scrivi le frasi corrette a) Where did you went last night?... b) I didn't knew the answer.... c) Sue maked a lot of noise.... d) I didn't liked my new teacher.... e) Took you your medicine?... f) Helen comed home late last night.... g) I didn't got up early this morning.... h) What did you saw at the cinema...?

21 6 Compleata le frasi con il Past Simple dei verbi tra parentesi a) When (you, arrive)..... in this country? b) Jack (not turn on) the television. c) Pat (leave)... his coat in the hall. d) How many pages (you write)...? e) What (the teacher say)...? f) (you tell)... Tim the answer? g) (you go)... to the basketball match yesterday? h) Ann (not know)... the other girl's name. i) Which books (you take)... to school? j) (Jane phone)... you last night?

22 IL Past Continuous Il Past continuous si forma con il passato di be seguito dal verbo in -ing. I was sleeping he was driving She was crying Nelle(domande(al(Past(Continuous(si(inverte(la(posizione(della(voce(di(be: was I sleeping? Were you reading? Was she driving? Domande(specifiche((Wh-): what were(you(doing? Why were(you(talking(to(her? Forme negative. I wasn't listening( He wasn't playing Quando usiamo il Past Continuous? Per indicare azioni che erano in corso nel passato: I was having my(lunch when(ruth(phoned. Solitamente lo incontriamo con while o when: While we were waiting for(the(train(it(started(raining. I(cut(my(finger when I was peeling the(potatoes

23 Esercizi: 1 Scegli la soluzione corretta: a) What you were doing/were you doing at 6.00?. b) Ten people was waiting/ were waiting for the bus. c) It wasn't raining/weren't raining when I left. d) I was having/ were having breakfast when Pat phoned. e) What you were talking/ were you talking about? f) Mike and Jim were playing/was playing football at g) Was it snowing/ were it snowing when you went out? h) Kate and Jane wasn't carrying/weren't carrying any bags. i) Sorry, you were reading/ were you reading this book? j) While Helen was doing/were doing her homework, her friends arrived. 2 Completa le frasi con il past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi : a) (you,wait) for Bill when he arrived at the airport? b) While (Mary, have)... lunch, it started raining. c) When the bell rang (we, play) basketball. d) Who (dance) with you last night? e) While (Sue, shop) she met an old friend. f) (Some of the students, look)... out the window. g) While (we, wait) for a taxi, a bus stopped nearby. h) While (I, walk) home, I ate a sandwich. i) (Jim, work)... in a factory when he met Tina. j) Where (you, go)... when I met you?

24 3 Scrivi le domande corrispondenti a queste risposte iniziando come indicato: a)were... Last night? No, I wasn't working last night. b)was... Yes, that's right. Tim was waiting at the bus-stop c)was... No, Mary wasn't talking. d)was... Yes, that's right. Kate was wearing jeans. e)were... Yes, Pat and Chris were playing football. f)was... Raining? Yes, it was. g)were... No, I wasn't reading. I was writing. h)was... Yes, that's right? Tina was doing her homework. i)were... Yes, the police were asking questions. j)were... No, David and Pat weren't living here then. 4 Trova l'errore: a) When I was arriving at David's house, he was waiting outside.

25 ... b) While we were writing a maths test, the head teacher was coming into the room.... c) While we swam, it started to rain.... d) While I was having a bath, the lights were going out.... e) John watched television when the storm began.... f) While I was walking to school I was losing my maths homework!... g) What were you doing when I was seeing you yesterday?.... h) I was walking up the stairs when I was hearing the fire alarm..... i) When Helen left her house, it snowed.... j) Ann was noticing a mistake while she was typing her letter Abbina ogni domanda alla risposta appropriata: 1) What was Carol doing when you knocked on the door? 2) How did Brenda spend her holiday? 3) What happened when the lights went out? 4) When did you meet Kate?

26 5) What did Jean do when Tony called? 6) Did Ann hear what David said? 7) What did Pat do when the bell rang at the end of the lesson? 8) Why did Helen leave so early? a) She went sailing most days, and sunbathed at the beach. b) She put the phone down. c) She was listening to the radio in the kitchen. d) She went to meet her parents at a restaurant. e) She came to my brother's birthday party. f) While Tina was looking for a torch, they came back on. g) She wasn't listening. h) She put her books away and left.

27 HouseandHome 1. Key Vocabulary House Flat/Apartment Bedroom Kitchen Lounge Room Bed Table/Desk Toilet Television Cosy Big/Huge Small/Tiny Traditional/Modern Inacity/town/village Quite Ilikelivingtherebecause Iwanttolive because Thereis/are Home CountryHouse Bathroom DiningRoom Garden SpareRoom/GuestRoom Bath Chair Sofa/Couch Shower Dark Light Quiet Loud Inthecitycentre/towncentre Very Idon tlikelivingtherebecause Idon twanttolive because Thereisn t/aren t Ilivein Iliveat 2. Talking about your home Wheredoyoulive? Ilivein Catania Iliveat Number 13, ViaStellata Howmanyroomsare thereinyourhouse? Inmyhousethere are rooms Whatisyourfavouriteroom? Myfavouriteroomisthe 3. Read Emily s description of her house: Inmyhouse,therearefiverooms:mybedroom,myparent sbedroom,a bathroomandakitchen.itisquite smallbutcosy. Myhouseisinasmalltown

28 andthere is not a lot to do.iwanttohavemyownflatinabigcitysoicanhave my own space. 4. Answer the questions below HowmanyroomsdoesEmilyhaveinherhouse? Wheredoesshelive? Whydoesn tshelikelivingthere? Whydoesshewantherownflat? KeyExpressions Quite Cosy Thereis(not)alottodo Myownspace 5. Now ask your partner about his/her home using the questions above. Write their answers below: 6. Tell the class what your partner said, using the third person: He/Shelives He/Shelikes/doesn t like He/Shewants/doesn twant Inhis house/inherhouse N.B.Rememberyourplurals! 7. Homework: Learnthevocabularyandexpressions Askyourfriendsabouttheirhomesandwritedowntheiranswers

29 IL FUTURO (FUTURE) Forme: Will e Shall Questa struttura si costruisce con will seguito dal verbo all'infinito senza to. Forma affermativa: Jane will leave. Forma interrogativa: Will Jane leave? Forma negativa: Jane will not leave. Shall utilizza la stessa costruzione. Be going to Il futuro con be going to si costruisce con le voci di be + going + il verbo all'infinito. Jeane is going to learn to drive Jean ha intenzione di imparare a guidare Tim and Ann are going to travel abroad next year. Tim e Ann faranno dei viaggi all'estero il prossimo anno. Le forme negative e interrogative si applicano alle voci di be. Are you going to study? I am not going to study. Present Continuous (con significato di futuro) Il futuro con il Present Continuous si costruisce con le voci di be + il gerundio (forma in -ing) del verbo in questione. Are you doing anything on Friday evening? Fai qualcosa venerdì sera?

30 Uso del Futuro: Bewgoingwto-->esprimewintenzionewowunwfattowimminente-->wIwamwgoignwtowlearnwtowdrivew BewcarefulywWewarewgoingwtowcrashy PWillw/wshallw wprevisione,wrichiesta,wofferta,wvolontà,weventowprogrammatowdistantewnel futuro-->wwillwyouwhelpwme?w-wiwthinkwitwwillwrainwtomorrow-wiwwonstwletwyouwgow wtheywwill movewtowitalywnextwyear PShallw >wvienewusatowawvoltewconwlawprimawpersonewpluralewewsingolarewchiedendo cosawsiwdevewfarewowproponendowqualcosaw wshallwiwcomewwithwyou? PWillw wsiwusawsemprewconwdefinitely,wprobably,wperhaps,wowintrodottowdawiwthink,wi amwsure,wiwexpect Presentwcontinuous-->wazionewprogrammatawowinwaccordowrelativamentewvicinawnelwtempo. wiwamwworkingwtonightw wiwamwmeetingwherwparentswtomorrow

31 Esercizi 1 Riscrivi le frasi inserendo le parole indicate tra parentesi. a) I'll see you this evening. (perhaps)... b) You'll enjoy the play. (probably)... c) Kate won't mind. (definitely)... d) Our teacher won't notice. (perhaps)... e) I won't be here tomorrow. (definitely)... f) It'll rain later. (probably)... g) The train won't arrive on time. (definitely)... h) There won't be any lessons today. (perhaps)... 2 Riscrivi le frasi inserendo le espressioni indicate tra parentesi. a) It'll be cold tomorrow. (I'm sure)... b) We'll win. (I expect)... c) I'll leave now (I think)... d) Jim won't be late. (I'm sure)... e) It won't take long. (I expect)...

32 f) You won't have any problems. (I think)... g) You'll enjoy the party. (I'm sure)... h) They won't decide anything yet. (I think)... i) The weather won't change. (I expect)... j) The new rules won't make any difference. (I think)... 3 Riformula le frasi utilizzando le forme adatte di be going to a) Joe plans to buy a new computer.... b) We don't plan to play tennis this weekend.... c) Does Nick plan to join the sports club?... d) What are your plans for next summer?... e) Look! That tree is about to fall over!... f) Do you plan to work hard this year?... g) The forecast for tomorrow is rain.... h) Do Mike and Pat plan to make some sandwiches for the party?... i) I think it's about to snow... j) I don't plan to have a birthday party this year.

33 ... 4 Compleata le frasi scegliendo tra i verbi elencati come cook do get go have leave meet stay work a) I've enjoyed my holiday here, but..... home tomorrow b) Mark a party on his birthday. c) Some friends... to stay with me next week. d)... anything tonight? Would you like to come to the cinema? e) What time... in the morning? Do you want me to take you to the airport? f) Don't forget. You... dinner this evening. It's your turn! g) I can't see you at I... some friends at that time. h) Helen and Mike... married in June. i)... tomorrow? Or have you got a free day? j) I haven't got any lessons tomorrow, so I... at home. 5 Scegli la risposta o le risposte più adatte (tra A,B,C) a) Are you busy on Saturday evening? A I'm going to the cinema B I'll go to the cinema C I'm going to go to the cinema b) I need some help with the shopping A All right, I'm helping you B All right, I'll help you C All right, I'm going to help you c) We've got some great news for you A We're getting married

34 B We're going to get married C We'll get married d) Don't worry about the exam A I'm sure you're passing. B I'm sure you're going to pass. C I'm sure you'll pass. e) Pat has bought her ticket A She's leaving on Tuesday. B She's going to leave on Tuesday. C She'll leave on Tuesday. e) I have to leave early this afternoon A I'm going to the dentist's. B I'm going to go to the dentist's C I'll go to the dentist's. 6 Scegli l'espressione più adatta a) Do you have any plans for your birthday? Yes,... a party. 1) I'll have 2) I'm having b) I need some help with the shop tomorrow Don't worry,... 1) I'll help 2) I'm helping c) What... when you grow up and leave school? 1) will you do 2) are you going to do d) Are you coming to the football match on Saturday? Which teams...? 1) are playing 2) are going to play e) Don't carry all those heavy books. Some of the children... you. 1) will help 2) are going to help f) The doctor is on his way. He..... in 15 minutes. 1) will be here 2) is being e) I've got some good news. Ann... a baby. 1) will have 2) is going to have

35 g) I'm sorry I can't come to the lesson tomorrow my grandmother in hospital. 1) I'll visit 2) I'm visiting

36 ElementaryGroup EDBFutures The Futures Will Predictions It will rain tomorrow Barcelona will win the Champion s League FactsabouttheFuture The airport will be the biggest in Europe OffersandRequests I ll take you to the train station later if you want Will you help me with my English homework? (Note:1 st PersonSingularandPluraluse Shall :Shall I help you with your homework? Shall we take you to the airport?) Be going to Intentions This week I m going to do a lot of English homework For dinner tonight I m going to have some chicken FactsabouttheFuture The airport is going to be the biggest in Europe Present Simple for the future Timetables The train leaves at 6 o clock this evening Present Continuous for the future Arrangements I m meeting my boss for lunch tomorrow

37 ElementaryGroup EDBFutures Exercises The Will Future; Match the right solution with the problem: 1.I velostmywalleta)i llclosethewindow. 2.I mfreezingb)i llhelpyoufindit. 3.I msadc)i llopenawindow. 4.I vegotaheadached)i llmakeyouasandwich. 5.I mthirstye)i lllendyousomemoney. 6.Mybagsareveryheavy.f)I llgetyouanaspirin. 7.I mhungryg)i llmakeyousomecoffee. 8.I mveryhoth)i llgetyouadrink. 9.I mpoor.i)i llcheeryouup. 10.I mreallytired.j)i llhelpyou. Write (be going to) + the correct verb in the blanks below: sell ride buy start watch rain walk cook see study 1 Johndoesn'tlikedrivingsohe biketowork. 2 Helensoldherhouseandnowshe anotherone. 3 Wouldyouliketobuymybooks?I them tomorrow. 4 Georgehasanexamnextweek.He everydayuntil theexam. 5 I'mhungry.I cookingdinnersoon. 6 Thecloudsareblack.It. 7 That'sagoodmovie.I ittomorrow. 8 I'mnotgoingouttonight.I TV. 9 Canwehavelunchnow?Yes,I itinaminute. 10 Ourcarisatthemechanics.We totheparty tonight. Present Simple for the Future: Fillinthegapsusingthecorrectformoftheverbsinbrackets

38 ElementaryGroup EDBFutures 1.Thetrain ateighto clocktomorrowmorning(leave) 2.Thefilm atnineo clockthisevening(start) 3.Whattime thematchstartonsaturday?(do) 4.When theflightfrommunichgetin?(do) 5.Tomorrow Wednesday(BE) Present Continuous for the Future: Afriendofyoursisplanningtogoonholidaysoon.Youaskaboutherplans.Use thewordsinbracketstomakeyourquestions. 1.(Where/go?) Scotland 2.(Howlong/gofor?) Tendays 3.(When/leave?) NextFriday 4.(Go/alone?) No,withafriend 5.(Travel/bycar?) No,bytrain 6.(Where/stay?) Inahotel. Mixed Exercises Puttheverbsinbracketsintotherighttense:futuresimple(shall/will),begoing to,presentsimpleorpresentcontinuous 1. Will:Whattime...(youreveningclass/finish)? Liz:Halfpastnine. Will:...(I/come)andcollectyou? Liz:Thanks,butI...(meet)mysisterforadrink. 2. SandyandAlisonarestudentswhohavebeensharingaflat.Sandyis leavingtodoacourseabroad. Sandy:It shardtosaygoodbyeaftersolong. Alison.Wemustkeepintouch...(you/remember) tosendmeyouraddresswhenyou...(get)tothestates? Sandy:Ofcourse.I...(probably/not/have)time nextweek,becausemycourse...(start)thedayafteri...(arrive),andi...(spend)theweekendwith someoldfriendsofmyfather s. Alison:Well,youcanphone. Sandy:Yes,Iguessso.Doyouknowwhatyou...(do)this timenextsunday? Alison:I...(get)readytogotoLondon. Sandy:OK.I...(phone)aboutthreeo clocknextsunday.

39 ElementaryGroup EDBFutures Alison:Great.I...(wait)foryourcall. 3. Ann:...(youtwo/go)out? Bill:Yes,why? Ann:It sjustsaidontheradiothatit...(snow). Bill:Oh,hasit?I...(take)mybigcoatthen. Joe:Goodidea.So...I. 4. Mike:Mum,...(you/talk)toDadforme? Mum:What stheproblem? Mike:LastweekhesaidIcouldusethecarattheweekendbutnowhe...(not/let)meafterall.IneedittogettothematchI...(play)onSunday. Mum:OK.I...(try)tomakehimchangehismind.Iexpecthe...(agree)whenIexplain. 1.Tomorrowthey...(drive)toNewYork. 2.Ihopetheweather...(be)nice. 3.Iofferedhimthisjob.Ithinkhe...(take)it. 4.IpromiseI...(nottell)anyonethissecret. 5.Takeyourumbrellawithyou.It...(rain). 6.Whatarethey...(do)thisevening? 7.I...(go)tothecinematomorrow. 8.They...(fly)toSeattlenextsummerholidays. 9.I...(invite)50peopletothepartyandIhopeeveryone...(come). 10.Thatexerciselooksdifficult.I...(help)you he...(go)tothefootballmatch? 12.Areyousurethey...(win)thematch? 13.Sheprobably...(stay)untilThursday. 14.He...(notleave)tomorrow. 15.Wethinkhe...(come)lateinthenight.

40 Reading and comprehension The historian Martin Davies has recently written a fascinating book about the Pankhurst family. Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst founded the Women s Social and Political Union in 1903 and, together with her daughters, was a leader of the movement to obtain votes for women. But although they worked together, relationships within the family were surprisingly bad. Emmeline married a lawyer, Richard Pankhurst, the local hero of the Manchester workers. Together, they did a great deal to improve workers conditions, but Davies tells us how the Pankhurst girls and their brother, Harry, suffered from their parents preoccupation with their social work because they spent so little time at home. Emmeline also insisted that her daughters help her in her work. The two older daughters, Sylvia and Adele, organised female industrial workers in the North; Emmeline and Christabel concentrated on upper-class women in London, where their campaign became fashionable. The demonstrations they organised on the streets of London were a very unusual sight, with ladies wearing long white dresses and carrying silver arrows for freedom and red banners. Men s rigid opposition to their demands made the women s tactics more aggressive. This in turn caused the Government to use stronger and stronger methods against them, for example sending them to prison and forcing them to eat when they went on hunger strike. The Pankhurst women were under great pressure and Christabel was the first to give up, moving to Paris, where she wrote articles supporting the cause, but no longer taking an active part. In 1914, Mrs Pankhurst had an argument with Adele, who was sent to Australia. During the First World War, only Sylvia continued to fight for women s rights. Success did come at the end of the war in 1918, with women winning the right to vote at the age of twenty-eight. But the Pankhurst family never recovered. Mrs Pankhurst died in London soon after; the daughters lived long but separate lives in different parts of the world. 1. How many children did Mrs Pankhurst have? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four 2. Mr and Mrs Pankhurst were both dedicated to social reform. TRUE / FALSE 3. A suffragette was a) a man who suffered because of his wife. b) a woman who dressed in white. c) a woman who fought for the right to vote. d) a female industrial worker. 4. The suffragette movement a) was always aggressive. b) became progressively aggressive. c) was always peaceful. d) was violent. 5. The Government s reaction to the suffragette movement was a) positive. b) indifferent. c) hostile. d) encouraging. 6. Christabel totally abandoned the suffragette cause when she moved to Paris. TRUE / FALSE

41 7. Which adjective does not describe the Pankhurst family relationships? a) aggressive b) close c) complicated d) difficult 8. Sylvia last saw Adele a) after the First World War. b) during the First World War. c) before the First World War. 9. All the Pankhurst women died soon after winning the right to vote. TRUE / FALSE 10. Where was this passage probably taken from? a) an encyclopedia b) a history book c) a magazine article d) a novel

42 Holidays ThePastSimpleinUse KeyExpressions Lastyear/month/week In+year/month Thesummerholidays Themountains Holidayhouse Iwentbymyself/withmy family/friends Museums Itrained/Itwassunny/Itwas cloudy Ihada great/good/average/terribletime! Yesterday Iwentto Thebeach Acampingholiday Agroup/familyholiday Itwas fantastic/terrible/hot/cold/exciting/boring Onthefirstday Inthemorning/afternoon/evening Atnight Ienjoyedit/myself Ihatedit! Spend+time For day(s)/week(s)/month(s) Read the example below and then describe your last holiday Giovanni: LastyearinJulyIwenttoParis.Iwentwithmyfamilytovisitsomemuseums andtovisitmysisterwholivesthere. Onthefirstdayitrained,butitdidn t matterbecausewevisitedthelouvre.itwasenormous!wespentalldaythere, andintheeveningwewenttoarestaurantinthecitycentre.iatecoqauvin, whichisatypicalfrench dish. Ihadagreattime! WheredidGiovannigoonholiday? Whodidhegowith? Inline2,whatdoes there referto? Whatdoyouthinkdishmeans? Now describe your last holiday. Remember to keep your phrases short! Ask your partner where he/she went on his/her holiday using the questions below. Write their answers in the spaces provided: Wheredidyougo? Whodidyougowith? Howlongdidyougofor? Whatdidyoudo? Didyouenjoyit?

43 Readthefollowextractsanddecidewhichhotelstheywentto. Julian: Lastyear,IwenttoSpaintorelaxonthebeach.Iwentbymyself,butImetmy friendswholivethere.thehotelwasfantastic,ithadaswimmingpoolandwifi inmyroom.thestaffwerereallygreatandtheyspokeinenglishsoicould understand them. Anna: InSeptemberIwentonagroupholidaytoMorocco.Thehotelwasreallycheap andfullofyoungpeople.thehotelhelpedusbookahikingtourintheatlas Mountainsandgaveus informationaboutthecity.wehada really greattime. Emma: Iremembermyholiday.Itwasin1998andIwentbymyselftoLondon.Iwanted topracticemyenglishandiwantedtostayinacheapplacewhereicouldmeet people.thehotelwasreallydirty,andthefoodwasterrible.theweatherwas OK,butitwasnothotlikeitisinSicily.Ihadaterribletime! Joshua: InthesummerholidaysIwenttoAustraliawithmyfamilyforamonth.Thehotel wasdisappointing,thewebsitesaidtheyhadinternetaccessbutwhenwe arriveditwasbroken.onthewebsite,thehotelsaidtheroomswere spacious butwhenwegottheretheyweretiny!intheendwechangedourhotelandhad agoodtime. 1. Doyouwanta cheap place tostayintheuk?cometothehotelritssin Londonwhereyou don t have to spendalotofmoneytovisitthecity. Wehavelotsofclientssoyoucanmeetnewpeople.Youcanenjoyour traditionalbritishcuisineandsleepinourtidyrooms. 2. Atourfourstarresidenceonthebeachyoucanenjoyfreewifiinyour bedroomandourbeautifulswimmingpool.allourstaffspeakenglishand canhelpyouwithanything fromhikingtobiking!give us a call! 3. Doyouwantaplacenearthebeachwhereyoucanrelaxandsurf the net? Searchforusontheinternet OzHotel,whereyoucansleepinour spaciousandwell designedrooms. 4. Ifyouareastudent,book aroominouryouthhostel.ourstaffwillgive youinformationaboutthecityandcanbookyourhikingtourinthe nearby mountains.ifyouareonagroupholiday,thisistheperfectplace foryou!

44 Auxiliaries (Verbi Ausiliari) In lingua inglese I verbi ausiliari hanno le seguenti proprietà. Formano le frasi negative al presente e al passato senza l'aggiunta di don't, doesn't e didn't i.e. She isn't a bad person I wasn't happy Formano le frasi interrogative al presente e al passato senza l'aggiunta di do, does e did i.e. Are you ready? Can you swim? Were you there? Per formare il presente e il passato hanno generalmente delle forme proprie i.e. John is tall Mike had a dog when I was a child

45 I VERBI MODALI ISverbiSmodaliSsono: Scan,kcould,kmay,might,kmust,kshall,kshould,koughtkto,kwill,kwould, needn't. khanno S la S stessa S forma S per S tutte S le S persone; S formano S le S interrogative S con lòinversioneseslesnegativesconslòaggiuntasdi Snot;SadSeccezione Sdi Sought, sonosseguiti dallòinfinitossenzasto;ksonosdifettivi,scioèsnonssisconiuganosneisdiversistempisverbali. I can swim?k Can she swim?k Wekcan't swim Capacità *can,kcan't,kcannot InSquestoScasoSIkcankdoksignificaS SoSfare/sonoSinSgradoSdiSfare/riescoSaSfare S I can sing.kcan you sing?knoki can't. IoSsoScantare.STuSsaiScantare?SNoS * bekablektokèsunasperifrasischespuòsesseresusatasinstuttisistempiseschessostituisce cankper coniugaresilstemposfuturo. Will you be able to helpkmekliftkthekforniturektomorrow? Permesso can,kcan'tksisusanospersparlaresdisciòschesèseschesnonsèspermesso. Can I leavekearly,kplease? PossoSandareSviaSprima,SperSfavore?S Ikcan't come skatingktomorrowk NonSpossoSvenireSaSpattinareSdomani Probabilità o incertezza maykekmightk Ikmay/mightkdoksignificaS PuòSdarsiScheSioSfaccia

46 President Jones might win the next election Può darsi che il presidente Jones vinca le prossime elezioni I may not have time to finish tonight Può darsi non abbia tempo di finire oggi * Alcuni ritengono che may si più formale e che might indicherebbe maggiore incertezza could Anche could soprattutto con il verbo be può esprimere incertezza. Deduzioni: certezza e impossibilità (must e can't) can't indica spesso impossibilità: President Jones can't win the next election. Il presidente Jones non può vincere le prossime elezioni / Non è possibile che il presidente Jones vinca le prossime elezioni. Quando si deduce dai fatti il grado di certezza o impossibilità di un evento, si usano must e can't: He must be stuck in the traffic Dev'essere bloccato nel traffico She can't be in France! I saw her today! Non può essere/non è possibile che sia in Francia! L'ho vista oggi Obbligo (must e have to) Per dire che qualcosa è necessario si può usare must o have to: must è un obbligo che viene imposto o che ci si impone I must finish my homework before 8.00 Devo finire i compiti prima delle 8:00 have to è un obbligo che viene dalla situazione che lo richiede

47 I have to phone Jane at 9.00 Devo telefonare a Jane alle 9:00 Le forme negative di must e have to sono musn't e don't/doesn't have to You mustn't cross the road when the red light is showing Non si deve/ Non devi attraversare quando il semaforo è rosso You don't have to turn on the central heating. It's automatic Non devi/ Non è necessario accendere il riscaldamento. È automatico Consigli, opinioni, previsioni (should e shouldn't) Normalmente l'uso di should e shouldn't corrisponde a quello del condizionale del verbo dovere: Consigli: I think you should talk to your teacher about it. Penso che dovresti parlarne con il tuo insegnante. Opinioni: I think the police should arrest hooligans. Credo che la polizia dovrebbe arrestare gli hooligans. Previsioni: They should arrive here at about Dovrebbero arrivare qui verso le 6:30 should può essere sostituito da ought to (anche se questo è meno frequente) I think you ought to talk to your teacher about it. Con significato simile a should e ought to si può usare per dare consigli had better che di solito si contrae in 'd better I think you had better talk to your teacher about it.

48 Esercizi 1 Inserisci la parola mancante in ogni spazio. a) Jack has to be home before b) Emma... swim very well for a child her age. c) Students... not leave coats in this room. d) We... to get up before 6.00 tomorrow. e) I think we... go home now. f) Jenny... to leave in the morning. g) You don't... to do this if you don't want to. h) Tim... got to do all his homework again. i) You... sign the form and return it by next Monday. j) Sorry, but I'm not... to come to the meeting tomorrow. 2 Volgi le seguenti frasi alla forma negativa. a) Kate has got to take an exam tomorrow.... b) Jim has to get up early... c) I have to make a phone call.... d) George has got to do the shopping.... e) You must sit here.... f) We've got to decide now.... g) Helen has to do her homework now....

49 h) You must forget about it Riformula ogni frase utilizzando la parola data e mantenendo il significato. a) It's very important for you to be here at must... b) It's impossible for me to see you tomorrow. can't... c) It's necessary to press the button twice. have got... d) It's not a good idea to eat lots of sweets. shouldn't... e) It's not possible for Jean to come to the party. able... f) It's not necessary for you to pay now. don't... g) Parking here is forbidden. mustn't... h) It's necessary for you to work harder. should... i) It's a good idea for you to rest now. ought... j) It's against the law to cross the road here. not...

50 4 Scegli la soluzione corretta. a) Look at those clouds. I think it can/might rain. b) This is impossible! It can't be/mustn't be/may not be the answer. c) Well done! You may be/must be/might be very pleased. d) I have no idea where Jane is. She could be/must be anywhere! e) I suppose it's possible. I might/can/must come to your party. f) I'm not sure. I must not/may be able to get there in time. g) That can't be/mustn't be/ may not be David. He hasn't got a bike h) Lisa isn't here yet. She can be/ must be on her way. i) There's someone at the door. It can be/could be the postman. j) Sorry, I can't/ may not come out. I have to do my homework. 5 Riformula ogni frase completando la seconda con can't, might o must. a) Helen is really good at swimming. Helen...well. b) It's impossible that our team will win. Our team...win. c) I'm sure this isn't the right road This...the right road. d) I'm sure you work very hard! You... very hard. e) Carol isn't allowed to come to our party. Carol... to our party. f) It's possible that I'll see you tomorrow, but I'm not sure. I..., but I'm not sure. g) I'm afraid that your teacher is unable to come today. I'm afraid that... today. h) I'm sure it's very hot here in the summer. It... here in summer.

51 i) Excuse, is it all right if I open the window? Excuse... the window? j) I suppose you are Mrs Perry. How do you do? You...Mrs Perry. How do you do? 6 Traduci in inglese a) Ti conviene prendere un taxi. b) Penso che Tom non dovrebbe bere tanto. c) Domani non dobbiamo andare a lavoro. È festa. d) Non si deve fare rumore nella biblioteca. e) Sanno usare il computer I tuoi bambini? f) Non potremo andare allo stadio domani pomeriggio. g) Può darsi che arrivino due nuove insegnanti il mese prossimo. h) Ci deve essere un errore. Non può essere vero! i) Marta deve lavorare anche il sabato. j) Posso usare la tua bicicletta per 2 ore?

52 IL PRESENT PERFECT Il)Present)Simple)si)costruisce)con)il)presente)dell'ausiliare)have)seguito)dal)participio passato)del)verbo.)la)forma)regolare)del)participio)passato)è)identica)a)quella)del)past simple)regolare)(-ed): Forma)affermativa I1have1decided1to1leave1tomorrow Forma1interrogativa: Have1you1decided? Forma1negativa: I1have1not1decided1/1haven't1decided. La)forma)irregolare)è)la)terza)voce)del)paradigma)dei)verbi)irregolare write) wrote) written Have1you1written1the1letter1yet? Fai)attenzione)l'ausiliare)è)sempre have/has e)non are/am/is.)si)dice: The1bus1hasn't1arrived1yet e)non The1bus1isn't1arrived1yet Quando usiamo il Present Perfect? Quando)ci)riferiamo)ad)azioni)che)sono)cominciate)nel)passato)e)che)continuano)nel presente: I1have1lived1here1for1101years.

53 I've often seen Jim with his dog in the park. Quando un'azione o situazione passata è senza riferimenti a un tempo determinato: Helen has broken her pencil. Per riferirsi a un'azione appena conclusa I have just finished eating Per parlare di esperienze: Have you been to Spain? I have been to Barcelona. Have you seen that movie? Il Present Perfect si usa con i seguenti avverbi: yet--> I haven't seen it yet just--> I have just done it. never --> Pat has never been to Italy. ever--> Have you ever played tennis? already--> I have already written the letter. So far --> How many pages have you written so far? Il Present Perfect si usa spesso con i seguenti avverbi: often--> I have always loved you always--> I have often visited Spain. Il present perfect può spesso essere confuso con il past simple perchè entrambi si traducono spesso con il passato prossimo in italiano Have you seen the film Armageddon? Hai visto il film Armageddon?

54 Did you see the film last night? Hai visto il film ieri sera? Di solito si usa il Past Simple quando ci si riferisce a un tempo completamente trascorso (when, what time, yesterday, last week, two days ago, etc..) When did you arrive in Prague? I arrived here in September two years ago. Si usa il past simple anche nei racconti e per parlare di fatti storici o remoti (passato remoto italiano): There was someone in the corridor. Inspector Davis moved quietly towards the door, switched off the light and listened. Exercises 1 Scegli la soluzione corretta. 1. Tim hasn't finish/ hasn't finished his homework yet. 2. What has David decided/ have David decided to do? 3. You have seen/have you seen the new film about Napoleon? 4. I haven't been/ haven't be very well lately. 5. Have you ate yet/ have you eaten yet? 6. Helen have done/ has done a lot of work today. 7. Has there been / has there be any phone-calls for me? 8. The lights have gone/ have go out. What has happen/ has happened?

55 2 Completa le frasi con la forma del present perfect dei verbi tra parentesi 1. What's the matter? (You cut) yourself? 2. The ship (not sink), but it's in a dangerous condition. 3. (Your sisters write) to you yet? 4. I (have) a headache ever since lunchtime. 5. Nadia (never see) any Chinese films. 6. Someone (steal) Mr Grant's bike 7. My brothers are tired because they (not sleep) all night. 8. I am afraid we (just break) your window. Sorry! 9. David (not win) a prize this time, I'm afraid. 10.(you ever eat) Spanish food? It's great! 3 Completa la seconda frase con il present perfect del verbo indicato mantenendo il significato della prima. 1. Do you have any more homework to do? (do) Have...your homework? 2. Brian isn't here. (leave) Brian Sue goes to a different school now. (change) Sue... school. 4. Martin isn't a child any more. (grow up) Martin I'm writing my third letter at the moment. (already write) I... two letters. 6. This is not my first visit here. (be) I... before. 7. Is your dog still missing? (find) Have..... yet? 8. Bill is still reading my book. (finish) Bill... yet. 9. I have never seen Stonehenge before. (see) This is the first time I... Stonehenge. 10. Jane isn't at home at the moment. (go out) Jane... 4 Completa le frasi con le espressioni di tempo elencate.

56 Yet never since (2) often ever never already so far just always 1. Carlos has lived in the city centre Thanks for the present! I've... wanted a pet goldfish.! 3. Have you... drunk pineapple juice? It's fantastic! 4. I've... heard some fantastic news! I've passed my exams! 5. Harry up! Haven't you finished...? You are a slow-coach! 6. This is my first pet frog. I've... had one before 7. I've... been on a big ship before. It's an interesting experience 8. We're very busy today... we've sold over a hundred bikes. 9. I've... passed this building, but this is the first time I've been inside. 10. Can I have a different book? I've... read this one. 5 Metti i verbi al Past Simple o al Present Perfect. 1. Where (you go)... for your holidays last year? 2. I can't play any more. I (just hurt)... my foot. 3. Jane is a famous writer, and (write)... over fifty books. 4. Sorry, I( not finish)... my letters yet. 5. I (miss)... the end of the film last night. What (happen)...? 6. I (lose)... my keys on Monday but I (find)... them on Tuesday. 7. We had a great party last week. Who (you, invite)...? 8. Where (you, meet)... Sam? At the sports centre? 9. Juventus (not play)... very well last Sunday. 10. (you, see)... my ruler? It was here a moment ago. 11. Tina isn' t here. She (just go)... to school. 12. What time (you get up)... this morning? 13. Paul (have)... a bad car accident three years ago. 14. I ( live)... in the same house since What (you do)... last night? 16. Brian (not finish)... his work yet. 17. Tina (arrive)... here in (you see)... Hidden Danger? It' s a really interesting film. 19. Oh no! I (forget)... my keys! 20. When ( Mary leave)...?

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