Euler Hermes Services Ireland Ltd. Terms & Conditions of Business for your Debt Collection Services

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1 Euler Hermes Servies Ireln Lt Terms & Conitions of Business for your Det Colletion Servies

2 Contents Terms n Conitions of Business 1 The Servies 1 EHCI s Oligtions 1 Client s Oligtions 1 Soliitors 2 Fees n Expenses 3 Reoveries 5 Termintion of Servies 6 Limittion of Liility 6 Assignment 7 Notie 7 Fore Mjeure 7 Dt Protetion 7 Lw n Jurisition 7 Generl 8 Definitions 9

3 Terms n Conitons of Business 1 Terms n Conitions of Business These Terms n Conitions of Business pply to the Servies provie y EHCI. Wors in itlis hve the sme mening s set out in the efinitions. 2 The Servies promptly to inform EHCI), the Client must fully inemnify EHCI ginst ll Costs (inluing, where pplile, those osts set out uner Cluse 5) inurre n rising through the performne of the Servies. 3 EHCI s Oligtions Insure Dets The Servies re provie to the Client on onition tht the Client: i) omplies with these EHCI Terms n Conitions of Business; n ii) omplies with ll the Terms n Conitions of the Poliy; n iii) pys ll Costs ue to EHCI s set out in Cluse 6. Non Insure Dets EHCI must ensure tht the Servies re performe in professionl mnner in ompline with inustry stnrs n regultions. EHCI must tret ll non-puli informtion onerning the Client, its usiness n finnil ffirs in omplete onfiene. However, the Client onsents to EHCI islosing suh informtion to the Agents, to other thir prties n to Group Compnies where this is neee for the proper performne of the Servies. The Servies re provie to the Client on onition tht the Client omplies with these EHCI Terms n Conitions of Business n pys ll Costs ue to EHCI s set out in Cluse 6. Insure n Non Insure Dets 4 Client s Oligtions The Client must provie EHCI with ll neessry ouments n other informtion whether or not requeste to enle EHCI to provie the Servies. EHCI will provie the Servies t its sole isretion either from its own resoure or through the resoures of its Agents. In prtiulr (ut without limittion), EHCI will eie the most pproprite mnner in whih to provie the Det Reovery Servies. EHCI my refuse, or instrut its Agents to refuse, to provie the Servies, n EHCI will enevour to provie the reson for its eision. Where it is foun tht the Det is n Exlue Det n the Client ws wre of this ft efore or t the te of Plement (or hs eome wre of this ft fter Plement ut file The Client grees to notify EHCI immeitely of ny hnge to the ouments n the informtion lrey given. Where Det Reovery Servies re provie, the Client must inform EHCI of ny offers, orresponene or new informtion tht my ffet the Det, iretly or iniretly. The Client must notify EHCI of ny pyment me to the Client iretly, in or towrs the reution or stisftion of the Det, sine the te of Plement. The Client must hol in omplete onfiene ll non-puli informtion given to it y EHCI, n 1

4 e f must not islose it to ny thir prty without EHCI s prior Written onsent. The Client grees to o-operte t ll times with EHCI n its Agents instrutions. From the te of Plement, the Client grees not to instrut ny other person, firm or ompny in respet of the Det or the Servies without EHCI s prior Written onsent. Filure to otin suh onsent, will entitle EHCI to hrge its Commission Fee on ny Reovery me n the Client grees to py suh hrge upon request from EHCI. 5 Soliitors EHCI hs n solute isretion in the hoie of the Soliitor to provie the Det Reovery Servies, n its hoie is ining. EHCI must inform the Client of the nme n ress of the Soliitor. The Client my ppel ginst the hoie of Soliitor y giving EHCI Written etils of n lterntive soliitor n explining why it prefers to use tht soliitor. EHCI mngement will mke eision s to the use of the lterntive soliitor n, if it rejets the Client s preferene, explin to the Client why. g h The Client must omply with the oligtions speifie in Cluses 4, n without ely. Any filure or ely in oing so whih my ffet EHCI or the Agent s performne of the Servies n will entitle EHCI to immeitely terminte the Servies. If the Client instruts EHCI or the Agents to provie the Servies ginst the vie of EHCI or its Agent, the Client grees to fully inemnify EHCI for ll Costs tht rise in rrying out the Servies. EHCI must instrut the Soliitor to: i) ple his firm/prtie on ny ourt reor s ting on the Client s ehlf; n ii) keep the Client n EHCI regulrly informe of steps, tken y the Soliitor or ny thir prties engge y the Soliitor, in reovering the Det. EHCI grees tht the Soliitor owes primry uty to the Client. The Client must fully inemnify EHCI ginst ll loss, osts or expense inurre y EHCI rising out of the Client s reh of ny of the provisions of the Terms n Conitions of Business, inluing (without limittion) the ost of pursuing lims ginst the Client for ny reh of ny provision of the Terms n Conitions of Business n of enforing ny jugment or orer. The Client further grees to fully inemnify EHCI for expenses EHCI inurs or my inur in ting on: i) instrutions given to EHCI y the Client s offiers, ontrtors, employees or gents whih re not uthorise y the Client; or ii) informtion given to EHCI tht proves to e inurte, inomplete or misleing. e f The Client grees tht the EHCI or its Agent my eut from ny Reovery ny osts, isursements n ommission pyle to EHCI or its Agent, where pplile, efore ounting to the Client for ny lne. The Client grees tht EHCI my instrut the Soliitor to seek Reovery from the Detor, on the Client s ehlf, the tul osts inurre or likely to e inurre y the Client, EHCI or the Agents (together, thir prty osts ) in the performne of the Servies. If the Soliitor reovers ny thir prty osts referre to uner Cluse 5 e, n EHCI is entitle to suh osts, the Client grees tht EHCI hs the solute right to retin 2

5 g h its proportion of suh osts. If Reovery is me or pi iretly to the Client, the Client grees to py EHCI the thir prty osts (less the Client s osts not ue to EHCI or its Agents) immeitely on request. The Client grees to py EHCI on request ll Costs inurre if, without EHCI s onsent, the Client instruts the Soliitor to tke no further tion in respet of Det n either: i) the Client fils to give reson why suh instrutions were given to the Soliitor; or ii) the Client gives reson why suh instrutions were given n EHCI fins tht the Det ws n Exlue Det. Where Costs pyle uner Cluse 5 g inlue Commission Fees, suh Commission Fees will e lulte in orne with the gree perentge t Plement on the whole Det vlue. i) the Client s Legl Costs for Det Reovery Servies in respet of n Insure Det from n Insure Buyer tring in the Repuli of Ireln; n ii) proportion of the Client s Legl Costs for Det Reovery Servies in respet of n Insure Buyer tring outsie the Repuli of Ireln. The oligtions uner 6 i) n ii) o not inlue Costs inurre n rising from the Exlue Ativities or ny other exlusion set out in the Poliy or these Terms n Conitions of Business. The Client must repy ll Costs inurre y EHCI n its Agents in reltion to et tht is not n Insure Det, or is otherwise exlue or rejete uner the Poliy s n Insure Det, or is n Exlue Det. Non Insure Dets i j Money reovere y the Soliitor (less ny osts referre to in Cluse 5 where pplile) will e hel in the Generl Aount n pi to the Client y EHCI s set out uner Cluse 6. If uring ny legl tion or ourt proess n wr or jugment is me ginst the Client, the Client grees to fully inemnify EHCI n the Agent for ll Costs (inluing ny thir prty osts) inurre n rising from the provision of the Servies. 6 Fees n Expenses Insure Dets Sujet to onfirmtion of the Client s ompline with the Poliy n to these Terms n Conitions of Business, EHI will ontriute, in orne with the terms of the Client s Poliy to: The Client will e lile for n must fully inemnify EHCI for ll Costs inurre y EHCI n its Agents in respet of the Servies provie outsie Ireln. Insure n Non Insure Dets e The Client must repy ll osts inurre on the Client s ehlf tht relte to n Exlue Det. The Client must py the: i) Commission Fees on the Reovery of ny Det or prt of Det fter Plement; n ii) the Legl Costs in orne with the relevnt stnr EHCI Sheule of Fees n litigtion triff (where pplile) or other priing struture in fore t the te legl tion is rrnge; n iii) ny other Fees set out in ny relevnt Sheule of Fees or priing struture 3

6 pplile t the time to ny other EHCI servies provie to the Client y EHCI t the Client s request. or interim proeeings n the Exlue Ativities. f EHCI reserves the right to vry its Sheule of Fees, or other priing struture, n will enevour to provie the Client with notie of suh vrition. f The Client must py ll Costs inurre where jugment is wre ginst the Client t ny stge of legl tion (either efore or t tril) n/or where osts hve een gree etween the prties without EHCI s prior pprovl, or wre y ourt ginst the Client. If, following the te of Plement, n without the Written onsent of EHCI the Client grees to, or enters into, ny settlement or ompromise with Detor whih reues or stisfies the mount lime from the Detor (for exmple n greement for the return of goos), then the Client must py the Costs n the Aitionl Fee. g h i j Where EHCI hs gree to provie or hs provie legl servie in respet of the Exlue Ativities vi its Agents, EHCI hs the right to hrge Commission Fees on ny Reovery. The Client must py ll hrges rise y EHCI within 7 ys of the te of ny invoie ( ue te ), where suh hrges hve not een settle from ny Reovery me on the Client s ehlf y EHCI. Filure to py EHCI hrges will entitle EHCI to hrge interest on ll overue sums to e lulte on ily sis from the pyment ue te until the te of settlement. Interest will e t rte equivlent to tht set out y the Europen Communities Lte Pyment in Commeril Trnstions Regultions Any pyments ue to EHCI must e me y the Client in full y the ue te without ny set-off, eution, retention or withholing. Where n invoie remins unpi fter the ue te, if EHCI hs given the Client reit filities, then EHCI reserves the right to withrw or to reue tht reit fility or ring forwr the ue te for pyment. g h i j Other Fees n expenses ue to the Agents re pyle y the Client in ition to the Fees n must e pi regrless of the extent of ny Reovery me y EHCI. Unille or outstning Fees n expenses of Agents eome immeitely ue n pyle if the Servies re terminte for ny reson. The Client must otin EHCI s prior Written onsent efore greeing to ny settlement or ompromise with the Detor. Filure to o so will mke the Client lile to EHCI for ll Legl Costs n Fees inurre uring, or rising out of, the provision of the Servies, n the Aitionl Fee. To voi out, if in reltion to ny Det the Servies re terminte y: k The Client must fully inemnify EHCI ginst ll osts n expenses inurre y EHCI in reovering ny overue Fees. i) the Client, exept in orne with EHCI s express reommention; or ii) EHCI in orne with Cluse 4 g, l The Client must py ll Costs rising from n inurre in reltion to the Det Reovery Servies in hnling ny ounterlim the Client must py the Costs n the Hnling Fee. In the se of Insure Dets n Non Insure 4

7 Dets, the Hnling Fee will e set y EHCI n lulte on the sis of the Fees tht the Client woul hve pi if the Det h een fully reovere, tking into ount the Client s other liilities uner these Terms n Conitions of Business. Nothing in this Cluse 6 releses the Client from ny oligtions to py ny Fees owe to EHCI in the event of termintion. 7 Reoveries All reoveries me y EHCI or its Agents on ehlf of Client will e hel in the Generl Aount. Costs ue to EHCI y Client in performing the Servies will e either: i) eute y EHCI from ny Reovery hel in the Generl Aount. In suh se, EHCI will ount for ny remining lne to the Client; or ii) pi to EHCI seprtely y the Client upon the Client eing invoie y EHCI, in whih se EHCI will ount for ny Reovery hel in the Generl Aount to tht Client without eutions. EHCI my t its sole isretion t ny time fter giving resonle notie: i) hoose whih of the two options in Cluse 7 i) n 7 ii) will pply; n ii) e free to vry the hosen option. e f g h iii) the Client owes money to ny Group Compny EHCI my set off ginst money hel in the Generl Aount ny money owe y the Client to EHCI or ny other Group Compny. This inlues (without limittion) ny Slvge owe to EHCI. The Client grees tht where the set-off reltes to money owe y the Client to EHCI, or ny other Group Compny, then EHCI is entitle to pply the set-off n sumit ny funs ue to EHCI, or ny other Group Compny. If EHCI fils to reover from ny Reovery enough money to meet ll Costs inurre in respet of the Servies or ny mtter rising from them, then the Client must py EHCI the shortfll. The Client unerstns tht if there is shortfll fter the eution referre to uner Cluse 7 i), it must py EHCI the lne of the outstning Costs. If ny Reovery remitte to EHCI or its Agents y, heque, reit r or eit r is susequently ishonoure or rejete y the r issuer (in the se of reit or eit r pyments) for whtever reson (inluing ut not limite to the use of the genuine rholer s etils without their onsent, or the fruulent use of the r), then the Client must repy EHCI the Reovery ounte to the Client. The Client grees tht EHCI my set off or eut ny repyment ue from monies owe to the Client s provie ove. In respet of n Insure Det, if: i) the Client oes not py EHCI ny Costs ue to EHCI y the ue te; or ii) the Client owes money to EHCI in respet of the Poliy to whih Det reltes; or i Where Cluse 7 g pplies, EHCI will refun the Commission Fees tht the Client my hve pi or is ue to py in respet of the Reovery to whih the ishonoure or rejete heque, reit or eit r pyment reltes. 5

8 8 Termintion of Servies The Client my give Written notie t ny time to EHCI to terminte the Servies. The Client is responsile to py ll Costs inurre n ruing up to n inluing the te of termintion, n the Client remins lile to py Fees on ny Reovery me fter the te of termintion where Det Reovery Servies were provie in respet of the Det. The Client must py the Costs immeitely when requeste to EHCI or its Agents (s pproprite). EHCI my terminte these Terms n Conitions of Business immeitely without ny liility if: i) the Client hs petitione for or ommits ny t of nkrupty, or is juge to e nkrupt (in respet of n iniviul), or insolvent in ny jurisition; ii) the Client is the sujet of ny reeiving or ministrtion orer; iii) the Client enters into ny voluntry or ompulsory rrngement with its reitors; iv) the Client eses, or thretens to ese, to rry on usiness; v) EHCI resonly elieves tht ny of the events referre to uner i), ii), iii) or iv) ove is out to our; vi) the Client fils to mke ny pyment whih flls ue uner this Terms n Conitions of Business, the Poliy or ny other greement with ny Group Compny, vii) the Client rehes ny provision of these Terms n Conitions of Business, the Poliy or ny mteril instrutions from EHCI or the Agents. The right of termintion uner Cluse 8 is without prejuie to ny other right or remey e ville in respet of ny reh uner these Terms n Conitions of Business. In the event of termintion of uner 8 i), ii), iii), iv) n v), EHCI remins entitle to Commission Fees on ny Reovery me fter the te of Plement of Det, where the Client or its representtives n Agents in insolveny ontinue to use the Det Reovery Servies. 9 Limittion of Liility e Neither EHCI or its employees or Agents represent tht ny informtion or vie given in onnetion with the Servies is urte. No sttement y EHCI or its employees or Agents mounts to n unertking, term, onition, representtion or wrrnty ple of inorportion into these Terms n Conitions of Business or ny ollterl greement. If the Client relies on ny orl or written representtions given y EHCI, its employees, or its Agents, EHCI is lile only if the representtions re onfirme in writing y n EHCI iretor. EHCI, its employees or Agents re not lile for ny iret or iniret losses or mges inurre or suffere y the Client whether pure eonomi loss, onsequentil loss, or otherwise, rising from the Servies. Sujet to sttutory provisions, ll wrrnties, onitions n representtions (whether written or orl), or other terms implie y sttute or ommon lw re exlue to the fullest extent permissile y lw. If the lw oes not permit the liilities onerne to e exlue, then EHCI s totl liility for ll lims rising from the Terms n Conitions of Business is limite to n mount equl to the Fee pyle y the Client 6

9 to EHCI for the Det for whih the liility hs risen. 10 Assignment 11 Notie The Client my not ssign or trnsfer these Terms n Conitions of Business in whole or in prt without EHCI s prior Written onsent. EHCI my su-ontrt the Servies to ny Group Compny, thir prty or its Agents. Written notie my e serve uner these Terms n Conitions of Business t the registere offie or norml ple of usiness of the other prty. Fsimiles re eeme reeive t the time inite in the trnsmission report. Post is eeme reeive the next working y fter the y of posting. epts no responsiility or liility for ny tion or lim rought y n iniviul or the Offie of the Dt Protetion Commissioner where the Client is foun to e in, or hs een in, ontrvention of the provisions n priniples of the DPA or similr legisltion. The Client grees to inemnify EHCI in full for ny losses EHCI my sustin in responing to ny suh tion or lim on the Client s ehlf. The t will e use y EHCI in the provision of its Servies n other generl olletion n reit mngement tivities. EHCI my nee to shre the t with others. For exmple, the t my e psse to legl visers, et reovery gents, tring gents, reit referene genies n other Group Compnies, tht my e lote within or outsie the Eonomi Europen Are. 12 Fore Mjeure It my e tht the provision of the Servies is frustrte or nnot e performe euse of events eyon the ontrol of EHCI or the Client, inluing ut not limite to ts of Go, terrorism, ient, explosion, fire, trnsport elys, strikes n other inustril isputes, n ompline with ny government lws, regultions or orers. If so, the provision of the Servies ens n these Terms n Conitions of Business utomtilly en on the te when the Client hs pi the Costs inurre to tht te. 13 Dt Protetion Wors shown in ol in this Cluse hve the sme mening s efine in the DPA. EHCI proesses ny personl t ( t ) in orne with the DPA. Where t is given to EHCI, it will e reeive on the sis tht the Client is uthorise to proess it in ompline with the DPA or similr legisltion. EHCI If the Client t ny stge eomes t proessor for ny t provie to n y EHCI, it must: i) omply with the DPA; ii) follow EHCI s sole instrutions in onnetion with suh proessing; iii) inemnify EHCI in full n tke pproprite mesures, ginst unuthorise or unlwful proessing of the t n ginst ientl loss or estrution of, or mge to, the t. The Client my write to EHCI for informtion s it reltes to the provision of the Servies, otherwise the Client shoul seek inepenent legl vie on generl t protetion enquiries. 14 Lw n Jurisition These Terms n Conitions of Business re sujet to, n shoul e interprete in orne with, the lws of the Repuli of Ireln. The ourts of Engln & Wles will hve exlusive jurisition 7

10 over ny ispute rising uner or in onnetion with these Terms n Conitions of Business or the provision of the Servies. 15 Generl No ely or filure y EHCI in enforing ny provision of these Terms n Conitions of Business is wiver of tht provision or ny other provision. g h The Client irrevoly wives ny rights it my hve to lim mges for ny misrepresenttion or reh of wrrnty unless it ws me or one fruulently. Nothing in these Terms n Conitions of Business n give ny thir prty ny enefit from, or the right to enfore, these Terms n Conitions of Business. e f No wiver y EHCI of ny reh y the Client is wiver of ny susequent reh of the sme or ny other provision. No wiver y EHCI is effetive unless in writing. If one or more of the provisions of the Terms n Conitions of Business re hel y ompetent triunl or uthority to e invli or unenforele, the rest of the provisions remin vli n enforele. The whole greement etween EHCI n the Client is forme y the Terms n Conitions of Business n the Client s EHCI Poliy (where pplile), ny Sheule of Fees, Litigtion Triff or other priing struture, et Plement form, n future ouments proue y EHCI from time to time n whih iretly ffet n relte to the Servies provie y EHCI. The greement supersees ny prior greements or unerstnings. For vrition of the Terms n Conitions of Business to e effetive, it must e in writing n signe y n EHCI iretor n the Client. The Client knowleges tht it hs relie solely on the Terms n Conitions of Business n not on ny other representtion, wrrnty, sttement or unertking y EHCI, its employees, n its professionl visers, Agents or Soliitor. 8

11 Definitions Aitionl Fee mens the fee pyle y the Client to EHCI, in ition to the Fees, in the irumstnes esrie uner Cluse 6 n or 6 p, n equl to 50% of the Fees on the mount y whih the Det hs een reue; Agent or Agents mens the Soliitor n ny other soliitors, iliff, sheriffs, or other person instrute y EHCI to t on ehlf of EHCI or the Client in respet of the Servies; Client mens the iniviul, usiness or orportion to whom the Servies re supplie; Commission Fees mens the ommission hrges n Fees set y EHCI n pplile to ny n ll reoveries me on Det from the te of Plement; Costs mens Legl Costs, Fees n/or ny other resulting osts, fees or expenses tht re inurre y EHCI, its Agents, Group Compny or Soliitors in the provision of the Servies to the Client; Det or Dets mens together ny Insure n ny Non Insure Det or Dets n is the vlue of ny ispute n unpi invoie for speifie sum for goos or Servies sol, elivere or provie to the Detor y the Client uring the norml ourse of usiness; Detor mens ustomer of the Client, who, hving een invoie y the Client for goos, Servies or ny other ommeril trnstion, hs file to py or ispute the invoie mounts on the ue te speifie either uner the Poliy or Client s pyment terms; Det Reovery Servies mens the Reovery or ttempte reovery tion (inluing where neessry, ny legl tion) to e provie following Plement of Det rising s result of n unpi unispute invoie for speifie sum ut exlues reovery tion for Exlue Dets n for reh of ontrt n mges lims, n the Exlue Ativities; DPA mens the Dt Protetion Ats 1988 n 2003; EHCI mens Euler Hermes Colletions Ireln, usiness nme of Euler Hermes Servies Ireln Limite; EHI mens Euler Hermes Ireln, rnh of Euler Hermes Europe S.A (N.V.); Exlue Ativities mens the Reovery of ny Det tht is ispute y the Detor, or where the Detor is insolvent, n inlues (without limittion) ny form of onteste ourt proeeings, ritrtion, lterntive ispute resolution (inluing meition n juition), ounterlim or ny tion unonnete with the initil Det s ple with EHCI, or ny mtter onnete with onstrution n/or engineering; Exlue Det mens Det the olletion of whih will or my require more thn simple et olletion tivities (for exmple where the Detor isputes liility for the Det or is insolvent); Fee mens ll fees pyle to EHCI or the Agents uner Cluse 6 inluing ut not limite to Commission Fees, Aitionl Fee, Hnling Fee (s pplile), expenses, hrges n osts uner these Terms n Conitions of Business; Generl Aount mens the non-interest ering generl olletions ount hel y EHCI for monies reeive y EHCI in the performne of the Servies; Group Compny mens ny susiiry, prent or ffilite ompny of EHCI or ny memer of the Euler Hermes Group, inluing overses ompnies; Hnling Fee mens the fee pyle y the Client to EHCI in the irumstnes esrie in Cluse 6 p; Insure Buyer hs the sme mening s in the Poliy; 9

12 Insure Det mens Det overe y the Poliy n ple with EHCI in orne with the terms of Poliy; Legl Costs mens the Soliitor s osts (inluing ny ommission hrge y the Soliitors), ourt fees, isursements n similr osts of ll litigtion, inluing efene ses, up to tril requeste y EHCI or its Agents, n where pplile, thir prty osts esrie uner Cluse 5, ut exluing tring or enquiry gent s fees or the osts rising from the Exlue Ativities; Reovery Servies (n ny other Servies s my e uthorise y EHCI); Terms n Conitions of Business mens these Terms n Conitions of Business, whih set out the greement etween EHCI n the Client governing the provision of the Servies, n ny relevnt Sheule of Fees, Litigtion Triff, or other priing struture; Written mens ommunition in writing n sent y fsimile, orinry first-lss mil or eletroni mil. Non Insure Det mens ny Det or Dets ple with EHCI tht is or re not overe y the Poliy; Plement mens the reeipt y EHCI of the Client s instrutions to reover Det on their ehlf in return for pyment of the Fees; Poliy mens the Client s Poliy of reit insurne with EHI, if ny; Reovery mens ny pyment or other onsiertion to EHCI, the Client, the Agent or ny other thir prty on the Client s ehlf, y whih the Detor pys or otherwise ishrges ll or prt of the Det; Slvge hs the sme mening s in the Poliy; Sheule of Fees mens the priing struture for the provision of the EHCI Servies (etiling the Commission Fees, n ny other EHCI hrges) pplile t te of Plement n whih my e vrie from time to time uner Cluse 6 f; Servies mens ll the work n servies performe y, or t the iretion of, EHCI, its ssoites, servnts n gents in reltion to the Det Reovery Servies, n ny other Servies tht EHCI my provie from time to time whih o not relte to Det Reovery Servies; Soliitor mens ny lwyer, ttorney, legl gent so ppointe n uthorise y EHCI to provie the Det 10

13 Euler Hermes Colletions Ireln Blok 4, Blkrok Business Prk Crysfort Avenue, Blkrok Co. Dulin Tel: +353 (0) Fx: +353 (0) Euler Hermes Colletions Ireln is usiness nme of Euler Hermes Servies Ireln Limite. Registere in Ireln with no Registere Offie Blok 4, Blkrok Business Prk, Crysfort Avenue, Blkrok, Co. Dulin. EHCI T&C 01/12

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