fcss q^a ttc W ffl Solves ]-Polls The Associated Press ^ery pid S I^a* I oil lature^ 1Street HI W all rdlli 25^ I I h SrixM' Island

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1 [ Cydn lde gol< d recov< propoo s e d n ebar Stonle y - Bl BTlfl S j c 79th year, No. 58 ery pd fcss SrxM - _ j By O SEP PAN( NOSSAN - The /\ssoclatcd Pres [ RA 0 «T l c e f ] NCOSA. C> Cyprus raq, h : w arplanes Monc nday attacked ol f ta n k e rs anchored d n ear ran s v tal ol sland l: N ; oxportrlerm ln al-c 1-on :Kharg- W a n d -ln Ol E xpcrx g t T o rt n n a : Ue P ersan Gulf, f. Bagldad rado rerrst ported. RAN d ay of a b lockade Today s tle fr SAUD SA uafwfftravedecc :dea to m p o s e m h s - - A ta a re a, w hch w e he hod already d eclared ". a s a rcslrcled mlllttu7 zone. s a d an ra q m ltary com mmunque b roadcast * on sta te rado ondd televson statons, ra q dd not say ly how m uch d am age th e a ttack s nncl jed, and there w us no m m edate conflr flrm atlon of th e ol- m * P w tack s from ran. n W ashngton, n, S tate D epartm ent W a rn n g s h o t s A 2 spokesw om an Dd lane Kelly sad sad ran j-g d o e s b a d ly B5 the attacks hadn t r t been offcally confrm ed and m gh 5ht not be for som e tm e, but wc ckn on t have any reaso n - ulf but not o t K h a rg sland, 130 mles lo doubl th a t h.r eports of a tta c k s on lutheost of r a q s SQUlhem border. ran an ta n k e rs jlpe true. U.S. of- T h e f r e l t e r Antgon w as sunk fclals sad they :y ddn t Unk ra q v, ov., 21 w hen t w a s ht by an Exocet w ould a tta c k th e ; o ol tem \lnal llself o r sslle as th e sh p w as leavng Ue sh p s of o th e r natlo lons. rnnlf anlan port o f B u sh lre n the central But an raq n m ltary spokesm an ctorof the gulf, accordng to Lloyds w arned a ll- o ll- -lanker& -and-< hlps E o n a o m jrtn s u ra n c e tn rb ld ag an st ap p ro ajchlng d K harg and e m ssle " s tr a y e d from ts target, - ag an st dealn g wlu-ue ran an red aluough th e Antlgonl sonk, Ue g lm e whch expon orts crm e and choos ew wos rescucd unnjured. to all sta te s of th e w orld." K h arg s n_-au.nst-scdtcmber Urec ra n s~maln tc n nlnal-fotorcxportsln lr - o j reck shps a n d a Turksh freghter B the gulf regon. sre ht by raq mssles and dom- n_the.3a.-yearr rrold_wnr,_rnn and, o r d estro y ed n th e northern gulf ra q often ssue e conncung clam s f t h e P U C g r amn t s U n o n P a c f c s rcr eq u e s t, a g e n t G u y S mn o n s c o u l d b u s p e n d [ng n h s f n a l d a y s a t th«t h e B u h l f r e g h t o f f c e lar the ra n a n p ort of Btudu: a b o u t bottle acto ;lon. Most of th e refomenl. p o rta c an n o t-.b» e verfed because raq d e c la re d a :S00 squarfrm le - Western reportersrs are rarely auowed e a of th e. n o rth e rn gulf lo bo a n to th e w a rro n e. strcted m lta ry rone n tbe sume r of t sa d any foregn shps Broo o k s Bdclc d ldgerncesf ra q released neluer n Ue num b er no r the natonaltyty of Ue ou tankers ll terlng the a r c u would bc venturng By r c k s h a u g h nnessy e ; of agrcultural commo«m odtes not unon jobs - e x stn g ralroad lnes es, ncludng branch lnes, 3, s s a ld lta tl2 ck e d t.ltalso was not known Tmcs-tcws Capta! Bu r e a u... from the adverse effect; ects of ral-ogency closures. 1, n th e publc nleresl".. f anyone was klllc led or njured n Ue to 0 m lta ry zone for suspect rposes a n d r a q w ould-hot be T h e unon contendj nds th a t closure of th e ro! ral a r attack, On Monday, tho daho P ublc U tltes Com sponsble f th e y w ere struck n BOSE R ep. ohn 3hn Brooks legslatve caree agences by rem ovl ovng th e m l agents wdul ould At least four Greek freghters and a m sson h eard p rellmnn n ry testm ony from Unlor h a s not b een know n for cham ponng the cau ses :so a b e th e begnnng of f tht e end for ral servce :e to t T urksh c arg o shl] hp have been ht n ds ogonst ra n a n shppng. Pacfc R alroad offlca clals on th e r request to dost orgonlzed lobor. p th e se ru ra l commun lunltes, accordng to unlo non prevous raq a r rralcslnlhe Persan S ee A TTA C K on P ag e A2 elglt of 10 such ra l l agences n M agc Valle> n fact, th e Goodn dng Republcan probably P re s d e n t T racey Youj oung. com m unles. The comj am pony ntends lo replace t b est k)own f o r h s spot 5»nsorshp of "rght-fo-w ork, Y oung concurs wth 1th B rooks that the bll s nc on-ste agents wth toll-free telephone servcc tc legslaton n th re e of hs h fve te rm s n offlcc. So p ro-unlon legslaton. regonal freght offces, s a t least a lltu e unus lusual to see h m sponsorng < Ths s not an organzed o lobor bll; l s :: Cty,, count ty splt bll a t th e r e q u e st of f a unon th e Brotherhood of o The bll sponsored by Brooks and supported by b) f a rm e r sb ll," h c s ald ld M onday. Ralw ay ond A rlne ; C Clerks.. th e ral clerks unon n w would ex p ress to lhe PUC e sa d ral a gents n th e affected communltle lles B ut B rooks says 3 tl the bll woud protoct t De th at the ntent of th e ; Le L egslatore a nd the polcy of o w n c e t o ther ralroad lad jo b s b ccause of ther unlo nterests of h s oommu munltles and sm all producer r s "th a t the e m axm um retenton 0 o. S eep :PU C o o P agea 2 over Bose : arlne lature By BOB FR E U N D /o twop aren t governm ents, eorller a n d DAVD M OFF; FAT Mond onday h n d selected Sky West Q Tmcs-Ncws wrters becau K ausc of t s s tro n g fnancal poslh o rto flxeeds 3n, ts lo w e r b d for the federal TWN FAL.LS The two g6v su5sl{ B sldy-nntrthc-tm nrof-lts-tw o B y QUANE KENYON p e rc c n t ncrease n n publc school R upert, -t, sa d la s t week t appears rs th e e m m e n t bcxlles tha hal operate the Twn propo oposed ro u n d trp s dally, sad ohn A P Captol Wrter \ j k to A O su p p o rt, f o r 7 percenl m ore fo r s ta te panel s deadlocked 9-9 on a bn Falls-Sun V alley Regonal A rp o rt Doerr, oen an arport board member. em p lo y ee salares and d S2.7 m llllon.to ncreas sng th e stale sales tax frot from 3 w ere flyng n dfferent dl drectons Sky W est, w h c h h a s been profuble a p m LEGSLATURE BOSE - U n less th there s som e F C S t h fund p ro g ram s prevlo lously pad from to 4 pet p ercent. Anlone sad he won t wt M onday o v e r w hld ch arlne should w n UroU] roughdut lls l2 -y c a r hstory, has breakthrough o n oppro\ )FOval of new g g g g r k federal funds. brng th lh( e b ll up agan untl t oppe ppears a federal su b sd y to provde re g u la r propo oposcd 0 s c h e d u le tm ed so Uot taxes, t o p p e a rs the daho Y outz s ad t would ts take a budget of there st a m a jo rty to approve t. serv ce lo Bose, travel avelers fro m T w n F alls could ar- Legslature s a t least s l7 m llon S S r $509 m llon to p ay for r 1ouse Bll 475, ouse se B ll 475, the m ajor educat catlon The Twn F a lls 1 C Clly Councl pcked rve eorly e n t h e m o m n g a t Bose and sh o rt of m eelng ts "crltl rltlcol budget w hch g ra n ts a S20.4 mllon m one-tme bll of th lhe s esson, s beng held n th e orzon A r of Seat atue, whch has been relun!tum eth e r a t noon o r lale n Ue n e e. _ n c re a se n teacher salares, T hat Senate e ealth, Educaton an d operatn g one rouj )und trp a d ay be- evenl venng. The second arrval n Bose oum S p eaker Tom 1 S Stvers "says legslators )rs t wll take «09 mllon to b u dget level would allo low an e x tra $2.7 W elfare Com m ttee after passng th e tw ecn-t w ln. F aus s and Bose on nn would ouw v eln m ld -aftcn ro o n. h e s com m tted lo votng ogonst j new fund a mnalntenance a budget, plus four m llon for hgher educaton, $1 ouse. n term bass. By ly a vote of 5-1. t orzon, a 2 -year-old carrer, also taxes ths sesson, a n d has the votes to o r fve crtcal crl areas. m llon e x tra for the D epartm ent of Budge get analy sts ndcated 1 th e re je c te d th e advl vlcc of the arp o rt offer: ferng m- early, m om ng flght lo keep sales tox ncrease blls bottled wtl or >r wthout gudance from the le C o rrecto n s and S ,000 to th e De- Legslat tu re w ll be com m ttng { t tself board, w hch h a d favored Sky W est Bose Qse, but no r e tu r n trp s untl late n up n the ouse R evenue le a and Taxaton ouse s tax t commttee, the ont tl p a rtm e n t of W ater Resources for to huge»e b: lls now and n the futu re r f A rln eso fs t.g cor jrge, Utah. Ue e oflem al oon. ts second arrval also CommUtee., Flnance-Appropratons j Com m ttee C w ork on th e Swan Fol alls w a te r rghts the bll s sg n ed nto law. owever, th e T Twn Falls County would be n la te afternoon. S tvers w ants to p ut S20 52 mllon n pjans to ss ta rt work Tuesday on ts ssue. Analys y st M a rk F alconer sad the e bll com m ssoners bn backed the arp o rt Sky West a ls o h a s told the federal antcpated su rp lu s nto next : y e a r s m ajo reduc jucatlon budgets, G ov. ohn E vans has h proposed a. calls for fo S20.4-mllon ths year, :ar. lo b o a rd and chose Sk; kyw esl. ngenc jency t c an p ro v d e ts servce for a budget. e sad la s t week thot would q b u dget of S560 mllon on. SOS m llon boost d t aho publc school teac la c h e r Councl m e m b ers r and the commls- subslc bsldy of $153,389 a y ear, almost c agenda o r d.scu.*u>lon and gve the s tate a n adequat(.alo b u d E o tfo r p S b l y fnal h g h e r lh a n the current budget. salares c lo se r to the natlo tonal slo n ers a re sched xluled to m ecl wlu $80,00 0,000 c h e a p e r th a n orzon s tullacton wll bc the nexty ear.? N ew revenue blls 5 generally or- av erage ee. a rp o rt board m en em bers al 1:30 p.m. servc rvlcebld. u re s publc school support B ut the L eg slatu res b g n ate n th e o u se e R evenue and But hh( e s a d th e actual bll wlt A! b e W ednesday a l Cly al! to support a Although AlU S k y W est flcs to all m ajor olso approprntlons for tle m ttcc c o m Monday T a x a to n Commttee,, T hat panel s m uchh] h g h e r. f teacher salares s gc go u p sngle c a rre r. T The federal Cvl clues Ucs n s o u th e rn daho, lls route and unverstes, w ork wthout a t least $1 co n sd ern g a vrlcly y of blls to n- $20.4 mllon, another $1.4 m llon wll A eronautcs B oard has fnal say over systc S tem e x te n c s g enerally soulh fro m new revenue, o r somc e m ajor cut- S tv e rs proposed p budget, about $ c re a s e s ta te revenue,, but b so far. none be need eded fo r Socal Securty, j a n d th e subsdy and th Ue carre r pcked lo Twn # ln F a lls. orzon s network bocks. m llon, wc would allow for a 5 pcrccnt t h o s b een approved, about th( e s a m e am ounl for retlrem em ent se rv e Ue roule. orlm marly b ra n c h e s north and west to Budget an a ly st eff rf Youtz lold ncrease n stale agency operallons. a Charm an Rep. Ste\ teve A ntone. R- payments. en The arport boan jrd. whch advses ts See A R L N E (» P a g e A2 ]-Polls By DAVD ESPO The Assocated Press j n t l l F o rm er Sen. George ge McGovcm 1 h ad 5 pcrcent; Sen. E rn est olllngs ;s lu had 3: follow ed by Scn..Alan W ell-oled rm a c h n e B 6 C ranston w th 2 percer rccnt and fo rm e r F lo rd a Gov. 1 CONCORD, N.. - As th e canddates shook o k Reubln A skew wu h 1 perccnt ] n a su rv ey of 450 th e la s t hands of a long lo New am pshre cam - F rankln Plcrce wa; w as th e only natve of Nev ew volcrs. T h e poll was S b based on a th ree-d ay rollng p ag n, tw o new polls ndcated M onday that Sen. am p sh re cected presdent, prc and C lcnn opene< led av erage a n d had a margn of e r r o r o f 5 percent. G a ry a rt wos closng n on D em ocratc presl- ; h s speech to a larg argcly student audence by bj T ha am ounted lo 10 a seven-pont M ondale lead d ental front-runner V W alter F. M ondale one day y say n g. "W th all due C respect r lo FYankln Perce, over a rt, down frorr From a 14-polnl cud thot the b efo re th e sta le s kckof :off p rm ary. e x p ect to do b e tte r n S an F rancsco th an he d( dd sam e poll reported ed l for the th rce-d ay perod " m n ol lookng ol th the polls. W e re dong w ell," * n as2 when he was nom nated on th e 49U endng 24 hours enrller ler. th e fo rm e r vce pres sdent sa d as he greeted b a llo t. A nother poll, -conc conducted fo r C able News w o rk e rs oulslde a shoe e f fnclory on a cold m omng. S S an Francsco s the ste of Uls y e a r s Demo no- Network, showed Mondale w th n h e a lth e r lead B ut a rt, bddng lo.0 d splace Sen. ohn Glenn W V c ra lc natonal convent enllon. over a rt and G lcnn,: n, 30.2 p ercen t fo r th e form er os M ondale s closcsl rval, rl d eclared. There s 1 a Two fresh polls agn greed M ondale holds a ea( :ad vce presd ent, 22 for art and 15.4 fo r Glenq. The lot of v o te r swllchng. n th e fnal hours of the { o v e r art, who hos ; su rg ed nto second place on o m a r n o f e rro r wns os 4.4 p e rc c n t, a n d the telecam p ag n. "People are ju m p n g all over the th e strength of a su rp r rlse ruuer-up f ln l n las ast phone su rv e y was conducted a m o n g 500 Demo- /, p la c e." M onday s lead-off low owa caucuscs. But both als so cra ts a n d ndepcndenls enls who sa d th e y a re lkely lo. a rt declared he already h as won n New \ l " sh ow ed/ art soldly y a ah ead o f Glenn and wthl hln vote T uesday. am p sh re, becouse he s "consdered a serous strk n g dstance of 3f M ondale f Ue Colorad»do Polls asde, Ue canddates cat w o rred about a c a n d d a te." a a - ; _ se n a to r w as oble ta mo antan hs momentum. snow storm, forecast 11 fc for p rm a ry d a y, and how G lenn oppeared at F rankln P erce College n k" A n ABC-Washlngton ;ton P o st poll reported Mon on- Uat w ould affect a lurr turnout Uat S e c re ta ry of Slate R ln d g e and, when askc< ccd by rep o rte rs w hether he s e n. G A R Y, A R T W A L L" T E R F. M O N D A L E L d a le had 32 porcenl of th e support, to 25 for art rt. W llllah G ardner sad sol would r u n lo 112,000 w as \yorrled about Tuc uesday s outcom e, repled, S e e s v o t e r s Kwlt A>ltchn9 N o t l o o k n g a t p o l l s 15 for Glenn and 0 fo for the Rev. esse ackson on. E>emocrats and ndepete pendents. m c oncerned aboul.11. of co u rse. W w T w n F alls, c ja h o W ffl Solves / n - C 1 E show artg \ L V A S 5 L.-<: c t y o r r _ W all rdll S a* ol 1Street e s j W * Tuesday, February 28,1984 qa ttc term lnal slancd focal pont M ark et n Bref ~ - NYSE s s u e s T e s S o n c h a n g ed V y : D o w n 495 j a n n Ql o n M oa n d a e a c k « n t n g u l f w a r

2 ... B r. M d e a s t WASNGTON M ddle E a sl em resgn after mak th a t won t lnclu( o ffcal sad Moc T h e offcal, R um sfeld, lke h by fhc lack of An n L ebanon n w p ro b ably return 1 th a t R um sfeld h ra ry. l l c offcal sa m o re trp to M S llberm an, h snc SU bcrm nn.thefo R e b e l s h t MANAGUA, Nl A tlan tc p ort of B d am agn g two fls C ro ss offce ll Blu T h e secrcta7, th e attack S atu n (attack n g ) b o ats Although wed( counterrcvolutlonj tw o fshng boats sh e sa ld. g h c o u r t BOSE (AP), - tw o-m ajo r-ld aho court-judgm cnt. T h a t udgm ent : - F.M.C. Corp. to paj w ho cafnstls p hosphate p lants dj T h e hgh court um m m ous opnon A ccordng to the n 107C th at m any p ro b lem s n th c de a n d suspccted U fluoross. Fluoros w ho ngest a n oven K e and hs wfe f 1980, a fte r movng c o u rt. A sbcth dstrct frm s, whch oper. couple 95,545. B ut the hgh co p ro v e dam ages to u n d e r thc p roper { covered by th e stat T o d C l o j u Twtn Falls, Burtay QoodltgareM! DcrenalDg clouds lo tonght and WcdncK chanco o( show ers. toens and 20s ; hghs n Camas PnU rte and W( F a r today. lgts lc 40s. ncreasng clou ch an c o of show cre to day. Lows of 10 to 20; r tolow 40s. N o rth em N evada aod Cold n nortbem Uta a n d low clouds lo d u rn g thc nght and W edncsday. Otherwls< P a r tly cloudy n no d a y a n d W ednesday. { mld-sos; lows n tho t< north. Synopels: S ta te on Monday, but th a t w as c e n te r o d u rn g thc oflem ooo jegln m ovng slowly tng lo m eu»roogl T h c resultng a r flo brn g ncreased clouc sc a tte re d.showers pro daho. T em p eratu res on Mt n th c 30k and 409, wltl th c southeast llngerlnj d ah o F a lls report rnld-aftem ood, whle hgh cm peraturo for U o k o h a d th e o w, U b Southeast wtmteto t: porto n s of thc Snake R few hgher gusts, to p o rted a t Mountan w ere reported elscwhe N a to n a l Max Ml Altqucrqup «1 Atlnta <7 4 Boeon U : ChlMRo s> : D»]lM 3 D en x r n 1 DeaMolncs M 2 Detrot :s a onolulu a C ouslon «< lodlsnudnll. U 3 n d e B u s n e s s...;. C la s s f e d... C o m c s... d a h o... Crculaton j«u C rculaton phones do n ot rccclve you a re a : erome-w endcu-go B urley-r upert-paul Buhl-CasUcford FUer-Rogerson-ol] T w n F alls and allol News Strtw lu rtp f y ou have a news d e p a rtm e n t, call 7 w eekdays. To repor w eekends, call 7X0 Advertsng uu ; f you w sh to place ; arc taken Monday Saturdays from 8 a a v alab le weekdays A -2T lm o3-n ow 3,T w l e f l t e n v o y t o l e a v e r X)N (A P) P resdent Reag envoy Donald Rum sfeld s nakng one m oro trp to the elude a stop n >ebanon. a londay. tl, who nssted on anon> e hs p recedessors, h as been < Am ercan success n rcsolvr 1ways favorable to Washng! m to prv ate busness. Thc ol 1 has always consdered thc sad hc expccts Rum sfeld w Mddle E a st captals wu : new assstant, tjcfore ylcldn form er a m t> a d o r to YugO! l t N c a r a g u a n p < N caragua (AP) Rebels a f Bluff, woundng a t least two fshng boats, a secretary. Bluefelds sad Monday. y, wbo declned to gve her lurday w as quck and aft< ts w ent out to se a. e do n ot know w hat knd of w onares used, w c can say the; ts and serously wounded tw r t r e v e r s e s a w a r The daho Sq)rcme Court 10 phohato produccrs.fron: n t requred~thp~:r~slnplo pay dam ages to a Pocatelo-a fluorde em ssons from t s dam aged theb- property, lurt overturned th at udgr on released Monday, the hgh court, ohn Spanbau n y of h s cattle appeared to s developm ent of th er teeth j th at the problem stemn oss s a dsease whch affecl /erabundonce of fluordes. [e fled sut agabst th e two co fng to erom e, accordng t< let Bannock (bounty udge ot perate plants Pocatello, t court sad thc Spanbaucr s t to the land o r loss of m at 2T gudelnes, o r for th c pcr tatute of lm tatons. la y s w u d y, a ch a T h. s today. Mostly cloudy T u nesday, w th a s l l l s. Lows n the upper " ulnthe4q s. W oodrftrervadey: S n the m d to low clouds wllh a slrht s tonght and Wodncs- S O» ; h l l n t h e m l d... lodutab: Utah, w th a re aso f fog a the valleys, manly 7C md m ornngs, through wse, mostly (ar. 1 northern N evada to- ly. { ghslnthe4q sand te toens and 20s n thc N O / woued over tho Gem F r o t but the hgh pressure 1 over w estern daho looa w as expected to Afly eastw ard, accord- BO Slsts at the NaUotul of Tra : condll r flow wajs expected lo ovenlr loodlness today, wth. U-S. predcted for northern \*TrTE 1 Mooday were mostly bare, wth 0 (ew locauons n floor. 1 rnglnlhezos. n te jorted 22 degrees ol w et. lue Lewston had the advse for the day, SB. Bear U.S. 12 below. Koos to ts m ph contnued n dat ke Rver Valoy, wth a daho to near 25 mph. rc- snow : n ome. U ght wnds the wl where n the state. lo te Kan.A*t;ly UsVcgaa Vj Mln Pep LosAngert «19... MemphU «l.ra Mlmllrach 8C T... MUwfluf«a... Mlm>e»pcll W n... NewOreaM NewVofk M ouahomaclly 30 a>.«omaha 32 ts...>hocnl*... PlLlsurBh E >crl!and. Mr O 5 3 t D l - 4 a y l c... C 3-8 O b ltu...a 6 O p n <... B 4 P c o p h «Ty lloyl. drcuuuoodlnetor cs o re m anocd xtw ecn 7 and OUT paper by 7 a.m., call th -Goodng-agcrman aul-oakley lo llster 11 other areas rtsrvmanaflnsedtar onklnncy. WS tp o r w sh to talk to some l between 9:30 a. port la te news and sports rsst CW936. lu luaks. KtvcrtlalnA drector CC an.advertsem ent, coll 733- ay through F rday from 8 a.r 8 a.m. untu noon. nformatlo lys ony. Twn F alb, daho Tuosday, post S u n s h lagans spccal DAL../\S s expected lo rcjwrted pn 1C Mddle Cast a n et loss of a scnor-u.s. T he profll nym lty, sad»cl-ntsj)cr *n dscouraged T he frm vlng the cr-sls closed for s ngton and wl losses. ; offcal noted G. Mcha h c ob tempo- offcer, sad y e a r, wll make one They nclu vlth Laurence S«n.sllne Ml lng Ue posl to th a t w as les goslavla. y ear snce ll ra l L u. o T V p r o» llo n,a d y at ho cd M n u tes" s n o rtlern Cal =r name, sad deau anou, ttc m a rd Uo custody. auu eroy F ra weapons the hey damaged two salors. sa d R lehmo T b e shoot a re d a (W a n d th c Cowl b la c k and wh urt has freed s t une, om -a-95u --;;.-fanles.-om... polce offco plot-so. and verd ct. U N d e t gm ent n a U N TED d e c la re d ts s >aucr notced jj n peaceke to be havng so v e t Unon l and onts, re strlc te tl lo 1 mmed from S ecu rty Co ects anm als p o stons to ta lk s on th e L companes n Councl me! to the h sh o a r r e do N: p endn g reso ordered the so councl me», to pay Ue, p a k lsta d - p r fc n t /o r s faled to consultatons narket value lead to a pul 2rod of tm e e x p re sse d be tjcfore W edne f e a t h e a n c e o f ho Forecast For 7 p.r ru e sd a y. F e b ru a ry 2 8 >tqh T em p erattres B O h ~ "" V o S ~ labonal veahcr Scrv.co \ loaa. U.S. Dep ol Commercc ronts: Cold Werm «laho roa< re p o r t lolse (AP» - Tlc daho Dcnrtm rransportatlon reported Uus follow dluoos.on nnor.<»ho_s.norn nlng:.s. 95 Moscow-Cocur d /\]cnc, h. renmwhcrc. barv, daho 55 BoL-w-lorscshoc le: r. Cftscnde-MeCull, broken xn jr. McCall-New Meadows, snow floe oterslate 90 Fourth of uly Cany t. Lookout PUK, snow floor, cha bo< (or towng rgs..s. 12 LewLlon-Oroflno. bn sska-lolopass.wl. ftnhn 21 - Uolsc-ldnho CUy, ( ho Clly--owmnn. cy :;pols to brol w floor. Lowman-Slanlcy. closcd wnter.. Dter*tale 84 - url-v-ul.h lnc. yt 31" Pnrllanl, Orr M «Sal l..kr Clly <2 33 W San Kranrlr.ro 80 Scalllr 33.SX)karr W G WrlnKton S.) d a h o 32 M <K, > 74 M E r llurlry lc V a lle v... m t u a r c s... B2 lo n...a4 p c... A 7 md 10a.m ;only. fyou the numlxjr for your truvrr; uxlsur OG-2535 G l&t0 u a «EC-f>.!7.> -SavlLy n»nl M no >c * 7.clyr.llU)r meone n Um edtoral a.m. and 5:30 p.m. tstlls after 5:30 and on e M»Ulnl Ttr Tn KaK», : C lassk ledads a.m. untl 5 p.m. and ton on dsplay ads s drswu bcpu>l ly, Fobruary 28, h n e r e p o rs a n n <\S (AP, - Tlc Sun-shne profll of 15 mllon n Wl 0 / 22.5 mllon n 1932 oflts traaslale nlo 22 cent-s rd rstonnnanrcom parco-n >er.share on revenues of 51C.51 n n s Sunshne Mne n nort r sx montls n 1902, contrlbut rhae Boswell, charm an and ad the frm m ade p rocess n clude thc resumpton of full Mne and a drcct cost of j less than $7.50 an ounce t elf79, hesald. r o g r a m l e a d s t o 1 (OND, Calf. ( A P ) - A f a m l 3 story on alleged polce. Calforna town ended w th otler clubbed wth a n ax ham luthortes sad Monday. Prankln, 39, of Rchm ond, rookslde osptal n S an P a ) tm es n the chest w th a s r mond polce Sgt. R ay R am er. jotng occurred only m nute 10 M nutessegm ent e nttled owboys," a reference to opp< w hle offcers wtln th e polc ne, a federal ury a w ard ed : )f-tw o-blackrraen-6aln-by-\ fcors. The defendants h av e b a t e s n e w B e r D NATONS (AP) - T he ts support late M onday fo r th ekeepng troops throughout L lon w as reported to w ant lo Berut. Councl m em bers outlned U to reporters as they em erge e L ebanese stuaton, m em bers sad F rench A m bas Nanteu had agreed to r soluton about Ue deploym c m em bers could vote on t T ue :)j.,ambassador S ard ar S h ah /or February, sad h e h, Dns for noon Tuesday, w hch publc m eetng and vote. A belef prvately th at a vot dnesday r f e w s h o v D.m. E S T R a h S h o w / e r s M \ ] \ ) 1 O cclllfloc :;pot.s, drdlnk. Elscwhe U.S M ounu rtm t (.y spots, drlfllng. F t owlnr polf, Carcy-Arco. cy l-:alls_)arc_ldaho, F< bare (o a broken snow f!. b.a. u,s, 33 - Twn F a ll spol*5. drfllng. Tw n cnd. spots. Arcohallls. ( snow Salmon, cy spots. xwl floor- floor, broken snow floo anyon, ja h o 7S Shoshc chalas spots to bare. G alena broken snow floor. daho 51 M ounta lne, cy.spou. brv nterstate 80 afl broken Falls, bare, w d for nterstate S Po< bre, for. ELsewhcrr;. t>j f. cy U.S bare. 7 «llahnvalln v: *13 Mr<:..ll f «focalrllo Ul U OO s.-lmon Tw n F Vpr.lnlay Ml. Mln rp.;m Vear 41 Nnrmal ) TKay.-, sunr.rl. l; T.>morrow;.un U S p x B 2 V a lle y L f e... A 4 N a to n... A 7 W o r l d... McnpUnlUUa y home (rlvrry: dally..to p rr wrcl rk. lally and.sunday per vrry dally. 11.2D per wek; Saxlay. 7 1Sunday, tl.70prr»«*. Mall *ub«rr1f dvnncc and MT avouaue only wfcre nanulnfd: (tally and Sunday, mor OS, C months OS to, 12 monlhs tto.b; < :s. 3 monlh.1 tm.u. 6 mcnua tsd.to. cluy only, month o (S, 3 nunth sto.s nonlh.1 U3 B. Sluknl and arrvkwuxn O j»r noolh for dally am SBxlay. U tnlormauoo TlmRv-Nrws la pulllhcd dally at 132 daho, KDOl. by Majac Valky ookla.-n pootabe pad *1 Twn Kalla fj, >S raumo). Olfcal clly and rounly oe Secton CC-W of hc tlaho Code. Tl lutnl U he day of the wrrk on whld l>lb>c.l w t u a l r o f l t e M nng Co. has fla r Wtt. compared wu app P e r s per share on net sad - m th S2 DSSTr mllon. At rtlem daho was Suc utng to th a l y ear s w a r l)y r nd chef executve n many areas lost A 11 producton at the : slv er producton - the low est of any Kh m ore snce k lln g y fglt o v er a "GO to bk b ru talty n th s h one m an shot to. j - mdle and a thrd n w as pronounced»ablo a fte r he was sm al-calber gun, M r. tes a fte r CBS-TV <1 The G uardans posng factons of Pc lce departm ent.. $3 mllonto thc -w h terr ld u n o n d r w e appealed Ue An r u t f o r c e le U nted States th e deployment of ~,, : Lebanon, but Ue nt the forccs be Ue superpow ers ged from prvate o ssa d o rl u c d e L a revse F rance s - " cnt of U.N. forccs Ksday. " h N aw az, councl h a d called-n ew h he hoped would Another delegate o te w as unlkely brew The 11 has n m lssl M ag v e r s d c S n o w /->:4 A ft 33 F lu rro s[* * l cosd W (WlUl US." A rt - - > 0 fsr trct, K? r closu / p Q O a n d u y barge e stato f Magl Bure V Cood ) wc WlUl 1 S l n h o n n r y - - r a s tfhcre, baro. ra te an ome-falrtlcll. produ Folrtlcld-Caroy, cy stuul :y spots. Arco-daho------traffc - - study lls-nevoda lne. cy, u, n Falls-Arco. cy cy spols. Challs- ost Tral Pass, anow / m» r, honc-kelchum. cy na Summlt-Stanlcy,. leavl taln omc-nevada Spoka Cou oft Kvcr-Amcrlcan Mond. m ad e >ocalcllo-ulah lno. «> proba a uo North an d u X oo. th ey c O;. zon.a Nr«-Mn 1-rp «31 SkyW - " G%!,m Stev unrl-.r :. 7llam a g e r th at hub of t WOL ng h b fc. C l - 3 n... D aton on a 3- Sky rck; Sunday. 7M prr Sad *. ufal mowr roule fclals TV pctutck; dally jlpuoos must to pad rr carrtcr delvery t.» >onth (B.3S. 3 monus th e t 1; dallycnly, 1 month partc months M.20; t c arrc T hc West bddln accon. N elt 32TWrxSt.W..1Vtn SpOkOl y Newjpapcrs ne. _.ubsl.l Thuf»lay u herrt.y COnsld ldlefalnotlceawtll counc four ca.w s... twasngton: (A P) - avy d estro y er w arned off an atro p lan e wlu m achnegun a r e s /S u n d a y w hen hc pproached A m ercan w arsh e rsa n G ulf,-adm nstraton ad Monday. At Ue sam e tm e, th uded-m ssle d estro y er L am ed aw ay an ran an navj y rado wuout any stols bc A tta ck - C ootn u edfro m P agea K harg sland h as been Uc ta ore tan a dozen ra q all ce Ue w a r erupted h Sep 30 ncludng four allacks ree-week perod n tho fal of 1 ran h as c ountered th e raq block ts o exports by threr close th e stra te g c Sr trm uz, th e gulf s ony access en sea. An estm ated 20 pen PU C----- Contnued from P ag e Al mlracts f the PUC approve. acflcs request. n a n ntervew followng U jarng, Young sad th a t nat a. p ercen t.o f-ev ery _ o cau s e s ts sta tlo n (a g e n t) wll a c k. And for one M agc V alley co _ynm t> snvs Us s precs rposc ftf-thfl.tflmpnnys roq T hs s a p recurso r to Buf tra c k, h e sad of th e bra ll serv ce that connects A-n F alls. ow ever, olm Brom t blc-relatlons offcer fo r Un fc, sad Uat s not th e cotr tenton. " U s a vtal lne to d. B ut Ue Adolph Coors Co., a e r of the. brancl lne, t o ugh 0? th e possblty of c c k a bandonm ent of th a t lne nt a representatv e from co a d q u a re rs n Colorado to ondays hearng. "W e ve h eard those ru u r y P re st, traffc m anager pwor, f l nftpr thn h h e re h avo been o th er places 1 as happened. n testm ony before the sson. P re s t sad of th e com agc-v allfly npornlnns- "W 1 barley: w e w ant to ko rey. We m a y v e n tm y c th ho fa rm e rs. \ f tc r th e hearng, h c sa d tha e w ere to close, hopefull Ltld keep the sa m e relall th a re a farm ers), b ut t wou \rth u r Schooner, th e genera e r of th e ra lro a d s northwe ct, testfed Kfore th e comn t th e com pany h as propos «urea to stream ln e ts ope c to rem an com pettve wth rge, a r a n d o ther ral servce le sad th e closurc of th e 2G tons ncludng those glc V alley com m untes of rey, e ro m e, Wendell, Sho odng, M ndoka and Glenns would provde freght cust h m ore effcent serv ce an e stablty. c sad holdng thc lne on c ncreases would allow tducers to rem an compettv aton th a t would re su lt n fflc for U P. And he sad dy o f agency closures conduc s ta te publc utultles comm W ashnrfon concluded nc \rln e Contnued from P ag e Al vly traveled ponts sue )kane, S eattle an d Portland, :ounclm an E rk A ndersen s nday s councl meetng lhal 1 de a su rv ey bf travcl agents / an d found Uey p referred 1. T hc agents sad th e r cusl bably could get to F rthw est destnatons a t lower 1 wth e a se r connectons be y could contnue Urough on, a ccordng to A ndersen. feel Uat the a re a th a t s f orzon w ll nduce more Tw n F alls lhan th at serv W e st. lesad. teve Berm ett. the orzon s r n Tw n F als, told the c t orzon w ants to m ake B* of traffc for ts n etw ork, an vould be wllng lo reschcdt hls to accom m odate md-da; 1 ts second vote M onday n. Ue councl sded w u norl, w lh C ounclm an o h n Pel w nthg. T he frst vote, whc npted to approve Sky Wes 13-3 tc. ky West P resd en t e rry 1 a le r M onday Uat arll als m ay ap p e a r at Wednc tn g to b olster th er case. Ulnk t s very m portant tc backng of the comm lcu larly f... Ue CAB may a close c a ll." he, sad. Bu lly Ucy (Uc CAB) prefe rc r wth th e lower c o s t." " hc d o llar dfferences jctwec >t and any of thc o th e r a ln g a re m ore than $30,000 a ordng to CAB sutsucs. eth e r C ascade Arway* kane nor E agle A r of Twn the two oucr b dders fo sdzed route -- got subsl; sdcraton Monday from ncll o r Uc county commlsso.arlnes had prtsenled S Frday lo thc arport board A U.b, sa d th e sourc an ranan condton Uey Buj tre and T h e epsode thc plane so f a r a s s Thlpslntlo w a rs h p s have on sources th o u g h -th c n n sta n c e s slnct f s w a rp la n e s fly jw rence p alro n f... beng fred,. n th e. past leal Uc non-commu c target ot Ujoupj th e s tr : nlr rads, M ra d a y s ral September ra n a n reg m e - n - a p le - a n d - o u r - t of 1982 undentfed aql efforts sp o k esm an, w h reatenng Strat of We wll cont :ess to tho Ue enem y hall pcrccnt of agretjs to abde b le m s drect oves Unon w /thdraw a of found. g Ue PUC stll. dalo s nauonay. ley- W ard, expt auqn_that...-agcmcy.cosuru: /ll lose ts u se b y sm a ll sh " r l g o a l o n j commun- avod b en g txjr jc se lv th c a n d ts ancllla u e st w a rd s a d of a uhl losng p o rta to n -b y j ranch-llne se a te d a t a comj s Buhl lo S e v e ra l perso c o m p a n e s lh< mley, a co m m o d tes Unon Pa- d aho tow ns sa companys of lo sn g the ab to us." he ag e n t to m ak m ents... a m ajor T h e com m ss!. Uought h e a rn g on th e ] f eventual V alley a re a. Th lne that t y et to b e announ corporate to attend rum ors." 3c r for Ue h tarln e CCS where the com- wmpanys -llw ckd keep tho com fro m_ Uat f Ue ;fuly. we lalonshp vould hurt eral man- w est dls- * mmlsson posed. Uc. peratons du truck, dees. V 2G freght * «n the - V V E of Buhl. Shoshone, m s F erry customers and wth * on future w daho LUve - a n more d Unt-a ductcd by -,-,y- TtP- mmlsson p no pro- y A t W 2 such as n sad at - lalhehod, nts n the red or- ustomers A Pacfc K wer fares >becausc 1on ors scn-ed j j U re travel lerved by e councl» V 2 Bose n -,. and Ual cdule ts -day traf- oy after- Toro.!) Peterson hch hnd Vest, lost ry Atkn rne ol- -, 0. nesday s o»os» slot-- lto have nmunty. lay see u cer- e fe r Ue j N D E N a rln e s... 0 a ycar, ays of *n Falls vv A T C 7 for the bslantlal om thc lo rn ed ranan rces, wno spoke only on n. :y rem an anonymous. lu le marked Ue frst tm e, 5 known. Uat any U.S. /e opened fre n th e a re a. U ;re have been- re p e a te d ce early 1980 of ra n a n r ym ffout tolook at~tt;s." n g Ue Persan Gulf and Araban Sea, sl. U.S. offlcal-s. have. (,] lunl.st world s o pas.;os ral. ad was "to pun.sh the le for attackng our peo terrlo resr - a d - U c raq m lta ry h o spoke on slate telev- K ntlnue our attacks untl alts ts ogptsson and e by tle U.N. S ocurty k r h clly related U Ue th f the local agent c a n b e sa Ul s PUC charm an, Con- b pressed skeptcsm th a l n njs would encourage ral-r- m dppers. n g way oul of m y w ay to w tjrmecled lo a co m p u ter m la ry human facltes. " co phnno j /th someone m puter lennnar lo so n s reprcsenung s m a ll l. h a l shp agrcultural from souuwestem n ad they also w ere le a ry tl buty to contact a local so k e shppng arra n g e - n( son wll hold a regonal a proposal n Ue M agc r rh e tme and date h a v e U nced. on W A T C F G l O A P LEAPYEA SA W EDNES =EBRUAR WATC FOR O E D N E S D A Y MUSC S BGG 5?..., C 1 - T V n plane reported U.S. carrer-basea planes n terceptng ranan a rc ra ft and dvertng Uem from any postons from whch Uey could U utaten Ue U.S. fleet. t \va s not known how clos c Ue ranan plane, a P-3C. -and the ranan b u f Ue sources sad the ra n a n craft h ad p enetrated a fve-mle sa fe ty zone wlch Ue Unted Stales h as pro- clame<l publcly. Councl resolutons whch c all for an end to the w ar and free navgaton n Ue gulf regon, the spokesman sad. 1 n d u stry experts n N coslaxeve _ rajaporkllo5lom y _ 41X2utE.9lQq _ 2.4 m llons barrels of ou th ro u g h Ue K larg term nal and hrough th e port of Bu-slehr, lower down on th e gulf coast. E a rle r Monday, ran sa d ra q had been usng chemcal bom bs" n ar ra d s snce Sunday nght, and had klled o r wounded m ore Uan 400 ra n a n s wlu Ue bombs n Ue la s t 24 hours. ; T h e offcal ranan new s agency, th c slam c Republc News Agency sad lhe bombs had been dropped n Ue northem flank of Ue 730-mle buttle front and the chem cal agents ncluded nerve gos and ntrogen - m u stard B u l ra n sad ts tro o reverthcless w ere wero dggng n an d had m anaged to beat back nne juccessvo counterattacks Monday north o f Ue 8 n tq d ty o f - B a s r a x ra n sad ts forccs had sh o t down a -fo u r-ra q jets_and klled o r woundng fl raq solders rtle fghtng.- - ra q sad ts arm y and a r force launched a seres of atta c k s aganst th c d e fe a te d ranan forccs n Ue so u th em and southern-central sectors of Ue countrys eastern border, kllng a t least 2,000 enemy solders and downng scvcn.hclcopter gunshps." ra q also sad n a m ltary commtu- que th at t had shot down seven - en em y choppecs." ; O R d U R NTG ARDAY LE!" SDAY, RY 2 9 t h OUR AD N N E W S P A P : gest s s e g s c

3 ------Der m os dep»lore K : : : b r us t h - B ot tnanspor rts receve OK Tu fuoso ay. Fol)ruory 2Q, 198 (mo3-now3. Twn Falls. daho A-3 ASNGTON (/\P> - -The n le s lm a l," Transporaon X part- T urned hack an a tte m p t by two S-.. 5 Supre rem e C ourt, re je c tn g pre<ll( e<llctou; m e n l offcals con ocludtl. /oung m en lo get back $500,000 n a catastro p h e,.monday allowtnl noqeraetlorusfus Monday. Ue c o u rt: hlured url casl Uey found on p Texas :ks lo contnue traasportlng tg rado- Kterwl u dspute nvolvng anch fve years ago. The money has ve m a te ra ls o n hglwnys thal m llons of dollars n welfare t>enoflls l>eer KTn tuned over.to. M clennan : Urough fpn<;f>ly populntc<l e<lc,tu S: c!>y_urc elk to a an admnstraton re- ounly, Cou Texas. he tourl d sm ssed an appc ppcal hy q u e st to revew ;w a rulng favorng A< greed to decdc w h eth er Trons v -York Cty xud.new York jrk 5tale.;..CaUCornll_reclp Dent.s of Ad for De- Wor<l Arlnes m ust com pensate B y E V A N S W TT LaLs who s a d Ue Rcaga gan ad- >endent Chlldrcl ert. The admlnlslratfon plm pud.sw ho\vcrct5reventcd-from -tak A P Ponatl Wrter l.strallon h a s faled to address s a y s som e -G.OO? wp Calforna famles lng ng lower-rankng obs as flght <untely th e w. jwsslble ar?* gellng an w average $313 m ore per engneers ungl wten Uey l>ecame GO. The WASNGTON P resdent la.strophlc m pact on tle moru Uan Cong gress ntcndecl w hen t court cou wll revew a ru ln g lhal TWA llcagon lold the nat lallon s governors ronm cnl of a hghw ay ac< accdent c u t fed eral spend dlng n owes back pay and ouer beneflls to 10 M onday he mght cor consder ta x hkes jlvlng nuclcar w aste, R efused to become b em broled n plots pllo w ho w ere found to x: vctms of f b g defcts remal: nan a fte r further h e a d m n strato n sad t carefully th e c a s e of Wa /alter Polovchak. the llegal lle agedscrm lnallon. fe d e ra l spendng cuts, b ut E)cmo- ghed Uc consequences 5 t t>cforc S o v e youu wh vho rcfuse< to retu rn n lr Ue case nvolvng transportng... c r a ts complalncd d th at Reagan ptlng a ru le n 1981 Uat ; permts pc hom e wlu hs pa jarents four y ears ago, nnuc: uclear wa.ste. the fckleral rule preem enj pted a growng n u m b e r ol sute " b ru sh e d off" the her ap p eals for loactve m a te ra l to bc carr arrel n T h e decson stll leaves Ue fate of the m a jo r acton ths ye e a r to stem tle :k s on n te rsta te hghways ays. The xjy w holsllv vng n Chcago very and local regulatons re.strlctlng ---flo w o tre d n k r»f n m a lo r dl.sa.ster s "nfl- m uch n doubt. s slpmenls of radoactve m aterals T h o - governors-sa) d re c t response fron rom R eag an dur- n g th e haf-lour n m eetng a l the p. - : /, of a trucks W hte ouse to ther ow n budget y g o cal-opto 5 ta x bll retu rn s < p rop osal, under cons jnsderaton a t the 3 ws actve N ato n al Govemon tors Assocaton w n te r confcrence lh th ls week PtKKU :>SE (A P) A ouse comm n m ttec T h e debate was wj bref. R ep..f. The voted lo ntroduce nnouer an< C hudban d. R-ldal lalo Fulls, m erely wld New- don t thnk ths s adm nstraton l-opton la x bll - aluougl h e wu; renewng lg hs objecton to new orfcla : s lstenng," sad d M assachusetts e s no ndcaton t wll draw uw more ta x e s, w thout go olng nto detals. p v W e D o W n d o w s mlnl.st G ov. M chael Dukak :akls, a D em ocrat.» r l lh an sm la r m easures s st s ta lle d L u c a s sa ll lls 5 mn easure w as s m la r ade<]u; " don t thnk t s 1 lstenng to us, le ouse R ev enue and Tax ro x a tlo n lo c a lojptlon l blls, exccpt t a n d don t thnk t t s s lstenng to the m tlec. envro gves a county Ue th opton of m posng A m ercan people... T h a t s one of L*p. am e s L u cas. R-Moscow, row. won c th e rsa lc so rnncome c taxes. nvolv th e reasons w ere -e n 1 tc knd of lfn lo o s G o v. a m e s T fo nnp p: s o n d s c u s s e s le lt mlt ee appro v al Monday y t to ntntes to s proposal calls c for cles and m The m e s s w e reln." uce a bll allow ng count wegh R e a g a n emplms sl*o * he, would..u jc jo u tc would 1 a falre lrer. cuts frst. before.,.y r eth e r local sa le s tax or local counlcs to dvde de Ue revenue gener- # s ta y w th hs plan for a "down fux coc odc ra th e r than smply ralsfn sfng ues." - rn* axes to g en erate revpnk rnue. ated from Ue lax. X defcu -thla year; - rates;* S;** On th e B jc c tb f d ruckj c u rre n tly under negotaton wth R eags a g a n beleves the cconomy. "y- a lso sa d th e W h ltc t rk_c C ongress, stale excc lecutlves sad. stro nlg g enough lo wthstand th lo Ue p lan by the cl T h e presdent ; s sad h e had lo pressms u r e o f the defcts untl 138 Senate B udget Com E u reu e hs down-pay pavmenl strategy Clcarh r lv. som e olhccs do not. o s a frst sgnal lo ) lh th e m a rk e ts tat Thomn p son added. T o lons betw een Ujc W w e areco n cern ed d about th e def- l r rr r y S peakes, chef Wllte ous Congress - lo cut c ts," sad llnos s C Gov. a m e s R. spokes e s m a n, d the admlnlstratlo: defen.se-st>en(lnc. m u o Thom pson,- the GO O P chef of the h as " a lw a y s been wllng lo look a GET A FR?E E V SA O :a r d w h e > g o v ern o rs group. - ta x e s o< f so rts a s long as t ddn dn t Sen. P e te V. Don KS local-o; e says alter all l th e spendng nterfe: fe re.wu) the r y e r y. ; proposed a form ula t P Ucre s c u ts th a t should bc e mn. ade a rc made, e ; s a d R eagan told the gov- Uc grow th a fte r nf ON T E : WNNER! suppor f th e re was stll a defct th a t was c m o rs r s h e woud bc wlllng to thlnl hnk cent for th e com ng m. n the c o n sd ered harmful, [ul, he would con* aboul t ra s n g taxes f hs progran ram pcrccnt fo r lmg a n CommWlj n.le- WNNl.fojK-* <r.>n nl Tu-lt< 1-alls Bnk (t<t Tns, vot s ld e r rasng taxcj xcs," Thompson "d d rl< rot m eet the needs for recov «(v R e a g a n s p n AM. CP. ttctvl ndv v<h>l)l( ;kln>) scrvctts. nclud our r VSA M m sa d. e clearly y m eans th at to e ry." contem p lates ncrea t h c r e c a s ts com mcal) (or <)u.ln<(l n( nl>cr kt!. wd no nu«l fw. You U wll nso v j f l follow n thot one-twc two order. So hes But:t S p eak es em phaszed thnt spendng auu orty o troduo.joy one of llf lowcs lvt lvrc-mnlcs oftt<-d on.u\y c dll crd! n o t talkng nboul an tax ncrease ths whal. R eagan proposed s ".spendn) dng llmm, a nd 3.5 pcrcent 1 All vou p<>v > mont onthlvf-a.r all TM: WNNl ryou, DO to pvers ~. -..t---; - rtcom x nfh! Tlf ; WNNLK tal lcunls... O ur V sa C ard lo qu.llf lallflcd m e tn b e r w llh defctsrspeakes no annual fee ouse s opposed Fr>c. PcTMonallzc-d Che, :hecks Stores5 m ovesslow on card c chacharm an of the. $10,000 AccldcUal Dc D e a th n s r a n c e m m ttee frst D scounts on Personal la l h s t a ll n e n t L o a n s B y T h e Assoclntwl Pres: Cftss p assage 5e_by both tho Senate and 1 ll Ue accounm qr amucl K c v R n n a n d C re d t ; C a rd R e g s tr a to n ouse o f anblll to settlf lh e matlcr alt e s n sou caleg W hte ouse and B A n d m u c l. n u c l m ocnet te U sers of the naton on s GOO mllon before! t h e deadlne w as conslderc lered use s boom ng, t Ue growth ofm enlcl. R-N.M., O m f y Ttvlt aux k ofc Sc Trust ofcr and sljn [ up...c re d t card s probaby y won t \ h ave to tm llkely. ly. T h e ban lapsed once befor efore - F e d e ra l R eserve Yo srr that thrrr arr ntt m l l-ufl» to -tf a WNN p a y m o re mmedately :cly to u se helr th r e e weeks n 1981 wltho Uout show outstandn g re p la s tc, even wthout a federal t b an on any wde despread reacton. Ue,knd you g et wt a that would lmt..nc; TO llk su rc h a rg e s. tcaers sad Monday M creh ch ants p a y card-ssucrs-fro from -grewby-sltw-bulon nflaton to S per- * ANK-M>-V<>t; - they.dl(ta t.want.to take ke thc.chance.of rc e n t lo 7 percenl of Ue face _ arm ual ra le o f ncr lg fscal year, 4.5 a le n a tn g custom ers s who v p re fe r to value o f a crcdt sale. Corsurat m e r cent; m d 4 percent n V c h a rg e t." groups s o«p p o sn g the surcharge ban WUoul th e fedc ro p o s budget t- Sxty-fve perccnt t ol of our busness argue th a t cash custom ers subsldl2 ldlze poston an d am ou eases n defense < c o m e s from credlt-card u sers a n d we lhe o nees s w h o use credt. Supporters rs < of would d epend on sla o f 9.2 p ercenl n * d o n t w a n t lo do anyth: -thng th at woud the ban, n, ncludng card.ssuers, clal :lalm celngs. M ost m en t n ~ f * th re a te n th al busness, s s," sad oseph su rc h a rrj g c s would bc confusng and by T h e A ssocated 1) G allu ccl, senor vce :e presdent for m ean ana n a d d e d expense to soppers. :rs. w ere la k ln g a w al-a fn a n c e of Woodward & L othrop, ono S to res e s a r e free now to offer d; ds- G us C alas. ovm< o f th e largest dep lepartm cnt-storc counts 5 tc to c u sto m ers who use casl,, b b ut M aor re sta u ra n t c h a n s n thew ashlngto ;to n,d.c.,a re a. a F eda e r a l R eserve Board stud ;tudy sad he would not rge W e" thnk mposng lng a -surcharge d -o n ly -ll-p e rc e n t-d o -s o,-a -and n m m cdlatcly,-b u t..n now w ould bc confusn slng to o u r cus- p p ro v d e the bonus only f you "dependn g on wha ch as 80 perccnt of. cowt< ovcud to m e rs and contusng ng to our sales as.: for r lt f. does. ll follow the utl g o rlesrandcrcdlt : p e o p le," added Galluccl cc W hat 4 t «th e dfference between en a P a t Sm one, M onday was the lasl d ay fo r Conent the mdnght dscount m t? n A rzona, h a d a revolvng sl crcdt - c a r d surcharge and a cash O M alley s, a handy e B oard statsu cs \ g re s s to a c t to prevent e x p ra to n of a lo-ycat c a r b an on sur- T hnk k a b o u t a sto re wth a slngl ngle have m a d e no declsl vlth credt cards c h a rg e s for credlt-can :ard use. eavy Prce o rn a n tem. A dscount s a, ntenton a l ths tr an n-dqcbmber..an T re6>mos ST lo b b y n g on both sld( sdes and legal reducto: Lon from tle regular prce; ;e; a sad. ow ever, crease w of 29.3 per- squab b ln g delayed act cton e arler and r g e s an addton lo t. d fferent decson <1 COM MON MSTrAKES s e s tm a te d that crcdt carc :ards just don t know." cral ban, the mlunt of.surcharges ta lc law s and usury T an k e r s sn k s r** jrchants contacted 0)FD11 ET1N( G. _ 1 P ress on Monday * and-sec atutude. Traftexbla ast; T R E S a n EX XTRA DAY TO -ner of The Pnes T le fr.st mstal< tak e s to o o n a d d. L h Edson, N.., P eople who losu se VweRht successfully donl 2 2 rescuu ed DURNG r COUR O N E DA t add a surcharge..m ght, consder t go on d ets. T h e y o o n a to ta l calorc ynu c o n s u m c. lat the competton C o u n l every cnl N E W ORLEANS (Al P) - T h e G61-! trend. 1 guess." fo o t ta n k e r Amercan n ] Eagle, ls sde LEAP YE EAR SAcom ptroller of rp p e d o pen by a fatal al exploson c a day ym an-lum ber frm e a rle r,- sank Mond onday w th 24 SPECU :AL G RO UP 2 lh;f.s ke that wll doom you lo fahn lre. S etessfl w eg h t Users know k a mstake hdul t ttng calorcs, wegh lgad m e a s u r n g foods. Theresan he how to lose wthd program llal rccures no spec ecal.shoppng for foods, nt o lt cjsy to follow ;p:ratnn. pro sm lar vew. "Wc consumng prup: c re w m e n aboard whle tllle watng for a A slon but w eh av e no to w n th e gale-whlppe< )ped G ulf of Mex- 4 :ry and c a r r o ts a n d o tc r ur tm e to do so," he A lcat only cclery c o.th e C o a stg u a rd sad. l DAf laaond we m glt m ake a T w a crew m en were e los b u t the And w.tt wll lar down the road. 1 o lh e r 22 w ere rescued d v, when the Amer- le a n E a g le went dowr 3wn a t 5:40 p.m. T a b o u t 180 mles souu luthw est of New? BRD )Al SET! 3 u n n te r e s t n g d e t f o d ls. lappen.s w has alway.*;-happc pened. Your sla rv e d ta ste hds erc.slngfond.snnd youre dcst tned lo start ccatng. Losng.ngw eghtv w cravc m>rc ntcrc; eatng bland f»nd. doc.snt mean cat any professonal help. O rle a n s, sad Petty ty O ffcer Gary P e t w tlout )mcd an lo make m slak s. The km S ta r k s a t the Coast G uard s Sth Ds- An;l yourcdkme tr c t headquarters, T h re e crewmen we ere klled and Z y o u CAN 4 <nowledgeal-)lc p e o p le w lo lose rtlessly do t w th gudance frc LMly and cffortk S A V E who :re senstve th r e e o th ers were nju n jurcd Sunday >" Q a n unexplaned explosl loslon a b o ard the OSAVE 3 C from ra n c d w eg h t loss c o uns :ve to your own.specal prttle les. l.s nr njectons. Y T ake det pll.s pen ( s you m ght lose some we,ve) ht. hll stop f l sh p. T h e blast left th e A m ercan \Vl:t wll happen s and youre hack where you beg.m fat b E a g le d ead n the water tcr. ONE DAY ONLY C - FEB. 2S tak n g the plls, Sensble at weght o.ser.s are tau> ugllhdw tokeep T h e tan k er went down dc a s a sea- f g o n g tugboat was en n n route from Port T DON sjtmss T! ae! 5 and fnslralcl. forever. So hc vcghl off fnr A rth u r. Texas, to tow lo\ th e shp la / rcnous excrcse. G a lv e sto n, Texas, ts s orgnal o destna- X f )( lo ts of s ren ll f.e t. M<st tlon, S ta rk s sad. 6 T h a t s fne. Ml f. T h e w eather s 1 p retty b ad out Z ".Strenuous cxcrc: th e r e there are 10-fo< f-foot seas. 40 knot A -Q j ) W N T O W N wlh modcr.te cs w nds and ow vsblty.llty," S ta rk s sad T h e sh p brokgup-fro from -the-weather, to ssn g an d tum lngout 3Ut th ere.. e sa d the njure ured m en, some f EV WELRY CC su ffe rn g from hypothe therm la, would be a rlfte d to 6oastaT h( h o sp lt s. Some s o f us jusl arevl nt the type. W l.tcse s neccssay- Why not ty a ]rogran b U STAKESy-and call-t :-today-for-a M AKK-NO MS1 oblgaton consultal aton. fre e no-ob t.-ru-v 2) cl l.t.u-.>ny M..5. w e re tak en from the U w a te r by N A TRP ror t w o t o AWA 1 ON noabo WESTEBN ARlh c re w b o a ts that were e routnely r n the ENDNGMONV ; turlnc te TMES.NEWS WNTER VACATQ a r e a a n d by a Coast Guard helcopter. we fl h e s a ld. S ta rk s sad the Coa Soast G u ard was STERL NG se n d n g another hellc llcopter a n d the 9th c u tte r V alant lo the h e scene lo help s e a r c h for the two mss lssng crewmen. EWEL LRY r T h e Coast Guard d s sad a B rtsh o Nur-Sy-l«tt W.-fjh lo-.% no lb. wnqll lo l pforam ol ho m e rc h a n t shp, tho > FF o rt Edm onton, N A M E -,,.onq lon Covrf. pog-otn CO-.K only a lso h a d been standng ng by unlll the tug q D well apply. «p<r<v r«-h 29 D? E S S a rrv e d. S u n d a y s exploson, jn, about 5 p.m., T Y.. PP O N E 1E-MALL W N F A L L S. BURLEY N T W N FALLS T.UE LAKES BLVD. N O. to re open the rght sde s of th e shp, g : 7 8 1! BLUE above ts waterlne C o a sl Guard plctun res taken from th e re sc u e hellcoptcr : r showed s a large xotc tcmrwooucnokvo courox} ah D.... m m.- vgfy. -.0 c)o,.-- o- t e a r n th e sde, twlste sted raln g s near g Vf, wotgt (l-. wr,ghl lo-.-. " th e bow. a toppled boom.-and what... AVAllAlll A t llmt fll-vo lof n NofS Amof leo a p p e a re d to t>c a sp sj are propeller non Western LNES AND SSOO _ teeterng near the sde. d c. m 3N OVEAWAY

4 ntroducto cton s o e and a n e M anst nstrcct a re beng n terv ew ed by a loca cal representatve of a T h rd n a 1 s e re s S m n a to n a l pollng organ ;anlzalon, whch s ELEP conductn g a su rv ey of nttltudes obout tc Edtors nole: Ths s the thrd n a seres of j C ongress. L e t s lsten n on ther reports on the federal dcflc flct from hc Grace j OFAjp K co n v ersato n : Commsson report. Today, ays excerpt s taken p l l - n te rv /e w c r: W ht atd doyou thnk of from thc supplementary report rcf. on C ongress?. congressonal oncfo;jc/j/ne/; nenl n thc budget f e s s - (.1 K N A U M w tn o e a n d a n e : They cy rc a bunch of bg proccss. r/jo report.s//na/v al verson deleted OPDEKOcrw sp en d ers. dentfyng names of congre gressmen nnd OUROW c c f l COMtA&lDER..-T ntervewer:-What-d t-do you tlnk of your own - ocauons S = p - = P h n e a s co n g ressm an? o e : O h hm, w ell.hc e sa p re tty g o o d g u y l Q ~ n n lcrvlew er: And why s that? O n th e surface, all Uls ; do< docs nol appear to be o e ; Wh e n th c A rf c esp ecally relevant lo PPSS SSs m andateo \ b a se o u tsde lown, hc u w th th e A m trak tran, n. They w aned to shut g o vernm ent can ncrease e e! effcency and th e ln e down, sa d t t cost too m uch. But hc re d u c e costs. owever, n p pursung ts w ork, luuorlly lo accom plsh ths s nmsson. 3. T h e Agency System Deve vcloplnglhe wll takcto e to run the federa government, pulled so m e strn g s to keep l t here, because P P S S task forccs have clen lentlfled numerous G ve m anagem ent thc fle: flexblty to mana n agem ent and techncal syste ;tcms ncludng g new n ntatves for Uc fscal year th s low n would bo noth olhng wthout t. n stan ces n whch Congress has become etr m ploy as they sec best the pc personnel and necess :e ssary to support the structu u re a n d beglnnngung Ual October, the appropratons a n e : A n d h e g o tth e e feds to buld us a DOW d re c tly nvolved n thc day lay-to-day th e r resources allocated lo 0 U them to uccon" :om plsh thc msson, ncudn ng related subcommtm ttees dvde Uc pl:n up accordng la k e w here w e c a n take akc thc kds and swm for m anagem en of federal odperatlona,» n o rd er to ccom pllshthclrm lsson p ract ctlces. methods, procedures s r and controls, lo th e r own a re a s of jursdcton, fre e now. e g e ts thng: ngs done fo rh sd lstrlcll su p p o rt local nterests, wlu: vlth resultng * M onltorsenlorm anagem ment executves to 4. TTe T Agency P l e Alloc tcalng. F o r exam Kamplc, Uc appropratons n terv ew er: W hald( t do you thnk of the tax d e c re a ses n adm lnlslratvt tve effcency. seee e f they a re accom plshng the sta te d evalu: tlu a ln g and m otvatng peopl pe resources. subcommtm tlee on transportaton has clarge of ra te? C ongress m ay h ave ever ery consttutonal n; nsson, b ut do nol saddle the hem wllh a n based wd o n knowldcge, sklls and al abltes the budget je t for f Ue D ep artm ent of o e : W ayto o h lg h lw We won t te able lo send rg h l to ex ercse ts lawmak nakng powers not ouut tsde presence th al tells the em how to do necess ressary to operate the systemn s whch Transportal rtatlon all of t. O ver Uc eght o u r k d s to colcge f thc they go a n y hgher, only lo se t fundng levels :andpollcygudellnes fer job and constantly m edd Kldles n even the suppo port th e structure lo accomp: plsh th c m onu swhch hl follow, th e secretary of n te rv e w e r: W hot lddc o you thnk about fo r p ro g ram s, but evcn.lo 0 rr m andate s m" allesl detals of ther opera ratons. msslo slon. Transportal rtatlon, along wth Uc adm nstrators government spendng? adm n lstratlv epro cedures. es. PPSS certanly PPSS F recognzes th at lle com plextes of Tle te nteracton of Congress an md the of Ue varo rous agcnclcs wluln thc departm ent, o e a n d o n e : O utof control Those bg h a s no com petence o r desln s re to argue 1C c chcclcs-and-balances syste stem n the federal execul fcutve agences, a s ll relates s to these four wll appear e a r a l hearngs called by thc sp e n d e rs n C ongress 3 o are gong lo bankrupt consttutonal ssues, owe w ever, appears to 8 ovem m ent m ake the ahalogj ogy betw een basc c m anagem cn functons exa xam lnedby subcomm tlee t charm en, w here Ucy wl the country. u s a s professonal execulvt lves and m anagers Prvatescctor ; and publc-sect E?ctorpractcesan P PSS, S, sh o w s serous conflcts, resultng n explan and justfy th er spendng requests. th a l th ere s a sgnfcant t dollar cost to * n p1 erfecto n e. Wc. neverlhclc d e ss, feel th a l w aste, ste. neffcences and hgher r costs c lo the Sometme :lmcs, they hove to explan and justfy T h s fctonal exchan tange b e a rs nlore than a M nfjresslonal ex ercse ot f that rght-u.«;t a s thle ese prncples have relevanc ance for th e taxpajp a y e rs. Ths specal report exam nes Uo why they y want less. Specfcally, Uc Urban c asu al c onnecton to <re re a lty. A publc opnon t l r s wlen a boardrdrt drectorfflnn reh clatlons betw een Congress, w hch m a k e s the causes tses fo rso m e o fth e nef fclenc ansportatlon A m dlnstrau am ayor poll n d u c t e d natlonw nwde d u g the sum m er p rv ate-secto r corporaton on becomes nvolved WS. an d lhe executve brand nch, w hch c a rre s n thc e 41 P P S S reports released : througl U Nov. m ay nol,, for exam ple, w ant to spend funds for of 1983 found, for nslon Lance, th a t 31 percent of n m akn g operatng decso sons and th at th e ue cm out. 8, 1D83. T h e PPSS ntent s to den enlfyue a partcular ja r subway system n a partcular those sam p led dsappro prov«of thew ay c o sl should bc taken nto ac< account durng Tlls report focuses on four rbt aslc eondl: dlons a nd practces whch h hnve led to Ue cty. O r, Ue Federal Avaton Admnstraton C ongress w a s handlng ng ts ob, whle only 10 d e b a te aboul how detaled k1 congressonalc lanagem enl functons that : m ust be p re sen t cu rrent r sta te of affars. m ay w ant t funtls to expand an arport n one pef centd lsappro v cdo lofthcw ay-theltaw D nv,olv mcnt should be n 1 a tpartcular nd executed b the executve ve branch of A, key elehcnt n the equallon 1 relates r to how com m unty, llty, o r close a n arp o rt tower n co n g resso n al represen: sentatves w ere handlng p ro g ra m s m anagem ent. d progt) g rars o re lum ed.nsorlcm arsrcohferess tlsnutr. ~ them selves n offce. n o u r experence, the gre g a te ra b o n rd o f cos )st-ef fectlvencss of operaton lonlstotx : and tn Ue executve branch have fo fought over Uc Congress SS ccan requre he agency to buld a T h o se 21 p ercen tagje e ponls f o f dfference d re c to rs o r a top-level mlan agem enfs Ltalned. Specfcally, these functons c e n te r dollar, lar, b u l for Congress, thasbe- xjcn a subw ay whe: wherever t w ants, o r ll can keep a m a y reflect o s w ell the e : sam e so rt of nvolvem ent wth day-lckla; -day decsons, the o n: two-fn front w a r; nsttutonally wlt /1th Ue control tower opcn by votng th e funds to a m b v alence m any Am Vmcrcans feel when they le ss effectve and productlv :tlve th e operatng execulc u llv e branch, and wthn Con ongre.ss operate t, t, a tte m p t to a ssess th e } n m pact o f spendng m anagem cn becom es. esp< specally when o v e r 1. 1 T le Agency Strategy DC eterm nng betwe< ween th e money (appropratlr Lng). E ach men: nem ber of Congress, then, s decsons m ad e h Wash ashlngton. tm e, operatng m anagemm e ent s thereby wh /hat thc agency s (n most cases prevously comml m ltte e s and Ue legslatve (authorzng) contnually ly pul n a poston of balancng o r coursc, ths s all lpj arto f the Amercan. p re v e n te d from adjustng g to lhe nevtable del eterm lned by the Congress), s ),w h rtls comml m llte e s for control of the pnx ocess. potental conflcts betw een overall natonal poltcal proccss, w hch ch s based n p a t on the c h a n g e s n ts envronm ent, ;nt. There are alw ays expccled lo accom plsh, when le re llls h e a d e d Afte r th e prc.sldent each Fcbru -uary subm ts ntcresl and nd Ue local-rcgonal-speclal balan ch g of local needs eds and natonal hteresls exceptons, of course, but t successful anc nd w hen t wll g el there. Ue budget, buc wch s lls Clm ate e o< f what t nture.st>ofho lso rh e rc o n su tu e n ls... w ell-recognzed thlat a t the 1 two a re not always p rv ate-secto r corporatons ons a rc generally c o n g r u e n t g h tlro m -t.tbe ncepton oto u r gu d ed bv th e (ollowlnr bas laslctenctsof 2. T be Agency S tn c tu r e - E slabllsh n g lh e c o u n try, legslato rs hav ave faced the challenge m an agem ent: s tn tructuret ecessary to accom] )mpllsh-and t - of re p re se n tn g th e local )cal concerns of helr Tpll those who executc le f program supporl the strategy and defln ngle > g M a t b ve rder consttuents, and a t thh e sam : e tm e respondng responsblty w hal to accor compllsh, nol how to jnctlons, organzatonal role; lesand w th a natonal perspcct lectve on ssues thal d o th e jo b. csponslbllltles, and related d a authortes and tra n sc e n d local o r reglo: glonal nterests. G ve m anagem en tho 10 tl tools nnd suffcent eportlng relatonshps. W/ould e: xert nf fluence One w; ay n whch Congress can e: exert term "b ll 11" n a m uch n a rro w er sense than t nnstrat vc s now emplo nployed. n th e early stages of our S oome maj tjor recco m m en 1 datom nfucnc* ;nce o v e r what a rc often adml ra th er lh th a n polcy decsons s thro ough the governmcnt, ent, each bll w as concerned wu a (U (2) (3) t«) ) legsath alve rder. sngle, specl >eclfc subjcct whch had to bc clearly Ths s s s language added onto a bll lu whch has denlfed nlue tlue. D urng ths perod, a no drect ect b earn g on the m an Urus asl of the presd enl could co veto all the proposed m easure. a n d so merely "rd es ale llong wth ll. legslaton n ona or sngle subject, by vctolnga hconr r.tnt,» c r o r Tlerule; ules o f bou Ue ouse nnd Sen anate " b ll;" lowm suppose< sedly b a r Ols practce, but h those rules O ver Ue le years. y Congress hnd enlarged Ue o ftenarc a re gnored, to thc serous det etrm ent of. num ber amd n d scopcof : u n related subjectslhat n.-rc.»n th etaxxpayer p j those "forgotten A Am ercan logeuer com prse a bll, untl a sngle nrcoffffrtkl.tt ton 1),1 lf 5 luluonf fam les es of fo u r people who pay a m- edan approprlatlo Qtlou? bll today m ay covcrscveral {!) DrlnTClv Oovcrnn-nt on:;,r- >r- f.lly : A.jOP.j. M t-rnal l ncom e tax of $2,218 per yea sar, per unrelated 1 departm dej ents, agences and fam ly y a and w ork long hours cach wc week to put prog ram s. Thus, Tl the p resdenl s sometmes Lm.-ntn of 3». l}em.scl\ >elves n the poston lo pay th lls. deprved of Ue U auuorty to selectvely velo TyptC. f-n rr-ra-nt.)*- Congrt gress u ses such rders not onl nly to mpose proposed legslaton legl on a sngle subjcct..-rvc- V. to f.4 n tt.- prlv.mxnw sendng lng dlrecllotk and requlremer lenls on the One w ay y lo rem edy Uls problem would be to executlv) tlve b ranch, but also to drcct ct. nsttute n an tem veto, such ns s avalable to tr. <-<(...,1. 7.» 2U.100 4,22.n n j, managerg em ent operatons o r even ov«vcrrldc the govemnors on of 43 sta le s. tem veto power llt..ry.-tf.t..-nt x-n. * m anngcr gcm cnt decsons,. woud enable to rlvntp ;>ctor of p..y..ft.<-r D y-. ble a presdent to separate from hs c 1 1 cpncn ncnt l.n Normr. pr v.tr- >l.- >l.vr;. r-omr l- orex. am p le. n May thc :>ef tp a rtm c n l approval of o tn m ajo r legslaton such unrelated r-t-lf.-r;.ct>..-.lly l-t. w of A(rlcu c u tu re s F arm ers Admlnslr lratlo clcm cnlsast thc prohbton aganst movng -.,u.lly.nk..) (FmA) announced plans to move ts l offce thc Fm A \ offco ofl from one cty to anolher (31 from one me c ty lo another wthn Uc& som est.tc. w thoulatfcc ffcctlnglhe en tre m easure. Of rlv.tls- M.rkrtlnc, r, coftr: nclntfl.l Tlcagen< lency s approprlatlon.s bll, wh»hlclcnm c coursu.c ong ongrcss would stll be able to out n une, d d nol specfcally b ar Uc t move. exorcso ts consttutonal c rglt to overrde but n reports accompanyng the me. cosuro.u.0 Uo veto, ouse am and S en ate agrcultural apprc ropratlons mport; xjrtant to recognze th a t our subcomn m tte e s both sad ll should nc not be done rccom m endn ndatlon of a presdental tem veto n.,n fespuct: e tese opnons. FmA respo (4) nrqvlr tbr tl lllt.ty to lcch.u:.- ponded Unl "? " pnges " y on C ongress s consttutonal Cornmonly ur-r.l MC f. thc report lort language w as nol legally CblndlnR t rlblsondobl oblgatons. RaUer, t adds to Ue and that t Uc agency ntended to proc DcecdwlU pou tlq.lproc rocess a constructve elem ent Uot., Ue move. could lead 1 to: a slgfflcant rceucllonn {) - fr<rf.u Cornr-r Conr rsslona reacton w as sw ft., t m anagemlent ontlneffectlvcne.ss. n the past, ths. - supplemcm enta! appropratons bll for 3r-Y l!)83 partcularele : elem ent w as p erh aps not necc-ssary was beng ng consdered n uly, and t:o o, ltw a s, -a n d o b v lously u ; no changcs slould be mnde n added a! cla u se whch declared: rocesses unless dong so s of crtcal (C) tx DO) hvc-ntofy M.v.n lr.ll M N. "N oneo le of th c funds approprated b by Us or ;e. any other. cr a c t m ay l>e used to relocate T hus. n 1thc Ue 19G0S, t wa.s possble toolerate n-r-nt--r..tnv Uf vr.r.,>u statoofflc rrco of the Farmers ome w h atever neffcency Ual egslatvctldcrs Adm lnslr stratlo n from to _, andslmarac r actons ntroduced nto a d m lnlslratv atlvc m atters sm ply because Ue l).7vr;-.n:..n.typv could not r e je c t t wluoul vetong thc h c e n tre judget defcts averaged a "m an ageable ble 56 bllon a year. Now. fth e! pn resd en t dsaftreed wlu Uc rder, hc resu ltn g budf tn bll, T hat wv ould have affected essent :tlal how ever, lhc( Lhe counlry s facng d efd ts fundng for fo th e food stam p program n,.lh c approachng* n g $200 blllon annunlly. ealu and anc um an Servces D epartn tm ent, nth eeq ululvaent lv, clrcum slancc?. a Food and d D ru g A dm lnlslralon, Depa partm ent c to r enlcrpr.se w ouldtake drastc prvate-sector ofcomme m erce. D epartm ent of ustce cc,.steps to tlfjlte jllen ts bell, e lm natng afl Xpartme m ent o f State, D epartm ent of f Defense sy stem atc c neffcences nc n ts auuorzatllon, an d o ter; c r agences whch w ere nclud uded n m anagem ent 1and operatng proactlces. PPSS Ual supple jplcm ental appropratons bll ll- sarg u n g hhere c n th at m plem entng an tem Re ardles; less o f how strong hs dsagree x-ement, veto s one such sue decsve acton Ual the tll n rrfa r.- Ucprcsdc dent h a d no real opton but tc to approve federal goverr vem m ent needs to tak e n order to the entre bll, ncludng the rder, wh kllchls m llgaleanlnl n nherent w eakness n Uepoltlcnl wh.t hedc dd. p ro ccss and to enable Ue federal... ly jo t.,1 o v t W( T hepres sd e n t s veto power s specl clfcaly governm ent to lo optm ze Ue a w of lls naton s.?xprc.s.scd ed n th c Consttuton; lu m a n a n d 1 captal ca resources, (10) TlUtlt.r-11 U..-- KveryL bll w hch shall have passee e d th e Thc dlmensl cnslons of the challenge were louseof f Rl epresenlalves and the Sen enate, clearly drawn wn n a rem ark m ado by n leodlng shall, twfor fo re lt bexmcs law, bcprese: sentcxl to representatve tve to hs colleagues n Ue ouse Ue presde dent o f the U ntcdstatcs; fh c ust before Cor Congress adjourned n 1983: We : ;n. )M 17.1lo.M "1 approves, LS, h1 c sh a ll sgn t, but f not, h( he shall h ave confessec ssed to an a lread y doubtng nauon. return ll,w, w th h s objectons.. th a t w c a re ruled nl by pollcal fear, raucr Uan o f ths p ro v so n cnvlsl slnncfuhc econom c cour M urage. 3ong ressc onallers c 4 b g s spend lso q< Qod guys Mana agement prc -ocess prove es costly O t p n t t o n W. w» p?s jn 311 "ly f e f A -l Tmoa-Now3, Twn Fallsn lndaho Tuosday, Fobruary 28,1934 /n o.n o reato n ; w w f w n r. K p... l, Y g O T E R M E. ;

5 Opnon :>] N o t o d e n o o n r Tuoaday.Fobruary 28,13C.!3C. Tmos-Nokvs. Twn Falls, daho A-5 ud.fm vm C-peop(-do1.4vcn - ftul tl!tongr(>uknut-yu t-y o u r- ja n o n - l o wt) w ould uk" lhe>.sla to n e n t U, know. T h en a s hc caboose w e n t ty, 1 st S tn e o e s c h a n g e o f p o sll on n S m w m,d lke :e lo share wlh ytu an fell f, a n g e r. W hy do w e h a v e lo lv e n a recently had. 1 w as one e.s.sce. a d e m o to n." A s U.- wv ord w h e re o u r bg g est f e a r s m an " h()t)ravcd lle cold to L etteers ada (recl < UOte, ( a t le a s t, th e n tmselfv j 1n ally, a s l a m w rtn g hs p o te s ll le p wanj; )asslng a ; of tte w hte - m gc enough votes n Congress:?ss to lnes nto storage?e. Thnk of the. qu ((uolaton m a r k s d e n o tn g a d leller. [, 1 feel dscouraged. T estttt/cee< e a c h y e a r cont ; nuclear ran n n Shosone. ntlnue th e m assve gveaway yof nsurance cam [lanes pa m akng b!llon.< lu (luutcm. 1 c a n o n ty a s s u m e h; s t o r c a n l e v er b e p o s s b le fo r he )ly overwtelmed by n readn R y o u red edtoral chee; eeso and b u llc r from slor.gc cto nsurng " dead ho h< rses" w hleouer "o "<>l p n o n " of y o u r r e p o r le r. Tl hem - " pcspe p fo r M agc V alley, fo r o n e r. L nfw em otons,-k om Me 111 whch understofd concertng Ue recorr :om m endalon.sof charartablc nsltulon.s. Tho ncom romng bllons w ero sper «enl creatng roofed posllo n re q u r e s a d e g re e n. mn n u te lo pu t a sd e th e r re lg o u s, sd o o l :, t 5m v n lll tdnl. frst had feelngs th ecom m lu ce on exccllenccn floodlod )f lhs ll-conceved dary s to ra g c y a rd s too proec f nyeslm enr ad d m n s tra to n. W h e re, then, r, ac al a n d poltcal p re ju d c e s lo - tran neared us. -ear educaton,. w as strut truck wth.the, prog o g ra m js agan,fllng hc wlue Up prnllnf! ng prcs3e.srolled along. " d e m o to n " e n le r n?.stand to g e th e r ant fglt fo r w h a t u e... - th a t tlu.m ua- lead passng n fronl of - followng; w are rchouses em pted by hs releas ; alt so deeolv deserv e - - p e a c e? easng lurnlngout bales jsofpaperdolla-sw th, At h epresent tme the only 100 to) tons of cheese. Caught n ths su g g e st y o u r r e p o r te r refr; efran from y -s could d destroy all m anknd. lls the brave m otto ) " n G od We T rust" ndependent evaluat aton of our school tread;admll. hs je rry bult plan of T aklng ju d g m e n ta l sta te mlen e n l lsth t T h en 1 fell dee, Lepened sadness, CARRE B EEZLpy >f and thc nalonal dc e b tso a re d to system s a nd students nts occurs a fter payryn g d alry m cn for not mlklngt r e bolh d s p a r a g n g a n d nac laccurate. addnes.; for my n chldren, neghbor.s Twn Falls n g th elr heghlseomprehc henslbleonlytothc ( raduaton by emp m ploycrsln heavl avly m o rtg ag ed cows s not bel Vlr. S m co e h a s d o n e a n outsu slandng beng ggantc m nds ofpoltlcans wth one*,.,. ndustry, n com mcreean erc d n m ctv?t wth favor and lhe tanker true ob n lh e p o sto n h e c u rre nnly tly hold trucks arm up lo th e sho lo u ldersnlheu.s, governm ent. When nthe grade s rollf 11from d ary to processng planl lant to Treasury, unsatsfactory. hesl L*studenland comn mmodlty c redt lo cosly storag rage. Bul enough of fthlshalf-baked U socety a r e Uc losers, ers..to overcom e Lol -ol m e su g g est thal ths deluge Re govem m cnt mud ddng th at jumped ths a ppallng dcffcc clency and wa.ste, m ustjst be curbed a l ls starl wllh 1 h hc from program lo 0 program ] n oneof la B NET m d wll do a n e q u a lly fne jot) n hs lew posllon. Wc a re ndeed fo 0 h a v e p e o p le of h s c a lb ern r Twn as.s chool D s tr c t, T h re e ct w eneed a n early wan -arnlng system graddual low erng of an unrealstc oyl Sm coe! 5tlc the most m onster erous vole-buyng an ndependent n-progress suppcdport p rce and.wthdrawal of >f schem es snce thecreatlon of the New....evaluaton o( perform )rm ance bureau eratlc fnancng of.ncw.dal MARY ANDERSON dary p e a l suggest th at twce a y ear tests be planbms. T hs w ould gve those T w n F a lls CECL CAL6 conductcd by a n agen 3cncy outsde the mortrtgaged far beyond the true value Buhl school system to mea: leasure o fth eh er securty tm e to retrench :h and SA ± E - - p erform ance. T he results of these pcrhahaps contnue on a realstle scale sea tests wl bo th e c rlte tcrla r forprom oton where ere m ark el a nd export would be " PfRCPn FNAL DB A Y S ETERSEN by th e stu d en t and pet performance of the the determnng dc faclors. S A L E E N D S > 2. / 2 9 / 8 4 te a c h e ra n d theschoo hool system. Let,et us a.ssum e the government llto tc ld m U S " P c an h e a r the outer tcryofu e th eauauto ndustry. "We wll loan lyyo o u C E F S COMMERCAL B N E T R Y B U L T T 0 O LA ST A LFETAAE e ducators now. Eduea ueatonlstoo mone; ney at low nterest rales to bullc lullcl OOEF fldosttles MC mr lulloncs OeR SPECALTY K A T O N C E N A.L FE ETM E P R C E S com plex a nd mporta n tfo ra y m a n newp: V plants. ncrease producton ar nterference. Onemus Tust be. we wl wll buy all unsold unts at a C h e f F as The professonally traned n to ed u cate.etc. predel deerm ned p rlcc and place the om G r e a t GG veaw ay!! To t h a n s a y baone; )ney. >nyar< ards where they wl be cept n., Solo h o u rs ;(n(op -, tu ll W Weokday. 6-6 At any level t d oesr not take a genus shape, pc, p roperty g uarded wlu C h o c k ou >ur b o o t h a t Solurday 9-5 to d ecde f a student can read well. nspec sectors u nd nsurance fully pad lad." A g r A c t onm o arch 2 & 3 CALL LNDA UNZEKER TOO/ fooav 1 Sundoy 12-S.,. w rte well and do arlu rthm ctc m ag gne th e m ad rush nto ear FORYOUR REAESTATE NEE EEDS. SEE OUR r -. adequately _ b u lddng w th m en qultllng,ller:st< :>l.oe F r o c - G ron:bn n o r. O W R ROOM A T - QUALTY CABN BNETS.. E M S T A T E R E A L n a s m la r m anner ncr t requres only shlnn, lng obs to becom c govcrnmen lent S o t o U t o w/vtfh p u r c h a s e a m odcum of good judgment ud to relate "cxpe: pert econom sts," Vsualze tht « teacher perform ance c e lo t stu d e n t hordc de of lawyers fghtng for plush o f X b u ld n g AFTERS OURS 423-6t n :nd AVE. WEST , / poplonancarschoou; bly perform ance to both. Thnk aboul ths, Th The educators establsh th e currcula :ula, hre thc tcachers, adm nster crth t: esy stem. P FOR TWO TO l<awa..on BOARC }ARO WESTCN ARUNE ANO SSOO _ ev,alualc perform ance nee and graduate W h l t e W e s t n g h o u s e _ SPNONC MONEY 0U»1NC TE lme NCWV WNtER VACAON GVEAWAY the s tu d e n t... C U P Sa DEPOST AT W here a re the check eeks and balances? recom m cnd serou: ous consderaton h for ndependent studer dent testng; the resu lts to b e used as s a crtera < for prom oton and teacher her and system ; N D (! \NNEP, O F TrE 127?OA\ V NU W «y N A M E _ perform ance. l ADDRESSS S O N E. COOUDGl DGE R O N E., aley G o b a c k 2 0 y e a rs O N TSS A L EE would lke to ask c th the rght-wngers m " : 5 s (ton roox >xt>ono% o? p5* am n ths a re a f they plan llan to brng Mr. R CANCE TO CLE LEAN UP WT 1! SUPER SAVNGS r Mll»«OlOl " *o"h N A - - E ddec htldsrthe ous o u 5 to n o r ty c o o n 7 = B OfyfzQUAt:lT-Y- y -MAOR-APPLTAN N C E S! r r r : - - E E E S ----,<*111 AlmlUU lwl fol nto thcm agcv aley ;y th 11 ls y c a rto _ E cam pagn for the re-cu!-clecton of thc V P B R epublcans? e m ay not be too m ad now snce he s plng gup u tens of W hte -W esln g h o u se m llons of d o llars of fprro fltsu n d erth ls R a n g e s 1 4 C U t.ft. crooked supply-sde Orented or - 1 adm nstraton. fhedc e docs comc. Refrlgj g e r a t o r w t h F o a m ed d - S e ltc le anng n D eluxe7 ~ can t w at to h e a r hs explanaton e> of n - P la c e n s u l a t o n k 3 0 R ange why g a san d o l scostl )sllngus l Top Fr. r e e z e r» :;Ll(-Clc-,nr.cjOvcM tlte U?, GonKo:; consum ers so m uch when th ere s n R T 142 No h;tn Of).;od-[tor l ofccl.>ot:mul;0 fact a glut on he m ark rket. ovenat lw dy f they use thc age! oh old phlosophy cty S.VLf" lnoy ro, Full oven cocj 1 Ovon ;jnd sulcu uml rfclron j 1 thal f you re p e a t some m ethngoftcn look- wndow sfjnnl lgll;: fob) one-poc; evof;:ol. lulmlon w > {{j llqlnl trnr cc.tl- dur. lofof ovon lql enough, tw lll c o mte e fact, : Ucn l y S molded nofof nanlc te c();::kbl. { f)d-mtut( lrtu.t l-ull-wdl slowtj df.wor m ay ju st pull lt off and md get lhe bg,. Tv/o 0". two 0" Plug-Oul dcccvcr, R onald Reag ;agan. back n for Q9G* " j Coo«ghspeed another term and we e c can kss four " UUff.CO UlUl m ore y e a rs good-bye. Aboul the vtated : com co m ents from FR e g. eybum, would you beleve bcl have Whte nghouso.$( 6 4 9, $ * lved here for ffty ycar e a rsa n d ld o n t Motol RT : \\/WlutoVA.-natOr.o know the m an, th e proc roccsslng plants MoUul KFS3SA rt= m T Whte-Westngho house have brought n al knd [nds. Thomas M eade says lys R1 eagan s not a 16 cu. ft. capacty w arm onger. say that lat anyone j lh al Frost-Free turns 16-lnch guns on 1 cl cvlans s a,refrgerator-free; jezer 3 1 Plan 1 w arm onger and w ersc! -se! Also you do R M o d o l R T A pjaa rtm e n t. p teg. e * not h ave to go back a 1 hundred y e a rs lo fnd fault w th govemm TmentsM r. Sze Meade, ju s t go back tw( twenly. We. the good old Unt) nltcdstates. R an m g e _ * klled sbc m non plus 6 mon, womon -...Ml and chldren n V etnan am and lad to Model KF210 R o g. OdRTfa w aste sev eral mllon n acres a of fertle $ s o* * o o productve land wth 1245-T, 24! Sylvex, agent orange, etc. Andl for nothng m ore than to satsfy a stubbom sl knothead n thc W hte c ouse and a few selfsh corporatons ons and m anufacturers. So hlstc slory docs s Uprcg h t Freeze W ash( h e r & D r y e r :er repeal lscf over and d o\ over and wlh thc sanctons of the sehc lehoarskcm r. 689» *pa,r T hom as Meade. RCARD GRAF ftr a rrfn * tncrqv S;vct Svc s colto W. r.lonn- s.rolv Washer eybum r;(n.n q Four ljluvjdn. tlo U jl Wo()(!l FU. l 111 r,t(;lv.t.[)lu:; U.c<- R eg. L censng nee< >eded $39990* R egular S S T here h ave been reco: ecorded cases of r chld abuse n daho due lo lhat fact Dryer that daho does not havt lavc m andatory * lcensng of chld care. F. P.l.ntu.lc cl(n)r ([., Ths law needs to bcpassedto Wtlcdy l! Rog. S s 5.. *289 * exem pt no one. Chlldrer rcnarebcln g WhloWcslnohous w atched n basem ents w wthout Mod?l (M-?! 1 adequate fre escapes :sandwu a W hl te t e W e s t n g h o u s e / phones upstars. f these csc homes ever Slnnlo lo s spood caugh on fre, these chdrcn would Top Lom Loadng W oelof wllh Enorgy: Savor Solngs bum up, C h e s t Ft reezer f W htc-w eslnghouse Modol ol LA400E Lj Wnshor u s l last w eek n Bose olse, aplm p-drug 1 6 c u. ft. M o d e l s L A E, DE ) E / D G E dealer appled for a day- lay-carcllccnse. M odel F C low about tho sex molcf olcstcr from Coeur da lene th al mole lolestcd chldren S.(.lyMnn,llc<;ll Elect a c t r c M o d e l D E E D E ryer lll rc.!l;(wf.m,k)() w,st l),-,k.. n hs d ay care. s lccn cense had been >< 21. s.-.l-lyu revoked n anoth en slale lc e c a u se.. ;»-Ull.oul takkwl---- r r u" s, tyrt daho docs not have mnandatory ar chld TlTt llltrr, jnnrll t.tlcf ;fd MCtK.ton vt c are lcensng, he openc( ;n cd u p a Reg. Optun, tun.l l.dtc sotlrtof day-care c cn ter n daho aho * Chld abuse al.so happc ppens n the Modol rc -Cr* l home. Come on workng ngparents wlu *» - V chldren, lak e a stand.. Call your legslators and gel ths s law l< passed. Call toll-free G-71! r7l58 and tell the * Pckee d u p a t o uur W areho D u s e w th T r a d e. secretary you w ant thes- 1C senator from your a re a to vote yes ondllll323, Our chdrcn deserve /c to t( be n good envronm ents whle we /e work. v They a rc our fulure gencratlor tlon. o r CARDELLARCUL [ULETA B rght orzons Day-C y-corc Ccncr - Tw nfau s K C u rb d e lu g e eae arly w as well reported 1 that lh. Lyndon B. l / E ohnson w as th e m ost vulgar m an ever to occupy thc prcsd ;sldentlal char. L ate reporls from Was Vashngton tell of ohn Block beng caug aught between NDAW ENUEEW E STr 733- contnuously m ountng lg surpluses s and s hs nablty n ths elcctl Cllon year to.

6 A -6 T lm oa-n ow a. Tw/n n Fola, daho Tuosdoy.. F«o b fu n ry W Oflnc : ; F ra n k ard 1 t«on arnuul you. VUcjU llt (Au;- lu >epl. 22) -llkl «.w.,... 1»t> jc d v c wlh your frcnd.s - Dal lly orosc c o p e do you a (avor so the rf? rfjhl w ay to m ake y o u r work rkmore y ou r hom e. * dur: durng the daytm e, bul tonght m ake ale rt lo change.s : for t- Kes up. effcc :len t and proftable. nscu.ss fne plans for the future. wth SAGTAKUS S (Nov, 22 to Dec. 21) "p A now conlac could d an as*- assocate how to m ak e real ea pro- y,jj( PSCES (Feb. 20 to Mar 20) andlng oulslde affars durng the dont hesttuteloa.skf< N (.une 22 lo ul. t ru and m ake new jj, S. ep n carefully. connecto n s th at t wll make them m ore ja d ay y tm e brngs fne results. G an the MOONCLMKN } a s possble wth L lll UKA (Sepl, 23 lo Oct. 22} You v alu a b le. Then tl talk over wth an sup support of some nfluental person. GKNKAL. Tl-; n-;nuknc-:s: for ho per.sona pe lem s thal you lke so 21) Study hookkecf ls brnks Rreater enjoy y pleasure f mor; th an lhe average e x p e rt how to hav ave more prosperty n - F YOUR CLD S BORN TODAY, -W lk lcvcr s unusual wll wl appeal lo m uch, Th hnk constructvely, Spend as much lm c z persono n. so plan a fne evennj; mg wtth. the future. he oc r she wll bc one who wll w ant to y o u today, Con.sldcr new lew ways tb use TAURUS (Apr, 20 lo May 2U) Go to lhe one you love: hs m ale- Stop countlnr the your lalcns. Do somelhl jlhlns dramatc whomeve ver has pow er over your af- understandnr. ub. 211 G c to u (o l cost so CAPRCO RN (Dec. 22 lo an. 20) have a good educaton and wll work h and bcrcncrous,., a n d orlrlnal, ;md n the cvennk be fars ancl nc ask for favors you need,. and m ak e new S lu d y your pos ossc.ssons and m ake for tuton. f necessary. Gve every af. L lo ul. 22 to Auf. rom anllc;nclsocal. Adopt a new alttu d e where your nre m odern thnk- SCO :O U K )(U c,2;o N o v.2 l){ 1) Fam- th e m m o re valur unblc. Then lalk them opportunty to express the self. One 0 (1, lhal rut you a re n. A RES (M ar. 21 to Ap Apr. lu) A good vocalo n sconccrned. ; oful (o vou. Keep ly wll {;o alonp. wl your j r mo.>;t o v er. A good day ly Beacllvc, >vho.vho wll defntely bccome a bgwg ;)ur conlacs who are m or consln lruclve deas loday.so talk.k hcm AQUARUS (; an. 21 to Feb, 19) You here. e n d ay lo «cl lorcther wllh lh frlcmls. Look GEMN (M ay 21 lo une 21) e tll! and can bc helnf e busy- E r n e s t : 1 v g v e / L B T A. A jeupotc X o v L l l. g Bt W bp/= :Y W Aa p t ;. 1 L \ Y bo lu u p. / w / l g t e p 8\X/ V z a r d o f d U \, ; c /v f.( lr 1 g u e r Man d L o s V O U P 5ATM VVATBR 15 R B A P Y, P T T O / [ T P ft }:0 r/!tt K C- LT TEf t f e j \\S y \V \ f. AV T O -P AtpA : (fe? QTTO L yces ST U P F -) 1 r T O P L A V W \ry l O _ [ T E T U B L l, / o A Y AOA : ~ B r o r o T n j kl d a TWO Y T M : UTARD v U l lkerv A A E T T l N R ll M M E T E h"!.u R E L A N P ARDV F?E e v v a l P1E P E M E C > n e x t 0 Q ( B e e r e B a l e y F L E A S E l s ojvw h g T rf ff PoW. P( p o w h. F M /5 S A T T U ( p TOUG 3U(5MWAV 111 A M 1 fu EVEBYO ote /, j T lj? M A K E A. / p n 6 rffth, POWM 1! j n " W ntlll r j ll p l L o r r b l e. w e T M s }4oo U s n P O M T KM.to B\T, " SLLT-Wry f =TM :q XS: X S -l0-t-lm a: : b a e m e m t p o» oc b 2 - ~ \,OC BV> 2 \ j F Y o j V g = S B E l o t E B A S E M E n X V o UVE S E E l+tpte T rtn > a l l - S h o e - o y 5(A4> r m Afze M St SOlUA0Me9e., GOULAK, t $Tft3SA«CPF, ANP NCE j r > l f m m k K m r - r wr AWaN&... ll W MWV R3 WU KNCW n WMO0 0 CM y"l FTW ER5* M Vpfesm MGMSBF r rflllh. G a s o l n e A\ ll l e y - : f Do yo joufthn T We won t / m gong.o.t,.vvtf t h lls w <arm - P o lly a n d h a v e n w o n d e r f u l.f youll t! lke lvng ) be-lvng n ) help Pol) run strc r o n g h d n d 9.. U s d e c d e d t o g e W , n t hl e t u. A t h e c t y / V the f a r m / the m a r r e d! y?, 2 l e c o w s w ll. A n l o v e h m G arfeld!. ) G O TT A O E T le L L P F O R < C n e v, : V \ T S CATC N MV S BACK ) X / WN * O P f c /?fta PAVTt> V T h e B o rn L( L a T U «f c g : t, f - W p WAT WE. MAV6 E ( 16 A f a l (RG. t o COMMUN CfATG. l o n d e - o [>T77c rv\p, D T E R S, M A lavng A W S D O M TCO O T P U -L E D < ( ) X \ T S A F T E R N O O r o s e r 11WAUT TO SEE SCBCXk. 5W 5A6orr.] fl-5 WAV, PLEA66.]) TEtOVW / t TOAOKVOO, P e a n u ts lwy?au61u ALCWF0RAR A u a y - " lat KNP OF A 5MOLO 7 TS 15 A CONCERT, PON T BELEVE TS... SOMEONE T0U6T E = = p r VAUT ) AN AUPlTORl/M FULL G... S TS, T MARCE? TERE SR..U ST LSTEN O F, h a p A 6OOPPEA,0UT S PEOPLE U S T STTN6 T D SE < / V MEN- NTANY PlCTt/KES.-UAT TO TME M U SC... TLL NEVER t ERE LSTENNS TO MUSC W PO 3 u LOOK AT? _ rlt awl 2 SM jtc] M a r/ Q. All Am ercan sports evolved out o f g am es or A cm n o s s 26 K lchon 5so L oodor 23 S qulrm my j 3 C ] 1 1 Sond d co u t godools 554 To sholtor 25 Tondor p k L.M. B o y d com bat,, cxcepl ;cp l one, whch evolved out of h a rd /. D ahly crossw o m f f l 5 Romolm o ln s 29 A m nssos 55 S n n s h sp o ts w ork. N am e thntone. 10 Chmp m pnnzoos 33 Corroc 557 A ngollc 26 S p ogho A. Rodeo. V ". 14 Tflkof to f o r 34 Comc to m 27 M oslom A m stordnm 58 R o p n st prnco W h at s h u b e :r t h uum PREY (W no n 7 n 15 Lhasn 35fl-5 35 Pork po 559 S trp o s 28 Lnrlnt nndd or clocho GO L ot. nbbr. 29 Dountoc A much-adm l lred fellow w as tho late ubert hb Mcst ; sth o 3G Chnlr Gl o u so h o ld 30 Splnnch mnrk 37 M nnhnrdlod c rtto rs c o un sn w h at um phrey. Two w thngs com c to mnd w hen hs hy Botofo loro 38 A ll G2 A s s o rts 31 Forbddon n am e s m entk :ntloned: One, he used a new ra z o r pno 0 39 A slnn G g3 Put n tho 32 Lomlnn nnrlos W est G e rm a n y y s Cty of Cologne Ls so consc Lsclous b lade every tm eheshaved. Andtwo,hesnfd, "No Plnco< combe ----mm 19 Mont c / p p p --- c o o l holldny b o n k 34 Adngo 0. of ts poneernf fj role r< n perfu m e h story tlal t sa n e person 1 r n the country lkes the w a r n Tbnl 40 Shlnos 37 Cgar }yp ty ob.scrvcs so m e pe. pecularly re la te d laws. t s a V etnam, a nd d neth er does P resdent ohnson. -- ordor 41 MslnKo DOW N 38 Too bo punshable offcn.se use there, for ex a m p le, to sme nel! up Mlo 1 sto rlc n l. o n o s 22 Dfougl ) u g tltu p 44 Pflncplos p e ro d s 40 D roclo lon your a p a rtm e n t buldng bul: wltl pckled herrnj. j;. A ll.gcnernllt llltes a re false, ncludng ths one. 24 Poom jm by *15 Slrny 2 Excnw ntlon t o n hor: lorso E x am p le; A pt o pular lne n educaton now s, Tonny m y c o n 46 Nnrrntvo 3 G rnvqn. 41 Stnn nnloy T he m a le lovebu ebug on Ue a v e ra g e devote tes 5G " L e ts g et back ck to bascs. But t does not endorse 25 Stnk k 47 C onquot m n g b G nrdnot "Of hours o f ts lfe lom 0 m akng love. T le lfespan 1 of the the teach n g of s sex n the classroom. V. P 4 G h o lto 43 Fsh m ale lovebufj s only a ltue m o re Umn 56 he hours, Yes Ycslorda* l u:;lc Solwcl W L C Sl lk w B sl.a jl; :A.:.U je ch.oh M a b u ld n g contnn< 5 P o s to n 44 Sroko 0 understandably. D on t know kv w hat pokeweed s, but the rccord G Fntguod fondlyy n F lo rd a, you u c can x; fned a n d sent lo jal. f show s th a ts } wl hat the North A m ercan ndans e..e, 7 U ndor th o 4G T ossorn you s la y -m o re thn lhan fve m ln u les n an ele< lecton usc*d lo treat venereal dsease. c o v o fs so tlo! r woth m B M M B a tl <1 Q.ll n j f l l O.flF. 8 U rgo 4 7 M ost V S K j D j «3! u s F m A L OOF: 9 A o fm e d 48 G onrnl fn Am to ld a-monu onll-old babes a r e now Klng h T oym akcrs s sell ltue leaden solders that M A O F tl <).s T fm a C; s 10 S ly lo o l R o b o rt- Vt latllnototr sp raw l, n o ls ta Land-Some jrc Somo show b u ld n n 49 Gron 1 w ounds. Somle e ap p ear dead. To m ake m nature 11 F o n o r stu n t G E O R G E EDDY DY battlefelds seen cem realstc. W hal fun! TV h o st 50 Enl out (, W la f.s a Geot rcorgceddy? r z z z r f p n f e n y j t E s E j 12 O o V n lo rn s 51 Toodlo-( S. ( 1 Gu n ln lr c! A :.E F!» ; c o u n try 52 K pgof o. A, C.nfe sla n c fore one who leaves no tp, All th e p la tn Lnum u e v er m ned would m ake a cube only 14 by by y l14 feet. F 11 f n n A M N js m 13 R ung or N orw ny ny c o.r.to r 53 A ctnflg (. W h ats the oldest commercal.sofl drn nk on f f [j l f a N lflv f 21 : C n ln g o r pnrt the m a rk o l? A ddress mla al ll to L.M. Boyd n c a re o f thlb t rfv r.le la FA ; p n y n g 5G 14,.r> / -* D r. P e p p e r. Been around slncc n ew spaper. Blc p l %M ~ W = K - v : a s s h A L n d y C a p p f w \lflqnal... f s = = lff NSlOe.O-VALKlE -Pl Pckn > 1 [ A FEVs LO SER , 5W5 V WERES L _ A X =??." " s B W SOOAA A T O O T rn Z l \ r B y o u \ n : GOAGAN C f tf (-O O W T A V E r r see P TEY CANT / T P U L L E D, "S ), T R A N S P L A N T T TO M V 0 O V. j V O U P A N

7 e o p le A c t r cc S S f e; l s n o l e s b e aa u t f u l a t 4 0 N E W -Y O kk (A P) P ) A ctrc ss-m o d cl. ""3.ANCAST STE. Calf. (AP.) - A about 50 mles norlh of Los Angeles C atherne Deneuve, /e. whose face has ~ n "very untqv q ue o dor vvaltn; from on c Sunday afternoon. g raced m agazne covers and move tlc lone lk) louse on a drt road led T he adults were booked for nscrccns (or two decades, de says she ~ l.<-an.flf t G<nnty.Kherlfsdcpu-.. -veslgao n.. o t.m anufaclurng.. doesn t fe e la n y less es beautful now tes ( 0 arro: resl fve people,on d u g am phetam nes and held al the th a ts h e s40.. S b chargrs. A ntelope Valley substaton n leu " F o rty s not so ole old any.more not N arcotcs fs nvestgators eo n - of c bond each. w hat U used to bc 15 or 20 y ears ago. S B B half-galon of whal lhc>y G arza dentfed them as One s an old w omla an n thc m om ent she beleved to [>be t amphelamu stll n C( harlolle Uobnson, 26; A lbert s no longer desrable tble, M ss Deneuve lqud form m, m anufacturng par- Robnson. f O; Sherry Stulflebcam. says n the M arch h ssue : of arpers aphernalla a.uch as.srnles and 27; 2 Doyle Stufflebeam. 2G, and. B azaar. 7 beakers nd eght loaded weapons. C harles Stupp. 2«, Fjve chldren at M ss D eneuve has s been n 53 moves k. - ""ll j Deputy o.ege r/.asad. te house, ages 3 to 8. were p ut tn and s the herone le 1n the upcomng A tpped deputes about the t custody of ther grandparents. flm " F o rt Sagannc n ne." Shc also dc- noon lo hc he strange odor, whch The weapons conf.scated w ere a sgns h e r own lne e of ewelry, whch kened to "vor) drty, pstol V and slencer, a rfle m ounted she m offclstf themafazlne-wlth-yvcs a... d tap cr: T fhe>oban«- -se ret- np *hr chntjmg nn S ant L aurent fashor and raded lu hou.e three t, handguns. She sad there a r re days "when don t feel b e a u tfull, l, when 1 dont look lke th e person m 1 supposed to be." W hen t s expect* ected th at youre to h look a certan w ay, ly, you ust have to W L L A M S. PA LEY f OAN NAlA C A R S O N FRA N K R Z Z O P e p s s m l l o n - d o l l a r work a ltle harder," :r." she sad. C te d b y T V G u d e S l e n t o n u v/hat son ht f n g e r s n p F o r m e r m a yc o r h r e d ;e of governm ental a alrl rs. hs M r s. C a r s o n s a y s M rs, Carson saj shc kne a c k s o n a d s s g o o n a r a s u t l t y c o n n s u l t a n t cxtcn: enslve polce experence and md hs ;he decded tocd h e r l-yc P LA D ELP A la (AP) Form er unusu sual knowledge of Phlladelp depha c o u r t r u l nc g f a r - ra lage th at her husband woulc )uld get the M ayor F ran k R lzoh to h as been retaned and ls t; problem s." McKee sad. N E W YORK (A AP) - oanna Carson syn lym palhy. NKW YORK (A P) - Two mllon- scrbed s as th e "absolute top m uscal as a full-tm e con; :onsultant on gov- d e n e s th a t she as sked for more than S2 "T h at publc ouf th ere u-ll vl forf-k C dollar fop.s < Cofa comnerc/al.s. n- P personallly n thc world today. * e m m e n t relatons 5 and a securty mat- C fc S f o u n d e r g v e n m llo n a y ear n n tem porary support hm lm anythng." she sad. An And ndeed eludng the ont ne M cael ack.son w as accson and hs fve brothers w ere te rs by a m uncpally lly owned utlty. r n a g r fro m enterlalne er ohny Carson. the; hey should. When he comcs cs to them m akng when n hs har caught fre. pad P $5 mllon for ther ap p earan cc n a z n e s a w a r d, Rzzo wll be pad lad K,000 a month "*«*!: w hom s h e sdlvorc )rclng. all l th e mosl vulnerable tmte e of ther w ere unveled, d Monday - one d ay thc com m ercals, exclusve startng-- March. 1- l - - a n d -.f o r - t h e - RA A D N O R P a - ( A P ) Wllar llam-s.,- -. th nk-the dec ecson thalthe court... ve vcs - t s dark, ls late, th they, could _..bcfore.u elr.ne nelw ork.tclcvsonjlebut.. sponsorshp of a concert to u r ths forsccable future, am es G. McKee. Paley ey,. founder of the CBS lelevk evslon n a d e w a s very far, M rs. Carson le belonely.th ey could be 111 they durng the G ra am m ysshow, su m m er and an Dfsoelallon lastn g chef executve cofflccr of the netwo WfrK rf»cp.lv<fl -T lft* nfhc rhpvp- s a d M onday, ref eferrng lo a judge s sho hould forgve hm because e he h makes o ne of the acd s shows ack.son com - through 1384 durng w hch the l a d e l p h l a "GaW ; Works, sad n~a m nl ent aw ard from TV. Gude, le, lhe a w a rd u g ncr-st: tt20:000 a y eaprlaat-----te nff Dnstagc fo ar-ctjnecrl wlu ackm ns agreed not lo maltacls for statem ent Monday. f. m aga: gazne announced Monday, w eek fro m the "Tonlghl" t show star. PF fo r m e r p r e s d e n t frew orks exp :plodlng from fluslpots any other fcwd or revcragp, V ottasch Rzzo w as m ayor o r for, eght years, P aley ah founded the Colun lumbla p e n d n g a fnal c dvorce selllem enl... behnd hm. D urng the last of fve sad. untl 1980, a fte r spor pendng 28 years n Broad ladcastng System n 1928, re- T h c u d g e also ga ;ave her S2 mllon as Oo l n s p a r k w a y t o ur u ; shoalgs of tj th e scene on an. 27. n addton lo the paym ent to the th e cty s polce d ejpartm p a ent, where he sgnec ned a s charm an on Aprl 20, l h e r s h a r e of an n equal spll of the ATLANTA A.(AP) - Memb n b e rs of a ackson suffer e red second-degree and acksons, the com m ercals cost $2 rose to commsson! loner. e wll con- and s now a drector. co u p lc s lqud ass ssels. fedt ederal advsor) councl wk-ere oned hlrd-degrce b u rn s and lost some h a r mllon. Potlasch sad. tlnue to receve hs M5.000-a-year " P aley a su rely has done more lore to T h e p re ss sal ad that asked for by ly f o rm e r Presdent m m y C a rte ra s -wlon b urnng m ateral landed on hs R oger Enrco, presdent of P eps penson from the cty ;lty, shape p o pular entertanment :nt n S220.0() a monlh h and very frankly thej hey toured the ste of a conlr ntroversal head, Cola U.S.A., sad at frst he choked" Rlz20 w as b a rred by the Cly A mlerlca lhan anyone else alve." the d d n t a s k for $220, a month," Mrs. par arkw ay whch would lead to C arter s Alan Pottasc sch, P epss vce p re s - on w hat hc thought w as the "o u tlandsh fgure" of mllon for the C h a rte r from runn nnng for a thrd m aga: gazne sad n ts March 3 ssue 5SU0. l C a rso n salddn AB BCs Good Mornng pre: resdental lbrary. dent f o r e ; v e servces, sad a consecutlvc term as m ayor. Current cted fd hs "n stn ct about pop wpular A m e rc a." T hc federal Advsory Col Councl on prevous tkro rof th e scene was used n ackson contract. M ayor W. Wlson Goode Go. defeated hm taste" le " and hs supporl of "ndcp dcpcn- S h e d d not say f h how much she asked s lstorc Preservaton, wh vhch wll theco m n /ercla lal. "N ow thnk t was a b argoln." he n la st y e a r s Dem ocratc prm ary dent tt televson ournalsm." fo r, b u t court papers fled by her mla a k e a recom m endaton on an the pro- "W e wsh t t h a d never happened." sad. w hen h e tred to mak lake a comeback. Pal aley s the fourth recpent ; of he la w y e rs sad she le needed $220,000 a pos«osed ro ad lo the F ed eral - ghway P ollasch.sad d of the accdent. We A rep o rter. pontng, out th at Rzzo, who h as a strong law-and- annua m a aw ard. Prevous wnners rsv-cce w m o n th to pay for Dr clothng, securty. Adn.dm lnslraton, m et Mom londay n hnk everyth hn g people would be M chael ackson s a health food o rd e r m age, w as ; sought s( bccause of Edwaw ard R. M urrow, Sylvester (Pal) (F s c rv a n t, other h household expenses. Atl tlan la to hear publc commm t ents and capable of dong n advance w as enthusast, asked f he drnks P eps "the unque combnatlon of hs knowl- Weuv. uver r. and Luclle Ball. gfts an d laxe.s, ** TCVl evcw lhe ste of the 2.-1-ml n le Pres- done" to p revent et t. * Cola. den enta Parkway. P ollasch acfc cknowledged thal here y Tlhe road, strongly oppo posed by w as ncreased ;d nterest n lhe com - n d a n a to :o w n s s tre e t l g h t s t o b u r n 1for f a n o t h e r y e a r neg eghborhood groups, wou vould cut m ercals becau ouse of the accdent. But ( m ) thro ro u g h several hstorc dsl strlcts to he sad there! would v have been great th e v r e a lly do care." ct sad Deanna m n nla wth tntnrest anywlyay-bcou&c t pf.{hc,,lrt:, a hot tm e (20 gallo llons of chll) n the But ;ut by the tm e the supper was sever o B a k e r, who lookk fbo5~oers along Car a r te r s planned presdental lal lbrary volvem enl of: ackson, whom he de-. old tow n (125 year ears) lo do t, but they y had \ rased a whoppng W,10( 1,100 w th h e r m other, s sster and nece. nth 1 tho E m ory Unversty area. W heatland.has rals< alsed _enough_mqney s.500. joo_pf.lhnt n rnnatlons felbff before, Town offcals ; fplanned the supqcr to keep ts stre e t llgl lghts burnng foral the chll c w as cooked and the 150 a f te r learnng"ott ap rs p sed -tt-p er- least an o th er year. hamn b u rg e r p attes w ere formed. cert ra te ncrease se by Publc Servce + - Townspeople -- ha a d - hoped ther " used to th n k WheaUand was off n d a n a. f apprc ro v q d.h e ncrease "streetlg h t chll 1 s supper" Salurday he m ap. Bul w hen see these people pcc w ould a d d S7G8 btb Ue tow rsjready nleht would rase some so, money for the comr nng n from everywhere, see cethat t aung $19,000 annu; lual budget. \ Nl Natonal, WOULPNTCrt : m KNOW T w w 0M! j f g R m \ m j Drty dap per smell h leads to ar rrest of 5 \ Tele levson & { Bcordng \ TuK lay, ro t)fry Thno3-Now3. Twn Falla. dnho A-7 ( ttda T a s t e l c e \Z v - 4 TRY ty OUR NEW BRE EAKFAST EB lcults & Coo u n try G ravy Sen c ra m b e d Egg S a u s a g e 10 p.m m. N o o n S u n.-t h u n. M d nlght-n g oon Fr. & Sot.. T h o r o s a l l w a y s lo ts o f f u n, f n o f o o d j a n d o n t o r t a t n m o n t o n ly 4 5 mr l n u to s a w a y a t t h o ors< r s o s h u C a s n o n n o c k p o t, N o v a d a. / c P c o r p r g a s T a s b z l al RESORT» 9 5, A -... A w r d e e l to C c c t u s j S t e B S S S B RT CASNOS ACKPOT,. Nl NEVADA aoass s - S \ r \ t M! tebv 1 > nlv y o CAN EA \T j $ «9 5 P lu st ;T qx A T U R NEW/ S E R V E Y O U R S E L F B U F F E T P N N E R T lu E S D A Y S AAE E N U T aco s R efre d Beans S S p a n s h Rce 6 T am al& s S a la d Bor N o o n -1 0 p.m. S un.-tr h o r. N o o n -M d n g h t Frl.& & S a t. rm&f r a..., T - t Z MARC 2*3»4 SEB -WOOLEY- S o m e fm e s k n o m te e n t o r t a n e r o v e r 50 m o v e s t< C o u n tr y M u s c A Y e a r." Y oull lo v A p p e o r n g t h s M o k e y o u r R o s o r v Also A p p e T h o g r o a t c o t COMNG MARC 5-11 SNEED BROS. W S u n d a y 1 - r u n - f ForM oro nlormotlon / / , f n o w n o s B en C o ld elarch r 4 r h o s d o z e n s - o f - h fa- y R d g o t o h s c r e d t; b e s d e A s s o c a to n s " C o m e o v e e v e ry m n u te o v /e e k e n d o n ly ; AAc r v a tlo n s E ary! seorng: Feb. 27-AAc : o u n tr y b o n d, W h lsk o C A T T W A C T T ; ( L A S S T E R S ) r, th s d y n a - - r e c o r d s a n d l e s b e n g th e e d o n o f th e / o f h s s h o w. ( A o rc h 2»3*4. r O N S ; C RAMSEY. / ncccjurf.c P «\ { lw d»twrb. GD C t - L j h o F a m ly l»<>om. V y w llllo v o o u r 1 = 1 C o n t o r... / jo.u-*noogna MARCh Frut Entroos AY R/ a m p a g n o V jotoo...s f l s Brng th< * -» Y our kd* V n c l l nn( MUaaTD«TVt*SATt \ loll (roo numb«r ( 1.000D2M103 V 5 T - 7 P a trlo s Fr n P n all FOR ONLV... f /,r77c/7r w»*t ( Mcd 2/attte Cl) OAY V ronnftnttl ow the future began, V. B t a a x S T Tfcw». MDsnnMftOArt s m e s D YENTL?> ) V j R o j L B.. y lo S[{o; \ ( L M f l E t t B - ) V y

8 3 A-8 Tm o9-n ow 3, Twlr "wn Folo. daho Tuooday, y, Fobruary Majo)r stomm s w e e By The A sso cated PPP ress fanned led by 50-mph w nds that had P anhandle around A m arllo w hch R ou oute 15 and fell 30 feet down an c h arred a c rc s und aboul )ut 30 w as hll by u b ll lzan w th-72-m ph emn b an k m en t. - - A snow storm rval valng the Blzzard homes, bam s land o lh e r struuclurcs cl wnds on Sunday.. AsA s th e la te st snowstorm m pushed j of 1978 blockcd hl hghways n the sncec Sundoy; One freflg ltcr r was \.\v e ve got abo tout 140 vchlcjcs. 80 stw ard S unday nght and Monday, M M dwest w th 5-foo_t t dlfts and dsabled klled?d when hs tru ck w as struck estm ated to be traclo t r-traler rgs, low fell from A rkansas to Nev New York, w, c a rs and tru c k s M ond jnday, gvng m any vehclc clc cn route to a flrc, and 1 Uat a re u.stln all.stales o f contorton 1th accum ulatons of more >re than a P schooldlldren a n d offce o w orkers a w erec scroasly bum ed n anol m other th ere, Sd.t Lt. Paul off of Ue o t acro ss m uch of thc Mldv lldwcst. holday, a s snow Spre; Dread from Dxe to orea. T exas D epartm enl of Publc S afely. a s buldng a s fast as 2 nc nches an the Northeast. )urs n F o rt W ayne, nd. M ssour o ffcals s t! declared a sta te Tcxa xas Gov. M ark W hte mobllz< lllzeda The w nter storm m w ns b lam ed for a t ww nds gusung to 40 and d 505 m p h > of em ergency a n d moblzed Natonal N aton lonal Guard unll lo help rem emove least one deatl n n 1llnos. A 77-year- p ro oduced d ncar-bllzzard condtons B Guard troops. stalled led c a rs and truccs, m a n y flpped old Ra.st St. l/ous old m an w as klled [njn om so u th em llnos to wv estern ENRY CEATWOOD n T exas, la w V -offcere- dlncd on Uel ter sdes and b lockng nlers e rslate and four o ther jhk >ooplc w ere njured Oho (lo. W nds w ere clockcd at Ql up u to 71 SPEAKER /roflbltcrs battlnr lng brust fres 40 and oucr hlrlw nys nn Ue Sunday when a car skdded Off cy m ph n Blueflcld. W.Va. Phoonx. Arzona Pottor. EvongoUt Weather watc SPECAL TEEN DA M Y S A T U R D A Y WASNGTON (AP :AP) The threat Naton lonal Oceanc a n d Atmosph jphcrc m ore than M bllll lon natonw de, hc acro :ro ss m uch of the* naton - except T W P > of floods loons over th e Wesl and Admn lnstraton. sad.. Ue le SouU rasng the poten lenlal fo r n c C U R C O F T E N A Z A R E N E could sp read to other h e r regons n the -10 jj, years as a h y drologlst. Cnrk Cl Novcmb b e r and D ecem ber flooc jo dng f sp rn g ran s add dd lo Ue «Slxlh Avenue Norh Twn Fall* daho n atons second straght msually, le has never se e n tw o const n w. allowed 1 cord sno nowpacks to buld n wale a r. Sponsored by Vulvy Cu C/rchos o t llw Nttrvno * (3ul Rev w el sprng, th c gove; jvem m ent w arned uveww l nters as w et as a n d Ue West, sad lo ton Grd of Ue Na- cr S atellte and EEx x tre m e ly w et sol was, Mcd nc n cv roya YoTK) Kmbcdy h Rov Vtddon Shuman V Tmoly Dtskcll LUurloy nov. Paul N«on V Mjcko Allt.-n CGooOrn) Rev D:vtc McGnrta Monday. llonal lnvlronmcnlal U tah a p p e a rs a t : the centcr of the e c sad precptaton h a s been e n two D ata nform atons 1 Servlcc. e cted a s part: rts o f M nnesota, owa,, ndana, r nupef Dc- Gccoty Bullock 7Tyvn Falls Ryv Anrot>Knpn hazard, b u l th e dang ongcrcould easly to fve tm es n orm al n so m e plarts of an exam ple Colon jrado s snow cover. Vrglna and N orth Carolna, w here rullnunsgrvgnvk nvce PnOVDED extend lo n e a rb y parts pat of Colorado, the Wc West. Current c ondtons a re e sl sm- now 1(T7 perccnt alx xjve norm al. flood XKls could occur followng g a sp rn g N evada, d a h o a n d 1Oregon, sad Rob- la r to tho.sc of a s t sp rn g, w when C lark.sad m etlr tng snow has rased ran ln of one nch n three hours urs, C lark c rt Clark, a w a te r specalst s] a t the lqodn lng dam age w a s cstlmate< te< a t sol mo.sture lo0 excessve levels sad. d., R ape v( ctm challenc qed - - FALL RVER, Ma ass. (A P) A w om an who s a y s she lhe was raped n a b arroom o f ch eern ng g strangers sad u n d er cross-exam lnall aton M onday lhal she delvered drnks k s to two ot h e r alleged a s s a la n ts befc xforc the attack. She also a d m tte»d d she had cheated. A M th c state w e lfa re : d departm ent for th ree years, a n d sad she had fled a law sut a g a n st th c 2 bj a r on prncple, b ut dd not n tend to proft from the tral. T hc sx -h o u r crc cross-cxam naton cam e ns S u p eroo r Court udge W llam Y oung denc nlcd defense motons for a m stra -al l based o n an alleged ch an g e n thc vctm s testsc m ony. m en arc found "Y ou know f these n ol gulty you wll vll not get any mfnay," nu ttt tto ro c y -K s B n e Sullvan sad, rc fe herrng to a $10 m llon law sut s h e : has fled aganst th e b arte n d e r a n d ow c ners of Bg D an B tav ern n N ew /B( edford.. " m sung th e m fo: for th e prncple th a t they w ere w ro ng, shesad. g," Sullvan also asked Ed 1f she had been. offered m oney lo w rte teab o o k. w as o ffe re d to lo sgn 5 contracts, an d refused th e m, sh sl e a n s w e. T he 22-year-old mot nother of two odm lted to d efense attorney D avd 5T* v:;vv Wnx.Mfcat sh e was vas nelble for w elfare d u d n f h r e«e years when she.v accepted p a y m e n ts s from the departm ent. "T h at doesn t h a v/e e any effect as to DSC w hy you re h e re today lay the fact that D slrcl A tto rn ey (Ro Ronald) Plna has totxl auth o rty to pros rosecute you for a 20-year felony? a sk<ed W axer. "N o. T he cross-exam natl aton cam c a fter th e w oman dentfed d two m en sttng-- n the courtroom a s ; laklng lal p art n the R C / a tta c k on M arch 6,1983,983. When ask e d to dentfy her atlackers, th e w o m an n p ponted to ohn Cordero and V ctor Raposo. B Raposo sm led SllghUy. Cordero, R ap o so,.vrgllo Mederos and ose M ederos,, all 24, a re beng - : " tred on chargespf agg ggravated rape n _ a m ornng tra l. The le two Mederos m en a re not r e la te d. Danel S lv a a nd d. oseph Vera, M O D E L S G T PLUS A both 27, a r e b e n g tred on the sam e charg es n n n aftemnoon oc sesson. T h e _ sbc a re b en g tred separately 16 " "j prevent th e possblty llty of defendants - testfyng n g a n st one K other. Ol ON SELECTED MODD ELS CLASSFED ADVE 3VERTlSfNG. * P O N E 733-( TMES-NEV EWS 1 - ] c h e rs w a tc/ V DPO GAME C O O S E F R O M A L A R G E S E L E C T O PRCES STA RT A S LOV o w A S p s t P K ff of he ERAS P ough ]V y[dwes a v p s p r PLAYE m TODSNEYl rngfloot F B K? r c OTQRlldTO m n b n a a s l n l n B a h d r o t n g D b x y l o n d : w\p7 5 " m eas. VLAND. y V d s lj pr B l l.- P/-V m N t«e a 2 ADULTS OSETAN lytme WTNE g q tu re s ; V tcem * C of om rtol rovall COLOR CONSOL A S L O W A S P L U S A L T T O N MCROW. - O N SSELECTED MODELS c h o o s o fr o m a Co q m p l o t o S e lo c tlo n o f Me A o l s C A A A P A A E: E" T N G t h A N N U A L M A; G C V A L L E Y N D O O R O L N E S;S S C< A M P M E E T N G MAR. 4 7:30 TUES. ES.-FR. 7:O O SA T.aSU f l law Ktr/y- DAYS/: a U a tt > r a Z AVES X L - m A s L o w / A s f TOM DALE MUSC EVANGELST N am pa, tdoho Trtsveled wlth.co>pol.croup "SrldgB"*... U;S. Novy Band R X,"Ss l e t e d n W g s V, \ 20 / ;S S - \ d on o O " l e r o r A TO DtSNEYL. L A N D O N S E L E C T E D M O D E L N O W. 1 LS T rpayaal P L U S A T O D S N E Y L A N D O N S E L E C: Tt e d m o d e l s l E N l S U N p L m m!? r T A T E :

9 )r f e 7 h A f M a C.. ZX " M poorl co lfej L BKRNTON Donald Long, thc presde) ldent of Golden Maple M nng and Nows wrter >eacllng. s a y s hs com mp pany would lke to buld Ue eacl)lPl.(«rLaUh<lsltLOf 1 e of a n old untlltground gold m ne CUM - A k e o g g - b a«d mnng company has Uat t w as stu t down n Ue e WOs. l» P- asked Ut Ue U.S. Forest Scrvlce for ] perm sson lo cyande- f the p la n t s approvetl x by SNW offcals. xng s a y s t leach gol ;od from 10,000 tons of mlr nng tallng.s along Ue headw atc a te rs of one of tlalo s prmr e salmon-spawnng grounds. s. Saw too (xjth Natonal Recreaton 1 A rea offcals say Ujey would \ x: o p e ra te d on a seasonal baals. durng Ue sprng. and sum m er months. l.x)ng say.s th c plant woql koqld tx a clean operaton th at "does not re le a s e any taln tlngs o r jtnyllng else. T he p lant. arc revc vew ng a proposal sub ubm ltted by Ue G olden would \ not h a r m Ue salmc lmon-spawnng grounds n nny M aple \ M nng and Leachng C< Co. lo construct a cyande-t e-b ased gold-rocovery p lan mt t at a sllc along Valley C reek, wt,*st t of Stanley. V alley *y C reek s Ue fnal destne aton for a lurdy few Pacfc : s a2 lm o n th at brave an 800-m -mle, dam-strewn nland voyage! to luy thereggs n thestrca e a m sgravcbeds. wv ay. M esays. Allen A shton, anouer S SNRA jfflclal who s revew ng the proctt, s a y s Uat hs l.s a; agency s bggest <»ncem s for Ue safety o f th c salmon who jpawn n Valley Cr«?ek. These fsh a r e genetcall cally strong, Aslton says, notng LUat U elr SOO-mle nlam and m graton s Ujc longest A fter th e snow melts tlls sprr )rng, a leam of F o rest. madromous fsh nm n Uc hc low 1( er states, f., S ervce : o ffcals wll nspect th e 2 s ste to delerm lne w hat m p act Ue proposed planl woudl jd have on tho salm o n Any fsh th a t can travel som e BOO mles andcan get U ro u all th o se dams and back s one hell of a fsl, he spaw nngn g gro u n d s and other fsher here s, accordng to e ff says. ones, an SNRAoffcal. K ath y U ehr, a Stanley resdent who belongs to Ue dam) "W c w ll Uen get publc comm m e n ts and wrte u p al envronm m c n ta l analyss," ones says. a y "W e hope to ro a c h a dt?clson rbysomb eu m elnune.** C onservaton League, says lys Uat Valley Creek also s a top, t troul stream. s approval. nnt>s snvs Ue SNRA o n t 3 -sa : y s th e plant woua n clu d e a 20-by-2<P7ool offlcc o w ould m ontor Ue pla lan t s operaton and requre full. plastc-ln lncd p a d and three setun n g ponds eght fe e t n d am eter. er. reclam aton of th e su: when t s closed. M ontorng w a te r qually ty prm arly would be p rm arly lv " t would be a small, Uree-man n o; operaton, ones snys, le co m p an y would be retpjret red to post a bond." the U resp onsblty of thc state Department of calu and Welfare, V ones says. A leacl ch n g process uses a m bcturt u re o f cyande and w a te r n a a n u a ry ssue of dh dho Clean W ater, a s ta te ealth BW b P Uat s sp rn k le d onto ples of taln ngs. Thc mxlu pcks of gold as t percolates dov down to Ue plastc-lned and a W elfare D epartm ent rnt publcaton, Susan Low m an wrote w th a t offcals see fs! fshery dam age as a sgnfcant pd. Pproblem asso cated wlu h c: cyande leakng from a leach 5T".-V F ro m Uth e p a d. thc cynande flou low s nto setulng ponds, accordng mg to o n es. Eventually, th e m xture s pum ped Urougl c< c o lu m n s, whch separate tht e gold out. o n e s ; Sf s a y s th e company would use a closed-loop proctss, w hch w/o o u ld recycle all thecyanlde. e. f Uey ley (Ue company) lose thle e cyande, Uey lose the operaton. oj. Lowman sa d that fsh are a m ore susceptble to tracca of cyande c; th a n hum ans, w th th cyande concenlratons above.005.c m llg ram s per lte r of wator ransdered unsafe for fsheres. fl Lowman a lso wrote Uat ;at th e re are many unansw ered., gold, o n e s sa y s. "t s n thor bc: est nterest, as w ell as questons q a b o u t thc use of cyande. c ncludng ts fate n e n su re lh a t they don t lose th e cyande. the U envronment anl Ue rest results of a major spll." rouplo DbbeSjfor protecton WM oh arbjgebr L s ste m 3 7 B y lla LLB E ER N T O N Tmes-NeN ew s wrter O bluares/ho daho B 4 Work. Bf) olcl: [>latt prop 3r ke? y salrmol < area QRUN Tuo.doy, P o tru a ry 2 8, 1,38- l o s p t a s B 2 Tmor.-Now:. Twn Fals. daho B, josed:... M OUN fntan OME - The Cor Comm ttoe fo r d a h o s gh D esert L h as launched a petton drve, urgl rglng C ongress s s to p la c e 171 mles of f UeU prstne, B runeau-arbldge Rlv U ver sy stem u n d e r the protcclon of r Uc - N atonal \ Wld a n d Sccnlc Rverrs A\c ct t. D r. R a n d y Morrs, a M ounta ta ln ome dtk lo c to r w ho chars tc comm m ltsa...11, M- j y s lee s200-r0 -m e m b e r daho chapter,., hs g roup t hopes thc petton on s K e lly D u l m o r e o f t h e E a r l y C h U d h o o>d d L earu j] C<!nt«r. kuo now s l s u / s f to he mn m n z e d sgnature: rts wll persuade Sen. ames m ( M cclure e to ntroduce a B nnea leau- f l a rb d g;e e r v e rs protecton bll late r / n f Us year. r. FocuUS s onn shots \for kc r - M o rrs: s a y s h s group s fearful thj wthout federal proteclon, t DAO \ A - ByANNAW AGNEt, wu m edcal enroll rollnenl c a rd s a n d encorag ;gc them to B runeau u ac n d arbldge rvers wll U t be n 6V. X. Tmes-News corrcsponc >onelcnt koop record s on evc every chld. u n tu n e n says. left expof xxsed to hydro devclopmen lent. *" " * - * j The cards wll be sent hom e fo r p arenls lo com plete m nng o r... recreatonal sul>concera su TWN FALLS Cor Concem over declnng mm mmza- a n d re tu rn to Ue : da; day-care c e n te rs. T he nform matlon wll dlvldlslon, o n. fo r th c rve vers," M orrs s a d M orrl rrs sa y s Ue 171 m les of rv e r tfon levels am ong preschcwlers p r h as le<l the e, SouU b e use<l by Ue Soulh Central D strct ealu lu Depart- Acrd dng to Morrs, th e last week, "rh e re e are som e re a l hs gro u p wants to protect nclude - C entral D strct calt- alth D epartm ent to desjjut< lute lhls m e n t whon t survo rvey.-; a rea d ay*carc c e n ttrs s n Aprl to. D runeau- u -o rb d g e rver system s ; one opportmues for pra rescrvlng fsh a n d. nauono] snouy recognzed, w hlte-w ater woek as mmunzaton Awareness W cck-.,, d e te rm n e preschooj loomrnunlzaton levels.; of th e only, undammcjd dcserrtv jvcr c _wldllfe." ru n s ; an n d habtat for golden eag les, Ths week, publc-lcj healu nurses.w lll be vstng ng area A ccordng to.unlunen, a w:! survey sl l e d that sy stem s 5 rt rerralnlng n Ue West, M orrs s a y s Ue petllons w ll b o red-tal«toled haw ks, m ountan lons. preschools and day-car e a re centers to focus attentl ntlon on only r»2 jktcent of the s ta te s 2 -year-olds mwere fully " The re reason for the pellllon drve v e ls 1 presenled to rlcclurt re s daho offcc n bobcats rats an d rverottor.. th e m m unzaton problems occurrng wllh 2-2* and U n m u n m l. to showv th a t th ere s some val ald a few weeks. Soe RVERS OQ P age B2. 3-year olds. N nety percen nl of ( Ue youngsters should 1xj m m u- Cheryl untunon, thc Ue departm ent s physcal. l.hcalu 1:.n z e d to prevent t n major o u tb reaks of chld dood ds- _ drector, says th at tro roughout Ue w eek, healu offcals c a s e s. she says. j wll be provdng nfo: nformallon to p arents, educ ucatlng f <lownward trend a p p ears to o ccur a t Uc hc age of t V L ty Goufdcl slate!s street : projects ] > youngsters and settln; tng up clncs, n an effc (fforl to m onu s, when chlldr lldrcn are scheduled to recev lve another { s e re s of s Rots, and prom ote mproved mm Tmunzatlon practces. D strct nurses also so wll provde day-care centers dphuera 3ra. tetanus a n d pertusss Sec Soc SOTS on PogeBZ ByDAVC D M OFFAT Tlmes-Nc\ fcw s wrter _ C onstruct (two storm s d ra n s o n Ue am am o u n t auuorzed for stre e t re- ghland A venue, a t an esu m ated constru structlon n Ue cty s 1984 b u d g e t CTSt o f $52,370. Th. Tese wll co llect B ut t ;Young sad Uls enu re $72,oootf * TW N FA F.LS - The Twn Ffalls w ater Uat h a s bee een runnng onto cushon lon m a y be needed to repar lm- prvate p ro p erty. You n a ry lst :t o< f 1384 street projccts thr a t Wden th e rreg :g u l sectons o f an d cc ce. T h e full cost of th at re p a r Fallng ncom e ] plagues w llcost$2 >5238,055. F ler A venue,west.,v between wll not n ot t>e known for anouer sev eral -»hospta Cty Coun uncu h a s approved a prelm oung sad. stre eets dam aged ths wnter by snow vork sesson Monday, counc m cl O strander S tre e t and an rrg a to n m onths ths, h esald. B y ANNETTE CARY th e etnphas lass wll h ave to x; ot > whch set Ue maxmumn u,al. l,o.,pl. rs h e a rd ther top selecton ons lateral, a t a n cstn tau lted cost of $8,343. ~ le councl needed to m ake selec- m es-ne»w wrter g re a te r and md g re a te r effcences off la can l>e pad for treatr t ep»rtlculn r :tkl by cty engneer Gary a r * O veray M nrtln n Street, fro m,j! now, he sad, so th e cty ox-tatlons," llnesses, also a re gong TC 10 lncrc.nsc " Y S oung had receved que u es- eybum A venue to, n1 e r Avenue, a t n cern g departm ent can begn TW N FA L AlU MUogl the W hle the num lw r of patents a!- Ue trend tow ard fewer rpa.l= U,p «r V o u jb j c s fro m each of lhe counc: up* an estm ated c o st o f* ng th e techncal draw ngs necesn u m b e r of patents a t Mnj Magc Valley mltte<l has not fallen loo much, pa- lay. ; R egonal Medcal C entcr ;r ; s up snce te n ts a re sl slayng for sh o rte r jwrwls le m em b ers s d u rn g Ue week and ha ad 3 sto rm dran from F a lls n l-ebruary. the!d the resulls. Avenue and Clase e Street to D o ra s a ry to to t ta k e bds on the projects. > lst montl, hosptal offcla clals say lhe of tm e, he sjld. T he result s the! averagng 102 patents pc Drve, a t a n ctmatc< ledcostof$l,200. P ro oecls je Uat were not sejectcd osptal may never have ve as m any ospltal s > ex >ecte<l e; to gve the same be.same n u m b e r of patlc tents a s had Out of f p ro je c ts proposed by th e. C onstruct sdewj walk w here t s w ere: u: reconstruct gtland Avenue \ ratents per day as t dd d : n Ue lust am ount of care n less tm e. O clober. N ovem ber jud jn December clly enpln ncmg departmenl, counc m cl m ssng on th e nort )rth sde of F le r from 1 Lc L ocust Street to EasUand D rve, ; A v e ra years. ( A t Ue monuy board meetng ut fewer e patents j)er day n the hosptal me tean the hosptal cannol of WP, a n d fa r more e Uan Ue 89 patents p e r day n an nuary. Bum s m em bers sele c te d sx. They are: R e c oonstruc a l portons ;f EasUland Avenue n th e 100 and 200 blocks, cast $124, ; repave FfU Avenue West of Ue 7-E leven Store, e. at an e stm a te d from 1 Sh Shoshone Street to Sccond S treet londay nl. Clyde Edt Cder. a con- affo rd lo pnvde pr Ue sa m e level of sad. Drve Nlorth, o r at an eslmalcd cot t cof costof$lojgg7. W est. $1G.OOO; 3 reconslract arm on ; tro le r for osptal Corp< Drporatn of c a re, a s tooxrales p now, tcr sall. Sm. the overall adms lsslon rate for $142,560. The councl also ap pproved $G5.000 n P a rk k A venue. $108,000; reconstruct A m erca, whch m anages sthe tl hosptal osptals have two choces; They > the pjst fve monu5 hu lls btjcn lower Tls wll vll bc th e largest projcct :t c of dranage m provcmlents e at nne scat- Fourth A venue Epst from M adrona 4- -(o r lu e county.-sad._l lls5 Lss.adesa... can..rase, rates. u r_l)ccum e-.m ure.._ r u t Young-says E asuland tcred nursecuons -...S tre ecl-u» t-: SaaUand.Drve. $105,600; d o lla rs wll be com ng to 0 the hospllal effcen t," lesld. lu Mfore th a t perod, and not enouf to NorU s, a n a rte ra l su w t wth a hgh The total c o st of all ll the projects that and ns stall a storm dran on Shoup 1? n d m edcal staff. As we 2 vc venture nlo an era wu less healu-ca -care dollan:. ospllal 1 adm ; n strato r Ulll lur.s.sad Uat new M edcare regulalloas, break ev en, B um s sac 3ld. To break S e e OSPTA Lon n P1 a g o E 2 traffc co count th a t s n serous d; srepar. tentatvely h a v e becn en approved by the Avenue E a s t from Momngslde D rve councl s $303,055, $72,000 ess th a n lo th e c P P e rrln e Coulee, $14,400. W aste2 from terom t ByANNA WAGNER Allred de;:crll>ed how nanu mure nn-off s w ays 0 to solve Ue prohlem Urc trough new correctng ; Ue problem, le sad, th e r ncghtxrs, ors, a n d Ue longer Us goes Tjmcs-Nms correspondent ent flood xxng canals, roads and even a m oble ordnance ces. A llred sad, urst sad, however, th at f dalrlc res wu unchcwkcd. thle e worse v Uc problems wll get, hon >:ne. "T he unconlrolled u dary waste s a sorous Grae-A plee n n ts are the ones n o t ade< lequately h e s a ld. TWN FA L - n e Sou south Central D strct Fa F alu re to enforce exstng ng regulatons, concem 1 lh at can no longer be gn g n o re d, ho contanng ; U th e r anmal w astes, Ue depart- E v e n f we can c t mpose drect sancuons, ealu D epartm ent xjard 111 wll v send a le lte r lo vola olalors who n re exem pt from om the jursdc- sad. "WVe t hope to have ths problen e m resolved ment h a s th«e pow er to revoke thc ve /olators our board can 1 ccm, o n ta c t the proper offcals a n d tle erom e Counly Plan annng and Zonng tlon )n of T-sent ordnances, skelcly skc dlstnc- asq u c kdy lj as possble." Gralo-A pce rm n ts. p u t som e pressu sssure on them to m ore strc tly C om m sson, expressng ; Ue wan s concem tuns jts wtwc-en a publc vs. a p: prvate h ealth \lan B lerm ann, Ue.dstrct s s envron- ".see th Ul: s stuauon as a sero uls s healu enforce Uc laws s o r pass ordnances th a t do o v e r the uncontaned anm. lmal wastes of dary nus. lsance and confllcls wth several county mental healu lt drector, sad Uat alth o u g h Ue hazard, s sa d Mndoka C ounty r board h a v e some teeth ju.". owell sad, o p e ra to rs n Uat comty. offc fclals who a lm have dary nle nterests aro usl publc ve lews ths as a heau problen e m, w hch t m em ber er le n ry Schodde. R egard less Tle waste problem n has- prom ple a fe\ few of th e u c s Uat further :r complcate ct th e s, Ue ag gency actually has ltue aua u th o rty to lm ted a ujth S rty, Unk w e should M A buslnc lncss a t last week s m eetng, the. w despread com plants by >y r resdenls, m aller. A llred told lx>ard mcm lembers a l th e r reg u la to 2 acton r on the m atler.. becomc mlore o n nvolved n casqs o f Us sk1 ln d to oppolntet lte d Robert P. T hackeray of A fter hearng W llam 1Allred. Uc d strc t s monl onuly m eetng. D strct drector G erald urst 5t rem n d ed help brng ; health offenders n complan nce w S W endell to fll Ul th e unexpred term of R ck ncewlu B rajjsfort. who reccnuy t resgned to pursue a, envronm enlallst. report on the outcom e of a Te Tl e ro m e C ounly proseculor s revew ng xard mr em bers Uat thc dt e p a rtm e n l the law s. re c c n t m eetng he alen [tended wlu repre- exst stng law s an d ordnances cs to (leterm ne p rm arly serv es lh an nvestgj a tv e and Board mn e e m b e r Rus.scll ow ell of c n m o sentatv es of varous, ero erome County agen- Uer enforcem ent effectveness, css, Allre< sad, advsory capacty. c sad Ue st stuaton s upsettng not only o the T h ackeray,. wl who also s a Goodng C om ty cles, board m em bers decd jcldel last week Uat and d the p ro seculo r plans lo subr jbmt a report of "U nles ;ss t can be proven th at ; th U e run-off neglbors of Ue offendng d a ry ope perators, t m m lsslo n e r, wv ll serve through n ext y e a r, Qjey slould urge zonng lg offcals to take hl.sfl s fndngs n a lw ut two weeks. ;s, f nothng can m anure : wll cause physcal lln ll ess, our bul Ue entre communty, a t w hch tm e th c Goodng County s c a t o n th c r. acton lo resolve Ue dary ywa-ste w problem. )c : d< done at that pont, we lnv nve to consder ngency s sa t a legal standstll w hen n t ll comcs to "Tlese dad are s are abusng the rghts r{ ot board wll be open opc for reappontment. e d a r c es won T e s d«strct hlealth board 1

10 F le r rr : B y P A T MAllCANTOr Tlmes-Ncw wrter T W N F A L L S -A m ltte d last week n Cbu;tb brclctftnlo : sto re a t 412 Second A Falls. M arvn Dean cdg A del St., told u d g e a n arrn len m en t h carl th e front wndow of tn sev eral w ttles of llqu m; w as drunk a t th b u rg lary, w hch took p M eehl accepted the o rd e re d a pre-sentenct edfzer w as placed 1 T h e Twn F a lls County untl sentencng.. T h ree other persons re ste d n connecton g a ry. n o th er d strct co la st week: E lla L. Klmbroug F a lls, w as ordered m o n th s a t the North tlo n al nsttuton a t ( volatng th e term s of C lm brough w as placc( p robaton n 1982 for check. a rry D e aan. th County prosecutor, K m brough h ad falle< fle r S B y KAREN MAN Tmes-News correspont F L E R - The Fll D strc t wll apply for a to p a y for swlmmlngp< n ew equpm ent a t th c F ly Park. Today, K ayo Anne s o c re ta ry -tre a su re r of d s trc t, wll p resent t posal to th c sta te Laj C onservaton Fund boa. T he m oney s neede< O b l - R u th F r a n c e s BURLEY - Rulh Fr of Burlcy. ded Mond CarcCcrfor. B om Nov , n sh c m oved wth her p a n eybum, w here she lve and attended Burlcy lved n thc Pella a re a n p a s t 25 years. She m arred ohn 7 A prl 21, n the tem ple of thc Church 0 L atter-day Sants. Mr. > : She w as a memtw r C hurch, nnd she had ser ofth eu c llc fs o ce ty.a s n twlh h er ward and : ta u R h tln allth ca u x llla rl ; Survvng a rc : a duur of M urtaugh: three sons of Burlcy, larlow Chen G arth Cheney of E agle ; grandchldren: and grandchldren. Thc funeral wll tw h p.m. n Ue Pella W ardl wllh Bshop.Melvn Call 1 B ural wll >e n C ardens a l Burley. Frends m ay eall a t tt.b o O e y on T hursdaj c tn g, and a l the chur l o l l T v r e o on Frday, /? a y L. R o b n s o OAKLEY - Ray L. O akley, ded Monday at ( ospltn!. followng a sud F uneral arrangem enl a n d wll be announc M orluary of Burlcy. T e r e s a V a n d e r6 TWN FALLS - Teres E nstm :n VandcrSandcn, O re.. and form erly ot T F eb. l. from an apparenl Bom Nov. ao, n m oved tn 9C2 wth her ta n a. A fler two years thc lo Oregon, w here she f hgh school. She alle Com m unty College and walre.s. She m arred G ary Va S e r v ANSEN - Thc funer U udcy. G5. of an.sen. wh wll bc held today al ll.. -K m b e rly M orrooastkcc m ay call a t the church n 9 a.m : untl thc tlm eof the* wll be n Sun.ct Memoral Falls. Whle M ortuary n T ch arg e o r arrnngcm enls r.uggesls hat m em oral co m ade to ho.mountan - s p AG) REGONAL A A ndrew W. lortlng. a m e Vaugln, e. S L. alnboll. Ma.Mrs. Chrs L. o rdan. o m es of Twn Falls: Vola L..Mllet agerm an; Clnt U uggofsho: aco b B. Nchols of R upert; M: M.T u m e ro fg lc n n sf e rry ; Rc.K en nclhl.ohm nofd lclrch Dl.Mrs. G a o B. elersen and } : Twn Falls; Frank E. Wells, r C a re ld F. D.-uven of erom e; - M rs. l)a lrm 4 o n e und daughte G % n s F c r r } A.son to Mr. and.mrs. C hrs L B-2 Tmo3-Nov/3, Twn nan adrr c o n c, ch an g c - A Fler man ac*.- w th o u n Ffth D strct nlo tlostate llquov " d Ave. E. n Twn M ke dger, 35, of m V s asjced e Danel Mechl at F arng that he broke k e n t : thc store and stole fo quor. odgcr sad cl the tme of the k placc on Feb the gulty plea and b e c a a nco nvestgaton. t r m s c d n the custody of * uty shemfts offce 600-Ta; p la c e d flns have been a r- o rd e re c lon wth the bur- felony n to x lct court cases heard. M eeh tm e h ough, 35, of Twn alcohol?d lo spend four ngu ct daho Correc- " e 1 t Cottonwood for h s h a t of her probaton. ced on a two-year McDo tor wrtng a bad M a E llz a b e the Twn F alls P le a d e d r, sad that lled to regularly n v e a tg eeksgrt th e sw wdcat lg h tn g a n d bull F ler. R ecreaton a r e a, Ed )r an 518,000 grant S n c e g-pool repars and m t le Fler Commun- d s tr c t p r o je c t ne Edwards, tb e d s tr c t of tho recreaton a s m uc t the grant pro- e x p e n s e Land and W ater " B u t r w ard n Bose. o r n o t, w )ded to resurface she ays t u a r e C h e n e y u n e g.la te r m. Frances Cheney, B2, M rs, nday al the Burlcy m e m. n Lancaster, N.,. Survl parents, a s a chld, to. Aons, Cl lved for many years h e r p a n?y schools, Shc had W est L :a near Burey for thc E a s tm a E a s tm a,n ugh Chcney-on m a te m thc Sal Lake Cty F leetw o ;h of esus Chrst of T hc f Mr, Chency ded n week n G eor,. as a Beehve leader BU L md stake, and had W lnnem llarlcs. B u h l, dl laughter. Rulh urd daughte» n s. arold Cheney B o m E cncy of Rupert and h c attcn< gle Rock. Colo.; 19 lo a f a m md 53 great- m a rr e d on M ay )c held Frday al 2 o p e ra te d rd Mormon Chapcl. y e a r 5»re :atl offcatng. S urv lv n Gem Memoral C harloll< A v ery o t thc Payne Chapel E llo tt ( a y altcmoon and c h ld ren ; u rc h an hour pror g r e a t- g n ay., b r o th e r. 1 - e wa b r o th e rs The fu L. Robnson. 04. of 11 Q.m. a at Cassa Memoral th c Rev. sudden lllnessr...-wll b e n cnls are pendng F re n d ; lunced by Pnyne to d a y un u n tl th e j T h e fa rs a n d e n conrlbul C n n e ers c jre.sa "Tfrrl" Lynn cn, 32. of Newbcrg. W n n n )f Twn Falls, dtcd v / o n a o rent heart attack. B U L - n Twn Falls, sho Buhl, ded cr famly lo.mon- Bom n there, they moved 1915, she le graduated from StC m a rr jtlcndcd Portland 193C. n ft and worked as a la te r w as Cty temp VandcrSandcn n of Lattcr- f c e s lerul for Kenneth ntluc n who ded Frday. BUL - t 10 a.m. at the K rstn e < ccccnlcr. Frends Buhl. who,< n Kmberly from p.m. todaj :heservlcc. Bural B uhl. F a m rlal Park n Twn df arran g e n T-.v n Falls s n th a t m em o rnls. The famly th c W.son contrbutons be Y ork. T hej n Stales Tumor hom e. p to k : - AGCVALLEY U, MEDCAL CENTER Admtted mes W. Knght. M rs. E d w ard.marcenc E. ackng. E a r l K. Rj es E. Mlner and R ussell L. Corr lllcr and Raymond L. Claw son. Shoshone: Edna E..Morton o f G«; M rs.c allc -C unnngof erom e ; Rosemare E. T hom pson of F le rch: and Thomas A. R vera o f B DUmlsaed nd s<u, and Zachary R. Buckw aj ls and Othella M racle, both ol c;.mrs. Chester V. N cnxelof K n?hter of aacn: and K ara M. Tu Brth s L. ordan of Twn Falls. vn Falls, doho T u o a d a y, 1 nts steal a c t h er probaton offcer. 1: d to p ay resttuton and h gcd h e r address ad employm o u t nformng the probaton < m ent. m brough a d m ltte d -to th e v ns. ke Pow ers, a publc defend d that Kmbrough l» allow et perod of tm e before she w n to Cottonwood n ord er for ak e a rrangem ents for the c are rhlldrcn. jehl dented the request. e s Km brough could not be tru st use e had not honored t S of her probaton, fam es C harles McDonald, 23, T aylor-s t. - n T w n -F alls;-w!d on a fve-year probaton a red to spend 30 days n al for ly convcton of drvng wh cated. ehl gave M cdonald credt for t hc already had spent n lol treatm en t program, accor court records. e has every ntenton of beatl lablt," M cdonald s law yer, lo ft w ln F a lls. sad. D onald w as a rrested n uly, la rv ln G. Stlgal. 22, of K beth Blvd. n Twn F all led gulty to sellng marjuana < 30 n the cty. A pro-senten< tlgatlon W Mordered. anttofx wm m lng pool, add outdoo g on th e e ast baseball dam on uud a coverng over the plcnl E dw ards says. X the ftnds would com e from m atchng grant, thc rccreato ; t would fund ts p a rt of th :t through the recreaton taxn : t ard through donated labo luch a s we can to cut down ou s e s," E dw ards says. t regardless of whether wc get 1, w c have to resurface the pool, ly s. &>, the recreaton dstrc S n Vancouver, Wash., nnd the; m ade ther home n Newbcrg. -s. VandcrSandcn was an actve t r of thc Sherv;ood Frend rvlvng a re ; her husband and tw, Clancy and Dcrck. all of Newbcrg. lorenls, fob and Paulne E astm an o Lnn. O re.: two brothers. Case) m an of West Lnn and - Robyr m an ot Sherwood, O re.; and he :m ol grandparents. Mack and Rub) ;woodof Twn Falls. s funeral and bural w ere held las nnewtwrg. yrge Lllbrdge L - G eorge Lllbrdge. W. ol em ucca. Nev.. and form erly of ded Frday al the home of hs Ter n Wnnemucca. Dec. 2G, n Edgcwood. owa, lended owa schools before movng rm n hc Castlcford-Buhl area. e led Blanche Yeaman al CasUeford ay 2C c later owned and led Magc ol Sprngs for many retrng about 20 ycarsago, vlvlng a rc : three daughters, otc W ovra of Twn Fals. Vcm a of Athens. Tenn., and Murel of W nnemucca; fve grand- c n ; nne great-grandchldren; two grcal-grandchlldrcn: and a!r. Ljncc Llllbrldgcof Fler. w as prccedcd n death by fve >rs and ssters. funeral wll be held W ednesday al 1. al F a rm er Chapel n Buhl, wth 2v. Ray Ewng offcatng. Bural n West End Cemetery a t Buhl.-- - nds m ay call al the funeral home untl 8 p.m. and on Wednesday jc jlm c o fth e scrvcc. famly suggc.st.s thal memoral )Utlons be made lo the Amercan : Socety a aynes L - Vonda Grffn aynes, 69, of llcd Sunday al her home. n loo.scvelt, Utah, on Aug. 8. l c attended schools n Rooscvetl. arred M ark aynes on Nov Maplcton. Utah. Thc m arrage /as solemnzed n thc Salt Lake Tple of thc Church of esus Chrst r-daysalnls. : n Bose., A gravsld" scrvce for o Nungester. 20, form erly of 10dedThurj«lny,_wlll beheld ut 2 day n West End Cemetery at rm cr Chapcl of Buhl s n charge rjgemcnts. The famly suggesls morlal contrbutons bc m ade to o n s DLseasc Foundaton of New Tcy moy bc lelt a tth c funeral COO.Mrs. Robert Boltea rd "Ned" Rayhom. :omett, all m. both of Goodng; me; Kora Ovll Adam s Ben] er; Mrs. Burley; Lva oberts crllndn Cabral a *ay all of Moss and daughter of 1 o f lluhl; Sm lhandsonofo ak \lm bcrly; Turner of 1< erem y Slbbctl of R Fobfuory 2a lng lqu had Stlgal told Meel 1 had tra p p e d b y o fflc e n ym ent to v e rw th. n dfc- e w as release cognzance, p endr s vlo- -»-ody--neader F a lls, p leaded n: 2nder. sto le n check a t a wed a s to re on Sept. 6. e w a s scheduled a t,.a 1 j r h e r fo rg ery ch arg e, a re of N e a d e rh lse r,w a ow n recognzance. sad R ley N. Bart< lste d St. n F le r, pleade d th e c h a rg e 6f drvng fo r a n Aug , of senten ce w as o r -w a s " -B a rtle tt w a s - - n [1 and fu rth e r court proc for a R ebecca A nn w hle F a lls, adm tted to \ on a c losed account ar th e p la c c la s t u ly a t a n an nlence store, cord- M echl accepted d e rc d a p re-sen te :atlng w as rele a se d o, Dd cognzance. C an d ac Bubb, w as p laced on a V 1421 a fte r serv n g four alls, tonw ood. Bubb wa na on h abltallo n faclty tence te rm s o f h e r p robat. convcton. xts~p&g d oor p la n s to p u t th e job lo n d su m m e r, s h e says. cnlc years, but Edw ards need o f re p a r th s y u sed by m o re peop - sum m er, tecause bor m uncpal poo! w as t our n atdton, a fe< Tw n F a lls County }etlt pcnc use "p u sh ed w l, load o v e r to th e 1 trct P ark, shc says. they She had l lv e d h r N t before m ovng to Buhl m ctve M rs. a y n e s w as a m e ends M orm on Church, serv tw o. sldency of tho Relef Socl e rg ; Survvng a rc : h e r h 3nof two sons, Rotwrt a y n asey C harle a y n e s of Rchfl )byn D ors K nudson of Castl her chldren; two great-gran luby ssters, N cflon Alblstot U tah. osephne Ncwmc; last L-ols Stevenson of Bcrkcl brother. F ra n k Grffn of Shc w os prccedcd n dc three grandchldron. T hc funeral w lll.lw hel 2 p.m. a t the Buhl M orm Bshop L am ar Loll off wll b e ln W est End Ccm c F re n d s m ay call at thc m.g, n Buhl on W ednesday f and a l the church an hc. e servce, lord and Bud Ganes any SUN V A LL E Y - Bud ers. Sun V alley, ded Frday m a m unlly. osptal n Sun rel short lllnes.. :nd- B om u n e 11. l!m4. nsa two he w as educated tn Lo a nllendcd U n g Beach C one-and-a-halfycars. v c- e w orked fo r lh e Los- D epartm ent from 19C8 lo at m oved to Sun Valley. e U) thc Sun V alley Pollcc D e lal that tme. - - M r. GulneS w as a rr me M arne Corps Reserves, lay Survvng a rc : hs r C anes, nnd a brother. a( lal of Long B each. e w as p n an byhsfalhej. Wood R l v d S j j of charge of a rra n g m e n ls. T hc fam ly suggests contrbutons b e m ade to SlalcsTum or nsttute n [» Annabelle arpc gc T W 1 N F A L -A n n ab < kc ofg recnvlle. Oho,.nd fo sl F alls, ded Sunday m om r n Oho. Shc had been em ployed 1 B akery and ughes Dress T w lnfalls. Survvng a rc : h er h arp er of G reenvlle; arper of G reenvlle; K enneth P a rk qf Twn Fall >r P a rk of F anrlngton. N. )/ Vvan arm on of Buhl; 2 _ chyrcn.;_and tw ogreat-gr; t A gravesde servce wltl e p.m. T hursday a t Sunset M _s n Twn Falls. Whte Mor 0 F a lls s n ch arg c of a rran g * The fam ly suggests U ll contrbutons t>e made to C ancer Socety." ;OODNG COUNTY MEMORAL Admtted lle and Charle Flctcher. both of C CASSW MEMORLU. A dmtted :lcn am ln Blake and C harles S. rts of Rupert; and C arm en Loya D sm ssed l and Rchard D alton, both of r of Declo; Shawn G rlscnt of lakey. MNDOKA MEMORAL A dmtted Df Ruporl uor «h l that he had been :rs, "but w ant to get sed on hs own re-; Ung sentencng. rhlser, 18, of Twn nnocent to usng a 1 Twn F alls grocery 6. A tral wll be la te r date on the kaa released on hs e. te tt, 25, of log Sbcth ed gulty to a felony g whle ntoxcated, L, 7 ncdent. A pre- r srdered by Mechl. -released,-- pendlg - r B e S s G, of Twn 0 w rtng a $40 check nt. T he ncdent took. a Twn F alls conve- d the plea and or- le n c e r r t. Bethel on her own reh. 29, of Twn F alls, two-year probaton u r months a l Cot- - f f j t vas sent to the re- ty for volatng the aton fora 1D81 drug - th o u Ds S )b up for bd before m h surfaced every few. The ds says t s n g reat sched y e a r because t w as Age )ple than usual la st.e ta n e the Twn F alls p o lo s closed. Age reecharged a lth e ;y Fargrounds for d a lttle more of a FUcr Communty vaccl Age polo T he many years ago. R nember of the Buhl rrvng n several c u a m o a s r - p r tf r u jccy- a r e d husband of Buhl: lected :tlcford; 22 grand- andchlldrcn; throe * - ton of Clearfeld. d e te rr cycrofogdenand develc kcley, Calf: and a The of Roosevelt. Rven death by a son and a n d p lvely leld Wednesday at u,ro{jc mon Church, wllh jfflclaltnr. Bural ncleryalbuhl. g overr he Farmer Chapel n n ts from < to 8 p.m. o rd e r hour pror to thc along c.d. sad th L and P mles ( ud Galne.. 39, of system ly al Morlz Com- natlom n V.nnc,, arcr Sanla Ana. Calll..»ng Beach and Cty College for revew: b ut th( M-Angeles-Polcc wheUe lo 1979, when hc n th e n lc had worked for "N o department slncc no tm member of thc " L c l moher. Agnes lack Ganes, bolh tle Sen jrcceded n death so u rccs charm ; /asheldonday. _ f allcy was n ; hat memoral lo hc Mountan a Bose. even, tl j e t p atlentf n a l belleartkt.og. sh o rt ol formerly of Tvdn angal her home a n d Oth. dbythefelectrlc - ss Shop, both n Bum s. c e n tra t husband, Lloyd n creasl a son, Gary offset t two brothers, hosptal alls and Everett noth N..; a sster. m eetng h: fve granj-., 7 7,0 Memoral Park Brtuary of Twn Mea gements estlm alt thal memoral m a k e m o the Amercan sad W o th e r sl n ot tee program... sp e c la lc T hc d em and ospt w th lfe w hle a p Sanderson, all of -rh e b<,a.l r,l,u ra. (ho hosp: of nurl.y; Debra " S. h Rupert: am elen a n d Well e v en tho no abort! hosptal, g n a n c y re su lts r the abort 111 t h e E x t e n s o n S c r v L U L E Y - Ranches n E L ncoln countlcs can get teclm lq u es W ednesday and b eng spwnsored by the ScrvlcLDtflce S essons wll tx: held fro W ednesday at the Llncol Shoshone and on Thursdt Courthouse n aley. R epresentatv es from A ssocaton wll dscuss a no beef, and o th er speakers wll topcs. For m ore nformaton, call L o s t s k e r s s p e n TW N FALLS Two cross sa fe M oqday_momlng by the an d R c sc u e team, a fter L a fte ro o n n e a r Deadlne Rd( M a rsh a ll Turner, 35, of ( nger, 36, o f Twn F alls, beca and a t atx)ut dark, they rc hots Contnued trom P age B polo o ra l vaccne, untunen Ourng March, th e South C strct ealth D epartm ent wll re e l8-m onth tetanus and pe )t, and th e polo vaccne. trc t s 35 mmunzaton oughoul th e Magc Valley, dstrct offcals a re askng p check th e r chldrens mm f th e chld s behnd, p )uld c o n ta c t ther physlclar 3 llchcalth nurse to arrange m unzatlon update. Te recom m ended mmunl edule s: ge 2 to 4 months dlpht anus a n d pertusss (D TP), a lo vaccne. Lge 4 to C m onths DTP a lo vaccne. kge 6 to 8 m onhs DTP. kge 15 m onths m easles, n: 1 rubella.,ge 18 m onths D TP and thc x n e. ge 4 to 6 years D TP ar lo vaccne. h e South Central D strct Uvrs C atln u ed from P ag e B l nhet runeflu andv nrbldge- d eslg n ated as p a rt of the led sy ste m, -ther develop ld be controlled n som e a ret ta le d all together n other! d e g re e o f regulaton wou 3nnlned b y a plan th at wou eloped by federal land agenc hc N atonal Wld and S e rs A ct w a s enacted n p re se rv e unpolluted and ly p rstn e rv er sys tughout th e Unted States, le a c t em pow ered thc fe e m m e n t to purchase publc ts and acqure p rvate lan ; r to h e lp control develop g desgnated rvers..d. P a lm e r, an ade to McC th a t n 1977, the federal Bure d M anagem ent requested thz!s of th e B runeau-arbldge em be desgnated a s p a rt 0 3nal sy stem. owever, Conj n ever acte d -upon thc Bl m m endatlon, h csald. lm er sa d McClure current 3wng th e sta tu s of the two r th e s e n a to r has not decde erto-recom m end-thernck Q n ato n al system, lo decsons have been m ade m etable h as been set for Dcton o f th e revew," hcsald glslatlbn to change thc r\ S n o rm ally would be handle Senate E n erg y and N atural :c s C om m ttee. M e a u re Tnan of th a l commttee. osptal C ootlnued trom P a g e Bl, th e hosptal needs lo treat n ts a d ay, h esad. an u ary, th e hosptal fell S2(l of m eetn g ts operatng ct sa d : B ut nterest from bc ther flvestm cnts kept the hc 3m losng money, he sad. :71s sa d th e hosptal wl 1 atn g on out-patent servces asln g u se of ts aboratorj ; tre a tn g few er patents n tal. ther busness at M ondays t>c ng: h e hosptal wll begn prepa )cal-m eals a-wook-for-dabe >ersons o n low-sodum dets [eals on W heels program. Bt ate d th a t the hosptal wc no proft on the servce, bu t would h elp senor ctzens shut-ns who prevously h cen ab le to p artcpate n a m because they were U dets. hc board voted to update th :al polces. p ltal em ployees vrtll take o r blood-alcohol content wth son s consent, even f po: nd th e te st. p la l em ployees wll proc fesavlng treatm ent on mn a p a re n t s beng located, bo ard a lso added a changc s p lla l s aborton polcy to br lne w th new federal e e lfare D epartm ent regulatlo though B u m s em phaszed L rtlon h a s been perform ed at al. U n d er the new laws, a p y te st m u st be compleled t 5 re p o rte d to the patent bef ortlon. vabse v c p l a n s c l a s s n Blane, C am as, Goodng an< et an update on beef-ralsln nd Thursday a t free sem nar le Blane County Extenslo from 10 a,m, to 3:30 p.m. or coln County Courthouse r sday a t tle B lane Countj n the daho Cattlem en j 1 natonal p rogram to promote wll update ranchers on other call , s n t n g h t n c a b n Tjss-country sk»v. were found the Twn F alls County Scarch r they becam e lost Sunday lldge n the South llls, f Calforna, and Tony Kll- ecam c lost Sunday afternoon, reached a cabn owned by D epartm ent l schedule nclude T w lo F a llfl-s nen says. ealth Departm h Cenlra a :m. to 4 p,m. an wll offer- th e m onth from 1 perussls «a t me B uhl - F rst C n clncs, l l a.m.a n d l t o 3 j :g parents _ ca:.parents 6 to 8 p.m. lan o r a r u _ Mn ge for an j,ouse, Wednesda; Goodng Got lunlzatlon Tuesday fr phucro. the > and the m unps the polo and ue W h ;t oalh "T/e Ch:p\ 136 4!. AVE. B l PCN g e -rv e rs the pro- Elopment o r reasand f --- sr aroas. k vould tx: vould be \ snccs. f Scenc V 176 to try nd rela- f system s y - federal y le ease- lands n C lopm ent j cc lure, c u reauof thrt 121 \»e lver \ 1 of the kjngress s BlW s % ently s L, ) rvers, V :de yet Qde and for the» l d by ra l Re- Lre s e a t 107 $20,000 S - M y E brok«p l a n \ tory to v / t h h n the 5 board rparng ets for F lexblt Bum s bonds, cc would sto ck s. have T a x d o lo n the selocl re on ncorrg u _ -. consdcrg... tovvara n one ke no c.n To..un vthout r"lr,mcnl. con polce rocced o OF T lnors. P h o n o :, B obs obo S " S, " u s s to r.! >brng ealth QUons, V d that *. at the a pro- d and before w ; R o b e rt L asster, acco nd re.scue squatl. They b jjju cabn, Wcxxl sad. W hen th e p a r fall [Qf,, M onday, M rs; Kllngc a s e a rc h w as launched Qf, Elr"sn6w m oblet jf, and cw unty offcers c,ty found about 7:30 a.m. area began.,.5 T hoy w ere very lu stu m b led on the cabn g,. tro u b le." E x - r e s d e n t ( n M URTAUG - Stc nd d a u g h te r of M r. and.m t± wll be on the Toda ay n etw ork W ednesday.,1 a.m. 11- er m other sad Sr n. nvolved n research 0 )y and.stre-ss, wll be pror m m unzaton clnc q e s: frc - Soulh C enlra D strct m ent. T uesday from 10 the m d the frst T uesday a l fro 1 10 a.m. lo 7 p.m. ho Chrstan C hurch, th e Th of the m onth fro m.? to ; p.o 3p.m. :assla County Court- Scl from 9 to 11 a.m. and mo doy-ole-m onth-from : hol ndoka Counly C ourt- S a y f r o m 9 to lla.m. ho kxxllng County C ourt- f fro m 2 to 4 p.m. ho - A m ercan Legon fro: b h K TE : 4 pc/ t y thc-p:rk"... :. EAST-TWN FALLS NE 733 G600 : Edward D, ont :cr has 3 good for retrem ent " 1 3 lty o f n v o s tm o n ts seo corporalo b o n d s, and hgh u c tb lo c o n tr b u to n s orrod c o m p o u n d n g n ter ;1 hgh y eldng ta x a b le nve unll ro fo m c n w h o n your rably.low ar.. 3nc.,. Co S.ll-DtcCtO loa. KtC ffl «o\w DKr.n:, c,m (Llp )FFCES TO SERVE YOU N 3: & fo sco o P atto n shono S. No. E d w a r d. Es.Dsnt0187 N ew York Sloc>< M«D<l«r> ln>n>ot r ccordljg to m Wood, w hajeads the ly broke n and sp e n t th e nfght n the faled to return hom o by 2 a.m. nger notfed the s h e rffs offce, and llet several cross-country atoera - - rs combed the a re a. T he men were.m., as a scarch of a summer-home y lucky, Wood sad. " f they hadn t bln, they could h a v e been n serous t o n T o d a y S h o w Stephane M atuews Slmonton, the d.mre. Grant M atth ew s o f Murtaugh. oday Show on th c NBC televson y. Locally, thc prognm -»plns-al Slmonton, who w th h e r husband s ch on the connecton between cancer promotng a book shc has ust wrlten. all,4he second T txjsday of the month from9:30to 11:30 a.m. Wendell A m ercan Legon all, the second W ednesday of the month from lto-fp.m. erom e e ro m e County Courthouse. tho scjcond. th rd and fourth T h u r ay s o f th e m onth from 1 to 4 p.nj. nfunn azelton Elem entary School, the frst Thursday o f the month from 10 a.m. to rmx)n. al f y - Cnunlv Cnurlhouse, Tuesday fro m 1 to 4 p.m. Shofthnna Lncoln County Courthouse, Monday from 10 a.m. to noon. Falrtlold C a m a s County Court- hou!, the thrd T u e sd a y of the month from 10 a.m. to noon. s. N ATtONAL r.ltmd MOTCANS d * d» >nes & Co. d reasons to nt 3 % * epct from g o v e rn m e n t gh gracjl- c o m m o n up losls.ooo teros and c a p ta l g a n s nveslm en2 a n d d e f e r thal our lax b rackcl m a y b e KtOGlVlKlslP/RA Ll[)Y)unl,ryc)ur NTWNFALLS P h o n o : Gono S tu rg ll. 027 Bluo Lakos. o n e s G- Co

11 Pol ce sezze adultt flms; ; store:clo ses By PA T MARCA.N VvNTONO M eanwhle,, D l h a d rased th e COO ;)lll c la m n l n hs letter ctt to The T lm es-n ew sw rlc n te r M n-cass 1 S S 1 3 w anted th the flm s back. But Ue Tlmes-Ncws l th a t o ther vld< k-ldeo stores n county would d not release them Burley t w ero ren tn g the! same type of B U R L E Y -A A 1fo rm er Burley busl- - bccau.se of the h e r alleged obscenty, adull n m oves. e sad he had been n essm an clams s tl th al h e w ns forced lo V Byngton says.!. sngled S out fo r proeecut lon. closc hs buslnes ness w hen the Cnssla. The prosecut u to r s offce ntended to Bywatcr sa d la s t week ck t that te dd County sh c rl/fs s offce sezed 112 adult flc an obscent llty charge aganst Dll,.. not n have a n y nform aton ntx)ut any vdeo m oves lhal hat he w as rentng lo Dywater says. ;. B ut a n agreem ent was ouer 0 stores ren tn g adult tt r moves. e custom ers. dec epntfsu - fll of the flmts s L Dl h ad rcached w th Dl and hs attom ey. sad s. hs o ffce.h ad receve flvod rw com-: - KW nwjf Y -... R obert Dn.-Nvtt. o p e ra te d nnh h lsp o s s6 n. Tle prosecutor )r sa d h e would defer plolnls. p a lngere store : of, off O verland Avenue, A m ong th e m ove ttles w ere "D eep proseeullon for )r a y e a r. n retu rn, Dll! Byngton s a y s Dl v-t m m j d o se d hs doors e a rle r ths monlh Thr rh ro a t, "D ebbe Docs D allas, a s, T he agreed to re tu rn 75 pcrccnt of the busness b t>ecause he lost osl $4,000 n K B W and h a s left the! sc state, accordng to hs D>evl e\ a n d M ss ones" and d "S w eet flms to th er out-of-slatc 01 dstrbutors revenue n fro m th e vdeos. / Along wth R g n j atto m e y, Denns s Byngton of Burley. Sxl Sxteen, Bywatcr says, and not m ake 2 th em avalable n the other 01 fnancal pressures, -es. Dll just U lm l owever, n a Feb. F 20 le le r to The T he s h e rffs offce sad later r th a t t communty. Al Aso, 10 of the flm s could 0 not affo rd to rem an n l n busness, : Tm es-news, Dll clam ed that the cou t)u]dnt sell the moves at t publc would t» d estro royed ; a s punshm ent. hesays. h sezure of tre! n m oves caused the auc lucton ts norm al proced cedure Theprosecuto to rs offce accepted the C oncernng D lls letter, ler, Byngton WWMMh d em se of the busr sness.. bee ecause o f th e apparent conten tent of th e plon because. am ong other thngs, sad s that alth o u g h the prosecutor s PPM P \: The moves wen vere lacen by sherfrs vd( dcos, B y w atcr says. there ad jeen m no com plants alxul deal d was th e b e st wo could do, t d eputes n md-o -anuary, a fte r a ered- TTl h ere a lso w as a concern tha a t som e tle m oves from th e com m unty. doesn t U m ean h e had to be appy \ to r obtaned a 1 $< $600 cvl judgment of f th t e vdeos contaned llega }ga chld B yw atersays. olxutlt.. > a g a n st D.Atho ough ln gere was hs pon orn o g ra p h y due to the tues, m a E n e of mlerchandse. en bll also prol robable-cnu-m? hearne w as s h h e ld n. ~ j re n te d adult mov lovcs fro m the store, Fflh ft D strc t M agstrate Co ourt n g Byngton says. Blurley, B y w atersay s. ) The deputes collected the property A t th e h earn g, udge N athan [tan ger t prn to satsfy the udg udgment, says Steven and n d o th e r couny offfdlals 5 \ Vewed B yw ater, a deputy ty county prosecutor, part a r ts of two flm s whose ttle lucs sug- Dl, hmself,, Sl suggested that the gest ested th e use of mnors n them. W d ep u tes take the e m oves, Byngton Byw y w a te r sa y s. Although no evdence _ [ s says. Dll dd no ot t want them to tate was a s found of clld pomog lography, f ) hs lngere stock * tbecause he sad he g«:gcr ru le d th e vdeos w ere ob! w ould have had to close hs busness bast ased on th e crte ra of the law. PLENTY O mmedately, hs s at " ( 7 a a tto m e y says. Dl l could have beejjjjharge< -ged w th V FREEPARKll The moves that were sezed were dstj strbutlng obscene m abal, al, w hch, A R D W A R E S T O R E valued at $12,000, 0, EB yngton says. The s a m sdemeanor, Bywatersays. ey b u rn ] E R O M E T W N F A L L S 1 m a n b o u n d c ) e r v 2 50M\AAtN WEST N D AVE.! TW N F A L L> S - A eybum m an Tw Wn F a lls County al, n n 1Meu of suspectodofrobbn bng a T w n F alls gas $10,1 10,000 bond stato n earler ths m onth was wund At ccordng to compl t t. lled ve r to -dstrlrttonro n rtlasrw eelf: wtl th thcr"court, "Garca" und h an uj o th c susp aspect ro b b ed the M r. G as sta tatlon, t a t A prelm nary y h earn g for 25- year-old oe Garcl rc a w a s held Wed- 3 0)G 6 ; B lue L akes Blvd. N., a t gunpontu o nf F e b Colors &.W hr b ~~ nesd a y n Ffth D strct M agstrate N( o o th er a rre sts ave been 1 made n Court. G arca s s beng h eld n the com nnecu on wth the theft. P - 0 [ Cl P O N E mam LE/ ;ap yeah RSALE FE EBRUARY2; Bg! [ Savngs On Sell lectetl tems TELEVSONS S T E R E O S KMBERLY RR O A D -,.. L P A D l P O t WN A TBP FOR TWO TO AWA ON DOARt f\rd WESTERN ARNES-ANO-SS04 *500 SPENDNG MONE )NEY DURNG TE TMES-NEWS S WNTER V VACATON GVEAWAY AV f Q lld Q Q a s! El-E _ N A M E, A D D R E SS C T Y P O N E _.! ONeOUrONPKOArP *r Ml CUStOM P* tol. ntooucon ONOCOUPONt All NtlG*U.OPO>TNO n M rumr COllnsAVAnut M NON-»u»tem» > 50% S 8-9 amn 40% am 35% m 11-12!nopn.25% n, S 9-10 am P 2-5 pm C L A S S F E D A D V ERTSN G -* k VDEO RECC : O R D E R S AAlCROWy / A V E S» N E W _- U SE D -.ECTRONCS lmsaafa 15% 1 0 % o v e r fo r rq b b e D D B B - > O ff Poblc,»~6ff dc n f f A l l > u n F = o fa rlc - p, tf# E verythng A T n th o *toro ~wll * (B«rnlnoe01.930) 7 # E verythng o f f ln.h«..oro off (0*rnlnoe0l-930) E vorythng f c \ Nov/. bb< o t o r t h a n o v e r! N-4ow o f o rm u la F W -p ro v ds es b o t t o r h d n g c a p a b ll llflos a n d o n ovon lfla a t t e r f n s h. T h a t m o aans n ; you d o n l havo 0 to s a c r f c e a p p o a r a n cco o to g ot a pon tth h< a t s r o a ll y s c r u b b a b l ool l For w o lls.. w oodwor< o n o v o r y r o o m......ez ; Rog.S E17.98 s, f c - "Tl <3K U rt E S 1 m Rog G a llo n T -12-rpm-,m ~ % Sat-N- -ue Latex Flat t Wall Fnsl Tlo volvo /o t-{ lat flnl«l> add& o look ol luxury to your womj, So llck. a. n d croon.y, So-Njr» m o jt o flo c o tn a uo covors ( Good qubllly ot an oxcopll spllonol prtcol Provldoa tntortor aurt lurtoco* wllh a joll lnlth lhal drlo > quck- qt ly wll> no panty odor. Woh ohoblo Produce* a p. poro-w hllo (nlsh hol croj volv >lvoly. al w lthoul stroak, lop ma arks. Covors most ploslor. wollboo 5ord, ole. n 1 eaal sln{jlpcoal. 11, P > covt/ _ROEBLC _...j g! SEPTC P TANK l ; g TREATMENT stv; Kopp» tonk ;Cv: Roo. $ f c G a l lo n [Ru-t e s t MolekeeDlna- A j y r ] Durable Wall tor NTEROf lors.,., 2 S F L. 0 Z # W hte,. E Z " K a re # totex t F lat E nam el L l n : a r v c l s l r f L a t e x S e m l o s s G o o s on thck a n d c ro a m y, the hon d ro s to a m rror-; o r-sm o o th fn s h th a t ross sts m o stu ro d rt a nnd d g ro o so. T h a t m o k o s M arv o lu stro d o o l for o r h g h -tro fflc o r o a s lko fho fl ktchon, b a th o r r lc laundry. A n d ts scrubbo lo b lo l E Rog. $ $ ( R U - T E S r /S E L C e g vlny.ua7 fc, R og. S n. 9 8 $ S 9 8 Fla K G olor lon. Select latex!x Dne-Co oat Whte Flat Wall Fnsh h Celnf ng Latex f e... U : T E 4 t e x Color* & Whte Gallon ~ / \ A o r v e l u s t r e < - 3 m m ORT TO VOC LCK- SUPRB REME-. - OL SPRA RAY Glo R o g.$11.9.: 8 R e g u la r s Swtch h or Outlet M Q Choosc rom k 1 quo! w ttch or.conld Rt lqudlod. $ 2> 9W w qroundnfoullor lol n brown or vory. y o a»5 r.o l.k 3 7, p Roc og. 99 -Dormonl u»o to control >1 colo. rod pdor mtnl ond mool lodlybuo Y O U R on dormant vhrubs. roo C O CE 5 9 S m pnce-ups 1 B d n l ) Prce rces offoctlvo thro M arch 3rd B M =-=g R l / s L C atex.. Celta ngpalnt m " G allo n Tuosday. Fobruoty 23,-19 9, Tmoa-Nows, Twn Falls, daho B-3 m nkcdrds W elcom e l = S K / M m9 < 499% ;; Supples 2*Pc. Scssors Set 8-n. and Shorcu * scssofs stay sharp. 10M2-10/12., Quanlltlos Lmted Lght Bulbs Pock o f 4 $ 1 19 Thoyre Collod "Voluo Brght" bocauao thoy oro economlcolly pfleed,60.75orl00w all. 3 9 * :? 3/4 n, XBOft. Electrcal Tape Vn vnyl lopo s omo rolardan and woalharrosslont. wo Chore Gloves Collon llannol. No P a r $ 3 5 9

12 B-4 T m o3-n w 3, Tw.vln n Falls, daho Tuoadny,, F< February (W d ousee Dcmocrats no\j w have to sell reapport onm ent By QUANE KENYON N The Assocated Press a d «f s o m u. BOSE ouse D( em ocrats havo agreed to a new reapporlonm ent; now lh e pro b lem wn ll bc to s c lllt to ther Senate countcrj: c rp a ru and Rcpublcans. - Rep. D w ght orscl sell, D-Aberdccn, caucus produced a "strong m ajorty" l Evans; accusecd o f plot! ttng to ffre agenney headc/ r s t. - BOSE (A P) Gov jo v. ohn Evans them on: Feb. 3 w as m ade n vlolallo tlon The battle over the commsson h as and L aj rry Bam es and a c k Ug and a lop ade have Kcn b< accused of of the! ss ta te s open m eellngs law. been m arked by ch rharges and coun- the two tw( commssoners volng to fre consprng w llh two rtembers of the Commss lsslon C harm an Normal m an lerchargcs, a relallv vely peaceful and Ms. WWj alhof and Chcadle, planned ned the daho C om m sson for ) r the Blnd to fre Gardner, ;cr, who opposed thc dsm ssal 5sa. abbrevated occupal aton of the com -.o u sterse "n retalaton o r pun lunlve j «r nsde and p / : : r 0 U t... e federaton. actvst N atonal Fcd< cdcratlon of lhe ages. lef Larry Scland, Blnd. )lle objectons by attorneys, fo f a neutral party, unt ntl the dspute s o m e now facts have comc >ne to lke Block..._T hc.alegaton by M: slale th a t M aurers allegaton settled. M aurer told.newhou.se. c. and V federaton attorney from (ro Baltm ore, gj., groundless. Fourth Dslrcl Newhouse, howeve w, declned to re- y add up to an attem p t to ta t k e X B cam e as court acton op R obert N ewhouse allowec leve Scland of respc ponslblllly for the lve acton for exercsng lg the B n the legal stru g g l? le S a l has" l l, r! lo nclude bolh E vans and j commsson, althoug gh lhe stale sad rghts:s of free speech and 1 free - A fecllvelypltted th e fede art n P ete rso n n lhe sull. runnng the agency s nterferng w llh assoca clallon."., the ndependent Blnd hs o th er dutes. e e sad he would B u;l lstanley Welsh, representng the - M lh al a g encys dlrecto: c r and deputy sal-sonf n p lan tff n thc sull, thal seek; eeks drector because they belong to thc rclnstatc lem cnl and $500,(XX) n dam - m sson s offce and ulllmalely th c takeover of thc agenc ;ncy by stale vocaacto )n n because of ther m em ber bcrshlp n the control of thc com m lsslo son. Dul bc because of lhal dcclslon, on, consder that f the le state m ade a s ta le,. ssad flatly that n m ore th s clents,-ousted ddlrectorr n nm onn Newhouse use-also-poslponod further ac- c. form al request; sc o re o f depostons th ere s not lot one *** ** Walhof a n d d eputy dlreclor ohn lon n thc e a s e so lhal procedural jral M aurer contended d that he has ev- lola of o f testm ony that would sup upport " m traned to know computers, nol taxes axes. So go lo &R Block for Chcadle, clam the decson de< to flrc legal mlalters c a n be attended lo. dence.showng lhal, Evans, Peterson th al cor contenton." tax prcparato ton. Block keeps up wth the thc tax changcs, and (her prc parcrs have jlj)julhund5d5>cjaxunj d jms...thcy.re tnlpedlspot -W en-snmokng- area-o pponents f»delay measure 3 every dcduct ;ton and crccjt m enttled ;d to. tc They must bc good; three By SUSAN GALLAGE E R p ~ / 5 d on dem and o r rsk c 1losng busness, system jm, sad ohn Schoednge ger, a oul of every - four fc Block clents get a refun :fund." th e Assocated Press ) f l t D A O0 Roden sad. BojseB S late Unlversly phlo.so osophy P e o) p le w h o k n o w t h e r b u s n e s s g o t o _ T V l e g s l a t u re e Another opponent. ;. Tlm Brennan of profess jssor. > BOSE O pponents s of ( a m easure the daho Retalers Assoclalon, A sad A fter ler quotng Thomas effersc lo requre non-smokln kng areas n 1984 the cost to stores coult ld be cxorbltanl declara ratlo n s of rghts lo lfe, publc p laces d d n t suc< uccecd n snuf- The daho AFL-C n o sad the bll and thc f{ng the proposal M ond 4 ES lbc &RB 3LOCC " " ". :hc pursut of happness, Schc nday. btt they... n tru d es on people s personal lves, ngcr sa d thal clearly, one can c S WKKDAYS.A.M.M.-4P.M., SAT. 9-_5 CD dd wn a delay n lls co course through th e daho L cglslolure. T h e Senate ealth. Et ducaton and talcrs As! As. c a llo n and the tobacco, CO, reslaufanl anl and h o lel ndustres. Courtesy and commo on sense can resolve conflcts belwec een smokers and non-sm okers n the 2 workplace, th e pursue e a fe of hjppness wllh wthout health h.. Anoth ther advocate, a m e s Wors _. W clfare.c om m ltlee vote olcd to hold for -- The bll ju p ro p o sed-b y Sen. T erry :ry laboro rg analo n salt ad. - - o f Bos. )lse, retred bocauso of chro hronc am endm ent leglslallon :lon requrng Relly, D-t -N am pa, mposes unneedcd led Bul the daho Lu.ung As.soclatlon, lung dlsd sease, sad h h as sm oked two M sm okng rcstrlcllo n s n publc [ areas, tocludlng p laces o f cmploym ph enl. Sen. govemmer nenl regulaton on the free- ecenterprse s y ste m, sad Bll Roden,, a health-care provldens r.s and others sale) the legslaton s cssc senla to guaranor more packs of cgarettes dally lor half a ccnlury and now w shes hc What V C an a - pou- C om puter Do ; Opponents of th e prop roposal nclude Busnesses th a t w ant lo retan cus- ls- possess natural rgh ghls s the cor- ton has las done to my-own famly." U»e. daho AFL-CO. th. the daho Re- lomers wlll provde no-smokng areas ;as nerstone of thc Am mercan poltcal sad. f f " M fora erb Carlson, R -E agle, le, sad dcfnlons n the bll a r e too broad. brc spokcsmar an fo r daho hotel and res- tau ran lorganzatons. rf tee lhe rghts of non-sn smokers. "T he belef that al all human bengs lm ted; 2d sm okng n lls hom e, "! ha tave seen whallndoor a r po: s r a n? S en ato>rs buryf plan forr commeerce depdartmen t M 1. W eath er reportsrts : BOSE (A P) - Rcpubl ubcans on thc ndustrra developm ent and toursm But Rep..F. Chad adband, R-daho m erce : could do a better ob of nd 2. G om m odltes & futures reports Senate S tale A ffars Com lommlllee have. promoton lon effo rts nro beng handled F alls, lold Stale Affal fajrs thc a g e n. tr al developmd c ent and toursm 1 pro- p: B t burled the governor s proposa to nowlhrouj ougtlurdlvslon of Economc Tc snt needed. "We sho RoulffruTDECA " m o n on. n r -Sr-DaFy-heFd-maoE l o a g e F e n t c re a te a- new s ta te Department De] of and Comn; nm unty Affars. But D rector back tn thc p rvate scclor S where ll " m n foreconom lc U evelopm enlt 5. Row c ro p m ana n agem ent _ (Sommeree: Davd OrP > rp o rterso d m anycom panles tcs belongs;" hesald; t h l s - ls - not~nccdcd"undcr~the~g( - g o v M c T he vole n th e comml mltee Monday arch l cle. clear on lhe functon of hs " t should bc hand tdled on a free e m q epnt s n t um brella, he sad, 5. Plannng aflem oon w as 6-4 lo hold (hc b. agcncy. m ark et bass rath er :r than through c sad a new slate agchcy wlu vlh a B 6. F orecastrns ndefntely. T h at usualj ally m oans t s Stale Afl Affars c u rle r conducted two. governm ent, Chadbar andsald. h gher c r m age" would ust wnd up dead for the sesson. full-scale le h e a rn g s on thc proposal. e s an daho Falb lls busnessman costng mr ore money. 7. Farm accountnc ng : G6v. ohne van.s suggt ggestckl settng M any of" 3f"dahoR -}arge*cm ployers :rs --w h o -h a s headed chan a m b ers-o fco m Son.( : ohn Peavey, D j:n rey, argu rgued a n d W u c h m o rel r Up a new s ta te agcncy cy to work, on urged crea reatlonof th c new agency. m m erce n daho F alls s and Pocatello, lh a l t w«woud bc mpossble for prvz rlvale dom estc a nd foregn trad rade and lurng Kerns, slal ;lale AFL-CO presdent, also so B ased on thal experler lence, hc.sad he agences les lo expand foregn trade,de n S e e us at Agr kgr-aolon.1 new ndustry lo lhe slate ale. urged stpp pporl fo r the bll. fell lh at prvate chan am bers of com- counlrlc! e s such as Olna. March 2 & 3 at CS :S1 Expo Center [ L egshaton fudge c< ron s d e ;rng re B q u e st 1 forhsps proposal. d strct lo northcrr!m daho, a huge stalled cd.a bll authorzng thc flng; of a t call! alls for 3GKlslrlcl Lcglslatur lure, "floatng" d strlcl. coverng 10 coun- federal l court lawsut over rcdlst lslrctwtlch t would a d d one S enate scat t ar and tes from doho Coun unly north. ng, w; allng lo sec f the Democ nocrals two nlh ) lhe ouse. m akes changcs!s n eastern daho, can com co e up wth an acceptable p Gov. /. ohn E v a n s last week vctoc :>loed creatng two "floatr tng dstrcts" wth ors )rsch, charm an of the the U g lsla tu rc s frst effort a t re- n severaltoullcjs n n each, fauftavcs Derhoc ocratc caucus, sad th e 19 L dlslrcll clng th s sesson. e called d the the re sl of tho state te as was n th e o crats s consdered two plans Mor rtonday Rcpubllt bllcan-sponsored plan an appa: Dpar- plan vetoed by tle governor- aflem oon. c One was hs and the second ent effo ffort lo d e c l Republcans and Thc llou.sc votedd lo overrde lhe w as sponsored s by Rep. P atrca al velo. but the S enate e hasn t 1 taken ll up McDer >rttntt n-pnrntnllt orscl schs p a n adds a leglslallv Qllve yet. ouse Republ jlcans also have ors >rsch s pan has a populaton lon de- by convct - j r l b By Thc Assoclntct Press usam lsdem emcnnnor. all nsttutons of hgh.?hcr ctlucadon; expense e ad a valorem tox charges of the t To Governor :SD132 (Flnancc) -.Supp. pplcmcntal np- B851 (Sla(L> A ffars) - New bll to 1 amend " prevalng prc w age" law; calls for.states ssue sha) b< s;b ;bmllled to thc clcctorate. county. SB344 «4 (State Affars) - Provdes for W lourt. SB1322 (Flnancc) Supple pplcmcntal appropratlon of U,GOO lo state ltc treasurer. proprlamon ot >47,100 (rom m ntprngcncy bllng to daho Supromc Cour - prevolllng counly comr m ml.wloners n cach county to rcvcwthep eprevalng rale. Deportment ent ot tlm ploym ent lo comple g wage nformaton, allows Amends daho Co<lc to prot rovde condtons for m akng student loan: ans and for repaym ent of loons; c rcatt ates -scholarshtp SB1340 (udcary and Rules) -.p a n d brccc m ade t at tmes t dctcnnlned by thc daho Racng Commsson. a y m en (ts from track dtstrlbuton account ~ccd dstrbuton account to bc nn<67 (Local Oovcmment) :n - A m e n d s B652 (evonuc and Taxaton) program account. daho Code to chan;;c Ue wort. ord "flng" to ledgcs full fu: fnlth - nnd credt of SU1341 (dlclary and - Prt>hen he njury of "jcordlnr" rclotlvc lohdspt upltnlllcns. audllorlum m d lstrln to Yll.schurge bond vdcs for a cvl acton whc B540 (udlclry, Rules les and Ad- obllratlons. 15. n m nor chld s coused bj by thc wrongful n)lnletratlon) Changcs s language n lo nt53 (Revenue (ll and Taxaton) oct or neglect of another. provde for lccnse sezures s or and l.vunncc rovldlng : on excepton (rom taxaton for.sb1342 (udcary am E M j of tcmpornry pcnnlls for p< persons su.- ccrtaln landssu b je c tto y lc ld la x. A m ends daho Code to pro >rovldc lor mnnpmted of drvlnr under thc c nfluence l of lotroducedla dn Senate ngem cnt rlghls of spou-scs over separnle tntoxlcnts., - -. _, SM108 (Slale (.S A (falrs) Urges feder- property; provdes for thc support ol nn BM4 - rappreuon lons) Kvcmmct mcn( (o exam ne wheocr rad- nfrm spou.sc unable to suppor hmself CGETFREE Approprates ll,coo to Otf Offlcc of (he olon cxposu jsurc levels should!: > lowered or herself. CECKSU Oovcmor for expenses durlrtu nuloo-of :. (oprolcctwo workers.,s B 1 3 «(State A ffars)- Provdes thnl f D (Appropraton; ons) -,.SllM ~ ~ (udlclr) ond Rules) nny adm nstratve fees ; colccled c by a croln * TE MWNNER! Approprates $co,ooo from (he the Commodlty Ulstrlbulon Account to 1 thc tt Department of Edutratlon fur cxpen; >cnr.cs durng roposcs mflm nn cnlmen( lo provde there 1 1 * * board bo. of regents lo supervse county offcal shall b c e a p p le d a s a proportonal reducton of the currcnt Wnl ll lll WNNlR pronrom n( at Twn Fnlls Urtk & TnM. reve mnny vlunbc bnnlunn»n servces. s ncludlnq «11 lc fn 1B8WM. _ [)crs<) rsomlucd WNNfR checlts s you yt cnn use! All you pay s u 1B&16 (Appropraton! small uu nonlltly f.c for ol/t WNNER W bmefts! TT WN NNER Approprates 17,500 (rom n(eragcncy B K ncltk :ltld<-s... BlllnR and RccclpLs Accoun to sluc m p Bpartl of Educaton for expens enses rcla(ed l E D W f E T T E F ree. Personalzed C hecks Senate Lbrary Board. L E T T E M A V E A DRY BE ED ; ; U nlm ted Clcckwrtlr>g -ndsaz (Revenue.anl Taxaton) Ta; $10,000 A ccldcntal D eath nsurance Lu.le flmlv..... «Provdes exempton from ccrtan O u r Vsa Card to Q ualfed MembcTB w th - donal sales (ax for certan aln personal S No Annual Fct\ properly nvolved n n wrtten pncon(r.c( c n 4 L - tlt wh.n nol DD lcounts on Personal nstr stnllm cnt L oans effect Moy 31, l a3. KcyR tng and C redt C ard d R cnlstratlon - To r.ml 11 A. Tn Klled By ouse Trnvcl and E nlrrtnnm ent ( D scounts Oocl Nu ol)l(.lpor CR«(Local Government) lo - Ulrcct.s And much, much morel f (lj.lly rrct t lo Ahllj Legslatve Councl to set up p commltlocc 0)rnf rnc by any Twn alx Bonk t A Sr Tn«f ojjtfc ant up to fo develop unkorm occountnf (ng, bwlkcl- \ M.Mo: PACFCN : NTERNATONAL. LTD. TF- V 7/ tll.rr thnl hrr arc rc/ >ct bctry?r.- to Mru a WNNER " hg and (fnnclnl reportng m: m anuals for ltrl / Nnhoon. Wl T.4457 county u.. c; lt: ntroduced o ouse jltt ru. n m u (111! ;1B(M9 (Buslne.ss) Prov ovdng (lnl CTorolnatlon expense pad by domestc ADVRTlSE SED - josurer to Department of nsun surnnecm ay... Qeoffset agnlast premum tnxes xespny.blc. P tr E NNTS T...A( r -Btao(StaleAffars) -P ro v..l.nn.-l Ll.l >0;7 tay,.ssesslon of smulated contrc W N.... Sfancc s unlawful nnd m.y bc be punlshe< T» 7 T 7» T S T * n» y rc T 3?7 nm.- U.B _ t d e a know cc computers Farm B u s n e sl A a k e f r e n d s w t h tthl e f u t u r e. " T o d a y A/ENYOU Regon to honor Church. By BO 30B FC K ble d(;fcnscs dl and th re a ts agan: lnst hm scf and hs. prevlous crm nal acts even f he s not g u lty of a..a ; 1 n>0as Assocated Press famly lly f le raled lo lake full blar lam e. cap apllal m u rd er n the ensen cn case,,. km c wanls lo th d r a w lhat pc; )lcn now and lake..hs. -C.C rccch r w as serv n g two lfe Gsentences s /o c m u td c r, WASNGTON (A P )_ - daho ; T m BO OSE Amd contradctor :lory testm ony on chanc nccs wlh ajury. and facng a thrd n another state when he beat: Sen. am es ftfoture as* ntroduced legslaton renam n g S lll - ther the slo ry s a e. F ourth u D strct udge n s s former prson counselor - tc testfed lhal he dd cn-s en-sen lo d eath w th a sock fll, Uled wth b atte re s. o Robert crt N ew house has taken unde der advlsemenl the n o tbjceve c Crecch w anted odc e w> hen hc demanded h as a s also j clam ed a role n moro than a sc o re of other th e Rver of No R elurn rcques csl of dcall row nm ate c T hom as Eugene execu :utlon n pleadng gulty, bul the sherff coun- kllr lllngs. W lderness n recognton of Crecch Ech to w thdraw the gulty plea th al has m arked tcrcd d by sayng C rccch "scemm e ed pretty norm al" Bul K ehne rem nded Newh vhouse th a t th e legal form j er daho Sen. F ra n k hm for fo executon. when n hc clamed captal m urder er respon-slbllty for systc rstem dd nol allow for respo»nse lo p ublc feelng, Church. :*ve lved these proceedngs, - 5s, - Newhouse told thcdc; leathalmo.sl and d 1he contended Newhou.se erred when n accepl- recognze th at F ran k the sam e tm e, Atto ttomey Genera! m Crccch jch and th c defense and prose osecullng allom eys a a ng lg the t orgnal gulty plea bee )ccause he declned lo Church performed wllh sncer on Mon londay. ones ;s cam e oul n support ol leg eglslallon slappng a gve K ehne a few m ore days to dscuss the possble ty and skll the very dffcult e pledged to consder ony "r p " m a tte rs that arc sx-wc vcek lme lmt on flng m oton.s lo vod captal opto tlons wllh Creech. tjsk of gettng the R ver o f No relavcr venl a s A da County Prosecu (culor G reg Bower, convc ctlonsnnd death penalcs- 5 " e w as sucdal, partly be Kcause he w as hope- R eturn W ldemess. as well as over objcxrlons of defense attorr lom cy Rolf Kehne, No }o longer wll deatt«* # * K be able to less, S3," K ehne sad. There s a huge d a n g e r n o lh er wlderness cglsoton, sub ml nllletldocum cnl.covcrng.var varous proceedngs prolon ong cour proceedngs andjjcl delay.lhclr executon a c-p*>png c q pllly plpfg from cnlf lnlflnl n _ Passed through Congre.ss, sale!, n the le th re e -y e a r case aganst hj the form er church d ates s by years as they presentlj tly do, ones.sad, capll jpllal crm e." AMeCuro, who acknow ledged _ on. "Noth hng s so destructve to publc confdence n Bul Bow er renew ed clams that ll C reech-has only dfferences d wth Church over rng four days of hearngs 5 before b< Newhouse, (he crm nal ustce syslem a s numerous and m am anufaclured th c slory of [ self-defense and a the tl desgnaton. Crccch >ch, 33, o n e of nne m en on d daho s death row, jnterm mlnable delays by convcled crm nals." coen Kjrced gulty plea. Ada Co :ounty Sherff Chuck -M cclure s bll, ntroduced T O M A S E.C C R E E C don* ned he klled fellow nm ate tc D avd ensen n ths fnal argum ent lo Newhouse, Kehne Panc h c h as spoken wllh foru r the kllng thc d ay after 11 occurred, o< "seem ed to regon r the Fronk C hurch-r lver am er lesllfed th a t Creech, 1, n takng full blam e M onday, would desgnate th c W a n t s t o d r o p g defense b u t pleaded gulty lo captal m urder ackno\ owled(;cd lhal m any people lusc of dcpre.s.slon. gnorance aboul ; any poss- want Llo see Creech executed by frng squad for know low w hal hc w as dong." of o: No Rclum Wldemess. T he proposal s a trb u te lo Church s efforts to wn wlderness protecton for th e 2.2 mullon-acre Salmon R v e r backcounlry regon, M cc lure v latlon of 24.2 pe Krcenl, about 10 per- Sad. cen t low er than U the Republcan plan Church, who served four vetoed last week. te rm s n lhe U.S. Senate u n tl he. M s. McDermott lls plan called for a w, as defeated n 1980, s re flo atn g.dstrct. coverng 3 o g h a m, c uperatng l from surgery a t h s B onnevlle and Tcl cloncourlles. suburban Washngton hom e a n d s undergong out-patent "T h atslh e w aly y ll alw ays h a s been - treatm.p, ent for a p a n c re a tc m ll th e latest red Klslrclng p lan, sad - _ u m o r, orsch. who s fro om -thasoutherrrpart of B ngham Counly Uy. 1

13 r / f F ghtn g meo v es n lto dow/otown n B elru t, By MONA ZADE lenoon, but traffc was reported The Assocated P nss lh. n.w uthem jbanon. t\o.0! srael y f / BERUT. Lebanon C hrstan and dler w ere wounded n Ue le c coastal f n :* M oslem m lllllas batu atued n downtown y of Sdon w hen an srael lell a rm y ** * "s attackk falng ; B erut on M onday, y..wlu volleys of rol w as am b u sh ed wllh outt automatc WASNGTO 3N (A P) - The S tate ra r jq, alt/out-w afhlngtonffjclally -. m achne-gun fre and nd dozens of g-c- les ard rockct-prapeled gre D a rtm c n t-sanld-m h onday-thal-lrnn - nnftfv; tcnporarlly closng c] the only g - ~ te-run B eru t rado rcf rer m n ln s neutral n Ue w ar, w hch was report, has exaggerated x ts clams of vctory ; crossng pont betwee veen lhc halves of lother p atro l w as attacked nc ssta rte d by raq n Septem ber 1980; n e a r th e o v e r raq whle le actually sufferng ughes sad tho Unlled S tales re the dvded clly. age of G hazyeh, four r m les cavy losy-s n T ehran s new of- grclg rt s" th at ran dd not recprocate a ;; Art: ry and rocket exchanges also M B? thea.st, Ue rado sad. K lo Ue nslvelnu ca.,..j-year-oldwar. mrno orato ru m by raq on attackng ; ;j w ere reported belw «lw ccn Lebanese d [jracll am b u lances rushed ; V a rm y roops and Syra Tlan-bnckcd D ruse w a e to e v a c u a te the_wounde nded, Ue ohn ughes, ;, the Stale D epartm ent cvlan **v areas, notng.also th a t the Tnlllllamen n Ue!. l.ls overlookng E O B :llo snld. but t gave no casualty spokesm an, lold d reporters there has m oratorum has ended. B erut. ure.thorc w as no mm nm cdate been large-scalc le fghtng n recent e * also sad. t s unfortunate that Dplom atc - efforts rts lo end the tnnent on e lth e rjn c ld c n tjn from! lhe w eeks between n ranan a n d _ lra q l ran has not heeded repealed calls by Lcba)cse crss stale alcmatud as Saud lll.-ry com m nnd n srael. forces but th at t neluer sde has ap- th e wbtd communty for restrant, A raba s chef me. m cdlallor, R afk Mwut. 50 young m en gotherc lered oul- parently ganed r c- es a se fre s and negollallons low ard a - _ l a r l r. - d e l a y c d hla rf lo tl. b< nchfro nt offlccs of f th Ue U.S. selu em enloftheconfllcl.. evldcncc of sgnlflrant.t -Tho ranlan-govem m ent of Ul j fj sayn g he had been en sum m oned for nba.<uy a nd dem anded lo Be a S e g e s n Ue 1batUefronl, ughes Ayatollah Ayj Ruhollah Khomen has nsste d on the reslgnauon of raq u rg en l-talk s w th Sa Saud Kng F ah d ;lde lo " b u m dow n Uc U.S. nag. Ml, t s clear th a t a n d the Soudl a am bassador to e group left th e a re a after er Druse onan clams s of successful n- P re rcsld e n Saddam ussen as the ;;- 0 W ashngton, F ncee u Bandar bln Sul- hters th re a te n e d to shoot,.. curslons have been bc exaggerated and prce of endng Ue conflct. tan. re p ro test c am e a day after Ue Uat raq has rep ttpulsed several protx;s h ughes sad "Ue Unted States A rtllery shells slan am m ed nto res- 3. M arne m e m b e rs of the! m ullan. w th heavy ranln llan losses. conn tn u es lo beleve Ual there c a n be dcntlal neghborhood oods n fghtng nal peatjckcjcplng force left cf ther o th e r rem arks us by ughes reflected no m Ultary resoluton of ths dangerous conflct.". along lhc "g reen 1 lne dvdng «at B erut a rp o rt for shps shl of- lercan svmpnthy for C hrlsllan e ast B erut t f from the mosuy lore. About 100 M arnes rem emaln n oslem western secto ctor. A lo-year-old... Uelru rut to g u a rd th e U.S. Eml Embassy. y-r-t -r. - r - p s boy and two adults wc were klled, and 19 M o th ers w ere wounded. d. A 7-year-old prfcsl. ( M. r, : [ a r n e s a n d N a v y p e r s on o n nel re la x on th e safe e :. v o f - s h l p ouer 87 A rm y advsers anc and staff p., mbers a rc statoned al t Ue sl, Ue Rev. a m e s bassadc d o r Regfnafd Bartholom ew (s pont, w/fch has the C ony safe passage f-cbar tjanese D efense Mnstry. r M chael Fnnegan, of New of York f C ty, located, cd, stale-run televson and a between the C hrst stan a n d Moslem Tl h e xbanon ssue s for : lh Ue mo- -_ ~ [ ~ * >, w as kuled n fghtng tg along o the g reen polce 2 sad. NelUer resdence w as s hll, h seclorsofucclly. ment n th e h an d s of Ulrd p arty, 3 ln e Sundoy. polces. s s a l d. Pancky pedestrlo a n s sought refuge dplor lom acy a n d w e re hopeful h Ual wll S j O n Mondoy aflcmm o oon,-shells and M ondn a y s fghtng peaked a t m: d-.n-nearby.buldn ngs. a n d.drvers succe :cecd, :7ll6 ouse, spoke okesman L.-S rockets (gl n ear th e 2 presdental p pal- m om n ln g when several rock x k e t- honked Uelr horns s as th ey tred lo Lurry S peakes sa d n Washlng ngton on. «a c c ln th # 2 h rslla n su suburb b of B aatxa, propellc lled grenades and m achlne-g,e-gun speed away, Mond: nday. " T h e U nlled Slates : rem rc ans cast of Berut, and n nearby Y arxe, fre p o u r nto the a rea around u Tle crossng was slut for m ore than ever >r r ready to be h elpful whenev rrclor,-n CO - of U.Sr Am Lobtnon o n N atlo n alm u» u m.crosslng ss soun_lt_w.as.. S-CLootetLn the ~can U.S. b l a c k s a uv a y f r o mn o f f c e r s M c x cco v e w s By ALEXANDER G. 3. GGNS S outhern C om mand, ant who s responsble tor r U S. socety la Centro tra A m erca." e called 1 Mexco a - r-7 Tte/\ssoclatod Press!SS m lta ry nterests s n Central Amerca, lesl S tfled "one-party slale Qte th at h a s p ursued a polcy pc of \ T h u rsd ay n support )ort of th e Reagnn adm lnstrat auon s accom m odaton n v wth lls own left and nten lernalona WASNGTON - The D efense and S late de- re q u e st to nccea cease m ltary nd lo frt rlendly leftst nterests. ; -;4 p artm enls Monday dsavowed dls a hgh-rankng ; A A rm y co u n tres n C entral ra Amerca: Mexco, Coloml mbla, P a n a m a a n d Vcnezuel :uela m ake, j.j general s w arnng that tha M exco could pose "Ue c N o. 1 "U n less Uere s a d ram atc change 10 y ears s from P so-called d C Contadora G roup whch,, wu w U.S. 4 1 :v,j securty problem " for Ue U nted S tates n 10 yc y e a rs now, M cxco w ll bc be the No. sccurtyproble em of support, s rylng to n egotate a p eace setue lu em entln ;j5. >T;r a s a ccn ter for subvers erslon n C cntral A m erca, th e U nted S tates,,! h e sa ld n response to a que jesllon C entral Amerca, ca. The adm n strato n also s : seek- oj Stale Department t spokesw s om an K athleen L ang by Sen. B arry Gold k)ldwatcr, R-Arlz., oh the cu urrent to bolster cc economc and m U ltary ad to Ue \ m r./ f sad Gen. Paul F. GGo orm an s com m ents on Me; Mexco stu ato n n Mcxco. ed. regon lo counter ler w hal c la m s a rc leftst [lst forces. before Qe Senate.A, / rm ed S ervces Comm m ttee G orm an noted tha Uat Mexco was outsde hs ar rea of supported by Cub uba and th e Sovet Unon. rep resen led h ls " p erfe r&na vew s. responslblllly. but lt sad s Mexco Clly s beco romng The Pcnlogon 3n spokesm an sad Gorm an had Gen. Gorm un s sl statem ents do not reflect c l Ue th e c en ler fo r subverson hrouglout Cc e n tra l returned lo Pana nama nnd could not bc reac cached for r f r vew s of Uls d epartm en t. sad Ll. C m dr. Rch chard A m erca." com m ent,. B. Lake, a Pentagon n spokesm an. T he general also lso w as quoted as sayng, g.u at Ms. U n g 0/ Uc Ue S tale D ep artm ent sad d he h "w as - T-L- G o rm a n,-c h e f _o _Ujc_R o t anam a-bascd U.S M e x c o -w a s-"the-me -r o sl-com pl-govem m enl nt-um ask ed -o L h p>ersonal-vcws.on.m en cxlco,-a-,-a-m attcr < xjvond lhe prncp cpal focus of the hearng. R e lffoous p r o t e s t s w e ee p s a c r o) s s n d aa"s c a p t " By VCTORA g r a ham a ; p ro testt th e Skh dem onstratlc atlon, a t Ue shrne shoute ted, "DeaU, deau norue h e m clly of C hondlcarh.. v, where 7fteA 5soc/flf«/P ress 3 staged d n e a r P arlam ent ouse at a l a to Ue wdow (P rm e M nster) ndra Uey conducted eo a sm la r protest. whltc-d( adorned Skh gurdw ara,. o r Gandll." We rve wll contnue to fght. ht. Our M O N EW DEL. nda P rotestng sh rn e, e. There was no vk /lolence, however, arrest :st s n ot th e e nd of the strugj ruggle. " DWAT ndus shut down facto ctorles, shops and schools across the cly Monday wmlc T h e ; fl fve Skhs, n blue turbans s a and g a rlan d s of m argolds, tore o ut t o and T he polce, n bull llct-proof nckels, w ere armed wth subm st achne guns, vowed one of th e Skh lea leaders, P raka kash Sngh B ada, a formcr er chef... m o re than 2,000 ro t po pollcc k ept o rd e r se l fre to a copy of an artcle n n L the bamboo spears and b am boo sllelds. mlnlstc stcr of P unjab. a n d arrested fve Skh lld m llltm ts for 32-year- 3r-od consutuuon whl vhlch The fve Skhs we verc charge< wlu "We Ve a re re a d y to face bullets tsln l o u r ; burnng copes of th e e ndan constltu- - classfc fles th e r relgon as well as vlolalnk Ue 97 nsult to Natonal msslo :lon, he told T he Assocl» claled T - N-r ton. B uddhlsh lsm and an sm as part rt of onor Act, whch h carres a max- Press ;s n 1 a jallhouse ntervew n New :n a v y T h e ndus, who call( aled th e peaceful thc ndulsm c. m um punshment of th ree years n Delh. l. Our agtato n wll end 1 only f.! Skh falu s an offshoot prson. Four ouer Skl S leaders were Prme ne M nster n d ra Gandh dhl ae. g _ y arrestet on Ue sam m e ch arg e n lhe ceplso u r d em ands. AZER strk e a com plete succcss, s w ere pro testn g Uo govemnm m cnt s falure to T he ol of nduls lsm, but ts adherents resc * n t «h a lt Skh attacks on n 1ndus n th e beng classfed as ndus. Skh mu- l >; noru em state of Punj unjob, rocked by ants : a r c seekng greater pollc llcal r tw o weeks of volence. e. and re: Clgous autonom y n P ujab, n SPOFRTCOAT n _ Punjab, Skh 1 terro rsts on w here ; th U e y com pose 52 p erccnt of )f Ue T h e m o s t v e r s a tle c o a t ~.v m otorcycles fatally s shot a school populat atlon. n y o u r wj A /ardrobe te a c h e r n Ue remm o ote vllage of M ore e th an 2,000 rot polce had h:.w ear or soc e v e n ts F ard k o t, state polce e sad. s. A w ave o f c o rd on e d off P arllam enl ouse,, and at!- V,; te rro rsm has clam ed * do atleast8 3 lv e s a rre ste ;ed d th e fve Skhs a s Uc they W oar (or bus n, two weeks n P unjab b and adjacent cm ergec ;e d from the shrne wavr W ear (or m(3 ary ana state, b urnng Tg peces of the conslltuuo OLf ur t The ndu strke was vas also called to Bctwccr!cn 300 and 400 Skh supporte: rs M anchester 3r Blazer s. sklllully tal llorcd n a. r N ew England d tn e 4 5 % B L. 1 A TRP FOR VwO rfo TO KA W AON -BCsO WVtSTERN t ARllNtS-AND SOO w u u : s s % trua D G TCR VACATON CVEAWAY polyester ho lo p s a c k n th e b c st-lo o k 3kn9patcf Clp S D oposll st Ths C oupon a t p o ck et m A ljszos n: n s to c k rom P e n n y - VW se Drug 36*regular tc to 50 regular *;* L y n w o o d Sh«S h o p p n g C o n f e r ShorLc.lo..<1 s h o r l 38 long 1C long Youd expect lto t p a y S t 5.00 " n a m e #nbvr A D D R E SS - T CTY P O N E \ \ 1 b f c N O W $ 0... C O NLY C W r - cutomtr -w: A lso n c a mnel e tan and 5 W lght Dl blue jt»n mm m.»o«a»u MWestern Arlnes - A G reat sel electons W c c d n t a c ; AND DEEDS E OF TRUST > S e D y o t r t m m d a l o r r«d< d e n t a l d e e d o f t r uust s to us and. g e t. y o u r - m o n ey y now. / r T h C a ll us l e x \. fo r n quoh. f LOCK] a A R T ) [, A.L uv jboul rt pmfnl cjln;. X COM [PANY 1 s A e :A s M M.n Avenue VVos osl. Twn r.>lk/7x-o.lm w Plant t the seed and watch t growvfor your nretrement. 11>1)1.,.l.- MK).)l.-, f.x n n. f W) ll llc..rlfl.n d bolh.mu.ll loll) l»uln w.t)fu tru, m.xnt.jnujol S -2.nO(l conltlnjton :. M.OOO.. VU.K.M mm;.m,.l O p en yo o u r RA (ndvdual Rcln tlre m e n t A c c o u n t) b e foa r rc A p rl 15 nnd th e mom aney y o u p u l n c.n bc d educted d from your taxable blc n c o m e f o r tu Dl.l <onlfh lnlo you m.kr c.cl yu.r S du-clrljon (ro m youf,f EXPERT FR REE ALTERATONS.xchlr ncom V.-.nc lh c mc.st t;,lned ;. tx free untl you retre. Al th.l tnl tu y o u pob.bly b- n,.1 lowl t.x bockel. uul. m.tl K A <-.n h- wlhdr.tf. hf< )e< nnnt.t.rje cl..l Mtjlao Kns n-clu.) -.vtlsldnt.l [x. [KDlly lor e.y wtldr.w.l. - Free Pnrk rkng Drocly Vl.Ut lll.ltk-v wll. :.)n h(]h.nd ll-u Behnd Twn Falls Conn-.on.lul rl, <lr, & Burle cy Stores o ln e f e d e m Sold af san O alc. L vcn llouc)h y o u.te _LovuLd.bv-j.qulfud frtn.-n.-r pl. ( x;nho pl.n Ol )ol( hurrl(, usl) <.n h. v your ow n lf?/\ l r e u c - j S d tal fc : of M anch hester all m t B a M wool t\ tw eed. a B j l L SPO RT( COATS, m T uesday. Fobruary Tlmoo-Nowa, Twn Fnlla. daho B-5 r s x o u E cro N WEEK R e g..s5 O.O O R o p o fs W) wll m atch your new B lazer or S p o n C oal wth a g roal par of slacks. (rom F arah. aggar. C ham pon, a y m a r S a n sa b e lt a n d an S< Schadner and Mark. M. Y our Tmes-News Carre rrer s collectng 5 ; w eek. Please K; h a vfe e your cast or checf-!ck ready. Thank You w m & m co p e n A ope/ vs Opton ClC hargc... O r U se Vour Bankcards K? WN FALLS BURLEY» RUPERT ; BUL

14 S m o odth-fun ctonnng M o rndote nachnle make s fe w errors By DONALD M, lote DERG wll a bellcjf th at Amc crcans were ready lo de7n; mand p arallel track.s. otl c establshed poltcal ll acl,on APPolltlcnl Wrlnr drastc aftnn to c urb lhe nuclear a rm s r, CO_ co m m llees to ral.sc l.se money for D em ocrats ru runnng -.Sen. (ary la r t of )f Colorado based hs candd. dacy n 19U2, began bulk uldng"ovganlzatons f key" ( yearly* CONCORD. N.n. - The.Mondae machn hne on the belef th at,t \ voters would respond t lo a ppcared sta te s and courted d organzed 0 labor, whch appt _ sl rlcd -takng.shape e a : few days after the fl jk) canddate who offered Ted hlmsl-lf as rep esenlng g the determ n ed to play ay a m ajor role n decdng lng who. electon a n d on (he eve cv of the N ew. am pshr hre p rm a ry t.seems lo have m ad e nom ajor mstake jkes fulurc ralh er than the h epasl..mondae c alled hm: m.self lhe peoples Democr cral would b e theluude Dem ocrallc nomnee, T h ey w orked n n c conccrl n 11)81 wlen llc e Demo- / and left few.slone.s untur tum ed. and em phaszed hs»expefcnce as a,sla le offlca :al. a c ra tc P a rty rewrot rote ls rules for choosng cot convcn- t mpre.sncs even 1 hs rvals, and no wonder der: U.S. senator and v cep :e presdent. tlon delegates. Thej hey ddn l always agree. Kon \onnedy W hen W alter F. Mond, ndale needs volunteers, hoy a rrv e by thc busload lad. W hle other presdent: tal But more m portan tant to ls drve for the pre- p sldency m ght be h.-: hs rol? as the organzat alon opposed gvng eec ecled and parly offcals guaranventon, jmf, gu; toed spots as unplcd, lodged dologales at lhe conver f cnndldale.s scram ble lo bog and borrow the monf >npy m an of lhe ly s campagn. p: M ondae w anted hc lh largest num ber possb sble.. A lo keep them afloat. Mor vlondale s.solvent, - 1 began takng shape a few d; days T hat o rganzatqn bc com prom se sel lhe hc unpledged block at 1-1 pcrct.rcent of s rv a ls often are hours late, but. the fron ont- a fler the 1980 electl!ctlon hat rejected Presd dent the to tal. Kennedy y and labor opposed exemp mplons [. « runner. runj.on4mc. f:a rle r and hlvce p re sd e n t.m o n d a e. - n llo.w jn c o.w a -annd d. New am pshre lo hold lld her And y ot tle quest estlon, posed by Presder den ag er., rem ans; s ho R eag an s cam pagn m an Meetng n lle vce presldenl s ] offcal resde lence w ere M ondae; amm es ohnson, hs execul ullve caucu.ses and prm ary earler than other sl sded wlh h 1the two slates and won a na M ondae cam pagn b e tte r than 1 the candd ate? assstant who woul ould become hs cam pa agn vctory, Wth extraordnary y» skll. sl he Mondae staff out- ou organzed all ls rv. vals n a way hal dca! call charm an: R chard Moe, Me hs chef of staff; Mch chad erm an, ls counsc. ;1. and ; ohn Relly, a poltc: cally W hle K ennedy and Mondae had ades n the m ddle of the rules cs dscussons, the olher pole (jf b e a canddate wth the effectvely wllh percept! optons th at Mondae mght not nc Lhe stayng power lo sustan a. actve W ashngton law; yer who w as a clo.se frend (. rey talked about the l future and th e assum pllon c a n d d ates w ere onlookers lackng the expert: u n d erstand w hat the he changes m ght m ean n 1911 to cam pagn o r wn n Nove ovem ber, Sen. o h n Glenn of Oho 01 en tered the racc for the D em ocratc pre.scntal nom naton wllh hc nam m e recognton of a nutlona unal hero and a belef that t he h< h a d a unque appeal to 0 mn llons of Amercans fed uu p w as hat 11 ncluded d a presdental cam pagn.. The 1 only olher, potental 1 c; canddate who could pc.s-.:.-.bly rval M ondales expcrl jorlenced corps of sklled pol >ol!lcal operatves w as Sen. Set Rdwad M, Kennedy v who w as lhe cle a r leader n publc opnon polls s of T h en K ennedy anr announced on Dec )112, lh; he would not run n l! Dl-l and lhe track suddenly c le a r for the Monda tdale organzaton lo oper;te ts can d d ate a s the le front-runner, M any presdonlla llal canddates dre;d beco w th professonal poltcl tcans, D em ocrats, the e a rly front-runnc nner because of lhe long hslo slory of Sen. Alan Cranslon of f Calforna enlered the rac( ace. Kennedy and Mondale oflen w ere movng g on a m b u sh es th at desl lestroy the eary leader s s Whle W W a l t e r M o n da le g r e e ts p o te n ta l 1voo te r s n M a n c lc s le r, N., ouse dream s. acksson car mpagn mng tcctwane b e g n l By D1ANN5KEANS S Tho Assoculcd Pn7.«w ackson. on. Stll., ackson, hs ades and c;am a n - - w orkers deny any suggesto ston MANCESTER. N. N., Even,the cam pagn peaked early y n before h s unflattor ;terlng charac- N ew lam ar pshlre. terlzaton of cw.- erup uplcd a s a cam - Asked a fte r a hunger forum Sunda day pagn sue n tho p ast t few fc day.s, there w as a growng sense!e that th e Rev. e sse ackso n s once-pr -prom sng preswlelher er hs campagn w as losn sng m om enl nlum. ackson sad: "N o t rea: ly- WeV ve com o here wlh the lea.--, dentlal canddacy n Nc New ampshre amounl ll of < m oney, thc poorest cam w as on the wane. pagn wlh th e rchest m essage, an g re e n v The m pact of hs move m lo defuse l s gotlc tlen over. m just mprcs.e th e s.sue b y adm ttng! lh the rem ark and wth the num b er of younger peopl op th s w e apologzng for t Sunday Sur and who have ve c om e on the (voter reg lstra :trath e s e 63 w hether th a l acton m] m ght even pro- on) bool ooks fo r thn frst tm e." vde new spark for hs lls cam pagn f an apparent wane h as bee rem ans lobeseen, dsccrnb nble to -b e -se B eront T nt w ra-r -fn-clcfen t broke three!c weecs-agorn cw nm pshn Uc rhetorcal rhythm of hs cam pagn was buzz: zzng aboul ackson. Now, dn d e n "p r by forcng hm on the e c defensve, the n p art to th e r second and thrd plac For t h e crow ds th at once packt eked every hall rankngs n th e owa caucuses. Sen w hore ack-m _spoke._?e..already b ad G ary.l.-rt a a n d George M cgovern get gc fre s h p started lo dwndle nnd hh s o ratory had m ore not totce. been tam ed by gruelng ng 20-hour days "le "ackso : n fe v er"th al sp read dso S( V alleys on the campagn tral. quckly / a fte r hs m.sslon to S yra Polls suggc.sted hs support had vhere he obtaned the release of )Va : S e e fo r shrunk n New amp m pshlrc. whle captve 2 N avy arm an who w as rasec sed som e of hs rvals for lhe lh nom naton conlnuod to gan, posng g a th T e a tlh a t ackson mtgl fnsh no h gher than n Now : am pshre, has cooled, sabll blllty lo hold h.s own, and ever ven overshadc adow. experenced poltcans ns, fourh n Tup.sdays pr rm ary - hs was dsp splayed durng a natonally ally / frsl les wt voter.s. televsed d deb ate at DarlmouU Col. Col- Large, ackson w as nexl-lo-la: -last am ong the lege last t r m onth. Bul ll dd not com e k eght canddates n lhe owa fore! d urng a repeat perform ance caucuses, bul m ade no 3 rc real cam pagn atst.ans< nselm College last week, - 4 effort there, concentratr atng nstead on Challen, lenged a t that debate by telev- evlers New am pshre and thle e S South, slon.corr( rrespondenl B arbara W allers The cam pagn s ; v w earng hm relrac a ct hl reference lo ew s as dow n." acknowledgc( ged C harles " ym es. e s," ackso n appeared uncom- nm- Morelahl. a unon actvst a< from lortable e a and unable lo recover from om W ashngton. D.C.. who 10 camc e to New the ques cstlon. e never adm tted tcd am pshre rccmly t lo w ork for m akng ; such st a rem ark untl Sunday [lay. Rvals laud adt msson[ By The Assocated P ress ;ss olocaust ust, aboul.so-called ewsh. - pow er, about al ( Yassr) A rafal and the! Te Rev. osse ack.so <.son s rvals for PLO, and nd express the hope th a t he wfll the Dem ocrallc pre.sden denllal nom na- have sec ecohd tnogh bflul n<f, tlon com m endcd hm Me Monday for hs showngg understandng th at those lose., adm sson hal he m ade de ethnc slurs. aboul ew s, wlle ewsh leaders slalemenl enls, too. have cau,sed angush jsh not only y n lh e ew sh com m unty but applauded hs apology?y bul sad l ddn t go far enough. the gener;.eral com m unty." Appear! arng before a ew sh au- - wclcnm e cssc n M anchcstcr..n... ackson s o n =-.-.ckson-s -K- - ed Sunday hal he used the hc knowledgem ent that h: hb comments f llym e to re/erlo cw s. w ere m senslllve and w wro B." s.ld "r." / vever, nnocent atul unntenclod, led, ow ard. Fredm an, pre nsenstlve and wrong, he told A m ercan ew sh Comr udence al Tem ple Adah alh _W t>c(njra[jed_by_ hj lh at h e lopcs the ncld un, ~... " frm to you that the term wa cause any rllt bctwec eon Amerlenn, n a p rvate convesatu, blacrs and ew s. ackson n sad. -s... n prvate lalk s w( But Fredm an a d d e d,,"wc call upon som etmes e let our guurd down.vl hm now to reex am ne e other stalem ents hc as m ade n 1the lh pasl about not tl n a sprt ot hoanncss. Ar All off-color r re ; m a rk has no b earn g or ew s, aboul srael. 1, about the relgon or poltcs, / G Z C D " Y o u r c th a n c e o f a lfe tm e to o w n a me C C SEWNG MACNE_ at t an N CREDBLE PFP R C E Thoo,-,c)wln m; chlroa aro a df-cl laclo :oty t) r,tlpnul t, «rfvct) too,1l lor ( our b u s y Cffr.n.-n soaor,or. O u r M pptef sa y s Mcll lltfn.. to :to ln ltro tn c k lo d al SACnl :nf C Q pncesm T hor.o m,-cnn;r. or.,fc M ADE O F METAL and ncl now on nl fat)tt;s: LEVS, CANVAS A S. UPOLSTERY, NYLON, N, STR E TC. VNYL, : SLK. EVEN ON N LEATER! Ttu-e n.ctkk ln e s a r: new wlu. 2S.VtAR-W ARA ANTV. Tk- new 19a-* N t-cct :ctn SS-l m.chrnr- t.n.. tlw:;.mj«..t :uro,: r.trajn lowd, /Caf; ;a(), btjtorlol (any, r./c;), lavcl! tln) t(,.n, ronof)r;. sa llt n ;-jltct. >:nbr<lrry,.-ppluj, ;,-.w ol D ulo;, sutgtg llct tct, lo) M lcn.111(1 r.lfar)l Moc ; :,Uctv. pn:., loldaw ay t.r l.ndl... :.n,[) un.cnd DOUnL lgl.t f OWEf bnv!-:. YOURFR PRC E WT TS AD S S Vuu - rrc 1,. W lukl m. All,..t 1. B-<3Tmo3-Nowo. Twn n FF a la. d a h o fend tc s T uoaday, F-obruary o t 20,198-1 DRCKSONSeW VNGCenter EA ST M AN E R O M E y tl > - SW El S A G re e n feld s a r e just a m em ory, r b u t v e g e ta b le s are tru ly m em m o ra b le e e k a t S w en: n se n s, espec cally a t x c e p to n a l "o o n c e -a -w n te r noteen-agan-tll- l-you-grow -you ju r g arlualty n ces lste d bec l o w b e st p rc e s an nd th e b e s t qu p ro d u c e, ts! S w e n se n s,, M agc : s G r e a t G re s n G ro c e r! r y o u rs e lf! Con >me n a n d comm p a re! ; F resh L arge S talk F. re sh G o n t----- v b. F resh S E N n Ad M l l V ; FOR «c n AVE, s. W o o k d a y s 8-9 P.M. C lo s o d S u n d a y s 5 3 r ),..17 Bunch Red Leaf,, Rom ane,, G re e r Leaf Each ead F ro sh ; Q bs. rces Effectve m B a n q u et e t o r R e p a r ytue ES. tllru MON. S E M la R K w e s t r ; 5 PO N T S f g r PAUL L. DAO p r, W EST FVE P O NTS T O P E N 7 T O 1 1 for S w en n s e n s BG 4 P. PA G E COLORED- l-n SERT n to d o y st m m e s -N e w s. j F eatu rn g jx X ) v e r 7 5 tem s a t Tren em en d ous M S a v n g s wwth p rces M effectv e to today a n d f f co n tn u n g fo r 7 d a y s. D O N T W A T, g S A V E NO W f : :...-y! S S.. : /,! Largo Bunch P re se rv e Cuc cum bjers N alley ys PC > z.jar... ;e t s 6. 1 O K \ Loose Clp Top lbs. A ": 0 0 for L- F r «= g h W mm : S " lb. cecles lb s. F or j j -

15 t Scoreboard C 2 a Colluge play C 2 f S p 9 o r t S. - -C K - s k - c C c Casttlefo rd no tches s wwras Ak-4 play goses on B U R L E Y -- CasUcfo :eford h.d to uso rddled t, w ndng : l up wu a crpple slo tsl by Ron Owen and Mnrk Tve venly. Murjhcy sad d th e late-season and md m ade Ucm com e a fle r us. W cjust all tho c o u rt lo beat a anson and to r Cory Allen. But : aruscns h fortunes. Cast astleford took a n elglt-polnt )lnt lead schedule, klled Kl th e CasUeford dldn lldnl handle U (fpress well enough a t Qdvnncc lo th e FourU rtl Dstrct A-4 c rested rglt th ere at nto lh( hc fnal p erod a nd saw Uat hat melt momentum. - lm me es.", Ba.skctball p layoffs Mon londay nlgt. A -4. The uskes dd take anouer U wu 3:17 lefl. But at Ue Uc 2:15 We had a r lay layoff wllh one The W olves tred t-frst ff on a half \V,. ponl advantage at al 2S-14 m dw ay k. Rch Owen h ll a free th throws, gam e cancelled an a d ll s been ust lke " "B ut m p retty pleased wlu Ue D strc t court busls a n d nearl 2Qrly were blown tlrougl the second quarter < and Uen se<l Ue second and Sam ple lc taued startng Ue sec eason over n ths lean leam. Ths s Ue second most wns nway. But o n ce CasUef Ucford (umod on everyu lng lu m e d t ashes for Ue ack n, S am p le scored Ue_ lhe rext tournam ent. But m encouragwl < ) ansen h a d h ad n hstory, Ue press, th e sze and lack of ball «-/ upset-m nded u-skle es. downcourt and the Wolves e lead because each gam m e w e s eem to show a seco ocondonly to Uc 1971 team wlu 17." handlng q u ck ly ate up ansen leads Aln S am ple and d Rch Owen each tureatened agan. lttle tnprovcmen m l n a few a re a s." that tw ce reach ed 11 ponts. After Moxlay e gam e h t four ponts an m d Steve Z am or For the second strag h t ga n am e M utlhcy snld he h a d n t scoute< UxUonlS lu aaeosa l*jw fs n-* pf tp pu ror (g ft-a p( tp.oford-59.unbcn ;»-(lafor-ou -outl pcked-4jp-a-palr-of-l f-freo-urow-to cut- jgll we d dug a hole w cco r " b u t --know Uot llov.cn.,, 3 *C 5 t-klmjutt.m -W pressu re g a m e and d weakslde re- w nner rto tc dstrct) th e defct to one. Ro lon Owen Uen se n t coum n-t out of, sad CasUeford d C oad P p la y e rs from when /no nnora. 4-«4 S jraon 3 OO 4 4 boundng.. Ue Wolves alead and a couple more Kellyly M urphey. "S aturday V nlclt " e (a t D etrch). Of <>»;" lown...0 () 1 0 Alltsn C3 3 Thc v cto ry m oves CasUeford Ca: lo the t dd n t tak e ansen long to Z am ora free throwvs s wound up a 14-0 agans nsl O akley we shot 27 pe norcpnt course, hoy w ere younger nnd lydcl Nolaon » \prrly nta d strct sem -fn als Wee Wednesday nght establsh sh dom nance n Uc openn mlng bnge for CasUeford. from n tthe feld and not m uch h t «11OT sm n o rlh cn." Scluf clun.l,..o M 0 S ln K c r loowrn.. 2 M 1 «a t e ro m e g h School lool. Tle Wolves h afcounu r t gam e. Lanky Steve E lmm an. a ansen fell behln lnd by sx n the from n tlue lne a n d lold Ue team m n o tto ansen Coach tl S am W seman Uc Ample... B wll m eet N orthsde dc sub-dlstrlct ht eght ;;ht of ansens frst 10 ponl onts early thrd q u a rter but ralled nto a worry ry b ecause they couldnt plaj lay th at p re ss h ad been n a c o n cem of hs Vou Wall 22 U-R 1> 9B TdUU X U-U 17 SS cham pon C a re y al 7 p.m. p.r whle Blss a n d dm m lnutlve Ronne Nelson cam ame e on sx stra g h t ElmE an ponts. But bad ag agan. led, h e contnued Kl v w th a because somctln m es t doesn t affecl wll m eet S outhslde tll tltllst Oakley at up wlu Ul fve as th e uskes umnped a t Uat pont, CasU tleford s ablty lo laugh, ;h. t em kxl up a coupl luple of u s and somcumc e l docs. We knew we l u M o...17 r ««luuefonl S 4S Bt 8:30. T hose tw o wlnn nners wll play a h e a d 15-C. U Castleford -turned to th e rebound on Ue w weakslde aganst, sophm fmorcs dd the ob for us (on t/e h a d to attack Uer e m th s lm e because Thn<o-polnl.ttala llanscn (Nelnn 2, Stanser Thursday for,te champl mplonshp. p re s s and on lhe frst sorte, ansen ansen s zone e pad ; off n follow press) w ). th e frst two tmes wc klnda lad bnck ]);ca CA.Udortllllonpwpn> R U PE R T - No o n e s gvng or tak n g anythng ; about t o n ts se c -. ond dstrct batue le b etw een th e Mlnlco ms Spartans and Twlr /n F a lls Bruns. Thngs have sw ung 180 degrees fro m Frday ngh ght w h en Twn F alls seem ed to have th U: e ed g e by -vrtue of h avng the home n c c o u rt advantage tw ce n Ue best of < th re e seres. But tonght. Mnlco stant d s a t 1-0 and wll bc on frendly tur rf a s l tre s to nal Fm dow n thc UUe <md d collect a rtp to the,....:.v.--.t. sla te A-1 playoffs n P ocatello next week. " ls sull 50-50,"," sad Mlnlco Coach a n d hs team any y m o re o f a n edge.! r - -. thought we wero } 1 n good shape when w e b eat them at on u r p la c e by 17 and M - Ujon-we-losl-to-lhe lem by-lsr-thlnk ts stll even." A N D Y T O O L S O N " U s nol mpos: )ssblc. Wc can beat... d r V r o M lnlco tw ostralgl ght, t s ust a m atter. s (n a l g a m e?. >:A of w hether we ll p lay u p to o u r potenta l, sad Brun n C ach ohn Astor* qua. T heres no to doubt o u r w ay S a lo l tougher snce! V w e lo st and we have A - 1 lo beat Uem there re, b ul o u r kds h ave 7-.T7 played through tough stuatons sev- D j s t r c t M ch g an P an th t hce r s r e c e v e r D c r c k < o l l o w a y b e a t s C h c n:g g < o B ltz c o r n e r b a c k T r e n t B r y a n t n t o e nd d n c o n y a r d p l a jy e ra l tm es Uls yec ear and pulled t out. R egardless of who BojoDvcs boot sal lvages»panth her wn 10 w ns. know t wll T D o r n e y bc a tough game lc tonght an d f ts us. tw ll be a tough g gam e F rd a y nlghl." M Astorqula playet ed ctown th e foc lh at "T he tape shows t w as Wllams, tw o offcal call d ls n th e closng Asto: torquln sad. "A s soon as the whlsm nutes wenl aga anst h s B runs n thc Uc le t blew, he m ade a beelne lo tbe PO N TA C. Mch.. (AP) A lter m ssng a farl lrly M chgan Coach n m Stanley sad h e felt Uc attem p t n th e scor coreless th rd q u a rte r as s t 4 one-pont loss tolh the Spartans. umj p crele. A fter th c tm eout, t was easy feld goal attem ;empt earler, M chgan p lac ace- P anu ers w ere fortuna m ate to wn. P an th ers manlalncc ncd a 17-lC lead gong nto.0 t Ue Televson tape p e re p la y s d e a rly Crof roft. We had ask ed one offcal and W elter N ovo Bojovc /c w as thankful lh at h e gol ;ol a " feel lke we dodge g cd a bullet tonght, Stane lley fnal p ero d before rc a crow d of n n Ue t show ed Uat Mlnl (lco s e r r y ohnson he C w ent over and a sk e d th e other and clance to re d e e m hm lmself Monday nghl. sad. " hought Chlcag cago w as a good, good footba 3all Slverdom e. w a s credted wlh a 3-ponl goal he cam :ame back to re p o rt 44 (Petersen) 4 Bojovc kcked a 20-yard feld goal a s lm e rc ra n te a m. C hcagos m St Stone then blockcd a Davd w a sn t entlued to. c s l a r t wllh and md 42 (Croft) were unplng. Bul 11 out to lft th e defend!) ndlng champon P an th e rs to a S tanley sad he was vas as nervous as Bojovc o on G reenw ood punt and md the ball rolled oul o f the leene d xjlhfeetonu cs-p- -pont lne. was vas Wllams. g u ess th e offcal gol U n ted S tales } Foolball F( League vctory ov< Dver th e P anu ers w nnng ng c drve. zone for a safety, gvng Ue B ltz a n lead ad a t wu 17 seconds left, a jum p ball conf onfused. O ther th a n askng, > l. - the C hcago Bltz. You re scared lo 0 deau, d«the PanUers coach G:42of th e fourth qua [uarter. w a s callcd after B B run D oug P etersen coul( ould we do aboul t? " E v e ry feld goal 1 k kcker, when he m sses a chp s a d. You ve got to 1bc be worred, b ccausc anythn lno On the w lrm lng drl rlve, the P a n th e rs took over g rabbed a denec ected shol. w as "M "W ere not gong to dwell on that. shol, fa c e s a lo l of pressure, pro Bojovc sad. tr y c a n happen. w as afrad Ue clock w as.golng zto t.uelr own 33 WlUl 2:3; 2:32 rem anng a n d had Ue e b suspected Uat M lncos Cllnt NoU Nothng can be dono about Uosc ol LlO dsellto_kckj every one the sam e. f vou t n o ul teforo wc callc< ded tlnaout. n a second-and-tw( two stuaton a t Uc Chca cago W llam? was Ue g S p arta n nvolved n Ung hngs now. Wc ju s t h a v e to t to get c a n l kck those feld d goals, you should g et out j f oc f Scjovlc, who a lsr)05lmt-31ym-tref- S--lln o b jjj 2-yard- ne-w th-fve ve-seeond9eft-vllen-boov DelurRjrb-D nnn tor a tm eout, cenler ours4 urselves back nto tho tournam ent," ths bu snoss." ra n out n Ue frsl ;t half, 1 m ssed on a 33-yar ard kcked Ue wlmlng flcldgoal. fc B ra d C roft moved, d agans P elcrscn n Aslo storqula sad. Ue um p crole.. S e e T T L E o o P a g e C2 Publsher Wc an ts fo >rgottcm GzecEh to Gc Gault; Nehe[rnah mnax; delver fatal blod U) t o amateu rsm Wlle G a u lt saw ord-c d-class sprnter who p G ault ll wll x; to a m ateu rsm wha /hat D ave. CrTd d e evon when Ucr sklls arc eu lh e re a l. captalsm, m akes hs lv n g playng lg football f for the McNa Mally wns to (jnseball s resen «rvc clause s am :teuj CUT ath letes a t least untl recen t y e a rs redound to U Chcago B e a rs of the Nat( [atonal Football acadc dem c; someone n the nexl a four f y e a rs wll h a v e t tended to work for a lvng lke th e re sl And f Carl rl Lews L breaks B ob B eam ons Steve League. C arl >ewls s a world-class w sp rn ter bc. of us. Th T h e g reat P aavo Nurm w as s a hallow ed &-: long jum p record n lhe who m akes h s lvng long- jng-umplng. lu m berja c k back n Fnland. Two-tl -tme O lym pcs ne C ru m pp So: ) s Ue loss of am ateursm wc worth. O lym Lno th e 10 fa s te s t sprn rnters n Ue country, pc m arath o n gold medalst A blbeb lklla p al hm )n on the U back wll be h s agent, m o um n lng? Ye.s. up for a loo-yard dash, ant and Lews and G ault,., \ w as a cop CO a t hom e n Addls Ababa,.E vcn Oncebegu egun, Ue process s rreversble, he le dlffcrcncas betw een tho pr p ro f o n a l \ ed aga gt en c B ruce enner stacked W1 h eates A lready, on alm os any unor hg h school would fnsh n th e top fouror fve. So Wlle a nd Ul Ue am nleur athlete a rc as so o subtle a s boxes 5 bcb eforo he e v e r gol hs pcture on o n e ; h e sp orls team G ault fg u res th a t by rght ghts, he should x: >o a ro mportant, a n d the dstl stlnctlongocs w orked consdered a lo n g wlh wls ns a canddate «lo n a r aulete n a convenence store n So San o s e, th e sq u ad d> for the U.S. O lym pc team :am that wll compete n >os wc A ngeles Games, 3er lhan thc appeal of sporls. c Ue polte fcton C alf., w hle hc traned for Ue 197G G O lym pc prospects. s. The Tl players delv er p apers and the S u m m er G a m e s n Loj Los Ant cles Uls y ear. o f T m e w as lhat no "profe-sslo of u s can ad m re o h n Rgg ever m nd Uat /V* dccaulc llon. move rrgat gaton ppe n the su m m e r: Uc No, says th e ntem atlon tlonal Olympc w M ould h ave dared challenge egth lad Goose G ossages lax prot roblems. B ut nol o a lc o flh c, re to anythng Y clu t Ue dealh of am ateursm naj aym O nnu e P rospeclsgo s to TAC meets and football C om m ttee. C a rl L ew s s checks cl aro m ade out of SoO lym pc am ateursm. Neve s n U r e c o f U c lo hs rack c lu b, o r to The rhcauuetccongress, Mpn: n jo r V ladlm lrt retak. Ueg( W nterg am es,, s*"** lar. loss of f M sqm eung moro fundament tal:lheen d carnps. of th e m y th of sp o rt as sport. T ne m css o r to thc U.S. O lym pc Commttee. Cor Wllllc Swl ovet hockey team Ual hns anw d ln g ar ed lyy ccontrast, alm ost anylxkly y - gven clear enougl lugl: only Uc strongest and tho G ault s c h e c k s a r e m ade dc oul o lohlm. pa ars t four gold m edals n the uwl ls la n o rth a t enoug jgl determ naton and luck k - c o u ld Kosal; salynn Sum ners ddnt take he ter sh rn k sw ftest neet Gault fg u re s th a t pgc ;lc s a bt tortured. So w e; ll never bc caught command lllonalrebyu e b econ }m ea Bll ohnson o ra S c odtt amlllon. along to S arajevo becaascslc was S n ervous; the arm cha h es flng s u t n a federal ralcourtnc hlcago Atn rm y lank b rgade n Afghan! F o ur y3 e a rs ago, ohnson w as up before 1 a Los he w as S tl th e ro for cold, calculated com pettve softball and md aucroschlcrosls. j can -C laude Klly was a mlllo cles udge on g ra n d theft-aut lulo. Two y e a rs reasons ns reaso n s Uat have more e to d o w lu h ope WU ths week to fo rc e the USO SO Ctolethlm com pete n th e L.A. Olym plcs.renaldo N ehem lah, th c w o rld s boslllvlrghlgl bo; hurdler w ho n ow tols for Or Ue t San Francsco 49ers. p lans to fle a frend end-of-ue court bref n G oullsbehalf. e toowou vould lke tonm n Ue such a b attered tm co e he turned pro. m ents of Ue OC a n B u t loday. a m ateursm s y su the Calgary concept Ga lh a t even the batueme m ple hockey team amr r c begnnng to weaken. By ul th th e rtus-stans Ght am es n 19«8, Ue U.S. Olymp W hether Wlle m a y have to w o rn less aboul t Lhan about W ayagretzky. Wh of u s n 10 m llon c a n aspre a t v # X A ngel ago. h he w as kcked off th c U.S. Sk T eam fo r beng g out of shape. am Uton, who stan d s 5-fool- -4 and weghs 121 pounds, ol alm ost d ed of a cong ngenltal lung dsease before h1 e lo o k u p skatln ngalu eage.ofs. B M a e s a s f f E B B B B m Mrrco-Brun o n t e s t < ByLARRYOVE EY Tmcs-News wrte arry Ol fftnrnffltffrrm.r xvb n. w a T uooday Fobruary 20, Tmo3-Now3. Twn Falla, daho. lym pc torch By A M ES L T K E torc and gnte le Ue flam e a t thc S u m m er r COlympc G am es t was /as kc football gam e, Ue e referee rt blows Ue whstle, p e rm u te d to accept t. When V nvtatons w ere m ade by APSports Wrter a l Los Angeles. end o)f f nm alch. F o r Ue foolbau plo players, not possble to say, fro m O lym pc hosts and sponsors of m a jo r tra c k and feld e s undoubt ubtedly lhe g reatest Olympc p aulcte alve We mtusl u keep on playng. champonshps, he was s allowed lo travel OTCAGO - Erl ZaU 2atopek run fartler andtusu sle r Uan today,".sad George Ge< rsch, publlsler ( of Tn: R unner " T hhey c j cam e to a dcclslon. 1. E1 nd of dscusson," hc E v en tu ally, Zatopek c wa as gven a jo b e v a lu a tn g tranng... - any m an b e fo re hm, cnf cnpturlng gold m edals n th c Uree m agazne and a leadng cam p ag n er for T Zatopek. "And contnue nued. "O ne sde s rght t nand ouer sde must be p a m p h le ts for th e notlo atonal sports nsttute, where hs long-dstance evenls n one Olympcs a trur lum ph of wth esse Owen.vens gone, thero s no one 1C who could be quet." educaton and knowledge ot sx languages coud be put to endurance a n d speed unmatched ur n Ue hlslory of Ue consdered n thh e sam : e class. spte hs sta tu re, Zatopek c a n ard en t supjxrter of Games. Bul there s a catch, and theren les th U.C Slory ot Eml T o d ay, Zatopek a n d 1hs wfe Dana, a 1952 Olympc gold ander >ubccks experm ent nl n lberal communsm m cclallst n the aveln, lve well by lo cal standards n Before Z a lo p e k s 1952 )2 perform p< ance a t elsnk, F w as sr] strpped o f hs a rm y com msson ls and membershp n no one e v e r h o d allemnpted pl the meler, o o m S e r th e.sm mall, a wry Czcch a rm y offc* ccrre lu rn c llo o T ro a, a suburb n the lh e hlls oulslde F ague where, arty. n aton-starved for heroes and recoverng B rom wnr. s h ", ro n c a lly. Com m unst t P arty a boss GusUjv usak also lves and m aralh o n trp le. No o o one has duplcated Ue feal ; brthday no longer w as celebrated. The statue was s th ree v ctores, all n Olympc record tm e, e X «brth d ay w as ma. m ade a publc celebraton.. / A staluc ot hm n re tre m e n t. usak. c, nscaued a s p a rty chef by the anucd. e w as assgned me: enal, low-profle obs. At Zatopek alo n g sd e such :h greats ( as esse Owens a rlrs S " - 5 erected nea: le a r hs P rague hom e. W VU. cacl. m ajor SovlcLs n 196S, hod 1 engneered Zatopek s decade n Klnt, hc w as rolegated to lvh vng n a tra le r deep n thc an d m v lc to ry c a m e promotlon r to a hgler rank. d ecln e. Thorpe., whero hc dug w ells a n d mned r uranum. - But n wk hen Sovet tanks rolled nto l o Prague 10 cnsl. e s a m an Ue worl /orld has forgotten n a country Uc hs countrym en dd rtowb W brget. W hen Zatopek was n a 12-year c a rc e r. Zntopek set 15 m ajor world d records r Czechoslovaka sa s experm ent n Commm unsm wllh.- w o rld h a s forgotten," " sad Paul D ctm an. a Chcago Ted antoral w ork, people e slopped to slake hs hand. _ and-captn y d fvr Qlynf o lu nhc tum an_tacel7.ntnpok 2a thp nlnm nonnl l.s p o s m a n.m L _ s <, :tlm l,, n m n e r w ho last su m me er r began 1 a cu er-w rltng campagn es they dd hs work 10,000 and a sfl v e r n the C 5,000 n thc lu-18 G am es a l ; London. U hum an-rlghls adv dvocale, w as reduced to a non-person. lo new sp ap ers, th e Los Angeles O lym pc Orgnzlng Now th e re a re. som e 3 who wl want to honor Zatopek >ek. They " n our c o un try thero w as som e chan ; nge n 19C8... Thew e world d d not forget cther. e r; W hen the Unted NaUons C o m m tte e and govem m enls U) wn p u b lc support for aro cam pagnng lo have Qvc Ue 6-year-old Czech ca carry Ue Zatopek told the le Los Angeles T m es n a recen ntervew. - sought h hm o ul for a humlanltaran an aw ard, he was Z ato pek a s the torch bearc carer. m. but to ensure Ual th e r succcsscs to the crcdt of Sovet m age abroad, s next sum m er, th e sccond person to am s n Ue Unted S ta le s youu fnd dlvjdcd between th e p layers and the cssge of professonalsm n sport s need apply. F o r Ue re s t of us, Ucro s ha\t, Sports luustratcd, slow-ptch WUle Gault m akes a s m uch money Ue com] DmparaUve value to Sumners s as C arl Lew ls docs next y ear. T heyve bou professl ssonal c a re e r of a gold medal lal md a do n eap ro ofesslona fej ob. slver. P PollU cal c adrcs wll accomp npany th e SovlclO :l O lym pc leam to Los Angcle les, not to Stove Crun nmp s the sports edtor o f The bolster e r tht e r socal sl convcton n m a hotbed of Tmes-News ew s.

16 K entucky falls t o " Tenne; :ssee - C-2Tlmoo-NQw3, Twl rw ln Folo, h o KNOXVLLE. Ten renn. (AP) Ken- (/ lu c k y Coflclj oe e 1B. all, whose : :. fouru-ranked WlltlC dcats w ere bured f "-- n e a ry 5,4 m nutes wuout scorng, n Tennessee s r s second-half s su rg e Bv" ly The Assocated Press M onday nght, «p1a planed l_very slm -_ t w as C ncnnats 17lh consecu ecutlve to le Add cdlson then m ssed a g o t no d o s e r tb an four polnls unu p ly : We ddn t play lajm/cy well at all loss lro eco n fercn ce, dropph(( r(,ae~ u rp crw h -3 T 3TT-tcft-before 7 -W lle Bg; ernard k n g s hot streak ak fo r N ew... - ft s j B A o5; h n n y D a v ls e d -a -fu ro u sco m e b a c k - ond T ennessee dd." 1.", B earc rc a ts to 0-12 n the league and nd 3-22 G lass was (ouled j and m ade the front y j. d( dow n th e stretch Ual pulled tle o rk at th e t>egnnlng of r th e g a m e D an F ederoann n l ed Tennessee to overal ral. e n d of a one-and-ot one lo gve St. ohns awk-s wthn two, o u n teracted a la te AUanta :a r rally, led vcto ry over the Sout outheastem Confer- Men lem phs S tate got 14 ponts :s f: from a n l-80 advantage y ohnny D a v s, and Ue Knl Cncks held m a k e Ue g a m e c lo se a g a n, b u t w en D av s scored 14 of hs 22 ponts n e n c e leader, scorng a game-hgh 19 guard rd A n d re T urner and 12 ponts Then. S yracuse «held Ue ball wth n for a Natonal Ba B a sk e tb all h e h a d a c h ann c e e to le th e g a m e n Uc uj Ue la s t 5:02 of the gam e. B ut a fter p o n ts an d gettng a dozen d rebounds. from Tl forwf ard Keth Lee. W asllngton and Gene G W aldron play- W a tlo n v c to ry Mondaynl y n g h t. fn a l s e c o n d s. h e lo st c o n tro l of tle Nn, ew Y ork s D arrell W alker m ssed T h e Volunteers, sxth n the confer- em ng catch fve feet c t a p a rt a s Ue clock mpje 65 c n c e gong nto the le gamc, m proved»/f wound dovm. Syracuse S; called a "T hs w a s a typcal. Nev New Y ork- tv tw o f r t» throw s w th the K ncks ahead tb o lr record to B-ll, -11, M n the SEC. M ossachusetts S : 46 tm eo u t wth 2G sec econds left and a gan AUa.Uanta g am e, rg h t down to Ue w re 9-} w th 13 seconds left, D avs lost K e n tu cky fel to 2M n lbe AMM E R ST. Mass, (AP) - Senor Se: le t th e clock wnd d down untl M onroe as s u asual, sa d K ng, wlo sco scorcd 13 of, A l UC enc n d, th e p la y s w ere de- Ue ball whlo attem ptng lo d rv e for conference wth all al tho losses op th e guard rd T ere n c e Slansbury see scorcd ht tle game-wlnnc ner. lls s : 30 ponts d u rn g a 15-1, Nc N e w Y o rk s lg n t d f o r m c,, D a v s sa d. tre d lo a lyng basket. ro ad. seven cn of a n e a ry Tem ple spurt o spu purt Uat g a v e tle Kncks cs an t early pck an a n d ro l, a n d ju m p o u t for. n a rs 12yearsa s as head coach, the stralg lght p o ln ls and went on to gatl au ra S yracase led at t halftlm e on lead ;ad. q u c k s h o ts. BB u t th e p la y A fter New York led at n e ed e d to.. W ldcats h ave water len Tennessee only gamee - the y e a r the a s the th 17th-ranked Ows swam ne-eacng 19 ponts M onday V r W endell Alexs - f layup at- tbo buzzer , m a k e - l d l d n L h a ftm e, a Uree-polnl play by Dan!L S o m e o n e on th e K n d e s - - -! a f te r tralng by as m any as nne " * u b e T K ncks CoacT c u b e m a d e a g r e a t Rbundfea %Wlr39 seconds fen n m e,l p la y getu n g a h a n d on,, o n ce n Knoxvlle p o ln ls early n th e contest. rown) w as c a lln g plays n Ue frs t U c ) a l l,a n d t l Urd q u a rte r cu t the defct lo OSS, t h t m y k n e e," " K entucky tea team went on lo the Mossach u setls 6W 6 n Atlantc Also hllng dou ouble fgures for the u a rte r lo low -posl m e and d get g them b ul W alker ht a short ju m p er a t Ue nau onal cham plonshl shlp. basketbal. "W c dd n t do much n the frst half. The G-foot-5 Slansbury scored,7 1 O range w ere Al( \lcxls wlh 13 nnd f 1 foul tro u b le. t w as a gn buzzer, l then added seven more ponts 1 T h e g a m e w, a s te d 4-1 b e fo rc K ng, b u t th e sccond h alf was ours," Ten- hs polnls p( n the frst half, wl wlch W aldron w llh 12. Bll W ennngton specally a f te r losng fve n n jj, th e frst fve m nutes of Ue fourth a v e r a n g n e:a a rly 31 p o n ts p e r g a m e a d d o d s p o l n l s and Allen 13 for St. n ngsald. pc ero d to help rebuld tbe New Yorkn h s l a s t 25 ou 3uU ngs, s c o re d 11 K ncks n e ssee Coach Don De DeVoesad. ended ed w th Tem ple, leadng lead to "W e neutralzed ther bg m en and Mnut lutem en Two of th e Uree p re v o u s p o ln ls n a ro w A.. A fte r L o u s O r r.scored th a t w as t. W e m ade. Msssspp law ks-k ncks gam es, all l w on by f o r N e w Y orl jr k. K n g g o t a n o th e r T h e Kncks stayed com fortably lassachusetls , held the leoc w s, 4- out-fought Kentucky. Allj Lllanta, w en t n to overtme, ne, a n d th e b a s k e t to g v e Ue K n c k s a 19-8 le a d alead o l untl D avsspurt. K entucky controue oued the frst half sbc :bc p o n ts n tbe frst 10 mnute lutesof A u b u r n / othc er was d e c d e d by two pon ts, b u l e n r o u te to t b r e a d n g a fve-gam e K ay W llam s added 22 ponts for a f te r bref Tennessee see leads a t 10-8 and «e ssecond e. h a lf to slce the m argl rgn to OXFORD. M ss ss. (A P) unor lngs hot s t a r t m ad e t app ppear that losng streak. th e K ncks, w hle Roundfleld h ad T he W ldcats s went w n a t th e half S. th e clo sest the lo rs w ere able g u a rd E rc L ard h ht a free throw wu fe fourth m e e tn g would 1 bc b c a run- fo r A U anta beforc leavng tb e gam e a h e a d a flcr Ter Tennessee s M yron get to f th e lead. o n e second left to o gve M sssspp a aww a ay. A U a n ta, wh hlch com m K cd 10 lum - wj w th a broken nose m dw ay through C a rte r m ssed a sho shot a l th e buzzer. em pe scored 17 straght pont )lnls n Southeastern n C onference vclory Davs d got hol down Ue sl stretch to o v e rs n tbe f r s t p e ro d a n d w en t Ue fouru perod. B ut a dffercm t T Tennessee leam frst h a lf a fter an oper penng o v e r the 19th-ranl. nked A ubum T gers em erg ed from the dressng room. jsa c h u se tls bosket, M onday nght, Federm anr ted tbe score a t 31 w th, cm ple s l&o, and Massachu& tusetts - T he G-foot-4 L ar lrd h t Ue fronl end p a d unk and after Kentucky s K enny 10 n AUanUc Ten play. o f one-and-one aft fter beng fouled by 3!gS55S5gg55Sa Auburn s Paul Da )anles. L a rd tossed W a l k e r h l t a fleldr;oal. the Vols W tlle S u r Oracuse t 8 2. n n g.p o n t ust-four B u rto n Ucd t agan nat33. c * ohns T, 81 M M M seconds a fte r A ub bum Ued tbe gam e T enneessce then 1 surged t ah ead and n th e fnal 11 mnutef tes, the Vols led by EW YORK (AP) - Rose cserve o n a layup by B en 2m a Strckland. Ole h m a n G reg Monroe ht a com cor er M ssed34-27 a lthb c ehalf. no less than seven en polnls as Tony W hte ht a layup and seven (rom lhc tp sh o t w lh two seconds left n a: after O e Mss mprov* ves ts rccord lo 8-17 S P R N G. C L E AV N -U P S FS P E C A L S acuse h eld the ball for the last st 2:30 S o v erall and 3-13 : n th e conference. _ foul lne. S a m Bowle, who ) o. led K entucky Wth vertlm e. and tho 16th-ranked led Or- w hle A ubum falls s to 1&-9 overall and 0 Ma<nSd!ll"oVdoml.tl=.v. "= S17f= PRCE em en pulled o ut an Bg E ast 10-6 n SEC play. r e g h t ponts n tho fn frst half, m ssed a feren ce basketball vctory y over o L ard cd all sco n re rs w tb 25 polnls, ffnpoc?»dc«r».* ".* P1D5/G0R13 $45.04 p a r o f free throws, s aj and fve of hlfl sbc ohns M onday nght, w hle freshm an ) forw ards B rucc SZE PRCE P155/00R feld goal attem p ts s b< before foulng out... P1G 5/80R fje O ran g em en snapped St. ol h n s T ra n b a rg e r a nd oe o A yers b ad 19 and P1G 5/75R 3 $60.24 w th4:40 remanng. p7r,/oor 3 S 7x -g am e w nnng streak and pulled S ponts, respectv vely. P10D /75R P185/00R D cky Beal fouled S o( u t Wlh 1:54 leh ln a half-gam e of frst-pl t-pldce F o r A ubum, jun jnlor cenle r Charles P1B 5/75R lt.-. P1G 5/00R a s K entucky tred 1 d< desperately lo r e - g *, rgelow n n the league wth a 12-3 : B arw ey chpped n 21 ponts, whle P195/70R P1GD/7DR g a n control of the ga >rd, 19-6 o verall. S t.o h n s, paced sophom ore forwa -ard Chuck Person PSOS/VSRl*! P1B 5/75R W hte scored 13 f ; ta ts for Ten- 3 1 P10G/75R C h rs M uln s c a re e r-h1l 35 h a d 19 ponts and Strckland added 14 P215/75R P105/75R n essee and R ob ones M n ts,? d ro p p ed to 17-9 and 8-7 n the polnls. PP2f>/75RK t V «PS0r./75Rtrt B ow le led K entuck: cky scorers w th 18 ponts, whle W alker :er ht 1 14 and Melvn E a sl. P /7 b n, 88.28, E > P215/7&R B ehnd L ard and T ranbarg er s P 215 /7 5 R lf) 91:53- P 225/75R M T urpn m ade 13. Soph pbom ore R afael Addson, whose sco rn g efforts n n the frst half, the P205/75R P22D /75R 1S deadly dly second-half shootng boos toosted R ebels took com mand j e arly ard w ent P215/75R Memphs St. 5( PR 35/7G n P225/75R S yrac acuse lo a 13-ponl cad, paced :ed the o n to take a sever en-pont lead" at tbe P 235/75R Gnennath44~ t -O ra nngencn.w g llh 28 ponts,. h a lf.- Lard h ad 14 ponts n Ue frst M EM P S. Ten renn. (A P) - Add ddson h t eght feld goals, all al but h a lf, whch push, 5bM hm p a st lbs F re sh m a n centcr VWllam B edford one fro m th e l&-fool range, as the 1,000-polnt caree «r p lateau, whle rdgestone ]/Brdestme ~ 1 jc Q re d _ a _ c a r e e r:wlgh. g h 18. polnls. M on- Orangt nge g ra b b e d a 67-M lead wth 5 :5 r T ra n b a rg c rsc o recd d llo f hs 19 ponts - d a y nght lo lead 12tb-ranked Mem - to go, 0, b1 u t M ulln, who had 12 pont )nlsn n Ue frst h a r )upbrfller fsuperfller p h ls S ta te to a 5 & 4A 4 M» etro C onference th e frst h a lf, began hllng from 3m the B ut A ubum retal jllated n th e sccond [_ [ w m b ask etb all vctory overcncnnau. ov< outsde lde. S t. o h n s ted the score jon n h s h a lf, lyng the g am m e once ats2-52 w th B edford also at}) abbed 10 rebounds jum per a t wth 1 ;28 remanln nng., 10:05 on a 21-fc -foot ju m p e r from p tb e T gers mpro) proved th er league Mull ulln s tw o free throws wth l nne D anels. Ole M[ss led agan, but»rvsup«tf«lof Sllre c o rd lo Memf hphs S tate s 21-5 second nds left n regulauon ted d t a t sco rn g by Bar rkley an d Person sz e PRCE exkankllal lor OomMlle, "B rd g csto re Lm ted Warranty Sum m ary " o v e ra ll for th e season son , 8, a n d th e R cdm en s eff! Allen b rought Ue Tge gers back nlo the mponad and ponr P l nwl P.usetnot c.k soc-t.(;-bolcd r.-cllak.ro w.franod (or ptlomanca cara. T h e vctory assure< red M emphs S tate m adle e a k ey block on the drv rvng g am e. Wlh 5 s ejconds o on tbe clock, Pl0j»70R 13nw mlon. wunn n <1 A yc.rr: of Dufchsc. anfl qoo (or P19& //O R53W L mnlot:l!;.nc) VOfkt fku.nr.hp unlll fo.td wonr,"; dowr> o f no w orse th an a te for frst place n D wayr syne " P e a r " Washngon 1 v wth D an els stole th e b. ball and passed t lo f>ftr>//o. nw L to?3:> (vlfnul : Vfcf cqatd to mlogl- or tme). ro, th e conference. Shoul louldloulsvlle.ose tw osw seconds left to send Ue gamn e en 1 to S trckland for the layup. Ole Mss P1 5/7(1-1 RW l 88,35 ;r«. <lnv.rn txlo lot u rm uagc. or tals d u e lo drtcct to Tuane on We ednesday nght, overtr rtm e. plo y ed the ball n n and L ard reached p? o 5 //o n.5 n v ;L 93:G2 bolorc wcatq down 3wn, Bldrjer.tono wll ropucc} 1 on M em phs S tate woulc )ud wn tb e league n th U e e x tra sesson, Addson n h: ht a m dcourl w hen he h w as fouled by P 2 1 //n n.lr W l rro-f.oc t;r, Tfm Tfn w,tr;nty applog orty lo orlg- P22f)/70n.lR W L 103,35 mal o;(cl.m.:.. m j!xcud(.-s toad azards, v.ttouc tlue. layup. p. b u t A llen m ade two free thn throws D anels. P.jZ/OR! n w 107,04 tncl.nc.l nerular ularlt. nnd unrc-aonablo u s o s -... PlO )//O n!j nw L B7rl7 Snow, onrl CdjRt ljprtknl and "P o lo n za" lres.ro P:>l/70Rl jn W L 106,02 not covojd Full cl.a t.tal:;.nrc.l fedoalotr. *;loro. P25/70R ;nw L P23!->/70R.nWL 117.4G P) j//o R l 1) nv*l P17W/ORKM3W >10 j/7 0 n 3 tn V US S f. s S r p7r>//on:[3vrf C4.70 ASK OUR SALESMAN ABOUT OUR.p :;/o n a u w / c o.sa... N-OUSE BRD =tldgestone WARRANTY. srr" MM «" WanMonal - " V o ndot r: P100/rORl-53W l>»ll>tllt*ll*t«.s P l) >/7()Rl.1!3W POjZ/QRUW Ol.SS 7 5.g.[ K. s a ; -[ to»vsw p»».- - D«llaadl<llott>om SomallcarK) mportad - 5? s.: UoMOT.Uapm. 0U(r1cl<C*»A. U SFL standnc n g s 5 1;, CASnMmMCNCZ s n C U «" uwwomw l!ss* os2 55 l! 7* S " l j T t l e - S.?j}. KUM OoM. «*R. w. C, : & tco V 19! s S t ". E S s s f e U S F L b p x."score s NBA box X sco re aass.. S t uer>-cv*l?ps?<>ss - Pomrr rwa u ls S cloboalsu N BA stan d n g s s ; lo T :"! r 1 T uoaday, ly. Fobruary & - - -, S. 2 : S! k S g.,. m t.om M«{>«n V> y{sny*mmo.,ud " a E s? ; ; laottoy>»o *Vc CM UKh A»m»e»>"«"**.-fru 9-1M College >sco res B n ototk Oundav- 0»n. n ll 4* F fe s s g N L!. s tan d n g s, nm AeoclwPrw r s n s S r " L box scores S 1. S }-l l,, dssuo ro,-:: r...» C o o tln u o d fro ron m P A g ec l e added n th a l senor C.rl al aley. th e re. >cxler.sjd d. rcduce ced lo sp o t duty by a broken n fc foot f tle nru ln s los ose, tonght s gam e D e x t e r s a d h e aantcpated r lltue d fferen t n tonght s sgam g; c, woud d se e lm ted aclon as le dd n F rday s oponor. w ll l>e p c la.st one le for Andy Toolson, Ue w ln F alls g gh senor who holcls "W e know they re e g gong to com e n "Uls m oblty w as rtkluced but. he tb e school s.snrle- le-gam e and sngeh e re lookng to lear r our ot heads off. We u st h ave to m ake sure we don t let stll got th re e n}»unl.s for us, (.s good 1for th e re s t of e team to see on seaso n scorng re. records, Toolson s xund for B rgham m Young U nversty them, D ex ter sad Lhe floor flo. a n d h e s gong lo be >e out ncxtyenronabask ;kclba ( scholarshp. s L : : : : -:. SWl s s P 3 S S 5?S 3 l l DM»on 1 l: ll Ou. S ls NLs. s ta ts tc s M*o. n« a - a - - Kncks5 beat bjack challenge v M. 207V BrdgeslonedO F r o n t W hee ;e A lg n m e n t V/SA M.oc.al.ts Brdgestone Superller Desert Dueler tzf; PRC: f-1; T W heel 5l B alan ce & Bearm ng R ep ack lk]2.04 n u n. (f) O lo n b (0) A; T M R;, (() ;()() 154,00 ;tn> M $ 1 59! $399 6 MONTS FNANCNG sz t p r c e. M bw uant uw 4777 P105/aCR13BW [LLaMoaaw- _55.2 l lbl>/(or15uw 58,34 l>t!,!/bor:lw P t!. //U)n:U.W UlV/lCnrLVl/ P / fjuor tl W, p on/onma LW 73,13 P l / /oon 1 v j 69,88 P lu 5;aun4L W M PlG[j/(ORl6LW 85,02 f Brdgestone SoperFller / / G a b r SM0C»q*51T>ffS // r / / / : m m \ mnranf T w n F a lls : K K m b erly R o a d ( B o so T w n F a lls Goodng Burloy Pocatc a tc llo

17 urdle NDANAPOLS ( hurdler E dw n Moses wnner of th e a m e s 1 : f o r m -... Moses, 28.- of- L agur from a feld of 10 fna am ateu! n lhleles for trem endously n p rcst The aw ard w ns p rea [ F l y - t y n g cc j T ln FAL LS ; s stll accepllhg en: begns W ednesday E d A ustn, CS s tlon, sad Fy-tylng prejquslte fo r Fly [ the nstructor for th m e c tfro m T to lo p. The course fee s be obtaned b y phon ; Thc class m e e ts r o o p a n a ; M c C A L L -E rlc 172-pound w eght c senor cham pons!,. m em ber of th e Twn -r th e natonal to u m an Tle natonal even _ n Aprl. oopar com pete n tle collc Odessa. T exas. Tle Twn F a lls cll tournam ent M arch 1 u n o r r o d e TWN FALLS - - j Baltm By E F F R E Y W. PET3 and RCARD BERKE B a U m d K E v c n ln g S u n BALTMORE Ba ow ner Robert rsay : edged he s o egotlat football toam th e re b. undsclosed condton f franchse n B altn W llam D. S ch aefer sal Speakng lo Schacfe M onday from h s Cl -. rspy sad h e would r ; ntentons to m ove the t. - here, thc m ayorsod. Schaefer w ould not now request, b ut he sad todtrtth, aeprodng- : between thc te a m a nd tl: The m ayor d d sa y h e would p re fe r sgnl lease that would notjoel r ; stayng n B altm ore 1 : num ber of years. Cty th e -te a m -to -B lg rv -a -sl : whch would enable Ba - ;celve state bonds for : provem ents. rsay also w an ts sc :m e n lsto lh e sta d u m, " have no dea, the th e possblty rs a y w : team, addng tlat 11 w as ; -negotate w hen th e oth,* domed stadum a n d no t< : Publshed re p o rts ;dcated ndanapols o jm ade rsay and offer T.team lo Uat Mdwestern T h e n d a n a p o ls S U r cty offcals hertave th e Wl m llon/ ooser free f lhe Colts becom e 61,300-seat stru c tu re s : M ay l. The offer also nclude:. tranng faclty for ; Football L eague,team, loan a t 8 p ercen t nte ;f; rsay to pay off h o j s r When hc bought th e C olt -! offce space under the ; S ta r reported, quotng s ; to thc negotatons. Schaefer re te ra te d U ; h m he was d stressed w rtten about th e Colls ; newspapers. Asked what he could d team here, S chaefer s ; would be " a change n a ; p ress h e r e... th a t s om geslp ro b lem s." Tle m ayor a ls o.s a d planed thal only 35 tended a gatherng of C< la s t week. Bul S chaefer rsay he could d raw thc Colt rally, f h a t was : w anted. Schaefer also sad Mo trav eled to New Y ork last ; "v e ry nce l>,:-hour n N FL Commssoner Pete " m ade tho com m ss (of recent actvtes rcgar an d the Colts), h e sad. meetng of fghtng Rozell rsay. u st an u p d ate (f( : m lssloner on w here he ( w here w e w ere." ler Mose (AP) Word camp SCS was namwl Monday hs cs E. Sullvan :emoal Aw: gunu-lll.s,-cnlf7 was selcc nallsts to on a lst of prcvt or the aw ard, whch has Rro stge n reccnt years, resented by Glenn Cunlnga c o u r s e o f f e r e d The Collcfo ofsothem d enrollm enfln Fly-lyng ll.wl ay nghl. s drector of contnung ed ng o r an equvalent class F ly-lyng. Rucl Stayner wll r th e fve-week coursc, whch p.m. W ednesday nghls. s S25. F u rth er nformaton onng , extenson 213. :sln Shlelds2l6. l a c h a m p a t lc oopana fnshed frst n t class Saturday at te d nshps, becomng th c. 1 wn F a lls udo Club to qualfy /ent wll be held n Orlando, F ana, 25, ls_also plannng )lleate natonals M arch23-2 >club wll partcpate n anot ± 10 n Caldwell. ~ e o m e e t n g s e t The Twn Falls unor Ro< l o r e K rnm W jun condl z,po<. B altm ore Cols ly h a s acknowl- j j n latng wth nd-».h,t)0 ut movng hs op! but h as set an. j n for keepng thc tm ore, M ayor sad Monday. 97< fc r by telephone Chcago offce, d nol reveal hs bodg. le team o r keep t moof 5.1. wl ol reveal rsay s ;ad t h ad notllng jor. ng-stsdlum-lfjsc-.- d the cty. y rsay ndcated p lng a stadum lock the toam nto- - t.k«n c for a specfc o" ty offcals want Baltmore lo refer stadum m- C31 som e mprove- lurtmr. Schaefer sad. -hkur- h e m ayor sad of jybb.t / wll m ove the vas "... tough to 2 % n olher cty has a of (> >«10 team " [ j s Monday n- 3 > offcals have f,.,no> e r to m ove hs e m c lty.!ar reported th at cont.n ve offered rsay aler Dome rent- m e tenants, The s set to opcn dcs a S5 mllon r the NaUonal hc lot Tl, h SS mllon f".:; tercst to allow. ffr~*"~ UTCd 4-7, k)rs lh OT, and?,oo.co stadum, the tg sources close Uat rsay told sed by artcles ls n B altm ore bo.r. f ohn D. d do to keep,the (orm w sad one w ay n altllu d e n the O one of the bg- OlV.l <: a d -rsa y com -.yp,.,.n 35 people at- r C o ra n s here fe r sad he told thousands to a?as w hat rs a y M onday th at he S a lo last F rd ay for a m eetng wlh j, :te Rozelle. lssloner afl/are gardng the cty d. t w as not a zelleor fghtng (for) the comc (rsay ) was, 2S w ns S Tpon w ho receved h(s plac s the Unon 50 y e a rs ago. w ard Ths s Ue Urd fn alst. Moss S( cctcd a w a rd s through m y!vous.seem s to h ave escape- rown M oses w as selected Uan partcpa lam, m e m b e rs of Ue med A ssocaton wll ele seaso n s rodeo sched 1duho T h e j o c la tq n!.;."whch n rt u r s d a y s m eet Ue E xpo C ener a t U educa- F uru er nformaut ss s a ng extenso w lllbe cl. wll G u a r d s w n on can BOSE (A P) C u rts gl and Web Us w eek s honors s b ask etb all p lay ers c 2 -flclals announced Mo, gl. a C-foot-0 un " scored 50.polnls, pck ste a ls n Ue Wolf P; fv for Bose-Stal y helped UNR stay n frst-round loumamer ng to P rce, a G-fool n Canr.7 lf(tw(]cat S la le, 68-59, and Mor louer W eber S ta te clnched ttle and Ue num ber postseason playoffs,» Al told he was nne elglt from Ue foul 111 Rodeo only Uree lm es n lw< C r T U L o c a t o n : Frorr <yr-from-buh7 1 m lo o a s t of T R A C T O C560 d..ol tfoctof, 5 -.p-.-d Wl oolc oullol, wdo front. Ko%15. ndltlon. h05 todo C -160 dcc ood w.lh lofquo ornpl.t..o-. C do ffon for abo/j roclor. wll r n. buckol wll, rpptf loom. ol*. h hydraulc huckul. all qood c 5 S.. ol 13.6*30 v.op-or. duol-. -..!, of quck latch nronq Ouc apor - Fork lll lork lor Co!,«looc; T R U C K - P K 74Ford 9,000, 2, lon ruck. 10 v >«l molor, 10 pod Road Ror ow. 30 ft, ol -.t««l b<-d wlh hydr 111, ol n v..ry qood cond-lon. t dgo 100. ton pckup. 4 pmd l )1or, all n vry qood rendton >. whool plolu. C O M B M.n Ox.ro 55 -.olf propollc.d comb. :elklm..ft. gruo hoad and p.<a l.ll on, roody lo go. - C ntj loolh cyndor and Su. pckup. S P R A Y E R - P n new proyor.-hov ypo. TO k. ol on vry good (rono. ho-. -lo : 1U5 6 row plolor unl-,.r.ou..<> h quck totch, ho htl»-r d.%c-. m n- G R O U N D W O l E Q U P M E : 3U. 3 homon. hydroul.c roll ovo nor-- Kowoncjo 12 fl. lolk-r horx Rr-mo(eh«?r-h<frow on ruor _1C bor, ho-- cutowoy. n ronl C < mo &3 borr. wth ol tool-.. ol-,o K >dor?, all obovo mu.(»unl -. for n. tool bar wlh 7 hoovy duly hoa«y duty d>plh who.--, on -,h kcf..7. heovy.dulyotd.p.--" cd.corrunolor 1? ll. 2- n. loo uclon% of Ac.n 5 ll. slo.l harru nowor. -TO. ond quck touh pron. S O P E Q U P.l.nonlol hoovy duly? -.pood dr. C O N S K T R A C T O R - T 0U6 d.>-..l roclor 4 -.pr-.-d, ov tlo.. wo hyd.uulc oull<-k. wk roll lop hood ruhb.-..ol!y 10 qo - 1*61 Ch.-vroh.l? lon U 7\prod. «.25 rtjbbrr, ha*. Por condton woodon -.pud b<- C O P P E R - B / S W A T E R Sup.T D7tow lolf propollod cht. qood work.nq ord*r wlh *.t>.nc. 12 MO bolcr! Mr.nq l.> - ohn r. PTO Frc.oman 100 Wn.. l.- h<. Dooro 100»ol( prop.-llod -.wolhu wlh dropo--, n..-collonl cond>l ollod wothor wll.<70.nolor. 1? f O T E R r A R M M A & M S C E L L A N * row hon plonlor. Wa-,Wo hu. hn-. hll.-r.l-..r:._/.,fl oolfo crow T e r m s : C a s O w n e r : lo M a n a g e d by M o sso r A u c t o n o o r s o h n W o rt rv W o n d o l, d a h o Klrr M g r. & A u c t. m AAossorsm th o ro m o. d ah o T ho A Sullvan jlaque from Ue A m ateur Alh ). rd tm e ve lx en selected Sd. " have won < ule a my career, and ths h one aped m e." :led n natonwde votng by pnnls, ncludn; p ast wm leda, the U,S, Olympc Com elect offcers and dscuss l ledue a t Ls m eetng T hursda s for_studenls_arcd 9 thro eetfng w l leld at T p.m. t Ue Colege of Southern dah aton can tx: obtaned by pl son320. n B g S k y h o n o r - Two guard.s. Nevadu-Ren Veber S tate s ohn Prce, sh: -s as Ue Bg Sky Conferenc s of the week, conference Monday. junor rom Brm ngham. Aj lcked up seven a.sssts and s r P ack s vctores over dah State, The hom e swe n the hunt to osl a Ug Sl nenl game. 2-nch senor from Oxnar calsrvlctm T esovert lonta Montana, n th e proce ed the league s reg u lar seas< ber-one seed n the Bg Sk> s, ne of 17 from the feld, seven lne and turned Ue ball ov two games. D e a n F a r All U R S D A Y, Dm F ler, d ah o ; 3 mle h7-ldaho,-4-m los-oo! of tho Clover Church. O R S Wllh lorquo ompll.- hy 15.S>3 ruhh.tr. ol... qoo< v"?3.6«30 qoodnlhh.-. q-.o nl -.oporolo Co-, ho Modul 21 l)uckho<- wh ol-.o Co*.. hy<lroulc loo.frr sd cond..on. lau tollquard -. - Comlort cob lor roclo 3u.ck tach lo. 3 pont l..lch loodor. C K U P 10 whoolor. ho-. U L>.-uu Ronqcjr tranr.m-,,on wn..ydroulc homo.d b>->- lo.l n. ho-, -.oddl.- lonk-. -,d lro..-.m.-.mon. ho-. -,h MES nbno, ho-. (Oh wlh -.wonp 1hfl.rr. ol n -.colu.nl ron WflllDSol lo.-.h.nc*,." ~.up. P L A N T E R TO. pun.p. 200 qollu.< poly..10 fl. boom on. hc.ul qun un.d on 12 ll 2. m hor O R K G " ; E N T Dvor plow. 16 n.. m-, rah, lor.ow Ol..ul.b.-r h(.--l.;l.. -!C_LOj_u..d.-m cl.-.c on C6 row cullvtlo..n..-;,r,---- lor C4*0 rorlnr ly -.hank-, and clo...p,.-, -,hank ol hydraulc lool bar Wllh 2 n ru.l htr, allow w.lh drowbo C 7 PM ENT drll p.or.-. on lor. o -.lopl G N E D B Y T R U C K ov.,. Kbnd.-r an<l om,uo W.do ronl 3 P01.. hnch 011 n v.-ry qood con.hlon..rmn proad. r bo. «M... b<-d S A L E R S E R S choppo. wll. (01.1 m-... hn D.-.-r M.,n.,.ln - holor. W-,con-.n.u.l.n lh, ha-, cob 14 ll plot ndlon -.-.-,lon l?fl, h.-odor. ; la C N E R Y l n e o u s s h, o r b a n k a l D E A N F o rsm th A u cto n Serv rvn Ellors < lm b o rly. d a h o, C o r k : h B ll odloc o ro m o. dl A cto n o f th o A uct award f.thletlc tee executv e b o a r " T h e re w a s nol d as a Cunnlngl)am,.,74.*; a few wh) h a tf Ue d stn le that recofytlon o f s years ago. / more CunntRlafn, a ncrs. m ller, recev tx l h; nmlt- meet n New Y ork 5 the O th ers nom lnatec ay. eluded lolsc S ta te ouu cen ter P e te Prgge n. n Denkers. M o h la n a 1 aho. M ontana S la te ccn te jlon- Arzona forw ard Anc S o f t b a l l m e TWN FAL1.S - L*no s Softball A ssocaton ;hare y e a r T hursday, c e s All p ro sp o c tv e c e of- attend Ue 7:30 p.m councl cham t> crs at Anyone u n a b le to m ore nform aton by, S U s g n s O Sky P O C A T R O football p ro g ra m hfl ard, play at tb e P o catello tana " e s m C h rs t cess strong sa fe ty from son attended Ue s a m e ky s all-blg Sky SU con now plays for th e >n of Foolball. aguc. 3ver C rlstopher w a s plavertoslb nalelte n F s c h e r E M r m M a c h n e! CTO. M A R C los w e st & S/s s o u th, o st. then-& /4-soutb-« L unchbyc lovg lol of -..a-vl bt. llal wll duly hydroulc pro-.*. 30 lo nolot cull.nq ba.d -.ow wll mon lorqo hop lool cfo%l a rool qood n.»ock«>f %ol v-.o. Lncoln225 amp..cch ll ol-.loal. cupboord - Porl Alrln-;-; pont ;proynr jnl; q h-ovy duly ol.rclrc drll. Sr Skl -.0W-. Elocrc drllr. andynq. jack - Cablo cornu -drbwo>-;.chr.okspunch.»-. Sot of qood -.lol b.l-.. Rv onoly/.t Clutch ahqnnfl loc 25 ll lop. Sab<-r c dlho lo.qo wpod bos w.ll- houl lo.d - Spaco hoalor l-h Lovof r.hop.nanuol Cclomp-. Sf.op Mlor movk con.ol -.w.lcl. - Nol-. - Wro cf.on low wll. 32 n. bar..on-.t -.fl compl.tlo Lol- 23 OTER.F*M & M S C f Mch.no. 45 fl. qraln ouqf lopo qollon luol tonk on-.land - 25gollor. fu.l lonl ond quld( wro-. CDroco m.n har{ l on %lotl lock - f TKK-Trto,!l6-rTdwbar-:-Sm <l.ouhc Elocrc f.-nc. non -.2 o.lquo woqo. bol lofr.qoalor-,. bolh work - To> g u n s - Rl E Q U l.c..uu.m-. Mod.jl gou ch..-.l.-r 300<, nf...ld nflo W W<.avor vcopo wth Rodfold _-2S7.Kob:tlXob.-/.lle_bolL M.CModl holqun blockv powd.t. vf.ot onc..v.oll.olondor - 19 bo.or. ol : qrp-. Cuncloannqkrr. 2 2 burno. co.p Movo - Tool h oquppud Eloctrc cocron Smaj!,cal<>.. Cloclrc boxu, r N E G B.ow bor (ullvolo.. 3 pom ba.. now Ohv.- Sup.-ror t.,.ow Mhon plon.rr onl-. plonlor U1-. - ll. nn.-, pc. >. l.-.lhf.-r opphrolo.. - 1<j. 15 ll. lool bo. w.th 12 -.p 111. lool hor. 3 pont l.lcl.. 2..n, lool ba. w.tl> -.p lolhnq lnn lot-, ol oh.) Ooo tllo-. wo Acn Acm- qou( <- wt.-.--, Fornh nu..- -.pm-mh-r 12 ll. All-. Ct 24 n K.-avy.h.y blod.-. C (ntt on,!...-r-.l.-ofl>c..r.r.-. pocku O-,on nonur.- lool «uqo..c,m wth...olor 12 1 Curl 12 ll. poolo CO-.-, co -,p.oy nnk 500.jollon ov..rl.n c.-m.-nl <.lch.nolol cfock <loal ;»! S.-v.-rol -..-c loot), ho.ow lo L..->n<l nno n.-wlnol-. Lot-, of oth.- All obovo lool bo-. ov- 3 l.or. wth lold n-, b l e c h e c k d c S C E R E S vce. Twn Falls, dah oc} B onnotf W ondol. d a h o C a s h >ck M a rg doo T w n t o n s W h a t C o u n t for 1983 lart and Lhe sponsorng /\AU.- nol much to do about, t. re 4.*a form er mddle dstance r tncton of presentng the aw hs beng Uc frst to rwev ( a fonner Unversty of hs Sullvan Award durng a rk s Madson Square G anlcn. ted for thc weekly aw ard te guard Frank ackson. da gge, dalo State ccnlcr Ml la forward L arry Kryskowc nter T ryg ohnson and NorUe \ndy urd, e e tn g T h u rs d a y Te Twn Falls Woner on wll hold ts frst m eel of t: coaches and players slou >.m. sesson, scheduled for U atctjctall. to aucnd Ual m eetng can g bypfonng > C o lo ra d o sa fe ty daho Slate Unversty has sgned anouer freshm an :lo school. stophcr, a-6-foot-3, 190-pou )m LUleton, Colo, C hrstop n e hgh school as Ufree-tln om erback M att Courtney, wl! acksonvlle Bulls of the U. s Uc 5lh and last hgh scho Lterof ntent a ls y. t a t e s r y N 1, h.th o n /» m lo o a s t, vond-l/r-m tle-eostt vor LuthoranPTTL;----- ll (jf ofd opom lo - lorgo h.-o lon copocly. roal f ood mp. Wllh. oloclrc molor Du.d,, olocrc motor C.of ond cabnol on colurs. alf tlo< %ol - Larqo tcol woldng lablc w cclc w.ldor - Oood bhop onv.l.. 2 ".hop Mond Wllh rollo-- Lo> orlcblo orcompor,-;or on whool ; qood Sot ol lop and de?.. Slcol boll bn, 72 co.nporlnun.l: loqo orclrc qrmlor -.ondo nuolonq - Small )ork cobm-1 w.»»-.. VV.o.1 pullor-. Shop c-v.-f>o lvol qun S vol-. Unvorol Ou lool - Auto olocrc W...& clomp bow - Sloplo qun-. - Snoll wo< vlh corp.ml.r lool - Cnqn.t ovt r Larqo lool ron lock T.n. ll Woldmq qlovo-> - Wyldmq.o. avk Sproy poml Kol fll-r-.. T.n ro Mrotchnr-, - Slbl 045 AV lar< r. woodo.. co-.o - Uo-.on r.urv- Loh of othor m-,collan.ous -.le rx A N E O U S - uqor. 6 n.. ho! sllqhl tlont. noo tnk land 280 qollon lu.l ta lank - Mork Cf)anl..nna. 30 fl..no [>%<l Lorgo po»,l.c uck lo.p - C... ploform wll. < uck lad. Snvoron-1nnroT--wtrr1s...COpost-, - Sov.-rol plo-. ol NCr< lollor roll-, of No. 12.loct and tapo - olpon KFro-.lo. Towcohlo Fork - Shdv--. Oo R E L O A D N G P M E N t gougo hnlgun, pump ocl.o.. W,, Modol 1917, holt oclon. hor. Y )ld mount - Romn{}lon 30. E>pro al.1octlon.w.th Woovor 330 copo >h.. l...loodor wll. wod-. food. omply Lmon nl.. KpM onmo Oun d-,.. l*-.l 2 mon l.m.l w.lh ra.n fly Coh-.nc >1h.-ll - Sobo. law - lcnc bn-.k.- am (rooor Oolllo coppor S cop-,»,.olhur m-,cultanoouv l O R S oml hlcf. Am ll loldn.j a r<..ow b.-on plonlor. 3 po.n.,cl ll-. on bor 4 row All-. Ch.TTTn. pckup 23 ohn D.-ok. col-.hon Kll. 2. n lool bo. 3punl hl pn.j co.l -.honk%ksrrow 12 lld.. ohn D.-o.- col -.honk pnq loolh <h-,c ho.row Acn 3o..r.. -.hov b.ron <orn ota. 50 qouq- whool-. Sovo n.hcntl...onu..- loodo Col.y n.. Ctolmor-. londom <1,-.. on wl.l.. Com- 16 holo 6.n. -,j.«t.n< qre od-l. lt-. UCo. M 20 fl. q.a 12 ll. <KOmouq.- 7.n w.lh...ol, conv<>yo>. Too r ollon l.b.-..)la orload luol lank on Mc.n. 14. ;-ck-. 3 o.. po-.-.u.. lonk-, S.-l, -.ocl,on-, ol harrow 12 ll. -.pr.r md 100 <alon pckup l.,.-l lonk h-r m-cllonoou. ll<ltl. 1-3 poml blch. ->om. (><- doub l a y. o f s a l e S T A T E aho Phono o rry am o s o ro m o. daho s h c r : rgo B row nfold n Kals. daho tts 3 p = u.- CO! recalled ;e runner award n Announco ;ve l SO Mno.-;r. W;Lo-.tMo»! Kausas s[" o4uonc-! ; an AAV oo5m,-,.h...h.-o.-. ;n., CKeP--.o---. Soloctod 0 tl tn- E S E!.! dalo 01.-fU-,...-f.r,o(l.o Mke CTMom-yVorn Wlak; u>rwon-y wvnl.cf Ulcrn onnv.-,m<t 1 orsn-.trjclon 0:6Mu*.c-r,*.onr.. y Roal osla 029O0.T r.ou-,1-, n c n S 030o.o.r,lor-... s E E E E l S m S,,,:, r Uc 03?Fjmr,Aj"C. n get S2oc.»r".?f Cll vjcjlon proflr 044 Conc)orT.num5 045 Mot)l..loraM y W 5 Rentals slys OSOFunnhdfoS. a n tb - 05Untum,frr<lho. 052 Fum am!, AUu DMUnlun anu tc ound OMRooms lof tom lope* tme -osgcondom/numjl WflO MSGaOOwnljU,,o. ftuwanlnooon U.b. 005 Tounl ana lull. chool W MerchandlS 007M5C(orsalo ocacorpulos 049Cjmnf«oqupm 071 Shoos arodoh OrjAnt.Quus 076 Ollco uaupmut OT/nados, TVs&al 078Fumllulo4c«ro ~ LEGAL NOT PUBLC NOT REVBV CO ; CONSDERATGN NOTCE S h GVEN that a - Commlttoo of Tw County Zonlrro- msson wll pn vst tho lollowln hoovy for rocommondal mp.ro Zonno Boarc Publc Mootlnn - bold Apr! 12, 191 proposed dato o; fon s Morch 1 Ln.no botwoon tho ho 9:30 a.m.. and 4: Consldorallo. roquost for a,d..r. TONAL U.SE by 1Wllh Palm er, ohls p ;-f,o. - consstng of 160 outo locatod nlho sou mp-. - tho soulhwos V4 wood tlon 20. and tho N ovor- of tho northwosl n..nq Socllon 29; Town; od-. south; range 20 B.M. Mr. Palmor to utlllzo tho 0 shop and machln lor tho repar, sorano. and ro vohlclos and lan TWr».vtju; Tho 3fO 6rhoroq o?d located n tank Agrlculturozono, 0-2. Consldoratlo > Ol roquoalfora.rezc Law rence P. aut hs propory con Ncrap Ql.[2 58 acres loc part of the oast /t n "" norlhwosl /< o northeast A el S 28, Townshp 10 Ranfl0L6-0as,_BK known as bono loc w.n- rnlos wool, 2 3r. K4 south, and a /< ml pro»» of tho Magc Valt opo - _ glonal Modcal C adnq M r. aubor" ror omo- rozono from aotlc.- o,o rosl -.non agrculture, lo all tho dovoopmont subdvson. 3. Qonsdorator roquost for a C TONAL USE by t Arnout on Mr, proporty localoc.1 loot Soctn 21. Towns soulh. - Rango B rr,,..,. B.M. Also known,.onk-. ng loealod on hlch soulhw es comc 12 ft hlghway93and3a whch s ono mle Acn.o ol phw ay30onu otao Mr. Arnout and h ntend to lease ho,n.o ng lo bporal bt.«- Specalty wodlnfl qrc.n r.hop for most pt.w found n gonoral oqupmont, Tho a..olo. foquo2t s loco tho Agrculturo zon ; 4. Consdorallor?, roquesl lor a C r TONAL USE. DVSON (Ao-Ex lu.h- by m L. Condor. proporty consstnf ocros locatod r south east /t ol south east /«ol S _ - ~26. Townshp 10- Rango 15 oast, Z.W known as beng c 4/? mllos south ol )0 Agr-Chomcala ghway 30, be Fllor and Buhl. Condor propogo dvde off approxr 1,8 acrosftwhch hom esle, and rota balance ol tho farn slo ol lhe rdqu locaed n Agrculturo zone, 5. Consderolon rcquosl tor a C s s f f e n d e x ;omonlr. fw... o wp-vm- u 1 " " W h!.";...a... OTOF.,n..lu -?Orojmy,\.,t;.l-. n?lr.u,.ton lalu 113F,..m-.Arj-cn-. 1!5F...m«0.k~.llUr "* om.-- Rocrealonj roa..alor.?1d0,.l.rr,..-- -,,.. )7?SpotlnaUOll-. 1?Sl.r.o.-tjn..r on.-n, l?«5now.rt.c-f>,. 175 Tjvrl jjlrn 1?CCrT.p(.sSr,hrlt m Automollvo E b ;, Sclupov 105CyClu3suDDlU homj 13floa*y uqmmon!j ST"r* 41Vanr. "!, t4?:mpol5po.lncj Dacc w AuoT -AMC 152 Autos - Uuck M Autos-Cadllat SO 150 Aulos-Chfysle, 15aAul03-Ct.o.o 160 Aulos-Dofloo ohno 108Aulos-Olflamo 172 Aulos-Ponllc..mnnll 1 73 AutOS - PlyftlOU.o. «OO3 3*0 OuslnosjOtcco?TtCE ~ L E G A L N O T )TCE TONAL USE OMMrTE DVSON by. 3N Quosnoll o n -h l EREBY porty consslng 1 Rovow acros located n rwn Falls T ow nshp-9- gt-conp R anocrt o astr8 :f physcally known os bong /ng slos at tho baso ol allons to Valoy Roado. rd at tho Quosnoll propo:; g 10 bo dvldo off two Tho consstng of a ol vsta- aero and a seven rospoctlvoly, wh hours of physcally sof 00 p.m, from ho man b Uon ol a q farm. Tho sto CONO- roquost s locatod y Guy L. Amculuro zono. proporty 6. Consdoralo 60 acres reques for a -C Duth A of TONAL USE b; /4 of Soc- GENERATON n Norlh ratod. ropresent sl Vt of P rostor Engln /nshp 11 located on that po 20 east, land to bo ulzo r ntends n Sectons oxlstng 14, Townshp 9 no shod Rango 13 oast, r. pant, known as beng osalo of Qh mlos Nortnw arm mo- Buhl (1.6 mlos w jusr -r-omf Luf oqubs S ""fho ntonuoycs tho tno -pacomont- 3, ydro-eloctrc on ol a generatng f 20N E by w hch wll bo loc: lubor. o n _ Socj[on_14,_pn_ bnslsllng Falls Crook, catod n 7. Consdoralo /t ol ho roquost for a: C of tho TONAL USE by Secon AG-TEC, ncorpt 0 south, ropro senled by MAbo R a m o n s, on_aj locaed matoy 2.851cros c Z mles a c re parcel own nlowcdf OB Farms, loca lley Re- tho N ortheast A Center. S outheast Vt of S o h d slo 22. Townshp 8 rculluro Range 13 oas, B. sdontal known os bong l llow lor at Moglc Waters nt of a ntended uso s to a fertlzer bondn lon of a for tho prmary l CONpl- OB Farms, and Lonard agor Ranch, l Snyder farm uso. Tho ste led n roquost s loealod shlp 10. Agrculture zone. 10 oast, Any and a pc n as bo- may reglslor on the com m ents, protes nor of agroom ents on h 13 North, jo cts bong cons< e soulh Com m onts shoul 1U.S. 93, m ado lo ho Zonr hs Son m lnlstrator fo buld- 26. or may bo mac rale a Zonng Board men g repar person, or n w metals pror to tho Publc ral larm lr»g. Any person rr ste of present at tho slo catod n comments to tho one. m ltoo makng a on ol a nspecton. COND- D ated hs 24lh c le-land Fobruary, 1984, Exempt) Robort A, Pellygro r. on hs Charman ngomo Twn Fals Counly n ho. nng and Zonng of ho m sson Soclon Rchard A. Pence, S-soulh. C le r k M.Aso o V anz anto. loealod Doputy ol U.S.S PUBLS: Tu( on February Detwoen h. Mr. C 3 B. SOS to t A n n o u n c e rr xlmatcly...,, 1 s ho tanlho 0C2-Loa1 Found rm, Tho , pr-, LOST n vclnly ol Blnck lennlo Lab. 9 cr«y m u::lo, bror.n a colluf. raa lump cfor.l-cmcor susj COND- p().-,r,o Ml ? T u o sa a y,f d b r)n ry 2 a, Losl Found CECK DALY FORCURRENT OUND POUND n e w s BUY 4 WEAR A LlFETMg UCENSE FOUNDOOGS NOWATTETWNFALLS ANMALSELTER LOCATED; 138 6T AVE. W.! matkc! 1, Sant (lornurd, malo, tan. 2 TofufX, bfowa. 3. Ptbull, malo, b/ndo,,.pldull.malo, lanawflto. 5. Rolevo X. malo. block., 0. Shophmd X, malo. black ft.jnr- fan. 7. Sfoptod, lomalo. lan 4 M.nt ous5lo7pmonly Monday, lluu Frday Call 733-0eC0o»t284 Docauso DoQs aro brouqn... - n ovory hour and SOLD o» """- DESTROYED allnr 48 hours, plouao call or vsll ho pound daly 10 efock wnolfor your onj pul has boon pckod up. Tns n not an up-lo-dato lls,.mnm- MKod C10Q3 ao hard to do- scbo, cofo 10 ho pound lo nu.n youf pol la horo. r,., Como and pck oul a puppy 01 lull Oown doo* thoy r.hrt-. would lovo 10 havoahomo. EROME DOG LOG AVALABLE FOR l vo AtX)PT10N 0 ours Mon-Ff \3eers3otmr.. -12j30am-4:30pm. nt l,malolab.noa.4monlhs. DDlUS-,.. _ 3. FnmalD Lab. black. 10 X MEANS CROSSBEO "j Sholor loealod on 1 mllo.p W03 road, uso ho onronco lo Sowo olant across tho lujc foad fom KART Rado fyje, Dog llconsos may now, bo lo.oo pufchasod al ho Cty Walor >(Qo Ollco.,a Call W36 \com-m)cuy Mno anawor..., flamobtu LOST: A par ol proscrpton olassoa n a tod ond blnck.o.a.c..o.c ln «W 8. A LOST: Malo Goldon Rolrlov-.ccov or. rod collar, Caosor. South Bluo Ukos, Any n- lormallon, ploaso call 733- B927, REWARD, L. LOST: Par ol proscrpton o t c e _ a ; s: AND LOST: Womon3 proacrlp-h ls-p ro l sccllo -9-SOUth BLUE- SELD -EALT... do. M," jposes to (0 po.coa A L C O O L C S o j f e o S an on u s COUNCEUNG: 1. V.? Pfolosslonol. ptvao. Call Ste of the !). otod n the [>,(r-you know most poopo no- havo boon baplsod wrong, alon of a call S5. Q -COND- FARAVEN - by CO- Small llconaod sholtor ncorpo* homo, loalurlnp oxc homo lontod by cookod moals. naa room for glneorng, t DOrtOn ol zod lvln o EY LANDLORD 3 13 an3 Boloro you know tt-wlnlor s.. o h oono and M s tlmo lor lsho l Al lno. camptno & vacatons., B.M. Also,0 {o *,h ho ronnl? no located caon rtnwest ot Throo 0 Property Mmnagera. }3 west of NowThnMarchlstwooffar CSlj s for --wnup4-6am. nt of a OTLNE powor 73»r22 faclty. A Problom s not o problom located n whon shatod. Montfl/oa/z/ n Salmon AssodaVon. 9pm lo 7a_m_ OUSECLEANNG... alon of a -Mad loordorlol usdo tho a, COND- dny workofponcos. by U.S.A orporatod YPNOSS by Wayno Can holp you. Tobacco. 1 approx- wooht. tmpoloncv. strosa. o fa 40(3 Cnronn-3nYlmo«4-?28l ownod by KfTS: Dlvorco. Bankruptcy, located n typlno o*ra. Can buy moll Vt of ho ordora day/ovo. of Secton LADY would llko nonllomon g locatod UW SOP tors. The unconoalod dlvocoa. S75. s to oaco Bankruptcy ond corporallon. dno Dlan MO. WllU, 30, oc. Mall >- nl ordor avallablo. Call 33&- 0732, Boso, (rtr nn PREGNANCY OTLNE ll,! ol 5S Z S fm " led n-the jforl [0- Buy 1 par ol oxondod wonr porsono conlac fonsos-go aocond )r thor par roo. otests. o r B l u o Lakoa Conact Lons 1 ho sub- Clnc,BluoLakosMall. )n3ldorod.. ould be 4-9? ost S e le c te d o f f e r s made to a nember n 1 wrtng. blc ear o b 3 O fln lb fo 9 t sumoadd cntl Caro (or A yr old boy ho rnm "1 ouaokooplno for now 1 w?l ofsoy professonal coplo. a vsual 1 y, Slay, Noor LDS church, 1, hour rom Now York cly, h day of salary la S400 por mo. Call collect ovonnos &- grove. 9 4 Conalnjcllon Spoclalat unly Plan- noodod, Part-mo. Wo ran, lng Com- Goocf,n..y,_A b>fls-. C ; loflo fund and onlstmonl bonuses avallablo n somo =0 okllls.733-?fl71lntwln F a l l a. EXPERENCED Ca sfor Noodod. lakng applcatons. Monday &Tuoaday, Gam lo Tuesday, 3pm ONLY. Snako Rtvor 84 Oaalf. (NOKto olday nn) EXPERENCED rrloalor ractor oporalor. houso : e m en ts lumlahcd.call EXTRA MONEY-Earn {100 por wook workng 1 hr oach fj(j dy, rnp/osonllnomo mrt - ol~potk: ftoss. follo scnodulo, b. 9 ypan. orantfl commsson baala. r.n auddod no lmll. ncomo a do- lumpa on lormtnod by your doaro & suspuclod. olforl. Call ask lor l2 Scon, llnoanswor , 184 Trnua-NowaTwh Falls, dafo W

18 007-Qb8 of nterest MMEDATE OPENNGS RNs n o CA hoaplal Sooltoff daho. Excol. fflngo bonodta &.sat. cotnm onsurao wth oxp - onco. Contnct-Nurslno--/ mnlstrallon or Porsom UVE-N h o u a o l l noodod to holp cato oldorty womnn. dal Goylo nl73<-2473 or MECANCS WANTEO, 1 ron. nll3lnon Bonus and Colloao Fund avaxo n som o 111 aroaa. Soc you can qually. Call n Twn Falla. MODERN bowllno alloy Soulhorn daho oook gonoral m anager lo ovoffl. / all.-.oporatlona--lndu jl alloy, loungo S pro-»hc Must havo good work knowlodgo n all phases bowlng ndusry. good oa ry & bonus basod on p (ormanco. Sond roaumo Bo»1413.T.F..DS3301. PART Tlr M nnlcurlsl/coamolofogl! 837-M74 0f a37-fl106, POTOGRAPER WANTE Must hnvo portfolo. Call L A Ad. 733-t-W SPRNKLER landscaj nstnllor#, Exporlonco d alrod. Rosum oa to Box M-5 c /o Tmes Nows. 6ox 54 Twn Falla. 0B3301. REGSTERED Modfc Tochnologlat noodod, F tmo, pood salary, oxcollo bonoflt. Full,-n. Patholoolst. Coullor, Abbe V,P.L Ta. Conac fofoon Dopt,, Cassa Momod oapltatrbox489.--borloy. &3316, 20a-S7><4444. Momb Cospllala. EOE, tw n f"as urlev Profoaalonally wflllon Talored to your noods, Conldonlal-roasonablo Chrstne, 67S SECRET BOX NUMBERS Tho Tlmos-Nows cann dsclooo tho denllty ol ar edverllsor usng a bo number. owovor, roado lf>loreatod n n poallon o lorod, bul desrng to avol oondno b rosum o to cortal companloa can do so b adctroaang your roplyo h box num ber & placng t n a ertvelope aodreaaed c Cl8S8»lodAflvortlslno-Mar ttflor, Tho Tlmos-Nows, P< Box.T w n F a U s. D&so: along wllh a nolo alng h< com panloayou do not war your replynoo flc T tnnn advorllaef la anyone on you lal. wo wll destroy you reply or rotum Cto vou- WANTEO: nlrstyllat for < modorn aalon n oromo Call324-«.sn7 WOULD YOU UKE lo wo wth the m ost Suecossl Roal Estate Saloa forco l tho Magc Valoy? you ar onthualaallc. havo a doslr tor auccoaa. rocognon and way abovo averaga n como. Call Oc Maaseramllh, al Gen SUt bo Brlctly confldonlal. 734<MOO. Now or oxl9lln llcanaooa wolcomo. Wolvorton ntl s lookng fo an oxpodoncod larm ma chlnory aaloaporson, Oo no apply wthout prevous oxp Contact Ron Schorupp, Sales M anager, Wovonor ntl rd Avo Woat. T M E C t A A D V E P O N DM-SpKlllNotlcss n t R ««EMERGENCY ED Moflc Volloy Rogonol A oppllcqllon rom ndlv ng to bncomo an E.M,T. * Ooot loot Dyuor * avo on oxcollon < * Bo o c ool qr * Goln oxcollon ph/ h o roqulrod ol on Emorgocy M Oooblotooarutrx couro whch wll r months, twoovon. Morch 15, f jclocu.d to lokn c <omplul.o«>-ontl tu (.«EMS OuruQu. you wll b. rotlor lor po-.hlo po MVRMCS Emof?)<.-Cy U poton bocomo ova.lo nlofood apply n p gonal Modcol Conlor, f»on Avo, W.. Twn Fall 007-oba of nterest B U L 1 R O A volo b lo o n h o lolh M an o r D rvo, 400 Blc Locus Bloc Block, P a y s o c. W oln All, Block of Ropond Only.1 you l C a l l 5 4 T O L L C-4 T ltnos-n ow a. Twn elected o 007-obsoflntere9t GS lor ADVERTSE p u lln y o u r SER VCE SPECAL! oxpo N TS DRECTOR tr-a d ; sonnol fer OO-SaeaPoople MANA6ERTRAN ylo" A managomont posllo Oo yours allor 6 mo 0, Wo Spocallzod tranng. )noao3 t0.000-j a yoo axnblo managomon. f you g Soo wo wll sond you lo s for 3 wooks 4 tran y sollnn 3on> Qv n oatablshod accounts, ookng bo 21 or ovor. Bond roraoo ambltoua & goal orlont udno ttxc.dr.olt_3hotlnq..f( o*rklng tonal opportunty aval soa 01 For personal ntorvow joala- o b Sorvlco r, por- Monday&Tuofldayony O S-B abysltlere Tmo ABC CRSTAN OAY c. ogla, A gos 2-e. walk. wolcomo-tl hour f.tp. Any ago. Anyltmo. bul a lll * noha & durng day Drot>-lnB wolcomo scapo ATTENTON: Nursoa. o oponlnga for t chldron, any aoos, 548. a m o n hru Pfll, S wookonda, odcal BABYSTTNG n my hon, Full daya n wook. day or nlgf lolont p or day. Call M. -lm e - -B A B Y Srm N S n my hc Vbbol M on.-frl,. fulmfmo roonal ferrod. armon Pak a tnoflol o y ro g r a n d m a -w h o tso r mbor,10,0 n hom o. Bg loncod back ; lo f aummor pay TWO oxporloncod Me 2" hot moala. nco homo. neghborhood. Wll tako pcr up fom achool, * WLL BABYST ony Monday-Frday. o lunc avalable. Cal q O e-s lluatlons Wanted DARY/FARM managon nnnat poallon wanlod, 29 yo Snlod. o.poloncoa n q ager. Collogo dogooa -rtnt anm al aconco m ochnncs. A. f avod chockng, row crop, rr rtan o*- " co compulors. aum o. CallB01-78?-4745, olho FAMLY MAN, 29, aoo) nan local ompoymont, dop lo:. dablo.. oood wo Man* w/r«(oroncob, pr PO m ochanlcal poston. M 33. mnmum. Cal , Btho FULL-CARGE-bookhB8 wanl would lko pnrl-tlmo worl n n o pottodotwondcffolo your com putora. Call Carol, at your 734-M50. eves & wookor , or a OUSECLEANNG, Exp amo. e n ce d & roloroncos. ( , :o n C17 BusneaeOpptys. EMERGENCY SALE, m,,q bo so ld n 30 days. Mc Mulflor Shop. Bl V ck LalOs Bvd TF, Call Cr, 5**; N olsbn omol onal W ork or wl FOR LEASE: Slanloy Co ntal. morclal or mutlpo u tno buldng & propor Excollont cond. Approx aq t buldng plus lot, M< 3 for at locaton, sroo por mor on a yoar loaao for "O buldlno. Call FOR SALE: Qfowlng Flo S hop. Frosh 4 s, M Caaala nron, Wrllo Box RuDort,Da3350or43S-5731 E S - N E W S S S F E - D E R T S N G VE SpecU Notces DN BECOMNG AN ledcal TECNCAN? lol Mndcol CtTnlor 1%accopfnQ dlvduou.norom od n lo d y,1,7, Ppfvo. opplyng mu»t jor> ol 00 ml dfvnq rocord qroduar... phyvca cond.lon, ond Oho lo.olo h o p p ro p to l.. lo l).or(... ym.-dca Tochnlcon lond o lonuou. 13b hour LM ll run op p ro..n.alo ly 5 on.ncj% por woow, b.cjnn.nu... cour.o ond upon v u c c m u.fcal.o>.by-l.».lulu ol do.o- bo oqh.- to b. placod on o,.of1..-. n.poy.of.l wll., ro n p o.l S..VC-. o-, lulun- lot.o. r. pof.on or MoQc Vo-y Ro-.r Porvoru.ol Oopt, <.50 Addl- a lll, O oadlno lor appcalon lm lm 0ch 1 19U oba of nterest L A R E A O U T E oov/ng streets. All of Block ol South Buroy, llock.maple jnut, 7th Slroet South - of 7th Stroot North, LL F R E E wn Fola. daho Tuosday. F affers-re] rt 018 [ncome Property SARP duplex noary nc bodroom, b a lh. NEAR MTY 06LOW n n v PRASAL. T33-52&5 2 DUPLEXES. Total c j3t,50or-poonta nc por nonh, sonablo. lormn, C a l Northwaal-Profoaaonal UNEE Bly lon can 4.pox. Twn Fals. O, months, Asaumo UV>»,VFA, nc 0. oarn S710/mo-32S-S373cvo3- yoar n u qualfy - COO-MonoyToLoan ; ;55 r O SrEQU lv LOANS. ts Must l» "Ot mportant- Shor ondabo, <ofo term loans, we entalod < <=1 londors- Cal co famly phono appro 9-5 Co., nc. Bobo, \O m )& 023-lnvB3tnent BUYNG or S E a roal os av Sat WE BUY PAPER, Roal Est 3 :4314. contraca, dooda/tr.,, mortgages, wrapa & p! monts. Soasonodor BRA s E 1, bomo Pag, jorvco, Call or wrto ---- FREEostlmalo, homo. 7 Motropolllan Mortoaoo tght, $8 Socurltlos Co,, ne. 1 : Bluo Lakoa Bvd, n o m o. cva3733:3ae9. -. ) pro- k oroo. 026-Mu3fc Lessons >...:.GlVE-rl3cnot.Cftld3 saxophono.4 le.1, v!!m 0 «ons, , o*f Tco Q e s t a t e k o and... D, Ca- cnm FM Sale. unchos ASSUME low ntor 1- mortoago. 3 bdrm, 1V ba lamly room. 1 car garn ted foncod yard, n Twn Fa Cal423-51&5. jomont /m a n - prog rrga- *- BARQAN UNTEf Spacous homo (1752 sq t: lookng the country. Prco draatcn dopon- roducod to only S worker, -bdrm,-2-batt>b,-hugo lam -Prolor---room.- -roplaco - - -m o to hr Large lot on quol coun 5; ano NE Of Twn Fals. L keeper - - ntorost -VA-Loan.-Oargal work. f so llja st- so ca rght no o lo a m * " days, AMLETT REALT konda, (2fl yoara of onob Sorvlc OFRCE Expor - oyco C o ta Call D ave am lelt ( BESTVALUENTW1N By ownor, 4 bdtm. 1 3/4 b! 3- brck homo, ar cond.. 2.C - r ; : :, SF. lovoly yard, torrr M daa M3.850, 13l8 Fromont Drv Bluo Cull , Crag BY OWNER, vory nco. M014, bodrm. 2 batn homo. n qu 495. NE aroa. Largo ktcho "csts. Froplaco. Bg 2 c Tf. garage. All on largo l< pony CALL734.Q330. X7266 By Ownor. Romodolo Man palntod, N Prosldont 5 Tonth S Pymla undor S4C r ho Low dwn pymt, nt, BY OWNE-Asaumo pa Floral m onts of loss tnan S300 p Mn m onth on cloan 3 bdr ox L. homo. S6500down, BY OWNER: 2-Bdrm. All nc tfroughoul Torn r BY OWNER; Kbat ollcon bdrm.xolh. lu basomo brck nomo S Domar-OrC 73«538 COLLEGE - MEADOWS carpollng. good assumab dano ousng loan, Ct 734U411.. MOTVATED SELLER. C< logo Moadows, 2 bdr condo, appllancos 8 ya caro ncludod. Man Mo< un r-plvato-onns-cour M Call NEARLY NEW 3 bdrm. bath, covorod pato, lonco sprlnkor systom. doub.. garago. FOR SALE or REN: CALL ovonnQS. NCE 4 bdrm homo, 2 bat lnnshod famtly roon woodstovo, cnce backyard. (42,500, Ca ajtoxspjn. PEACE &OUET Wll bo yours n ths largu bodroom, 2 bath oldc 3 homo. Wol-bult wlh lots e room lor a growng aml) Groat lor lrst-tlmo home buyers C SABALA & ROY REALTY REP(>3 BdTmT 2 bath7"dl, oarano. t55,ocv3000 dowr XCEREALTY,7 337 SAWTOOT School Area Nowor 3 bdrm. 2 bath, lu basom onl. doublo naraoo,1 app.ncos, V.y 59,50C o - - Call EVERGflEEN flealty O <»».. SUPER BUY omo am. Lcensed.Stylng Salon, frpl.unlquo vno room w/lomol dnng aroa. lul bsm l, nrgo loncod yard. much moo. M2,50( - App Nu roalort r TERMS AVALABLE CUTS X COZY- 7 bodroon- homo wth lroplaco. Sm j Down, ownor c.rry- $27,000. CREAr TERMS- Owno w tl-cary-oo-m f.-clojn 4 bodroom homn n good ro par. 132,500. ACKPOT PERSONAL- Attontlcn- 2+ ocros wth largo hour.o Assumablo balanco wth smnllor down 42,900 For moro nlofmaton, ask lor PalDor.horat DOSER S OLLEY r a 4 o r s e a., 4 r o o m home-n7,o6o r. roo and cloar andvacanl Ownncr w lnanco wth roasonablo down, t::all Wl or Man Wost Roally 734»55, 1, Fobruory entals W APr prco n, oa- V > lo rry «al Rfr. wtooo, / \! l l. S. Got \ (/ f.crodll Vl W colloct \ 1 \ )prova- V oa. S, count. r j " ;. 10x391. T5T.. "Wh 1/lruat.- RANO rtofor 030- om ea For Sale go & t h e PRCE S RG 40, bdrm, cc - subdvslon-.quloloroa. $43,«l(K;08n 4 basom onl. famly roon 5 5 ;, lot. lust outsde lown. T fuo lust ousdo lown. room, nco yard, T9,, ROBERTONE _ REALTY- 73WM04 or Bdrm 1 balh, tjrck t torost lor aalo by ownor bath , loavo r lamjo. " 031 OutolTown FOR SALE by ov budor-now3 bdrm, ga all eloctrlc. well nsufat Wond_oM. m ! B u h m e r omes TEflS ?," 033-Klmberly-ansen 900.,3. 4 BDRM. 2 bath, splt 0 lamlly o-oloolrlo-w th-com ounlry - ol South lls. *56.500». Low ownor. ca , rgans Gom Dr.. Kmbory nowl * BY OWNER, 3 bdrm. 2 low nl,, assumablo Mako m ean ollor o 3 S o FOR SALE BY OWNE bdrm. possblo 5 b jjrj Afl3umoblO-Call ( 4 bath 2 B D R M - ", 2 OflO room.partal basorr nrrr Lonnox AC. Attachod Drve Pof* Slor. Shod, Corno Exc locaon n ERC, , Prcod roasonablo, CO- 3 APPONTMENT: : chon, 2 car 037 Farms & Ranched PRME FORTOTATOE 240 ocros ol supr farmland botwoon Wond V» Tutto, Prmo land, or; rrgaton, novor pano P y spuds, 2 vory good home w p o r oulbuldlnga. Extra w M "* oharoa, 3 phaso powo oasy lo convort to sprn 11 now Ownor w llnanco par rorm s 10%. urry on ths ( jmont 120 ACRES prlmo ond SF, oalo noar Oakloy. toady C al poatoos.. PONE-SSZ or4675_95 S 2 «* CRE Tublo cludod. " Call 20 ACRE DOUBLE orrlngbono at CastoF. bsfm 4 o ACRES DOUBLE rt Soulhwos ol oromo. 60 ACRES ROCK FREE, a l Kmbory, M ACRES-Ofomo-arao , 720 ACRES STOCK RA " at Mll Clly, cod. QO ACRE DARY at B doubo3sdooponor, ENT A C R E S-U -.hay pasluro, pwnor wll cons balh. al roasonablo olfors, need BARNESREALTY Call 1043 Bluo Lakes North C«ll7»-e227 foo 5 (BS-Acfeago&Lots Ddor SEAUTFUL-Roc; Cr. 3 ol Canyon or 5 acros, mly. ownur MOBLE OME LOTS dvson, Washngton St. A 1 block west on Phoat Rd. F.-.nvlf.rm.l ACRE buldng lot ;loy. Rvor Vlow, Sol rado lor ncomo proporl) krw. Twn Fatln, , lul , M - e r U orlott-m ot hom o on pormanont lo and dalon and 10 ocros. d. 1, 2 solup Wln QOod rtlonll )om. nystom, Ownor wll ca lull oood tormr,, t38,700., d. &?, ACRES Southwest toro Twn fals on Twn Fa Tract, Modorn 2-sloy bdrm. 3 balh hon oom oxcqlunl oulbulldlngs. ld< S - " 1 %.. " " " n.- AMERCAN REAL ESTAT,Q. S APPRASAL M cross /rfcour/ou..t A L- 73*«50 *ho DouD Vollmor. Brokor ar V M ryaktorman ,wn A lda Strong Donns vollmor ask Lowoll Wll-.. 4"a CRES SW odqo of Tw TF Canal sharor. Cal.o , M anw obtroally a n r 5 a c RES w(5 bedroom, h l b a h s OME 1200 t sho Wl Lor, ol roos, noar TW ally FOR DLEOW APPflASA Z T t o / ban0a6es rn / h a t d o h a f t a d o t o g B G o n e s? e 038 A creaoe& Lots m o b le h o m e LO* s T courtry tjvlslon. Waahngon -. block,w.03t on Pr M f"- Rd. easy torms, 734-6;.om.bg Buldng Vamly SMALL atock sotup - ocros w th 3 bdrm. d C e mobllo homo. Call 829 WANTED TO BUY: 1 Twn Falla Phono Exc R222 Uat 14*70 mobo hor bo sot on. Call obosh! 03& -B u3lnessp fope om so, NSULATED BLDG., now 1675 o r 3750 SF r olfco. lg,door MAN STFEET N ERC ownor. bdrm hom o sultabl parapo. Com m orca or Roa latod n purp o ses. ncludos S small WAREOUSE tnct Rm Rock Roalt S3 South Lncoln or T ~ 0*3-V acatlon Proper M o b l l e m. By C L08E0U T8A L, 302 ON TAMARACK-;...MOBLEOMES 1 Snglo wdo : RodocodfromllB.E 2 balh, To,ONLY X loan, 7204, CONTEMPORARY O.ER: Kmberly Roa bdrm, CALL OR SALE OR LEASE \ lvng <l, 14x70. 2 bdrm, 2 omont. M/fropaco. app. Cat od Car 567 after 5:30. nor l o t ROME. n e w KT ROYAL Ot FOR 2 x X 3 bdrm. 2 bat ooctrlc for sale wllh Magc Valoy Mobo 1 Estates Woshnqlon S Z Pheasant Road. Contac OES CONTEMPORARY O jporor 2004 Kmbory Roa ndol 4 CALL Oravly SOW MODEL SPEC.lod lo 1S84 24x56 3 bdrm bo: mes -f Soquoa. 2x6 walls, lo walor roo sklrlno 4 no par» wor &,111 May or roo Dc nkor, Canoo. Ony * S >art al bank lnancng, URRY Magc V allm obll# < SPECAL PRCE nd lor 19 Broadm oro 14 ft. dy or wth 6" w alla. o«lra t 2:3874 tlon,- 4 -all~<loeltlc t: ncludos dolvory and s or- locally B D CK A N S fporo M O BLEO M ES 4 mllos N of Porrlno E LE 4 T,F, Ca or 438- TO BE MOVED-1D71 S E land 24x58, 3 bdrm. 2 b Excolent cond, Owno ao: nopw tm tot ovntrc ANC , 1069 Gontry-3 t Prce ncludos rongo. Blss, w ashor/dryor. woodsc msc lurnturo. Famly -_-and WOOO,. WESTERN REA nsdor toob REWTE f bolo(om archl.1084, rth LAZY OMES Kmbory Road Twn Falla t wdo rnobllo - partly lurn, locaod at L Crook Park. *11.000, , 3. hy 1073 chnm plon molor h o t. good cond, low 1 S for ojo. Coll , 1977" FARVEW Cu:,, 14x70-, 2 Bdrm,.dnng r< wol bar. furnshod. w Kunmoro washor ahd d Al shapo " 1978 FLEETWOOD mobo hom o, 2 bdrr 1 balh, all oloclrlc, wc sulalod w th 4" wal storm w ndow s, Rolrc or. r.tovo, dlshwa: washor A dryor. coot - 3klr1.no- tr>cludod. loun- clean. 1 ow nor homo meal assum atjo 14% mc nlon loan. G or gts GREAT LAKE5M0 OME, Uko now nloror. L.f j BARNESREALTY 5., 1043 Bluo Uke» Nortl ome -..._ C «! deal mao 14x70 MOBLE MO met Toly oeclfc; 3 bdrm, 1 carpol. storm wndc rfklrtno ooctrlc panol UTE cuaod, Lko now. must llw o n o - -to p-prl,r.o) * nlorosod C (M or 678-9G01 a 6prn4_ank_lr_Thujm,_ f 1B81 BRODAMORE, 14x Odrm, 2 balh, atw O, lako ovor paymo 9199 Call colloct &.315; « , orom o. wn, 3 Bodroom Doublowld rod 1070 Skylno 24x60 Ab Avorago C ondtlo Sacrl a. lor *24,900, Locaod al Sp n. 3»140 Skylano Mobllo Park,VN CONTEMPORARY OM 3AL Kmbory Road C A LL ) g e t o n e o f t h o s e ots 045-Moblle omes l o t s o r 1980 SAARA 24X5fT oy Mobllo balh, AL sdng, s tdull sub- Exc cond, Assumab on St. S & lonn. Call , Pheasant , 1? B R entals }-Susan, lup on to m. 2 bah 050-Fumlshed ou fncrotn BEAUTFUL nowor E x c h X o bath homo, w/l - ftn ond foncod yard. 2QC ows Ln. T.F,. *575/ PONE , S pt sss."; G.. poa mobo homo, most F rostrm. no pots, , 2338 NEAR LYNWOOD. 2 EROME, 1 WATER, yard caro pr lablo for *275 plus doposll, N oadonlla roloroncos , 1SOP or NCE, 2 bdrm mcbllo 3E. Con- coso n. pvt lot, ca jalty. 634 cloan, Cal , SMALL 30,.ClQan.: for snglo or coup perty North wtaohlnolon, P bdrm. S rolrlg, stovo, dl3h\ dlbposa. waterbod bsm l. w /hookups. ALE yard, w /lrut trooa. :K-S cul-do-sac. Sawtooth ES OlBtrlct Rlc: 0 Evans Proporty M , U nfum. ouse! OMES A COZY 2 bdrm wlh c load lh Avo East. *:, month. Call SE-l973 A CUTE 3 BDRM, 2 balh. Economcal gas ho Cal 423- acksot, Co A 3, BDRM OME, lvng room, sunny OAK room, now carpot. S bath all month. Call , lh lol. At ATTRACtVE Laroo 2 o omo olovo- rolrlg, garac > Sl, S & ulllloapald. No smol tact po ls, , ATTRACTVE 3 bdrm. OMES homo, largo ktchon. dshw ashor. largo _734;2673 Backyard, lully car ECAL basomont. oarthslovc boaullul hookup, dbl garago. 0, loadod. pots wolcomo. *75 sark ronl doposll, or 7q Dolphn AVALABLE: 2 bdrm 5 & oasy,0, 2?s per month p <RY post. Call , > omos.f... bodroom. 2 bath hom ft. wdo (fopaeo. and loncod 260 Moadowa U no..,* fals-tsso /month, d sot up oanno C apps work 0400 homo; , 2-bdrm 14 X 60 mobo ES n oxcollont condtlo 0 Brdo, oloclrlc hoal. slovo 05707, carpollng. 4 dropos, s trcosts: BUL-Nowly-omod -3 bdrm Bdrm omo. *135. * S go. rot. post. Call sovo & COUNTRY OME 5 m lly park, from Twn Fals. Stov EALTY frgoralor. W/O hbok bdrm, carport. AC E oloclrlc. Loaso *240 rchasod -t- cloanng doposll. adulls. Call _ AZELTON; 2 Brdm h Stovo, hoat oflclont, hookup *175 por mo ) homo *100 dop. Call t Lazy N KMBERLY, Unlurr 1 3 bdrm. 4-plox. Farly.r homo ront ncl, rolrlgorator. W mlo- waor A santaton, No *250 * depost, * Custom NEARLY NEW 3 bd g room, bath, covorod palo, c w/now.sprlnkor systom. d d dryor, garago.for SALE or CALL_n4;G51qovonlnn 14x52 NEW. all oloctrc, 4 *>c drm. 1 baths, lamy room, vc n- locaon, *425/mM, vals K lrgora- newly PANTED, clc washor. drm homo, stovo 4 30or. 4 ncluded. 300/mh Very onp. Call Lnds; nntr!-! NCE 2 bdtm houso. W, sanallon furnshod. D :;nquro_at54 Quncy n c e 3 BORM omo n G ood locaton wth l< yard, Call Tc o. RS d bome. ndo"wr RENT OR SALE. Srr,nr. n bdrm homo. 1 acrc.11 n n oardon spot, Wost ol -----Fals.-250/monlh-h-t; SALE OR RENT 4x70 3 agorman, nco- 2, houso, gardon, run rrc rorln lonm d>ard_cal or Small 2-bdrm houso lo, n Fler, NCO yard, earr d hookup. Call 3?( vde *200. dop. Aval Mar 1 Abovo TREDOF PAYNG RE crllco Nocd a lax deducton Spaco b est nvostmont you ark mako s a now Ran homo. Modns now ava 3MES rom * wh as M td 4% down, Call or ovonngs. 051-Unfym. ou. VERY NC 3 bd Largo yard & pa locaon. *325 por *100 cloanlna do; Mlko at )07, avallablo. Qoh 2. Ronts rango ron k *420 por monlh, C k dayloryourronlal m Aurora Cnpltal Co A 34-M47 n Eves&vroek< 7 1 Patty lqqlns 73 f \ bdrm. gas lurns / and rolrloeraor, / BDRM al 159 C / *160 month. Call / PM or wookonds. 7 / 2and3bdrm hou3c hujq_c_proporty. 2*-5656j3psn_7_dfl 2 BDRM.. oarago, *250/mo do a Goorgo s 2 BORM, Largo lor *225 por month, 7888, 2 BORM, Now nsu acros. all loncod. Twn, Avallablo March, Col : 2 BDRM. slovo. fr Ash, no pots, *2 plus doposll, Cal allor 6. n e s 2 BORM OUSE. A srbsdt! S S Z ; shlnglos, pqs.-oromo 324-& nablo 2,9%? b d r m OUSE, 0 / Uuch 2. *295/mon d o p&slt.callt-as! 2 BDRM OUSE, Soulh Wost ol Tv> N ausea 2 BDRM OUSE,. yard, garago, ap or 4 bdtm, *280 por month -f w/lropaco Call or 733- Moad- 2 Bodroom 575/monlh, *75/monlh * *100 depost. No dogs, wntorjod ??" *215. P bdrm S utos. rolrlg, stovo, cnrpot cornor lol. w asr. 2 BORM, hookups, 506 3rd Dprovded, Evons Proporly, No pols, ment W6; 250. P-4. 2V bodr blo homo, bath, nrgo ktchr n, sutabo Management, ouplo. 195 S290. P-W. N co r townhouso. 1 bath, m 2 ban drapos. dshwasho shw asher O, c. carport, bods, lull. Across from eologo S le n c o d lo-wn3hor_s dryer. )oa on a W ashngton. Evans Oth School MaMDomonl. 7 3 tl* Rchmond 3..BDRM.. omo, n; Mnnago- ulllty room. * < aO R M r-l*-bathr rolrlgorator lu M k Tpo 3 BDRM ORCK. S2W por p,op,yco_ (arty,c pots, Roforoncos r M orno. + *125 dop, hoat, BQRM OUSE famly room, garono,.e, U rgo ya,o. n Twn Pal my dnng S295 por 3 lurnlshod. foncod "r, carport dope afago. an o r !.moKoroor 3-Qdrm, :T T., carpol, drapos. rof separato olllco r on. stovo w/carpot 4 hoat. 0 fenced Across ron school, 408 Maurc. r *3»- PK- 3 bdrm. - stovo. hookup, now jrm nome a,ap e s, woodstovr h plus do- (ongoj 3,, cul-do s a c,, noar loqsldo SshOQl_62 Orco, E*,: -zbpflt nomo wlh agomenl,r.;*uol n C h : foncod yard, pallo w -ork, 734. barboquo bulmn. 571 L T ra ff r au um onrr l?.n"n MS B O R M. ~ r b cvo. ro l:. Shod dop. Call 6 Bdrm homo. Faml 5 dblo car gar, 3300 SF. ; - -?fw clgp, ovc * *75 d o - s U o s c e z - Fum- Apt. & Du Stovo. ro- c a n bacholo7~ap"t. bokupr 3 -A santaton pad.-m AC. al dop, 676 Al Sl,»3. 7:!40 monlh , 111, Prolor CLEAN STUDOwlh. L & dryer, *125 por me m ouso, *60dpp, Nopos.734- om. W/O Excollont NolQhbon m onth + - Noat sludo. *185-1 p V.5-. Non smokor-call 734-: lurn.-.hod gxtra U rge 1-0DRM lrly new. b, ck buldlno. o lor. stovo. alo r furshod, clo 1552 _ s? N!n?-5325or324!6 bdfm, 2 KTCENETTES ), o nced. noopnn, rooms, , LARGE 1 brm ac ullllllos ncludng hoa 4 *>drm, 2 waler lurnlshod.. m. quet phls, *140 + dep. 734 LOOKNG FOR A OU - a p a r t m e n t? Call Ol 7-3:2940 \ Nce : bdrm lurn.ho S S. Waler , 3. Depos- SEVERAL 1 BORM y------cloan. *110-*170, Cal On Buhl,, 33_3, lonceu gyll 2 room apl, show or. utllllos fcrn y homo, joal for coupo, *14 rod cou l S y, - Smal 7 lurnlshed. 7 52t o l Tn STUDO. ~vory hod. Call p_ots,j25-_dop:3t QnM a p t, vory. 2 bdrm carpotod, pary lurnl 1rron- T aroa. Call 32< 4 SflO" 1 BORM bsml apl. U, pad, adull prolorrod, 3 lor lon or 7 j4-374q. o u c n convenent loc, *45-*5 an Troe 1201 Kmbory Rd avalable r35rp-74, Slucllo, ulll : llllo as ovc 4 rel. 317 ShO >660 days St. Evans Properly 1, agom ont, , ouses O S-Unhjm. ous 2drm homo. 2 BORM, ome pallo. oood nbrhood. detachcd or monn + bg yard, *295 «opos. Call mmodlalo occupa bdrm. pad, Kmtmrly. Ev. om * porty.m anagemer, Cal us P-*3- Nco rpcrallon [,alh. rolrlg, sovo " os pad S t3 X. Oulncy S, altor 5: U nfum.a pls. S! S» d a y a a, A NCE 2 bdn "Basemon lroplaco. 698 Monr nonlh. No oor month. Ca 734-; 0 al a olocl, noor hgh : bdrm, *275 + dope ALL ELECTRC 2 aulalon, 6.7? S " 3 pots, *265-f 150 Avallablo M archl, 73 *24o9mo h ATTRACTVE Largo.,,. e pots, 73j-5307, s 7 5 d o - ATTRACTVE dupox, applances, drapos, garago, sonl s. avallnblo yard caro lurnlsh. pots. Cal Brck dupox - 1-td CASA DEL PRADO; 2 df" apponcu. modern oardon apts sottng, convone lon. Applances lu houso ncludng dshwasho 00 cleanng posal. Laundry on pn s. Call 733- chldren wolcomo, n Ront, basod on nco m 1 balh. East Eghth Avo 11. )0t. drapos. Call , EO, shor/cryor Casa Grande Apls, a Avo, E. anrt, *161; 2 bdrn Manago- *182, Modorn nppls l dsposal, laundry o drooms 1 msos, chldron wc :hen. w/d no pots. Flor Bluo lwoon14 6pm.EO. 18 Property CLEAN 1 bdrm, *140 1*01 + *70 dop.. water )- 2 bdrm pad. Cll c th carpol alter 5pm or \ or, stovo. DELUXE DUPLEX-2 t. balcony, bath, full bsml w go, access unshod room. A/C Cf.,77fl_N pump..wood..burnlno S Properly Auto garago door c loncod yard wth yar. naa heal pallo. Otshwashor, d: Bult-n soroo spbakc,.r"no lt e2bdrm«.. roq *335 oloclrc, Avo. Call l. T b DELUXE 3 BDRM : no loncpd oof CSl. Almost new?als Can a M S fl9 > W.4.D.73. Excollon 2-Bdrm kopllancus duplex ut Eootlo 3d w rd Stadum. Carpotod, c nolt Ca kllchon app, lurnshc f d hookup, aulo. door.oloc hoat pum a/c *350 W dopn. n back t. loncod Excoptlonal-2 bdrm, orn hch washor. rolrlg. rlco.evan /c laoomonl. AC. no wookonda, w camo EXTRA Lnrgol-BDRM 3vo lull tlck buldng,- o rd on a lurlshod. clo r Morr. Shoppng and school, m Kna.. S,N or otty-u.., l The Mar ~ 7 3 9b/m;h «,. O f f c e monlh Mondoy ll.rouf; 4a._ <lo. o m. 10 2N o r h 1 porson..? 5 - Q e a c M.Apls.. T T T oat and Monday 1 :loso 10 -"y s (1.ndM u.ldoy, « p r r n n n n n n n r P,S N o t c e Ym A CECK YOU AD. r,al4 n o l oxcop ol..u-- N.-W-,.t , r.or t..- r-,por.-..t> «R a t e s or r.lvot.. Po.ly A.-; < A fs. N o o ld o v :a 734- _ m.-. Share M.mnmm rnshod n o..lu..y - - f"u? Mn.-n nco *alor 4 10MV w ll.out cop 3d, N o- or o» m ov.ng -.r 551 od-. O.h.rr roroq 1 Clean, rnlshod ", r S R e s u l t n. toa" " s o l d._. tho *55 wk r o f r g o r a t o t h o f r s t oua; -day! y Man louses 054-Unlum.Apts Dupoxes lomo, quot :h c d p a ra o o. - lo a n c T r a - EXTRA NCE 2 bdrm, A m o m, n t - COSO pno- Chldren wolcomo. r - - T ", Warm, frondy 4 quot at- 0 1 Ddrm, mosphoro, bdrm aps, w *l95s2«mon,803q ulncy. S CALLTWeoq,., LARGE, 2 bdtm duplex, r ; - " r closo to shoppno conlor. 7.;?? Stovo. rolrlg. dshwasher. W/D hookup, lully corpolod, waor 4 sanallon pd, days, ovos wookonds, f - U rgo 1 QDRM, Also largo 93, STUDO. oat 4 walor 557;;; ltfmsnea, b jj snosnnntrn : Oonroo. * or , MODERN 3 DORM, 1 /4 bath. loh schoo 2 al applances, * doa?po3l, s Doslt. b-6856alloropm. rater pd. No Nowor Ouplox, 3 bdrm. 2 lu S bahs, gawgo. a/c. rolrlg. 2 bdrm 4- stovo. danwashor. M50 -f, carport, no NOW Takng oppllcallons lor 150 depost. 1 bdrm apls. Soc. 8, low , ncome housng, ronl ad- / rgo 2 bdrm. u3lod to ncomo. For hand- gdraoo. ol cappod ond senor ctuons, smokors or nqulro 01 Cherrywood apts. <, or cull Pam ll no, answor E..O. ces, carpol. QUET DELUXE splt lovol 2 santaton 4 bdtm. Klchon. appllancoa. nlshod. No W/O hookup, pallo. carpon. 17. sol walor. santltalon 4 yard 1 trt-m" fr 0 furnshed. *300 pof hookud No SPACOUS 2 bdrm, Nco 13 n nalu 3rd Avo Norlh, , onlent loca- SPACOUS 2 bdrmapt. Rol 4 5 lurrlshod atovo. al ulll pd, *300 + *100 shor & dls- dop. Rool nco, nprom soa, UNFURNSED Qasoment 10, no pola, aparlmont, *200/monlh + ncomo. 140 Ullllllos, , 11. orom o, Washngton Sl, Norlh-Vory t cloan 2bclrm condo. Bull n lls, 1 bdrm opps & ftropaeo. 300 por 3drm. starl monlh. Cal days ls lurn, dw, 8:30-5:00 or ovonngs 4 ry on pro- wookonds *150. P-0, 1 bdrm. 1 bath bo- nco carpet, stovo, walor/trash pad, 148 Austn. * E v a n s r r t y ManagotT50.p-34, 1 bdrm. 1 balh, carpot. dropos. rolrlg, 248 < 2 bdrm. 2 3rd Avo, N, Evans Proporty wth g, Management non..,ns «2 Bdrm. Open bourn collng. flrepl.-dshwasher.-daposal; atovo & foffg.. acu2l, No r d anoaal POla. * b akors No 2 BDRM APT, For moro n-.f -uuqtcng lormnllon. Call 733r5374, 1. Rol ro- 2 BORM DUPLEX. Slovo & 50 dop, 180 rolrlg. W/D hookup, garano, or th Avo Enal, T.F. *240 monlh * depost, , 4-PLEX. Al 2 BORM DUPLEX, rolrlg. 50 Sparka range, covorod parkng. largo yard, walor 4 garbngo y ~ 5 Knlf, pad, *275/manlh *175 now ranoo dop Nc p«3, SoO al m 2-bath Daf3,f f l,-32w ovoa 73349, lollond 4 2 BDRM n Twn. Bath & 1:. d dranon carpon, laundry foclllllos. lshod w 4 applloncos 4 palo, * oarago dop.326-t04aor32(ms35. lump Wllh 2 Bdtm 2 story Apt.*210 *... p No pots, dop. No Pols, Call or , jrm, dsh- *200. P bdrm. 1 balh, rango, rolrlg. stovo, carpot. drapos. nw thv 7/0 W/D hook-ups. walor pad, no pots, next to park, 351 Lols *1. evos or Evans Proporty Manago- SO. - ment RM, Apls, S240. KR. 2 bdtm. 1 balh, ro f. eat and stovo, carpol. drapes, gas closo to hoat, 331 V 3rd Avo E. Evana oo. 2304th Property Managomon O - -l. People s rketplace 334)931 : e o u r s rr.day 0 o r... to 5.30 p.m. Salu. 2 Noon n e s lay Ft;day lor publcono. 0 0W1..9 n Snuday lor pul>caro< Sunday -rn " B " a- r fl r r y Y r r r r r r r r g 8 : e! AD-Ohr f, S DAY OF CUBUCA- <* -.l.oud r.o r p..o. col tl....mn..-dc.1-y.- ll...now. wll S r.-..t>l.- lo rho.. O.. r.orr.-c1o UULgULLSLOLU-LLLUULg-0. S r \.-; 1 2~ S.S O ~ ~ t.,-% opply ony.o con-,..culv.> ln..r, copy clotj.- (.pny.r..tr fcturd q -.at.- nd-.-nnrt-potnn w onnd QvQ.ol.1.. uponrl.(,.ll t t s t o r " S e j l f,,,.

19 e n t a l s - F " a r m e r s tn t a r h e t DENNS the e MENACE 058-0f1co Rentals 067 Mlscellansous3-077-R ado.t V 4Sto Storoo 086 Frewood 090-Pots & Supplo los 102-CatUe 108-Shoop AppfOK 1300 sq. TPTuTTy t. Brown t o n naug ughatydo COCR Toovsons. FREW00D-$5b a Dl l)lnpck:p EGSTERED Bull- - Cocker FORSXlE: Rogstor storod fod La(rt)lng Shuds or- C j.o CfROtoU. flllco or 3f ; shoo c ouch & lovo aoal. Excollont E«luno soloclon. Ftom $99.95 Of $40 small pckup, kup. U-aul Spanol Malo $150. ) Angus Bul, 3 yrr, r, o old, $800 sh.jcl. Appro?4x56 <" ap.co. Corno ol Addls dson & condton, $400 Of bos losonot; Kon a TV & AppllBn< lanco, 420 Call Q. FURS AND FEATE ERS PLT nttotnoonao ms or ovns 24x112. Make ollot. 543-Cej2 W a 5hnoon.Call423-62C * 2 axlo Mloy hotso 10 ralor. Majn Sj Twn, bluo 5 whto, $1260 lr - WEVE g o t ALO LOT MOne SOP ANS SUPf>LY. QLSTEN aprlngof holofd, ~ t llrm. Call COLORTV - w - EAsTYOURSELF nto lto busl ovonngs. r-, Ffowood, $05 30r per CVOl ( Al & Al Qrocd. sovur. ovurat ctoso 112 ln allon nodo-wth-a gatuaod... _ Wofkn nood. $75. C, Cj 34-,on pckup load; ; cut. r.p> f T».., UP. Call , nchodulo. Sovo WOO S S " s ; C O V E " M ST< STORAGE 01B8_, :... - "FARtORRRlOATbN... dollvorod phono nslflllalon chat t o o s AREAS, {l!x20-s) all now. n( 496 (3 QUALTY com omponcnl G 3 F a r m e r s nm a r k e t m s t o c k c ovs, w s, calvng Now PVCgatod plpo Savo too por monll on?h on A dlaon Avo. W 7334 SlOfOO syslom. Magpan, 08&-Vadfty FoOdS ods.... now. Warron Taylor, of,0foana. Used Stool phono oqulpmont-clar clargost GRLS 1-spood Bcycl clo, bluo Carvor, Dynavocor r 4 mote. Ca _ 2".tMwall Uro FannSeod oat & llghla ncludo udo n attng.fay Slyto. aa Dovoon D Voryalfotdablo 531-4: "SMMGNTAL tont ol thosu doluxo (0 olllco o sldo. Askng $20. C< Call 423- PANASONC 8 TRAC SAcR.a, 0 * > -P e (ss S u pspllos p ll. c u s t o m gr a n ccleanng l Slock Cows. CalL352- apacos. Call Kon n Roy altor 4pm soroo w/spoakets., "Porl.blo" S.vo ets. $90 a KC Black Cockor youf y own 5 SMMENTAL :kor spanol 3,,ufl ;,ock fox on Loaano Aoon lot do detals., GOLF CART lo; aalo.: 0.36 voll, AKA roco/dot playct, pup3_ rtosslablo t cavos ths sprng. b 44 sod; s un eysroutlpvc V good battoros 4 cl chargor, fool/roo, 0 track c Mnno &, tfcatng. snmontal k combo. chlltls pot. S ntal olors t23-471d Oulkonlv C.lt FOR RENT; Olllco fco or f l o r bosl ollor M9. Novor usod, other m; 384. opm, 3 Short r machne. b Ca CK L>B (t 1Yoarnj]. >BPUPS Y warohouso spaco. Contacl Co ANDCRAFTED - L T Call 734-C , _. Slmmonlal tlors lors, C.111 ASTNGS. C ham ponshp De bloodlnes, 097-ay, Gran & Dalo733j4848. BUCKLES, Chooso 50 your RENT A NEW TV Owr.l-eM F _ 53G-2«>3all5pm 3wnanew oxeellont poonl.l, Gated Alum 4 PVC \ PRME OFFCES. Addson ow n doslgn. Gotman Sllvor color TV by ronlnp j.noctot- N gun do g s, Whe[ helped on GOOD EAVY baroj oy 4 good 50 tolstef SSprlnnut PVC Undo/groufd 1 Avo, E. across tom Ptonzo, SToclnn orn chockod. 204 Mam Avo. 1/12/84. Roson/nn nn fralos, unllly hay. Dollv vorod by olofs. Start calvng lyng tho s l Bll MjllofS Abortaon a. Ample parkng. par Koppol # Btowscy «l# N. CANS $250. fom aos, $21 $!fo0. C.1 :>nml loads B of March. Call 645-: ox ovonmg calh wcoro. < 3 %, 500 or 600 aq... Pl Phono Tormporatlly movln vno to USED c olored D TVS, Glonns Fort Ferry. AY lof sato. Wo buy: sol 4 y.%21 a1ter 6pm:._ -... ppe Oosflm--MotryrRoBl tjaora. anow aoaross; nunranrooa n o w h oholonatr-----akcbcackl-abfe rfemsutt; traunayt543-60?3or ormtsooo sff~ttoago f ;;rc 3lt~DrT?fot n f 11 PVG-flAlumnum... > Y Man Avo Eas ast - Porablos S cor consolos. pjovon broodot. w/dlgstonc w/f Ranbow Commodlly tty. hollora. Start callng llc3 mddo PVC Untjotgfound / / / "> PRVATE OFFCE wll wllh ro- Walch (or roopon > n Blackor appllanco Pedlgroo. Mus sol, $175. MANURE SPREA ADNG" ol March , Ppollnos nslalod copllonlal S answ{ swornn about MarcKlS. 1( Ppo straghtonod C allft Loos Cuslom aorvlco. $200 month. th. Call Emorgoncy. Phono 73 OT F tm. Carpels Bruco at Globo Roally AKC Enollsh ; Spfnner 326-«964ot , rm l Maylog washor 4... _ Bob Balloy Ppe Lo?- " h groon; Eloctolux lot?knr oo N BABY CD wthmall natross 4 Spanol pupplos.. 2V4 monll5 WANT TO BUY; F< Foodor 4 Chocoalo Brown m Thor- SprlnlrofaadRobulldofa ncr 734- old, 2 malo 4 3 lom. omao, $50. dary hay. Cal : MOlmvE W ER/ R PA R AT OME UST LKE EM SPACOUS OFFCE n pro- shor 3 brush: colfoo M? oughbrod, 2V%yr or; orso Colt, 1S12 Man. Buhl Cal losslonal bultdlno. oxc )xc loca- or»d tablos:mlor saw haltor.wy_$2m 5.543;537l.. W: Guar, febuldng lor Noson lon. across auoot rom post pound cul w/atand CAS for good )d usod AKC Malo black { 4 wht! O9& -F am sf o rr 0n1 1 ofaoabouqt-sod- Old-tfdud. RalnBrd 4 Weaher Toe. olllco lnoromo b9121 MOVEABLE Atso jr----- (Tq funturo and appl Dplancon. Shlh-Tzu, Fo Slud soxvlco n-(f?gt- o R r CAS omo ol Does Do< 2 WEEL LNESV V. m 0 Call SF ol offlco ) 91 apaco aholvlna, Mako olfor. 056 Rooms For Rent S, K _ LEASE: 220 a o o s. p potaloos 93- Lvostock. ph: y73 j-o u p j. man, pumps 4 pannol. Call t 0S7-Mobll9om9 avalablo for loaso n Fral or Marcno DNETTE w lhloal4 S 4 chalfs, AKC R oglstorod Gol boots, boans. or gran. r- 4-. UNTNG &, Trol TralExpo <!Xl. ) KTCENETTS fo: ron onl aa 2xS5 Star Crall Moblln M nloratato Bank Bulk aumdng. MOVNG-MUST SELL FTTcTn chromo baao, $ tovora. 5 pups. 3. Cull 324- faaled by pvot S ha handlnos. roncod. 2 Mros, 7 / low ao 135 pof wook. k. ( Call omo (or lot )r or salo Call or 733)484. 4g*- standng lroplaco,, Bannor ocjos ol pasture. l29-_5m7. 8 od, vary nonlo, Fan Suppllos / boforo 3pm or allor r 6 6pm, 225/month + ullluoa, los. Cal S2S5 P N.. Man G.E. oloctrc atovo, $25 Cal KNGSZE box sptf ptlnas 4 AKC ro g sto o d d Btlllony FOf SALE or LEAS 4SE-290 lo 8 YR OLD small Pan 73± m T S<. Kmtjotly, daho, LarQO orgo of matfrosa for salo. 0. Good Spjnfol pupplos. 8 gravel" F O n ; SALE pvot Pony, t Ouartor V. --ROOKT?OR~RENT~f;. Non tlm. P-19. Nco 3 hrt.m t»d(? co Bulldlno 1700 aq Now Ranbowa 4 Krb condllon. $ t old! $75, Call 53(W5»-6584, t no whools lnos al Rl Rchllod. Excoon 4 lovablo W»"! > omokora.-too por mor month, bam mot)llo homo, n 2 Evona ProMcty M Manago-. uyp,5,hoy las. $ j KNGSZE mattoas :r& Cal or anyone, Wl sell set com- Call3?6-5gfV 310V0. waahor & t C:all colloct all 0 oprnga wllh aolld d maple AKC TOY POODLE,,E, Cfoam* ( want TO r ENT; 40-ToO ploto wth all her tack Call 4 Stool Pullflng 4 Factory ROOMMATEWANTED; ED carpol, drapos. wy M Lookng lor oxlta vac: v j c n r71. headboard, loa cloan Ban. $199. lan. fomalo or wll t con- 5,03, Sprnklor 0.,V n/av tv fo3 nk- Torms s nocos- Clear Out. Mus sollby Shnro 3 Mrm houao. 1. wllh MurtauQh. v»na. Proj -----p Bannor, sdof trodo p o n y monoyy-w hyno-60(1 )t thopo--pa N T. UnboKovam _ botvjoon orom< tl,o 4 aary,$80q,324_-0s5/. as Two 40x40 straluhl - w als two youno mofj. jm mon Tonlh. Mnocmaf slll-oood toms youvb ;v6 Cboon-.A -lypoa ol pant, nl ff V RX T O R:dl(l jod. ade ONGO PUPPES S to gve aoton. Boans. u lllloadald. r4-4b. : 2 BDRM Mobllo omo. 0. wood 1, storng? Classllod wll vlll cdo t. Top lno brands $6 ar o loss y atlo wllh CO maker kof. $350; away: Also 1 yoar f o od OnQO gran. Col : o r q u l p O no call woll do. 11. mll atovo. No amokora. $2754- V 733»3l. por gal. 19S2 Flora, behnd 0 COrnor f Ccabnet m o al[423:58l 1K-F«rralnplem!nl WANT TO RENT. \ all n e w Abmlnmn eanlffbo, r - Uart01lof.Z3A-fla52 wth lght. $50: Loalho hor sola, fre E TO GOOD D Ffam ly 0CO3 on North End 0 c 01 5>nm- Tralloffl. FomorfGxc re"xchany o. FOR SALL; 3. 10,000 Bu Small clotf-pjrl. 2 BDRM Trallor duso, f S S POOL TABLE. Sta -jood& * P» on-tbl- C.lfB a mwo r«ratt" B37--C29<aaY~3T733:fl3 j:4fl32o7s7 GranrBm3;a.-?Q T6 -Att0ofa Kmtjorly, 125 por m< month. (! Merchandse [d a s zo. aold sato, gooc ld n*! ROCKNG lovo seal, lal brunl Auslralllan Shophorc hord, lovos Sewlng 4 Crafts Call dlllon, $700- Cal ( -DVK oragno. atrlpod. Clos :daranco chldron. Call LKE NEW 1982 WV WAtjfED TO prlco. $7B,fll Cans RENT; Boaa 2-horao Trallor alor. Thor (S Cloar- FREE: Fomolo pup. 3 QORM rallot.cloao to Twn PRE Ro. a puppy and Fo/mund. fluhl & Ca:.aatlolofd oughbrod szo, Paddod 4 YSTER Fork-lllt 4000» pt rt"»cocontof _!!; mohor lovoabo, an >o Falla. Washor. dryor, sc stovo S Wlfo Framo. Ncklo P and good ufoa M maflod, brakoa, 1 oscopo $ " tfgollon ppr Elegant Dress o rolrlqoralof. no pola, S. $ Mlscellajoous Vofv Unouo. $ M 2 LARGE rocllnors, rust ru: col- wth kds, 324; WANTED; Farmgro round to door. lock compa mparlmont,»50/v. mlo j 6 h n Dor monlh. Call orod, lko now. $149 oach, GERMAfT Shopho.d o»d Cross crop sharo or coah looso. $2500 Frm, le f DEERE Goa Tracor. cob Bllard Suppllos & pool us.nho Tl RAGS- 20b bags, colo P, Bannor Pupplos. G w ooks c «old, $10 wthn 30 mlloa fro Claaalllod... ho soluton salos. Ropalr, rocovor nrlnfl -WhlO- Gom LlpOr St rom Km- WE BUY sol uaod md sddos a arappo Ofks. good to atl your noods > 0932, coos, Bowladomo n-d-Avo:Wosl. * -"7-pE C E -drrotfoso. 01.Wof f pach.-call bofly S tack, Vekora a WVS oalorn,j. /Cj,, morna last ot $ Cans Cleat- GROOMNG UNLfc LMfTED Storoa SEARS knock down vn eon- nnco Contor, Your dog novor had ha.10 O Q -PasturesForR tlonal $cy. gos, duol lroa. croto mxof. good conc jndllon good. K lndnoss. ox 1978 CRCLE 2 hofs horso tral- cfuol goa lanks, lonfotcotl 073-S ew lnfl Crafts s 073-Sow ng & CraftsS $175 llrm: Comploto rt reload fanqolllzofs ; 2 3(" FOR SA LE:67 Ay a u T s ln or. $1500: Crcle 0 Y ahow ramo. trolor htch $ ng outlt lor Cralo Suo Grazln no allol- aoddq, $450..Catl poq tandom-axo follor, choalor. ncludng ".?» (;9-A ppllancoa lral_scttql_1.. mo rflpm oxendabo to 30. $1950. chuckor prosa. $ fomalo. 2 yrs, old, ota g5o M llrm. FRDGDARE Washot hot and huntora. $50 och. 43: 10$-Sw no Compolo shop A-lramo, 13 Call 32(5174. Dryor. $225, a hgh. oavy boam. cnalora. TE LARGEST soocll clon of or w ookonda. m alt -s c h n a uw FOR SALE; Wlonof?, foloy 9M. ouvy-duly uttnlshod lurnlluro- - c monlha od. dfosa- FRGDARE aundry.c $ l ANGUS BULLS 4 r Call or r gf,op 5,ono_ wodng y.conlot, ors, rockora, stools,, c mom holtors. oward rd Angus allors:30 or wknda. chors slackod unt, lor small = lablos $95 00, Factofy-bull, and roll lopdosks. Tho Mary or Apt. szo. lko k o Tdw MN SCNAUZER, R rpups 3 Ronch PUREBRED OUROC OC BOARS E 3 axlo 20 Sth whool traor. Caror Conor ,2110 $425/bosl ollor eg maoa. fl wko, $150, >0: fl BULLSTOREN :NT & Gllo, $150 & 1 up. Call boavor tal plus rompa. now Fourth Avo. E..Twln Fal Most broods. Cal 1 Bnfletl cond. $ ovos. GENERAL ELECTRC TROY-BLT Rololllars. f8. Fac- w ashor. $ "Bat?tof MUST GVE AWAY yt v o orl yona REGSTERED Durox jfox boar. NTERNATONAL lory prcos dseounk mod at ~ - dogs, alt sh o ta. 1 l m; male «1 COLOSTRUM START TED Bul Champon broodng. Call orae powor. lar condlllon. G ordon Country n B - r spayod foft»no. gooc jood hun- Cavos (or salo. CA ;ALL Call ;. Froo sot up and llor GBSON 21 cub t Uprght Ul Ofs, call m Catl colloct 678)220- ls!f5rooot._$ _d.banner a p t o f e s s o n a l COLOSTRUM-FED-O -oay-oo 114 Farm mplement nenls TV TEST EOUPM - t t ; GROOMNQ Vaeatl leatonlng? cavos- lor oalo. Contact C _ - Pcturo luboloslor, co( OTPONT folorgo gonorotor. B 4 K anal)?vl. * Guarnntood for only SoS $ m y $99,95. ll og. Chof Lorry or Andy, Magc c Valoy * B B Mlllor K onnola, ays. 6 Cloaranco C( Dary w loflt lo. Call <4. t.ontor, pung.q fod Baaaot, W E E K ott hound celostrum ood d f c j USED acolylono Owks: old, :avocrtn)lfof3.4 Tlll1S DU Pll wecomt NO c gaugoa & hoao. $85: - fnn NTERNATONAL harv fvoslof 8S[ olto? 5 of * r anylmo sale. Call saw horsos. $15 oach h- tfn rolrlgoralor. $69,90. Ba wknda tn boa. $ ovo fot-----m Fannlmpfementa k L t s 1» e c a L T *S NEWOLLAND 1037! PUREBRED Basaot,01 ound l l e w D m e n s Tlons c WPE R A G S many KENMORE portablo 10 oon- pupplos. 0 wooks.. ha hove had SALE Choapor thon papor to B oslshoflhornalnnnw. BALE # r WAGON.SOc/lb, Clar PUREBRED Cocko 01 Spanel 54 Bulla L k o N o w. W W y gf MONTGOMERY V 3 WEEL GOLF CART WARD pupplos. 6 w ooks od, old, 4 malo Bollora "- hoavy duly automatc c W g. $ 9,7 0 0 C bulll ongno. 5V.dn h & 3tem ao,$ , Slled fdgldy lor Whlo, $150. Call or. $fso or radc,, STOCK DOG PUP UPS ramo acoro.soundnon, S o l. P r l c o.. $ ; t. Cal alt 5 Som c UPRGT Comm nmoreal Maoa. $25. Dcrul tll lr, l.tf cr.".\ ; tl.lrt,«.1(1 K.r lun,; Lm A roozor, $249, Bannor, Mon, Feb 2/ 5 7 (4) or7b-15 Soars rdstnan Guard;,,,2, lor, 734- Cal ~ 1 o clock Canyon County C(! TWN FALS 1TRACTOR &PLEEr CO. w /sm or. racng chromo ch WANTED: Pgoons. "3-."1 Falrgfounda w hools. $ S 1935 K m borly K R o o d WASER and ORYEF»ER 10, Caldwell. Roll Magnum supor. B B B B n r n sato. Co awk w1tn Packmoyor and hoslor WESTNGOUSE telrl. elrooja-.t l-(, (lre.,1 (nt.,111 lof. $ Banner, l Classllod ads aro a 1 ( gtoal,983 MODEL Ltlon >n auto Clllfho Vlll,1MM. c nvostmon. no manor. r.wha. cook moal-ln-ono mcro your buslnoaa. Gvooa; )lkhl C(l: (t (l, l(:"(( 9 a call oyon. $400; Ge lodov *.((.lllctn Ut x/". f." < Elocrlc rango. $ «->3KCl.KlcO days or oyonlrt $2,?5 l()( C.CMl.lMrtr A,) j(c f.cl Ktlcn (w (sl.: 5 m S s SECMLS 07t>-WantBdToBuy OSO-eatlnoand,.cl l>,>(llnt Send :"(K t :>V. Allct Stoos Culls, BUYNG: Evorylhlng n ArCondllonlfl!! tndd Mal > -Z < APPC QOUT Af & sllvor. doho Con G( Tw1nFttTlm*fN«v«( lo s. 302 N, Man, L 082-Buldng Materal! BO B.-tM cnwlm St.. stn-c -EXERCSE BCY( e Y<k, NY lolu. Ptn Name Addtru. Zp. Pllctn Num&c Mty- L h - e x o - tjrty c lo,-n.. Avo N. Buhl. S , -m/ac V-ofoovo. Whlo Pno. >0. Cotal»()U» fx trafl -.mou fl! 0 6 «r 4 WANTED TO BUY: lumbor ,324-21: Tmes-News >-212-Z_ lk> UllllUCKA CAALO: Nnherawors. Ca ,,-r /O..Knl or,.,;--. " S ROUG LUMBER. TfC Tfoalod W WANTED: Non-worlng D.lk-n Send $? (10 ng a- post A POLES. FEED- F M flu CRAFT BOOKS..$2.50 mle. pllancos. Also sotro rc MCh repar BUNKS M 6 A All BrTfdCt6r-j-da-50< MCh lot potlae td lndln{ US Dollt &Clolh On Pade S f Ut-14 Qucl Machne Qullt 13flhofl name Oullmj M Us.vvorK d o no_.l733ra. SPECAL: rough um umbor t 3 - BUSNESS $220 to $240/ 1000, FtO rowood 072 Antques and posts cach / ANTQUE SOW & S/ SALE. 132 (ulll Otnal rsof / lrng M M arch 3rd March eh 4lh 82x4 Economy 99< 10-5: St. Bornards VWosl 84x4 tlr. $3.49. * tem s und nder $ 9 DRECTORY 1, :30Sn(ernhr}Stn3BS( M l M u ll Soxton. Blackfoot. D. 3. Ad* 16 CD Blow Plywood l28. ««lope Palchwek.Qgll. ( tt ( j n [ Masonto.aldlng$fl. K l! -ad.vers.ej f.e.d.. _at_th j_s 127.*r han n Do.lo tj jw M DRESSER, pano aloo 26" Galvanl20d doll, 126-thtdr Cr rewtrj parlor toblos & 2 rock ckots. n,03alnoallool. sp ecal lo\ low rate... PEeflL 3 l n e s T o d a y s 125Pt(1 QulU 1052 Koogan Lano altor 12«la)T Gll n Ottmtnb LNES, S, 7 DAYS lch n Pakh Qull pacry POC name nna wookdayaora.wookon: td.* " NORTWEST 0-,j.njl,j»00.r<d UNES, 5 DAYS 22S1urnPulltumj PLYWOOD SALE5 o o 120CtKhe1 Tout Wrdobe ToOrdcf... Olor cauloa, *» M *l orcm.. r " 0 7 4M usfcar... (Bohlnd unted Ol) $ (Add SO.OO lor «och oddl. lno) 119 Enr Art Ol rowc Cochtl lullr lltullrl«(l.nd c GBSON ACOUST flcal (Add S 1.00 lof «. Ue Nllr r.ll; Qlh each addton lno) p>0 «cll. pl«a«p*! ClBBltedCcars gutar w/oloctlc. pcl lckup, ns Eajy All ol Rpple C<och )»portm «nt C B330t cuaom natfow ncck. he (Add Sl.l.OOfor eoch addtonal tln«] 3Cfltple1e C-11 Bool OoclSO ca30.-$375/oltof nrew ood 109So+KRKBjc luue rcll p>0 «O«l*U* color losntlnl Cotbet ;htl poo» p«d M«lo Olxby, OK 7400S - ol wltl (fo-1 nol Foe pn orvolc ndvduol only A d r u n s d a ly n th e b u s ORGAN FOR SALE, 4 yc yoats ORY FREWOOD $8Src $800. Cut. spll & dolvored. 3. The prcc ul uuch (r>c?n.co. 0>nT*rco). Thoro ot.j n( n e s s..d r o c lo ry w n d cr y o o r lol Qull Dook Cdltclon 1h C DOor.l tl.. <nl No no prcc cc. or.om lmk. No ro- q, , o w p s p o c f c h o o d n g f o r " -op rfund o r odju djojlmnl ll od» 3 0 c o n s e c u t v c doys. fdl 0 cancolo oarly. r t " : " "... =< k e n g c c n 2Z2 2 - B B B B B B B B B BG- PROFTS jamnsl ervce g jude A d v o n s o C L P Tf S P O R T O N A N D M A LL O R B R M G N l o r o t tllo a s ARE ADE WR KfT y t>ur A DEREs l * Y STNG foul) S[ M. ( S nd drec :tory N a m e s, a d d rco s s o n d d o p t o o c Call rutl T b e rs s h o u ld b e c o u n too d a ;, p o r t ot y o u r o d. R a l e s Q q u o t e d o p ply ly lo W o n l-a d s f o r w h c h 1 p a y m o n t s n c lu d e d w ll lh o r d e r. 3 ln o s m n n u n. g r _ N o n - c o m tojrcal. roles only. P L E A S EE_PRNTW F 1T D R K PE E N C L O R B A L L P O Ng T P E N ( n k. m n y b l u r ) USNG O N E SPA C E F O R EAC V C W O R D ( 4 w o r d s ; p o r c l a s s f e d l n o ). at B BABYSOES~~ OSO momorloa UUtc. SE CLEANNG PLUMBNG An d WELDNG a M ADVERTSE lorovor n brono. ouso 0 ccloanlng, ofucos 4 Slulzmana? Plumbng. a YOUR OOld. Spoclal ronlala, la. fomo Managomon oatng * & Weldng. Now. romodol 4 ropalr _ no 423-4»07. Sorvco, :o, or 7j B SERVCE SPECAl BRONZED BA T ts Rootng & RBmodong NTSDRECTO avo those MANTENANCE LANDSC sc:a p n q )E proaorvod fort hnoa Prunno, ng, powor rakng. Bjltd. now. romodol. add EB p/flcounflotfon A TV - $12,95. Phono lylhlno cloan-up. 734-Om! Match. toooal. j?y541g :... T TREESERVlCe b y - yourcholcol f L BULDNG MA ly MAGC e V> VALLEY PANTtNQ allvof. or c _on. 25% _ dscount thru Your ad wll roach : fomlllob ovoryday an( rosullfl wll amazo oyou a d n f Bulldsomof or now lothlng Remodoanylf Commote lorca, roadonttal. ntoror }f < 4 oxlorlor. Froo ostlmatos alpa- Call 1008,, mlno., Froo oa. nsured. nvsmcaro * W. con-.. totayandonoofourlrl CAPENTRY Y PANTNG NG, ANDYMAN.VWfllng 4 Word ProceBalno Troo 4 Shfubbory tmloo latoo -... * C hock o n o ;..A c t o n A... d 4 - f 5 = 9 S p o c l o l B u s n e s s D ro c to ry B Uy dono al com- Romodol or Ad-Vaora wll rclp you your ad ao hat :h w22,000 craltamanahlp. andyma <man wotk. Rolo- Rosumos, and tho oncos. mullplo otefs. reports, malng F»oo Esm alos f, nowsottors. atrucllon. Not! _ P l o a s o p u b l s h m y o d f o r d a y s f or w h c h h a v o o n c lo s o,ds d S. g tho roaulta you aro lo moal odocllvoatd brln you. Call a ovos. PANTNG or amall os. Roloroncos. Work puat uarantood lst mantonanco. adroas labols , NAME: POtyO N E :. " lor, r rlondly S T. : B CARPENTRY 1NG YARD WORK & PRUNNG OP SOL lntortof-e> f-extorlor, roason- A D D R E S S 5 : C T Y : Powor rakng, shrubs & Romoaor. c 73M 931 W" DO profoaalonnlly waya. parklna ablo ratos los. All work dorto by ; rult roes punod. 7 yts oxp. br ng you polllvo prcos. u haul or wo can hand and guarantood. For L Ftoo osl lookno halla &5or>a >rthwosl 7: Crano oallmato.; lto C l a s s f e d DD ept. 0 For Srlvowa) r d S t. W/ c e s t. T w n F a l l s, D. 8 3 : S lola. otc. You h 0 B B a n B a n n B a B B B mmtmmmmamn n m m m a B a n m n ORAVEL&TOP dollvor. North andrlqfllno. 73:.... y1 soay. February!t. W3 "Tlmoa-NowbTTwn Fnlla, lc3nho C-5 v>

20 -----OflTlm05=N0W3rTA-tr Wn Falla. cuo Tuoudayr y ;T ot5fuarv2b ;ns e a s w m e r s t n a r k ( S t - A u t & r m & t n v s Farm mplomonls T ravol Tralers Cyclos&Supp ppllos 142 mporlsports nscars <&-<_Whool Drves - l46-4wteeldrves 14«-4 Whool D Dl l D r l j 6-<W llm ll>tw3 - NTERN A t Vo n - A. L R e c re a to n W lderness& Cmmarfon a 5 Yam,ha. L lkofa-vv 1981 OYOTa Core ARVESTOR, 275 "So Mny Wy;. To 0 G Go For ow moaoe, oxc cco c n d fllo n 1 E E!PC3B P C DODGE eavv on 973 CEVY f 4j 4x4 3/4 ton WD Suburban, oxc. - Wlndrowor, uc :ou.! Tlu Quallly n Lllo. "Travel ONOA XR 250?50h 9M $ _4j4698. _ Run:; oood. now non avmale mllos. a; ar. cruso 1200 condton. $ r \ plnkorm. MO, call 6C?-3 b Boals Access. Tr.lcra trom 19 to D onda TL 12fflfbl;. %. hoth rc /9 DATSUN"3o lo lery, $1500. Call m73- V m 4 «/m alchlno can ampor hcll llros, $4000, Call TO CMC A/C, A/T. /j-./u u rnmaculal.;.$s GMC 4x4 1x4 slor : whool powor. os propano. low qr_m2:387covn._ Evlnrudo S Morcury / M Moor Whoo:> l/om 24 to 35. Tct- cond. Cal oxc cond. $2500. oop. u:l baso lor sale or vwll rado lor mleaoo. od. oxc cond. O.!l2lbj3u3Cl..C). S alf.. b o a ts -.sn n o t UC?. e yofclon ot usod r.od /al Aulomollv.., sk;-) overtaufod. now o:n.?qdq. 37 5? 1979 GM(5 SuWurban 4 X4 bronco. Call $4800, laso; Quatl, oal) ft T om o Marna Spon w o d s 6r,-jrr:m wnoorsnt) nnncotj S=eavy-Equpn ar; AC cjb ur. ar. evljufn/durlqv. f?-7- jfflont 45-4Wheo)Drve oxcnpona ~t?ODOE Sl =-Short-W hco 79 o ep -C 7 - d tp Ony----- ves.. shape, lully otuj uppod. $9000 Baso. 4 speed, jed, O.C cond, 32,800 mles, Wm trado part, : whool <)flvo,5500, FBERFORM BOAT. ; " " " b o n a n z a TOYOTA M C V5CGMC 4X4.~nc Cana Cruf..-.! Sell or rade lor Blazof. Mako oler. $ *- 31DA backhou..to moc Cuso 2330, catl. alf A Tt?M- <u. Morcury Mnlor. E-Z R V C EN TER O N DEE [?w Mlr nw Good condl - t mags, and jk) don, $1400, 98, BLA2E-R Sl radl.l lr-v c, SLVCRadO. B_ronco. elc, Call, , q, pon o 4,4. w /cam por ; : wll rade. C.l rallcx. OOO. CALL, {>8 400 Block. Overanc Snd USED Lols ol chfomc. Sc...A/C, cruso. p( nowo, 3SK, 197b BRAT. Good- G lros sholl. loolbo», low mlloajo. or Loujjhmllloj 733-5?01. - Burloy. D NDUSTRAL EOUF PMENT Falls Avo W. Twn f fl D73 Ba.:or 4wd. Nev.- tr-r,, new radal:;. Call nl or 40,000 mllos.. oxcollont con- $7000/bos ollor lakos. Cal ON DEERE.U30, q ONSON ft Morcury $5500. good p.lnl C , dllon, $2750. Ca C9alerOpm. * xanoo. Fon wh Cl clfl tjoaxcn, Soaswrl Boa:,a7a E; ».D. 40 Backhoo, $1; near now llron, Cal) and, loader Ualo/s. MoQlc le Valoy OEAL TRa (ler LE all C a ll2 G ra d o r,$22,000 OO 3100 t3 $18,000 Cll,11 Csk C M a n a p S jo U l_ sol conalnod. A/C., awnlnn. Cat Model 06 do:er, $12, AuoDoalers 175-Auto Dealen slef3_ re Aulo Doalo: ers 175-Auto Doale «alers 175-Aulo Doalers WANT TO TRADE: )«c cond lor cc : ON DEERE 13- MMr Mu horso ar coolod,lod oul- Call ELLOTT ND : c o.. m \ Tlllur. Modol UlOA. Com boad molor. Vory flood 82.B KT. tku now. S$1000. nloraoctlon wy B3&l-e4. 03 fl nallon dlsc-chaol, mnm nmm Condlllon. V/ant on< londa 90 Under book for auck sale. C rossroads..d t.. lloaoo-lrnplomonl. Llko onw n molorcyco. Cal 4 :o l Puy :ol conlancd. al 3flZd_FB BFj3nU_lCl. rc-boat xr a. Pul awnmg, R ] V AULT ENCO > R now prcb or mavo mo *0 hp, n S oul board, rd. Morc or Bob ouston. Salo; ollor. Call boloro bul( Crulnor. E2 o;d rau jor omo P h o n e P A ks S S E N G m c o n M F O R T N A 1T O T A L L Y N E Ww h a t c h b a c k. O.m qr_all«r 7pm orfj lu alore orcprn. 26 Cam(>ers4So!ls MORLANG MXER loot oodc Buy, sell. rado, 1 W ANTEDt o BUY: 4 budu. manuo buds &; lood clam.rd r; Uu; on<; x 1 pull rallcr, C handuno OQulpmnn. Mllcl ch-a l2 2 - S ln g _ G s 5690day:. L e a sse e For Only Rtjpolr. 201 Wonl Avo vo, QUNSFORSALE aoto3«:«5; Wholoaao + 10% Trucks NEWOUSE aycmopp oppor. Cj]l allpr M olorom.03 _!: MEN S SCWNN t(>sr v;nor>l CLASS A MOfORVOM w /chloo sual. t50. r ; rent. 21 L.seopnO. : USED MSC. 19 <nup (n SARP!! R uns Goo( 7T??n?7 Ford /} Ton Pcku 733-Q27 5,,11 s, 200/or besl Calhy_.n 423;C239_ or allor 5pm 733-S244 V p er month* R npn Cal 734-1G37 aller Dprr r e m n g t o n BDL CusTom MOTOR OME FOR " R 19G6 CEVY ( E n c o r e D! > oo o r. l o l l o o o O.A.C. N.,10C8Slac»<or 7mm mao vh scope e. 4 r? Cal7p_ Excolont shapo. $85 lemc. N Stactoff oattnoo yos,t j 24l_2. MUST SELL! Nea/ now S P w.o,0oo14x7grfllnoflll prl RUGER M77 wlh scopo nnr> 270 ToQa motor home 28 S C185GRowPlanlor Of W2S;.Slanloas Mnt Doluxo. Excollon cond SmZZ "2? cy. 4 -ra PlcKolU-row Planter scopo, ammo M Ro- $32,0p0alj > _ sp.. G ood shape. $800. P l u s a h g h l e v e l o f ss t a n d a x - l e q l. C51024x0CralnDrlll. loadno press. pbwdor po 1980W rn A B A G b22 C 5M Manuro Sproado 969 FORD RANC jc"er m oaauro. shoholdof: dors ft Bravo, row bah, :,D.40Spr<adOf, z.ow Runs g ood, tood ; scoop. K rr o n t w h c e l < lr % cond- ncalnn,l5,_7_3402.._?. mlos. lko now. rod.,d Mowor- con fool v e. P o w e r b r a k e s. atr, 050. C ull_32g 9y onor 12 0 Mossborg jol-co l-conrol goncfator, mcowavc ) nome much moro! Bookd r n t,lrn 1973 CEVY PCKUf Up Ar, F o u r E n c o r e m o d e l s. * R a c k - x n d - p n o n s t e e r n g. ; Acol2RowSllnoCulllval BodQor ForoQO WflQon X " $23,175. Sol lor 2,50 Ltrt? n PS. PB. looo or trad. adc. Cal * L, f u c l - n j c c t c t c* d c n n e s p e c d m o j n u au l < t r a n s m s s o n. 1%? ONDA ODYSSEY.P u hdocng avalawo AOC FORO F100 pe! ;Tk;n 4 M «c P t a c r s o n s t r u t f r o n t F r o n t a n d r e a r a a t a b l l z e r b a r a. GEM EQUPMEN * "m ag" STMh "ftwc m son G&G MFG &SAL ALES l u s p c n s o n. g h m l e a g r e. S modol 28 Ps, exc c lu l 1977 CEVY lon 1 jplekup llon,t225. Cal wth cam por shell. E«xcDlont, WANTED: 2-<ow 3Olal0 condon. 350 V-8. AT. A P5. plonlor Of hond-osslal plant* plu ~ - PB. AC. m.gs. prop. apan) A RENA1LULT. ACU«l.t,«a, l.owelo-nr orw llh (orllllzoramachmo K SW lnoequpmonl onl 1984 ELDORADO MN 1N21 (jas, only 73.W0 mllos OS. Mus WATC 0 Polalo p{oco3slno szl machlno lor carton counla nla. j PAR olw onm ann be boos W Potl. l-l3 Pco $24 $ q.p_4nj - l or 4 dkoron alzo wonlo nlod, brand now. sze Call Speclal-21.5O NTERNATll TOAL. no blqbof f O ono-a j.alao 324-8C49. Cab C h asss. 345 V8, /8, 5 spd 2 row lockwood polo >olao Also: Two27Eldodon don rans. 2 sp d rear axlo. 10. now combno w/mak 4 or6 24-SnowVehlclo3 0 n o 3 0 Tlan llros, Exc. cond. Solln lnn uar bulkor. Call (20B)-B One 27 Tlan. aonablo ,324-: > ovonnos BRAND NEW 19a4>OL/ 1979 FORD COURER. R. Good 10lo12lootwoodonOMAh?\So g& G MFG & SAL ALES condon. $2995. Ca :al 423- ruck bod noodod. Xlt CA.,[ 6p8uMqr5pm ; Allor Som Mustang 450; 7 9 t o V 6 t a 3/4 Ton on PU. #30 SWATER, Froom; o-ftan Scorpon 2 * : L Balor wllh molor, 500, nt, daddo 1450; 4 placo nl [ 1 Falbod w/lumbor S. mako w LUS MOTC FOR C O MVB4NY luol tar<k& aland, (l. 0( or $800. Or al lor 1500 Truck, mako ollof. Cal PACE ARROW Torr....,40- BELTEO-Trollef Seopo-7, Allordablo. lu. /u.u»y $2600. Ca_% > Sholod polalo bod. Mo Mnko " 92 SNOWET S O S O N E S T. W E S T : ollof G73 ONSON 440 $300!300 or allo Vans both.-of-s500. Both 0 condon. Call , DANK 6 P Dodge [ Mvan Van. Call 324-aas. r ~ ; 7 : : F a n n W o t( " 440 Orator; 1972 Skl-Doo l A u to m o tv e - 19/8 GMC VAN, \ All n oxcollont condll oxcollent shapo. now 3 ratlk -T CUSTOM manuro haulln C a?. gm.ca hoy bolno S soekno. Clyd > Mf>3aonnof.3? Kawaaokf 55o" e- 132-A uto, P a r la. torcodtor. - low m 142-mport Sports Ca Z t MANURE SPREAONO- ton Oo oxcollon cond. pu f :,_._ A? 3 M r le _ * a T: odomann, manco. Alt 5 pm ,435 Munco Tranny. ursl sh A l9 W V W o rt 9 T 4SV - "Ford - and lnkage lor chov. orgm C R anchoro. Both run vour choco $ <. L ASTrPOWER A M E R K C A S l " n ] CEVY 5 _ 125-Travel Tralers 125-Travel Tralers NEW PTC wneh, 0,0( ooood S spd. capacty Cal 837-C good Condton, oxrus...owojlrs... olor, Call726-8»52 N A M E leplate WE REBULD ydra fdauc CAN-T BUY Auto nsu suranco S : -T h o acks at ABBOTTS AUTO All Bocau.o o! ago. llekes S,etc? g; =O R T E P A1ST S 4 0 Y E A R 13 OUT( OFTETOP15M f. A LL -N E W SUPPLY. 305 Snosfc Dhonu Call Flora Ovoracro Annncy, x!s NTE 1984 Pd S!.e_oj_So u h, X*?! (L. Kjmbory Pont,1C 455 good Orunr. 19G 80P A l"2 Ooor. < rcccnl f " _ E V P DRVERS. tno cond, 200..M hnh h overhaul, oood cond. d «A500 DROVE porlorm anco. 75% rotu ODulld »50car.h.lrrn,, j DAYTONA 200, 76 Butck 350 hqh c por VW BEETLE lorm anco. good shape )C 200. Cal LETS. [ ] and many moro mtsc. auto a 107B ONOA CVC CEVROL parta A ulomalc..nood cond 2 P-2 &-75R14 Sluddod d snow $1_20_0., C N o w s a n d 1 S S d s n S to c k. troa, m ounted on ch chovy 978 TRANS AM. loaded. o; whools, ona lhan 1001mllos. ml Black & Gold, E>c( T- A lso L a rg o Sco lo c lo n Ol U s e d ccon u ACE ANSEN. P R C E. 1200; Vooa * sp speed condton _41. S T transm sson. $ ,g;t) PEUGEOT 504 De: losol. A S T E 4 g r ; C O N T E EMPORARY N door. PS. p a. AT. AM/ U/FM 8, u., 1984 MPALA Cycl63&SupplQ9 Q5 track Sloroo. sun tool.. good * n Ar, cruse, tll. 305 V 4 DOOR :: OO M E S condon. warranly. $4800. $ h todo. vnyl roof, doll M U Sf s ell! rqcrcnda; vo. outomolc. tll whocl. AM/F da 750 Cal 733-1S46 allot 5;30 30pm ft V K m b o ry R d. 7 3 l Cuslom wth talng. O. W os $ 1 2, Only ajytmo wookonds. olh nl.,.r.or. Slock *4.127 :::10,683 M 3,900 mlos, vory cc; NOW ON _ askna looo. B t980 V.W. "Rabtjl 2 doo 31, BOB7?& m l ;LEBRTY4D0aR A u to D e a lo ra A u t o Dealers 175-Aulo Dealers 175-Auto Dealers v-6. oulom al.c, llt. AM,TM. M p W os Sl 1,67.6 7,1.....MOW ONLY m m m CTATO BACK nlcdgla%%,r»mol. ]N 4000RATCBA T O N L Y A P P E N S VflLER 2 DOORTO ] ON CEN l4ye FEBRUV A R Y 2 9 t h RS f brakuv, 4 cylndctr olo o cnrror, wo tono ponl. powo r <t.-clror»c fuol njoctlon, 4 spoc W as $8664!. lolh. nloror. Slock #4-5 :L.*7876hj...NOW 4 E m $ 0 0 *! W oss OWOMLT D O «3 2 rj - Q U # A L T Y U S - C A R S -» E D C A R S [ ] C K S - U - TRU C M 11 PON ONTAC GRAND PRX. We are celebratng vwthoutrageo!ousprces! oul(f l(l. cm--.. A-.k Woody " CEVROLET S-O >/-6. or. Sporf. ockog*. Ak Clu 7420 f ] [owyor (or h lor. ruc P 1981MA2!A2pARX7GSL CEVR01ET.EL CAMNO /-O. ouloolc. nf. M 1980 FOR d rd fatrhont - OO y 1SB0 oat: ATSUN 280 2X 2 +2 «84.R. Long wll noko yoo o groal l-ol W n l 1381 CEVROtn LUV «4 cylndr-r. 4 -.pood, Don ook wll l " T O r n oo ll-. t uck Wllll only 10,000 l P O v er O u r Cost.-r 5 -.(...-( A-.k Oon ouk ll.-.l 8240 E379 FORD RANCERO )). oulornlc. or. o-. of oplom M880 U ull o ly Curl.<> lur llr. ono.,,. r97b DOD ODGE ASPEN On n any NEWor U USEDVehcle n S Stock! 978 TOYOTA LANDCRUSER cyllc,.1-.po-fl. Call Woody? Tu 4980 [ d WfCE EVROLET ONTE CARLO Tor MORR lowo )NLY onol.c Woody Tufl.-/ ll<... ll,%,...- m m 97B NTERNATONAL SCOUT" 1 n;lomolc, on. Chuck Dowyo 3660 f low you h lno quoronl<-od on * * T U R S D A Y S P PECAL 1959 V0LKSW SWAGENBUG onlpomotln,,» *;r8o F r o m a T r l T l ; r t O 6 p S; v T B E WV co h a v o a n c o s o l o acton c t of U sed F arm Tr gt 9000 F o7d7 l l W t h 2 0 S p u d B o d ss. Soo Bll Loop o r So ru c k s nclu d n g 8 LNT W lloms alos AAonogor orry Vt CON PA \ULOS wr33-30 GEVRO OLET K e e p T h c r t O r «a t O M F e e l n g W K h G a n u l t o G M P a r t & ceu a fsen] m O L E T G M G U M V f~ W. M A N 7 Q y l S B T PARTS EROME 7M Lz POLELNE no A O LUE LAKES NORT AND PO * t m l «t - r 14318, E R l «o U v ro 4 < jrj >tgt C» f t/w o tf C h c v r o TOtet

21 1 TE "!t th:f w! nsc v f :y >: m ust :llow.1 1, to rrcn\tnm.ock. ; X(mrn;uc m lo o k f o rw a rd " b r d a l lold : o f w o fk s. Tto N o rlh. A m c rc ; ; s lp s w l K ke M l) ;t th e S;m V L -n to n C e t o r t o, lo u r c larw om K n,, p h s a r c pro) ; a n d ll:l S an s p ; r c n o eff< lllsl c lu m p o p c n s r a b k - k n o w s w k sl ; s h e (le n o n s ln pl**y wf today. r e c f t u C orp S c c to n a l, C sse r u ff e d 1, a n d conlc<, w n n e r s. A n n l : r u n th e n; f n e s s e, a n d a c o m c f ro m s u l. o w e v e r, : d u m m y e n lry C s s e lo m a n ; lu a d s llrok l L A f l e r rffn c lu b, C s s c c;.s tr u m p s a n d lle m o n d ja c k, c x p c c le d ;nd tru m p to <lmn n o w p u s h e d d rrm n d 10 tlro - E a s l w a s fn.t- oyrt-dr C sse d r a w llc la s l e n t e r d u m m y m o n d n n e lu t... n. a c l u a l.. r e f u s e d to c o m o n d " 10, an Wheel Drves 72 FORO 4X4 ve, 4sp. Lock-outs, powof brakos. Alpno Am/Fm Cassollo. many oxtraa, ttoo ?S4. 75 C6 VY 4X4 Sor box. Sllvorado. now radals, rol bar. now polnl. MCOO oltor 5 wk. davs. 148-Antlqu8 Autos RARE 1940 DodQO 5 wmdow coupo onolnal mllos. Socond ow nor, novo lllto. Cnll1-3?4.?973. TWO MODELAo Ono 1929 Spoclal Coupo & ono 1931 Coupo, Vorv nco, m ust aool Call Chovy Bolalr Sodon 4 doof, Robulll 265 V-8 onfllno, now sc a ts, now hoadlnor & now carpot, Noods palnlod o bo roalorod Ko now. «500, Call Buroy or oltor 6pm - aak lor Thurm. 1957PORCE 350A COUPE, lully rosorod. S9000/of o(- lor. CALL O L D % Convorllblo complolo. a7 ts S Aut03-BulcK 1970 VlERA FWD, Loadod. sun rool. roflular f500 lor t6s05.olploj.-.67_brjl Autos-Cadll[ac 1078 EL DORADO Barrllj, 30,000 aclual mllos. Fully loadod, taooo CADLLAC CMARRON 4 door. Boaullul walnul motallc. doldxo oathor no- lor. AM/Fm slooo. ar, PS, PB, low m llos. Only Sl0,500. Call onytlm o on wknda or aler6wkdoy A u!o3-c hryslor 1983 CRYSLER Now Yorkor. Fronl whool drlvo, 4 cyl,-loadod, ornlnlal mllos, , bo- 1woon8pm & ank lor otl. Sa-Autos-Chevrolot 1968 El CAMNO 350 V8, now upholslory. brokos 5 panl, Coll CEVELLE 2, door hardtop. Almost ovoty port s now ncludno pant. Good runnng lllllo car dr bost oltor G Chovollo. 2dr. now 350, mao w hoos. flood l/os. am /lm caoooto storoo. low mloa CAMARO SS. Rod w/block vnyl lop, lacloxy now 350 onqno. A/C, lll whool. m.8 ack, 3 spd Aulomallc. rocony ovorhaulod. man whoos, now radals. Excollon con dlllonrm uat-sool-2500/o r ollor. Coll Slovo nt , or oltor B, CEVY MONZA, om/lm c assollo. sunrool. low mllos. oxc cond. Aaknn U500. Call CEVY Cllnllon. p/n, p/&. 0 cyl. 4 spd. ar-, noodj gondlllon. S380(} CAMARO, Ovorhaulod V8, A/T, 7000 mlloa on overhaul, am /lm caasotlo, sunrool, t lsso, nttnrepm. 160-Atoa-Dodoe 1071 DODGE DART. )/a, oxcollon condlon. 70Q. Call , 1979 OMN 024 ronl whool dflvo, 4 sp. AC, PS. 33 MPG. oxc cond. S t t o E A C E wll nukr : pnot n l>:rl lf lls hf *.! /Krl o! on." ohn * \v:st ;t 2 7 :r2 f n p la v e r s c a n Q. rd 111 ; n c c S )l(l;y" n S;n xtm,-m--(<>plc * tc A C R L S p rn u * rc;n C lam p n n - k f p la c - a r d, v u l,-r <a A n o n o (.(111- k.-.s,. t, - e n le r. C s.se lu r n a m c n l c o- 1, a d v s e s lh ;u rof rc s s n f w ell an A n o n o w ll jf f o r l to m ;k c O pcnt o n stp s a m o st - v.s, C.sse r e n a n c. s te s ;t)oul. a s s lr a lc d n lc r j, (] ly s h o n d a l lh e r c k.s." r r u s C h d s l so -l V r e a s o n U cd llc ttrd c lu b cd, e jb l l o p h lnl c o u ld c o m e m a -k c d " K nl.>;var«.l a u le r m h l lld d a m o n d. r, w lh o n ly o n e r y. h o w w a s * a n a g c k*pe;u!d ;h E asl? rfn g t!e trd S>d>,n LMshcc tw o hh 1 NT :< llen le d lh e d a - " E a s t w on a s d e x le d w lh a A N S W E m v s K t-c sse W tt tt d u m m y s d a - usu; rokh E a s l. a n d m a j o r s f n sted. f tc s u c l «c s s e w o u h l w n. s p a d e s, a s l ru m p a n d o f f e r s 111 ly w tt ttc d a -, 0 ta k e tc h e a r t wtr:fpn..p la y.-.a s t, lorrqly c o v c r lh e <!a- l>., a n d lh e le a d 162-AutOS-FOfds MUSTANG-Gcyllnd0r koa spood Slandard, now onor & clulch. Mcholan lroa, MPG, 2000 or bosl ot Call fdl 1905 MUSTANG Fasbac Clovoland mlr. 4sp.. nc whto poar panl w/sholl supoa and llaros. Rol b and cuslom nl. TA lro s,! Ford roar-ond, and Q shocks. Soo al 737 Fols Av 0 " W.Twn Fols. Bosl ollor, lllo 1970 FOD FALCON, ne panl lob, cyl. A/ 500. Frm allor 0. 0 S 1073 FORD LTD Sodan. co powor. Musl Sol. 35 S allor3pm. n FeSTA, Fronl who no drvo, 4 spd. B. rog 305,r 4 lor 2405 or ollor. C O Whon you havo somolhlr to.loll, placo a classlod a Youll lko ho luol roaulls. n S 68-Mercury&.Lncoln gs2 LNCOLN MARK \ Boflo. doluxo nloror, V aulomallc rana, on boa compuor, A/C. am/l aoroo. loadod. Sold no ovor , Musl sol. On S1B,500. Call Sunday anvtrr , all 8 pm wookday; (of 1082 MERCURY MAROU Brouflham, 2 door. Suar whlo, vnyl lop, auloma ovordrlvo trans. ar. am/ln powor ovorylmno- Musl so llj. Call mo loday ully wookdays allor Gom. O N nu 175-A uto Dealers no r s o s S K bo- L KELLE\ 1975 DODGE DART.. m t 1973 FORD FESTA.. dr 1975 PONTAC CATAL», 1978 CEVROLET M0N2 ow 1976 TOYOTA CELCA S 1977 CEVROLET MOl 1979VWRABBrT4DDC ; g 1977 OLDSMOBLE CUTl 1978 CEVROLET MAL! 1979 DODGE D-5D PCK rj 1979 FORD LTD 4 DOOR 1979 BUCK TURBO REG 1979PDTACGRA0F Ody 1981 TOYOTA SR-5 LF] 7b. 982 NSSAN STAKZA 4 ol: 19B1 DATSUN MAXMA 1981 CEVROLET CAMA KELLEY 3ol M A N A E B O U Y w o l. r r M 1T :>< \ 1; Vt! K \S 7 2 V K.M d K g tt 1 1:. : +.\K SO "Ml.\ K g. : 1 A.1 ; + l L ;T allr dlt L)c-;1» t rc ldlnk:.south Wrsl N orlh nnt; lead: Clt c[een n c d n..d u n m y. C s s e oo k lh e h e a r t f n e s s e v;s a b le to tr la tn 10 r t o f u tre s? - G oou - lo u se tem w se ly. Ud w lh n-ac os u r n r s jt TrB : T K.1 ll K g t a K 1*1.N<rth ER: T h ree n o - tru m p. ttrc e - c a r d s u p p D rt, > ual!y r a s e s p ; r t n c r s s u t. o w e v e r. w tb tood c a r d s o u ls d c 5. tr e e n o - t r u m p lle b c tle r c h a n c e. ulk.- r«.ms tc. Tl<- A... X lal-.. Tfxn Tyy. rpnnrt.;d.-snm[>rt1 cnvdnpp tn... Lr.jlc Kcjlarc Sjnltlr 168-Mercury & Uncoln dot s 1978 MERCURY BobCa nono am/lm rado, low mloatj la, 28 Exc. condlon. Call ollor LNCOLN Mark V automolc ovordrvo ran: back. Doluxo nloror. powor moo now rool, am/lm. roor wnoc holby dolrosorl Only,900. Ca bar anytm o Sun. c t5, O allorsonw ookdays. oas 1082 CONTNENTAL 4 doo Avo. Boaullul dark rod motolll r, aulomallc, ar, oloclrc daa now on board com puor. AM/F A/T storoo wllh cassollo, pow< fo wndows & sc ats, all lh ~t~ oplona. Only noo o tn 10 sol today! Ca anytmo Sunday ; allor 6cm wookdays. vhool GflAND MARQUS. door, French Vanlla, lu hnn vnyl top, aulomoll dad ovordrlvo trans. om/d S soroo, A/C. & much mcf( Moot sol! Col Sunda anylmo, , all Q p 1 wookdays. St 168-Aulos - Oldsmoblo oard 1981 DELTA 88 ROYA T/lm Dosol, Loodod. good cor now dlllon. Call "ly Bl OLDS CUTLASS OlOSQ /tme E«coonl condton, 35.OC l.- mllon. Call QUS hana 172 Aulos - Pontlac 1/lm. w Fw rl V p*c A S lo 19"? soo. S nowor P.U.S &4x4s, Als nowor Aulomotllo! FronlorMotors, Auto Dealers p r r N e s YMOTORS a A DNZA A S T T DtCABlO MOR.... \ , lutlass tlbu SW.. / M U P lo BESAL B P R * FBACK A 4 DOOB A 4 D 0 0! AR MOTORS E _ - n S Z C O N AUTOM O T A r c o n d t o n w n d o w s, pov n t e r m l t e n t v m s s o n, 3 3 g d u t y s h o c k ol g l a s s, b e l o w c h r o m e b u m l e t t e r s t e e l b e CONVERSO C o n t e m p o V e r e c l n n g bucl- t e s t e r e o, c. b o a r d s, r o b f r ~ C L O S E O A l m o n d rbca. oaoo, a u t o m o t ndow A r condlo n n c.cal or b ra k e s, po d o o r locks, tlt ss. n lo rm llo n w tac, o u to m o fc trans dash lo n k, auxory sto ck a b s o rb e r ho roor door gloss, nood h e a v y d u ty bol -4433, d o lu x o ro n t Cp slool belted lre ns~2. lull ~ - malc mfm 1b l. - t / " rtg"74 cc AUTOMOTV A r c o n d t o n r w n d o w s, p o w n t e r m l t e n t w m s s o n, 3 3 gc d u t y s h o c k o b g l a s s, b e l o w \ c h r o m o b u m p l e t t e r s t e e l b e l CONVERSO! C o n t e m p o V s r o o t r o c k & la 2 s t a n l e s s s t e e l _ Ko K o m o t, P e x t n g u s h e r. 3 b C L O S E O l * G r o o n,... ; 5YR. : O N / r MV W\ G NERALM , M T E M P O V V ; n n g, p o w e r s t e e r n g, s w e r d o o r l o c k s, tlt w p e r s, V -8 en< g a l l o n f u e l t a n k, o u a b s o r b e r s, h e a v y d c w e y e l n e m r r o r s, m p e r s, d e l u x e f r o n D e lte d t r e s ( 5 ). g o u g < O N : / e n d o g o, r e a r h e a r c k e f s e a t s, co b o x C( c u s t o m - w n d o w s, c r a c k & a d d e \ c u s fb l RETAL $ 1 9,S M T C O N nv E : ng, p o w o r s te e rn g, pow; 20w 0 r w n d o w s, pow or t w h o o l, c ru s o contro l, w pers, V-6 o n g n e, n sm sso n, 33 g o llo n fuol ry lg h tn g. eav y duty o rs. h o o v y d u ly sp rn g s. S, b o lo w o y o ln e m rro rs, tory, c h o m e burvptffs. cp p o o ro n c o. w h to loltor res (5). g a u g e s, ONTEftAPO VE: ln g, p o w e r s o o r n g. w e r d o o r l o c k s, tlt > w p e r s, V -8 e n g g a l l o n f u e l l a n k, o u > j b s o r b e r s, h e a v y d u V e y e l n e m r r o r s, n p e r s, d e l u x e f r o n t e l t e d t r e s ( 5 ), g a u g e DN: s t a, 4 h g h b a c k f e l a d d e r, T V a n t e n n a,?l t r e c o v e r, r u n n n g P o n e e r A M /F M c a s RETAL S 2 1,7 LEASNG01 APPRO fem G M O U A U T Y t W SERVCE PARTS MOTORS P A jr r s D v sro N 1 m n " M) _. t >l.lj g j r N r E N D O G O g, p o w e r b r a k o s, pov* h w h o e l, c r u s o c o n t r > n g n c, a u t o m a t c tro a u x la r y l g h t n g, h e c d u t y s p r n g s, r e a r d c, h e a v y d u l y b q t t e D nl a p p e o r a n c c, w h g e s. l n g & o r c o n d l o n c a b r e t. A M / F M c a s s c u s t o m p o n t, r u n n ( a tp le e ls,9 8 6 T E M P O M l jty p S S f gs. f s. RET D E M O... C LOSEO U T ) V S T A g. p o w e r b r a k e s, p o w 1 w h e e l, c r u s e c o n t n n g n c. o u l o m o l c t r a r u x l a r y l g h t n g,, h e a u ly s p r n g s, r o a r d o h e a v y d u l y b o t t e n t a p p e a r a n c e, w h C S. l e x s l c o l r e c l n e r s e a a,* 9.A C /D C C o l o r T g b o a r d s, c u s t o m p a r a s s e l t e, c o c h o s t, f, , 0 0 ( 3R5 YR. Fr >VED CF UNRC N. DK m ft h C O N A U T O W 1 9 T 1 o w e r A r c o n d t o n n r o l. w n d o w s, p o v r o n s - n t e r m l l e n t v c o v y m s s o n, 3 3 g d o o r d u t y s h o c k ol t t e r y, g l o s s, b e l o w v h fe c h r o m e b u m l e t t e r s t o o l b c CONVERSO n n g, C o n t e m p o S p j s s e l - r a c k, r u n n n g n n n g c o s s e t t e. f r e s t o n l o s r s t o e C L O S E O l B la c k f l E S A R A S E f p *, r 1 - t 3 T C O : ETAL $ 2 3,6 8 5 y /» K _ j B r R E D E AUTOM OT ) w e r A r c o n d l o n t r o l, w n d o w s, p o \ a n s - n t e r n t t e n l \ e a v y m s s o n, 3 3 c d o o r d u t y s h o c k a to r y ; g l o s s, b e l o w / h t e c h r o m e b u m l o t e r s t e e l b c C u.; E R S C 20ls, R o d E K o m p \ TV, c a s s e l t o. r u n o n l, w h e e l s, n d r f r e l e s s s t e e l t r e s l d e r w n d o w o C L O S E O l A l m o n d NANCNG REDT D E C K O A U V V M >1 A fter ours: Da\ r : T E M P O S P VE: l n g, p o w o r s t e e r n g, 3w o r d o o r l o c k s, tlt v w p e r s, V -8 e n g g a l l o n f u o l t a n k, o u x a b s o r b e r s, h e a v y d u l w e y e l n e m r r o r s, T p o r s, d e l u x e f r o n t ) o l t o d t r o s.(5 ), g a u g e : O N : p a c e r S.E., 4 h g h b a ( g b o a r d s, c u s t o m w h ( o e x l n g u s h e r, c l o t h e l - t r c c o v c r r k o - k o - m a RETAL $19,6 : E D R O O F CONVERS C o n fo m p o, vs... lox sto o l r e d B le s s sto o l lu p o n o o r d g ta sy ste m. T -b o y s ld o rw -loam, nsulotl ro s o d ro o f w, p a n t. B O E K A M P W E VE: n n g, p o w e r s t e e r n g. D w c r d o o r l o c k s, tll \ w p e r s V -8 e n g g a l l o n f u e l l a n k, 9 UX a b s o r b e r s, h e a v y d u l w e y o l n e m r r o r s, m p o r s, d o l u x o f r o n t j o l t e d t r o s ( 5 ), g a u g e O N : W e s t w o o d, 4 h g h bc n n n g b o a r d s, r o o f r b c t l g h t n g, c o c h o s -o c o v c r. s p e c a l p o n t w s. RETAL $ 1 9, A l s o l EVR DUML, D A O 3ve o h r.d.y, Feljruary 28, 1084, 1 m - r ~ r - 1 P A C E R 5.E. g, p o w o r b r a k e s, p o w e r t w h e e l, c r u s e c o n t r o l, n g n e, a u t o m a t c t r a n s - j u x l a r y l g h t n g, h e o v y d u l y s p r n g s, r e a r d o o r h e a v y d u t y b a t t e r y, n t a p p e o r o n c e, w h l g e s. b a c k r e c l n e r s, l u g g a g e v h o o l s ; P o n e e r A M /F M - - j t h e s h a n g a r b a r r e o r, m a t r c u s l o m - p o n t ; , ,675 RSON: v sta llo o r p lo n. 4 h g h b a c k o cln o r so o ts w /c o u c h. ston- lu g g o g o r a c k & lad d er, gltal AM /FM c a s s o lf o sto ro o n le ss sto o l tro co v o r, 6 r w n d o w s, r o a r c lo th o s rod, lotlon. ro o r a s h tra y s, V w /ndlrocl lghtng, spocal R o d & S l v e r r E S T W O O D g, p o w e r b r a k e s, ; p o w e r w h e e l, c r u s e c o n t r o l, n g n e, a u t o m a t c t r a n s -? u x la r y l g h l n g, h e a v y d u t-y s p r n g s, r e a r d o o r. >, h e a v y d u t y b a t t e r y, 5n l a p p e o r o n c e, w h l g e s. b a c k r e c l n e r s, A M /F M 5f r o c k & l a d d e r, m a g l o s t, r o a r c a b n e t, s t a n - j n t, m n b l n d s, 3 -T b a y, ,450 " 8 V A N S n S t o c k OLET o hn Toos-Nows, Twn Fallo. ldahoc-7

22 C-e Tlmoo-Nowo, Twn n Fallo, cofc* Tuoaday,, F< February 20,198-1 fu \Wt* - u e?s%r w s c e s lo /o V-\ -, S S v,-o* 0 AAf.. X: V\ y"2 v L s d \ B\ e o n e p f S \ Cl ( s/ev s :> sjeso l j r e e a treelle 0-6 P :,t n " h o u s e s S S? S 8 - S 9 ", - "SS p e 9 - ) j 3 g, o v ) 2 0! = = B a V L.VS 1 0 m l \?. - \ v\, e s > n C e a v " W \. e v e ) 30 s t r e e t " y v a s, \ l\ \ v - ;.. «_ [ e s s STO-N: r s s > - a 9"! v\. r,// "< f V:. V-\ \\0 P Vp e c t a 9 se« wtmm. t%=7?7r\ % : 4., f ;,, > 1 1 * nvsvv " 9 o p o n G t-, p v e - e f e N N 6 2 p \ W e d c o W 3 $ A 9 - _ \ e a n s W > < s. n >t opo.tecu o - O 9 9 ;tar) ( T o p o " gepavq- ssgf a o 4; S f O s fe, 3. " _... - "r - O,7e s ta r ) s s e s \Noc o \ g g s.. p e g - - B \a p a n,, = country) \ O U S e S - n a n d C o B \ o 3\s o S5s-» q9 v y (CMWf. 10- ; \ st \ t j :{ ;la pl o q. 9 9 l l p s \ \. O SEO ps e "- v. N e d n e a:,» s d a V, 5 0 P f e " " lo o e P 3n? B m P O B C 3.-; _ ;;.- : -. o - A C C!osrop?.?S 5S S «*, q OO B e < p n no \ l e v e l ) O (OrcetK \ > t ) v a - s v.-vo O p s n e Q - B» u s e ;. f s?s 5 s v j e a \ s z.e s > j u n \ o t s " \ - 9 \ \,s a n d V, =P) \ \ VA A,._ f l. -

23 B ond L u y er l tcu* Ol ;>0 flultlclxl! 10 5"o 1904 _ - y yo Doc. an F e d l B yk O B E K T FU K r/)lv The j\!soclatf<) Prvx N G T O N - Natc th? m! y fem ale povemor- tcscrv e h-story. wll ms thns about U* job sle loslntr.... :. Ullt <;hn w nn f mk>; thm /Vm erlcans out of work. No, sh e never sjyw a dsm ssal notcc. But a lol felt Uo F ed eral Reserve a s well have.. Nvce ll tlree years, 1 fovem or w anl drastcally flow of new m oney nto te ecotony, a stratefo- de sw rve nflaton out of te sy / The theory was that l /w o u ld eventually catlse e / d a m a j e Uan Ue m oney rej tem w rarly hpj_jn(erst ~ srg» ed -to tle n d c now seem m ore stable, but two recessons and Ue h em ploym ent n four decade: m frequently asked f 1 a3 unem ploynent ws7 s a. recen t ntervew. r aw a re th a t w hen ntex-st r: th e re a re hum an consequeo Mfj; tl»lgtt_lqjnako.def know a re gong to be a c c rta ln portons of Ue eco th e knd of thng that wakes 3 o clock n Ue momlnf*." E ven though she wos kn arrung for lesser restra R esales WASNGTON lap) - sngle-fam ly lomt-s ruse -1 n anuary to Uelr hlghc. m o re than tlreeyears. ome re.alo.s clmbe seasonally adjusted annu: 2,99 mllon unts last mf pared to 2.!5 mlllun un cem ber, the NaUonal A.s.sn R ealtors sad Monday. The th e hom e resale rate was h n N ovem ber flf). when 3.05mlon unls. C om By R O SA N N O BEm Aasoclcd Prvs.s Wrlcr CCAGO - C w here s-ue-buef" lady, She p roved to be as fes lfe as n h er uhl( ul0 us le W endysham burgcs, M rs. P oller and ler ok m llon ad campagn, M ldred Lane, workoc Fr W endy s ham burger at them to com m ercal slan lo be ared n ext monu.,osef Sedelm aer, who n shot a porton of Ue nev reporters wto gaucred to "Look dsgusled, Sedel Look really dsgu.sled. She com pled, scrunch shakng her bead and roll roared. Because: Mr.s, - cller ha a crew m em ber crouclu tugged al her dre.ss when l (rday s shoot was a se r Long-t< No m atter how broad the recovery has been and no m.n sustaned Ue economc e: now appears to be. nether count for a dra.stc drop n unem ploynunt approachng; n the past G months. T he answ ers mu.sl le elsewl.loblcssne.ss peaked al 10.7 n N ovem ber-d ecem bcr 19)2. below t pcrcent. Mllons w omen and leen-agcrs, loo, h; draw n nlo the work force rccovcry-cxpan.sn but tl: enough of an e.xplanaton. Nol steep a declne n unemployn accept that reasonng decevng. W hat, then? W hat are the ng forces? 1) The total of young wor lerln g the lahor forco s d sgnfcantly and sleadlly. n ndex? Fob. M.cl g o v e atcy Teeters, lor-n Kedern - -rgr-. r-.-- m lss a lot of jr he ll soon x;. / f-s d a layoff o r \ lot of people : Board mght s, Ue seven- Uy slowed Ue Ue A m ercan desgned to.system, f f S D S : hlf prces even more restrant and esl rates de- k B flb S s desl, p rcs but only after h ;lcst un- nl.ht have f 1 know how low er and s; 7 she sald ) and uuvr m acutely U ustres. ;t rales go up,. M rs, Tw jcnces. h e rse lf now duclslms.y0u <;>!( >:.tvl! adverse to th e ward. conomy. t s er term kes you up a l b ut by law " P resd ent known to w replacem en trant, wh.;h tho new gov< 5 of hom Resales of The anua ;e -l.l penenl upturn bogu he.st levo! n y e a r, sales homes tolalc nbed to a p ercenl jun nual rate of reduced cve monlh com- l>r. ack ( unls n Do- for the a.s.so..s.socalon of turn n lowe re lasl (me thaf /e ave s hgher was nterest rale n t reached 12.2t percent cen a yeara; rferck n\son :T Clara P eler, U u-. ly, nel Ue m eda l rday. esly and outspoken n real < televson commercal for elderly cohorts n he Sll n, Clzabelh Shaw and Frday on a seuel o Uc at lhal has skyrocketed anom. The follow-up ;<l s U) makes the cotnm e cals, new ad for lhe beneft of to m eet M rs, Peller. jdelmalor lold Mr;;. Peller :hng up lcr wrnke<l face, (llng her eyes. The meda has s (?me trouble hearn, clud behnd the sut ahd n t was lm e for h er lnes, sequel to a TV ad when :erm sh le economc matter how n cvlan * 0 7 ng :<percent / ewhure. o.7 percent ))2. ts nnw number of wc S of men, sld hy.)l!,l)l) ), have hccn nform ed esl ce by ths young men a t that s nol bracket - Un Nol for hls force - wll oynent- To rtlllon, s.self- These nro tl b u s l geftcral le underly- a re now lak work forco. T.orkers en- n early -lt(k), ; declnng joned thelab n 1 3;!, the Ths s a r D ow o n e s a v e ra. tk) 2/ s n m r n o r A N C Y T l- T - K S T p w jo b vo held ratos al least slghtly :l savet a few jobs n hotsnj; er hlerusl-sensl vo n- w lers, s..job;lunun_ ow on the safo assum pton lt tn os [u<.:llnn»t_ n actually expret an, 31. law she wll rem an untl : Reagan com cs up wllh a ent nnd the Senate conflrm.s ovenor. Wllh ler repul allon les at 3-y luary ncrease cunlued an gun n l a;{. <-or Ue whole les of prevously owml< aled 2,72 mlln unls, a :rt,7 ump from Ue recesslon- velsof nm2, k (. arlson, clcf ccononsl ;socatlon. credted he up- ver nlores rales, le noted verage offeclve m orlgage ;te ll oarly.lanuary fell lo enl, com pared lo.;.=>j pcr- rago, al star j Mrs, P.llor ;uk lle oll lenplalc a lny?raful X l fluffy bun." As lhe otber bun,.1l. elur raps o W heresu rloof,-" * lurlpg breaks, he exehanted <-lnors wll.ow dd.le~ ernto Uel - Tvtrgol a nce persona! s she m akng a lol of n j 1 don l reem ber." as sho ;c(ul;ed any lu eanpa n began? here ws Us man n ; wanl hm. e looked lke.l What dd.she hnk of Wc " efor dd he com know w hal tuy w ere. (.No\ What docs.shehkon llhnkl s a U)l ol nn." One rojorler asked her; ".Sxly-for," she slot 1), s a secret, a.sodelm aers P eller w ;sn hcrlos. "W hy do you havo lo kno l f t n l a! _ S y l v a t P o r t e r workers K lo :!l years old r.dml. Durn; lle ltls. an j.stmate s hat the lolal of 1 and women n ths ago the backbone of the work ll plunge by m ore lhan G L the chldren of the "hahy raton yf>2 onward) who t klng Uer places n Ue ;. To ndcate he eonlrasl, \ (K),W«) Mo-2l-voar-olds ( :bor force n l!7a nel (roj) of.lnsl l.. r 1) ; - - j-s 2 y )20 M.rcll jlw dutfvfwafln. tfa a (B SS t o m a s a rath er l/f>enu fr ;K)ntment so u lo f U eq Sle was appolnle,>! F rosdet C arter r * y. -C.nrtrr nnd U cagan chc 3 o ral Reservo on a t the and 1 a campays ag; 2 ln t crtcsm fo)lowc< ; j poltcal cosls rflomuetl. S She says now, " wa.<; 1 lo tho basc polcy. Uou lm es Uou;lt w e h ad Ual nterest ra le s h a d ; o r thal we lad held o n lo p xklng hnck, s h e s; m ay well have been m ak e gemo p ro g ress ngprcts, "Y ou alw ays hopo yc. down, thal Uo nnntlon mforo the oconocny v m uch aul layoffs ()Og sad. But that d d n l lap] m r r n n r r a tr o n u R n y - contnue al rales above 1 dam age could nol have forever, no m a le r ho tougl Ue F ed s jw ley,.s 1? ere a rc som e o th e r U p repares lo leave afle _ y ears on the tm ard : > O n.the naton s eco U- loom ng defcts a r e - a - llkely to lead to a busn ; o r even a new recessor l done.soon, On a po.sble w ay to cu s "(et rd ot ndexln;,", whle. That s. forget U: year hg 1 "A s Utflgage ntere; ltu! lo edge dow nw ard 1 penl-up dem and for hou? ngly s beng unleash ed, (. arlson predcted. h< would bc an even betto unls n lm but would d. to 2.(1 mllon unls a s ex; 1 nteres rales "dam pen actvty.som ewhal ne.xl y T hree of lh<! co u n try s sh a n d n Uu*.an u ary.r hom o resales up l l. l pc oler wo aclro.sses eon- X lurger couchod n a " b g her wo marvel al lhe bg s out her sgnature lne. e l-fool-ll.mrs. elle r lll rcpolors, lehusne.ss? -nally," y new boyfrcnls snce Ue n Mexco.. hul ddnt :e.lo!nny C arson.",. W endys hamhurgersv onercal 1 dfln t even.now) heyre delcous." ncrrcw raroerv. n." e rage. )l hack. Whle her roal ag e LM.spokeswoman sad Mrs. know how old pcopo ar<?" abor fo m llon - and l should foreseen! l s pure statst] dem ographc changc h; tonshp lo olhor the rec( expanson. 2) Women have slo.nlrance nlo lhe w ork fo Nol only are here <0 wom en, hul lher o lder m others alo havo slow ed nlo he workplace. T he rea.sons hore a re,- hul some suggestons n The "bahy boorn g e n e ra rasl to he "baby b u s l lh s lasted from u-lf lo producng babes of lls couragng m any w om en al least tem porarly, to rc Women who w ere forced (lunj; the; recenl recess lher hu.shands w ere u n c r now cjultmg those jobs.,l.n.. ul <10)l.r, 983 [l9 8 4 Baood on r ravlood data.n-rl h L. 21 2Q -t t O Uc.-C.n Fob s s w< fnem ber. reap- p lan lo h :que.slon. lon rses led hy then- ngly entr and lxt) federal s; hecred Ue Fed- uslnflalu he start of On the 1 gan.sl nflaton. Federal 1 1 as human and bcm s o d. whalwe_( s never opposed st down augl there were alw ays d gone loo far. somethn) gotten loo hfl Ol ft ec loolong," njj/er says, rc-cesslon lake.aw necessary lo a good p ss aganst soar- forccaste She pk you can slow ll Uough sl )n wll go frel know wh. weakeus very past Ue p :[»ln rsng, she.she says p>o». sl y<;n allow cdto new-caree e 10 percenl. Ue She sa rc been avoded n am es a how lenent o r Ujougl sl.shcald. ld a ls lo. subject. S Chougllsoasho, ler nrarly 5/.- sh e doesn :onony: uge Ue fact th a-reau d anger,.lad-no-ap ness slowdown nfjsordec on f noung s " F rst, who s qu: cul Ue defcts: hope t s a a t least for a tlons have Ue presdent s loolong," [h n an est rales con- North Ccf [1 modestly. he the Norlh :)usng ncrcas- South, Th ;l, ho.:ald, declne, home resales T he me lo r 2.S) mllon sngle-fandeclne n tl wass7l.sk). xpocled rsng Whle lh n home resale rose jusl : y e a r." percenl : s four regons ncrease.ncrease, wth plmcent. pcrcent n -the expected o outspc M.s, Pellor a.sked lhe rc can do. not how old they a The f ueston of age an senor cllzens has dra Mchgan Commsson or whch voted to ask the Co to w thdraw he ad. / com m ssoners felt Ucc tto sen o rcltzen s.. Wllam W cltor,-exocu Wendy s nternatonal nc "1 don l thnk anytlr ruth. he sad, addng com nercal shows older themselves. The hree elderly sta agreed. "W e re enjt)yn{nle an Mrs, Shaw. Sedelm aer "d.scovcre eght y ears ago when he..serve as an ex tra n one em ployee ran to a nearby Mrs. Peller for theoff-cam Slv looked up at me Sodolmalcr. rcmlnsclnr. 3 ree alt d have been tne na u stes. And hs M ro.se hy l has no rela- compared v covery or the These tw slowtlown ( lowcd helr force. n tl forco as well. labor force f(fwcr young lo a lolal c r sslors and econom sts d ther m arch ago that the 1,7 mllon,- h murky tblyslowe m ake sense, force com raton, n con- annual gro\ generaton durng the n s now mllon jon s own on- The frst n to drop out, of the decl rear famles, resulted frc d lo lake jobs forco ar sson bccause cm ploym cr em ployed are D urng the. Meanwhle. recovery, tl C om m o ndex ol woo n ncvsed cottmodtoo, R * _ 270 r 2G5 _.. ~ o r k 3 hold dot ta x rafas as n ses. But fovgel. loo. tho see ntrenchcd dea of rasng m spendng p ro g ra m s bencl lu ongoesup. - - le m y.stcrlous workng.; of R eserve: " Ulnk our p s communlcallon. don t th vn and ex p lan t, People b e tte r o ff understand ln g b eltcr. econom st s w ords to lve t er beleve a sngle num lw r. whle to s e e trends. ve spt part of m y lfe as a n econon ;ter. You le a m lo be hum ble. plans to s ta y n economl she says s h e really does: vhere a l th s pont. Steppl e pan of lo sn g a job she ov< fs Ue tm ng s good, th at sht ung enough to have a whc reerttfter-u ef ed,------: sad she h a s offered seve a s possble rcplacem en sle knows WhUe ouse have ther o w n deas n th. She s a w a re of th e talk U 1 wouldnt d a r e rep lace l m an n ths electon year, a a n l object.though she sa Uat sle h e rs e lf w as a wom -apparent «ffect-on-fed-m c< decsons.!t. Ucy slould get someo qualfed, s h e sad. Bul s a wom an. T oo m any occup ve xjen d om nated b y m en f l u a r y Ccflral regon, S.O percent rlheasl and 3.7 percent n t The W est h a d a -7.5 p e rce m edan p rc e of an exlst amlly hom e sold n a n u a.900. up $2,000 from D ecembc * the prce of a n exstng hon sl 2.1 percenl n 1982 and ; n 1983, Car.son sad tl c n 1901 w a s lkely to be roughly equalng. 11 ;d overall nflaton rale, oken reporter, t s w hat they y a re. and W endys tre a tm e n t of rawn crtcsm from, the on Servces to the Agng. Columbus. O ho, com pany. A panel m e m b e r sad 1C com m ercal s a d s c re d - cutvo vce p resd en t for nc,, dsputed th a t clam, hlng s fu rth e r from the ng that he beleves the ler people speakng up for stars of th e com m crcal and makng m oney," sad ered M rs. P e lle r about he needed a m an c u rst lo e of hs c o m m ercals. An rby beauty sh o p and found am eraro le. ne wllh that sm le," sad Rte rs en Ul WUl KOg WUlllL-ll <Kt.-U y le.ss than 1 rrlllon n 1983 a ;d wth t.-l m llon n two basc tre n d s reflect n of the growth of our labo the past y e a r, the cvlla ree grew by aboul 1.3 mlllo of m llon. Y et. mo. Sts w ere p redctn g a yea the labor force would grow b, on to 2 m llon. Ths percep Aer rale of g ro w th n th e labo m pares strk n g ly w th th ;rowu rale of abut 2.7 percen he 1970s.-n th a t decade, 22. oned the labor force. rsl concluson m ust be: M ud eclne n unem ploym ent ha from a reducton n he labo and a sf>rous sludy of th ncnt statstcs confrm s hb the frst y e a r of the recen /. the n um ber o f em ployees o lodlty futures nde: VOOkly Cl050(l prrces Of 27 Koy 100, 19G7 CO W eekly zMo] O < * * an. Fob. K T M a f k e t q u o l a t C l o s n g s t o c k s V a ll(? y lfe, D e a Sto n t f seem * m any W 1 _BySKPW 0LL2l of the - APBusltw.-s \Vrl> h S N E W Y O R K -- g a re consecutve.se ndng snappng out < doldrums wllh a 1;,g ljy. The Uow one; ter l ndustrals, whc sdont F rda; lom lc 4.8C polnls Mon j >. Wnners outpaced.mcs, lhan 2,0 1 on.ho Dc.sn 1 Ejchanfc. ppng Dg Board volur loves, 99,1-1 mllon sha s h e s mllon on F rc whole mllon Thursday. veral could no m ount a lenls, for much of th e da «of- Dow ndustrals w th a t the day, { - --Leadng the N \ : was Gulf Corp.. u r 5% at 68U... A 583 traded e a rly n t Mesa closed up ; Tym share so ar leone Lt; nten asks BOSE (AP) - nt l o requested z ",.. ncrease to.cover pr utlty has been charj " 5 Vllham Chapm a, / com muncatons for Gas, sad the 7,2 pc ncrease, subm tted Publc Utltes Con K. s m anlaln the sta t,, company s fscal ope "Ths- has no effe whatsoever. h esad, Chapman sad th crea-w. whch woulc Aprl 1. s proporton: n gas costs chargedb suppllcrrnorth»-cst-p sad nerm ountan -y would t)c ncreased b: therm, rasng th e a of e r s annual bll by $26. c Although the utll R- ncrease n Novembe >y followed by four cc decreases. Chapm an s - e sad f tho ncrc rales slll wll be lowe >r n February of last yea "The good news s 10 Ue wnter wthout le ;; u. S, t o! NKW VORK (A P ) States wll loa{l the W economc growth ag European economc 0 accelcrate and Mexlc n y ears of economc dec lo a survey of busness T hesurvey also s ; 1 Mexco wll plunge to ; 101 pcrccnl n The reporl Sunday Tployn «lu non-agl-cultural pay!3 as by 3 perccnt- Ths n< the average of the ct a post-war economc abor eludng U;t n Ulan m ent grew at the llon unemployment fell mo nosl antcpated.. y c a r Where have the ex; Vby sunny San Dcgo? cep- And stll some work bor from Ue overall plcl th e couraged workers, cent workers who would ll 22.2 but beleve there are peaked nt about 1.8 m luch of 82 and dropped to 1. h as end of 83, Oncc thc bor workers start lookng f< the they arecounled wlh hs. (or employed, f sucent ronc upshot: Ther d Son for work wll have an S22 Pcrcent, wookly.vc 100:, ~ * March n Tuoaday, Fobruary t o n s D 2-3. s D 3 ; a r A b b y _ D.5 )cks ad th late lnbk.rg..m cu o er a t 55,-:: Gen«- T h e slock m arket ;lv fr> thp-sprnnd «=;e.sslon Monday. C hrysl o f ts daylong Mldc la te ra lly. a l 3- le.s av erage of 30 tra d e d ch jum ped no Vj an ay, rose another n ter onday tot,l79.9c, fn.she ed losers by better Data \ le New York Stock D gtal 86/.:. u m e fell sllbhtly D!arc.s (rom doy am > 1 rp e n e d lg le M w l - g! a uslalncd rally to y.a ta p.m.r-lt were down,21 on rose 1.7 Y S E.s ocuve Ls - At,- w hch fnshed up E x ch an 83,000-share block ro se 3.: th e d ay at-c4-7- com pos a tlb. - counlcx a re d 8 V4 to m ount; 7.2% r ntermounlaln Gus Chapm ; a custom er rate e sa rcc.ncreases Ue.w ere fo rged by tssuppl- bll eva ally har an, drector of w o r nerm ountan effect c p e rc c n t requested people :d lo the daho and a r sm m sson, would cold le tus quo of Ue sad, leratlon, Publ fec on our proft P e rry d, th e pro th e proposed n- evenng ld go nlo effect a n y ac nal to the ncrease take, b y th e company s e s a -P p eltn ec o rp r e~ h av ct n 1 G as Co, rates u tlty by ccnts per pellate a v e ra g e custom- nton o!6. could < llty h ad a cost com pan )cr of 1982, t was An or consecutvc cosl (clals. s a d. royallt case s approved, that th e r th a n they were C o m ers c a r. - U tah a s we got through back pa, : the ncrease, could af s e t econo ) The Unlled enco Bo W estern world n servcc, jg a n ths year, grow a : expanson wll ad ju stec :co w ll end two estm at< eclne, accordng y e a r, ss forecasters, sa d nflaton n T h e b< 0 20 percent from the fo econom y by the Confer- E urope, nent fc lyrolls ncreased unem pu ncrease m atches Conferc) l e prevous sx belleve,s recoveres. n- declne 1. W hle employ- D sco expected rate, th ey do lo re sharply than c a rd " lr oul the experts been? n ch an g es force w kers are mssng cans a c lu re Ue dls- m onths The tolal of tren d s, lko to have jobs 1 subn e none for hem A long-t< nllon nt the end under v l.s mllon at Uc com e nl lese d.scouragcd the lm e : for jobs, though, op. 1 th e unemployed successful). The Sylva decson lo look m a ffe rs m mpact on the dcatc..vcmjo nh.rc.l r.t Fob - Mnrch 4 Tmos-Nows, Twn Falla, daho D vance >rally Donnel Douglas closcd down... c n e ra l Molors was up -h at L-. Ford advanced k al 39/j n) d - ;-yslor w as up Vatljr ld d le South Utme.swasnp 3 ~ 3-S.. An K)0,000-hare block ded at 13/j. Fxxon rose 1% to : a n d Mobl was up ll, a t 31 W. nternallonal Busness M achnes shed upl-r), al n2!, but Conlrol :a w as down ll at 37% and ;ltal Cqupmenl was down -V al atonw lde turnover n NYSE- 2d ssues, ncludng trades n e stocks on regonal exchanges n the ovcr-the-counler rket. totaled 117,C!) mllon res. :andard Sc Poors ndex of 400 strla s rose 2.05 lo ; and * s 500-stock composle ndex!l.79 to the Amercan- Slock- - h ange, Ue m arket value n d e x to 210,57, The NASDAQ poste ndex for the ovor-the lc c jn a rk e t closed-au up tan G as rate hke pm an sad. 2 sad the wnler months e fol a good.bass for future u tlty... evaluatoas because of he unusu- harsh weather. t would be unfar lo com pare th e cl of any ncrease wth the blls le have had ths last D ecem ber a n u a ry because of the extrem ely tem p eratu res,,. C hapm an ablc Utltes Com m ssoner ry SwsKer sad he had nol se e n proposod rale hke as of S unday ln g and so could not com m ent on acto n the -commsson would ; sad another elem cnrhat could 1 a n cffeco rales chargcd bythe ty nlhe future was a U.S. ap- jte co u rts recent change n def- m o f therm s (heal unls), w hch d decrease rales pad by g as pancs to ppelnes, ongong lawsut by ppelne 6f- s. who contend thoy p ad llltes to pclroleum com panes th e y ddn t owe n the F o u r ers area of Arzona, New Mexco, and Colorado, could re su lt lr : p a y to the ppelne, and th at alsc d affec gas rates. Swsher sad. )rnc pace B oard, a busness nform atlor CC..sad the U.S, cconomy woulc a t a 3.8 pcrccnt nflaton sted rato. compared wth a la te d 3,-1 percenl ncrease la s e b o a rd s fgures were based o fo recasts of 350 corp o ral om sls n North A m erc pe, ap an and Mexco, gures nploym ent rate. Ken Gold.steln. e rc n c e Board econom l ve,s a re.sult wll be a slow ne n jobless totals, scouraged workers and wh do actually are tho "w " n all prodlcllons. u st.sort th e perm anent and cyclt g es n Ue growu of the wo ; wll conlnue to puzzle po > and economsts n com ;hs as they look for clear-< s. ubm lt one rcnd s already cle- g-tcrm.shft n our labor forc r w ay as fewer new work ; n to t. We m ay bc approach :mc when actual.shortages do va P o rte r wrtes on rnnh ers [or Unversal Press S c.

24 D-2 Tlmo3-Nowv3. Twn Fola, daho, l O l M LFt-l -l a r k e t s T uoaday, Fobruary v m m S B S Q l POCATELLO (AP) - daho Fam Oureau OMA lama. Net). (AP) (USOAl Oman* na vesock. CCAGO (AP - C ntnrmounlan gran report KtMonday: mamotfl quoaons Monday: no 32 S* 4 3:m* t:w......p rev C lose :;ot.atlla nhaal.turloy a»,.na3.tod Boro.moa-----ooa: r*)e s m>... ontnaacaon lloarrtol V V,.» OOU M onth Commoc nodlty Close lkh ;h Low P.M.. (13 percen promn), ha lad red «.lne> when (C acvo o and prces are srmdy 10 SO lower o» wlf Prces gnnorally on Mar 3U SO 3<a 3.50 «.01 nstance ncoa..7s lowo on 2S0-2ra lb slea.. Thr Thj mwa commooty markes, a M:y M alnes s , (down S); U U (do>n D), lest un un woghs over 2/0 b ahow prces S-1M ocmnntj eatngdrfle: PlOV Slos7, Povday3Dpenlnla,7B?,uptO. t3do«n.u»(o«r lo nlluonen prce-. Saf u n. lve cattle te 68,705-6!), m V); S.90 (do-n Sl. t) 6 us t-l t-2s tb. ranqe «50-«2 Vot eyndcsnc * Apr. lve cattle te 09, , as lt>, are «.50-*3 M UO 2-3.V 3000ff» r? N g S(dO 12, do«n 3: loo llo-n!); M ar. c ed ercat cattle , SO o f lh 1 Way 3.?9 :m 3.25A *..00% - = ;ou?ados buyng by lonlgn : no Quote; LA barley»rolohln( rd orn njons. S, a S 5 S y : r ; S S - A pr. lve hogs S 44, , l?.lo-?.1s(sleao») lom 39 7Slo Uu prces rallnd lam M ar. w heal 3, m ,28? llooan S s l S r K r a? M PORTLAND (AP - Mornng trends lor Qtana 4S so reacod o a 3M :o! * report ll u l. corn 3.2G> 3.27>/ 7A 3.24.t 3,27 armno al Portland. Ore. 9. lor curen shprrenl by Calle le und calvos; «00. Trade on n saughler 31 lranar> on dooo m tne POfSjn Qut. Loscmans *Ke 2 ««2W* 2.KW 2.M * 00% ral, luck or ba»ge per Bush 3 and nglers s modnraoly actve w M r. slv er 9, , ro.1 30ll>hlle»naal3fll C soady ly prces c Slaughter cows range sead eady to.s2 Crn pcns worn su No.t whl1nclud>haal3.0 u n. Rod 406, f wllh advance on breakng classes ,000bomlnlmum;aoll*fap«rbU8hrt Noltardea wnlor wfo 3 ;;:. tougm n mat counlry. And M ar. c opper 64.? ,10 plmo2ass- OO* lb.*a o p?ced ountrs «rn n mn market tor uov Choce :e 2-4S, 10S0-12Sa lb, are 004S w so j>oanomtolped prce cesnosoydoancompe.. yjj M ar. sur ar ,61 / ago at 68.2S. Mod oood and cno nng botwoen tocosnd tso b range U ra lor* ar;?!ot nm acn Marr-oybeuns :377- rj ,28l V 4~f~ z b b h b s ;ooo-pncod rrom b? O to es so t3 7svs Susnntreofn-!llLjSU-l«t-L73-2-t-DQt-- un. T reasury ry.blls r ,33 flnrs: choce 2-4s, , 10. range cents hgnor wth Marcl cn at 3 74Wa husnnl; oaa Prov. sans 583 NEW YORK (AP) - Quotatons from S nclar and Co. -X Spo, nom.,,0.. /X SO Mod good and choco 2-3s welonno. wore unchanood o l.< Prnv days open n S.103 h prlcea Monday: ten BOOand 11 lb are prced om lo 1.84»«a busto; and a soybeans wno 2V«ennls «WOf OYDEANa ppo»-m <»eonlsa pouno.u.s.deatlnalonj. M.SQwtf wtn good 7-3s rannlng trom to > lower 10 2 conts hgnr nr,.n March a r ly, a e pound. NY Come spot (j cs3 ( ws: breakng utlry and commorclal :lal 7-3s 2 ne bushol wllh tow 10 4?,00 Cutler and May "" Lo»d- *.?a cenlsa pound 1-2s aro prcod lom to *3.50 0*wha"e» CCAGO (AP) --Fuues radng on r,o / 3Svo Kj. essng Cannor and low cullo culler rango CWcsgo Uoard ot mao f- lug j.m *.02. E B B a S n K)h Low Last Cng. Alumnurntons ajwu cunto" " P: op: tn. Thtf marke wan nol oslabllsle< slod WEAT " Y 6 Marman (onljr dally POCA 8,000 Ehj mnmum; dolla/ a" 7:3*1? 7:34V!,?:32W rs r t t:00w Quotaton. from 1 NASD a t ap- U la h PPow o er 22.50! fo Quote) CATELLO (AP - daho range and loodlo 3 4ay 7.40 T.ljV, 1 U\V>7.42W proxlm ately 2 p.m. Al bds n- Alberts* Gold - t por troy y counce, NY Com,, gpo ><1, tson, 26,00,00 monltclosedfr. TTLE saughler sleers 11 le rd e a le rb ld s. nterde rdcaler quotatons daho ) P w r. Co : 5ll»er - B.555 andy r & Marman (only dally 9 -OroO; 7; slaurnter holles , ; loedo , doveed: leeder edor heles do not nclude retal ll markup, r mark- Darl-KrK raft ; 7.50 o avo t9 ets por troy, 0 N» com.,.p., lotn: slauqhler olston sleets no auotn down o r commls msson. These C.P. Na month closed Fn. E P GooO, choce slaughor r Natonal Mercury - t »00 00 pflr n] Dtt«.. Now qolo:»;teedor 10 lambs no quote, quotat/ons a re provdec ded by Edward D. osp. C< orp.am ,625 Rjtnum - UflS00-U99.C sslock Aucton Twn Falls Ll, o n es & Co. C m y. Psy. Cent, ,125 l/oy ounce, N.Y. nlsalon Saturday; ul!ly and com 3/.0(M7.00; hoavy loodor seora ; 82.0 Ma< cntosh k Bd Bl( Ask F la. Coa oastbk. 21, ,125 loeder steers d2.0&48.00; stockat M oore Fn. Gp. 23.2: > M aytag 73.TS;.olsen leodor steers SOO so 0084 CO. ag 42,75 eln splngor hollers no quon; baby bab dary n tc rm n G as 17.3: B oro-.w Wrght calves s O.SdOO, lal.lambs U.OO-S3.U; f l s, : lorcla bulls «.00; heavy loodor Long. F b e r >6, st. Sec. }C. Bank 21, M Kwo CCAGO (AP) - (USDA) Major polalo. holors S T rus-olst 29,0(», M orr-kk n nudsen sto(la«.???k col 3;S2o markets FOB shlppnt] pont lnts us A Frday n OO cowa l r j no quote; lat hqod 43 0O-SOsb: leedsr Consd. Food 25,75 1st A m n B k P B ch Dakota ;ound rods BOO, no nuoto here 0 ;ote. Romaksr Cows hgher. Other Mr casse! &ts?55s o-eso. Colorado rusels..sosdyto ytoaronoor vmtotnjmot r25S Ga t CSTC ErarCt ; - 1 3:875- lubswsswwsconsn n erussets B.2M.M. SO n cartons: Colorado ldo ruaaets».00-» 00. S S S PW T s w.",5 : ;r r.. K Florda round K.*Tm (k,, u, SPOKANE, W«8h. tap 1 - reds SeecM cloamo Sen whl uolatlonj on lha SpCKano o S hllo «th«l }.n, tulsy S.80, nlet] otn Open lor Low Settla Cr>g. Slock EcUngo Mon- S.BOandoal o«1a5.»,»fwcotn8,00. - FMN5 prlcea lo.b OOU) fxj. Qaln DAO FALLS (AP) Uotod Stocu p»lces te flven daly by nanflan*, Oret QOtrova ahlpplng polnl. toek» rafo*** coa are an antaga ot sevgra Magc Srer Onons; Oomand roy? ood. Martel slgnly Mar _ L! _ z _ g allow Spansh vclfls Apr Vs laler QuolatonaoClalneO weeklv Xagc Mgner. M b, aacka U,Q: 1. X, Ymedum 2M nch mm jun 73.n 3*.O Mountan»hlo wheal wa Quolad al 3.00 t.o.b <?3 00 4o!1o n m -> m b o occas 12.00, mments tower, Aug 1 omo. PK com at l.ts l.o.b par 6.M; ew9.00prevous comml 8oX " Mlnoj wsloht l.o.t. Msunlan ome ey need par Potaloea; Demand non-slz asdotonn A S S ffs S. nooodng. ursfeatl «3at» " Reed cartons tght. Marke about l Ooa noaorys cwt 2 ncf) ot 4 ot mlnlmun UrSo 437w <[40 r.o 2.30 tn h.r ofcn n doy*.. buloro 19B, not vory y many tn< poopo uscd computor:. M.u m.n m.u M j* n *a.w lor a vory goodr.joon, Mocl* asoutcos r m omaglakn ndoponoonl Lllttfl SQuaw no>tnan: 3 al tb.oo: 3 at B.00: at d,s6.val tow"?.»rt.»: ff, M *BM Notvorymo 1t.OO. S lb. sacks math.l2.sc :jo *a:40 And r>ol vory >ry rnony puopo wontod to loarn. 11.SO occas hgher,- & U.n» DOllallng. S. s S S :.OO *a.m Aflur ol. n n 1llostr days l rnuant llsturnr; ng to t your slomocl growl n com- ONO :,1 al 1?00; S al B.OO; 1 at 1S.00; t mn , PrevOS) s., e s «. S S S days open nl putor -.crnnar n. Fallng osluop ovor computor rnonuols. And toyng owoko WB. sacks BO. mn. otod youd havo to bo o compulor Prncelon ng and atl ns market. S ngner and lower, tew 1?.00: a al 18.00; 7 nagollatlro 13 unc.fsland d om. um. omo port>cuarly fly brght b ungnoo lod a brllan atlro 10ot.mln.ll.SQ.t2.D ls Onks: 1«at 19.00: al 1S.00: and ; Snfno M oo oa;}al».qo, at 23.00; and4al d 2 V9VMPlp1!9 putors about pn poopo. nstood of toochng poop oopo about compulorj? Wllh olmu vou-proqfam lke.macpolru.r- lu.m WocWrlo.M WocPfojocCtM lona rdpegem ollerlnga al sponlna MacTornnal.n.,n.< ond MocDrawK," (as woll o-. O, mony othur porsonol producs:» q:m doalofjr.c 7C0urtav o> Western Oean Oetera w[ Ellxnt nc. Akes ere nel. U.6. No.. let * l;«n la p e tvrly tool-- ovo volobfn from nodrjj.ofworc*.or» dovolopofl. you COM spond.xt.*0 W te a n l y OyofjW«-Cfh n Ux and etorage cna/ges nnng your bo»lrok», and lov tm. tmocfongurl.» C A S K P f " ba Amotlcjn... O~*jcS" ~ F o ra fro o -MrM caclnt oshdom onstrofon c o m o o n dow jow n to our sloro..32 -K r.-n»» spnmof, * * * :a"uo to;? t: 7B.7S 7B.? 5 S, S t.. opa. ) 5 T08W. A d d so n, j S".?, Dec» M «Twln F alls MldnllB. vs : s:r<?= s - s s r ; ; ; ; o:b :» S t:ls " *bv SllvOf Dow Sllvof Cueklo!8 -S T!L7..., 1 KS Yelont so»6oans ;.<1 * r.n hj. sr s s S! S?? U S 252 * LEADED (. 03 M3S 5;? "= rts So " N : ~2 1.«*1.0? RK a ; SSS5SS5 etaorcd S "S ; 1 a l l lnalele>alcrcl0g. vndcator 7.]S 2.3 >tquote<). OM S s : 82:20 84;o 82:10 m:d.esfl,0s3.! g Eat. salos 1D.4S2. Prev. san 80 to :70 tm. / " w S t-. p t. POBTSCmB. MA AGO VALLEY S ROFESSONAL SK SOP M [ D-W NTER[ S K< ;m j n n g Prce nclu d es BS professonal 9$ h& ndflat flng g(n>machlool), ed g e sh a rp e nnng,-hot w axng, a n d bl bndng lubrcaton. SAVE S OVER $4 h h )W lto c a c fltw S C * 1188 Blue Lake kes Blvd! No. (208) fr o y R a y n m o n d... r F N A L D. A Y S! X ; LEAPY YEAR o lookod, ts tlm o to lo o p N o w t h a t y o u h o v >rd o l( Pckup. a Roy R o y m o n d Ford )RD RANGE -ER_ 1984 F O PCK KUP 4X 2 /oll d e s g n e d, W oll e q u p p o d. o yl S o ls th o p o c o. Woll o r. D uel m rro rs. C h ro m B lack fro n f b u m p or. ld n g s. A rg e n t s ty le?d d..lec a w n d s h e ld m old hub covers, T ethorod goo s cop. Y w h o o ls w th b lo c k hu So m u ch m o ro g, SPOBTS ~ ~ 1 CENTl! tv T w n F als. d a h o F r e e M a rk n g M a k e s u r e 2 y o u h a v e 3 M8 a k e s u r e y Oo U g e t 1 e n o u g h m lo e n e y b g t a x s a v n g s f o r y ( o u r r e t r e nt e n t. r g h t n om You know V how hard t s to fe good w hen Ths helps your r money grow m uch faster. fa* Every you re wo o rre d about money.. m agne how awful :1 dollar you put nto a Frst n te rsta te RA can be ths would d feel after you ve ret jtred. T h a t s w here e deducted from your gross ncome. Tax savngs. ourndv{ /dual Retrement Acc< :counts really help, buld u p fa s tth s way. At the sam e tm ;me, thenter-. They re tf th e best way for just about al anyone to ac- est you e a rn on] 1 your RA s not taxed e d a ta ll untl ) cumulate 1 hs own retrem ent ; fund. ft Your yearly you s ta rt to wth thdraw the m oney afte fterage59!j. nvestm er 2n t can be as lttle a s ; $ $100 o r as m uch as > And then your V< tax bracket fgures to 1be lower. $2,000. W< rvorkng couples can nvest up to $4,000. a k e s u r e y o u M a k e s u r e y o u r 2. m o n e y s > ; s a f e a n d s e c u r e a s lt g r o w s. Frst ntel e r s ta te Bank s RAs >earn e hgh ra te s of n terest so s they grow fast. Yet e t at th e sam e tm e they reco completely safe. Our - a s s e ts over $43 bllon g uarantee securty. On top of ths our RAs ;re : nsured by the FDC C up to $100,000. Many RA As are not nsured. s t y o u r F rr s t n t e r s t a t t e o f f c e s oo n. Get all th e nforn -maton on our RAs. V We re sure vou ll w ant to op pen one. 5 M a k e s u r e B y o ur e l a x. After all, onceyc /ou open an RA w th.h F Frst n te rstate, lfe should s! get sw e e te r as you grow older. And th a t s.-gng gracefully. CftO O SEFRO M MANY M ORE TO Cfl M M O N P t Cuslomcr S jtsfjch o n s Our Drvng Corcern" 1243 Otue Loket Olvd, No. 733-S110 1 ll R:;crv(.- M orntor rto u /l o, Frst Sn vterstat F rs t n te r s ta te BeB a n k o f d a h o, N.A. Bank U Olympcs, Momljor F.0.1,0.

25 ......M C lo ssn g lp rc e! NEW YOnK (AP -Mor Monday n.- j.jo 14 1 llonal plceo >ch New Yo Echanoo ssuna: York Block tnsocn ? m 28rt4 rt NKW N YORK - People who 0 nvest n " U n d er ccrtaln condtons, he suggests, thc S mght feel com pelled lo stss K S. " PE a < Uj loa rt~ rcll al e.stale partnershps pe generally ge tjat Oa- m _j *.M }_ o U 21l>t rt ; nsfc 3 -j;-. 3-M4:57f rt - assu sum c-lhal-k -4he-project--goes-bad go< f c c s T r -decnre lhal- lhe -fdrgveness of W -% }V> " ---- s?t \ rt NGom s» Uey can t lose m ore lhan the th rela- lu - o h n m o rtg age debt s ncome. T axable 0*? #7.lt FMC 1 M l/ - rt tvel; /ely sm all am ount of helr lr nvest rt-» rt Nfcnl 3*0 \ jl C u n n f f nc ncom c, ncomc thal s taxed heavly 1 {»«9 43rt* * Fal,CM »* rt Nflwml t 6 n srtt rt ncn cnl. AonU * 2.M 11?M 3 B 190 1>- rt NaMP! 97 M j rath e r than tax-shellcrcd.» AlrPd 1 10 Ml? *** 7? FoOofa 79 6rt* rt NorlkGo 370 " \S., S S - K l S Beware. could be a costly T herefore, he offers these tp s to ASkAlf -.M : rt Norlnk.08 Alcan 1.» «?U7 ja3 s s 1 a 601 Urt* rt NoAPn M } ;j w g ; & « lssut sum pton. don t thnk k people those 1 who mght )c nterested n 4 a ST recof cornlze th c potental labl abltes," Scrvlce wll cha (lallengc accrued nter- lm ted partnershp real e s ta te nls K.? s a 7 rt ;:S»!? solld Ajldcjj 2.40 to»e t< rt» rt NoSPw 2.96 say.s Allen Cym rot. "f lhe lax c st." says Cymr nrot. who travels to hs ves vcstm enls; OlM»4:4rt- rt Nolp l.bo s r rtt rt abll bllltes w ere explaned 1 don lonl hnk Chlcaso and AtA tlanta offces from a RP oal estate Ls a busness "frst AoCn n rt* rt NwslAr BO Alcoo 1.?0 20?07!*1 ll,: rt Nwnd 268 \ x Tl.BT 77rt* peopl ope would put m oney n 1 somc of base n Palo Alto to, Calf. aan nd c alw ays a busness, frst and Am»«,?o jrea? U rt Norton 7 13 (1 aopsn 9 Amoa t B0 s 3: rt«rt Norwa l.bo 2M n b / Mrt* f cm. Tha, howeve ver. s really not te sn g u larly a bu.slnc.ss." Tax a sp e c ts of r ; s K S > V, NYNX n AmAor m sort" lupfo rh e potental m ght even exlst. hc w orst uf 11. he says. B ecause the deal the e nvesmen arc secondary. "T he AUrand 3 to fl S: UybrOfl O 2a u aynlo 1 oo 10 lu adds. ds., for som e nvestors s to be s overleveragc jed and overprced to mo o re you dedcate to lax aspects the r s : S es L.. s 3 S - S L 2 g S S L.! ]-49W%- :----FfprMc~:oS~l7 1»--<»03-a5w- - dropp opped nto-dccp-flnanctalhot ot-w atcr btrpr-wtthrthc-: c-kupcr-nflnted-wlnr mnou r jorwcatccnthedeah* V1 Fuoftl.40 sa!k a!!s S!5SSS:5 gsr \% K l % CCO : 204 fl 657 2«rt. rt by hl lo* \% a a. the very technque they had lad reled prce lhat s to Dbe sought mght turn " D o n t assume lhal theonly am ount AEp S W ( OAF -O Omak 1.04 AFamll.U 10 SU 1! ft* ONEOK rt«rt acuoal 00?ort upon lo hand them a profll >fll whle out tobe a m ere< e d ream. al t 1rsk s your ntal nvestm ent. t 17 V» GTE 3 B4, Aomo 2.M 131B7 7 S74 K Qanell s t.t8 ll" 15 : M.1 h Ownffl 70 S «;»- rt alloy m nultaneously cuttng tuxes, T he dea! mlghl ;ht go bankrupt nstead. sn sn t necessarly so wlh the R S. f».v " f f" f S t S s s r.!,! a 7 «Mrt rt S3??ll rhe red flags a re flyng, ng. say.s So, the lnvest( stor m ght say, lost lhe econom cs of tho transacton fall AmMo 77»! _ p_ 0 - ek(rn<, W! AtjatRs 3.S OTurt4rt Cymrm rol. who helped orfanze or m y nvestm ent, t. nothng m ore," Un- you moy fnd yourself lable for seve ra l tm es lhat amoun U q"h 74 9 AmSd l.m 1710M 2!o 02B47 Srt*rt 1* " 27M,«A Gnlnal.M 14 2: 2M e fm O rttrt ndreds of m llons of doll; lollars of dor the law, mo nortgngc lenders have ATRT n U7 17U. QnMS 2.94 hjss 9 ff T: AMPtn 1.M 21>p ?7rtT rt T«5ro.40 8 TOT 5rt4 rt parln rlncrshps w hle headnf obcrl lttle they can n do but accept the C hange your fram e of referen ce rt+ rt pctol \ 5,40 Anchor 1.4S t \79 7( g?5» ; s \Q..,. B U5 Srt- rt - TojaeO B * rt PanAm Anhny,4«t> 0 >0 t: 43U / ToEal 4,0? }?S :lt? McN( :Nel Corp.. one of the! b bggest stuaton. They / ( cannot seek recourse wh«w hen talkng wth your nvesfm ent ArchDn.14b TC rt Tolns s s r, a 1!; s a a s t a 587?rt7 rt Provl jvlders of real estate lmted from lhe ndlvld dual nvestors, adv v se r. Your frst queston should not All.-PS A4 t Afmco.40 7S1 {* 1t j (Q rt4 rt TOGs!, rt* rt partn rtnershlps. B ut..says Cyr ym rot, thc S mght be the asual one about th e tax ArmWn ? 73Vt* t:,;s; s?:?!: a rt4 rt TeUl 2 S OobPd ; Aoareo 40 M 10«1 34W * rt.lrt Ponnol 2,?0 1.eo Brt4 rt No\ ow presdent and a dlrecto r of a thnk dfferently. wrw rteoff, bul nstead. W hat s the V, QbFn U* rt PepsCo 1.62 S w-lrt Tn lm " s *rt Pfl/, (,O w and grow ng frm, Kemper- B ecause such h transactons pose tho bottom botl lne, ARcrt 3 S77V llrtt rt per 8 32 f rt r»* 16 B7 3lrt4 PhelpD., S 1!!S! s..* 5 m rot nc., hc contcnd.<: thc the tax- possblty of a rse n foreclosures, hc A red flag s flyng when the transacto n nvolves losses for the frst few 1!5» :S d,. v,s r101349! 26U+ rt PtllaE 2,20 0 o"lm4rt rt Tl"k!:S *1 shcc ;tcr aspect of lm lled partne nershlps says. "t s m y opnon th at the RS SSff" :S shz ; j!0-324?ert- rt PntMr 2.90 S S f f S,! = 1< 1 * r t vercm phaslzed. and he expec pecl: the wll tako an ncr creaslngly strong posl- yea e a rs. t ndcates that the real esta te B oa?p<: 1!? 7 2* plb rtt rt TWCp n Avonj.» Sto crackdown. tlon." Otherwse, se. he ponts o u l.lncle proj je c t s overvalued, "Any busness L a.glwftrt..68 K sasst-s E W.,s; S "va---s-srs--- V T jslsthcscera o; Sam la ttbrg loser ;e n - "sh shbuldsfow o profts n-the flrat y e a r, a w *w fl* B 3» 74 * rt Psn 18* OlfWal! * rt Pnoum CO partnershp s organzed to offer cert ccrtaln ly n thc second. ;4M42 umrt4 5t* 0, 5* 5- : tax deductons, whch U se< seeks to -, S S S!! S 5 4 tnvtrcyovctpretnr-thc-prot } roperty: ohn-cunn/ff-s-a-busnoss-anoysl rt psvco t:a4 24wtm OnkAm.U 1Q2B7 71V+ 1 yac 60 "8 le**: rt Overr erprlcng produces bgger ta for Thc Assocalcd Press. Karnd * PSvEO 2.64 Uausert a SU r 71rt UNCRos 17/ 4rt ducto :tlons through dcprecatlo a o " *11 h S pr* n rt PUQOP 1.76 B,7 22a 3rt* U5FG Pullfl a.10 ::& v S s g g j S3 h ; rt4 rt » swlrt u.sual tally m eans bg nterest costs )StS. also Enchange ssust. rafl ang natonally al moo man V * rt S rt* Pyro Oekof. jg- 7 4«l 10Vt4 V,»claM B2 2lrt* rt OuakO 2.20 M 20 1M rt tcduc lucllble. OwKCorp 4.044,300 rt 4» 2m + 1 ollm a.40a OuakSO.60a» 10 O fl 7 rt u!»o rt Ovc vcrprced, thc real estate pro- n S2-922? * * " 70h W.oreula 1-44 lo rt4 rt - n- D e! n7ln n. n UnDrnd 92«V* awpk B.18 T rt- h nca.90 ) 1612U rt 2.C Srt4** jects cash flow from rents 5 c. cannot wasouu 4 NEW - n e YORK (AP - Fnal OowNtones avoragos 7B olday B9 43rt*1 ntc a.20 t.458,900 1 *lrt lor torm Monday. Feb V> rt ollys 1 S P. ff T:! Srt4lrt USSlOOl suppo port the debt and other expc xpcnscs. MosaPlrl 1, rt STOCKS OpwlghLowOoM(3>g 14«.f M malke ss: S- SSSs sa : rt- rt USWS ns RaUlC her than payng off nleresl rcsl currt.rtrtt,rt77 rt rt 4lrt nd 75U-f1 onwll Sl.90 lol U oapcp ! s sarsss. s:s& "?.M B h- rt rently tly, thc partn ersh p accnj :nos 11. C.U.P 20 Trn llck ;t 4 g Trt- rt. Raylhn 1.40! 1 S! ll s r a «s r s!s )lng to repay when thc buldl lldng s 926,100 rt 4lrt 65 M Sk 4MM 4M46 «2.S m m c S 5 25U tsrt* rt n*rh r a : s.! s s»:5 ; M f r a 3 " rt nouc nous , rt- rt RepAr rt 4 rt Tran 2.914,000 MW rt uoht.54 5OT rt+ rt RapSl.50: v - v The he devce creates what see 633,700 39rt 4l Ullls 2.537, cnd r 43rt- h noynln 3.20 a delghtful stuaton for son S T rt - rt Sk ,200 someone s : : 1 1 v> n cp rt ReyMl 1* * trt ng to cut taxes. T hat s. there crc s no B h4 U nlsa 9 Drnwl s.so SSO tsh Wacbov 1. danop *3.oa : rt4 rt Wackm 3 saj! ggfb-, S "fr?!;; - S Some to d eclare to thc nt, rt4 f* WMn S.»enuc Scrvlce. At the samnc e 47l* a a- 132 *_)» UurQh 47* 1ntcrestxosts-gvetrbtgdedu( Aucton: «s S p l f l rt» rt WafflrL rt WsfW 2, thnk thc ntcm al Re\ Revenue MO, K rt- rt RoylO 2.Ue rt* ydors 1.08b 1.1» ". S ; S k ; k S S S - S - b ; c 5 nlpay.m W «r s * rt WnUak l nlarv 2B( 2B67 rt* Set.po l.m l 10 BOO 3«rt4 rt Wllam 1.: 1: * ** CMCA lcaco (AP) Fulurss adng c l W 49.rt wmo. al. Calfn? 0.40 lt 17V! a = s m a a.!, s t2rp - -! >1.56 n Ctcago amarcanl eexggem a y CrFsS « V »l Carrol s g - sv " t- r t CATTCe j a r s " ssa ss"* :5? r ] Cartw TOV TOrt+ 956M 35rt* rt Wynns.so U rt- rt lb< a..,. a.«18 onnn : 1.50 jy 46 rt jv * - r & 42rt-rt j: onlog s C S 2.! 68 oslsn «7<!*{* snrwm rt zsrmfr h4 rt Oe 17+ oymtfl ! f l 4rt-f w Kman l.oa a C a r r y C o «t :. aalpa 24,225. Prav. aalest c2nt«&* Bl 14 KalarA.00 79?a t w - vdan nl S2.S77, up M«rt Kanab 1.04 fl ms u 4rt4 rt CflMAf 40 * TTM FEEDER 27rt+ rt KanOE 7.3B &S 17U* rt W S rt*1rt NEW YORK (Al ra: 7o:S as.m ro: M S?o KB".» 1. 2Bw7 j ESeSngafjVulg % f s r. " Chaso a.fts 5 S SS* & 162 6rt* PjS S T d CtesPn x4s 30Vt 38-4 rt KolMC 1.10 S «2 CNWS S rt KmbC * S» Srtrt AORua? s.10 V :! yj Srtt rt o CrlPnT T2 18«18U* KnonR. s xlto 21 4l MSR ng 967 Brt rt ASSra Cp t rt4 rt Marndq, csrlsr j j 11879?ah «t (tfos o? W* rt Amaru r t Mam pl7.3:. "5 " p r a?l.kl% ;2!"p*?? catcfp l.m W77 3M AMoln.30 t B 29- rt Msnl s...ayln» O 122«35V4 >971 16%4 rt...ampftll. 3O 1: U4. - MfldlaC M s «3lt>a.;cantt per lb. CjarkE vo M smv s r s K., :S > - S,.S!!:= S KES5? W 22V rt 5* to 5 M 5267 S 1 5 t ; s. :S, S ; k - r t» 34rt«rt j.e«enl Tt rt Armlrn.;!!.!5: s KK;?.» 52rt- rt Lshmn 2.«8o t ( r s s s s a l s Sr t : WALKAWAY ; " wt* l l l ; g fo WT MNOLTA FAS. salos Prev. salos ColPen b24a. s s a f j 6Srt4 rt Oansr a NEW CAS & C CARRY CmbEn fw OM30» s - " S ;g S: S BSa?., ", c s S COPER. AND/> A $500 SAVNGS QraBN S 5: 5 s s. M l llba.:c*nl»t ftt flrt-lrt 0/ascn gl rt PnlLaw 1.49 CmwE * rt4 rt PMway ;.s t.8( f f - M 4lM. t co»t» US mone ney to sond o salom on 10 you. So t you con come tn and toko 62:m m Cmsat s 1.20 e 535 TSA s : s t S f l, ss S : S.56".«s14 xtoo 2 rt4 rt Prena t.b :«u u 1.T2 4t.l5 lholow-co»mn nojta EP 300.wltf you. s«toll pos po>: ogr savngs OD 10 you,.... n rt«-rt- lapae.80b W4 rt ConsOf*" 319 r t- % RansDo ".7 :»- 4.0 Mlnolro Voxcluslvo o m cro-lonng syslom m thot tl glvo you door, crsp coplos g - «L,,s l? 16-rt 3 1 rt4 rt RosxlA hs rs se gj. from odgo lo odj }dge on vrtually any papor up p 10" K U"ond "Sloleof ho Art" rt- rt SocCap.04.0,...»., 5.» 136 lrt- rt Oulcft rt4 rt Solllron.sales 9,418. Pro.sa?e9«.M2.* ***** (boroptlct, Mln llnolta s by (or your bost coplor loruy. j? a : s U S «467 rt Sunar s.3,2.3 sa aw - % Po..* y dayjopon nl 16,572. up 770. l a s s Conllll - 872TS S18 S S & s S!!!!:;; g ;S... -s»? m* h e" "!!... ConlTol. VW Delmnd 52 ClOala U fz 37hS l.s S K., S138 tlrt OomoP F e rn c e rs - 27* ---- APCO " 1 13 * * 3M 4" * MarMld 1.00 S 110 n s frt4 rt «cart " rt4 rt t m e s -n e w s S S " f s s s t - ss- -..,1 S :L"ASSRED"ADVERTrsN NG QFfee- s u p p l y CfvrZol «33K r s :! 44 MaaoyF 2l S ShT olh 5 E S S..n S u s? s ;s - ufos.. PONE , MayOS rt4 rt UFoodB 301 Moln >V/.:TWnFo, V Ov*rond. Burvy. 670-e323 Dna t3 13«25%. s SS:,;: Es".> * tw art rt as, vs; 54 2?rt4 Vrbm* a rtl Vl * ssro n &,n rt> rt s s t S r. r s s.12 22T rt D*y?M».s tbsa 3? 31 rt McQEd 18! ll- S T.S 11. >1 n., s s l» S ".. DayPL rt-»lrt MeGf rt4 rt OUCa g rt4 rt wnrd Oaore l sm 7rt wam 0.2( OolllAr.«1B19 35 L h s l!5; S KS»..a " 54} 9rt4 rt WslSL S,t! s s F s g 17D art 4 Wcnta SSPeT 1.-5 X s ;,5 SS,,:l rt4 rt WwdnE rt4 rt R u p p v " L * L! s s. s S s13134 s S t rt S g llrt rt l MdSU 1.74 B rt MMM DoS t t1 s s DowCfl l.m B rt- Wrtl U MoWl Wrt-+ Vt MohkO DroBr"! *- 8rt-f. Monaan 4.20 TO1451 fljpont Wh l7rt-> rt MnlOU 2.44 B57 **7s TMES-NEWS Tk rt MonPw 2.80a g:5tf S SS: 3h-r rt Morgan 4 7 ff TBS,! 5 * " C L A SSFED S l ADVERT Morron TSNG ert Molola t.60 B rt MFuS Sl.44 S [ 245 S k v l lssl SSS,!5- S!l k T: farkets r z 5.!E?.«T r o TE WP NNER! W llh TE WNNER pr<>gtnm o Twn Falls Ban (ank & Trusl. you rccevc mnny vnlunbt nbtc-banknn scrvccs. ncludr dnn SO.OOO of nccdl-ntal deuth nsu surancc) All you py s smt.mnl monthly (cc for all TE WNNER bccflsl TE WNNER [ ndudl-s... $10,0 0 0 Accdcnl lental Death nsurance U n lm ted Chccc ccwrttlng Free. PcTvonalUcU ed C h c s O u r Vba C ard to qualfed members wth no annual fee Dscounts on PerP ersonal nstallm ent L oans K ey Rng a n d CrcC rcdt Card Regstraton Travel and Entcrt e rtan m en t D scounts A nd m u. m uch ch more! Came by any Twn t rolls Fc Bank.f Trust offlcc om ond sljn up mlay. You7/ s«? thot there e ore real bcnrfta to bcln<, a VNNLR! 5 9 j T S k?! m - S KK\Vn.l.N(;TOUK OM-: lunk K(1K vou: /..1 CVuc s PONE G E T $1( 10,000 A C C :D E N T A L DDEAT N SU R A (M C EW E N Y O U O l N.... Av CQuestc ons ra; sng re ed flags cover re ;al estate part] tnershps ft uecday, February OF FF! TRS- 80 COM FO }R OME : OR OFF =CE M o d el 4 Fam l Ttmb3-Now3. Twn Falls, daho CK3 l l y C o m p u t e r ASLOWAS 1.00 tfelll month " = n 16l M c m o ry. 12" M o) ntor. lt Prnter nterface «a n d T y p e v y rtc r-s ty e e K e y b o a rd w th D a ta p a d f l L e a rn B A S C P ro g ram m r m n g w th E a s y -to -U s e S B e g n n e r s M anual (nc ncluded ) or Add a 9 R e c o r d e r a n d U se Rle eaa d y -to -R u n S o ftw a re g E a s y to E x p a n d a s S>klls k and N eeds Grow» Vodel 4 D e sk k tc p B u s n e ss s S y s te m C om m cfcal Lenao Avnlnb d\ -t, Ull.- For O nty S65 P o r M onth (PtuQ Appcnbtc Uso /Snlos 1,S o 1799 f T w o B u lt-n D)sk s D rv e s. E x p a n d a b le 6E 4 K M em o ry, C h a r a cs te r b y 2 4 -L ln e fvlonlor,, F P lu s C o m m u n c a to n s a n d P a ra lle l P rn te r n te rfa f a c e s Q P/M P lu s C o m p a tlb bl lc (o r T h o u s a n d s o f Applcaton p s Add G raphcs, M odcn lo m a n d a rd D sk S to raa cg e l.l.l." fl.....dkj.1.11«c-.» CECK rour PONE BOOK FOn =OnTEPARTtCPATNG R sd lo / h a e k sto r e, computer CENTER cen OR DEALER NEAREST YOU SM C.t.l..»f, a Mlv.c- :< t.k of Ctco( 1 f

26 The By PAMELA BROW llcassochtcd Pys NRWAKKt N t: tfrc on n cm<kde new spaper busness. - Fed up w th the everyulnf th er n new spapers. Ue m anufucturcfl rcad floblncthcdaf cs. TTe News Slays tle puckagc for the v gloves m ade by lhe f the Tmes nc T ttc -C c sse rs td w hle readng T he Nc conncctlon lo th e Ke sad he hopes lh e pr readers acro ss Ug.co Al least 27 newspa Paso. Texas, to Ne Beyor ByP AVLEN KlN S Tlc Assocated Press KOTZEBUE. Alosca -., U 6 BO cold l gves you resd ents of ths lny con- o f th e A rctc C rcle s llll c rc a m. *.. T he fam lar nx-d or c a tch es ncw coners by s Bul there t s, a t the l L agoon and Sccond stree 90-sent, seven-day-a-w Q ueen boastng everyth d o g s and F rench fres s te a k and a w eekly Me n ghl. A nd th ere s th e ce crt an d $3.45 banana splts. t s true people w llb h ere at 30 degrees belou Busn* MOSCOW (A P) - A fc sso r who dccded to p h e preached ton y o ars a... co m p any hat t<ay. s l> th e w orlds larg est supp...re la te d equpm ent.. lav hen.you ca chlnf alw ays som ethng n the m n d th at says, You con c a n you do t? So, 1 lo b usness, as on advent ex p erm en t, sad B ll Pa T h e frst y ear. P ark s m odest $2,000 to found R v e r Supples,ssung a codsstlng of two ml sh e e ts lstng such basl ra fts, o ars and lfo ackeu t was shaky a t frst. Engnes should educat DETROT (A P) - Get C orp. Presdent F. am? callcd on the naton! M ondny to teach dqsse; school boards n th er fret Am erca through a crss e d u c a to n ; McDonald, hm self a s a d n «speech that S ta te s falure to tran mo h a s gven forern co a d v anlage when l cor supply of techncally tran "T h e dom estc auto especally nteresled beca s o m uch to do." ho sad. McDonnd m ade lls rer keynote address of the fl e ty of Automotve Engne tlo n al Congress whch M onday n Detrot. The apanese today p r m o re engneers tan th( populaton only half M cdonald.sad. "T h e num ber of engln to ra te s aw arded by Amer: h a s declned 20 p crccnl o se v e n y ears and alm os l aw ard.s went lo forolg m a n y of whom took Uelr t ac ro ss the ocean." The contcnl of U.S. lech tlon also s poor, McU( T h ree of four m alh cla: fo u r-y ear collcge.s are categorzed as renmll le salc. n the Sovet Unon, le tm e.s m ore hgh school sl calculu s than n llls counlr arry Snllh. McDonal w rte r, sad the fgures add-ess cam e from repo N atonal Councl of Engn W hte ouse (ask forcc on < You n the engneerng can help m antan th e f< p eo p le lo tlls ndustry by nfluence to a ttra c t boll proven talent, M cdonald; P e rh a p s you can serv e < re c ru te r for your com panj O r st on tle local school t y o u re asked to teach par engn eern g.sclool. hnl lo c o n sd e r dong t. M cd onald sad faculty v en g n e e r schools.run as h 15 p c rc e n t, and m aybe as p e rc c n t n areas such as engn eern g and :»ll ele c tro n c s. G ey Ve cl DWNSTEN rcss. : l:;0utf-kessler-an<l-hlk4an le to wpe the d rt o u t-o f tss. c (m e left on llclr hands a fngers touched a fte r read he Kessler fam ly,h adng gloves to be won wh s Wltl You, Not On Y ou. rea le whle, cotton, one-slze-fuj- le fam lys company, Gloves T tolrf-thcycqme-upott-the-d! New York Tmes, whch has K essler compnny. Bul Kessl product wll serv e new spap country. spapers from x s Angeles to 1 New York are known as U nd Arc on lof northem n Q ueen chj ta Even when B ut t % you a headache,.s a y s. Who»m m unlty north l»77,u ec U lne up for cc a n d other h a rd to e? >ory Queen sgn E skm o vl y surprse. We ou»e ntersecton of tsk reels, a genune. a.wcek Dary ythng from hot es to New York Mexcan theme P " «S- Whle K crcam, sunacs look lke ( a. som edlffc 111buy ce cream only Dalr; low zero, says ce crean less prc A busness pro- n a rec 0 practce what som eone s ago, started a _sold he h s b e lle v to be catalogue jppller of rver- w e w ere 01 L a st yc (nsb w * _ lh e rc l8 _ n e a rly_l4 e back of your lstng 32 :an teach t, bul from raft 1 looked on the cessful E cnture and on w alerproo Parks. T h e con xks nvested a effo rts lo und Northwest h s own wl g a "cotalogue Onlynl m meographed raftn g wl 3asc tenfs ns (O re.) nl cels. how dlfflc St, Parks sad equpment 2 e r s lad ton General Molors mes McDonald on s engneers sses and sll on rrectlm etohclp ss n techncal ;-: an engneer, lot lhe Unted more engneers countre.s an comes lo he alned people. to ndustry s ecause w ehave. rem arks n Ue L fve-day Socl- [neers nterna- lch convened / produce 15,000 the U.S, n a f as large. glneerng doc- lerlcan schools ll over lhe lasl sl half of lho.sc elgn sludenl.s, ;lr talents back Sl chnca educa- cuonald.sa. classes n our \ :re correctly ll learnng." he V- le sad. Ten sludenls lake nry," t h s mads specch S A L?s u.sed n the eports by lle gneers and a nn educaton, ng professon flow of good f by usng your loll new and ld.sald. veasacolcr e lany, he snd. ol b o a r d... t arl-llne n an lnk you ougll y vacances at s h g h a s lo o r as hgh as 50 as compucr sold slate F r e e ll ctj, laho " T uoaday. Fol Cjloves to w e a r v leanng T m e s. A nd U erc s al K e s s le r n o tes. T h e fr m h a s so ld : un lly S e p te m w p - to - s to res f the M flcy s. T a m b c rg c r j p a r tm e n t sto r e s n C al 5 and T h e c o m p a n y s e lls 1 dng a jo u t $3.50, w th r e ta l.h as s p e n t $ 10,000 to s t a r t whle s a le s to h ll $ 100,000 n fg u re d o u t th e r p roft; eads C u s lo m e r s w ho hav< L-j-all s o m e N ew Y o rk T m e s f o r a r r s. d r e c t o r o f c T m e s. -dea W o rd -o M h e - o v e s- a s no S u lz b e rg e r, c h a r m a n s s le r a n d th e n e w s p a p e r s laper a f t e r h e a r n g th e gov«a n g e le s th a n n N ew Y to E l to th a t e ff e c t to a frlcnc 1 Qe n d d n g lh a th e h a d " n o :tc Crc of on, one ol th e o w n e rs o f lh e m m o st r e s ta u r a n t n th e D ary chan. " t s a p ro v e n fa c t. t w asn t a lw a y s th a t w ay, he /h e n tle_ reslau ra n l w os b u lt n c concept of ce c rc a m su n d a e s e r frozen d a r y p ro d u c ts w as 1exp lan to th e m o s tly n u p ln t jv llla g e. p u t up a p c tu rc o f w h a l w e ttlkng a b o u t. h e sa y s. "A n d s a ho useh old w o rd n o t o n ly n uc, bu t h th e o u tly n g v lla g e s. tsju st been a real educaton 2 K otzebue s D a ry Q ueen m o y te o th ers o f ts kn d, th e re a r e fferenccs, ogon sa y s. t s th e Qlry Q ueen th o t m bces ts o w n a m from p o w d e r, ond h o s a of s ef ecen m e n lc w. " B u t -wlen- le from C olorodo w ro te a n d : h a d a co p y o f-a c o p y.o f o u r [ue an d w a n te d an o th e r, kn ew e o n o u rw a y." y e or. th e c o m p o n y m a le d j4 0.(» o _ ju lb co lo r_ c a U lo fu e a. 32 p a g e s o f rv e r e q u p m e n t, ofts to w e ts u lts a n d th e su c - Blls B a g 0 s o r t of roof duffel bag.» m p a n y s p r a n g fro m P a r k s lo fnd su ta b le e q u p m e n t fo r w h lte-w ater ad v e n tu re s. f a fte r h a d fa lle n n love w ltl w hen w o s lv n g n E u g e n e n th e e a r ly 70s, d d n ja llz e (flcult t w a s to fnd good enl, P arks sad. M o h a w k s s p m N ( Featurng: Autun M o h a w k s A u tu m n M ohow k C a rp o t c a n n o w sm oot v o lv o t lo o k * a n o«nylon w th S c o te h g a rd c a w o ar, M o h a w k s A u tu m n L S u g g o sto d P rco $27 Cons R e g u la r P rco $22.50 T S S A L E... Srfflmg.Treasurt S u g g o sto d P r lc o ; C a n s Rogulor PrC $ L... G et 2 G u aran Satsfqcton, T fe F r s t N Expert nstallaton Froo Consultotlon Froo D olvory on o( schodulo Lboral Trades R evolvng C hargo c joyed p a y m e n ts o r e P ark n g W h le S ho Fobfuary a..... g up ne 3 always Ue Tmes of >ondor d 10,000 to 12,000 pars sne re3--buch-f»-bkm>mlngdaef e r s. m d lle Broadway de Calforna. Us th e gloves to thc.storcs fo tau a boul $7 to $10. The fam; a rt th e company and expect n th e frst year, but have no DflS. lave bought tho gloves nclud m es cacsntlves, sad lyconan f corporate relatons at tn e s -v a tp c a w e S T rp u r a n o r 9 5 e w York /Trres Co s publsher. arrl (saw Ua loves wcro a bgger ht n x: V Y ork, Sulzberger sent a nott lend a t th e Los Angeles Tmes no com m en. cle, ce th e m enu that ncudcs ry chcken, $10.75 breakfasts and $17 N he dnners. tn "We re bascally a f aes lo n,"m y s Louoncs. as re sta u ra n t for the pj o v e r and over, and wc m enu. ld "N ext year, we a r n troduce salm on steaks, The prces m ay se th ey dont rase on e vulage of 3,000, ab ay nortjw est of Anchoro re se lls for about $5 a goll the ogan s says hs re wn o lh e r unque problem ; a v e ry hgh overhead. Fort n r md te a c h a t th e Unlverslt) )ur c()mp_ay moved wu h ew. so closo lo t 1 rv e rs m akes a good c ua. sad P arks. "RofU a m ajo r recreauon "pl W e re Ue largest n Uc _# supplers of rver-relat b u l even though m ost o u_. through the mal, Tc r-_ ru nnng a busness lke M ones (ow a). tll s em ployees oro nc rv e r raftng and mng le a n d ra fte rs on Ue Lo od S nake. Salmon nnd Cle; lo keep ahead of Ue < s N a t o n a l fgprev umn Leaves, Shn V- - A y - : - nn L eaves... An o w b o y o u rs. A utum n.lo 1 o u ts ta n d n g valuo. C onst c a r p o t p ro to c to r. From th n Loavos cannot bo surpas.5 0 r e, cot*oop CO $ 2 4 nylon rco $20 f t h s q.y d. S A n te e s o f, C a n s.- m v K M : N a m e n C a n x t - on >n o u r reg u la r e contracts, do o r b a n k c a rd s loppng Ou r 2 Store rwhle readng f w sb u on. M ore recent s a le s f even n l>olh ctes, s nee ow n er of Superor S;----- KchRe-odlngCo de-.. M ary Eocblng. ch N atonal S la te Bank for pre.s.sed wu a p a r s ly gft lh al she h a d he e ls tlonal pars. She not, b rd g e gro u p. sal orgensen.. O ne porson who though, s K essler., " m too lazy lo put S lll, he advses U< not to wash Uem. f * s m eans-you-rend U«-T 2o. e d u cated. lat Tle dea of m am -OS h atched n 1«}2 a t Uk 3te Ue New e rse y sho cs, Ke.sslers son, Todd, consdered Ue project : cream s slrm p, fred r o a d s o steak-nnd-egg o n ly wn; New York steok s b y a r Mea 1 fast-food opera- flow n 5. m anager of the F o l r t a r post two years, h e soys, hasanulcu fam s ceaulrsl #e need a vared-* OUer B ern g a,., gong.o ln - T lal seem steep, bul expensl eyebrow n Us th e m,! bout SSO m les T h e rage. Mlk here K olzebu dlon.. food ch restau ran t faccs w n g sc ms and a very, re s la u r. T here a re no O rental m anst d-to-m oscow to equlpm ty of daho. Ue T hef hm. e v e r. s lung d o lln l[ely ls--!v P,e aroudw jre: e world among ated equpment. When ; of o u r sales a re p ro d u ce d h ate to be requred <e hls from Des g lu n g m a d e ln< e fam U ar wllh n 197 nglc wllh gudes experm Lochsa. Sclwoy, r a l c a ll carw ater rvers producl: compeuuon n e le c tro n E W S nng Treasure & - 1 o u ts to n d n g n o w carp L o avos, a tro c o ry p lu sh stru c to d o f D u P o n t c o n tr th o s ta n d p o n t o f b o th c o sso d. Vlanor ouse S u g g o s to d F Con s R egular S A L... W e u s e o n ly p u re r u b b o r c A -\ \V OS 204 M oln A vo. N. paper sness s slow Ue gloves sellng obot ;, sold Ue 55-year-od Kessle r Truck Sales Co. nc. an Corp chnrwomu of the lx)ard of U nk o f EllzabcU. w as so m lr she receved as a Chrstm a h e r secretary order sx add Q mght order more for he sad the secretary, Maxln< 10 rarely wears Ue gloves lut the gloves on, " h e sa ld. those who do w ear the glove: f Uey.are drty, he sad. " s-tm eaaotrltm eansyouan anufocturlng Ue gloves wa Ue famly s sum m er home lr ore communty of Deal bj d, a televson producer whc eel a lark. 1 sells 5 o r ralways lo Kotzebue. 1 way nto or out of de commun ar, o r n Ue sum m er, by boat, c a t and fresh vegetables t 1 n from Anchorage a >anks at 32 to 34 cents a pounc ys, and some of the perlshob reheated storage. er tems ore barged througl t lg Strat durng Ue sum n ls, o r must bc flown n frc le nl about O cents a pound. :al makes o ham burger pro slvc when you tack all that, ogon sad. 1 rostouront doesn t have t >buc market all to tself. A fa chcken restaurant look t on t som e yeors ogo, but a ho uranl, a pzza p arlor and tal rcstauront reman. tream 2 frm s most popular tem, ho su ensb ag. or qultc n few years. rlv c r n used mltary de-lousng bags g e a r dry Porks sad. *Ur w ere, gcaelherc-was.no.m arl ly thng else. en prvole ndustry.attempled ce the WQlerproof bags, th red lots of lobor and skll ; the seams, and couldnt nexpensvely. P arks sad. 1977, arks went to ScatUe m e n t wu arubber-lke mal aled PVC and developed a nt cl: a PVC bag wl tm lcally welded scams. ALE 6 Manor ouse fe l rp o t voluo from sh w th a crsp, tn u o u s llam ont 1 o ostholcs a n d, Sold pluth wllh coordlnaled - mulfolok cofchord d Prco $20 ar Prco $15.60 $ m s q.y d. y % cushon f e pf D ETROT (A P) got a foothold n m ark et by sellnf decded to go aft lable luxury c a r m,. Am ercan onda on wubl Ltd.. t a g u a r cars, to prc.wdan n Brtan UhTled-Sflles: n F rday. T he new c a r w onda nam e bee; w ants Ue publc u nrclaled to onda spokesw om an sad, ves )ves s was ro». The nunlty )al. s a» ond u n d,"... A lables / efres ~ m m cr from p ro lly lot on e th e fast- on the hotel 41 Locatod how- rttm-» T A T M O BgS to n U l _ a r k e t 960 Ford 350 l.tc,,, comblnolon gfol e<l 10 joon. shorp ool(. they 835x30 rubbor, he 111 n 199 Studobokor 10gron and od C706dlo»ol tro le to,noloconl.ol».llv. mole-. Ollvor Sopor 00 1 new htch, o aood old uflth rubbor, fydrauuc llx 3 a roor rubbo. roor rubbor O(v houlod. good 20" good rubbor. run: oxo lor Ollvor 66 G loonor C-3 14 so cyllndor onj pull lypo boon cor lost fall, roody to pckup wth Gloon Now ollond 104; Ford ongno. n fl condlllonor, VC4C p); Wsconsn ongno, lypct jld o roko on dorrlcks - Formhar. Sfnllh_oc».1y!.on»_v lablo Vornon coc Largo porlabln o sots - ond tools. Sovorol pucos ol slullur. McCornlc troos and n o c k k ralor wlh "Modol (3) 205 gollon luol old cullvolor (ran.;. rr«m>mon balr r\o«cloon for O lver cc ond borrol pum ps posts Roll ol snow C botlom p C dsc 01 ««rton Acmo 5 n harrow and drowb. Trpo K 1 2 ronov crow nor, 3 pont h sold sfonk corrug on C fronl bar (b. Fom Mond 6 " on.holo gron drll on Dg Rhno 7 lorroc< duot rubbor ond t mochoncol buckot C -so ll4 ro w b > a n c handgun and 3 poll _ -. _ )C.Cuhlvntor_. Ol ::: hlch. C C cullv ond corn cultvotor lltk, TO dfvc.n w llh floctrc ofor mf>rols<!odro«-rr.. Ll ow dur Rvor lvos ow dor Rvor lood flvr 12 pono! - Pc l()u lonn catto c coolor. Mlk cons tgll lh and lcl o fr)q o.d p p ) : T o n B O w n e r f SALEMAf T E Auctlonoors; Lylo M aster* Ouhl, daho ond P) - ondo, whch Stal he Amercan auto lne, :ng sm all cars, has four-y lfter th e m ore prof- pshc m arket. proft da M otor Co, nc. wll manu, the B rtsh m aker of Uem! roduco an expensve Mos n for export to Ue pjans ntoda sourcc sad board UeU. wll not carry the losell cause the company Ton c to thnk of t as for A d assm all-car lne, a sad t d. 45,000 x3mpout~ >ck<& ml. TLooaBm - ro t m yaj... A Donlown am. r * S O E S M o l e s w o r f h AUCTK >d f ro m t h o l o u th o o t corn< of Buhl, daho, mll n S D A Y r M A R ft.t M E s lo x S O A - t u n c h o t t r u c k s.ton ruck. V-0 ongno. 4 spood. c on and stock rock mounled. Roc tflt C AT60 2-1on ruek. hos o Schllflor 16 boot and gralr >r ton truck, 6 cvundor, 4 tpooc 3«k rack, runs ond look* good. T R A C T O R! raclor. cob wth fan, powor sloor vo PTO. wdo ront, lko now 5x 30 dosol troctor. doubo ront. h d w ork horso Olvor Super 77 d> le outlot* - Olvor 66 gos raclor >or, ond 3 pont htch Olver 66 (vor SSO gos troctor. wdo fronl. 3" rubbor. 3 pont htch Formall ns ooot - Formoll A traetof. wd«>6 tractor Por of roor duol lros o COM BN! solf propollod com bne, cob wllh ngno. rasp bor. 10x4x36 rubber, :ombno, sprng loolh. PTO drver to go O ld Ollvor 30 pull typo c onor mounts.. A Y N G Q U P. }47 harrow bod. 3 wdo. powor good condton osslon W sconsn ongno Froemon : lo, hydroullc lonaon. good condlt 3n dual rubbor Olver 7 roll m la n d p u h o ll. S O P T E M._wt!dlno_o,u»ll_:-Eufnoy_,l(!0_or :ool hoollng stovo Bonch grlndo or comprossor Vso Drop Co A N T Q U E S >1 horso m achlnory Podol grnd: nck Ocorng croon seporolor - p k o s O ld spud pcker wth "Mo nl T" oxu and whools oy hook M S C E L L A N E C lonks. ono on stand 265 gollon mos Suvcral Olvor cullvolor oodlos Qan scalns. ols and gr«com bno Ar um brolla (or cortk s Fjncors - Chan host Electrc 3w funco. Pump jock and 54 yoars TLLAGE EOUP > plow, trp boom s, trosh lurnors. on rubbor, n>w culouls (ront, h nolol (larrow w lh (oldng drowl vbor - 3 (low Acmo 6 mulol horro ovalor wth gaugo whons ond 3 hlch - 4 row sold shank corrug( jg o to r w th 3 pdrthtch - 4 row :b«lly m oon). O T E R E Q U P W on pow or box sproodor, londom >n stool, doubo dsc, soodor att CO blad> w lh 3 polnl hllch. Sop llt bod - Olvor hydroullc load ot. C bon onc ea n cullvoto» cullor w lh 66 nounls. Dnrrol v snl hlcl - Cvursmon 10 lovolor c Dl(v>r_4 row shoo typo boon pe lvotor bor - Farmhond front one or. 4 whool rubbor trod wogon - Roar ond (ood corror. 3 po or. ron A gn 3 row spud plonlor -rr. for Ollvor cultvolor. 1350busl L V E S T O C K E Q U ostock sq u o o e chulo on rublor jdng chulo on rubbor 5 Powd Pow dur Rvor O g a te - uhbor g > oler 2 cow clomps. Cnf hue Roglslorod Rovorso K Doubl RRGATON T p, onco rfngh of 10 " ncludod rm s: C a sh o r Cod r : M O L E S W O N A G E O BY MASTERS AUC t B U S N S S T A T S B V t C ary O sborno C o o d ln g.td ah o 934-S350 da goes l Stable p rc e s and.suppllcs.ox.c a le, concdng wth the. end of the ur-year au to.sales slum p, have.... shcd lp sale* of~t>gger, m ore ofltablc C ars, a m arket the U.S. a n u fa c lu re rs have had alm ost to em selves. Most a p a n e s e autom akers have ans for b g g e r cars on Ue drawng lard a n d llo n d a woudtse n eflrstn -: e U.S. m a rk e f t stcks to ls plans sell Ue c a rs b y 1986, Ton arrn g to n, a spokeswoman r Amercan onda n Washngton, d Ue com pany Unks t can sell,000 of the cars n Ue frst year. T h v L-vv n o k s, C lnr<)l.tlcsl.ntl-)- tlu-;rl lcchu)l)«> ll hh-pl-rfonkdc; e x c lu s v e U;«ot:l K oll ;r")r<)vks u a tu r a j barrer to h e lp p rc v c n l hc foot fro m r<llrc lot f;r uvrd. srsbboks. M ans S Womon S le t B a n k C a r d 8 C h a r g o A c c o u n t s W o lc o m o f l B r o s. j r n o r ( B u r l o y C d rn o r ) m l l o «o u t h. / L k h o c k b y t h o C c th o c L o d lo a ed. dual ru b b o r, has on Obocco 10 Rool goo d roeoppod lros, a good uck. 6 cyllndor. S speed. 3 spood, [jran b o d m ounlod, o good truck pood, d u al r o a r rubber, ond hos o. R S loorlng. to rq u o amplfer, dual ro- SxSx3S ro o r rubber. 3 pont htch t. lvo PTO. 12x30 robbor. 3 ponl 77 detol tractor, double (ront. 30" 3Clor, sn g le fro n l. Mvo PTO. good r 66 gos tro cto r, doubo front. 36" nl. lve PTO. ongno roconlly over- moll Supor C tractor, sngle front, wde fro n t, runs.good - Wdo front. _ ros and w h o o ls for 66, S wllh Dycool coolor, powor toerng, ber, all n g o o d condton C 03 rven, hy d rau lc (1(1. rocondltlonod po combne for porls Old Ollvor PM BNT «or Sloorng. 6 cylnder ndustral sw o th o r, dropor plolform, lan 25A strng to hay bolor, V4D ndton - o h n Oooro 4 bor chorol ll m ow or Polo eforrck A framo MS :Q omo olocrc w eldor Woldlno ndor. C r o a s o guns Press drll. 3 cordl - Doorng pullers Sockol E S rndslonrj o h n O eero hond corn r ornoss W olkng Plow. Doubo "Modol T" oxo and whools - Old looks. l E O U S llon ovot latk and stand. Sovxal 3lor p p e s W ovon wro Por of 1 gro ass* - C ultvator tools. Scour :omblno - Dolls and nuts Gorrols ctrc m olor* - Dolls osoj Slool oars of accum ulaton. P M E N T tors, g a u g o w hool, 3 pont hllch nt, hydroullc lft, lurrow flllor 4 rowbor 3 soclon Popn S mulol orrow s. 2 soctlon 6 wood borrow d 3 polnl hlch Wosko 5 olfako rugolor w th 3 pont htch.- 4 row row collsprlng shonk corrugotor > M E N T dom oxo, P to drvon Ollvor 30 r attochm ont, double powor lft Sopor 16 m achlnory tralo/ wllh loador, sto p tfjru modol. for 550 <otor. co m p lo to for Super q C rol w ood sproyor wllh booms and lor on slo o l O onnol ron b a r for n p la n ter, w o o d ox and 3 polnl ond"cl>ofry p lc k o ro lv u r p u d gon a n d rock Oldor nnos boan polnl htch - 10x4" gol ougor nlor 6 " x l4 gron ougnr - P ar o( bushol Soux gronoty. P M E N T blor P o w d o r Rvor cok loblo - 3wdor Rvor 16 panols Powdor or gran b u c k o ls Vot supples - buckots - M ostor Dll 6 con mlk loublo R ollor lvostock brond o> T E M S od rrgolondann, d o d C h o c k 9 R T B R O S. \U C T O N SER V C E BVCB B U L T " Cek: Col arper Duhl. doho 543-S?S4or 543-M73 luxurous

27 » bs<2 fs 3 Urwe3-mot] [fcr Overuweght t sm okers shoyuld av jod ph = * B / a c k j r t3 - h a r d - to - g o - too -a - r c s t a u r a h t K p f f l Of course you dor ont. Because t thc mn ee n us. a ssst wlu easy fnan tanclng m _ m m u B.m _ m m.s S L l anym ore and not go thro orough thc Black docsn rucobt any lyone, Uat s why! when 1 uw e pck up the bll fo r a parly r of P e p p e r Experence. t s u st.an ex ercse to gve fou hope elglt. :. o r help us as we try v alant anu yto w n a trp fo OR TWO TO AWA ON BDAR[ 3ARD WESTERN ARLNES AND SSOO» F o r som e reason, pep; 5cpper h as gone M 35 E rm a th a t m ore luggage s } on tho way. rescuje e a square of frozen b u tterfrom r t spendng mon 3NEY OURNC TE TMES-NEWS VWNTER VACATON GVEAWAY from a table staple to w ne statu s. A - x M aybe t s th e san f Bom beck m e wlu pepper, the ce x aj g c. R estauru n ts wlu serve no p epper V t o, P eople need lllue vsts from ther elplp us dspose of o n r aluml mlnum S b o n US COUPC before ts tm e. A t wt s end1 w a te r occasonally to know Uat he s fol fro m our baked potato befon fore we t s a cerem ony comparoble p to Ue StUl wu you and h as s not left town for c a t h alf ofll. presentaton of Elza Do( D o o m u elo so c]. t do you m ean, of course 5e t Ue weekend. They need to know Uat pn a college graduate. can.... ety. f t dd, wouldn t the cntlre he loves you an d c a re rcs about you and o p e rale te my own pepper m ll.. \ Why F rst, a w ater wll pose over you wsneczug? w an ts to be by y our sld!lde. d o e sn l t t tw st? W hat s w rong wlu vlu lt? N A M E w th a p epper m ll the e sl sze Of a pano P e p p e r Experence s nothn hfng" L et the word go oul lut, people do not T here 2 s nothng comng out of leg (th e bgger Ue gepj >epper m ll, Ue h o n a rtu a l wuout m eanng g - need help wlu th e r pt pepper. F or most M aybe! )c m tw stng t th e w rong, w; y " a d d r e s s _ la rg e r the check). T hen en h e wll slng atchlng th e frst pece of lug* of us, t s som ethng w we can handle. f P O N E. o u t, "P ep p er? All 1 conversntlon p g e"«>?on0o n ffb -caro u sel n alrpor port - you w aters w ant to t make yourselves-"- hea le a rd som ew h ere-h at-p ef com cs to a halt. F o r reas easons w hch no baeface. E v e r see anyone clam t t? useful, hold a ashllght whle ve read c a :s s lb ad skn.... one cn explan, ts so som ethng you _ O caufon n t 0* DA> m CU»10M» m have lo thnk about. TO trtoduclo tlontorcoufonlam. As long a s people hav ave been stalk- ow lhe Tm es-nn e v /s c a n h elp y o u... NlllOllK.OFOlT CTO At t TAN rtluatv *1 APPAttN KOX AlOV 41 lug m e wlu a pepper mul ToUl, you d Ulnk couvontavaam would have nade up ) m y m nd a s to NON U»etlll E L P f r o u R C 5 0 M M U T Y w hether w ant more or o r not. never m m m m m m m m r n - d o.-f o r a m om ent, 1 po ponder...then... m m m m m m m m m t d e a r m y Uroat and say. Y es. e r - " " w atches m y hand waltlr tlng for m e lo _ WN A TRP FOl OR TWO TO AWA ON BOARD ARD WESTERN ARLNES ANO SSOO o rch estrato how m uch and tho precse SPENDNG MON NEY OURNC TE TMES-NEWS VS Wr WNTER VACATON GVEAWAY m om ent to stop. Now, h e re s Ue welrc elrd p a rt. NOT : b o n U S C O U P C>ON O NE GRAN OF P E P P E R COMES n fnpt nn nng as e v e r seen pepper cor com e out of the rfllll y N A M E A D D R E S S _ a p p e nl n g s C T Y ~ P O N E _ ; L P N s w l l mn e e t TWN FALLS - Lcensed OAYMCUtlOMtrt?TO(l lrtoducto lk>norcoupon*». P ra c tc a l N urses, Dstr strct No. 2, _ NcL orak n NO lal TAN rtttualy ntdopottonxt M..wll m eet a l 7:30 p.m,. Tl hursday a l STOn WC NAM «AmAt MT( tawv. m M agc Valley Rofona 3nal M edcal COUKlNt AVAUAK * ON.tUltCllltl -C e n te r n Room D o." : the hosptal 1 annex. ; l P h o t o m e e el t n g r " " " - _ WN A TRP FOR 3R TWO TO AWA ON BOARD WESTERN ARLNES AND SMO. SPENDNG MON NEY DURNG TE TMES-NEWS WNTER VACATON GVEAWAY :;. TWN FALLS - The Tl M agc. /..V alley C am era Club wll w: m eet a t f -7:30 p.m. Thursday n th e Twn : B O N US COUPO ON! ; F alls County udcal Bul Buldng.. 1 S p e a k n g c o n t e s t ; TWN FALLS - Fou o u r persons wll com pete at lhe Twn Fal.<; T o astm strcss Club s 3 s.an n u a l spcech conlesl Frday rr m ornng al the olday nn. The w nner wll... represent thc club a t Uu Ue regonal contest n Aprl. Breakfa kfast wll be served followng thc con ronlcst. Vls-.lors a re welcome. Call ll E leanor..berg a l for moro nforma- tlon..... A r e a r e c] p e DEA R DR. LAMB 1 - s t sa fe to roporte< as 125 pero -cent of Ue rate n P.O. dx 1551, R ado Cty Staton. Sj 2 tak e brth control plls Us u n tl m cnslnv. non-users. T hat!s hov ow you get some_of_ N ew /YY ork, NYOOS. aton as ceased? My f doctor led m e to those wld new s stc lores. n realty, DEL" EAR DR. LAMB - have nve cold beleve ths. But my gynecologst gyr told V L aw rence Uere w as only one e n m p n w nm nn muatslop QD Utkna UQ Pll 1 f w hen she reaches 40., ( c s a d the sde effects bccom e too seve verc nt th at age. ;!.Wlat a re th e sde effects cts? 1,000 mon! n sore.s ;a on > m y lp. A neghbor told me 3«Ntr-v L am b. M.D D. users vs. non-users. th ey / wv ere h e r and sad smc mallpox couvo tavr*. m s S 9 m / U r l l a e s n a > co n tracep tv es h as actually do- so? 1 ve never found anythlr Lhng to P crease<l. The ques estlon of uterne releve v e Uese sores when they con comc. r D EAR READER - 1 thnk new Ue Pll, ll. d m uch ra th e r see a woma man c a n c e r was alw ays lmted lo en- D E/ A R REL\DER T hat w as a an old t nform aton about the h e b rth control correct :t h er lfestyle and health and d o netrlal can cer, r. nol cervcal dea Ual s no longer suppc Dorted FOR TWO TO AWA ON DOAR SARD WESTERN ARLNES ANO SSOO - ONEY DURNG TE TMES-NEWS twnter VACATON GVEAWA Y pll supports the dea th a t m any contnue lue takng th e Pll Uan keep p o on cancer. E ndom etral cancer s rarely Snallj llpox and herpes v ln ses ha : w om en a rc able to 3 lake t Ue Pll sm okng ng and dong nothng aboul her hc a c ause of dcu. The lere a re only alxjut b a sc C relatonshp to cach other er. Thc * through menopause an d th at Ue w elg ht ta and stoppng the Pll, endom etral c cancer deaus a only ll lcensed m aker of smallpox vac- US COUPC benefts from usng g horm ones, f The d d anger s an ncreased rsk of ( year n Ue Unted S tales, compared cn e n Ue Unted S tales s V WycU needed a fter menopau pause, ottwegh h eart a ttack. But a s one stud tudy to m ore Uan 30,0(,000 deaus from.,abor o rato res. They have dlscontl antnued. th ed an g ers. showed, d. only four n 1,000 wome men b re a s t cancer, Ue d. dstrbuton of sm allpox voc Locclncs W omen who a re overv erw elglt, sm oke older thc than 45 who ddn l smoke, ddn lldn t ve dscussed Uest ;se varous fears n fo r tle h c cvlan populaton, and have hgh blood pn r e u r c should have h hgh blood pressure and had relaton to new stud des n Ue ealu The le morbdty and mort lortalty N A M E e th e r lose weght, stop smokng and normal ll cholesterol levels develope oped > ;ttersm 2, Oral Co Contraceptves and w eeklj kly report from Ue C enter ters for» A DD RESS. : control ther blood pressure, o r they any evd vdencc of h eart dsease n 1 thc Postmenopausal Es?strogens. whch D seas ;a se Control n AUanta statec S C T Y P O N E. probably shouldn t use th e Pll a fle r followlnf ng sx years. f these sam e m sendngyou. Othc h ers who want Uls Ue lac lack of avalablty of thc sm a.40. women n used o ra l contraceptves ; and ssue can send 75 cents wth a long, vaccln :n e for Ue cvlan popul f you don t have thc Uese problem s, th ere we ere fve who developed hea leart stam p ed, self-addrcs: essed envelope for sh o u ld ld end ts m suse n attemp Uen41»eref-n0-f!00(rea eaeowot-to-um-----dleebse- ;e n -slx - yaar,f>t woulu-b _bo l-to -at-n -cafo -o>-u»ls-nowspapoc, t- jreve!»r-treflu>erpes Vo»~mV!ooucc :ono> C0UF0 N»A«lt NOlATMAN rc»*ua»r _ rfr»»rr*trwr>*no»-aav m lltc Al TWt-NtWKO* p e p p e r CARLASTRUN NK 335 N. Elsenhowc wer erom o SWSSSTEAK UC 1 1 to 2 pound steak 1 ( 10 4 oz.) can condens ensed cream of m ushroom soup 1 (104 oz.) can condensedc tom ato soup. C ul steak nto serv ervng sze pla es. Brown n skllet, cl. T ra n sfe r to a c.::keroc dsh. Ar Ard tom ato soup nnd crcam of mr ushroom \ soup. SUr well. Covcr nnd bake 2 hours a t 350 degrees. SServes e r 3 to 4 people. Mnkcs a /jood mcu whc,vhen served wth mashed potatoes ; at and green txns. e x p e re AAAKE T E P U B L C A \W A R E O F \ Y O U R CLUU B O R O R OA N Z A T lo N Personal contact botv. w e e n y o u : clu b p u t an d tho Tnos-r S-Ncw,,taff b best. 1. TALK TO US - p. 2. GVE COMPLET! ETE N F O R M A T O N - V\ W o.to cd to k n o w th o? wv h e n s. w h c r o s, w lo s a n d w hyr. lo c o c tv o ly p u b lc:z, o y o u f <;votl.. ASK US ABO UUT T D EA D LN ES n /n ty new ;; rnur.t b o tm e ly to h a v e th o m f.a c t y 6 u wv, a l. 4. BE ACCURATE : D o u b le c h c c k s p o lln g s of n a m e s, tm e s,. ac d d r e s s e s e tc. - E rro rs h u rl u s boo th. 5. W O RK WT US S - S u g g e s t s lo ry d o a :. fo r p h o to s, s u b n l p hotos or ask o u r d e a s fo r crc ro a tn g c e c tv e p u blcty. l m cepts < espon sblty mee* reaxtlp just Aartuat CALEN v a s * D A R C O M M U N T Vrv E V E N T S A \RE A N flap O R T A N T P A R T O F Y O U R N E W S P A P ER u b c ty p o r s o n _ WN A TP FOR fc tw o TO AWA ON DOAR OARO WESTERN ARLNES AND SSOO m SPENDNG MO ON tv CURNG TC TMES-NEWS :WS WNTER VACATON GVEAWAY M b m DEAR ABDY: "N No c R eg rets n searched and fou ound llur lrlh rf;( : a ; letter n your colum n 1 from a! \ _ M sso u rl. who,found ld h erself prug pannts. anl vce ve ersa. has x.-cone a reade le r who clame<l Uat doj dogs n... " h a n th n d unm arred. ch( chose not to have...w puhr one We wo. ould lke to kow: ollar land ro not bark because sc other j. jn aborton. nslead e gave up.her Abgal A fler the adoplve e chld hnd bcfl do s h ave never taught them how low. B N A M E»)abyforndoptlon. VanBnrer- 1- reunted wth hs bologcal bl parents..-\h. h. w ere Uat so! Unfortun unalely.. A D D R E S S _ ; 1 am also pregnant and u um urred. (a ) h o w <11(1 the fdop ptve pan-nts fwlv dog; n l olland bark ust u s much u as " ;. but 1 am ROlng to have ve m y baby and D ear Abby (b) ow was Uc re; ;latlo.sl wlwee doj s s n other parts of the wo world. 1 C T Y P O N E - ra se t alone f neccssa ssary. The father th e ;dople< chld an( md th*- partnts who know w.. o r Uree y ears lved ;ed nexl j o f my chld w anted me Te eth e r to have ra se d hm affoct < e<l? (0 ) Were Ue door r t to two do(v: who m ust have v e been. a n aborton o r to gve e Uj up th e chld for bologc; cal m o h er was. w here she le s, adoptve p arents and tn: brth tra lnnn l g day and nght for the l,, adopton, but would nol consder and alt thc L questons Ual plague mno: ost p a re n ts j cnufly lu lumpy to neele.ld O lymm f pc gold me<lal n barkng, ; eth e r alternatve.. adopted chldren. Sg me ouerv We e recently relum ed from a v. vst to }< fm r..tmut 1 realze tlere s 3 a lung lst of NO R K G R ElSN loowa W T hese queston.s ; a re ot vald cou- ollar land. Whle Uere we stayed wu chldless m arred cou; :ouples wm) a re DEAR NO REG R ETS: You don c e m lo m y wfe and me, as we have frend nds who had a G reat Dane nne who O w uc. l-t- praxf.oc-a_chu djl _bul thcna-]q svjow jw old you a re o r how you nter lcd. hn*<! adoptfx chld ldrt _wto,one.ay_.._s]oul(l uld have l>oen nam ed E ;.F.. ut- fl w ay n God s world tha; that would gve to suppo port yourself and your chld, 1. h m lglt w anl to fnd d ter hlolo cal t(n ent eb arksr-oplo ll.t l.jtenr ! aw ay m y baby. you.wur Dund lke a very d elerm ned 1 and ar p arents. - RCARD W. LODGE., P R f e l- - - w a s rased to accept epl responsblty togeuer young woman, We ho{k your roac aders wll rfsx>nl 1-: N T - WN A TRP fc for TWO TO AWA ON BOAR OARD WESTERN ARNES ANO SSOO _ for m y own actons, ancl and snce chose wsh you luck. An unwed nou ather honestly so tat we and a other aloplve T. T lk NCTERlNDSSOC OCETY s-tncncmo lonty DURNG TE TMtS-NEWS WS WNTER VACATON CVEAWAV to en ter nto a sexual reatlonsp, ~>ho chc :hooses to keep ler chld ;n and p a re n ts wll know wh vhat toex)oct. OF ST. LOUS S.M O - now accept Ue responsblty that rase t alone (f necessary) wll neetl noc --CUK1G louslnf-ouda <rx roblns? Whats buggng f S ; - b o nu S COUP4 ] goesw U t. luck na tl abundance. DEAR CUROU5 US: 1. Ux). am -Unlou o:(l on Abt)y. P.O. Box. know that rasng g a chld wll not curous. eaders? )Uyv lywood. Cam. 9003S. For F( a f bc easy, but m y chld wll n ever h ave DEAR ABBY: n accn t years s Ue l>eno onal reply, please cndo dosc a m... r to w onder what knd d of c w om an hs subject ;t of adoptees who hnve hav DEAR ABBY: Sev. veral tnoustjko slumnpcd. p self-addressed envelop lope.) N A M E _... A D D R E S S : P O N E :... SSsT 2 N A M E A D D R E S S _ \ \ w C T Y P O N E E _ \ \ 1 layptcutlomtpt OM aptooucloh lonlof COUPONt A«(, OlAta TAN MtlUAtr 5 = APtlAtNTMl O A*OV couront AVAAW tl At < t.. llwlt.nwt rot NON tumdlkl f l r " _ WN A TRP ros s TWO TO AWA ON BOARD «D WESTERN ARLNES AND S500 B SPENDNG MONE NEY DURNG TE TMES-NEWS SWNTER Wl VACATON GVEAWAY S e o N B.... B n a m e : B A D D R E S S _ B C T Y P O N E ON COurONMOAT TMCUltOMBP* B TO>. atmooucto )OrCOUPOKt Alt NltCM. OPOVT O latt TANrUUAar >«l*u NTVTMUlTtl TtDrOTON TK< tlol WMXMNAM An ArPtAnNt tox AkOV. COUfN AVAaAU AT T TUVNWPO* NON4UlC«1m. Tuosday, Fobruary 28,10344 Tlmo3-Now2, Twn Fallo, daho D-5 U S COUPO ---- r O N m =------AV a t s... r

28 UM3 ttlua-tnuw :., vvll r j Mlo >ns takng th e plunge nto \ w orld cof lomle com puters Z W u a d compute at w c hove found s that t t Uc "W hat for used com puters s s / \ Gnlowny dnto m arket lly through Ue classfeds o m p u tc r TThrougt losl compuor, u.scr bascally Lynn L ucas, adm nstrat b Rotrovos 05 roqucccd nlorn.non * lod lo Olher compulors lf.t nt a t lh e C o m p u te rljn d fra n t»om datnt tnb.go or ohor source and nlortnotlon or scrvccs such o,,5connoc. ;lore tn downtown Batmor Torc. \ roturrs t 1lo user s compuor bb.nknrj, shoppng, lnnncal,1 pravso vu lformoon :h.15 ch se.slo nnd.trno schedules ore docs n ot buy o r.sell us< used CNcoco Tnwno Oupfw:: Vwct ven Vtlaon A/TWca ll mnrkolr. tors, nnd t advses custome mers. T h e.store ant to sell a used model lel to CMmputer who wanl P w T jx T F A fly you lo } nwnll rotn moro clllos r> r o W r A 11 tho Wort lh:n nny other arlln( /frtt ; L p o r T w o >va les: fnes a n d c * C l; a s h d u ra n g T h e tternarl T m e s - N e w s n u a l W nn te r V c a t o n Gav( v e a w a y! 1 9 t h A n n f. p? a L o o k< F o r S p e caa\ B ( o n u s C o u n p o n s 5 f n 1t h e T m e s - A - N e wfs A md E n t e r T o> a y! m : C o n t e s t E \ F e b rr u a r y M onrury vt), UO-. f e s t y l e s / /C e $ n s m a &s usrm Treadle2S prcee gude 1 n. 0 V V j f o r l s B y X )U SE COOK ut an; anyone contemplatng a frst learn pro ram m lng, >o ; not expec lo The Assoca led Pn>s.s- -V step nto to U)u feld m ay fnd t : a do.anylhn very co :onpllcate< wth \ fdgtenn nnj one. thout, M llons of A m ercans nslave 1 p llngcd The Klectronlc Kk ndtstresa ssbca* ;a- E nlertanm ent cor ompulers. At a A b a s c t o me e c o m p u te r sy s te m :rocn. cntlusastlcally nto U the w orld of tlon. a trade Rroup. and tle federal ral cost of 5100 lo $500 and up. you ll xj ;.l h o m e com pulcn;. play laylg g ancs, jovem m ents Co-sumer nform aton lon al)le lo get a compute er that lels you mo.lor or TV m anaank p ersonal fnan lances a n d han- C enter,, have t teamed up to tak e out pl.y arcade-qually g gam es a t home P rlnltr Oplot.-l. Lnjl VL-ry p---, cort p.t:. con tlng b usness chores wth s c a rc e ly a p,!>-;r pause to beep..some of 3f the terror wltl a la-page ge gude. "ow To Buy A om e Com- nna n d can l«usod a s a t( teachng tool for chldren. You general ally can get col- Ouvc- th.l pr.wd,-:; prtlul ol (l.l.l o r c S : r r ; a p u te r,. w whch covers the basc con- un- o rs. sound effecl-s and a choce of Telephone modem pulo r styl tylcs and nccc.sores, explann recreatonal o r educat tonal software, 0,...? w hat sort rt of equpment you ll need for ome- m anagemnent-productvty e O O O cl.ploc lnk lo (llt cotpulo;, dfferent t types of actvtes and proglossary ro- com puters. These are X* Ue computers \ of term s. costs 50 / -cents nnd td s-«vallnl)lo-from-uk)-con vldes a gl on- wleh you can U-se to ;o prepare fnancu atatem efltsdm w V. lp ck \.sum er r nformaton C cnter, D ept.. u r even w rlle a.b ok)k, o l T hese com- \ \ nom.p ucblo,colo.,s1009. u c pulers generally w sl ;l and up, \ \ l \ turn your enter- \ \ Cr.r.eltt.* dock u you even contem plate a You m ay re at)le lo t purchase. 5C, you.sltjuld re a d popular r tanm ent m achne nlc lo a home man- m agazne; nes on home and personal la l agernent com puter, j by addng ac- \ com puter: ers, talk lo someone who own.s n.s" c e sso rle s. but you re! probably w ller one and 1 vst a computer show and 1 a off startn g fresl f yo OU p lan sujslan- L m eetng of a u-scrs group. (T h at ts s tal busncs.s-related d U.SC Of your com puter e r talk for a com puter club; lb; com puter. - \ 1 learnng g tle language s p a rt of buy- jy- P o rtab le comv }Uters. Sclf- ng a comp mputer.) contaned com puters : whch v ft under Slorgo dpvl ovlco -- lomc roqulre< lred] le what you wanl y our com- a n arlne seat, Thc prce: 51,800 and to Dsk drve puccr Co ) do. Do nol buy a com puter cr up, Porfabe compute!!ers lypcaly n- -fccr p<ojr, tlen :n try to lnd way.s to use t, elude a bult-n TV-11 -lke dl.splay. / O eterm lnc ne the u-se.*? frst,.selecllon of buslne.ss so: software and one W lcn you re settng a budget, con- n- o r twx bullt-ln d.sk dr lrlvc*s to run Ujc > - --_ sld c r ever verythn you wll,nee<l. An \n softw are,.j_ T(.fmn.-»l (rcqrtl) 7 Y hexpensv slve machne m ay requre andleld comp puters, Even " Let. yt>; " lo :o your y cnmpjrr- ffor tltv co.suy accc ccessorles to do tle tlngs you )U sm a lle r Utan portab bl* com puters, lr()(]h 1tcytxj.ud,.Kl, (o:;t lolo-v (l.t.tjn Of <lr.k drve 1 t>l (.l.-clrc lypcwrlcr (loppy dsk;;) w ant, and: you could wnd up.spendng R Ute.se pockct, brefcase sco r lap models m ore n tle tl) loug run Uan f you pad [»1 re ta l lor around Soolo o SKw and ollen, m o re nltl nlally. There s no jwlnt, ll, resem ble calculators w wth bult-lnllqand. \ howeve*, r*. n payng for featu res you.sometfncs, uld cry stal dsplays wll n pt need net or ase, tny prnters. They art re battery powms and connect compute Uter. You don t need to 1 know kt knd of program s you want lo U-se. xllcr te r program s have m enus, o r lsls T h ere : are two key term s to keep n ere d, can run profyam j n ln d : ar lardw are, whch refe rs to tle hc w th p erpherals o r au) luxllary devces much alxjut Ue operatng.sysle,-slems Lke h ard w a re, -software cone.s n of Ul Ulngs the com puter can do. and equlpm en ent, and software, w hch de- le- lo sto re data, plug lnt nto nform aton softw are re, Bul ll s m porlant to lo re-.several v a re te s: : recreatonal, edu- h e p p? screeus,vwhlch nclude nslruc scrb es the program s th a t tell the hc netw orks and even ser wnd m ateral lo m em ber )er U at cach spm flc appl pplca- catlonal, omee m anagem enl, Uons r rflt n Ute program tself. c o m p u te sr r what lo do. T here a r e fve ouer com puters ly tele lephone. tonprof rogram s w rllen lo work wth a jkrsona b usness a and scentfc. basc typo pesofhom e com puter; T he next.step s lo declde e w hat knd specfc c o p eratn g system and n< a Othf e r con.sl<leratlots n pckng <Comput puter lteracy c-omputers. -s. of softw are you w a nl. l. There are two spt*cfc c com puter. T h ere a re some You should test all.software by softw :tw arc nclude how cjuckly Ue T hese mac nachlnes cost under SOO. not lot tyj>es ot program s - somc wth operatn tng sy stem s whch are comp mpat- fndng o ut how ceasy t l.s lo u.sc, rojg g r; ra m wll run, w hal sort of war- ncludng,r TV tlsplay or accessores, :s. sw clflc applcalons s and others, ble wth sev eral ty})cs of computc nters, (Computer jargon lls f "user frendly. ) ra nrty s provded and w hal knd of T h ey ll help you learn atxjut com- n- calletl operatng sy? y.stcms, whch l)ul you U m ast be carefu l nol lo hu; buy a ead Ute w rtte n n; nstructons and a.sk nforn orm atlona support th c manufac- puters. pll pluy smple games and even ;n m anage w hat happe lets nsde the compute, ter w hch wll n ot w ork wth Ue to try Ue programtn n the store. The tu r e er r j provdes fyou have a quesllon B ya N N C O O PB R wll be-ov avalable n-septem ber,-wll ll- con su m ers.-com p u ter e r-d c a le rs -o n d to as hom o m eorp er o n al com puters s ad v e rtse a n d sell.l 1 t tltemse)yes, ste C omm p p u ter Classfed em ployees call ndvptdtnl Press Servlcc ce) lst markel ket values for used versons of b ankers makng loans for There x s a b g dem and for used says. people )plew ho place m crocom puter als th e BM 1PC. P( Osbome. T R S lu nnd d..m crocom puter- pur urchases------t he m odels.o s-of-the-larfe_m alnrnm e.and a n.facl..cla.<vsfled d ads not dealers n abc about S daly n ew sp ap er and Updatng an dea long used n the almost _l80 other _mlcrocomputer_ c r m a rk e t for used comp puters, h e says, m lnlcom )m putcrs used by busness- esses, a re th e s o u rce of the prces quoted tr a d e p a p e rs, askng wleuer Uey secos ahand "auto murkel rxe, u tero, m odels on Ue m arket. The sem lunhu- l san "n c re a sln g ly acu ;Uve" one. accoror lrrgton d sryflnalyssrlut B utn for u sed m odels s n Computer h a vc e! soltl ther m nchlnes-and-w tat N ev., com pany aays t 1s a b o u t to al gude! wll w sell (or $85 a y e a r and d Uut som c compute ter ndustry of- th e fas :ast-changng mlcrocompul jpuler C lassfed Bluebook. eller says p rcc c c they t receved. p ublsh 0 "bluebook prc jrlce gude for nclude ratngs ral of cach model based!k1 fcals and analysts we vere less ccrtan m ark et, t. frequent p rce declnes often th e u sed m crocom puter rmm arket. on quest! stlonnalrcs flllccl out )y lh a t a sgnfcant ma larket exsts for m ake t mn ore econom cal to buy anewa m T he C om puter Qasslflec fled Bluebook. whch publsher Ralph T. eller sad mcrocompm puterow ners. eller snld the gude s ntendedor r u.sed mcrocom puters, thc desktopsze m achnes thnt are often referred mode! th Uan a used one, they sad, Lh th e p rc e s com ng down so fast. t s : s h a rd to m ak e money sclll «lllng T h e v d e o lt e x s y s t e m used con X)mpulers, sa d Chrl,s Chrst.-nsen. 1, an analy st wu de Yank ankce C o m m u n c a tn g wth wl computers outsld( do tho h 9 m o o r offcc Group n Boston. A hor.l com puor s usod ;od us n Qo-tsotwoon lor tho wmo t» compuor / f f lough Uere a re com panes S Uat tl, usor nnd ntorrn;lot> fot fom a d ala buso nnd olhor sources sc / Dntn bnso llze n buyng an d sellng uf used AUoU] T W N F A LLLS l P c rso n l Con Communcatons > Stored wc.-ner. nc c o m p u te r lnk specal ram z e a n d m lncompu puter { (7 and cl.nsslcd ad nent. d e a le rs who scll f D ] Tolo roophono or \ nowt. pons m anfrar two- [wo-way TV cnt)o U nlorm.on CKjUlpme com puters ra re ly buy or scll RAAE S T O P» FP E R S S M B <ulpment, accordng lo seve ter retalers. E n d s T sed mccrocom nputers r l e o

1.- L a m e j o r o p c ió n e s c l o na r e l d i s co ( s e e x p li c a r á d es p u é s ).

1.- L a m e j o r o p c ió n e s c l o na r e l d i s co ( s e e x p li c a r á d es p u é s ). PROCEDIMIENTO DE RECUPERACION Y COPIAS DE SEGURIDAD DEL CORTAFUEGOS LINUX P ar a p od e r re c u p e ra r nu e s t r o c o rt a f u e go s an t e un d es a s t r e ( r ot u r a d e l di s c o o d e l a

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