1. You will be viewing an animation where Jean-Francois is describing his friends and his teacher. Before listening, answer the questions below:

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1 1Section One: My Physical Traits DAY ONE 1. You will be viewing an animation where Jean-Francois is describing his friends and his teacher. Before listening, answer the questions below: a. If you were to describe your physical appearance, what would you say? In English, write a paragraph describing yourself. In your description, you might answer the following questions: How tall are you? What colour is your hair? What colour are your eyes? What do you like to wear? b. Do you remember any colours in French? Take your colour pencils and colour the circles below in the colour requested. jaune rose noir rouge brun vert bleu Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 1

2 c. What other colours might be used to describe someone s physical appearance? List at least two colours that you can think of. You may write these down in English. Look in the Glossary at the back of Module Two. If you find the French translation, write it next to your English colour. 2. As you view the animation Se décrire, notice how Jean-Francois is describing the people in the picture. Can you remember when you did a similar activity with a friend or a family member at school or at home? Write about your experience, on the lines below, in English using complete sentences. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 2

3 3. Listen to Track 1 on the Module 2 CD. This is a continuation of the animation you just viewed. Listen to the two descriptions. Colour each item next to the box below, as instructed on the track. Then, in each box, draw a picture of the character that was described using the items you just coloured to guide you. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 3

4 DAY TWO 1. In the animation Se décrire, Jean-François describes his friends hair and eyes as follows: Mme Morin : Elle a les cheveux roux et de grands yeux bleus. Émilie : Elle a des cheveux noirs bouclés et les yeux verts. Justin : Il a les cheveux noirs et les yeux bruns. Karine : Elle a de longs cheveux blonds et les yeux verts. Circle the verb Jean-François used in each description. Write it on the line below. Do you recognize the verb used by Jean-François? What verb is it? 2. Singing verb conjugations is one way to remember verbs. Write down on the lines below a few things you could do to help you remember the verb Avoir. 3. Now it s your turn to create your own version of the Avoir song. You may want to do this with a partner (classmate, friend or family member). a. Pick a familiar tune. (Brother John, Three Blind Mice, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star etc.) b. Use the tune, but change the words to the conjugation of Avoir. c. Be sure to keep the conjugation in the correct order: J ai, tu as, il a, elle a, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont, elles ont. d. You may change the rhythm of the song to make it Rock and Roll, Country, Rap, Hip Hop etc. e. Practice it a few times and then move on to number 4. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 4

5 4. Record yourself singing the Avoir song you just created. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 2, Section 1, Day 2, Number 4. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 5

6 DAY THREE 1. Using the animation Se décrire, fill in the missing words in the sentences below with the correct colours describing each character s hair and eyes. Remember to add an s at the end of the colours for the nouns cheveux and yeux because they are always plural. Jean-François Mme Morin Émilie Justin Karine J ai les cheveux Elle a les Elle a des Il a les cheveux Elle a de longs et les cheveux cheveux et les cheveux yeux. et de bouclés et les yeux et les grands yeux yeux. yeux Listen to Track 3 on the Module 2 CD and circle the verb used in each sentence you hear. a. Ils ont Nous avons Il a b. Elle a Vous avez J ai c. Elles ont Elle a Nous avons d. Il a Tu as Vous avez e. Tu as Elle a Il a f. Nous avons Ils ont Vous avez Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 6

7 3. Listen to Track 4 on the Module 2 CD. For each statement, look at the picture below and decide if what you hear is true or false. Circle the correct answer. Follow the model. Model: Elle a les cheveux blonds. Vrai Faux a. Vrai Faux b. Vrai Faux c. Vrai Faux d. Vrai Faux Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 7

8 DAY FOUR Do you know how to say hair or eyes in French? Do you know the names of other body parts like leg, arm or nose in French? Have you heard some of them in songs or in games? Write in French the words you know. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 8

9 1. Look at the pictures below. Below each picture, write the French name for that part of the body. Use the track you just heard and the Glossary to help you. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 9

10 2. Listen to Track 7 on the Module 2 CD. Listen to the names of some parts of the body. Look at the words below. Circle the word corresponding to what you heard. Model: le pied, la main, le bras, le genou a. l oreille l œil la main le pied b. la bouche l épaule le bras le genou c. l orteil la bouche la jambe l œil d. la jambe le bras le genou la tête e. l oreille l orteil le pied le nez 3. Record yourself singing or saying the song Tête, épaules, genoux, orteils. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 2, Section 1, Day 4, Number 3. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 10

11 DAY FIVE 1. In Days One and Three, we have used colour adjectives to describe people s hair and eyes. What other adjectives would you use to describe someone s physical appearance? On the lines below, write in English at least five adjectives. 2. Review the animation Se décrire on the DVD or Website. What adjectives other than colour does Jean-François use to describe Madame Morin s eyes and Émilie s hair? On the lines below, write the second adjective used for each. Mme Morin- Elle a les cheveux roux et de yeux bleus. Émilie- Elle a des cheveux noirs et les yeux verts. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 11

12 3. Listen to Track 9 on the Module 2 CD. Draw in the missing features on the faces below as described on the track. a. b. c. d. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 12

13 e. f. 4. Look at the pictures below. Beside each, there is a sentence with a missing adjective. Choose the adjective in parenthesis that best describes the person in each picture. Follow the model: Il a de petits yeux. (petits, grands) Elle a de pieds. (petits, grands) Il a de oreilles. (petites, grandes) Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 13

14 Elle a une tête. (grosse, petite) Il a de épaules. (petites, grandes) 5. With a friend, play a game of Le bonhomme pendu (Hangman) using the various body parts you have learned in this section. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. Don t forget to include the article before the noun. Follow the model. Model: la bouche If you have access to a computer, play Le bonhomme pendu 1 online. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 14

15 DAY SIX 1. In Module One, you were introduced on how to ask questions. In English, write on the line below what you know about asking questions in French. 2. Use the animation Se décrire to find the answers to the questions you will hear. Listen to the questions on Track 12 on the Module 2 CD and circle oui if the answer to the question you hear is yes and non if the answer to the question is no. You may also use the CD Tracks and Dialogues section at the back of Module Two for help. a. oui non b. oui non c. oui non d. oui non e. oui non f. oui non Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 15

16 3. Review the descriptions from the animation Se décrire. The written descriptions for this animation can be found in Module Two under CD Tracks and Dialogues. Use the information in these descriptions to complete the five questions below. Insert the proper pronoun il for males or elle for females on the line given and then choose a physical trait to complete the question. Follow the model. Model : Est-ce qu elle a les cheveux noirs? (Émilie) a. Est-ce qu a? (Justin) b. Est-ce qu a? (Karine) c. Est-ce qu a? (Mme Morin) d. Est-ce qu a? (Jean-François) e. Est-ce qu a? (Émilie) Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 16

17 DAY SEVEN 1. Review once more the animation Se décrire. In Jean-François descriptions, he also included what each person was wearing. On the lines below, can you guess the spelling of the words he used to say pants, skirt and t-shirt? Do you know the French names for other pieces of clothing? If so, write them down as well. 2. What type of clothes do you like to wear? Describe in complete English sentences what you like to wear on the lines below. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 17

18 3. Read the context below then listen to Track 14 on the Module 2 CD. Context: Émilie is looking in her closet. She is naming the clothing she finds. Pay close attention to the number as well as to the clothing article Émilie mentions. Circle the correct answer for each statement you hear. Follow the model. Model: Dans ma garde-robe, j ai deux t-shirts Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 18

19 a b c d e f Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 19

20 4. Write sentences using the pictures and numbers below. Follow the model. Notice that in French as in English, we add s at the end of nouns to make them plural. Model: 3 J ai trois pantalons. a. b. c. d. e Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 20

21 5. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Va à la pêche. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. Options: Play this game three times. Each time, ask your question differently: in the first game, simply use the number of clothing articles on the cards; in the second game, simply use the colour of the clothing articles, in the third game, use both the number and the colour. Examples: 1. Est-ce que tu as deux jeans? (number + clothing item) 2. Est-ce que tu as des chaussures noires? (clothing item + colour) 3. Est-ce que tu as neuf jupes grises? (number + clothing item + colour) **Notice the placement of the numbers and colours in the questions. The number always comes before the noun and the colour always comes after the noun. If you have access to a computer, play Va à la pêche 1 online. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 21

22 DAY EIGHT 1. Review the animation Se décrire on the DVD or Website. Below you will find the written dialogue for this animation. Underline the sentences that describe what each character is wearing. Bonjour! Je m appelle Jean-François. J ai dix ans. J ai les cheveux noirs et les yeux bruns. Je pèse 40 kilogrammes (kg) et je mesure 130 centmètres (cm). Je suis en fauteuil roulant. Je porte un t-shirt bleu, des pantalons verts et un pull noir. Venez, je vais vous présenter mon professeur et quelques camarades de classe! C est mon professeur Mme Morin. Elle a vingt-huit ans. Elle porte des lunettes. Elle pèse 58 kilogrammes (kg) et elle mesure 175 centmètres (cm). Elle a les cheveux roux et de grands yeux bleus. Elle porte une blouse rose, une jupe noire et un gilet de laine noire. Mme Morin aime la crème glacée. C est mon amie Émilie. Elle a dix ans. Elle a des cheveux noirs bouclés et les yeux verts. Elle pèse 35 kilogrammes (kg) et elle mesure 135 centmètres (cm). Elle porte un t-shirt violet, un jean bleu et une casquette blanche. C est mon ami Justin. Il a neuf ans. Il a les cheveux noirs et les yeux bruns. Il pèse 45 kilogrammes (kg) et il mesure 145 centmètres (cm). Il porte un pantalon brun, un t-shirt bleu et des chaussures de sport bleues. Justin aime jouer au hockey. C est mon amie Karine. Elle a de longs cheveux blonds et les yeux verts. Elle mesure 138 centmètres (cm) et elle pèse 38 kilogrammes (kg). Elle porte une blouse bleue, une jupe grise et des souliers noirs. Karine aime jouer au soccer. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 22

23 2. Look at the sentences you underlined in number 1. Can you locate the verb that was used to say, I wear, he wears or she wears? Write it on the lines below. (I wear) (He wears) (She wears) 3. Use the pronoun and the picture below to write a sentence describing what these people are wearing. Be sure to name the colour and remember that the colour always comes AFTER the noun. Use the proper indefinite article un, une, des. Check the Glossary if you are unsure. Follow the model. Model: Tu Tu portes un pull rose. a. Il b. Elle c. Je d. Il e. Tu f. Je Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 23

24 4. Look at what you are wearing today. On the lines below, write four sentences to describe your clothing. Make sure to include the colour. Write one sentence for each clothing article. Follow the model. Model: Je porte une casquette rouge. Je porte un t-shirt blanc. Je porte un jean bleu. Je porte des lunettes. Je porte des chaussures de sport blanches. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 24

25 5. Record yourself reading the description of your clothing from number 4. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 2, Section 1, Day 8, Number Take out your cards from Day Seven and play another game of Va à la pêche. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play Va à la pêche 1 online. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 25

26 DAY NINE 1. After reviewing the Helpful Hint on Day Six, can you write on the lines below a question using Est-ce que and the verb Porter? You can use any pronoun you want je, tu, il, elle. Give it a try. 2. Look closely at the four characters below and observe what they are wearing. Listen to Track 16 on the Module 2 CD. You will be asked questions about what they are wearing. Simply circle oui or non to indicate your answer to each question you hear. Justin Émilie Jean-François Karine a. oui non f. oui non b. oui non g. oui non c. oui non h. oui non d. oui non i. oui non e. oui non j. oui non Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 26

27 3. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Devine qui? (Guess Who?). Cutting Instructions: Cut around three edges of each picture along the blue dotted lines. Leave uncut the bottom edge of each picture with the orange dotted line. Do the same to the other pictures. Turn each section face down. Pull up each picture and fold on the orange dotted line. With the pictures all standing up, glue the five rows onto a piece of cardboard. Let dry. Once the cards are dry, you may want to put a small piece of sticky tack on the cardboard under each picture. This will help to keep the pictures down as you play. Refer to Games Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play Devine qui? online. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 27

28 DAY TEN 1. What have you learned in French, over the past ten days? On the lines below, make a list of everything that you have learned. 2. Listen to Track 17 on the Module 2 CD. Complete the dictation below by inserting the missing words in the description. Once you have completed the dictation, listen to the track again and review your work. Be sure to watch for plurals. Dictée: Bonjour! Je Justin. dix. J ai les cheveux et les verts. Je porte un bleu, un pantalon, une rouge et des de sport. 3. On the next page, draw a detailed picture of yourself and colour it. Below the picture, write a description of yourself. Start by introducing yourself and then give a description of your hair, eyes and clothes. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 28

29 Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 29

30 4. Record yourself reading your description from number 3. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 2, Section 1, Day 10, Number Play another game of Le bonhomme pendu (Day Five), Va à la pêche (Day Seven) or Devine qui? (Day Nine). Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play Le bonhomme pendu 1, Va à la pêche 1 or Devine qui? online. Section 1: My Physical Traits Pg 30

31 2Section Two: My Personality Traits DAY ONE 1. In Section One, you used your physical appearance to describe yourself. You talked about the colour of your hair and eyes as well as the clothes you like to wear. In this section, you will use your inner qualities (personality traits) to describe yourself and your friends. On the lines below, can you make a list of personality traits you possess? Write at least five. (For example: I am nice.) 2. Listen again to Track 18 on the Module 2 CD. Below, on the left, are the names of Justin s friends. On the right are the qualities that Justin used to describe each of his friends. Draw a line matching each name with the quality Justin used to describe that person. Listen to the track as often as you need. Suzie Georgette Marco Carole Charles Philippe et Lise Justin Il est comique. Elle est intelligente. Elle est belle. Il est honnête. Je suis sportif. Elle est sympa. Ils sont très gentils. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 1

32 3. Read again the sentences in number 2. Below are the qualities used in each sentence to describe Justin s friends. Use the Glossary at the back of Module Two and write the English equivalent next to each of these qualities. The first one is done for you. a. comique funny b. intelligente c. belle d. honnête e. sportif f. sympa g. gentils 4. Complete the word search of the personality traits and adjectives listed below. If you have access to a computer, play Les mots mystères 1 online. Les qualités Section 2: My Personality Traits gentil gentille sympa honnête grand grande intéressant intéressante ennuyeux ennuyeuse comique beau belle mince gros grosse intelligent intelligente sportif sportive Pg 2

33 DAY TWO 1. In the previous lesson, we talked about qualities people possess. You made a list of a few qualities you possess and another list of qualities Justin found in his friends. What kinds of qualities do you find in your friends? On the lines below, write the name of three of your friends. Next to each name, write in English two qualities they possess. Model : 2. Listen to Track 20 on the Module 2 CD. Karine is describing the people in the pictures below. On the lines next to each picture, write the two qualities that Karine used to describe this person. Follow the model. sympa intelligente Mme Morin a. Justin c. Émilie b. Jean- François d. M.Laurent Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 3

34 3. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Va à la pêche. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. Play the game with the following variation: You will notice that there are sentences on the cards. Use these sentences in your questions. For example: - If you have the card Il est gentil, ask Est-ce qu il est gentil? Your partner will answer either, Oui, il est gentil or Non, va à la pêche. - If you have the card Elle est gentille, ask Est-ce qu elle est gentille? Your partner will answer either Oui, elle est gentille or Non, va à la pêche. If you have access to a computer, play a different game called Les sons et les images 1 online. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 4

35 DAY THREE 1. As Justin describes his friends personality traits on Track 18, he uses the same verb. Did you recognize this verb from Module One? On the line below, write the verb we are talking about. 2. Write the appropriate form of the verb Être on the lines below. Next circle the appropriate adjective (masculine or feminine) to complete the sentence. Follow the model. Note: When using the pronoun je, the gender of the person speaking determines whether the adjective is feminine or masculine. When using the pronoun tu, the gender is determined by the person being addressed. In the sentences below, a name has been given in parentheses to help you determine gender. Model: (Karine) Je suis gentil/ gentille. a. (Jean-François) Je grand/grande. b. Elle petit/petite. c. Il ennuyeux/ennuyeuse. d. Elle gentil/gentille. e. Il gentil/gentille. f. Elle intelligent/intelligente. g. (Justin) Tu beau/belle. h. (Émilie) Tu sportif/sportive. i. Elle court/courte. j. Il intéressant/intéressante. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 5

36 3. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix, add them to the game cards from Day Two and play another game of Va à la pêche. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. Ask the questions as you play. Remember that with Je and Tu, gender is determined by the person they replace. Make sure to use the proper adjective (masculine or feminine). If you have the following card: Je suis beau/belle. Tu es beau/belle. Il est beau. Elle est belle. You would ask Est-ce que je suis beau/belle? Est-ce que tu es beau/belle? Est-ce qu il est beau? Est-ce qu elle est belle? Your partner would answer either: Oui, tu es beau/belle. or Non, va à la pêche. Oui, je suis beau/belle. or Non, va à la pêche. Oui, il est beau. or Non, va à la pêche. Oui, elle est belle. or Non, va à la pêche. Notice that if you ask a question with je, you answer with tu and the same applies in the reverse. Therefore the je and tu cards are a match. If you have access to a computer, play a different game called Les sons et les images 1 online. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 6

37 4. Take out your cards for Va à la pêche and find three pairs of cards. Make sure that your pairs include one je/tu, one il/il and one elle/elle. Record the question and the answer you would give as you play the game. Submit your recording with the Workbook. For example: If you picked the cards Je suis beau/belle, and Tu es beau/belle, you would record one of the following depending on your gender. Boy: Est-ce que je suis beau? Oui, tu es beau. Girl: Est-ce que je suis belle? Oui, tu es belle. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 2, Section 2, Day 3, Number 4. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 7

38 DAY FOUR 1. Since the beginning of the course you have done some work with nouns and adjectives. In a few English sentences, write on the lines below what you know about French nouns and adjectives. 2. Listen to Track 21 on the Module 2 CD. Decide whether the description you hear refers to Justin or Émilie. Place a checkmark under the correct picture for each description. Listen carefully for il and elle to determine gender. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 8

39 3. Change the adjectives from masculine to feminine or from feminine to masculine. Follow the model. Use the chart in Module Two on Day Two as a guide. Model: Martin est court. Chantale est courte. a. Jean-François est gentil. Karine est. b. Émilie est sympa. Jean-François est. c. Justin est petit. Émilie est. d. Émilie est grande. Justin est. e. Émilie est intéressante. Justin est. f. Karine est mince. Justin est. g. Justin est intelligent. Karine est. h. Sophie est comique. Philippe est. i. Émilie est belle. Justin est. 4. Read the adjectives in the box. Are they masculine or feminine? Write them in the appropriate column. Remember that some adjectives have the same spelling for both genders. Use the Glossary as a guide. intelligent sympa ennuyeux intéressante gentille beau comique jolie honnête ennuyeuse joli intelligente gentil belle intéressant masculine feminine Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 9

40 DAY FIVE 1. Listen again to Track 18 on the Module 2 CD. Below is the sentence used to describe Philippe and Lise. Notice that it is plural because we are talking about two people. What letter was added to the adjective to make it plural? Write this letter on the line next to the sentence. How does making adjectives plural in French compare to making adjectives plural in English? Write your answer on the lines below. Ils sont très gentils. 2. Review the verb Être on Day Three of the Module. Write on the lines below the plural pronouns ils and elles. Next to each of these pronouns write the plural form of the verb Être. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 10

41 3. Make the following sentences plural. Read the model. Take a few minutes to notice the changes between the singular and plural sentences. Model: Elle est gentille. Elles sont gentilles Il est grand. Ils sont grands. a. Il est beau. b. Elle est belle. c. Il est petit. d. Elle est jolie. e. Elle est intelligente. f. Il est honnête. g. Elle est grande. h. Il est gentil. i. Elle est intéressante. j. Il est intéressant. k. Elle est sympa. l. Il est comique. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 11

42 4. Write a sentence describing each person below. Use an adjective of your choice for each one. Pay attention to the gender (masculine or feminine) and the number (singular or plural). Follow the model. Model: Karine et Émilie Karine et Émilie sont gentilles. Justin Justin est sympa. a. Justin et Paul e. Éric et Marc b. Sophie f. Paul c. Jean-François. g. Émilie d. Karine et Chantale Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 12

43 5. Record yourself reading the sentences you wrote for number 4. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 2, Section 2, Day 5, Number Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Les roues de la fortune (Wheels of Fortune). Assemble the pieces by using a metal brad and fastening the arrow to the middle of each wheel. If you find your spinner does not work properly, here are a few tips: Place a metal washer between the arrow and the spinner with the brad going through them. Use a very small piece of a straw underneath the metal washer to give the brad a hollow tube to spin in. Fold the ends of the brad so that it fits loose and can allow the arrow to spin. If all else fails, you can usually find plastic or metal arrows at a teacher/educational store. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play Les roues de la fortune 1 online. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 13

44 DAY SIX 1. Listen again to Track 22 on the Module 2 CD. On the lines below, write from the list, the personality trait that was used to describe Jean-François by his friends, by his parents and by himself. sympa intelligent comique Ses amis : Ses parents : Jean-François : 2. Read the context below then listen to Track 23 on the Module 2 CD. Context: Justin and Karine are describing their classmates. They are using physical and personality traits in their descriptions. Use the information to fill in the chart below. You will need to listen to the track often in order to hear all the information. Listen for keywords, like the person s name, and vocabulary words you recognize. Remember you do not need to understand everything! Follow the model. Model: Name Physical Traits Personality Traits Justin yeux bruns, cheveux blonds intelligent, comique Name Physical Traits Personality Traits Suzanne Monique Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 14

45 Aline Michel Jean-François Sylvain 3. Take out your game of Devine qui? from Module Two, Section One. Play one game to help you review physical descriptions. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. Notice that there is a letter or pair of letters on each picture of the game card. Below is a legend for these letters. G for gentil/gentille. S for sympa. H for honnête. I for intéressant/intéressante. E for ennuyeux/ennuyeuse. C for comique. IN for intelligent/intelligente. SP for sportif/sportive. When you play a second time, add questions about their personality traits. Example: Est-ce qu il est gentil? Est-ce qu elle est comique? If you have access to a computer, play Devine qui? online. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 15

46 DAY SEVEN 1. Karine and Justin described six of their friends on the track you just heard. They gave physical and personality traits. Below is a riddle about one of the friends described. Using the descriptions on the track and the chart you created on Day Six, number 2, name the character described by the riddle. Write the name on the line below. Riddle: Elle a les yeux bleus. Elle a les cheveux noirs. Karine dit : Elle est comique. Justin dit : Elle est ennuyeuse. Note: the word dit means says. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 16

47 2. Use Track 23 on the Module 2 CD and the Chart from Day Six, number 2 to write three riddles of your own. Your riddles need to have three sentences, but may have more. As you write your riddles, remember the following: Use the appropriate pronoun il or elle. Use the appropriate verb Avoir or Être for each sentence. Your riddles need to describe one of Karine s or Justin s friends a. answer: b. answer: c. answer: Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 17

48 3. Record your three riddles from number 2. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 2, Section 2, Day 7, Number 3. *Option: Read your riddles with a classmate. Have him/her solve your riddles and you solve his/hers. If you do not have a partner, send them to your teacher to see if he/she can solve them. 4. Play another game of Les roues de la fortune or Devine qui? Make sure to ask questions about physical and personality traits. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play Les roues de la fortune 1 or Devine qui? online. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 18

49 DAY EIGHT 1. Over the last seven days of work, you used the question format of Est-ce que. In Module One, you also learned another way to ask questions. Can you remember what that was? Write it on the line below. If you can t remember, open the Module One and find the answer. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 19

50 a. 2. Use the following checklists to conduct your own surveys. Pick three of your friends, classmates or family members. Write the name of the person you are interviewing and the date in French at the top of the checklist. Next, using intonation, ask your interviewee the questions. Check the appropriate box, Oui or Non, for each response. Repeat this process with two other people. Interviewé(e) : La date : Questions OUI NON 1. Tu es intelligent/intelligente? 2. Tu es comique? 3. Tu es gentil/gentille? 4. Tu es ennuyeux/ennuyeuse? 5. Tu es sportif/sportive? 6. Tu es honnête? b. Interviewé(e) : La date : Questions OUI NON 1. Tu es intelligent/intelligente? 2. Tu es comique? 3. Tu es gentil/gentille? 4. Tu es ennuyeux/ennuyeuse? 5. Tu es sportif/sportive? 6. Tu es honnête? c. Interviewé(e) : La date : Questions OUI NON 1. Tu es intelligent/intelligente? 2. Tu es comique? 3. Tu es gentil/gentille? 4. Tu es ennuyeux/ennuyeuse? 5. Tu es sportif/sportive? 6. Tu es honnête? Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 20

51 3. Review your surveys from number 2. On the lines below, write two sentences for each of your interviewees. Use the personality traits to which they answered Oui. Follow the model. *Note: Remember that if the person is female, the adjective is feminine and if the person is male, the adjective is masculine. Review the chart of Day Two in the Module to refresh your memory. Model: Interviewée : Karine Interviewé : Jean-François Karine est intelligente. Jean-François est comique. a. b. c. 4. Play another game of Les roues de la fortune, Va à la pêche, or Devine qui? Make sure to ask questions about physical and personality traits. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play Les roues de la fortune 1, Les sons et les images 1 or Devine qui? online. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 21

52 DAY NINE 1. Listen again to Track 25 on the Module 2 CD. Below is the description you just heard. Notice that Émilie is describing a female. Therefore she uses the pronoun elle and all her adjectives are feminine. On the lines provided, rewrite this description as though Émilie was describing Monsieur Lambert. Remember to change the pronouns and the adjectives to their masculine form. C est Madame Louis. Elle est grande et belle. Elle a les cheveux blonds et les yeux verts. Elle est sympa et gentille. Elle est intelligente. C est Monsieur Lambert. Il est et.... Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 22

53 2. Cut out two photos of people from a magazine and glue them below in the squares provided. One photo must be of a male and the other of a female. On the lines next to the photos, write a description of these people. In each description include: the person s name 2 physical traits using the verb Avoir 3 personality traits using the verb Être Note: Be sure to use the appropriate pronouns il or elle and adjectives masculine or feminine depending on gender. C est. Il a. Il a. Il est. Il est. Il est. C est. Elle a. Elle a. Elle est. Elle est. Elle est. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 23

54 3. Play another game of Les roues de la fortune, Va à la pêche or Devine qui? Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play Les roues de la fortune 1, Les sons et les images 1 or Devine qui? online. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 24

55 DAY TEN 1. Take some time to review the verb Être and the Glossary at the back of Module Two. Next, listen to Track 26 on the Module 2 CD. Complete the dictation below by inserting the missing words in the description. Once you have completed the dictation, listen to the track again and review your work. Be sure to watch for feminine and masculine adjectives. Dictée: Je Karine. Je suis. Je suis, et. Je suis aussi. J ai beaucoup d amis. Mon Monique est. Mon amie Suzanne est et très. Mon ami Justin est très et. Il aussi très beau. Mon ami est intéressant et gentil. Il aussi et. Ce mes amis! Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 25

56 2. Complete the crossword below. If you are unsure of the answers, use the Glossary for help. Across 2. boring (masculine) 4. interesting (masculine) 6. big (feminine) 8. girl 11. beautiful 12. nose 13. small (masculine) 16. intelligent (masculine) 18. funny 19. big (masculine) Down 20. the hair (with article les) 21. interesting (feminine) 1. the finger (with article le) 3. thin 22. handsome 5. nice or friendly 23. a leg (with article une) 7. ear 9. boring (feminine 10. small (feminine) 14. white (masculine) 15. intelligent (feminine) 17. boy Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 26

57 3. Play another game of Va à la pêche, Les roues de la fortune or Devine qui? Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play Les roues de la fortune 1, Les sons et les images 1 or Devine qui? online. Section 2: My Personality Traits Pg 27

58 3Section Three: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences DAY ONE 1. Write your answer to the following questions in English on the lines below. a. How do you celebrate your birthday with your family? b. Do you have certain traditions? c. Do you invite friends or family? d. What type of activities do you do? Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 1

59 2. Listen again to Tracks 27 and 28 on the Module 2 CD and this time, sing along. You will want to listen again and check your pronunciation. When you feel ready, record yourself singing either Bonne fête or Joyeux anniversaire. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 2, Section 3, Day 1, Number 2. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 2

60 3. Answer the questions below in English. Write your responses, in complete sentences, on the lines provided. a. What do you notice is similar between the two songs? b. What do you notice is different? c. How are these songs similar to Happy Birthday? d. Do you know how birthdays are celebrated in other cultures? Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 3

61 DAY TWO 1. Do you remember how to write dates in French? Do you remember an important difference between the months in French and the months in English? Write the difference on the line below. Then write today s date in French. 2. On the lines below, write the dates in French. a. January 25 b. March 10 c. December 11 d. May 1 e. June 15 f. February 3 g. April 28 h. July 20 i. September 4 j. October 31 k. August 6 l. November 3 Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 4

62 3. Listen again to Track 29 on the Module 2 CD. Karine and Jean- François are talking about birthdays. In the chart below, write the three birthdays mentioned. Be sure to write them in French. Also write the students ages in the appropriate column. **Remember that you do not need to understand every word of what is said. Listen for months and numbers. You will be surprised at how much you really understand. Birthday (day and month) Age Justin Karine Jean-François Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 5

63 4. Write the question and the answer for each of the characters below. Follow the model. Model: Quand est ton anniversaire? Mon anniversaire est le 30 septembre. a. le 3 août b. le 25 novembre c. le 4 mai d. le 12 février e. le 30 août f. le 5 juin Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 6

64 5. Record your questions and answers from number 4. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 2, Section 3, Day 2, Number 5. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 7

65 DAY THREE 1. Listen again to Track 2 on the Module 2 CD. Do you recall the verb they are singing about? On the first line, write the name of the verb and on the following four lines, conjugate this verb with the three pronouns listed. Sing this song twice before proceeding to number 2. *If you need help with this, return to Module Two, Section One, Day Two. Je (Note that Je becomes J in front of a vowel.) Tu Il Elle 2. Listen again to Track 29 on the Module 2 CD. This time, listen for Jean-François and Karine as they give their ages and Justin s age. They use the verb Avoir in all three cases. On the lines below, write the pronoun and the correct form of the verb Avoir as it was used on the track. Jean-François talking about Justin: Jean-François talking about himself: Karine talking about herself: _ 3. Explain when you would use Quel âge avez-vous? and Quel âge as-tu? Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 8

66 4. Below are pictures of various people, their name and their relation to you. Write the appropriate question for asking their age, and an appropriate age they would give as an answer. The numbers must be written in letter form. Use the Glossary from Module One, to look up numbers and other words you don t recall. Follow the model. Model: Quel âge as-tu?_ Catherine, une amie J ai onze ans. a. M. Lacombe, un directeur b. Justin, un ami c. Émilie, une camarade de classe d. Mme Morin, une professeure e. Jean-François, un ami Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 9

67 5. Take out your Va à la pêche cards from Module One, Section Four, Day Two. These cards have the numbers 1 to 31 in numerical and letter form. Listen again to Track 46 on the Module 1 CD and review the pronunciation of the numbers 1 to 31. Now you will play a game of Go Fish with a twist. Player One will shuffle and pass out the cards. Both players will look at their cards. Player One will begin, and here is the twist. Instead of asking for a card in his/her hand, he/she will simply ask: Quel âge as-tu? Player Two will look in his/her hand and pick a number. He/she will use this number to answer the question. For example, if he/she picks a card that has the number 18 or dix-huit on it, he/she will answer: J ai dix-huit ans. Player One will then look into his/her hand and if he/she has the matching card, he/she will pass it to Player Two. If he/she does not have the matching card he/she will say: Va à la pêche. Now Player Two will ask: Quel âge as-tu? Player One will pick a card from his/her hand and answer. Play continues until all the cards are matched. Shuffle the cards and play again. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 10

68 DAY FOUR 1. Listen to Track 31 on the Module 2 CD. You will hear Justin naming the months and the seasons he likes. Circle, from the three choices, the month or season mentioned for each question. a. janvier mars l été b. septembre l hiver février c. avril octobre le printemps d. l automne juin novembre e. décembre mai juillet f. août l été avril g. l automne mars juin 2. Insert the appropriate form of the verb Aimer. a. J le mois de mai. b. Tu l Halloween. c. Il le mois de septembre. d. Elle jouer avec ses amies. e. Nous l école. f. Vous le mois de décembre. g. Ils le français. h. Elles les sports. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 11

69 3. Listen to Track 32 on the Module 2 CD. The characters below will introduce themselves, give their birthday and name a month or season they like. Parts of these dialogues are listed below. Fill in the blanks with the information you hear., je m appelle Justin. Mon anniversaire est le septembre. J l été. Salut, m appelle Émilie. Mon est le 15. J aime le mois de. Bonjour, je m appelle. Mon anniversaire est le juin. J aime le mois de., je m appelle Karine. Mon anniversaire est le novembre. J aime le. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 12

70 DAY FIVE 1. Listen to Track 34 on the Module 2 CD. Do each question below by drawing a line to the correct picture and completing the sentence with what you just heard. The first one is done for you. a. J aime les légumes. b. J aime. c. J aime. d. J aime. e. J aime. f. J aime. g. J aime. h. J aime. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 13

71 2. Below are some images representing various foods. On each line, write the correct definite article: le, la, l. Use the Glossary for help. Follow the model. Model: _le_ brocoli maïs soufflé banane a. trempette f. céleri b. pomme g. orange c. craquelin h. lait d. fromage i. crème glacée e. j. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 14

72 3. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of As-tu une bonne mémoire? (Memory) Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. As a twist, when you have a pair say: J aime (give the name of the pair). If you have access to a computer, play As-tu une bonne mémoire? 1 online. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 15

73 DAY SIX 1. Listen again to Track 35 on the Module 2 CD. What was the one sport Justin did NOT like? Write it in French on the line below. 2. Listen to Track 36 on the Module 2 CD. Mme Morin lists food and activities that she likes and dislikes. Place a checkmark in the correct column depending on whether she said J aime or Je n aime pas. J aime Je n aime pas J aime Je n aime pas a. f. b. g. c. h. d. i. e. j. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 16

74 3. Look at the pictures in the boxes. Write on the line next to each whether you like or don t like the item shown in the box. Use the sentences J aime. or Je n aime pas. a.. i.. b.. j.. c.. k.. d.. l.. e.. m.. f.. n.. g h... Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 17

75 4. Now, it s your turn to talk about specific things that you like or dislike. Consult your French/English dictionary and look up five things that you like or don t like. You can select among sports, foods or other activities. Draw a picture of this food, activity or sport in the box provided. On the line beneath the picture, write the French equivalent. On the line beside the picture, write either: J aime or Je n aime pas. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 18

76 5. Take out your cards from Day Five and play another game of As-tu une bonne mémoire? (Memory) Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. As a twist, when you have a pair say: J aime (give the name of the pair). If you have access to a computer, play As-tu une bonne mémoire? 1 online. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 19

77 DAY SEVEN 1. You will find that as you make opinions about various things, there will be different levels of likes and dislikes. There will be things that you like, things that you really like, as well as there will be things that you dislike and things that you really dislike. Take a few minutes to think about food items, activities, numbers, seasons, clothes and colours. Then complete the sentences below. I like. I really like. I dislike. I really dislike. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 20

78 2. Below you will find a list of pictures. Listen to Track 38 on the Module 2 CD. From the list of pictures below, Émilie will name items that she likes, dislikes, really likes and really dislikes. Write the name of each picture in the appropriate column. rouge cinq le hockey le soccer violet le printemps l hiver le t-shirt les jeans quinze jaune bleu la casquette les craquelins le fromage les pommes J aime J adore Je n aime pas Je déteste Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 21

79 3. Open the Glossary from Module One and Module Two. Find two things you like, two things you really like, two things you dislike and two things you really dislike. Then complete the following sentences with the things you picked. Be sure to include the article le, la or l. Follow the model. Model: J aime la danse. a. J aime. b. J aime. c. J adore. d. J adore. e. Je n aime pas. f. Je n aime pas. g. Je déteste. h. Je déteste. 4. Record yourself reading the sentences you wrote in number 3. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 2, Section 3, Day 7, Number 4. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 22

80 5. Take out your cards from Day Five and play another game of As-tu une bonne mémoire? (Memory) Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play As-tu une bonne mémoire? 1 online. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 23

81 DAY EIGHT 1. Write answers to the following questions in English using complete sentences. If you were planning a birthday party or simply a sleepover with a few friends, what kind of snacks would you have for them to eat? Now, what kind of snacks would your mother or father want you to serve? 2. How would you respond to the following questions? Answer with a complete sentence. Follow the model. There are four possible answers. You only need to use ONE. Model: Est-ce que tu aimes les craquelins? or Tu aimes les craquelins? Oui, j aime les craquelins. or Oui, j adore les craquelins. or Non, je n aime pas les craquelins. or Non, je déteste les craquelins. a. Est-ce que tu aimes le fromage? b. Tu aimes les muffins? Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 24

82 c. Est-ce que tu aimes les pommes? d. Est-ce que tu aimes les légumes? e. Tu aimes les raisins? f. Est-ce que tu aimes les bananes? g. Est-ce que tu aimes le maïs soufflé? Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 25

83 3. Complete the cartoon on the next pages. Fill in the speech bubbles using the clips below that best match the pictures. Before moving on, be sure to double check your spelling and re-read the dialogue to make sure that it makes sense. Est-ce que tu aimes les pommes? Salut! Tu aimes les craquelins et le fromage? Voici un muffin! Oui! J adore les muffins. Je déteste les raisins. Je n aime pas les craquelins et le fromage. Je n aime pas les pommes. Merci! Est-ce que tu aimes les muffins? Est-ce que tu aimes les raisins? Bonjour! Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 26

84 Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 27

85 Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 28

86 4. Record your cartoon in number 3. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). J aime (insert a snack you like). This is Module 2, Section 3, Day 8, Number 4. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 29

87 DAY NINE 1. Listen again to Track 39 on the Module 2 CD. Use Karine s responses to each of the questions to fill in the chart below and on the next page. By each item, place a checkmark in the correct column depending on Karine s answers. The first one is done for you. Items J aime Je n aime pas J adore Je déteste a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 30

88 continued Items J aime Je n aime pas J adore Je déteste h. i. j. k. l. m. n. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 31

89 2. In number 1, you have a list of Karine s likes and dislikes. Using the pronoun tu and the correct form of the verbs Aimer, Adorer and Détester, write sentences as though you were talking to Karine about her likes and her dislikes. Follow the model. Model: a. J aime les légumes. Tu aimes les légumes. b. le céleri c. le brocoli d. les carottes e. le chou-fleur f. la trempette g. les fruits h. les bananes i. les oranges j. les pommes k. les raisins l. les muffins m. le maïs soufflé n. les craquelins et le fromage Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 32

90 3. Return to number 3 on Day Seven. You made a list of two items that you like, two items you really like, two items you dislike and two items you really dislike. With a partner exchange your lists. On the lines below, rewrite their likes and dislikes with the pronoun tu and the correct verb ending. If you do not have a partner, just rewrite your own. Follow the model. Model: J aime le soccer. Je n aime pas les pommes. J adore la couleur bleue. Je déteste le brocoli. Tu aimes le soccer. Tu n aimes pas les pommes. Tu adores la couleur bleue. Tu détestes le brocoli. 4. Practice reading the sentences you wrote in number 3 with a partner or to yourself. Record these sentences. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 2, Section 3, Day 9, Number 4. Section 3: My Birthday/My Age/My Preferences Pg 33

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