Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Program Kindergarten Scope and Sequence

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1 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Program Kindergarten Scope and Sequence Theme 1: Personal and Public Identities: Socializing and Talking About Personal Life (Greetings, Expressions of Courtesy, Introductions, Self, Parts of the Body, Physical Description) Greet others Respond to greetings Ask how others are/say how you are Say goodbye Ask names of others Introduce self Introduce others Recognize and recite expressions of courtesy Telling age Tell how old you are Ask someone s age Identify and name of parts of the body Give one physical attribute of a person (alto, bajo, grande, pequeño) Recognize and count numbers from 0 to 10 Learn the days of the week Recognize geometric shapes Theme 2: Contemporary Life: Talking about Family, School and Daily Life (Calendar, Numbers, Shapes, Colors, Classroom and Supplies, Daily Routines, Family, Friends) Recognize the date Identify and recite the days of the week Identify and recite the months of the year Ask/tell the date, day of the week, month of the year State the current day (or date) in a complete sentence during choral activities 1 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

2 Identify and name colors Ask/tell the color of an object Identify and name familiar classroom objects Ask/tell the name of a number Recognize and count numbers from 11 to 20 Recognize and count numbers from 21 to 30 Identify and name geometric shapes (focus on attributes and making patterns) Name 4 family members (father, mother, brother, sister) Give one word describing something or someone Tell one physical trait of a family member Theme 3: Families and Communities: Talking about your Community (Community Places and Helpers, Weather and Seasons, Clothing, Pets, Zoo and Farm Animals) Tell and ask about the current weather Name the four seasons Ask/tell what season it is Name main places in the school (classroom, cafeteria, playground and bathroom) Name main people in the school (principal, teacher, student, nurse) Identify and name 4 domestic animals (pets dog, cat, fish, frog) Identify and name 4 farm animals (horse, cow, hen, goat) Identify and name 4 zoo animals (tiger, elephant, giraffe, hippopotamus) Identify and name 4 clothing items according to the season Winter: (hat, jacket, coat and boots) Spring: (raincoat, rain boots, pants) Summer: shorts, t-shirt, skirt, sandals; fall: pants, shirt, sweater, long sleeve shirt Theme 4: Global Communities: Talking about Communities around the World (Places, Cities, Countries, Geography, Ecosystems and Biomes, Conservation, Traditions and Celebrations in Spanish Speaking Countries Recognize and tell the colors of these flags (U.S.A., El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Mexico) Locate these countries on a map (U.S.A., El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Mexico) Learn some facts about the main ecosystems of the countries of El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Guatemala Learn a folk dance from Mexico: La Raspa Read and act out a story from one of the identified countries. For example, Mexico: Mi Abuela and/or Tamales Learn a poem/rhyme from one of the following countries: El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, or Mexico 2 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

3 Pick a celebration from one of the four target countries to study in class Identify and name three plants that grow in Central American countries Learn typical ways of greeting from target countries. 3 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

4 Yearly Progress Indicators for Kindergarten Novice Low-Mid, based on ACTFL Progress Indicators for Language Learners To be developed throughout the school year Interpersonal Communication Presentational Speaking Presentational Writing Interpretive Listening Interpretive Reading * I can say basic greetings, farewells and expressions of courtesy. * I can greet and leave people in a polite way. * I can respond to yes/no questions. * I can answer an either/or question. * I can respond to who, what, when, where questions. * I can recite words and phrases that I have learned. * I can state the names of familiar people, places, and objects in pictures and posters using words or memorized phrases. * I can introduce myself to a group. * I can recite short memorized phrases, parts of poems, and rhymes. * I can copy letters and words that I use in class. * I can label familiar people, places, and objects in pictures and posters. * I can write words and phrases that I have learned in class (may not be spelled accurately). * I can understand a few courtesy phrases. * I can recognize and understand basic information in words and phrases that I have memorized. * I can recognize and understand words and phrases that I have learned for specific purposes. * I can recognize and read the alphabet. * I can connect some words and/or sentences to their meanings. * I can recognize cognates that connect with subjects I study. 4 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

5 Theme 1: Personal and Public Identities: Socializing and Talking about Self Subthemes: Greetings, Introductions and Expressions of Courtesy, Talking about Self, Physical Descriptions, Parts of the Body, Numbers and Shapes, The Five Senses Estimated Time 13.5 class hours Theme 1: Personal and Public Identities: Socializing and Talking About Personal Life (Greetings, Expressions of Courtesy, Introductions, Self, Parts of the Body, Physical Description) Greet others Respond to greetings Ask how others are/say how you are Say goodbye Ask names of others Introduce self Introduce others Recognize and recite expressions of courtesy Telling Age Tell how old you are Ask someone s age Identify and name of parts of the body Give one physical attribute of a person (alto, bajo, grande, pequeño) Recognize and count numbers from 0 to 10 Learn the days of the week Recognize geometric shapes Unit Overview: In this unit students learn the basic language skills and vocabulary needed to socialize within the classroom setting, such as greetings and introductions, and saying goodbye. They learn that it is a common cultural practice to shake hands when meeting someone. Students also learn common expressions of courtesy. The students begin to develop vocabulary to talk about themselves. Initially, they learn a few words for physical traits that allow them to describe their height. This is followed by learning vocabulary related to the body. They also learn to count to 10 so they can say their age. 5 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

6 This unit allows for curricular connections to science by enhancing what students learn about the 5 senses (Science SOL K.2.) Math connections can also be made by encouraging students to develop one to one correspondence when counting (Math SOL K.1-K.3). Calendar skills may also be introduced in this unit as part of the Calendar Math program. Guiding Questions: 1. Can you tell me about you? What is your name? Are you tall or short? How old are you? 2. Can you draw a silhouette of your body and name 5 parts? 3. Can you show me and tell me the 5 sense organs? Guiding Questions about Culture: 1. Can you show me how people say hello in the countries of Spain and México? 2. Can you name some countries that we celebrate because of the Hispanic Heritage Month? Unit Can Do Statements: -I can recognize and name 5 colors -I can recognize and name 4 shapes -I can recognize and name the 5 sense organs -I can recognize and name 5 parts of the body -I can count from I can tell you my age -I can tell you the days of the week Unit Can Do Statements about Culture: - I can greet people as they do in Spain and México. Hola, qué tal, Buenos dias, (buenas tardes/buenas noches). Hola, cómo estás? Muy bien, gracias. Y tú? Muy bien, gracias. - I can name two countries from Central America. Curricular Extensions: Science SOL K.2 Students will name the 5 sense organs. Math: SOL K.1 Students will count by ones and when given 10 or fewer objects they will learn to recognize how many objects are in a set. 6 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

7 VOCABULARY Theme 1: Public and Personal Identities: Socializing and Talking about Self Subthemes: Greetings, Introductions and Expressions of Courtesy, Talking about Self, Physical Descriptions, Parts of the Body, Numbers and Shapes, The Five Senses Greetings and Farewells Hola Buenos días Buenas noches Buenas tardes Adiós Hasta luego Hasta mañana Introductions Cómo te llamas? Me llamo Mucho gusto Quién es? El niño/chico La niña/chica El amigo La amiga Cuántos años tienes? Tengo. años Hello, Hi Good morning Good evening Good afternoon Good-bye See you later See you tomorrow What s your name? My name is Nice to meet you Who is the boy/girl? The boy The girl The friend (boy) The friend (girl) How old are you? I (am) years old Basic Questions and Answers/Expressions of Courtesy Cómo estás? How are you? (Muy) bien (Very) well (Muy) mal (Very) badly Por favor Please Gracias Thank you De nada You re welcome Lo siento I m sorry Sí Yes No No 7 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

8 Basic Commands Levántense Siéntense Salten Caminen Dénse vuelta Dibujen/Escriban/Canten 5 Senses (5 sense organs) Las orejas Los ojos Los dedos La lengua La nariz Body Parts La cabeza Las piernas Los brazos Los pies Las manos Talking about you Las descripciones Alto Bajo Mediano Numbers 0-10 Los números Cero Uno Dos Tres Cuatro Cinco Stand Up Sit Down Jump walk Turn around Draw/Write/Sing The ears The eyes The fingers The tongue The nose The head The legs The arms The feet The hands Descriptions Tall Short Medium The numbers Zero One Two Three Four Five 8 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

9 Seis Siete Ocho Nueve Diez Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Culture-related vocabulary Qué Tal? What s up? El Mes de Herencia Hispana Hispanic Heritage Month 15 de septiembre September 15th El Día de la Independencia Independence Day 12 de octubre/ el Día de la Raza October 12 th /Columbus Day Guatemala El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica México 9 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

10 Theme 2: Contemporary Life: Talking about others and daily Life Subthemes: Calendar, Numbers, Shapes, Colors, Classroom and Supplies, Daily Routines, Family, Friends Estimated Time 13.5 class hours Theme 2: Contemporary Life: Talking about Family, School and Daily Life (Calendar, Numbers, Shapes, Colors, Classroom and Supplies, Daily Routines, Family, Friends) Recognize the date Identify and recite the days of the week Identify and recite the months of the year Ask/tell the date, day of the week, month of the year State the current day (or date) in a complete sentence during choral activities Identify and name colors Ask/tell the color of an object Identify and name familiar classroom objects Ask/tell the name of a number Recognize and count numbers from 11 to 20 Recognize and count numbers from 21 to 30 Identify and name geometric shapes (focus on attributes and making patterns) Name 4 family members (father, mother, brother, sister) Give one word describing something or someone Tell one physical trait of a family member Unit Overview In this unit students continue to develop language skills that enable them to talk about their everyday life. They learn basic language skills and vocabulary needed to talk about their immediate family members and about their school life. Calendar skills such as counting and identifying the patterns in the calendar are developed daily in the regular classroom and emphasized/extended in Spanish class, which targets curricular connections to Science concepts as described in Science SOL K.8-K.9. Students make a family tree and say the names of parents and siblings and are able to ask and answer the question quién es? Students learn to talk about their immediate surroundings and learn to name shapes and colors with the goal of describing objects they find in their classroom. 10 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

11 Math connections can also be made by encouraging students to sort and classify objects such as geometric shapes (Math SOL K.11). These are essential skills for Kindergarten students that are introduced in the mathematics Kindergarten curriculum and can be revisited in the Spanish classroom. Further, a science connection can be made to the states of water, meeting SOL K.5. Guiding Questions: 1. Can you tell me about your family? Who is this person? How many people are in your family? 2. Can you draw a picture of your/a family and name the most important people (dad, mom, brother, sister)? 3. Can you give a description for each person in your family? (alta, baja, grande, pequeño) 4. Can you tell me the date? Can you recite/sing the days of the week? 5. Can you show and name 5 objects we use in class daily? 6. Can you make a design using geometric shapes and tell me the names and colors of the shapes? 7. Can you count from 0-21? Unit Can Do Statements: -I can recognize and name 4 members in a family -I can recognize and name 5 classroom objects -I can recognize and name the colors of 5 classroom objects -I can recognize and tell today s date Unit Can Do Statements about Culture: -I can show the place of the days of the month on the Aztec calendar -I can tell how the days of the week are read in the US and in Spanish speaking countries -I can tell you something about piñatas (when they are used, what country they are associated with) Guiding Questions about Culture: 1. Can you tell me how we celebrate our birthdays in the US? In Latin American countries? 2. Can you tell me from what country is the piñata originally? When do people break piñatas in México? When do people in Mexico break piñatas for 9 days in a row? 3. Can you tell me a few details about the Aztec Calendar (such as its shape?) Curricular Extensions: Math: Science: SOL K.1 Counting by ones SOL K.8-K.9 Simple Patterns in Daily Life SOL K.11 Recognizing geometric shapes SOL K.5 Water states and properties 11 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

12 VOCABULARY THEME 2: Contemporary Life: Talking about Others and Daily Life Subthemes: Calendar, Numbers, Shapes, Colors, Classroom and Supplies, Daily Routines, Family and Friends Numbers Once Doce Trece Catorce Quince Dieciséis Diecisiete Dieciocho Diecinueve Veinte Veintiuno Veintidós Veintitrés Veinticuatro Veinticinco Veintiséis Veintisiete Veintiocho Veintinueve Treinta Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-one Twenty-two Twenty-three Twenty-four Twenty-five Twenty-six Twenty-seven Twenty-eight Twenty-nine Thirty Math-Basic Vocabulary for Computation Más More Menos Less Son Are (equals) Cuánto es 5 más 2? What s 5 plus 2? Comparisons Más Menos Igual More Fewer Equal 12 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

13 Shapes Figuras geométricas El óvalo El círculo El cuadrado El triángulo El rectángulo Geometric shapes The oval The circle The square The triangle The rectangle Positional Words These words can be introduced (but not limited to) in the context of School supplies Dónde está? Where is it? Está It is Al lado Next to Arriba Up Abajo Down Enfrente Behind (after) Atrás In front of (before) Colors Rojo Anaranjado Amarillo Verde Azul Morado/Violeta Talking about you/someone Feelings Feliz Triste Enojado-a Enfermo-a Simpático Chistoso Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Happy Sad Angry Sick Nice Funny 13 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

14 Family Members La familia Mi familia Yo El papá La mamá El abuelo La abuela El hermano La hermana Calendar El día Hoy Ayer Mañana La mañana La tarde La noche El lunes El martes El miércoles El jueves El viernes El sábado El domingo Ayer fue Hoy es Mañana será Months El calendario enero febrero marzo abril The family My family I (me) Dad Mom The grandfather The grandmother The brother The sister The day Today Yesterday Tomorrow The morning The afternoon The evening or night Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Yesterday was Today is Tomorrow will be. The calendar January February March April 14 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

15 mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre Culture-related vocabulary El Calendario Azteca El cumpleaños La fiesta Las Posadas La piñata La Navidad May June July August September October November December The Aztec calendar Birthday The party Special processions the 9 days before Christmas in some countries Piñata Christmas 15 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

16 Theme 3: Families and Communities: Talking about your Community Subthemes: Community Places and Helpers, Weather and Seasons, Clothing, Pets, Zoo and Farm Animals Estimated Time: 13.5 class hours Theme 3: Families and Communities: Talking about your Community (Community Places and Helpers, Weather and Seasons, Clothing, Pets, Zoo and Farm Animals) Tell and ask about the current weather Name the four seasons Ask/tell what season it is Name main places in the school (classroom, cafeteria, playground and bathroom) Name main people in the school (principal, teacher, student, nurse) Identify and name 4 domestic animals (pets dog, cat, fish, frog) Identify and name 4 farm animals (horse, cow, hen, goat) Identify and name 4 zoo animals (tiger, elephant, giraffe, hippopotamus) Identify and name 4 clothing items according to the season Winter: (hat, jacket, coat and boots) Spring: (raincoat, rain boots, pants) Summer: shorts, t-shirt, skirt, sandals; Fall: pants, shirt, sweater, long sleeve shirt Unit Overview: The goal of this unit is for students to learn to talk about different aspects of community life. This includes knowing the roles that different people play and the places in the community where they work. This theme allows students to make connections to Social Studies concepts as described in SOL K.6 in which students learn to give simple descriptions of the jobs that people in the community perform and their importance in our lives. For example, farmers are important because they raise animals and grow plants to provide our needs of food. This unit expands on what the students have previously learned about the calendar. The students will now learn to talk about seasons and weather as they develop understanding of how climate influences our daily life. For example, the activities we perform, and the clothing we wear change according to the seasons and weather. In this context, the students will learn useful vocabulary and expressions needed to talk about clothing, what they are wearing and what they should wear in every season. The students will learn to recognize and describe pets, zoo animals, and farm animals. A connection to the Science SOL K.6 is found in the Animals unit in which students learn about the basic needs and the life cycle of animals. 16 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

17 Guiding Questions: 1. Can you tell me what the weather is like today? (sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy) 2. Can you tell me what the weather is like in each season in Arlington? 3. Can you name clothing items you wear according to the weather/season? 4. What other places do you visit in Kindergarten? Can you tell me about the zoo animals? Farm animals? Pets? 5. Can you name 4 of each? What are they like? (size, color, animal classification) 6. Can you design your favorite animal using geometric shapes and tell me its body parts and colors of the shapes? 7. Can you identify 4 community helpers? 8. Can you name 4 places in the community? Guiding Questions about Culture: 1. Can you tell me what the weather is like in Costa Rica and El Salvador? 2. Can you tell me what the Quetzal bird looks like? In which countries does it live? 3. Can you tell me which country the folk dance La Raspa comes from? 4. Can you tell me what clothes a boy and a girl will wear to dance La Raspa? Unit Can Do Statements: -I can name each season in Arlington -I can tell today s weather -I can tell what I m wearing (4 clothing items) -I can name 4 zoo animals, 4 farm animals, pets (cat, dog, bird, fish) -I can name 4 places in the community -I can name 4 community helpers -I can name 4 geometric shapes Unit Can Do Statements about Culture: - I can name the two seasons in Costa Rica and El Salvador (dry season (verano) and rainy season (invierno). - I can name the colors, size and habitat of the Quetzal bird. - I can dance the Mexican folk dance La Raspa. 17 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

18 Curricular Extensions: Math: SOL K.11 Characteristics of Geometric Shapes Science: SOL K.7 Life processes of plants and animals SOL K.9 Earth Patterns, Cycles and Change (weather) History and Social Science: SOL K.6 Identify jobs of Community Helpers 18 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

19 VOCABULARY THEME 3: Families and Communities: Talking about Community and Living Things Subthemes: Calendar, Numbers, Shapes, Colors, Classroom and Supplies, Daily Routines, Family and Friends Seasons Las estaciones La primavera El verano El otoño El invierno The seasons Spring Summer Fall Winter Clothing Yo me pongo La camisa Los pantalones La falda El vestido Los zapatos Los calcetines Weather Qué tiempo hace hoy? Hace buen tiempo Hace mal tiempo Hace sol Hace viento Hace calor Hace frío Está nublado Está lloviendo Está nevando I put on shirt pants skirt dress shoes socks What s the weather like today? It s nice It s a bad day It s sunny It s windy It s hot It s cold It s cloudy It s raining It s snowing Farm Animals La vaca The cow El caballo The horse El cerdo The pig El pato The duck 19 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

20 El perro El gato La oveja Pets El gato El pez El perro El pajarito El conejo Culture-related vocabulary El clima tropical El quetzal El baile folklorico La Raspa The dog The cat The sheep the cat the fish the dog the bird the rabbit Tropical climate The quetzal The folk dance Mexican celebratory dance 20 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

21 Theme 4: Global Communities: Communities around the World Subthemes: Places, Cities, Countries, Geography, Ecosystems and Biomes, Traditions and Celebrations in Spanish Speaking Countries Estimated Time: 13-5 class hours Unit Overview The goals of this unit are for students to learn to appreciate cultures from a number of Spanish-Speaking Countries and to recognize vocabulary relating to their traditions and celebrations. This unit seeks to integrate the regular Kindergarten curriculum with the FLES content-based curriculum. Students will learn the names of cities, places and countries in Central America (Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador,) México and Spain, as well as the colors of the respective countries flags. Students will learn basics relating to these countries geography, such as their location on a map, thereby honing in their map skills taught in their social studies class. Through these lessons, students will discover that some of these locations are close to the Equator, and learn how the climate there differs from Arlington, VA. This unit also connects to the Science SOL: K-6 where students learn about the basic needs and life processes of plants. The students will be able to connect their learning to the subjects covered in this unit, such as the ecosystems and biomes of countries in Central America when they learn about various plants and animals in these countries. This unit will allow students to learn and present a folk dance from México, as well as learning the basic language skills to say a short dialogue in reference to the customary greetings in Spain and México. Guiding Questions: 1. Can you tell me on which continent is México? 2. Can you show me where Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador are on this map? 3. Can you tell me the two colors that are in the flags of Guatemala and El Salvador? 4. Can you tell me how many rectangles are on México s flag and what their colors are? 5. Can you tell me what México, Guatemala, and El Salvador celebrate on September 15? 6. Can you tell me why people break piñatas in México? 7. Can you tell me where the pyramid of Tikal is? 8. Can you name three plants that grow in Central America but not in the United States? Unit Can Do Statements about Culture: -I can recognize the flags of these countries: USA, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala and México. -I can name the colors of these flags: USA, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala and México. -I can locate these countries on a map: USA, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala and México. -I can ask someone where he/she is from. -I can say a greeting dialogue, as is the custom in Spain and México. 21 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

22 Curricular Extensions -Read and act out a story from one of identified countries. For example, Mi Abuela or Tamales -Learn a poem/rhyme from one of the identified countries. -Pick a celebration from the target country to study in class. 22 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

23 VOCABULARY Theme 4: Global Communities: Communities around the World Culture-related vocabulary Qué tal? What s up? El Mes de Herencia Hispana Hispanic Heritage Month 15 de septiembre September 15th El Día de la Independencia Independence Day 12 de octubre/ el Día de la Raza October 12 th /Columbus Day Guatemala El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica México El Calendario Azteca The Aztec calendar El cumpleaños Birthday La fiesta The party Las Posadas Processions the days before Christmas in some countries La piñata Piñata La Navidad Christmas El clima tropical Tropical climate El quetzal The quetzal El baile folklorico The folk dance La Raspa Mexican celebratory dance La bandera The flag El continente The continent La pirámide The pyramid De dónde eres? Where are you from? Soy de Y tú? I am from. And you? 23 Arlington Public Schools World Languages Office FLES Scope and Sequence Kindergarten



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