1. Read the context below in number 2 then open Section Three, Day One of the Workbook and do question 1.

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1 3 Section Three: Healthy Snacks DAY ONE In this lesson, I will view an animation titled Les collations, c est bon pour la santé! 1. Read the context below in number 2 then open Section Three, Day One of the Workbook and do question Read again the context below then view the animation Les collations, c est bon pour la santé! on the Animation CD or Website. Context: Élise and her mother are at the grocery store and they are in the snack aisle. Élise would like some special snacks to include in her school lunches but Élise and her mother have a different opinion as to what is a healthy snack. Eventually, her mother agrees to buy a special healthy treat for Élise. When viewing an animation, there are many things you can do to facilitate your understanding of the story. Look closely at the images. The background will help you understand where the action is taking place. The various objects featured in the animation are also hints which could help you understand specific words and expressions. Pg 73

2 continued Watch the characters and their body language. Look at their facial expressions and how they interact with other characters in the story. This will help you to learn more about their personality and about some of the actions taking place in the animation. It is useful to watch an animation more than once. If you wish, write down the words you recognize each time you view the animation. Soon, you will be able to understand the story without the help of a script or a dictionary. 3. Open Section Three, Day One of the Workbook and do question View again the animation Les collations, c est bon pour la santé! on the Animation CD or Website. This time, pay attention to what Élise and her mother consider to be a good and healthy snack. In France, schools provide snacks to elementary students every morning around 10 o clock. The school snack program started in the 1950s and used to provide milk or cheese and crackers to all students. Now, school snacks consist mostly of milk with cookies, cakes and granola bars high in fat and sugar. Parents and teachers believe the portions are too big and those snacks are too sweet to be considered healthy. They also think that by eating a snack mid-morning, students are no longer hungry at lunchtime, the main meal of the day in France. Pg 74

3 continued Some schools are thinking about eliminating their snack program while others would like to offer fruit, cheese or milk, and crackers earlier in the morning to make sure that all students start the day with a good breakfast. In France as in Canada, school officials and health experts believe that starting the day with a balanced breakfast and eating healthy snacks is essential to working well in class. 5. Open Section Three, Day One of the Workbook, do question 3 and complete the Reflection. Pg 75

4 DAY TWO In In this lesson, I will be introduced to new vocabulary related to snacks. 1. Open Section Three, Day Two of the Workbook and do question Listen to Track 23 on the Module 1 CD. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary related to snacks. Using the pictures below from left to right, follow along, listen to each word and practice saying each one at least twice. la barre granola le biscuit la boisson aux fruits la boîte à lunch la bouteille d eau Bon appétit! la collation/le goûter les croustilles les crudités les friandises les fruits séchés la grignotine Pg 76

5 le guide alimentaire les légumes et les fruits les produits céréaliers les produits laitiers le sucre les viandes et les substituts It can be difficult to remember the meaning of new words or if a noun is masculine or feminine. This is especially true as your French vocabulary increases and you become more familiar with the language. If you have a special book where you write your notes, you might want to start using a specific colour for the masculine words and another one for the feminine words. This could help you to recognize immediately the gender of a noun. 3. Open Section Three, Day Two of the Workbook and do question 2. Articles are divided in two large categories: definite articles and indefinite articles. Le, la, l, and les are definite articles. They are used when we are talking about a specific person, animal, place, thing, event or idea. Pg 77

6 continued Look at the examples below. le biscuit (the cookie) la boîte à lunch (the lunch box) les barres de céréales (the granola bars) Sometimes, they are used when we are talking in general terms about something. Look at the examples below. J aime les biscuits. (I like cookies) Je n aime pas les fruits séchés. (I don t like dried fruit.) Un, une, and des are indefinite articles. They are used when we are NOT talking about a specific person, animal, place, thing, event or idea. Look at the examples below. un biscuit (a cookie) une boîte à lunch (a lunch box) des barres de céréales (some granola bars) Always use an article before a noun when writing a sentence. If you are unsure about which article to use, use the Glossary, an English-French dictionary or ask a friend to help you. 4. Open Section Three, Day Two of the Workbook and do questions 3 and 4. Pg 78

7 DAY THREE In this lesson, I will review various words related to food. 1. Open Section Three, Day Three of the Workbook and do question View again the animation Les collations, c est bon pour la santé! on the Animation CD or Website. This time, pay attention to the snacks mentioned by Madame Gagnon as she describes what is in the shopping cart. 3. Open Section Three, Day Three of the Workbook and do question Élise and her mother have bought many items at the store. You might have seen or heard those words before. Before listening to Track 25 on the Module 1 CD, try to pronounce each word once. Then, listen to the pronunciation of each one on the CD. How was your pronounciation? Practice saying each word once more. You will need them in this section. la carotte le céleri le chou-fleur le craquelin la crème glacée le fromage les fruits le jus Pg 79

8 le lait les légumes le muffin l orange la pomme les raisins 5. Open Section Three, Day Three of the Workbook, do questions 3 and 4 then complete the Reflection. Pg 80

9 DAY FOUR In this lesson, I will be introduced to the verbs Manger and Boire. 1. Open Section Three, Day Four of the Workbook and do question Read the context below then listen to Track 26 on the Module 1 CD. Use the following pictures and chart to help you understand. Context: During Health class, Élise and Justin are filling out a questionnaire about what they and some of their friends usually eat and drink as snacks. Pg 81

10 du jus des boissons aux fruits Justin Élise Jean-François Karine X de l eau X X du lait X X des craquelins X X des fruits X X X X des légumes des barres granola du fromage X X X des croustilles X Pg 82

11 The verb Manger means to eat. It is written differently, depending on who is doing the action. Look at the sentences below. Je mange une pomme. (I eat an apple.) Tu manges une pomme. (You eat an apple.) Il mange une pomme. (He eats an apple.) Elle mange une pomme. (She eats an apple.) The verb will take an S when it is used with the personal pronoun Tu. The verb Boire means to drink. It is also written differently, depending on which personal pronoun it is used with. Look at the sentences below. Je bois du lait. (I drink milk.) Tu bois du lait. (You drink milk.) Il boit du lait. (He drinks milk) Elle boit du lait. (She drinks milk.) The verb will change its s for a t with the personal pronouns Il and Elle. Always look at the personal pronoun before the verb in order to use the correct form of the verb. You might want to start a special section dedicated to verbs in a notebook or in a binder. By grouping together the verbs you have seen, you will be able to review them more quickly. This will also allow you to compare how they are written. You will be able to recognize more easily which ones are similar and which ones are different. 3. Open Section Three, Day Four of the Workbook and do questions 2, 3, and 4. Pg 83

12 DAY FIVE In this lesson, I will learn how to ask questions using the verbs Manger and Boire. 1. Open Section Three, Day Five of the Workbook and do question Listen again to the conversation between Élise and Justin during Health class on Track 26 of the Module 1 CD. This time, pay attention to the number and type of questions asked by Élise and Justin. Were you able to count how many questions were asked by Élise and Justin? When listening to a conversation, pay attention to the intonation (how their voice varies) of the person who is speaking. If you hear that the voice rises at the end of the sentence, it is often a clue that it is a question. Pg 84

13 continued There were six questions in this conversation taking place during Health class. Let s have a look at them. Est-ce que tu bois du jus? (Do you drink juice?) Tu bois du jus? (You drink juice?) Est-ce que Karine boit du jus? (Does Karine drink juice?) Tu manges des craquelins? (You eat crackers?) Est-ce que tu manges des craquelins? (Do you eat crackers?) Est-ce que Jean-François mange des craquelins? (Does Jean-François eat crackers?) Élise and Justin used the two questions formats we have already seen: the intonation format and the format using the expression Est-ce que. Let s look at the answers to these questions. Pay attention to the personal pronouns and the nouns in the questions and in the answers. Est-ce que tu bois du jus? Non, je bois des boissons aux fruits. (Do you drink juice? No, I drink fruit drinks.) Tu bois du jus? Oui, je bois du jus d orange. (You drink juice? Yes, I drink orange juice.) Est-ce que Karine boit du jus? Non, elle boit de l eau et du lait. (Does Karine drink juice? No, she drinks water and milk.) Tu manges des craquelins? Non, je mange des fruits et des légumes. (You eat crackers? No, I eat fruit and vegetables.) Pg 85

14 continued Est-ce que tu manges des craquelins? Oui, je mange du fromage et des craquelins. (Do you eat crackers? Yes, I eat cheese and crackers.) Est-ce que Jean-François mange des craquelins? Oui, il mange aussi des fruits et des croustilles. (Does Jean-François eat crackers? Yes, he also eats fruit and chips.) What did you notice? Some of the pronouns change. When you ask a question to someone, you use the pronoun Tu. The person will answer your question using the pronoun Je because he/she is talking about himself/herself. When you ask a question about someone or something, you will use the pronoun Il if you are talking about a person, an animal or a thing which is masculine. You will use the pronoun Elle if you are talking about someone or something which is feminine. 3. Open Section Three, Day Five of the Workbook and do questions 2, 3, and 4. Pg 86

15 DAY SIX In this lesson, I will look at the Canadian Food Guide in French for Healthy Eating. 1. Open Section Three, Day Six of the Workbook and do question 1. Have you ever looked at the list of ingredients on a box of cereal or granola bars? Did you notice something special? Food labeling is obligatory in Canada, which means that most products must list the ingredients used in the fabrication of this food item. The labeling appears in English and in French on most products sold in Canada. However, you might see products listing ingredients in only one language such as English, Japanese, Polish or German. This is because those products were packaged in a country where French is not spoken. Reading the ingredients in English then in French of something you like to eat or drink is a fun way to learn new French words. Try it next time you help yourself to cereal. Count the number of words you recognized. You might know more French words than you think you know. Pg 87

16 The Canadian Food Guide for Healthy Eating is available in English and in French. It is designed to encourage people to eat a balanced and healthy diet. In French, it is called Le Guide alimentaire canadien pour manger sainement. The guide has divided foods in four major categories. Look at the illustration below. Pg 88

17 continued The number of portions taken from each category varies according to your age, how much you weigh, if you are male or female and your activity level. The general recommendations are as follows: Les produits céréaliers: 5 to12 portions Les légumes et les fruits: 5 to 10 portions Les produits laitiers: 2 to 4 portions Les viandes et les substituts: 2 to 3 portions Listen to Track 27 on the Module 1 CD and pay attention to the French pronunciation of each category. You will hear the article les before each one. Practice saying each one at least twice. The guide is useful when planning meals and choosing healthy snacks for school and physical activities. Use the guide as a base to make sure that you eat a variety of foods. There are some foods we eat which might not appear in any of the categories included in the Guide. It doesn t necessarily mean that we should never eat them. It simply means that they may not be as healthy as other choices and they should be eaten in moderation. As an exercise, count the number of foods from each category you eat on a typical school day and on the weekend. Is there a difference or it is the same? On which day do you eat meals which follow more closely the recommendations of the Guide? Following the Guide recommendations might not always be easy but making sure that you eat a wide variety of foods will ensure that you have a balanced and healthy diet. 2. Open Section Three, Day Six of the Workbook and do questions 2, 3, and 4. Pg 89

18 DAY SEVEN In this lesson, I will review the verb Avoir and the pronouns Je, Tu, Il, and Elle in affirmative and negative sentences. 1. Open Section Three, Day Seven of the Workbook and do question Read the context below then listen to Track 28 on the Module 1 CD. Use the following pictures from left to right to help you understand. Context: The Health class is working on the topic of healthy snacks and the class has been divided into small groups. Élise, Justin, Karine and Jean-François are in the same group. While Justin is in the office and Karine went to the washroom, Élise and Jean-François are looking at how many healthy snacks they have in their group. Pg 90

19 Pg 91

20 Pg 92

21 The verb Avoir is a special verb because its spelling changes with each personal pronoun. Look at the examples below taken from the conversation between Élise and Jean-François. Some of the examples are questions while others are affirmative sentences. J ai du fromage et une orange. (I have cheese and an orange) Est-ce que tu as une collation aujourd hui? (Do you have a snack today?) Il a cinq collations. (He has five snacks.) Oui, elle a des crudités et du lait (Yes, she has raw vegetables and milk.) Did you notice how the verb changes? j ai tu as il a elle a When you want to express that you or the person you are talking to or the person you are talking about don t have something, you use the negative form of the verb Avoir. Look at the sentences below taken from the conversation between Élise and Jean-François. Je n ai pas de collation. (I don t have a snack.) Tu n as pas de collation?!! (You don t have a snack?!!) Il n a pas de fruits. (He doesn t have any fruit.) Pg 93

22 continued Elle n a pas de barre granola aujourd hui. (She doesn t have a granola bar today.) The word ne or n always appears BEFORE the verb. The word pas always appears AFTER the verb. 3. Open Section Three, Day Seven of the Workbook and do questions 2, 3, and 4. Pg 94

23 DAY EIGHT In this lesson, I will be introduced to other personal pronouns used with Avoir. 1. Open Section Three, Day Eight of the Workbook and do question Read the context below then listen to Track 29 on the Module 1 CD. Use the following pictures from left to right to help you understand. Context: During Health class, Madame Morin asks students how many healthy snacks they have in their groups in order to fill out a class chart. Élise talks on behalf of her group while Yvan is the spokesperson for his group. Pg 95

24 Pg 96

25 We have seen in Day Seven that the verb Avoir changes its spelling with each singular personal pronoun je, tu, il, elle. It also changes its spelling with each plural personal pronoun. Look at the examples taken from the conversation during Health class. Nous avons sept collations santé. (We have seven healthy snacks.) Vous avez dix collations santé?!! (You have ten healthy snacks?!!) Ils ont trois collations santé. (They have three healthy snacks.) Elles ont quatre bonnes collations. (They have four good snacks.) Did you notice how the verb changes? nous avons vous avez ils ont elles ont The pronoun Nous means we in English. It refers to the person who is talking and other people. It can also refer to you and I or they and I. The pronoun Vous means you in English. It refers to the people you are talking to and does not include yourself. In most cases, it refers to more than one person. However, it is also used when you are talking to an older person or someone you don t know as a form of politeness and respect. Pg 97

26 continued You might want to find a special way to remember how to write the verb Avoir with all personal pronouns since it is one of the most important verbs of the French language. For example, if you have cards at home, you can write the pronouns on a set of cards and write the verb Avoir on another set. Practice matching them as quickly as you can. Another fun way would be to put your two sets of cards together and pick one. On a piece of paper or out loud, say which of the pronoun or the verb is needed in order to complete a pair. Use your creativity to find ways to remember how to write the verb Avoir. This will help you to learn verbs more easily as you become more familiar with the French language. 3. Open Section Three, Day Eight of the Workbook and do questions 2 and 3. Pg 98

27 DAY NINE In this lesson, I will review how to ask questions using the verb Avoir. 1. Open Section Three, Day Nine of the Workbook and do question Read the context below then listen to Track 30 on the Module 1 CD. Use the following pictures from left to right to help you understand. Context: Élise s mom just got home and while she was away, Élise and her siblings were preparing their lunches. She asks Élise what what her brother Marc and her younger sister Florence have chosen for snacks as well as what she has in her lunchbox. Pg 99

28 Pg 100

29 Pg 101

30 We have seen in Day Four how to ask questions using the verbs Manger and Boire. Asking questions using the verb Avoir follows a similar pattern. Let s look at the questions and answers below. Pay particular attention to what happens to the personal pronouns. When someone asks you a question about yourself, you reply using the pronoun Je or J. Est-ce que tu as une barre granola? Oui, j ai une barre granola. (Do you have a granola bar? Yes, I have a granola bar.) Sometimes, you will ask a question or be asked a question about someone or something. You will use the pronoun Il if what you are referring to is masculine singular and Ils if it is masculine plural. Est-ce qu il a des fruits? Oui, il a des fruits. (Does he have fruit? Yes, he has fruit.) Yvan et Justin ont du jus? Non, ils ont de la limonade. (Yvan and Justin have juice? No, they have lemonade.) You will use Elle or Elles if what you are talking about is feminine and singular or plural. Est-ce que Karine a du yogourt? Non, elle a du lait. (Does Karine have some yogurt? No, she has milk.) Elles ont des grignotines? Oui, elles ont des grignotines. (They have munchie foods? Yes, they have munchie foods.) Pg 102

31 continued Sometimes, you will ask a question to someone who is part of a group of at least two people. You will use the pronoun Vous. The person will reply using the pronoun Nous because he/she is talking about himself/herself and the persons in the group. Est-ce que vous avez des pommes? Non, nous avons des oranges. (Do you have apples? No, we have oranges.) You might also be asked a question when you are part of a group. You will also reply using Nous because you are talking about yourself and the people you are with. The images below will help you to identify the various pronouns used when asking and answering questions. Je Tu Pg 103

32 continued Elle Il Nous Vous Pg 104

33 continued Ils Elles Always think about who is asking the question in order to know which pronoun to use in your question and keep in mind who is answering in order to know which pronoun to use in your answer. 3. Open Section Three, Day Nine of the Workbook and do questions 2 and 3. Pg 105

34 DAY TEN In this lesson, I will review concepts from previous lessons in Section Three. 1. Before moving to today s activities, take some time to review this section and be aware of all that you have learned. Day One: Name in French the name of two snacks bought by Élise and her mother when they went grocery shopping. Day Two: Look at the images below. Say which images illustrate a feminine noun and which ones illustrate a masculine noun. Day Three: Look at the four snacks below. Name each one using le, la, l, and les. Pg 106

35 Day Four: Say in French that you are eating a cookie and drinking milk as a snack. Day Five: Look at the pictures of Karine eating a granola bar and Jean-François drinking a fruit drink. How would you ask them in French what they are doing? Day Six: Name in French the four categories of foods as presented by the Canadian Food Guide to Healthy Eating. Day Seven: How would you say in French that Élise has some crackers but she doesn t have any cheese? Day Eight: Say in French that your best friend and you have dried fruit for snacks today. Day Nine: Based on what you see in the picture below, answer the question Est-ce qu elles ont des crudités? 2. Open Section Three, Day Ten of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pg 107

36 Pg 108

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