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1 cfd;~rf/ / ;/f]sf/jfnfsf] cffvfdf ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmd Community Support Programme In the Eyes of Mass Media & Stakeholders

2 k sfzs s]p/ g]kfn g]kfn u fdl0f k'glg{df{0f ;+:yf -cf/cf/pg_ k sfzg ldlt h]7 ;Dkfbg tyf n] cfp6 l8hfog cf]h:jl OlG:6Ro";g, sf7df8f}+ Publisher CARE Nepal Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) Publication Date June 2014 Editing & Designing Ojaswi Institution, Kathmandu ;xof]u of] k'l:tsf o"s]p8sf] cfly{s ;xof]udf k sfzg ul/psf] xf]. o;df ;dfj]z ul/psf ljrf/, ljzn]if0f / lgisif{n] o"s]p8 8LPkmcfO8Lsf] b[li6sf]0f k ltlaldat ub}{g. Support This publication is prepared with the funding support of UKaid from Department for International Development. The views and analysis expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of UKaid/DFID.

3 k fssyg s]p/ g]kfn / g]kfn u fdl0f k'glg{df{0f ;+:yf -cf/cf/pg_n] b]zsf ljlegg efudf cfdhgtf;fu k ToIf ;/f]sf/ /fvg] ljifodf nfdf] ;dob]lv sfd ub}{ cfo/x]sf 5g\. ol hg:t/sf ;xof]u, ;xhls/0f / hgtf;fu}sf ;xsfo{af6 ;sf/ftds k efjx? xfl;n epsf 5g\. hxff hxff sfd ul/psf] 5 ToxfFsf ;d'bfosf] ;zqmls/0fdf d2t k'u]sf] 5. /fhosf :yfglob]lv s]gb Lo tx;ddsf lgsfox?df lxhf];dd jl~rtls/0fsf] cj:yfdf /x]sf ;d'bfosf] cfh kx'fr / ;xeflutf a9]sf] 5. gful/sx?sf] dfusf] ;Daf]wgsf lgldt /fho / ;fj{hlgs If]qaf6 kxn ug{ ljz]if ;xof]u k'u]sf] 5. t/, cem} klg ol k of;x? kof{kt rflxf 5}gg\. u fdl0f Pjd\ b'u{d If]qsf clwsf+z / ;'ud If]qs} klg ljut nfdf] ;dob]lv g} jl~rtls/0fdf /x]sf w]/} dflg;x? ;fdflhs, /fhgllts, cfly{s Pjd\ ;f+:s[lts If]qdf k5fl8 kfl/psf 5g\. pglx?n] kof{kt dfqfdf cfk\mgf clwsf/x?sf] pkef]u ug{ kfo/x]sf 5}gg\. sltko cj:yfdf t dflg; ep/ dflg;sf] h:t} hljg lhpg ;d]t d'lzsn 5. lziff, :jf:yo, vfg]kfgl, /f]huf/l, ;8s, l;frfoh:tf cfwf/e"t ;'ljwfsf] kx'fraf6 pglx? 6f9f 5g\. geo gx'g] vfg]kfgl, l;frfosf nflu s'nf] k}gl, af6f] 3f6f]df k'n k'n];f / sne6{, lziff / :jf:yosf cfwf/e"t ;+/rgfh:tf ; ;fgf k"jf{wf/x?sf] cefjaf6 :yfglo hgtfn] ;d:of ef]ug' k/]sf k z:t pbfx/0fx? b]zsf s'gf s'gfdf b]lvg5g\. s]gb b]lv :yfglo ;/sf/;ddsf lgsfox?n] ol ;'ljwf k' ofpg k otg ul//x]sf 5g\, t/ Tof] kof{kt x'g ;ls/x]sf] 5}g. hgtfsf log} ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfgdf xf]:6]df x}+;] ug]{ p2]zon] ;+o'qm clw/fho a]nfot ;/sf/sf] cgt/f{li6«o ljsf; dgqfno -8L=Pkm=cfO{=8L=_sf] ;xof]udf s]p/ g]kfn / cf/cf/pgn] ;Dd ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmd -;LP;kL_sf] bf]; f] r/0f sfof{gjog u/]sf x'g\. ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] o; bf]; f] r/0fdf b]zsf $$ lhnnfsf b'u{d Pjd\ k5fl8 kfl/psf If]qsf / ljkgg Pjd\ jl~rtls/0fdf /x]sf ;d'bfonfo{ s]lgb t u/]/ w]/} lsl;dsf lqmofsnfkx? ;~rfng ep. vf;u/lm b'u{d cj:yf, ul/al / ågåaf6 k efljt Pjd\ l;dfgtls[t dlxnf, afnaflnsf / k'?ifx?sf] ;zqmls/0f, Ifdtf clej[l4 / hlljsf]kfh{gdf ;3fpg]Ù ljkb\ k lt/f]wl cfwf/e"t ef}lts ;+/rgfx?sf] lgdf{0fdf of]ubfg ug]{ù /fhosf lgsfox?;fu} ;xsfo{ ub}{ ljz]ifu/l :yfglo lgsfox?sf] Ifdtf a9fpg] / ;xeflutfd"ns of]hgf th'{df Pjd\ cg'udg k lqmof k j4{g ug]{ù tyf hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf c;/af6 k efljt ;d'bfosf nflu cg's"ng Ifdtf a9fpg] sfdx? o; sfo{qmdcgtu{t epsf 5g\.

4 k To]s lqmofsnfkdf kf/blz{tf, ljlwsf] zf;g / nlift ;d'bfosf] ;xeflutf h:tf ;'zf;gsf cfwf/e"t s'/fx?sf] k"0f{ kl/kfngf ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf clgjfo{ zt{s}?kdf /x]sf 5g\. ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf plnnlvt cfwf/ / sfd ug]{ z}nlx?n] ubf{ o; sfo{qmdsf glthfx? ;dfhdf ck]lift k efj 5f8\g ;kmn epsf 5g\. u fdl0f If]qdf lqmofzln ;~rf/ dfwodx?sf ;fy} b]zs} k d'v cfd;~rf/ dfwodx?n] klg o:tf sfdx?nfo{ dxtj lbp/ ltgsf af/]df hfgsf/l ;Dk ]if0f u/]sf 5g\. hgrf;f]sf ljljw kifdf x/kn lgu/fgl ul//xg] cfd;~rf/ dfwodx?n] ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdcgtu{t epu/]sf sfdsf af/]df hfgsf/l ;Dk ]if0f ugf{n] hgtfnfo{ ;';"lrt u/fpg] dfq geo{ clek ]/0ff k bfg ug{ klg d2t k'u]sf] 5. o;}u/l ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf ultljlwx?nfo{ glhs}af6 lgofng], ;3fpg] / ;xsfo{ ug]{ ;fj{hlgs ;+:yf / lgsfox?n] klg sfo{qmd / o; cgtu{tsf ultljlwx?sf] ;x«fxgf u/]sf 5g\. cfd;~rf/sf] o:tf] se/]hú / ;/f]sf/jfnfx?n] u/]sf ;x«fxgfnfo{ clen]vls/0f ug{ ;lspsf] v08df ;f] clen]vls/0f ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf] Pp6f sfnv08 lrq0f ug]{ dxtjk"0f{ b:tfj]h agb5. of] b:tfj]h of}6f To:tf] ;fwg klg agg k'ub5 h;nfo{ ;d'bfo txdf ;~rfng ul/g] s'g} klg cfof]hgf, kl/of]hgf / sfo{qmdx?n] clek ]/0ffd"ns ;Gbe{ ;fdu Lsf]?kdf k of]u ug{ ;s"g\. csf{lt/, of] ;fdu L ;xl 9Ën] ;~rfng ul/psf ljsf; lqmofsnfknfo{ cfd;~rf/n] klg 3R3RofpF5 egg] s'/fsf] b[i6fgt ;d]t agb5. of] k'l:tsf log} ljljw cfofdx? ;d]l6psf] Pp6f dxtjk"0f{ b:tfj]h x'g;snf egg] 7fg]/ g} k sfzg ul/psf] xf]. o;f] t, ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf] bf]; f] cjlwsf rf/ jif{df cfd;~rf/ dfwodx?n] k sfzg Pjd\ k ;f/0f u/]sf ;dfrf/ / ;fj{hlgs lgsfox?n] pknaw u/fpsf ;x«fxgf / k z+;f kqx? olt pt;fj4{s 9Ën] hddf ep h;nfo{ Pp6} k'l:tsfdf ;d]6\g' ;Dej epg. sltko ;dfrf/ ;fdu Lx? ;fj{hlgs t ep t/ ;ª\u x ul/pg. lhnnf lhnnf / ufpf ufpfaf6 s]gb ;Dd o; k'l:tsfdf ;d]l6g] p2]zon] xtf/df cfok'ug] qmddf klg sltko ;ª\u lxt ;dfrf/ ;fdu L / k z+;f kqsf k ltlnlkx? :ki6 a'lemg]?kdf cfpgg\. sltko rflxf Ps}vfn] t/ ;+VofTds?kdf a9l epsfn] klg ;d]6\bf e2f kf] x'g] xf] ls egg] cj:yf b]vf k of]. ol sf/0fx?n] ubf{ o; k'l:tsfdf k ltlglwd"ns ;fdu Lx? dfq ;d]6\g] hdsf]{ ul/of]. To;}n] o; k'l:tsfdf cfk"m;da4 ;fdu L g;d]l6psf]df To:tf ;fdu LnfO{ sd dxtj lbopsf] jf pk]iff ul/psf] rflxf kss} xf]og egg] tyonfo{ ;DalGwt ;a}n] dgg\ ul/lbg' x'g]5 egg] xflb{s ck]iff ul/psf] 5. s]p/ g]kfn g]kfn u fdl0f k'glg{df{0f ;+:yf -cf/cf/pg_

5 Foreword CARE Nepal and Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) have implemented several projects in various parts of the country for several years in the area of rural infrastructure, livelihood, empowerment, governance, rights and environment. These prominent non-state actors in the development field of the country implement their projects in an effective and efficient coordination and collaboration with the community people and other stakeholders including local bodies of the state. There are abundant cases of positive changes realized in the communities where these organizations have worked. The marginalized sections of communities have increased access to the state and its services and the government and non-government agencies are working hard to end misery of disadvantaged communities. The severity of marginalization is gradually decreasing but more is left to be done to achieve the goals. There are many communities, both in the rural and urban areas, where the people are deprived socially, politically, economically and culturally. They have lack of access to basic infrastructures like roads, schools and health institutions which has resulted in difficult living conditions for the people. The Department for International Development (DFID) of the Government of the United Kingdom (UKaid) supported CARE Nepal and RRN to implement the second phase of Community Support Programme (CSP-II) from April 2010 to June 2014 with the objective of reducing problems faced by the people living in most difficult conditions in rural Nepal. Staying true to this vision, CSP-II was implemented in the disadvantaged communities of 44 districts of the country. The activities under CSP-II were intended to support the empowerment and capacity enhancement of the poor, marginalized and conflict affected men, women and children living in remote and disadvantaged situation. Support to the communities to construct disaster resistant rural infrastructure was another major area of support of CSP-II. The communities were also oriented on climate change adaptation and mitigation measures. Besides development support activities, CSP-II strongly engineered the mechanism to ensure the role, participation and interaction of the government bodies and agencies in the process of change and development. Capacity building of the communities and local bodies in the participatory planning process was an important activity of the project. Similarly, transparency, good governance and participatory approach were key and mandatory elements for the project s activity implementation.

6 The project components and its implementation approach were the main reasons for the higher level acceptability of the project in the communities. CSP-II received overwhelming response and support from different sections of the societies political parties, media and public in general. The role of media in the dissemination of project information was very encouraging during the project implementation period. The overview of presence of CSP II and its activities in local and national media can truly illustrates the importance of the project and its influence in the working districts. The materials used in this book letters of appreciations, news, features are representatives of hundreds of such items received and collected. There are many more such documents which could not reach to us due to various reasons. And of course due to the large volume of all the materials we had received, we could not be accommodated everything into this small booklet. But this does not undermine the value and importance of the materials those are not published in this booklet. CARE Nepal Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN)

7 ljifo;"rl k[i7e"ld * cfwf/e"t ;+/rgfx?sf] lgdf{0f / /fhosf ;]jfdf ;d'bfosf] kx'fr!) pk]lift tyf k5fl8 kfl/psfx?sf] Ifdtf clej[l4!^ of]hgf th'{df / cg'udg k lqmofdf hnjfo' kl/jt{g cgs"ng Ifdtf pk;+xf/ #$ Content Background 9 Construction of Basic Rural Infrastructures and Access to Public Services 11 Capacity Building of Disadvantaged and Deprived Communities 17 Joint Actions for Planning and Monitoring 23 Capacity Building of Vulnerable Communities for Climate Change Adaptation 29 Conclusion 35

8 k[i7e"ld s]p/ g]kfn / g]kfn u fdl0f k'glg{df{0f ;+:yf -cf/cf/pg_n] o's]p8sf] cfly{s ;xof]udf ;+o'qm?kdf ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmd -;LP;kL_ ;~rfng u/]sf x'g\. sfo{qmdsf] klxnf] r/0f af6 cf/de epsf] lyof] eg] clk af6 ;Ddsf nflu bf]; f] r/0f ;~rfng ul/psf] xf]. of] sfo{qmd g]kfnsf $$ lhnnfdf sfof{gjog epsf] 5 h;df s]p/ j6f lhnnf / cf/cf/pgn]!( j6f lhnnf ;d]6]sf 5g\. b'j} ;+:yfaf6 ;d]l6psf s'n uflj;sf] ;+Vof $*! /x]sf] 5. of] ;+Vof g]kfnsf s'n uflj;sf]!@=@ k ltzt xf]. g]kfndf sfof{gjog ul/psf sfo{qmdx?dwo] of] lgs} ;kmn 7flgPsf] sfo{qmd xf]. o;sf ljlw / tf}/tl/sfx? d'n'ssf] ågåsfnlg Pjd\ ;+qmd0fsfnlg cj:yfsf Hofb} sl7g ;fdflhs cfly{s tyf /fhgllts ;dofjlwdf klg ;kmn?kdf ;~rfng epsf lyp. b]zsf :yfglo / k d'v /fli6«o cvaf/ tyf ljb'tlo ;~rf/ dfwodx?df klg ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdcgtu{t epu/]sf ultljlw / lqmofsnfksf ;dfrf/, cgtjf{tf{ / lkmr/x? k z:t} k sfzg ep. :yfglo ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfox?n] klg sfo{qmdnfo{ ;x«fp / sltkon] t ;x«fxgf kqx? g} klg pknaw u/fp. k'l:tsfdf dfly pnn]v ul/pcg'?ksf k ltlglwd"ns ;fdu Lx?nfO{ ;d]6\g] hdsf]{ ul/psf] 5 / o;f] ubf{ ltgnfo{ ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf d"ne"t p2]zocg'?k ljlegg v08df jul{s[t ul/psf] 5. k To]s v08sf ;fdu LnfO{ a'e\mg ;lhnf] xf];\ egg] x]t'n] ;ª\lIfKt e"ldsf / tyofª\sut pknlawx? klg lbopsf] 5. 8

9 Background The first phase of Community Support Programme (CSP) was implemented by CARE Nepal and Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) with the financial support of UKaid/DFID in 2003; which ended in The duration of second phase (CSP-II) was from April 2010 to March 2014, which was implemented in 44 districts of Nepal out of which CARE Nepal implemented in 25 and RRN in 19 districts. The project was implemented in selected 481 VDCs in these 44 districts (12.2 % of total VDCs in Nepal). CSP is regarded as one of the most successfully implemented projects in the country. Supporting the government and collaboration with the agencies and organizations at the local level were the principle strategic guidelines of CSP. Guiding principles and implementation approaches were keys to the success of the project and the project was able to draw the attention of various stakeholders and the mass media. The coverage of CSP activities in local and national level print and electronic media demonstrates the level of attention the project received. The acceptance of the project can be judged from the hundreds of appreciation letters provided by the stakeholders and this book tries to provide a glimpse of such representative news, features and appreciations. Here, such materials are categorized based on the outputs of CSP and they are supplemented by brief summary and some data to assist to better understand the context and results. Community Support Programme In the Eyes of Mass Media & Stakeholders 9

10 cfwf/e"t ;+/rgfx?sf] lgdf{0f / /fhosf ;]jfdf ;d'bfosf] kx'fr /fhon] Jojl:yt u/]sf ;fj{hlgs ;]jfx?sf] k jfxnfo{ k efjsf/l agfpg ;/sf/l Pjd\ u}/;/sf/l b'j} kifaf6 k of;x? eo/x]sf 5g\. k5fl8 kfl/psf ju{ / ;d'bfosf sltko gful/sn] o:tf ;]jf / ltgsf] pknawtfsf af/]df kof{kt hfgsf/l gkfpg', o:tf ;]jf pknaw u/fpg] ljlegg lgsfox?sf] ef}lts ;+/rgf -h:t}m :jf:yo rf}sl, ljbfno cflb_ pko'qm gx'g' jf ckof{kt x'g', ah]6sf] cefjn] l;frfo, af6f]3f6f] / phf{sf ;+/rgfx?sf] lgdf{0f x'g g;sg', Psk6s ag]sf ;+/rgfx? ;fdfgo ljkb\n] klg laufl/lbg' / lalu Pkl5 ltgsf] dd{t ;Def/sf nflu sf]ifsf] cefj x'g' h:tf sf/0fx?n] ubf{ w]/} gful/sn] ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ;'ljwf pko'qm 9Ën] kfpg jf pkef]u ug{ ;s]sf 5}gg\. ol s'/fx?nfo{ Wofg lbp/ ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] ;fj{hlgs pkof]usf cfwf/e"t ;+/rgfx?sf] ;s];dd ljkb\ klg ;xg;sg] 9Ën] lgdf{0f ug]{ sfo{df ;3fpFb} cfpsf] 5. o; cgtu{t ljlegg 7fpFdf clt cfjzos kg]{ :jf:yo ;+:yf, k'nk'n];f, sne6{, ;fd'bflos ejg, ljbfno, l;frfo s'nf], vfg]kfgl, t/sf/l ;+sng s]gb cflbsf] lgdf{0f epsf] 5. o:tf ;+/rgfx?sf] lgdf{0f sfo{df pkef]qmfx?s} ;d"x agfo{ pglx?dfkm{t\ g} lgdf{0fsf] ;Dk"0f{ sfo{ ug]{, kf/blz{tfsf] ceof; u/fpg], ;f]sf nflu cfjzos tflnd k bfg ug]{, vfg]kfglh:tf ;+/rgfx?sf] dd{t ;Def/ sf]ifsf] Joj:yf ug{ ;xhls/0f u/l lbuf]?k k bfg ug]{ k lqmofx? ckgfopsf 5g\. o;af6 hgtfsf] hljg / ljutsf] t'ngfdf cem a9l ;d[l4sf nflu cfjzos b}lgsl;fu k ToIf ;/f]sf/ /fvg] s'/fdf dxtjk"0f{ ;xof]u x'g ;s]sf] 5. o;/l cfwf/e"t ;+/rgfx?dfkm{t\ ;d'bfodf sfo{qmdn] d2t k' ofpsf ljifoj:t'nfo{ cfd;~rf/ dfwodx?n] klg k d'vtfsf ;fy ;Dk ]if0f u/]sf] kfopsf] 5. k'l:tsfsf] o; v08df ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmddfkm{t\ epu/]sf ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf k"jf{wf/ cyf{t\ ;+/rgfx?sf] lgdf{0f / /fhosf ;]jf ;'ljwfdf kx'fr j[l4;fu ;DalGwt d'vo lqmofsnfk / pknlawx? emnsfpg] k ltlglwd"ns ;dfrf/ / ;x«fxgf ;fdu Lx? k :t't ul/psf 5g\. 10

11 Construction of Basic Rural Infrastructures and Access to Public Services The access of the disadvantaged communities to the public services is limited by lack of proper infrastructures in their areas. Basic infrastructures like schools, roads, health institutions, irrigation facilities, culverts etc. are less in numbers and in poor conditions and vulnerable to minor disaster incidences. CSP has supported in constructing such basic rural infrastructures from where the disadvantaged communities can have access to public services. The construction of such infrastructures is undertaken by construction committees formed by local users' groups. These construction committees are provided with necessary orientations and trainings for construction management, transparency, sustainability (operation and maintenance fund) and other issues like rights-based-approach to development, Gender and Social Inclusion and public-audits. And the project successes were captured by the print media extensively. The representative materials corresponding to output-1 of CSP II are presented below. Community Support Programme In the Eyes of Mass Media & Stakeholders 11

12 tflnsf!m ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf k"jf{wf/ cyf{t\ ;+/rgfx?sf] lgdf{0f / /fhosf ;]jf ;'ljwfdf nlift ju{sf] kx'fr j[l4;fu ;DalGwt d'vo lqmofsnfk / pknlaw tyofíut pknlaw qm=;+= d'vo lqmofsnfk s]p/ g]kfn cf/cf/pg!= cfwf/e"t k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0fdf ;xof]u ul/psf -:s'n, :jf:yo ;+:yf, k'n, sne6{, uf]/]6f] af6f], pmhf{, ;fd'bflos ejg h:tf_ ;+/rgf cfwf/e"t ;]jfdf sfo{qmdaf6 hfu?s eo{ kx'fr k fkt ug]{ ljkgg / jl~rtls/0fdf k/]sf #= ;+/rgf lgdf{0f ljifodf cled'vls/0f tflnd ;+Vof *%$!,@($ $= vfg]kfgl, l;frfo / pmhf{sf ;+/rgfx?sf nflu dd{t sf]if :yfkgf Table 1 : Number of activities corresponding to output 1 of CSP II S.N. Major Activities Achievement CARE RRN 1. Basic infrastructure (i.e. schools, health 1,208 1,256 facilities, bridge and culverts, foot trail rural energy and community building) supported 2: Poor and excluded households with access 226, ,844 to basic service facilities 3. Users group and community based 854 1,294 organizations trained in infrastructure management, DRR process, rights based approach, social inclusion and public auditing 4. Schemes (drinking water, irrigation and rural energy) with a maintenance fund established 12

13 k ltlglwd"ns ;dfrf/ ;fdu L Representative News Clippings o; k[i7df dlxnfx?n] ef]ug' k/]sf k hgg\ tyf cfwf/e"t :jf:yo ;d:of Go"gLs/0f ug{ ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] u/]sf] ;xof]u;dagwl kqklqsfdf k sflzt ;dfrf/x? k :t't 5g\. The news-clippings presented in this page are about CSP supported activities carried out to minimize health related problems of women, especially reproductive and basic health. 13

14 o; k[i7df ljbfno ejg, k'n, vfg]kfgl / o:tf bh{gf}+ cfwf/e"t ef}lts k"jf{wf/x?sf] lgdf{0fdf ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] u/]sf] ;xof]u;dagwl kqklqsfdf k sflzt ;dfrf/x? k :t't 5g\. News/articles about CSP s support to construct school buildings, bridges, drinking water supplies and other such infrastructures are presented in this page. 14

15 ;x«fxgf ;fdu L Appreciation from Stakeholders o; k[i7df ljbfno nufot cfwf/e"t ;fd'bflos k"jf{wf/sf] lgdf{0fdf ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] k' ofpsf] of]ubfgsf] k z+;f ub}{ ljlegg lgsfox?n] u/]sf ;x«fxgfsf] k ltlglwd"ns?kdf t/fo{ If]qsf] ;nf{xl / b'u{d kxf8l lhnnf d'u'sf qmdzm lhnnf lziff sfof{no / lhnnf ljsf; ;ldltaf6 s]p/ g]kfn / cf/cf/pgnfo{ k fkt k z+;f kqx? k :t't 5g\. This page contains the representative material of the letters of appreciation received by CSP implementing NGOs from different agencies for the support in community infrastructures. The materials published here are letters of appreciations presented by District Education Office, Sarlahi and District Development Committee, Mugu to RRN and CARE Nepal respectively. 15

16 pk]lift tyf k5fl8 kfl/psfx?sf] Ifdtf clej[l4 k"j{ d]rlb]lv klzrd dxfsfnl;dd / lxdfnb]lv t/fo{;ddsf nfvf}+ hgtf ul/al / c;'ljwfsf ;fy} /fhgllts Pjd\ ;fdflhs jl~rtls/0fsf] rk]6fdf lkln;o/x]sf 5g\. vf;u/l blnt, cnk;+vos, dlxnf, km/s Ifdtfsf dflg;x?, k5fl8 kfl/psf hflt, dw];l, d'l:nd ;d'bfo a9l ;d:ofdf 5g\. /fhon] ;dfj]zl gllt NofP/ pglx?sf] ptyfgsf lgldt kxn t ul//x]sf] 5, t/ Tof] kof{kt x'g ;s]sf] 5}g. o;} ;Gbe{df u fdl0f If]qsf ljkgg Pjd\ jl~rtls/0fdf kfl/psf ;d'bfo / ltgdf klg ljz]ifu/l dlxnfx?sf] Ifdtf a9fo{ /fhosf ; f]t, ;fwg / ;]jfdf pglx?sf] kx'fr, ckgtj / ;xsfo{ clej[l4 ug{ ;Fu;Fu} ldn]/ ;xof]u k' ofpg', pglx?sf] ;Ifdtfk"0f{ hljgsf nflu ;Lkd"ns tflndx?sf] cj;/ pknaw u/fpg' / ljlegg cfod"ns lqmofsnfkdf ;+nug u/fpg cfly{s tyf k fljlws ;xof]u ug'{ klg o; sfo{qmdsf] k d'v nio xf]. To;}n] ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] o; cjlwdf pglx?s} Ifdtf clej[l4sf nflu sfdx? u of]. Jofj;flos tflnd / cfocfh{gsf lqmofsnfkx?sf nflu d2t ub}{ cfly{s tyf k fljlws ;xof]usf cj;/x? xfl;n ug{ ;3fof]. gful/s ;r]tgf s]gb x?sf] :yfkgf / ;~rfngdf ;3fP/ /fhon] Jojl:yt u/]sf cfly{s, ;fdflhs Pjd\ /fhgllts clwsf/sf af/]df 5nkmn ug]{, a'e\mg] / cfk\mgf] ;dfhnfo{ lrgg] jftfj/0f ldnfolbof]. ol s]gb df dlxnfx?nfo{ cu ;/ t'nofopsfn] pglx?sf] g]t[tj Ifdtf ;d]t j[l4 eof]. :j:y, ;r]t / k lti7fk"0f{ hljgsf nflu ;3fpg ufpf3/nfo{ v'nf lb;fd'qm If]q 3f]if0ff ug]{ sfd xf];\ of ;8s gf6s k bz{g u/]/ r]tgf 5g]{ s'/f g} lsg gxf];\ clg e"sdk / PrcfO{eL P8\; lbj;sf sfo{qmdsf] cj;/ kf/]/ logaf6 hf]lug] pkfosf af/]df gful/snfo{ hfgsf/ t'nofpg] k lqmof xf];\, ol ;a}df ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] d2t k' ofof]. ol sfo{qmdx?df cfd;~rf/ If]qn] klg plqs} rf;f] lbp/ ;dfrf/ / ;dfrf/d"ns ;fdu Lx? k sfzg Pjd\ k ;f/0f u/]. 16

17 Capacity Building of Disadvantaged and Deprived Communities A large population of Nepali people are living in remote and deprived areas of the country. Dalits, women, Madhesis, religious minorities and other marginalized communities are in distressed due to the poor living conditions of the remote areas. Although the government has introduced a number of inclusive measures to address this situation, the efforts are not paying off. Therefore, there is a strong need for capacity building of poor and excluded people, especially women, to lead local development and claim their rights, thereby improving their chances of generating sustained income. CSP-II had its objectives to support these sections of the population to increase their access to public sources and services, train them with the skills for local employment and support income generation activities. The project facilitated and supported a number of activities like trainings and orientations for capacity building of these disadvantaged sections of the society. The people were organized in the groups called Citizen Awareness Centres (CACs) where the members discussed their social, economic, cultural and political rights, social obligations, development needs of their communities and initiated a number of social actions like Open Defecation Free (ODF) Zone declarations and raise awareness on disaster preparedness. These activities were also well covered by the media and this section of booklet has representative materials corresponding to Output 2 of CSP-II. Community Support Programme In the Eyes of Mass Media & Stakeholders 17

18 ljkgg Pjd\ jl~rtls/0fdf kfl/psfx?sf] Ifdtf clej[l4;dagwl d'vo lqmofsnfk / pknlaw tyofíut pknlaw qm=;+= d'vo lqmofsnfk s]p/ g]kfn cf/cf/pg!= gful/s ;r]tgf s]gb sf] u7g / ;~rfng ;+Vof!,)%$ gful/s ;r]tgf s]gb af6 :yfglo lgsfodf dfu bfal k :t't ul/psf] #= Jofj;flos ;Lkd"ns tflndsf] cj;/ kfpsf ljkgg / jl~rtls/0fdf k/]sf o'jfsf] ;+Vof!,&%* #,#%^ $= s[lif jf u}/s[lif cfocfh{g lqmofsnfkdf ;xof]u ul/psf ljkgg / jl~rtls/0fdf k/]sf 3/kl/jf/ ;+Vof %,@)# #,!*@ Table 2 : Number of activities corresponding to output 2 of CSP II Achievement S.N. Major Activities CARE RRN 1. CAC (Citizen Awareness Centre)s established and operated Claims made by CACs to local governments and line agencies Poor and excluded youths trained in vocational trainings Poor and excluded households supported with on and off-farm income generating activities

19 k ltlglwd"ns ;dfrf/ ;fdu L Representative News Clippings o; k[i7df ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf] ;xof]udf dlxnfx?n] gful/s ;r]tgf s]gb df 5nkmn u/l cgofok"0f{ s';+:sf/sf]?kdf /x]sf] 5fpk8L k yfd'qm, dlxnf lx+;fd'qm / v'nf lb;fd'qm uflj; agfpg u/]sf k of;;dagwl kqklqsfdf k sflzt ;dfrf/x? k :t't 5g\. This page contains the news and features published in the newspapers about various social actions carried out by women through Citizen Awareness Centres (CACs), like Open Defecation Free (ODF) VDC declaration campaign, with the support of CSP. 19

20 o; k[i7df ljkgg ju{sf dflg;x?sf] cfocfh{g, ;Lkd"ns tflnd Pjd\ dlxnf / b[li6ljxlg afnaflnsfsf] Ifdtf clej[l4df ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf] ;xof]u;dagwdf kqklqsfdf k sflzt ;dfrf/x? k :t't 5g\. News about CSP supported vocational training for individuals from economically deprived communities and capacity building of women and visually impaired children are presented in this page. 20

21 ;x«fxgf ;fdu L Appreciation from Stakeholders ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf] ;xof]udf u fdl0f ;d'bfodf gful/s ;r]tgf s]gb x? dfkm{t\ r]tgf clej[l4sf sfdx? epsf 5g\. kmn:j?k ;d'bfosf dflg;x? :jr5 / ;kmf ufpfsf] ljsf;df cu ;/ epkl5 v'nf lb;fd'qm ufpf / lhnnf 3f]if0ff ug{ ;xof]u k'u]sf] 5. o; k[i7df o:tf] k otgnfo{ ;x«fxgf ub}{ ;DalGwt ;ldltx?n] s]p/ g]kfn / cf/cf/pgnfo{ lbpsf y'k } ;Ddfg / sb/ kqx?dwo] k ltlglwd"ns?kdf b'o{j6f kqx? k :t't ul/psf 5g\. This page contains the representative letters of appreciation, provided by committees working for ODF area declaration, to CARE Nepal and RRN in recognition of their support in the campaign through CSP. 21

22 of]hgf th'{df / cg'udg k lqmofdf ;xsfo{ s'g} klg ljsf; lqmofsnfk h;sf nflu ;~rfng ul/g] xf] To;df ;f]xl ;d'bfosf] ;xeflutf cfjzos x'g5. k5fl8 kfl/psf ju{ / ;d'bfosf nflu t ljsf;sf sfdx? cem a9l cfjzos x'g5g\. ljsf; s;}n] s;}sf nflu snof0f ul/lbg] h:tf] s'/f geo{ of] gful/sx?sf] clwsf/s} s'/f xf]. cfk\mgf nflu s:tf] of]hgf rflxpsf] 5, s] of]hgf cfof], To;df s] slt ah]6 5, s s;nfo{ To;n] kmfobf k' ofpf5, ;f]sf] sfof{gjog / cg'udg s;/l ug]{ egg] h:tf s'/fx?df gful/sx?sf] ;xeflutf h?/l x'g5. ol tyox?sf cfwf/df ufpf / lhnnf ljsf; ;ldlt Pjd\ :yfglo lgsfox?n] cfk\mgf ljsf; of]hgfx?df ;'wf/ ub}{ hfg'kg]{ vffrf] dx;'; u/]sf 5g\. o:tf] ;'wf/sf nflu ;Da4 lgsfoaf6 a]nfa]nf cg'udg u/l ;'emfj lbg] / :yfglo lgsfo, j8f:t/lo gful/s d~r -8An';LPkm_ Pjd\ k ltlglwx?sf] Ifdtf clej[l4 ug'{kg]{ x'g5. o;} s'/fnfo{ Wofg lbp/ /fhosf ;Da4 lgsfox?n] ug{] sfo{df cfjzostf cg';f/ ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] klg ;3fpFb} cfpsf] 5. o:tf ;xof]ux? :yfglo txdf PsLs[t of]hgf th'{df tyf ;+o'qm cg'udgsf nflu Pjd\ o;} ;Gbe{df :yfglo lgsfosf] Ifdtf clej[l4sf nflu s]lgb t /x]sf 5g\. ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] cfk\mg} ;xof]udf ;~rfng ug]{ ljsf; lqmofsnfkdf ;d]t :yfglo ;d'bfo / /fhosf ;Da4 lgsfox? ;d]tsf] ;xsfo{nfo{ hf]8 lbpsf] 5. ;a}sf] ;xeflutf /x]sf] kl/of]hgf 5gf}6 tyf cg'udg ;ldlt -klp;pd;l_n] g} sfo{qmdx?sf] 5gf}6 / /]vb]v ub{5g\. a]nf a]nf sfo{qmdx?sf] ;+o'qm cg'udg ug]{ sfdx? klg eo/x]sf 5g\. cfd;~rf/ dfwodx?n] ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdcgtu{t epsf o:tf PsLs[t of]hgf th'{df, :ynut cg'udg, :yfglo txdf Ifdtf clej[l4sf nflu ul/psf lqmofsnfk / cgo ;Da4 sfdx?nfo{ glhsaf6 lgofnb} ltgsf af/]df ;Dk ]if0f u/]sf k ltlglwd"ns ;dfrf/ ;fdu Lx? o; v08df ;d]l6psf 5g\. 22

23 Joint Actions for Planning and Monitoring Participatory development process is encouraged and adopted by development agencies. This process of development requires the participation of stakeholders, service providers, local bodies and general public in every step of project implementation. This process undergoes gradual evolution; therefore, the relevant agencies need to monitor the development activities regularly and local bodies and ward citizen forums (WCFs) require training and orientations to build-up their capacity. This practice contributes to improve local government's planning and monitoring process. As per Output 3 of CSP-II, it emphasized on above and also the coordination and collaboration of line agencies and local bodies in the implementation of its project activities. The project activities of CSP-II were guided by a project selection and monitoring committee (PSMC) in each working districts. This committee, chaired by Local Development Officer (LDO) of Nepal government comprised of relevant line agencies and other stakeholders. Throughout the project implementation, the media covered news and features about PSMC formations and activities related to improved planning and joint monitoring. Community Support Programme In the Eyes of Mass Media & Stakeholders 23

24 tflnsf #M :yfglo txdf of]hgf th'{df / cg'udg k lqmofdf ;'wf/;dagwl d'vo lqmofsnfk / pknlaw tyofíut pknlaw qm=;+= d'vo lqmofsnfk s]p/ g]kfn cf/cf/pg!= kl/of]hgf 5gf}6 tyf /]vb]v ;ldlt -lkp;pd;l_sf] a}7s PsLs[t of]hgf th'{df ;ldlt -cfokl;l_ / j8f:t/lo gful/s d~r -8An';LPkm_ nufot :yfglo txdf Ifdtf clej[l4sf nflu ;~rfng ul/psf tflnd ;+Vof Table 3 : Number of activities corresponding to output - 3 of CSP II S.N. Major Activities Achievement CARE RRN 1. Number of planning meeting hold with PSMC Number of training to IPC (Integrated Planning Committee) and WCF (Ward Citizen Forum) on social inclusion, right based approach, DRR approach and public auditing 24

25 k ltlglwd"ns ;dfrf/ ;fdu L Representative News Clippings o; k[i7df ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf] ;xof]udf :yfglo :t/sf of]hgfx?nfo{ ;dfj]zl Pjd\ ljkggsf nflu klg pko'qm agfpg ul/psf k of;;dagwl kqklqsfdf k sflzt ;dfrf/ / lkmr/x? k :t't 5g\. In this page, the news articles published in the local newspapers about CSP s effort to make the local development plan and practices more inclusive and effective to reach to the target groups are shared. 25

26 o; k[i7df :yfglo txdf hgd'vl of]hgf lgdf{0f / o;;dagwl tflnd tyf cg'udgsf ;Gbe{df ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] u/]sf ;xof]u;dagwl kqklqsfdf k sflzt ;dfrf/x? k :t't 5g\. This page contains news about CSP s support on planning, providing training to the planning committees and monitoring of development activities at the local level. 26

27 ;x«fxgf ;fdu L Appreciation from Stakeholders ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] /fhosf :yfglo lgsf;fu;fu} ldn]/ sfdx? u/]sf] kifnfo{ w]/} :yfglo lgsfox?n] ;x«fxgf u/]sf 5g\. o;}sf nflu lhnnf kl/ifbs} a]nf Ko"7fgdf k z+;f kq x:tfgt/0f ul/psf] / /f]nkf lhnnf ljsf; ;ldltn] s[t1tf kq pknaw u/fpsf s'/fx?nfo{ k ltlglwd"ns?kdf o; k[i7df k :t't ul/psf] 5. The letters of appreciations and acknowledgement provided by District Development Committee (DDC) Pyuthan and Rolpa for CSP in recognition to coordinated development approach of CSP are shared in this page. 27

28 hnjfo' kl/jt{g cg's"ng Ifdtf clej[l4 hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] d'2f cfh ljzjs} k d'v rf;f]sf]?kdf /x]sf] 5. g]kfndf klg pq/ lxdfnb]lv blif0f t/fo{sf kmff6;dd tyf k"j{ d]rlb]lv klzrd dxfsfnl;dd hnjfo' kl/jt{gn] kf/]sf c;/sf af/]df ;dfrf/ / ljzn]if0fx? lg/gt/ k sfzg eo/x]sf 5g\. b]ze/ k fs[lts ljkb\sf hf]lvdx? al9/x]sf 5g\. slxn] cfsl:ds / c;fdlos?kdf 7"nf] kfgl kg'{ / af9l cfpg', slxn] nfdf] ;do;dd v8]/l nfu]/ afnlgfnl g} gx'g' jf epklg ptkfbgdf x«f; cfpg', klxn]sf egbf goff goff /f]u sl/fx? b]vf kg'{ h:tf nif0fx? hnjfo' kl/jt{gs} sf/0f epsf] ljzjf; ul/psf] 5. af9l, klx/f], cfunful, x'/l atf;, dxfdf/l h:tf ;d:ofx?sf sf/0f a;]{lg 7"nf] dfqfdf wghg / k"jf{wf/sf] Iflt eo/x]sf] 5. To;}n] hnjfo' kl/jt{g;fu dflg;x?n] cg's"ng x'g] pkfox? ckgfpg' / k fs[lts ljkb\sf] c;/af6 ;s];dd hf]lug] pkfox? ug'{ lgtfgt h?/l 5. JolQmut dfq geo{ o:tf k of;x? ;fd"lxs / of]hgfa4?kdf ;d]t ckgfog' kb{5. plnnlvt kl/l:yltnfo{ Wofg lbp/ ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] cfk\mgf] sfo{if]qdf ljkb\sf] df/df k/]sf nlift ;d'bfonfo{ /fxt / cgo cfjzos ;xof]ux? pknaw u/fpfb} cfpsf] 5. hnjfo' kl/jt{g cg's"ng Pjd\ k fs[lts ljkb\ k lt/f]wl Ifdtf ljsf; ug{ ;3fOPsf] 5. hg;xeflutfs} cfwf/df / ;ª\ul7t 9Ëdf pko'qm of]hgfx? lgdf{0f ug{ ;xhls/0f / ;xof]u ul/psf] 5. o:tf lqmofsnfkx?nfo{ klg cfd;~rf/ dfwodx?n] ;dfrf/ / ;dfrf/d"ns ;fdu Lsf?kdf k z:t :yfg lbpsf 5g\. ltg} k ltlglwd"ns ;fdu Lx? k'l:tsfsf] o; v08df ;d]l6psf 5g\. 28

29 Capacity Building of Vulnerable Communities for Climate Change Adaptation Anthropogenic causes for Global Warming and its result into climate change is a dominating buzz word in development discourse. The evidences of climate changes are clear now. Its effects threatening the livelihood of the people in countries like Nepal where most of the population depends on subsistence agriculture. The change in rainfall patterns, change in temperature, new introduction and extinctions of local flora and fauna have all posed serious threats to established livelihood mechanisms of nature- based disadvantageous communities. These affected populations immediately require capacity enhancement to adapt to these changing environmental contexts. In CSP-II working areas, the project not only supported the affected people by providing relief materials after disaster incidences, but also supported the communities to prepare disaster risk management and climate change adaptation plans to cope with such incidences in the future. The capacity building activities, awareness activities, community plan development process and relief material distribution were all featured in various media outlets. This section has representative news and appreciation materials related to increased resilience of vulnerable communities to climate change and natural shocks (Output 4 of CSP-II) Community Support Programme In the Eyes of Mass Media & Stakeholders 29

30 tflnsf $M ;d'bfosf] hnjfo' kl/jt{g cg's"ng / k fs[lts ljkb\ k lt/f]wl Ifdtf clej[l4;dagwl d'vo lqmofsnfk / pknlaw qm=;+= d'vo lqmofsnfk tyofíut pknlaw s]p/ g]kfn cf/cf/pg!= hf]lvd tyf Ifdtf ljzn]if0f -el;lp_ ;~rfng / ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t!!( uflj;df / *! uflj;df / ljkb\ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;ldlt -;LaL8Lcf/Pd;L_ u7g ;d'bfodf!^@ :yfglo txsf] ljkb\ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg of]hgf -Pn8Lcf/PdkL!!( Pn8Lcf/PdkL *! Pn8Lcf/PdkL /!^@ jf el8lcf/pdkl_ lgdf{0f ;+Vof ;d'bfo tyf :s'n cfsl:ds ;d'bfo tyf!^@ of]hgf :s'n cfsl:ds of]hgf #= ljkb\;dagwl ;fd'bflos :jod\;]jl tflnd lnpsf :jo+;]jlsf] ;+Vof $= Xo'uf] k m]djs{ PS;g -PrPkmP_ / el8lcf/pdkl Pjd\ 8Lcf/cf/ :yfglo / lhnnfsf ljlegg If]qsf :yfglo / lhnnfsf ljlegg If]qsf -ljkb\ hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f_ k"j{tof/l tyf ;Daf]wg;DaGwL tflnd k ltlglw &,^$^, :yfglo gful/s k ltlglw!),&&*, :yfglo gful/s k fkt u/]sf :yfglo Pjd\ lhnnfsf ljlegg If]qsf k ltlglw, gful/s,!(,%@(, lzifs!,^^^ / lzifs / ljbfyl{x? ljbfyl{ $,#%) %= /fxt / k'g:yf{kgf ;xof]u k fkt u/]sf 3/kl/jf/sf] ;+Vof!,)!( hgfnfo{ /fxt / ^) &,@#* hgfnfo{ /fxt / $% 3/kl/jf/nfO{ k'g:yf{kgf ;xof]u 3/kl/jf/nfO{ k'g:yf{kgf ;xof]u Table 4 : Number of activities corresponding to output 4 of CSP II S.N. Major Activities Achievement 1 VCA (Vulnarability and Capacity Assessment) 119 VDCs and 81 VDCs and conducted and CBDRMC (Community Based Disaster 238 Communities 162 Communities Risk Management Committee) formed 2 Local Disaster Risk Management Plan (LDRMP) 119 LDRMP and LDRMP and 162 Communities and School Communities and 162 Contingency Plan School Contingency Plan 3 Community volunteers trained (First Aid, Early Warning, 4,087 volunteers 2,159 Community volunteers Light Search and Rescue) to respond to disasters (Task Force Members) Trained and different task force formed 4 Number of local and district actors, community people, 7,646 local and district 10,778 local and district teachers and students aware on flagship 4, HFA (Hyogo level actors, 19,529 level actors,29,708 Frame-work for Action), VDRMP (Village Disaster community people, community people, 2,590 Risk Management Plan) guideline, DRR (Disaster 1,666 teachers and teachers and 4,350 students Risk Reduction) preparedness and response 28,271 students 5 Number of households provided with relief 1,019 HHs relief and 60 HHs 7,238 relief and 45 HHs and rehabilitation support with rehabilitation support with rehabilitation support CARE RRN 30

31 k ltlglwd"ns ;dfrf/ ;fdu L Representative News Clippings o; k[i7df af9l tyf o:t} cgo k sf]ksf kll8tnfo{ ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf] ;xof]udf pknaw u/fopsf] /fxt ;fdu L / eljiosf nflu /fxt ;fdu L /fvg agfopsf] uf]bfd;dagwl kqklqsfdf k sflzt ;dfrf/x? k :t't 5g\. This page contains news about the relief material supported by CSP after disaster and about the establishment of store house to keep such materials for future purposes. 31

32 o; k[i7df :yfglo txdf k sf]ksf] k"j{ ;"rgf k 0ffnL, ljkb\ Joj:yfkgdf dlxnfx?sf] ;d]t Ifdtf clej[l4 / cfunful kl5sf] k'glg{df{0fdf ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] u/]sf ;xof]u;dagwl kqklqsfdf k sflzt ;dfrf/ tyf lkmr/x? k :t't 5g\. In this page, news about the early warning system at the local level, capacity building of women in disaster risk management and CSP support for reconstruction after fire breakout is shared. 32

33 ;x«fxgf ;fdu L Appreciation from Stakeholders ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdn] ljkb\ Joj:yfkg tyf Go"gLs/0fdf k' ofpsf] of]ubfgsf] sb/ ub}{ ljlegg lgsfon] ;x«fxgf u/]sf 5g\. o:tf ;x«fxgfsf] k ltlglwd"ns ;fdu Lsf?kdf o; k[i7df Pp6f k"jl{ g]kfnsf] -ef]hk'/_ uflj; / csf]{ klzrdl g]kfnsf] -Ko"7fg_ lhlj;n] pknaw u/fpsf k z+;f kqx? k :t't 5g\. Different agencies have acknowledged and provided felicitation awards for CSP s role and support in disaster risk management and reduction. Two representative items of such awards are presented here; one from Bhojpur in East Nepal and another from Pyuthan in West Nepal. 33

34 pk;+xf/ :yfglob]lv s]gb :t/ ;Ddaf6 x'g] /fd f, c;n / pbfx/0flo sfo{x?nfo{ k sfzg / k ;f/0f ug'{ cfd;~rf/ dfwodx?sf] ;fdflhs bflotj g} xf]. o:tf] sfo{n] hgtfdf goff cfzfsf] ;~rf/ ug{ d2t ub{5. b]zsf] ;ª\qmd0fsfnLg t/n /fhgllts cj:yfdf klg hgtfsf 3/b}nf]df epu/]sf ;fgfltgf t/ pglx?sf] hljgdf k ToIf k efj 5f8\g ;kmn sfo{qmd, of]hgf / lqmofsnfkn] eljiok lt cfzf hfu[t u/fo/x]sf x'g5g\. g]kfndf klg cfd;~rf/ dfwodx?n] ljsf;d"ns kqsfl/tfsf] wf/ ;dft]/ ufpf3/df r]tgf hfu[t u/fpg] / ljsf;sf sfo{x?df xf]:6]df x}+;] ug{]tkm{ k of; u/]sf 5g\ egg] s'/fsf] pbfx/0f pglx?n] oxl ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf ;Gbe{df v]n]sf] e"ldsfaf6 klg k i6 epsf] 5. csf]{tkm{, ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmdaf6 klg :yfglo hgtf lgs} nfeflgjt epsf] ;dfrf/x?n] b]vfpsf 5g\. /fli6«o cgt/f{li6«o hutaf6 h'6fopsf] dxtjk"0f{ ; f]t ;fwgnfo{ cfdhgtfsf] lxtdf k"0f{?kdf pkof]u ug'{k5{ egg] ljifodf b'o{dt x'g ;Sb}g. oxl tyonfo{ b[li6ut u/l ;+o'qm clw/fho a]nfot ;/sf/sf] ;xof]udf s]p/ g]kfn / cf/cf/pgåf/f o; ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmddfkm{t\ hgtfsf kifdf sfd ug]{ sf]lz; ul/psf] xf]. ;d'bfosf] r]tgf :t/ / 1fgdf j[l4 x'g'sf] ;fy} hgtfsf] jf:tljs cfjzostfnfo{ k ToIf?kdf ;Daf]wg ug{ ;s]sf]df cfd;~rf/ dfwod, ;/f]sf/jfnfx? / nlift ;d'bfon] h;/l sfo{qmdsf] ;x«fxgf u/]sf 5g\ To;/L g} xfdlnfo{ klg v'zl nfu]sf] 5. of] sfo{qmdcgtu{t hgtfnfo{ ;]jf k' ofpg] ;Gbe{df cxf]/fq lkmn8df vl6g] b'j} ;+:yfsf sd{rf/l / ;xhstf{ tyf :yfglo :t/df ;xof]u k' ofpg] ljlegg ;d"x, ;/f]sf/jfnfx? / nlift ;d'bfo ;ffrr} g} wgojfbsf kfq 5g\. ;d'bfo ;xof]u sfo{qmd 34

35 Conclusion Mass communication can create a climate for development. It educates a large number of people at a time and this role is well played by the Nepali media. Giving enough space for CSP-II related activities has not only allowed us to share the impact of the project to a larger audience, but it has given a sense of hope for the future. The resources meant for development has to be properly utilized and CARE Nepal and RRN made every possible effort to ensure that the support received from UKaid/DFID was properly done so. It is evident that the project has been able to bring about visible changes in the development of rural infrastructures, increase the awareness of communities and increase the level of skill and knowledge of the people. We are pleased to have achieved this success in these ten years and we acknowledge the roles and efforts of the frontline workers and members of staff of both organizations, facilitators, different stakeholders and target groups for this achievement. - Community Support Program Community Support Programme In the Eyes of Mass Media & Stakeholders 35

36 s]p/ g]kfn ;dtfejg wf]al3f6-8l=p=el= :s'ncufl8_ kf]= a= g+= M!^^!, nlntk'/, g]kfn kmf]g M (&&! %%@@*)) k\mofs; M (&&! %%@!@)@ Od]n M carenepal@np.care.org g]kfn u fdl0f k'glg{df{0f ;+:yf u}x Lwf/f dfu{, sf7df8f}+ kf]= a= g+= M *!#) kmf]g M (&&! $))$(&^, $))$(*% km\ofs; M (&&! $))$%)*, $$$#$($ Od]n M rrn@rrn.org.np j]e;fo6 M CARE Nepal 4/288 Samata Bhawan Dhobigath (Opp. DAV School) P.O. Box : 1661, Lalitpur, Nepal Tel. : Fax : carenepal@np.care.org Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) 288, Gairidhara Marga, Kathmandu P.O. Box : 8130 Tel. : , Fax : , rrn@rrn.org.np Web :

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