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1 1 A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN PHRASE A Graduating Paper Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd. I) In the English Departement of Education Faculty By: WINARSIH ENGLISH DEPARTMENT AND EDUCATIONAL FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA 2012

2 2 MINISTRY OF RELIGION AFFAIRS STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Phone (0298) Salatiga Website: DECLARATION "In The Name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful" Hereby the writer fully declares that this thesis is composed by the writer himself, and it does not contain material written or having been published by other people, and that from other people's idea except the information cited from references. The writer is capable of accounting for this thesis if in the future this thesis can be proved of containing others' ideas, or in fact, the writer imitates the others' thesis. Likewise, the declaration is made by the writer and the writer hopes that this declaration can be understood.

3 3 MINISTRY OF RELIGION AFFAIRS STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Phone (0298) Salatiga Website: Hanung Triyoko, M. Hum, M. Ed Salatiga, January 30 th, 2012 The Lecturer of Education Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES Case: Winarsih s Thesis Dear The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

4 4 Assalamu alaikum wr. wb. After reading and correcting Winarsih s Graduating Paper entitled A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN PHRASE. I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible. Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb.

5 5

6 6 MOTTO Nobody is perfect in this world; everybody can make a mistake, but try to be the best one just for Allah the lord of the universe.

7 7

8 8 DEDICATION This graduating paper is dedicated to: My beloved father and mother (Pak Soleh and Mak Sainem ) My beloved husband (Muhammad Choirul Anwar) and my son (Abdul Fattah Anwar) I love you all forever. My young brother (Ahmad Muzairon) and young sister (Juwita Sari) My friends (Mbak Zain, Ela, and Alfi) and all of my friends who knows me All of TBI students in the year of 2007 especially TBI D 2007 Everyone who knows me and reads this graduating paper

9 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu alaikum wr. wb Alhamdulillahirabil alamin, all praises is to Allah the lord of the universe. Due to his blessing, eventually, the writer could finish this graduating paper without any

10 10 obstacle. Our blessing and praises to our prophet Muhammad who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness. However, the writer will not be able to finish this graduating paper well without any help, guidance, and support from other people. Therefore, the writer would like to thanks to: 1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag. As the head of State Institute for Islamic studies (STAIN) Salatiga. 2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd as the head of Educational Affairs. 3. Mrs. Maslikhatul Umami, S.PdI, MA as the chief of English Department of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga. 4. Mr. Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum, M.Ed as the consultant of this thesis. Thanks for support, direct and give the writer advice, suggestion, and recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end. 5. All lecturers of English department, the writer deeply thanks you all for your advices, knowledge, kindness etc. 6. All English department students in the Academic Year of 2007 thanks for being my friends. Thanks also to all people and I say sorry because cannot mention it one by one. From this graduating paper has many lacks, I hope the reader can give me critics, recommendations for the next researcher. Finally, the writer wants this graduating paper can give benefit and useful thing to the readers. Thank you.

11 Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb 11


13 13 ABSTRACT...xi CAHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study... 1 B. The Limitation of the Problem C. The Statement of The Problem D. The Objectives of The Study E. The Benefits of the Study F. The Definition of Key Terms... 4 G. Literature Review H. Research Methodology.6 I. Thesis Organization..8 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. The Nature of Contrastive Analysis B. The Function of Contrastive Analysis...12 C. Contrastive Analysis Methodology D. Definition of Phrase 15 CHAPTER III: DISCUSSION OF ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN PHRASE A. English Phrases B. Indonesian Phrases...31 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN PHRASE

14 14 A. Description on English Phrases...42 B. Description on Indonesian phrases...51 C. Analysis of the Data.58 D. The Implications of English and Indonesian Phrase Form in Teaching Learning Process..62 CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusion B. Suggestions BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX ABSTRACT Winarsih ( ) "A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN PHRASE".

15 15 The aims of this research are to find out the general rules of English and Indonesian phrases, to find out the similarities and differences between English and Indonesian phrases, and to find out the possible effect of those similarities and differences between English and Indonesian phrases. To find out the similarities and differences between English and Indonesian phrase, the writer uses documentation method that is taken from books and internet to find out clarification of the case study. From those books and internet, the writer collected data and classifying them based on contrastive analysis. Than the writer analysis the English and Indonesian phrase. From the analysis data, the writer can conclude that there are some differences and similarities form or structure between English and Indonesian phrase. The differences of English and Indonesian phrase form are: First, the formation of English noun phrase is modifier word is placed before head word. The formation of Indonesian frasa nominal there are three, frasa nominal modifikatif, frasa nominal koordinatif, frasa nominal apositif. Second, the formation of English verb phrase is modifier word is placed before head word. In Indonesian frasa verbal there are four formations, head word before modifier word, head word after modifier word, frasa verbal koordinatif, frasa verbal apositif. Third, the formation of English adjective phrase is head word put after modifier word. In Indonesian frasa adjektival there are three formations, frasa adjektival modifikatif, frasa adjektival koordinatif, frasa adjektival apositif. And the similarities of English and Indonesian phrase form are: First, the formation of English adverb phrase is head word put before modifier word, in Indonesian frasa adverbial the formation is head word put before modifier word. Second, the formation of English prepositional phrase is head word put before modifier word, and Indonesian frasa proposisional koordinatif is head word put before modifier word. Key word: phrase, similarities, differences.

16 16 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study Every language has their own characteristics, such as way to speak or pronunciation, structural of sentence or sentence pattern and others. No two or more languages in this world have the same system, such as English and Indonesian. The system of language is different from each other. Therefore, it is obvious that every language has its own system. Learning English as a foreign language is more difficult than that of native language. In fact the main problem arising are not only caused by the difficulties of the foreign language system, but also from that of the native language system. Learning a language is not apart from learning its grammar. Grammar can help students to understand the language. However, students often feel difficult to learn the grammar, especially for foreign language. In fact, foreign language and source language have the differences and similarities. They have their own characteristics that often make students difficult to learn it. In teaching learning process ultimately the grammatical aspect analysis and parsing may be good as intellectual exercise, but are not much valuable. Actually, learning language is more difficult than using language, but the students should know the sentence construction. So, they should learn the grammar if they want to learn the language.

17 17 Mastering English cannot be achieved in a short time because it is not our language. There are many factors that influencing English learning in Indonesia. One of them is the difference between English and Indonesian in many elements, either lexically or grammatically. Sometimes students in translating a sentence from source language to the target language find a problem. Example in translating phrases from English to Indonesian, in Indonesian also there are kinds of phrase. One of the problems in learning phrase is because there are some differences and similarities between English and Indonesian phrase. Based on this case, the writer will describe differences and similarities in phrase by comparing English and Indonesian language. The writer hopes that the differences can be explained so students know the similarities and differences of two languages in phrase form. So, the writer wants to research under the title A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN PHRASE. B. The Limitation of the Study The writer wants to focus the research on differences and similarities between English and Indonesian sentence patterns. In this thesis the writer wants to discus about differences and similarities between English and Indonesian phrases.

18 18 C. Statements of the Problem In this thesis, the writer wants to focus on the following problems: 1. How are the general rules of English and Indonesian phrases? 2. What are the similarities and differences between English and Indonesian phrases? 3. What are the possible effect of those differences and similarities in teaching English? D. The Objectives of the Study The objectives of writing this thesis are as follows: 1. To find out the general rules of English and Indonesian phrases. 2. To find out the similarities and differences between English and Indonesian phrases. 3. To find out of the possible effect of those similarities and differences between English and Indonesian phrases. E. The Benefit of the Study This thesis can be beneficial as follows: 1. Practically a. For the writer The findings of the research can be used as a starting point in improving the writer s understanding about English and Indonesian phrases.

19 19 b. For the students The findings of this research can make the students easier to understand the structure of English and Indonesian phrases. 2. Theoretically The findings of this research can help understand the differences and similarities between English and Indonesian phrases. F. Definition of Key Term To keep clear of any mistakes in interpreting the little of this research, it is regarded necessary to explain the terms relating with this thesis. And to understand this study easier, the writer gives some description and explanation about the key term. They are following in this line. 1. Phrase a. According Keraf (1991:175), phrase is a unit which contains two words or more, which defend base meaning, and every word cannot functions as subject and verb. b. Phrase is a group of word which contain own meaning, and phrase is constitute from a sentence (Drs. Rudy Hariyono & Andrew Mc. Carthy, 2008:393). c. According The New Lexicon Webster Dictionary Phrase is a sequence of words expressing a single idea. A group of words without a subject and predicate, functioning together within a sentence (2004:757).

20 20 2. Contrastive Analysis a. According Hornby (1974:186), contrastive is adjective form from contrast. A contrast is comparing one thing with another, so that differences are made clear, showing difference when compared. b. Analysis is separation into parts possibly with comment and judgment, instance of the result of doing (Hornby, 1974:29). c. Contrastive Analysis proposed by Suharsimi Arikunto (1989:198), is used to find the similarities and differences of things, people, ideas or procedures. G. The Literature Review In this research, the writer has some literatures as the comparison of this research. The writer finds the other these that have same topic with this research. Those are: The first review related to this research, the title is A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN SENTENCE PATTERNS (A CASE OF PASSIVE VOICE). The researcher is Asyik Junaidi in In this thesis, he mentioned that English and Indonesian sentence have some differences and similarities in the usage of passive voice (Junaidi, 2005:1). Second review related to this research, the title is A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF PLURAL FORMS OF NOUN, PRONOUN, AND ARTICLE

21 21 BETWEEN ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN. The researcher is Ida Nuryani in In this thesis, she mentioned that English and Indonesian sentence have some differences and similarities in the usage of nouns, pronouns, and articles in plural form and the pattern of them in plural form (Ida Nuryani, 2010:3) Based on that research, the writer tries to analyze A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN PHRASE. The differences of this research with the research above, in this thesis the writer wants to finds out the differences and the similarities of phrases in English and Indonesian language. And the similarities this research with the research above, the writer takes the same subject that is English and Indonesian. H. Research Methodology 1. Type of the research This research is qualitative research. According to Moleong, qualitative method is a method that produced descriptive data such as written words and attitude of people who has observed (Moleong, 2009:4). Qualitative data tend to be in the form of words than numbers. 2. Object of the research a. Data The data of this research are English and Indonesian phrases.

22 22 b. Data sources These are the data sources which support and complete the data. The writer uses some books that related with the study. The books contain the materials related to the subject matters of this study, such as: Tata Bahasa Rujukan Bahasa Indonesia by Gorys Keraf. Published by PT Grasindo in In his book he mentions that there are some kinds of phrase in Indonesian. Analisis Bahasa Memahami Bahasa Secara Ilmiah by Samsuri published by Erlangga in Jakarta Pusat in He said that languages analysis is necessary to know how languages to speaks and to write, and how to arrange the sentences, and the function of the language. ABC Plus English Grammar by Drs. Rudy Hariyono & Andrew Mc. Carthy published by Gitamedia Press in Surabaya in They said that phrase is a group of words which contain own meaning, and phrase is constitute from a sentence (2008:393). 3. Data collection Collection the data is very important in this research. According to Arikunto (1989:122), there are six methods of collecting data; test, questionnaires, interview, observation, rating scale, and documentation.

23 23 Because this research is literary study, the writer uses documentation method that is taken from books and internet to find out clarification of the case study. 4. Data analysis The writer gets the data from the reference books that have been mentioned before. All collected data will be classified, compared and analyzed by using contrastive method. Contrastive method is a work procedure of language activities comparing the structure of first language and second language or any language and identifying their differences from the two languages. It is used to know the differences of similarities of things, people, ideas or procedures. According to Lado (1957:67) procedures and ways of the contrastive analysis are as follows: a. Placing the best structural description about linguistic. This description must cover the study of phonology, morphology, and semantics. It must cover the shape, the meaning and the distribution. b. Resuming an integrated structure. It means linguistic resume all the possibilities in language analysis study that is investigated and compared. c. Comparing the two languages structures by structure and patterns by pattern. By comparing each structure and pattern in

24 24 the two systems of language, one can find the problem in language learning. Whitman noted in H. Douglas Brown (1980:150) that contrastive analysis involved four different procedures. The first is description: the linguist or language teacher, using the tools of formal grammar, explicitly describes the two languages in question. Second is selection: is made of certain form linguistic items, rules, structures for contrast. Third is contrast itself, the mapping of the language system into the other and a specification of the relationship of our system to the other. And finally, fourth is prediction of error or of difficulty of the basis of the first three procedures. I. Thesis Organization In this research the writer gives some out lines to make easy to understand this thesis. Chapter I is introduction, in this chapter discusses about background of the study, statement of the problem, definition of key term, literature review, research methodology, thesis organization. Then in chapter II is theoretical framework which consists of the nature of contrastive analysis, the function of contrastive analysis, contrastive analysis methodology, and definition of phrase. In chapter III is discussion of English and Indonesian phrase. In chapter IV is analysis of English and Indonesian phrase form consists of the similarities of English and Indonesian phrase and the implications of English and Indonesian phrase form in teaching learning

25 25 process. In the last chapter V is closure that consists of conclusion and suggestion. And the last part is bibliography and appendix.

26 26 CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. The Nature of Contrastive Analysis Contrastive comes from the word contrast which has meaning to compare two things so that differences are made clear, showing a differences when compared (Hornby, 1974:186). Analysis is separation into parts possibly with comment and judgment, instance of the result of doing (Hornby, 1974:29). Contrastive analysis is considered as the comparison of the structure of language to determine the point that differ them and the differences of the source of difficulty in learning target language (Lado, 1962:21). In other book James (1980:3) state that contrastive analysis is a linguistic enter price aimed at producing inverted (i.e.; contrastive, not comparative) two valued typologies (contrastive analysis is always concerned with part of language) and founded on the assumption that language can be compared. The contrastive analysis is one of the fields in language teaching where the language experts confess it has quite great contributions toward composing the grammatical teaching. It is also a work of procedure comparing the structure of L1 and L2 and of identifying their differences in the two languages. In this study contrastive analysis means a linguistic study to contrast between English and Indonesian phrase. Because there are some problems in teaching learning and problem in comprehension phrase in Indonesian and

27 27 also English. So, the writer wants to try analyzing about similarities and differences in Indonesian and English phrase. B. The Function of Contrastive Analysis Contrastive analysis is the study and comparison of two languages. For example, in this thesis compare English with Indonesian. This is done by looking at the structural similarities and differences of the studied languages. There are two central aims to contrastive analysis; the first is to establish the inter-relationships of languages in order to create a linguistic family tree. The second aim is to aid second language acquisition. ( The contrastive analysis is as the one of the fields in language teaching where the language experts confess it has quite great contributions in giving favor toward composing the grammatical education. In the contrastive analysis people look for difference or similarity between two languages, the source language (L1) and the target language (L2). This contrastive attainment can give beneficial contribution for implementing the direction of language. It can predict difficulties probably in learning, so it is able to give review or solution to tackle difficulties obtaining it (Nurhadi, 1995:237). According to Roger T. Bell (1981:181) there are two polar views on using target language and a range of compromise position between the system of L1 and L2:

28 28 1. The strong claim that the deviant behavior of the learner is the direct result of the transfer of the habits of the L1 into the L2. Those who make the strong claim consider that contrastive analysis is not as means of explaining error but also as a technique for predicting error. 2. The weak claim that the structure of the L1 provides only a partial explanation of the phenomena involved in L2 learning. Those who make the weak claim insist that the structure of L1 is only one of many influences at work in the learning process. It follows that contrastive analysis may be of some value in explanation of error but cannot have a strong predictive value. The contrastive analysis attainment can give the beneficial contribution for implementing the direction of language, the contributions are as follows: 1. Contrastive analysis could be applied to predict the student s error in learning foreign language or the second language. 2. Contrastive analysis can give consistent and integral contribution and also restrain tool for subject and teaching on the second language efficiently. With this comparison on each analytical structure, these materials can be composed fifty with the differences on each level. 3. Contrastive analysis can give the contributions to subtract interference process from the first to the second language. (Daniel Parera, 1997:107)

29 29 C. Contrastive Analysis Methodology Contrastive analysis here refers to an activity that tries to compare between English and Indonesian phrase, to identify the differences and similarities between both languages. Actually, the history of contrastive analysis is based on three assumptions (Pranowo, 1996:45): 1. Teaching experience of foreign language teacher that always finds the errors which are made by the learners can be detected through mother language. 2. Interference of L1 into L2. 3. Learning theory especially transfer theory which is considered as positive facility beside there is negative interference. Contrastive analysis methodology is the work step of contrastive analysis. Contrastive analysis includes four steps: 1. Compare the structure of L1 and L2 2. Prediction the learning difficulties and language errors 3. Choose the learning material 4. Determine the way to teach the second language efficiently and effectively The first rule in contrastive analysis is depending on the good descriptive and detail about language. In this material, the theoretical analysis of languages will be compared or contrasted from the structure of language. The second criteria from contrastive analysis are descriptively identifying feature, not prediction. A contrastive linguist must compare with component

30 30 of languages those are contrasted that may cause difficulties for those second language students. The way to determine the aspects of contrastive analysis are as follows (Tarigan, 1989): 1. Linguistic aspect which is connected with the comparison of the structure of both languages to find their differences. 2. Psychology aspect that is based on the differences of the structure of two languages that will be studied by students to predict the learning difficulties. 3. Based on those difficulties and mistakes, it is arranged the material of second language which have a good arranging and have the exactly objective of learning. 4. The learning material is presented by particular methods. D. Definition of Phrase Phrase is also a group of words but a phrase does not have a subject and a verb (James W. Ramsay, 1989:127). She sleeps in the bedroom. In this example in the bedroom is prepositional phrase, this phrase cannot stand alone as a sentence. In Indonesian that phrase can translate Dia tidur di kamar tidur in this sentence which contain phrase is di kamar tidur. In Indonesian those phrase called frasa preposisional. In everyday speech, a phrase may refer to any group of words. In linguistics, a phrase is a group of words which form a constituent and so

31 31 function as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. A phrase is lower on the grammatical hierarchy than a clause. ( According to Warriner (1982:78) phrase is a group of related words that is used as a single part of speech and does not contain a verb and its subject. has been sitting (verb phrase) about you and me (prepositional phrase) There are some types of phrases in English such as: 1. Noun phrase Noun phrase is a group of words that does the work of a noun (P.C. Wren and Martin, 1995: 158). The beautiful girl over there is my sister. He is a governor of Surabaya. 2. Verbal phrase It is formed from verb and modified by adverbs and may have complement (Eugene J. Hal, 1993:15) She had finished her assignment by the time. 3. Adjective phrase Adjective phrase is phrase which has function as adjective which use to explain noun, phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun (Andrew Mc. Carthy, 2008:394).

32 32 The book with the red cover is mine. I see the rhino with a grey skin in the zoo. 4. Adverb phrase It is prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, an adjective or an adverb (Warriner, 1982:83). She sleeps in the bedroom. He runs very slowly. 5. Prepositional phrase Prepositional phrase is a group word that nothing begins with a prepositional and usually ends with a noun or pronoun (Warriner, 1982:79). During the trance she delivered messages from Apollo. 6. Gerund phrase It consists of gerund together with its complements and modifier, all of which act together as a noun (Frank, 1972:314). The loud knocking by the visitor awakened the beagle. (The gerund phrase is used as the subject of the sentence. The article modifies the gerund knocking the, the adjective loud and the prepositional phrase by the visitor).

33 33 7. Infinitive phrase An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive together with its complements and modifier (Warriner, 1982:98). To interrupt a speaker abruptly is impolite. (Those infinitive phrase is used as a noun, as the subject of the sentence, the infinitive has an object that is speaker, an is modified by the adverb abruptly). 8. The Participle phrase It consists of a participle and is related words, such as modifiers and complements, all of which act together as an adjective (Warriner, 1982:92). I saw her fishing contentedly. (Participle with adverb modifier contentedly) According Gorys Keraf (1991: 175) frasa dapat dibatasi sebagai kesatuan yang terdiri atas dua kata atau lebih, yang masing-masingnya mempertahankan makna dasar katanya, sementara gabungan itu menghasilkan suatu relasi tertentu, dan tiap kata pembentuknya tidak bias berfungsi sebagai subjek dan predikat dalam konstruksi itu. (Phrase is a unit which contain two words or more, which defend base meaning, and every words cannot functions as subject and verb).

34 34 In Indonesian there are some type of phrases according put of head word and modifier word such as: a. Frasa endosentris is phrase construction which combines two or more words that indicate same word with the word class (Keraf, 1991:175). This phrase be divided become two, they are: 1) Frasa atributif or subordinatif is marked by the presence of one of the constituents that act as the head word of the construction. This phrase can be divided become three: a) Modifier word put after head word petani muda rumah besar b) Modifier word put before head word tiga rumah sepuluh kerbau c) Modifier word press between head word sama besar seperti sama nakal dengan 2) Frasa koordinatif is phrase which its constituent elements are combination similar position. This phrase be divided become three type: a) Type additive (tipe aditif) bersih dan teratur kaya miskin

35 35 b) Type alternative (tipe alternatif) tiga atau empat ayah atau ibu c) Type appositive (tipe apositif) Gunung Semeru Jenderal Ahmad d) Type part of phrase be stand one coordinator baik rumah maupun ladang baik guru maupun murid b. Frasa eksosentris is phrase that construction which combines two or more words that indicate different word with the word class (Keraf, 1991:177). 1) Frasa eksosentris direktif in the construction of a constituent will act as a director, while the other constituents of the axis (Keraf, 1991:177). a) Objective type (tipe objektif) This type consists of an objective directive verb that acts as a director and an object as an axis (Keraf, 1991:177). memasak makanan minum air b) Particle directive type (tipe partikel direktif) i) which characteristic prepositional di sawah

36 36 ke atas gungung ii) which characteristic conjunctive setelah selesai mengerjakan hal itu ketika bepergian ke daerah 2) Frasa eksosentris konektif in these constructions is an element of the connector which is the attribute predicate with the subject. in this case the title does not describe the attributes of the connector, but it explains the subject (Keraf, 1991:178). adalah kewajiban kami menjadi urusan kami merupakan tugasnya c. Phrase according word class 1) Frasa nominal is the noun formed by extending a noun (Widjono, 2007:140). rumah yang besar anak yang nakal 2) Frasa verbal is a group of words formed with the verb (Widjono, 2007:140) bertanam sayur membaca koran 3) Frasa adjectival is a group of words formed with an adjective. besar sekali amat tinggi

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