SURE: Statistics on the Usage of REpositories

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1 SURE: Statistics on the Usage of REpositories Funding: Project Manager: SURFfoundation Peter Verhaar Start date: Completion date (expected): Document Details Date Author Status 18/05/2009 Peter Verhaar Draft 02/07/2009 Peter Verhaar Revised version based on comments made by Maurice Vanderfeesten, Gerard van Westrienen, Maarten Steenhuis and John Doove 20/08/2009 Maurice Vanderfeesten 02/09/2009 Maurice Vanderfeesten 30/09/2009 Maurice Vanderfeesten Revised version: Added explicit SURF obligations and agreements, about matching. Added Chris Baars as representative from KNAW in the Project team Controlling document: adding criteria for controlling the success of the project. Revised version: Changed the budget table with a higher hourly wage and added matching by SURFshare. Defined the moments the project team and the steering committee meet. Changed the end date from end 2009 to Q Added a commitment template page to make formal agreements on allocating resources to this project. Uniformed the short names of the participants. Added deliverable D2.2 Sustainable Business model Changed costs table, added subsidising conditions, added formal agreement papers. SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

2 1. Background Objectives and overall approach Scope Participants Project Plan... 6 Phase 1. Pilot... 6 Phase 1. Activities, including Deliverables and Milestones... 6 Phase 1. Deliverables & Milestones... 8 Phase 1. Planning... 8 Phase 1. Number of hours per partner... 8 Phase 2. Wider uptake... 9 Phase 2. Activities, including Deliverables and Milestones... 9 Phase 2. Deliverables and Milestones Phase 2. Planning Phase 2. Number of hours per partner Stakeholders Costs Project Organisation Project Team Project Steering group Risk analysis Communication Plan Appendices Appendix 1. Data Exchange Protocol Usage data from Repository to Log Harvester Usage reports based on Persistent identifiers to third party services Appendix 2. SURFshare subsidising conditions Appendix 3. Formal Agreements on the SURE project SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

3 1. Background Institutional repositories are mostly established with the aim of enhancing the visibility and the impact of scientific texts. One of the aspects that can be used to measure and to visualise the accessibility of publications are download statistics. Many university libraries currently record statistical data about their repositories. Since many different methodologies were developed, these data are often not comparable. The SURFshare project SURE: Statics on the Usage of REpositories will investigate the way in which Dutch universities can begin to capture and exchange reliable and mutually comparable statistical data. This project will build heavily on the findings from previous studies, such as PEER, PIRUS and OA Statistik. 2. Objectives and overall approach The central objective of this project is to implement an infrastructure in which a central national database aggregates usage events from distributed Dutch repositories. The diagram below visualises the infrastructure that will be built. Two types of agents need to be distinguished: SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

4 (1) The institutional repositories whose usage data need to be recorded (2) A central facility that can harvest usage data from individual repositories and that can analyse these data centrally. This central facility will be referred to in this text as the Log Aggregator. The main challenge in this project is to develop a method to transfer information on usage events from the various institutional repositories to the log aggregator. Usage events occur when a human end user successfully downloads a document or views a metadata record. If a record only appears in a list of search results, this should not be considered a usage event. Each usage event is normally recorded in the server logging of the repository software. In the infrastructure to be built, the log aggregator will bear the primary responsibility for obtaining the statistical data from individual repositories. Once every 24 hour, it will send a request to each repository for the usage events that have occurred on that particular day. This request will active a special tool that can inspect the server logging and that can return the requested data. These data are transferred as OpenURL Context Object log entries. The transfer protocol will be SUSHI. The usage data are subsequently stored in a central database. External parties can obtain information about the contents of this central database through specially developed web services. The log aggregator can also expose these data in the form of COUNTERcompliant reports. The software tool that pushes the usage data from the repository to the log aggregator must not send all the data but must make a number of corrections: When a single user downloads the same publication more that once on the same day, this should be counted as a single visit. Such multiple clicks should be excluded from the statistics. Visits by internet robots should be excluded from the total count. Previous studies have shown that such automated downloads can account for 80% of the total downloads. If those visits are excluded before they are sent to the log aggregator, this may seriously reduce the traffic between the repositories and the log aggregator. It is often the case that publications are subdivided into separate files. It may be the case, for instance, that the individual chapters of a book are stored as separate documents. This project will provide data about publications in their entirety and not necessarily about individual files. If a single user consecutively downloads the multiple files that make up a single publication, these multiple downloads should be counted as one visit only. SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

5 3. Scope The aim in this project is to set up an infrastructure in which ultimately all Dutch universities can participate. This initial project, however, will confine itself to building a demonstrator for the aggregation of usage data for four universities only: VU University of Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam, the University of Groningen and Leiden University. A Central Service will be setup by the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences. The number of different repository platforms will thus be limited. In addition, it is important to stress that this project will focus on statistics on the level of individual items. Previous initiatives have often focused on data about complete journals or entire databases. Furthermore, this project will not confine itself to published articles only. The aim is to provide statistical information for all the object types that can be found in Dutch repositories, including dissertations and working papers. 4. Participants For the sake of readability we will define short names of the participating institutions. Participating organisation/unit Short name Digital Production Centre of the Library of the University of Amsterdam UvA Digital Library of VU University of Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) VU Digital Library of University of Groningen (Rijks Universiteit Groningen) RUG Digital Library of Leiden University (Universiteit Leiden) UL Department Research Information of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences (Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie der Wetenschappen) KNAW Department ICT & Research of SURFfoundation SURF Wageningen University and Research WUR SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

6 5. Project Plan The project will be carried out in two phases. Phase 1. Pilot Phase 1. Activities, including Deliverables and Milestones The aim of the pilot phase is to build a proof of concept. In this pilot, it must be shown that two universities can push statistics to a central database, and that information about these events can be requested via a web service that is provided by a central log aggregator. In this phase, a brief report shall firstly be written about the usage of OpenURL Context Objects, SUSHI and COUNTER (D1.1.). Secondly, the technical requirements for the central database shall be recorded. The database design shall be recorded in the form of an ERD (D1.2). This database can subsequently be implemented (M1.1.). Once the database is in place, software will be developed that can be installed at two institutions (VU University Amsterdam and Leiden University). This software tool will be able to handle incoming requests for usage data that are sent by the log aggregator. The normal procedure is that this tool will inspect the Apache log files and that it will send all the usage data for a particular day as a single file to the log aggregator (D1.3.). Lastly, two web services will be developed and will be made available centrally. The first web service will enable external agents to request information about the usage of repositories. At a minimum, this web service must be capable of returning, for each publication, the full number of downloads in the last three months (M1.2.). This web service must be developed in such a way that these data can be integrated within the user interfaces of repositories and within the national research portal Narcis. A second web service can be used to exclude visits by internet robots. It is essential that all repositories must work with the same list of internet robots, since it would otherwise be impossible to compare the usage data. They must be filtered consistently, and to achieve this, a web service will be built that will produce a list of all the known internet robots on request. All institutions that send usage data must first check the entry against this list of internet robots. If the robot is in the list, the event should not be sent (M1.3.). In December 2009, an evaluation report will be produced that details what has been done (D.1.4). In the week of October 2009, SURFfoundation will organise several events to promote the use and to raise the awareness of Open Access. During this week, a mock up of the SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

7 infrastructure to be developed will be presented, together with the preliminary results of a study in which problems concerning usage statistics are explored. A presentation will be given of the following: - Apache logfiles from two institutions that use DSpace as their repository platform. - Filtering mechanisms that can be used to exclude specific usage events (e.g. those that are initiated by a single user within a single day) - Conversion of these log files into XML Open URL Content Objects. - A mechanism that can transfer the XML-files to a central database. - The association of a persistent identifier to the URLs that are recorded as part of the usage event. The persistent identifier table is maintained at NARCIS. - Visualisation of these data. It will be shown that the changes in the usage can be traced over time. It will also be demonstrated that the full number of downloads from two repositories can be compared more reliably. SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

8 Phase 1. Deliverables & Milestones Number and title Responsible Partners D1.1. Application profile for Open URL Context Objects, UL UL SUSHI and COUNTER D1.2. Design of central database KNAW KNAW, UL D1.3. Development of software for the transfer of usage UL UL, UvA data D1.4. Evaluation Report UL UL, SURF M1.1. Implementation of a central database KNAW KNAW, UL, UVA M1.2. Robot filtering web service UL UL, UVA M1.3. Development of a general statistics web service UL UL, UVA Phase 1. Planning Deliverables & Milestones Q3 Q4 Q D1.1 D1.2 D1.3 D1.4 M1.2 M1.2 M1.3 Phase 1. Number of hours per partner UL KNAW VU UVA RUG D D D D M M M SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

9 Phase 2. Wider uptake Phase 2. Activities, including Deliverables and Milestones In the second phase of the project, the software tool that can transfer the usage data from the repository to the log aggregator will also be implemented at the other universities that participate. If necessary, the software shall be adjusted and re-programmed in a more generic fashion (M2.1). After this, the database that is in use at the log aggregator can manage usage data for the four Dutch repositories that participate. Secondly, a report shall be written that lists the various web services that will must made available (D2.1). Currently, the following services are considered necessary: Information must be provided on the geographic diffusion of the texts. A list will be shown of all the countries in which the full-text file was downloaded. The countries are sorted by the number of downloads (M2.2) Information must be given about the referrers (other websites such as search engines which have pointed users to the document) (M2.3) In addition, the central facility must be capable of producing COUNTER-compliant reports (M2.4). Thirdly A report shall written that defines the business model in order to make this Statistics service sustainable (D2.2). The following stakeholders are roughly taken into account in the business model: a) Suppliers Boundary conditions and Entry Expectations for an institution to join the network and deliver statistics: initial start-up costs, structural maintenance costs, technical specifications/protocols/etc. b) Central Service Boundary conditions and Entry Expectations of the central service (run by KNAW); who are the suppliers, who are the customers, what is the target group. What are the cost to start-up the central service, what are the costs to maintain it, to aggregate statistics, to expand new services. What is the financial model, especially in the case where the subscribers are also the suppliers of the data. What technical details are needed to comply to in order to aggregate, and what are needed to deliver services (API s). And a small report on future services that can use the delivered API s. c) Subscribers Boundary conditions and Entry Expectations for an institution to subscribe to services SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

10 (API s): initial start-up costs, structural maintenance costs, technical specifications/protocols/etc. Finally, the web interface of NARCIS, the national gateway to scientific information, will be updated so that it can provide information on usage (M2.5) SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

11 Phase 2. Deliverables and Milestones Number and title Responsible Partners D2.1. Web Services Catalogue RUG UL, UvA, VU D2.2. Service Sustainable Business model KNAW M2.1. Exchange of usage data of four Dutch UL UL, RUG, UvA Universities M2.2. Web Service for the visualization of UVA UVA, UL geographic diffusion M2.3. Web Service for referrers UVA UVA, UL M2.4. Production of COUNTER-compliant reports UVA UVA, UL M2.5. Integration of usage statistics in Narcis Webinterface KNAW KNAW, UL Phase 2. Planning Deliverables & Milestones Q4 Q1 Q D2.1 D2.2 M2.1 M2.2 M2.3 M2.4 M2.5 Phase 2. Number of hours per partner UL KNAW VU UVA RUG D D2.2 8 M M M M M SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

12 6. Stakeholders Repository Managers Data about the usage of repositories can be important for repository managers, since they can help to justify the sizeable investments that are needed for the development and the maintenance of institutional repositories. Researchers For researchers, it will be interesting to see how often and from which locations their academic work is actually used. Funding organizations Funding bodies may need usage statistics to determine if the results of projects that are funded are actually used. Service providers The standardisation of usage will enable service providers to develop new services. Marketing departments Usage statistics can be used to measure the effectiveness of the various marketing efforts. SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

13 7. Costs The costs are calculated based on the total hours per institution per work package and meetings, with an hourly wage of 75,-. The hours for the meetings are specified in the next sections. Hours: WP1 Hours: WP2 Hours: Meetings Hours: Total Hourly wage Costs: Total Costs: institute Costs: SURF UL KNAW VU UvA RUG SURF WUR [hardware] Total Costs are divided for 50% between the institutions and SURF when the Subsidising criteria are met. There criteria can be found in Appendix 2. SURFshare subsidising conditions. SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

14 8. Project Organisation Project Team The project team is executing the project. The roles and tasks are divided in an institution accordingly to the deliverables stated in the project plan. The Project Team meets 3 times in each WP, at the start, somewhere in the middle and at the end. In total this is 6 times. Meetings last 2 hours max. The project team consists of the following members: Peter Verhaar, Leiden University Library (Project Manager) Lukas van Schaik, Leiden University Library (Programmer) Caspar Treijtel, UVA/University of Amsterdam (Programmer) Peter van Wonderen, VU University Amsterdam (Repository Manager) Henk Ellerman, University of Groningen (Repository Manager) Chris Baars, KNAW (Head of Development, NARCIS) Project Steering group The Project Steering committee evaluates the outcome of the project. When all deliverables are accepted, the financial transaction can take place. The project Steering group can be called by the Project manager upon escalation. The controlling document is a tool to help evaluate the progress. The Project Manager is present at the Project Steering group evaluation meeting. Two meetings are planned, at the start and the end. The Project Steering committee consists of the following members: Maarten Steenhuis (Leiden University Library) Marga van Meel (KNAW) Hubert Krekels (WUR) Gerard van Westrienen (SURFfoundation) The Project Leader is invited to evaluate the progress Peter Verhaar, Leiden University Library (Project Manager) SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

15 9. Risk analysis Risk Solution At present, there is very little experience with the exchange and the aggregation of usage events. The standards that can be used in this context are all relatively new. It is essential in this project to collaborate closely with other partners who have already gained some form of experience with the exchange of usage data. Relevant partners are NEEO, PIRUS and OA Statistik. Some considerable investments will be needed to implement the infrastructure that is described in this document. If the costs that are needed exceed the budget that is available, this will pose a serious risk. The total costs of the project must become clear at a very early stage of the project, so that efforts can be made to ensure that there is sufficient funding. One of the steps that need to be taken is to investigate whether the institutions that participate will need to share in the total costs of the infrastructure. The programming work will be carried out by one or two persons only. If, for some reason, one of those persons can no longer be involved in the current project, this will seriously threaten the continuation of the project. It must be ensured that the work that is carried out by the project s programmers is documented very well so that other programmers, if necessary, may continue and complete the programming that has already been done. An attempt will be made to set up a team of programmers with representatives from UL, UVA and the RUG. The programmers in this team should discuss progress on a regular basis and exchange information as much as possible so that the knowledge of software products does not reside with one programmer only. SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

16 10. Communication Plan - In this project, a new application profile will be created, since the infrastructure that is proposed will require a new way of combining OpenURL Context Objects, SUSHI and COUNTER in combination. This application profile will be described on the SURFfoundation WIKI ( - Knowledge Exchange is a co-operation effort between Denmark s Electronic Research Library (DEFF) in Denmark, the German Research Foundation (DFG) in Germany, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the United Kingdom and SURFfoundation in the Netherlands. The progress in this project will be reported to KE on a regular basis. The results of this project must be published at meetings that are organised by Knowledge Exchange. - The community of Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences (HBO) must be informed on the results of this project. A more detailed communication strategy shall be discussed with Lianne van Elk, community manager for the HBO community. SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

17 Appendices Appendix 1. Data Exchange Protocol Usage data from Repository to Log Harvester SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

18 Usage reports based on Persistent identifiers to third party services Third party services can be for example customised visualisations of statistics. (e.g. in combination with the metadata of a Persistent Identifier). The Third party service sends a request to the Statistics Central Service to receive a Statistics report, with filtering options, based on the Persistent Identifier (PID) of a publication. Third party service Statistics Central Service (output) requestreport(pid) [report available] returnreport(report) [report unavailable] returnnotavailable() [report received succesfully] receiptconfirmation() SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

19 Appendix 2. SURFshare subsidising conditions In the table below one can see the differentiation between the contribution of the institutions and SURFshare. The contribution of SURFshare comes down to 50% matching and hardware. The conditions SURFshare demands of the project in order to subsidise are the following: 1) From SURFfoundation a letter will be send to each participant, which is an agreement of cooperation, with the expected commitment to participate this project in order to successfully finishing the project. 2) At the end of the project all deliverables must be finished and accepted by the Steering group. 3) For knowledge dissemination it is expected at the end of the project a workshop will be organised that demonstrates the workings of the outcome of this project to at least five other SURFfoundation member institutions. 4) The software that has been developed must be placed Open Source available at a public location. (for example SourceFourge, GoogleCode, Launchpad, etc.) This software has been tested and must be well documented. 5) The use of standards and agreements must be placed in the public standards wiki of SURFfoundation in the form of Application Profiles. The Application Profiles are written in a way other institutions can use the standards in order to join the statistics network. SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

20 Appendix 3. Formal Agreements on the SURE project Per instelling wordt eenzijdig overeengekomen vanuit SURFfoundation dat SURFfoundation de financiële verplichtingen na komt nadat de project stuurgroep hun acceptatie over de deliverables heeft uitgesproken, en aan de eisen van SURFfoundation is voldaan die in het projectplan staan vermeld. De financiële verplichtingen verschillen per instelling en zal daarom per instelling een voorblad maken waarin de overeenkomst op maat is gemaakt. Dit voorblad zal door Marjan Vernooy (platformmanager SURFfoundation) worden ondertekend en naar de project partners worden opgestuurd. SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

21 Organisatie: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) OZnr: Datum: woensdag 30 september 2009 Betreft: Overeenkomst SURE project deelname Beste Caspar Treijtel, Zoals besproken tijdens de bijeenkomst dd willen we je graag inzetten in het project SURE (Statistics on the Usage of Repositories). In het projectplan zijn de volgende werkzaamheden overeengekomen die betrekking hebben op de UvA: D1.3, M1.2, M1.3, D2.1, M2.2, M2.3, M2.4 met een totaal van 116 man uren. Declaratie vindt plaats op de werkelijk gemaakte uren waarvan SURFfoundation maximaal 116 uren voor 50% vergoed. De financiële transactie van de declaratie vindt plaats na acceptatie van de project deliverables en milestones door de stuurgroep. Raadpleeg appendix 2 in het projectplan voor de subsidievoorwaarden. In een maandelijkse werkbespreking stem je voortgang en planning af met Maurice Vanderfeesten, projectmanager van het SURFshare werkpakket Architectuur en Infrastructuur. De werkzaamheden vinden voornamelijk plaats in de eigen organisatie (UvA). Wij vinden het fijn dat je aan dit belangrijke project deelneemt en zien uit naar een nog hechtere samenwerking. Met vriendelijke groet, Dr. M. Vernooy-Gerritsen Bijlage: Projectplan SURE (Statistics on the Usage of Repositories). SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

22 Tabel met manuren per Deliverables en Milestones per instelling. Deliverables and Milestones UL KNAW VU UVA RUG WUR D1.1. Application profile for Open URL Context Objects, SUSHI and COUNTER 16 D1.2. Design of central database D1.3. Development of software for the transfer of usage data D1.4. Evaluation Report 16 M1.1. Implementation of a central database 16 M1.2. Robot filtering web service 30 8 M1.3. Development of a general statistics web service 30 8 D2.1. Web Services Catalogue D2.2. Service Sustainable Business model 8 M2.1. Exchange of usage data of four Dutch Universities 16 M2.2. Web Service for the visualization of geographic diffusion 8 24 M2.3. Web Service for referrers 8 24 M2.4. Production of COUNTER-compliant reports 8 24 M2.5. Integration of usage statistics in Narcis Webinterface 8 24 meetings total hours SURFfoundation subsidie voorwaarden The contribution of SURFshare comes down to 50% matching and hardware. The conditions SURFshare demands of the project in order to subsidise are the following: 1) From SURFfoundation a letter will be send to each participant, which is an agreement of cooperation, with the expected commitment to participate this project in order to successfully finishing the project. 2) At the end of the project all deliverables must be finished and accepted by the Steering group. 3) For knowledge dissemination it is expected at the end of the project a workshop will be organised that demonstrates the workings of the outcome of this project to at least five other SURFfoundation member institutions. 4) The software that has been developed must be placed Open Source available at a public location. (for example SourceFourge, GoogleCode, Launchpad, etc.) This software has been tested and must be well documented. 5) The use of standards and agreements must be placed in the public standards wiki of SURFfoundation in the form of Application Profiles. The Application Profiles are written in a way other institutions can use the standards in order to join the statistics network. SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

23 Organisatie: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) OZnr: Datum: woensdag 30 september 2009 Betreft: Overeenkomst SURE project deelname Beste Peter van Wonderen, Zoals besproken tijdens de bijeenkomst dd willen we je graag inzetten in het project SURE (Statistics on the Usage of Repositories). In het projectplan zijn de volgende werkzaamheden overeengekomen die betrekking hebben op de VU: D1.3, D2.1, met een totaal van 28 man uren. Declaratie vindt plaats op de werkelijk gemaakte uren waarvan SURFfoundation maximaal 28 uren voor 50% vergoed. De financiële transactie van de declaratie vindt plaats na acceptatie van de project deliverables en milestones door de stuurgroep. Raadpleeg appendix 2 in het projectplan voor de subsidievoorwaarden. In een maandelijkse werkbespreking stem je voortgang en planning af met Maurice Vanderfeesten projectmanager van het SURFshare werkpakket Architectuur en Infrastructuur. De werkzaamheden vinden voornamelijk plaats in de eigen organisatie (VU). Wij vinden het fijn dat je aan dit belangrijke project deelneemt en zien uit naar een nog hechtere samenwerking. Met vriendelijke groet, Dr. M. Vernooy-Gerritsen Bijlage: Projectplan SURE (Statistics on the Usage of Repositories). SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

24 Tabel met manuren per Deliverables en Milestones per instelling. Deliverables and Milestones UL KNAW VU UVA RUG WUR D1.1. Application profile for Open URL Context Objects, SUSHI and COUNTER 16 D1.2. Design of central database D1.3. Development of software for the transfer of usage data D1.4. Evaluation Report 16 M1.1. Implementation of a central database 16 M1.2. Robot filtering web service 30 8 M1.3. Development of a general statistics web service 30 8 D2.1. Web Services Catalogue D2.2. Service Sustainable Business model 8 M2.1. Exchange of usage data of four Dutch Universities 16 M2.2. Web Service for the visualization of geographic diffusion 8 24 M2.3. Web Service for referrers 8 24 M2.4. Production of COUNTER-compliant reports 8 24 M2.5. Integration of usage statistics in Narcis Webinterface 8 24 meetings total hours SURFfoundation subsidie voorwaarden The contribution of SURFshare comes down to 50% matching and hardware. The conditions SURFshare demands of the project in order to subsidise are the following: 1) From SURFfoundation a letter will be send to each participant, which is an agreement of cooperation, with the expected commitment to participate this project in order to successfully finishing the project. 2) At the end of the project all deliverables must be finished and accepted by the Steering group. 3) For knowledge dissemination it is expected at the end of the project a workshop will be organised that demonstrates the workings of the outcome of this project to at least five other SURFfoundation member institutions. 4) The software that has been developed must be placed Open Source available at a public location. (for example SourceFourge, GoogleCode, Launchpad, etc.) This software has been tested and must be well documented. 5) The use of standards and agreements must be placed in the public standards wiki of SURFfoundation in the form of Application Profiles. The Application Profiles are written in a way other institutions can use the standards in order to join the statistics network. SURE - Statistics on the Usage of Repositories SURFshare

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