PT-100. Use and pro gram ming man ual. Soft ware Ver d IST-PT Rev. -

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1 PT-100 Use and pro gram ming man ual Soft ware Ver d IST-PT Rev. - The information in this manual replaces any previously published information. Sicep reserves the right to modify prices and products' characteri - stics at any time, wit ho ut fur ther no ti ce.

2 Index Chapter 1 Chapter 2 - In tro duc tion: what is the PT-100 de vice? Char ac ter is tics Safety warn ings and ad vice Pre cau tions for bat tery use Lim i ta tions of use of the de vice Pre cau tions re gard ing SMS com mands Pre cau tions re gard ing GSM/GPRS traf fic costs Pack ag ing and dis posal Pack ag ing dis posal Prod uct and bat tery dis posal Mark ings Sup port Re turn ing the unit War ranty Re pairs...6 Chapter 3 - Compliance with EC Directive...7 Chapter 4 - Description and operation...8 Chapter 5 - Operation MvsNET Op er a tional Con trol Unit User Gen eral in for ma tion Abil ity to make or re ceive voice calls...20 Chapter 6 - Technical Specifications...21 Chapter 7 - Installation SIM card in stal la tion Bat tery con nec tion In stall ing the clip...23 Pag. I

3 Chapter 8 - Programming the operating parameters In stall ing the driv ers Con nec tion Pro gram ming pages...26 Chapter 9 - Practical tips on optimising PT-100 use...41 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 - Restoring the factory configuration Appendix 1: Updating the firmware Appendix 2: calculating the minimum radius of the target Troubleshooting Appendix: Certificate of warranty...48 SICEP spa rec og nizes in insindacabile and intransgressible way the con di tions of guar an tee brought back in this man ual. Pag. II

4 English Cap. 1 - Introduction: what is the PT-100 device? 1 - Introduction: what is the PT-100 device? The Per sonal Tracker is a small, por ta ble GSM/GPRS de vice de vel oped for per sonal safety. Thanks to the red panic but ton, lo cated in the mid dle of the unit, us ers can send an in stant re quest for help to a Sur veil lance Cen tre (or a se ries of re cip i ents), in di cat ing their geo graph ical co or di nates to fa cil i tate prompt intervention. The Op er a tional Con trol Unit can en ter into a con ver sa tion the user in dif fi - culty, re quest their po si tion at any time and, if nec es sary, ac ti vate the track ing op tion to mon i tor their move ments in real time. Us ers can also con trol the Per sonal Tracker, by sim ply send ing the de vice text mes sages in SMS for mat re spect ing the pre de fined commands. Func tional ap pli ca tions Secu rity guards Work ers engaged in iso lated activ i ties Risk groups Women and chil dren Elderly peo ple Dis abled peo ple Athletes WARNING WARN ING! We ad vise us ers to read the in struc tions in the man ual that co mes with the Per sonal Tracker de vice care fully in or der to find out about and author ise all the fea tures Characteristics Sicep S.p.A. will not be held re spon si ble for fail ure to com ply with laws in force in the coun try of use nor for im proper or in cor rect product usage. Por ta ble GSM/GPRS GPS track ing sys tem Com plete man age ment of MvsNET Oper a tional Con trol Unit fea tures Send ing text mes sages or s to two set recip i ents Abil ity to make and receive voice calls (16 num bers in the phone book) "Red" panic but ton to send a quick request for help with pro gram ma ble pre-alarm Pag. 1

5 Cap. 1 - Introduction: what is the PT-100 device? English 2 pro gram ma ble speed dial but tons (data, voice or SMS) Peri odic posi tion send ing Track ing fea ture on tar gets or that can be acti vated remotely GeoFence fea ture with 8 tar gets that can be con fig ured auto mat i cally from the MvsNET con trol unit. Envi ron ment Lis ten ing Man-down option and GPS consumption optimisation with accelerometer Log that can be con sulted locally or remotely (1,000 events) Fea tures with acti va tion via SMS com mands (posi tion request, call, Envi ron ment Lis ten ing, send ing , enabling track ing) Send ing on/off and low bat tery infor ma tion. Using M2M Data or Voice SIM (con tract or pre-paid) Man ag ing credit bal ance and SIM expiry Local or remote pro gram ming Pag. 2

6 English Cap. 2 - Safety warnings and advice 2 - Safety warnings and advice Precautions for battery use The PT-100 uses a re charge able lith ium-ion (Li-Ion) bat tery with in ter nal pro tec tion. Im proper use can be very dan ger ous (risk of ex plo sion and/or chem i cal cor - ro sion), there fore strictly ad here to the fol low ing guidelines: - Touch the bat tery care fully and fol low the pre cau tions nec es sary to pre vent the build-up of static elec tric ity; - Do not short the ter mi nals; - Do not heat it or throw it into fire; - Do not at tempt to open or cut the wrap per or con nect ing ca ble; - Do not im merse in wa ter or other liq uids, es pe cially if cor ro sive, con - duc tive or flam ma ble; - In case of con tact with the elec tro lyte in side due to leaks, wash the af - fected part im me di ately; - In case of con tact with eyes, rinse thor oughly with wa ter and care fully fol low the di rec tions of a doc tor; do not rub your eyes. - If the bat tery be gins to emit odours, smoke and heat, re move it from the PT-100 im me di ately and stop us ing it; - Charge us ing the sup plied charger only and/or fol low ing the in struc - tions in this man ual; - Dis pose of at des ig nated col lec tion points; be fore dis pos ing in any case, seal the ter mi nals with in su lat ing tape to pre vent ac ci den tal short circuits. The bat tery must be charged at least once ev ery 4 months and kept in a place with tem per a tures as low as pos si ble. When you ex pect a pe riod of non-use of at least 6 months, charge the bat tery for about 3 hours via a PC or one hour via the mains charger, then un plug from the circuit. In any case, never leave it com pletely flat Limitations of use of the device The PT-100 de vice uses a GPS/GPRS mod ule, there fore, in or der to pre - vent elec tro mag netic in ter fer ence prob lems with other elec tronic de vices, take par tic u lar care when in stall ing the de vice in cer tain en vi ron ments, such as: - Hos pi tals and clin ics; - Ar eas in which sen si tive elec tronic de vices are used; - Ar eas in which mo bile phones must be kept switched off. Pag. 3

7 Cap. 2 - Safety warnings and advice English - On aeroplanes, the re stric tions ap plied to stan dard mo bile phones must be re spected. - Do not ex pose the de vice for ex tended pe ri ods to heat, such as di rect ex po sure to the sun, es pe cially in ve hi cles. This could cause dam age to the bat tery and will nev er the less re duce its service life. - Ob serve all pre cau tions nec es sary for proper bat tery us age, as set out in para graphs 2.1, 2.5, 2.7 and Precautions regarding SMS commands The PT-100 device includes features that are activated via SMS commands. By default, it has a programming password, which must also be included in the SMS command. If the password is disabled, the PT-100 may mistakenly interpret the sequences of letters recognised in any SMS received (e.g. promotional messages sent by the operator) as commands Precautions regarding GSM/GPRS traffic costs Please check the rate ap plied by the op er a tor of the SIM used in the PT-100 de vice care fully. Some con tracts, in fact, have fixed daily costs for GPRS con nec tions re gard less of traf fic and this could in crease your monthly spend ing. Also re mem ber that the trans mis sion of SMS mes sages has a very high cost com pared to the cost of Kbytes trans mit ted via GPRS Packaging and disposal The PT-100 de vice is pack aged in spe cial card board pack ag ing. The box con tains: - 1 PT-100 tracker - 1 USB/mini USB ca ble V bat tery charger with USB out put - 1 CD-ROM con tain ing the USB driv ers, pro gram ming soft ware and man u als - 1 safety in for ma tion sheet - 1 belt clip kit Store the de vice in a dry, ven ti lated area away from heat sources. Pag. 4

8 English Cap. 2 - Safety warnings and advice En vi ron men tal work ing and stor age con di tions - Temperature: from -20 to +55 for max 1 month of stor ing from -20 to +45 for max 6 months of stor ing from -20 to +25 for max 1 year of stor ing - Hu mid ity: from 45% to 85% NOTICE N.B. Li-Ion bat ter ies are sub ject to pro gres sive deg ra da tion that also de pends on the tem per a ture of use or stor age. The bat tery lasts lon - ger if kept at a lower tem per a ture. For this rea son, it is pref er a ble to store it in suit able locations Packaging disposal The card board pack ag ing be longs to class (9/4/2001 di rec tive). It should be dis posed of in ac cor dance with lo cal sep a rate waste dis posal cri - te ria Product and battery disposal Over all, the PT-100 de vice is not MSW but con sists of: - one elec tronic card clas si fied as and and a re - charge able Li-Ion bat tery clas si fied as ; dis pose of in ac cor dance with ap pli ca ble leg is la tion. - one plas tic (polycarbonate) wrap per. Dis pose of it ac cord ing to lo - cal sep a rate waste col lec tion cri te ria. WARNING WARN ING! The im proper dis posal of Elec tri cal and Elec tronic Equip ment (EEE) or any part of it may have harm ful ef fects on the en vi ron - ment and hu man health Markings A la bel with all rel e vant unit in for ma tion can be found in side of the unit it self. It in cludes the Man u fac turer num ber, the item part num ber, se rial num ber and pro duc tion date Support For any kind of sup port con tact your lo cal Sicep rep re sen ta tive. Any free firm ware up grades, util ity pro grams or man u als, can be down - loaded from the Sicep S.p.A. Website (reg is ter ing is re quired). Pag. 5

9 Cap. 2 - Safety warnings and advice English Returning the unit Should the control unit need to be returned to Sicep for repairs, ensure that it is carefully packed, in its original packaging, if at all possible, enclosing the APPLICATION FORM REPAIR filled in all its parts and describing the problem in details (for more information refer to the repair request form). The APPLICATION FORM REPAIR is downloadable from our site to the section "Modulistica" Warranty Re fer to the war ranty cer tif i cate at the end of this man ual Repairs Re fer to the re pair re quest form down load able from our site to the sec tion "Modulistica". Pag. 6

10 English Cap. 3 - Compliance with EC Directive 3 - Compliance with EC Directive The PT-100 de vice is a track ing/con nec tion unit which uses a GSM/GPRS mod ule. Sicep S.p.A. hereby de clares that this PT-100 is in com pli ance with the es sen tial re quire ments and other rel e vant pro vi sions of di rec tive 1999/5/EC. The de vice is in com pli ance with the reguations: CEI EN ETSI EN , EN ETSI EN , EN (Art. 3.1a 1999/05/CE) (Art. 3.1b 1999/05/CE) (Art /05/CE) The GSM/GPRS mod ule has been de signed to com ply with the fol low ing stan dards as re gards hu man ex po sure to radio fre quen cy elec tro mag netic energy: ENV Human exposure to electromagnetic fields. High frequency (from 10 KHz to 300 GHz). Pag. 7

11 Cap. 4 - Description and operation English 4 - Description and operation The di splay The PT-100 dis play can dis play the in for ma tion listed be low: G 16:36 09/05/2011 T G 16:36 09/05/2011 Indication of the GSM/GPRS signal. The bars with increasing height indicate the strength of the signal received on 4 levels. If the GSM is disabled, an X is shown. If on, it indicates that GPRS connectivity is available. GPS receiver status indication: - if flashing, it indicates that the search for satellites to fix the position is underway; - if on with a steady light, it indicates that the search for satellites is complete. Indication of the 12 receiving channels of the GPS receiver. Each bar indicates a satellite and the length indicates the strength. Clock: the time is taken from the GPS receiver and is calculated based on the set time zone. It can also indicate the remaining pre-alarm time once the red panic button has been pressed, in which case the display flashes. Data, obtained from the GPS receiver. If on, it indicates that there is an ongoing voice call. If flashing, it indicates that the prepaid SIM card has a credit of less than 4 Euros, or will expire soon (it has been more than 320 days since the last top-up) Indication of battery status. Shows the level of charge or the charging stage. If flashing, it indicates that a call in Environment Listening mode is underway T If on, it indicates that the device is located inside a target. If on, it indicates that the Tracking feature is enabled. If on, indicates that Man-Down feature is temporarily disabled. Pag. 8

12 English Cap. 4 - Description and operation Hold ing down the but ton gives ac cess to the phone book. In this mode, the dis play shows the but ton names in the four cor ners. PHONEBOOK X John Smith X Indicates that the button Indicates that the button Indicates that the button is used to make the call to the selected number is used to exit the phone book is used to scroll down through the phone book Indicates that the button is used to scroll up through the phone book Item selected; recipient s name Item selected; recipient s number Af ter 8 sec onds of in ac tiv ity, the dis play turns off to en able en ergy sav ing. Pag. 9

13 Cap. 4 - Description and operation English But tons All the but tons have more than one func tion de pend ing on the de vice con - text. On/off button. Activated by holding it down for 5 seconds. during a call, it is used to reject it; at the end of a conversation, it ends communication; it is used to exit the phone book. it is used to cancel the panic alert when the pre-alarm period in progress. When a call comes in, it is used to begin communication; in the normal state, is used to enter the phone book; in the phone book, it is used to make the call when held down for 5 seconds. Used to make a quick call to the predetermined number in the configuration; Used to increase the speaker volume during a conversation; in the phone book, it scrolls up (decreases the index). Used to make a quick call to the predetermined number in the configuration; Used to decrease the speaker volume during a conversation; in the phone book, it scrolls down (increases the index). Used to make a panic call to the predetermined number. If a pre-alarm period is set, if pressed a second time it makes the call immediately. Other in di ca tions SICEP (in large cap i tal let ters) Wel come mes sage when the PT-100 is switched on. The firm ware ver sion of the de vices is shown be low. Bye bye... Mes sage that ap pears when the de vice is switched off, hold ing down the but ton. Pag. 10

14 English Cap. 4 - Description and operation Pag. 11

15 Cap. 5 - Operation English 5 - Operation The Sicep PT-100 Per sonal Tracker can be used in dif fer ent ways as ex - plained be low: MvsNET Operational Control Unit The MvsNET Op er a tional Con trol Unit man ages all the ad vanced fea tures of the Per sonal Tracker us ing the GSM/GPRS net work and, more spe cif i - cally: receiv ing a panic alarm/dis tress alarm with the asso ci ated geo graphic coor di nates; man ual posi tion request; receiv ing the Auto matic Test sent with the rel a tive coor di nates; acti vat ing the remote track ing fea ture; man ag ing Envi ron ment Lis ten ing; receiv ing a Man-Down alarm; man ual set ting of tar gets (Geofence); receiv ing alarm on tar get (input/out put); con sult ing event log with date and time; remote pro gram ming; man ag ing Low Bat tery; abil ity to make voice calls. MvsNET Op er a tional Con trol Unit Man age ment The PT-100 is a GPRS de vice that uses the NetP pro to col and can in ter act with MvsNET con trol units in the fol low ing ways: - Spon ta ne ous GPRS trans mis sions (UDP) - Spon ta ne ous SMS trans mis sions - GPRS poll ing via UDP (awak en ing with ring) - SMS poll ing - MVC con fig u ra tion via GPRS (awak en ing with ring) - MVC con fig u ra tion via mo dem with time-based data con nec tion. - Au to matic up date of Tar get Ta ble. Pag. 12

16 English Cap. 5 - Operation The but tons of the in put chan nels are con sid ered with the fol low ing num - bers: Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 These three chan nels, if used, must be cre ated man u ally in the pe riph eral card. Other sta tus in for ma tion is trans mit ted via the "de fault chan nels", which are sim i lar to the ser vice chan nels in that they do not need to be cre ated in the pe riph eral card. Two pro vide ac tual sta tus in for ma tion while the other two are re mote con trols. They are as fol lows: [BT] Bat tery Shows the PT-100 bat tery sta tus, mea sured with the charger un - plugged. When it is plugged in, it shows the last value prior to be ing charged. [CA] Lis ten ing In This chan nel is used as a re mote con trol to ac ti vate the Lis ten ing In fea ture. In sta tus/po si tion poll ing, it al ways shows "Not Ac tive". [CT] Track ing Like the pre vi ous one, it is used as a re mote con trol to ac ti vate the Track ing mode. In sta tus/po si tion poll ing, it re ports the ac tual sta tus. [UT] Man-Down Shows the sta tus of the Man-Down fea ture. This chan nel only ap - pears in poll ing from the Op er a tional Con trol Unit if the op tion has been en abled on the PT-100 de vice User The user can also con trol the Per sonal Tracker, by sim ply re ceiv ing "spon ta - ne ous" sig nals or through the use of de fault com mands thanks to which it is pos si ble to per form a va ri ety of func tions. All the pos si ble op er a tions are listed below. - Press ing a but ton sends an SMS text to a nor mal mo bile phone con - tain ing the co or di nates; - Pressing a button sends an message to a programmed recipient; - Press ing one of the 2 but tons or, makes a voice call to a pro - grammed num ber; Pag. 13

17 Cap. 5 - Operation English - Press ing the but ton makes a voice call but with the speaker off (En vi ron ment Lis ten ing mode); - Man ual voice call choos ing the re cip i ent from the phone book; - Via SMS text com mand, re quest the last stored po si tion; the SMS re - sponse will re turn the co or di nates. - Via SMS text com mand, re quest for the last 50 po si tions with re - sponse; - Via SMS text com mand, voice call re quest to the num ber that sent the SMS; - Via SMS text com mand, En vi ron ment Lis ten ing call re quest to the num ber that sent the SMS; Not all op er a tions are al ways pos si ble. It de pends on how the de vice has been pro grammed and the type of SIM card be ing used (voice only, voice + data, M2M data only). Spon ta ne ous alerts In re la tion to the set re cip i ents (tele phone num bers or ad dresses), it is pos si ble to re ceive the fol low ing in for ma tion from the PT-100 automatically: panic alarm/dis tress alarm with the asso ci ated geo graphic coor di - nates (can be dis played quickly on Google Maps via a direct link); Auto matic Test sent with the rel a tive coor di nates; Man-Down alarm; alarm on tar get (input/out put); Low Bat tery infor ma tion; voice calls. De fault com mands Us ing a de fault com mand, via SMS, it is pos si ble to per form a va ri ety of func - tions. The for mat of the mes sage must be as follows: PASSWORD COMMAND Where: PASSWORD is the unique PT100 password programmed via MVC (default: 11100) COMMAND in di cates the ac tiv ity to be car ried out. All com mands can be writ ten in up per or lower case and are as fol lows: Pag. 14

18 English Cap. 5 - Operation Pag. 15 CALL the PT-100 makes a voice call to the tele phone num ber from which it re ceived the SMS. LST the PT-100 makes a lis ten ing in voice call (with speaker off on the PT-100) to the tele phone num ber from which it re ceived the SMS. MAIL the PT-100 sends an to the pro grammed ad dress con tain ing the co or di nates of the last 50 po si tions; the first shown is the most re - cent. The co or di nates are given as a link to view on Google Maps. Click ing on the link will au to mat i cally open the Google web page and show the po si tion on the map. The re ply mes sage ( ) is sent within 60 seconds. MAIL pa ram e ter where pa ram e ter is date/time in the for mat the PT-100 sends an to the pro grammed ad dress con tain ing the co or di nates of the last 50 con sec u tive po si tions re corded before the date set. If time is omit ted and there is only the date, the dis play starts from 23:59 on the day re quested. Ex am ple: MAIL This will send the last re corded po si tions un til 15:00 on 13 April It is pos si ble to use a full stop, comma, co lon or slash (/) as a sep a ra - tor. It is also pos si ble to write the year with only two dig its (e.g. 11). As for the con tent of the , the same ap plies as set out above. MVC Upon re ceiv ing this com mand, the PT-100 will con nect via GPRS in TCP mode to ad dress of the in staller to con nect to the MVC soft ware. In or der to op er ate, the in staller must have a PC con nected to the Internet with a pub lic static IP ad dress and this IP ad dress must be en - tered on the MVC Com mu ni ca tor page In staller IP Ad dress/in staller Hostname. The SMS may come from any mo bile phone, The MVC must be in "TCP/IP con nec tion wait ing" mode. POS the PT-100 re sponds with an SMS to the phone num ber from which it re ceived the SMS, con tain ing the geo graphic co or di nates and speed of the last po si tion. TRACK ON SMS the PT-100 ac ti vates the Track ing mode, send ing the po si tions to the re cip i ents as an SMS. TRACK ON MAIL the PT-100 ac ti vates the Track ing mode, send ing the po si tions to the re cip i ents via . TRACK OFF the PT-100 de ac ti vates Track ing mode.

19 Cap. 5 - Operation English General information Call Re sponse Han dling The PT-100 han dles calls that come to its GSM in many ways ac cord ing to the op er a tion: - the call may be a voice call to talk to the user or en ter En vi ron ment Lis - ten ing mode; - the call may be an awakening ring to activate GPRS mode (by the Operational Control Unit or Installer). In or der to dis tin guish the type of re sponse, the PT-100 acts de pend ing on the num ber re cog nised and the type of in com ing call: - If there is an IP ad dress/hostname pro grammed for the op er a tional con trol unit, the num ber from which the call is be ing made is checked: - un known num ber: hangs up and ac ti vates GPRS mode to the O.C.U.; - num ber in phone book: ac ti vates the ring tone like a nor mal phone. - If there is no IP ad dress/hostname pro grammed for the op er a tional con trol unit: ac ti vates the ring tone like a nor mal phone. - If the num ber from which the call is made is the one shown on the MVC Communicator In staller Ac cess page, the type of call is checked: - if it is a Voice call and the in staller's IP ad dress/hostname is pres ent, it hangs up and ac ti vates GPRS mode to the lat ter ad dress; - if it is a Data call, it re sponds by act ing like a mo dem and es tab lish ing a data con nec tion with time-based bill ing. Pag. 16

20 English Cap. 5 - Operation En ergy sav ing fea tures - Mo tion de tec tor Like all bat tery-pow ered de vices, the op ti mi sa tion of con sump tion is cru cial in or der to en sure max i mum au ton omy. In this de vice, en ergy sav ing is mainly based on turn ing on the GPS re ceiver at set intervals. When the PT-100 is switched on or re set, the GPS re ceiver is switched on to ob tain a valid po si tion, called a "FIX". This po si tion must be ob tained within a cer tain pro gram ma ble time, for ex am ple 5 min utes, so that if the GPS is in con di tions of poor vis i bil ity of the sat el lites (for ex am ple in side build ings), it is not kept on unnecessarily. Once the valid po si tion (FIX) is ob tained, it is stored in the PT-100 log and the re ceiver switches it self off. Sub se quent power on oc curs af ter a pro grammed time and this also de - pends on the de tec tion of a move ment. The PT-100 ac tu ally fea tures a three-axis ac cel er om e ter that makes it pos si ble to de tects move ments or changes in inclination. Two dif fer ent times can, there fore, be pro grammed for the re start of the GPS and to es tab lish a valid po si tion (FIX): - GPS standby time with de vice sta tion ary. Ex am ple: 20 min utes; - GPS standby time with de vice in mo tion. Ex am ple: 2 min utes. The "GPS standby time with de vice in mo tion" must be shorter than the other one, oth er wise this fea ture re mains un used. All of this ensures good resolution with the device in motion and considerable energy saving when it is stationary. Ev ery time the PT-100 must trans mit a po si tion on man ual alarm or dur ing poll ing, it uses the last po si tion stored in the log. Charg ing the bat tery - Bat tery care The Li-Ion bat tery is re charged via USB con nec tion to PC or via the spe cial charger and is sup plied with a 230 V mains bat tery charger (model SAS-ALR.001), but the op tional 12 V model (model SAS-ALC.001) is also avail able. The bat tery is charged when ever the de vice is con nected to a USB port. The Li-ion bat ter ies have no mem ory ef fect so the de vice can be charged at any time. In side the PT-100 is a spe cial cir cuit to au to mat i cally ad just the charg ing cur rent for this type of bat tery and stop when it is charged. The max i mum charg ing cur rent de pends on the type of con nec tion: the 230 VAC or 12 VDC bat tery charg ers de liver more cur rent than the com puter's Pag. 17

21 Cap. 5 - Operation English USB port. The in dic a tive times for a full charge, as sum ing a fully flat battery, are as follows: - about 5-6 hours us ing the charger pow ered by mains volt age; - about 15 hours with charg ing from the USB port of your PC. In the case of pro longed in ac tiv ity of the PT-100, it is rec om mended to charge the bat tery at least once ev ery 4 months. Low Bat tery Man age ment: send ing event and re cov ery, in di - ca tions on the display Low bat tery in for ma tion, if en abled, is sent when the volt age drops to 3.5 volts while re cov ery takes place when it has re turned to 3.7 volts. The check can only be made if the charger is dis con nected. If the volt age drops to 3.3V, the de vice turns off to avoid dam ag ing the bat tery and can only be turned man u ally. The dis play will show the bat tery sta tus based on the mea sured volt age and is in di cated by the fill ing of the icon. Here are some indicative levels: V Batt 4V V Batt 3,75V V Batt <3,5V Battery charged Battery half charged Low battery Track ing Fea ture Us ing the track ing fea ture, it is pos si ble to ob tain more po si tions (FIX) from the Per sonal Tracker com pared with stan dard pro gram ming, in or der to ob - tain more in for ma tion about the mo tion tak ing place. In this case, the power on of the GPS is sub ject to the pa ram e ter set to "GPS standby time with de vice in track ing mode" (see page 36). The Track ing fea - ture can be ac ti vated in two ways: Manually via the MvsNET con trol unit, or by the user using the pre set "TRACK" com mands (see page 15). Automatically based on the posi tion of the device in rela tion to the pro grammed tar gets. Us ing Tar gets Tar gets are cir cu lar ar eas lo cated on the Earth's sur face of which the co or di - nates of the cen tre and ra dius are de fined. They can be con fig ured ei ther lo cally, en ter ing data from the MVC soft ware, or via the MvsNET Op er a tional Pag. 18

22 English Cap. 5 - Operation Con trol Unit. For each tar get, you can choose how to send the events (in both In put/out put and the po si tions rel a tive to Tracking, when active). By set ting "In side track ing", the fea ture is ac ti vated au to mat i cally when ever the de vice is in side a tar get, con versely, set ting "Out side track ing" means the fea ture re mains ac tive un til the de vice is lo cated outside the target. The tar gets can be used for: "Cer ti fy ing" that the device has reached a cer tain posi tion (with the rel - a tive time). The min i mum time spent in the tar get is what allows you to have at least one set posi tion (FIX) inside it. Increas ing the res o lu tion of the move ments in cer tain areas with the track ing fea ture and trans mit ting the posi tion to each FIX when the device is located inside the tar get. In this case, better time res o lu tion (i.e. more fre quent FIXES) are required, because the tar get area could be "dangerous". Ap pen dix 2 (on page 44) shows those who wish to do so how to cal cu late the min i mum ra dius that tar gets should have for op ti mum op er a tion. In any case, the ap prox i mate val ues may be as follows: m ra dius for walk ing routes m ra dius for car jour neys with a max i mum speed of 50 km/h m ra dius for car jour neys with a max i mum speed of 90 km/h Pag. 19

23 Cap. 5 - Operation English Ability to make or receive voice calls The PT-100 can call or be called in voice mode. As it does not have a key pad, calls can only be made to 16 pro grammed num bers. These are stored in a spe cific phone book that can be pro grammed us ing the MVC soft ware. For this use, a SIM card must be in serted in the PT-100 that al lows pre paid or con tract voice traf fic. To answer a call, press the but ton; To end, press the but ton. To enter the phone book, hold down the but ton; Once the first phone book entry has appeared choose the user to call by scroll ing using the To make the call hold down the but tons. but ton. To end the call or to exit the phone book with out call ing press the but ton. WARNING WARNING WARN ING! The PT-100 is a small por ta ble de vice de vel oped for per sonal safety and based on a pro fes sional GSM/GPRS in te grated sys - tem. It was there fore con ceived as a self-de fence tool only and NOT as a mo bile phone, so the Voice fea ture should be con sid - ered for emer gen cies ONLY. WARN ING! If MvsNET server IP ad dress is con fig ured the unit can re ceive voice call only from con tacts saved in the phone book page. Pag. 20

24 English Cap. 6 - Technical Specifications 6 - Technical Specifications Power supply: 3.7V via Li-Ion battery Maximum charge current: 500 ma/180 ma according to the type of charging (charger / PC). NOTICE Battery life: starting from a full charge, from 40 to 100 hours depending on the parameters set and transmissions made. Dimensions: 94x54x23mm Weight: 100gr Environmental storage conditions Temperature: from -20 to +55 for storage for no longer than 1 month from -20 to +45 for storage for no longer than 6 months from -20 to +25 for storage for no longer than 1 year Humidity: from 45% to 85% N.B. These times are sup plied by the bat tery man u fac turer. Li-Ion bat ter ies are sub ject to pro gres sive deg ra da tion that also de - pends on the tem per a ture of use or stor age. The bat tery lasts lon ger if kept at a lower temperature. Compatibility with Sicep MvsNET (version ) operating systems: Accessories: VAC main charger, model SAS-ALR.001 (included) Car cigarette lighter charger, model PT-ALC.001 (optional) 2 m USB wire, model RAP-USB/ABM/2 (included) Pag. 21

25 Cap. 7 - Installation English 7 - Installation SIM card installation In sert the SIM card into the ap pro pri ate slot, as shown in the di a gram. WARNING IMPORTANT: Be fore han dling the SIM card, make sure that your hands are not a source of static elec tric ity Battery connection The PT-100 Per sonal Tracker co mes with the bat tery dis con nected: - In sert the bat tery wire into the con nec tor shown in the di a gram. - Close the PT-100, keep ing an eye on the po si tion of the bat tery wire: it must re main at the side of the bat tery it self so as not to cre ate thick ness and pre vent the clo sure of the device. - Charge the bat tery for the first start-up (6 hours us ing the charger, 15 hours us ing the PC) Pag. 22

26 English Cap. 7 - Installation Installing the clip The PT-100 Per sonal Tracker co mes with a spe cial sup port so it can be fit ted to the belt. To in stall the clip, pro ceed as fol lows: - Open the PT-100 and dis con nect the bat - tery. - Make 2 holes with a di am e ter of 2.5 mm on the back cover at the lo ca tion of the marks shown on the di a gram to the side. - Use the 2 screws sup plied to at tach the clip to the con tainer. - Re con nect the bat tery to the cir cuit. - Close the PT-100, keep ing an eye on the po si tion of the bat tery wire. Pag. 23

27 Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters English 8 - Programming the operating parameters The PT-100 tracker is pro grammed us ing Sicep MVC soft ware for Pcs. This ap pli ca tion is a cli ent pro gram de vel oped to con fig ure all Sicep de vices. Spe cial graphic pages con tained in the de vice to be pro grammed make con - fig u ra tion sim ple and in tu itive. Sicep MVC soft ware can be down loaded free of charge from the site (reg is tra tion re quired). Be cause con nec tion with the PT-100 only takes place via the USB port, for the first con nec tion, it will be nec es sary to in stall the driv ers. WARNING WARN ING! The MVC soft ware must be ver sion 1.23d or later. Ear lier ver sions are not com pat i ble with the PT-100, es pe cially as re gards dis play - ing the Log page Installing the drivers Win dows 2000-XP op er at ing sys tems - In sert the CD-ROM sup plied in the PC. - Con nect the PT-100 to the PC via the USB ca ble. - As soon as the de vice is de tected, you are prompted for a path to search for the driver. - Choose the CD-ROM drive by click ing on Browse NOTICE N.B. If the op er at ing sys tem gives the warn ing that the driver has not passed Win dows Logo test ing, ig nore and con tinue with in stal la - tion. - Once completed, this procedure is required once again to install another file. Proceed in the same way. NOTICE N.B. In stal la tion is not re quired if you have al ready in stalled the driv ers for the IRS pe riph er als. Pag. 24

28 English Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters Af ter in stal la tion, be fore open ing the MVC pro gram, it is use ful to know the num ber as signed to the COM port via USB. To do this click on: Start Set tings Con trol Panel Sys tem Hard ware De vice Man - ager COM ports and note the num ber as signed to the "USB Se rial Port" or "USB CDC Se rial Port em u la tion". NOTICE N.B. The MVC 1.23 ver sion au to mat i cally de tects the COM ports pres ent on your PC (phys i cal or em u lated) and shows them in the list of choices. Win dows Vista-7 op er at ing sys tems - In sert the CD-ROM sup plied in the PC. - Con nect the PT-100 to the PC via the USB ca ble. - The sys tem will try in vain to in stall the driv ers, re turn ing the er ror mes - sage "De vice driver in stal la tion failed". - Now in stall the driver as fol lows: - Click on Start Control Panel Hardware and sounds Device Manager Other devices; USB Serial Update driver Search for the driver software in the computer specify the path Browse Computer Sicep S.p.A. CD/DVD drive Driver Vista-Win7 OK Next - You will see the warn ing mes sage "Un able to ver ify the pub lisher of this driver soft ware"; - se lect "In stall the driver soft ware" Connection Start the MVC soft ware (ver d or later), choose the cor re spond ing COM port, en ter the Ad min is tra tor pass word (de fault 11100) and click Con nect. Once con nected, a menu ap pears with 6 pages on the left. Administrator Pass word (def ) With this pass word, you can ac cess all the PT-100 pro gram ming, di ag nos tic and log pages. User Password (def ) With this pass word, you can only ac cess the Di ag nos tic and Log pages. Pag. 25

29 Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters English Programming pages DI AG NOS TIC page This page con sists of three read-only sub-pages. The aim is to test the ef fi - ciency of the PT-100 de vice. GPS sub-page Last valid position Shows the last po si tion de tected by the sys tem, this po si tion does not nec es sar ily have to also be memo rised in the log. Web Map button If pressed, shows the lo ca tion us ing Google Maps : au to mat i cally opens the Google web page with the po si tion on the map. Sta tus sec tion Shows the cur rent data ob tained from the GPS re ceiver. Searching Satellites Track ing Satellites in view Speed Di rec tion Al ti tude Pag. 26

30 English Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters NOTICE N.B. Even when the de vice is sta tion ary, it is still pos si ble to de tect speeds other than zero (about 1-2 km/h). This is nor mal and is due to the im per fect re cep tion of GPS sat el lites. In the case of a sta tion ary de vice, the "di rec tion" data is insignificant. Switch On GPS If pressed, this switches the GPS re ceiver on. Power-off is au to matic ac cord ing to the pa ram e ters pro grammed on page 35. Avail able Sat el lite sec tion In di cates the num ber of sat el lites cur rently de tected by the PT-100 de vice. It should be noted that at least 3 sat el lites are needed to de tect the po si tion. The greater the num ber of sat el lites ac quired, the higher the level of precision. GSM sub-page SMS Test Op er at ing Sta tion But ton Sends an SMS con tain ing the au to matic test to the SMS re cip i ent num ber of the Op er a tional Con trol Unit. Text Type SMS Test But ton Sends an SMS con tain ing the au to matic test to the pro grammed SMS re cip i ent num bers. Operating Station GPRS Test But ton Sends a GPRS mes sage con tain ing the au to matic test to the IP ad - dress/hostname of the Op er a tional Con trol Unit (if pro grammed). User Test But ton Send a test to the pro grammed ad dress, con tain ing the last po si tion avail able. Mo tion sensor/bat tery sub-page Shows the data ob tained from the ac cel er om e ter and bat tery sta tus. NOTICE N.B. the bat tery volt age dis played is the last value read be fore con - nect ing the USB ca ble. With the ca ble con nected, fact the bat tery is, in fact, charg ing and the volt age read at this stage is not important. Pag. 27

31 Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters English AC TIONS page But tons sub-page Panic But ton De scrip tion: En ter the de scrip tion that is trans mit ted in the SMSs/ s. Pre-Alarm (sec.) (range ) def. 0 (for Panic but ton only) Sets the pre-alarm time for the Panic but ton. If en abled, press ing the red but ton once ac ti vates the timer. At the end, the mes sage is sent au to mat i cally to the pro grammed re cip i ents. If, dur ing the pre-alarm stage, the but ton is pressed a sec ond time, the PT-100 sends the call im me di ately. Us ing the but ton, it is pos si ble to can cel the pre-alarm fea ture at any time. SEND TYPE: each flag enables the alarm to be sent to the intended recipient: Operational Control Unit, SMS Text or . Pag. 28

32 English Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters En vi ron ment Lis ten ing/voice call (range: No ad dressee/con tact Num ber ) Es tab lishes if the call to con tact spec ify be low will be in En vi ron ment Lis ten ing mode or in nor mal voice mode. Sec ond ary num ber will be di alled only if con tact re lated to pri mary num ber does n't an swer. About that, dis able voic ser vice of the first con tact. Re fer to mode of dis abling voic ser vice made avail able from your op er a - tor. But tons : It is pos si ble to set the 2 but tons shown for speed di al ling. De scrip tion: En ter the de scrip tion that is trans mit ted in the SMSs/ s. SEND TYPE: each flag en ables the alert to be sent to the in tended re cip i ent: Op er a - tional Con trol Unit, SMS Text or . Voice call (range: No ad dressee/con tact Num ber ) Es tab lished the re cip i ent to call in voice mode. Re quires a SIM card with a voice con tract. Sec ond ary num ber will be di alled only if con tact re lated to pri mary num ber does n't an swer. About that, dis able voic ser vice of the first con tact. Re fer to mode of dis abling voic ser vice made avail able from your op er a - tor. MAN DOWN sub-page De scrip tion: en ter the de scrip tion that is trans mit ted in the SMSs/ s. Pre-alarm: (range ) pre-alarm time in sec onds dur ing which the de vice must re main in a hor i zon tal po si tion in or der to gen er ate the alarm. En ter ing 0 dis ables the Man-Down feature. Acoustic warning: if en abled, a "beep" is emit ted ev ery sec ond dur ing the pre-alarm time. SEND TYPE: each flag enables the alarm to be sent to the intended recipient: Operational Control Unit, SMS Text or . Pag. 29

33 Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters English En vi ron ment Lis ten ing (range: No recipient/recipient ) Es tab lishes the re cip i ent to call for the En vi ron ment Lis ten ing mode. Sec ond ary num ber will be di alled only if con tact re lated to pri mary num ber does n't an swer. About that, dis able voic ser vice of the first con tact. Re fer to mode of dis abling voic ser vice made avail - able from your op er a tor. NOTICE N.B. You can tem po rarily dis able Man Down func tion by press ing the two but tons be low at the same time and re-en able re peat ing this op er a tion. DE VICE OP ER A TION EVENTS sub-page Automatic Send Position (minutes): (range ) def. 0 If pro grammed other than 0, ac cord ing to the time pro grammed, the PT-100 trans mits the last po si tion memo rised in the log to en abled recipients. Send ON/OFF De vice Makes it pos si ble to send cer tain re cip i ents in for ma tion about whether the de vice is on or off. The power on alert does not con tain the po si tion, while the power off alert does. Send Flat bat tery (only Op. Sta tion): if en abled, the de vice sends low bat tery and re charge bat tery alerts to the op er a tional con trol unit. Pag. 30

34 English Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters TAR GETS sub-page TARGETS LOCAL SETTINGS: Def. Not en abled It is pos si ble to con fig ure the co or di nates of the tar gets man u ally (with the MvsNET Op er a tional Con trol Unit, as sign ment is au to matic us ing a sim ple pro ce dure). If the tar gets are con fig ured lo cally in the trans mis sions (SMS/ ), the de scrip tions en tered by the user are ap plied, oth er - wise the de scrip tions shown are only Tar get 1 O.C.U. Tar get 8 O.C.U. NOTICE N.B. The in put/out put from the tar get can only be trans mit ted to the Op er a tional Con trol Unit if the tar gets are NOT con fig ured manually. Target: Description, Latitude, Longitude, Radius: in these fields, it is a good idea to en ter a short de scrip tion, the geo - graph ical co or di nates and the ra dius in metres. The co or di nates must be writ ten in data with 6 dec i mal places fol lowed by the re spec tive letter N, S, E or W. SEND TYPE Def. Send ing to O.C.U. en abled makes it pos si ble to de ter mine to which re cip i ents to send the tar get in put/out put in for ma tion and the po si tions dur ing track ing. Dis abled: Def. All en abled makes it pos si ble to dis able a tar get with out eras ing the data. Pag. 31

35 Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters English TRACKING OPTION ON TARGETS: Def. No track ing makes it pos si ble to choose when to ac ti vate the Track ing mode au to mat i cally (see page 18/18). By choos ing the No track ing op tion, the fea ture can only be ac ti vated us ing a command. COM MU NI CA TOR page OP ER A TIONAL STA TION sub-page IP Ad dress/hostname (GPRS car rier): Def. Blank en ter the IP ad dress or hostname of the MvsNET server to re ceive the alarms. TCP Port: (def. 9016) port used for TCP con nec tions. UDP Port: (def. 9001) port used to send UDP mes sages. Peripheral Code: (range:1-9999) (def. 100) iden ti fi ca tion code of the pe riph eral. Operating Station Number: en ter the num ber of the Op er a tional Con trol Unit rel a tive to the re ceipt of SMS alarms. Re cip i ent User sub-page Text Type SMS ad dresses: Mo bile num bers to send SMS texts to. Pag. 32

36 English Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters contacts: en ter the ad dress to which the PT-100 must send mes - sages. IN STALLER sub-page IP Ad dress/hostname in staller MVC: en ter the pub lic static IP ad dress or hostname of the in staller PC in or - der to per form re mote as sis tance from the re mote MVC. NOTICE N.B. this ad dress/hostname CAN NOT be the same pro grammed for the Op er a tional Con trol Unit! TCP Port: def port used for TCP con nec tion with the MVC. Phone Num ber for ac cess ing In staller MVC: this num ber is used is to re cog nise that the awak en ing ring is made by the in staller. In this way, the PT-100 es tab lishes a GPRS con nec tion in TCP/IP to the ad dress shown to the side (In staller IP/Hostname). Al ter na tively, the ac ti va tion of the con nec tion must be made by SMS com mand from any mo bile phone. The mes sage must con tain the pass word. With this type of ac ti va tion, it is not nec es sary to pro gram the phone number for access. Pag. 33

37 Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters English SETTINGS page De fault But ton: when pressed, this sets all the pa ram e ters back to the de fault value. The Events log is not de leted. GENERAL Sub-page User Name: en ter the description that is transmitted in the SMSs/ s. Characters allowed: numbers, letters, & ' (space). - _ Ad min is tra tor Pass word (de fault 11100): Pass word for access to PT-100 pro gram ming User Pass word (de fault 11101): re stricted access password, allowing access only to the Diagnostics and Event Log pages. Speaker Vol ume: (Range 0-10) Def. 7 makes it pos si ble to set the speaker vol ume dur ing use in Voice mode. In any case, the vol ume can be changed dur ing the con ver sa - tion us ing the two but tons. Ringtone Type: Def. Mel ody 1 sets the tune used as a ringtone (re ceiv ing voice calls). Ringtone Vol ume: (range Disabled/Low/Medium/Loud) def. Loud Sets the ringtone vol ume. Lis ten But ton: al lows you test the se lected ringtone. Pag. 34

38 English Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters GPS sub-page Pag. 35 On this sub-page, pa ram e ters are set that al low the op ti mi sa tion of con - sump tion based on us age of the PT-100. It is im por tant to choose the best com pro mise to al low for in creased battery life. GPS Disabled: Def. En abled makes it pos si ble to dis able the GPS re ceiver if the user does not re quired the track ing fea tures. If this pa ram e ter is checked, the GPS re ceiver is never turned on, so as to re duce con sump tion in this par tic u lar use. Timeout Position Searching (range ) Def. 600 sets the max i mum time in sec onds for which the GPS re ceiver is on dur ing the sat el lite search phase. The higher the value, the greater the chance of be ing able to fix the po si tion even in dif fi cult con di tions (e.g. in side build ings), but bat tery con sump tion is higher. GPS standby times sec tion: set the time in sec onds that the re ceiver is kept off, once the po si tion has been fixed, ac cord ing to 3 dif fer ent modes (see be low). The lower the value, the better the res o lu tion, be cause the po si tions are de tected more fre - quently, but power ons and there fore bat tery con sump tion are in creased. De vice Stand ing (range ) Def. 600 sets the time in sec onds that the re ceiver is kept off, once the po si tion has been fixed, with the de vice sta tion ary. It is ad vis able to set a value as high as pos si ble ac cord ing to the cho sen use. De vice Mov ing (range ) Def. 60 sets the time in sec onds that the re ceiver is kept off, once the po si tion has been fixed, with the de vice in mo tion. A value lower than the one pro grammed must be set, oth er wise this fea ture re mains un used.

39 Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters English De vice Track ing (range ) Def. 30 sets the time in sec onds that the re ceiver is kept off, once the po si tion has been fixed, with the de vice in Track ing mode, re gard less of move - ment de tec tion. Used only when the Track ing fea ture is used to gether with the Targets. Track ing Timeout: (range 0-999) def. 15 Sets the max i mum time in min utes in track ing mode. Needed to avoid un nec es sary trans mis sions in case of track ing last ing be yond the ex - pected time. Set ting 0 dis ables tracking. GSM sub-page GSM Dis abled: def. En abled en ables the use of the PT-100 with out a SIM card in serted, if no kind of GSM/GPRS traf fic is to be made. If this pa ram e ter is checked, the GPS mod ule is never turned on, so as to re duce con sump tion in this par tic u lar use. PIN: set the PIN code for the SIM card used. If the card PIN is de ac ti vated, this pa ram e ter is ig nored. APN (Ac cess Point Name): Def. Es tab lishes the GPRS net work used by the SIM op er a tor. This field al lows the user to choose from 3 pre set net works from the var i ous op - er a tors (Vodafone, TIM, Wind), but it is also pos si ble to in sert any address. Pag. 36

40 English Cap. 8 - Programming the operating parameters Ser vice Cen ter Num ber: Def (Vodafone) En ter the num ber of the Ser vice Cen tre for the trans mis sion of SMS mes sages. The num bers shown be low are only in dic a tive and are sub ject to change at any time by the op er a tors. For more in for ma tion, con tact your SIM card operator. Vodafone TIM Wind SIM M2M: Def. Not en abled Se lect this op tion if the SIM is enabled only for Data communications. In this case is not pos si ble to en able en vi ron ment lis ten ing mode by Op er at ing Sta tion. Re main ing credit and pre-paid SIM ex piry sub-page Control Enabled Def. Al ways dis abled This func tion is avail able only for ital ian ver sion with ital ian GSM op er - a tors. sub-page Pag. 37 SMTP Server: Def. set the ad dress of the SMTP server to send ac cord ing to the op er - a tor of the SIM used in the PT-100. The menu choice gives 3 pre set ad dresses for Vodafone, TIM and Wind, but it is al ways pos si ble to en ter a dif fer ent ad dress; the ad dresses shown are only in dic a tive be cause they de pend on the con tract re lated to the SIM and may change at any time. For more in for ma tion, con tact your SIM card op er a tor.


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