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1 TUITION, FEES AND OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION General Information The ex penses for each se mes ter will vary ac cord ing to the per sonal needs of the stu dent and the course of study pur sued. The tu i tion rate dif fers ac cord ing to which of the three fol low ing cat e go ries a stu dent qual i fies: res i dent of Texas, non-res i dent of Texas, or pur su ing a li cense-op tion cur ric u lum (Ma rine Trans por ta tion, Ma rine En gi neer ing Technology, Ma rine Bi ol ogy-li - cense Op tion or Ma rine Sci ences-li cense Op tion). The tu i tion rate also dif fers ac cord ing to the date of en try into Texas A&M Uni ver sity. In or der to de ter mine your tu i tion and fees, go to The tu i tion and fee amounts pro vided in this cat a log rep re sent the most ac cu rate fig ures avail able at the time of pub li ca tion and are sub ject to change due to eco nomic con di tions, leg is la tive re quire ments, or ac tions of the Texas A&M Uni ver sity Sys tem Board of Re gents. Payment of Tuition and Fees Stu dents must meet all fi nan cial ob li ga tions to the Uni ver sity by their due dates to avoid late pen al ties, re gard less of tim ing of pay ment as sis tance (schol ar ships, loans, tu i tion as sis tance, etc). Fail ure to pay amounts owed may re sult in can cel la tion of the stu dent s reg is tra tion and their be ing barred from fu ture en roll ment and re ceiv ing of fi cial tran scripts. Stu dents who wish to pay fees in in stall ments can se lect the op tion on the My Fi nances tab at Payments to Financial Management Services may be in the form of cashier s check, personal check, or money order payable to Texas A&M University at Galveston (or TAMUG). All checks and money orders are accepted subject to final payment. Debit cards are also accepted in person. Discover, Mastercard and American Express credit cards and E-checks are accepted for tuition and fee payments over the website at Convenience fees will be charged for online credit card transactions, with a minimum $3 charge. Visa cannot be used for payment. Credit card payments in person cannot be accepted by the Financial Management Office. No tu i tion and fee state ments will be mailed. No tices of amounts owed should be ob tained through An will be sent to a stu dent s Uni ver sity ad dress ( when the tu i tion and fee state ment is avail able to view on line. Stu dents must use their Howdy Net ID and pass word to log into these two pro grams. Stu dents who plan to pay their bill in full by the due date will re ceive no ti fi ca tion through their Uni ver sity ad dress ( that the fee state ment is avail able to view on line and when tu i tion is due and payable. Stu dents may choose to pay tu i tion and fees in in stall ments which is ex plained be low. Stu dents on the in stall ment plan will re ceive no ti fi ca tion through their Uni ver sity ac count that the fee state ment is avail able to view on line and when each in - stall ment pay ment is due and pay able. In ad di tion, stu dents will be no ti fied through this me dium when any changes have oc curred to their tu i tion and fee state ment and if and when they have a re fund avail able. All fi nan cial aid or loans must be ac cepted be fore be ing ap plied to ward the stu dent s ac count. Tuition Rebates After Graduation Cer tain un der grad u ate stu dents who at tempt no more than three hours in ex cess of the min i mum num ber of se mes ter credit hours re quired to com plete the de gree un der the cat a log un der which they were grad u ated may be en ti tled to a $1,000 tu i tion re - bate af ter grad u a tion. Sev eral con di tions ap ply and stu dents must meet all of the spec i fied cri te ria. If you wish to try and qual ify for this pro gram, please see the website for a complete set of student and institutional responsibilities and other cri te ria. Obligation to Pay Tuition, Required Fees, Other Fees and Charges for Op tional Ser vices By reg is ter ing for classes, stu dents agree to pay all tu i tion and re quired fees as so ci ated with their reg is tra tion, op tional ser - vices and other fees, whether pay ing in full or uti liz ing the in stall ment pay ment op tion. Fail ure to pay tu i tion, fees and other charges may result in penalties, late registration fees and/or possible cancellation. Fi nan cial Ob li ga tion for Grad u at ing Stu dents Ac cord ing to Texas A&M Uni ver sity Stu dent Rules and the Texas Ed u ca tion Code, all fi nan cial ob li ga tions to the Uni ver - sity must be paid by the end of the se mes ter. Fail ure to set tle all fi nan cial ob li ga tions will re sult in with hold ing a stu dent s di ploma at grad u a tion. Ad di tion ally, a block will be placed on the stu dent s ac count which will pro hibit reg is tra tion in sub se quent se mes - ters and re ceipt of of fi cial tran scripts. 37

2 Installment Plan Tu i tion, most fees, and room and board may be paid in four in stall ments with 25% pay able at the time of en roll ment in Pay - ment Plan and the re main der pay able in equal pay ments dur ing the se mes ter. Charges that are not el i gi ble for the in stall ment plan must be paid sep a rately from your in stall ment. A one-time $15 ser vice charge will be as sessed to each stu dent who chooses to use the in stall ment plan. Stu dents who wish to pay fees in in stall ments must se lect the in stall ment plan op tion dur ing reg is tra tion each semester. For full de tails on the in stall ment plan and di rec tions how to sign up, go to: One Time Only Fees Room De posit (re fund able) $ New Stu dent Con fer ence Fee (not re fund able) $ Gen eral Prop erty De posit (re fund able) $ Housing and Meal Plans All un der grad u ate stu dents un der the age of 21 and en rolled in more than nine credit hours are re quired to re side in cam pus hous ing (if avail able) and are re quired to pur chase a 15- or 19-meal plan. In for ma tion con cern ing a re quest to live off-cam pus can be ob tained at Any stu dent liv ing off cam pus at the be gin ning of the se mes ter who adds enough hours to re quire liv ing on cam pus must pay for room and board for the en tire se mes ter. Res i dence hall fees are in - cluded in the fee sched ules at In cer tain cases, sin gle room hous ing is of - fered. The fee for that room is the nor mal rate plus 50%. Housing On Cam pus Res i dence Halls Oceans, Hul la ba loo & Mar i ner Fall/Spring $2, Sum mer (5 weeks) $ At lan tic, Pa cific $2, $1, Albatros and Po laris $2, $1, Note: These fees in clude state and city tax of 8.25%. The fees for one sum mer ses sion will be dou bled if a stu dent en rolls for both ses sions. Meal Plan Fees Stu dents re quest ing to change meal plans dur ing the se mes ter will have 30 days from the first day of classes to make any change. Re quests for changes to a meal plan af ter that time will not be per mit ted. All changes must be made through the Food Ser - vice Of fice at ( ). Fall and Spring 19 Meal Plan - Mon. - Sun., $1, $ tax = $1, Meal Plan - Mon. - Sun., $1, $ tax = $1, Fall and Spring (Op tional meal plan) Any 10 meals per week $1, $ tax = $1, Any 5 meals per week $ $ tax = $ Week Sum mer Ses sion 19 Meal Plan - Mon. - Sun., $ $47.52 tax = $ Meal Plan - Mon. - Sun., $ $43.48 tax = $ Week Sum mer Ses sion (Op tional meal plan) Any 10 meals $ $29.29 tax = $ Any 5 meals $ $13.20 tax = $ Two op tional meal plans are avail able for off-cam pus stu dents. 10-Week Sum mer Ses sion 19 Meal Plan - Mon. - Sun., $1, $95.04 tax = $1, Meal Plan - Mon. - Sun., $1, $87.04 tax = $1, Week Sum mer Ses sion (Op tional meal plan) Any 10 meals $ $58.66 tax = $ Any 5 meals $ $26.32 tax = $

3 Tuition and Fees: Texas Resident and Non-Texas Resident (Both undergraduate and graduate) Tu i tion and fees can be found at Tu i tion In for ma tion. The stu dent will need to know his/her co hort (his group of stu dents who are pay ing tu i tion and fees based on their en try semester into Texas A&M) for de ter mi na tion of his/her tu i tion and fees. Tuition and Fees: License Option Cadets (not NROTC) These stu dents are en rolled in MARB-LO, MARS-LO, MART or MARR cur ric u lum. All Ca dets en rolled in Li cense Op tion cur ric ula pay a spe cial tu i tion rate re gard less of their state res i dency sta tus (in-state or out-of-state). Tu i tion and fees can be found at The stu dent will need his co hort for de ter mi - na tion of his Tu i tion and Fees. Ca dets who are NROTC, Drill and Cer e mo nies or In ter na tional are not el i gi ble for this spe cial Li - cense Op tion tu i tion and pay nor mal Texas Res i dent or Non-Res i dent as ap pli ca ble. Sum mer Cruise Ca dets may sail on the Texas A&M Mar i time Acad emy train ing ship (Gen eral Rud der) or they may sail aboard an other mar i time acad emy s train ing ship, all de pend ing on ca pac ity and tim ing is sues. There may be ad di tional costs as - so ci ated with travel to the ports of de par ture and ar rival. Ca dets in the Li cense Op tion Pro gram must take a to tal of three cruises within four sum mers. In or der to ob tain fed eral fi nan - cial aid, stu dents must en roll in a min i mum of six se mes ter credit hours dur ing the sum mer term. Ca dets may meet this re quire - ment by com plet ing two ad di tional se mes ter credit hours while on cruise or by com plet ing an ad di tional course on cam pus. Ei ther of these op tions will re sult in ad di tional tu i tion ex penses. The Sum mer Cruise ex pense aboard the Train ing Ship Gen eral Rud der in cludes a cruise fee, room and meal plan. Sum mer cruise fees for stu dents sail ing with al ter nate schools will in cur fees as charged by those schools (es ti mated to be be tween $7,500 to $9,000). The Sum mer Cruise meal plan ex pense in cludes state and city tax of 8.25%. In ad di tion, sum mer cruise ex penses may be in creased to cover travel to and from the ports. Other Ex penses This may in clude uni forms with an ini tial out lay of $1500, spe cial train ing such as Fire Fight ing School and in ci den tals. In or der to re ceive fed eral fi nan cial aid, stu dents must en roll in a min i mum of six se mes ter credit hours dur ing the sum mer term. Ca dets may meet this re quire ment by com plet ing an ad di tional two se mes ter credit hours while on cruise or by com plet ing an ad di tional course on cam pus. Ei ther of these op tions will re sult in ad di tional tu i tion ex penses. Stu dents who are dis missed or with draw from a li cense-op tion cur ric u lum af ter the se mes ter be gins will have fees ad justed to the ap pro pri ate res i dent or non res i dent rate ret ro ac tive to the be gin ning of the se mes ter. Li cense-op tion stu dents who are granted a leave of ab sence for the sum mer and who en roll in the on shore sum mer pro gram at the Mitch ell Cam pus in stead of the sum mer train ing cruise will pay li cense-op tion fees as ap pro pri ate for that pe riod. Li cense-op tion stu dents must com plete all three cruises within four sum mers. Late Fees and Penalties Penalties include: $25 late payment penalty for failure to make payment on the scheduled due date. $100 late registration/re-registration penalty for registration/re-registration between the 1st and 12th class days. $200 late registration penalty for registration after the census day (12th class day). $50 late class-add penalty for adding a course after the census day (12th class day) when a net result of the change is an increase in the number of credit hours. $50 reinstatement fee. These pen al ties will ap ply to all stu dents, in clud ing those who are dropped for non pay ment and are re quired to reregister for classes. Student Financial Responsibility By reg is ter ing for classes, stu dents agree to pay all tu i tion and re quired fees as so ci ated with their reg is tra tion, op tional ser - vices and other fees, whether pay ing in full or uti liz ing the in stall ment pay ment op tion. Fail ure to pay tu i tion, fees and other charges may re sult in pen al ties, late reg is tra tion fees and/or pos si ble can cel la tion. If amounts be come past due, the Uni ver sity re - serves the right to re port the ac count to the Credit Bu reau. This will also ini ti ate in ter nal col lec tion ef forts and could cause the Uni - ver sity to em ploy an out side col lec tion agency to re cover the debt. If any col lec tion ef forts must be made, the stu dent will be re quired to pay all col lec tion costs, in clud ing col lec tion agency fees, le gal fees and other costs in curred in col lect ing the amounts due. Ad di tion ally, the stu dent's ac count will be blocked from registering for the next semester and from obtaining a transcript. 39

4 Cancelling Reg is tra tion Once stu dents have reg is tered for classes, they must se lect one course of ac tion from the fol low ing to re main in good stand - ing with the Uni ver sity: pay all amounts due by the specified due date; use the on line reg is tra tion to drop all classes prior to the first day of classes; or con tact the Enrollment Services Office to be gin the with drawal pro cess from the Uni ver sity af ter the first day of classes. Fol low ing this pro ce dure is es pe cially im por tant for stu dents who have been awarded schol ar ships or fi nan cial aid since the aid may au to mat i cally pay tu i tion and fees and cause the reg is tra tion to be held even though the stu dent has de cided not to at tend. Fail ure to re quest can cel la tion of an un wanted reg is tra tion may re sult in grades of F or I in all courses for the se mes ter. The stu dent will be re quired to re im burse the Uni ver sity for schol ar ships and other fi nan cial aid ap plied to his or her ac count and will be held re spon si ble for pay ing all fees for the se mes ter, re gard less of whether he or she at tended classes. Students Dropped for Non-Payment: Fall and Spring Terms Stu dents that have not paid their tu i tion and fees in full or have not paid their first in stall ment pay ment by the due date will be as sessed a $100 late registration fee and stu dents must make the re quired pay ment for their classes to be re stored. Stu dents that have not paid their tu i tion and fees in full or have not paid their first in stall ment pay ment by the 20th class day will be hard dropped from their classes. At this point in time, stu dents may no lon ger at tend classes in the cur rent term. Students Dropped for Non-Payment: Summer Terms Stu dents that have not paid their tu i tion in full by the due date will be assessed a $100 late registration fee and stu dents must make the re quired pay ment for their classes to be re stored. Stu dents that have not paid their tu i tion and fees in full by the 15th class day will be hard dropped from their classes. At this point in time, stu dents may no lon ger at tend classes in the cur rent term. Emergency Tuition and Fee Loans: Emer gency tu i tion and fees loans are avail able to help stu dents get through the crunch at fee pay ment time. Stu dents can bor - row up to the amount of their tu i tion and fees for a max i mum term of 90 days in the Fall and Spring se mes ter and 30 days in the sum mer se mes ter. The loan pro ceeds are ap plied di rectly to the stu dent's ac count to cover cur rent due charges. Stu dents that an tic - i pate their fi nan cial aid or some other third party pay ment may be de layed are en cour aged to pur sue an emer gency tu i tion and fees loan so they will not get dropped from their classes or in cur ad di tional fees. Stu dents may ap ply for this loan at: Short term loans are avail able at and are to pay op tional fees, such as res i dence hall fees, meal plans, park - ing, etc. They can be re paid up to 12 months. To qual ify you must be reg is tered for 6 hours in the fall or spring se mes ter and 3 hours in the sum mer term and be clear of all past due loans and blocks. Unpaid Check If a check or ACH pay ment ac cepted by Fi nan cial Man age ment Ser vices, the book store or any other cam pus de part ment is re turned un paid by the bank on which it is drawn, a pen alty of $30 will be as sessed. The re turned check or ACH payment and the pen alty fee must be paid with cash, cash ier's check or money or der. If not re deemed, the stu dent may be dropped from the Uni ver - sity. Stu dent ac counts will be blocked for fu ture reg is tra tion and tran scripts. The stu dent is el i gi ble for re in state ment af ter pay - ment of pen al ties, a $50 re in state ment fee and re demp tion of the check or ACH payment. If Fi nan cial Man age ment Services re ceives three re turned checks or ACH payments from one stu dent, the Uni ver sity will no lon ger ac cept this pay ment type for the stu dent. Mandatory Fees General Property Deposit Ev ery stu dent, un less reg is tered in ab sen tia, must make a $100 prop erty de posit to pro tect the Uni ver sity from dam age to or loss of uni ver sity prop erty. Charges will be billed di rectly to the stu dent or col lected by the de part ment upon re is sue of sup plies or prop erty. Fail ure to pay the charges promptly will cause the stu dent to be barred from re-ad mis sion and re ceiv ing an of fi cial tran - script from the Uni ver sity. If a stu dent with draws from the Uni ver sity with out pay ing the charges, the de posit will be held for 30 days af ter the close of the se mes ter or a stu dent's with drawal, so that all charges and fines may be to taled from the var i ous de part - ments. This de posit, less out stand ing charges, will be re turned upon re quest to the stu dent grad u at ing or with draw ing from school. De pos its not re quested within four years from date of last at ten dance will be forfeited into a student deposit scholarship account. 40

5 Mail Service Fee Lim ited avail abil ity ex ists for stu dents re sid ing in non-uni ver sity owned or op er ated hous ing to rent a cam pus mail box. The fee is $20 per se mes ter and $20 per ten week sum mer term. In qui ries should be di rected to the Book store ( ). Stu - dents re sid ing in uni ver sity owned or op er ated hous ing have mail ser vices in cluded as part of the Uni ver sity s room charge. Graduate New Student Conference Fee The New Grad u ate Stu dent Con fer ence fee is re quired of all new grad u ate stu dents en roll ing in the fall or spring se mes ters and se lected sum mer terms at the rate of $50 per stu dent. This fee sup ports the pro vi sion of ad vanced ma te ri als to ac cepted stu - dents and the ac tiv i ties and food dur ing the ori en ta tion. New Student Conference Fee The New Stu dent Con fer ence fee is re quired of all new fresh men and trans fer stu dents en roll ing in fall or spring se mes ters and se lected sum mer terms at the rate of $100 per stu dent. This fee sup ports the pro vi sion of ad vanced ma te ri als to ac cepted stu - dents, the con duct of new stu dent con fer ences (in clud ing some meals) and student activities. Housing Deposit A de posit of $300 is re quired as part of a com pleted hous ing ap pli ca tion. Ex act stip u la tions and de tails re gard ing the use and re turn of that de posit are listed within the con tract signed with the ap pli ca tion. University Authorized Tuition This vari able fee is as sessed to com pen sate for oc cu pancy, ser vices, use and/or avail abil ity of all or any of the prop erty, build ings, struc tures, ac tiv i ties, op er a tions and other fa cil i ties of the campus. Supplementary Fee for Courses Attempted More than Twice A course that is re peated by a stu dent more than twice at a pub lic in sti tu tion of higher ed u ca tion in Texas may not be re ported for state fund ing. As a re sult, the in sti tu tion must ei ther pass the non-funded por tion to all stu dents, or charge a sup ple men tary fee to the stu dent who is re peat ing the course. Texas A&M has cho sen to as sess a sup ple men tary fee to those stu dents re peat ing a course more than twice. A stu dent at tempt ing cer tain courses more than twice at Texas A&M Uni ver sity will be sub ject to a sup - ple men tary fee of $125 per se mes ter credit hour ($375 for a 3 hour course) for the re peated course, in ad di tion to tu i tion and re - quired fees as so ci ated with the course. The gen eral cri te ria for de ter min ing which courses are sub ject to the sup ple men tary fee are: A course is sub ject to the fee if a stu dent has com pleted it twice at Texas A&M Uni ver sity with a grade of A, B, C, D, F, F* (ac a demic dis hon esty), S (sat is fac tory), U (un sat is fac tory), I (in com plete), Q (au tho rized drop af ter the add/drop pe riod), F# (Freshmen Grade Exclusion) or X (no grade sub mit ted). Courses identified by the Uni ver sity as re peat able for credit are not sub ject to the fee. A sched ule of re peated courses can be found at Courses dropped with no re cord (NR), no grade (NG) and with draw als (W) are not counted as re peated courses. Stu dents will be no ti fied at the time they reg is ter for a course that it has been taken twice at Texas A&M Uni ver sity and is sub ject to the sup ple men tary fee. University Advancement Fee The vari able Uni ver sity Ad vance ment Fee is a re quired fee charged to all Texas A&M Uni ver sity stu dents. The Ad vance - ment fee funds ser vices such as ad vis ing, tech nol ogy, li brary and ad min is tra tive ser vices such as ID ser vices, util i ties, ac cess to dis counted soft ware and many ser vices pro vided through Stu dent Ser vices. Fees for other Services Academic Enhancement Fee for the Texas Success Initiative This $50 per course fee will be used to pro vide tu tor ing, class room ma te ri als and text books to stu dents re quired to take ac a - demic en hance ment de vel op men tal courses in math, read ing and/or writ ing (for CAEX or MATH 102 courses) in com pli ance with Texas Suc cess Initiative regulations. Application Fee Stu dents who sub mit an ap pli ca tion for un der grad u ate stud ies pay a $75 fee. Stu dents who sub mit an ap pli ca tion for grad u - ate stud ies pay a $50 fee. In ter na tional stu dents pay a $90 ap pli ca tion fee. Cadet Drug Test Fee The Ca det Drug Test Fee is $35 per se mes ter and is re quired for all li cense op tion stu dents. 41

6 Career Center Fee This $35 fee is re quired of stu dents in the se mes ter they reg is ter for on-cam pus in ter views to sup port full-time and in tern ship place ment ser vices. This fee is op tional if the stu dent de sires to ac cess ca reer ser vices through Texas A&M Uni ver sity in Col lege Station. Commercial Cruise Fee A fee of $600 will be charged for all li cense op tion stu dents sail ing on a com mer cial cruise. Distance Education Fee $50 per se mes ter credit hour is as sessed to stu dents tak ing courses us ing dis tance ed u ca tion re sources. Field Trip Fees A field trip fee rang ing from $15 to $5,740 may be charged for courses that in clude field trips. Graduation Fee A non-re fund able fee of $47.50 per de gree sought is as sessed the se mes ter a stu dent ap plies for grad u a tion. This must be paid within the first 15 class days of the stu dent s fi nal se mes ter. Late pay ment of the Grad u a tion Fee will re sult in a $50 late charge. Independent Study Abroad Fee This fee of $100 is to cover ser vices pro vided by the TAMU Study Abroad Of fice. International Student Health Insurance In ter na tional stu dents (stu dents who are not U.S. Cit i zens or Law ful Per ma nent Res i dents of the United States) en rolled at Texas A&M are re quired to have health in sur ance. In ter na tional stu dents will be au to mat i cally en rolled in and charged for the Sys tem Stu dent Health In sur ance Plan (SSHIP) un less they ap ply for and are granted a waiver. In di vid u ally-pur chased plans from ven dors other than the Texas A&M Uni ver sity Sys tem pro vider will not be el i gi ble for a waiver of au to matic en roll ment in the SSHIP. This is to en sure that med i cal treat ment will be avail able in the event of in jury or ill ness dur ing en roll ment at the Uni ver - sity. This re quire ment in cludes stu dents en rolled in ex ten sive Eng lish lan guage pro grams. Full-time Eng lish Lan guage In sti tute (ELI) stu dents should con tact ELI for in for ma tion. All other in ter na tional stu dents can re ceive more de tailed in for ma tion about this requirement by visiting Spe cific ques tions may be di rected to In ter na tional Stu - dent Ser vices by ing International Student Service Fee In ter na tional stu dents who are not spon sored are as sessed a $46 fee each se mes ter to de fray ad min is tra tive support costs. Laboratory Fees A lab o ra tory fee rang ing from $8 to $30 is charged for each lab o ra tory course each se mes ter. Parking Permit All stu dents park ing an au to mo bile or mo tor cy cle on the cam pus pay a fee of $175 for the ac a demic year (Fall, Spring, Sum - mer). By re quest, pro rated re funds can be is sued for terms not used. Sailing Course Fee A $130 fee is charged only to stu dents reg is tered in P.E. sail ing courses to cover the costs of main tain ing the boats, fuel for the in struc tor s boat, and safety equip ment. Scuba Tank Rental Fee A $175 will be charged to stu dents en rolled in a scuba div ing course who re quire the Uni ver sity to sup ply tanks for the course. This fee is used to main tain tanks, reg u la tors, and com pres sors. Testing Administrative Fee A $50 per test fee will be used to pay for per son nel to proc tor credit-by-ex ams and TSI tests and to pay ship ping costs to send tests to test ing cen ters. Texas A&M Maritime Academy O-Week Fee The Texas A&M Mar i time Acad emy O-Week Fee is $38 and cov ers equip ment and sup plies needed dur ing the Corps of Ca - dets O-Week. Meals for O-Week will be added to the se mes ter bill fol low ing O-Week. 42

7 Other Expenses Text books and Sup plies: The cost of text books and sup plies will vary with the qual ity of items pur chased and with the course of study pur sued. Stu dents can ex pect to pay about $800 for each fall and spring se mes ter. Ex penses for the sum mer term should amount to ap prox i mately one-half of the above estimates. Li cense Op tion Ca det Ex penses: Li cense-op tion stu dents must pur chase uni forms with ini tial out fit ting es ti mated at $1,500. Other items such as caps, belt buck les, name tags may be re quired to be pur chased from the TAMUG Bookstore. Tick ets to Texas A&M Uni ver sity home games may also be pur chased at reg is tra tion. Re funds are not al lowed for in di vid ual games or games missed. The Uni ver sity op er ates a book store which sup plies text books, stationery, draw ing in stru ments, toi let ries and other sup - plies. All mer chan dise is sold at re tail prices pre vail ing in the area. Ma jor credit cards are ac cepted in the book store. Refunds and Adjustments Withdrawal from the University Once the Uni ver sity has ac cepted a fee pay ment, a stu dent is con sid ered of fi cially en rolled un less oth er wise re stricted from enrolling. Stop ping pay ment on a check for fees or al low ing the check to be re turned un paid by the bank for any rea son does not con sti tute of fi cial with drawal. A $30 un paid check fee will be ap pli ca ble in this in stance. Stu dents wish ing to with draw should con tact the Of fice of En roll ment Services. Fail ure to fol low pro ce dures for with draw ing from the Uni ver sity may re sult in fi nan - cial pen al ties and dif fi culty with future enrollment in the University. In ter na tional stu dents must con tact the In ter na tional Stu dent Ser vices Of fice be fore with draw ing to de ter mine if do ing so will af fect their visa sta tus. Re funds of fees shall be made to stu dents of fi cially with draw ing ac cord ing to the fol low ing sched ule: Tu i tion, Uni ver sity Au tho rized Tu i tion, Des ig nated Tu i tion, Man da tory Fees, Dif fer en tial Tu i tion, Lab o ra tory Fees, Res i dence Hall Rent and Meal Plans: Meal Plan Refunds Fall or Spring Se mes ter or a 10-week Sum mer Term: Prior to the first class day 100 per cent Dur ing the first five class days 80 per cent Dur ing the sec ond five class days 70 per cent Dur ing the third five class days 50 per cent Dur ing the fourth five class days 25 per cent Af ter the fourth five class days None Five-week Sum mer Term or less Prior to the first class day Dur ing the first class day Dur ing the sec ond class day Af ter the sec ond class day 100 per cent 80 per cent 50 per cent None Meal fees are re fund able in full prior to the first day of classes, af ter which time re funds will be made on a per cent age ba sis ac cord ing to the Uni ver sity s re fund sched ule. In case of a con sec u tive ab sence of 10 or more days due to ill ness of the stu dent or mem ber of his or her fam ily or for some other un avoid able cause, a pro-rated re fund will be made, com puted on a daily basis. Financial Aid Recipients Refunds Stu dents re ceiv ing fi nan cial aid may owe some por tion of any re fund back to the ap pro pri ate fed eral or state pro grams. Fee Adjustments for Courses Added and Dropped A stu dent may drop courses dur ing the first 5 class days of a fall or spring se mes ter or 4 days of a sum mer se mes ter. For fall or spring semesters, stu dents may also drop classes with spe cial per mis sion of the dean/de part ment head be tween the 6th and 12th class days. Full re funds will be given for courses dropped dur ing these pe ri ods. For a summer term, a student may add classes dur - ing the first 4 days of a sum mer se mes ter. All fees must be re ceived in Fi nan cial Man age ment Ser vices on the day the course is added. Stu dents may drop classes dur ing the 1st through 5th class day with full re funds. Re funds will not be is sued for classes dropped after the 5th class day. Re mem ber, to be el i gi ble for drop re funds, you must re main en rolled for the se mes ter. Re funds will not be is sued for classes dropped af ter the 12th class day. As of the first day of the se mes ter, stu dents may not drop all of their classes through the drop/add pro cess be cause that would con sti tute with drawal from the Uni ver sity. Stu dents must go through the of fi cial with drawal pro cess to drop all courses and with draw from the Uni ver sity. To with draw, con tact the Of fice of En roll ment Ser vices. 43

8 A stu dent may add courses dur ing the first 5 days of a fall or spring se mes ter. You must pay the ad di tional tu i tion and fees im - mediately; otherwise your registration will be subject to cancellation. Waivers and Exemptions Stu dents are re spon si ble for ap ply ing for the waiver and/or ex emp tion, and en sur ing the waiver and/or ex emp tion has been ap plied to wards his/her tu i tion and fees for the cur rent se mes ter. All waiv ers and ex emp tions must be pro cessed and en tered onto the stu dent s ac count each fall/spring by the 12th class day and 4th class day dur ing the sum mer se mes ters. Stu dents are re spon si - ble for pay ment of tu i tion and fees not cov ered un der the waiver and/or ex emp tion, and are sub ject to late pay ment pen al ties and late reg is tra tion charges if tu i tion and fees are not paid. Stu dents who have waiv ers and/or ex emp tions will be ver i fied for el i gi bil - ity per se mes ter. Those stu dents who are in Ex cess Credit Hours status or do not have sat is fac tory ac a demic prog ress will not be el - i gi ble for the waiver or ex emp tion. Stu dents reg is ter ing con cur rently at two Texas pub lic in sti tu tions of higher ed u ca tion are sub ject to the fol low ing tu i tion pro ce dure: 1. A stu dent must reg is ter at the in sti tu tion with the lower min i mum tu i tion and pay the full tu i tion charge. 2. Gen er ally, only the hourly rate is paid at the sec ond in sti tu tion. How ever, if the min i mum amount is less at the first in - sti tu tion, then the stu dent must pay the dif fer ence in the two min i mums to the sec ond in sti tu tion, but not less than the hourly rate. Stu dent Fis cal Ap peals If a stu dent finds them selves in an is sue re lated to the ap pli ca tion of Uni ver sity Stu dent Fis cal Pol icy, such as ex cess hours, please access the information under for an ex pla na tion of the Stu dent Fis cal Ap - peal Pro cess and an ap pli ca tion for ap peal. Fee Schedules for Special Circumstances DE (Dis tance Ed u ca tion In struc tion): This group in cludes tra di tional off-cam pus classes, all uni ver sity cen ters and tele com - mu ni ca tions, video and other non tra di tional Dis tance Ed u ca tion In struc tion delivery models. IA (In Ab sen tia): The tra di tional stu dent who is per form ing in di vid ual re search or com plet ing de gree re quire ments that do not re quire class room in struc tion in clud ing the com mer cial cruises. OC (Off-Cam pus): Courses of fered in per son at an off-cam pus lo ca tion or courses com prised solely of field trips. Stu dents en rolled in these courses do not have phys i cal ac cess to cam pus re sources. SA (Study Abroad): Stu dents par tic i pat ing in Texas A&M Uni ver sity at Galveston Study Abroad programs. GG (Galveston Grad u ate Stu dents): Texas A&M Uni ver sity grad u ate stu dents who are en rolled at Col lege Sta tion, but who are tak ing courses ex clu sively at Galveston. Re quired Tu i tion and Fees DE IA OC SA GG State Min i mum Tu i tion Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes University Authorized Tuition Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Com puter Ac cess Fee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Distance Learning Fee Yes No No No No Li brary Ac cess Fee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Student Services Fee Yes No No Yes Yes Health Cen ter Fee No No No No No Stu dent Cen ter Com plex Fee No No No No Yes Rec re ational Sports Cen ter Fee No No No No No Equipment Access Fees Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Field Trip Fees Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Laboratory Fees Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes In ter na tional Stu dent Ser vices Fees Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Spon sored In ter na tional Stu dent Fee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Prop erty De posit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Identification Card Fee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ves sel Use Fee No No Yes No Yes 44

9 FINANCIAL AID AND SCHOLARSHIPS The pur pose of stu dent fi nan cial aid at TAMUG is to as sist stu dents in meet ing the rea son able costs of their ed u ca tion. Fi - nan cial aid is avail able to el i gi ble U.S. cit i zens and el i gi ble non-citizens who are en rolled in de gree seeking pro grams mak ing sat - isfactory academic progress toward a degree. Fi nan cial aid may in clude fed eral and state grants, schol ar ships, work op por tu ni ties, and stu dent loans. Stu dents sub mit ting a com plete ap pli ca tion will be con sid ered for all types of need-based assistance. To ap ply for fi nan cial aid, please sub mit the Free Ap pli ca tion for Fed eral Stu dent Aid (FAFSA) at Use Ti tle IV Code , Texas A&M Uni ver sity, Col lege Sta tion, TX. If your ap pli ca tion is se lected for Ver i fi ca tion, you will be asked to sub stan ti ate the in for ma tion you re ported on the FAFSA. This cor re spon dence should be sent to: Texas A&M Uni ver sity Fi nan cial Aid-Galveston Pro cess ing P.O. Box Col lege Sta tion, TX Fax: Al ter na tively, these doc u ments may be sub mit ted on line at un der the My Fi nances tab, within the Fi nan - cial Aid Por tal. General Information The Of fice of Fi nan cial Aid at Texas A&M Uni ver sity at Galveston fol lows the same gen eral pol i cies and pro ce dures as Texas A&M Uni ver sity. A com plete gen eral list ing may be found at In for ma tion spe cific to TAMUG may be found at For in for ma tion, call or General Priority Texas A&M Uni ver sity s pack ag ing phi los o phy for need-based fi nan cial aid is to pro vide the great est amount of gift aid to those stu dents with the high est dem on strated need and to keep loan li a bil ity to a min i mum. Fi nan cial aid is awarded on a first-come, first-served ba sis with a pub lished pri or ity date of March 1st prior to the fol low ing sum mer or fall se mes ter and Oc to - ber 1st for the fol low ing spring se mes ter for which the stu dent is seek ing aid. Costs of Attendance TAMUG uses av er age costs of at ten dance in de ter min ing the fi nan cial need bud get. These costs are posted on all fi nan cial aid award let ters. These costs in clude tu i tion and fees (30 credit hours per year), room and board, books and sup plies, per sonal ex - penses, trans por ta tion and loan fees (if ap pli ca ble). Ad di tional costs may be added for child care or dis abil ity-re lated ex penses if ap pro pri ate sup port ing doc u men ta tion is provided. There are three ma jor cat e go ries of stu dent bud gets: Texas res i dent, non-texas res i dent, and li cense-op tion stu dents (based on 12 months and includes summer cruise). Financial Aid Available Fi nan cial aid has two forms: gift aid and self help. Gift aid is con sid ered free money and the stu dent is not re quired to re - pay. Self help aid in cludes loans and stu dent em ploy ment. Stu dent loans re quire re pay ment af ter a stu dent be comes en rolled less than half time or grad u ates. Fi nan cial aid in the form of stu dent em ploy ment re quires the stu dent to earn fund ing by work ing on campus. Gift Aid con sists of: Self Help Aid con sists of: Grants (Federal, State, Institutional) Loans (Federal, State, Institutional, Alternative) Schol ar ships Stu dent Em ploy ment (Work Study, Part-time Waivers Em ploy ment, In tern ships, Assistantships) 45

10 Gift Aid Self Help Grant Pro grams: Grants are awarded based on fi nan cial need and do not have to be re paid. TAMUG par tic i pates in these pro grams: Fed eral Pell Grant, Fed eral Sup ple men tal Ed u ca tional Op por tu nity Grant, TEXAS Grant and Texas Pub lic Ed u ca tion Grant. The Fed eral Pell Grant is avail able to un der grad u ate stu dents who have not re ceived a bac ca lau re ate de gree and have dem on strated fi nan cial need as de ter mined by the FAFSA. The Fed eral Pell Grant pro vides a foun da tion of fi nan cial as sis tance to which as sis tance from other sources may be added. The Fed eral Sup ple men tal Ed u ca tional Op por tu nity Grant (FSEOG) and the Texas Pub lic Ed u ca tion Grant (TPEG) are avail able to stu dents, pro vided the re sults of their fi nan cial aid ap pli ca tion show ev i dence of fi nan cial need and the availability of funds. These funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served ba sis. The TEXAS grant (To wards EX cel lence, Ac cess and Suc cess) is avail able to Texas res i dents who have fi nan cial need ac cord ing to the FAFSA and have com pleted the rec om mended or dis tin guished cur ric u lum from an ac cred ited pub lic or pri vate high school; it is also sub ject to the availability of funds. Schol ar ships: Schol ar ships are gen er ally based on ac a demic achieve ment and lead er ship. A TAMUG Schol ar ship and Awards Com mit tee eval u ates ap pli cants and makes awards in the spring for the fol low ing ac a demic year. The Com mit - tee uses the schol ar ship ap pli ca tion, which is part of the ad mis sion ap pli ca tion, for fresh man awards. A lim ited num ber of non-res i dent stu dents awarded a com pet i tive TAMUG schol ar ship val ued at $1,000 or more may be el i gi ble to pay res i dent tu i tion for the du ra tion of the ac a demic year. All stu dents are en cour aged to ap ply for schol ar - ships of fered in their hometowns or from na tional sources. In for ma tion re gard ing such sources is avail able from high school coun sel ors and ref er ence ma te ri als in pub lic li brar ies. Part-Time Student Employment: All stu dents who are mak ing sat is fac tory ac a demic prog ress are el i gi ble to work on cam pus with out re gard to fi nan cial need. The Hu man Re sources Of fice co or di nates on-cam pus em ploy ment. In ter ested stu dents may seek on-cam pus jobs with the Hu man Re sources Of fice at: Stu dent em ploy ment is lim ited to 20 hours per week, there are no fringe ben e fits, and stu dents must main tain a 2.0 GPR. A lim ited num ber of Fed eral and Texas Work-Study awards are made each year through the Of fice of Fi nan cial Aid. Stu - dents awarded from ei ther source still must seek their po si tions through the reg u lar stu dent em ploy ment pro cess. Stu dent Loan Pro grams: TAMUG par tic i pates in these loan pro grams: Fed eral Di rect Sub si dized and Unsubsidized Stu - dent Loans, the Fed eral Perkins Loan, the Fed eral PLUS Loan and the Grad PLUS loans. All loans re quire an ap pli ca tion and a prom is sory note. Credit re views will be per formed on Fed eral Di rect PLUS loans. New bor row ers are re quired to com plete en trance loan coun sel ing on line be fore re ceiv ing the first dis burse ment of any loan. Stu dents who have bor - rowed money through fed eral or state stu dent loan pro grams are re quired to re ceive exit loan coun sel ing when they grad - u ate, with draw, or drop be low half-time en roll ment. The Fed eral Di rect Loan Pro grams are avail able to stu dents who have sub mit ted a FAFSA. Stu dents will be notified of their el i gi bil ity for the Di rect Loan pro gram(s) through a financial aid of fer. The Texas B-On-Time Loan pro gram is avail able to Texas res i dents hav ing com pleted the rec om mended or dis tin guished cur ric u lum from an ac cred ited pub lic high school. Ap pli ca tion in for ma tion and/or prom is sory notes will be fur nished with the financial aid of fer, if ap pli ca ble, and as funds are avail able. Stu dents and par ents seek ing the Par ent Loan for Un der grad u ate Stu dents (PLUS) may ob tain in for ma tion from the financial aid website This program requires submission of the FAFSA. Grad u ate stu dents may ap ply for the Grad u ate PLUS loan to as sist with ed u ca tional costs. This program requires submission of the FAFSA. Short-term loans are avail able to pro vide as sis tance to stu dents who ex pe ri ence tem po rary financial difficulties with ed u ca tion -re lated ex penses. This pro gram is not meant to pro vide long-term as sis tance or to re place other as sis tance avail able through fi nan cial aid. Stu dents must be degree seeking and en rolled at least half-time to be el i gi ble for short-term loans. To apply, visit un der the My Fi nances tab. The Emer gency Tu i tion Fee loan pro gram is avail able to help stu dents pay their TAMUG tu i tion and re quired fees. The loan is ap plied di rectly to the stu dent s tu i tion and fee ac count. To apply, visit un der the My Fi nances tab. 46

11 Dis burse ment of Stu dent Aid Funds: Stu dent em ploy ees are paid bi weekly. Upon com ple tion of all as so ci ated re quire - ments, fed eral, state and in sti tu tional fi nan cial aid dis burses 10 days prior to the start of each term. Out side schol ar ship checks must in di cate the re cip i ent name with UIN and must be made pay able to TAMUG. These will be cred ited to the stu dent s ac count. These checks must be sent to: Texas A&M Uni ver sity Fi nan cial Aid-Galveston Pro cess ing P.O. Box Col lege Sta tion, TX Stu dent loan and par ent loan (PLUS) pro ceeds are avail able for EFT. EFT is a sys tem of Elec tronic Fund Trans fer, which cred its the loan funds to the stu dent s ac count. This elim i nates stand ing in line for loan checks. Vet er ans ben e fits may be added to the stu dent s bill ing ac count or may be paid di rectly to the stu dent, de pend ing on the ben e fit pro gram. Stu dents should come to cam pus pre pared to pay for de pos its, books, sup plies, sun dries, and Ca det uni forms (if ap pli ca - ble). Pay ment ar range ments for tu i tion and fees should also be made in ad vance. Schol ar ship Re cip i ents and Non-Res i dent Tu i tion Waivers A stu dent who is awarded a com pet i tive Uni ver sity schol ar ship of at least $1,000 for the ac a demic year or sum mer for which the stu dent is en rolled and who is ei ther a non-res i dent or a cit i zen of a coun try other than the United States of Amer ica may be en - ti tled to pay the fees and charges re quired of Texas res i dents with out re gard to the length of time the stu dent has re sided in Texas. This schol ar ship must be awarded by a schol ar ship com mit tee of fi cially rec og nized by the Texas A&M Uni ver sity ad min is tra - tion, and each waiver must be ap proved. Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy The pur pose of the Sat is fac tory Ac a demic Prog ress (SAP) Pol icy for fi nan cial aid is to en sure that stu dents ben e fit ting from financial assistance make reasonable and consistent progress toward a degree. TAMUG s pol icy is con sis tent with U. S. De part - ment of Ed u ca tion and Texas Higher Ed u ca tion Co or di nat ing Board guide lines. The pol icy mea sures both qual i ta tive and quan ti - ta tive prog ress and is the ap pli ca ble min i mum stan dard for all types of fi nan cial as sis tance awarded by TAMUG. The Office of Fi nan cial Aid must mon i tor the prog ress of each stu dent to ward the com ple tion of a cer tif i cate or de gree in or - der to meet fed eral and state guide lines gov ern ing the ad min is tra tion of stu dent fi nan cial as sis tance. Stu dents who fall be hind in their coursework, or fail to achieve min i mum stan dards for grade point ra tio, com ple tion of classes and num ber of credit hours obtained, may lose their el i gi bil ity for all types of fed eral, state, and uni ver sity aid ad min is tered by the Office of Fi nan cial Aid. There are three com po nents to SAP. Fail ure to com ply with any com po nent may re sult in a loss of aid el i gi bil ity. The three com po nents are as fol lows: 1. Min i mum Grade Point Ra tio (GPR) as de ter mined by the Of fice of Fi nan cial Aid: Undergraduates is 2.0. Graduate students is Def i cit Hours: While stu dents are ex pected to en roll full-time to be el i gi ble for fi nan cial aid, each un der grad u ate stu dent must com plete at least 75% of all credit hours at tempted, and each grad u ate stu dent must com plete at least 67%. This per cent age in cludes all credit hours at tempted at Texas A&M Uni ver sity, re gard less of whether or not fi nan cial aid was re ceived. Grades of W, F, I, U, Q, X, NG, re peated courses, and grade ex clu sions are not con sid ered to be ad e quate grades for com ple tion. 3. Ex ces sive Hours: Un der grad u ate stu dents are el i gi ble to re ceive fi nan cial as sis tance for a lim ited pe riod of time while pur su ing a de gree. Our pol icy for Ex ces sive Hours is based on the min i mal credit hours an un der grad u ate stu dent must have in or der to be el i gi ble to re ceive a de gree. There fore, un der grad u ate stu dents must not ex ceed 160 at tempted credit hours in or der to re - main el i gi ble for fi nan cial aid. Grad u ate stu dents must re ceive their de gree within 150% of the min i mum re quired hours for their degree. 47

12 Withdrawing from the University-Financial Aid Fed eral law spec i fies how Texas A&M Uni ver sity must de ter mine the amount of fi nan cial aid pro gram as sis tance that a stu - dent earns if he or she with draws. This law re quires that, when a stu dent with draws dur ing a se mes ter, the amount of financial aid pro gram as sis tance that the stu dent has earned up to that point is de ter mined by a spe cific for mula. If a stu dent re ceived (or Texas A&M Uni ver sity re ceived on the stu dent s be half) less as sis tance than the amount the stu dent earned, the stu dent will be able to re ceive those ad di tional funds. If the stu dent, or the par ent on the stu dent s be half, re ceived more as sis tance than the student earned, the excess funds must be returned. The amount of as sis tance that a stu dent earns is de ter mined on a pro-rated ba sis. That is, if the stu dent com pleted 30 per cent of the se mes ter, the stu dent earned 30 per cent of the as sis tance he or she was sched uled to re ceive. Once the stu dent has com pleted more than 60 per cent of the se mes ter, he or she is con sid ered to have earned all of the as sis tance dis bursed to him or her (adapted from the U.S. De part ment of Ed u ca tion s pub li ca tion The Student Guide ). The spe cific for mula takes into con sid er ation the av er age in sti tu tional costs used to award stu dents fi nan cial as sis tance. For ex am ple, the stan dard cost of at ten dance at Texas A&M Uni ver sity at Galveston is based on 15 credit hours per se mes ter for un - der grad u ate stu dents and 9 credit hours for grad u ate stu dents. There fore, if a stu dent was reg is tered for fewer credit hours a se - mes ter, he or she may be re quired to re turn the ad di tional funds disbursed to him or her. Stu dents should also be aware that as a re cip i ent of fi nan cial as sis tance com pli ance of the Sat is fac tory Ac a demic Prog ress Pol icy must oc cur. By with draw ing, a stu dent may not be el i gi ble for fi nan cial as sis tance in the fu ture from Texas A&M Uni ver - sity be cause he or she did not com plete a spec i fied num ber of credit hours for which aid was dis bursed. In for ma tion re gard ing this pol icy can be found on the Texas A&M Uni ver sity fi nan cial aid website at 48

13 STUDENT SERVICES Office of Academic Enhancement The Of fice of Ac a demic En hance ment pro vides sup port ser vices to max i mize the ac a demic ex pe ri ence of all Texas A&M Uni ver sity at Galveston stu dents. Pro grams ad min is tered by the Of fice of Ac a demic En hance ment in clude tu tor ing, sup ple men tal in struc tion, peer as sisted study ses sions, de vel op men tal ed u ca tion, ac a demic cur ric u lum ad vis ing, ad vis ing as sess ment (credit by exam, Math Place ment exam, Texas Suc cess Ini tia tive as sess ment), learn ing com mu ni ties, The Last Lec ture and a sum mer pro vi - sional ad mis sion pro gram (SAIL). Pro grams are de signed to pro vide sup port to max i mize in ter ac tions be tween stu dents and fac - ulty. To learn more about the pro grams ad min is tered by the Of fice of Ac a demic En hance ment, please visit our web site at Veterans Benefits The Of fice of Fi nan cial Aid files claims for Vet er ans Ben e fits by ver i fy ing stu dent en roll ment at TAMUG. Stu dents are asked to sub mit the fol low ing doc u ments to val i date their claim: copy of DD Form 214 show ing an hon or able dis charge from ser - vice, a de gree plan in di cat ing all courses nec es sary to com plete the de gree pro gram, a VA cer tif i cate of el i gi bil ity and to in di cate a trans fer of el i gi bil ity. Other doc u men ta tion may be re quired. Ad ju di ca tion may take four to six weeks; there fore, VA ed u ca tion ben e fi cia ries should be pre pared to pay ini tial costs of en roll ment when en ter ing TAMUG. VA ed u ca tion pro gram ben e fi cia ries are held to stan dards of prog ress and con duct con gru ent with the Texas A&M Uni ver - sity at Galveston pol icy con cern ing scho las tic de fi ciency and scho las tic pro ba tion. For Uni ver sity pol icy re gard ing scho las tic de - fi ciency and scho las tic pro ba tion, see Stu dent Rules at In qui ries re gard ing Vet erans Ben e fits may be ad dressed to Of fice of Fi nan cial Aid, Texas A&M Uni ver sity at Galveston, P.O. Box 1675, Galveston, TX Phone: Health Services Med i cal Clinic: Texas A&M Uni ver sity at Galveston con tracts with a lo cal com mu nity clinic for health ser vices for en - rolled un der grad u ate stu dents. Terms of the con tract may vary from year to year, but gen er ally of fice vis its to the doc tor are free of charge. Med i ca tions, in oc u la tions, x-rays, physicals, and other ser vices pro vided at the clinic are avail able at the stu dent s ex pense. Hos pi tal iza tion and emer gency room vis its are full-charge at the stu dent s ex pense. Ed u ca tional pam phlets con cern ing HIV/AIDS, men in gi tis and other health con cerns are avail able to stu dents from the Coun sel ing Of fice. Group In sur ance: Since there are nu mer ous health needs and costs which are not pro vided or paid for by the Cam pus Health Ser vice, stu dents are strongly en cour aged to main tain med i cal in sur ance. A group plan is avail able to all stu dents in the Texas A&M Uni ver sity Sys for ma tion about this pro gram will be dis trib uted dur ing new stu dent ori en ta tion and are avail able from the stu dent coun sel ing of fice. Stu dents and par ents should give care ful con sid er ation prior to drop ping any cur rent health in sur ance. Sum mer Cruises: All ser vices pro vided on board are free of charge. Should a stu dent re quire hos pi tal iza tion ashore or evac u a tion, the stu dent will be re spon si ble for all costs in curred be cause of such hos pi tal iza tion or evac u a tion. Student Counseling The Of fice of Stu dent Coun sel ing pro vides free and con fi den tial coun sel ing as sis tance to stu dents. Coun sel ing ser vices are de signed to help stu dents im prove per sonal, ac a demic and pro fes sional skills re lated to ac a demic suc cess. The coun sel ing staff helps stu dents meet these needs by pro vid ing short-term in di vid ual coun sel ing ses sions, sem i nars, work shops and small-group ex pe ri ences. The fol low ing ser vices and re sources are avail able to TAMUG stu dents: In di vid ual coun sel ing, ac a demic skills train ing, ca reer test ing and coun sel ing, com mu nity re fer rals drug/al co hol abuse pre ven tion ed u ca tion. Com put ers, ac a demic skill en hance ment soft ware, vid eos, tu tor re fer rals and writ ten in for ma tion are avail able to stu dents want ing ac a demic and or per sonal as sis tance. The func tion of the Coun sel ing Of fice is to pro vide the stu dents of this col lege with wellness and coun sel ing ser vices aimed at max i miz ing the per sonal growth and de vel op ment of its mem bers. These ser vices in clude a wide va ri ety of pre ven tive, curative, educational, and crisis management activities. 49

14 Our coun sel ing phi los o phy is built on the as sump tion that coun sel ing must ad dress the whole per son as a phys i cal, ra tio nal, emo tional, sex ual, so cial, and spir i tual be ing. Ac cord ingly, we at tempt to of fer a va ri ety of ser vices rel e vant to an ex tended range of stu dent con cerns. Our cli ents are en cour aged to grow in knowl edge and un der stand ing both gen er ally and spe cif i cally re gard - ing their pre sent ing and un der ly ing is sues. As they pur sue whole ness our aim is that they will gain an ap pre ci a tion of per sonal worth and po ten tial as in di vid u als. We strive to help stu dents: 1) De velop a more in te grated sense of self 2) Work to wards in di vid ual mean ing and pur pose for their lives 3) De velop re spect ful and en dur ing re la tion ships with oth ers 4) Eval u ate their per sonal and ca reer ori ented strengths and weak nesses These goals are sought in an at mo sphere that is con fi den tial as well as com fort able for all stu dents re gard less of race, gen der, eth nic back ground, age, cit i zen ship, dis abil ity or phys i cal sta tus. In qui ries or ap point ments re gard ing coun sel ing may be ad dressed to the Of fice of Stu dent Coun sel ing, P.O. Box 1675, Galveston, TX , call Career Planning and Placement The Office of Career Planning and Placement provides career development and professional employment assistance to alumni and cur rently en rolled stu dents. The Of fice pro vides in di vid ual and group ca reer coun sel ing; work shops on re sume prep a - ra tion, in ter view ing skills, and job search tech niques; and a wide va ri ety of vo ca tional test ing and in ter est as sess ments. The Of fice main tains a ca reer re source room con tain ing com pany and ca reer in for ma tion, as well as ca reer de vel op ment ma - te ri als. Com pa nies and or ga ni za tions post job va cancy no tices on a web-based job board and in the ca reer re source room and visit the cam pus through out the year to in ter view grad u at ing stu dents for full-time po si tions. Stu dents and alumni may post their re - sumes on the job board and par tic i pate in the re sume re fer ral ser vice. In ad di tion, the Of fice hosts an an nual Ca reer Fair tar geted to all stu dents and alumni, pro vid ing an outstanding opportunity for career exploration and networking with prospective employers. Grad u ate school preparation soft ware in clud ing LSAT, GRE and GMAT is avail able for up per class men. Stu dents who wish to use the ser vices pro vided by the Of fice of Ca reer Plan ning and Place ment should reg is ter with the of - fice as early as their soph o more year and ac quaint them selves with the avail able re sources. Be fore par tic i pat ing in on-cam pus in - ter views, stu dents are re quired to sub mit a pro fes sional re sume. Ap point ments are re quired for in di vid ual coun sel ing. All other ser vices are avail able during regular office hours. For fur ther in for ma tion con tact the Of fice of Ca reer Plan ning and Place ment, TAMUG, P.O. Box 1675, Galveston, TX International Student Services The Of fice of Stu dent Coun sel ing serves as the li ai son with the In ter na tional Stu dent Ser vices Of fice at Texas A&M Uni ver - sity in Col lege Sta tion. Per sonal coun sel ing, fi nan cial plan ning, li ai son with em bas sies and con sul ates, le gal re fer rals, ac a demic re fer rals, im mi gra tion mat ters, ori en ta tion pro grams, and ad vise ment to groups, are among the services offered. For more in for ma tion re gard ing In ter na tional Stu dent Ser vices, con tact the Of fice of Stu dent Coun sel ing, P.O. Box 1675, Galveston, TX or call Disabled Student Services The Of fice of Stu dent Coun sel ing pro vides ser vices to stu dents with doc u mented dis abil i ties. The Of fice of fers in for ma tion on dis abil i ties, cam pus ser vices, and re lated re sources. Per sons with dis abil i ties are en cour aged to ap ply for ser vices early and to re quest a meet ing to dis cuss their in di vid ual needs prior to reg is tra tion. Ac com mo da tions pro vided to stu dents are based on in di - vid ual need. In for ma tion re gard ing dis abil i ties can be ob tained through the Of fice of Stu dent Coun sel ing, P.O. Box 1675, Galveston, TX , call

15 STUDENT LIFE Housing The Of fice of Stu dent Life co or di nates on-cam pus hous ing in mod ern stu dent res i dence halls. Rooms are dou ble oc cu pancy and fur nished with beds, desks, chairs, ward robes or clos ets, and dress ers. Stu dents are ex pected to fur nish pil lows, blan kets, shower cur tains, lin ens, and clean ing sup plies. With lim ited ex cep tions, all stu dents are re quired to live in cam pus hous ing and par tic i pate in the board plan if cam pus hous ing is avail able. Ap prox i mately 40 per cent of the un der grad u ate stu dents are housed on cam pus, and re turn ing stu dents are given pri or ity in grant ing per mis sion to live off cam pus. Cam pus res i dents ac cept ing hous - ing in the fall se mes ter are re quired to sign a nine-month con tract and are not per mit ted to move off cam pus for the spring se mes ter. An on-line ap pli ca tion for cam pus hous ing, which is sep a rate from the ap pli ca tion for ad mis sion to the Uni ver sity, is avail able from the Of fice of Stu dent Life website at Rooms are as signed in ac cor dance with the date on which the hous ing ap pli ca tion and room de posit are re ceived in Fi nan cial Man age ment Ser vices. Hous ing ap pli ca tions may be for warded prior to ac cep tance to the Uni ver sity, but hous ing as sign ments will be con tin gent upon ad mis sion to the Uni ver - sity. In cer tain cases, sin gle room hous ing is of fered. The fee for that room is the nor mal rate plus 50% (Oceans/Hul la ba loo and Mar i ner are $3,300 per se mes ter, At lan tic and Pa cific are $4,200 per se mes ter and Pel i can Is land is $3,250). A waiver for the $300 hous ing de posit may be sub mit ted. To do so, the stu dent should sub mit the hous ing ap pli ca tion with an at tached let ter stat ing rea sons for the waiver re quest. In or der to be con sid ered, the stu dent must have a FAFSA sub mit ted to TAMUG. The waiver re quest can be ed to or mailed to TAMUG Res i dence Life, P.O. Box 1675, Galveston, TX, It is rec om mended that hous ing ap pli ca tions be sub mit ted early. In the event that on-cam pus hous ing is not avail able, in for - ma tion con cern ing off-cam pus hous ing will be pro vided upon re quest. Since li cense-op tion stu dents are re quired to live on cam - pus, stu dents will be able to pur sue a li cense op tion only if cam pus hous ing is avail able for them. A fail ure to re ceive cam pus hous ing does not pre clude stu dents from en roll ing in the de gree pro gram of their choice but sim ply re stricts par tic i pa tion in li - cense-op tion pro grams un til cam pus hous ing is avail able. Li cense-op tion stu dents are housed sep a rately from non-li cense-op tion stu dents. Ques tions con cern ing li cense-op tion housing should be directed to the Office of Student Life. Student Activities A wide va ri ety of stu dent ac tiv i ties are co or di nated through the Of fice of Stu dent Life in the Seibel Building. Ad ja cent to the Seibel Building are the P. E. fa cil ity, swim ming pool, ten nis courts, and other outdoor recreational facilities.. Clubs on cam pus in clude the Amer i can So ci ety of Me chan i cal En gi neers, the An i mal Hus bandry As so ci a tion, Gulf Coast Ag gie Fish er men at Galveston, the Sail Club, the Dive Club, the Pro pel ler Club, the So ci ety of Na val Ar chi tects and Me chan i cal Engineers, the Circle K Service Organization, the Residence Hall Association, the Student Veterans Association, several leadership organizations and many others. The stu dent gov ern ment is the Stu dent Gov ern ment As so ci a tion (SGA). The SGA serves as a di rect link to the ad min is tra - tion re gard ing stu dent life. The SGA in cludes the Sen ate, the Ex ec u tive Branch and the Stu dent Ju di cial Board. Mem bers are elected each year. Stu dents also pub lish a news pa per (The Nau ti lus) and a lit er ary publication (Sea spray). The recreational sports pro gram pro vides each stu dent with the op por tu nity to par tic i pate in reg u larly or ga nized ac tiv i ties. Co-rec teams are or ga nized in flag foot ball, soc cer, wa ter polo, rac quet ball, ten nis, bas ket ball, soft ball, dodge ball, kickball, ul ti - mate Fris bee, sand and indoor vol ley ball, in door soccer and a golf tournament. The Cam pus Sail Team and Row ing Club com pete in intercollegiate competition and are varsity sports. Multicultural Services The De part ment of Multi cul tural Ser vices works with other pro grams on cam pus to sup port the cul tural, ed u ca tional, so cial and per sonal de vel op ment of all stu dents at tend ing TAMUG. De part men tal ser vices in clude per sonal ad vis ing; a re source li brary in clud ing multi cul tural books, ar ti cles and video/au dio tapes; and tu tor ing and mentoring ser vices. Com put ers and skill en hance - ment soft ware are also pro vided for in com ing stu dents want ing to re view ba sic chem is try and cal cu lus. Multi cul tural Ser vices is also re spon si ble for the Cul ture Club which is open to all per sons seek ing to gain valu able ex pe ri ence in pro mot ing di ver sity through multi cul tural pro gram ming. For more information, call the Office of Student Life at Hazing Any one who par tic i pates in haz ing is in vi o la tion of Uni ver sity rules as well as state law. Vi o la tors may be sub ject to Uni ver - sity dis ci plin ary ac tion in ad di tion to state crim i nal pen al ties. Haz ing means any in ten tional, know ing, or reck less act oc cur ring on or off the cam pus by one per son, alone or act ing with oth ers, di rected against a stu dent that en dan gers the men tal or phys i cal health 51

16 or safety of a stu dent for the pur pose of pledg ing, be ing ini ti ated into, af fil i at ing with, hold ing of fice in, or main tain ing mem ber - ship in any or ga ni za tion whose mem bers are (or in clude) stu dents at the Uni ver sity. A com plete definition of hazing is available in the Office of Student Life. University Police The Uni ver sity Po lice are re spon si ble for the pro tec tion of per sons and prop erty of Texas A&M Uni ver sity, and for the en - force ment of the laws of the State of Texas and the rules and reg u la tions of Texas A&M Uni ver sity as pro mul gated by the Texas Ed u ca tion Code. Uni ver sity po lice are com mis sioned peace of fi cers in volved in reg u lar foot and ve hi cle pa trol of cam pus, late-night se cu rity es corts, crime pre ven tion pro grams for the cam pus com mu nity, and crim i nal in ves ti ga tions for the re cov ery of prop erty and ap pre hen sion of crim i nals. Of fi cers also pro vide reg u lar se cu rity checks of build ings and prop erty on cam pus. All Uni ver sity per son nel are re quested to co op er ate with Uni ver sity po lice of fi cers. Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act In com pli ance with the Fed eral Right to Know and Cam pus Se cu rity Act of 1990, a bro chure is avail able which in cludes in - for ma tion on cam pus se cu rity and safety re sources, pol i cies and pro ce dures for safety (re port ing crimes and emer gen cies, crime aware ness and pre ven tion, se cu rity of cam pus fa cil i ties and res i dence halls), al co hol, drugs and weap ons, and crime in for ma tion and sta tis tics. This in for ma tion is avail able from the Uni ver sity Po lice Of fice, Build ing. 3025, and can be reached at Texas A&M Maritime Academy Mission and Purpose The Texas A&M Mar i time Acad emy (TMA) is a pres ti gious, highly spe cial ized, mar i time train ing pro gram that is em bed - ded within Texas A&M Uni ver sity at Galveston (TAMUG), which is a branch of Texas A&M Uni ver sity (TAMU) at Col lege Sta - tion. The mis sion of TMA is to pro vide the mar i time in dus tries of the State of Texas and the United States with highly trained and pro fes sional li censed Mer chant Ma rine Of fi cers (deck/en gine) to serve on ocean-go ing and in land wa ter way ves sels. The Acad - emy in cludes: Cadets who are in the U. S. Coast Guard licensing program (called License Option) leading to a Merchant Marine Officer s unlimited license as a deck or engineering officer. The Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) leading to an officer s commissioning in the U.S. Navy. The Drill and Ceremony Cadets who desire the leadership training in the Corps of Cadets, but choose to not participate in either of the above programs. Ad di tion ally, Li cense Op tion Ca dets who vol un teer and meet the qual i fi ca tions, may join the Strategic Sealift Officers (SSO) Pro gram ad min is tered through the Na val Sci ence De part ment/nrotc pro gram, which pro vides the op por tu nity for Li - cense Op tion Ca dets to re ceive a com mis sion as an En sign and serve in the Na val Re serve. These Ca dets are also el i gi ble to re - ceive fund ing ($8,000 per year) through the Stu dent In cen tive Pro gram spon sored by the U. S. Navy and ad min is tered by the Mar i time Ad min is tra tion. Ca dets in this pro gram also have the op tion to re quest ac tive duty in the U.S. Navy or a di rect com mis - sion in the U.S. Coast Guard. Application Ad mit tance to the Texas A&M Mar i time Acad emy is granted by spe cial ap pli ca tion which can be ob tained at the Texas A&M Mar i time Acad emy website. You must also gain ad mit tance to Texas A&M Uni ver sity at Galveston as out lined in the Ad - mis sion sec tion of this cat a log. Li cense Op tion Ca dets may only ma jor in Ma rine Trans por ta tion, Ma rine En gi neer ing Tech nol - ogy, Ma rine Bi ol ogy Li cense Op tion, or Ma rine Sci ences Li cense Op tion. On-cam pus hous ing is re quired for all ca dets, ex cept those in Vic tor Com pany. Background The Texas A&M Mar i time Acad emy (TMA) is over 50-years-old and has a rich tra di tion of pro vid ing out stand ing Mer chant Ma rine Of fi cers and ac tive duty Na val/coast Guard of fi cers who have proudly served in the Mer chant Ma rine and on ac tive duty in the mil i tary dur ing the Viet Nam War, Desert Storm, So ma lia, and Bosnia, and now serve in the Iraqi/Af ghan i stan Wars and the war on ter ror. Our grad u ates have gone in harm s way and served hon or ably and with great dis tinc tion. Un doubt edly, fu ture grad - u ates will also go in harm s way and face many of the same chal lenges. Our grad u ates have dis tin guished them selves as out stand - ing ship han dlers, en gi neers, and ashore cor po rate of fi cers through out the United States and the world. TMA pro vides the tools to deal with those pro fes sional chal lenges at sea and ashore. The Texas A&M Mar i time Acad emy en ables our grad u ates to have the abil ity to face any ad ver sity and over come any chal lenge. This is ac com plished through an ex tremely de mand ing ac a demic de - gree pro gram cou pled with a rig or ous prac ti cal mar i ner train ing pro gram taught by hand picked, highly ex pe ri enced Mas ter Mar i - 52

17 ners and En gi neers. This en ables our Ca dets to meet the de mand ing li cens ing stan dards and re quire ments of the U. S. Coast Guard (USCG). This is the rea son our grad u ates are sought na tion wide. To meet the high ac a demic and prac ti cal deck and en gi neer ing sea man ship train ing stan dards re quired to re ceive a de gree, a U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) li cense, and a Com mis sion, an in di vid ual must be highly mo ti vated, hon or able, ex tremely ded i cated, of high moral char ac ter, and will ing to sac ri fice to meet the nec es sary reg i men ta tion found in the Corps of Ca dets. Training Cruise Requirements Li cense Op tion Ca dets, re gard less of age or sta tus, are re quired by fed eral law to be in the Ca det Corps for a min i mum of 3 years as a full-time stu dent, and par tic i pate in three sum mer cruises. A min i mum of two cruises will be aboard a train ing ship (first and third cruises). The sec ond cruise be tween the soph o more/ju nior years may be on a com mer cial ves sel, de pend ing on the Cadet s grades ( re quir ing an over all GPR of 2.5 or higher to go com mer cial) and the avail abil ity of com mer cial ves sels. If a Ca det is un able to qual ify for a com mer cial cruise or if none are avail able, they will take their sec ond cruise on a train ing ves sel. The com mer cial cruise is com pet i tive, not a re quire ment, and not all Ca dets will be able to sail com mer cial. In those cases, a Ca det may: Sail his/her sec ond cruise on a train ing ship; They may sail on a com mer cial ves sel dur ing the next Fall or Spring se mes ter (subject to availability and competitively based). It should be em pha sized that a C av er age is re quired by Ca dets in all USCG Stan dards of Train ing, Cer tif i ca tion and Watch stand ing (STCW) courses that are a cruise pre req ui site (as noted in this cat a log) to par tic i pate on a sum mer cruise. Ca dets must also main tain a cu mu la tive GPR of 2.25 or above in their ma jor and a 2.0 GPR over all to at tend cruise. Ca dets must also com plete all prac ti cal train ing and work off all de mer its prior to be ing cer ti fied for each sum mer cruise. These re quire ments may be ap - pealed to the Superintendent who will make the final determination of eligibility on that cruise. How ever, a C av er age or better is re quired in all USCG/STCW courses for a Ca det to be el i gi ble for a USCG li cense. This re quire ment is not open to ap peal and must be met as noted in the Li cense Op tion cur ric u lum in this cat a log. Ashore, all Ca dets in the Corps are re quired to live on cam pus with the ex cep tion of those ap pli cants who are mar ried, 25 years of age or older or have prior mil i tary ser vice. These in di vid u als are placed in Vic tor Com pany which re ports di rectly to the Com man dant of Ca dets. In the Corps, Ca dets learn to de velop and hone a myr iad of skills but par tic u larly the lead er ship skills needed upon grad u a tion in the very de mand ing en vi ron ment of a pro fes sional Mer chant Ma rine Of fi cer or Mil i tary Of fi cer. The reg i men ta tion found in the Corps in stills lead er ship, honor, self dis ci pline, trust, char ac ter and a sense of moral re spon si bil ity which en ables each Ca det to eas ily face the chal lenges of a sea far ing life. The Corps of Ca dets fol lows many of the tra di tions and cus toms found in the Corps of Ca dets at TAMU in Col lege Sta tion. How ever, af ter over 50 years as a maritime academy, some sea far ing tra di tions and cus toms have de vel oped. Fi nally, af ter meet ing all the ac a demic and train ing re quire ments (which in cludes pass ing the USCG ad min is tered li cense exam) and based upon the rec om men da tion of the Su per in ten dent and the Ac a demic De part ment Head, each Ca det will re ceive a di ploma from Texas A&M Uni ver sity and a U.S. Coast Guard li cense as a Third Of fi cer (Deck/En gine) in the Mer chant Ma rine. If the Ca det has par tic i pated in the Mer chant Ma rine Na val Re serve pro gram they will also re ceive a Com mis sion as an En sign in the U.S. Navy Re serve. Ca dets may also ap ply for ac tive duty in the U.S. Navy and a di rect Com mis sion in the U.S. Coast Guard. Ca - dets who don t com plete both re quire ments, will not be al lowed to re ceive their di ploma in the TMA uni form. The Corps of Cadets Ap pli cants who de sire a de gree pro gram lead ing to a USCG li cense op tion (LO) as a Mer chant Ma rine of fi cer (Deck or En - gine) are re quired to be a mem ber of the Corps of Ca dets. The Corps pro vides Ca dets a reg i mented en vi ron ment that is de signed to de velop lead er ship skills re quired to be a Mer chant Ma rine or mil i tary of fi cer. Lead er ship de vel op ment is the ul ti mate goal of the Corps. One of the prin ci pal com po nents of lead er ship de vel op ment is uni for mity and co he sion. There fore, all Ca dets are re quired to wear uni forms and meet es tab lished stan dards of dress, groom ing and dis ci pline. These stan dards pre pare the Ca dets to dress for suc cess when they en ter the mar i time in dus try, the mil i tary or, for the Drill and Cer e mony Ca dets, the cor po rate en vi ron ment. The uni form re quire ment list and cost/pay ment pro ce dure will be pro vided to each Ca det when ac cepted into the Corps. The cost of uni forms will vary but gen er ally ranges from $1,500 to $2,000 for all four years. This in cludes $ for re place ment items. Uni forms should be or dered upon ac cep tance to the Texas A&M Mar i time Acad emy and will be is sued dur ing Ori en ta tion Week which takes place prior to Fall se mes ter. All Ca dets will be re quired to stand watches on the train ing ship. Ad di tion ally, Ca dets are re quired to per form prac ti cal train - ing on the ship as re quired by the U.S. Coast Guard Stan dards of Train ing, Cer tif i ca tion and Watchkeeping (STCW). Ca dets are also re quired to at tend for ma tions, drill (in clud ing march ins at Kyle Field in Col lege Sta tion), stand an nounced and un an - nounced per son nel and room in spec tions, par tic i pate in phys i cal fit ness ac tiv i ties and per form other du ties as re quired by the Corps Rules. Ca dets are en cour aged to par tic i pate in nu mer ous on cam pus sports, clubs and ed u ca tional ac tiv i ties. Fi nally, Ca dets 53

18 can also com pete to be mem bers of the Hearn Honor Guard, the Drill Team, the Sea Ag gie Band and the Flag Color Guard, who per form at events through out Texas and other bor der ing states. Six Categories of Cadets 1. U.S. Mer chant Ma rine Li cens ing Pro gram: The first cat e gory is the Mer chant Ma rine Li cense Ca dets. This cat e gory in - cludes those in di vid u als who de sire a Mer chant Ma rine En gi neer ing or Deck Of fi cer Li cense (is sued by the U.S. Coast Guard). 2. U.S. Mer chant Ma rine Li cens ing Pro gram with Navy Re serve (SSO): The sec ond cat e gory is the Mer chant Ma rine Li cense Ca dets who choose to join the Stra te gic Sealift Officer s (SSO) pro gram which is sim i lar to NROTC, ex cept sum mer cruises are ac com plished on the train ing ship or a com mer cial ship in stead of with the U. S. Navy. Ca dets par tic i pat ing in the SSO pro gram re ceive a Com mis sion as an En sign, USNR upon com ple tion of their de gree, and suc cess fully pass ing the USCG li cense exam. For SSO Ca dets who meet the ac a demic re quire ments, there is an op por tu nity to com pete for the Stu dent In cen tive Pro gram (SIP) which pro vides $8,000 per SSO Ca det per year. Af ter com mis sion ing as an En sign, USNR, SSO (SIP) Ca dets must agree to re main in the Re serves for 8 years. All SSO Ca dets may choose to ap ply for Ac tive Duty. 3. NROTC: The third cat e gory is NROTC Ca dets. These Ca dets are in a non-li cense op tion pro gram but de sire to be an ac tive duty Na val Of fi cer (Navy/Ma rine). NROTC can di dates may also com pete for NROTC Na tional Four Year Schol ar ships. Greater de tail on NROTC will be found be low. 4. Drill and Cer e mony: The fourth cat e gory is the Drill and Cer e mony (D&C) Ca dets. These Ca dets are not in a li cense op - tion (LO) cur ric u lum nor NROTC but de sire to be ex posed to the lead er ship train ing, and the spirit and ca ma ra de rie of Corps life. Some of these Ca dets are in di vid u als who come to TAMUG/TMA for two se mes ters pend ing trans fer to the main cam pus at Col lege Sta tion. These Ca dets are also fully in te grated in the Corps, must pur chase all re quired uni forms, stand watches, per form drill, stand for ma tion, room in spec tions, and re ceive prac ti cal train ing on the ship. They are not re - quired to go on the sum mer cruise. At grad u a tion, ev ery D&C Ca det will be pre sented a Cer tif i cate in di cat ing that they have vol un tarily par tic i pated in this rig or ous reg i men ta tion and lead er ship train ing. 5. Vic tor Com pany: The fifth cat e gory is the V Com pany Ca dets. These Ca dets are in di vid u als who are mar ried, over the age of 25 at the time of en try or have been hon or ably dis charged from the Armed Forces of the United States. These in di - vid u als are in a spe cial unit that re ports di rectly to the Com man dant of Ca dets. How ever, they too are re quired to buy all uni forms, par tic i pate in for ma tions as de ter mined by the Com man dant, stand re quired watches and per form prac ti cal train ing on the ship. As stated above, they are per mit ted to live off cam pus. 6. International: The sixth cat e gory is In ter na tional Ca dets who wish to par tic i pate in the Mer chant Ma rine Li cense Op tion train ing and the de gree from Texas A&M Uni ver sity at Galveston. These Ca dets are sub ject to U. S. Im mi gra tion laws, must have a stu dent visa and ex cel lent Eng lish lan guage skills. It should be un der stood that by Fed eral Law, only U.S. cit i - zens may take the USCG li cense exam. How ever, cer tif i cate of com ple tion of all USCG courses and a de gree will be pre - sented upon com ple tion of all re quired train ing/ed u ca tion. Orientation Week Prior to the be gin ning of the Fall ac a demic se mes ter, 4th Class Ca dets (first year) are re quired to at tend O-Week. This pro - gram, un der the guid ance of the Com man dant of Ca dets and or ches trated by Ca det Of fi cers, in tro duces each new Ca det to the rou tine of the Corps of Ca dets, ex poses new Ca dets to the reg i mented Corps en vi ron ment, the cus toms and tra di tions of TAMU/TAMUG/TMA, and ba sic sea man ship and nau ti cal sci ence skills. Dur ing O-Week, Ca dets have for ma tions, march to class and to meals, learn team work, ex pe ri ence hands on sea man ship train ing and per form other train ing to en able them to hit the decks run ning when the en tire Corps re as sem bles fol low ing the Sum mer Cruise. Admission Requirements for License Option Applicants Ap pli cants who meet the Uni ver sity ad mis sions stan dards and pass the U.S. Coast Guard phys i cal re quire ments are el i gi ble to ap ply to the Texas A&M Mar i time Acad emy and to be con sid ered for ad mit tance to one of the Li cense Op tion courses and the Corps of Ca dets in Sep tem ber of each year. Li cense-op tion stu dents must choose to ma jor in ei ther MARB-LO, MARS-LO, MART or MARR cur ric u lum. Ad mis sion cri te ria is gov erned by 46 U. S. Code 310 and in cludes a re cord free of crim i nal of fense (back ground in ves ti ga tion) and proof of U.S. cit i zen ship. Each ap pli ca tion is thor oughly re viewed by TMA staff and a rec om - men da tion for ad mis sion is made to the Su per in ten dent. The fi nal de ci sion for ac cep tance into the Texas A&M Mar i time Acad - emy rests with the Su per in ten dent. It should be em pha sized that ac cep tance to the Uni ver sity is not ap proval for ac cep tance into TMA. The ap pli ca tion for ad mis sion for the Corps of Ca dets is avail able through the website. Students will not be ac cepted into the LO cur ric u lum af ter the 12th class day of the se mes ter. 54

19 General Health Standards Ca dets en rolled in the Li cense Op tion cur ric u lum are held to spe cial ac a demic and phys i cal stan dards due to the im mense re - spon si bil ity a Mer chant Ma rine Of fi cer has on board a mer chant ship. Med i cal phys i cal re quire ments for a li cense are in cluded on the ini tial Phys i cal Form which must be sub mit ted with the Texas A&M Mar i time Acad emy ap pli ca tion. Both the TMA ap pli ca - tion and the Phys i cal Form are avail able at the website. Ex am ples of those re quire ments for Deck and En gi neers li cense, as found in U.S. Code 46, Part 10, are: minimum 20/800 in each eye correctable to 20/40 in each eye. must pass an approved color blind test. must be psychologically, perceptually and physically sound. Any disability, including some learning disabilities that might prevent an applicant from performing the duties of a Cadet or officer at sea, could preclude acceptance to TMA and licensing programs. applicant must be honest and forthcoming on all questions relating to medical conditions. Any deceptive/false answers will be reason for dismissal from the program. Cadets are required to be screened for drugs prior to admission to TMA and will receive random screening while in the license option curriculum. Any Cadet testing positive is subject to removal from the LO curriculum. The cost for screening is the responsibility of the Cadet. Additional U.S. Coast Guard Requirements In ad di tion to USCG ap proved and re quired Stan dards of Train ing, Cer tif i ca tion and Watchkeeping (STCW) courses, Ca - dets will be re quired to ob tain sev eral ad di tional train ing en dorse ments re quired by the USCG. Some of these in clude ba sic safety train ing, ad vanced firefighting, Ra dar/au to mated Ra dar Plot ting Aids train ing, Global Ma rine Dis tress Sys tem (GMDSS) train - ing and Bridge Re source Man age ment train ing. Ad di tion ally, each Ca det will be re quired to ob tain a Mer chant Mar i ner Cre den - tial (MMC) and a Home land Se cu rity TWIC card be fore the first cruise. For these doc u ments, Ca dets must have in their pos ses sion a valid U. S. Pass port, orig i nal birth cer tif i cate, and a photo ID, pref er a bly a driver s li cense. Most of this train ing and doc u ment costs have fees not as so ci ated with TAMUG/TMA. How ever, they are re quired by fed eral law and we will as sist each Ca det in ob tain ing the en dorse ments they need to re ceive their li cense. A com plete list of these re quire ments and costs will be made avail able dur ing O-Week. It is ex tremely im por tant that each ap pli cant un der stand that the USCG re quires all STCW courses to be passed with a grade of C or better or the course must be re peated. Also, class at ten dance for both ac a demic courses and STCW courses is man da tory. No unexcused ab sences al lowed. Ad di tion ally, the law re quires each Ca det, re gard less of sta tus, to at tend TMA no fewer than three fall and spring se mes ters, as a full-time stu dent, and par tic i pate in three sum mer cruises; two on the train ing ship and a com mer cial cruise on mer chant ves sel be tween the 2 /Class and 3 /Class year. There are no waiv ers or ex - cep tions to this re quire ment. Ad di tion ally, Ca dets must have an over all C av er age in all STCW coursework to be el i gi ble for sum mer cruise. Ca dets must also have a 2.25 GPR in their ma jor courses and a 2.0 GPR over all at TAMUG to be el i gi ble for sum - mer cruise. The Lifeboatman Train ing Cer tif i cate is not avail able un til grad u a tion per di rec tion of the U.S. Coast Guard. When all STCW and ac a demic re quire ments are met, the Su per in ten dent TMA will rec om mend and cer tify that Ca dets are el i gi ble to sit for their U.S. Coast Guard ad min is tered li cense. The exam takes place over a four day pe riod and cov ers ev ery as - pect of STCW train ing. It is an in tense and gru el ing four days and re quires that each Ca det be fully pre pared. It is im por tant to un - der stand that a de gree and/or a li cense can not be con ferred un til the test is suc cess fully passed. In ter na tional, non U.S. cit i zens are ex cep tions to this pol icy. Standards of Conduct Ca dets are held to a very high stan dard and rep re sent those Ca dets who have gone be fore them. There fore, TMA Ca dets do not lie, cheat or steal nor tol er ate those who do. TMA Ca dets are sub ject to Corps Rules and Honor Code that char ac ter izes the ob - jec tives set forth in the de vel op ment of their lead er ship skills. The Acad emy s con duct and dis ci pline pro cess is a ve hi cle for as - sess ing the ap ti tude and mo ti va tion of each Ca det for be com ing an Of fi cer in the Mer chant Ma rine or Mil i tary. The ul ti mate goal of the con duct sys tem is to build on the ba sic foun da tion of dis ci pline and con duct Ca det pos sesses when he or she en ters the Acad emy. Ca dets are sub ject to de mer its and those who con tin u ally have dif fi culty con form ing to Corps Rules will be sub ject to vary ing de grees of dis ci pline as de ter mined by TAMUG/TMA rules. If dis ci pline con di tions per sist, a Ca det could face dis missal from TMA. Dis ci pline is over seen by the Com man dant. Ca dets are af forded due pro cess in all dis ci pline cases with ap peals de - cided by the Su per in ten dent. Li cense op tion Ca dets dis missed from the TMA and who are per mit ted to re main at TAMUG will not be al lowed to take LO courses, will be re moved from the Corps hous ing, and if a non-texas res i dent, will be sub ject to out of state tuition costs. All Ca dets are re quired to wear the spec i fied uni form of the day to class, for ma tion, and meals dur ing the week days Mon day thru Fri day, when stand ing watch and as deemed ap pro pri ate by TMA Staff/Corps Com mander. It is per mis si ble to re lax the uni - form re quire ment on the week ends, but ap pro pri ate at tire in the Stu dent Cen ter/gal ley is re quired. De mer its and prac ti cal train ing hours on the train ing ship are re quired to be com pleted be fore a Ca det can sit for li cense ex - am i na tions or at tend a sum mer cruise. 55

20 License Option/Strategic Sealift Officer s Program (LO/SSOP) The De part ment of Na val Sci ence trains Ca dets who de sire to par tic i pate in the Strategic Sealift Officer s Program (SSOP), a vol un tary joint pro gram es tab lished in 1925 be tween the U. S. Navy and the U.S. Mer chant Ma rine. The mis sion of the SSOP is to as sist the U.S. Navy in times of war/mo bi li za tion by aug ment ing the Navy s sealift ca pac ity. Ca dets will be of fered the op por tu - nity to join the SSOP during their first year. Cadets who possess the appropriate military aptitude/military bearing, academic stand ing, and mo ti va tion and re ceive a pos i tive in ter view and en dorse ment from the Of fi cer in Charge of the Na val Re serve Of fi - cers Train ing Corps (NROTC) may ap ply via the Com man dant for the SSOP and, if se lected on a com pet i tive ba sis, may be of - fered the op por tu nity to join the SIP pro gram dis cussed above. Upon grad u a tion and re ceipt of a li cense, Ca dets will be com mis sioned as an En sign USNR. They can also ap ply for ac tive duty in the Navy or an other branch of the Armed Forces. Basic Eligibility Requirements: The Cadet must be under the age of 27 by the time they graduate. The Cadet must pass a Navy physical examination (to enter the program and another prior to Commissioning). The Cadet must pass the semi-annual Physical Readiness Test. The Cadet must be enrolled in a license option curriculum. The Cadet must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 (4.0 system). The Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) NROTC of fers those in di vid u als who de sire to be come Na val Of fi cers and meet the qual i fi ca tions to qual ify for a com mis - sion while at tend ing TAMUG. These Ca dets are fully in te grated into the Corps of Ca dets, and per form all the ac tiv i ties re quired of the Corps. To be el i gi ble for a Com mis sion, NROTC Mid ship men must com plete all re quire ments for a bach e lor s de gree as well as cer tain courses spec i fied by the Navy. Stu dents may join the NROTC pro gram as Na tional Four Year Schol ar ship Win ners or as non-sub si dized col lege pro gram ap pli cants. In for ma tion on the Na tional Four Year Schol ar ship pro gram can be ob tained through a Navy re cruit ing of fice. The sub mis sion dead line is 15 Jan u ary in the year ap pli ca tion is be ing made. Col lege pro gram Mid ship - men are el i gi ble to com pete for three and one year or three year and two year NROTC schol ar ships. All NROTC schol ar ships pay full tu i tion, fees and uni forms. All schol ar ship and ju nior/se nior level Mid ship men re ceive an al low ance of $ per month de pend ing on class stand ing. Mid ship men are also paid dur ing the sum mer train ing pe ri ods. Additional Costs The ad di tional costs shown be low are pri mar ily as so ci ated with the Texas A&M Mar i time Acad emy Li cense Op tion Ca dets, and are over and above the costs of at tend ing TAMUG (see Tu i tion and Fees): Coast Guard Approved Fire Fighting School - $800-$1,000. TWIC - $150. O-Week Fee - $38. Merchant Mariner Credential - $140. Drug testing - approx $35 (each time). Uniforms - $1,500-$1,800 (for LO and Drill and Ceremonies Cadets). Training cruise - estimated about $8000 depending on fuel costs. 56


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