UN-436. In stal la tion and Pro gram ming Man ual. Soft ware Ver Man ual n Rev. A

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1 UN-436 In stal la tion and Pro gram ming Man ual Soft ware Ver Man ual n Rev. A The information in this manual replaces any previously published information. Sicep reserves the right to modify prices and products' characteri - stics at any time, wit ho ut fur ther no ti ce.

2 Printed in Italy Sicep Spa Via Calabria, 14/ Certaldo Florence Italy Tel Fax Web site: si cep.it Dear Cus tomer, thank you for pur chas ing a Sicep prod uct. Be fore start ing the in stal la tion pro ce dure, we rec om mend that you read this man ual very care fully.

3 In dex Chapter 1- Warnings General consideration Limitations of Use Electrical connections - ground Sectioning Backup bat tery Pack ag ing dis posal Prod uct dis posal Battery disposal Re ceipt of the unit Storing Mark ings Compliance with EC Directive Com pli ance with stan dards EN and CEI Accessories Sup port Repairs War ranty Use of third-party soft ware Definitions and Abbreviations...4 Chapter 2- Introduction to the operation The BiTech anti-in tru sion sys tem Characteristics of UNICA unit...5 Com mu ni ca tor Accessories wired devices operation...6 BUS HS BUS RS Technical Specifications...6 UNICA control unit electrical and dimensional features...6 Environmental Operating and storage...7 Fea tures of the mod AL-EPS Description of terminals, connectors, buttons and LEDs...8 Chapter 3- Operation: description Keyboard touch-screen integrated Areas independent Arming - Perimetral Time In put / Out put Ar eas: de layed zones Self-exclusion zones Automatic reactivation of the inhibited zones Disabling areas Accesses Ar eas of Ex per tise - Ar eas de fault Independent partitions- Zone sharing h Par ti tion Programmable time Wired Zones...16 Mode NC (nor mally closed)...16 Mode NO (nor mally open)...16 Balanced Mode Siren Output BUS RS Wireless Sensors...18 How it works...18 Management of synchronous...18 Ac count num ber or MAC BiTech...18 Pag. I

4 Pag. II Test Quality Connection...19 How it works Mo tion de tec tor and dual tech nol ogy in door with anti-mask ing and cam era...19 How it works Func tion Anti-Mask (ant-mask ing) Pri vacy...20 Con fig u ra tion...21 Light sig nals: Motion detector standard BT-IRW Outodoor sen sor BR-IRE Light sig nals: Door con tact BT-CMW/BT-CME...24 How it works Light sig nals Smoke detector wireless BT-SMK...26 How it works Pe ri odic test ing of the sen sor...26 Light sig nals Proxi reader TAG wire less BT-PRW...28 Light sig nals Key pad LCD wire less BT-KPW...30 Display...30 Flip open...31 Light sig nals Remote control BT-KT...32 Segnalazioni Luminose (led) Wire less si ren BT-SIR Repeater BT-REP...34 How they work...34 How they are used...35 Fea tures REP Keys reader BT-KR...37 Sta tus reader Electronic BT-KEY...38 Op er a tions with keys Wired Keypads LCD BT-KPA / BT-KPE...39 The Dis play...39 Panel door closed...39 Panel door open...40 Light sig nals Ac cess and Pass word: gen eral con cepts Keypad Lock Disarming with Coercion Operations Rapide from LCD keypads BT-PRX TAG reader...42 Light sig nals (LED):...43 Internal buttons description His tor i cal Events Events Zone / de vices dis abled Alarm Area 1..Area Arm / Dis arm Area 1.. Area Sab o tage wired (wired zones bal anced) Tam per de vices Sab o tage RF de vices (wire less) Tam per con tainer Fire Panic Res cue Bat tery panel con trol Bat tery RF de vices (wire less) Ab sence sup ply (230Vac) RF de vice mal func tion Loss RS485 (fail ure or sab o tage of the de vice) Sab o tage RF Coercion Incorrect password Key False (not reg is tered) Ab sent phone line...49

5 27. In tru sion by re mote Automatic test By passed zones No LAN (Ethernet con nec tion) Zones in Alarm Maintenance Ab sence GSM line Credit - Dead line SIM Alarm 24H (24H wired zones) Door Open Other func tions:...51 Bell...51 Com mu ni ca tor...51 Com mu ni ca tions at CMS MVSNet...51 Com mu ni ca tions at us ers...52 Con fig u ra tion of net work de vices...53 The Dy namic DNS ser vice...54 Teleservice via GPRS Chapter 4- Installation Choos ing a lo ca tion for in stal la tion of the panel How to open the de vice...55 Installing optional devices Fix ing unit UNI CA...56 Wir ing the op tional touchscreen key board BT-TCH...57 Wir ing de vices op tional BT-KPA, BT-KPE, PRX-BT, BT-KR, BT-EX Re cord ing de vices on the RS485 BUS Reg is tra tion tag reader BT-PRX...59 Reg is tra tion Key board LCD BT-BT-KPA or KPE...59 Reg is tra tion Keys Reader BT-KR Reg is tra tion ex pan sions BT-EX Wir ing wired sen sors In puts of type arm ing Wir ing up the out puts Wir ing Ex ter nal Si ren Registration of Wireless Devices...61 Reg is ter ing the BT-IRW sen sor Reg is tra tion in fra red sen sors BT-DTC, DTW-BT, BT-MDC, BT-MDW...62 Reg is tra tion ex ter nal in fra red sen sors BT-IRE2 (all mod els)...62 Reg is tra tion door con tact BT-CMW / BT-CME...63 Reg is tra tion wire less key pad LCD BT-KPW...63 Registration Remote control BT-KT Reg is tra tion tag reader BT-PRW...64 Registration smoke detector BT-SMK Reg is tra tion si ren wire less BT-SIR...65 De let ing a de vice from the wire less unit Installing REP...66 De let ing a REP from the con trol panel Sta tis tics - Pe ri odic check ing of the de vices...68 Chapter 5- Programming The pro gram Sicepconnect Lo cal con nec tion via USB port...70 First connection (installer) Connecting via local Ethernet...71 First con nec tion (in staller) with DHCP Con nect re motely over Ethernet (In staller)...72 Re quire ments unit...72 Re quire ments for the in staller Con nec tion to the re mote GPRS (In staller)...72 Re quire ments unit...72 Re quire ments for the in staller Programming Parameters...73 System page...73 Users page...77 Inputs page...79 Out puts page...82 RF De vices page Device configuration HS485 / RS Setting communicator events page Pag. III

6 His tory page Scheduler page Chapter 6- Wire less Key board BT-KPW: au to matic pro gram ming of the en tries Procedure Chapter 7- Installation Requirements for EN , EN e EN Pro gram ming Re quire ments Chapter 8- Special Operations Re pro gram the con trol unit to the de fault Ap pen dix 1 - Cal cu la tion of the "off set" pa ram e ter for the con trol of the re main ing credit Ap pen dix 2 - In stall ing the USB driv ers Sys tems 2000 / XP Win dows Vista / Windows Chapter 9- Appendix: Certificate of warranty SICEP spa rec og nizes in insindacabile and intransgressible way the con di tions of guar an tee brought back in this man ual. Pag. IV

7 Cap. 1 - Warnings UN Warnings 1.1- General consideration The prod uct de scribed in this man ual should be thor oughly checked, be fore start ing any op er a - tion. All in for ma tion con tained in this man ual have been checked and ver i fied dur ing the is su ing of the man ual it self. How ever, SICEP Spa shall have the right to mod ify and im prove the prod uct de - scribed at any time with out fur ther no tice Limitations of Use The con trol unit UNI CA BiTech in cor po rates one or more ra dio in ter faces at 868 MHz and a 13.56MHz RFID reader sys tem. Over all the unit is only re spon sive to Rec om men da tion CEPT / ERC / REC (short-range ra dio de vices), pro vided that it is not al tered or ed ited in any part thereof, in clud ing an ten nas. The use in some coun tries of the Eu ro pean Com mu nity may be subject to limitations. The con trol unit in cor po rates a GSM de vice with low power in te grated an tenna, which can also be used with an op tional ex ter nal an tenna. There are places in which the use may be lim ited, so be - fore proceeding with the installation refer to the appropriate chapter Electrical connections - ground The con nec tion to the mains sup ply and the con nec tion to the pro tec tive ground must be made as shown in Sec.4.3, p. 56. Sicep S.p.A. dis claims any re spon si bil ity in case of in cor rect wir ing Sectioning As the con trol unit is not fit ted with a switch, dur ing its in stal la tion, a bi po lar switch ing de vice with 3 mm min i mum con tacts open ing should also be in stalled Backup battery It is re quired the use of re charge able bat tery lead-acid. The con tainer is de signed for use with standard 12V batteries 2Ah. Do not use other bat ter ies or with a ca pac ity greater than what is indicated Packaging disposal The card board pack ag ing be longs to class (9/4/2001 di rec tive). It should be dis posed of in accordance with local separate waste disposal criteria Product disposal As a whole unit, the con trol unit is not classed as SUW (solid ur ban waste), as it in cludes elec tronic cards that can be classed as and prod ucts. There fore, do not dis pose of the unit as Ur ban Waste, but in ac cor dance with lo cal sep a rate waste dis posal cri te ria. Pag. 1

8 UN-436 Cap. 1 - Warnings 1.8- Battery disposal Lead bat ter ies are not classed as SUW, but as waste. They should be dis posed of in ac - cordance with local separate waste disposal criteria. WARNING WARN ING! In ap pro pri ate dis posal of Elec tric and Elec tronic Equip ment can have dam ag ing ef fects on the en vi ron ment and the pop u la tion Receipt of the unit Upon re ceipt, check the pack ag ing for any trans port dam age. The unit is checked and packed with care by Sicep. If the pack ag ing shows any dam ages, no tify the cou rier im me di ately. Sicep shall not be held re spon si ble for any dam ages oc curred in tran sit (see the terms of the war - ranty). The par cel is made of a card board box that con tains the fol low ing items: - 1 BiTech UNI CA con trol unit - a sheet of in struc tions for wir ing - A CD-ROM with soft ware and manuals Storing - The unit should be stored in its own pack ag ing at the en vi ron men tal con di tions pre scribed in the Technical Specifications. - Max i mum shelf life is: 5 years Markings A la bel with all rel e vant unit in for ma tion can be found on the top side of the unit it self. It in cludes the Man u fac turer num ber, the item part num ber, power sup ply in for ma tion (volt age and us age), se rial number and production date Compliance with EC Directive Sicep S.p.A. hereby de clares that this BiTech panel mod. UNI CA is in com pli ance with the es sen - tial re quire ments and other rel e vant pro vi sions of di rec tive 1999/5/EC, on the con di tion that the in stal la tion pro ce dure listed in the chap ter is fol lowed. In par tic u lar, the prod uct is de clared com pli ant to the fol low ing stan dards: CEI EN (Safety requirements, art. 3.1a 1999/05/CE) CEI EN (E.M. Compatibility, art. 3.1b 1999/05/CE) CEI EN , EN , EN EN (Efficient use of the e.m. spectrum, art /05/CE) EN The BiTech mod. UNI CA con trol unit sat is fies the CEPT/ERC/REC recommendations, on the con di tion that none of its parts, in clud ing the ae rial, are mod i fied. Hereby, Sicep S.p.A., de clares that this UN-436 is in com pli ance with the es sen tial re quire ments and other relevant provisions of directive 1999/5/EC A copy of the Dec la ra tion of Con for mity can be found at the end of the pres ent man ual. Pag. 2

9 Cap. 1 - Warnings UN Compliance with standards EN and CEI 79-2 The unit UNI CA is com plies with Ital ian CEI It has been de signed to con form to stan dards EN , EN , EN These rules es tab lish ad di tional func tional re quire ments that are met only if the pro gram ming is done as in di - cated from time to time in this man ual: the signs iden ti fied as!en50131! and!cei 79-2! bring the nec es sary requirements Accessories The BiTech UNI CA con trol unit is sup plied as a ba sic ver sion. Ad di tional op tional ac ces so ries are also avail able. Sicep S.p.A. de clares that all moduls, de vices, and op tional ac ces so ries for the unit com plies with the es sen tial re quire ments of the Di rec tive 99/05 / EC (where ap pli ca ble) or by Di rec tives 2004/108 / EC and Di rec tive 2006/95 / EC, provided that - such de vices are only in stalled in side the Sicep BiTech UNI CA con trol unit fol low ing the in - stallation instructions provided in this manual; - the installation is carried out by qualified personnel. Any use of the op tional ac ces so ries not in ac cor dance with the above, shall re lease Sicep S.p.A. from all responsibilities whatsoever Support For any kind of sup port con tact your lo cal Sicep rep re sen ta tive. Any free firm ware up grades, util ity pro grams or man u als, can be down loaded from the Sicep S.p.A. website Repairs Re fer to the re pair re quest form that ac com pa nies the prod uct. In the event that the unit needs to be re turned to Sicep for re pair, pack it care fully, pref er a bly in the orig i nal pack ag ing and en close the re pair re quest form filled in all its parts, de scrib ing in de tail the de fect (for more de tails refer to the form) Warranty Re fer to the war ranty cer tif i cate at the end of this man ual Use of third-party software The unit UNI CA uses partly soft ware de vel oped by SVOX AG, Baslerstrasse 30, 8048 Zürich, Swit zer land, with Copy right (C) and dis trib uted freely un der the Apache Li cense 2.0. A copy of the li cense may be viewed at the fol low ing ad dress: Pag. 3

10 UN-436 Cap. 1 - Warnings Definitions and Abbreviations Area or zones shall mean the tech ni cal term rel a tive to the con trol unit in di cat ing a group ing CMS Lo ca tion where we col lect all the mes sages sent by the alarm unit BiTech UNICA; there are spe cial equip ment op er ated by trained per son nel. Control Unit It re fers to the prod uct unit BiTech UNICA Default Spec i fies the value that have the pa ram e ters at the time when the panel con trol has not yet been pro grammed. Event Any change in one of the logic in ter nal or ex ter nal to the panel con trol; it may cause a lo cal ac tion (eg. ac ti va tion of the si ren) and / or gen er ate an alarm or re store that can be trans mit ted by the com mu ni ca tor. Firm ware Dis plays the man age ment soft ware of the con trol unit, which is stored in non-vol a - tile mem ory of the logic board. Flash It is non-vol a tile mem ory of the logic board HS485 In the sys tem BiTech UNICA iden ti fies a sys tem of 4-wire se rial con nec tion be - tween the high-speed de vices (eg. Key boards graphics) and the con trol unit. MVC or SicepMVC Vec to rial Multi Configurator; Cli ent soft ware for PC, de vel oped by Sicep for the in - stal la tion, con fig u ra tion, and up grad ing of prod ucts Sicep. MVS Data 9000 Old CMS sys tem de vel oped by Sicep for alarm man age ment MVS-Net Sys tem de vel oped by Sicep for alarm man age ment RS485 In the sys tem BiTech UNICA iden ti fies a sys tem of 4-wire se rial con nec tion be - tween the de vices at stan dard speed (eg. LCD keypads, read ers TAG play ers, keys) and the con trol unit. SicepConnect Soft ware Cli ent for PC de vel oped by Sicep for the in stal la tion, con fig u ra tion, and up grad ing of prod ucts Sicep. Zone!EN50131! in di cates an in put for con nec tion to a sen sor, or a sen sor wire less or a sub sec tion. Shows any con di tion to be met to make the unit com plies with EN and EN Pag. 4

11 Cap. 2 - Introduction to the operation UN Introduction to the operation 2.1- The BiTech anti-intrusion system Build ing on the many years of ex pe ri ence in the de sign and man u fac tur ing of ra dio sys tems, Sicep has now de signed an in no va tive antitheft con trol unit, fit ted with an en tirely bidirectional com mu ni - ca tion sys tem, called BiTech. In particular, the central alarm UNICA is characterized by: - Touchscreen key board in te grated with a large color dis play - Infrared sensors with imaging via microcamera - Reader in te grated tag for the ap pro pri ate card or key tag - Man age ment gates fully pro gram ma ble based on the pass word or the de vice and the ac cess point - Macro func tions: mul ti ple trans ac tions ad just able by the user and achiev able with a sin gle command - High safety - Low power con sump tion and high speed with two-way wire less tech nol ogy - Easy installation and maintenance 2.2- Characteristics of UNICA unit The fea tures of the BiTech UNI CA con trol unit can be sum ma rised as fol lows: 4 inde pend ent areas, which can also man age shared areas Up to 4 keypads touchscreen color dis play with 640x480 pix els 2 types of inser tion when using shared areas (Nor mal, Mas ter) 2 types of inser tion for each area (Total, Per im e ter) Sched uler on a weekly basis (with man age ment of the hol i days) Area 24h Area Ronda Fast Input / Out put can be pro grammed sep a rately for each area Self-exclu sion zones (Forced Entry) Man ual over ride zone (dis able) Auto matic rearm Up to 20 wired zones NC, NO or bal anced on 5 lev els, imme di ate or delayed Up to 20 open col lec tor out puts, static or impul sive Test the bat tery volt age con tin u ously and peri od i cally to ver ify the effi ciency of the same 28 wire less sen sors includ ing infra red sen sors, mag netic, LCD keypads, remote con trols, TAG play ers, smoke detec tors 4 radio repeat ers (REP) with the pos si bil ity of dou ble jump Feature Detection Blindness radio 32 mem bers (one Admin is tra tor) plus 3 spe cial users: Installator, Ronda, Sub tech ni cian Man age ment of the open ings through TAG, pass words and keys in a cus tom iz able way Fea tures Fire, Emer gency and Panic His tor i cal events of up to 1000 events, avail able from the key pad or pro gram ming soft ware client Pro gram ming soft ware Sicepconnect locally via USB / Ethernet or remotely via GPRS Web server Pag. 5

12 UN-436 Cap. 2 - Introduction to the operation Switch ing Power Sup ply 35W Inter nal siren and relay free con tacts from 1A Out put + 12V max 200mA, pro tected by resettable fuse Tam per for open ness and removal Con nec tion to PC: USB port (port Device) / Ethernet Firm ware update via USB (Host Port) Com mu ni ca tor 8 recip i ents user, with pro to cols SMS Text, Voice or Con tact-id; Voice mes sages are syn - thesized automatically by the control unit Recip i ent CMS, with send ing multi-vec tor datas: LAN (Ethernet), Con tact-id phone, GPRS, SMS data 2 addresses with authen ti ca tion / encryp tion Up to 8 pro gram ma ble attempts for trans mis sions to users 35 programmable events communicable Teleservice via car ri ers LAN and GPRS Test func tions for the user: Walk Test sen sors, siren test, request video image sen sor DTC-BT / BT-MDC Accessories wired devices operation The con trol unit BiTech UNI CA man ages two dif fer ent BUS 485 to four wires for con nec tion with ca ble de vices, a high speed and a low speed. BUS HS485 This bus is high speed and only serves for the con nec tion to key boards graphic mod. BT-TCH. You can con nect up to 4 key boards and the max i mum ca ble length of each key board is 50 me ters. When there are more than 2 key boards (in clud ing the touch screen in te grated), the re main der must be sup plied with a sep a rate power sup ply. For wir ing, re fer to the in stal la tion chapter. BUS RS485 This bus is at low speed and must be used for the con nec tion of other de vices: Read ers keys BT-KR, read ers TAG BT-PRX, key boards rows LCD BT-KPA / KPE. The bus con sists of four wires and the max i mum length of each sec tion is 200 me ters; all de vices are con nected in par al lel. For the min i mum size of ca ble to be used, re fer to the in stal la tion chapter Technical Specifications UNI CA con trol unit elec tri cal and di men sional fea tures power sup ply: Ab sorp tion at 230: Ab sorp tion at 115V: Ab sorp tion 12.0V: Vca, 50-60Hz / 11-14Vcc bat tery 290 ma max i mum with bat tery in charg ing with out wired de vices 400 ma max i mum with bat tery in charg ing with out wired de vices 360 ma max i mum with out wired de vices con nected 240 ma in en ergy sav ings Minimum operating voltage of the system: 8,5V - Re store 9,7V out put ter mi nals +12V of ser vice: ,8V, rip ple max. 50mVpp max i mum cur rent: see ta ble clamps Au ton omy sys tem clock: 3 hours in the ab sence of power and 12V bat tery Pag. 6

13 Cap. 2 - Introduction to the operation UN-436!EN50131! Backup bat tery: Autonomy: Charg ing cur rent: Sealed Lead Bat tery 12V, 2.5 Ah ca pac ity, min i mum ca pac ity 2.0 Ah 12 hours with 2.5 Ah bat tery with out de vices wired con nected Lim ited to 250mA The unit conforms to EN (paragraph 9) only without auxiliary devices on bus HS485 / RS485 and wired sensors. Thresh old bat tery: Dashes bat tery in di ca tion on touch key - board: down load: 10.5V V re store Red: 10.0V or lower Yel low: 10.0 to 11.0 green (80%): from 11.0 to 12.0 green (100%): 12.0V or higher!en50131! Time re charge bat tery at 80%: 48 hours Ra dio fre quency BiTech: MHz (3 chan nels) CEPT/ERC/REC Class 3 Power: <10mW ERP with in te grated an tenna Duty cy cle: <1% Fre quency RFID reader: 13,56 MHz CEPT / ERC / REC Class 3 Power: <42dBµA/m to 10m Di men sions (WxHxD): 23,5 x 22 x 6 cm Weight: 990 g with out bat tery, 1,9 Kg with bat tery 2ah Possible combinations of keypad codes: 100,000. Possible combinations TAG codes: 2 32 (> 4,000,000,000). Possible combinations of keys codes: 2 64 (> 18 billion). Each keypad code can be changed countless times. En vi ron men tal Op er at ing and stor age TEM PER A TURE (op er a tion): 5 to +40 TEM PER A TURE (stor age): 0 to +40 Mois ture: from 20% to 80% De gree of pro tec tion case: IP40 Pag. 7

14 UN-436 Cap. 2 - Introduction to the operation Fea tures of the mod AL-EPS-3515 Power Sup ply: Type A (ac cord ing to EN ) Volt age in put: Vca, Hz Max i mum Power Out put: 36 W Ab sorp tion max i mum of 230V: 290mA Ab sorp tion max i mum of 115V: 400mA No Load Out put Volt age: 13,8Vcc ± 1% Max i mum out put cur rent in con tin u ous 2,65A trans ac tion on the market: Out put Rip ple: Maximum 50mVpp 2.5- Description of terminals, connectors, buttons and LEDs TP56 TP57 SIR RST.G X34 P42 P2 X21 POWER P21 P3 RX TX DL5 DL4 U13 X22 P51 X13 P25 X9 X33 BOOT BOOT.G P7 P1 X1 DL10 DL9 DL1 J1 J2 J3 P9 TX VAL STAT X19 DL2 X30 P29 X31 U1 X12 P52 P49 (sotto) DL3 DL11 P48 (sotto) TP40 TP41 Pag. 8

15 Cap. 3 - Operation: description UN-436 The ter mi nals were grouped by functional groups. Group Terminals Description T1, T2 Ter mi nals for aux il iary tele phone con nec tion L1, L2 Ter mi nals for con nec tion to the tele phone line GND, 485_1 -, 485_1 +, 12V GND, 485_2 -, 485_2 +, 12V IN1..IN4 GND 12V (next to the out puts OUT1..OUT4) OUT1..OUT4 BUS HS 485 for con nec tion to key boards Graphic op tional BT-TCH. Max i mum cur rent avail able from the ter mi nal + 12V: 500mA BUS RS 485 con nec tion for all de vices wired RS485 with the ex cep tion of the graphic key board BT-TCH. Max i mum cur rent avail able from the ter mi nal + 12V: 200mA in puts for wired zones. In put im ped ance 100KOhm, pull-up of 100KOhm on volt age of + 3.3V. ser vice Out put + 12V ser vice. Max i mum avail able cur rent: 200mA pro gram ma ble open col lec tor out puts re fer to GND. Max i mum cur rent: 100mA WARNING Cau tion: Never use the ter mi nals +12 V and GND to power the board. Connector Description SIR (P42) POWER (P21) P7 P25 P29 X13 P51 P9 LAN (P3) P48 - P49 P43 - P50 P28 P52 TP40, TP41 TP56, TP57 Con nec tor for in ter nal si ren con nec tor for the power sup ply board USB type B (de vice) for pro gram ming SicepConnect Con nec tor for op tional BT-VTech SMA con nec tor for ex ter nal GSM an tenna SIM CARD Slot 4GB MicroSD mem ory slot USB type A (host) for up dat ing firm ware 10/100 Mbit Ethernet con nec tor con nec tor for op tional WLAN mod ule (bot tom side) Sen sor con nec tors touchscreen dis play (de pend ing on the model) (un der side) con nec tor to dis play (on the bot tom) con nec tor for pro gram ming IF-BTKPW / P Con nec tor for speaker ca bles to con nect the backup bat tery Pag. 9

16 UN-436 Button/Jumper RESET TEST BOOT BOOT.G RST.G X19 J1, J2, J3 Description Al lows the re set of the main microcontroller Al lows to re store the de fault pro gram ming. For use re fer to the ap pro pri ate sec tion. but ton to up date the bootloader unit But ton for up dat ing the bootloader dis play pressed per forms a re set of the microcontroller of the touchscreen dis play Switch Tam per Jumper to up date the firm ware 1-2: up dat ing the main microcontroller 2-3: up dat ing dis play microcontroller Cap. 9 - Appendix: Certificate of warranty Led Color Description TX (GSM) Red Red lights up dur ing the trans mis sion of data pack ets VAL (GSM) Green Green lights up dur ing re cep tion of data pack ets STAT (GSM) Green green flashes in di cate the ac tiv ity of the GSM mod ule PR Green Green ON in di cates that power is pres ent BAT Red Red in di cates that the bat tery is low TX (BiTech) Red Red flash ing in di cates a trans mis sion to sen sors RX (BiTech) Green Green flash ing in di cates a con fir ma tion from a sen sor DL2 Yel low Yel low in di cates that there is a USB con nec tion on the con nec tor P7 to the PC (pro gram ming Sicepconnect) Pag. 10

17 Cap. 3 - Operation: description UN Operation: description This chap ter de scribes in de tail all the func tions of the panel con trol 3.1- Keyboard touch-screen integrated For the fea tures, func tions, and pro gram ming key board (eg. Re cord ing mac ros) re fer to the user manual Areas independent The unit BiTech UNI CA man ages up to 4 ar eas (or par ti tions). Each area can use sen sors, im me di - ate or de layed, sen sors shared among mul ti ple ar eas and can use two dif fer ent types of insertion Arming - Perimetral It can be de fined in the plan ning stage whether each area is in side or not (per im e ter). In this way you can arm the sys tem in two ways: to tal or Perimetral. By plac ing in a to tal way, all zones are ac tive; in sert ing the perimetral area all the the in te rior zones are not ac tive. Typ i cally, the sen sors on the doors and win dows are per im e ter while in fra red sen sors such as BT-IRW are in ter nal. Arm ing - This type of arm ing all zones be long ing to the area are ac tive (it is sup posed not to have shared ar eas); This type of arm ing is what you make when you come out from the house. Per im e ter Arm - In this type of in ser tion are ac tive only per im e ter zones (it is sup posed not to have shared ar eas). This type of en try al lows you to move into the build ing while keep ing the sys tem ac tive; the in ser tion is typ i cal dur ing the night Time Input / Output Areas: delayed zones The de layed zones in the panel con trol BiTech UNI CA use the sched uled times de pend ing upon the lo ca tion; in other words all the zones have de layed tim ing of in put and out put equal. An area should be de layed if it is nec es sary to alarm dur ing op er a tions In sert and re move. Example: If the unit is placed in the en trance hall and there is a mag netic con tact on the door, once en tered the fa cil ity the door must be opened to get out; when you en ter in house, be fore switch ing off the sys tem the door is open again. The tim ing of in put and out put work in this way: - Time of de par ture: ac ti vates the im plant; de layed sen sors are ig nored (not ac tive). - Time of en try: Ac tive when a de layed zone goes into alarm; the con di tion is stored and gen er - ates alarm on ex piry of that time, un less the sys tem is not dis armed be fore the time ex pires.!en50131! The input time must not be greater than 45 seconds 3.5- Self-exclusion zones There are sit u a tions where you need to be able to by pass a zone that is in alarm when you go to in - sert the im plant. Examples: - A sen sor fail ure has re mained per ma nently in alarm and you still want to en ter the fa cil ity, pend ing the re place ment of the sensor; - Op tion ally, in the sum mer, in sert the im plant de lib er ately leav ing a win dow open which is pro - tected by a contact. Pag. 11

18 UN-436 Cap. 3 - Operation: description When you run a place ment with one or more zones in alarm must make a forced insertion. The sys tem will no tify you in some way that there is one or more zones in alarm and to en ter you must rerun the operation of insertion. At this point, sev eral sit u a tions may arise, de pend ing on the type of zone in alarm. - Zone no de lay excludable The area is ex cluded at the sec ond at tempt in ser tion. If it is ap plied by means of pro gram mer time, the zone is au to mat i cally by passed. - Zone no de lay no-excludable The zone can not be ruled out the area is never in serted, the only way to in sert the im plant is to bring in the rest the zone in alarm. An ex cep tion is the con di tion in which the in ser tion takes place via sked: If there is this con di tion, the im plant is in serted and the area im me di ately goes into alarm.!en50131! This condition is not permitted and should be avoided: all zones must be excludable - Delayed zone The area is not ex cluded and is not signaled his even tual alarm state. it is im per a tive its re - store by the end of exit time. A de lay zone can not also be ex cluded; when pro gram ming a spe cific con trol makes it not be excludable. - Shared area excludable The area is ex cluded only in the in ser tion of the last area of shar ing or in front of an in ser tion by a user of type MAS TER. Arm ing the ar eas above in alarm the zone is no ti fied and be comes kind of forced en try; the area, how ever, is not ex cluded. The area armed is dis played as pending. - Shared area can not be ex cluded The area is never ex cluded. Lo cated op po site the in ser tion of the last area of shar ing or front of a in ser tion by a user of type MAS TER, is de nied the in ser tion. The en try is per mit ted only if the area is shown at rest. In clu sion of ar eas above the zone in alarm is no ti fied and be comes kind of forced en try; the area, how ever, is not ex cluded. The area you en tered is dis played as pend ing. If the last area shar ing is in serted through time pro gram mer, the sys tem is in serted and the area im me di ately goes into alarm.!en50131! This condition is not permitted and should be avoided: all zones must be excludable. Note. The ar eas that are bal anced in the state of sab o tage are not con sid ered in alarm; the same ap plies to the wire less sen sors. Ev ery time a zone is by passed is gen er ated a spe cial event Automatic reactivation of the inhibited zones The zones immediate active excludable can be re turn ac tive in two dif fer ent ways, de pend ing on the programming choice: Sin gle-zone, once ex cluded as a re sult of a forced en try, is ex cluded un til the next in ser tion. Auto: The area, once ex cluded as a re sult of a forced en try, be comes ac tive au to mat i cally when back to rest. Pag. 12

19 Cap. 2 - Introduzione al funzionamento UN Disabling areas The man ual dis abling of an area, is an op er a tion per formed by a key board or by pro gram ming with MVC / SicepConnect with which an area be came per ma nently not ac tive. A dis abled zone can be made ac tive again by per form ing the in verse op er a tion. When you dis able a zone gen er ates an appropriate event Accesses The unit BiTech UNI CA uses the man age ment of ac cesses ac cord ing to the sched ule. For acces means an ac cess point to the sys tem, which can be con sti tuted by a touch key pad (in - clud ing the same in te grated), an LCD key pad, a TAG reader, a reader keys or a re mote con trol. When you log in to the sys tem through a given acces the sys tem will per form the pro grammed ac tion based on the in serted code into the key pad, the TAG sub mit ted or the key inserted: - Dis play the sta tus of one or more ar eas of ex per tise; - Abil ity to per form the op er a tion on the group's ar eas of ex per tise or spe cific area (be tween those of com pe tence); - No op er a tion, if the type of iden ti fi ca tion is not valid for that ac cess Areas of Expertise - Areas default Un like other unit BiTech (BT-887, BT-436, BT-15159), in the unit UNI CA the con cept of ar eas of ex - per tise has been ex tended in this way: - In the case of TAG, keys or re mote con trols, ar eas of ex per tise are those on which op er a tions can be per formed si mul ta neously, and this de pends on the access. - In the case of key boards ar eas of ex per tise re main as be fore: are the ar eas on which the user can op er ate. The pre de fined ar eas in stead rep re sent those on which the key board is de fault, as soon as you put the code Independent partitions- Zone sharing The BiTech sys tem en ables the use and man age ment of zones shared by sev eral par ti tions. Let's see how they work by show ing some sim ple ex am ples. A S1 Partition 1 Zone 1 S3 Zone 3 C B Partition 2 P S2 Zone 2 Two of fices A and B have a com mon C cor ri dor. To make things sim ple, this sys tem only in cludes 3 sen sors: one in of fice A, one in of fice B and one in the cor ri dor. The sys tem is there fore di vided in two par ti tions: par ti tion 1 (of fice A) and par ti tion 2 (of fice B); sen - sor 1 (zone 1) only be longs to par ti tion A and sen sor 2 only be longs to par ti tion B, while sen sor 3 (zone 3) is shared and be longs both to par ti tions A and B. Each user (A and B) can only arm/dis arm their sec tion of the sys tem. Pag. 13

20 UN-436 Cap. 2 - Introduzione al funzionamento Let's now sup pose that the start up con di tion is with both par ti tions dis armed. To sim plify things, all par ti tion are instantaneous and can be excluded. Case 1 - A user leaves and arms par ti tion 1 (to tal), in NON Mas ter mode. As zone 3 also be longs to a non armed par ti tion, zone 3 is not armed. Hav ing shared zones in a non ac ti vated state, par ti - tion 1 re mains in the wait ing con di tion. In this way user B can cross the cor ri dor with out generating an alarm. - User B leaves and arms par ti tion 2 (to tal), in NON Mas ter mode. This will also arm zone 3. Note: If an in truder cause sen sor 3 to trip, both par ti tion 1 and par ti tion 2 will en - ter an alarm con di tion. Case 2 - A user leaves and arms par ti tion 1 (to tal), in Mas ter mode. Al though also be long ing to a non armed par ti tion, zone 3 will also be ac ti vated. Par ti tion 2 en ters a wait ing state, be cause at least one of its zones is ac tive. Note: User B cross ing the cor ri dor will now gen er ate an alarm. This type of arm - ing can be nec es sary when the Mas ter user (the su per vi sor) wants to en sure that all the sys tem is armed. Mas ter or non Mas ter arm ing mode de pends on the pass word used (dur ing the key pad op er a - tions), or by the key used (op er a tion us ing an arm ing de vice) or by the re mote con trol. Dur ing the pro gram ming op er a tions, each pass word, key and re mote con trol are as so ci ated with an arm ing mode (Mas ter or nor mal). This as so ci a tion can only be changed dur ing pro gram ming h Partition All the con trols that are al ways ac tive and ca pa ble of gen er at ing an alarm event, ir re spec tive of whether the par ti tions are armed or not, be long to the 24h par ti tion. These in clude: Zone/devices disabling Wire de vices sab o tage (ca ble cuts or short cir cuit for bal anced wired in puts). Bus485 de vices tam per Wireless devices tamper Con trol Unit panel tam per (re moval or cover and re moval of con trol unit) Fire Panic Medical Con trol unit low bat tery level Wire less de vices low bat tery level No power sup ply Wireless devices loss Bus485 de vices loss Wireless devices jamming Duress Wrong pass word en tered Pag. 14

21 Cap. 3 - Operation: description UN-436 Invalid key detection Tel. Line fault Blinding GSM Signal GSM insufficient Pre paid SIM: low credit or ex pir ing Sim No LAN Disabled Zone Alarm zones 24H These con trols do not gen er ate alarm only when the panle con trol is in the con di tion of main te - nance Note. Do not con fuse the area 24h with the alarm event 24h that can be as so ci - ated with wired zones Programmable time The con trol unit UNI CA has a time pro gram mer on a weekly ba sis with the fol low ing char ac ter is - tics: up to 4 dif fer ent pro grams; each pro gram may be asso ci ated with one or more areas, or to one or more out puts; Each pro gram allows two starts and two shut downs per day, or two acti va tions and deac ti - vations associated output two; turn on of such total or per im e ter; man age ment of fixed and mobile hol i days with 12 days for each type. Pro gram ming or any changes are made by key boards or soft ware MVC / SicepConnect. If the au to matic re in te gra tion of an area, or more ar eas, of mem ber ship are in alarm, the unit be - haves in a dif fer ent way com pared to manual: - If there are im me di ate ar eas in alarm auto-excludible, the unit forces the in clu sion of the area excluding zones automatically. - If there are im me di ate ar eas in alarm not excludible, the unit en ters the area and trig gers the alarm im me di ately; the area re mains active. - If there are late ar eas in alarm the unit fits nor mally; If the zone is not re stored, af ter the time of in put the alarm goes on. In all cases, if there are ar eas de layed and is setted the au di ble exit de lay, this is nor mally no ti fied, as per the man ual in ser tion.!en50131! The second requirement is not permitted; all zones must be excludable or delayed. The system also must notify the imminent arming. To do this it is necessary: - Have at least a graphical keyboard or wired (if the unit is without a visual keypad) - That the acoustic signal is activated - The area is delayed. It is sufficient to set the timing of input and output to a minimum value, but this must be sufficient to notify the eventual user in the impending insertion. Pag. 15

22 UN-436 Cap. 3 - Operation: description Wired Zones The con trol unit BiTech UNI CA has up to 20 zones rows that can be used for con nec tion to sen sors so NC, NO or bal anced. Mode NC (nor mally closed) In this mode, the zone is at rest when it is con nected to GND, while it is in alarm if it is open; a spe - cial pull-up re sis tor (100KOhm) brings the volt age to + 3.3V when it is open. This type of wir ing is sim ple but can not dis tin guish whether the zone is in alarm or is sab o taged (ca ble cut or shorted). Mode NO (nor mally open) This mode is sim i lar to the pre vi ous one but the logic states are re versed: left open is at rest while grounded in alarm. Here too, the wir ing is sim ple but does not al low to dis tin guish whether the area is at rest or sab o taged (ca ble cut). Bal anced Mode In this mode, the zone is at rest when it is ter mi nated to ground with a re sis tance of 47 kohm. Al ter - ing this value ap pro pri ately zone passes in the states of alarm or sab o tage. The wir ing is more com pli cated but it is pos si ble to de tect at tempts to sab o tage as a ca ble cut or shorted. De pend ing on the volt age read ing from the en trance states are de ter mined ac cord ing to the table below. State Input: Voltage Sabotage Cut the cable: 2,8 3,3V Alarm: 1,41 2,8V Rest: 0,72 1,41V Alarm: 0,23 0,72V Sabotage Short cable: < 0,23V For the wir ing, re fer to the In stal la tion sec tion Siren The unit BiTech UNI CA has an in te grated si ren; there are also avail able con tacts clean of a re lay (NC, NO, COM) that is ac ti vated with the in ter nal si ren. The max i mum cur rent can be con trolled by the re lay is 1 Am pere. A spe cial func tion lim its the max i mum time to ac ti vate the si ren 20 min utes cu mu la tive. Once this limit is reached the si ren stopped ring ing; to re ac ti vate it need switch off and on again any area.!en50131! The minimum duration of the sound of the siren should be 90 seconds unless the local national regulation establishes a lower limit. The maximum operating time must be 15 minutes, unless further limited by local regulation. The Italian standard CEI 79-2 sets the maximum time to 20 minutes Output There are up to 20 open col lec tor out puts re lated to ground (GND) ca pa ble to man age 100mA max i mum. Can only be used to com mand cur rent loads con tin ues. The out puts can be pro grammed as static (bi stable) or im pul sive (mono stable) and can be ac ti - vated in sev eral ways: - On the ba sis of any sys tem event (low bat tery sen sor, area 1 in serted, etc.). Pag. 16

23 Cap. 3 - Operation: description UN From time pro gram mer, for ex am ple to con trol the switch ing of a light; - Man u ally by the user, a key board or a re mote con trol BUS RS485 All con nec tions to aux il iary wired de vices (keypads, read ers TAG, key read ers) are per formed in par al lel by con nect ing the de vices on the BUS 4-wire RS485. (draw ing 6). The unit UNI CA has two BUS 485: one with high speed and one low speed. The high-speed con nec tion (HS 485, bus n. 1) is used only for key pad graphic aux il iary BT-TCH. The max i mum con nec tion length is 50 me ters. For the min i mum wire sec tion re fer to the In stal la - tion chap ter. If you use more than 2 keypads (in clud ing the built-in), the re main der must be pow ered by a sep a rate power sup ply as shown in the diagram in the Installation chap ter. The low-speed bus (RS 485 bus # 2) is used for all other aux il iary de vices: key boards rows BT-KPA / KPE, tag read ers BT-PRX, key read ers BT-KR, ex pan sions 8In-Out BT-EX8/2. All de vices are con nected in par al lel on the bus. The max i mum length for each de vice is 200 meters. Ac cord ing to the max i mum cur rent from the bus and from the pro gram man age ment of tyhe unit, the BUS RS 485 at low speeds can sup port the fol low ing com bi na tions: - 3 wired key boards BT-KPA / KPE; - 3 tag read ers BT-PRX; - 4 key read ers BT-KR and up to 2 tag read ers BT-PRX; - 4 key read ers BT-KR and up to 2 wired keypads BT-KPA / KPE; - 1 tag reader BT-PRX, and 1 key pad KPA / KPE and up to 4 keys BT-KR; - 2 key board BT-KPA / KPE and BT-1 tag reader PRX; - 2 tag read ers BT PRX and 1 key board wired KPA / KPE. For the min i mum wire sec tion re fer to the In stal la tion chap ter. Pag. 17

24 UN-436 Cap. 3 - Operation: description Wireless Sensors The panel con trol BiTech uses a range of sen sors and wire less de vices. How it works The BiTech sys tem is based on a pro pri etary pro to col Sicep. The com mu ni ca tions take place syn - chro nously, or each de vice has its own time in ter val in which it can com mu ni cate with the con trol unit within a cy cle of 2 sec onds. In this way we have par tic u lar advantages: sav ing the bat tery, be cause ev ery sen sor ac ti vates the re ceiver (and trans mit ter) only for a small in ter val of time; su per vi sion of real sen sors and "smart op er a tion" of the lat ter: when the area of be long ing is dis armed, a part of the cir cuit can be turned off to fur ther save bat tery power; to tal ab sence of col li sions and there fore op ti mal use of the ra dio chan nel. The unit can han dle a max i mum of ONLY 28 de vices, plus a max i mum of 4 re peat ers. Each wire less de vice is pow ered by a lith ium bat tery or two AA size 3.6V (AA) with the fol low ing ex - ceptions: - BT-REP re peater, pow ered from the sup ply (with bat tery re charge able for emer gency); - Re mote con trol KT-BT, pow ered by bat tery type of 12V 23AE; - Smoke de tec tor BT-SMK, pow ered with 9V lith ium bat tery; - BT-si ren SIR, pow ered by a lith ium bat tery 3.6V 13Ah. For more in for ma tion, please re fer to the sec tion Op tional parts and bat ter ies. Man age ment of syn chro nous The unit pe ri od i cally trans mits a syn chro ni za tion sig nal to all de vices, so as to keep them syn chro - nized. When a sen sor does not re ceive pack ets syn chro nism for at least two min utes trig gers an automatic procedure for the request of synchronism. The con trol ler con sid ers a faulty sen sor if there is no data ex change with this for a pro gram ma ble time from 30 min utes to 2 hours; fur ther more the con trol unit is able to de tect the pres ence of any con tin u ous dis tur bance on the ra dio chan nel and gen er ate the event Blinding Radio. Ac count num ber or MAC BiTech Each con trol unit BiTech con tains an iden ti fi ca tion se rial num ber (gen er ated ran domly but not se - quen tial) that is uniquely as signed in the test ing phase. This num ber that iden ti fies the sys tem is not editable, and per mits that each sen sor can only work on the sys tem on which it was re corded. It is al ways pos si ble to de lete a sen sor from a sys tem and re cord it on an other. The sen sors are re corded on the unit by fol low ing a sim ple pro ce dure; should not be done any pro - gram ming on the sen sor be cause all the op er at ing pa ram e ters are pro grammed into the con trol unit and at the end of pro gram ming, press a button, are transferred to the sensor. Pag. 18

25 Cap. 3 - Operation: description UN Test Quality Connection The BiTech sys tem has in the pro gram ming phase of a di ag nos tic a tool to mea sure the qual ity of each ra dio link. How it works The con trol unit trans mits a se ries of test mes sages to the sen sor un der test, grad u ally de creas ing the power of 4 lev els: 10mW, 4mW, 0,6mW, 0.1 mw. Based on the con firmed mes sages is as - signed a con ven tional score from 0 to 100. The con nec tion is to be con sid ered ac cept able if at least 75, if more than 85 good and ex cel lent if greater than 95. In the case of test ing a de vice re peated from a REP (or us ing two REP in cas cade), you run the test of the ra dio link be tween the de vice and the REP clos est to him; for the test of the in ter me di ate sec - tions sim ply re peat the same test for the two REP Motion detector and dual technology indoor with anti-masking and camera This sen sor is avail able in the fol low ing ver sions: BT-DTC/AM Dual Tech nol ogy + AM + Cam era BT-DTW/AM Dual Tech nol ogy + AM BT-MDC/AM Mo tion de tec tor + AM + Cam era TEST BT-MDW/AM Mo tion de tec tor + AM RESET All four mod els are equipped with anti-mask ing. For ver sions that have the CAM ERA (DTC MDC) must be in stalled in the con trol unit in ter face op tional BT-Vtech. There are mul ti ple types of lenses (the same as the model BT-IRW). The sen sor is pow ered by two lith ium bat ter ies 3.6V and has a bat tery life of up to 2 years. How it works When turned on, af ter 30 sec onds, the sen sor starts the cal i bra tion pro ce dure of bright ness for the anti-mask ing de vice. In this phase the LED emit short flashes of pur ple; the pro cess takes about 15 sec onds. Dur ing cal i bra tion, there should be no "ob sta cles" in front of the sen sor at a dis tance less than about one meter. As soon as the area to which they be long is plugged the sen sor ac ti vates the in fra red de tec tor. If there is (and en abled) even the mi cro wave sen sor, it is turned on only when the in fra red has de - tected a pos si ble alarm con di tion; the alarm is valid and is sent to the unit only when both de tec tors have de tected the in tru sion (ther mal + move ment). At this point, one or more im ages are cap tured based on what was setted. The frames are tem po - rally sep a rated from each other by 2 sec onds, but the sen sor can send a new one as soon as the alarm condition detection infrared + microwave occurs again. All cap tured im ages are trans mit ted to the unit and can also be seen from the graphic key board (by his tor i cal events). Each event can be as so ci ated with mul ti ple im ages. If the am bi ent light is be low a cer tain thresh old, dur ing the cap ture of the im age it is lit white LED il - luminator. When the area to which they be long is off, also the in fra red de tec tor is dis abled. Pag. 19

26 UN-436 Cap. 3 - Operation: description In the case of sen sor de lay, the cap ture of the first im age is as so ci ated with the con di tion that starts the time of en try; if the sys tem is dis armed this im age is dis carded (and not trans mit ted to the con - trol unit), while if the sys tem is dis armed im age is as so ci ated with the first event of theft. WARNING Attention. This us age is ex pen sive for the bat tery be cause all the times that aside time to en trance the sen sor cap ture one or more im ages. mt mt 2,30 mt 2 6 mt Func tion Anti-Mask (ant-mask ing) The unit is based on the mea sure ment of the bright ness of the en vi ron ment and can re veal bar ri - ers or screens placed within a few centimeters in front of the sen sor. The alarm is gen er ated within 1-2 min utes from when the sen sor is cov ered. Con trol is always active. Pri vacy PIR protection area MICROWAVE protection area Visual area 6x6 mt ambience 4x4 mt ambience To pro tect the pri vacy, the sen sors with the cam era can be con fig ured to dis able send ing the im - ages on query when the sen sor is not ac tive (area of mem ber ship of the alarm off). Pag. 20

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