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3 CONSOLIDATED TRANSLATION SURVEY FOR MAY 1967 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Requests for Copies iii iv I, USSR Economic 1 Political 1s Military 15 Geographic 16 Sociological 16 Biographic 17 Eastern Europe Economic 17 Political 21 Military 21 Sociological 22 Western Europe Africa Economic 23 Political 23 Military 24 Geographic 24 Sociological 24 Economic 2S Political 26 Geographic 26 Sociological 27 Middle Eost Pazr But Economic 27 Political 27 Military 27 Sociological 28 BiOgaphic 28 Economic 28 Political 28 Wi.

4 Far East (continued) Military 30 Geographic 30 Sociological 31 Ltin America Economic 31 Political 32 Military 33 Geographic 33 Sociological 33 Scientific Aeronautics 34 Agriculture 34 Astronomy & Astrophysics 36 Atmospheric Sciences 38 Behavioral & Social Sciences 40 Biological 4 Medical Sciences 40 Chemistry 54 Earth Sciences 4 Oceanography 60 Electronics and Electrical Engineering 63 Energy Conversion (Non-Propulsive) 70 Materials 70 Mathematical Sciences 80 Mechanical, Industrial, Civil 6 Marine Engineering 81 Methods 4 Equipment 85 Navigation, Communications, Detection 6 Countermeasures 88, Nuclear Science 4 Technology 90 Physics 99 Propulsion 6 Fuels 112 Space Technology 113 Miscellaneous 114 Information on Cover-To-Cover Translations 11S Index to Authors 184 f/s - ii -

5 iv. CONSOLIDATED TRANSLATION SURVEY PREFACE This survey is prepared monthly from lists received through the cooperation of US government agencies and includes universities, research institutions, and commercial translation organizations. It is a compilation of projects completed or started during the preceding month. Translations are listed by area and subject category. Scientific projects are grouped as a section regardless of geographic area. Title in English, author, foreign language title of source of material, date of publication, and publication identification of the completed project are given when available. Tables of contents of journals translated cover-to-cover are reproduced from the current publications. Projects in process, i.e., not completed as of the date of this survey, are noted with an asterisk (*), and when available, a project-control or "in-process" number is noted in parentheses following the title. Certain details may be unavailable on such projects. New projects in process are not listed again until they are completed. An index to authors at the ond of the survey. of items in this issue is providid Scientific and technical translations are grouped ceording to the COSATI subject category list except for military science and ordnance items which are listed under "military" * in the appropriate geographic areas. -- i ii..-

6 REQUESTS FOR COPIES Requests for copies of published projects should bt made direct to the designated producing organization. All requests for items prefixed by "CIA" should be addressed "to Office of Central Reference, 2430 E Street, NW. Washington, D. C Addresses of Producers to Follow: ACIC - Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (see CFSTI) ACSI - (see DIA) AEC - Atomic Energy Commission - (see CFSTI) AECL Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd. Chalk River Ontario, Canada AERE Harwell Lib AF Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Hanvell, Berkshire England Department of Air Force Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence ATTN: AFCIN-3D Washington.25 9 D. C. AFCRL Res Lib AGU Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories Research Library Office of Aerospace Research United States Air Force Laurence G. Hanscom Field Bedford# Massachusetts ATMi CRMXLR American Geophysical Union ISIS Massachusetts Avenm, Washington, D. C NW -iv-

7 AlP American Institute of Physics 335 East 45th Street New York, New York AMS - Army Map Service - (see ACSI) ANL - Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois (see AEC) APL - Applied Physics Laboratory - (see Navy) ATS Associated Technical Services, Incorporated P.O. Box 271 East Orange, New Jersey AWRE - (see AEC) BISI CD British Iron and Steel Industry branslation Service The Iron and Steel Institute 4 Grosvenor Gardens London, S.W. 1. England Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Incorporated 227 West 17th Street New York, New York CFSTI Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information (Formerly Office of Technical Services) Port Royal and Braddock Roads Springfield, Virginia CTS Chemical Translation Service Trans-Chew, Incorporated, Box 6179 Knoxville, Tennessee Dept of Interior Department of Interior Department Library Foreign Documentation Section Washington, D. C ev

8 DIA Defense Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C FP The Faraday Press, Incorporated 84 Fifth Avenue New York, New York FTD - Foreign Technology Division (see AF) Geochem Soc Prof. E. Ws. Heinrich Mineralogical Laboratory University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Houldsworth School of Applied Sciences IEEE ISA Houldsworth School of Applied Sciences Leeds University, Leeds 2, England Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 275 Madison Avenue New York, New York Instrument of Society of America 530 William Penn Place Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania IS219 JHU/APL - The Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory (see Navy) JPRS U. S. Department of Comerce Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information Joint Publications Research Service Building Tempo Es East Adae Drive, 4th and 6th Streets, SW Washington, D.C. i044i -vi l _

9 Maritime Admin NASA Maritime Administration Office Services GAO, 5th and G Streets, NW Washington, D. C. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1512 H Street, NW Washington, D. C, Navy Department of Navy Office of Naval Intelligence Washington 25, D, C. NLL National Lending Library For Science & Technology Boston Spa, Yorkshire, England NNS - Navy Medical School (see Navy) NRL - Naval Research Laboratories (see Navy) NSJ - NSRDC (see ABC) - Naval Ship Research and Development Center (see Navy) OKI - Office of Naval Intelligence (see Navy) ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory (as. ABC) OTS - (see CFSTI) Patent Office PG Department of Commerce, Patent Office Scientific Library 14th mid Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, D. C. Petroleum Geology Box 171 McLean, Virginia - vii * S},

10 Plenum Press Plenum Press,, Incorporated 227 West 17th Street NP w Yorky Now York Primary Sources Rand Corp RAPRA Primary Sources 11 Bleecker Street Now York, Now York Rand Corporation ATTN: Publications Office 1706 Main Street Santa Monica, California Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain Shawbur, Shrewsburg, England All Orders From the American Continents: Palmerton Publishing Compmy, 101 West 31st Street Now York 1, New York Incorporated RFS - (see ors) SLA SLA Translations Center The John Crarmr Library 35 West 33rd Street Chicago, Illinois SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - (see ABC) Smithsonian Inst TC Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory Cabridge, Massachusetts 021M Trmas-m Chmical Tramslation Service 1216 Oakdale$ S. B. Knoxville. Tennessee viii -

11 UCRL UKAlA Windscale University of California Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Livermore$ California (See AEC) Capenhurst Works Chester, England (Loans) Librarian, Windscale Works Sellafield, Seascale Cumberland, England - ix.

12 USSR USSR USSR Economic (Coned) Ecnomic Intenslification of Production Cited As the Key to High Efficiency, by V. Vavilov and B. Zolotov, 16 pp. Modern Zq#pmuzt, Scientifio O-ranisation of XJSBIAN, nip, Hkonom±cheskay Gazeta No. 7, Lobor, and Labor Modpline, by N. Filinonov, Feb 1967T, pp pp. 3PMS SRUSSIAN, per, idtato, No 1, Jan 1967, pp P3 0 Cst oaowunm and Material Inomtive In RUSE/1w, Thatrnten 11p, MonoxicoheMs~a, 1. t&iew,9 Gi *ts, pp. No 8, Concerning the Sooncaio Evaluation of Planning Fb 1967, pp. L.3.,NS Decisions of Dwelirg Huses, by G. Fedorov and JPRS N. Lasareva, 10 pp. RUSSAN, per, Arki N Ja 1967, pp Rteinsments Suggested for Systm of lbodang JPZS 0637 Material mnoatiwve Funds, by N. Tur'yev and L. Zotova, 5 pp. AUSSI, np, US oheoap Gaetk, No 8, Need for l mw nt of Accounting and the Feb p. 5. Calculation of Output cost, by N. Ivanv, 10 pp. JPRS 405) RUSS9IN, 1967, un039. per, asubsaltlra.v 1o1Wt, No 2, Feb 9675 p 3 =Nev "Standard Regulations" on Bonuses, 32 pp. lijbsianu, per, EkonomicheskaM Gazetal No. 8, Feb 1967 pp. 9& 10. Accounting and Analysis Under the Conditions of BH 4%6 the Economic Refom, by 1. Belobsheteidy, 8 v,. 1967, pe. *.>-, alr Uohg, No 2, Norm-Setting for Auxiliary Workers, by I. 'S 97, pp. >.W. Shapiro) B. Yusufovich, and I* Karpenko, 6 pp. JPS "3 lrssian, np, Zkononichesnkay gazeta, Feb 1967, pp The Trade Unionsn Task in Preparing for the 3Mth Anniversary of the Great Ootober Socialist JP1S Rmrolution, 6 pp. Construotion of Industrial Enterprises In RUSSIAT, per,.ono ia.owm Gamete, No 4, Groups, by G. Xaravew, 11 pp. Jan 1967, p.,. RUSSI., per, & gm Got JM Mar 1967, Pp , JPRS Sovkbos Wage Systes Critoilned, by V. Nolbnov, 3 pp. The Rsaeo doo of Slentif.o Research, RUSSIA, per, by V. jm, No 4, Jran 1F1, pp.z.., RUSOM, up# Z.noodghgkin Gameta, NO 10, Mar 7P , pp Inefflaienoy of Nonferrous Scrap (etal Uti'liaation In the USSR, by D, larpachev, 5 pp. RUSSIAN. 1;M np, Mr/miakauaT meta. No 6, spwandd Profit and loss Aacouti Urged at feb 1967, p. Rostov Cwnoal Plant; by V. taudn, p,- ipits HU,w per, ft~md9.ftd ahi No 10, Mar 1907p is, Nonferrous bkta0 Industrys 10 P. Feb 1967 pp. 6-T- OLVlsaon of the ]5tlara &A"Prin, p* JPRS 407A Ya.msr, Pe. bii 10I# lhw~ q~

13 USSR Economic (Contd) USSR Economic (Contd) 2Mi llve.dwy 1* Weak. by A. V*1isv, 10 pp. 114W htheds of Work In Conatraotkon, MUO, pe.fgbby OIlt P. Ooibushin, 12 pp. 1967,N pp. '~l7 RUSSIIN. par. EMMeeha ftaitiall stv, 1b 2, JPS40,0JPM Iproevmmmto in Prftoation praticess in the Prabima of PrieMom.Fration in Onsatiotion, USSR, by V. Kasalsv, 5ppe..Mloi,19p RVSSIAN pert M 9wwam lno1,wn e, EMLAI em ulka telata sto No 2, Mar , pp AA Easooie Conferenc Held in the Littlauas. Iu'provmwiet of the Utilisation of Sovidwe me 10 pp. Production Funds Urged, by A. Boobim, 14 pp. a" G. n~r;j~ a.8= No 2, 1967, pp. JPR W36 RPAS 4e0636 Capital COnsiat~otion in a Now Stage, 7 ]PP. Combattin Cosats In Capital RlApair of Construcotion )faobinery, by B, Beresin, 9 pp. Y" 67.pp.29-0.RUSSIA, per, fliagjez j,1) 2, 1967p pp. JPRS 4a Jg Economic Systems and economic Information, by Yu. I. Cherayak,. 18 pp.* Labor Problems in Planning a Five-Day Work NJS8IN, Oomik PZ, ± ~Week in Perm' Analyzed, by V. Biryuk= and S. etd.n*1, Jan-Feb 1967i, PP Bunlkov, 5 pp. JPW 4042 H AN, up, Isvesti. No. 114, 15 Jan 1967, Utilization of Productive Capital and Capital JPFS404 Investmmnts Discussed, by V. IXaalturin and V. Iaui,13 pp. The Oor'ki reserv'oir, bv 0. P. Kozlievnikov, FUSSIAN per, Mw mk GaO O OR3. Nh" RUSSIAN, per, lsvestlya Goeudaatenoo Nhuchno- 1s Jan 1967, pp isaledovatel' kof Institute Oze. i Better Coordi1nation Urged betveen Centrailmel (ON 140 OR RMiCwu) Jbnea pp Urbanization in Socialist Countries of R=IN, ermwomia. tfan R20SI06S ppr* IT )MR",no. Foreign Europe (Devlopumnt of Productive Forces in the Economic Regions of the USSR, Jpw 40 by Y. L. Pivovarov, V. V. Vladiairov, et &1. 33 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Is A Nauk SSSR Geogrphical 23rd CkJ COmgrUa Stresses Need fo ote Sat No 6, 19i66.p-1W-S-7 Distribution of Industrial Productiont IV 1. MXl taraweyko, 13 pp. NUSIAN per" o " 8r,% w w No* IR, 106, pp e Contaernog on Readying kiteprlae for the JIM IM%21 Qhageower to the Now System of Plannin and Noonood Incentlve, 3.8 pp. nwsa~j pear, lit,- No* l., sitee. b S.?ap ROMM, M lbi wu,6. a Ja _W 10l

14 USSR USSR. Economic (Contd) E Eooi (Contd) Cnd Functions of Territorial Interbranch Information Tasks for the Lether- e dutry in 197,encies, by B. N. Voytaikov, 8 pp. p - Haul~nbno,,,kbaighllhmaskla 7svOI pp informateiya,! EUJSIANi, per,, ahvnoo PEWUOUI Noeno' 1UM, 1967, NnP V-11.tsva hf"tkflpbb. No. I Jan 1967, PP p. 9 3oktLfila Orgaization of luomation Functions A Tyear of Work in low Methods of 9aipV and In Planming and Degnt Organis ons, by S, M. D.sttibftanu Goals and Prqaow ts, by N, V. ZvesMaddy, 9 pp. rtpw. 11 pp. MUM", VP*.... i-h - ra n-t-at *71,1967 PP,1-yoJP SP JPRS 44" Addto the Ranks of the brkidng MLAasin a IMapn owd oetbods for tha PlarzAg and Distribtion Flamnod 1Kae, by V. Saushow., 7 PP. of Pro-_otion Pzoposed, br A. Lobad' and Th. RUSSIM, per, s, 3, Fab 1967, Awistlahv. 9 pp. pp RUSSIA, par. WMarIAl'ns. o g~u "elr.iabmhe, JIRS Jan 1967, pp PM 40O Methodology in Economic Forecasting, by G. KiperMan, A. Klinskiy and N. legutin, 12 pp. io ts In the Supply of hteprisebiaj per, P Iosyaystvoo No. 2, V.. botaroyddy, 9 pp. Feb 1967, pp RUSINO Part &USMI JPSW3 No 1. Jan, P 45-5z2 JPI P0nloting Device for Oathering and Transporting Fish, by B. S. Melevanchik, Pnrbln0 of CreaWl ban tma.tod Supply COTsti RUSSIAN, Per, Rybace Khoz. No 2, 1966, ftft, bf N. edorsmio and 3. Gamonims, 15 pp. pp USIMA, per. &WalawlO-*WL f 1- b 2, Fab yppw. - + JPIB i6- Bureau of Commercial Fisheries I rov the Orgamniatim and P ning of SoG-1 ydruulic Net-Saking Machine, by KatoiiSL.Tsol sl Supply Of Cbn~t, byr N. B. Taybushn r, 0. P. SUWkhov, RUSIAN, per, Rybnoe Soz., No 2, 1966, A. Tandrashov and,~~p L. p31, Maienawsidyt 13 pp. p l RRMAN ' pr i n m" 4 *Dsept of Interior No 2, b 196 3Wh Ifp and Wildlife Service JIM 0 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries W fy = Nk tn o Our Proposals for ImprovIng the =1JI Awrasec NA3" 12pp.Vessels$ by V. 1. WKvy1nj, lob; RUS61AN, perp RdW 025. No 2, 1966, utih a s 19W79PP so *Dept of Materior Wish and Wildlife Service a1m,ntedaoit of I w Vo],oe& PALO*$ for Bureau of Camercial Fisheries Idkstral 1MAWe ao m Rates i Aoetdo U.r ead wmal l, v 1W, I I1. 9 titd, 5 pp. MUM. par..&*n "T to" ofie 16 o IM 1967, No, 25, 4-

15 USSR Economic (Contd) USSR Economic (Contd) The U.e of Color Twine in Tral ConstructionIVA Type Automatic Weight-Controlling Machine, b A.e oby B. A. Shcherbakov, V. A. liskunov, by A. Ori,uov, 2hoz. RUSSIAN, 3 per lobnne No 2pp RtA per, No 2, 1966, p, eoe e ooz.o 2p pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Testinf the "]Lro" Smoke Generator, by Flashing Signal Lights for Different Types A. N. Aksenova, of Fishing, by Yu. I. Vykhovskiy, RUSSIANJ, per, Rfyboe Khoz. No , RUSSIM, per, brbnoe Khoz. No 2, 1966, pp pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commerical Fisheries DD you Mnow That..., Soviet Scientists are Founders of the Theory RUSpSIAN, ner, i bwor Thoz. No 2, 1960, pp 69. of EXLectric Light Fishing, by A. N. * ehabanov, Dpt of Interior ~banov, RUSIAN, per, Ribnoe Khoz., No 2, 1966, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries pp Cost Accounting and Net Cost on Vessels of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fishing Industry, by Yu. L. Korotkov, ESWBAN, per, Rybnoe Ihoz. No 2, 1966, Pp Application of Dimension Analysis for Deter- mining Absolute Trawl Wficiency, by V. A. Ionas, RUSSIAN# per, Rybnoe Xhoz.. No 2, 1966, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries pp adept of Interior Organization of Cost Accounting Bureau in of Fishery Comerclal Fisheries ftterprises, ralr AN, by V. A. per, Teplitskiy, Rybnoe hosz., No 2, 1966, pp Something New In the System of Incentives, RUSSIAN, per, lbrbnoe Xhoz., No 2, 1966, Bureau of Commercial IFIshees pp 48. FAsh and Wildlife Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Baes fro Increased Profits of Fishery Kalkhoses In the Azov and Black Bea Areas, by 0. Cherniavskly, Device for Holling Quarter Rope During Trawl RtUSIAN per, tba" Mica., No 2, 1966, Hhulinap by Yu. B. larnov, pp RUSSIAN, per, &Lon oe. No 2, 1966, pp 55. Bureau of Oommercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries New Adehvements of t;he Sakhalin Kokhat Fisherueas by A. Tmranov, Hydrodynauic Oelculation of the Lifting Board, MOM per, Aoe Mos. So 2, 1966, by V. Savostlanov, pp 87. RUSZS, per, &Ie az.. No 2, 1966, pp *Dept of 3iterior *Dept of Interor Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fish am Wildlife Service Bureau of Ommercial Fisheries, I II I

16 USSR Economic (Contd) USSR Economic (Contd) piquesg Applying Piece-rate Bonus for Work System on of Refrigerated Payment Fish Carrier Bases, iuessa, p.,by V. Burmeister, SIAN, per, RYbnoe Z No 2, 966p RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz.., No 3, 1966, 3Pp 91. pp *Dept 7~4-76. of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Coommerical Fisheries Read Monese Books, Preparation of Cadres for the Fishing Industry RUSSIAN, per, b No 2, 1966, of Japan, by R. A. Ihwan, Pp RUSSIAN, per, *Dept Eybnoe of (ihoz., Interior No 3, 1966, pp 76. Bureau of Comsercial Fisheries Bureau of Commertal Fisheries For a more ificient Use of Water In the Reservoirs Uralsk andg ur'ev Regions, by Nov Principles of Planning S. a. and Kochne, Prices for Fishery ProductL on, by P. Nesmashnyi, R US.IA, per, Rybnoe Ihoz.p No 3, 1966, RUSSIA, per, Rybnoe ihoz. pp No 3, 1966, *Dept pp of Interior Fish and. Wildlife Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial fisheries Aaclimatizationo f Tilapia in Cooling Fools Let Us luprove the Organization of of Work Stam of bower the rui per, Bboe Plants, Koo. by N. No P. 3, IKrays, 16 RUSSIAN, Seaport Fleet, per, Rybnoe by V. Plastinin, Khoz. No 3, 1966., pp pp Fish and Wildlife Bureau Service of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fnashing sigal Let Us Lights Give for More Different Attention Types to the of Atchanse of Advanced Anperiemce, Fishing, by B. Reoennikov, by Yu. I. Bykhovskly, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Xho.. No 3, 1966, RAN=, per, Rybsoe Khot. No 3, 1966, pp pp *Dept Fish SM of Wildlife Service Fish and Interior Wildlife Service Bureau of Co ercal Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Nbhod Mehdlf by for V. Inreasing Vertical etcl Opening of the s Certain O Indices te of Economic Ufficency R of BfatlN per, Trawlers in the Northern l. 3, 1966, Batsn, by S=t. per', B. N. Akemov, *P of nterior _gs6s, per, rol 2L os.a No 3, 1966, FL S a Widt i e i pp rvie Bur au or Ooiner Via Bureau Fisheries and VWldlife of Service CosmercUl Fisheries Imeetr tenwstrica Method or Sulying Traction Norwegian Scientific Research in the Institutes UperatbW ikohais. of Ne-t-luling which Service her Fishing Industrys, Nohinee, by by S. I. POlVIask, V. P. ykov, Runjhi per# R M b 3# 3,a.eDOZ 1966 RUSSIAN, per, No Vp 3, a a *Dept cf pp interlor 8I.-86. asreau sh SMd WAiife Wmil rea l ife Faiheries Fish and Wildlife SerVice Bureau of Gomwerfial Fisheries 41-

17 USSR EcnoiSR ond USSR Economic (Cornd) Relative Bffectiveness of Mo~nochromatic Zia Concept of Ikosystoms and International Ananations Z~ritiime Duaring M~ectric Lawv, by Light A. Fishing, A. Volkov, bya. H. Shabanv, RUMIAN, per, BRbnoe lxioz, No 3, 1966j, bysia pe, Pza o. no 4, 1966, pp *D)ept of p41a Interior*DpofItrr Fish ofd Wintiferior e Bureu o FsheiesBugreau Comercal of Commercial Fisheries Administrative Structure In the Soviet Fishing Industry Speed or Death, RtUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe IXios. No 3, 1966, RUSSIAN', per, &Znoe Dhoz., No J4, 1966, yp 149. pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Device to Haul 1'rawl Cables and Rod3 taem At the UMr Mbybmoe of. FisNori3, during Trawling, by V. P. Lukin RUSINpe, z.no3,1 RIUSIAN per, Rybsos IXioz No ý 96 pp 92. p 0 Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Buweau of Commerical Fisheries Read Theme Boo Combined Net for Lake Fi'shing, by Z. I. Kiono- RBSIAN;T per, 1j~bnoe xhois. No 3,, 1966, lv PPn.9r-or RUSIANO per, Rype hz No II, 1966, 1 Flsh and W11dife Srie*Dept Bureau of Commerical Fisheries of Interior Bureau of tcommercial Fisheries fishery Besourcua In the Area Between the Northern Limits of the Aquatoriu1 Counter-Cbl asyy.s.uek,.a.oov cu., et and San-luis, by V. L. Mhrov, CbeCap yy.s lzo.a rmv r,==#, per, Mw N~. o 14, 1066, RUSSIANO per, Ryw 1hs- No, 1966, PP 7-9-pp 5 6. *Dept of Inteior*DpofItrr Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Fisrt kploratory and Commercial Criuse of the IWys to increase Fisheries Output with Ucisting Tuna Base Ship J&arAyi Lush in the Ind'a Production Capsities, by V. M. Gorbatenkto, Ocean, by YU- 7- UM1A1,SOM per, 1X~ bs No 14, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, kbw Z No 4., 1966, PP 77-7X. pp 30-3;. Fish wan Wildlife Service Bureau of Commercial Fishries Pureau of Commercial Fisheries Norwegian 8cientific-Resaerch institutes Our kperienoe with Deep-Trawling, by Serving the Wishing Industrys, iv. P. PAT 1. M. SrbeRiumpA per, gm Es. Not, 1966# RU131ZAM per, MSM 9E:~ No ,, PP 877-e& PP 314-;- *Dspt of interior *Dept of intex~lor Wish and Wrildlife Service Fish wan Wi~ldife Service Bureau Of Comercial fisheries Bureau or Commecal Fisheries

18 USSR Economic (Contd) USSR Economic (Contd) Aid to Developing Countries, by R. B. Gurtovoi, A Lighter Icebraeking Unit, by Yua. 1. Zvayzne,. Thor. N per, Khoz., R RWiA1 No V. 1966, epto lb'bnoe hz,1b6 6, 9. pp pp443 Fish and Wildlifo Service Fish and Wildlife Serviei Bureau of C wercisi Fishaeries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Head Thse Boks Proposals for the Zaqrovements of labor RUNSIAN, per, Rftoaie Ms. RD 4, 196 Remuneration of the Crey. Aboard large Stern *pp Factory Trawler, by N. S. Lukhno, EWSIAN, per., lmbnoe Khoz. No 6, 1966, Fish sad Wildlife Service pp Bureau of Coamhercial Fisheries *Dep~t of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries The Research Vessel hkmdeuik (hipovicho on its First Ahpeditionary Cruise, by D. V. Gershanovich, REWBIAN, per, Rybnowe Xhor.,No 6, 1966, Unifinishied Construction a -11".Z.spian Fishpp ing Industry, by V. B. Fedyrayev, EWBI1AN, per, Rybnoe JXaoz., No 6, 1966, PP Bureau of Commercial Fisheries fish and Wildlife Service Bra fcmeca ihre inproving Ooemerciel Fishery Research in the Indian Ocean, by Smkovets, RUNSIAN, per, Rybnoe QhRn. No 6, 1966, Scientific Organization of Labor at Fishery pp lbterprises, by B. D. Uherov, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Thozn. No 6, 1966, PP Bureau of Coinercal Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Cartain Problems in Determining the Cruising Speed of a Vessel, by V. M. LiLfsbits, The Use of Mathematical Methods a. a Scienti- R1UNiAN, per, Rvbne lasorn.. no 6, 1966, fic Basis for Substantiation of the Developpp meat Possibilities in thie Fishing Indusrty, b.p oklno bysin per, Nokaen o, o6 96 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries :P 8-9 Useful Innovation (Unaiversal Wool for Braiding Ilopes), by X. Bureau of Commercial. Fisheries RIUSIAN per, &,b bxpno 6, 1966 PP 36. *Dspt of interior ftamples pf tthe Applied Theory of Skatistical nabh am W=~ISO SeXvios Solutions on Problems of Commercial Fishery Bureau of Cower SI.Fisheries Taftlais, by G. I. Paspmich, RUOSIAZ per, Rrbnoe Xborn. No 6, 1966, A Now TD'p Of bawlo by A. Norenkov, PP i IZANj, Per, 19911M' 11 6, *Dept of Jz'terior PP 39. Fish and Vildlife Service Bureau of Commilcal Fishwes Fish and W±1I Life Service Bureau of Cowserial Fisheries

19 US6R USSR Economic (Contd) Ec mi (Cored) SF o r ashark Fishery in the Atantic Ocean, by Inorcing Marins. Oomercial Fishery RegWlatione, N. F. Paliy, V. G. Iurov, by A of RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz. No 7, 1966, btype BIAI per, No 6, 1966, pp g p, *DePt ofp. Bureau of Commsercial Fisheries S Bureau of Oommercall Fisheries o eselective RC-Boosters, by A. I. Bystrov, S Useful s Ald In iorussian, Fishery ]1conomces, "byp 9-0 per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 7, 1966, S. A. Berashtein, pyiazi per, R No 6, 1966 Fish and Wildlife Serviee pp Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Bureau of commercial Fisheries The Net-Hauling TUB-3T Type Machine, by E. Novofastovskiy, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 7, 1966, pp 53-5s. New Books About the Fishing InMustry, RUSS=#N per, j~bw Xhoz. No 6, 1966, and Wildlife Service P 92-3.Fish *Dpt of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries reau of F rlet's Establish a Dispatcher System During the Service of Commerical Fishing Vessels in Port, The Fishiing Fleet Must be Properly Calssified, by V. G. Grebenicheko, by 1. A. Bochkavev, RISSIAN, per, Rboe Khoz., No 7, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, gnboe Khoz., No 7, 1966, pp Bureau of Loierical Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Let Us Inrease the Irfiliency of Pond Fishing, The SPatem of Planning During Experimental by K ba10664 Cruises of Stern Factory Trawlers, by N. Traut, RUISBIA pr r g m 316o 7*, 106, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 7, 1966, P pp Fish nad Wildlife &rvice Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Methods of determining the Catch Ability of Introducing Joint Cruises, by A. V. Sorokin, Newly Constructed Trawls, by A. V. Zasosov, RUSSIAN, per, Bybnoe. hos. No 7, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, ybnoe Khoz., No 7, 1966, I 5. pp Bureau of Commrcial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries tcetchability, by V. A., The Productivity of Large Stern Factory Trawlers DrIAft Net R IM, (BMRT) in Different Fishing Areas, by RUSSIAN, per, Ryboe Khos,, No , L.. Fedor,,PP 4, IRUSSIAN, per, ybnoe Khos., No 7, 1966, "Dept of Interior Fish mid Wildlife Service Dept o Interior Bueau of Commerical Fisheries Bureau of Comarical Fisheries...

20 LI Economic (Contd)d) USSR The Application Similarity Methods in the Books About the Fishing Industry, Planning of the Construction of Fishing Gear, RUSSIAN, per, Rybaoe Khoz., No 7, 1966, by A. L. Fridman, pp pp RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 8, 1966, Fish and WildIfie Service *pept of Interior Bureau of Commrical Fisheries Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Let Us Improve the Technical Performance of the Fishing Fleet, by A. Kh. Keshoian, Seminar for Teachers of Economics, RUSSIAN, per, Rbnce Khoz., No 8, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe IKhoz., No 8, 1966, pp 2-5. pp 50. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Conmerical Fisheries Geographic Distribution of Hake Fisheries, by Various Planning Problems of the Commercial V. I. Sauskan, Fishing Fleet, by S. N. Mayorova. RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Ihoz., No 8, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 8, 1966, pp pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Comerical Fisheries A Meeting of the Working Group of the Inter- Calculation of Labor Utilization in the Out-i national Council for the Exploration of the Sea put of Fishery Products, by V. S. Virtsev, on the Protection of Herring Stoxks in the RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz. No 8, 1966, Southern North Sea, by S. S. Fodorov, pp RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 8, 1966, *Dept of Int-rior pp 10. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries "F'.sh and Wildlife Service Bureau of Commerical Fishereis One Fishing Industry of the Soviet Central- The Use of Large Trawls Aboard the Stern Fac- Asian Pepublics, by Sh. Tleubergenov, tory Trawlers, by I. P. Varob'ev, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 8, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khos., No 8, 1966, pp pp Bureau of Commercial Fsiheries Bureau of Comercial Fisheries Senimar on the Scientific Organization of Conference on the Indrituction and Organization Labor. of Major Overhauls of Fishing Vessels, by RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Xhoz., No 8, 1966, E. R. Cherniskovskiy, pp 81. RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khos. No 8, 1966, pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fish md Wildlife Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries One of the Methods of the Calculating the Best Alternative of Vessel Servicing at Sea, by The effect of Trawl Selectivity on Fish Stock, G. 1. Pasynich, by M.A. Pavlov, RUSSIAN, per, Ryb ce Khos., No , RUSSIAN, per, Ryiboe Khos.. No 8, 1966, pp pp 43-4S. Fish and Ifildlife Service Bureau of Commercial Fishrries Bureau of Commerical Fisheries.416

21 USSR Economic (Contd) USSR Economic (Coned) Conference of Specialists on Trawl Fishing, Capital Yield of the Caspian Fish-Processong by V. K. Savrasov, G. A. Trauberberg, Industry, by V. E. Fedyayev, RUSSIAN, per, Rqbnoe Khoz., No , RUSSIAN, per,!ybnee Khozs,. No,9, 1966, pp 87. pp Dept of Interior Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Books About the Fishing Industry, Scientific Organization of Labor in the Fishing RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 8, 1966, Industry, by B. D. Emero, pp RUSSIAN, per, Ryboe Khoz., No 9, 1966, pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Comnmerical Fisheries Textbook on Production and Organization Planning if Fishery Enterprises, by Seminar on the Economics of Sturgeon Fishery N. A. Petrishchev, Management, by V. K. Kiselev, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 8, 196, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 9, 1966, pp pp 7 9. Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Buseau of Commercial Fisheries Tasks of the Rzor And Black Seas Fishermen Books About the Fishing Industry, During the Five-Year Plan, by I. F. Denisenko, RUSSIAN, per, rqbnoe Khoz., No 9, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 9, 1966, pp 93-95o, p2-4' Dept of Interior 'Dept *pt of Interior Fish and Wildlfife Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commerical Fisheries New Pacific Saury Fishing Areas, by MI. Kundius, The Application of Mathematics in tho Study of RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 10, 1966, Fish Populatin dynamics, by G. V. Nikol'skiy, pp RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 9, 1966, pp Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Bureu of Commercial Fisheries Hydroelectric Construction Projects in the Krasnoiarsk Region and Their Importance to the On the Agenda - Economic Problems in the Fishing Industry, by A. V. Podlesnyl, Fishery Kolkhoses, RUSSIAN. per, Rybnoe Khos., No 10, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Mos., No 9, 1966, pp 28-S0, pp 34. Bureau of Comercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Let Us Introduce Line Transport Servicing of Expenditure Planning and Bockkepping on Fishns the Whaling Flotillas, by Yu. Koga, Vessles, by Yu. I. Korotkov, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khos., No 10, RUSSIAN, per, tbfnoe Khoz., No 9, 1966, pp 3S-36. pp Bureau of Cimercial Fisheries bureau of Commercial Fisheries -10.

22 USSR Economic (Contd) USSR Economic (Contd) l therring Found Off Kamchatka in the Vicinity Natalia Kovshova, the First Soviet. Fishing of Karaginskiy Island and the Korf Bay, by Trawler and Cannery Built in France, T. F. Kachina, V. C. Prokhorov, RUSSIAN, per, rwbnoe Khoz, No 10, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, bnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, pp 41. pp f Int erior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries New Types of Fishery Products, Prognostication Methods in the Pacific Saury RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 10, 1966, Commercial Areas, by M. Kundius, pp 72. RUSSIAN, per, Rbnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, pp 17. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Calculating the Prime Cost of Catching, Processing and Transporting of Fish and Fishery Deep Water Mid-Water Fishing, by I. P. Vorob'yev. Products, by Yu. Korotkov, RUSSIAN, per, Pybnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 10, 1966, pp pp Bureau fo Comertial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Getting Ready for New Working Conditions, by The Role of Economic Categories in Fishery E. A. Odinets, Kolkhozes, by A. F. Zubrikov, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 10, 1966, pp pp 83-8s. "Dept of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Astrakhan' Shipyard S. M. Kirov, Prepares for Capital Yield of the Caspian Fish-Processong New Working Conditions, by C. Taktarov, Industry, by V. E. Fedysyev, RUSSIAN. pear, Rybnoe hoz., No 11, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, tybnoe Khoz,, No 10, 1966, pp pp *eppt 8-'9. of Interior *Dept Fish and of Wildlife Interior Service Bureau of Coomercial Fisheries Bureau of Commerical Firherieas Let Us Correctly Estimate the Profit of Variiupanthe, by ad Fixed Production Assets, by I. M. Col'dman, Various Data on the U.S. p-russian, per, MMoe Ehos., No 11, 1966, Processing qiupngt, by N. I. Rkheina, RUSSIAN, pp per, Rytboe Khox.,... No 10, 1966, *p "Dept 74-S. of Interior pp *ldept of Fish and Interior Wildlife Service Bureau of Comrcial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Production, Profit and Profitableness as Books About the FishinU Industry, Basic Indices of Industrial Production, by RUSSIAN, per, RYMos lhoes., No 10, 1966, 1. D. MiSain, pp 9S-96, RUSSIAN, per, Rybos oz,., No 11, 1966, " ad of Interior idt pp 76-77, Fis and Wildlife Sorvice Bureau of Commrcsal Fisheries "Dspt of Interior Bureau of CowmeArcial Fisheries 41-

23 rd USSR USSR E o ( d Economic (Contd) Economic (Contd Let Us Straighten Out Cost Accounting on Nev Service Regulations on the Vessles of the Vessels of hte Fishing Industry, A Dicussion ts Fishing Industry Fleet, by V. N. Sapronow, of Korotkov's Article, by A. Igolkin, RUSIAlN, per, Rybnoe Xhoz.. No 12, 1966, RUSSYNI, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, w pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Comnercial Fisheries New Refrigerated Fishing Trawler, The Formula of Mass Servicing Theory Applied to RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Xhoz. No 12, 1966, Industrial Fishing, by X. P. Novozhilov, pp 56. USIAIN, per, R noe Khoz., No 11, 1916, pp Bureau of Cowercall Fisheries Fish sad Wildlife Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Reflecting Power of the Commercial Fish in the Northern Basin, by K. 1. Iudanorv, Modern Forms of International Control Over the RUSStIA, per, Rybye.ho. NoD 12, 1966, Compliance uith Conuercial Fishery Regulations, PP -W0. by A. A. Volkov, RUSSIAN, per, RMbnoe l0ioz. No.1, 196, pp Bureau of C(mercial Fisheries FIsjh Buresu and and Wildlife Commle eriacsheries Service Refrigeration of Twna, by A. 0. onov, Bureu od Commercial Fisheries RUSS.IAN per, A M b oz.. No 12, 1966,' pp 6a Books on the Fishing Industry, RUSSIAN per, SL.ALJ No 11, 1966, pp 92-;t. Bureau of Comercials Fisheries we Baltic Fish Oannin Combine Adopts a Now Bureau of Omercial Fisheries Salting Techique, by A. Ivm ova, RtlWANl per,,, 12, 1966, Distribution of Hake PP 67. In the South-RaterO Atlantic, by L. A. Kruglov, RUSS=,, per, Reamse pos.. No 12, 1966, fish and Wildlife Service pp 6-9. Bureau of Oomerocsls Fisheries Fish ad Wildlife Service "e Wq the Prevae Notrl Weer and Tear of Bureau of Comerclal Fisheries omenis Vessei, by N. 3. hbike e, gmmu. per, Adlb12, 966 S e dw f eo Ce l ou a t i fa f t b O -Oa r nt a a P ' ea n, OWeity of blds of XAIsng Vessles, by *hpt or materior 5. I. Bulk~a, L. B. Voroako,, fish wd WildUfe Service 3 lra 6.per, lb 3.2,,,966, Brea o' Ompercial Fisheries Np 'Dept of aiterior rw u*a wuoe Dish Vldf Ber MtESAN per, MWas lb 12o I96,, *Dept of Isterior nsab ad wildlife 6,rvi"e Brea oa OmermieAl fiaearle -MI 43i

24 USSR Economiý. (Cntd) USSR Economic (Contd) Let Us Apply Uconotoc Rules in Practical Leadership of Industry,. by lsm V. Kiselev, t of the AoadGr guoiop RSIN. of per. S. b ov. t ka. GrosSd 8, pp. RUSSIAN, per, Itbnoe Ihoz.. No Pp -2, ,. p1967, ppm 4054 " Bureau of Commercials l 8heries Growth of Retail Trade Turnover Cited, by R. Loksin, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Sovetsea * Potrebitel'ekaya Using Linerar Programming Methods for the Die- b No. 2, 1967, pp tributiou of the Fishery TUansport Mlet, by. 3P RUSSIAN, N. I. Savii, pel, gybnoe Khoz. No 12, 1966, Every Day Is a Small Part pp of the Jubilee Year, *Dept of terior by A. Btruyev, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Sovetskaya torgov3ya. No. 2, niab and Wildlife Serivce Feb 1967, pp Bureau of Commerical Fisheries JPRS CNA's orkidng Group E nes the Sugar Itiefry, Formation by 74. and p Development, k k 5 pp aoovst of Collective Farm ULJ pruoijssian, Market Txrde, by R. Nazarov, 13 pp. per, Sovetskaya.torgoylya Feb 1967, W97 pp. No. 2, _ Feb 1967, pp JP 079 JPRS Souroes of Profitabll.lty of Organlsatjone of Contemporary the M)ristry International of Rural Construetion Communist, Wbrkers. Georgian SSR, and by National-Liberai*on Sh. Tataaashvili, Movment, 6 pp. Vol I. 134 pp. RUSSIM, bk. SoVIEWD mi W RUSSIAN, *tlnp, Sal' ukpa Zhi, 23 Feb 1967, ofahe. raboc. L nk P. S-w 2 l- JPRs 40577ER 367 The Al.Unin Conference on Rural Held Electrifieation In Mosoow, by P. Contmporar yvaibtepy and International A. Babayev, 0omuniet, and National-14bewatJem Workers, Movment, Vol 11, 371 pp. pp,, Ma I.,, RUS a,, I., bk, Sell Avreme-mawe meshey 16 3.,% kmm,.a, I -. Work Schedules and Computation of Wages, Gershgorin, by S. I. Pinekays, V. Kozyreva, and S. Semenov, Contemporary 5 pp. Problem in the Organization of Nanagement, by D. Gvishiani, RUSSIAN, per, Botsialisticheskiy Trud. No. 12, RUSSIAN, bk, 1966, Sovre'ennxe pp Problew Orlanizatsii -Upravleniia. 1966, pp J-16. The Zoonoxio Rfom and Dwovtnesta in Capital Machine builders Construotion Handbook, In the by LitbthalAn Ye. V. Antoshin, MR, by 3. I. L. Brinberg, Movabovieh, at &l, pp. pp. RUSSIAN., bk, Spravo inik RU&SIAN, np, NMsiinostroitelya, ki &, 2 Mar 1967, Izdaniye Tret' ye Ispravlennoye ± p. 4. =oponcnnoye mashaiz, JPS 4031, Vol Yo 51 _V 196S, pp F0D Republic Confewooe of lawamiata Held In Proepects 5 pp. of Standardisation, by V. V. Boyteov, il'nysu., 5 pp, RJUBIAz, per, 8t sdartsiaate±. RUBIA*, No. 1, ap, NOV U, 3i*. Mar a, p. pp. I* PM Has

25 USSR Economnic (Contd) USSR Economic (Contd) A Concern of the Loi1s Party and Of the WhoLe1 Remode11n Ptoblea at the ftbibit of National Nation, by E. S. Yevveyenko, 7 pp. loopoulo AIde~vesents in Mbsoow, by VJ* Notov, RuSSIAN, per, Standartizatj, No. 12, Dee 3 p 15,pp RUSIN Mp Qtotlnv aseta, 24I Feb 1967, JPMS p. 3. -JPNB Le057 Review of Recent Standardization in the USSR, Pln for th ute Devlpsn of the by L. Yu. Belakhov, 9 Yppma XISSIAN, per, Stanj!aXt 1 kachast'v2, No. 1, Jan ~ " erials Xndftstrr, by Dywv. JPl IA, pep J-4., t~'a, Msteg-j, No 1,.TPRS '.0664 General Survey of Soviet Standardization Efforts, by V. V. Tkachenko, 6 pp. IMpiv', Ut.1±atAion of Fixed Assets Uwged, RUSIAN, per, StdrXIkahsv, No.* 1, by A.. B. Zhukoveldy', N. N. Zaborova, and B. Z. Jan 1966, pp.11.-b. Remer, 8 pp. MRS RUSSIAN, Pe'o 9,U,2-tel'riyyeftteri&lv, No 1, Standards and Qpality in the Vahine~-BuildiflnJI Industry, by Yu. S. Koatylev, 6 pp. RUSSLIAN, per, Stna kgeto No. 4, Development of the Non-Meta~l.. Prodnots April 1966, pp I riity. b7 L 1. Zubov, 6 pp. 3MI USIB Per' Stroltel'OV Mitt-rAdye No 1, 196?. p. U.v A New Decoration, "For Services to Standardiza- M O6 tion", 6 pp. Nee d for Unified Standardisation System In JIIIIAN, per, Standarty i Mhebetvo No-5. SDOonhtiiotlon Cited, by V. Saouse, 8 pp. June 1966, pp. i-iv RUSSIAN, per, toel i MIICS 3PM No33, Feb 197, pp. 2-3 The State Standardization System and Quality of Production, by 31. B. Yenisllyaova, 32 pp. uoae ytmo aagsn froedido RMSI, jjp~atx pe, Ikwlstvo No*6, bafne Aotivities, by I. Stel'noy end V. Ga34taddy, June 1966, pp pp. PMS R75gvAp, per to oto rllk= Five-year Plun for State All-Round Standardiza- MVM1iO62 1ia196, per, StadrxIkcstý O Nev Horizons for Transport Builders,, 9 pp. llov 196 pp MA psro"elto o 2, Feb 1967,, pp Stan~dardization and Cadres, by V. 34. Ogryskov, PS04 RUSSAN, per,,tg!a=dra L kachee'_i2, Not 12, About the Iffeat of the Oneentration of Proftatotlm 1966, pp on the Mtllsation of Fixed Prodaoti~ve Capital JPM In Zndnstsy, ty A. Zazkmnina, 9 pp. wnetbs fbi w"ylug the constut&oft W1t WSU a,. Sm~tlso QA '7 1967, PP. "J~Z. Jpu J066'.

26 p4 USSR Economic (Contd) USSR Mflitar, Sa L O th. T New Soviet Helicopters, by R. Radin, kmof Prdnotias l toif of the the National la'tionl, 3 zoonow q Of of,%m~, RIUSIAN, 1965 per, 6-. Grazhdanskaya Aviatstya No 10, " by Ab. NOW*= alamnad. and Go TWlmerACSI 195, J-2353 pp RUSIUM, per, et St-ttir, No 2, Mb ID pp Cyclic Code Decoding With Double Error Correction by V. D. Kolesnik, The Volga Tanker Company Converts to the Ye. T. Mironchikov. New Economic System, by V. Kurdin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Institut Problem RUSSIAN, np, Vodnyy Transport, 21 Mar 1967, Peredachi Informatsii, 1965, pp p) 2. *FrD HT JPRS Influence of Soviet Military Doctrine on the Messi Outlined for zpirovin Planning end Development of the Military Art, by Swr~eii StImUltion of CoigtUrtiatlon Work, bl N. Lomov. P. Gorwbahin. 13 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist Vooruzhennykh RU= Ia, per, Votrom ElonowW, No 2, 1967, Sil No 21, pp Pp. 11.*FTD HT CIVIL Defense In F A1 DAWo -!AK mini Preparations of Soviet Railroads for the Introduction of the New System of Controlled FOgjjj, bs MNnIat of Defeue, Nosov, 196. Economy, by Jozsef Nagy, 9 pp. AAB C TL-3693 UNGARIUA, per, Vasut, Vol XVI, No 7, 1966, pp DIA LN Methodologioal Problms In the Antomatiao of Txop COntol, by V. A. Pokare, 13 pp. MUMSA, bk. eodl" Political JP3 ZO 0 1 w &=I] Arms Mlea2. - Submachine (un Model 1943, CPPU Efforts for Unity and Solidarity of Social- RSIAN pt Nstavlenle ostrelkovou Delu ist Countries, by Lt. Col, V Ihialipov, 12 pp*.ulemet) Avto.t (Pistoaet - RM 3G KIJ8IAN, per, Komnunist Voorushnnivh ail, NO. xonstruktsly udsyeva, 1955# PP 3-b4 3, Feb 1967, pp ACS1 J-2165 JPas WO363 ID 22o0o15467 Natio0-al Mid btematlonal ispeota in qediien mall Arms Mual, 12,7 - M4 Maehine OGns, SoolALim. by S. rn.uasim, 9 pp. models 1938/46 and 1938, MMUhN V, ANIM!NX Mr*1 26 YSI 1967, RUSSIAN bk, lbst~ayleb 22strelkovowu Y 2-Delta 12.7 M6 Puseta O3R 1954a *i , pp i'is-ta-2,67 id 22o4=21467 Underwater Observations From the Sever-I Bathystat, by 0. N. Kuselev. RUSSIAN, rpt, Podvodndbye Nkbiyudeniya Iz Batistata Serer I pp ept of Navy 257 ORI tr

27 USSR USSR M i tar (Contd) Miltar (Contd) Strength and Vibration Analysis on Dfl~t"ot FaO, of 499 ia Weapon, 15 pp. Rocket Engines, by A. F. Gurov. LW8SIM, per, VaZf m No 2, Feb RUSSIAN, bk, Rjasht aprochostsi pp Kolebaniya,Aket~nUhDVa k JPU 40329: pp *FTD lit Undaat~ m~mbv pef L blcd~ta~v, Soviet Brigade Engineer Level, Units on the Divisional and Uhdwate Nhp. of Sluice, by No A. Iift tddy. SWEDISH, per, Arme Nytt, No 6, 1966, 7 pp. pp NOUN1, per. IOM ACSI J mog1a, No 7. ID Jul JPRS 1966, 4o.X pp Teohaology and Organization of Production, R IANt bkbe i Oran-zatsa,,a Pro~zvodmtvo No 1, t of contents, *A(CSI J-2I&a9 ID Z4O~al367 nl'dn an by Oof V. the I. Ark Central ad'yev Region. of Queen Maud RUN, per,,vestnik Moskovskon Universiteta, Yotin People CO lhcrwaed htr Serve X. Their Ddin, 9 pp. No AIM 4, V38, 03310, 1966,1No per, 3 b, ob 2, Feb 1967, pp. Jn First Meeting of the Working Group on Establishing a Standard International Legend for Large-Scale Oeomorphological Maps, by ft" Tr aini for TouMg People, Pok l, by V. 5 pp. N. V. Bashenina, RUSSXAN# per, Veatnik Movskoao bni mum $,. P e. y zlim!, No 2, Feb 1967, as Lo,, No 5, P AM 01, V5,6, No 5 versiteta "a Leasona Learned FI a FatooY Civil Defense Western Siberia. RUSSIAN, bk, kwreao, Zapadnaya by0. Sibir'. balini, Akademiya 9 pp. Nauk SSbSR Moscow RUSI, 1963, pp per, VoE &Una. )b 2, Feb odept of Navy/NOO tr S ?, pp JPRS - ieo~9 The Importance of Organisation and Planing Soclolol1cal in Civil Wmes, by P. Ainatov, 6 pp. AU3MS, pp. per, YoZMM INIa. No 2, Feb &19. JPIS New R~mnmation Art SN5OW, to, Taxiomb Myer tv A. G*Hmov, 3 pp. Mm,m Pw, The Un of a Terrein Nodel in Civil Defern, Nar oerias., 1966, br p. V. Taatrabdy and A. Stdein, 8 pp. JPVS pp* RuS I , per$, Y. ), Fob 1967, Oua,taadm o 10. JPRI J09 40perience in the Application of Guaranteed Wages in Kolkhoses, by K. Okhapkin, 9 pp. Sborta one in Civil Defe Tbah 338A1, per, keralea, Sel'akokhoY- by K. [rleym and L Se-.yv, 6 PP. ayetvo y Zhurnl, No. 1, Jan 1967, pp. 31- Z. 3 I, WW.Shl 22,.23, Per. a No~J 21.2 Me JM4d ;;1, 4o529 Ap. - 3 *16.

28 USSR Eastern Europe i o_ (cod Economic (Contd) Soigcl(Contd) Labor Law Encyclopedic Dictionary. L Five-lear L ceal c e Plan of i a fifth for the PPSH Sonxo Congress and on Culturali. the Fourth Second Edition, by N. G. Aleksandrov. Develpment of the Albanian People's8 Rapunlt a in RUSSIAN, bk, Trudovoe Pravo. Entsiklopedicheskiyp to pp. hb.sl70, u2. in I Slovar'. Vtoroe Izdanie, 1963, 567 pp. pop Sonood. ll~ro, No 6, ibv6 1 'CFSTI TT Docpor, pp* 16j21o JPRS PBpilation of the Ukdon of Soviet Socialist pp, &&pobtiei, b2 The Sal.t idnes In the Develoyeant of Uootrie NJ88zWO Par# DWI~kh ~ 2, paw S ira t*i t r ift nvo.ase Plan Period ( pp ), tr lr, ft ov. 5 pp. jpi 404 BUOAR, per., &Ugl"a lb lbv..deo?a0 8trug61o on Behalf of Sovoit Jweuy, by Z-elig m pp. MOW, np,.&jja _buw, 1 Map p. 2. The Development of Short-Term Credits at the JPi 06 Bulgarian National Bank, by Pavel Slavchev, 9 pp. BUIZARIAN, per, Finansi i kredit, No. 10, Dec 1966, pp PMS Biographic The Now Systan of Management in the Chdoal c t hi tat, by P. Tmtalv, 6 pp. Sicoled Antonovich Maelov ( ), BU-GARION, per, * ImA i -d-vtsg a, No 8, RVSIAhN, per, lybnoe Khoz., No 2, 1966, pp 18. v9, I p - 3PMS Fish and Widlife Service Bureau- of Commercial Fisheries Some Problems Relating to the Raw Materials Base for the Chemical Industry in Bulgaria in Pedor Ivanovich Baranov, a Prominent Fishery , by T. Vulehanov, St. Ga mnov and Y. Scientist Celebrates his 80th Birthday, Cholakov, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Rybjnoe Ihoz.. No 4, 1966, halaria, par,j N8 * pp 5-6. pp -6.Nov 1966, pp No 8,per JPRM 40I8l Bureeu of Commerical Fisheries Right of Control by the Bulgarian Communist Party Over Administrative and Economic MIanagement Discussed, by Todor Kirov, 22 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Novo Vreme, Vol XLIIH, No 2, 1967, pp ' EASTERN EUROPE JPRS Economic Teew of the F rth Fnv tear pian (19".1970), 8 pp. smiaalii, per. t No 2, feb 1967, tort by ~set OhehW on Agrleulu.e in the pp. M. Shand, Frth Five.year Piano, by lnetet 0 ALiAXW, Per, am~id" 1L~~t.I 2, owe 1966, PP* ]hthm Development of btna-.ooperative Dloera in begari.n COoeratve Laor ftsme, t7 0G0Teog lbote.bov, 9 pp. DMAohN, porsjht 1"t,~ )b 3, No? 1967, pp.p*

29 Eastern Europe Economic (Conrd) Eastern Europe Economic (Conrd) The 2ffe.tAlvens of Thermal CLsotrie Pbvew Storage of Food Products Packed In Plastic Plants In Nortwst Ddsaria, by MLIo1V Materials, by C. Plachy, MLtrovr 12 pp. CZEQi, per, Potravin, Vol XVII, No 8, DUGAR IAI. e er P, tou n tistatiu ikn, 1966, pp I2 nfb i pp 67,.439'''. ACSI J-1800 C JPRS 4037 ID The Role of Okrug and City Planning Comoslons Foreign Trade Goals and Prospects for 1967, In Territorial Planning, by Stoyne Arsov, 7 pp. by Horst Solle, 10 pp. BULGARIAN, per, stopanstlv. rtatistgka, GERA, per, Aussenhandel und Innerdeutscher No 2, 1967, pp. 5 Handel No. 1, Jan 1967, pp JPB Branch Conference of "Coal" State Economic Some Foreign Trade Problems of the GDR Association, 12 pp. During the Period Ending in 1970, by MJIOARIAN, per, Rudnichar, No. 7, 16 Feb 1967, H. Funke, G. Scholze, 9 pp. pp. 1 & 3 GEPJ'!AN, per, Aussenhandel und Innerdeutscher JPl 0102 Handel, No 3, MV , pp 1-6. The Fifth FiveYear Plan and the Tasks in Soolallst Rationalisation of Production in the Railroad Transportation, by Mian mduamov, 10 pp Chmioal by Sohauer. 1n1tstry, It pp. BMGARIAN pae., Zhlesoputa Transport, No 1, GE. 1,per, 'n dt ohe a 'Vol 19, No 2. Jan 1967, pp. I.- JPRS o2 Fab 1967, pp.070 JN 1o0B9 Siwv of Opinions on Cleoulovak IaonMq In Problems of Analysis Connected With the Use 1967, 13 pp. of Plastics for the Packaging and Storage of ZCUM, per, Skonom~aaRi ns, No 1, 1 Jan 1967, Foods, by F. 1Naa, 10 pp. Pp CHMAU, per, die lahrung, Vol 6, Uo 4, 1962, JPIM pp RAFRA-1259 Planning and Organization of the Packaging Industry in the German Democratic Republic, by Josef flubalek, Storage Experiments with Meat in Tin Cans, CZECI, per, Obaly, No 3, 1966, pp by Lothat of=an, *A(CI J-2340 MUU4AN, per, Die Verpackuna, No 2, bar/apr ID , Pp A*ACSX J-2577 Series of Articles an Food Packaging, ID CZEQI, per, Oba1y, No 1, 1967, pp 1-4, 4-7, 7-9, 9-12, 1i-1f. New Steps Toward Growing Foreign Trade *ACSI J-2390 Effectiveness, by Ilorst Soello, 8 pp. ID GERIAN, np, Die Wirtshaft. No 8, 1967, pp 4-5. Packaging of Foods in PVC Containers, by JPRS J. Starek, V. Simko J. Barrinek, 10 pp. (ECper,!Z 1PtrV Vol 14., No 2j, The PAlatimsilp Oet Prices and 1963, pp 70-T3. Sbadies, by 2ihaed BWde, 8 pp. mm.2-44 GMA3, per. A 1b 2, F:eb t967, pp L 4s.

30 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Eastern Economic Europe (Contd) Expanding Foreign Trade, the 210 1Aft" of Svm1-ma twsrs In %land, by Volga-Baltic Canal, 1966, 3 pp. 'J'v pp GLDRNN, per, Hansa, N"S, Feb 1967, p , H. pe1,7. ]i ~am o1, 6Kr Dept of Conm -P 08 9 Maritime Admin The Prospects and Current Tasks of the Machine Changes in the Destio Market Strubawe, by, Tool Industry and East Germany, By Dr. Audi GOregors Pisaraki, a pp. Georgi, 5 PP. POLISH. per. Zyc o"oos o, b /kr GERMAN, per, Presse-Informationen, No. 25, 1967, pp. I 'd 4, "27 Feb 1967, pp JPNS 40o5.2 The &qvly7 and Dead lor Twedle Oommodies East Germany's Economy in 1966, 7 PP* and Clothing, by Du te.d Atw dowkat 9. pp. GERMAN, 1967, pp. per, 48-5o. Wochenbericht, No. 10, 10 Mar b POLISH, 16 p per., Ze7e Goodarcas, )b 12, 19 Mar JPM , are 40358JPBS Z5631 bole of Water Mmnagment in Hagy' a Third C9A Prablea, by Jersy Dereuowdk, 6 pp. Five4l-ar Plan Discussed, by lare Degan, 26 pp. POLISH, per, Z Gop, ino 12, 19 Mar HGARIM, per, * ow,, oa Vol 17, 1967, p. 10. )b 2, Feb 1967, pp. 9-p.j io JPNS 4053 aoonors Hampering Scientific Researeh in the De elpmet of the Chemica Industry Under the Ohe ical Inftst y. by Renryk Weber, 7 pp. MAd Fv.zea A r Plas by D. Booker, 15 pp. OUH. ISH,. per, No 13, 1.1O, Jn r, IV= l kw Lo, Vol 1, 26 Kr 1o i, p. im 1967, PP@ 3. PS NORWArEM, bk, Bertens Melkartske Verksteder, ROOM# ro IM V.ol n=rii, series ni, pp 2, O 11, 3 Feb197 pp* 1.2. *Dept of Navy/NO0 tr JPiS Aohievemnts of the Food Industry In 1966, by The Need for a More Efficient Utilization of Zbignl v Mikolajczyk, 8 pp. loono~mis, by Oh. Popesou and I. Oltesanui POLM,vaper, 0g!o2,areNo. 1o, 5 Mar 1967, 6pp. 7.l 0 pwan, per, Uita do Class, 2 Feb 1967, pp PM W03148 IM 1namW 4qW ad Omadeas tar Deveqap. mt ef N]" oaft Zb eastq, by Jan Deu, 6 pp. Z"110*5* 1 Fifteen YeTw of Aettvities of the State Deposit Interest in the New Economic Mechanism, Insranee Acloin-stration, by Stefan Ppoviol. by Dr. Laszlo Barta and Dr. Andres Gombos, 5 pp. 8 pp. 3,WI.S, rp. GoiU ina -. nt.o,, 8 Nor 67, HIMARIAN, per, Penzumri Szemle, No. 1, Jan pp. 1 and , pp ,ifp P Neaareo for Inoreasing the Effieaiuaw of Ecaonomic Trawler Planning for a Shore Plant, 3honowdo ctivities In ftrospoat and Tele.- by Albert Harloff. oommi~otins, 6 pp. -1-

31 Econom c (Contd) Eastern Europe Yugoslav Production and Foreign Trade in Continued I woveuient in Conatauotion Aotivlty Nonmetals, by Andjica Bulic, 10 pp. " at P a in actor Aceing SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Problemi soljne trgovine b Petro BlaJovici, 25 pp. i konunktxre. No. 1, Mar 1,pp lm IA, per, Problem oises, No 2, Feb 1967, p, 322.-N2.JR402 - JPRS Yugoulav Trade with Tunisia, by Regina Binenfeld, 10 pp. Construction Activity in ftumia, by Ion V. S 1-0ROATIAM, per, Problemi spol1ne trgo- Ceolu, 12 pp. vine i kon uakur No. 1, bar 196b, pp IURWMIAN, per,.etad tist, No 1, JPR I52 Jan 1967, pp JPS 4056 The Basic Law on Insurance and Insurance Organizations, 35 PP.*1 C"munist Intransigence In the Defens Ss O-CROATIAN, per, Sluzbeni list SFRJ, No. 7, of Public Praperty, by IMu Dobrescu, S ppe 8 Feb 1967, pp RtUIIAN, per. Scinteia, No 7277, 1967, JPRS pp 1, 3. JPPS Prospective Developmnt of the Mbtor Vehicle Working Confliato In masnian nteprise Industry and Highway Transportation in 1agoslavia, Collectives, by Victor Vanta. 6 pp. by Nir olav Hlms, 17 pp. RMAUIAN, rip,, Vol 36, No. 7 23, 7 Maw SED-CHDATn, per, Tnii, No 3, Mar 1967, JPBS 406li1 06 Polish Marine Fisherles, by (hearlkh Tetslafp, sucessful Investaents in Ferrous Metalurgy RWSSIAU, per, Rybnoe lhoz., NoU 19661, in Ygoaslavia Reviewed, by A ZdA. rvlvio, I4 pp. pp SEUIO-CIOATIAN, per, Vona Jan Invetoticone Banke, Do* 196 pp Fish and Wildlfe Service JPRS 40" Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Eleetric PFibr Plants Put Into Operation in busing Construction and D1We as, by Stoika 1966 in vagoalavia Reuleved, by A. Ovetwnovic, Maleoevle, 21 pp. 10 pp. SU.MATIAN. per, JV"8@L I Me lbed. o to, SERMO.CMATAN, per, oeq i 3 o xej * Oot 19"s pp* Ievostiolone Bank, Dec 966, Pp JMs 4049 JPM 4053 Price PAUcy Afte. the Rbob=, by Ike en fovie,?rends in the Development of H.Lgh y Taasportatim 8 pp. In Tagaslai 8 and their Effeot an the Businese amuo~cuaii 1, per, b 1,, of the balu ads, by Aute Zoijareooi, 16 pp. ism MO.oATIAN, per, Zeolemie, b t, Jon 1967, JPIt o1105 pp Jins am x'tiw Vlier e New Noommico btlon, by 154 e, 11 pp. fte Nfr dl1t OPMUOW CaLs of the YbOSUV 0-rakuhI pwo a 11,O M Railroads for tein Nailing Stock, by,i UM IrI ~ o o 6 oz e 1907 PP*s 3l9o pna " j. lie pp. UI0O-CMAT14, pea, W No 1, Jan 1967, pp The Sales Facilities of the Trade in Jin YuoeViavS, by Itreten Peleviae 11 pp. SMIO-C.OATIAI, per, Jýsl k i Prelad *. 11, Nov 21w9, pp$

32 Eastern Europe Pon olitical Eastern Europe (Contd) Sof Arab ftudet. in Berli Douis Rsweptiort Revision of the Relattons Penal Code in the th Soviet ARAMC, Went p. erar, 3pp.Zone,* 25 of p. ppi, Occupation an of Germany, lins- 1olfgang by GERMAN, Sternsdorff, np, Die Welt, 6 pp. 15 April 1967, p 1. JPRS BRUsaian C? Takes InttsAte latenatiowa in Stweatift Conference an Pafes br Isoia vely of Commist 5 pp. and Workes".' Rai. BeOteM! oslawi and d Japan?5W~e 1hdeliV p.. Val, t 5PP.Since lb 1, Jan 196?, pp. i9v Discussed, SMnoe by V. MATIM Bo, 13 per pp. Ju, tsv P. wlop No 11, Nov 1966, pp jpga~~pr 1463jp Isgaltas Takes Infatnatton Prevetive of Measures NForign Against Ideas, 12 the pp. Dmiocati: EMRin a. the per,.woav &,0 Association va l 3, of Ma3 1967, pp- 3-1i. Conlafsts Discussed n Relation uith $Sef. Managent, bf Rados sljk vio, 9 pp. JP W"? S0BRD0.HATIAN, per, hg1a~sm. No 1, Jan 1967, pp The Orga lsation and Tasks of Purty Groups, JP 46 't Atan"i a itrov, 9 pp. BWARM9 P, Pea,. U 1b 2, Feb 1967, pp Jin M41ltAr ClMos 3pot of Cotrol, the by Valhoeo modesions far Katev, Por WLlr 5 pp. Ground to air Guided Missiles by U per, Partme. s.m.t, lb 2, Fab pp. 1967, X-53. Milan Dostalik. CZECH, per, Vojenska Technika, No 7, 1965, JPP pp *F0D HT he Bgadami Comradst Partv Gowittees; and Annual Orgwisations Index for the as Year Organs 1966, of No PeUitoal 1-12, by UU Ivaneov, 12 pp. Guidance, GERMAN, ACSI J-2228 per, Militartechnik, pp, MAI, p per, "Tot lb 3. Mar 1967, ID pp. 33-J.a. WVA Caloara, The Bhiauran People's Omenels are otlwe C MI, rpts, IWA Meador 1967, pp Organs of Sootlist Development, br 9h. Mlmv *ACSI J--253 and G., pp, ID T766 p. N, 1Training Possibilitios JPM 4w57 In Defense Against Mass Destruction WVeapons, by Kurt L4ghadns, Erich Hesse, of Ossoh 01 Members In GERMAN, ozslatd ft bk, Usbungsoeglichkoiten vor MassenvoMichtmnsMUtteln, sum Schutz Sand XaVI&I utg P&r PoiQr Stressed, 1965, 197 br pp-. AESX J-1151 Ilexander ADboek, 16 pp. ID M)C per,. 6, b9 p S 8tructural Defense, by I. Louta, OUMN, per, ZUvY1schultapp No 1, 1967, ACS! J-19M1 ID 22040U.267 I xz 7I -41-

33 Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Soclooicacal "a Mi (Contd) I 11h ~edtarpet, the "tt", by A* Jarazyk, Plish Tovet t 1 A. Importance of People's Councils in Socialist Democracy in Bulgaria Unphasized, by POKjM Pe e, Ahivko Milanov, 18 pp. pp *A=S J-2575 BULGARIAN, No 2, 1967, per, pp Novo Vreme, Vol XLIII, OD 22D JPRS ! The Other Front, by Tadeusz Daida, 6 pp. OIS, per, Zolniers Plsk No It, (958), Teaohers# Saaries in People't Shools of Arts 1966SH, pe, Nand Lanuages, by Dr. Jan Vadlejoh, 5 pp. 1966, pp 20. Mc, per, UVteltoke Noviw, No Mar DiA LN 5T-67 pp..5. JPM 0641 Contaminated Road, by Adam Kolodziejczyk, POLISH, per, Zolnierz Polski, No 28, Jul Catholics and Marxists in Dialogue, 6 pp. 1966, 3 pp. GEMWAN, up, Die Andere Zeitun. Vol. 13, No. 8.e, ACSI J Feb 1967, p ID JPIM Air Dropped Ar or by Jan u sz M agn ual, Detente 8 p -- ftthout the GDR, by Peter Bender, 12,0A 1967.N GEMAN,, per, Die Zeit, 14 April 1967, 33) o1167 Te Projectile and Armor, by J. Kiepurski, POL3N, per, Zo3l'erz Polski. No 16, Apr *ACSI J-2556 id =4=167 Optimal Programming of Thrust Direction of a Ballistic Rocket Moving in the Atmosphere, by P. Bradeanu, 15 pp. p 3. JPRS Some Problems Connected vith Rural Credit Aid in , by Tadeuez Wyezomiraki, 13 pp. POLISH, per, Nove Rolnictvo, No. 2, Jan 1967, pp. Ii.8. JPR Nbrk Sh uld Not Inte fere ath N&Mation, RUWAI,N, per, Revue Roumains des Sciences by Xryatan Brodaek1, 6 pp. Technique, Serie de Mecanique Applique, POLIS, p1a9, ha7i, 2 e Vol IX, No 1, 1964, pp P. 5. P JR 405" FrD Tr Jouwalim ad the Part* Orgoaistlm. by 8. Atoms and Armor, by N. Babic sal,.5 pp. SERIO-CROATIAN, bk, Atomi i Oklop, 1965, MUM11k, per, U lo 1, JaM 1967, pp pp *ACSI J-2446 JM 405" ID Ovildm %U on 2iffdawn of Ibral Values The Role of the Auz In a Natlonal Defensive 4, t by Gheopgp. Deft, War, by Raf bnovie, Dade Raft DiU, RAVoAm. 161M, , w 6-13 = * ACS1 J-2522 id =W20 6T0867 2e ft= etut Of bz+a' 136 in FdlA if hebythe 19 State Plee 7 pp. oi en-r~j e eb a WOO. Lea QW i by AuPO. lb.. 1. Jan burique rat# M oda, PP.* 4bw ID mom66,a pp 11-l

34 Eastern Europe Sociologica (Contd) Western Europe Political (Contd) Let's D Wa s the Wdhoel of bitioe uand Idsoloial a of Barpean OoimluAt and =P~o to amma Daropean Seourit~y AOUVIVt to the Lievel of Curreant Needs. ii pp. Prbeis by hymesid 0u~ot. 12 pp. MEM I*Nper,? l M IS 1bit Jan1967, 13303, per, EwellD., No 1118, 22 JPBS Xar 1967, pp. 1-3 Gseneal Aussmblies of the UnLon of Ooimist Draft of the Finnish People's Democratic Party Youth, 20 pp. Program, 20 pp. IIDIANI. per, La~d Ib 1. Jan 1967, FMNIS, per, Kamme Uutisit,1Fe16,p.5 PP and 5 Feb 196f,' PP-5 & 6. j4fb297-5 J933~~ip 14o143M 363 FolitioAl 3ducatlowal AotivLtFi for Anl YOmth. Marxist Viewepoint of Demcracy As Applied to 10 pp. Finland, by Nrkki 1'iowinen, 7 Pp. RWWZW, per, 2IadIb s )itja FINNSH, per, IKoamonisti, No. 2, 1967, pp pp. *1.5?.3 PM Trens i o Exansin th Lanholing ofmarxist-leninist Movement Continues Attack Trends ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ infprencohtelndodig ~ o Conmunist Party, 14.vp. the Socialized Sector, by Stevan Silbiger, PIR liet~n~ Vol fli, 18 pp.no432 %rw SERB0-CROATrAN~, per, Glasnik za P o 7p 2Ma 197,pp 33.&1. 3,10& 14 izd asvno 3,16,p 06 A1.JI Report, of Jacques Grippa to the Central Comtt~e Of th* W01lo00 C? - Session of 5 Feb 1967, 13 pp p p.6e a dsr, o o 9 WESTERN EUROPE p 7 ~t m9 Economic Italian Pro-Chinese Connmiunit Maintains Socialist Cannot Be Achieved Without Prole- MOD Pbsvick's Statements re 1967 Buge and tarian Fevolution, 6 pp. Restructuriuation Fls rzalian, per, N ~e, Uta, Vol. 14, No. 9, BXWIU3, apt, Mar 67, 6 pp. ma 19067,P-3 DIA Italian OP Theoretical Organ Debstas Possibility of Now LinstVq in China, by Franso Bertains 5p. IMALIAN, perj, P~a~s NO. 10, 10 Mar 1967, Political pp Wl Letter of Nestherlands (ap ountss.1 0ninttss Us Oel Orgenisational Base of the Foyluwb- 0411*ftsase. OmltI'O1 n of c ter tionary Party by Livo Riseliti, 5 pp. * ~Proposed natuial CP aaftrsee a amnezs ZTALIaa, np, NMvva Mate No. 10, 3.1 Mar 1967, Va a N21 ws p.3. P.n &Ass Relatimns WIth Atrie. br Hagetor 1P..40".

35 Western Europe Western Europe Italian Comum asu and the Christian Left Specifications Armor Parts Including Armored During the Resistane", by lucio I Vehicles, UNMAN, rpt, Technische Konstruktions-und ""_9sLie rbeding_-n r. Sept 1966, 33 pp. ITALIOA, per, _Rlnscita Vol. 24, No. 3.1, 72 = Mar 1967, pp ID JPM 4047 Portuguese CP leader Telas of His Party's New Ouidelines In the Quartermaster Oorps Otruggle, 5 pp. Mat erial Service, by X. Kasen, 11 pp. PANIS, per, Mpdo Obrero, No. 628, 15 Feb MtWIGIAN, per, Norsk kntendantur-tidaskrift 1967, pe 160 No 3, 1966, pp JPM DIA LN The Armored Brigade, by Hans Carlssan, Spanish NwArxsUXIai t Attaksa tho N~oaoaf SWEDISH, per, Arme Nytt, No 6, 1966, pp ibad to lloanw*m, bw U4. 6 pp. ACSI J-2020 #A118. per* adi o Rh il lb ID pp )6 The Nusko Base, by Bertil Erkhaumar, 8 pp. SWEDISH, per, Flotta No 4, April 1966, The Program of the wedish Comm ist Party Is pp 15; 16; )7 a4, A 1 P*st'ed and Ex 4jwd, 5 pp. DIA IN msmi, per, NY Dw No. 6, o.-. Feb 3,967, pp ins W0363 afh O a#t litew M oetee Chg* I Geoirap lew1atio14~ With Il-4,-iierwv.oped Cantries. byle[i Bemal,.S]p. 5U158. Zwuk 3 pp. 7.DiFe 97 rect Iload Connections B~two* Fpnnisthe 3 ina by b4 Ahr_. pip..n.inni.h per, TekZ inen MkakaZht, ,t Ug0 3 1A6 74, T267, Vr, I o 1. ase KU Upta, by J. vas der Luyt, 1U pp, DMA per, B e uitahr, ltator, Vol 0" 0., Attb91 %US o h S ]b 966W, pp T- wmm.t tv N.D.M. 3 pp..70 9tm xw M, 0 flow Con Ie Load the PWOO. by l1ejijrveld, im 4056 IUrOl, per. Do Nilitaihr Spectator, W 3, 1967, pp MeM calltat or the 1tol l attue. bw Paa "A(SI J-2330 ktamua IV ?Z*,.1. a l )b 12, 24 Mar wayr, p.3 Aerial ma AltiAiraft t leads by &set l*'2e, 16 p Ma.. per, i1n e itar- 8Om6-96.

36 AFRICAEconomic Af rica (Contd) Economic Data and Regulations Regarding Investraent, in Tunisia, 22 pp. FRENCH, bk, Investir anturnisia, no date, The Role of Banks in African Development, by pp Pierre Roques, 5 pp. JPRS, FRENCH, per, Conmmmasutes et Continents, Vol 59, No 31 Jan,-M.? 1967, pp Soviet-African Ecmonoic Relations, by JP B3, Rouriov, G. Rubinstein, 13 pp. FRIENC3, per, Le Nois en Afrique, No 15, Mar 1967, pp ZT7 General Ecbonomic Problems, by Timothee Malemdoma, JPI1S pp. FRENCH, per,!troe France Outre..Mer, No 4i44, Jan 1967, pp Speoial Report on the Fort of Casablanca, JPRSJPR pp FRENCH, ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ pepao~te.~r FENH Fac-lerianhe Inooprmations 1e 8 Foebrin6g * pp. 36 Cottond Produiction Mands Nowtrte, by A B. Gerard, JzR 1967,7. 6 FRENCH, Per Sr, France Outre..Mer, No J444, E0~i rbesi h ot eino Jan 1967, al ;pp 303.b at ilo p JPRS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JR I1utra 4055 Acivtis i h vrycati Twc1965, Projcte byker B6hn 5ppp FRENCH per, Perpecive dfranceme No.e-r 68,44 Port of33 Tf Bosldain byar th Mnae- Pahasi Oc-Dc 96, p.-3 bpndy mont~~rech WMters ofloaie ofr Naigbl 0 Diamonidl ardcind andui 5xors bya.pp. a 96,p FRENCH, per, SuoeFaceOteJr No 4414, Noe 1TCpot5f5,W Jan 19ar 1967 pp.40 JPJS Icndusya Aciite pnteivrp.ati GRENUN, per, Pespctvs dete-i, No. 68, Gint f av inisler Raeprts on the InteCprSate o 4PM Torasle, 13 pp. d u,5 p FRECH, per, Suog 26-c O2 Feb 96, pp. 1,3; TeImqoetPobm nteoai Jand16 3 Par 1967,9pp, 4, 3. IALW4, pedeolog W But Rcdnog,2De96 JPIS p 12 l5any PP*28 I o., e Rive~by~wedS~ou~o~re9 1~PA 196? p Peeraipn,2 ofu Wfrca 11 m Noe 63, o Guinean~~167 Reprd on th Ine-Sae5 13nste pp. Mar 1967, 17.. Cof ontcmittee forfh Gen ntal ivaberi, b senega Toure, 13 PP

37 Africa Economic (Contd) Africa Political (Contd) Recent EZoo&o and Social Developr m in Marxism and Africa, by Gilbert Conte, Spanish North Africa. 9 pp# 9 pp. FRENC11, per, Le Nois en Afrique, No 15, SPANISH, per, Afr, No 3O0, Dee 1966, PP* 1967, pp JPRS JPRS 405D3 Economic and Social Developments in the Spanish Students of Black Africa in Francs Hold Sahara and Enclaves, 10 pp. Nineteenth Congress, 21 pp. SPANISH, per, Africa, No. 302, Feb 1967, FRENCH: per, Remsmes Africalnes, Vol 9, pp No 284& 23 Fe'b1967 ipp 5-93 and JPRs JPRS 405B5 Extent and Characteristics of Wage-Paying Jobs The Necessity for the Ideological Revision of in Mozambique, by A. Rita-Ferreira, 14 pp. the Somali Political Parties, by B. F. Issak, 12 SPANISH, per, Ultramar 6th Yr., Vol. 6, No. 4, Pp. 2nd Quarter 1966, ii ITALIAN, per, La Tribuna, No. 2, 15 Jan 1967, JPRs PP. 7, 8 and 18 and No. 3, 15 Feb 1967, pp. 7, 8 and 9. JFRS Big Power Interests in Africa and the Tragedy Political of African Disunity, by Andrea Romani, 9 pp. ITALIAN, per, La Tribuna. No. 3, 15 Feb 1967, pp. 3-6 and 21. West Ger=an Relations With Africa, by Dr. A' Frans Anaprenger. 12 pp. FRCH, per. Af e Gn te rane. Vol. 6, Parallels between Social Revolution in Europe No. "9' Jan/Feb lyb7, pp* and in Africa, by Abdurrahman Mohamed Hassan, JPRS 4o0 5 pp. ITALIAN, per, La Tribuna, No. 3, 15 Feb 1967, C,ngo.Kinshasa Rebel Struggle Anallsed By Its pp Political Headquarters, by the Political JPYG Headquarters of the (Rebel) Weatern Front, 11 pp. FJICH, bk, L'An 3 do I& Rem]bAtUon COngolaise, 3 cot 1966, pp JPRS 405D6 g _c Ocnmeolese Revolutionary Organ Attacks American- Soviet "Coijlasin" Against Congo Rebels, 3,pp. The Tinduf Oasis in North Africa, by Josef FRENCH pergi,, Vol 3. No 11, Jan 1967, Sobrau. 8 pp. PP mwi, per, Afr k Haute, I Mtr 1967, pp. 66- JPRSPP 405S 69 Speech of Malian National Assembly President JPRS 40O20 to Yugoslav Federal Assembly, by Press Mahanane,Unssane Haidara. 8 pp. FRWM, up, L'Sesor Hebdomedaire. No. 394, 13 Feb '1967 pp. 2 & 12. JPFIS Malaen Viev of Nase-Party Versus Vatguaer& Party Prooeem In ailding of Socaliam, by drisesa Diara. 14 pp. MRUl0upLVIaaor. No. 399, JPW 40608

38 Africa Sociogica Middle East Political Pro-Chinese Communist Faction Reviews Greek Funeral Rites a d Beliefs Among the Baoule Political Situation; Sees EDA in Trouble, 9 PP. Tribes of the Ivory Ccast, by Vincent Guerry, GREK, per, Anagmnisi, Nos. 26/27, Nov/Deo 1966, 31 pp, pp. J-4. FRENCH, per, now m, Vol 61, Nos. 1-2, JPRS , pp JPS 405)1 S4The Legalization of the Greek Communist Party and Its Allies, by Costa Mesoyeta., 9 pp. Study of Overpopulation in Congo (Kinshasa), GREEK, per, MUiniki Aristera. No L42, Jan 1967, byg. L., 8 pp. pp FRENCH, np,!etoi e 9go 10 Jan 1967, p 5; JpRs Jan 1967, pp 5--6 ;3 Jan 967, pp $.6; and J Jan J , p. 5. AKEL Demands Demilitarization of Cyprus and Enosis Without Territorial Exohanges, 5 pp. GRE, per, Kbr,l 19 Feb 1967, P I.- Congo (Kinshasa) Ministerial Decree Coerning Acquisition of Congolese Nationality, by J. N'Sngaa, jpre p197, 6 pp. FRENCH, per, Moniteur Consola8, Vol VII, No 23, 15 Doc 1966, pf. U Sartre Answers Questions at the Circle for Marxism Gathering, by R. Ya~kv, 6 pp. JPRS HEBREW. up, Al Hamishur, 17 Mar 1967, P. 2, JPRS Economic Sartre Co-mments on Egypt. China, and World Problems, 5 pp. MIDDLE EAST HEBREW, Ap,t 01 Ham, 3 Mar 1967, pp. 2 and3. JPFS Why is Rokah SIlnt?, 5 pp. HEBREW, ap, 1.1 Ham, 24 Mar 1967, p. 2. Report on the Thres-yer Plan Projeot for JPRS Industry, 7 pp. L?,ABIC Onp abri. h, 22 Feb 1967, p. 8. Method of Financing the Triplo Plan, by Ibrahia Militar Nafo, 5 pp. ARABIC, np, A JPMS raj. 11 Mar 1967, pp. 7 and 11. Nasser Military Aoademy, by Farour 'Ubeid, 5 pp. The Problem of Achieving Spare Parts - in the UAR, elf-saffiienc in by Ahmed Ibrahi ARABIC, JPRS al-akhbar, _p, 22 Mar 1967, pp. 5& 11& Hassan, 5 pp. ARABIC, per, j N 46, Mar p The Igraei. Navy on the Threshold of 1967, by 28-3oA03.6 SF A. S., 6 pp. p 4622MM. H3R per *hg~.i. IFeb 1967, pp Indstrial Developments In the MR, 9 pp. d o ARAIC, rp, &ITlm 12 Feb Fifteen Tears of 3 pmion Agrae-an IbI4W* by Ukreoh Plna, 14 pp. o0=1, per, A k.. t', 1 Mar 196?, pp. 7?

39 Middle East Sociological FAR EAST on E ptian Universit-y fduation, 8 pp. Economic ARABIC, np, A1.- 1 Feb 1967, p. 8. The Miaaufature of Flamonts, 29 pp. JPRS JAPANN, Patent, 41-62f, 2 Apr 1S I. dupont de Nea~ors & 0o. em osat Dv 2626 Universities Open Their Doors to Govement and Publio Seotor Employees, by Jhuan Bakre, Development and Future Prospects of Industry in 5 PP. the Mongolian People' s Republic, by B. Jamyan. ARABIC, rp, a-ahrom 19 Feb 1967, p. 6. s ub, np, L.nen, 2 Jun 1966, pp. 2 & 3. JPRS New Classification of Labor Unions, 10 pp. ARAIC, per, a. l, lo 6, Mar 1967, pp. 10- The Produot Coat and Its Basis, by G. 12. Parebbaata, JPRS 7 pp MOI, rp, Unan. 27 Jul 1966, 2 pp. & 3. JPLS 405n9 Curriculum Problems in Greek Secondary Education, i GROX, 12 pp. 2 p, pero, r, Eikones, e6certain 10 Mar 1967, PP Japanese Fishery Establishments, by jpis L 0j8 I. I. Lagunov, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe hoz. No i1, 1966, pp Application of Uniform Salary Scales for Civil Servants, Military Personnel, and Employees of Greek Public Agencies, d pp. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries GREEK, np, I Kathimerini, 19 Feb 1967, p * L1 JPs W0379 Latent Capakbilities Discovered and Exploited at Dong Da Machinery Factory, by Anh Le, 5 pp. A Critical View of Anti-Soviet Jewish Demon- V33TNAMSE, np, Thu Do Hanoi, 4 Feb 1967, p. 3. strations, by Mordecai Oren, 5 PP. JPR HEBK, np, Al Hamishmar, 17 Feb 1967, p. 3. PPs Sartre mid Do Beauvir Ibur libbutsim, Meet W M li path Uaa#i and Kadesh Aus, 5 pp. Political MM,,P, Al Hami.slo. 19 Ma 1967, pp.i and 3-.,iPM Wage a Deeisive War Against OnatekRevolettomale" I meb-ya and Others. 5 PP. CXN=-SI Per, 213bkMa~ 0- ) 3, 19 Dec 1966, p 1. JPP Blograshic Hukdan Red Guards Hold Rally to Amue Party Leaden for Perseutaon, 10 pp. Profile of An Israel $centint, by L PAe, %M CHD er, pce.. No 10. 3o Mav 1966, 10 PP. PP. -:3. MW O, PT, lob, Vol. 11, No 1, PP. 0-3.J, JmS AoS87 MYq 196. im D5 To oppose the Centwel Cultural Revlution Growp Is to be 0smtew6Rg1olutinaa7,. b 1W ow~.fal ( Odb ad oblg ( o 53., pp. Cpp. per, a M) Dee 19M6 pp. 2.

40 Far East Political (Contd) Far East FgllriAL (Contd) CZechoslovak Evaluation of the Causes of the The Creation Of & NOW Partr by the MIAI Chinese Attitude, by 14±roB3av Mika, 16 pp. Faation, by 8IMVAM fta~, 7 PP. CZMC, Per, Nova, M~Y01- No- 4e, 21 Feb 1967,. JAMAMS, rap, AM A 2 Xu" p. 2. PP JPRB 403DI JPM LUAttacks Chinese ComAonist' s Meddling Duitch COzMnunst Commenuts on Yajor Speech of M %FPMoC North Korean Leader Kimn f-song, farbywkbysdaia by Paul8p. de Groot, 315 pp. JAPANSS, pp A DUTCH, per, De Waarheid. 23, 31. Dee 1966, JH ~40506 t,1 5Ma a 96,p.3 97 and 6, 14~ 20 Jan 19672, 3PM1 p P 5. Japanese COwummists Repljy to Aoaasatdons Against Ihm bythe Poo.., 6 p WLU Thailand be Another Vietuam?, bv An&* AA 6,~6 Tfon, 10 pp. JR 0D 1-3FNC~eb 196, PP*m 3 e 19 Former Mao Associate Mgm~se g Mao, CultoU' RMIolitOn. CAd Fat* at Lin JPRS Plea, 0571Takashi. by Vitta, 13 pp. Pro-Chinese Belgian CP Commnents on Collection JAMMU,~ of Mao P~1*r Tse-tung Gendai, quotations, IAp197 by Fernanid Lefebvre, pp , , 12 pp. FlUIWH, per, La Voix du Peuple. No. 9, 3.967, 3 Ma pp. 9 & 32. A 8axmvg Leftisto s View, of the Wlt~r~al 3PF Revolution in China. 9 pp. NOM0~IM1, per, Orientgering. 18 Feb 1967, pp Vietcong PrisOner Miohele Ray, by Michele Ray, JR pp. Germmis, par, D6 = No It, 12 M~ar 197, pp. Johnson C~lique is Stalemated, VU'%?Weg~, 53p AP, JPRS Iban Dan, 7 Mar T1946,p.. JR p ~ Commiat Reporters a VitmDay.b es Molar,25 Confere"" p.the of the Patriotic Front Appealed to peoirjes of the World and the US to Stop HUNAJIN, the erlist eg Twg~a. I 715 e 1967, War in Vietnax. S pp. 18 Feb 196 7, JpRS 4I058 ft S a 1 aiind 4 Mar TM M,n,19Dn 10 M 197. pp. 1 and 2. * ~~North Korean Delegation WjelcOmed to Somali Preliminary Ideas o Republic: h oiia Speeches by Prtsident of n Somali do logical Mis On of e Poiicwg alj and tdo-ipr National Assembly and Head Of Korean Delegation, 6 pp. tatsion Workers, by Tran Due Hoat, 10 pp. V3RTNAWj per. ITALIAN& T ukp, Corriere ~uyen u della Somalia,.No No 83, 1967, -, PP a-e O -, a-e 10 April 01.6, p 3.,IPM MRPS Strive to Build Up the "Determined to Win"and SSno-JApaM10 0WOMIst Party 000f1cts, 16 PP. "Determined to 7Ulfill the Duty" ainki4~,ý in the JAPAM.Z ap A~~j 9 Feb 1967, pp. I1a2. Futurep 8 pp. Japan... OP Mndeavors to Refute "Rted, ou&d Charges, 5 pp. JiP4MRZiM AP# Akh!!t~a, 17 Ftb 3.967,p. lo JPS X967, pp JPG405

41 Far Political East (Contd) Raise the Spirit of Revolutionary Awareness Far East Military (Contd) The Doctrine of Hankamnas and of the Struggle of the ABRL "'any Dutoes", One Goal", 50 pp. Even Higher to Defeat the Uvaerialist American INDONESIAN, rpt, Indonesian Ministry of Espionage Activities, by Tran Chi, 8 PP- Defense, Nov pp71-6. I W S per, Mon n No. 1-2, Jan & Feb DIA"IN , pp FP Conratulationa to Our Heroic People's Air Force and Air Defense Troops, 4 pp. The Unparalleled Force of the Will to Win, VIETWM, np, Man Dan, 18 Feb 1967, pp. W Trumg Kien, 5 pp. I and 4.. VTRAME, per, n Nol&2,Jan& JPRS Feb 1967, PP. 38-Vl. JPRM Continuation of the "Three Rsponsibitdlties" Movement, by L. thi Tap. 10 pp. Elucidate the Great Successes, the Lessons, and VILOAHM41S3 ). MWaf No 4&717, 9 Mar 1967, the Experiences in Implementing in 1966 Govern- P. 3. meat Plan, 11 pp. 3PM VETN M, per, Ttyen Hua, No* 1-2, Jan & Feb 1967, pp , 76. Problems of Inoreasing Iowa ll ):tary Loadeship, 3JPM by General Chu Van Tan, 9 pp. IZEW S~P. 3. Firmly Grasp the Content of the 1967 Government p.3 Plan, 15 pp. VlCnMW, per, Tuyen Huan No. 1-2, Jan-Feb 1967, pp JPM Geographic Pg, p.r-w~ DI NaW. Mar 1967, Several Ideas Concerning the Mass Campaign Wave of the Determination to Implement the 1967 Government Plan., U_ pp. The Forests of Loas. by J. Vidal, VINTNAAE, per, Tue Huss No. 1-2, Jan-Feb FREN01, per, Bois et Forets des Tropiques, 1967, PP No 70,?'ar-Apr 1960, pp PMS ACSI J-1768 ID The Mer-Vietnam Border, milita F8UMM4 up, La Nouvelle Deusoha Jan 196T. ANS W*11 to Crtt~ais On!Une.Ch'Iu is faid by Report of the Sixth Usian tmining Seminar by 'ju *mod N d~iotsrs. 5 pp Departmet of Hineral Resources on Climate; CI, I, p, No 8, 1 Nov 106 Population and Geology, p. 4. MIAI, bk, Rai Gnarn Karn Prachum Muan Rae rm 4 0)' Park Pune Asia Krani Tee Hock, Feb pp 7, 9, 24, ACSI J-1852 Gemerl Nsdqurtwt of led fta RewluttionaW, ID Rebol.s Zones Stat~mt on the 3.-C&uld "09"" of tus lbsneaw AnW by MW Ommd Soadquazters,"i pp. cxnmo, PeO f t 5n.i. wna m. 20 Nbv p es 40567

42 Far East Sociological Latin America Economic (Contd) CH~Ia, per, Shou-ta n )m 12, 20 J Mlt iv , p. 2. Brazilian Against Eoono tst Inflation A viws Successful in Brasil, 3 PP * Drve FORTUUESE9 isp9 lro.d )O*~& ak, 25 Jan 1967, Conversation Betao Ch'i -. and epresnts- pp 10 and 11. tives of Red Guards of Colleges and Shools in JPR the National Capitoa, 12 pp. CXINNI per,.t-, No Dec stkv of rwilian Exort Prospects Through 1975 p 4. Discusued, 6 pp. JPR FORTMUE, np, Correid da Manha. 12 Feb 1967, p. 8. Southeast Asia Studies, 244 pp. 3PM JAPAIME, per, Tonan Aais Kenku, Vol 2, No 1, 1964, 138 pp. Dmecatralization MaJor ObJeotive in Brazilian CSI TT-65-32OT 7A4wistrative Reform, 10 pp. orwue,- np,.z JO. rnaj do EAs, 1 Mar 1967, Table of Contents of egulatione Concerning p 11. Justice 10 pp. TPM VIETNANER, mnmograph, Luat ie Ve Tu Phap Apr Brasilan Daily Predicts 50% Increase in PM Petrolfm Poduaotion in Brazil, 6 pp. PORMUSI, p Estod. deo fpauo. 15 Feb 67, 3PMS lp, LATIN AMERICA Brazilian Resources in Pireious Stones. ki 1i libeiro Franc*, 9 pp. Economic - RTRDUNW, op. I fatu de So Paulo. 26 Feb 1967, 2 3PMS %15114 The 1967 Work Plan for the National Association l o SU* Reveals Po~n al Proe peity of of SBnf Farmers, 19 pp. Northeast Br l.i 1pp. SPANISH per, AM Jan 1967, pp and 33. PORTW=, a,. MA le Pno o 15 Jan Jim1967. p 7. Notes On a Conference and On & Falure, by Carlos tffael Podrgusz, 7 pp. SPANISH, per# Cuba FeIsta. Fb 1967, PP. Iport 1oeMB lamed at So Pw&U Drop During First Week of 1967 W 'J. So. Vau, 10 pp. 3PM "40330 p.. 13). n. Op. s iha de &V PmO,. 13 Jan 1967, Tobacco Production ad the Seen Farmers, by im ioj0 Adelfo NMutn, l4 pp. SPANISH, per, C 0ol1AU-s Nrb 1967, pp PMB Argentina Minister Announces Energetio Ant- The Resolution on the Thorough Reorganisation of Inflationist action, 9 pp. ",ot-a d Ksadquartara of ts Red Ouards of SPANSH. p,. I P,.1 Mar pp 1, 7 and 9. Collges and Sohool. in PespingV 6 pp. 3PM 1012 CHINES, pm', No Cot 1966, po 2o p2.ister Pointe Out Positive Results of Planning JPM in Brasil, 9 pp. O tmm SES, np, Correia do ftmh, 25 Jan 1967, The Incidant of Peiping No. 1 Cotton MIU, pp 6 and 7. 5 pp. JIRS 4l

43 LAtin Ectonomic America (Coutd) Latin America Political (Contd) nxdel in Like This, by Camilo Restae, 7 pp. Crisis in Brasi' a Interior as Fea Primes,SPMH. per, a.m, 20 Feb 1967, pp op, by J. K. Nop-_fa de Capos, 6 pp. JPRS 4o0o9 PORMUM.UK, up, tolha do So P&Ql, 19 Feb 1967, p 19. ipp 4014 Cuba, A Lost Paradise?, by Camlo Restare, 9 pp. SPAI ISH, per, Cimos. 27 Feb 1967, pp. 8-9, Urban Development in Brasil, by Rubans M , Pereira, 12 pp. JPRS 4069 ORT UMs, up, Jaomal do Br*s, Feb 1967, p. 24. JPim The First Anniversary of the Tricontinental Conference, 5 pp. RatiLo ning a nd t he Retrpo, 7 pp. Mla ck Market, b V C ond 1 SPANISH per, Cuba Sogia~ista Feb 1967, pp. es o SPA sh, per, gm-s, 30 Jan 1967, pp..t15-. ES 4609 Politica The Organizational Work of the Communist fouth Before the Opening of the Punta Del Este Union in 1967, by Palmundo Gonez, 7 PP. Conference: The Cuban Revolutionary Way, SPANKSH, rp, Juventud Rebelde, 23. Jan 1967, by Marcel Niedergang, 7 pp. p. 2. FRENCH, #l p Le.Monde, 12 April 1967, flua pp 1, 3. JPRS Agentine T10tal'tes Aoccuse "Sartasts" Spltwr GiOmp of Uniting vath luperialam Interview With Fernandez Retamar, 6 pp. Against Trotskym, by J. Po",des, 18 pp. SPANISH, per, Bohemia, 10 1967, SPANIISH, per* Vao PioletAriA. 18 Mar 196?,?p 14-15, pp , aid Y. PRS JPRS The 7Tird World and Ideology As Seen by Amiloar Reulits of Feb ary 1967 Pl1sm of Comabia Cabral,.1 pp. CP Central Gonttee P"A1 d In 0oulan SPANISH, per, I.Cal Baibudo No. 2, ay 1966, CP Org". 13 pp. pp. n-46. SIMAZ pea, r~!& p~q~& UIh. o15 2 lka 3PMJ A Cuban's Analysis of U. S. Policy Toward Latin America, by Eduardo H, Gispert, 8 pp. SPANISH, per, HI Caiman Borbudo, 1967, pp 3-S. JPRS ftmahimmahn by 0.l.D UlteNi,8 PANIS. par, ~6 Feb 1967, ppp , Peruvian Conmmunists Discuss Formation of a Party of the Masses, by Mario Ugarte, 23 pp. SPANISH, per, Easayos Jan/Feb 1967, pp PM. W4O13 42-

44 Latin America Latin America -- Politics and Guerrilla Warfare, by Alfredo Fernandez and Oscar Zanetti, 8 pp. SPARSH, per, x3 caiman pebudo. No. 8, Nov 1966, Yp. 3-'i JP16 I4045 The School of the Air, by Jose Vives, 7 PP. SPANIH, per, Verde 01yvo. 15 Jan 1967, pp. 12P 13. JP1W Geoqra hic A Contribution to the Phytogeography of Brazil, by Henrique P. Veloso, PORTUGUESE, rpt, Contributcao a Fitogeogrufia do Brasil Anuario Brasileiro de Economia Florestal, 1964, pp %= -330 ID Brazilian Rivers of More thma500 Kilimters "Length, by Rudolpho Pinto Barbosa, 10 pp. PORTUGUESE, per, Revista Brazileira do Gografia, Vol XIV, No 1, Jan-Mr 1962, pp DIA IN A 12s bum: Na" It Goes Or Is It Stil ~as'sl, by C ol b ft arw., 6 pp. SPARIM pesim., 2 Jan 1967, PP kbsm~attostim bv Cm3. Nsstw"Po, 8 pp. MANUIM pa,- e. Mj , pp i tow --!

45 SCIENTIFIC Scientific Aeronautics (Contd) AeronuticsVariable Stability Aircraft, by G. Klopfstein. FRENCHI, rp~t, Paper Presented at the 28th Meeting of the Flight Mechanics GroupD Nonlinear Theory of Wings with Lo~ng Aspect 10-1l May 1966, 26 pp. Ratios, by S. Yermolenko, *NASA TIT F-487 RUSSIAN, per, Izv. VUZ Aviatsionny Tekhnika, Vol IX, No 2, 1966, pp Study of a Family of Diffusers for low *NASA TrT F-10,915 Reynolds Number Hypersonic Wind Tunnels, by B. Monnerie. Helicopters; Design and Construction, FRENCH, per, La Recherche Aerostataile, Vol 1. Aerodynamics, by M. L. Mill. No 114, Sept/O-ct 1966, pp RUSSIAN, bk, Vetlt.Rac' NASA TT F-10,876 Proyektirovanlye. 1:Aerdinamiij, 1966, 455 pp. Measurement of Stress Fatique in Flight, *NASA TT F-494 by J. P. Weibel, GERMAN, rpt, Presented at the Meeting of Corrosion of Aircraft Parts and Its International Committee on Aeronautical Prevention by V. N. Filimonov Faiu.Mnc u 1965, 26 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vestnik Protivovozdushnoy ACS--60l Ob2ron1.No 3, 1964, pp 'PI'D1HT The Caw~er Distribution of a Spanwise Unifoxaly..oaded Subsonic Wing, by The AM-24B Aircraft, by M. Vyletal, T. K~awasaki. JAPANESE, rptp Technical Report TR-104, CZECH, per, Leek ozr No 8, National AerospiaceLii-rtoij7i1966, 1964, pp O p 123 *PTD HIT NpAp I.1,8 Study of Dynamic Longitudinal Stability of Aircraft in constant Glide Path A~ngle, by Continuous - Control Mechanism for Propeller- H. Ranakers. Driven Tilt-Wing VIOL Aircraft, by DUTCH, rtnational Aero- and Astronsautia Jan Komniewski, Research Institute, May 1965, 39 pp. POLISH, pwr, Technika Lotnicza i Astronautyczna, No 4, 1966, pp NASA TT F-10,792 *ACSI J-2351 ID Development of the SA-330, FRENCH, per, Aviation Magazine - International, 1 Feb 1967, pp 50-si. ACSI J-2219 ID L-tw Development of Spin Testing Technique as a Function of Spin of Modern Aircraft. Agrochemical Characteristics of the Soils of by J. Gobeltz. USSR, VRlga Region, by A. V. Sckolov. FRANCE, per, lnst Mac des Pluideg do Lille, RUSSIAN, bk, Agi-okhinicheskaya Kharaktoristika France, 1959, 13 pp. Pochv S, Aog ala. 1906," 360 PP07'- NASA Tr F-10,811 'WST1 The Onera Testing Methods and Their Agrochemical Methods is Study of Soils, Recent Progress, by P. carriere. by A. V. Sokolov. FRENCH, apt, Papr Presented at the Col ouim RUSSIAN, bkt Agrohagek!iss4Metody on Hkb'rsonic AerOdvnMIA! and Stwly of lsdoaia rohi 46pp. 19AS 29 ;p.~

46 Scientific Agriculture (Contd) Scientific Agriculturc (Contd) Irrigation Faruing in the Astrakhanskay Oblast Crop and Weather Report, January 1967, by by V. Ryabov, 6 pp. Dp Krumbpegel 5 pp. p IAN, up.. Sel'skapa Zhlzn', 1 Mar 1967, GERMAN, per, Feldwirtechaft, No* 3, Mar 1967, p. 2. pp JPRS JPHS Strawberx7 breeding in the northern Caucasus, Degree of Conoentratlon and Cost Struoture of Sugar Best Produotion, by Dr. G. Gerdes, 10 pp. by A. G. Lazareva, RUSSIAN, per, Tru&' po Prikladnoi Botanike, GEMAN pew, Internattonale Z6,ta- o bwft dew Genetlke LdIdMOtMOhaft, No 6, i Nov-Dea Selektsii' Vol 36, 1964, No 3, JM pp. pp NLL RTS 3673 (ON LON OR JRCHASE) Tasks and Goals of Grain Cultivation in the GIR, by Fro H. Krea,,, 9 pp. Agricultural Contractual Agremaita, 3 pp. GEWI, pew, Int tlonale Zvts der RUSSIA, Proaktov, per, No ZaP z, Feb 1.967, pp jz.drtost owz. t, No 6, Nov-Doo 1966, pp. 5-7P*3 JPRS The World Bace to Inorese Agioultura. West German Soumo Report. on Advanoes in?aft Production, by Splah Jalal, 19 pp. German Agrioultur., 10 pp. hb&btc, Pp, A &M, 2, 3, 4 Mar GEMAN, pea, M Aly.,b 3, Feb 1967, pp, JPR5 o Jpg o40511 Incrxeas In'vewtook Prodcotion, by lordan M+ushe, 6 pp. The bole of Livestook.Rasing in 3wgarze s BMAHI, per, Zkwtovwdtw, 1b 2, Feb 1967, Fozrein Trade Studied, bw Dr. Istwa Antalos, pp. YPIs o0550 IWAIN., 30 pp. pew, Baodraiu rolo. enyk, jo 14, 1966, Is Diversifioation of Senegalese Crops Discussed, 5030 by lylvain Jmet, 10 pp. r16ch, ppar, Oopp am o12 oo larmu No 21, NeRw Vatlona (Oneoing the Liocening of S196?, am.. 40,91 pp Plant HOUJGARil totootive pea.,a~ Aet, 104 pp.,reio Vol Is, No8,o 23 heb 19 7, PP. 3.w Study of Coupe (fneshae) Agricultuala Draft am 408 Plan, 6 pp. FMCH, per, C2oWrAew d'haue, 9 Feb pp bus Probleam in the Oganiation of Cmbize In amq and State 0LM., Fame per. (lgpa), fa- uk by Wkto ls a Loch, No pp. hb pp. 6%40. The Central Africa Forest, by 0. G04gois,aie. 0 FZO Inves Z ant, Ptro for b4p2ing waterto 1From i= S14Jm, ri4ltdre a 1907pm ad R Areas In , squkarzcak. 6 pp. by hj 554 P OLIMJw No 2o Feb 1967, hgwcmltarai Pwroetim nd Its Plospeet. by am 405j0 ~Amp~ Patasse. 6 pp$ ipam i.. hm h%, A2-iubtftrl Now and in the Future, by w,196? -1 odaeut s Hunak, 11 pp. a epolm, per, Wi.!Moleseaw, pp No. 2, Feb 1967,

47 Sclendlic Axrlculixre (Coutd) Scientific Agriculure (Contd) wiral1 construction in 1L , by )Ionika, Savoy of the limber of Livestock in MWUg viaa Pievreiulezowv and Mlroslaw Pietrewics, 13 PP. At the Bssiunts of 1967, 5 pp. POLIH, per, Waes woolopmosn , Feb 196T, S~.~1IN, h u, rv 14 Maw JPIB 14033)4 Production of Tarm Machines and UInpeimnts In He Tay Inplements the 196T-1968 State Plan in T0, L1r LUdvik Gora3, 8 IV- Agricu1ture.. by Ho Van, 5 pp. POLMS, per, Vies X!2o1czsesA S.& 2 e 9 VMMMNNRZ np, M=a Dan 15 Feb 1967, p p o*2* e 97.JM JPI 4034Developing Pig Rdaisig ina Has Ha, by Bii Ngoo Lan, I , ppp. )b 7(211), 16 90,P-Z 5, MUt siiig Nibam In Agriculture, by 1L Plmoxg.11 J40553 gagig 9 pp. VIIIu II, per, 5013e P34~ft am R ) 22, High Rate of Expansion in All Sectors of JPM Animal Husbandry Required. to Increase Its Share of Overall Output, by N, flarbu, S pp. RUMAUIAN, per, Agriculture Socialista, Vol V. &VpP7 SmaU Maoblnes to AgricutwraJ. Cooporattv",a No 14~, 1967, pp 1, tb' byim Van, 5 pp. JPRS VflMU(RU per# no issofta o 22, 0omtr'±ktiona of Asiamtito Rasbawoh to hauaman Anival Ilksbeudwy, by Drn. V. Gplgo. 5 pp. I 33(411*1 pyr, knik.392qid'i. No in* 196?, pp. 21-Z5. JMS 405D AstronownY & Astroohiutc pp. MWas Uof %3 a ea6 the vesne of PzO&Ciotin Use ftvbl or MOe 7rintnM Of MOE&s br Be A. by M" Petov of Ps1 a Isaah34,x.IM.i in, wpt, Asft==oLf ýwft. 1913D Jan pv. N6> w~~t "o rv ats atain wa as nswat Codvencerning the Matter of the lvves~igatians of injtamom L?4 As" Inpp.oW 3 J. Chay into the Prcb1OM of Ihme bodies. o Mo 1, Jis &&W Astrettoeli, Vol 5, No 9 (72), 19$4, pp PP 717. Deplt ottny tr S279 OJ4I tr 2368 ~rs.~ure a Wasuriag the intensity ofsolar X-reatit on by t-e oe nr Prod, by Petar 28 pp.ww PP* t.p.t o u -n ov-oo 060pp M W.*t N M #1 0 P -; irm "el51 9 M33 (c lacmzam

48 Scientific Astronomy & Astrophysics (Cored) Scientific Astronomy & Astropbysics (Conid) On the Interrelation of Small Bodies of the - Image and Spectrum of the Sun in the Solar System, by A.K. Teventlyeva. Region R, by I. A. Zhitnik, RUSSIAN, per, Informatsionnyy BUulleten' V. V. Krutov, 7 pp. "Marterialy Mezhdonarodnogo Geofizicheskogo Goda" RUSSIAN, per, Kosmich Issled, Vol V, No 6, 1964, pp No 2, 1967, pp T-279. *NASA TT-F-10,965 Sci Tech Infer Facility ST-SP Photowntri,: Effect of Nonpoint Characteristics of Meteors, by V. A. Smirnov. Solar Wind and Polar Radiance, by RUSSIAN, per, Informatsionnyy Byulleten' V. I. Krasovskiy. "Materialy fezhdunarodnogo Geofizicheskogo Goda" RUSSIAN, per, Priroda, No 5, 1966, pp 14-2G. No 6, 1964, pp *FrD HT *NASA 7T-F-lL,966 Synmetry Properties and the Boltzmann [Determiriation of the Masses Indencities of Distzibution by A. Ya. Ender Meteroic Bodies by Photographic Observations, RUSSIAN, per, Vestnik Leninjradskogo by Ye. V. Sandakova. Universiteta o Seriya rekhani,at RUSSIAN, per, Informats- mnyy Byulleten' Astron No 4, 1966, pp "Materialy Mezhdunarodnogo Geofizicheskogo Goda" *Dept of Navy/APL/JHU J-966 No 6, 1964, pp S*NASA Tr-F-10,967 Evolution of Galactic Star Clusters as a Rusult of Dissipations, b," I. N. Mikheile, Determination of the Radiants Altitude and 10 pp. Velocities of Meteors Observed in Kiev in 1959, RUSSIAN, per, Vest Leningrad Univ by Yu. N. Krivutsa 1 et al. Astrnomiya, Vol I, 1967, pp 12S-132. RUSSIAN, per, Informatsionnyy Byulleten' Stic S~"_Material), Tec Infor Facility Mezhduarednogo Geofizicheskogo :,-ja--' ST-IGA RNO 6, 1964, pp 25-3I "NASA TT-F-10,968 Contribution to the Study of Transition Orbits of Meteor Bodies from Photographic Observations , by V. I, Dem'yanenko. Metals of the First Group, of Copper, and of Their Oxides by X-ray Spectroscopy in the Region From 13- to 22A, by RUSSIAN, per, Informatsionnyy Byulleten' C. Bonnelle. "i"materialy Me:'hdunarodnogo Geofizicheskogo Goda" FRENCH, per, Annales de Physique, Vol 1, NO 6, 1964, pp No 7/8, 1966, pp *NASA TT-F-10,969 *FTD HT Radio Astronomy, by A. A. Mikhailov, Contribution to the Study of the Relationship 323 pp. Between Solar and Geomagnetic Activities, by RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya Glavnoi AstrBnomicheskoi B. Bednarova-Novakova, 8 pp. Observatorii v Pulkove, Vol XXIIIA No 3, h o FRENCH, per, Journal of Atmospheric and TerrNstria Ph l sics, Vol XXIX, 1967, CFSTI TT S pp Sci Tech Infer Facility ST-SP-GN Magnetic enhancement of absorption lines, by A. A. Boyarchuk, et al New Methods of Celestial Mechanics Volume III. RUSSMAN, per, Izvestiy Krymakoi Astrozicheakoi Integral Invariants, Periodic Solutions of the.onbrvatorii, Vol 24, 1960, pp Second Type, Doubly Asymptotic Solutions, (ON LOAN OR IPURCFM) by H. Poincare, 401 pp. FRENCH, rpt, Les Methodes Nouvelles de la Mecanique Celeste. Tome III. Invariants Integraux. -Solutions Periodigues du Deuxieme Genre. 19S7. r79a-1 F-452 b 3.3

49 Scientific Astronomy & Astrophysics (Conrd) Scientiftic Atmospheric Sciences (Contd) Latitude Drift of Sunspots, by U. Becker, Study of High Energy v-quanta Beyond the 10 pp. Atmosphere, by N. L. Grigorov, L. F. Kalinkin, GEDIAN, per, Zeit fur Astrophysik, Vol XXXIV, 5 pp. 1954, pp P RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXX, No 11, 1966, pp AFCRL T-G-251Sci Tech Infor Facility ST-CR Atmospheric Science State of the Ionosphere After the Results of Signal Observations From ABS "Elektron'l" A e ed "Elektron-3", by E. E. Mityakova, V. A. Cherepovitskiy, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vyssh Ucheb Zaved, Radiofizika, Annual Variations of Cosmic Rays and Vol X, No 1, 1967, pp Intensity Variations of Cosmic Radiation as Sci Tech Infor Facility a Function of Earth's Heliolatitude, by ST-AI-RIVP L. 1. Dorman, A. A. Luzov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Cecfizika, On the Role of Corpuscular Radiation in the Vol CLXXII, No 4, 1967, pp Formation of Lower Ionosphere, by Sci & Techn Infor Facility V. F. Tulinov, 6 pp. ST-CR RUSSIAN, per, Kosmicheskiye Issled, Vol V, No 2, 1967, pp Coulomb Relaxation of Electrons of Earth's Sci & Techn Infor Facility Radiation Belts in the Dense Layers of the ST-AI-PF Atmosphere, by G. A. Timofeyev, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, Solar Wind Observations With the Aid of Vol VII, No 2, 1967, pp the Interplanetary Station V E N E R A - 3, Sci Tech Infor Facility by K. I. Gringauz, V. V. Bezrukikh, 9 pp. ST-PF-GM RUSSIAN, per, Kosmicheskiye Issledovaniya, Vol V, No 2, 1967, pp Possibility of Narrowing Lines of Magnetic Sci Tech Infor Facility Resonance in a Heluim Magnetometer, by ST-PF B. F. Amirkhanov, V. M. Rlyzhkov, RUSSIO, per, Gosudarstvennyy Geoaogicheskiy Vertical Distribution of Ozone in the KomiLtet SSR Osobyye omastruoktrooye Bturo Earth's Atmosphere, by R. D. Bojkov, 20 pp. No 2, RUSSIAN, per, Met i Gid, Vol X, 1965, ACSI J-2302 pp P AFCRL G-T-R Space Meteorology, by G. Golyshev, I. Andronov. Investiati of tn ofloud and OuteolIt badation RUSSIAN, np, Izveztiya, 17 Mar 1967, p 5. bv Memo of the o.. St, llte, by 1. P. *NASA 'IT Y-10,855' " Pvetloy, i9 pp. RUSAJ, per, Meterolgald.ya Gidroml.Ya, No 1, 967$ %p Measurement of the Energy Spectrum of 7PPA 543 Primary.osmic Rays in the Energy Region From -0lu EV With the Help of AES "Proton-l", by N. L. Grigurov, 0. N. Kovrizhnik, &updlibriim Taieraaro Gradient, by X pp. sudybo. 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, RUsSIAZI, per, _MeteozoNlna GidrolIya, lb 1, to Vol XXX, No 11, pp. t&.zo. Sci 4 Techn Infor Facility JPS 4051&3 ST-.R I,

50 ce iscientific Scientific Atmospheric Sciences (Contd) Atmospheric Sciences (Contd) Current Events, 9 pp. The Method of Estimating Transparenoy and OblUe RUSsIAN, per, Mgteorolo[iva 1 Gidroloaiva, No. 1, Visibility Range of Lights, by m. ra. Ratsuior, 1967, pp pp. jpm '40543 RUSUAN, per, Meteoro l iva 1967, pp. I Gidrolostat, 28 No 1, 1967 pp. 28Influence Frequency of Electromagnetic Ions on the Passage Waves Through of Low the Ionosphere, by V. I. Aksenov, I. V. Lishin, SResults Rof est of owfather a Comparative Maps Reoelved Estimate of the Accurac S pp. at the 'rz Y RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika. of.some Weo o a].mthe H.P. r Reoe Fat d the Nati'ona Vol XII, No 4, 1967, pp meteorologiocl Center USR From the National Sci Tech Infor Meteor Facility 6pp. l Center USA, y V. F. Cherova ST-RWP-AI RUSUM, per, Meteorolog ya i Gidrolooiva, No. I, 1967 Radiation Control ad a Method for Changing JPRS 0543the Meteorological Conditions in the Lower Atmospheric Layers, by D. L. LAikhtman,.Some Results of an Evaluation of the Effectiveness RUSSI, Observatoriy per, Trudy No 167, (lanoy 1966, Geofzicheskoy pp of Hail Suppression Measares in the Gissarukays ACSI J-2019 Iolina, by G. P. Sokol, 6 pp. ID 20O11967 RUSIAN, per, Meteorologiya i Gidrolociya, No. 1I PP. 3o-39P JPRS Experimental Investigation of the Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly in Africa in the Period Research on the Microptyice. of Clouds in t+he of Solar MLinimum, by Paul Vila, 11 pp. SFRENCH, per, Annales de Geophysique, Vol XXII, u a by. No 3, 1966, pp RUS S A, per, MeteorologIIa i Gidroloarta No. 1, Sci & Tech Infer Facility 1967, pp. 49-r.T JPRS Intensity Variations of Ila and (N II) A Lines in the Night Sky Spectrum, by Observation Performed at of Meteorologioal Certain Atmospheric Stations, Phenomena by G. S. Jean FRENCH, Dufay, per, Maurice Comptes-Rendus Dufay, 5 de pp. l'academie Voronov, 4 pp. des Sciences Astrophysigue et Aeronomie, RUSSIAN, per, M tnlor.1a OidrologlYa, No* It, ,p. % 53-, Sci & Techn Infor Facility JPpj 543 ST-AP-AE-SPC Atlas of Antarotica, Vol. I. Pblishing Bouse Zenith Radar Study of the Structure of the Sof the Main Ak~dastration of Geodesy and Troposphere, by J. Grosskopf, L. Fehlhaber, Cartograpy M) SSSR, Mosoom.Leningrad, 1966, 15 pp. Book Review by M. A. Petrosyants, 6 pp. GERMAN, per, Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamit, RUTSSN, per, Meteojo a i Gidrolic a, No. 1, Darmstadt$ Kleinheubachor Berichte, Vol X, 1967, , pp P JPIS 543 AFCRL T-G-249 Now Books, Review of books by various authors, Method of Study of Atmospheric Diffusion Using 3pp. Flourescent Dyes, by Luigi Mammarella. RUSaS, per, 1ieteorolava i Gidrolo, No. 1, ITALIAN, per, Annali di Medicina Navale, Vol 4, 1967, Jul-Aug JPRSp 40 Dept of Navy tr 5259 ONI tr 2349P Iiterat~we L p on o, Meteoroloy MAid end 3 lo~gy for i, Methods of Studying Atmospheric Current With the of Fluorescent Dye, by Luigi Mammarella. RUUMI, p, G, 1y N. ITALIAN, per, Annali di Medicina Navale. 1. vv- M.tor y Sep-Oct jp1s. Dept of Navy tr 5259 ONI tr 2349A -!39-

51 Scientific Atmospheric Sciences (Contd) Scientific Behavioral & Social Sciences (Contd) Relation Between Sintering Atmosphere and Me Problem of Schooling Teechnologists, by the Magnetic Characteristics of?n-zn Fer- W. Bobrownicki, rite, by K. Suzuki, POLISH, per, Przeaul Cheml.czny, Vol XLV, JAPANESE, per, Tohoku Metal Tech, Rev., Vol No 1, 1966, pp ii-9. I, No 1, 1963, pp *AQSI J-2555 ATS JS-11O ID 220D Dependence of the Climatic Turbulence Ministry of Labor Contract Regulations for Coefficient on the Altitude for Different Administrative Personnel, 6 pp. Degrees of Cloudiness by J. Boryczka. SPANISH, np, Granma, 17 Mar 1967, p 5. POLISH, per, Przeglad Geofizyczny, Vol IX, JPRS No 3-4, pp *FTD HT Behavioral & Social Sciences Biological & Medical Sciences I=crease of Antibiotic Resistance of Proteus in Infected Wounds as Dependent on Dosage and Spontaneous Pattern Recognition Route of Administration of Monorycin, by E. V. by M. I. Shlezinger. Bobkova, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, Chitayushchiye Avtomaty i RUSSIAN, per, Antibiotili, Vol 13, No 9, Raspoznavaniye Oorazov, 1965, 1965, PP p pp SIA T *FrO HT Certain Principles of Learniiin and 4'achine Effect of Starvation on Conditioned Reflexes, by I. S. Rozental, Teaching, by V. A. Dol)'atovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Arkhiv Biologli Nauk, Vol 21, 1922, RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysch Ucheb Elcktrormekhanika, r'r K- No 8, 1965, pp UI-69u. NWL RTS `15(- 8 *FT-IUiT (ON LOAN OR URICHAME) Mathematical Problems of planning in the Fish- USSR Literature on Air Pollution and Related ing Industry, by N. P. Moskalenko, Occupptional Diseases. Vol 13, Pt. 1, Atmos- RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 8, 1966, pheric Ozone; Results o the USSR International pp G-,ophysical Year Studies Presentat at the Oct 1959 Conference Reports and Resolution. Pt. 2, Atmospheric Ozone: Date Presented at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries NOY 1963 Conference on Atmospheric Ozone. 1966, by B. S. jevine, 285 pp. Mathematical Problems of Planning in the Fishing RUSSIAO, r.ono. Atmosler i Ozon. Resultat Rabot Industry, by M. P. Moskalenko, Mezhdunarodno oroizichae o Goda v SM. RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz.. No 9, 166, Kofe0ktysija 2L'921oda, r~aoo52 pp , and Atmefry n. er a tfthdu- vedomstvennour Soveehchanya _2 Ataoefernomu Fish and W~ildlife Service domstvennogo Soveshclan~ya po Atmooenm Ozonu Bureau of Commercial Fisheries No 3, Maya 13Lenaingrad, CESTI TT i The Labor Discipline tkast Be Strengthened, On the Possibility of Accelerated Information by V. N. Chukovich, S pp. Exchange Between memory Units, by RUSSIAN, per, ik Sa, Vol XXVII, A. I. Uolgov, Yu. P. 7Zuravlev. 9 pp. No JPRS , Tekhnika, RUSSIAN, rpti 196S, Avtomatika pp i V~chislitel'naya Pi _ FTD Nfr "-40- :

52 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Comparative Studies of Certain Physical Prop- Mhe hoalinolytic Zffect of Caphor, by erties Affecting the Hygienic Characteristics A. S. IaratikovaM, V. K. Oorshkova, of Linen, Cotton and Viscose Staple Cloth, by RUS 1, per, pjleten MslMrimental'Dy I. M. Ivanmikova, ialogo I Medits:ty. Vol LXI, No 4j 16 RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya VUZ Takhnologiya Tekspp tilnoy Promyshlennosti, No 4, 1965, pp *AC61 J-2569 *ACSI J-2370 ID 20= ID Variations in Respiration Process During Measurement of the Stroke Volume Usinr Gama Radiation of Plant Tissue, by I. P. Petrash, L. V. Metlitskiy. RheoSraphyp by A. inic L. kel, 1I' PP. RUSSIAN, per, Doki Akad Nauk SSSR, RVolI, per, in9cheskaya pedits5na, Vol CLXX, No 3, 1966, pp Vol 43, NO 5, 95, p NASA IT F-462 CMT TT Ccmparative Histocimmical Study in Cholinesteraaes Me Influsnae of U 08 on the PAIMlent in the Receptor Structures in the Labyrinth of and tje YeUs, by T B. oiwi)wmakoya, 13 pp. the Vertebrates, by L. X. Titova, Ya. A. Vinnikov, RBWEXAJ per, MeELA1 Ro To0.00oK 4 RUSSIAN, per, Evoiyutsýy& Funktss. Ake4amii Nauk w ft"idm 42Ve M...'d, NAk* auk ses& 1964, pp Vol - 496, pp 9b-104. FW9 55mT ME= RS 2948 ABNC ML -.15"9 (ON LMN OR URMCHWAE) Salivary Excretion of 1(131) in Some Diseases rpsaae L of the Left venty u aid o:' the Gastrointestinal Tract, by L. D..ondenbraten, L. A. Yudin, 12 pp. I.. %,. az'mn,, p V. of S. the 91.,,skow. OUaIM W4e, br RUSSIAN, per, bleditsinskak Radolo4 g a, kw NOR, Vol 10, No 9, 1965, PP now, per, CSTI TT Theoretical Basis of Detoinuzni Cardiac The Flora of Supralittoral of 0. Shikotan, by Ejection by a Radioisotope 1;ethod, by Yu. o. S. Strelkova. S. Ryabukhin, F. F. INaper:-o, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Issled. Dal'rev. Morey SSSR, RUSSIAN, per, lieditsinskaya Radioloziyn, No 6, 1959, pp Vol 10, lo 9, 1965, pp 62-b7. Dept of Navy/ N00 tr 5327 CPTI TT Automatic Estimation of Fish Migration ht ot MA1w in theurine or According to Sire Groups, by V. P. Protasov, b PoaisA Wlith I(90), b M. 8. tupmshay, Yu. A. Mitrokhin, 6 pp. X. 1. IMd km RUSIAN, per, IzA auk SSSR aer 33114tolq Mum ].io1.:wiceskay* Vol 03, 25, ino 4, 1.Qo, Vol 10, 1-o p 9, CBT TT Bob~~t or VIP3) =Am U(3) In a On Possible PathMS of DioeAUS08 of OpAina, by 0. L XWslse. 1,4,er,'. (3jMv ODW.UECN L), 3U115, se, h by N. I. do4*v, X. N. K atlens, V. U. VOL 10, so 0 Ip 3 30P. Us,13 p3 0 M1.66.6a* 531-MN5dT ation Kloko"s, by UMMbnh, S. N. AW 0 ezemhs,.. adzramb". A Plea for kasurel against the Pollution of inz, wum Rivers, by V. Bulanov, 6 pp. Vol 10, No 10,, PP IVMSIAN, ap, Izvetiya. 14 Feb 1967, p. 3. M T 4%e85 II -41-

53 Scie~ficScientific Bioloical & Medical Sciences (Contd) Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Experimental Endocardtis Caused by Injection Conservation of Immature Black Sea Mullet, ondcaxdiocyttoxi or by M. Ya. Savchuk, of Streptococci and Carbits Or RUSSIAN, per, Rybno. Xhozyaystvo* No 2, 1966, U1ormal A.I. Gritsyuk, Horse Serum 17 pp Into Rabbits and Rats, by 142 AIt, per, ITPp SFiFlsh and Wildlife Service Eksperiment- a Terap Ya, vol 9, No 4 'l65, PP 2-W83-3 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries cti T 6-&-6160o8 Potential Development of Acclimati ation Studies in the Soviet Union, by V. S. Ibliutin, The Relationship Between Hemoconcentration RUSIAN per, Rybnoe.Ohozyaystvo No 2, 1966, and Burn Severity in Man, by E. V. Gubler, pp V. T. Ivashkin, 14. Yu. Kopytova, A. A. Robin, S. M. Kirov, 23 pp. - RUSSIA11, per, Patoloalcheskays Fiziaologay i Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Eerientalneya Terapi, Vol 9, No 4, ,. The Results of Tagging Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha) off the Western Shores of the Uturup Island, by V. N. Ivankov, On the Study of the Euglenoid &.lga of the Poles'e RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz,- No 2, 1966, of the Western Ukraine, by Z. I. Aoaul, pp RUSSIAIXper, Pitannye Fiziologii, Tsitoembriologii i Flori Ukraini, 1963, pp NLL RTS 3075 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (ON LOAN OR CURCEASE) Diseases of Carp Air Bladder, by I. I. Gevkan, Image Recognition, by V. S. Fayn, 14 pp. V. M. Ivasik, et al, RUSSIAN, er, Priroda, No 2, 1966, pp RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 2, 1966, JPRS ' pp Pathological Changes in the Kidneys During Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fatal Complications Associated With the Transfusion of RH-Incompatible Blood, by The Batuni Aquarium, 0. A. Zakharova, pp- RUIAN, per, Pybnoe Xhozp No 2, 1966, R SSIAN, per, Probleny Gematologlii i pp 2 p. Perelivanid a Krovi Vol 9, 1O 10, 1964, *Dapt of Interior pp- 4T-49.. Fih and Wildlife Service CFsTI TT Bureau of Comercial Fiaherieu Prevention of Poattransfusion Coolilioations, by Activity of E in the North Sea Whitting A. U. Filatov, 6 pp. and Shark Fishery, by V. Tepliskov, N. Ivanov, RUSSlO, per, Probl mv! RnmsRUN, per, 'Mboe Khoz. No 2, 1966, o, Vol 11, lo 3, 19bpp 3-T. pp C T Fish and WIldlife Service Bioelactrio~l2 Conta'ltt Upper Extremity Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Prostheses, by C. H. Dodge, #2 pp. RwIAN, per, Protesirovex-e ± Protesogooenie, eat-inasultating Containers for Fish Stroage Sbornik Trudov Io 10 (14), on Fishing Vessles, by N. I. Oukrutov, STM I RUSSIANs per, Rybnoe M01ot. No 2, 1966, pp Air Pollution in Mines, Theory, Hazards, and Control, fish and Wildlife Service RUSSIAN, bk, Rudnichna&ya Aerologiya, 1962, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries pp CFSTI TT

54 Scientific ioocal & Medical Sciences (Contd) Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Reviision of the Technical Plan of Combined Cultivation of Herbivorous Fish in Rice Fields, FeishSmoking, or t Tech-. Pan ofcoby I. N. Biziayev, T. V. Chesnokova, Fiash Seoking, by V. P. Skachkov, RW SIAJ, per, Rybnoe Ehos.j No 2, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnof Rhe-. No 3, 1966, pp 6-69 pepp ep 67-69o Fish Bur'eau and of Wildlife Commercial Service Fisheries "Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Herring Purse Fishing in the Norwegian Dee, Preserving i~ve Mussels in Bavorable Tempera- by A. A. Degtiyayev, tues, by N. F. Muskalenko, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe IKioz., No 3, 1966, RWSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz. Np 2, 1966, p 2629 pp Fish A Wildlife Service Bureau of ComWercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fishes and Climate, Flounder Resources off Western K1acha tka Mast RFis per, Rybnoe t oz.e No 3, 1966, be Preserved, by V. I. Tikhonov, pp r9., RUISIAN, per, Rybnoe Mhoz. No 3, 1966, pp 6-8. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Comnercial Fisheries Combine for Collecting Anphrlthia Algae, by Mhe Effect of Phenol Sewage on the Taste and G. N. kdeburov, Sell of Fish, by V. I. Luklyanenko, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Xos. No 3, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybooe boz., No 3, 1966, - PP pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Automated Mussel-Catching and Cleaning Lines, xhe Condition of Conger 54I Resources in by A. I. Ivanoy, Runk fty, by K. S. (aiplge, RUSIAN, per, k ioz.p No 3, 1966, RESIAN, per, Rybnoe mos. No 3, 1966, PP pp 12. *Deapt of Interior Fish and Wildkife Service Bureau of Comerical Fisheries Bureau of Comercial Fisheries Efeot of Microorganisms on the Vidrolyais of Industrial Testing of TrMy IoubOtor, by fate in Fish, by L. N. l.alinn, Z. X. Kokhaaskas, RSSIAN per, Wyb e Doe, 3, 1966, UNIAtO, per, Rvbaoe NOo:. No 3, 1966, pp 674. PP PDept of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Coeral Fisheries Indiane Content in Algae of the Iurmanak Region, The Effect of Crude Oil in the Suryival and the by O. K. Bara lnkop Rate of Qrowth of BLack Sen MAllet Finserlings, s per, Ri~oe IbOS. No 3, 1966, by Aliakrinmska*DepP 6 f9iner/. RUSSO,1, ' ofitrirfsh,p per, Rbnoe ago.p No 3, 1966, PP Fispt an of WiLldlife interior Service *Deps of Idterior nabh and Wildlife Service Bureau of Coavercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries 43.

55 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Determining Uhsaponifiable Eiements in Fate he Use of frozen Squids, by L. L. Lagunov, of Fish and Sea Mammals, by F. M. Rzhavskapa, N. B. Nikolayeva, M. A. Alekseyeva, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz. No 3, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, &ybnoe Rhoz. No 4, 1966, pp pp Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Bureau of Comwerci al Fisheries New Method of Preparring Meal from fish Waste, Processing Indian Shrimp, by G. c. Kovalchuk, by P. I. A rusenko, L. D. Inroalavtseva, RUSIAN, per, Rvbnoe Xhoz. - No 3, 1966, RUSAN per, Rybnoe lhoz.. No 4, 1966, p73. pp Fish and Wildi±ife Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial fisheries Food Products for Black Bea Mussels, by TINRO S&ientists Help the Fishing Industry, L. L. Lagumv, N. I. Rekh/in, by I. V. Kizavetter, N 1RUSIAN per, A m Doz.. No 4, 166, RUSSIMA, pmr, ELbnoe Xoc.h No 4, 1966, PP pp 2-4. Fish and Wildlife Ser ice Fish and WNldlift Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Burea u of Commerý ial Fisheries Commercial Sizes of Barents and White Sea The Release of imture Pink and Chum Selison Fishes, franm Htcheries, by S. P. Volovik, RUSAN, per, Rvbnoe Khoz.- No 4, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, ftvbwe lxaoz. No 4, pp 13-i1 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fish aira Wildlife Service Bureau of Coerical Fisheries Now Step in the Culture of H-rbivorlus Fish, by K. Z. Babaian, BUowk Obtainable form the Pisehheveys Prom- RUSSIAN, pers, Rybnoe oz, No 6, 1966, shle-naat' Publishing House, PP 4-7. RUS'!Zýr.j per, WM No 4, 1966, pp.9- *ldept of Interior Bureau of Comercial Fisheries and Wildlife Service Bureau of Coo rcial Fisheries Aric Atherinids, RUSSIAN, per, 1 Mbno s. ib 6, 1966, ah Coanni of Baltic Herring and fat in p 14. Butter Flvored with Liquid Smokes by I. 1. Lapshn, T. 0. RodiMn, Fish "ad Wildlife Service MNUSAN, per) No 4, 106, Bureau of Conmercial Fisheries pp63-ý66. Fish Na Wildlife Service Cod, a Co& mraial Fish of Kbachatka, by Bureau of omseroial Fisheries I. Plotev, RUWSIA, per, MOM lb 6, 1966, Pp boreu of oxmerual Fisheries -44-

56 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Technical and Chemical Characteristics Photometric of the Method of Hemoglobin of Determining ni the Blood the Amount Barents Sea Wolfish, by R. A. Minder, of Fish, V. I. by EtpIAI, Luk'yanenko,.. pr, P. b P. Geraskin, e Xos. So 6, 196, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 7, pp 1966, 56-5T. pp 31. pp oi. Fish and WilIlife B ~ r ' ~ Service u m l o l ~ C h ~ e ri e sf Bureau FDept i s h a n of d W of Interior i l d l i Oomercil f e S e i e Fisheries Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Technical and Chemical Con(position and Nutritive Mechanized Value of Mark Line Meat, for the by Treatment of Fishery Products with Sodium Pyrosulfite, by G. X. Kaval.'huk, V. P. Skachkov, V. Nazarov, RI T%, per$ tboe pp N O&.- No 6a 1966s RUSSIAN, per, R ybnoe pp Khoz., No 7, 1966, pp of-64 o Fish Breau and of Wildlife Commercil Service Fisheries *sept Fish and of Wildlife Interior Service Bureau of Comercial Fisheries Wei*ht Composition of Navap (Ueginus NSVWa), Objective Indicator by X. for ND29htyn, the Evaluation of the Quality of Whale RUSmIN, Oil to be per, Used Bybnoe in Food Pro- 5os. NO 6, 1966, pp 61.o duction, by F. M. Rzhavskaya, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., *Dept of No Interior 7, 1966, pp *DpofItrr Breu of 0omercall Fisheries Bureau of Comercial Fisheries Problems in the Processing of Sea Turtles, by L L. Lagwov, Examples R0 1 h, of Applying per, Rvbnoe the Theory s. of 1b Satatistical 6, 1966W, Solutions to the pp Tactical Fishery Problems, by G. I. Pazynich, FDept Fish and of Widlife InteriSor Service pp RUSSIAN, per, iybnoe Khox., - No 7, 1966, Burefa of Comercial Fisheries Fish Potential and Wildlife Area Service for Pacific Suary fishing, by Bureau of Comercial Fisheries N. P. Novikov, N. RUSSIAN, Yu. Kulikov, per, Rybno. Khoa.. No 7, 1966, Let Us Increase the Production fo Fish Heal, Pp b by V..A A.odrov, pr orv RUSSIAN, Bureau 5R-b6o per, of Commercial Khoa, Fisheries No 8, 1966, Obtaining figh Fish Yield from Large Lakes, by Fish Bureau and of Wildlife Co rcial Service Fisheries P. F. 4atekhov, RUSSIAN, per, Ryb.oe Fhox., No 7, 1966, pp Food *Dept Value of Interior of Hyponeustone Waters for Fish, by B. Fish F. Kostylev, mad Wildlife Service Bureau RUSSIAN, of Co per, rcial PqUoe Fisheries.Khot., No 8, 1966, pp The Use of Cobalt in pmproving Fish Ponds, Fish by Koval'skiy, and Wildlife Service Bureau of Comrcial RUSSIAN, Fisheries per, Rybnos Khos, No 7, 1966, pp Z-27. 'Dept of Interior Bureau of Comerical Fisheries S... 1._._

57 I\ Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Scientific Biological & MedicM Sciences (Contd) The Application of Mathematics in the Study of Potential Develdpment Fish Population of Pinniped Dynamics, Hunted by in G. the V. Nikol'skiy, Bering RUSSIAN, Sea, by per, E. Rybnoe A. Tikhomirov, Khoz. No 8, 1966, RUSSIA, per, Rybioe Khoz., pp No 9, 1966, pp 2-2 "- Fish and Bureau Wildlife of Commorcial Sorvice Fisheries Bureau of Commerical\ Fisheries Now Types of Fishery Products, by L.A. Zakharova, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Xhoz., No 8, 1966, pp S4-56. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries The Elements of 'Fear iý Fishe,, pp 31. '. Bureau of Commerical Fishers Defrosting Fish with Industrial Frequency Elec- Heating Oil in Fish Canning with tric the Current, by VVZ-Type D. Zam, M. Bilin, Apparatus, by A. K. Nikolayev, RUSSIAN, ~r, Rybnoo pp Khoz., No 8, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe pp Khoz., No 9, 1966, Fishand Srvic ildlfe 'Dpt of Interior Bureau Fish and of Wildlife Commerical Service Fisheries Fish and Wildlife Bureau Service of Commerical Fisheries Comparitive Characteristics of Sodium Alginate from Cystoseira and Laminaria, by A. Tsapko, RUSSIAN, Various per, Problems Rybnoe of Khoz.8 Optimum No Planning 8, 1966, in the pp Fishing Industry, by V. K. Boadarenko, RUSSIAN, per. Rybnoe Khoz.. *'ept No 9, of Interior pp Fish and Wildlife Service Bureau *Dept of Commercial of Interior Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fur Seal Breeding Grounds are Expwading, RUSSIAN, per, Comments honoe IKhozl on a Valuable No 9, 1966, Publication: Sturgeons in the Southern Seas pp of 22. the USSR, by "*Dept V. of V. til'shtein, Interior pp RUSSIAN, 92. per, Rbmee (ho:., No 9R 1966, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries.ldteo Whale in the Rine River, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries RUSAper, Rtybnoe IKhoz., pp 24. No 9, 1966, Cape Hake 'Dept Pond of Off Interior South-Western and South Fish and Africa, Wildlife by B. Service P. PsheniOhniy, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnov Bureau Khoz., of No Comercial 10, 1966, Fisheries Pp -11. "D0e1 of Interior Bureau of Cm rcial Fisheries Let Us Stop the Inefficient Fishery fish and of Infeaior Sheat- Fish in the Volga Outer Film Festival Delta, About the Work and Lfe by G. of Fish- Sibirtsev, RUSSIAN, per, ybnoe Khos., FmaFe No 9, 1966, s A RUSSIN, per, Rybnoe pp l hzo., No 9, DP ofitr *Iept of Interior Wildlife *Dept Service of Bureau Fish of and Commercial Wildlife Service Fisheries Sureau of Commercial Fisheries 46-

58 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Shrimp Processing Line Aboard the Stern Factory The Effect of Water Temperatures and of Trwaler Iozas Vitas, by V. Donetskaya, Abundance of Various Species on the Dynamics RUSSIAF Khoz. No 10, 1966, of Their Growth, by G. A. Bogdanov, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 10, 1966, pp pp 12-Is. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fish ans Wildlife Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Neutralizing b V. P. Aleksandrovskiy, Low Grade Industrial V. I. Shenderiuk, Fish Oils, Fishes of the Central Atlantic, by S. Overko, &'SIAN. per, Rybne.Khoz., No 10, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 10, 1966, pp 7S-76. pp ' 2Dept of Interior *Dept Fish and of W;ildlife Interior Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Various Problems of Optimum Planning in the Improving Salmon Management in the Ladoga Fishing Industry, by V. K. Bondarenko, Lake Basin, by D. K. Khalturin, L. Z. Sheinis, RUSSIAN, per, Ubnoe Khoz. No 10, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 10, 1966, pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries pp 90_92. Bureau of Comorcial Fisheries Biological Basis for the Fishery of 2 Species Usefl* Book, "Edible Fish Ichthyology". by of Caspian Shad, by G. G. Sibilrteov, RUSSIAN, per, Ryb RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz.* No 10, 1966, pp 9S. r noe.hoz., No 10, 1966, pp Ft an int ervice Fish ond Ciolife Service Bureau of commercial Fisheries Commercial Potential of Certain Bathypelagic Biological Research in the Arctic Conducted Fish in the North Atlantic, by P. 1!. Troyanovskiy, From a Drifting Ice Floe, by L. A. Popov, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 10, 1966, pp 4-7. pp Fish snj Wildlife Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Pisheries Vitamin Plant on the Komchatka Peninsula, Distribution of Cilthead In South-Eastern RUSSIAN, per, lonoe Khot., No 10, 196, Atlantic in S, bp I. A. Trimov, pp 49, RUSSIAN, per, Ryboe Khoz., No 11, 1966, *Det of Interior pp Fish and Wtildlife Service 'Dept of Interior Bureau of Comercial fisheries Fish Bureau and of ttildlife Commercial Service Fisheries Norwegian Recipes for Oysters, Behavior of Black Sea Anchovy to Underwater RUSSIAN, per, lrbnoe Khot., No , Sources of Light, by E. B. loyseyeva, pp RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe KIwi., No 11, 1966, 'Dept of Interior pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Fish and of ldlife Service Bureau of Comercial Fisheries -47

59 Scientific Biolosical & Medical Sciences (Contd) Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Observations of Catfish in the Kakhovsk Res- Recipes for Housewifes, ervoir, by N. D. Belyi, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, RFbnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, pp 63, 68, 79. pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Cormercial Fisheries Norwegian Scallop Dishes, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, Large Karelian Cisco, by B. Saltup, pp 66. RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khez., No 11, 1966, pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Using Bay Leaf Mix in the Production of Canned Biologists Camp on Drifting Ice, by and Preserved Fish, by V. G. Pruidze, L. A. Popov, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, ppt pp Fish and Wildlfe Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Herring 1bund Off Kamchatka In the Vicinity Experiences Derived From the Use of Serial of the Karaginakly Island and the Korf Bay, Factoryships of the "AndreiZakharov" Class, by T. F. Each-na, V. G. Prokhorov, by S. G. Luklyanov, RUSSIAN, per, rbaoe IOios. No 12, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, _onoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, pp 4-5. pp "Dept of Intelor Bureau of uomer.ial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Mass Approaches of Young Greenland Seals to the First Experimental Voyage of the Tuna Mtother- White Sea Shores, by B. Tsabovtsev, ship Solnechny Luch, Into Tropical Atlantic, Rt1S8O, per, Ryinoe Khos. No 12, 1966, Ra IM, per, PVM M oz.. No 11, 1966, pp PP 17. Fish and 4ildlife Service and Wdlife Wisl Service Bureau of Comrical Fisheries Bureau of Comercial Fisheries Inc~reasir4 Fish Productivity at Apparatus 0ea bbtuftrie for Measuring Horizontal Opening inter Reio B hetweenmbe and DaiestUr, by of 'me1, by G. R. Baiakov, in. nm vdtriev, RUSM,4 per, Rymsee :io%., No 11, 1966, pp S3-46. P'BSIA, per, Rybwe Ifos.. NO 12, -66, Pp FLsh and Wildlife Service *Dept ef Interior Bureau of Comorcial Fisheries Fish Bua and wildlife Service o CFercWlt fisheries Utilizing Shark Fins, ZeM Bule Cisco in the udbyeb" Reservoir, RLJSIAN, per, 1&2 Kho., No , by V. N. aivap pp 61. RtM8B M, per, M -P_..i x Nio W #6 "pdept of Interior Pp 19. Fish mid Wildlife Service *Dapt of Interior Bureau of Comercial Fisheries neab aom mdi i e rymc., rs1 of omrcia sheries

60 cscientific Scientific olosical & Mecical Sceces (cc"cet Biolosical & Medical Sciences (Contd) Scientific Council Meets on the Problem of RUe LInags of Fiash lb8tions, Oalmon Research, by I. I. Lagunov, RUSSpp py 24. N, per, Rybne Khoz. No 1, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz.. p No 12, 1966, 3 pp 83. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Expenditure Norms of Ammonia and calcium Reflex effects of the Small and the Large Intestine Chloride Salt in Vessel Refrigeratlrs, by on Rumen and Abomasum Motor-activity in Small X. G. Cherniakova, I. G. K1olesnlk, Ruminants, by M. A. Nekrasova, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Xhoz. No 12, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Sbornik Rabot Leningad. Veterinarnovo pp Ir tituta, Vol 23, 1961, pp N.L RTS 3190 (ON LOAN OR PJRCIIASE) Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Use of a Petroleum Growth Stimulating Substance in The Apparatus Gorizont Used for Aimed Underwater Swine Breeding, by E. S. Savenko, L. I. Igolkina, Trawling, by V. N. Isakov, RU5SIA1, per, Svinovodstvo, 1963, No 9, pp 41 RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe KhzoNo 12, 1966, NU IRTS 3016 pp (ON IAAN OR PRmC3AE) Bureau of Commercial Fisheries On the flethod of Paper Chromatography of Carotinolds. Distribution of Colorless Compounds on the Chromtogram During the Iamtype Bell Si ls Vessels, from the. RefTrigerated Hold of the Separation of Carotinoids, by V. S. Sasakov, I..8~rae RUSSIAN, per, &1ooe oz., No 12, 1966, G. A. pheryaj, i. 665 RUSSIAN, per, Zml oeibs&is mn pp 50. V. L. 1NorovaT, Ak Na k8mr, Sksparimental'- *DFst of Wetereor naya Botanika, Vol 114, Io 18, 1967, pp Bureau of Commercial Fisheries *AAC Fish Washitg, Portioning Drying and Breeding Electro-physiolcgical Characteristic and the Line at the Kzlipeda Canning Plant, by Functional Significance of Afferent Impulses From Yu. MIslennikov, tae Receptors of the Intestinal Wall, by 0. N. RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe hoz. No 12, 1966, Zamiatlna, pp RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Institute Fiziolo2gil Imen I. P. avlova2 Vol 3, 1954, PP U EIM RTS 3251 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (ON WAN OR,JRCHAW) An Electrophoretic Inavesti gtio of the Plasma Nitrogfen Content in Fish Neat, b A. 3. lm v, Proteins from the Blood of 0adoed Fish, by RuISIAN, per, s K o 12, 1966, K. N. K lov, pp lxja, per, rudy Norskoao *kpt of Interior oou n,. ', Fh and Dish, ad Ulidif B Olgceskozo Institute, Vol 4, 1062, No 8. W fe Servcepp 2-20 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries 3 1 R= 3214 (On LOU Olt RMJRCUK) Reserves In the Use of Refrigarated FAlet In the Nor bst, by V. S. l oov, N. 1. Sayin, Glutaminic-Pyruvic #ndmutanino-ozalic RtOIA, perpnt a lb 121, 1" Treasaninase in Infehitioo Hepatitis, by Pp L. I. Gol'dberg. *Dspt of Interior RUSSIAN, per, Ter. kh._ Vol XXV, 1963, 1sh an WMIldit Service pp bwuvu of Ouoeerclal 18h 5e Iopt of Navy 5306/*UB No 1197 _40-

61 Scientific Biological & Me"'cal Sciences (Contd) Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) The Onoolyto Effeot of Viruses In Viv, by Biology and F~isheries of idain Cormercial A.T. Harohenko, 8 pp. Fish of the Black and Azov Seas, by RUS&TAN, per %, Vol 10, No 7. V. A. Kostylchenko, 1964, pp.9-1 RUSSIAN., per, Trudy Azovo-CiernomorskiY JFRS %06 Naucano-Issled Institut MIorskozo Rybnogo Khoz. i Ukeanografiy, Vol XIX, 1961, NP The Problem of Objectivization in Parachuting, NLL [ITS 3172 v t (On Loan or Purchase) by 1M.. Gordon, -Medits RLW3IAN, per, Voyeft -editaiskiy hria No 6, 1933, pp Deep-Sea Rattails (Pisces, l.acruridae) of *Acsz J-2494 the Okhotsk Sea, by T. S. Rass, 18 pp. ID 2202o02467 RUSSIANJ, per, Trudy Institut Okeanologii, Vol G2, 1963,pp The effect on the Human Organism of Active CJ'STI l Parachute Jumping from an Aircraft, by Ivanov Aleksandrov, The Problem of Pathegenic basis of the Thera- RUSSIAN, per, VoYenno.-Med Zhurnal, No 4, peutical Effect of ACTII and Prednisome, by 1965, pp V. R. Aleksandrova, et al, *ACSI J-246 RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Leningrad. Sanitarno-gig. ID Med. Inst., Vol LXXVII, 1963, pp Dept of=navy S302/NNS No 1194 Firsnt-kd Treatment for Burns, T. Arly'v, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voyaz L sga* No 2, Feb 1967, Methods of Isolating the Phenols in Smoked Fish pp and Their Qualitative Analysia, by A. I. Yuditalays, JP3S T. X. Lebedleva, RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Vaesoyumunoo Nauchno-isaledovatel skogo Instituta Morskogo bn o Khoaistva The Origin and Initial Development of i Okeanografi$ (VNIRO), Vol 45, 1962, pp Life, by A. I. Oparin. RUSSIAN, rpt, Vozniknoveniye i Nachal'noyc KIL RRS 2959 Razvitize Zhizni, 1966, pp (ON UOAN m RImcASE) A TT F-480 no QU72phee i n Oones" " Synthesis of Mediators of the Sympathy latia~i' (Inefts: 0oUoper), bw X. N. Nerves System and Formation of Pigments arownm. During Vertebrate Ontogenesis, by MzU el, f Vol. i, 1962,. N. A. Smitten. in, 33RU. RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii. Im a Tr]*TVol XXV, No I 196M4. pp *NASA TT F 10,952 Effect of Ionizing Radiation of the Functioning of the Vestibular Analyzer, Microbiology of Food Products Processed by by N. V. Moskovskaya. Sublimation Drying, by F. Arpai, RUSSIAN, per, Vestt Oto-rio-Larinologi CZECH, per, 164 pp, Vol XVII, No 8, Vol XXI, 1960, pp 5942., 1966, pp NASA TT F-10,814 kcsi J-1800 A ID ?lznlog of t1uwre (A &UVW of the Uh Ir pp*l A CommA.Sorbitol, Its Properties and Use, by on=, per.. 1 er, a Vol 9s 1bd 3, A. Sputa, 1963, M &M. CZEOI, per, Pruwsl Potravi., No 8, Vol XVII, 1966, pp 413. ACSI J W!

62 Scleutiic B10121CAl. &.Me ',encf (Contd) Scientific Blololical & Medical Sciences (Contd) Biologiatl Physics Some ItA3Atlon Antidepressive of a Speoto- Drugs Abd Their Use ~ for U" in Bjiolo by obpr o aques, in Military Medicine Meprobamates, by Robert Ct bablb, Pierre Couarid, Pierre Oldrich Svoboda. Jaquinot# 5 pp. CZEQi, per, Vojensko Zdravotnicke Listy, 7 per, d Vol XXXIV, 1965, No 2, pp des Sc*encesp Vol 2591 Ptr, 24 Au 1964t *FTD HT P91U&386T AMC hill Tr- 3 i36 Byuposiiuk on Aaaldenftl Irradiation at Place of Work. Trswent of Cataneous PRAWo A Tropical Zoonosis, Whitmore LsIons, Bacillus by and S. Sion, 31 pp. ilelicidosis, by J. Verge, et al, ICK, ipt, ma sordet Iniattu" fsoe1, FRENQt, per, Concours Med., Vol LXXXIII, Apr ]9111T1.867 Jul 1961, pp ABC COC..6601ia2-8 Dept of Navy 5311/Ni5 No 1193 Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis and the Nautre of Mutations, by H. Heslot, Lane Effort Made in Publo Health, by FRENCI, Capt, per, Ann. Amelior. Plantes, Vol XV, Andre Megale, 5 pp. 1965, pp CH P poc, Europe.: Oal - ', Vol 4i, AEC UCRL-Trans-lO029 No 4"- Jan 1 pp. 2* -". -- Research on Toxivity of the Whitmore Baillus. Preliminary Noto, by D. Roytout, et al, The Guinean Institute of Traditilonal Medicine, FRENCi, per, Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Vol CI, by Dr. Manmma Toure, 7 pp. Dec 1961, pp "RCE,,pe,, Vol 71 No. 114., 10 Dept Mar of 1967, Navy 530l/NM,5 No 1199 pp. 1 and 2; f "411 Mar 1967, pp. 2 and 3; and 1146, 12 and 13 Mar 1967, pp. 14 and 3. Thermostable Precipitant Antigen of Whitmorella. by J. Fournier, et all FRENQI, per, Ann. Inst Pasteur, Vol CVlII,!1he 8pontaneous Periodlcity of ad Libitum Jan 1965, pp Food Intake in Rats, by J. Lelbgnen, Dept of Navy 530S/NNS No 1198 XlENl per, Jorn a de Phyuioloaoe 1966, *AC8I J-2579 n) 22o1.0=567 Traumatic Curdiopathies, by H. Coumel, et al, FRENCO, p p 1 47 per, Ann. dtieed., Vo1 L, 1949,.. A e Cann C n e lbod, f o by b 302a" o a d HUrAri, s l Dept of Navy 5304/NIB No id Experimental Parthenogenetic Segmentation in Amphibians and Fishes, by E. Rataillon. FRENCH, per, Coapt Rend, Vol CXXXI, 1900, Cutaneous Porphyria in the Adult, by pp uls-lla. N, Selgert, et al, NASA TT F-10,798 FRENCH. por, Seuine HS2. do Paris. Vol XIX, 1953, pp Selective Growth Ln Apr of Ramter Crept of Navy $303/NMS No 1196 Transformed by the Polyam Virus#, by L. ibntagnier# I. Reophersons 6 pp. Problem in Preservation ind Trnmsplants of IXWIQ, p 22MU-e RAnuso Voll 258, 396/, Skin Hoterografts, pp by Robert 43 14t:, GER4AN, per, pp. 81A TM.6&396U Dept of Navy 5309/NI ,,., _ : :

63 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Porphyrin Dermatosis of Actinine Traumatic Delivery and Packaging Specifications for Bullous Background Combined with Beginning Survival Rations, Ilemochromatosis, by 11. Langhof, et al, GN!4A, rpt, Liefer und Packvorschrift fuer G JAN, per, Arch. Fuer Derm. und Syph., Vol die Ueberlebensratioil Sept 1964, 41 pp.- CXCIX, 1954, pp ACSI J-24o4 Dept of Navy 5307/N,0 No, 1195 ID 2834o36266 The Central Nerve System and Sensory Organs at Influence of Boil. Mloro-Oxmnia on My Great Altitudes, by D. II. Strughold. lattea' J-mtlon and Ash Content of Plants GERMAN, per, Luftfahrt-Med. Vol 1, 1936, Gow in NabtAient Solat o. by H. We ze, pp TralldAwn. Dept of Navy tr 5282 CNI 2371 WA,pe, W v M ~ b e e Vol 43, Hyperoxia Intoxication Caused by Submersion: AAN O =15T9 Statistical Research on 120 Cases. ' ITALIAN, per, Naval Medical Annals, March-April Inliwas of gall Hib -Omnim an lhabsdlum 1965, Vol 2.. l m 4- Fl 6 s n Dept of Navy tr 5281 ONI tr gtriont 8olutOR, by G. Yf@12me, U. Experimental Research Concerning Protective arm s Iwo.vfur R g]bolod0 s Vol- 413 Pharmacological Measures Against Hyperoxia 10.0 p A&" Neurointoxication, by Giancarlo Moretti, S ftc fr-25w Sergio Fontanesi. ITALIAN, per, Naval Medical Annals, May-June Acidimetric Determination of lead Salts 1965, Voll 3. Special Consideration of Official DWls, by Dept of Navy tr 5283 ONI tr 2372 F. Vbeboeck, C. Drecher, 9 pp. (.W, per, Archlv "dr Phar azie, Vol 2T0, Retarded Damage of Skelton After ThX-Treatment, 1932, pp 109-1iA. by H. Spiess, SIA T 8 GERMNAN, rpt, Paper VI of Gustav Fischer Verlag Stutteart, 1966, pp Arabidopsis Thaliana (L) Heynh. as a Subject for ABC AL-Trans-386 Experiments in Genetic and Physiological Development, by F. Laibach. GERNMA, per, Botanisches Archly, Vol 44, No 4, Theory d Interaction of Dislooations With pp Coherent Ordered Zones, by 11. oleiter, E. Dept of Navy tr 5284 ONI tr 2373 I1ornboGen. GB1ZN, per,!moa Status Solidi, Vol 12,.o 1, 1965, pp35-25u. Me I ectro f W of the fti, by *A3C 2557 B. Read-lreibur GEM, X10 t 11g 4Wr &At %d (haeble~ohts fta~ 1/2& 1W. Observation of Intenaction of Diulocations "M U0108,7 With Coherent Ordered Zones, by H. Melter, ID 2 U A. Hornbojen. vu 13.IA', per, Fwa Statu Sol, Vol 12, To 10h ]a fts Dow# 131- io 1, 1965, pp21-4 N.UU ~ 6N11h151 am a~ - 14i3M. ~ *Mhm C 2558 hmrsuft~a M AGUM'W~ ad 2M 111 Ihesuema at as, if 1. so 8e zlxprimntl Inv, estiptions on the Problem of ýiin ar im" Ed 9, akom atbibty of Anloactive Surflatannt loft Ws3S In Occupational HediciI2s, by HI. tiade, H. fronnter, 17 pp. a=wl, per,?enalde Vol 2, 1o 11, 3195, pp 368-3T3. Tc-low i 43-

64 Scientific B _olo cal Bioloqical & Medical Sciences (Contd) Scientific & Medical Sciences (Cored) Progresses of Crystallization in Total Sugars Preservation of Cornea, 6y R. Metz, of Hi-D.Z, Investigated by a Rapid Method of GER4M, per, Wehrmed. Monatsscdr., Vol X, Routine Analysis Estiating the Respective No 3, 1966, pp Quantities of Nonohyrfrated and Anbydrousf Dept of Navy 5308/N1* No 2002 Dextrose in Blocks, by Titsu Furukava, 26 pp. JAPAIMSE, per, empunto Gilutsu Kenkyu Kaiko, Imoestlgtion of the Oeneti Control of Vol 31, 1965, pp gloltea-steriae M*4M of TC-1882 Petwuna,"by 0. Welsel. MMm, per, Zeitmabrift fur "'tfi" stzatimon of Geneutiouy sidpleasat lb" 7a 05 Dim to m brputioe B d. ton In Japan, by X94 pp PP 30!adaah NhSRW, roehio UX0, 1uhesh AAC Tr-2569 NAJOMM Ak~hiz MMOAT Oshin OMANJ*I Vsadmi!TAXM, 11 pp. Is Experimental Osteolothyrism to be Regarded p, 2,, T as a model of Human Skelton Deformities, by So 3, Ju pp I A. Glauber, et al, GERMAN, per, Zeitschrift fuer Orthopadie urd Ihre Grenziebiete _ No , pp *ACSI J-2337 ]MIXtor oi lpio DW11 on am te O ID aot Ing?WdItIon to Us Outv. Neow,tm. Utfeetd of ued buatuim to M MW b,wumt by Toeti. ODD. Solentifto Maeioal Oonfem,oe, 6 pp. J, sie. i Xalm abeh M. er, 10,V01o 11, No 3, pp , T Sept 1966,W a JPR~iO S ztmate of h41atuft an tum mm0mm of the A Visit to the State Institute for Vaccine 2m Xsvm Odle by Nbo mono. Prodiction, by Szent-lvanjiIAUU, 1 HUNGARIAN, per, Termeszet Tudomanyi KozIony, Voe l go., ;M, - 0, No 2, 1967, pp 64=69. A lb o ACSI J-2311 ID atiam 00mabroJ in bep~e oa tue o l Nfinew oat Aud" 11 Selective Power of in Testing Functional- MMA, by Na~Mb RMUMIS T W. sg. 00os- Type Hypotheses. by Odoardo CucC.Mi. M isaw- V,1101 ITALIAN, per, Rivista Italiana di MW Iw 3-WJ 4 -- IT Econoxia. Demografia e Statistica. Vol XVI. 1962, pp "A *Dept of Navy/API/JIIU J-9S9 Response Function of the hiumn Eye, by Development of Glasses for Low-Background S. Dow, i Vol XXVIII Neasuremats - har-acteristics of Glasses, No 9, 1959, pp 5113V5I by SAKURAI, Jun1J, S1IIJATA, Sinkichi, et &I, ATN JS-103 JAPANEbE, rpt, INS-TCA-20. ABC-AML-Trsns-2W " notabolic Rate md Longevity of Drosophila, 0.5 Ol~eitowing ofietep atiw GemS by A. P. Shcherbakov, IS pp. In i Wa" Postoerativ ObsaB POLISH, per, Arkhiv dioi Nauk, Vol XXXVIII, in a M00107 MMu am *altar Ontra No 3, 1935 pp U5L ;GM#, 1 mw t, et 44 NASA rr P-465 OW% t ofrytoam 531/APQVJ3??..29 l =A

65 Scientific Bioloigical & Medical Sciences (Contd) Scientific BiologcAI & Medical Sciences (Contd)... of Us p x~ato x~ t 0 Bacteriological Biotechnology, , Onoogenlo Vlrology, by Jaa G by Carl-Goran Boedn, POLLISH per. be=' Ed= IvaO&M~ui SWIDISH per, V Ebravaranedicin, No 2, 1966, cosine', Ja-a 195 pp 782 P5-66. mqw-wo*acsi J-25J49 ID Direction: Imuprovement of Qualit~y of Nesith Speech Recognition Machine Developed by, Two Service, by Dr. J. Sstadhelaid, 6 pp. Kiev Scientists, by S. Andriyovtskyy, 5 pp. POLHISH p Sins 201 l8(90,uvai~.nial4, per, Znanny ta Pratsaa No. 3.1, JPES ppp. 30W Comparative Studyr of Neuroparalytic and Neuro Appatoso-CbretcNdligi Mdcn RUMAIAN Saitaa pe, Reist Miitas, o# 1 UKAINANper, Znannya ta. Pratsa. No. U., Jan-Feb 1967, pp ,pp Antibacteriological Defense and Decontamination ofnvlvessels, by V. Ta~nasescu an M RAUNAIAN, per, Revista Banitara Nilitara No. 1, Jan-Feb 1.967, p-p P Chemistr Adsorption of Condensed Aromaetic Hydrocarbons on Aqueous Solutions oz Inorganic Salts, by 14. A. Gerovich. Odori~fic Qult f1wonvarieties of RM~IAli, per, XDkl Aked Nauk SSSR, Vol 96, Garlic Methods of Evaluation, by 14. Alfonso, No 3, 1954, pp 543-5W.b 9.19 OMiobe, 196.,AjCRL -63 "*NASA TT F-10,866 axpewimenwe UsnorsuacO Fever In Winies PLC.B '8016 or --- n0 "& (Ju~nt Virus), by Is. B. Quirtero, 14. C. do ft -l A18Sh8 I&* Pil 011S OtO Dogace, A. Be Perodi, 8 pp. #M at astm~ua'a, W So As UsUAIN4 SPAIIS, per, Pevieta Ascociacin HSU*c& A. A.9 D&M4 5,~tT %mos in,vol 79, NO t6,nn " Iw is a at o VO*II51 LIA Tr SPAISH pe, IstiutoIlekxicano do Investigeeon istmatce o RcurosNatu-resAo. Desarrollodo posso ndtxr~alea, ; The Electrocapillory Behavior Charaoterists of Aromatic Cosipunds, by I.I. A. Gerovich. ar.a Tr-66-1oJ94 RWSIA1, per, Doki Aked Ileiik S8SW, Vol 105, N~o 6, 1955 PP 12TU-12W.. *AEC Certain Features of the Notion of a Fluid Unider Weightlessness Conditions, by Thermal Properties of Asaphiboles as a A. S.Povitkiy.Function of 4Alkali 7 Content, by A. F. Korthinskiy, SPANISH, rpt, ParPrsetd atthe r: P thlntrnatona tronut a grss.russian, Oar, lick Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXII 44.-

66 Scientific -hmur~(ot)chemistry (Contd) Scientific ~~~~i 1C~ono ~ ~ utorbl tan q n f Use opeetit of nasoldial ftrtoles in otn n the Dara oquthei of Pgo~a~S SltlUMi of Oallulase Aostate., by To N. by. 2-1-od0"Wi, IL M. BOtfaztP V. No NO2.h I RU8*N N. N Go~iko, Kaeolmk. Prineni.,s IESAN$ per, V,, p AMA.AVJM1 UM , Vo 1451 Pknl AM= B ofu oy h byp.n821te Gashydrate~s~wie ofyntn Desatin Se11trby Proef xdyan ea G. i).palovn Betwal. Srprte p.oinlbbtrs O--B2SoVt y1.mzn Rul WIIAN bk, Gazgiratna tsess by.. eesnen1.iyanhtla UbIt. estle, 1,ro euae Votl 22w MU I s. vs. xt~ud)yov, V. tertongaof. To±a V. L b 29.0pptxa sie"10, l5ele PronOwd2t68 CacUMI, periu, DAlumnum Iron, M Vantlu 11 byoaj Io.v T. A.s o. Vorhu±ov by P. ]3klaehova, V. Koo.v ~ V. ~ ~ ~ ~ R Synthesisand onvrii f owp RtB8Iyda Per, z.vyschucea Lvd of Despleing LM,'Driaie etllby EthWaer, Gove0. Pavet, st al. S90 pp l4ls. N. G., RdnOw 1y.Yi2 G,9bj yanchik. I* RUSSAN, k, Gaz5 RWSIANi pr,5 a~011ny Vol V.a No 2,4 Morsk1965 SC ppd Liveetigatioiofn teracino sytaceism ZM l W 2-126Meto VolJ RUSSANm, Ceriu, Almnu ru Matau Obasfl per Ow, 3M.I~ml ksia~eo~ by6b. Go 8,ahujv pp 5 1. lov A.3 po (ON A111.1 per 5liav. ILLah Nilbri 3302 A~, of Stud thevtie Efecfens ofhey Ether, bymo Additn ives, by li awiy# vih pp M.e Co Ruiho, 1 Florianchin Go iheypln *AC3 r5 hmceky USSIAN, rsslnot per. ya.cuk, NfA.hmia P.l VoNoi2,Jo , 1965, pp R1USSA, pp Z56o-2oz630o9,196 r MC OWL-t-74 pp JivestigationDep O of Interiorsythsi metthe ovf alorn Corcosio inutra Fisalest Plts hich pessres b V.M. 10,810t, eta a. RUSSMO li~ibef--14 pr, Chuytt aikon, NVO&UM01'sRUSSIAN, b.a rao,e l per, Reakte Ihoz., No 1880, 1966, 1964,~~~~~~~~~~~p No8,pp6-SR.tibei1p o P (3 Additves, H.Yo. Iyukevch. y pp. he Crea sn C of Fleoring inher-ises Pans russan, erklvchek~yapm slenostby4. v hlo... Pohn

67 ssui (Cmnd) (Cu) RUS$ Omide film of oluminium, by N. A. Shishakov Spectral-luminescent properties of porphin PUUIAJ, w per, per,.stroole I StWn a UZOk Maekbanism hu-i, Obrazovanlya derivatives, per, by L. Veltsi. Sulavey, Akademli Navuk. Fizikam.. p... ppt3756 tc1~h Navuk3 i962, No 3, pp 27-3 i EL MW 204 ML ETS 3261 (on UAN OR KmAD ) (ONIM on OR RCE) Oxide films on copper and silver, by N. A. Investigation aa the decomposition of bydrogen Shisbakov, et al peroxide on copper catalysts, by A. S. Sbahhkov, RUSIAN, Btroenie i Mekbanism Obrasovaniya I. V. Krylova, Okiarykh Plenok Na Metajiakb, 1959, PP RUSSIAM, per, Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta ill RMW 3205 Seia2 Riia 1965, No 5, pp (On LOW OoR RH L R 36 (ON IMA OR PURCNABE) 0o" S otlam of Pheaso DApam of thi syt. A'C00'CIW, with a tut Men- Water use by plants and meteorological conditions, pnes -- - Uw at 50O0 b by S. P. Nevokii, O. B. D s RUSSIA, per, Vestnik eel'skokhoy t ivennoi -- N, bki a ± S lstum A Liat- Mauki, Vol 10, 19u5, No 2, pp ie IV lyms 13-1w.IL= RTS 31 MM Tr F-UOM4 (ON MAN OIR MC Therml Desalination of See Water, by V. F. M of Ba Of PIr a "" in Kovalenko. the P of Ina t o latemes, HUSIAX, bk, Termihesakoe Ore.neniae Iorukoi 1w V. I. l3±msa. m Nr*Y a I Icd.,o 8,No1 Vod~ Ma~vI zdatel'stvo "Trmnsport.". 1966, XMA, PT 21ý fovl8 o1 *ABC - i 7 Tbfrmotadwic Properties of Sul-ur zemu ouride, New Spectrophotometric Reagents of High Setv I. I. Ferelshchteln% lectivity and Sensitivity, by T. S. West. RIUS8IA per# ermodloomihesalde avoirtva RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimii, Sheetaftoristoi eri 196b Vol 21, No 8, pp ML ME 2776 Dept of Navy tr 5277 ONI tr 2365 (ON IMN OR NRMCNA) Reliability of the Present-day Chemical Investigation Deter_ of the over-voltage fall-ott of at hydr a spona :-en lead electrode in aination of Strontium-90 in Sea Water, by sulphuric acid, bry a... Kwlotyrkin, N. 1. POPOV. S. A. Patin. RUSSTAN, per, Zburnal Fizicheakoi " Xhimii, RUSSIAN, per. Try Akadeii Nauk SSSR Institute s Vol No 'I, pp tkolodi. Vol 2, O1N pp LTS 301 NP-tof Navy tr 5261 ONI 235 (ON IMoa O RMHAM) la m u "t P Reim1i o --a ft oom 1t p e tm tin of at p Doo -m o e The rl p- umadeto-chemistry of active centres. I. AetUVatedOM Iu 1 Z. M. wbels L 5. M)a tic and catalytic properties of dilute layer., by N. L. Mbosev, at al - DMU 11R R1IANS per, Zhuximl?isicbeakoi Xhdaii YL- Vol. -*6, 1952P NO 9# PP Kinetics of the Sintering Proceps In Nophelinic h ;aes, by B. 1. Arlyuk, V. A. luiel', 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Tsvetayyo 1otall, No 2, 1967, JPM ,

68 SclaIc Cm (Caod) Che!misr (Cored) The Study of the Infra Red Spectrum of the n~ectr l Properties of Films of Condensed Absorption State of Ethyl Alcohol on Aluminum Arostic xd-roosltons on Aqueous Solutions Oxide by Chumn Liang, Ling Tai, et al. of Inorpanio Salto, by 14. A. GrwOich, 0. G.HINBSE, rpt, Chung-kuo, K'o-hsuoh-Xuan el1men. 28, No 1, Hua-hsueh Iu-li Yen-chiu-so Yen-chiu Pao-kao,,AW, per, Zhur Piz )a, Vol 2h0 lsoi-k'an (Collected Research Papers of Instate 195p, pp of Chemical Physics, ) No 4, 1965, pp 37-42, Apr. AAEG *FrD UT The F.ectrooapillary ]3ehavior of Unsaturated Extraction of Strontium and Cerium Complexes Alicyclic and Aliphatic Ifydrocarbons, by of DI-(2-Ethylhexel) Phosphoric Acid with H. A. Gorovich, G..'. Rfybal'cheno. an Organic Solvent, by Z. Kolarik, RWSIA1,' per, Zhur Fit Khim, Vol 32, 1,o 1, CZEQC, rpt, Chem. Commun., Vol XXIX, 1964, 19a58, pp pp *AEC AEC ORNL-tr-133S Acetonation of 9,10,12-Trihydrozystearic Atmosph r e ic I of D i owl yene, by Acids, by V. I. Esafov, L. a1ebme. RUSSIAN, per, Zh. Obshch. Khim., Vol VIII, C23,# WP %h kpr ojm Vol 12, So 3, 1933, pp , pp l,8 I3. AEC ORNL-tr m 8v 2860 ftecta of the Gonditions of Obtaining alcium Chemical Composition of the Concentrates of Tungtate on Its Luminescence, by M. I. Tombsk, Aromatic Substances, by A. Pribela, A. N. ourvich, CZECI, per, Pru sl Potravin, Vol XVII, No 8, RnmsIM=, per, Ntrookowly, 1966, pp S, Vol '4I, lo 4, 1966, pp ACSI J-1800 D AACeM J-25T2 ID ID 220o.0967 CoqWpriaon of the Wfect of Treatment with b11'iemstio1 Phaza~mt~oa van Chemical Che~es State Stae 3 inoa~ onia Vau. Unon. )kximmt by K. Dusek, Doses of Anticholinergic Substances, 1967 pp.2427 ACBI J-2&76 0ID M9667 Naeawbadoa swd ne Seer "1a, bl, Yanaki Formation of Amalgams of CIS- and Trans- Guwsgbinr MWd 0Geqi Meeho, 10 pp. 0&DAIM. p. MB U RAL&UlIm. Ib 3, Uranium Elements, by George Bouissieres, 1_ ~ and Yvette Legoux, im 01*.o5 -N FRENOI, per, Bull. Soc. Chin. France. No 2, 195. pp a. The Analysis of the Structure of Paraffin AEC Trans-1323 Based Pyridines II. The Method of Analysing the Itfra-Red Spectrua of the Structure of AbsoTption of Cuprous Iodine at Very Los Paraffin Pyridines, by Kuo-om Sung, TeNperatuems, by S. Nikitine, Qaih-kang Yen, et al. FRENOI per, o Vol CCXLI. GILl4SE, rpt, Chung K'o-hsush-vum 195S, pp as :AEC UCRL-Trans =P4o-ao Chi-k'an. (Collected Research Papers Of statute of Chemical Study of the Absorption of the Residual Rays, "Physjcf4O 4, Feb 6S, pp and the Missing Rays of Cul at 77K in the "PFT IIT Visible Spectrum. by 5. Nikitine, R. Reiss, FRENIQ, per, Copt. Rendus, Vol CCXLII, 19S6. pp 238- AEC UCkL-Traus ti I

69 19S6, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pp & p 2w. U p maec PoL-ra3yvlaQ' O)1WII Yhee Nx*W-w0 Vol 68 SoW2 )hmtfsot~ar9a, 9 pp. ppces Studyvslalo anomisono of the AaooqoratiM Very~w ofu2e Cl at Thi.20, Layer b USe ofitne R RdiacivIsspe forosao thf Stud ofho U Nok, V.Nook or FREaCtio pechanismps ienorganic Chemistr, by owac Wit FatV 0ix by 5,Bbis 195S7 pp28-2.& id 16, ekr GECURL-rAN, 00 XV, No 7s, per, Vol ý. 1965,,~ ftngttofa, T ppp Bectromo Ceuical Co.I",dofuation NthlAco. of II05h ed GA opoto y0 Of9., Sh Ga*LA, per, ChemieVl!nIV CNo k 1960 Vo aim UOm 3, 39w, p~ AEC, No t-15, so 00UBO ora Maneiu 8:110 ACSI J-1717 ID 2204aosW7 as C Ihi ficatioc or OR11U10ee 706"1. by X. P. hifsser a! o bm ~ ht wbe Ao No 00he UG at o. 01"tUp 23W a na vol 2o, 1965, Po3so~oltu.1e olvwfho, by V. Ord.. part jwtre w4,q- ol IT# bm 2ra w26 oh 2m ft, 1w _9 Owll NoiMMiUM of C1Jii1*ee Fiber, by 3. P. htsser. 7D05iia amd hetsrioa~li hits.g amn am"#n,e', -210a- Vol nod, 1965, AMltive fey 0&1 amd nthuetl Assulw ei. 1w 0. r"el. Mis 2m a 629 %I A cesa am anon or beemtby V. FA - I, B. T. IUn. The Solubility Isotherms Of CAlciwm Sulfate go"#, pt 1wa ~6 110B in Sodium Chloride Solutions, by Joan DIMS, 1wo 3,t GERI4AN per, Kali Steinall, Vol IV, pp 10g-I11., ft hees~lutiss for freetal" hleslat AEC 094L.-tr-934 at 1"W MI-Vupq Ua Imals Gkxdtq, dm,, 35Us, INA Mop 6, U9'6, 4-

70 Scientific Chvmi _n (Contd) Scientific Chemistry (Contd) Electrochemical Behavior of Hydrogen Peroxide P55e5156 With di% k t NS1020 by R. and Oxygen at Graphite Electrodes, by Gret" G. Bianchi, G. Caprioglio, ain", Wi Tetl"W Vol 1, No 6, ITALIAN, per, Chim. Ind., Vol XL, 1958, DP291- pp Chu Trans By,4T AEC BNL-tr-69 IUvoarttSatiO Of tae t 31 et tatic Charin Observations on a Defeat in Ca-Cr Alloys 1Du of Film, by V. Sohumnn. to IWroP~r FbUndlg Practios, by A. Azolini, GUM, per, Veoeff t. W18s.,s. A~j, 0. 0otO18b Cogito. Vol 10, 1965, PP -.* TALUAN, per, Fedbers Iftl, No 3, 1966, Cbm Tran pp Ceet Trams By 3l7TI Rauenable, Corrosion Proof Steel for theb Cldoeal Industry, by R. Ztter. DatervLnatlon of Cazbool Groups In Cellulose anw, per, Werkatoffe Korroson, Vol 15, by the OWiLm Boro dride Reduation Xsthod, by No 1, 196, A. Suglaatsu, S.,abon. Cbes rans Ov 2836 JAPAMN, per, J.LM Ta.Aso u P& Id Vol 14p No U., Aug 1960 pp A New System for Measuring Vapor Pressure by Means of Conversion and Its Application to the Prenumatolytic Conversion of l by The 3ffbat of UnIaza&I Stretching on the ECI or C12, by W. Fischer, R. 0ewehr: Crysts 1ization Process of Polyethylene GERAN, per, Zeitschrint fuer Anor~anische und erephtha"ate Fiber, by C. Jen-IYun. Allegeieine Chemie Band. No 209, 1932, JPAN, per,.ao Men TsauT'uN Ems VOl 7, pp No 4, 1965, pp *ACSI J-2570 C Trans y 2601 ID 22DJ Decomposition of Boron Nitride with Acid and The manufacture of, DeAv the Effects of Some Oxiding Agents, by by V. Knop. Nakamura, Sen-ichi, = nm, per Z. Abeltod. A.ldetesbgts JAPANESE, per, Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi, Vol LXIII, Vol 15, No t i q65w PP "r-t[ , pp Cheek Innis Sr 2W2 *AEC trous pjin i kal X@14 Molecular Structure of B-Polyproiolactone, etrwoth S pn oslealm nd. AddItlOM, BY Go Wasal, et al, Cystls tejapanis, per, Kooom jkku Wahi Vol LXVII, by A.,hUMA.WLk Vol 292, No 4,?.96&, pp cow#n, per, fut V 1, ACSI J-2107 No 3, 1 9, pp l-' ID 220 4o1o67 CAIC!r-2575 MhpOleour and Crystal Structures cf Poly- ProOess for thei f MMWAIg Slycolide, by KOyu Hironop at 4l, Fluml ble Polystyrenso by Deisi W ' JAPANE, per, Kom Ksq,.ALr8hi p Vol 8 Pp. LXVII, 194, pp 604-W. Go"~, Patent, 33,801., 15 J i19" ACSI J-2108 Meet Trans 9W M3 ID 2204e Vu@Sxiiabls Polyo1 thylene MoldM 5OPo101 Distribution Equilibria of Alkali Chloride$ T PP. in the Water-n-Butanol System, by E AN, Patebnt 1,2.7607T, 86 a 20. SAITO, Shosaburo, ot a&, WI O uip. JAPANESE, per, Nippon Kejaku Zasshi, Vol LXXIX, amin Tan Si , pp AEC OflNL-tr r~

71 Chernistr, (Contd) ScientificEarth Scientific Science & Oceanograph~ (Contd) Axodainte a SWI ± on th t& of Application of the Humor 131 (Desk Computer) OeJUao. Acetae.. M. 2M fto t of in Geodesy, by W. Gyorgy. the OmoDoStrate Soluio Of Ohbio RUSSIAN, No 3, 196=pL9 per, Ge.)dezia 4 es Kartografia, Aoeftat (Pu~t 1), by IL lonush.no3196pp9=94 TA~PA pew, 8e0-i Gakkalhi, Vol 18, *FTD HT , PP 38-4~2. - MM ft=n ev3 Geological Structure of the USSR-- Volume 3, Tectonics. RUSSIAN, per, Geologicheskoye Stroyeniye SSSR Augmuaa3 Studis an goe Sginnft~ of Vol III, Tektoia 384 pp. Oeflulose Aestate. MV Vle.ooeiy of AULL TC-1122 Ooantrated OL~uI)Ae Aaetete bolu~m (Part 2)9 by N1. 1io0101d. PU MRPA Sni shebi- Vol 18, 2962, Interference Insensitivity of Time pp ii-~5.criteria of the Phase Correlation of 'un 8V 310J. Seismic Waves, by S. V. Gol'din. RUSSIAN, per, Gl*"a 1 GeofizikaA No 9, 1966, pp Mtfteonio Binding 1Metbod for 2bzuoplasto *FTD HT T*1h, hat@t 3#3X~/66, 25 ftb 3966 The Influence of Changes in the Polarization Obw Tns Ov281Tof Radio Waves on Recordings of Variations in Phases, by M. P. Kiyanovskiy and V. P. Petukhay, Beoeb Prgmee. in P*o3ma 6yatheaia, bly Toebo RUSSIAN, per, Geomajeetizm i Aeronomiya iftimwa, JUJXo %de. Vol VI, 1966, pp ,ACSI J-1799 V9w# lo 3*, pp ID A!! 2T 710,9M2 Deep-Seated Structure and History of the Tectonic Development of the Vilyuy Basin, by G. I. Shtekh. RUSSIAN, bk, Glbinnge Stroyeiyie Earth Science & Oceanorahh Istoriya (or Vil~wk Radny, 965, 124 pp-.he Plan of the GA-2O (Bathyscaph), blicatue of F tonor Deveopmnte A. N. DGitriyev.eaes o yor RUSSIAN, per, Akadeni Nauk SSSR Okeanogzrafi- of the Caucasus in Connection With Its """i onissia 196S, pp Deep-Seated Structure, by A. A. Sorskiy. Dept of Navy tr 264 Ct41 tr 2353 RUSSIAN, rpt, Glubinnoye Stroyeniye Kavitaza, 1966, pp *ACIC TC 1225 $A the oft 2S"aueUi by Hydrological Investigations in Gulf Zal. Pos-yet %WNW,,*ACIC~~*CI TX- 2F,,:TC 64-3 With the Use of Diving Technique, by AN. Golikov SCrtRUSSIAN, bot, Isslodovanita Fa oy Vol 3, M T als i p SNo 11, 196S, pp N **Dept of Navy/NOO tr S32S A.. Imltiye. Bsi ff addveomn trs Course in Spheroidal Geodesy, by isostasy of the Antarctic, by S. A. Ushakov. G. V. Bagratuni, 303 pp. A. 1. Frolov. RUSSIAN, b16, Kurs Sferpidicheskoy G7odezii, RUSSIAN, per, DokIdg Acad is Nauk SSSR 1962, p 1-25=i e rn v Geofivika Vol Lko No 4, 1965, pp 9-5ZA. r 3 jto 402s

72 Scientific Scientific Earth Science & Oceanography (Contd) Earth Science & Oceanoaraphvy (Contd) " -Jdrometeorological Handbook for the Fish- Possibility of Studying the Westward Drift ing Industry, by V. V. Serly, by Archeomagnetic Data # by S. P. Burlatskaya, RIM, per, Rbnoe Ihoz. No 2, 1966, T. B. Nechayeva, et al. pp 92. pno RUSSIAN, rpt, Nastoyashcheye i Proshloye *Dept od Interior Hagnitnogo Polya Zemli, 1965, 1p ACIC TC-1159 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Polar Hydrological Front in Greenland and Norwegian Seas, by A.O. Shpaykher, et al. Evaluation of the Forecast of Hydrometeorolog- RUSSIAN, per. Okeanolouiya. Vol 4, No 2, 1964, ical Conditions and the Crop of Commercial pp Fishes in the North Atlantic and the Southern *Dept of Navy/NOO tr 5323 Seas of European Russia for 1965 and Forecast for 1966, by H. A. Bogdanov, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 7, 1966, Instrumental Study of Wave Desing with Depth, pp b RLS,s V. F. per. Tayplukhln, CkeanologlysVlII V. A. Sergeyev, o1 1966, pe13r, 0 Vol n; No 1, Dept of hwy 5313/APL/JMI T'1989 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Size and Age Structure of the Atlantic-Scandin- Ym on havian Herring, by Yu. K. Benko, V. K. Zilanov, Of Soiulooea, by Ye. NIoroY, 5 PRUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 7, 1966, pp Rosa"iUn~ Pray&a V.@stka, 7 Mar1 1967, p. 2. 'Dpofntrr Bureau of Commrical Fisheries Causes of Heavy Buffeting of a TU-1046 Aircraft on 13 Warch 1961, on the Tashkent-Toilissi Route, by H. V. Burkova. Introducing Eels into Soviet Reservoirs. by RUSSIAN, rpt, Prichiny Sil'noy Boltanki Samoleta Yu. I. Orlov, TU /I S. na Trasse Tashkent- RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz. No 8, 1966, Thi lissi, pp 21. Dpt of Navy tr 5274 O(fl tr ome Results of An Invsatigat on of On- 0 A Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Gravinsteare by AJ.-Uns Scetentifo IsasMh for opbrls by V. 0. Dhr i Floors in the Ocean (The Discovery of Equatorial ad A. P. Rsrt., 7 pp. Currents at various Depts by the Oceanographic RUS96M, pw'm.i, N 43. Research Vessel Vitiaz., 196. AtI 5s, pp RUSSIAN, 19. per, oe OZ., No 10, 1966, Complex Geological Mapping of the Bottom of the Sea, by N. I. Shapirovskiy, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries G. A. Sarkisov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, No 1, 1965, pp ' A Busmary of Studies on the Introduction of JPRS Ameu Into the Reservoirs of the U13, by Yu. a. Buoy, UtiWiltni lldrometeorologiocl Data and Pftjpesa, RLuAi, per, t Mos, No 12, 16, by K F. asilev#pp jtmoo X;os.p 11o 2, 1, P per, pp Fish and Wildi'e Service &uramu of Comsercicl Fisheries 6s *Day% of Interlor Fih and Wildlife Service bareau of COmmercial Fisheries S41i I

73 Scient~ficScientific Earthi Scienc Science & Oceanography (Contd), Earth Science & Oceanography (Contd) Echo-soduding Records of Macroplankton Con-, Correlation of Seismic ad Gravimetric Data centrations and Their Distribution in the Pacific on the Structure of the Earth's Crust in Ocean, by K. V. Beklemishev. the Black Sea Depression, by RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst. Okeanologii Ak Nauk Ya. P. Malovitskiy, Yu. P. Neprochnov. SSSR, Vol 6S, 1964,pp RUSSIAN, rpt, Sbomik State" Stroyenive *Dept of Navy/NO6 tr 5324 Chernomorskoy VpadZin, 1966, pp XACIC TC 1222 Scientific Program pf the Cartography Section of the Department of Gepgraphy; XVI Internat- Main Results of Geophysical Investigations ional Limnological Congress; Scientific-Techof the Structure of the Earth's Crust nical Conference on Cartography, by in the Black Sea Basin, by B. K. Balavadze, K. A. Zvonarev, X. Ya. Prytkova, et a., P. Mindeli. RUSSIAN, per, Vestnik Leningr. Iniversiteta RUSSIAN, per, Sbomik Statey Stroeniye No No CheomorskoV 1966, pp AMJ Q4 V38, 19, No 3 Some Results of a Study of the Deep-Seated Forbidden Lines 01 and SI in the Sunspot Structure of the Earth's Crust in the Black Spectrum, by I. Sattarov, 5 pp. Sea Depression and Adjacent Areas, by RUSSIAN, per, Vest Leningrad Univ, Matemat, V. Ye. Burakovskiy. ekh, Astron, Vol I, No 1, 1967, pp V. uaov~y.sciiteihinfor Facility RUSSIAN, rpt, Sbornik Statey Stro eniye TehP-1Fclt ChernomorskoZy padiny, 1966, pp ST-SP *ACIC TC-1224 Problems of Historical Hydrology of Seas and Sedimentation in the Kara Sea, by NN. Kulikov. Oceans. RUSSIAN, bk, Sovremnnyye Osadki Morey i Okeanov. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Geografii, Vol 7, 1948, Moscow, 1961, pp pp Dept of Navy/NOO tr 5322 *Dept of Navy/NOO tr 5329 Relaxation of the Local Perturbation in a Brief 3cary of the Soeitifto and &olmt lfo. Quantum Vibrational System, by A. P. Purga, OrwidsatLonal AotivLt, of the Pbo4a Geopbralel RUSSIAN, per, Tr. AN Est.SSR Inst. Fiz. TD habt (P01) and Poapoote of Ntare Astronom., No 27, 1964, pp Researoh, kr 3. I. I oam, 17 pp. NLL F 1966 (11591) RUS UPa. per,. U" 18 Quaternary Period in the Soviet Arctic, by V. N. Saks. RUSSIAN, per, Trud Arkticheskogo Nauchno-Issled. Spatial Mtutoibsion of Speowmle 3e In the Institutae Vol 201, 1945, 94 pp ~ 12-17: ~ ~ ~ ~ AkihssoNuhoft"cap, ba tc I 1. I. V., ~akmrokinva, 7 pp. Dept of avy/noo tr 5326 MISR" Per, V_ Winter Heat Losses From An Open Surface of Jim 4o0573 Water, by V. A. Rymsah, R. V. Donchenko, RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Gosudastvennogo Gid- Pinotograw tria, by P. Gal. rolosichsekoio lnstitta, 1958, pp CZLOI. *FTD lit bk, 2; Fotoiraixtria, 190, 598 pp. ftchine-aided processlng of oceanogmrapic Violent Flood on the Ondava, by Povol Horny, cbmrscterllstics, 1W V. A. u.lrkov, Ye. L. Taipia, CZEOI, per, Vodniiospod..arstvi, No 6, 1966, RUISOIU, per Trudy Instituta. Obanololil, Vol pp , 1961, PP 3-65 DIA LN ELMI

74 Scientific Earth Science & OceanoMranhy (Contd) Scientific Earth Science & Oceanrh (Contd) Bulletin of the French Cartography The Boundary Problem of Physical Geodesy, Committee, by R. K. Koch, FRENCI, per, Bulletin du Comite Francais GEMAN, per, Zeitschrift fur Vermessungswesen, Caorhe N.N4No 3, 1967, pp November 1966, pp ; ; , ACIC TC *ACIC TC 1226 Phases in the &dsonat o Researeh of the Sea of Galilee, by Doy NOe, 10 pp. Mineral Rese i In Cambodia, 1 HOW, per, La, Vol. 11, 1b. 2, pp , H, up, La X , Jul o p B; 6 Xar Wro-p" 7! p 3; and 10 J 405S8 Flar 1967, 3. ipb JAccidential Release of Large Amoumts of Tritium in the Atmosphere, Gravinetry in Greenland, , ITALIAN, per, M4inerva Nucl., Vol IX, 1965, Part 1: Gravity Values, by J., arin, pp 1-6. P. Stahl, et al. *AEC FREI-4Q, per, Resultats Scientifigues, No 3, *ACIC TC-1209 Science of the Earth. Electronics & Electrical Engineering FRUNCH, bk, Science de la Terre. Dept of Navy tr 5261 ONI tr 2350 Charging Device for the Feeding of the Assembly Gravity Disturbances in the Eastern "Pulsed Magnetic Fields", by V. K. Makarin, Mediterranean According to Measuremnts RUSSIAN, rpt, IAE-704, 1964, 16 pp. with an Askania Marine Gravimeter, by AEC ANL-Trans-M-- U. Fleischer. GEIMAN, per, eutsche Hydroahische NO %W y ab Oseant Zeit VolXVI No4, 1964, pp sel, bv. 2. K1 10ip.!AHt TC X" 1. v. 3aw, a Zasuftle. MoRoM8M, pp 1.12-W. 6P% T Propagation and Mixing Processes in Antarctic AW MP tip o Bottom Current and in Subantarctic Intermdlate Water, by A. Defant. GERMAN, per, Meteor, Vol 6, No 2, , Antennas, by G. U. delotserkovskly, 646 pp. pp RUSSIAN, bk, Antenny 1962, 492 pp. *Dept of Navy/NOO tr 5328 FTD IT" Dispersion and Absorption of a Sound in Clouds, K ot"ul ONL, ow Htzeaab by KI. Oswatitsch. La the Are ftecua of Um by to 1 taio QIR?.W, per, Ph'sikalische Zeitschrift, No 21/22 No%" bw N. O mo (. P. Marteev, 1941, pp 36S-378. me. 5. hl", 1pp. *NASA Tr-F-10,99 MUX xajp, AsmandmI Pq0. P9W1036 Current Velocities Specially in the Deep and e eeeivateo Bottom Waters, by Geoor Nust, No 8 GERANW, per, Wissenschaftliche Eraebnisse der Deutschen Atlntischen Qxmdjtion mf dem Forschuns- und Vermlssounscdiff Meteor , Vol 6, No 2, 19s7, pp "Dept of Navy/NOO tr 5331 " u.

75 Scientific Scientific Electronics it Electrical Englineering (Contd) Electronics & Electrical Engineerin (Contd) Methods for Evaluating and Some Ways bonit At the Nsrvlof a Stat bilsh.t'ia Asoo.NW for Increasing the Reliability of the atatten uovcasttrela Ioao Avea Station, by 71d. 1. Okerblom, 6 pp. Results of Automatic Control, by =338L41 Per, &-M*k lb 2, 1967, pp 1.3. V. I. Perov, T. D. Zholkover. i 03 RUSSIAN, rpt, AvtmaicheskiyKonrol' PJJO3 i Metody Elekt~cheskiEkh lmin Y Konferentsii. Vs~soyjuinaya Konferentsi1ya go V~aotrijal. pwoteotl of a M"1om Solendu Avtomaticheskomu Kontrolyu i Metodam ytm by P. Ta. Bardbanko, Z. I.ToiL~ Slektrichoskikli Izmereniy, Sth. 1966, A. V. Qmena~vk1y, V. E. Zlas?, L. Mi Static Punched Cr nu eie ya 5a.a"-!if2 RUSINprAvomtka1 yc1iisitel'naya ANO IF fr-1w1 Tekhnika AN LABT n-s~titut Elektroniki i Vych13litellnoy Tekhniki. No 11, 1965, pp *FF HiT Phyuical. Iratures or Spectro-analysia with ELectric Charge Samples, by K. 1. Tagnasov, RUSS=, per, Inhghenerno-Jizleheskiy Thurnalp System for Automatic Input of Graphic Vol. I., No 7,. 1956s, pp Info Into Computers and Automatic Readers, *NAB Tr F-10,976 by V. OUborotov, V. Romanov, et al. RUSSIAN, rpt, Atmizsya Vvoda Game Approach to the Problem of Selecting Pislnnyh Zako v lekronyyavycis litel'nyye Optimal Parameters Of a Dynamic System, msn 195, pp V. V. Tokarev, Yu. M. Patkin. iwr RUSSIAN, per, lnzh Zhur tmekh Tverd Tela, No 6, 1966, pp I~ectrical Me~asuring BqU11llibration Circuits NASA IT F- 10,738 NAd ELements of Their Oensal Theory, by x. m. sobolevskly, 5,pU63. Ifeot of UleetrIc Mhm of UM oaouela mesxan, per, Ayot lb 2, 196, ppaun an37 V1ti Psth at* of Halung ofth *ACSI J lectraft Iftel od Va0he rmaoteritiaf of id 220onoP6 he Vat"l Malt, bly Tn. X. W520wv. The choice of the Optimum Calculating Paramueters lugl o 5, pp 514-j Ian t1e InterCOmo~tlng 6ysteMs of Regenerative Heaters Cf= Large Condensing Power Staticeil, by L. s. Powrins et al Controllabl lo -ti-p-fl Swit ches. by RuNA11, per, Zlektricheaki Btantali, Vol 34, 196u3, V. I. Grinshteyn, V. Mi. Shevtsov, 19 pp. No 2, pp 2o-6 RUSSIAN, per, Iz VUZ k-laktromakhanika, ULM 2820 NO 2, 1964, pp.159-, P (ON zoai Of PJFCIjM) VWD HT ulmot o DsreeCommunications Systaot ~ Allowances for Control Currents in a byemovt SUIac)bretoiY of Cryotron Memory Device, by 1. D. Voytovich. RUSSIAN, bk, Elewenty Liskretnykh listen SVY RUSSIAN, per, Kibernaticehaskaya Tekhnlka asi, 1)65, pp ANkSR16,p 'XMi J-2395iIS6-6 11) 2204U]9167 A Mlethod for the Synothais of Decoders Wilth Zmiyev Power Station Report, by A. A. VorobCY, a Separated Load, by F. N. Zykov. RUSSIX4, rpt, Kiberneticheskaye Tekhnika. 6 pp.ailrss 195ppS W6, per, ~Rmztik No. 1, Jan 1967,o l k S 95 p5-8 pp *pd

76 Scientific Electronics & Electrical Engineering (Contd) Scientific Electronics & Electrical Engineerin (Contd) Increased Access time to Ferrite Memories Through Improvement Two-Circuit of Discharge Frequency Circuits, M~ultipliers Duilt by N. K. Babenko, A. D. Bekh. AroBnd Nonlinear B.N. Capacitance, Krasnogolovyy, by RUSSIAN, 36 per, pp.i Kiberneticheskaya 1965, pp ý Tekhnika,. RIk kh -Primnenlye pery bo' rnik'a e, Sbor I StaI I te1y1 ', No No 1 FrD HT , pp P FIrD WIT The Use Mlagnetic of the Tape Hamming Hemory Code Reliability, for Better by Yu. G. Savchenko, R~egister L. V. Using Am Field-Effect jovich. Transistors, A. by RUSSIAN, per, K)iberneticheskaya N. Karmazinskiy, Tekhnika A. Sh. IKheyfets, RUSSIAN, et per, al. SANkrSSR, 1965,-pp ' o Ikh Pribory *FTD Primenenjyce Sbonik 6 7 Statey, No 14, 1965, pp Principles FFD HT of Constructing Correlator by R. Ya. Chernyak, a Digital Yu. G. Sallkov, Using Phase et Transitions al. to Improve RUSSIAN, per, Kiberneticheskaysa Thermostatic Control Tekhnika of Instruments, by A 1965,' pp K. Ye. Veselov, L. V. Kalisheva, 11 rr ' " ' pp. 16. ppd= RUSSIAN, per, Prikl Geofizika, 1965, No 45, NASA pp Tr F Method of Repairing in Electronic and Finding Digital Trouble Computers, by A. I. Dobrolyubov, V. Nose t S. Hikhaylov. Re ton Cding of 1141tal Te@et~p RUSSIAN, per, N ekhaniatsiya oiuniiatfona i tn COplqm Automtic meteorologioal Foe. Avtomatizatsiya ProizivoatvaiNo Telmeteing 1, 1966, ystms, Ptrov by V. P. mad A. N. Radobhela. pp 48-51, 29 pp. " *FFD HT ProbLma of Developmmet of CL o ft wew, bf PP@ 5605 V. %lvula-. 22 pp. PR 405S? pp. NUSIZA, No, 12, Fob 1967, 4PMs Delo_ pm t of Reatritioation In Armeuia Revieved, by 3. Varz'tu f, 3 pp. Lonfining a Plasma in a Toroidal 23S8W, Magnetic pp. per$,m,l62i. MA " $De1 Field with a Conductive Diaphragm, by Ji 403 V. 0. Shafranov, pp BISSIAN, IS0-151, per, Nuclear Fusion, Vol V, 1965, ABC-tr-6670pSl-6 piate Transformer Substationa, Vacum Power Diseonnectors, Automatic Drviesp FOla, Glectrical Conductivity of Polycrystalline pp. r Periclas, by L., Kihoroshavin, Jan 1967 PP 63o64 G. A. Sapeyev. RUSSIAN, pore O Vol XXXI, No 6, ", pp NASA TT F-10,788 Techial Bkneirications of Poetiriers, com- Design of Radio Engineering lnstrimen hood~ OoU O le Ort~oao by V. P. Sarkmi, V. K. adlotekhnicneskilth Zhdaaov. 625 pp. odinrussia, U!jrt 'V# yv.3.ktftov=1wa bk, 9 le.,iop H? 66-26$ S2 M767

77 cientific 1ectronics & Electrical Engineering (Contd) Scientific Electronics & Electrical Engineering (Contd) hilo-.izt m 'LCU Vemas In te The problem of the Effect of Bunker Capacity on the Average Standstill Time of an Automatic Machine Wayelengt Ramp, by A. G. Kim2,vaboy, A. D. Tool Line, by B. A. Sevast'yanov, Maud-a, A. 3. Shlo l h. RUSSIAN, per, T.oriya Veroytnosteli ee Primenenie, =BM, pr 2 V03 4, 201, 1962, No 7, PP-4 p 573. NU mt 3336 A Astrafnalea.s Insituio -iaan Obse, vtory (ON LOAN OR RcAME) No 1, Nov 1962 A Study of an Experimental cyclone air-cooled Boo utoation h Aboard Fishing Vessels, Combustion Chamber, by B. D. Katsnel'son, A. A. Book on the AuohtonAbtdFshngV'31 Shat ill RSIAN, pqr, Kamnski bno hoz., No 8, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Teploenergetika, 1959, No 9, pp 42. pil p TS 2301 (ON LOAN 2301 R; AE) Bureau of Commerical Fisheries The Present Level of the Soviet Centralized Establishment of Thermodynamic Equilibrium Heat Supply and the Main Methods of Its Further in Discharges, by N. A. Prilezhayeva, Development, by Ye. Ya. Sokolov, N. M. Zinger, V. V. Kokhanenko. R. P. Sazonov and V. S. Bunin, 25 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Sbornik: NekotoVJ'BoIrosy RUSAN, per, eloenergetika- No. 2, Feb 1967, Emission i Mol kk eitirostoni~is 1960, pp pp 3-8. JPMB NASA Tr F-10,822 Probl~mB of lighting engineering in agriculture, Moow Operation y.k.rov of the Centralized ip. Heating System of by N F. I ek~hrevi. SvetltsQ',Moscow, by N. KC. Groazov, 15 pp. by RUSSIAN, N. F. BakhSrev, per, Bvetotekbnk, i. 1. 8ventltsk1, Vol 10, 196, NMIAN, No 7, p -1 per, TeploenerEetlka No. 2, Feb 1967, pp 3-5 JM NUL RTS 3074 (ON LOAN OR IF=HASE) Development of a Centralized Heat Supply for An annular electrodeless diseharge lamp with a Leningrad,.. by 1. Lanin and Ye. A. Kuteko, ferromagnetic core, by V.RJ.SZAN,'per,,TeMSoene ast No. 2, Feb 1967, _ R U S IA N, p e r, 5v e tote k h n ik a, V o l 11, 19u 5,, p p._ p_-_*_. pp No 2, pp 5-10 JPiI HU RTS 3510 Devaelopmat of the Centralized Keating System Technical instructions for sleeving cables. Epoxy or the City of Alm-Ata and ftariaeme of Junction am teraination sleaveo for outdoor. * Operation of the aeet Supply "teo, by Yu. N. with lpreapamud ps-or insulated cables up to 10 midwaeetkly, 19 2, 1 Ky., by S. So":.anski, at ml. R WAN, per# T No. 2# Feb 1967P AUSSIAN, per, TekMlcbegNa d..6olnmetats.y ms pp SVol 2b, l9b4, PP 1-41 JPIM (on MAN OR PIjam ) Effect of Mae Section Mp in a Widrwulie Turbine on its ferfbludlo, by 0. P. prineiples of the Stsedardizatica of Lathe Vork Wv1loV, _ 1. Nole Concepts an the cuttin PkOwfse, b ItflSIAN, per, 22 0Ota2lihi.._ km Loboratorli Z. A. oaev, V. Zdotv, 1964, No 11, pp M Sa==, per, TeWIkhwit3bm IftsiEoyea!! HI NU W 2952 Ibsbinostir. tae,_ 1W5, pp l tax AN OR Ric") ORu PCm KAi) (on m 46-

78 ScienificScientific Electronics & Electrical Engineering (Caontd) Electronics & Elec-trIC84 Engineering (Contd) Setting up Universa. Noncontact Switching Aging the Tranaistors, by S. I. P. S. Masnetaova NI~tin, 7 pp. and Circuits by G. P. Aksenova. RUSSIAN, RLUS1AN. 'per, Vataik per, *Vol Trudy Institut XXVI, Avtomatjkj No 1, i Telemmekank Jan 1967, pp. 1-3 AN S, 1905, pp *radht 23-7S7-.67 Kiernetika Tehiheky JPPA 40473~* Immoasing the Poimr of the Televiuion Relay Somes Problems of Increasing the Head of Reversible- Station TM&A~ by X. Is. blade Vertsanj Runners and of V. the Axial P. Type, by G. A. Svinarev, MaTWV *RU88IA, 10 pp. per, Trud Laboratorli Gidravlicheakikh, RUSSIAN, per, Veti *yud Vol xxvii, 1964, No U, No 1, 13F Jan 196?, PP*1.I> EIL 1H1S 2953 JPRS A40473 (ON LOAN OR PURCHAS) Distribution For the Further of the Development radiation and intensity Improvement of of the Rua Teehn Sevc flame ("~ over Union the Conference depth of on the furnace, by A. A. the kexhife of Zcpa-isoe Ots, In the Teebmioul Opeation of ibwal Telesphone Service) * Rinfl3 j~ n 14 pp. 11d biehihs-g RUSIAK,ý per, yves!z g *si Vol X=9II I63s No 1, No ob,, p45-53 Jan 1967, pp. 5-9 ON 0 JIMC 11U0J17 5 Latest Osoidostion Ononoation Servioe Niuipuent. in a Siberian 3 pp. City of Z0am Memo.. per. by DA A. D. aveleva, Vow, l 5 InII, PP. so it iu581*3 per, Veti yai Jan 1967, Vol XXVII, p 1.Jan No 1, pp. Jim 2364 LIW3, Jml 4WJ#5 Matorial. The Seogialiat Ompetition of C001. Stuodazd uunieathga for the tbzkera Utiliatlion In of broor &ong Dist@=*e of the 50thTeehn azosbylagol ArAmverear of the. Soviet St.t *t C L,- Be DOOUe on a WUdM Selqthee Scale. rab 7 pp. nel pp. by orlkan 8Oluovq~ik. R&USSA, Per pp. par, Le" r~lvo.1 ISaM *. Vol b Z=VI, )b # JUSan. 16 pper zb-az7* Jan$ pp. o XVI o1 *-2 Jan l9 6 pp Na Literatere fbr OaiouektWos A Befitting Weloome Wbaters, to the.j)th by hamavenez7 Of B. A. Voremo,, the 7 pp. Oreat October Rlevolation, 7 pp. R1831W per, U" Endsg Vol EMV, No Is ==at13 per. Yub1i~a uia, Vol XXV=6 lb 1s Jan 1967, pp. 6, Jan 1967, pp. J-35 i 0e7 3-Qiannel ibjaltlplexing Equipment of the Umlin he Tle of L~ fbik~ti~q a of~a Type NT-QiIP-3, USle To by lpu 1lihellson, 8 eui I. A. *Ifudw d Ya. 10 pp. Ya. Siltana, 6 pp.. 6per.! etnik. Svyati. Vol XXV1I, Mu. Pe mad VA Z bi JPRS Jan , pp* 6.56 JM ;WSA Noncontact Code-Pulse Teleastering Device a Atf of fte ft O4 V M W by V. 1. Kurotchenko, No1. Babsamn and aterift of Autumesa of toe Tips' lid. by 0. V. a olevow e Fo itas a pp. P Beskottaktnym Nlbuity 0 t" komat Pmlt 31331*3 ow. Svscanla Per. 10 ffl V"l bi it 1963t, Jan pp 1967, % pp* 460o *F HPTh JIM 40035

79 Scientific Scientific Electronics iectroics & EElectronics Electrical Englneornl (Contd) & Electrical Enaineering (Contd) Process for Treating Industrial Waters Experimental Device for the Coding and Uilized in Cooling or Closed-Circuit Introduction of Electrical Signals into Circulation Systems, 9pp. Electronic Computers by G. V. Vasillyev. Crcu PatentemNo 901. RLSSIAN, per, Vychislitel'nU Tsentr FRENG-1 Patentt 'le 901,765. Soobshcheniya po Tehnike, Ptchislitelenon Pent Office No 4, 1965, pp 'FT'D HT H 8ntructlau for the Use of Omater Program Acceleration of Plasmoids in Waveguides by Available at the WokM Grou of BodatIon a Superhigh-Frequency Wave, by V. 1. Doinrin, Protection In Oonstruction I. Beetwc R. R. Ramazashvili, 8 pp. Progm and Oae 1, by B. 8ase, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Yadernaya Fizika, Vol V, (M1, wrpt, ADO-= 1007, Iannow ImZtufttt No 2, 1967, pp of Tl molw. o 9V 4.l 3b7 Sci & Tech Infor Facility ABC OMML 2L.1515 ST-PP wdeopendenoe of the Ieotria- l lsisten Luminescent Discharge Tube, 3 pp. of Pon 1 p. an by 1 BELGIIN Patent. No Onwelen, 11 pp. Dept of Coma ~M N, re, An.d Vol A16393%, Patent Office pp 530-O. P9=5'96 The Statms of Urba CentralUsed Hoatift in Mw O$Aiml Vfrl" for n s aigaaa and the Prospeots fbr Its Developamt, 15t P Mah, bo J. eonlar. by Vladtimr Stew. 10 pp.,in o Zot sf OAM., T per, 1Aer"M, mett1. ijn , pp. V.MN! pon2., -t1,,r-' Vl8 oi-3w - ~ m,tess IoSY International Geodetic Conference in buda- Comparison of the Cost of Intermediate Ex- pest Electrical Distance Measurement, by changes for Solutions Involving External Circuits and Circuits Incorporated in the Rudolf Schmidt, GEMAN, per, Vermesswugatechnische Rundschan, Reactor Vessel as a Function of Their Number, No 9, 1966, pp by J. Baumiers, ACSI J-2021 FRENOIC, rpt, DRP/NL/FSR R Oct ID "ABC Tr Voltaic Cells With Cb*ustiblos, by I.Taitelbaum. Iff t of A2tzemt16 0a-nw o% tan as ao.- GCRW#N, per. Zeitschrift fur 3yLe Oftmoeac of ubtsm, by 2. ftw, J. Vol 16, 1910 pp DOW*. *NASA 77-F- 10,940 FN pr, aft l 9o 1A, 10J94d 0. w C Pem1t 983u, Superconductors of the Second Type of Lead- Thallium System, by G. Sorn Mardion, lo6b# I*W U 8. V. Goodman, et al, FRNCHO, per,. Phys. Chen.Solids. Vol XXVI, 196S, pp M. Problems of Electronic Pulse, Control in *ABC TrI Eleatric Mhter Whicle, by 6. Virbitzky, caitwi per, Zeitschrlft fwr dar Post und Spark Plug Cable Terainals by Paul Dahl 2 pp P~SW5g OZ. JIM6. pp Dept Of Co ID Patent Office

80 F Scientific Scientific Electronics & Electricol Engineerlin (Contd) Electronics & Electrical Engineering (Contd) Electrophotographic Latent Images, by Traveling-Wave Tube Delay Line With 11. Kiwaki, et al, Filter Characteristics, by Fritz Paschke, 6 pp. JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol VI, No 3, GERMAN, Patent, No 1,074, , pp Dept of Comm ATS JS-92 Patent Office Simulation of Telephone Traffic by the The Mechanism of Charge Transfer Through an Monte Carlo.ethod, by A. Rat, Air Gap Between Dielectrics, by T. Sakai, HUNGARIAN, per, Hiradastechnika, Vol XVII, JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol VI, No 3, No 6, 1966, pp , pp NLL (2319) ATS JS-91 Analysis of the Television Film Recording mkeot7. OonWttlon I* t. UNISOP and Transmission System, by S. Iwamura, of Auedlt P In Ol*A 1 W the ftotlvikion JAPANESE, per, Ni.K Gijutsu Kenkyu, Vol XVII, of 1. Ovsi Y tqp l Wftot by 1. No 3, 1965, pp polatemll. ATS JS-105 ISLUAN per, Neal. Idnoel Rod~. 91a9M 84l. 1J1. t. Not. Vol 3T, No 1/2, 19W, Ip 3-0. S 2W93 Viscous-Layer Development of a New Kinescope- Recording Film. by T. Takagi, JAPANESE, per, NK Gijutsu Kenkyu, Vol X~rIl, Pimg m I New 2p. of O&vl Rssomtop by No 3, Ser No ;8,1965, pp vvguuul, T n. 2MM"l ro, ft ow41to.u 41 ATS JS-107 a 1 AOT New Type Film-Recording Cathode-Ray Tube, by J. Bessho, et al, JAPANESE, per, NHK Gijutsi Kenkyu, VolXVII, Electromagnetic Billiards, by No 3, 1965, pp Belvisi Francesco, 4 pp. ATS JS-106 ITALIAN, Patent, No Dept of Comr Patent Office pal Smiht Anan3UUs Of 0 ReWIlNv Sl~~~ftv, 1W Todlo NM albmx s~afo mmstl p~aftenmao 0: 3$& pw KtnM= by fteedxw, Rua ", Salt 3ee s U# by NOWatero D JPe ol b-- a " U, Mu~~~~~dOM~ 3 Nu t N=J M= Ueb 68 w S W & ýb'ia arwd Per, Voler 3byN flue A Filter Using a Block Core, by Y. Shigei. JAPANESE, per, Denki Tsushin wenkyusha bwtji p J tenkyu stsok-a" ou, Vol XXV& No 9, ATS JS-117 Pal Codes which Decrease Phase Jitter, by Y. Takl, T. Kaneko, Persistent Internal Polarization with High JAPh, per, W Shikensho Nampo, Vol Applied Voltage, by K. Nakatura, et ai, XXIII, No 1, 964, pp JAPANESE. per, Denshi Shashin, Vol VI, No 1, ATS JS , pp " AT' JS-S4

81 Scientific Scientific Electronics & Electrical EngWieri (Contd) Energy Conversion (Non-propulsive) Some Considerations Regarding the Method of Energy Characteristics of a Field Scattered Measurement Complex Permability in Ferrite by a Convex Broken Surface, by in the Il.F. and U.H.F. Regions, by Ye. V. Chayevskiy, 15 pp. S. Kanaoka, et al, RUSSIAm, coll, Problemy Difraktsii i JAPANESE, per, Tohoku Metal Tech, Rev., Vol RaSprostraneniya Voln, V. Rasprostrnenie 1, No 1, 1963, pp Radiovoln Vusk IV, ATS JS-112 JPRZ 4098!9 The Reliability of Automatic Control Cmponents and Devices, by B. S. Sotskow. lwor ifurbin compressors, by POLISH, per,. Archiwum Automatyki 2 Ye. Ye. Mudin, Telemechaniki, Vol IM, NO 3, 1904, RUSIAN, per, Teploene.*getjLAk Vol XIII, No 1, pp 2" , pp *MTI HT ACSI J-2216 id 2ml.O5867 rtlmatro~tlo!rug Nsesuze3 0aornl the Dlota tlo usi of Pz'euaiid Van de Gruff 0eeraftot, by A. na., B. Wot.7, e. 6be-ay. PC=U, per# Atud Vol 8, So 2, Materials 1966, pp 1oI-1V. ~AAC fw-257t Effuct of Quenching on the Magnetic Sus- Application of Laser for Spectral Analysis ceptibility of Palladium Alloys with by Z. Zlotowska. Small Iron Additions, by 1. Y. Dekhtyar POLISH. per, Przeglad Elektroniki No 9, and R. G. Fedchenko, pp RUSSIAN, per, Fit. Netal. i Metallov., Vol *FTD HiT XXI, No 6, 1966, pp NLL (66/254) Single-Track Telephone Repeater With Intermittently Switched-On AMplifier, by abaft of m * 2k by So 0. T. Kabacilt. rw M.j aam 0.V Ap vt.. POLISH, per, Prse[lad Telekoin.ikaCYJnY, hrselv A No 11, 1965, pp WM M., W 0r 'FrD NT at W ps1#900p25w CalCUlagt the &orgy Ziput for Miectronical Sbock Tube, by Z. Mucha, An Approrima Calculation of Unsteady PCL[-= per, Iba*.I1eh M0W r Vol iiv, Aviation of Glassy Naterials, 11a 2, 1066, P pp by S. K.?4atveyev. RUSSIAN, par, Inzhenerno-FizichesktY oam Tr IP.10,79 zhumtl-01 Vol Xr, No 6C 1966, pp Furrite Ring, mory of the Cacicc-1 Nachine, by Gh. Parkas. lntensification of Processes in Metallurgy, RUMNIAN, per, Automatic* Si Electronic& RUSSIAN, rpt, Isdat. 1asWhinost ryonile - Vol IX, No 5, 196-, Pp u1'trazvek v F9hinostriyaniy 1966, *FrO HT p AWl J-1794 esnek4 0m* 4 ttly1 Am MVKi~ML IV O47 &%j&um, tr. X2A 9 We Calculating the Response of Round and V"l 11, o hb 3qWAW 7I Annular Plates to Random Dynamic Loading AM A T--l5 by Ye. W. Gershunov. RUSIAN, per. It AN,SR. mkhanik, i. No 6, 1964, PP p ' HTU

82 Scientific Materials (Contd) Scientific M4aterials (Contd) Fomto tbeelectronic Configura- Arrestment device for beami balances, by E. I. Frations of Stmhyiable Poetiso Fedorovich Tiansitof SMeta PhsCalropdesn irtides of RUSSIAN, per, Opisanie Izobreteniya K Avtorakomu the Range of Their Homogeneity, by Svdtl' u NoS A. Ya. IXuchma. X1RS29 RUSSIAN I per, Iz Ak Tauk SSSR, NeoKganich (ON LO)AN OR FORCIA=) Mat Vol II, No 1-1, 1966, pp TT 1 F-10,847 Structural Cement Materials, by I. D. Radoqaesl' ukly, Method of prepairmng pi-e-aged concretes and RUSIN per, Wtlur~a cement mortars, by M4. Z. VashkalatVo :,3 9pp2-. RUSSIAN, per, Izvest. Stroit. Arkhit., Vol 7, ~AUM TZ F-11, , No 9, ýpp8ct-5 - Prestressed Oriented Fibergla~ss-Reinforced NIL RTS 3296 Plastics With Hiollow Fibers, by (ON LOAN Oil RJTRCHAB) G. A. Van FoP>'. RUSSIAN, per, Prikladnaya Mekhanika, Vol II, Investigation of Solubilities of Chromium, No 7, 1966, pp Molybdenum, and Tungsten in Aluminum by the *ITD 11T 2.54*30-67 Microhardness Method, by V. N. Vigdorovich, RUSSIAN, I per, Izv. VUZ Tsvetn. Met., No 2, On the Fracture of a Plate Containing a 1960, pp Crack, by P. M. Vitvitskiy, M. Ya. Leonov. AEC SC-T RUSSIAN, per, Priki Nekh Inst Meidi Ak Nauk URSU Vol VII, No 5, 1961, pp Oxidation esaiatan**of Dismperio Hardiened FZA'TT F-10,800 Tungsten and Ooppe, by B. IC. 0pers. IU3SIJ,, per, Izes Wahikh Whabn aved. Ultrasonic Treatment of Boron Steels, Tevato by L. Mat, I. Vol 0, no 2s.u, ppb5 PPW 39 Teumin, I. S. YLupako and V. I* Mm Lomakim, 8,' 8 pp. 29"11 1FjSSIAIN, per, Stall. No. 9, Sept 1966, PP Determination of Thermal Stability of Syn- ps4o8 thetic Fibers, by R. S. Urtdzhev, et al, RUISSIAN, per, Khimicheskiye Volokna, No 4, Distribution of varp threcad breakage across 1965, pp the widtzh of a loom, by V. A. Naum.ov, et al. *ACSI J-2371 RUSSIA6N, per, Tekstil'nEMr Plroimshlennost', Ili V03 "', 1964, No 12, PP lu. kts 3247 M1aterials on the Geology of the Mongolian (ON loan OR IuaMOSE) People's Republic, by N. A. Marinov. RUSSIAN, bk, MaterialZ Ro eologii 1mtbod o DatteluAinif tbe YeSn 00tent 1A Niong l' skoy W i~i~ 966, 1ii Nonwoven Stitabd hebrio, by Habmmd. pp 7-12; 23-30; 61-64; ; ; shaoln. and RZAN, per# %ktu9 Plow. Vol 2%, No 5p *JPRS/DC..l5190 W95, pp5"% Cbm fame 11v 209 Inefficient Use of Serap Metal, Raw Materiel sand Fueal Cw2.uoibed, br G. Kogan, 7 pp. Thermal Stresses in Chromium Coatings on RUSSWA. per, AtW M 110et Mlbdenmu by V. Te. I2vaao, Ye. P. Ischiporeflko. Sueh ays u zio Fb YO79pp* yo..waue a.t Description of a method of extracting rubber tuv s,10 pp702 from aqueous suspensicuiw, by K. Ya. Savitakii, *1TDI RUSSIAN, per, Opisarie Izobretenlyn k Avtorskomu Svidetel'stvu, No 11457cL (ON LMaN oil KmIHAS"

83 Scientific Materials (Contd) Scientific K!_terals (Contd) Investigation Of Interaction of the Sul- The Elasticity phide and Characteristics Oxide of Nickel, of by Tungsten.. Molybdenum Yu. Alloys. nd Yalonkiy V at I.SmiroyTemperatures, Normjal and High' RUSSIAN, by per, Yu. Tr. Uralsk. A. Kashtalyan. Politekh. Inst. 0ISANrt Vssu i0 y Soveshchanive ins.n.kiov, o 8,1957, pp Sta Dinami hes0lwy NLL Matenialov i Kostmi sonyj... Prochnosti B 1966 (65/393) PriSNz LT 'r!urih I'1965,11t Calertlation Nethod for Determining Fluorine Fpp 28-29, a.r 7~ Balance *FTD in flie HT Eliectrolysis of Aluminun, by S. S. Solntsev, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ts e~pyemta~ll, 1967, pp No , X.J.& Btud of the Palutetion of *Aber Vulosmamat~io JPRS In t66 ft~esenoe of Bu~fur asamvoreibajane and by Z. N.!eaboya. ZfweS~ptSon of tpe wanieaos of 166 Uffnt Qm Tru Ow8, o n th e O at o e itio n o f t h 9 k s b Y P - 8 m v i o f 1 0 e Rusak~s n.. W t h M e n o 9PN Imtataft. oftribbr I W vtih Duff ring Iwo p CrU ad1ol~ysi of Butd Rabber, by V. 2 Eo rha. ms Tftm fty. N. Tramova. T@38w, per#, m odnvl8 The Effect of o5 Thermal Fatigue on the C* Durability 3M2~ of Materials, by R. Vol I. 8, Kuriat, V. P. Dubinin, et al. RUSSIAN, rpt, Vsesoyuznoye Soveshchaniye Voprosam i Dinamicheskoy 20 1f"**o Of Prochnosti Paux" Gzmut&in on the Na-t-erialoy sot i Kculstruksionn-YkhEleiaentov ftpu*~ of AW an pri ly Vyokk inzkikh Temperaturakh, Abrg 1965, 1W A. 1. X~iankos~. per pp Sodin, Vol. 8, *FTD HT N p Dv33 Influence of Carbonization Strength on the Short-Term of Tungsten, Molybdenum, and Tantalum Some at Properties Hfigh Temperatures, of Nickel by and Cobalt Electro.. deposits S. Obtained S. Gorodetskiy, in tile Presence V. N. of Rudenko. Thiourea RUSSIAN, rpt, Vbesoyuznoye by Yu. K. Vyagis, Soveshclianjve et al, po Voprosam RUSSIAN, Sttc~so-T~aihsa per, Zashchjta tnetallov, Vol I, 1965, No 5, Frochnosti Ma pp er S05-SIp. alov onstrukson~ r NLL (65/407) ntov~ Rri Vys-oki I Nizkzkh Te 965,p r tur p 1-17.The Solubility OFT of Metals 11 and 2&-7r-67Moment, the Generalized by V. K., Soesincoenko, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Zh. Piz. Khim-, Investigations Vol 22, 1948, of the Influence of Complex Alloying on tile Phy31co-Nlechanical ppae5-98 Properties of Niobiwa by I. S. lialashenko, S3. A. 4ovchmn. RUSSIAN, Diffusion rpt, Ls eso of Silver uznoy Sowshchaniyo in Its Oxides, Po b;ý N. Voprosa D. Staticiwe-soy Rozenblyum. f 0bina jiesjeroirnosti oy 1.1atei o'ikntusinyi SSI&, per, Thur Fiz Khiia, Vol 1966, XL, pp No , 4amlentov gri Vvskkidi i NiAkidi NASA TT F-10,842 pp

84 Scientific Materials (Contd) Scientific Materials (Contd) lbood Niorotmm Toohunqqa for tue Tuitw1 Fibrous P*oG'aet, 44 wiol 08 P9008se and lao y by J. J&V u. R. M=M.o Instalimt1ias fbr ftoi Proaftatim, by 010 B- num PW DU Imt ft,.uftuc I.JalSA 22pp Vol 19, 1965, pp M M-Tb mmam Patezi 637,139, 6 "P rb f1wa gly 3016 am 2rana 9W 286 Causes of Errors in the Analysis of Powders by aupwioams Omsna a Eb2ly.dA* 1LUMM X-Ray Fluorescence - Special case of Iron Ores, *zi hreada %Labanh HM wo Mon 2PP- by MI. ilautecler, M. Lesir. naiqui Pa~b "17, 9M FRENCHI, per, C.D.S. Circ, Dec 1965, pp hnlsea Mindoal OUVp BISI 5326 Qim ba. _41 2W0 The Continuous Blast Furnace Top Gas Analy'sis.. The Influence of the Alpha Phase on the by J. Katoen. Conditions of Hot-Rolling of Stainless *BCHI pe,51i93,1o,166 P -0 Austenitic Steel, by N. Zidek. *3I59 CZECH, per, flutnicke List Vol XX, No 9, 1965, pp ~ Effects on Austenitizina Temperature on the NLL 9022.*4B 1966 (66/23) Ageing Behaviour, After Work-Hardening, of~ Low-Carbon Steels With Small. Niobiumn Relaion Beteenthe izeof KrnalandAd4Ltionsj, by P. blandry. Reltins th Steof etee hekenalan MICE, per, CostsRn# Vol 262, 21 liar the Slope of Austenitic Corrosive Resistant 2966, pp 903-M.6 Steels to Intercrystal Corrosion, by *B33I Vladimir Cihal, CZECH, per, ilutnicke Listy Vol XII, No 1, 1966, pp Spin Ccrrelation Tensor in the Sczttering of *FTD-HT Polarized Nucleons on a Polarized Proton Target, by P. IWinternitz, F. Lehar, Ralstalk. FRENCH, rpt, JINR-P-2407, 1965, 40 pp. 000 t1ibution to the Umwidstim or im AEC ANL-Trans-30 ahlp btiwm thn hbaaal Wear and birftss at Maal, by P. GLIM. I pa We, o, f NW atur-ahi, Vol 3, So 4, Thin Films Formed During Surface Oxidation of 1965, pp h M -Metals, by J. Bardolle, F. Bouillon. am BMMf 26 FRENCH, per, L'O!Zdaetion des Metaux, Vol 1. pp B ftmioson of Steal by 1k*taw fsl~tm nam OaaiiM~se by T.?artD. fa * Con~tribution to the Study of the Pressure, Mu lop W Temperature Diagram of Pure Beryllium, by *%10 Contre Francois, FRENCH, rpt, Paper Presented at Conference on the Stability of Elastic Equilibriumu, by International sur I& imtalluruie du aerylium, W. T. Koiter. Mayt l%65, 3rpp. DWr~i, rpt, 1945, 225 pp. ABC UCRL-Trmns-130S *NASA 7T F-10,833 Prench Regulations on Prestressed Concrte P"MulNAd obw or Vaalm. A hlw UM aison., by Oourbon, Servant, Pilloai, UbIAIA forue 00I SNbs-MMdoW 0u"# by Yinaiuearra) CeY1on, Cast,66, Faurot, Madiel alou. ftn.dan"ird AMiral, lbibert, I~aor*oL. MR0 1ps M-1 ( Os. FMCH, apt, r~flonemtation rmnoaise des Nar 29W. Caissons an Baton Preocontroait, Mar ~*3 am **too, *ABC ORNL Tt-1678

85 Scientific Materilas (Contd) Scientific Materials (Contd) lqcawwi t in the Xuautatw of bxtlle The Use of Economic Parameters in the Mechanical fwu in the ibm of ar"eia, Btrwi, Preparation of Ores, by P. Syer. O=6 and 00wr $Lwilm Artj* "m him FRENCH, per, Rev. Ind. Minerale, Vol 48, Apr 1966 of an Oftent-d Rnfttlo Lmm Pa2omrio pp htorlal and PradctaObtaine m, 5 pp. BISI 5268 jmwi, at 44Za De ociete Nodiaeta. Oxygen in the Arc Furnace, by J. Colin. Men 2ftam Brt 99 FRENCH, per, Rev. Met., Vol 60, Oct 1963, pp BISI 5456 Procesa Wa s hift fow AWpying a UaLd4 Costi" on a Nuat startizg YAterwal, 39 pp. Composition of the Fumes From Sulphyr-.Containing lfmc, Pmant, 1,431,166, 31 Jan Fuels, by M. Turpin, et al. Contntl Ol 0o. FRENCH, per, Rev. Met. Vol 62, Oct 1965, m Tran St 2635 pp BISI 5324 IND". n M. mfata of Mind Study of the First Decomposition Stage of ofw fttwten 1ou?x rJas Ferrous Monoxide, by T. Herai, et al. mcip3. 3 a9. FRENCH, per, Rev. Met. Mem. Sci, Vol 63, May 1966 pp T or BISI 5275 On the Thermal Decorposition of Calcium Improvement in Dyeing Vats, by Charles Callebaut, Sulfate at Low Temperatures, by 3. A. Julien de Blicquy 7 pp. Hedvall, S. liordenrgzen, B. L41Jepgen. FRENCH, Patent No 42,694. WN,2 per, Acta Poltehnca Chem. Met. Dept of Comm Set. Vol 4, No T, 1955, pp 3-1u. Patent Office TA-C ORIL Tr-1679 S - The Study of Stress-Corrosion on Austenitic Proos and Ap rattow forofsteels in MgC12 Solutions, by i1. Kohl. life ow fibbo=u1110e Paots M i f = & GERMAN, per, Beg-Hutten. Monatsh., Vol 111, C= on r Wler- and A loitim o a Dw No 9, 1966, pp itt8d&. BISI 5389 mcp, Pattw, 1,323,0T1, Ealectric Conductivity and Density of Overcritical Oaseous M4ercury Under High Pressures, by F. Hensel, S. U. frank. Nw frabm of "mte pla IOsho t, 10 pp. GCRB, per, Berichte der BuDense ellschaftt n==, Pae1nt, 1,3I,13, 1 Au 1963, Vol To, Njo 9/1o, 1966, pp Toa l. Aabt (b-., Md *AB C pnoe for OWA MINa of a Wlfet ot 0iN e ftwweal, by 0Me Sft mmnm, 4, "eo 6. apoeee ens e0., o 3 30 O pp III* ~et, 1,36e,16, U WA. Corn fore NWobglot fs pros""i4oxtorwvw "$ft V=0 eoats tof thebtudso of0 them 1W~i of swa time 3Ghath e "WOW,?T pp. J. b. MC, lsta** LAMM 0 a =on, pr,,*. a societe da1s MOWse base. Vol ltf b 50 1W, I-W -74-

86 Scientific Materials (Contd) Scientific Materials (Contd) IOpeIe of Tin Cord et s. Kin8stic uenist, Investasation G. Proceeding of theuseotions AVIng the Ibz'tion of sgeesrated Pr opezt~es of! Cor by G.ul Fimite, t. s, by 1. J t,. s,u Wan1O, Vol 16, No 3, 1,9a -,.- _Vt-T IBwon~ssifsr ft 2574Vl ii No 12, 1903, pp 522-5n7. Qwms 2n# By 63D 9eea BslAtIOnsipi B tv*en Stotie and P ilnac es in the Manufaeture of Coppr er CY1a0i PrOPeris O of Tin Cord, by 0. ChVmatn Waped by rinp, by R. liamits, 0. Uupmnioa. GRIM, per, Giesseagi Vol 1i9, No 3, 1960, 01"N6, per$ fssernm Vol 16, No 3, 1966, PP 60..7o Pr Chan Ile ft 2869 I uv Chan bwa is S 2605 d for R t Obeer ioe.n ofus lam n' ofundamental Gonsideratioas enarditon Pattern Bs t)l f o Veyo tn.andbondoservatio of the V arnishes, by W. A nkele. Jbo ehr rating f nm-dt, 3 U-. s fort-1. (M-, per, Giesser i, Vol 53, 4 Aug 1966, ON," Ipe CosuIN"Ieern, Vol 16, So 3,pp 16,I5I Critical Heat-Radiation rxposure- Time as a Scale in Castio Technique for the Avoidance Testing of 11-ng Deve In P@arn.M :ibm of Sand-Expansion Defects in Bentonite- Mm (PAQ, 2.nm by L. tow Vo-eth. ZM lota tgwc. Bronded Moulding Sands, by F. rutier, F. MMal, per, -zateo. e e alcoh Vol. 15,Hill. ft 10# W95, PP5W562bT CORI4U, per, Glesserei, Vol 53, 18 Aug 1966, be Tans v 2953 PP BISI 519T IOv Prowoss for Proistie of Text Clomsaot,iat~dali. Apqiostion, Tating and Prperbes- of Tire AN p pe, utedbe e Vol 15, Cohnf, by F. the o*an, 0. ontmenn. No 12., l965. MM, pere, Poy Asbest. &gdtjom# Co tram Ow 286T Vol, 9 p9..- t e o6w 91 Cmbans 2n ~ 2 'The Creep Blehaviour az Two Chomilum-ihickel Steels With 15 Percent Qiroiniuz, 35 Percent Cotiuinto the 8w of the Oosmffi~t% of hiidkel and Varyinc Levels of Carbon. 11: Priotion or Net Tire basi, by V. F. ftm6 Iafluence of OerstresamnG, by W. Schmidt. CNEAN peu, ftbaeohk Owi Vol 19, No 2# GEMA11,IJ per, LEW-Techn. 13cr., Vol 6s Jul 2966, Y99p 1. 16, pp am bane-6 v 260. *PIBI 54&71 the COWI of as bolluwilo M.. 0 fm Proeet'e MUMS Of O"nAe OWO1f the Melt in the "Iisa 010arw ats by 0. bhihitee In CoaNUM Mms by L, JohMen. 111he35 er MA Vol 70A ma,*" WoKn" Vol 308o No 8, n s, mzeee - b ani O Of ~ S. O3~-The Influence of the Styrene Content in Uno~~b Pibeuatnaman Mor te DA11 ~fm ioin the saturated Polyester R~esins. IethAN byr L I.'iunststoffe. Vol 56, So 9, I. ~nk.~ 3, Dept of Navy tr 5271 CHI tr m w.75u

87 Scientific Materials (Contd) Scientific Materials (Contd) On the Use of Case-hardened High-speed Tool DeFermination of the Elastic Properties of Glasst Steels for Cutting Electrical Steel Sheet, by Fiber Reinforced Plastics by Means of Elastic Njaves, by Helmut Schaper, Hermit Schittko. 11. Hensel, 3. Loitsch. GERMAN, per, Kwiststoffe, Vol 56, No , GERMAN, per, Mitt. Stahlberatungsstelle, Freiberg, pp No 50, 1965, 8 pp. Dept of Navy tr 5277 OKNI tr 2365 BISI 5379 Txue ams. L 0 Ub Fine Casting Raw :1atcrials, by X. A. Krckeler, SYiM o Spathti a t Oa 2 1C.M, per, UrZ Niotortechnischo Zerischrift, by L. S No 12, 1966, pp GPMl per VAL d 2 v Vol 47s, No 2p ACSI J-1759 S6&.. - ID , pp M~-IW.' Cbm mnus St 300D2 Dimensional Stability of Highly x II r B. Twlm & lw Temperature-itesistant Nickel Alloys, I. Bsbm f by HIermann Kogel. m, pw, auftna!a Vol 4T, No 3, GER1AN, per, Neue Ilutte, No 3, 1965, 1966 pp I35 PJ pp pp*frd..iit abo 2vans 9W 3003 The Suitability of Heat-Resistant Nickel- Oowznlam Vb h of r AhvLpTU Coropium Alloys for Extrusion Dies for Extrusion OWMIrS In til e tlof 09wic vs for of Steel, by T. Jahn, G. Gartner. Whe Pr Of por -6M- siiie Lo pjs g., GERMAN, per, Neue Hutte, Vol 11, Nov 1966, b U. MIer. pp (l~l l# Te t bljervo T o BISI 5450, 61W, pet, NoUIMaendet Vol 47# v45 196, pp T9T.- am *on ev M~6 CA vuamnuis Fibe, by L. Usm tft. mnwo 2wo W Vol A8 so 9, l9gi, & VhAbe1. am 2baau 9W 3096 Glow put, Motall Vol A9, I*6, so 936-*-0 ame ui- Refractory MIaterials for Vacuum-Metal lurgi cal Processes, by K. E. Granitzki GERMAN, per. Rheinstahl Technik. No 3, 1966, IWhumtmlon HggmgA of Vealaw O*e AULq pp at low Ieriz*e, 1W. ute V SlSI 5289 =W6 %ýwtwnft&vbl Ist ] U02,26M, Developments in the Field of the Thermo-Mechanioh "M ST I* cal Treatment of Steel, by G. W. Form, GEWIAN, per, Schweiz. Arch. Vol 32, Apr 1966, ftimum at Mes 67/33 qm Amw fta. pp D lat of at as8 m 009 lmus0 Oa B1S t1 Um " PuqeatiaO as f oam miw 1 pe. In, DatermInation of the Sulphur Content of Iron lbl 139, No 1 o lim0 M3, and Steel by I. soerfmnn. or3 35f.N M per Stahl 31s4n Vol 86, 1? inov 2966, pp 15 3 W6. *B15I 5448 to Warm Owme m Ida W CC t Nllem &we WAS a U $ 1 The effect of the Working Conditions in Hot-Dip mqaateftftws O wd bl W6. Galvmaising of Wire on the Thickness and m. 6. JJ i Structure of the Zinc Coat, by D. HOutuanM. va no of im is 7 GDUJAN, per, Stahl iso, Vol 86, Dec 1966, (I M eki0 pp BISI

88 Scientific Materials (Contd) Scientific Materials (Contd) Waleuriu in Aizmiim.k-cw alup. n. Effect of Niobium on the Properties of Plain fl1ozdy o OtbiUty of Otialw-.PwNto I Carbon Weldable Structural Steels, by L. Meyer, Zooi., br Rei bola Sw, 13 p. D. Schauwinhold. =mw, r Zedtoartr a_ GERMAN, per, Stahl Eisen, Vol 87, 12 Jan 1967, Vol S5T c1 m r IW w "T pp AM AAL fr.f3 BISI t elafmom of tu Pro l i o m rep on ]But tft Brso, by. Be 1ý. Direct Steelmaking by Reducing Molten Iron mw p zit wou 5% so 6,. Ores With Ganes, by K. Sauberlich, J. 1w6 Tiochandorf.OmI= F29 GMAN, per, Teohni, Vol 18, Jul 1963, m bh y 2r65 pp ISII TOR e as Oausew of f Buug ~ by 7J. aem=. *D# pw WtVU 1 VeX 5T7, U 6j, Rsti~mlrnt osaetlhinltie n the slaing am bam rni 966 Plet 8izb* In PVW~inl go, by L Noetert. =NA, per, l u s. 96 Ate I mfienn o of VZ1 14-?+..s4tmb of 106te Oba Tn e 1 an & ea an hr2 ng of Alndý Smete of afft t P lvtla. =VAN*ll lpa' Zot 9% bw 0. ISabel. M %1 5T, No 6 Flexible Containers Made of Ribberized Fabrics 12, PP 46.w.I to be Used Also for CD Purposes, by Obew n Io 2967 Franz Jaeger, GER AN, per, Unser Brandschutz, No 3, 1967, pp 'aflo M f a ZM wd ta Adltm *ACSI J-2400 an the Mring of Alu.wu Set, by G. Itobel. ID inin per, zedt Nkt~ulk Vol5T N.T Investigations of Iron Corrosion Caused by O-w ft ISv 3010 Bacteria, by H. J. Frenzel. GERMAN, per, Works. Korros., Vol 16, Aug 1965, Vala 4 A of Ar4nmm, by D. *on, pp Be Nla Wwmk. B1S min. ers, J* gjja, VoL 57, Us T, Systematic Corrosion Experiments With Electrolytic Coatings in Sulphur Dioxide Atmospheres, a m If t by A. Kutselnigg. GERMAN, per, Works. Korros, Vol 16, Sep 1965, an of buitiam 3 Ue at eo pp 7S IBlotial 9luuit:iit a of Wpw b1 F. BISI 5374 a ~4ehw W. Owep. m # Pe, w 21&L2h, Vol 2. ~emu Wagtj1ndw of mto Oh -03 Oafe bw 1. heeol 0. DhMaj@ so L fteb TO& S, A96pbs wetrawibu m to I*e fetint of No Ipbem VA moalm pw ati m n ft Moabm- o b1l 006%1. u, pv m _Uet~i lan or NUON %w uz fs' m Um~1Uin~ua and l L ' by L. J. Deaben, I.Be~ 305T -77-

89 Scientific Materials (Contd) Scientific Mcteriaic Materials (Contd) gem~o III, v h Method and Devio for Ptvtdncng Mlomn S and Fa u aim In ezttl. hbluas0, 2 pp. B O*U-rmd Anoy, by Cb. J. =mwt fttest, 1,224, Dep 26. PAN&#. P. Johnson & Johnson. W Z e s abom Irans & 3031 o l 16, I g. a..o m r 31 Mutbod of'producizn Unwven hbrio ond An Optiea Method for the Sday of Oonoae.- Dwo f0c 171g 0r t the Mithod, 28pp. trt on ftiodar M = min, Ptent ,9T, 15 Sep 196. bya. 0. Naaero 21pp. am mmus r0 Mm,, pu ze t mod Vol 16&,p No I, 934,p 1P Technology of Liquid Metals, by Savage H. Wesley. AS M Tr-1O02 ITALIAN, rpt, Coaitato Nazionale Ber l'energia Nucleare. Rome (Italy). 96 pp. AbC OlNL-tr-854 Method of Pro4oulng bathe+ Metearal and Daries cm Svikns M n 0' Oala~ OThe Effect of Isothermal annealing on the High he thdm by S. Pooh 10 pp. Temperature Creep Properties of a Cr-Mo Steel 111,?S.tdJ,_839j 15 n 19. Type P 11 ASTh, by A. Myallonnier. Cbm Trms 8v 206% ITALIAN, per, Met. Ital, Vol 56, Jun 1964, pp Method and Deviee on Seeing Madhim to BISI 5261 Prhofne 5athe ib11as1u, by S. Pooh, 9 pp., Ptnt 3 0j 5 m 190. achines and Bq:ment for Prefabrication and _ f 2W Manufacture in the Cement Inlustry., by Kuthe, Chair Seat or the Like, by Rudolf Spieth, ]hlian, per, La PrefabricaLione, No 9, 1966, Albert Spieth, 2 pp. p GERMAN$ Patent No 919,259. ACSI J-1720 Dept of Coam OD Patent Office imaer wining x wu', plu.toi etc., pp. oa O 03 0meitions r e Plin fbr I Ower s, PILon of. anfrag ymmo6ngas GNUPae nt, 18m,830 8Apr1Wb. ap, w, ttionl Ieahnioml. hwpoi, Vol 10, Faddtmark c R~o k O.ab.l lno 2. 14, pp frocte for Qh Pravartim of 1er V TOW flow Does Stress Corrosion Cracking Occur in an4/ar Atom U rrotm ed pow, 6 pp. Stainless Steel, by T. Shindse, =man, b wp (ftm OW), JAPANSE, per, Kinzoku, Vol XXXIII, 1963, SD ftb 19a. ] 1n sl1 4 P enjeat I&. pp am AEC-tr-6751 Momoazo Lake Pigements with Various ýlitals, Pseb mt Cuba Anods for U Mmeufte of by Y. Babsho, et al, MYteS, POWMAULaI* af A2"Em by ftuiom JAPANESE, per, Kozo Kaiku Zasahi. Vol pp. LXVII, No 1, 1964, pp fiitbmb# 1,187,80 (Raw ONW), 95ft ATS JS-74 Formation Conditions and Crystal Transitian p Mom - 1 of NOW Aftjlg ftam f of Watchung Red Sodium Salt, by Y. Babsho, A O? JAPANESE, per, Ko. o Kasku Zasahi, Vol mllulm ]it :i aopn9 at a zg0. LXVII, No 1, 1964, pp egh Sager AG. ATS JS-7S Ohm I _

90 Scientific MtrasCndMaterials (Contd) Scientific Mtra Cnd A Im.~u u~me ~ ~uq ~ ~iarectangular Hysteresis in Molybdenum Permh~.1, -, ~ ~ b~lalloy, by Y. Nakamura, et al, 361U16 G vim 17 S. WI.JAPANESE, per, Tohuku Metal Tech. Rev., Vol so 31-WO 7,0IMM,, No 1, 1963, -pp ATS is-ili Mhe Aping Piomss of Oa-ft ALloys, by 8. PetkSinnings 6 pp*pbti m~o I JA~ UM Pa.. nsat ijapa, Patient, , 1 Feb 396. Vol W.,pp 0s o I 32-3T- m ft"a or 3090 Priprtls ftwz of11& an RUAOanua-Photoconductivity Insulating Materials, Prpertys OftZ oy StS2t* Naiii zl 000"U by K. Makino, t~v±y hlng~ O-ZwAllos ~JAPANESE, Patent No 14,450. by VW f~tm JAPA ~ ~ATS, JS-80 Vol.30P No I-X1 bp 3, 11 Sb W 307 Electrophtographic Sensitive Material, by K. Makino, Recent Photographic Materials, by S. Kikuchi, JAPANESE# Patent No 14,895. JAPANESE per, ri Vol XXXIII, No 10, ATS JS , pp ATS JS-81 as prqreg tlos of Ostbein Foavu AlmoainU 31soosts, 9 pp. Anomaly in the u-t Characteristics of Mhn-Zn &U M p s, hnk Siz M Ferrites, by 1H. Watanabe, JAPANE3SE, per, Tohoku Metal Tech. Rev., Vol - br w21 I, No 1, 1963, pp 4Z-49. ATS JS..113 fsa~se 5G3J ftqwu=3fl Oaouitioos, 6 pp. JAIA, P9440 "u-350, 6 Apr 1W6. Lapping of 414-n. Ferrite, by T. Hareyama, UAW*e States Babbc Cb. JAPANESE, per, Tohoku Metal Tech. Rev., Vol am teams ow aw I, No 1, 1965, pp ATS JS-109 ~tw~o ie otd with ey.tmism ne i as VUoyl cloria4 Device for Adjustment fo the Effective 5eAyst., PAwIng Uste3 Ue el as Permeability of Pot Cores, by S. Kansoka, Y a,6pp* JAPANESE, per, Tolioku Metal Tech. Rev., Vol.UPA, Matet 404M$'l I, No 1, 1963, pp Rug" oneaen COup. ATS JS-119 Cbm mans or 2717 Shapes and Properties fo Pot Cores,* by suuue %11 sa F0161 m U- %a K. Suzkie tae nio""at of ntbetio Mar ANioUG'bic 5 pp. JAPANESE, per, Tohoku Metal Tech. Rev., 0eti.ip1 e 96 Vol 1, No 1, 1933, pp Muofat U " 1NwU" ATS JS-1185 "a Rowan 00.8 High Density Ferrite*, by H. Watanabe,. JAPANESE, per, Tohoku Notal Tech. Rev., Vol RAW.. Ootn 1A DwU In Ore apd II, No Is pp CErapial, Sp3 pbep.qk& s Im ATS JS-.108 C~e perk. 13 1pp.. 3. FOUAR, p.9 ~,1.i 97 p 3M i- 40

91 Scientific Materials (Contd) Scientific Mathematical Sciences (Contd) Simultaneous Inspection of the Structure and Boundary Value Problems for Equation Stresses of Ferromagnetic Materials by M4eans e y" - f(x, y, y') For Small Values of e, of Magnetic Tests, by Antoni Karamara. by RUSSIAN, N. I. Brish. per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, VOl XCV, POLISH, per, Polska Akad Nauk ZeszIty Probl No 3, 1954, pp PoLs N 2Nauki 6, 1965, pp NASA TF F-10,839 frd IRT 3-744)-67 Properties and the Application Range of Bainitic Aspects of the Interpolation Theory of a Steels, by S. Przegalinski. unmetion of a Rel Variab].e, by D. L. Berman, POLISH, per, Prace Inst. Hutniczych, Vol 17, Nos. RUSSIAN, per, Izvestlsa,VUE. ibtemtika No 2-4, 1965, pp (%49), 1965, pp BISI S318 Dpt of Navy Tram 5317/AFL/J]U T-1993 im an 0o62 % at f Mathematical Theory of Stationary San Queues, by by & SVj' A. Ia. Khinchin. rpn pnor P, t. m b t. Vol O1 T, RUSSIAN, per, Matematicheskii Sbornik, Vol XXXIX, No 4, 1932, pp Mw W 2M RAND LT An Evaluaticn of the Principal Methods of Estimate of the Cauchy Integral Along Conservation of Fishing Gear Results of an Analytical Curve by N.. S. Nel'nikov. Expetiments, by Janusz Zaucha, 21 pp. RUSSI/N, per, l.atematicheskiy Sbornik, POLISH, per, Prace Morskiego Instytutu Vol LXXI,(113), No 4, 1966, pp iybackiego w Gdyni, No 10, ser B, 1960, *Dept of Navy/APL/JIIU J-968 pp CFSTI TT Estimate of the Cauchy Integral by A. G. Vitushkin. RUSSIAN, per, Mstematidieskiy Sbornik, The Probim of Nonferrous l(t4 s 0Onwt&tiw Vol LXXI(113), No 4, 1966, pp in Pola nde in , 1w M igite r 1f bl@b *Dept of Navy/APL/JIIU J-969. F jx31 per, amdy A,~qt ot HIlSal. No 2. S106 pp.7approximate Method of Integrating the Euations of a Laminar Boundary Layer, by A. Sh. Dorfwn, ROSS M, per, P~rikad Mah.ia, vol. n, Process for Manufacturing Optical So p, pp',1.2-1av., Brighteners of Cellulose Fibers, by Dept of N1avy Trta 5314/APL/JIU T-1990 Albert Schwalenberg, Horst Laqua, 6 pp. POLISH, Patat. No 431S27. Dept of COm Patent Office Mathematical Science- Using Linear Programming?Iethods for hte Distribution Of Fishery Transport Fleet, by N. I. Savin, RUSSIAN, PER, Itybnoe 1hoz., No 11, 1966, pp Fish and W~ildlife Service Burea of Cmrcial Fisheries A Generalized Laplace-Carson Transformation and Its Application to the Solution of Linear ftrwntri ho of Intepatins LmirAr Differential Equations with Variable Coeffi- Boundary Ivo'r Ualtlraines by L. 0. looltsysaskiy, cieni.s, ty P. A. Huraviev, per MO& IOU _., RUSSIAN, per, Bull. Inst, Politehn. Ducunsti, Vol XXVI, No 4, 17 4, pp 39-5 Dept of h, Tress 53-5/APL/JW T-1991 ABC AECL-2817 i S4 0[1 Ill I LI...

92 Scientific Mathematical Sciences (Cored) Scientific Mlechanical. Industrial, Civil & Marine Engineering Method for Sunming Binary Numbers by Geometric harmony in Architecture, by 1. R. B. Mnatsakanov, G. G. Ladariya, et al. S1965 No 3, RUSSIAN, Patent , 6 Feb 64, pp 1-2. R *FTD HT ppo 5)9 Formulas for Numerical Solution of Y - (ON LOAN OR RMnUB) f(t,y) Containing Higher Derivatives, by V. Jankovic. Tasks of Machne Tool Builders in the Jubilee CZECI, per, Avlikace Matematiky, Vol XVI. Year, by A. Kostousov, 8 pp. No 6, 1965, pp RUSSIAN. np, Ekon Gazeta, No 12, Mar 1967, 'PT!D HT pp 6-7. JPRS Spin Tests: Method of Data Presentation, by J. Gobeltzo Adoption of New Technology and Use of New FRENO, per, Inst aec aes Fluides d. Products in Construction Industry Urged, by Lille, 9 pp. V. Kiyevskly and Z. Taiamerman, 6 pp. F)XrF F-10,812 RMIr AN, per, Hkonomika atroitel'sltvax Dee 1966, pp Information-Theoretical Comparison of JPO Digital and Analog Measurement, by E. G. oschni. Construction Industry Plans Measures to Ensure GERMAN, per, Messen, Stevern Regeln, Better Work Quality, 6 pp. No 11, 1965, pp JSSIAN, per, Ekorbmlka Strotklts.tva, Dec 1966, MFTD HT pp PRM invariant Variation Problems, by Emsy Noether, GERMAN, per, Nachr. Akad. Wiss. Goettingen. Org Sbortcomiqgs in Construction Math. Phys. Yl., 1915, pp Production Criticized, by A. Pichugin wad A. ABC HiL-tr-15 1aeh=yev and I. Nalkov, 6 pp. MIUJBIM, per, loxe!adka Stroltol'stya. klee 1966, Covering the Plane vith dentiwa COUVex pp Polyioms, 11, by Bela Bollobea, 3PM RUM=, per, hone IM r SVI_1a matematua igisovolxiino.% 1"..Some mowdynamic Cban a Occurring in the pp 1-8. Presence of Mmustri.l Noise, by Dept or navy Trans 5319/AIL/JIA T-1995 N. N.astl IWBTAN, per, _aa atrda I Protessiona', on the Problem of Elastic Equilibrium of Vol II, l 6A 195 PP 3"7. an Ellipsoid of Revolution, by 0. Todome. J-2506 i'a0 ITALIAN, per. Agtt R.als.ccad Lincei Read,- id a 0hmW56T or 5. Cliu o l F9! Not Nato Vol XlV& 1905, pp NASA TT-F-10,786 The North-South" Railroad Diameter, by 1. Ya. Pletnev, 1. A. Kolpakchi, Noctovisual Theodolite T6-P, by Stanislaw Pachuta, RUSIAN, per, Gorodsko ye Khozyaystvo t~oskvy, PoLISII. par, Praegled Geodezyjiy. No 9, 1966, No 11, 1966, pp S DIA LN A(I J-2391 ID lgailutiet for Resting NUroad?tasseger Car Muast be INprOwed., by A. buoy, 6 pp* Squaring and MAltiplyinS of Fouler Seoirs XMI N app 16 Feb 1967# P. 3. by W. N. Capelle0t,. D0,inerkum, et al. Jie RMM4IAN, per, Suletinu.l Institutului Politehnic Din misi leri Nov, Vol VIII, 1962, No 3-4, pp *FTP HT

93 Mechanical Scientific Scientific Jndustrial, Civil & Marine Engineerinr (Contd) Mechanical. Industria1, Civil & Marine Engineei- (Contd) Results of On testing the Optimal rotary Stabilization circular grids of and the the use Rotating of these Notion results of a in Solid aerod-namic With a Fixed design of wheel Point of by centrifugal Means of Flywheels, blowers, by by V. I. L. V. Krementulo. Lokshin, RUSSIAN, per, Fýo shlenn RUSSIAN, aerodr per, me, Inzh Zhur Vol 25, Mekh Tverd Tela, 1963, PP 121-1i3 No 6, 1966, P -n ML RTS NASA 3297 TT F (OR LOAN OR EJRC29) Oscillations of Liquid in Pipes at Reynolds Moderate Numbers, by S. I. Sergeyev. RUSSIAN, Ka~an per, It AN SSSR, o Mekhanika n u.? pp. Zhidko t iaza, No 1, 1966, pp p. 6.9p,.NSblmmot, AMMU. No 12. 9T , pp. 6-9.,Tes Use of Ejectors ir Gas Collector by S. Systems A. Khristianovich, G. M. Ryabinkov, et al. Tasks of the Construotion dfutstry 26 pp. in the RUSSIAN, Ukraine per, Iz in AN 1967, SSSR pp. No 3, 1946, pp , RMU 3mIA, se., P Gg p, 5 Feb 196?, p. 2. PR8110V7O T MTD HT 66-36S L The problem of pressure Introducing condition af the inter amber Standard Manufacturing Index in Shippbuilding Cost mining pillars: Enterprises, a resilient ponderable mediums weakened by A. Krivonosov, by two el liptical-shaped apertures, RUSSIAN, pe, Rybnoe by D..hoz. I. No Sherman, 9, 1966, pp RUS8A1!, pe-+, Isvestlp Ak-admli Nauk SR Otd. Tekhnicheskikh ML R!I Nauk, 1952, No 6, pp :57 Fish and Wildlife Serii (ON R 303 Bureau of Commercial Fisheries * Pressure Technological and hrosion Characteristic in Region of Separation of Alepocephalub Cavitation of Giardi, a Round by V. Profile, E. Zhandarova. by, per, Fy &2! Kl.oz No 11, K. K. Shal'nev. 17 pp. ' Tekhiicheskik RUSSIAN, per. It akhenr~tifa AN SSSR. Otdeleniye 'D"ept 60-6r. of Interior voutlp~h63kikii-ta, Avtomat0ka, NO 6, 6, r 1954, 11 a J4 pp Fish and Wildlife Bureau of Service Commercial Fisheries PMD MT 6s-S57 Booking Ooaweyer, DLegaM. folr Xaa k.attas of V"Ytkea hn RO =, per, M f so 12, 1966, Appa tme,, 1w b Ytl pp 71A p**dspt of Imterlor Maw ;* aw ty Tareau 114h b 6011 of KW CoircWal e service Flsheries SCale effect of cavitatiom erosion, Let Wh Jkke a Ibre Efeclent Dbepair Use of O the tioae &0 of the hr-bstern Bain, by &IL. fpt0er, hikpadno )b]aa111 RM A, eql per, D li 0- p i X. Hp SA.R Krle vrimuces Ok the )ISM, per, t pp Xo.. No 12, , *Dept o r eor... ELR 3lab (do ImOR Fivhm) afis Vll Kdlite Grrviae feu of Onvrcial Ylsheries

94 Scientific Mechanical. Industrial. Civil & Marine Engineering (Contd) Scientific Mechanical. Industrial. Civil & Marine Engineering (Contd) The Volga United Navigation Company Reports A Pratioal Plan for the P a Its Shipping Plans, by K. Korotkov, S pp. Advsinitrat on of 0onstruotion, by M. Tolaahev, RUSSIAN, np, Vodnyy Transport, 21 Mar 1967, 5 pp. p 3. IUSSAN, ap, Stmn.Itlngya Rgaeta, 1 Feb 1967, JPRS p. 2. MIS Repair of Tracked Vechiles Links, by A. Ye. Asnis, L` M. Gutman, Importance o^& Natura Light in!kwodkng Areas, RUSSIAN, bk, Vosstanovleniye Zven'yev Gusby N. Loomova, 6 pp. enichnykh Mashin, 1964, 45 pp. RUSSN, np, Stwoitel'n a Gaeta, 17 Feb 197, ACSI J-1664 P. 4. ID JPr e 0637 Relation of Sizes of Crater Upon Hardness of Construction of Underground Structures, by Targets, by Yu. I. Fadeyenko, B. I. Nifontov, et al, RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Prik. Mekh. i Tekhm. R'USSIAN, bk, Stroitel'stvo Podzemnykh Fiziki, No 5, 1967, pp Sooruzneniy, 1966, pp *A-M-3J-2484 JPRS ID Cold-Stamping Technology, by A. N. Malov, 737 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, TekhnologiZa Kholodnoy On sinterim- (in the Soid Pb...), by B. Ya. Shtampovki, 1963, 564 pp. Pines M D HT ]1 pp. MW8AN, per, ZhWMr TLekbaidbhskay 7L Vol 16, No 6, 46, pp T3T-T43; 19r_-t366T Short History of StaM Turine DAlding in the Axe So-!6T-O9OT USSR, by A. V. Sheheg-ymyev, 14 pp. RUSSTN. per, Tnloaeirgetika, No 3, 1967, Vacuum Sorption Pump, by A. A. Romanov, pp2.. V. N. Kozlov, et al. S 0530 RUSSIAN, per, Patent , 11 Feb 63, pp *FTD HT Simplified Analysis of the Natural Frequencies for Bending Vibrations of Shafts, by Relationship Between the Step-Wise M. S. Movnin, et al. Stability Constants of Coordination RUSSIAN, per, Vestnik Mashinostroienia, No 8, Compounds and the Number of Ligands 1962, pp 18-22, (Organic Ligands.) by Teng-yung Ha. 14 pp. *Dept of Navy/NSRDC tr 5312 CHINESE, per, Hua Hsymn T'ung Pao, No 7, 1965, pp Utitlization of Equipment at Constraction Projects FTD NT of the irghius 33R, by Ye. tonovalov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Veetnik Statietilkd No 2, A Method of Producing Ferromagnetic Thin pp. 3D-3. Films by Vacuum Deposition on Plane ins 0562 Substrates by Z. Frait, J. Grolmus, et al. CZECH, Patent , 19 Sep 60, pp 1-S. An Automated System of the Type AGI-20 *FMD ft With an Inertial Flywheel, by G. S. Lyubskiy, 9 pp. The Works cf the Delta Plan, 49 pp. No 3, 1967, Vp "a"l. DUTCH, per, Deltawerken, No 37, Aug 1966, JPNS pp DIA LN The Minister of the River Fleet Comments on the development of River Shipping, by Works at the New larbor-mouth in Ymuiden, S. A. Kuchkin, 10 pp. by H. J. Th. Span, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Vodnyy Transport, 21 Mar 1967, DUTCH, per, De Ingenieur, Vol LXXVIII, No 38, pp 1-2. Sept 23, 1966, pp U211-U216. JPRS DIA LN-73-67A 43:

95 Scientfic Scientific l.scientific McadaeIdsrimCvl&Mrn nterr Cn Mechanical, Industrial, Civil & Marine Engineering (Contd) Mechanical, Industrial, Civil & Marine Engineering (Contd) Colliding-Beam Storage Ring, The Plastic Process in Rolling, by FRENOC, rpt, Sections 2, pp Osmo Pilispanen, et al, ABC SLAC-Trans-45 GERMAN, per, Baender Bleche Rohre, No 4, 1966, pp *ACSI J-2336 Filtration and Filters: The Basics of Fil- ID tration ; The Basics of Filters, FRENQC, rpt, 1964, 37 pp. AEC ORNL-tr-570 saw n for P2"!io masses. P"Wesln Pbenmm and Reactions, by S. 1esukalt. ma, per, cbms. I. Tea V.1 38, No 5, Interpeetation fo thermal Shock Tests on the a It ' Vol Rapsodie Engineering Mock-Up, by R. Ginier, fma Trans By 2890 J. Leduc, FRENOC, rpt, PNR/SEPR/65.013, Mar 1965, 91 pp. AEC OPNl-tr DeeNZ-Eloota-o Collfgang Foebner, Iocomatives 6 pp. fbr BrJ, by GINM. per, Deutsche lisenbalationlik. Vol IV, 20ilstlo Noise o FobalnSstiom, by J. P. No 3, 19i7, pp. u-.., -- ud., IT Pp. JRt no, No mtfmu a ol~in AnleA WediiEs: noose@1 or W* go Oper tu oail saw of nnw-twhst Machines, Nwufth Zato a ml 00mosm s of Aggied by D. Vtber. -u _.0..,ppl, I=-, e Det. Taxtilteah Vol l5, No 12, 030 S , 6 Chou ans By 99ft Considerations of the Problem of Fender Systems, by P. Angles d'aurtac. R. Avender, K. Sumn, FREN H, bk, Cotstal Engineering, Chapt 42. N. r, K. Sean, Dept of Navy-r 5285 tr 2374huenz-un eni D ateotro-technikerp Vol I, 1952, pp *ACSI J-25l14 Guinean Productivity Award Described ai ID Incentive to Greater Production Efficiency, 7 pp. FREf14I, np, Horo a No 1167, 7 April, Do Inland Waterway Tankers Stl.l Nave a pp 1, 3. Future, by Schaefer, 9 pp. JPRS GUANWN. per, Internationales fur Verkehrsvesen, No 5, JU1-Aug 1966, pp Guinean Productivity Award Described as DiU LI Incentive to Greater Production Efficiency, 7 pp. Packaging from Coited Corrugated Cardboard, FRECOI, np, Horoya, No 1168, 8 April 1967, by Windhaus, Petermann, et al, pp 4, 3. GERMAN, per, Verpackungs Rudschu No 1, JPRS , pp 17!24. ACSI J-2180 loiernisation of the Railroad Rolling Stock in ID the Eritrean Province of Ethiopia, 5 pp. PFlNOI, per, La Vie dui Rail Outre-Ner, Nlo 156, A Method of Dynamic Programming and Its 1967, pp 24, 23. Application to Optimization Problems of JPr S 4C894 Flight Mechanics, by W. Schulz. GERNAN. rpt, Wissenschaft Ges Luft-und AWO!UUG (2 G Raumfahrt ad Deut SRaketentech Rufahrt--- rmbluasted) f BmimW by, Wvft od orsch Jahres, Sept 1964, 29 pp. 4K- "

96 Scientific Mechanical, Industrial, Civil & Marine Engineering (Contd) Scientific -Mechanical, Industrial. Civil & Marine Enx/neerinit (Contd) Akperlaental Design Description of an E'dmrostatic 3Zg and PWU P b2 I & A Transumission Applied to Drive a Fork Truck, by 1 hzv.*5 U pp. by Jerzy Zuakurki, an".. w WtsdbrM Aamdaft!&I5, per, PrzeW~d Mechaniczgy, No 6, Val 10",N )b24wtmr 1967, 'p A= A ftr-430 *ACSI J-2571 ID 22D Diffusion of Carbon in the Carbide Phaes of Tantalum by Ickehard ftom, Utilization of Ice Covers for the Take-off Wich Gedhardt. and Landing of Planes, * IuN, per, Zeit fur Mta11kunde POLISH, per, Wojskowy Przeglad Lotniczy, Feb 1966, SV01 V, No 11" 1995, U08-d12. pp 32. *&Am& TT F-7O,941 *FrD HT Sewing Machine With Large Underthread The Handling and Storage of Farm Commodities, Bobbin, by Gustav Hagen, 6 pp. 7 pp. GERMAN, Patent No POLISH, per, Zagadnienia i Materialy, No 4, Dept of Conm Feb 1967, pp w7-30. Patent Office JPRS Sewing Machine With Large Underthread Bobbin, by Gustav Hagen, 6 pp. Ebusing Constauction in by Tadeas GERMA, Patent, No Zarl d., 6 pp. Dept of Comm POLISH, per, Zyoie Gooodaaose, 11o 11, 12 W Patent Office 1967, P. e. JPBB Device for Fastening Structural Parts, Especially Panels,' to a Support Surface, The Need for Higher Qulity in Rumanian Machine by GERMANL, Hermann Patent Wiedmer, No pp DuiJdin, Build by bor Nicolae Psantie, nan 5 PP. pp. ia- Dept of CIo-W AN, per, Scinteina Vol. Patent 36, No. 7250, Office 12 PPRS Feb 1967, PP. 1 & A Route Which is Progressing, ITALIAN, per, Italia Mare, Vol XII, No 8, Something More on Self-Adjusting Piston Rings, 1966, pp by M. Vukovie DIA LN S3o-c(tOTIAIn, per, Vojnotekhnicki Masmnik NoS 3)-197 P 7J19 Improvement of National Highway No 17, by ID J03917 Ko Oneda, 8 pp. JAPANESE, per, Road Construction, No 221, Jum 1966, pp DIA LN Methods & Eauipments cboutst~e.m bv WLmld IL0V O. TMO per Moaetuafia..d 14 pp. Photographio noise, signal to Noise Ratio pp. L6. and Numbr of Graations Re.odu6e. by Photogahc JiU 4I03"4 1Materials, by I. I. Breido, RUSSIAN, per, Isvestlys Olavnoi Astronoaicheskoi giaping~. 0 ty in * Dsi, by Observatortl v Pulkovo, Vol 24, 1964, No 177, B. Caskouka pp Imam per, 1WNW seoada 1o 4, 1967, AML RS (O1 WAN OR R Can) ID 2Wh0ZA~67

97 Scientific Scientific Methods Equipments (Contd) Methods & Equip (Contd) Kinetics of photodepolarization of electrophoto- Ca e Beat-Powe 8-mmmotno pictnu f 5 gra.hic selenium layers, by Yu. N. BarulinV Yoen, bn By V e. I 3 ov, we. RUSSIAN, per, Zh. nauch1 0. prik. f6to. i,, pknemat., Vol 1, 1965, No 5, PP 369"3 Vo = DO 4, 9 Z , pp JPRs 40o352 RUSSIA~h per, Teh.Iqf.. Telvduo,*IDH 3786 Reversible Pulse Cofrter by Changes in the 8-nan motion picture fllm A. P. Vishnevskiy, V. L. Krichevskaya dimensions, by E. e0 M. Goldovsk.i, RUSSIAN, Patent , Mar 64, p 1-3. RUSSIAN, per, Ter'/k. Kino. i. Televid, Vol n*fhd HT , No 6, pp 51:-9f L (1202O) Electrophotography, by C. T. Wang, FRINBSE, per, 0.uN Hsueh Tg, No 4, 1964, pp Sensitometri! test for colour reproduction, by D. K. Balabukha, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Tr. LenLngr. inst. koino-inzh. ol,wind-tnl Study of a Hypersonic Lifting NIL F (12024) Reentry Body, by Rene h eresuhla. F19NC3, p per,. N. E. R. A No 409, Graphic antlysis of colour reproduction, b by D. K. Balabukha, RUSSIAN, per, UsZkhi nauch. fotogroe, Reproduction and Eelectrophotography S Vol 8, 1962, pp Largely From the Standpoint of Marketing, N F (31 )6) by N. Shono, JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol V, No 2, 1963, pp Effect or polymer bases on mordanting acid ATS JS-58 dyes in gelatin loyers, 1. Method of investhgating the mordantisg effect of polymer bases, by S. A. Bongard, et ac. Dye Sensitization of Zinc Oxide, Part 4, RUSSIAN, per, Zh. Nauch. i. Prik. Foto. i. Kinemat, Studies the Ln bichanism T of yu Sensitization, Vol i0, 1965, p by C. Shishido, et al, ne 5t28.4F (11965, JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol V, No 1, 1964, pp ATS JS-51 Investigation of the diffusimetrie method of terting of photographic materials, by P.. Effect of Exposure Before te Charging Proaruss, cess on Dye-Sensitized Zinc Oxide Electro- RUSSIAN, per, _Zh. Nauch. i. Prik. Voto 1. photographc Layer, by T. Kurita, Vol Vol 10,9, o No, pp C JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol Vi, No 1, N1L F (11966) 1964, pp ATS JS-52 Thermoplfatic recording of bageso, by L. a. Tar ine ato, Production of Animation Films by Xerography, RUoSIAN, per, Zh. Ratrh. i. Prok. Foto. i. Kinematg by G. Koide, Vol rio0 1pl, No 4 2 V.W.r-12 JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol VI, No 1, Nu 5 r.,f ( i1966h 1964, pp ATS JS-78 ffeit of adding polymer bases on mordant(n2 acid eyes in gelatin la~yers, II. Microscopic study Lnarging Characteristics of Photoconducting of prints from matrices on layers containing Plates, by Y. Yoshida, at al, various polymer bases, by I. V. Prutlo, et al. JAPANE SE, per. Denshi Shashin, Vol V/I, No 2, RUS8LAR, per, Zh. Rauceh. i. Prik. roto. I- X10tnmt, 1964, pp Vol io, 1965, 1o 5, p ATS JS-53 m ( t

98 Scientific Methods & Equipments (Contd) Scientific Methods & Eq1uipment8_(Contd) Electrophotographic Sensitive Material, by Studies of Titanium Dioxido for Electrophoto- H. Goto, K. Makino, graphy, by T. Iida, et al, JAPANESE, Patent No 20,697, JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol VI, No 2, ATS JS , pp ATS JS-93 Spectroscopic Studies on Interaction Between Direct Dyes and Nonionic Surfactants, A Vibrating Reed Type Electrometer for JAPANESE, per, Sen-i Gakkaishi, Vol XX, Electrophotography, by M. Wada, et al, No 10, 1964, pp JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol II, No 2, ATS JS , pp ATS JS.94 A Method for the Production of Zinc Reproduction Methods Oxide Using "Thermography", Photoconductive Film Having Sensitivity in by S. Hoshino, J. Me otomiya, the Visible Wavelength Region, by S. Katanami, JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol VI, No 3. JAPANESE, Patent No , pp ATS JS-64 ATS JS-96 Photothermographic Materials, by Y. Ooyama, Characteristics of Development Omages on JAPANESE, Patent No Zinc Oxide-Resin System Electrophotographic ATS JS-97 Papers, by H. Hasegawa, et al, JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol VI, No 3. Photoconductive Materials for Electrophoto- 1966, pp graphy, by K. Norimoto, ATS JS-87 JAPANESE, Patent No 11,547. ATS JS-95 Titanium Dioxide Light-Sensitive Paper for Eloctrophotography, by 11. Nozaki, K. Kasuya, JAPANESE, per, Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi, Vol Electrophotographic Process, by K. Gore, LXVIII, ATS No 2.15, 2,16ATS l p6927. JAPANESE, Patent No 12,995. JS-62 ATS JS-50 Report on the Conference on Unconventional Method of Making Electrostatic Recording Paper, Photographic Systems, by E. Inoue, by 11. Ohta, et al, JAPANESE, per, Nippon Shashin Gakkai Kaishi, JAPANESE, Patent No 14,348. Vol XXVIII, No 1, 1965, pp ATS JS-65 ATS JS-99 A Method of Making Paper Prints in Natural Studies of Phtographic Material with a Thin, Color Photography, by Y. Yamada, Vacuum-Coated Silver Halide Layer, by JAPANESE, Patent No 16,287. A. Hirata, T. Tsunoda, ATS JS-79 JAPANESE, par, Nippon Shashin Gakkai Kaishi, Vol XXVIII, No , pp A Method of Making Offset Negatives by ATS JS-98 Electrophotography, by G. Akashi, at al, JAPANESE, Patent No Schottky Current Flow Through Thin Oxided ATS JS-67 Metal Film, by S. Namba, et al, JAPANESE, per, o butsuri, Vol XXXII, No 8, A Method of Preparation of 'Aultiple Copies, 1963, pp by U. Tajima, et al, ATS JS-77 JAPANH6SE, Patent No 17,739. ATS JS-61 Image Sharpness Dotectian by Photoconductors, by T. Sakuri, A Method of Producing Images on Metal Plates, JAPANESE, per, 20 Butsuri, Vol XXXIII, by H. Gote, at al, No 10, 1964, pp JAPANESE, Patent No 19,535. ATS JS-104 ATS JS

99 Scientific Methods & Equipments (Contd) Scientific NaviEatlon.Communcations.Detection & Countermeasures (Contd) A Method of Photographic Composition in Special Photography, by H. Moi, at al, Distance Between Vessels During Midwater Fishing, by S. E. Shevtsov, JAPANESE, Patent No 26,128. RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 8, 1966, ATS JS pp Central Rules for Delivery of Spare Machine and Equipment Parts Between Poland and the Coma Bureau of Commerical Fisheries Countries and Yugoslavia, by Stanislaw Kordzik, 7 pp. POLISH, per, Gospodarka.aterialowa, No S, Installation of Signal Lights on Fishing Vessels, 1967, pp by V. M. Luk'yanchemko, JPRS RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 8, 1966, pp 37. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Navlgatlon,CommunicationseDetection & COuntermeasures First Results of the Experimental Cruise of the Stern Factory Trawler (BMT) Uzbekistan. by Recognition of Longhand-Written Characters M. V. Mikha lov, by Means of a Tracking Scanner, by p RUSSIAN, -8 per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 9, 19;6, A. G. Semenovskiy. pp 67-68o RUSSIAN, apt, Chitayushchige Avtomaty L pt. i Raspoznavanije brazov AN UMkrSS Bureau of Commercial Fisheries 1965, pp *FTD HT First Experimental Cruis of the Stern Factbry Components and Elements of Gyroscopic Trawler Turmalin in the Eastern Central At- Instruments, by N. F. Babayeva, lantc, b---tirienko, V. M. Yerofeyev, et al, 564 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Rybmoe Khoz., No 10, 1966, RUSSIAN, bk, Detalt i Elementz pp GiroskopichesIkk Priborov 1962, 306 pp. FTD HT Fish and WildIfe Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries B 1 of et Ob' RYS, 11 p DLmg ste" of Ootober Descrbd, by L louev. 9 pp. Improving Searching qualities of hte Sonic RXIaazaa np. IMMMrmm 7Feb Depth RUSSIAN, Finder per,_ Del'fin, Khoz., by A. No G. Lapin, 11, 1966, pp S7. Fundamentals of the Theory of Detection Fish and I ildlife Service of Radar Signals and Measurement of Bureau of Comercial Fisheries Their Parameters, by Ya. D. Shirmm, V. N. Golikov, 284 pp. The Ube or Uformetioon lheory in ridao-navtiotion, RUSSIAN, bk, Osno!% Teorni Obnarushenikya by V. 1. Wal'kin, RadiolokatsiannM kh Sinaloy I Ismrenia o 1966, Iaterlor FAsh aa Wildlife Service Wi ParawtroV pp. pp 84r.*16. *Dept of Propagation of Long Radio Waves Over the Bureau of COreercial Fisheries Surface of the Earth, by E. N. Gy winen, I. N. Zabavlna, 27 pp. Te fhortest lbv4ption ftfte# ludl & RUSSIAN, coll, Problq Difraktaii i COo8deretlon of Weathers by V. N. Lifsaits, Resrostranenva von v tprostranniye nrusas, per, Itgg w. N o 1, 1966, ovoln, _ m_ ust _. IV, pp JPIL3 4055V *D@Pt of Zfterlor fish and Wildlife Serviee Bur"au of COmmercial rsheries l [ Ai

100 Scienif ICscientific sintiga~fi.c~nmnc1fidtuf Naiaatlon.CommunifcatioflB.Detc~tiofl & NvxdnCouiwckintermelait*S o(n~4 Countermeasures (Contd) Maintaininlg sader Zquipmeflt Heliab111ty, by The wide 11orizons, by A. Y. ivchenko, S. 1. Eraudo, 7 pp. WOW#A1 bk, aokjiravneive Nadesbbosti PAaW- RUSSIAN, per, Vestik SYazi, Vol XXVII, I~oataonnr ~T. 965 hn t:,p l -No 3, 1967, pp30 3 ~ 2. pp 2-~ - p 10-2j hapv cup vz -JPRS ppi J3-354 id 2 aowoi886 Device for Measuring Deviations in the Power Level by V. D. Kukush, I. K. Ovchinnikev, et a1. Synthesis of Vibrating Systems for RUSSIAN, rpt, Vsesovuznaya Nauchnaya Sessiya. Balancing Equipmet by G. N. Petrov. Povahhn~ Dnyu Radio, 22d, 1966, RUSSIAN, rpt, Uravnoveshivaniy@ Wlahin i Sektsiya Radioizmaereniy. Dokiady, 1966, Priborov 1965, pp pp W1!5t ~s *pftj lt Some Problem of Balancing Gyroscope Rotors Prin~ciples of Gyro and Inertial Guidance, by K. S. Terekhova. CHINESE, bk, IR , Vol 1, 1964, RUSSIAN, rpt, uravnoveshivafliye Mashin i 404 pp. Priborov" 1965, pp 25S-257. *FTn HT M HT l' Portable Transistorized Television T~om Progrnes mad Devmlopailat of the ftsal. Transmitting Equipment, by Liu, Yao-Chli, ~. ~ I.?~. ~ 2, CHINESE, per, Ch'ing, Hua Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao. Tesw 2, Vol XII, No 3, 1965, pp NISIZN, P~ vol*pid 11T The Present State of Radionieteorology by Lee Chi-seng, 24 pp. mew First besult of the lbzt In the NeW WOW# CHINESE, per, Kl fsueh lunpao, by V. X. IoJ hvw&, 8 pp. lrr ), No 6, 1964, pp SOI-S9PI~ Ws'~t pwo y 1LAk zindh Voilh. s2 FTD HT Feb 196?, pp. 31 img 400~7 Experimental Investigation of (Oiuidirectional Sonar Reflectors Based on the Inhomogeneous Lens The Best way to Mark the Great Araniversary, Principle, by F. NMechel, P. iville. GEDNAN, per, Acustica, Vol 16, 1966, pp bn. D4 PsUrt3OV# 7 p0271. DR&SIAN, per,,eti 1'ui vestik Vo1 Vl vaz XX11,Dept XI! of Navy/NRL tr 1094 No 3, p 1T~-3. JPPS 0083Laser Range Finder, Coupled with Sighting Periodic Quality Control Of the he"ls Device, Facsimile chanelws, by A. p. pavlyuk, GERMAN, per, Solijat wnd Techniks Jan A. V. Filatov, 8 pp. ACSI J-2166 RUSSIAN, per, Vesnik Svad,# Vol XXVII, ID No 3, 1967, p JPRS 0893Errors in D~igital ICstimation of Hadar The f Rual lannng elepone ervce ~iat Signal Parasmtors with Little Noise, ge improved, by 3* Ye. W ins K. A. Yai~ih POLIH pisjer, C~ S pp. or eti vai o XITelekomu ikagcvol V, N 495 RUSSIAN, per Vol XV5I 1965 ppl No 3, 1967, p--7 MH 3716 JPRS 40883

101 Scientific Scientific Navigation.Communtications.Dstgctjon & Nula cec ehooy(contcl) Countermeasures (Contd) Perspectives of Research in To.1eonmicatioo Levels of the in!w--a-.i Nucleus Otlined, 166HO by C. COMOc, From the Reaction, p by L. V. Groshev, N. Shadjev, FOWI, pnj~~ ~le oleommcmuno pr. aua p r, nio tj4 NoAEC, Jn 167, RUSSIAN, rpt, IAE-719, 18 pp. LA-tr-65 ST - pp JPR o Nuclear Sciences & Technoloay Po0008 Of Noliatin Annealing of point D1~fete In Atenon, by 1. V. Ul'tovgliy, V- I.9 Mu~itu Electron Scattering by Polarized Hadron Targets, by V. M. Dabovik, A. A. Chesbkov. ftun~nt Stablity RUSSIA.N, Cftearj& rpt, In 0Oqiosit (Norwwa+ SUperoonductlag) *AEC SIAC Tr Conuotor., by V. I. fablin, 9. Y D. ix.e~nko, N. if. 0. Sawal1ow, friemi,,.9 pp. Lie Gruops NMUNIAI and Zpt, Symmetry U I. V. 3 wadbtov of Elementary Parti- Lua~te, 191 Wo., cles, by I. qp S Shapiro, P AW Ap fr-2.5u RUSSIAN, rpt, 57 pp. AEC ANL-Trans-307 C&mLOQUos of tbe 9sptiga MEthi~t1on of the lb" of Post VAM Itexandlte Neutrons LIminescenog of Bare-hr-th Ioms in Crystals Un a!±.mu liufalet BMW of Phantow, the sbelit by Type, by A. X. Norozov, V. 0. Zo1otykhin. RUS1AN, per, pp =A0, 3VIAZA AACSX J-257 & Th BfqiOailM annuvadiiwadiao ID 220k ft PrOteotlo. Via=m 2 Avg.Up ViDuSISal Tr 29 (amen) Xntlrowio of 00imrent Detatron Omoilltin.. With kteznel fytsem, by N. B. Kknsk~', X. IL ~ ~ ~ ~ oflg-eg Wl msinr A. N. Sminsk1d', V. 1. Napiivo, 1. A., otoe iha~ono*,b bekkbtm,.s 10 pp. DNmrma~kovs a.. plaeywv, meiant 25 1$,v Institute Of 3016eer 1hielou, ~± ~ ~ of S ~ on. ZAND M rpt, 3--6T. "PftNo 66, navouiinks AM OW lac - "3o9-T Ma bit~lsqlan of Putioueg With Ihtteir at Vectr O031n InAtaVc T Rioh bi fexul"e, A. Toe X Mus by u1.n V. 8. Duvrm 3.Win ftnkv, scu 3. U. NiUuqev 5 PP. Irpeotre, ~~~ N.9dw.3.Iio, ~ ~ R bys A. $ hitbed to the 6 rg Aet"NAUL Pq8010 P T Jw~ft61 -wm -w~) 1UWX M *.trost.i teatsm A Consideration of the Laws fo Conservation of Energy and imovntuok in Inelastic Interactions in Nm the wbnne Monte Carlo at Gu Method, by viatg" m h0t use V. zwr K Nal'tsev, traf at us P'yanove ftes st~ation lana 100 RUSSIAN, rpt, by JINR-P-2140, A. P. VIDopvi@V, 15 pp. Ut A. ftkxw L. K. AEC ORIV4-tr-10iT Cbeaw, 1e 1. flzras1w# L. L. Ameatiaa MO # stoowea Y m P%0263g6r. Passage of HgEnryNeutronsThog ~tim~u a. ntia*.ow Heavy Concrete, by *egbreleal N. M. Komochkov, Oeernboyag RUSSIAN, rpt, JINR-P A011 *AEC _'.

102 Scientific Nuclear Science & Technology (Contd) Sctentific Nuclear Science & TechnologY (Concci) onbsc Re"Amaw Isumite Of Eaftaioa N om1 lsaonin a Gzspblte-lkter C-lffiisus r NalsftsbySyste at. Larg Temperature Gradients, by Polarsabilty ~eff nts f byl. V. Hayorov, V. I. MoetovoM. Mu A. iov ~Sm at, 93 PP- RM M F&W WI/PUB/3.Ol, No 1, 1965, 358W, tpt, JIME P 21*95 DM 19-PP *AUO AAM 2565 Spoaemea iemable 1 Xao. Viftb Ralf.~ t IsoamiBs1.N"D~, by K PWb T lsion Prooses In 2ime in Grqp~Ite wa Sh. IungkLaussmn, 6 pp 3e17iius, by V. 1. Ilostovoy, z. P. 9.41kw. MOM, 20o.TZN3P-26ls 1W6. P ausiai, Ppepr, O'JI/PUB/lli, No 1, 1965, AB UML 4bh.1339 pp ,1. Pulsed hutron usn. smp. Urarlswbe. 100I I f~r n MSMU Fildby*AX 2563 L. B.ulb"k, li pp. RNS1A1, Xpt, P. N. Zeb.9.v P1k'uIo Zostitate The Operating Experience of the Ion Exchange MR Acdosb of N ftanes Wov 1W6, Filter for BIVA Reactorp by Z. Bergushevski, pp "si6 P 9ILVI06T6 KC. Zliarnovetski, AK NPP.1 RUSSIAN, ipt, ZFK-RN-17, pp AEC WAPD-Transý-7 Neutts E9psotMOsopC XWONU*StIDD of SeParatd Studies of Start up Conditions of 1. V. Kurchatov 06~dv Isotopes, by ft. G. Uhspkn, Th. T. Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Station Performance at Adsmabkuk L. 8. Danslysu, 0. Y. DHui~ma the Test Rig, by V. N. Smolin, V. K. Polyakov. 3RSX*N, Powpar Pesened at ti 06mtemsos an RUSSIAN, Nuolesa per, Bout, Atozmaya X10nOOD"i Energiya, Sept oft" 1965, Seautl and 06WW %eatnent pp Bats b a bators, hal., Dept of Navy ti CtlI ti Oat 1W6. 19U11536T ABC IBM 2B.126 Digital Tracking system for Nuclear Treatment of log-fasnge 1hteractions by a Roginsering, by Pavel Kovanits, 7faroslov Modified Foirm of Strong Coupling, by H. F qr Ne,Vl Damburg, Z. Karule. R IH ep& = &rly. o 1 RUSSIAN, preprint (reold as typescript). No2 hgaec p lb10 * *E Atomic Energy. X0OIAI 39. at i 1 ni the UNV am 11t611stS~ RUSSIAN, per, Atoumaya Enorgiya, Vol 22, No 1. XWrg 1606"s 696 IV BMZ X, h Ptoseedbg ofaiton d AUP *Dept of Navy tr 5272 ONI tr 2361 ales Osafoemos, Jai 1W6.?*amersee baoa %a*&kwm Vkma as"-, Noso =at6ft Prototype Studies and Pheniz, AM b1* 6W RUSSIAN, per, Bull Infrom. Sci. Tech., No 9S, 1965, pp 7Y-415. AEC MIL-Tranh.293 ftelisumsl Soiy OfteNaeof Us uemeat-d m, ~sm1atl i n "M SA Aspmc s1mslu5" Calculations of Critical Experiments an by S. W. Iahmwo T. 1. Nmetmvq. A~ssemblies of ZPR-3 with the Aid of the SW.mi pow# av ~100, ft System of Constants FBI, by sp64,3-w- N. 0 'Bazatyants, "M RUSSIAN, per, Baull. Infom. Tsentra. Yadern. Datm".vol 1, 1963, pp) o ABC-Z 669

103 Scientific Nuclear Science & Technology (Coned) Scientific Nuclear Science & Technology (Contd) Ultrasonic Defectoscopy, On the PLO& DireaJm of t P r of oashinostroveni6eyp pvin v, V, 9 pp. U!taz v Mashinostroyenir2 1966p 5 Bam RUSSIAN, rgt, Izdat. RE hk,, per 7 omial" - 3," 266 pp i Ga a No A MC U S-ACI MT, 2r-I0094 ID J Global Fallout Products of Niclear Explosions, by, V. N. Lavrenchik, Sfeznicton of rpetrets for X-Tra c pectroras I. U sra~o, K.X 1. Vo pn, RUSApr z NSSelank hdot RteSIAN,bre oypa enverto v R S p hler, Neft. Gby., Vol.VII, Tadernykh C za ov, 192pp.pp N ina 0. D. a V t"8 plaint Kt. o 0. by PLdln~mlk, u-350 d A. LAEC N.., The Effect SLAC-na of a Radiation Enthropic Layer,..oa MAYANes by Ye. A. by Roishevskiy. * A Nucea Neopychshi, b e rv.x RUSSIAN, per, Iz AN SSSR Mekhanika Zhidkosti 3. P No 2, 1 936, pp =larm# Z"o rkod~te KXn U t Po TM N A t6rf Semiccoductors Pressure Tranducers for Gas Mixt4, Aures, by A. M. Nechushkin. 1 The Cellular Structure of a Convection Flow RUSSIAN, per, Izv. VUZ Neft. Gas., Vol VII, in a Vertical Cyli~nder of Round Section, by No 11, 1964, pp"'b-91. AEC SLAC-Tarans-43 E. I. Slavnova. Z1.4 RUSSYI;i, per, YInzh. -. H~~dj Fiz Zh, V'ol 4, 1965.,Vl No0 8, 1961,, 96,j77~ p p Ikedbaul m o f A t o.a F sco w n q mo b ]2. Z. ]W Utan, 1T pp. the Solutio of 5b Ont V11W Pxdblý ft _ hr TX5, 29, pp VIth a Novi" Swnd, by 0. A. ftua AC ILrr,& V. 1. nxr k,1~ 9 pp./ SN&WD r - Vo TD lb T, Catalog of the Instruments Using Nuclear 164, pp ScL, rces and Utilized for Controlling and AmE A - Automation of Technical Processes, Produced by the All-Union Group, "Isotope", Radiatlon Transfer by a Nsdim in Two-Ds.n- RUSSIAN, bk, Katalof Pribory, Deistve Kotosional Problem, by 8. P. Dstkov, rykh Isnov';no na Ipol'zovaniy Istochnlrkov RJUMlN= per, ahenorno-fisichemkly Zh.un Yaderkh I siuchenly 'D la Kontrolys i Av- Vol X, No 2, 16, pp toati &t31y Tekhologichgskikh Pre..essov, 1 Dept of Navy Tra 5318/APL/J1W T-M9 Postsvlyay ssoyuzn9 Obbdinnen Engineering Calculations of Nuclear Reactors, by A. Ya. Kramsrov, RUSSIAN, per, In shnernae srachety Feaktorov, Setting up Reliability Networks of Neuron-like 1964, pp Elemets, by V. G. Totsenko, B. N. Yegorov. AEC ANL-Trans-270 RUSSIAN, 0e -, N Sever 10 K leksnou Problem Kibernet~ka Bionika., pp Ultrasonic Cleaning, RUSSAN1,rpt, ladat. I.Wh/inostroeniye -I *FTD HT Ul'trazvuk V 1ashinostroyeniyi 1966, pp ACSI J-1794 ID

104 Scientific Scientific Nuclear Science &Technodoejy (Cc ntd) Nuclear' SciencE & Teh1_oloW (Contd)q Flute Instability in a Rarefied lnhomogeneous IlASti c attering Of Polarized 1 i mev Neutrons Plasma in the Presence of a Non Uniiform Blec- by Medium and Heavy Nuclei, by G. V. Gorloy, tric Field, by V. V. Arsenin, N. S. lebefeva, V. M4. 14orozov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Nculear Fusion, Vol V, 1965, RvNn,jl Neitror oe Enesge!Z! Ponlo pp a 4 AflC-tr-6670 (ps7-64) Bredneo I Tjalýog eqsa. I. V. chaztov Atomic Znergmr Institute or the leniln Ord:er. Wlsaz~aon 1AlS of Raftoaotiwe was". Pzfteht Control, *AEZC 1W Darin f1lqohw, 5 PP. R11M04, ap, &labd -It the Ukwuim, 8 Me 196?. p. i4. Solution Of the Problez ins of the li0s Analytical Construction or an optigum c ontrol for a Nuclear Power Station, by N. M. Sokolova. 0,2 oas 00"UAu or ow.vsow. AF$ w In RWSIAN, per, Vestsi AIkad Havuk I38R,, B~niy3U~~W, 3.A.T.tiglv. PbYr'-Tecbn, No j,3, 9b), p l2j OM Gamna Radiation of Uraniumn and Its Daughter Products in Radickactive Ore Bodies, by Vapour Pressure of Uranium Monocerbide, by Yu. P. Lyubavin, V. V. hromonzhkinrussian, per, VOP. Rudn. Geofiz. Mmi. Geol. RUSSIAN, rpt, Poednsof the Sy~ jmp i kayner R No 3, 1961, pp on Thermodynawit Etmphasis on nucla Materials and Atomic Transvort in Solids Jul, pp =!A-X fwi M z~r~ sr ei CP-Parity Non-Conservation in Polarized Wofte 4U f of& Voutlaw~ Nwt.1 am Neutroai Decay, by G. A. Lobov, ron2%bn.xvoat *,N.L RUSSIAN, rpt, Re rot of the Institute of adse, T. To. Uasteairo, 1. D. Dopoport, Theretcaland Experimental Physi cs.- Sta-te 1.. t ftkoub.y.w edh ~ldta Comitee 91the Peaceful Uses of Atomic 4 p F 0 EC-NP M fqk, ub f q 57b CAi the T-Parity Non-Conservation in Strong Interacions, RUSIN, t.reor y G. A o Lobov teinstitute of AaMlyda of o*.tmsa Comttmm in plaxa'opopbl Theorehtiics StaEvrian- to m~ Z*f 9. VaMtermw 10M, 1 bo n of Ze S LAiMp & Th. CommtteeOR WP~aofu Use ofatomic CalulaingDifferential Cross Sections of SlwNeutrons by Mesas of integration with A Respectto EM IFo.3ot100 Ties, by NA4 V. F, LG Wrchin, 0020M QXSM bw1.l fthft ILM. fth6w#u MANrpt, W Plaport of the state committee anth aexamu Uss Of Atoaa e y.ssr No 6 IM,14 pp. "Z8&OWM. s3etrtmaeft am a.tuslan fin tae Ll-lb MysansbyTu. P. lonnav, 1. A. Mk.IA.oa =$WperROM16 ftmm Z43-u

105 Scientific Nuclear Science & Technoloh Scientific (Contd) Nucle ar cenc Tcnooý (Contd) 2110aulou of Tvo Photo.. at a GivenAnm 119nLo D2X tis aiim Cabloo of Calswon 5 I.14o OaI=Nom byt in Nulgear 1. BMW, U1sotazt (62 sand C63, by Beat. IWPp pp MI.Mb73I ~~~~~ANOGL ft2i30a 03Tr 1689 ft1ft 0ootro OSOIJ.AtiaO of a COLUijoba. Pfaam PropetUW N0UW= Afto~s 9000t5rUatyb & NW&Uso inl4abi8p5 Plaid, Maul by L. 8. UxNIm 1108nkayloh, Slab by IMenh A. A. Nukhsdae, of the URUONbST) 1i MU pp.. Par, Re~tio mumaimi1 WAL ur hiafs barrier Aft@ by ton Adalalne Be Z..Uftwi4je, aergphft 911P ga!ý" lb a ew, 28 pp. AW I ft2"8ado Umb U%55I1 On the 03ittoal Stat. in U4gd4.Gmu by TEWautions, T. ru bm~af, Proposal 315 pp. for the Construction of a Sewer the Discharge for imeeams p, of -0"fiJgdtaiing Industrial Waste Water Can- Vo 3, 95,4.pp M Radioactive Substances Escaut River, into the ADO 1A ft2.66.ý FRENali, rpt, Aug 1964, 30 pp. AEC ORNL-tr-96S Radioisotope Di'agnostic Methods, by Oskar Andrysek, Karel CZECH, Bakos, bk$ Radioisotopov et al, Diagnosticko- 1965, Meto 2, 70 pp. Tratn1buioii Or Batahe ftroiauta 8the Of 'ACSI J-2354 ln7atuiftinu of htaation!hofa 1110 MM ID ltaei the Protond"o rv ofmi n ea*sor n1 d Upp 14Pipp -DM Regulations Concerning rgb, CAr'W8-M/u&A$/2oe, Safety Arrangements Ba. A= IW6. in the UMGI Use frwl350 of Radioactive Jobs Materials, Kjoerboal, by DUTCH, rpt, Apr 1965, 38 RdaintesrM pp. 3AodanInsufficient-. AEC NP-tr-1262 RdainMaueet ly Shielded ruda Target Irradiated by 19.2-Gev/c Protons, by S. Charalambous, Prat*gel. FRENCH, rpt, Noun"ato CERN/DI/HP/79 GLmaUatio RV) for 10wtow Oct 196S, Boatim 34 pp. Skalde - A Watoeaa..z ftrimp by AEC UCRL.Trams-1299(L) X. ~~ V ~ 73 7.,rdos3 FRmOparsf, 19 P*fxt& ftl Mma ABC MLRR4-16oP Va~ Tom An Jum p 11*f!!eQWp. e Cnrb ution, to Sa. et Proble Relted qa to 100 We Fa, Powe Reactor Proect. b G. enieo, o henspoth FRENC, nmu Vpt., 1e Ptt pp*s, 96Z 3t.o 6UatVi ft"teofuu MM b4j %pooo Noo ndefte a ABC P trfn -16 ft ar,,idd l Om aga# MA watb t~ I Upf nfn MDr 0-f rfsblba

106 Scientific Nuclear Science STcholg (Contd) Scientific Nuclear Science & TechnoloM (Contd) Orand Quevilly Tbaeml Usts Sttin Contribution to the Study of M~areil mffogior. 5 w Sodiuft circuit with otem Geeao Sqperbeated to 54i5 des. C., by Marcel 0. in Ion-lZothSNS1 Cells of A61O 3 -.N&N 3, by Josotte DAM~y, Yoshio Nekanura, Berge Billent, PMK ecnr 'tdsnaele JMUI( Per, Journal do Obhaimi Psian a t do MN-B-252D Reports JM P~ohll j1pl- o 3.1bp AIAB AlRIIEN-91 iapsodle -- Neutronio, Hyruic ML a~n d Chinon Nuclear Plant EDF-3, Summary of Aymnlanj Studies and Studies of Stability,. Technical Features, Early in 1963, 100 pp FRENCH, rpt, Recueil des Caracteristiques FUN(, pe, Ontrsd'Iudes a~*techniques, E-lectrictite de France Region Fuixtena~y-aux-~sV' Dguipment Nucleaire, No 1 AAW *AEC Of Techn10.oI'TP5X356 Study of th~e Establiohmnnt of StendardE for AIC OFL Tr-152T Radioactive Wastes in the Hlyd~rological Environment. noiecli, rpt, Etude de L'Establissernent de Rsdiointria Isotope Abunadnce Analysis of Norznes Four?e RsFe-ts Raajoactif a deans leea23ad'25mja a y1 as ýresmuxrv~obiolo-iques, (E7JR/C/12b3[G6 w f), ~ 3 OMAN, ~5iitf5 Paper yi e, Brusocls, FroM Reactor Chistry 4 Mr-l96b. S~YMPOSIUM. *nmcoi 3-4 Oct!966. *A&EC ORKL Tr-1b7 * i30 lon Continuous Analysis of the Absorption Speatrum of Argon and 34Ion Between 2 and 8 It', by juestition of %W Wrflusion of lean ftsaf waillowdcrs 19 p. Gases In Fissionable Yaterials by 1. Pli, N=M rx doe o 2s16 Dec 96%, R. Seelig. PPCCM T i..5'3: T ABC =WN Parraro UL Reactor M001h M00.18tq ýuoct1966. BYosi10 Vindecale Tr 30 1 a (lo0m) Caissons of Reactors G 2 and Px,ýeotion Molecular Flow in the Transition Region. of th Prsrse Cals by P. Poltevi. Validity of the Diffusion Equation, by G. iyzmck, per, OowegWIndustrien..e doarmand. Tra-ft=, 21 Mari EFIEN1CH, per, Ia Vide, Vol 21, Sep-Oct 1966, *AEC 5NY fr.1690 pp T. U.K.A.E.A. (Loan) ca Tr 145 Caissons in Prestressed Concrete in G-2 and 0-3 Reactors, - Principle of the Function X9*r1=ntsl 116terAination zand. of Gomeatry History, by P. Effects Poitevin.inteNeumtofB2LU atsfo PrvuxC, 29eJr,9T Gm.aitnIn Lbouorete, by IL leinze, TA-SC&L Tr169RMMN, 40pp. rpt, AS-MM-1021, lannover Institute of %ocholog. fi 7 Viscosity of Fused Binary Nitrate Mixtures MC CMNL TZ.1521i soa jation of lonib Radius, Iy. C. NurgUleSCia, 0. Zuca, 6 PP- 1RUKpe, ectoclooaact&, Vol Li., 1966, Calculation Of Buld PP F~l~3T6TFactors , In layered Shidelds, by 1. Schubert, -95-

107 ScienificScientific NcerSciennfce&Tcol Cnd Nuclear Science & Technology (Contd) Mesa04mmut of Cmmi Radlation In the )bool A Derivation of Ra11dt Factors for Owdimry of a Powe fa~sto Wed.1 In the Oseesthaoht Conorates From the Attenuet~ou Obeffloiamts Nes~ealf Resator (19), by V. fatteramnger,, ABC OM 79%15W X~te.1n~iosof the aiasrsaterlstlos of Calculation Of NAmw Spetra Frho Cntinou Propagaton of Fast Neutrons iln Caocrete palse 3e:g0t spectra. Parb 1: Preliminry by Meas'uremnt of the Soattering Fie3A of Rimarks, by 10. Ibtt.mner, R. ofr, 8. Buess, a Collbmated Neutron Been, by BS~mar C. D. Vkwanek, 12 pp. Sindewld, 4i3 pp. (M U., rpt, AN =10 lsanmo'wr Institte of UN, ms itio, l wffly Institute of Teownalov. IYJ.J.44J.T!lec logy, P91214W7 AND OWCL Tv 1511 ARC Ml fr.1508 * Appliation of the Dom Model Calaulation OptAlsatIco of the Working Purawteru for 1~t~f~tiflof the Fluz Densitjy CorretIon Ilectramagnetic IsotOPe Separators, by 1. Factor 1WWteruted by the soantzy in a Model T5mp1, 1. 1L Vlnk2*r. Tat la eestbaoht, by 0. V. Vaam~, 1U pp. =WA, per, Abhnndl Imut. Aka. Visa. O(AI, rpt, AMT 1ý Appendix to erlin. Ce. Zl 6 aol. am., No T, 1l96Is ANME~ ipt 1005 b195 P T pp 359-3ba. ADO MMl T-15l3 AAB AME Calculation. Of SecrkAry Cm..eImtiw' for TestIng of COwfdned Radioactive Materials a MowCk-v of a Power Aftatoi abem3 for the for Leakage, by 1. fbhn, 5 pp. GestaotReseurch Reactor (M) With the =WNI per, OM Ia Vol T, 1961, Gram I Comuter Pr~ogra by 0. Sasse, 1. pp PR1fl155 1 T MW1# apt, AN-= =010 lamnnum Institute, of!echnolow Say1964.P91nh"O T AXOC~l MMr-1517 Results with Phospahte Glass Dosemeters in Personnel Dosimetry, by H. Kiefer, tgerman, per, At Mraxis, Vol XI, 1965, pp a Poier Reactor MEadIaJ n the Large Irradisaatr(IR), by 0. stuiw#r 9. pp. Plain and Antifrictian Bearings for Extreme QI 1,X rpts ABO-Wnq hanovevr Institube Reactor Conditiond, byf. Helfrich, of!.o ao ~ Rap, ~ CER!4AN, per, Atomwirtschaft, Vol IX, 1964, ARC GEIL TgI pp 126-i29. AEC-tr-6839(Psrt 1) Dwteuaiztlou of Past Neutro Spectr With I TbebI DateotioNS, %W G. DUllW 18 pp. Plain and Antifriction Bearing for Extreme =W, &t,, ARM Me 394 Reactor Conditions, by F. Heulfrich, P AMC OWL qip45w GERMAN, per, Atowirtschaft, Vol IX. 1964, pp AEC-tr-839(Part 11) DrbeIdntuft or the Is"t Newtrom ri~m SpeetIM Wil th bl OSwhbawbeteo, by 0. Statistical Handling of Atoms, by P. Gombas, W~a,8pp. GERMAN, bk. dier Physik, Atoms II, on",~~~as M EMa 9.Vl XII pp AUG GL 24-13M

108 ScienificScientific Nuclear Science & Technology (Contd) Nula cec ehooy(contd) Simple Method for the Determination 17 Nuclear Baastlong in Of the Distribution of Thermal Neutron Uedi"Um QXAPr 0Wsat47#y by D. vhuhnfasbu C. Am"n,.12 pp. Fluxed, by S. Dome, 1. I&Mahlb Feher. Gm-i~R., per, Kernnerie, Vol IX, No 2, 1966, ARC P93.r1567 *FTD HLT Co ee etrp 'o l00 atu Internl PWNaUmui', Depwdsufs by Nulcrich Of Hardemble the X1Prd14t1ga 111-br-f Deavl.or Allay of a of Nou DUMOP, ftate of Herald Ouhi, 25 pp. GO", Precipitation, by P" 1. Doebs, V. mlnat, , pp Volhn 7, lol. No 1, tjf W VlT o1 =W WsNCArJtr s Vol 20, No 1, AC ILb16 AM ppl T *4 New Devices for the Measurement AlL!-Jg~iRadioactivity of the In Water, GERMAN, per, Wasser, Luft Betrieb, No 2, Iarge 1960, Angle Scattiering by Ligbt Nuclei, of Strongl pp Absofted Particles, by R. Calner *AEC Tr X. Iome, J. Hompier, 22 pp~. mm, pe, ftaal~ea Fvaica, Vol 89, 1w6, PP ARC 1T11 IA fr%-6t-n W -5W Nitrogen Deerigto CON'ounda in by Ceramc A. Naoumidiu, Ureniun =ONN, I aj.. per, Zeitgabigtfur A9_&s. Nuclear Reactions. 1 0 T, 10 9 Ag, 1 9 TAu W E %,p57, MeV; l*ieasured c"h,.compared Monte-Carlo Calculations Nucleon-Nucleon on quasi-elastic Collisions. Natural Targets, ASeinU laxto o by ASainr ihmto b C. Brun, h n~t. wsi H. flabost, B. Getty, M. lefort, ati011 of Dissociation Piooeeum in LiqWdA. X. Tarrago. =:HMAN, and per, So.3Mm, Nuclear Pbysics, by H. 95A, Ripen,.196T, L. de Iheyw, 35 PP. Pp 33T-356. *AEC ORNL-Tr 00 1 PSI Zeit. for KlaftWW!!&m Vol 60, No 9-'W, 4r", PP l03t410w5j- Ti 430 ABC OW Tr 1530 Radiation Satmrtion * wan Zefeot 6Mid-, Structure by in X. Palarln, 0. XGUmo, T PP. mhz, me mnfbmnae jar* or Non,-Coerent AW8f mo tatu e Idjjp Wmi Courent Vol 10, Part1akes Ofa l Second PP* ~ lime ý of YU0b RSearp.UtOLS34-. AM AuL tion. fr-w L. Me 001neton "hijc as an ftwou fw the Vfi~ot of Non-Coherect Partiale., by hrank fteseaar, hater uno. I Dfuinand 2aad4NinAgCl, the Isotope by P. Effect Sueptitz, Fro ;W-ganf 9 fur~ pp "3T W>arw"e, GEIP.NAN, per, "h s. atucs olidi, Vol XII, So I ADO ~s W nr. 95,PP AEC ANL-Trans..29S Extraction of Uranium (VI) by fnt"wei. Tricapryl- or Peptude aontining 1. Prepestio "1001M. methly-aaonium Nitrate, by Guenter of BL. amd Koch, ftpwtd. Containing; GEMNAN, per, 6&4enRej..U, R~adiochiu Acta end l. Vol eno~steine, IV, 1965, pp by V. hank, 86 pp. AEC ANL-Tran3-31? OmID Pwa ew rd Co=1e*,~ pu.m~'t ~ To ZigtoheMaftl ava ftrolngiemi Bondi" t o93t0 affeet of X-ft7, W, by Sqhi1 kir Ykdte~, (now# PeW, No 861, 3"2# pp 129-l0. Co. MMT-i"? Tmi

109 scien~i~scientific NcerScien ce& ecnoog (Contd) Nuclear Science & Technology (Contd) A BtW on Natural Gams May Jog, by Shwn1hi Bespoasibili1ty In Nuclear Matters, by Iam. wnsgem Bel..11. &TPA, per, Buteui eas. Vol A8 NO1 3, 95 ITALIA, par, Atom Fetrolio, Nlttrioits. ip 11041$. Giuriohica In:ei Pr;m delejb= I aui 1nNJbW Transport of 1'±asile MterIal and Civil *9M9 Tr5 im ppm The periinnte3 Study on the Ferformasae of Description of the "Igor, and Fi'jodor" Sytm JAPsN= Speraio RntaINS"Mt iste. 0"p.1 for Using a Collection of the Collision Cross- No 24,9 1959p 1-7. P1Xb Sections at 26 Groups that Contains an Account AB S r7 of Some Coefficients of Self-Shie3.ding Some Resonance at Different Temperatures, by Piero Azzoni, Pietro Poli. Dtefet Structure of Borate Glan.. Irradiated ITALTIIf, rpt, Descrizione dai Codici Igor e vith Gans-Rap, by Yewo Saka.1 Piilodor 'er L'Utilizzo di un Atlanta di MANAJ, per, IUKow ale.zsuasia Vol. 68, Sezioni d-urto a 26 Grupi che Tiene Conto N1o 8, 1I65, pp dai Coefficienti di Autoschermaggio Delle NJ 2N.85 Risonanze a Varie Temerature. liational Committee for Nluclear Rneray (t1e) Euratom Association for Fast Reactors AR'! (66) 1. Studies an the!rewamt of hadloaative IdauiA *MIC ORNL Tr-16T5 Vatst. by Flotatiou *Mode, (1), by Toeblo, Nff@et of 2bras r. ea~mot an the Strucur Vol ToS p -M P 2-0 of Ihanius All ".' Containing Nilobium, by C. 1WTr8 Fizaotti, A. Vaspernid. IMMLIN, Ir$, Wi 66 MAIC CFHL 2Z19 Study Go S3Ju6h IMakWg From a Reactor Present StUateo the Ana.1a3.s of hoelear 11M am b4gkas lbals and ktantor Wftorlals by lafes 022M0. Vol 68O no 56o,,M pp IF-32 JAPNN, par,!mm No 35, 2965, PP NJT 1r-87 3J 2r-ft A b.stbae N~afawart and 11a Applicatmo Liquid Sodium Technology and Problems of to.$iw MThiOW (bps b7 311kio D2IMGM Fast Breeder Reactor Development, by 111 YhWAU. Kazuo Furukawa, zuan, Par hug!"m Vol lit, so4 JAPANESE, per, Genstiiry'oku Kogo, Vol XI, No 10, 1965, pp 31 37, Nol11,pp 55-60, No 12, pp AEC NP-tr-1491 eaggta ot Iand Imem few (-hyw ftiopv*w* by Akin Vibratory OORPt$.o Of Ybeed Mgt by Tamn Gloa ftiaslah ojuiri. M~o UMP93 I"I w.jkfl Part, Vo 1 3, n 181 on VWe Ortaee ZoVMisal of Man Narah Mad M41stica SO I 10W O W~MAO I xmid#a g6altivity DMWMndsO the ldaer Noma?e. o MI hef VOA by M. 5SU1MMnelis go p9. I 1i 3M YL4 Pam. apto, n~oi oi= NMnas 01aitoriag tor hdiloada Pretetsum, TieMM 99 AMg- OLfit Sap 1W A- MI Tr-13A

110 I IScientific Nuclear Science & Technology (Contd) Scientific Phsc (Contd) Thermoelectric Neat Flow Measuring Elements Xll[ a Inducd i noene in Alka.1i SLe by 0. A. Gerashchenko, V. G. Fedorov. rywtaas 0otaining Heavy Nellde Ion RUSSIAN, rpt, AvtomaticheskiX Kontrol i iafur1tlex by Ya. Va.lbi, 9 Pp..iLtody Elektricleskikh Iziaereniy AN SSSR IAL' VAN, per, 1 w'jas FOR ftutlu!d4@qw Sibirskoye Otdeleniye, Institut ve,,!, 710a un 4!!%W.zlatm serijop Avtomatiki i Elektrometrii, Vol If, No 2, 3905, pp 63-T7. A1N P9111=336T M Tr-1O , pp *FrD lit The Initial Formation Growth of Intermetallic The "Alpha" System Used to Recognize Phases.'n Cu-Zn System, by S. P. Gabrycki, States in a Model of an Txtremal Member, H. Nlaty~a. by L. N. Imas, T. D. Kravets', et al. POLISH, rpt, Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw RUSSIAN, Inst of per, Nuclear Avtomatyka, Research, No 1, 1965, 1966, pp *NASA 'IT F-10,942 *FrD HT Electron Temperature in Stellar Shells l Iallt Radition an ItS IUfOt on Various Containing High-Energy Electrons, by Mpeim a r, by e Vol 1, No 3, G. A. Guradyan, 5 pp. SV 1 N RUSSIAN, Vol per, Dok Ak Nauk CLXXII, SSSR, Astronomiya, AA* UC L T1354 No 5, 1967, pp Sci & Tech Infor Facility ST-SA Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Warfare and Protection. CROATIAN, bk, Nuklearno Hemiisko I Biolosko Energy Spectra of Slow Ions Emitted Oruzie *Dept of Navy tr NI tr 2357 Physics by a Metal Surface as a Result of Ion Bombardment, by U. A. Arifov, D. D. Gruich. RUSSIAN, per, Doklady AN UzSSSR, No 11, 1964, pp *FFD HIT Determining the Vibration Characteristics of With Damper Connections, by R. G. Yampol'skaya D. A. Arkad'yev. Magneto-Acoustic Heating of Plasmas, by RUSSIAN, per, Energomashinostroyeniye. No 11, I. A. Kovan, I. N1. Podgornyi, et al, 1965, pp 5-7. RUSSIAN, rpt, IAE-911_ 1965, 24 pp. *FrD HIT AEC-tr-6689 Ionization Instability of a Plasma Wi1th Hot Electrons, n by e E. P. Velikhov, in tatlt e a ll for A. N. Dykhne, 12 pp. Im 1, by P. Y. aasdev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, The Fifth Smposiun on the i ug, Smthsmonan rpt, hfttnamto af fultltutionl stp1aes. 1 9 * 5O3 T Ionization of Gases e'ld in Youxoslavia in - Asat1 elf 01bervkatw y SF-R-ech Infor Facility NO 8 ST-PP DANXIM. CaU t-j. Of" oor10- fee Kinetics of the Accumulation of Energy In jdqm", jbw N. V. VAg f # V. V. Stored in the Crystals of Alkali Halide! Vese*YP. Irradiated With Protons, by Ye. K. Zavodovskaya. am=i, fp lj* No 83, im6. RUSSIAN, per, Fiaika, Vol IX, No 4, 1966, #MO mm ft4687 NASA TT F

111 Scientific Physic (Contd) Scientific Physics (Contd) Ammonium Perchlorate Detonation Ability. Calculation RUSSIAN of Process per, of Evacuation Fiz. Goreniya of a i Vzryva, No 2, 1966, Gas Volume, pp 21-2%. by N. P. Belik, N. M. Belyayev, *Dept of Navy tr 5269 et al. ONI 8 tr pp RUSSIAN, per, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol VII, No 9, FTD 1964, MTl pp Determination of the Type of Radiative Traps in Glass, by D. M. Yudin. RUSSIAN, per, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 7, No 6, Heat Exchange Between a Moving Dispersed 1965, pp Medium and the Wall of a Dept Pipe, of by Navy tr 5280 ONI tr 2369B V. I. 1Malyukevich, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Inzhenemo-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal Formation of Vacions in Case of Vol VII, No 9, 1964, pp Atom Difussion in Metals Through Surface FrD NIT Oxide Films and Effect on Surrondings of Dislocation Surrondings, by V. Non-Stationary N. Rozhanskiy. Problems of Thermoelasticity for a Plate and a Cylindrical RUSSIAN, per, Shell, Fizika Tverdoio Tela, Vol IX, by V. No 3, F. B967, Kolesov, pp 10 pp RUSSIAN, per, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy *NASA TT F-11,O09 Zhurnal Vol VII, No 9, '1964, pp FTD MT Determination of the Instantaneous ".olums Blood by the Method of Thermal Dilution, by Solution M. M. Povzhvtkov, of Non-Homogeneous D. 0. Hlolov. Equation of Thermal RUSSIAN, Conduction per, Fiziolohichnyy for Multilayered Zhurnal Bodies, by P. Ye. Bulavin, Vol XI, No V. 4, M. Kashcheyev, 196S, pp. RUSSIAN, per, *FrD Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy HT Zhurnal, Vol VII, NO 9, 1964, pp Injection FrD MT of Plasma Into a Trapwith Magnetic Opposing Fields, by I. H. Zolototrubov. Block Diagrams of Measurements RUSSIAN, of rpt, Parameters Fourth Conference on Plasma of Physics Flows with and Problems the Help of of Controlled Thermistors, Fusion N" Thermonuclear 1965, pp by A. G. Shashkov, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, NASA IT -Vol VII, No 9, 1964, pp FTD MT Influence of the Outer Magnetic Field Upon the Shape of the Interface Between Plasma Influence Flux of and Temperature the Plane Conditions Dipole Cavity, on by Stability of Rotational M. V. Samokhin, Motion 9 of pp. a Liquid, by S. K. Aslanov, RUSSIAN, 7 per, pp. Geomagnetizm i Aeronoaiya, Vol VII, No 2, RUSSIAN, 1967, pp per, Inzhonemo-Fizicheskiy Zhural, Vol VII, No 9, 1964, pp Sci & Tech Infor Facility ST-GI-PF-1O590 FrD MT Concerning the Use of Two-Phase Mass of Gas Flow System Parameters Uing a Stream of as a Thermodynamic Rapid Electrons, Working by A. Nrdim, M. Trokhaa. by RUSSIAN, r. T. rpt, El'lperin, IamereniYe V. A. Paramtrov Ninkov, 9 pp. Gazovykh Po- RUSSIAN, tokov per, Dri lnthenerno-fisichoskiy Pouoshchi Puchka, pp Zhurnal, Vol VII, No Dept V, 1964, of Navy pp tr I0Z CNI tr 2347 FrD NT lilectron-phonan Interaction in a Magnetic Field Generalization at of Low the Temperatures, Characteristics by 0. of B. Cheyshvili. Electric RUSSIAN, per, Arcs, Institut by 0. I. Fiziki Yas'ko, AN 8 Grua pp.' SSSR RUSSIAN, SFziki per, Inthenemo-Fisicheskiy Ntzkikh re oratur, No Zhur. 1, 1965, No 12, 1964, pp P pp 76-80'FD MHT FTO Trr

112 Scientific Physics (Contd) Scientific Physics (Contd) Nonlinear Problems in Heat and M83 Transmission of Concentrated Stresses to Transfer, by M. So Smirnov a Thin-Walled Shell, by V. I. Feodos'yev, RUSSIAN, per, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy So M. Chefliyakov. Zhurnal Vol IXN5I96_5,pp5 67~-570. RUSSIAN, per, Inzhen Zhur Mskh Tverd Tael, *FrD HT No 6, 1966, pp NASA TT F-10,742 Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer in the Region of the Deig of the Cylindrical Shell for Cyclic Stagnation Point, by V. L. Sergeyev. Loading, by A.'Petrova-Deneva. RUSSIAN, per, Inzherneo-Fizicheskiy RUSSIAN, per, Inzh Thur Mekh Tverd Zhurnal Tela, Vol IX, NRS_!65 No 6, 1966, pp _ pp NASA TT F-10,743 *FrD HTr Calculation of the Recomrbination Rate Constant ona Merthod of Diatonic of Simulating Gases From Rome the Beat Mach Oonductlon Number at the Outlet of a Supersonic Nozzle, Problems by with MiNo" Boundaries, by A. A. Z~marev, G. N. Nikolayev. R11*AN, per, Iznhewero-liziLchesky M nrnl RUSSIAN, rpt, Issledovaniya po, Vol X) No Fizicheskoy 2, 1966, pp = 8234&. Gazodinamike. AN 555R. Energeticheskiy Dopt of Bevy Trame 5W2/APL/JKIJ T-196 -In-s-ttut, 1966, pp _1 *FTD HT Transport Processes During the Injection of a Reacting Fuel-Oxidizer Total Mirror Mixture Reflection into the of Bounidary Molecules Layer, for by Small A. L. Incidence?4OSse, Angles Go T. Sergeyev. and its Effect on the Molecular Flow RUSSIAN, of a per, Gas Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy in Very Narrow Capillaries, by B. Zhurnal V. Deryagin, Vol X, No 3, 16,pp *FM T'3-790& N. N. Fedyakin. 67 RUSSIAN, rpt, Issled v Obl Poverkhn Sil Akad Nauk SSSR Inst Fiz Khim Sb. Small Dokl- Free Vibrations of Elastic Surfaces navora 1962, p-p of Revolution (Shells), by Go 1. Pshanichnov. FV'UHT Z RUSSIAN, per, Inzhee= Zurnal, Vol V, No 4, 196S, pp6560 Development *FTD HiT of Instability in a Plasmoid Upon Injection in an Axially-Symmetrical Magnetic Field, by A. A. Kal~ykov. Axisymmetric Gas Vibrations in a S. A. Trubchaninov, Cylindrical et al. Container, With Consideration RUSSIAN, per. rsiodoaniyeplazenxkh of the Effects of an Elastic Container end -Sut,16,pp W-02 by V. M. Lyuiiimov. t5"fly RUSSIAN, per, ~ 6 7 rybravol No 4, V, 1965, pp 6Y_ On a Fossible Mechanism 'FTD HiT of the Appearance of High Energy Particles in a Coaxial Plasma Guni, by A. D. Timofeyev. The Effect of the Elasticity of Ribs on V. Go Marinin, et al. the Torsion Stressed State of a Circular RUSSIAN, per, Issledovanice Plaximmynkh Cylindrical Shell With a Rectangular Opening, Slutko. NU~r aassi, 1965 pp by S. 1. Galkin, To Ye. Levitskaya.-rua 776 RUSSIAN, per, Inth Zhur Mekh Tverd Tela, No S, 1966, pp Operation NASA of the TT P-10,744 Coaxial Plasma Source in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field. by 1. N. Zolototruhov, V. A. Kiselev. Flutter of a Cylindrical Shell in a RUSSIAN, per, Issledovmijy. Stream of Platmnnukh Compressible Conductive Fluid S148tICO1, ARUK=M in the Presence 196, of a Magnetic pp Field, by 15U T G. Ye. gagdasaryan, N. V. lelubekyam. RUSSIAN, per, lashen Zbur Nakh Tverd Tela No 6, 19RUpp ~'rF

113 bysi A.otd A.yic an'kv d (Contd) Investigation of a Discharge in a Pulsed Calculat;.on of Nonequilibriuzn Flows in Plasma Source, Nozzles bya b~y V. N. Xamzolov,.KlyoRUSSIAN, U. G. Pirumov. per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Mekhanika Yu.. I. Pankrat'yev. Zhidkosti i Ga-z-aNo 6, 966, pp RUSSIAN, per, lssledovaniya Plazmennkh *Dept of NavyAP/JHU M-65 Sgusticv AkSSR, 1965, pp *TD Ur Singularities in Calculating Subsonic Flows Past Wings of Coupelx Shapes, by Problems in the Search for Thermocouple S. M. Belotserkovskiy. Alloys Resistant to Oxidation at RUSSIAN, per, It An SSSR, Mekhanika Zhidkosti Temperatures up to 20000C by i Gaza, No 6, 1966, pp Aleksakhin, I. A., I. P. Lepin, et al. '~DN 3726 RUSSIAN, per, Issledovaniya Splavov dlya FDH2-7-6 Tempr 19604, pp Study of the Properties of Hypersonic T~ Nonequilibrium Gas Flow Over Blunt Theral ondctiity GrmaiumBodies, Theral f ondctiity by GrmaiumRUSSIAN, G. N. Sayapin. "Strongly Doped With Arsenic and per, Galliu. It Ak Nauk SSSR, Zhidkosti Mekhanika i G o 6, 1966, pp by D. G. Arasly, M. 1. Aliyev, et al. *Uept of Nv/71/JHU J-962 *RUSSIAN, per, ItA ZRSR eia Fiziko-Tckhnicdeskik (Condmatich)skikh Nauka, pp , No 5, Hypersonic Nonuniform Gas Flow Over an Ieti NT Oblique Blulted Edge, by B. A. Zemlyanskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Iz AN SSSR, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza NO 6, 1966, pp, The vibration of shafts in ball bearings, by'tdh V. S. Boyearinov, Yu. I. Nelzaark RUSSIAN, per, Izventliya Akademii Nauk SM aia Budr ayro lutbde LahaieT i ahnsrei, 95 P4- Taking the Vorticity of the External (ON IN 323 (ONSSIAN, OeR, s danrussian, Flow into Account, by I. N. Murzinov. per, It Ak Nauk SSSR, Mekhanika Zhidko3tii Gaza No 6, 1966, pp Simulation of Heat Transfer Processes in o J-963 Ionized Gases in the Presence of an Electromagnetic Field, by E. Ya. Blum. Study of the Leading Sections of Turbulent RUSSIAN, per, It ANLtSSR Seri a Gas Jets of Various Gases in a Wake Air Fizicheskikh i Te e f cflow, by G. N. Abre ovich, 0. V. Yakovlevskiy, Il NT 23-7S3-67 RUSSIAN, per, It Ak Nauk SSSR, ffekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza I NO 6, 1966, pp Z. Calvanomagnetic and Thermomagnetic alpt ot J-964 Properties of Galli-u Arsenide After Diffusion of Copper by 0. V. Ymenllyanenko, Ion Exchange and Increasing the Strength 0. Jemeljanenko, al. Bt of Glass, by 0. K. BotSinkin. RUSSIAN, per, It AN ty of Seari RUSSIAN, per, I& Ak Nauk SSSR. Neorhanich Fizicheskikh I TekNauk, Mat Vol II, No , pp No 1965, 0. PPype-5sni TT F-10,846 Nouf *FTD HT Hypersonic Similarity Ionied n th Gses Preenceo02a for Slender Blunit-Nosed Bodies of Couplex Shape in Non-Perfect Gas A Stroboscopic Secondary-haission Electron N~icroscope, by G. V. Spivak, V. G. Cyukov, Flows, by V. V. Lunev, V. G. Pavlov. RUSSIAH, per, It An SSSR Nelbnika ZiVol etsin al.i N SRSriaFzchsaa XRUSSIAN, per, I9 AN SSSRp 7chedko ehaika i Gaza, No 4, 196. pp, ol TheM of ehf 66-7S7 Conditions of Applicability of the ooltomaex Equation by M. N. Kogan RUSSIAN, per, I: Ak SSSR. Nauk Zhiidkosti L Gaza. Na pp -9. o, o a'1 s ip " Si u at of N i Heat J-96e Shkhanika

114 Scientific Physics (Coned) Scientific Physics (Contd) Problem of the Effect oc Capture Centers Difference Methods of Solving Spatial Problems on the Photoconductivity of Semiconductors in Gas Dynamics, by K. I. Babenko. at High Illumination Levels, by RUSSIAN, Mekhanizomov, rpt, Kolebaniya, M anlka Giroskop.iya, Zhidkosti Teoriya igaza, D. A. Aronoy. Meb, pp Z41 o 2. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk UzbekSSR, Ser Fiz-Mat Nauk, Vol X, No 4, 1966, pp *NASA Tr F-lO,827 ASA Tr F-10,785 Conical Magnetogasdyna ic Flow With a A Problem in the Extraction of Effective Hall Effect in an Axial Magnetic Field, Signal in the Presence of High-Intensity by A. I. Bertinov. Noise, by S. K. Ismatkhodzhayev, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ma0itnaya Gidrodinamika, RUSSIAN, per, Iz AN UZSSR Seriya Tokhnicheskikh No 3, 1966, pp 29-3a. au No 2, 1964, pp P "ASA TT F-10,830 FlU T Effect of the Process of Ionization on Optimum Conditions the of Supersonic Flows Structure and State Behind a Shock WJith Wave Oblique in Shock Waves and Subsequent a Magnetic Field, by P. L. Gusika. Heat Addition, by V. I. Penzin, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, 4agnit per, Gidr4, No 3, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Iz VUZ Aviatsiotnaya pp 4S-54. Tekhnika, No 4, 1966, pp NASA TT F-10,829 P F)D JiT A Q Factor modulator for a Ruby Laser by Yu. V. Bayborodin, et al. The use of the electro-integrator EI-lU for RUSSIAN, per, Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya solving the-tvo-dimensional transient problems wravleniza, No 4, 1966, pp of heat conduction theory, by N. T. Taits, et al *FTD HT RUSSIA, per, Izvest4ya VUZ Chernay'a r Jjlectron Microscopy in Physico-Chemical 1963, No 4, pp RM RT 3317 Investigations, by V. M. Luk'yanovich. (ON LOAN Ou URCEA) RUSSIAN, rpt, Metodika i Primoneniye, AN SSSR Institut Fizi@heskoy Khkii] Elektronnaya Kikroskopiya V Fiziko- Calculation of heat transfer through a finned himichoskikh Issledovaniyakh. 1960, vaui, by V. L. Ivanov, pp RUSSIAN, per, Izvest~ya VUZ Mb hinostroenie, *FTD HT 23-72S No 9, PP ILL RTB 3318 NIL R 331t6 )Mutual Difussion (ON LOAN of Component Ca~ IR and E) Fusion Diagram System Ti-W, by A. Ya. Shinyayev, RUSSIAN, bk, NovYe Issledovaniza Magnetic Properties of Thin Ferromagnetic Titanovykh SplAvov, 1965, pp Films and the Performance Curves of Film *NASA TT F-11,O0O Elements of Mmory Matrices, by G. P. Zhanikov, Yu. V. Ostapenko. Study of Phase Diagram RUSSIAN, of Titanium-Rich per, Kiberneticheskay. Tekhnika Alloys of Systems Pi-Al, by I. I. Kornalov jr 1965, pp RUSSI M. bk. Novy* Isslsdovaniya Titanovykh FTD HT p, 1965, pp 4I-I.. "WASAY F-11.Oll Test Stand for Thin-Film Magnetic Memory Matrices by V. N. Galanakiy, Phase Equilibrt. in the Systr Ti-V-C Yu. V. Ostapenko. at 14S0, 1600,1800 Degrees, by RUSSIAN, per, Xibe eticheskaya Tekhnika L. AL, Tret'yachenko, V. N. Yeremenko, ANkrSSR 196S, pp RUSSIAN, bk. Hovye Issledcvaniya Titanovykh S-ol , pp 75-'1. 'N3IiF-11,012 I.103-

115 Scientific Scienifc Plwui (Contd) Physics (Contd) Tempratre o epedene th Grin izesurvey of ;',,orks Connected Wi7th Subterranean in RUSSIAC Nb ot r by, S. ooho S. Ordan'yan, et' o A. I I. Avgustinik. o9 Ra. V. A. PavP Pavlov, 30 o p.. pp. n,, AU6 er, oroshkov He Vol VI, No 9, RUSSIAN, coil, Problem Difraktsii i 1966, pp RsrsrnnyV1 NASA Tr F-10,810 Rasprostranoni Radiovoln, -pusk a v IV, lon V, Rasprostanenl9,e Moderation of Neutrons Emmitted bt a Pulsed Source, and Nuetron Spectrometry Based on Slowing-Down Time, by A. A. Bergnam, The Field of a Point Dipole Over an RUSSIAN, rpt, Pract. Treat. Low-Intermed. Impedance Surface, by E. M. Gyunninen, Level Radioact. Wastes. Proc. Syi., 1965, G. I. Hakarov, 25 pp. pp RUSSIAN, coll, Problemy Difraktsti i AEC WAPD-Trans-40 Rasprostraneniya ReMiovo n, Vypusk Voln. IV, V, prostraneniye- Theorems Concerning Unloading in the Theory of Small Elastoplastic Deformations in the Presence of Nonuniform Heating, Propagation of a Pulse Signal in the Epstein by Yu. N. Shevchenko. Ionospheric Layer, by L. I. Bezruchenko, RUSSIAN, per, Prikladnaya Mckhanika, Vol II, G. I..Makarov, 15 pp. No 7, 1966, pp RUSSIAN, coll, Probley Difraktsiii *FTD *FTD T Radlovoln, R RV rt yypusk IV " e srtraneniye Plane Problem of the Moment Theory of Elasticity for an Infinite Plane Weakened by a Finite Number of Circular Holes, by Reflection of Election of Electromagnetic A. N. Guz', G. N. Savin. RUSSIAN, per, Prikl Hat Mekh, Vol XXX, No S, Waves in an Inhomogeneous Isotropic Absorption Medium, by B. V. Nerinovskiy, 9 pp. 1966, pp RUSSIAN, coil, Problem Difraktsii i NASA IT F-10,739 Rasprostraneniya Voln.V. asprostraneniye Redlovoln, Vypusk IV, Transverse Elastic Impact of a Sphere JF Against An Anistrapic Plato, by N. A. Kil'ciievskiy, A. Kh. Konstantinov. Propagation of Medium Long Waves. Calculation RUSSIAN, per, Prikladnaa tiekhanika of the Reflection Coefficients of Plane Waves utdelneniye,latematiklif.deljianika in From an Inhonogeneous Anisotropic Plasma, Kibernetiki An SSSR, Vol II, No 2, by N. S. Gavrilova, V. V. Kirillov, 21 pp. *NASA TT F-10,971 RUSSIAN, Rauprostranoniya coll, Problemy Vein. V. Difraktsii Rasp~rostroneniye i Speed of Sound on Vapor Pbale uiku1lbriuu RadioVoln, Yypusk IV, 1966, Curve, Speed of Sound in Saturated Water JPR Vapor, by V. 1. Aydonin, Novikov, RUSIAN, per, Prikgw, aqo The Equivalent Sources in the Problem of 4 a. *Niam T"'r-760A977 )191pp the Layer Field vi.dtum of a by Magnetic 0. G. leoznine Dipole in K. a F. Two- Filippov, 11 pp. Ntawrical ýwthods in the Theory of Electro- RUSS IANl, coll, Problemy Difraktsii i magnetic Wave Propagation. Part 1. Stationary Ruirostraneniy ion. V, R&SP~-rostaniy Radiovoln. USK IV, '- Condition, by G. N. Krylov, 12 pp. jrps V RUSSIAc, coll, Problemo Difraktsti t_ Rasprostraneniya Voln, V, Rasprestraneniye r oad1ov ',' VYlMSk IV, Method of Kinetic Equations in the JPR5j 40V9 Theory of Generation of Optic Harmics by I. A. Marahkam, V. S. Mashkevich. RUSSIAN, rpt, Respublikenskiy Seminar Po Kvantovoy Elektron ke. Ivantovaya Elektranika. Trudy Seminars, 1966, pp i "*FTD HT 23* I/

116 Scientific Phyhicb (Contd) Scieritiflc Physics (Contd) Some Etiects of the Interaction Between Determining Spatial and Surface a Ruby-Laser Beam and Transparent Cryst,1s, inhomogeneities in the Active Substances * by M. S. Brodin, V. N. Vatulev, et al. and Interferometer Mirrors of Lasers, RUSSIAN, rpt, Respublikanski" Seminar by m. P. Lisitsa, L. I. Berezhinskiy,et al. Po Kvantovo Elektroike Kvantovaya RUSSIAN, rpt, Respublikanskiy Seminar Po Poekyatovn e nieknovaya e nvantovoy Elektronike. Kvantovaya ~Elektronike Kvancovaya Elektronika. Elektronikaa krný.trd T'rudy Seminar~ eia _ a TrudY Seminara. 1966, pp pp 196 *Fr0 HT 'pp T*FTD HT Investigatiou of Some Laser Parameters, by M. P. Lisitsa, A. M. Yaremko, et al. Characteristics of Smoke Fume Deposits in the RUSSIAN, rpt, RespL'likanskiy Seminar Po Electrostatic High Tension Field, by Kvantovoy Elektronike Kvantoua a N. A. Voskresenskiy, Elektronika. Trudy Seminars, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 10, 1966, pp pp *FrD lit Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Linear Phase Distortion of Resonator and Generation of Induced Radiation by a Ruby Crystal, by M. S. Soskin. Cyrostat for the SF-4 Spectrophotometer, RUSSIAN, rpt, Res.likanskiy Seminar by T. Sh. Davitashvili. Po Kvantovoy E ektronike. Kvantowaya RUSSIAN, per, Sb. Elektron i Ionnyle Elektr-ika. Trudy Seminars, 1966, Protsessy v Tverd Telakh, No 1, pp Tbilisi Metsniyereba. 1964, pp *FFD HT *FrD HT Separate Intensity Peaks in Laser Radiation M64 of S J AMtosn of ftffato by A. M. Ratner, I. A. Rom-Krichevskaya. et al. Ilnt. ot tl V ziuatm A Pripez utl RUSSIAN, rpt, Respublikanskiy Seminar Po of Mste of J.MI AUcw Oomtsialm Kvantovoy Elektronike. Kvantovaya Elektronika, 5$ Znw a $ W I L 6. B. nxpjlc1 v, IM Seminars, 1966, pp MBiJ, b1k, 38trk t VOwat ftlat- *FrD HT a 1.6M 1* X T-155. Investigation of Losses and Loss-Associated Characteristics of Laser Radiation, by Theory of Propagation of Very Long Waves. N. L. Kramarenko, A. V. Neshcheryakov. by P. Ye. Krasnushkin, N. A. Yablochkin, lospp. RUSSIAN, rpt, Respubltkanskiy Seminar RUSSIAN. bk, Teoriya Rasprostranenixa Po Kvstoo Elektroni Kvantovaya Sverkhdlinnykh Voln, 1963, pp Nlektroniksa Trudy Seminars, 1966, W pp *FrD ifr IUstady-State Flow in Tubes, by Theory of Laser Radiation From Impurity- l. S. Kochenov, Yu. N. Kuanetsov. Band Transitions, by V. L. Vinetskiy, UtSSIAN, rpt, Tealo- i assoperenos t 1: N. N. Kolychev. 19. *oobwn v Odnor Odoy Sr-d1 RUSSIAN, rpt, Respublikeaskiy Seminar Po, a p Kvinto =y Elektronike, K.vantovaya "FrO HT B.lektronika. Trud Sea nara. 1966, pf Investigation of the Turbulent 5oiudary "FTD HIT Layer Formad by the Flow of a Coqpressible Gas Around a Plate, Accoqmpied by Heat Transfer, by L. N. Zysina-Molothen, 1. N. Soskova, at al. RUSSIAN, rpt, Teplo- i Mssoprenos t. II: TW~O- i Masso-perenos priv&! Zt1 tel s Potokami Oid s otey I GraOv, VollI, 19M5, pp "efo 1iT 23-77S-67 "10b"-

117 Scientific Physice (Contd) Scientific Physics (Contd) Application of Similarity Theory in Axially Symmetric Laminar Boumdary Layer Statistical Analysis of Anistropic Turbulence in a Swirling' Flow, by V. V. Bogdanova, 13 pp. by S. G. D'yakonov, A. G. Usmanov. RUSSIAN, Leningrad, per, No Trudy 248, 1965& Politekhnicheskiy Institut P RUSSIAN, rpt, Teplo- i Hassoperenos t. II. Teplo- i Massoperenos pr Vzaimodeystvii tel s Potokami Zhidkostey i Gazov, Vol FI, 1965, pp Effect of Catalytic Recombination on *FrD HT Heat Transfer in a "Frozen" Turbulent Boundary Layer, by Yu. V. Lapin, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trd.oiehihsi Ash deposits on heating surfaces, by N. IN, pe rady No 248, 196,s V. Kuznetsov, A. Z. Shcherbakov, P100gN487 RUSSIAN, per, Teploenergetika, Vol 3, 1954, FrD TT No 1, pp M1 MRS 3032 (ON ILW OR JRCHASE) Parametric Method of Integrating the Equations of a Laminar Boundary Layer, An investigation of the heat transfer and by L. G. Loytsyanskiy, 15 pp. aerodynamic resistance of convective heating RUSSIAN. per, Trudy Politekhnicheskiy Institut suri -es, by G. I. LuIzL;...ov, E. Ya. Titova, nr No 2'48, 1965, pp P RUSSIAN, per, Teploenergetika, 1963, pp ;2-7 WD TT NI1 RTS 2509 (ON LOAN OR AIRCHASE) Numerical Solution of Equations in the One-Parameter Theory of Boundary Layers, Hligh-Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Study by L. M. Simuni, N. M. Terent'yev. 6 pp. of Oxide Ceramics, by V. N. Strkalovskiy, RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Politekhnicheskiy Institut A. F. iiessonov, et al. L. No 248, 1965, pp P RUSSIAN, per, Trudy AN SSSR. Elektrokhimia FTD TT Rasplavennykh Solevykh i Tverdyk No 6, 1965, pp Thory of &%y Omtttewrim by Intezstmt'a *FTUF lit SoMA± lluuow, by N. A. &Ez1vo6sa, 3. A. 8tuit of a Stuolatlo~ Vlbstn6 Otias VIMh Quadr:Lte lmounemr1ti-, by F. N. Zsr i ti. ABC L 2r-.M EMunn, per, WUeLft MI MMUN, POTS, gm s MtMal1, Vol 5, No 2, 19b6O pp7it4-109.p91f16o The ralutlon Between tba Pmntews Of AAJC QM 2r 168 1*a~trqa Mranater andt Zliectrwll 2sLatsmos of L14U1A Binary Alloys by osr'av, )ctcr a.tion of Stresses in the Pro.:ess of p Forced Precision Prossinl of Parts, by NI", Par B.. Scnko, 1 pp.966 RUSSIM, par, Trudy Kazan, Aviatioanyy Institut. A0 i o 84, 1904, pp I'100111S67 m) :.rt bb-13a A Stuy of Nonlinear Oscillatory Systems With Meny Degres of Freedom in the Presence On the problem of the theory of vapour of Random Perturbations, by V. G. Kolomiyets. condensation from vapour ead gas ulxtuxes, by RUSSIAN, par, Ukrainoskti" Zh. F. Serguiz, Zhurnal, Vol XlV. No 4, 1962, RUISIAP, per, Trudty Noskovukoe Enrget. Institutap pp , No 48, PP FT 11T MLIRTS '. ' 3 Spark Spectrozster for Particles of (00 u High LOR N P U1MA) Energy by Zh. S. Takibayev. RUSIAN, per, Vestnik Akadeati Nauk Kazkhsko &SR, No 8, pp 1-9p ' *FTD HT we.

118 I Scientific ScienU fic Physics (Contd) Physics (Contd) T e ipropagation of Oscillations in a Two-Phase SCones, Three-Dimensional by A. I. Shvets. Flo. Oxer Blunt-Nosed System RUSSIAN, by per, A. Viglin. 2hurnal Tekhnicheskoyr F.izki RUSSIAN, per, Ves nik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Vol VIII, Nos 3/4, 1938, Tp Seriya I, I-at ýiakhan, No 6, 196u, pp *NASV V T F-N0,943 *Dept of NavylAPJL/JII J-961 The Internal Structure and Physics of the Planar PZoblem of Waves on the Surface of a Earth, by V. A. Magnitskiy, 447 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Vnutrenneye Stroyeniye i Moving, Voous Fluid of Infinite Depth, by R. A. Gruntfest. Fizika Zemli, P EMIAN, per, Z VychialitelIm M~atematik NAA F-95 M atim. sl, z, Vol 5, No 4, 1965, pp o. Pisma Turbulence, by B. B. Kadomtsev. *AEC L'.bSSIAN, per, Vqprosy Teorii Plazmy, No , pp Electron-Beam Welding of Molybdenum *FT.D HT by Chi-luan Plan, Chin-lira Wang, et al. A Study of,'ie Structure of the Surface CHINESE, bya._vol per, XI, No Ch'ing 2, 1964, hue ta pp Hsueh Hsueh Layers and of ihermal Stability of Cast *FTD HT Nozzle Blades Under Conditions of Stationary and Nonstationary Heatinig Boundary Equilibrium of Cylindrical by V. N. ';ridner, T. V. Yegorshina, ct al Roundary q ib i of Tin, y treinforced r Shells RUSSIANrt ith Thin Sheath, s1ouny by oehhny po Voprosamn Ke-tse Staticheskoy i Dinamicheskoy iiuang, 0ese 28 r, Li pp. pp. ' Elmnto P'rochnosti priv~skikhi Materialov i Konstruktsionnvkh Ni[khVol CilINlSE. VII, per,,wo 2, Li 19b4, Hsue pp, sueh Pao, P Elementov pri Vysokikh i Nlz.-'ikh I 2 TD HT Te-mperaturakh, 1965, pp =19-2MT 6 ~*FTD HIT Current Developments in Photoelasticity and Photoplasticity Research, by Yu-Ch'uan Chia. Slligh Frequency Properties of Plasma, C.INESE, per, Li Hsueh llsueh Pao, Vol VIII, by K. D. Sinel'nikov. No 2, 1965, pp RUSSIAN, rpt, Vysokochastotnyye Svoystva *FTD HT Plazmy, NASA TT F44P Tie Directional Distribution of a Sound Field "and Its,casuroment, by Chleln, "lt'ug Theory )f Interactioii of Atom and Metal, by INd Its hcnsuen b Chsu n, Vol g Ya. I. Zel'dovich.per, Shen Isuch lis wo, Vol 1, No 1, RUSSIAN, per, 1964, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol V, pp *FTL) hit , pp 22-27'. *NASA TT F-10,845 The Surface hiavcs Generated by a Vibrating Side 01lall, by Li, Ptei-tzu. Z' Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field, by Se, by L, P'etls a,ye. M. Lifshits. MNSpr! Isd 1ei a RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper Teor Fit, Vol VII, VolI,'o 1,T , pp ! *NASA TT F-479 NAATF49Lasers, by J. Tuma, CZECH, per, Lasary v Praxi, 1964, The transient theory of theory of thermal pp explosions, by V. V. Barzykin, et al. FTD lit RUS RAN, per, Zhurnal Priladnoi Mekhaniki I Tekbnicbeakoi 3928, fiziki, Vol 3, 11P I1J--- The Cu-Fe System, by Bastiaan Knook. (ON LOAN OD IVTcCAH) DU., r.t Thesis: "De Anamale Electrische Weorstand van E en na ua-u. 1962, pp NASA TT F-10,

119 Scientific Physc (Contd) Scientific Phsc (Contd) Cbmatexistios of Y l l ati Transfer. Schlieren and!lot Wire Exploration afgt of Caracrte iqe ~ W fakes imetaie27, C.A.1.r., in Wind-Tunnel i Supersonic - ftu, an Calorue Flows, - by YateX~que B./2. J. Gaviglio. BUC/2 61.AiB/ND Jan 9,e 9, - Cnn 3,96T. O e FRENCH, rpt, Third Paper Afitae Presented Colloquium at the *Am ob Tx-6W 3 8 on Applied' A d-10 November, 1966, 43 pp. *N- ~ ~' Fl - rt'-"zo F0 Thm Behavior of T=tiles in the dimit of Acoustics. Properties 71. of Textiles ttudy of the Aoouatio Pboula In the Dasin of PHonic Absorption, Ws 5etermination o tio. by lut.,le B. B Bost. in Condensed CO od o the Mass Fbya of Ionzing 2 Molecular Beams b; Means Clusters Retarding Field Method, by J. Bauchert, of a Vol 19, No. 219 pp35 5U No 50J -- GERWAN, rpt, 22 pp. pp 725-T9. AEC NP-TR-1376 CMo Tra Ov 2816 Study of the Absorption I967, and Reflection Pp Spectra MW CML T(-1699 of Certain Semi-Conductors in Thin Layers, in the Visible and Near Ultraviolet, at the New Temperature Nqustlonm for Best of Liquid Trewfer Nitrogen, in Natural P. Reiss, by S. Nikitine, o r O anm, wnt, by R. Pri, Baum. FRENCI, per, Comptes Rendus, Vol ii CCXLII, 1956,.e No 4/n, Vol 9V pp OS. * AEC 2566 UCRL-Trars-l0005 Electron-Photon Cascade in Lead Due to Confinement Time of i a ot Plasma in a Magnetic Primary Particles of 6 Gov., by Well, V. Voelkel, by Andre Biguet. FRENCl, per, Comptes Rendus. Acad daus Sciences GRArt GEMAN, rpt, EY6/,4 DE5-65/6, 43 pp. p Vol 259, No 5, _Aug196,_ pp W,13. AEC SLAC-Trans41 - 'NASA Tr-F- 10,938 Investigation of a Steady-Stato Dischargn Ser.oonductor Control Scheme of a Device for in Argon at High Current Densities, by Fln..J Film Scan~ning From Spark Chambers, by J~. C. 1. hiayess, K. Rademacher, 21.ICH, Sini, ; Itot, Spar/ k Chamber, by6j. CecGERMAN, pp. rpt, J-R Vol per, V, No Beitrage 1, 1965,.'.as pp Der Plasmaphysik, P *ALC 2559 FfT lit Experimental Study of Single-Degree of Freedom Flutter in Transonic Flow, by 11. Loiseau. FRENOC. per, 0. N. E. R. A., 1966, 50 pp. NASA T7 F-10,729 The Radiochemical Determination of the Qxyaen Application of the Model Calculation Dissolved "DUpor", in the Water, by J. Raygmert, by C. D. Vtnske, 44 pp. A. Clause, et eal, TeS-0l0t-10, NannOe Institute of FMCK, rpt, Communaute ZuroVeenne de 1 '1ergle T olog. Atomiguve, AW OFLT 1512 T*ACSI J ID 2O24O12167 A Mwthod for the Measurement of Buft.i-t Nactors in the Transonic Gum neg Flows Region in the of Neighborhood of 4i a Point Where a Shock Wave leets the HeV, by o W. AfM rpt, 1utteXmfelger AU-. 10, ]enove 24 pp. stitae Sonic Line, by P. Germain G. Gillon. Of PFIZENUI, hom rpt,.44 Communications 5567 ()NERA Presentees au AR C T=- ll AX-eme Congies Appliquee, International Strosa, du 31 Aout'au de Ilecanigtn 7 Sept Th. Ml opi pp 47-66, R1 tdal, 1961 Generated 'aphia by Polaro- Reduction *Dept by K. of Berg, Navy/APL/JllU L Kk.rct J-960 rk. EN, per, Actis Bcoabl B, Ho 131,

120 Scientific Physics (Contd) Scientific Physics (Contd) Optical Document Sorter ODS Investigations 2, by of the X-Ray Emission FromV.PMirosiP.H.Wss an Electrodeless Low-Pressure Pulse Discharge, by C. Wahnert., GERP.MANierzwk, 19 pp. S Nach.EL isst,no1196 GERMAN, per, Beira Aus ppran Der Plasinaphysik, pe,39.44*ihe pap o,196 VolVNo4,195,pp P FTD ID HT Quantitive Determination of Experimental the Absorption Research on LeHe Separate Cells After at Ground Level of a Gad and Propagating Combined Use in Of Decortilem and Turbulent Flow, XRy by F. yk Wippermanm, ees GERMAN, per, Bi.Py GERMAN, Ams per, Vol XXXVII, Strahientherapie, 1965, pp S7-8. Vol CXXVIII pp Ato.. AEC 0RNL-tr ACN-r16 Influence of the Earth's Magnetic Field ryn@010 Of Raz'.fted on the Diurnal Gase. Variation A Miammal= of f of 0 F2 (Fourier- Zerlegung). W'~ool PioblAI. Vith an ~lev of jraely GERMAN, Erpamilu rpt, Conference 0as Paper Jets, presented by L. Bier, 33 OOK42' PP. pw) ~ l.~tm at the International RadioTjjtio-n--15sth- ~~1 Y944-Kong Volle 1,16,p -6 9 ' ARC ept 8C4T6T.0908 Anistrog he MchaicalProprtie of On the Coloration of Aklali Halide Crystals on Phosphide the Faces Single (III) Crystals and III by of Gallium byran Ultravoe M. I. Val'kovskaya, GIIN ez Liht V. V. Negreskul, hsvllii bys A.l et Smal,190 al. pp *GERMAN, per, Phz!sica -Status Solidi. AC133 Vol VIII(z), 1 965,p-p *FI2D fl7_33i HT Intensity and Natural Width of the Blue Cesium Doublet, Part 1, by Wilhelm Schuetz, of ntesotoc Gls~tAr, 2. Uordbo~au. f ~GERMAN, per, Z. Phys, Vol LXIV, 1930, * ~AZ~ No JLPI,jo ~Determination of the Transition Probability 2P-Is of Sodium by Absolute Intensity Measure- metnts of Flames, by E. F. van der Held, GERMAN, per, Z. Phys, Vol LXXVII, 1932, pp pp 2ol of4. aaw Solon" Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power of the AEC ORNL-tr-1143 Carbides of Thorium Uranium and by Plutonium, P. Costa, R. Lallement, GERMAN, per, Nonlinear Physics Letters, Spin Wave Vol Effects VII, in 1963, Ferrites pp in the Parallel Pumping Experiment, by AEC LA-tr W. Haubenreisser, 25 pp. GERMAN, per, Zoit fur Anffewandte PhY31k, Vol XVIII, NO-S 56, 1965, pp 4W-440._F10O *aifw t =%o,, by 0. PksroditUa, K. Probloom Qý In # SAA PoaeaiW O 970OSIAK lia, &3.1 OuSUIGof ftp 1965, 1v66 Wo ' r am by d F. - fteohez -Oantres to L. 30M Orandg. Qata1aj, mu," pea, Zteb± f. halk, *a" 1-10,9Th NO 3, 396% pp~ Vo99-3W. ~IUC r.8a

121 I Scientific Physic (Contd) Scientific Physics (Contd) I Tr la" t +10 in 8 n Announcement of Research Papers, Tech. R&D 8 2..a of the Sstem I.aa, by.. Inrstitute, Savel" of Us ftasa, fet-t by Q. VA., JA.PAN=S, rpt, Nov m m, p az, aal fwpnk Val 189P Du so 2, 1966, I -. *AEO 2552 X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometric Determination St htzatan of a Weak nmfto Piel in of Yttruium by Solution Method, by - - roaduawtos of Nb 3 Sn, Nb 3 Al and V 3 61,. by L~rchi Asada, Shaji Matsuda, G. ixtyr. JAPANES, per, Bunseki Kagaku, Vol XV, Oct =mfap, per, zenab fu, Vol 1A, 1966, pp' 1O No 2, 2$69, p 199-,D. *NASA TT F AM 9553 Fusion Characteristics of Metallic Conductors Superconductivity of Fused Samples of the with Impulse Currents, by Y. Suzuki, Systemscob-nductivity of, sed VSi a Systems nde o thejapanese, a Nb-Sn, per, Nb-Al, Denki Gakkai Zasshi, Ub-Ga, Vol V-Si and V-G., LXXXi, No 874,1961, pp by W. Kunz, E. Saur. ATS JS-114 GRRA1, per, Zeitschrift fur Phbsik$ Vol 189, *AEC 2554 Semiconductive Films, by Z. Sakai, JAPANESE, per. Denki Kagaku, Vol XXX, 1962, pp Optcal Invaastl[aon of Metatable friplat ATS JS-71 Btat*s of the ) e in =1, by D. Neaser, B. Piak. =nmn, par, Wtea f Plw_ #, Vol 200, Photoconductivity of Lead Monoxide Films. NO 2, 196T, P by T. Kawaguchi, Y. Hasegawa, "W 2%T JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shahin, Vol Vi, No 1, 1964, pp 2-6. Ferromagnetic Shield for a Permanement ATS JS-69 Magnetic Focusing Device for Bunched Guiding of the Electron Beam of a Electron Spin Resonance Signals of Photo- Travelling Wave Tube, by Wilfried Bohn, Conductive Zinc Oxide, by T. Kawaguchi, Jork Bretting, et al, 6 pp. et al, GERMAN, Patent, No 1,136,020. JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol VI, No 1, Dept of Comm 1964, pp Patent Office ANS JS-55 Investigation of Molecular Interaction Electrolytic Development of Resin-Dispersed Using the Raman Spectroscopic Method Zinc Oxide Layer with an Aqueous Solution by Ferenc Pinter. of 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride, by HUNGARIAN, per, Magyar Fizikai Folyoirat, S. NagaoshimaC 741-3s8. 4, 1966, pp JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol VI, No 2, *FTD HT , pp ATS JS-88 On the Elastic Equilibrium of a Body Limited by a Cone of Revolution, by 0. Tedone. ITALIAN, per, Atti Real. Accad Lincel Rend Measurement of Surface Photovoltage of Fine Ser S Classe sc± Fis Mat Nat, Vol XIV, 1905, Zinc Oxide Powder, by Y. Takahashi, pp JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol VI, No 2, NASA TT' F-10, , pp ATS JS-89 Normal and Anomalous Inhibitions and Sensitized Emissions, by Mariano Pierucci, ITALIAN, per, btallurgia Ital., Vol XLIX, 19S7, pp =. AEC IS-Trans-40, ~-110-

122 Scientific Physics (Contd) Scientific Physics (Contd) Studies on Transparent Substrate Films, Studies on Organic Semiconductors, Part 2, Part1, AtisaticTreamen of elluosephotoelectric Phenonmea, with Phthalocyanines, Piartlc iitat icms Tre.Haatment of Celllos by H-. Baba, et al, Diactat. Hyasi, Fimsby. IaiJAPANESE, per, Oyo Denki Kenkyusho Iho, Vol JAPANESE, per, Denshi Shashin, Vol VI, No 3, VIII, No 3, 1956, pp , pp ATS JS-73 ATS JS-90 The Corona Resistance Properties of Plastic Sogtterjni of Ojosi by Wdm and Rubber Materials, by M. Izuchi, Weight Naal, by low KL MS. UIA 1WU JAPANESE, per, Sumitomo Denki, No 79, 1962, oga!, shjisgin1% TGIA X~U1 X pp Yalwwik OEM34, jissarm MWAM, 1~tAUO ATS JS- 115 mi NO 6i 1965,rf 7M71 P9LLIO Polymorphism of Organic Compounds, by ABC X&J!r.64 M. Hirota, JAPANESE, per, Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokai Shi, Vol XXIII, No 2, 1965, pp Physical Properties of Zinc Oxide and Photo- AT JS-68 conductivity in Particular, by If. Kokado, T. Yamaguchi, JAPANESE, per, Kagaku to Kogyo, Vol XVII, A Method for Wavelenght Sensitization of a No 12, 1964, pp 0415.Photoconductive Material by Mans od Cyanine ATS JS-49 Dyes, by Y. Takashige, et al, JAPANESE, Patent N o 446. Ionization by Electron Impact, by Kodera, TJS6?flakita. JAPANESE, per, Kauto Kogyo, Vol XIX, A Method of Synthesis of Hydroqiunone From Not 127, 19bJS-90k, 1966, pp !. p-diiso-propylbenzene, by S. o44 Tsutsumi, p. *NASA TT F-10,954 JAPANESE, Patent No ATS JS-100 Theh Effect on tplasticpoenia ofitac Proprhie Photoconductance vf Vinyl Polymers Hlaving Direct Ainination of Phthalocyanines, by Nitrated Condensed Rings, by K. Morimoto, T. Somiya, M. Makita, A. oficrystlt Inaini, Violet b. H.iroataNita JAPANESE I Patent No 20L078. PjAPANESEI JAPANESESE Dosei per, OhokVo Yuko Kgakush per, Kogyo Kagaku Nol Zasshi, Vol ShII._ ATS JS-10l XXII No5 2p LXYII, No 11, 1964, pp ATS JS htrtom@ai ATS JS-72Deb.Taahg e l JAPANESE, per, Oy usrvlxximfi fu okv" yxu1... NO No 11, 1964.,p T XWW4ULIH.eZs ynuoepltcn ATS JS-85 ~~~No 127W16, PPe 3TryhN34, p5-z 1. of CrystalenVio lt KNta JAPANESE per,, Oyo Vol Srmtuieso rgai Semicatona utr, hl rtn Pa VolsurS, Ay 1,*AAW42#6 0 Cre n ek ib h h o ANo, N1,' -whim - I oo ATIS6 Thlenu ATS JS-p3Lffet of Slgt eniu thecsurfaces Potentialn fth ffctv Dfuso - FD11T--006

123 Scientific Propulsion & Fuels Scientific Propulsion & Fuels (Contd) Gas Turbine Efficiency as Affected by Drilling for Petroleum and Gas in the Discharge of Coolant Air From Stationary North Sea, by V. oyakarov, 7 pp 1 blades Into the Blading, by Ye. N. Rogomolov, 1USSIAN, per, Neptyanoye Khoz, No 12, RUSSIAN, per, Aviats Tekh, Vol IX, No 2, 1965, pp 62-65o 1966, pp JPS 40,842 NASA TT F-10,779 News in Machine Lubricants (Chapter IV, V) Automation of Aircraft and Rocket Power by M. V. Korovchinskiy, 135 pp. Plants, by A. A. Shevyakov. RUSSIAN, bk, Novoye o Smazke V Mashinakh, RUSSIAN, bk, Avtomatika Aviatsionnvkh Sbornik, 1964, pp i Raketnykh Silovykh Ustanovok '2 ed. WD "r 6S , pp 1-348; ; ; *FrD HT Location of the Burning Zone in the Initial Part of the Flame Tubes of GTE Chambers, by G. N. Gorbunov, I. A. Lepshinskiy, et al, 18 pp. Methods of Designing Axial Compressors RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Aviatsionnyy Institut, for Stationary Gas-Turbine Plants, by No 157, 1964, pp 5-16 P V F. S. Bedcher. FTD MT RUSSIAN, per, Energomashinostroyeniye, No 3, 1964, pp On the Structure of Circulating Motion in a *FTD HT GTE Chamber, by L. A. Kvasnikov, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Aviatsionýn Institut, Miniature Sensor for Measuring Rapidly Vary- No 157, 1964, pp P V ing Gas Pressure in Turbomachines, by FTD MT A. S. Laskin and A. P. Kuleshov, RUSSIAN, 1965, pp per, Energomashinostroyeniye, No 11, The Mechanism of Burning a Fuel-Air *ACSI I J-2352 of Mtixture Maximum in a Leaning, GTE Chamber by S. Under I. Shakhurin. Conditions 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Aviatsionnyy Institut, No 157, 1964, pp P o7-V Taylor Instability of a Liquid Layer on FTD NT a Body by A. A. Zaytsev. RUSSIAN, per, Iz AN SSSR, Mekhanika Investigation of the Characteristics of GCE Zhidkosti i Gaza, No 1, 1966, pp Combustion Chambers in Regimes of Maximum *FTD HT Permissible Leaning Under Nligh-Altitude Conditions, by S. I. Shakhurin, 21 pp. Flow Over Permeable Cone at an Angle of RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Aviatsionnyy Institut, Attack, by Ye. M. Kalinin. No 157, 1964, pp P v RUSSIAN, per, Is AN SSSR, Mekhanika FTD MT Zhidkosti i Gaza No I, 1966, pp HEffect of Radial Clearance of Journal Stability in Gas-Lubricated Bearings, by Calculation of the Axisymmetrical G. A. Pospelov, 12 pp. Stream Flowing From a Nozzle at a Pressure RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Kazan Aviatsionnyy Lower Than that of the Surrounding Institut, No 81, 1953, pp Medium, by E. A. Ashratov. MT M7 RUSSIAN, per, It AN SSSRa tbkhani a FTD Tr Zhidkosti i Gaza 1956T ISI-161 -*.TU HT 73-7WU-f7 Accurate Equations for Determination of the Calculated Temperature Difference A Variational Problem in One Dimensional in Convective Bundles with Gas Radiation, Nonequilibrium Gas Dynamics, by by B. 0. Doynikov. N. S. Galyun, A. N. Krayko. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy K byshev Aviatsionnyy RUSSIAN, per, Iz AN SSSR Nekhanika Institut, No 15, pt 2, 1963, pp Zhidkosti i Gaza No 2, pp FrD HT H '-113

124 Scientific Propulsions & Fuels (Contd) Scientific Space Technology Plane The Evolution Turbo-Cosqpressor of a Satellite's in Automotive Elliptical Enie, Orbit RUSSIAN, Under per, Za Rulem, the No 1, 1961, Influence pp Orbit of a For Lateral ACSI J-l365 Disturbing Force, ce by Y by Yu. L.teral ID N. Kopnin. No RUSSIAN, 6, 1966, per, Inzh pp Zhur Mekh Tverd Tela, NASA T7 F-10,740 Fluid Toohnolog and Its AWplioatton, (7120/i2 5), by LIM Sth 12 pp. Propagation of a Turbulent Jet CIC3Sl, Impacting pew, h -No 5, on a Flat Surface, 11 by Nay 0. V Yakovlevskiy, 1pp S. YU. Krasheninnikov. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Mekh Zhid i Gaza, No 4, 1966, pp Discussion of Random Lateral Thrust Components In n. Bauschulte, Solid Fue Rocket Mobtors, by 1C. seladow, The Results of Experiments Investigating I GERMAN, per, Betrechtungen uber Ki_1icrlihe. Plasma in Circumlunar Querschubkomponenten Space With the Aid bel Jestatofftriebwerken of Charged Particle Jan Traps 1965, on pp the First Artificial Lunar Satellite, by K. I. Gringauz. ACSI J-2481 RUSSIAN, per, Kosmich Issled, Vol IV, ID No 6, 1966, pp NASA TT F-10,737 Noale Oomponents of the Diael. Jbin and Perturbations of AES Orbits From Tesseral Pbsetbillties of their Diminution, by G. boler, Harmonics of Gravitational Potential Expansion, by A. H. Zhandarov, GAR, per, 7 pp. stttýehrm uaebchnjkp No 6, 1966, RUSSIAN, per, Kosmicheskiye Issledovaniya, PP S*A08 J-25T3 Vol V, No 1, 1967, Sci pp & Tech 3-7. Infor Facility ID = T ST-CM-10S71 ST-O -AI NASA Comparison of Certain Results of Simultaneous Measureumnts of Solar Wind Characteristics an Spacecrafts "Venera-3" and "Pioneer-6", by K. I. Gringauz, V. V. Bezzukikh, S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kosuich Issled, Vol V, No 2, 1967, pp 310-3I1. Sci Tech Infor Facility jtakf NASA Heat Exchange in Fuel Elemnts of Liquid- Metal Cooled Reactors, by V. I. Subbotin. On the Equations GERMAN, Describing rpt, the Proceedinss Orbital of the Third Plane's Rotation, by Yu. M. Kopnin, 7 pp. Confeence on the Peace ULes of Atomic RUSSIAN, per, Kosmicheskiye Issledovaniya, b No 328, 31-Sept 1964, pp Vol V, NO 1, 1967, pp F-10,790 ST-01- Sci & Tech 107S Infor 7 Facility NASA Investigation of Compressed Gas Dispersion in Relation to Its Applicability Turbine Engines, in Gas by If. Gehrig. Nomogram for the Determination of an Artificial of the Earth's Lifetime GERsAbn, Satellite, rpt, by nbtersuchunh der Druck aszer- Yu. S. Vlasov, 6 pp. s HiTnlTic s in nre Anvenw it RUSSIAN, ina itisroinen-trxebwerken. per, Kosaicheskiye Isslodovanya. 1965, 102 pp. Vol V, No NMA 2, T1 1967, F-10,716 pp Sci Tech Infor Facility -IIS- L

125 " scientific 1acjTchnoloa (Contd) Scientific Miscellaneous (Contd) A Reply to the Article "Ngainst Simplifications" Methods of Investigating the Atmosphere by M. Nikiforov, With Rockets and Satellites, by A. A. Kmito. RUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Khoz., No 11, 1966, RUSSIAN, rpt, Metody Issledovaniya Atmosfery pp s Ispol'zovaniyea Raket i Sputnikov, 1966, *Dept of Intetior 366 pp. NASA TT F-390 Bureau of Comercial Fisheries Model for Space Triangulation Based on a Series of Artificial Satellite Obser ations List of Winners of the Socialist Rmaation, by A. Dinoscu. ppsiai, -ybnoe 3-Os. per, No 12, 1966, RUSSIANý per, Nablyudoniya Isksstvenykhpp2 Sputnikov Zem_1-, No 2, 1963, pp Z-41. FTD HT b7 Fish and Willife Service Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Orbits of Interplanetary Navigation by Ca'ien, Hsueh-sen. aiinese, per, Hsing Chi Hang Hsing Kai Linii Nd, l. 1e, No 3.p. 127 p. 1963, pp sopt I - *FTD OiT It 1966 JPBS Active Cormicstions Satellites, by M, Gilli, A Job For A Team, by Benst lholmquist, FREN CH, r~pt, Di~rection of Previous and future SVDSI es,ny: o XVN SWESDISHI, per, S. J.-Nytt, Vol XXIV, No 20, P, Nov 30, 1966, pp NASATT F-10' i41 DIA LN The D-iC a n D-1D Satellates, 1REM rpt, Division Intoet rol cumentatl~of do 1* ietinaes RltinS) SF Peb Dept of NLvy Traa 5321/APL/JNU T-1997?JsceUlafleou3 Miot Oygazsataon for -- tle In the &3a of 8ontm eo and TeoW0l1os Info atio, tv. K w. M,-qdOe'oh. 5 PP. RU8EM -t~x,.,_a'r per, tt~h*~~nia Ba, n,7" i~. % aw I kd il Infomation Card@ by L. 1. Mdakfma, 3 pp. 1b. 19M,,9924 pp. Winmers of the fotlalist ArAtion, R~UM,i per, RER Ospno 6, 1966, pp 2-3. *Dep or istarior Fish uan Wildlfe 8erv1o Dwrtww of Coinereial Fisheries

126 INFORMATION RECEIVED DURING MAY ON COVER-TO-COVER TRANSLATIONS Arhiv ZA Poljoprivredn. Nauke, Vol IINo 66, odeslys i Asrofotografiys, No 1, 1966 CMSTI'T /3. Amer Geoph Union. Blokizi~, MM. N Vl 6, y-jne 1. GokhimiY&, No 11, CB.iis olm.n,lyjn 9' Gooch Society. vol no, No 6, 1965 CB.hais Vo l o7 uyag16.oeologiya Nefti I ami, Vol VI, No U1, CB*Petroleu Geo10gy. Diokhbdy~s, Vol =I, No 8, July-hAug Isueritell'asym Tvkhnlks, No 10, Oct CB. Inot Soc of Amer. BiokhIniis, Vol MMI, No 9, Sept-Oct, 196 Izvestiya VUZ. Fisika, No 3, MaY-June, CB. J~r~d~y Press, Inc. Dcklady Akademil suk SS8W Physics Section, [riutallograflya, Vol XI, No 6, Nov-Doc Vol CLXII, No 1-3, Nov 1966.AeicnIttteoPhsc Amer List Physics.mrcnIsiueo hsc Vol XI, No U, Hby 196T. Vol XI, No 6, lay-junei%96. Elekrok~dy, Vl I no5, y 166.Lijeonicki Vjesnik, Vol LXXXII, No 6, E~ektrokh&Wya, Vol z, No 5, June cibtal- T /6. M^ broot CDB. nektzchmva&, CS. )btslloveden*ie I ichasksys Owaabotka Ilektckh~miya Vol I, N 6, une 166. h 0l, NO 3-2, Jan-Ap CD.. Vo 10, No,9 ul6166 CI. ~latallovedene I TermiceoakAy 0baboths lbtallovo No 53..& Nbr-Ape Ca.. Fisiologiya basteaul, Vol XIII, no 540 Sept-Oct GS. NebellOvedenie I Teraeheskas Obrobot~a Ibtal~oys No 7-6# byjunev-u GB. Notallovodenl I Tezuiebeulays arsbotka?oll& Nbrpbologica Vol XXV, No 3, IW66 CITr-I /3- Ibtellov, No 9-10o Smyt-Oct 1965.

127 ~. ~ obskay. ~Vestalk Akaum11 IhituaulwkM kak 888, Ikt&ulovp No U.-120 Now-Doe V*Btnik Pr~tlvovodiusbuo ("OD~Y, No 3, Polskl Prxegla4 Ibdiolooli I Jbdycyny Nuklemrnj, V@*tnik Protivoyosdumhfloy )Oorafl, No 4, Vol ]fl, No 3, 196 AACSI J Problemy Perindmuachlll oli, ~ Vol iii, V adnno lmtnkly?hurral, No I4, im ho,8a.voyannyy vestnik, No4,196 ACSI J Wiotekhn1&, No 10, IMVoymflfyy Vestuik, So 12, ACSI J Mdiote~mkbLk I Ilektrolks, No 10, Oct immevoyenwy Ventnik, No 1, Acsi ftu-rsko bbts1lwski Zboamlk, N0 3, aom-!t-66-5w03/3. Voyun~ Vestxilk, No 2, ACS! ekbalks I Vocrusbonlye, no 2, 3,967. ACSI J-12 VoysnAYY Vestnik, No 3, ACSI J TvkhnSika I Vooruhenly., No AACSI J Vorysay Vestnlk, No 4, 196T. *ACSI j Vol VI, No 12, De 3965.!wvetn~e ibtlly, Vol EKV!I, So 12, Dpa No 4, *Acei o 4hms M3S1flimAt51'AoI I?soretloheskol Flawk, Vol LI, No 4, NOT 196.?yX I ambabonuy 811, Nol I 97 ACSI J-186.W Somtwklkh Vubsvammlo upo Plalobea IM&, Vol In~ NO 3-41 a" Int at pbyisso ol It, No 4,.Jan-Nb V600a wo ZAVWZ Oofloom I ocauii@ OM8T"54-$50403/2. Xatas1~a.*D

128 AEHIT ZA POLYOPRIVRBMR KAUKI Vol Xt, Vo 66, 1966 r.ontents Bel t, B.: "Influence of Time of Planting on the Length of Vfgetation and on the Yield Of soybean MitrovIk, A: nliluence of Ecological Conditions on Physical and Chemical Properties of Soybean Seed Spasojevid, V.: Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Corn Pavifevtt, J. and Trifunovi6, V.: A Study of Some Important Ecologic Corn Tms Grown in Yugoslatvia and their Classification Gaji6, D.: Interaction between Wheat and Corn Cockle on Wbows SWi a"l Smondst ,5 Zivkovid, M.: Characteristics ol Humie-slikete Soils of Serbia Formed on Diftrent Geologic Substrate Antonovit, G.: Soil Composition end State of Erosion ift the Deti ia, Skraeti, Lunnica aind Moravlca BWas Tavtar, A. and KmndeN, V.: deze of th'-gmw of-plfest under Field GS oadifos Reviews Assilable FNM 714&i 5M6-9 /3 T t~

129 BIC,I'I"Ei ISTRY A transotion of 81okhimlya *,'iume 31, Number 6 May-June, 1966 CONTENTS Engl./Ruse. Xe., '4ethod of Solving Problems of li:e Stationary Kinetics of Enzyme Reactions -M. V. Vol'ieshtein and B. N. Gol'dshtein :.igation of the State of DNA in Rpidly Growing Cells - V. S. Dashkevich, G. D. Derdyshev. and R. 1. Salganik Use :: Electrophoetic Flow-Convection Technique to Iso!. e 7 -Globulin from Human Placental Serum and Sera of Certain Animals - V. U. Nikitina, N. V. Kholche and G. E. Tsimarldna The Production and Investigation of Highly Purified Prepa.,.tions of a-chymotrypsin and Trypuin Corresponding in Purity to Crystalline Enzymes - A. S. T yperovich and M. V. Kolodzeiskaya Influence of Disaggregating Agents on the Formation of Chiorophyllide and the Properties of Chlorophyll in Chloropiasts and Leaf Homogenates - L. M. Vorob'eva and A. A. Krasnovskii ::. tical Properties and 9hemical Composition of Fractions of Gonadotophic Preparations Purified by Starch lock Electrophoresis -A. I. Minkina thesis of RNA on SoWh Strands of reipolymerized DNA - M. F. Shemyakin. V. F. Manyakov. N. A. Kitelev. ani R. B. Khesin A.. npatativs Stidy of Tryptic Hydrolyzates of l1orse, Beef, and Human Myoglnhm by Peptide Mapping -0. V. Troitslraya n 60)5 T-., i'fect of (Cataiase on the (oulpeil (Oxidative Phosphotatiion Proceqs and on toe Adenylate System in Alhino Rat Liver - '-. F. Manoiiov, 1. A Vlvti. L Gý Polmova, and N. n. 5dgdo1ova ý 6 1 -: tq of Gkiucocofrti n'ert'ids mn the Activity of Liver i.n *kiiaqr, snd Glurnkinaw In,idrenauc, u,'mised Rats - M. P. Fomina S. of Amin-- Arid, Adiacent to the Arginine Residuet in Ilog Pepsin -YU, It,,. ttlw ajkl V. M, Stepanov Ar-,,t Acid Metaholitm in eilkwonrn t.,rvae I KRmbyx troti) - Yu. S. Fllippnvih And V. 6; kingova Alanfts and sidifamaut Il'en)tbogename% tfi ai tahaclllu\ Iatitatum -, Galyal ',V0 V. I. Yakovicva. Attd W. IU, Krmtovieh rci AIl-thsimo Biochemical U mrety - E. V. Iudnithkays The Iussian p.e date (podpisaok I, 'iali) of this Islu was t /14/1%.*#; Pu4bliA:lton llie refwp did notl nccu. this date. be muitl he ouuitsid It% have taken place feasonably soo" thereafr. Aft11abe f m Cmiiu1at.s hdm - II8I L...

130 BIOCHEMISTRY A translation of 81okthimlys Volume 31, Number 7 July-August, 1966 CONTENTS Engi./Russ. Polatrimetric Investigation or dhe Conformational Changes of D-Glyceraldehyde -3-Phosphate Debydrogenase-L. A. Dolotina. M. V. Vorlcenshtein. P. Zavodikii, and D. S. Markovich Influence of Aipha-Tocopherol on Changes lirthe Contractile and Enzymatic Properties of Myouin Induced by K-Avitaminosis Martusis, Ulasevidi., and N. G3. Bogdanov Two Pathways of Lysine Biosynthesis In Higher Plants -A. 1. Medvedev and V. L. Kietovich Action of Spleen and Snake Venom Phosphodiesterases on Transfer-RNA Acetylated on the Ribose 2' -Hydroxyl Group-D. G3. Knonre, N. M. Pustoshilova, and N.M. Teplova A Study of Virus Protein Repolymerization and Resynthesis of some Rodlike Virtuses -N. A. Klselev. 1. G. Atabekow, A. S. IKaftmnovs, and V. K. Noiriko, "0 Models of Aflosteric Enzymes and Their Analysis by the Graph Theory Method -M. V. Vol'kenshtein and0. N. Goldshtein The Nucleotide Composition of Ribosomnal RNA and Some Properties of AU -Type KUA In Animal Cells-K. G. Gazaryan and N. G. Sbuppe Incorporation of Labeled Amino Acids Into Subcelluiar Structures of the Protoplasts of Micrococcus lysodelitticus-a. v. shurga and V. S. Tongar... Transamination of Keto Analogs of Vallne and Isoleucine with Various Amino Acids in Extracts from Pea Seedlings-Z. S. Kagan.V. L2.r7"ovich. and A. S. Donov Dissoiation of DNP under the Action of Deoxyrlbonucleas I -V. L. Knor and L.ISaiganilt...6$ Molecular Characteristics of Pepsin in Solution and Nature of the Forces that Stabilize the Complex Pepsin Globule-A. A. Vaulma V. V. Lednev, and B. IC. Lemashl~io Chromatopaphic: Isolation end Some Properties of tbe Legumin and Vicilln of Vetch -A. D. Sbutov and LA. Valnttaub... : Effect of Telra-alkylammoonimn Ions on the Inactivation of Cholinesterases by Heat -..GM. Gwigor'eva... I S Hereroqesiaty of Transfer (Soluble) RNA and Its possible Conction With Degmeration of doe Codea-G. N. Zaltseva. L. N. Glabov,.L0. Matvoeva, L. A. Kbvuika and A. N. I oine Properties of like Novglcosylatedl DNA of;14 Phag IT'-. *D. rlmlshay'&, z*b*.'m.**w Gin'seho.o 740 L A. Zadmolb. L.L. ogianova M. A. moisirsidt, D. M. Gordlarb, so Xoo... I U 749 The Iteslan prsew date (poiplase It pechasi) of the issm was 7I1/I 965. Publicatiostetsheot did wt occur prier to this date, but muin be amimed to beee tahs plac reaovably noe theveafte. Lualleb. 7M Camuftmate Dwou U

131 BIOCH EIVISTRY A translation of Blokhimniya, Volume 31, Number 8 July -August, 1966 CONTENTS Engi /Russ. The Role of Synthetic Analogues of Uridine Diphosphateglucose in the Reaction Mediated by Sucrose -UDP -G lucosyltransferase (UDPG -D -Fructose -2-Glycosyltrafllferase) from Pea Seedlings-N. D. Gabrielyan and N. B.K1ozlova The Conformation of y -Globulin as Revealed by the Kinetics of Its Destruction-V. 1. Okulov, G. V. Troitskii. and Yu. N. Gordeev On the Enzymatically Active Products of Trypsin Autolysls-S. E. Bresler. V. M. Krutyakov. and A. G. Popov Sequence of Amino Acids in the Lysine-Contalning Peptides Isolated from Hog Pepsin Hydrolyzates-Yu. S. Kuznetsov. G. G. Kovaleva. and V. M. Stepanov The Action of Histonies on Synthesis of Antibodies and Otheir Celluar Proteins In Vitro-E. V. Sidorova The Problem of Amino Acid Sequence Determination in Polypeptides by the Mass S pe ctrum of Their Fragmenem- V. Yu. Gavrilov, A. D. Frank -K amenetskii. and M. D. Frank -K amenetskii The S eparation of Apyrase from M imosa padic Leaves'in~to AD`pas'ean~dA'T*Pas*e A'c'tivate~d' by.\4anganes!- Ions-M. N. Lyublmova. F. S. Fain, and N. S. Deznyanovskaya Determination of Thiamine Triphosphate in Animal Tissues-A. Ya. Rosanov The Liberation and Some Pr.pertles of Collagenase from Clostridlum peduringens -G. A. Lovdikova Sulfhydryl Groups of Mitochondrial Moaoamine Oxidase-L. B. Klyashtorin and L.1. Gridneva Isolation of Valine-Speclfic Transfer RNA-M. A. Grachev. N. 1. Mensorova. L. S. Sandkhachiev, E. 1. Budovskil. andd. G.Knorre On the Localization of inorganic Polyphosphates and Nueleotides in the Myceliumn of Neurospora crassa -1. S. Kuiaev. 1. A. Krashenianiko". and N. K. Kokurina Mechanisms of the naxymatic Degradation of Deoxyribonucleoptoteims under the Action of the Prti Fraction from the Nuclei of the Calf Tbymus-N. V. Irmoleeva The Russin pwus date (podplsano k pechati) of this issue was 7/21/1966. Piublacamntdurefe did not ocur prior to this date. but must be assumed to hae" taksen pl~ac seasonably Noo thereafter.

132 BIOCHEFIS 6"`Y A translation of Siokhimlya Volume 31, Number 9 September -October, 1966 CONTENTS Engl./Rues. on the Structure of D-Glyceraldehyde-3-Ilhosphate Dehydrogenase - D. S. Markovich, P. Savodakii, and M. V. Volkenshtein Chromatographic Separation of Certain Proteins and Polysaccharides from the Products of Their Hydrolysis - R. Ya. Shkol'nik A New Approach to the Study of the Mechanism of Biosynthesis ofvýitamin 'A'from* C'a~rot~ene by Activation of Oxygen 014 as a Result of a Nuclear Reaction O's (a, n )) Ne 21 by Means of af-particles Accelerated in a Cyclotron - B. B. Vartapetyan, A. A. Dmitrovskii, D. G. Alkhazov, I. Kh. Lemberg. A. B. Girshin, G. M. Guisinakil, N. A. Starikova, N. N. Erofeeva, and I. P. Bogdanova...* Purification and Determination of Properties of Glutamate Hydrogenase from Plants - V. I. Yakovieva. V. L. Fretovich, and V. P. Goretov Preparation and Some Properties of Transfer Ribonucleic Acid Peptidyl Derivatives- S. N. Zagrebel'nyi and D. G. Knorre...n * *... *** * Study of the Mechanism of Formation of the Macrostructure of Alklie Phosphatase from Esc~herichia colt in the Process of its Biosynthesis - M. A. Nesmeyanova, V. N. Vitvitskiiand A. A. Begdanov Specificity of RNA Synthesis in Phage Infection - M. F. Shemyskin, L A. Bass, S. G. Kaznzolova, Zh. M. Gorlenko, 0. B. Aetaurova, and R. B, Kheain Chitodextrin as Substrate aad Primer in the Reaction Between Lysozyme and Oligo-. saccharides - V. L. Makstmov and 0). M. Tepelina Ferredoxin from Wheat Leaves - A. A. Mutuskin, K. V. Pshenova, and P. A. Kolesnikov The Low Temperature Luminescence Spect.*a of Adenine and Its Derivatives - 1. L Gol'Idshtein, D. 1. Rosohupkin. anet V. P. "machev The Effect of Toxic Doses of Diethyluitrot &mine on Transaminase Activity in Rat Liver - V. G. Evgrafov andt. T. Berezov... *...8$ Fractionation and Metabolic Activity of Nucoeolar Protein of Mammalian Cells - L.P. Ermolva v Fractionation of Ristoues* by Eleotrohoresia io Polyacrylarnid., Gel - V. 0. Debsbov and ILA. Rebintish Free Nucleotides of the Anterior and Posterior Lobes of the Bovine Pituitary Gland - L.. Vylcheva and A. A. Khadshiolov Trii~ycerlde Composition of Monards flstulosa. L.. Monarda mro~lls L.. and Pyonamthemu vtrgiianum L. (Fern. Lgabtata) - 0. V. NOvitak~ap an. L Mailteeva Phy.stoochemioa1 Characteristics of Human fl-fetoprotagn - 8..Vasileiski Swely of the Biological Effects and Structural Peculiarities of Native Deatisas - M. E.Preobrathenaeya and LL. Rossmel'd... 1: Tie Russian press date (podpisan k poehati) of this isuea was WI1/6. Publics" doa teeore did not oocu.rprior to this date. but must be assmed to have takes plece reasonably see thereafter. Amllabi. FrM Omu14aft. k4u In11

133 A A. N. torhw t """"~DO&LADY A. N. Polwog S. A. Lobed. Soviet Physics N. Strakhoao S. 8. A. Vekehinalil A.LTaushin (Russian Original Vol. 171, Nos. 1-3, November, 1986) Vol. 11, No. 11, pp May, 1967 CONTENT PAGE RUWSUEIPAGE AERODYNAMICS A Certain Generalization of the Kinetic Theory of Gass.. V. V. Strumknsold CYBERNETICS AND CONTROL THEORY A New Type of Electronic Digital Computer. V. L. ArlaNaro,, A.S.KronrodandV.A.Kroerod... (,.) Theory of Networks for Planning and Control. Yu. P. Krivenkoy. (1') Estimates of the Mean Computation Time In OeDimesinaloa Unilateral Iterative Systems. G. S. Plesnevioh... (') FLUAD MECHANICS Group Classification of One-Dinienuioml Gas-Flow oqugastes by thecartanmethod. K..P... ur... (T) Plane Detonation in an EleciDoally Compucting Gas in an Oblique Magnet.oField. V. P. Korobnlkod... (T) U54 MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS A Method of Solving the General do ntdary-valu. Problem for dte ProfphMtion of Long and Ultraloeg Radio Waves arouda the Earth. P.X..Krau.... ekn (T PHYSICS Smooth lasif h Detonation From& in a Liquid Eu-loetue. Ya. B. Zelldorch. S. B. Maimer, 0. V. Klheib by K.h C Yuahkod... Alaneim ttoate inaleatloe hates to Odd DeorsmOed (2/7) 9" 1 65 Nuclei. V.e0...oloreeand P.FE.... A Unform Antetrope Cof eoloiei Model with a Mageteio FIel.. (T/K) L U. thek... *.... **.*.. n () Neutrino Pair Pros8 ~m Aohoolated nmsa with the baad.piolfeld. V.N...i.r... V.M...e m $ matel of P-t JUNuM an cmrytaoel lofit e of bdoe Phosphled e. Gal'meArsenide. N. N... I... (1) ? Cross letljeme Of Phon" o Reagsue m ft. X.Dbw A 8..kni. i... V () iabi ft Fzm. Xad tu...1 Yol U.o bo sv 3967 *6e 13M, by fth Aerim bmeo f d M ".. boo"ro.u

134 DORLAD! AKADSUI= lak 88 PU IC 811MlC Vol CLIII, no L-39 Nmv1~ I RU. IRUSS. PAGE I MU I PAGE Low-Temperature Recrystallization of Copper Rolled at 77 and 200K. I. A. tiindin, B. G. Lazarev, and Ya. D. Starodubov, and M. B. Lazareva (E/T) Negative Resistance and the Stimulated State in Electroluminescent Zinc Sulfide Films at 77"K. A. G. Gol'dman, G. A. Zholkevich, and N. P. Lazar'... Trends in the Electron-Impact Exciation Cross Sections (E) for the Lower Levels of Helium. 1. P. Zapesochny... (T/E) Energy Spectrum of an Electron in an "Imperfect" One-Dimensional Periodic Lattice. G. M. Zaslavsldi and R. Z. Sagdeev... (M) TECHNICAL PHYSICS Strucbire on the Resistance of a Beta-Titanium Alloy to Crack Propagation. N. V. ALeev. V. S. Ivanova, L. A. Petrova, V. G. Kudryashov, and L. P. Grankova... (E) Neutron-Diffraction Study of Radiation Ordering in Ni 3 Mn and Ni3FeAMn% Alloys. V. N. Gneushev, B. G. Lyashchenko, V. A. Matovarov, L. I. Novak, and V. V. Sarkeyan... Vacancy Mechanism for Accelerated Failure of Materials (E) on Irradiation in the Stressed State. V. S. Karaev... (9) Effect of the Degree of Deformation on the Superconducting Properties of Niobium and Vanadium. N. N. Sirota, t. A. Ovsetchuk, and E. K. Stribuk... (E) Effects of Cu and Group-IV Transition Metals on the Structure and Physical Properties of Alloys Based oan the Compound NiMn. I. Ya. Bokshitskil, 0. P. Elyutin, I. V. Rogova, and M. N. Sorokin... (Ei Hardening of Metals by Shock-Wave Cumulation. K. I. Koaorezov and L. I. Mirkin... (E) Investigation of Flame Turbulence by the Photoelectric Method. I. L. Kusnetsov, A. M. Trokima, G. R. Bfaranova and Yu, V. Nnatenko..... /. ) New Vanadium Compounds with Structr of the Cr3Bi Type. E.M M. Savitskli, V. V. Baron, and Yu. V. Eftmov... (s) "8a Investigation of Crystalli0stion of Vitrom USystems of Variable Composliton. V. 1. lbyuakidl... (5) o90 Principal Propertseieofieroootiag Wire Made from an Alloy of the 6G8T Type in kqripes and lenoids. N. 3. Alekasevakili, A. V. Dubrovin, N. N. Mikhallov. V. I. SokolovF and L. N. Fedotov (B) 9t Temperature Deendenoe of the 8tarting Stress of Dislosations in Commercial Nickel. L. X. Poep,, N. A. Almlandrov, -n V. a. ostrovorkiova... Determinatn of the DegIree of Inversion and th Onygen (9) Paramter for SpinelsI.L A5sishce B. 0. DIop A. N. Men'. and 0. L ('1.) *73 8truob. ndpoprte. S Crystals of Moltdema- Niobium Allo. 3. M. SvtlskI h,..w, X. N.h St "....., of Miewocrysbah"a a Lw.6smsitivs Glasses a.... (3) by as embow Of samplss w16 varying Composifo. V. L qwodf... At. to Ion 3 an Awliabl. ft= ANWwio btttuu Of Ph1e1 Yoa, no so upig 1W U123, (CmtiUm.)

135 DOMANT ro AKAnW1 ncm apno ga 1.-3p,.e "TLY mprtibhosmi 13,RIO PAGZ 111M PAGE THEORY OF ELASTICITY General Critical Stressed State of a Strictly Convex S1h1 A. V. Pogorelov... () Relation between Stresses and Strains in the Neighborhood of the Corner Point of the Stress TraJectory. U. Ya. Leouov and N. Yu. Shvaiko... * (Z/7) / Supercritioal Strain Energy of a Thin ElastcO SOell. A. V. Pogorelo... w (1) AwmL~lab Fm Arlemm fstitnte ot Pb esice Vol XII, s 1., 1by 6f m12i

136 A translation of Elektrokhlmiya Volume 2, Number 5 May, 1966 CONTEF JS Engl./Russ. Electro-Oxidation of Ethylene Glycol on a Platinum Electrode: I. Adsorption ofethylene Glycol from Acid Solutions-Jan Weber. Yu. B. Vasil'ev. and V. S. Bagotskii Electro-Oxidation of Ethylene Glycol on a Platinum Electrode- IL Effect of Electrode Potential on the Adsorption of Ethylene Glycol-Jan Weber, Yu. B. Vasil'ev, and V. S. Bagotskii A Polarographic Study of the Cerium Group of Rare Earth Elements. with Base Electrolyte Consisting of a Fused LiCI-KCI Eutectic-I. D. Panchenko Penkalo. and Yu. D. Delimarskii Some Kinetic Principles of the Process of Electrosynthesis of Hydroxylamine Sulfate -R. K. Kvaratskheliya and R. I. Agladze Electrolysis of Alkaline Solutions of Hypochlorite and Chlorite by a Glow Discharge -M. I. Shalkauskas and S. P. StuI gene Electrochemical Polishing of Germanium -E. N. Paleolog and A. Z. Fedotova The Effect of Ultrasonics on the Electrodeposition of Ni-Fe-Mo Alloys-A. T. Vagramyan. A. M. Ginberg. N. Ya. Fedotova and T. A. Ginberg Influence of Water and the Nature of the Electrolyte on the Anodic Activation of Titanium in Methanol Solutions-A. I. Tsinman. V. S. Kuzub. and A. N. Katrevich On the Interaction of Adsorbed Particles in the Simultaneous Adsorption of Two Substances on Mercury-G. A. Tedoradze. R. A. Arakelyan. and E.D. Belokolos On the Influence of Certain Organic Substances Upon the Anodic Dissolution of Metals in Neutral Solutions. IV. Anodic Dissolution of Copper-S. G. Byallozor Electric Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions of Formic. Acetic. Oxalic. Sulfuric. and Phosphoric Acids at High Temperatues-i. N. Maksimova V. F. Yushkovich BS4EE COMMUNICATIONS Use of the Initial Surface of a Mercury Drop Electrode in Polaroaraphy -V. G. Maranovskli Investigation of Zinc-Niclul Amalgams by ths Method of Amalgam Polaroltaphy with Accumulation-I. E. Krasnova and A. 1. Zebreva Electropolishinig of Dismuth in a Saturated Solution of Sodium Chloride-G. P. Perov Electrical Properties of Molecular Complees of Cetain Polycosugated systems-g.p.karpachevaand. 9. Davydov Iehavior of Nickel Anodes in Conoentraed Sulfuric Acid Solutlom-S. l.lgrlchna and K. ir. Aloud* Electrochemical Method of Producing the Free Radical Hexafuorodirnethyl Nitonide -A. P. Tommy,. Yu. D. SmWeow. and A. F. ViiLko III I I I I Afti8b3a fr mulmt DUN

137 Vol 05 Iy16 (c ontinue.d) Engl./Russ. Determining the Zero-Charge Potential for Bismuth-U. V. PAr'm, V. t Past, and P. Ya. Pullerits A New Apparatus with a Rotating Disc Electrode with a Ring-G. V. Zhutaeva, and N. A. Shumilova On the Kinetics of the Change in the Electrophysical Properties of Polyacrylonitrile duringlts Treatment with Infrared Radiation-t. A. Silin', V. i.plumane, and A. V. Airapetyants Equation of Electrical Conductivity of a Double-LiquidS.ystem with Chemically Interacting Components-Yu. Ya. Fialkov and Yu. A. Tarasenko "0 Properties of a Nickel Electrolyte Containing Formic Acid -Ya.Kh.Bakalyuk, V. 0. Kisilevich. and L. G. Sheikhetova Complexes with Charge Transfer in Organic Semiconductors Based on Polyethylene-A. D. Grishina and N. A. Bakh On the Influence of Hydrogenation of the Cathode Metal Upon the Overvoltage of llydrogen-l. I. Krishtalik Some Specific Peculiarities of the Behavior of Gas Electrodes in Contact with a Solid Electrolyte-S. V. Karpachev and A. T. Fllyaev LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Structure of the Energy Spectrum of Electrons in Unordered Systems-R. R. Dogomadze, A. M. Kuznetsov. and A. A. Chernenko REVIEWS I. R. Sundheim (Ed.). Fused Salts. M. Slander (Ed.). Molten-Salt Chemistry Reviewed by E. A. Ultshe P. M. Luk'yanov. History of Crafts and Chemical Industry Reviewed by M. Ya. Fioshin A. Many, Y. Goldrstein. N. B. Grover. Semiconductor Surfaces Reviewed by Yu. V.Pleskov Conway. Theory and PiLnciples of Electrode Processes Reviewed by L. I. Krishallk Sergel Vasilevich Kaupachev (On his Sixtieth Birthday) M. V. Smimov and S. F. Pal'guev The Russian press date (podplsano k pechati) of this issue was 4/ Publicationthenfore did not occur prki to this date. but must be assumed to have tina place reasonably soo. thebafer. Awt]d Vm O mg i~mm -1, I.111I ri

138 A translation of!..ktrokh m.va_ Volume 2, Number 6 June, 1966 CONTENTS- Engl./Russ. Structure of Organomercury Compounds and Their Polarographic Properties -K. P. Butin, I. P. Beletskaya. and 0. A. Reutov The Capacitance of a Double Electric Layer on Mercury in Melts and Concentrated Solutions of Nitrates-V. Sh. Palanker. A. M. Skundin. and V. S. Bagocskil... o Influence of the Nature of the Ligands ca the Exchange OCrrent in the Overcharging of Chloride. Bromide, and Iodide Complexes of DI- and Tetravalent Platinum -V. I. Kravtsov and B. V. Simakov Reduction of Chromic Acid in the Presence of Large Concentrations of Extraneous Anions -V. A. Kazakov and A. T. Vagramyan Influence of Halide Ions on the Rate of Electrode Processes on a Bismuth Amalgam Electrode -V. V. Gorodetikil and V. V. Losev Peculiarities of the Influence of Iodide Ions an the Kinetics of Electrode Processes on Bismuth Amalgam-V. V. Gorodetskil and V. V. Losev Polarization of Porous Electrodes. IV..Influence of the Resistance of the Solid Phase on the Potential and Current Distribution in the Electrode-V. S. Daniel'-Bek The Problem of the Anodic Behavior of Lead in Alkaline Solutions. U. Galvanostatic and Potentlostatic Measurements-S. S. Popova and A. V. Fortunatov Investigation of Semiconducting Catalyst Electrodes. ILL Investigation of the Electrochemical Reveisibility of the Oxidation of the l.xcu(l.x)o Solid Solution-. G. Misyuk. O.. ',,tyan.and T V. Prima Investigation of the Electrical Transport of Ca'i and Mg8 tons in a Sulfo-Cation Echane Rin and Their Equilibrium Distribution in the Sulfo-Cation Exchange IRisn-Solution System-Z. S. Alagova. 9. A. Matrova. and T. V. Dobrodskaya Mixed KineUc Sody.Surface Currents in Polaroagaphy-S. G. Maonovskli, E. D. klokolos. V. P. Gul'tyai. and L. I. Lshchta Electrical Conductivity and Molecular Interaction in Organic Compounds -M. I. shmakova and P. K. Mittsevich a behavior of Some Unsatuated Hydsocarbon on a Platinum Catalyst-T. M. sloslyudovo and D. V. Soko&'skW Theoretical Investigation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Solutions of Strong Electrolytes by the Monte Carlo Method-P. N. Votantsov-Vellyaminov. A. M. El'yashevich. and A. K. Kras EW COMUNICAT1"O6 Unusual Poaroraphilc Uhaviot of Some Substituted leobsi Cioasmic Alcohol and Methylbeawate-V. G. Mairaaovskii and G. I. Samokhvalov ? Voltage Los to a Laye of Gas at the Sutce of a Graphite Anode Dwing Electrolysis of 4 Co Solution-V, L. Kubwov acd G, I. Volko... (Csthlitj) AWfl~ba. Pm t tmte tt VAN"

139 Vol 1X# no... Engl./Russ. Electroreduction Kinetics of Quinoline: I-N.E Khomutov and V. V. Tsodikov On the Incorporation of Sulfur into Nickel Galvanic Coatings from Solutions Containing Saccharine and p-toluenesull.',,iuc-s. 1. Krichmar Influence of Lower Chlorides of Titanium on the Electrode Potentials of Certain Metals in Molten Salts-N. I. Anufrieva Investigation of Certain Electrophysical Properties of Low-Molecular Complexes with Charge Transfer. Introduced into the Polymer Film-. A. Silin andd..plumane Approximate Formula of Semi-Infinite Cylindrical Diffusion-I. M. Epshieln Influence of Ultrasound on Electrochemical Oxidation of Potassium Manganate to Potassium Permanganate-A. P. Gindis The Influence of Surface-Active Additions. Subjected to the Action of an Ultrasonic Field, on the Growth of an Electrolytic Single Crystal of Silver-A. M. Ginberg, Yu. E. Titov. and A. T. Vagramyan Electric Conductivity of Certain Solutions of Dimethylfotmamide-F. K. Andryushchenko, K. G. Parfenova. and O. A. Slotin Corrosion of a Graphite Cathode in the Electrolysis of Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Chloride in a Bipolar Electrolyzer-V. K. Beldin LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Electrochemical Method of Determining the Ohmic Resistance and Thickness of Films of Electrolytes on Metals -Yu. A. Maitov Unusual Dependence of the Polarographic Behavior of Halo-Derivatives- Octachlorcyclopentene and H ezachlococyclopentad/ene-on the ph of the Solution -L. G. Feoktistov and A. S. Solonar' The Russian press date (podpisano k pechati) of this issue was 5/26/1966. Publication therefore did not occur prior to this date. but must be assumed to have taken plaee reasonably soon theeaftqe. Au1m~abL.?r'm Coamsu]tsat lwgsa -18

140 A trans~ation of Elektrokhimlya Volume 2, Number 7 July, 1966 EngI./Russ. V A Influence of the Structure of Electrolytic Cobalt and insertion of Chloride Ions into a Deposit of It upon the Electrochemical Properties and Corrosion in Sulfuric Acid Solution -Z. A. Iofa and Wei Pao -ming The Compensation Effect in Diffusion of Ions through Fused Oxides and Salts -V. D. Shantarin. 0. A. Esin, V. N. Boronenkov, and P. M. Shurygin The Effect of Temperature on the Electroreduction Velocity of Chromic Acid. InI -Z. A. Solov'eva and A. E. Lapshina The Factors which Could Account for the Movement of Liquid Dielectrics in a Nonuniform Electric Field-L M. Solodovoichenko Determination of the Solubility of Germanium in Mercury by Amalgam Polarography with Accumulation-O. S. Steparova and M. S. Zalcharov The Electrodiusolution of Metal from the Surface of an inert Electrode. I - Kh. Z. Bralnina and G. V. Yarunina Study of Semiconducting Catalyst Electrodes. IV. The Effect of the Type of Alkali Metal Promoter Ton on the Activity of an Oxygen Electrode Prepared from a Metal of Variable Valency-IL G. Misyuk. 0. K. Davtyan. R. N. Stupichenko. and E. A. Kalyuzhnaya investigation of Electrode Semiconductor Catalysts. V. On the Semiconductor Properties of Nickel and Copper Oxides, Caused by the Insertion of Potassium Ions into Them -IL G. Misyuk. 0. K. Davtyan. and M. V. Uminskii Electrochemical and Physicochemical Characteristics of Melts of the System T10 5 -TlNO, -P. L. Protsenko, A. V. Protsenko, L. L. Gabitova, and K. P. Shaukaya On the Influence of Certain Background3 upon the Half -Wave Potential Difference in the Reduction of Anthraquinone Derivatives-L. Ya. Kheifets and V. D. Bezuglyi Electrochemical Behavior of Indium In Solutions of Potassium Hydroxide. L Investigation of the Principles and Mechanism of the Anodic Oxidation of Indium -F. r'. Faizullin and N.A. A.,irkhanova BRE COMMUNICATIONS Value of the Standard Potential, Exchange Current, and Activation Energy of the Process Occurring on a Cobalt Electrode-la. V. Simonova and A. L. Rotinyan Diffusion Potentials in Electrolytes Consisting of Molten Sa~ts-M. V. Smimov and L A. Kokb ?hctoelectrochemical Method of Approximate M4sasurements of the Length of Diffusion in Semiconductors-V. V. Eletskiliand Yu. V. Pleslev Structure of the Double Electric Layer at the Silver-Dilute Electrolyte Solution Bowtdaz -I.G. Dagaeva, D. LLe". sandil S. Sevatt'yanar;... 0 Aval1ab3.e ftnm Comaultant 3mWMA

141 VJrr,1Wr77My 1966 Engl./R.uss. On the Behavior of a Lead-Sodium Glass Electrode in Salt Mvelts-A. F. Alabyshev, A. G. Morachevskil, and L Ya. Feenberg Method of Compensating Temperature Errors In Electrochemical Transformers-B. M. Grafov, A. B. Gruzdev, P. D. Lukovtsev, M. A. Novitskii, and L. A. Sokolov Peaks on the Curves of Differential Capacitaice and the Struature of the Surface Layer. II -B.B. Damaskin Method of Measuring the Mobility of Ions in Dielectric Liquids-B. I. Sazhln and V. P. Shuvaev On the Cause of the Change in the Electrochemical Properties of Platinum in the Region of Anodic Potentials-G. P. GirIna and V. E. Kazarlnov Negative Photoconductivity of Ether Solutions of Iodine and Bromine -Yu. M. Stolovitskll. T. N. Trofimova. A. M. Nemchenko, Yu. K. Fedorov, and Yu. A. Kopylov Electrocrystallization of Cobalt from an Acetate Electrolybe-M. Ya. Popereka and K. A. Siletskaya Reduction of Hexavalent Tungsten on a Mercury Cathode, Studied by (i. t) Curves -E. F. Speranskaya and D. B. Mambeeva The Action of Outside Sources of Interference on an Electrochemical Cell when Using High -Speed Electronic Potentiostats -L. L. Knots and V. N. Alekseev Electrical Conductivity of a Cathode Film Formed in a Solution of Chromic Acids -N. I. Knyazev. V. N. Matveev, and V. L Khudyakov Variation of Overvoltage during Electrodeposition of Gallium on to a Passive Surface -T.1. Lezhava Oscillographic Polarography of Scandium Ions on Solid Electrodes-Yu. S. Gorodetskil and A. A. Pereverzev The Effect of Temperature on Anodic Oxidation of Chlorine Ions on Platinum in Sulfuric Acid Solutions-M. M. Flisskii scillographic Voltamperometry in Fused Salts-I. L Naryshktn. V. P. Yurkinskid, andb. S.Yavlch , 864 REVIEWS L. 1. Antropov. Theoretical Electrochemistry- Reviewed by N. V. Fedorovich and B. B. Damaskin S. G. Mairanovskii Catalytic and Kinetic Waves in Polarography -Reviewed by S. I. Zhdanov The Rusa pre'ss date (podpisano kt pechati) of this issue was 6/21/1966. Publication th.±reforc did not occur prior to this date, but must be assumed to havo takcn place reasonably soon thereafter. AvallAbl From Oo.ultaats bmau.130-

142 TELECOMMUNICATIONS and RADIO ENGINEERING 1946 NUMBER 10 A PART I TELECOMMUNICATIONS Volume 20 pape V. M. Rozov: The Signal Phasing Accuracy Required for Diversity Reception with Prephasing..... I B.P. Kalinichev: Lognormal Impulsive Noise Power at the Narrow-Band Filter Output of a Receiver with an AM or FM Detector... A. V. Mikhaflov: The Effect of the Channel Phase-Frequency Chaucteristic on Data Transmission Reliability... L. I. Yaroslavskiy, S. P. Vol'fbeln and L S. Ubov. Method of Incresaing Discrete Data 13 Transmission Rates V. M. Kopp, V. A. Ponomaremno, V. V. YevtusheWo and P. S. Ralidn. A Group Channel Impulsive Noise Analyzer for an HF Telephony System Used for Data Transmission A. Mateescu: Chebyshev Smoothing of Group Delay Frequency Response S. M. Kutuzov. Mutual Couplings in a One-Dimensional Scanned Dipole Array.... L. N. Morgunov: Received Signal Fluctuations at a Vehicle Antenna in a Microwave 37 Urban Communication System V. E. Kostarev: Synthesis of Quarts Polynomial Filters V.1. Pampuro. Limit Tests BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS G.0. DaMvadov: A Binary Random Process with Discrete Time N. I. Kurzanov: The Probability of Inoorrect Signal Reception when the Receiver Out4mt Contains a Threshold Circuit... Book Review ",Fundamental@ of Data Transmission Over Wire Routes," by V Ourov, 0. A. Yemel'yanov, N. N. Yetrukhin and Ye. V. Basilevich (vym', 1964), 0.B. Davydov In Our Forthcomlin Issues... 5 New B0ks PART I KW. I. Cherne. Some Properties of the Parameters of a Linear 2(m + m)-termlnal Network B. Ye. Kinber Asymptotic Solution of th Problem of Diffraction by a 9pher... is V. V. Timofeyev. Horn-Parabola Antema for the Simultaneous Operation of Two Radio-Relay Systems P. Popov: Calculation of the Detection Characteristics of 8ignals in Intesity- Modulated Indicators... R. M. Bel*tye. Choosing tho Method oa Recording Pulse-Width-Modulated *spnd. 83 on Magnetic Tape... '7 R. R. Garnachs, J. J. Cagey ad J. Lanam&M ausamteiedio of a Waglo-Crymtal A. Z. Metal-Base Transistor baykow. Ener ReyWlaow in a loystre Amplifier with Doahie Interaotiom in the Oupet s4"tem D. D. IWovsklyd OpUmtm Noe Immumlty In Chemela with ebo-i ignls Yu. 0. Lobodinuldy and Ye. 1. Onmpiysao: "ptam Aulysis by Mm of Devices with Dispersio n M. Ye. Mmurovi RectityogProperties of theconisatsof &Hn-911ad Tmodoeors... its BRIEF COMMUNICATIOI A. P. Zeaem Geation of Video Puoles of Presoribed Wavelorm by a Laddr Noeiwt of blegvriag Cirolt5... )* III Aullable?v= Xa~tltu teo mleetrs1am md.ctroulas -131-

143 RADIOTMXIKA VoSI XX, 10 2, 196 No D. G. Polyak:. The Probability of Crossings of a peolffed Level by the Output Voltage of a Pulse lntegrator " 121 V. N. KNuz'mcher. Influence of Pnls-Ecde Shape on the Enrgy Spectrum of a Random-Pulse Sequence V.A. Geranniand V.M. P'yano. Letter to thel dltor The 22nd All-Union Conferemoe of the Popov Society In Memory of V.8. Dulitaky New ooks EDrTOR'S NOTE With the exception of certain trigonometric and hyperbolio functions, Soviet mathematical symbols arn the same a those encountered in the American literature. For the reader's convenience a lst of ano exeptions amd their American equivalents Is given below. _oiet Una American equivalent Aroh comhb- Aroth coth-i (ctah-n) Arab sinhb' A-th teanh 1 arcoos oo-s (arn co0) KWoi oot-i (are cot) arisn sinf- (arc sin) aretg tan- (arc taw) oh cosh otg oth rot sob sh cot (ow) ooth (eoth) curl each amh tub Ava13ab Not Xmatute at Mm 'lsml man nectrmles kgar S- I I.12

144 A translation of Fizlologiya Rastenhi Volume 13, Number 4 July-August, 1966 CONTENTS Engl./Rus.. Paths of Plant Physiology during the Development of Molecular Biology-A. L. Kuusanoy The Effect of Photoperiods on the Development of Buds in Cimicifuga SPP -N. N. Konstantinov and V. V. svetozarova Influence of Day Length on the Chlorophyll-Protein-Lipid Complex of Plants -T. V. Bavrlna The Morphology and the Sugar-Synthesizing Capacity of the Chief Organs of Sugar Beet Plants and Their Regenerates-O. Kh. Molotkovskfi and M. M. Budzanivskii Influence of Defoliants on Some Products of the Photosynthetic Assimilation of Carbon Dioxide-V. A Kraft. N. G. Doman, and Z. A. Vasileva Influence of the Ratio of Red to Blue Light from Fluorescent Lamps On the Accumulation of Pigments in the Leaves of Certain Plants-,T. N. Godnev. L. V. Kakhnovich, and A. I. Antipova The Effect of Pruning Grape Vines on Development of the Photosynthetic Apparatus -P. I. Gollnk Influence of Sodium Sulfate and Sodium Chloride on the Metabolism of the Plastid Pigments in Plants-R. Kh. Dostanova The Structure and Possible Function of Chloroplasts in Sheath Ceils of Vascular Bundles -A.M. Silaeva The Effect of Potassium Deficiency on Photosynthesis. Reapiration, and Phosphorus Metabolism in the Ontogsny of Sugar Beet-B. I. Beunhtein and A. S. Okanenko Influence of Certain Elements of Mineral Nutrition of the RNA and Protein Metabolism In the Cytoplasmic Structures of the Plant Cell-G. I. Semenenko and L. A. Krasil'nikova Influence of Copper on the Rate of Photosynthesis and Crop Yield of the Potato Plant -G.. Soroidna Some Peculiarities of the Utilisation of Nitrogen Applied at a Late Period for Protein Synthesis In the Corn and Oat Grain-A. N. Pavlov and T. I. Kolenik Influence of the Electrical Field of the Atmosphere and the lowe of Air on Mineral Nutrition and Metabolism in Corn Plants-I. L. Shidlovska y and Z. I. Zhurbitskii On the Synthetic Functions of the Root System of the Grape-K. D. Stoev. S. 1. Dobreva, and C. Voshcheninets... * On the State of Wate in Plants-N. u A. Guesv The Effect of Anaerobic Conditions of Absorption and Distribution of Heavy Water s) in Maise and Sunflower Plants-G. M. Grineva and Z. 5. Burkina Determination of the PAN of bntropy Production In the Leaf System of Forest Trees -R. I. Florov... o Aul~abla Phu MOaienutst huc

145 Vol XI.X,1, INo 4s, -AU 19 Engl./RA. On the Adaptive Character of Changes in the Action of Terminal Oxidases -L. M. Khandobina and T. A. Kuznetsova , Ll7 Influence of a-naphthylacetic Acidand 6-BenzylamLnopurine on Nucleic Acid Biosynthesis in Apple Buds-L. Khvoika, P. Krachmar. A. Friedrikh, and R. Kovach ?cI 0; Regulators of Plant Growth-Alkyl Ethers of 2,4-Dichlorophenol and Trichlorophenol -K. S. Bokarev. L. M. Kapelyushnikova, G. I. Basova, and E. P. Zhogova i: 70Ae Herbicidal Activity of 4-Chlorobutyn-2-yl Esters of N-Alkyl- and N. N-Dialkylcarbamic Acids-Yu. A. Baskakov. T. A. Sergeeva, and I. A. Mel'nikova ; 7/1 A Contribution to the Study of the Physiologically Active Substances in Black Currant under Arctic Conditions-G. B. Samorodova-Bianki and N. T. Kulikova ; 7/b A Contribution to the Problem of the Biochemical Mechanisms of Frost Resistance in Winter Plants-G. D. Borzhkovskaya and M. A. Khrabrova t. 72o BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Seasonal and Daily Growth Rhythm of Roots and Stems in One-Year-Old Oak and Oleaster Seedlings-V. 0. Kazaryan and P. A. Khurshudyan r The Effect of Sound-Treated Water on Seeds of Woody Plants-A. F. Llsenkov ; 7A I Effect of Photoperiods on the Free Amino Acid and Amide Composition in the Organs of the Onion-S. I. Misharin U 73c PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS The Application of the Sterile Culture Technique for the Cultivation of Distant Hybrids of Nicotiana-R. G. Butenko and M. Z. Luneva METHODS An Application of the Amperometrlc Technique for the Investigation of Oxygen Metabolism in Light- G. S. GrishLa, L. N. Bell. and G. S. Bukina BOOK REVIEWS D. P. Viktorov. A Short Dictionary of Botanical Terms- Reviewed by A. I. Metelkin (Internattunal Symposium on 'The Growth and Aging of Chloroplasts (Sept., Saint-Trond. Belgium)-E. B. Kirichenko ] NOTE The Table of Cotenwt lists all material that appeared in the original Russian Journal. Items originally published in English or generally available in the West ane not Included in the translation and ar shown In brackets. Whenever possible, the English-language source containing the omnaed Items is given. The Russian press date (podpisno k pechati) of this issue was 6/29/196& Publication therefore did not occur prior to this date. but must be assumed to have taken plac reasonably soon thereafter. AVllable ft= Cammuitlat DWNau ILA

146 SOVIET PLANT PHYSIOLOGY A translation of Fiziologiya Rastenil Volume 13, Number 5 September-October, 1966 CONTENTS Engi./Russ. On the Mechanism of the Production of the Diene ClHg (Isoprene) in Illuminated Plant Leaves-G. A.Sanadze Spectral Dependence of Tryptophan Blosynthesis in Green Sprouts of Barley -N. P. Vcskresenskaya and Yu. A. Viii' Formation of Lamellae and Granae in the Chloroplasts of Yellow Leaves. Induced by 6-Benzylaminopurine-I. N. Sveshnikvea. 0. N. Kulaeva, and Yu. P. Bclyakina On the Biochemical Changes in Etlolated Corn Seedlings during Their Greening -P. N. Shlymn and S. I. Lebedev On the Role of the Plastid Pigments in the Process of Plant Growth-S. I. Lebedev and O. Kh. Kiryatseva Effect of ChIlorosis on the Physiological State of Apple Trees under Conditions of Central Kazakhstan-1. D. Zelepukhin Assimilation of Urea by Potato Plant-A. T. Mokronosov. Z. G. Ininykh. and N.I.-Shukolyukova Two Mechanisms of Selectivity in the Absorption of Mineral Nutrients by Plants -D. B. Vakhmlstrov Effect of Potassium and Chlorine on the Growth., Absorbing Capacity. atid Synthesizing Activity of Root Systems-G. V. Udovenko Change of Sunflower Embryo Mitochondria at Various Stages of Seed Formation -A. A. Prokofev and M. A. Rodionova Characteristics of the Action Potentials of the Conducting System of Pumpkin Stems Evoked by Various Stimuli-A. M. Sinyukhin and V. V. Gorchakov Effect of Interruption of Darkness by Light on Plant Gibberelllns-M. Xh. Chsllakhyan and V. N. Loshnikova Effect of Cinnamic Acid and VanUlin on the Growth and Development of Cotton -N. B. Pal9#iko, T. A. Shubert. and K. Z. Ovcharov Proline Content during Vernallsatlon and Differentiation of the G:owth Points in Biennial and Winter Plants-Z. M. Shvedskaya and A. S. Kruzhllin Physiology of the Opening of Cotton Bolls-G. Ya. Gubanov On Plasmodesmats and Hecht Threads in Some Algae-P. A. Genkel' and L. V. Bakanova On the Activity of Enzymes at Negative Temperatures-i. V. Ogolevets Ice Formation inside Cells-G. A. Samygin Effect of Tobacco Mosaic Virus on Energy Metabolism of TobAcco Species Differing in Respect to e sisivity-m. E. Ladysina. L. A.tubin. and M. I. Tukeeva On Indices of Physological Condition for Selecting Difsase-RsItant lice Vari..,es -G. Palfi Changes in Nitrogen Metabolism during Physiological Sicknest of Peach Tras -V. I. Zavarsin Awl abls Pw Oamultsta

147 fic MLOGUA PAUU Vol. = I.- to 51, gsovt 1W ~~dud Engl./Rues. The Herbicidal Activity of Certain Aromatic Derivatives of Dchlcotacetamlde -I. G. Khaskin, A. L. Stolper. and G. N. Tsybul'skaya BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Transport of Mineral Salts through the Root Cortex-T. P. Ladonina oi Effect of Zinc on the Accumulation of Calcium, Magnesium. Phosphorus, and Iron in Apples-A. A. Koleanik and O. B. Tsetevitinov METHODS Quantitative Ring Precipitation Reaction for Immunological Investigations (Application of a Photoelectric Colotimeter-Nephelometer)-Kh. A. Yumaguzlna. 1. P. Gavrilyuk, 1. F. Chelmin. and V. G. Konarev Method of Determining Nucleic Acids in Young Green Planu-E. P. Nechaeva CHRONICLES Second Conference on Biology of Seed Reproduction-K. E. Ovcharov and K. P. Genkel' Academician Bogumil N4-mc-S. Prat The Ruojan pres date (podpmano k pecbhat) of ths lsme was 9/2/1966. Publication theaeoe did not oftu pilot to this dam. bw must be msmed to have tabun place reasonably son thereafter. Aftalable Ihn am utanut 136.

148 FOLI NCSWCLOGICAL Vol XZV, No 3, 1966 CONTENTS M. N ow a k: Variation of the arteries supplying the liver in man M. St q p I e 6: Structure of the mesotendineum of the anterior tibialis muscle in man M. S t q pie : Arteries supplying the tendon of the anterior tibialju muscle in man A. Z br o dow s k i: The arterial blood supply of the tendon of the flexor pollics longus muscle in man Z. K oi a c z k ow s k i: The extensor retinaculum in human fetuses Z. R a j c he: Reconstruction of the head of the woman from Steinheim on the basis of the reconstructed skull A. Wilgoszyfiski, A. Metera: Morphology of the occipital bone in Macacus rhesus A. M e t e r a, A. W i I g o s z y i s k i: Morphology of the zygomatic bone in Macacus rhesus..... ' J. Mrugala, Z. W 6 j t o w i c z: Morphology of the maxilla in Macacus rhesus I. L I z e: The antebrachial interosseous membrane in Macacus rhesus. 324 Z. F. P q d z i w i a t r: Problems of the elements of the osseous labyrinth and temporal pyramid. Part II M. N ark i ewi cz: Collateral circulation after ligation of the Inferior vena cava above the renal veins in the cat Z. B orkowska: Studies on the arterial blood supply of the pelvis and urinary bladder in the dog before and after ligation of the internal lac artaries J. K. Pogorzelski, J Starzewski, J. Szkandera: Morphology of the arteriovenous anastomoses of the auricula in the rabbit. 376 M. Nowak, M. Stqpieta. A. Zbrodowski: Skeletotopy of the aorta -in Macacus rhesus and Macacus czjnomotgus L. M I y n a r c z y k, W. W o i n i a k, Topography and surgical approach to the cardiac branches of the vagus nerve in the dog C. M i a i k i e w i c z: The state of maturity of the knee skeleton in young persons of both sexes in the age group 17 to 25 years. 401 W. W o I n i a k: Sacral segments of the sympathetic trunks (dog. cat, man) 407 P. S umi tak I: Comparative studies on the *a penis and os glaudis in domestic predatory animals K. C ze r n y: Enterochromaffin cells in the duodenal epithelium in the Syrian hamster (Cricetua auratus L.) R a. oawa k a: Histochemical analysis of acid mucopolysacharides in the epithelium of the seminal vesicles and gonads in the postembrypnlo period T. s o b ua Ik, R. Zi m n y: Th' e iwclm, prepoilu of the h, osaý, nerve in the brain stem of the dog R. Zi may: Topography of the Intercalated nucleura of the me'dulla' oblongata in the dog T. Sobusiak, R. Zimny: The system of the hypoglosal arcuate and coronary fibers in the brain stem of the dog *AvaiOable F*= CM'T1-T'! /

149 NO is 19tob Goodwe Englisah Editicn of ad Aeropbotcg pqhy, No. 1. IM6 CONTENTS :z s z z:reeao. Imrvadfabf*rZomi tcompuanw... G. robay:ealaio fbeacuay (e ogodtciniere... ctima V.A heqaiyofeaatin oglwo aebytelwksprem e thod... 1 S. L Zapaakiy: Adjustmnmt of Linear spatial Nets ho Geodetic Coordinates by the Indirect tajghod MOAV ~BMeaeu V. 5. PicinboY: General scheme, for a U tion-plictove Theodolite Sarve.... is M. L Korchoobbin: Electronic Computer Dterlavatlcm of Admissible Topographic Surfaces with Milid - Grading coat I S. V. Marfeako: Investigation of the Wire-Optical Method of Aligning Structures.a P. NI. Kuunetov: Turning and Displacement of Cmre Diagram. and Their Efect animeasured Relative Elevations and Horizontal Diatacee ST Ys.G. Murdaje: Adjmudtmmnt of Astrcmomlalo-Geodetio Neft Using the U.SB. Uolodamaly Integral Formula V. L Arouse ad V. IL Gordla: Computation oftvat, Values for a Mountainous Region P. N. Drinyavich and 3. L Soaznow: Some Computationa of Parameters of a Terrestrial Saepe. Orammetric Inrvey for Compiling Frontal Mm.o of the Precipitous Aesiof a Regiona V. G. Piwogur. Nomepgama for the Stereographlc Camera Corrections bxi, &I so * Ta.To. ahewrbdmi Relationships 1ewe Image Quality and Aerial Comea Most Pw~Araetr 43 IS A. A. Krymbeaesakly: opeus Phototr~ingaion Ower Large Aron. with Camera@ Oriasied by Stere L F. Kustbs: Dariota and Vertical PhotoprmmetriaPto ao A. A. Pavlov: Coamptauttmat Cartographic Projection - Electrodle Compoera...5 of i ft IV. Turhauhom Analysis of Iigher-Oidea Aberraboama Tedews Cbell: amem Coaenms an the Artiste "The Fope Reodeotism by NI. P. Maker"... a 3W L. V. Tetlampevi Revie tei~ 9*0 "Geedetie I -.t Maltng Prooklee", by V. DalaM and IL UtawePunnedaiglm. 19U0...U 141 VIMI X. L Ddalseve and A. L.Nae U eiaine.10toebhaa C~aeý d of Dean"=uae INlatsIII Reaaed Twn@etuunMoae...I s 1. V.0, goldena eem as MWp oft lobwea~awa leeldi DibM" d LiAW ad 1AW amp I ObIlowl eib~ow el~... 6 a 143 Aml~ft= AWAO ft""b&a Wenr

150 GEOCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL Vol No. 6 Translated Articles from FEOXII M I49I(1965) and other selected geochemical translations Published b% THE GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY with the aid of a grant from the National Science Foundation CONTENTS _.=914DUYA NO. 1l Vinogradov, A. P. Meteoritic Matter *Kazakov, G. A., K. G. Knorre, and L. N. Prokof'ycva. Absolute Age of Precambrian Rocks in the Oleneksk Uplift, East Siberia (ABS) Beus, A. A. and M. T. Oyzerman. Distribution of Rubidium In Igneous Rocks and the Correlation Between Rubidium and Potassium Tolstoy, MI. I., L M. Ostafiychuk, and L M. Gudimenko. The Types of Statistical Distribution Curves for Chemical Elements in Rocks and the Methods of Computing Their Parameters Krainov, S, R. Geochemistry of Fluorine, Tungsten, and Germanium in Nitrogenous Thermal Waters of Crystalline Rocks Kissin, I.G. Strontium in Deep Subsurface Waters of Eastern and Central Caucasus Foreland *Ignatova, L L, 1. L Karpova, and L G. Zhil'tsova. Synthesis of the Aluminophosphale Minerals (ADS) Brief Cnmmunications *Burkser, Ye. S. (Posthumous) and T.G. Korniyenko. The Nature of the Germanium Bond with the Substance of Brown Ccal (ABS) "Bobrov, V. P. and Yu. L Goncharov. Distribution of Boron and Strontium in the Sulfate and Carbonate Rocks Under Surface Leaching Conditions (ABS) Kotova, A. V. and M. Ye. Viktorova. Gallium and Germanium Content in Crude Oils of the Emba Region "*Chaynikov, V. L Geological Application of the ph of Mineral Suspensions (ABS) *Kadyrov, G. F. On Geochemical Mapping (ASS) Yakubovich, K. L Rare Earths in Fluorite from Pokrov-Kireyev Ore Deposit, East Azov Region Chronicle "Tugarinov, It. L A Trip to the West African Countries (AS) GEOIQiLNIYA, NO. 12, 1965 KhItarov, N. L and A. B. Slutskiy. The Effect of Pressure on the Melting Temperatures of Albite and Baalt (Based on ElectroconductivityMeasurements) Lebedev, V. L and A. L Lubedeva. On the Reasons for the Relatively Early Appearance and the Single Period of Flourishing of Organisms which Build Their Shells of Fluorapatite (AS) "Chordyrtsev, V. V., V.A. Aleiseyv, 4N. V. Kind, V. & Forova, F. S. Zavelskiy.,. D. Sulershitskiy, and L V. Churtiova. Radiocarbon Dates from the Laboratory of the Goulogical Institute (GIN) of ;e Academy of Sciences of the USSR (ABS) Mincyev, D.A. A Study of the Proterties and the Possibilities of the Ternary Diagram ECe - ZY, - ZY, (AS) 'vshchonlco, V. C. and V. P. Kuts. Comparative Features of the Geochemistry of Beryllium in Two Granite Massies of the Sea of Azov Region Pinus, G. V. Some Problems of the Geochemistry of the Cambrian Alpine-Type Ultrabtsites in the Southern Part of Siberia Knalov, V. D. and 0. 8 Roshchuptkina. The Distribution of Molybdenum in the Paleototc Granitoids of the Undino-Osuimr Region (Eatern TranabaykaUs) L.4rakays, Ye. S. Some Aspects of Ute Distribution of the Dispersed Organic Matter In the Mesozoic and Cenotoic Deposits of the Western Caucasus Foreland *Tsertavadae,. La Y On the Content of Mercury In the Darite Deposits of GeorgIa and the Simultaneity of the Mercury and Sauite Mineralization (ADS... 5ls,tin1table ftm 090dNra S4o Sno so60 IM

151 NO Brief Communications Vinokurov, V. M., M. M. Zaripov, V.S. Kropotov, and V. G. Stepanov. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPE) of bmns 4 Ions in Cordierite Mal'skaya, R. V. The Radioactivity of the Ground Waters in the Western Ukraine lirina Dmitriyevna Borneman-Starynlcevich (On the Occasion of Her 75th i,,rthday) (ADS) SELECTED ARTICLES Lints, B. G. Eclogitization Reactions in Rocks Formed at Great Depths Ryal~fiiin, Yu. N., V. K. Markov, V. P. Petrov, and 1. S. Delitsin. Transforma- Lions5 of Natural Sanidine at High Pre-ssures and Temperatures bm.:rkw., V. K., V. P. Petrov, L S. Delitsin, and YU.N. Ryabinin. Phiogopite ransformations at High Pressures. and Temperatures Ivaniov, 1. P. On the Problem of the Experimental Study of Open Systems Ivaintw, I. P. On One Method of Experimental Modeling of Open Systems Ovchiniiikov, L. L and A. M. Masalovich. The Interaction of Water with Potassic Feldspar and Biotite in the Critical Region Leonidov, V. Ya., Yu. P. Barskcly, and N. L. Khitarov. Determination of the IHeat Capacities of Quartz, Kyanite and Granite at High Temperatures St td.ž:ov, E. E. Features of the Conditions of Zeolite Formation Inda~x to 1965 Volumi' Contents of 1965 Volume Translated by Scripla Tocknica, Inc. *Comnplete translations of these articles may be purchased from the American Geological Institute fit, the prices listed at the abstracts. Please cite document numbers. A -%iblication of thr Geochemical Society, suppo. ted by a grant from the Office of Science Inforn:i;' ervice. National Science Foutidatio-k. Edited by Priestley Toulmin, Ill U. S. Geological Survey Washington, M. C., h. lwistri 'ricrnatifnal contains selected articles from a cover-to-cover translation of "Itya. a o;arr.' devoted to geiochemistry, published by the Academy of Sciences, I). S& S. R.,. with &ciected translated geochemecal papers from other languages, but primarily from i.,germiiju. F~rench, and Japanese. A list of periodical publications Is rtgularly searched ýur crs 4 c-ocht mical interest, and readers and subscribers will e, the Editor a service by -l, ing wx f' t r consideration for tratislation and publication,..4-cal coverage is the same a..fnriwd -irth U~o eiety's journal, Gioc dattee st Cosmockiniica lcil. or in rfo-loimifg, and Inc tt4. i ter i.jition of elements, g-coclirwo.logy, Weochemical prospecting tioguochemistry, go*- chr.., 4i.rL ut hydroarbons, phase eqeuiir bit studies, stable Isotope distributoa. wall rock alterstic.. WAog'n~ In or* deposits, paraenesis, :metrology, and mineralogy. SURSCRlPTION PRICIL5. GKC.EOE91MITRY INTERNATIONAL 1944 VOLUXE j a 2auES COMPRISINO PAGES PER VOLUME AS PER 33WV 55 (These prime spply to all purchasers) SubertpaJose and single rapy orders shoud te addressed to- Subs,.riptiion Dept Amerleani Oeolopical Wtitute 1444 X SL. K W IMAICS PAYWCSTS PAYAB.j Uk~ THE GEOCNEXICAL SOCIET G0"t04ihsejtP IWOO mite~wi succeeds Ceoctheaeitry. the cover-to-covvr translation aeosfoimatit for the years "3. U.mited numbers of mo..t volumes of Geechemistry are available at A3 per rolum11e 4l ) and s15 per voiwua( ). Iln~ie issues are availabble ats I per Iss8W. Orders sholild tbu sco to Mhe Americal Geolical institute, unvitt ~ to51 7s. TGechwe - feel Sociuty. Awilabla Vwin 0soo.ado ibi ]e so 60 39M Sealty

152 GOLOGIYA I an = Vol VI, No ll, 1962 TABLE OF CONTENTS Vol. 6, No. i1, 1962 Role of reserves of natural gas of the republics of central Asia in the solution of the problem of growth of gas production in the USSR in the general long-term plan. V. G. Vasil'yev et al p Geology and oil productivity of the Uzen'-Zhetybay tectonic step based on structural-exploration drilling. V. V. Kozmodem yanskiy... p Sursurface geology of the eastern part of the Zaunguz Kara Kum region in the light of newest geological and geophysical data. V. G. Kotsa p Comparative analysis of the development of some local folds S. of the Kara Kum platform during Paleogene time. G. L Amurskiy... Main features of the geology and oil productivity of the Lenin p. 658 field of the Turkmen SSR. K. K. Babenko p Zeagli-Darvaza gas field. 7. G. A. G-brielyants et al... A new gas field of eastern Turkmenia - Bayram - Ali. p. 671 V. Ya. Sokolov p Correlation of sections of the Middle Pliocene sediments of the South Caspian area of downwarping in connection with oil-gas prospects. A. A. Geodekyan et al p Relationship, of the quality of oils and gases to the dimensions of poois. L S. Starobinets... p Importance of determining ions of ammonia in waters of oil-gas strata in the general complex of geochemical investigations. Kh. A. Ravikovich... p History of geotectonic development of the Kain basin'of the southeast part of the Apsheron Archipelago. K. F. Kasumov p Primary migration of oil. 13. A. N. Snarskiy p. 700 Artificial fracturing of carbonate rocks of the Miocene and Ats effect on the results of geophysical investigations of wells..4. A. Z. Beccher et a p. 703 Relation of fracturing of rocks of the Stavropol region to their lithologic -petrographic and chemical composition. N. P. Fursova p. 708 PETROLEUM GEOLOGY P. O. Box 171 McLean, Virginia Translator and Publisher Dr. James W. Clarke Technical Editor Grace Carrington Editorial Assistant Published monthly Antoinette B. Clarke $25.00/yr. (12 iasu.s) Publishe or. a non-profit basis in the interest of geolbgical science?to*u0616 Ao1gU i h~

153 EDITORIAL BOARD OF - IZRWERITCL'NAYA TEKIRNIKA A.S.Ahmto E. V. Armonskl L.A. Konerey V. 0. Anotyanev X. I.Le1n.A Krsta o Measurement Techniques (A.eI. Edocitei (dik~ tc A fvreslab~m of LimshZ T~i W (AW. Editor).. hah ( Editor To U. Shagela A. N. his'o 0.?K. Tapipad V. KaudIhe X. a. Ui kfl Number 10 October, 1966 CONTENTS RUSS. PAGE PAGE Rec~rding of Extremal Values as a Mearts (fo Excluding Fluctuations ad Systematic MeasurementlErors. T. M. AlleyandL.-M. Shalif' Method for Normalizingdie Pleciuion ofmeasuring Devices. P. V. Novitakil Precision in Meonorig Uineu Dimensions by Means of an Electronic Contact Indicator. G.B. Kolner, N.N. Mukor. and S. A.,Romemul Wars foa Speeding Up Pneumatic Testing of Dlmenoafa A. P. Kurochkln and F. V. Tsldulko Calculation o0f the Length of a Common Normal for Testing the Displaemen of the Ihitial Contentrofa&Common Bevel Genr. P. M. Danilyuk Linea Thermal Expansion of Monocrystalllne Qua*Mt anid Aluminum Oxide. A. N. Aiatual and EB.Shevchenko Measurement of Musnaghan's a Constant for Steel by the Method of Elliptically Polarized Ultrasonic Waves. S. S. Sekoyan &WdA. L Eemev Application of the Correlation Method- for Measuring, the Speed oil Plasma Streams. N. F. Derevyanko anda. M. Trokhan Cantactless System for Measuring bdeforations and Temperature in Mechanisms with a Double Rotation. L. P. gotycber Precaisnmof LocknS-ln t~tf~he Scalo. G. N. Paliiand A.D. Gondra Optimization of the Design Parameters of a Tuning-Fork Escapement Regulator. v. A. Prokboro, Calculaton of adated Energy fluxes Limited by Slat Diaphragms. V. G. Luxbl" Present-Day Condition of the Technique for Calibrating and Testing Electronic Voltmeters at High Freqencies. L LRabinovich and A.M.Fedoro Certain Problems in Desigin Automatic Digital ac Compensators with Extramal Balancing. A. K. Melik-Shaklmazarov, L L. Shaft, mnd M. G. Maksun Evaluation of the Distortion of Signal Time Scales by Magnetic Recording Systems. 8._M.Stepanov 41WV. N. Filitov Semiconduactor Stabilter if mial Dlrect CurenIL L V. Bakonin StabillzastIn Coefficient of Multistage Semiconductor Voltage Stabilizers.1N.otusv Effect of Magnetic Pickups on the Input Transformers of Meendoig Devices. It. Y 1=10181%Annd V.K dmv..eo $..' fvdvw IL O~s Wfte Frequeny Chatacteritc of fonilim System by the Conipsesathee Method.'A. A. Vay~o aid A. LSolodoval1m Effect of Frequeny on doe Vau of Idfernec Capacimn A. L giolnholskw ad C L. Kmbch... * calai" U Qsedlisatus by ase maw Of LeoutWa waiometers. A.Ta8m~ Am12ab1. FM~ IintrgBmt Bm@@ t~ oftrw1a 142il -

154 IYJIKR1!L'IAYA YKN No 1_0, Oct 1966 RUSS. PAGE PAGE Reference Radiator for Relative Measurements of Preparations Labeled with Ct. V. A. DBahenov, V. V. Bochkarev, Yu. M. Golubev, T. N, Sokolova, and L S. Trukhnanova Pulse Counting-Rate Metea with an Automatically Variable Time Constant of Its RC Integrtang Circuit. N. L Denisov and V. S. Zhemov Calculation of Functional Characteristics of Optical Compensaxto. in Photometric Analyzets. M. A. Karabegov and A. A. Perlshtein Photoampllfiur with a Contactless Tracking Photopotentiometer. A. S. Akhmatov, V. A. Bufe,. S. F. Korndorf, and A. N. Tkachenko EXCHANGE OF EXPIE1CE Metrological Service in Its Struggle for a Higher Quality of toduction. V. M. Borisov and V. G. Rudoi Organization of a Technological Coltrol Section. M. L Sosl and L 1, Pliskin Centralized Instrument Repairs. MS. stekln INFORMATION Fifty-Fourth Session of the Intenational Committee of Weights and Measures. G. D. Durdun Eightieth Birthday of A. K. Kolmov Symposium on *Metrological Foundations for Testing the Chemical Composition of Substances" Instruments for Measuring OUl Products. N. V. Kalov and V. A. Zelentsov ABSTRACTS AND CRITICAL REVIEWS (Prom OMetrologia, No. 2, 1966) [The Refractive Index of Air. "engt len (Platinum Resistance Thermometry in the Range C. L 1 Ber y (Determination of the Difference Between the Thermodynamic ainid hepractidal Temperature Scale in the Range 630 to 1063*C from Radiation Measurements. W. A. Heusinkveld BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS AND LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Measurements of the Angles of Monocrystalline Prirns. L. N. Logacheva New Method of Seating Saddle-Shaped Instruments to a Given Dimension. A. D. Rubinoy Impsoving the Design of Goniometer 2-tRL L G. Semenova Magnetoelastic Tension Transduce. V. N. Vydrin. P. N. Amosov, V. L Kraovi, and A. S. Fedosieanko in the Presence of a Transee Magnetic Extension of the Sphre of Appliceioes of Noulnear-DUitMu tao Meters. D.adu Coefficients of Resistance to the Flow of an Electrically Conducting Liquid throuh a Pipe Field. L L Novikov ad 1. A. AkhmaWta.. Inata *.., NOTE The Tabla of Contents all material that appeared In the oginar uslan jonaml Items orgualy publisled In agllkh or generally avalable In the West ar not Included in the trame tion and are bow lan kom. Whebeve pom db lgl-lmpageowomcotaigtheomted Itms A' Thk Rmusin at (podpm" o Itk pedati) of this Ise Wva 10111/1046. Pblwation therefore did no *c pro sto this date. b Un mat be assomed so have ihesn PIace rameably soon theafter. SA...III I InII atrt WIalety of AwriII - A13-

155 66 The Faraday Press cover-to-cover translation of Izvestiya VUZ. Fizika Contents Number 3 May- June 1965 Edi:orial Board Possibilitles for a Unified Theory. D. Ivaneako ,zvestiya VUZ. Fiziks Effects of Boundaries on the Thermodynamic Properties of z publication of the a Fermi Gas. S. S. Nedozzov rner dlu,.,ionm Ilnsttutes Direct Mathematical Methods in the Theory of Quantized ý.ssr Transitions. Part I. A. N. Kushnirenko Determination of the Spectral Reflection Coefficients of K. V. Savi:akli..Friable Materials in the 0.'7-15-p Wavelength Region. M. A. Kropotkin and B. P. Kozirev V. E. Zuev. Speed of Sound and Heat of Sublimation for Metals. Associa:e Editor N. F. Otpushchennkov M. A. Bol'snanina Correction for Radiation in the Scattering of Dirac Parti- V. S. Vavilov c'es in an External Central Field. V. D. Kameneukil 3 24 A. A. Vorob'ev P.'. Golubov Stereometric Metallography in the Interpretation of Polar E. F. 5. S. Gross Oz. a'.pov Figures for Compressed Iron. G. M. Vorob'ev and V. L Papaya V. A. Zhciov V. I. Iveronova Preparation of PbTe Films of Variable Composition. V. %. Kessanikh L. S. Palatnik and V. K. Sorokin A. L. B. Rvschev Sapozhnikov Electron Breakdown in a Dielectric with a Nonelectrical A. A. Sokolov Energy Source. I. G. Nekrashevich and I. A. Bakuto K. V. Shelimovs The Maximal Magnetic Susceptibility of Polycrystalline Nickel. F. D. Mroshnichenko :ar.;.ay Advisory Editor A Sbock-Excitation Study of the Performance of Stub Slow-Wave Systems. P. I. Gos'kov th. P smplln Phosphorescence Spectra of Acenaphthene, Diphenyl. and Carbazole. P. A. Teplyakov and V. V. Trusov Relation of Critical Frequency to Emitter Current for P-4 Transistors. I. N. Vamhenin Allowance for Image Fores and Heating in Calculating the Static Parameters of Germanium Point-Contact Diodes. I.M. S nderilihin Single by The Faraday Pro", Inc. All rights reserved. This pubilostion or parts thereof may not Annual Subscription: $125 be reproduced in any twm without permlisson of the publiaher. T Faraday Press, Inc. 4 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y fltm 2M laro~7 Press# 00.

156 IZVBMUTA Y. FIZHA 3 0 3, Wby-Junes, 1965 Mot ion in the Complex Plane of the Polles of the Quantumn-Mechanical Partial Amplitude for a Bond. Yu. M.Lmaz 1V.LomsadzeL. adi. M. cb~aa $?in-lattice Relaxation for Rare-Earth Ions. G. A. Bogachev Nonrelativistic Quantum Th :'ry of Particle Scattering. V. D. Kamenetaldii 'nergy Spectra of Electrons in Crystals. Part V11. Classificato owegtdcrpremetations. N. V. Kudryavtseva and V. A. Chaldyshev... t Iýelation of Magnetostriction for Cold-Rolled, Transformer Steel to Shape of Specimen and Intemol Stress. F.N. Dunaev Shwap Effects in the Magnetic Structure and Properties of Ferromagnetics. F. N. Durraev.. 117, 7 Effects of Sintering Tem-perature on the Mechanical Properties of Cu-Al Alloys Prepared by Repeated Pressing and Sintering. V. I. kin, A. P. Savitskil, Yu. 1. Kozlov, and K. V. Savitskil Preparation of Single Crystals of Semiconducting Phiases in the Zn-Sb System. Ta. A. Ugal, E. M. Averbakh, and G.S. Kruglova Choice of Optimal Conditions in Elcctromagnetic Analysis. B. I. Delikov Brief Communications and Letters to the Editor M.gnetic Susceptibilities of Mn5Sij and MnSi. 1. Z. Radovskil, V. A. Korshunov, and P. V. Ge'd :oratorv Demonstration of the Nuclear Photoeffeot. G. 1. Kua'menko ivat~oa of Wien's Formula. Ta. 1. Granovskil and A. A. Pantyushin termmnationt of the Attenuation of Light by Particles. S. D. Tvorgov _.,ctricai Parameters of Gold-Doped Gallium Arsenide. M. A. Krivov, S. V. Malisova, and G. S. Shishkova c lculation of the Eddy Currents Produced in a Conducting Tube Moving in a Magnetic Field. R. A. Pavlovskil PaeDiagram for the GaAs-Sn System. A. P. Vasil'ev and A. P. Vyarlcin On E. S. Kaplan's Paper "Preferred Use of the Interational System of Units in Courses on Electricity.' A. S. Tarnovsli...., Chemical Etching of Gallium Arsenide. V. M. Svetlichuyl Dielectric Parameters of Organic Semiconductors. P. K. Mitskevich and M. I. Bashmakova Degrees of Parity Nonconservation in 8 and T Decays. L. G. Tkacliev A New Way of Examining the Parameters of a Diffraction Grating in Practical Physics. A. Pac Angular Distribution of the Slow Neutrons from (7, n) Reactions on Deformed Nuclei. P. A. Cherdantsev... o Selection of an Absolute Intensity Scale for Raman Lione. N. K. Sidorov and L. S. Stal'makhova Basis for Neglecting Overlap integrals in Calculations on Molecular Systems. V. G. Plornikov A Variation Principle in the Dynamic Scattering of X-Rays. V. 5; Mospaov Ion Diffraction in Electrolytes. V. I. Vashhuk... o T~he Glow Discharge in Ne + He Mixtures. L. A. Chernenko, Murav'ev and N. A. Prileahieva... s Theory of the Electrical Conductivity of Ferrites. P.T. Oreshkin iozhdestveskil's Method for Anomalous Dispersion. B. Sh. Perkaluid and V. L. Lai Measurement of Surface Temperatures of Tools at Cutting Speeds of rn/sec. G. D. Polosatkin and S.A. Gribun Dielectric Constant of Single Crystals of Lithium Hydride. B. V. Shulgin, F. F. Gavillov. and B. L. Dvlayanlov The Scalar Appiox~nation In the Scattering of a Plane Light Wave by a Sphere. S. D. Tvorogov, Calculation of the w-elemton Structure of Some Vinyl Ether by the Setalempuirwaw el- Aval1ab3.e Phu Im F&OA PM0 Iwo.

157 N. V. ad" R DSoviet A. A. Cbuwm. A. L/skR L,,--"---- Physics qcrystallography KNOWp~U4mu~ A Translation of im 0~fy L A. au.i.,.l _vlmehbtw (Aftdef NW) L L lbdmiw (Russian Original Vol. 11, No. 6, pp ,.lNovember-Deooeber, 1966) Vol. 11, No. 6, Mp May-June, 1967 CONTENT PAGE PAGE The Zone law and Its Antithesis in Twisted Quartz. 0. P. Lltyinokay &WdN. V. elov... ('' hivestigation. of the Temperature Factor in Crystals of Solid Solutions in the Tolan-D-phenylmercury System. V. D. Sso aokaya, R. M. Mysmnkova, and A. 1.Kitaigordskil... (E) Compounds of the Type R(X'. X% In System. with R -Ti, Zr, Hlf, IV- Fe, Co, Ni, Cu. and X- -Al, Ga and Their Crystal Structures. V. Ya. Marcl 73 5 lovestlgaton of the Structure of Thin Film. of Low-Temperature Pyrolytic Graphte by Electron Diffraction.. A. V. Kurdyumov, A. N. Pilankevich. and 0.G.GOnesin... ('l Calculating the Fourier Coefficienta of Debye Lime Profiles for Crystallitessof Various Shape@sand Sizes. A. N. Kachamin...) Mlicroetructure of Alite Cement Stone (Hydrated TrIcalclum Silicate). L. G. Spynova,.ID. Nabitovich, andn. V.Belov... 00) Experimental Determination of the Raman-Soattering Tensors of Aipha-Quartz. D. F. Kiselev... (E) Electriocaloric Effect in Single-Crystal Triglycine Sulfate. B.A. Strukov (2IT) Distribution and Density of Dislocations in Bent and Annealed Crystal. of Ghallium Arsenide and Indium Antimonids. E. A. Malikova. R. L. Petrusevlch, and E. S.Soliertlnskay... (Z) Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Mn 3 Og Single Crystals.. M. V.Rosbe, t eayv.a. Mo l e V.. NV...o... (,) Phenomenologlcal Investigation of the Crystallization Kinetics of Thin Lssrs ofamelta Slora. V.SRavin...) Growth of Alum Crystals in the Premises of the Dye Direct Pure Blue. V. N. Poro () Y COIMMUNOTMIT A L an a wr Sore for Opti Fouier Transform. 3. K. LVaisimtai and K slov (Continued) coof rtw t Me by tas Americ fpideleo lanentrattr of Peses, bra Available Fh -Aerican altiruyte at %plite Vol XI, No 6v ar-jm 1967, h116

158 Vol fl, No SbWov- e 1. : RBS. PAGE PAGE Optical Parameters of Crystals of Some Monoclinic Ferroeleotrios 14. R. Ivanov and V. F. Zotov... (1) New Data on the Symmetry of th Plezoelectric Parameters of Wood. V. A. Bazbenov and A. V. Kytmanov () ' Preparatioa of a GaSe Single Crystal and Determination of Its ElastU Parameters. Kh. M. Kbalilov and K. 1. Rrav... (1) Structure and Thermal Eqansion of Small Cobalt Particles. Yu..LPetroY..." (E) Growing CdS Crystals for Ultrasonic Amplification Purposes. L.A., B. L. Timan, A. S. Gershom, I. K. Raiskin, L. V. Konvisar, and V. K. Komar'... (3) Neocrmium-Doped Cerium Fluorite in Lasers. Yu. K. Vorou'ko. A. A. Kaminkil, V. V. Osiko, and M.M. Furlkov... (3) DISCUSSIONS Crystal Structures of Aluinnates of the Lanthamun Subgroup Rare Earth Elements. N.A. Toropovp, N. V. Marolis, a Yu. P. Udslov,..F..- i LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Teaching of Geometrical Mlicrocrystallopsp (Fedorov Groups of Symmetry) in the Department of Crystalligoay and Crystal Chemistry of Moecow State University. Yu.G.0. Zsal a... (R) 799 AUTHOR DIDEX SUBJECT I DZX , ERRATA... 4 MAiable Tim MArioma Institute of fysics. Toix, ZIPNo6v law-jte l.? - Il I I J J.I J,.'I I

159 W.LRLT ICKI VJUNZ Vol LCUfVIII, t o TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Z. Kurpes and A. Smatiiko: Mass Poisoning with Methanol Z. Rumboldt and M. Juretid: The Basophil Degranulation Test in Penicillin Sensitivity I. Prpid and V. Hartl-Prpie: Chronic Lymphedema of the Lower Extremities H. Weisglass: The Antistaphylolysin Test (ASTA) in the Diagnosis of Staphylo. coccal Infection I. Rudelid, P. Kos, and J. Homadovski: Embolism of the Pulmonary Artery in Pregnancy Lj. Kraljevi6 and J. SokoUi6: Rejection of an Implanted Alloplastic Prosthesis after Reconstruction of an Injured Femoral Artery S. Steiner: Therapy of Thrombophlebitis J. Faligevac and J. Petri~evie: The Treatment of Typhoid Fever with Ampicillin V.Kirhmaier: Thrombo-embolism in Pregnancy.. ' Abstracts from Theses Avsulable Fkm CPT-TT /6 I

160 NETALLOVEDENIE I OBPABOTIA NSTALLOV METAL SCIENCE. A. D. Assonov 1.5S. Kosinkii V N.EZ. Dsanter K. A. KAMMbtz A.R. Chbnrke, I. V. Rfdt~avt- AND 0. P. Etystin A. S. Kuiemins 1. N. Tttdlyandw YU. X. Lshbutl A. V. Goh~n A. V. Rysbehakow HEAT TREATMVENT A. P. Gtauyae K..L PogdynAhhmki A.iWCMj X. LZ.Iwpythw A.lse A trasktis"o of NTALL2VEIOUII I TIWIONE1SKMAVA A. D. Guram, Z. D. suuft"i"is (I~d~M~ DU~v)I. I Irms OMANUTA M11TALLOY el iws Publihdol In u.0psiub With thue so"d Gf Geesmom of Acts 11etifiwlca111 CONULTANTS BUREAU ENTERPRIZIES, INC. w? Wus 17th treet. Nemw Y601, N. V Numbiers -2 January-Febralry, 1965 NUMBER CONTENTS STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Effect of the Structure and Cold Working on Notched Samples of Steab SubJected to Cyclic * Stresses-1. V. Kuiyavtoev and V. V.Rymynova Healing of Defects in Steel Accumulated duiring Cyclic Overloading-V. S. Ivanova. P. A. Andkuln,and N.S. Sabltova Residual Stresses in Lurgo Quenched Aluminum Allay Articles-N. A. Loktlonovat V. 1. ulairov, L A. Yflvenso, and LL. Teltel' Foireg Patents **... * ENO. Russ REFRACTORY ALLOTS AND STEELS Effect of Alloyed Elements on the Form of Secondary Precipitates in Refractory Nickel Alloys -B. S. Natapov. V.E. Olshanetskii and LP. Ponoinoma..., Formation of Exceas iauesin te XhNa5VTru Aloy-E.0. Naaarov Changes in the Structure of Rebract" Alloys durin Prcoloned Heating at 6WCC -N. V. Ul'yanova and V. 8. Teplor. L Resistance of IXiNS5VTYU Alloy Coll Springs to Relaxation at High Temperatree L S.Lupakov and T. Ya. Suchkova... * STRUCTURAL STEELS X-Ray Study of Steel for Reinforcing Hod-K. S. Alferov, M. V. Shtal'man, and,s. SSvetllchnaya Effect of Heat Treatment Conditions on the Mechanical Properties of Reinforcing Rod -1. S. Tovpene... SI KC Effect of Carbon, Silicon. and Manganese on the Susceptibility of Iron andstsel to kitdis Awswl wbsee#ipftiea $7L00 Single Isseso SILOO SIP41e Ar~elet $1@. ANAll ihs rsawd No &*ks msstabws herin easy be repodise~d or eany parpsaie wheit. Mssew odi hw punwmuss of Wh publuhw PWWmsslm am, be ebtbwd fromr Conehsmkmt Duraf DitRWPbuw In&.. U? Wst In 10",Sut Nw Yw*. N.Y , U.S.A. AV&U1ab]..?rM Oomsultmate kmfu

161 H3ALOVT~IS I =MICHIKAYAaMOBEA0NA RMUJALO No 1-2, jaui-fe t1965 P A Q 5 Ell. Russ. Ductility of Medium Manfanese Steel at Low Temperatures-A. V. Kuduin [Low Carbon Steels with a Ferritic-Pearlitic Structure (Low Alloyed Structural Steels). (L. K. Irvine and J. Pickering. Journal Iron and Steel Institute. 201, No. 11 (1963).)... 40] TECHNICAL INFORMATION Nature of the White Band In Welded Steels-0. P. Pomina, V. V. Gavranek. S. S. Dyachenko, A. G. Seleznev. and S. L German Singularities of the Formation of White Layers on Gears-V. N. Tkachev. A. T. Radchenko, and B lm. Fishteln..o...o...*so Isothermal Transformation of Autenlte in f3515 Stainless Steel-N. F.Blvn Foreign Patents; FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY New Development rand Practices in Nitrocementation and Ntriding.o Intercrystalline Corson of Ausenitic Steels and Alloys-Summarized by M. B. Shaplro BOOK REVIEWS Metals for High Speed Diesels and their Heat Treatment. A. A. Turgemon and G. I. Zelemkaya-Reviewed by A. D. Asono Foreign Patents CURRENT EVENTS The Fourth Seminar at the Section of Physicotechnical Problems of Metal Sciences of the Academy of Science. UkrSSR-A. P. pik Our Problem Is to Help Industrial Oranlations-A. LiA NUMBER ALLOTS FOR PRECISION INSTRUMENTS Structural Transformation in Alloys of the 36NKhTYu Type Containing Molybdenum -A. V. Smimova and V. A. Sol't * Singularities of High Temperature Decomposition in Magnico Alloys-N. L Mikheev, Ya. M. Dovgalevsldi and E. O. Povootsld " 77 7 Heat Treatment of the YuNDKS5T5 Alloy-V. K. Baltina. K. L Vlasdna, and Ya. M. Dovgalevi Aglng of the N4IhTA Alloy-N. Lbman. and T A. lodakova Structure of the Scale on Hot Pulled Dynamo Steel-Yu. D. Konmanov. T. S. Konovalova, A. 1. Petyukhina. and N9 V. C0enikova Second-Orda uacrystallization Diagram for Tr ani Stul-S, 1. ulaat Briuleness of Permandtu Alloys-I. G. Karmanova. L. V. Delonuchev, S. P. Yafaeva, andv.d.kulehova. so o s, THEMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT OP MRTALS Thermomeehanical Treatment of Structural Carbon Steel-V. L Pokhmuslddi and G. V. Karpenko o * s9 99 Plse Deftomation of Structurl Steel-I. Do Gidan. V. A. Malysrbvesk A. A. Pm., N, A. Shuvalmv. and Do Md. Pnar is,,,.,,...,...,..,, Tbesm'otiethaadcl Treatment of Structural Seel-M. L Kauomaw and L N, Druv AflhIoWoff of doe hopetu of Steel au m Trnm te-l N. o.yukova ll 41 bos~alhatomof MNOMG Steel dufin Hl~t TeuaVrtnu ibemmoeoanioal Treatmenot -D. L bas L L Laei an L a No M. N...,......, AIS12abls FMG CowultWUt BUmG" ,." ~

162 , Jam-Neb 1965 TECMNCAL DUWOWTIN Cemmution and Nluocenentsatlc In Uquld Cyanide-ft.. Saum-Sb. L. A...nio c Ea[e" of the Type of Steen an the Suwnd. and )dediacal Pzopesdes of doe Diem M~oy -Tu. P.SoghIdn,.L. V. TUImdt. and.sldter~u.s...el...#see** Suemphenl of fth VT15 Maly by lien Trea~meft-A. L lnioev, S. G. Glasunow. anda. LgkouM so 3jidftd Anjignite in Uvartudc Stainm Steeal-L. N. DslyakOT Mnd V. L foalowkaya POUGN TECHNOUWO CUMREDIT EVENTS Ali.UudonScieulftcCaotfemasn eaffv 300K REVEWdS Ddhmffilopceum In I Ion in Wstals & apd l~ lzony. K A.KUIMI-Myeved by A. A.Zhuhov To4of 300b.... *..*.**....zdday*..... IS 18 a... 6 NOTE The Table of Content lit al mandala that appear In Metafloveduule I Tusmlcbmabya Obtabadra Macaillm. ThBo lamn that didt acmgiate In hadan hame nt been ifamated the vime being givem whatew pamiible. The Falan dats *Popiaank pacdu at cfmu Nadu I vall/11/1w4 The Rumian dafs*pdiu psobati' off=*t Nuabeew Iva1/ft/1"5. Thils aequivalent teapprove fee p1mong& Phiblcao.desd aft Aviilable hre Comaultauns OMaU

163 NETALLOVEDICNIN I OBRABOTXA KETALWV METAL SCIENCE A. D. Ampoa' 1. I. Kosloyshli1 X. E. Elioftem 1. A. Krlshtal A. X. Chtbuwh." 0.?P. 2YatMN 1. V. KudryawtsevAN A. S. Kusmlna 1. N. Faidlyabdif Ye. X. Lakhtin E. G. Glasrnov G, I. Pogodln.AIsksws A.?I. Gohlan A. V. Rtysbehenke HEAT TREATM ENT U. gbevtwo A tm=ulat~e of IMTALLOY999NIE I TRIMIOHEIKAY& A. D. Gurosy E. D. Suro"wtev (8.etipjt sditfr) Truet' MUANUTA MIRTALLOW A. P. Galyasy,EdU.,in.CbMI) 1. Z. Shep.Iyakeovsil A. MOM"he in coop~mtlu with go 1o o Ghero m., of AMW Metmllm~elc 0 19"e CONewUmmAn OURAU UiiMNPmRIsI, 1W. Ml Wet 17th fmt. Now York N.V Numbers 3-4 March-AprUl, 1965 CONTENTS NUMBSTR 3, 196 ENG. R uss. NONFEROUA METAL AND AILOYS Aluminmaz-hryliimi Snea Alloys-L. N. Fridlyander. K. P. Yamahao, Z. G. eznnow&.an G. A. Nektagoya ValIgu and Itaric Stweltb of Ptmud Part Made from AV Alloys of Differen hdrty-l P. Kln.M.ItNoStepano.and V. Z. Zakharo a Sn*d if 1CMechaica Properties of Alloys in the System Nb.W -Mo-Zt ~-I. kdsavlaiftiindwa. M.oZakharoy Hardenng of CONNe and Nickel Alloys Dising Pre-recrystalization Ama&I~nS and Softnin During Secondary Deformadoa-31. L Pachkov. A. G. RA~a&* Mfet of MUcrwalloyt lagn Peopertes of Alwaunam boeue-zh. P. Pamiubboa, L L boel'bera.ada.l Gavue...1Ise 17 To V, hnoaws..4pu hov. A.6. Rakbdi A. and LL fpl'berg...lot 92 Struciwentd Propenter of Coffer-base Alloys Coealmie COW*~ an Silicon -V. F. Grabin &dw ft L ualovsku... s 167 a8 ItWy o; feeglh and Ellas@c Pgopertis of Miicreribbon Made kort *Ie brywum hoame-z. A. Timofeewa and L L Zheamha~ya...., ITADUM 6TMAL From Edog base f1r 000NuSee of hiftlenew In Feuure-Atmientl StaIeMS &eel v. KKanbemmhia&Ldc.D.fess EAWIR1011M of FaUlee.Aieeeel AMd Penie ftafules EMUei-A. P. Gd~yaew. L. Go Feld#maer. AndL Ya. bvkma UMOfUtofTegAyre anuuoem WU asof U Fafts-ANNM balt -~sl To. I... In3 a (00mtimie4) Amid lowow IuVeiee OO?. SiNgl loome I8)5.92odt 104 Avislable WC11 CaWa1ltGA SU"1 so-

164 I4ETLLOEE IE I T IUICDSX4AI CO MMAOC XUALLOV - NF0 3-li, Wr-APr W95 I * w.results Ill. j loss. Election -Microscopic Study of Steel Kh21N5T-V. B. Spiridonov. Yu. A. Skakov, and 9~.N. lordanski * Manufacture of Sheets of l.kh21n5t at Zaporozhital' Plant-N. P. Cherkashina, V. V. Barzii. and A. A. Babakov... o Occurrence of Brittleness In Thick-Sbeet 1Kh21N5T Steel-M. N. Kul'kova and N. L gnatova Study of the Properties of Kh215T Steel-E. L Moshkevich. K. P. Gunaza, and B. LZlatkina CURRENT EVENTS Fifth All-Union Scientific -Technical Conference on the Use oi High-Frequencay Currents in Electrothermics... o of All-Union Competition Held by TsP NTO MAShPROM for the D. I.Chormy and N. A. Minkevich Prizes in New Books Inside NUMBR back TRNUSFORMATION965 MET ALS AND ALLOYS Isothermal Formation of the C-Phase after Phase Hardening in Ferromanganese Alloys-L N. Bogachev, V. F. Egolaev. and L. S. Malinov Intermediate Transformation of Austenite-IC. K. Kozlov. E. T. Kondrat'ev. and L S. Melikhov... I... The Effect of Structure on the Hydrogen- Permeability of Steel-P. V. Gel'd V. A. Gol'tsov. L. LKvater. and P.V. Sklyuev Effect of External and Phase Hardening on the Hydrogen Penetration late In Ferrite -V. A. Go!,tsov, P. V. Gel'd, and M. M. Steinberg...21 Phase Recrystallization of Steels Alloyed with Molybdenum-N. N.Lpcýin, Yu. A. Belykh. and V. M. Ershov... '' '** Mechanism by which Cold-Hardened Iron Softens during High-Speed Heahiag -M. E. Blantner. N. E. Garbuzova. and A. G. Torgashova Specific Features of Martensitic Transformation in Titanium Alloys-S. G. Fedotov and E. P. Sinodova Curves Showing Isothermal Transformation of Austenite In Construction Steels Study of Diffusion of Magnesium through Aluminum by the Method of Evaporation in a Vacuum-S. Z. Dokstein, M. B. Bronfin, S. T. Kishkln. and V. A. Marichey TOOL STEELS Effect of Cobalt on Structure and Properties of Fast-Cutting Steel-V. F. Mainee and Yu. A.Geller... I Effect of Residual Austenite on Strength of Tool Steel-A. E. Pavaras and Yu. A. Geolles Effect of Diamond Polishing on Surface Layers of Quenched Steel R18- V. G. Oslovi and P.A. Shulman...* Available Trm Consultants bumau -153

165 KWJTALLOVEMIzE I TDUICUKYA OBRABONA MIrAILO4V No 3-4p Ir-Apr 1965 A P A 0 9 lit. Iluss. TECIINICAL INFORMATION Boro-Aiumiizing of Steel-G. V. Zemskov and N. G. Kaidash Nitriding of Steel 25Kh5MA-Yu. A. Belov and G. M. Markin Ilcat Treatment of Plane Circular Disks of Small Thickness-A. M. Trus Ikat Treatment of Heavy-Loaded Gears-A. A. Borisov E(fcct of Pouring Temperature on Structure and Mechanical Properties of Steel IKhlSN12M3T-V. A. Sntsov FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY Forelg Parents BOOK REVIEWS N. N, Kachanov. Hardenability of Steel-Reviewed by P. V. Sklyuev New Books The Russian date "Podpisano k pechati" of issue Number 3 was 3/22/1965. The Russian date "Podp/sano k pec"ati* of lae Number 4 was 3/25/1965. This is equivalent to "approved for printing." Publication did not occur pilot to this date, but must be assumed to have taken place reasonably soon thereafter. Available frcm Consultants Bureau Publisher Ir! E

166 KETALLOVEDENIE S~METAL I OBRABOTKA KFTALLOV SCIENCE EDITORIAL BOARDMEA A. D. Assnov 1. S. Kozlovskii SC N E X. E. Blenter X. A. Krishtal A. K. Cheburkov 0. P. Elyutin I. V. Kudryavtwv A. S. Kuz'mina AND Fridlyander To. X. Lskhtln S. G. Glasunoy G. 1. Pogodln.Alekwee A. F. Golovin A. V. RyabelhnkoH A. P. Gulyaw K. Z. Sheq"lyakovskii (Bd19er*Eu.Chiq) X. A. Shevtsev A translatio, of METALLOVDENOIE I TEIMIOHESKATA A. D. Gurnova Ie. D. Surrftsam (S&ntAc B.MW) I. I. LTnsv BoIr OBRALOTKA METALLOY Published in coopemrtion with of oe"r. of AMa Metsllugic_ 0 lm CONSULTANTh BUREAU ENTERPRISES, INC. 2t7 West 17th Street. New Yarl4 N. Y Ss Numbers 5-6 May-June, 1965 CONTENTS P A G E NUMBER 5, 1965 ENG. j RUSS. Titanium and its Alloys-from the Editor Variation of the Structure and Properties of Titanium Alloys with the Heat Treatment Conditioiu-V. N. Moisecv and L. V. Geru'lkova Effect of Hydrogen on the Mechanical Properties of Quenched Titanium Alloys -&. A. Kolachev, V. A. livanov. A. A. Bukhanova, and N. Ya. Gusel'nikov Effect of cxygen and Hydrogen on the Mechanical Properties of the VT1, OT4, and VT15 Alloys-M. A. Nikanorov and G. P. Dykova Transformations Occurring in Titanium Alloys During Heat Treatment-L. P. Luzhnlkov, V. M. Novikova, A. P. Mareev. and I. S. Orlova Effect of Impurities and Structure on the Linear Expansion of Technically Pure Titanium -E. A. Borisova and G. S. Kllmova Aging of B-Alloys of the Ti-Mo-Cr-Fe-Al System-N. V. Ageev, S. G. Glazunov, L. A. Petrova. G. N. Taraenko, and L. P. Grankova Effect of High Temperature Thermomechanical Treatment on the Fine Structure of Titanium Alloys-M. L. Demeblin, IL. A. Elagina, L P. Fatkullins, and N. M. Semenova scrystalizhation of ct-titanium Alloys-N. S. Alferova and V. I. Shevchenko Weldable Titanium Alloys Hardenable by Heat Treatment Have Very Uttle Susceptibility to Overheating-V. N. Moinev and A. M. Chinenov Thermomechanical Treatment of the VT15 Alloy-S. G. Glaunov, A. I. Khorev, and E. V. Polyak Heat Treatment of the VT24, VT16, and VT15 Alloys-A. I. Kbotev and L. V. Geraskova Saturation of Titanium Alloys with Copper by Diffuion-Yu. V. GOdina, L. T. Godmseva, L. G. Timonin,. and T. A. Romashova (Ciatinued) Amuel Sebsedptins $75.00 S1n0le liaies $15.00 Sinle Arielet $10.00 I ' ~~AN 'iaekt Posond& No urflcle cmiauded Aheesn ay be reprodueod to' amy purpes OWke. Bwurm SAWrbrpu, Im., W Wool 1?79 84r1g, New Ywk. N. Y , U.8.A. i t - Atslabla Frm Comaultant ureau

167 MRLOUMI T3MC MA~ADOMK ME'ALLOW No 5-56,, y-june 1%5 P A 0 9 Hardenability of Industrial Titanium Alloys-L. P. Luthnikov, V., M. Novikova, and A. P. Maresv Singularities of Heat Treatment of the Cladded VT15 Alloy-S. G. Glazunov and A. M. Legkodukh Effect o. Heat Treatment on the Structure and Properties of Welded joints in the VT1&. Alloy-F. E. Tret'yakov. G. N. Kiryukhina, and A. I. Gorshkov Foreign Patents NUMBER 6, 1Sti5 Increastig the Working Life of Machines -I. Kudryavtsev, 0. Kulikov. and G. Zaitsey TECHNOLOGY OF HEAT TREATMENT Thermomechanical Treatment of Pipes for the Oil Industry-M. L. Dernshtein and N. Drdgan Use of High Frequency Heating for Heat Treatment of Drilling and Casing Pipes and Turbodrill Shafts and Bodies-N. V. Zimin and V. G. Shevchenko Kinetics of the Growth of Austenite Grains During Isothermal Induction Heating -K. Z. Shcpelyakovskii. V. D. Zelenova, and G. A. Ostrovskii Surface Quenching after Induction Heating of Cast Iron Cam Shafts for ZIL-I1 Engines -Yu. Ya. Postnikov Quenching in Air-Water Mixtures-D. V. Budrin and V. M. Kondratov Effect of the Tempering Temperature on the Properties of the Products of Decomposition of Austenite within the Intermediate and Martensitic Temperature Ranges -A. A. Sazonova Calculation of the Time Necessary to Heat Through and to Cool Steel Machine Pamts During Heat Treatme-t-N. I. Kobasko Heat Treatment and Mechanical Properties of Reinforcing Steel-L. E. ipthtein Structure and?ropezties of Welded High-Strength Titanium Alloys-L. A. Gruzdeva and A. 1. Khorev Heat Treatment of an Alloy of the Ti-Al-Mo-Zr-Sn System-E. K. Moichanova and V. A. Komtantinov Heat Treatment of Welded Two-Phase Titanium Alloys-S. M. Gurevich and V. G. Grabin TECHNICAL INFORMATION Heating Semi-Finished Articles in Moten Glass-L. B. Efimova and A. I. Koulov Multinozsle Gas Burner for Large and Medium Heat Treatment Furnaces -V. B. Modylevskii Effect of Annealing on the Creep Resistance of Tubular Springs-L. M. Butkevich and M. P. Gridnev Analysis of Ruptures of Low Alloyed Steel with Electron Fractographs-R. G. Axons, P. I. Sokolovskil. and S. V. Dermshtein Heat Treatment of Case Hardened Hydroturbine Pam-P. I. Dutkevich Cementite in the Transition Layer of Steel-Bron.. Dimetal-V. S. Popov,'E. P. Ponomarenko, B. 1. Lyashchimkii, and L. G. Kravchenko Maus Heat Treatment of Cam Shafts-I. Sh. $at Effct of Heat Tratment Conditiom on the Ductility of Sv Steel-M. G. Pyatigonkli and L T. Kondreat'ev Available Fro1 0multants DmUVu

168 fto 5-60, y-aue 1965 r A a a FOREIGN UTEIATIN New Light High Modulus Deryllium-Aluminum Alloys of the Lockalloy Type for Space Vehicles Foreign Paeints '1 CHRONICIU Readers Conference on the Moscow Automobile Plant BOOKS D. A. Dralgor. A. S. Venzhega, M. Ya. Delkd,. and G. I. Valchuk. Wear fsistancc of Roller for Final Cold Rolling-P. V. Sldyuev New oks NOTE all. Il"". The article beginning on page 60 of Issue No. 6 of the Russian original has not been translated because it does not contain material of a technical nature. The Russian pres dates (Podpisano k pechati) of issues Nos. 5 and 6 were, respectively. 4/24/65 and 5/24/Wk Publication of each issue did not occur prior to its respective press date, but must be assumed to have taken place reasonably soon thereafter. A i11able Fro Consultants Bumu Publishver 3-157I -I _1

169 UEZTALLOVED2NIR I ODRADOTKA XETALLOV EDTRIALBOARD METAL SCIENCE A. D. Awanov 1.a. xoyakil X. 3. Blaster I. V. KudryatevAN A.L Cbehikew A. 8. Zu'mia AND O. P. "lus Ts.M. NLkbta 1. N s8dsw G. 1. Pogsdlm.Alesew 3.0. A6,P. Oulsa imney A. X A.. V. Ryabebnk.Y X~brbetw A."'-- HEAT TREATMENT (z.w. w~j)) I.n.8nvt ve A tmaktion of TALLSVEEENIE I TEIOHEIKAYA A.. a"eva 1. L.T nm 1 1 B T A M "71K6 Edit)AI-OT)A METALLIV Psviihed io eggpmtlmt with ame e wd oef Gwewsof AM 64WMkake 0 S161 CONSULTANTM IUREAU, A DIVISION OF PLENUM PUNLISIHING CORPOATION =7 W"e 170 h Sheet.Nw Yeek N. It Numbers 7-8 July-August, 1965 NUMBER CONTENTS Runs PAGE PAGE Polymorphous hmeals-e. M. SaviUkti StructuralDefecs and Diffison-S. Z. tokshi rystal Lattice Defect and the Surength of Solids-M. A. Krishtal Magnetic Field and Phase Transformations in Steel-V. D. Sadovski Some Possibilities of Using the Transformation of Austenite-R. L fitin High Temperature Thermomechanical Treatment of Machine Construction Steels -M. L. DernshteLn New Method of Strengthening Dispersionally Hardening Alloys-A. G. Rakhshtadt Heat Treaunent of Low Carbon Steel-K. F. Starodubov Heat Resistance of Cr-Mn-N Austenite Containing Different Alloyed Elements -F. N. Tavadue... Unstable Austenitic Chromium-Manganese Steels-L N. Bogachev Prolonged Resistance tolrelaxationof Refractory Ni-Cr Alloys-A. M. Dorsdyka Development of High Speed Cutting Tools-Yu. A. Geller Now lloys for Electrical Contacu-V. S. Mes'Idn The Buectoid Trandormatift in Gray Cast Iron and Wrought ron-k. P. Dkin Change in the Sie of Articles Durlng Het Treatment-A. K. Cheburkov New Directions of High Temperature MetallogpapbylM. G. Loadnddl FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY [Prction of Quenching Bathe from Fire Source: Industr. Heat. 1963, No ] (Efct o( Oxygen and Carbon odeformatioma Aging of ron Source: A. Homfnan and W. Fiseda, Archly Eiaenhiattenwesen, 1I6, No $] FOUIGN PATENTS (Almimurq Alloys of the Duralumin Type (Dural G. Dural S. Dural K) Scur c: Catalog of lamnes Booth Aluminium Ltd., V. 1964, Publlcatio No ) Aniel Sbserlpts SYS SIF4.. leaves $15 (0RMSLaAJ Voogl* Aele.,, $10 AwabbIle Vim Oomutamba Disin@jP"^Pb~U koans CVGW 97Wg 7h ra.nw-ok.n5y8-w.uja Al"US ft= Qt@4t1 _0I

170 No T-u,,uly-.RR 1965 RUSS. PAGE PAGE (Refractory Cast Alloy M22VC Source: The Nickel Bulletin. 1964, 37. No ] (Refractory Nickel Alloy. British patent No (CI.C2ld, C22c). B. XII, 1964 Source: Chemical Abstracts /IX, 61. No ] [Titanium Alloys. West German patent No (Cl. C22c), 14, V, 1964 Source: Chemical Abstracts, 1964, 14/IX. 61. No ] (Cast High-Strength Steel. USA patent No. 3o , 1964 Source: Foundry, VII. 9, No ] [New Nickel Alloy of the NASA Series Source: Foundry, 1964, VII, 92, No ] (Niobium Alloy Cb-753 Source: Chemical'Engineering , VIII. 71. No ] ([araging Steel with 15% Ni Source: Catalog of the International Nickel Co.: "A Survey of Developments in Maraging Steels," VI, ] [Weldable Sintered Aluminum Source: Light Metals and Metal Industry, X1I. 27. No ] NUMBER 8, 1965 Behavior of Carbon in Quenched Steel-G. V. Kurdyumov Principles of Combined Treatment of Steels and Alloys for High Sr.igth-M E. Ranter Brittle and Ductile States of Metals-G. I. Pogodin-Alekseev Some Unsolved Problems Concerning Wear of Metals-M. M. Krushchov Theory of the Alloying Limit-A. P. Gulyaev Alloying of Refractory Iron Alloys-M. M. Shteinberg Mechanism of Primary Recrystallization and the Effect of Alloying on its Rate-S. S. Gorelik Development of Heat Treatment Technology-A. D. Assonov The Present State of the Technique of Chemicothermal Treatment of Steel and Future Development of this Treatment-Yu. M. Lakhtln..., Uniformity of the Properties of Boiler Pipes Made of 15KhMl1F and 12KhlMF Steels -E. D. Surovtseva Aging of Aluminum Alloys of the Al-Zn-Mg and AI-Zn-M&-Cu Systems -I. N. Fridlyander Effect of the Rate and Temperature of Induction Heating on the Properties of Quenched Steel-K. Z. Shepelyakovskii Kelationship Between Hardenability and Susceptibility to Cracking-E. I. Malinkina Nlew Books FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY Furnace for Oxidation-Free Heating of Metals LITERATUPE REVIEW Metastable Phases in Titanium Alloys BOOK REIEW~S Review of the Collection of the Prague Scientific Research Institute of Materials and Technology. 8BUMT, Csehoslovakia, "..' "".,' Now Book..... W, 65 Amllab3. lhron muit mat. aitnani - 1y9 - [I

171 NOTE- Tb. Ta"i of Cowei HlM all nmaerals appearing in hmetaliovedsnle I Tenmlcbeakaya Obtabotka Merllow. Thus Items due did no cigl nat bmi tsla have not been traiwlated and are shwn encloed in btacheu, the I="w The Eawlan pan dates (podipsao k pechati) of the firs amd second Issue comwed in this Issu of the translation Wo.ars rspcsvely. 0/ 20/16 andm 7/i19/ifM. Publication Of the mafteral translated In this Issu istiuzefose ta~w o have occaumed no pfior to its earlier of thes dates. but must be assused to have taken piace in two parts. the second being psflsbad shnstl ai the lbow of the dams. AwMLab]A ftm Commmaltaaf Dava.160

172 X9ALVDN2I ODRABOTKA USTALWOVM E METALSCIENCE- A A. D. Asseney 1.1S. KeulovshtI X. Z. Mentor 1. V. Kedsyavtaw A. L Cbewbvx1 A. 8. Kneamlna AND 0. P To. X. akbtux I. N4. Prlilyandew G.!1. Pog~dn.Alskeu' 1.. lanun. A. V. lyabebeabov TREATMENT A.F.GOWA K LShpeya""HEAT A. P. GAIjoe X. Ab.pelaboyise A.(8dfter4n.Cb~eI) 3.1D. Suryegysm A trwsalatimofs MS1 LOVIuENIA I TERI~I A.D. Gurnevm LI1. Tnnes oautv EALO (5r0euISt Edit-r) I BTKMIALO PublIhd" In.. 0 paig Widi the Bass of Osunmoes of Acts MeteaIwgkca CONSULTANTS BUREAU, A DIVISION OF PLENUM PUBLISHING CORORTIK 27Wedt 17th Sliest WNe York. N. Y Numbers 9-10 September -October, 1965* CONTENT RUSO. PAGE PAGE 'NUMBER 9, 1965 STRUCT RALSEELI Mechanical Properties of St. 3pe Semi -Bubble -Free Steels and St. 3kp, Plugged Steeb -Ya. A. Shneerov. L. V. Monakhova. B. 1. Panich. V. A. Saychenkov, V. F. Polyakov. N. P. Arlstov. and YU. A. Ge11er Properties of Structural Steel Iteated in the Ladle with Liquid Synthetic Slag -L. N.DPavydova S Alloying of Structural Steel -A. Ya. Dontsova Properties of Tool Steels as Structural Materials -N. P. AuiStov And Yu. A. Geller.....~569 1S Effect of Single and Double Heat Treatments on 'the Properties of Medium -Carbon. Low-Alloyed Steel -E. A. Shut and Ta. L. Rtauin Effect of Carbon Concentration on the Properties of High-Carbon, Low -Alloyed Steels -A. V. Velikanov and Ya. L Rauuin Nature of the High Ductility of Maraging Alloys -M. D. Parkas Effect of Carbon and of Cold Plastic Deformation Following Quenching On the Properties of'steel-m. E. Slanter And S.Sh. Shamlev Effect of Rare Earth Metals on the Structure and Properties of Structural Steel -A. F. Belyakova, YL V, Kryankovskli. and1.v. PalmOV...a TOOL STEELS Modified High-Speed Cutting Steels with a High Carbon Concentration -2. Zmihonki Effect of the Size of Secondary and Eutefetold Carbides on the Properties of RIO Steel -A. N.Piopandopulo Effect of Cobalt on the Structure and Properties of High-Speed Cutting Steel -1.K. Kupalova lsodwtaal Quenching of Tool Steisl-V. N. lkufykova Delarmination of "h Hardenability of Alloyed Mtel by the Diagram of the Isothermal Transformation Of Astenite-V. N. Lomakia MAliklula (Contivnds) AirnsW ISbscrlpti.gin $75 Sli89.9t6s098 $15 Shi09l0 Artile:e $10 Alaliable Ft= Oo.ultante

173 so 9-10, Sept,-Oet 1965 RUSS. PAGE PAGE New Books NUMBER 10, 1965 Optimum Degree of Saturation with Carbon and Nitrogen by Nitrocementation -A. T. Kalinin and A. Ya. Novikova Method for Calculating the Time for Two-Stage Case Hardening-l. S. Kozlovski Effect of Hardening by Shot Blasting on the Properties of Nitrocemented Layers -N. A. Karasev, I. D. Bogoslovskii, V. G. Kostogooov, F. R. Larkin. V. I. Morosov. and A. Ya. Sergievskil Nitriding of Austenitic Steels-A. I. Nikonorova and F. kl Florensova Nitriding of the VT14 Alloy for Gears-I. N. Novikova. S. I. Gurevich. and L. M. Nikitina Acceleration of the Process of Diffusional Saturation of Alloys with Chromium -Yu. N. Griboedov Chromium Plating of Steel in Vacuum, Using High Frequency Induction Heating -G. V. Zemskov and L. X. Gushchin Formation of a Silicided Layer on Steel as the Result of Saturation in Monoilane and Silicon Tetrachloride-T. M. Ivashchenko Calorizing of Nickel Alloys-V. V. Terekbova and A. G. Andreeva Liquid Calorizing of the f1867 Alloy-V. V. Khodov Sulfidizing. Seleniding, and Telluriding of Steels. Cskt Irow, and Alloys -Yu. M. Vinogradov TECHNICAL INFORMATION Nitriding of Diesel Cylinder Sleeves Made of High Strength Cast Iron-Yu. M. Lakbtin and R. A. Semenov Defects Encountered in Nitriding of Manganese and Manganese-Aluminum Austenitic Steels-A. L. Nemchinskli and T. F. Frei Cyaniding of Steel by Heating in an Electrolyte -V. S. Vanin and G. A. Semenova Chromium Plating of Steel by Using Ammonium Halides-V. K. Titov and E. F. Makarov., Ionic Ratios in Discharge Nitriding-l. A. Mikhailov Correct Conditions for Heat Treatment of Butt Welded Oil Drilling PI es -F. N. Tavadze and Z. G. Napetvaride Elimination of Defects of Electrolytic Dooroning -L. M. Sorkin Some Properties of Titanium Coatings-A. 3. Suchkov. Z.' A. Tubyshkina. and Z. 1. So kolova... * FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY Ionic Nl triding-o. 1. utnko (Isothermal Quenching of Carbon Stee Springs (Metallurgia, 60. No. 412, 164) -E. Harwood so] BOOK REVIEWS Sulfidation of teel and Cast iron by A. V. Kulia, Masbinoastmroe mviewed by Yu. M. Lakhtin Diffusion Chromisinu of Allys by G. N. Dubiaa. Madhmnosoube. 19"4 -Ruviewed by Ye. m. Laktia , as Aw h m OaImSUtsnts kyatu

174 is Iz~aEMCU MAIWM WMLOV NO 9-:Lo, Sept-Oat 1965 RUSS. PAGE PAGE New oolo NOTE The Table of Contents lists all materials appearing in Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metaflov. Those items that did not originate in Russian have not been translated. the source being givwen wherever possible. The Russian press dates (podpisano k pechati) of the first and second issues covered in this issue of the translation were, respectively, 8/20/1965 and 9/24/1965. Publication of the material translated in this issue is therefore known to have occurred not prior to the earlier of these dates. but must be assumed to have taken place in two pare, the second being published shortly after the later of the dates. AVyi3AblA Fron Consultants "Mau S-..

175 USTALWOVEDICNIN I ODRADOTKA KXTALLOY,,. EDITRIAl, BOARD EDTRALDADMETAL SCIENCE. A * A. D, Aonov 1. S. X6ostloME ALSCI NC Kr. Z. Blaster i. V. KodryavTssr A. Chebukow A. 8. KUW'mIn, AND 0. P. xlmyin YN. K. LetAIM1 "1. S. N.'r"lya"der G.0Ohtwov A. V. 2yabeombokv HEAT TREATMENT A. F. Goen K. L ObnpdyakekilH A. P. Gulpev IL.L A.Uy (Zd4@#1s.-CM#/) Z.D.mytneya A ftrultion of INTALLOVIDEUII I TENIOHNUKAI A. D. omra I. 1 T'm., (8"K& saw) OIIABOTKA MITALLOY pumw in Co1t wftb tri i~od d vwmoh o Acts Meu 0 Jmo CONSULTANTM IU U, A DMSN OP PLENUM PU4ISHINS CORPOSA h, W1? Weu 1s l kt@ Ne, Veer, N. Y Numbers November-December, 1965 CONTENTS RUSM PAGE PAGE NUMBER Fortyshth Anniwrsary of the October Socialist bvolution XVI! All-Union Scientific-Tecnical Con erence Low-Alloyed Heat-Raisteat Steel for Power Plants-L L Mirkin L. P. Trumv. and Z. N. Petropavlovskaya Staural Changes Occudog during Thermoechbanlcal Tatmuent of Saee and thelrnfluence on the Mechanical Popre-A. P. Guly.v Fatigue ReIstance and Working Life of Machin. Pam Hardened by Chenmlcothermal Treatment-E. L Avchmik..ov Heat Treatment of Low-Carbon and Low-Alloyed Seels-A. L Zakbharov, N. F. Legmida. V. S.N v, andl V. Vo 'ter Influence of Rare-Earth Mueals of the Cerium Subfpoup oa the IKmbrttlemntent Teshold of CarbonSWel-N. N. Popova. N. 1. Sandler, ad N. I. Iutito Steel with Low Hardonability for Tractor Pam-A. M. rnnbko. P. S. Shoonoko, and L. F. Stblna trac of the Carbon and Mulanam Conuetradonanm the Prohle of Low-Alloyed Steel Coataning Small Amounts of Nioldum-L. K. Zadoroulmays. N. I. Sandler. Sh. R. Dobguki. and 9. I. Fel'dma New Casn-ad IGS"V SVT e-m, P. Ira.. L. A. Sevrk, L.f. blr~ovwl, V. G. Samcgees. Wd T. P. abimdu Un of Loo4ickel and Nichal- 8teeteels for Havily msoned TvectorGean-Te. L. 732 i6 Appudmae Quarntitat IvlaRlorlps h eaemechimakcal hpparm of Smuctwel wei-g. K. SbeorbA Nivlding of Macbin Pao Made of Almuim-hus Sweab-L A. 3loadnmkaya. M. To. bovl. aed L A. Uryu u..., lahadaton of lrsumld-l. N. Pike A Mtbhod of Het Treatuig 8m" to 8dy " a Ttandaiatlow-M. P. kan ad1. O. N o Aemeel hee oin Ps Sloam 1O sse $15 Shcg.k Articls. $10 AN uh w vaww& 1 w" m n d g mp b i Wn&Wd i Ip I Aimllable fim Consmulltast 2 PSIA. nfd.. beeid. m',,in

176 .1 NK'~~NALtOVB MINZ 1Uf11 No fl-12p Nov-Due 1905 AnIALLOV UAORD RUSS PAGE PAGE TECHNICAL INFORMATION Strength and Ductility of Alloyed Staesh after Low Temperature Thermomechanical Treatment -D. A. Prokoshkin. A. G. Vasil'eva, and V. V. Akimov Increase of die Wear Resistance of Machine Parts Operated in Hydroabrasive Media -Z. M. Gamol'skaya, V. M. Guterman. and M. M. Kotina Titanium -Carbide Coatings on Steel -G. A. Semenova, A. N4. Minkevich, E. V. Panchenico, and S. B. Maslenkov Low-Temperaturt Gas Cyantiding of Steels for Molds-V. V. Duchiusli Effect of the Composition of the Bath on the Temperature of Electrochemical Boniding of Steel -V. P. Galushko. V. L. Masal'sklc, E. S. Varenko, and Yu. M. lvanchenko-llpskil Reasons for the High Impact Strength of Steel Containing Rare Earth Metals-A. F. Belyakova. I.V. Paisov, Yu. V. Kryakovskii, and V. Ya. Tatarintsev Effect of the Addition of Small Amounts of Titanium on the Properties and Structure of Low-Carbon and Low-Alloyed Steels-P. A. Prokhorev Effect of Short Heating Periods on the Mechanical Properties of 20S Sheet Steel -1. A. Nenaezdnikov and K. L. Koshkarova Effect of Cold Working on the Resistance of Pearlitic Steel to Prolonged Exposure to High Temperatures-G. A. Stepanov Fatigue Resistance of Low -Alloyed Structurd.1teels-V. 1. Shabalin FOREIGN LITERATURE [Hardness and impact Strength of Maraging SSterA (Floreen. S.. Speich. G., TASM. 1964, 12.)... 49T [Stainless Steel of the Maraging Type Containing Cobalt.(Hammond. C.. Cobalt. 1964, No. 25.) [Increase of the Fatigue Resistance of Steel (Duckworth. W. Metallurgia. o U. No. 412.)ei Litesstance, of Glued Metal Joints to Prolonged Exposure to High Temperatures (Althol, W.. Hennig. G.. Aluminum, )n... V.No.... Foreign Patents... '66 57 CHRONICLES Increasing the Dependability and Working Life of Machine Parts by Heat Treatment and Cuemicothermal Treatment.Tbe Seventeenth All-Union Scientifc-Technical- Conference -L.oS.APolunov CRITICISM A. M. Borzdyki and V. Z. TPerilin. Heat Treatment of Heat Resistant Stees and Alloys -P. B. MNadhailov-MinKheev NUMBER 12, 1965 STAINLESS STEELS Intercrystalline Corrosion of Some Stainless Steel-A. P. Gulyaev and K. L. Miroshnkova Influence of Silicon an the Mechanical Properties of Cr -Ni -Mo Alloys and Susceptibility to Intercrystalline Corrosion-A. A. Babakov. T. V. Svistunova, and N. F. aaermesikaya Effect of Manganese on die Structure and Properties of Nonmagnetic Stainless Steels -M. V. Pnidanusev and F. L.Levin Properties of Ct-Me-Ni Stes Containing Nitrogen at Low Temperatures-LS A. Uavyani A. A. BabakovandV..Fedorova I N Low-Nickel Austenitic Kl4Gl4N3T Steei-P. P. I bekma /van ANowess neipham in Cr-Mn-Ni-Ti Steel-I. S. Lupakovoand N. A..Vasilev Martensitic Transformation in l~b15n9s38 Steel during Deformation-V. KC. YAWro, L 1Rs. Sterelonskaya, Be Ya.ILeSTy kayap A. D. Vooiina. acnd V. P. Kaobelt Strengthening of Kh1uN2eV2 stanel by AoSt (Dn i at -7WC-A. MeParslin. 4 L. Ta. Goadeals. o LPechn kov, ndn.l.. Leo. ova. e.... (O.... tt O Available Picai 0MVuutSAta PUS= -e 165 -

177 NLTALWVEDEnZ I THENEICIE ATA OAUBOW WTAILQV No , Nov-Doc 1965 RUSS. PAGE PAGE Influence of Phase Transformations on the Ductility of Austenitic-Ferritlc Steels-l. Ya. Sokol Optimum Hea: Treatment Conditions for IKh18NI2M2TL Steel-S. M. Gugel'l Influence of the Time and Temperature of Heating on the Grain Size of Khl8NI2T Steel -0. S. Vil'yams. N. M. Bol'shova, and M. Ya. Koval' Structure and Prcperties of Khl6N6 (0P288) Steel-A. P. Boyarlnova and I. N. Mel'kumov Mechanical Properties of Austenltic Stainless Steels at-2-?c-n. A. Kozlova and D. V. Lebedev Tempering of Quenched Ferritlc-Austenltic Cr-Ni Steel-A. P. Ermolenko, N. V. Kosoleva, N. V. Korolev and Yu. V. Lenov CHRONICLES International Exposition- Chemistry in Industry. Construction, and Agriculture -N. N. Gevellng INDEX Author Index, Numbers C5.o Tables of Contents,.Numbes Note. The Table of Contents lists all material that appear in M vallovedenie Termlcheskaya Obrabotka Metallov. Those items that did not originate in Russian have not been translated and are shown enclosed x;, brackets. The sources from which these itemi are taken have been given whereever poisible. The Russian press dates (podpisano k pechati) of the first and second issues covered in this issue of the translation were. respectively, 10/27/65 and 11/20/65. Publication of the material translated in this issue is therefore known to have occured not prior to the earlier of these dates, but must be assumed to have taken place in two parts. the second being published shortly aft the later of the dates. Avai3b1. Fro Consultants Bunau -I6.1,6

178 SOIK4TVIO AND TEaHNcAL nowatmlon (No. 12,9 1966) - USSR - Following is a translation of selected por'tions of the RuBslan-langaage journal Namehifo-Tekbnicheskayva info rmateiya (English version above).,173, 2,, 1966, PUblis1ed by Ing All- 'Union Institute of Scientific and Technical. Information of the Academy of Scienesa USSR, Mosoow, 'Amthors' names d original page number's ares cited uith sach articlee CONTINM V ORGaizaTIO General %aestions AND ITE s o 07 IL mza ~ wcrx Calcalations of the Annual Sconomic Effect Obtained as a Result of Adopting Innovations Derived from I:nformation atra... Information Agencies Comments on the Az'tiole by 0. Ye,, Duryy- Shniar 'yan, "Improvement of the Stz'uatare of Technical Information," in Naunohno-Tekhni cheskm a Informnathiva (SolentIMfl ana Toolmloal nraort-- Letters to the Editor Some Shortcomings in OrgpizuWz Ayailable FrM JPMS W~,851 the Work (COmtinusd) low

179 NAUCIWO TIKNICEMMX 0ro 12, 196 Xn1PUASIX of Xnfozwmuim Serlee. ot 0 mtifie Research Institutes Teobnioal Inibrmation -and Advanced Production Knowhow in Estonia.... f 35 Exhibition by Ilfonmatlon Specialists of Lithuania at the All-Union Exhibition of Aohievements of the National Boon iny...,.,.. 37 Information Resources and Information Service Sonm Problems in library Work with Patent Litt era tuare. *45 Methods of Creating Faetographio Card Filos Enterprises and 54 The State Public Scientific and Technical Library USSR at the Subjeot-field lbdibition "Scientific and Teohnioal Information 1966" Creation of a Referenoc and Information File Using Punched Cards for the Soviet-Poymerization Plastics Idustry.,...,. 88 QUBS71M General -Questions IN SOLINTIC IN01MTION U]C3 InformatLis -- A New Name for Scientifio Information he 93 Infoatin ThO1 eeoeeeee geeeeeoeeeeeeegeoseeeeeee 9 Scientific Literature on Inf rmation lheoz7 and ato 1 Symposium on the Developnont of Descriptor Systmse and 2wir Use Or lan'oratiea Re- trieval (26 June - I ftly 1966, Bul"n)ooo., Inforwation Ingla~el Peculiaritiae of the Use of the UMO in so ~ ~Soeoso. 12 AwUab ft JM 0o,85. -I68 I1

180 NAUCUIO FRI10IC23MKYA InFOMMIA!I& No 12,j.6 Information Analysis Secondary Information with Varying Degrees of Compression o0.400& Information Retrieval The Use of 3dge-punohed Cards for Statistical Analysis., ***...o..., 147 Aut,.iatio.n.of Text Translation The Freqaenoy of Basic Typos of Syntactic Homonymy in Russian Texts..,,.....,,...,, Contextual Meanings of Russian areposi- "tions ~...C..., ,., 181 R F Z 0CB IT]S, CO0?UIATICN3, REVIEWS National Confrenoe on Problems in the Development of the Infofnation Service of the Polish Pooplo'oRepublio...,,,,,..,. 227 Probleus in Subjeot-fiel Pataent-information SearOh;;,.o,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,0,0.,,,,,. 233 M ITUM , AMailable fm orjpr8 40,851 i s a,

181 POSKI PR,IAD RADZ.IOGII I MEDCYNY = =A " Vol XXX, No 3, 1966 CONTENTS Page T. Korzon, M. Chabin, K. Sobotkowski: Radiological evaluation of zygomatico-maxillary fractures Z. Czekala: Radiological diagnosis with double-contrast methods of pathologic changes of certain parts of the knee joint B. Hyla, J. Zdrojewski: Spontaneous decrease of head size in a child with primary macrocephaly Kapuiciiski: Radiological assessment of results of mitral commissurotomy in one thousand cases S. Januszkiewicz, J. Witek, Z. Danek: Round shadows in lung fields in the course of mitral valvular disease A. Empel, J. Trojanowska-Przetakiewicz: Interstitial plasma-cell pneumonia in infants in the light of observed cases B. Pruszyiski: Differential diagnosis of organic causes of stenosis of the descending part of the duodenum on the basis of radiologic examination 245 H. Urbanikowa, J. Trojanowaka-Przetakiewicz: Rare cases of gastric malpositions R. Opolska-Glowacka: Three cases of ascaridlasis recognized during radiological examination S. Miernowski, Z. Sadowski: Collateral circulation in cases of stenosis or occlusion of renal artery W. Moczkowa, J. Stryczyiski: Radiological appearance of soft tissues in nonspecific ulcerations Z. Hliniakowa, Z. Wolniakowska: Relationship between bladder complications and bladder dose during radiotherapy of cervical carcinoma 291 S. Winnicki, K. Martynwiak: Laryngography in cases of laryngeal tuberculosis 298 J. Jonek, S. Koimider, T. Jonek: Histochemical studier on certain brain enzymes in various stages of acute radiation sickness A. Kapulcillski: Separation of radioactive chromium "Cr compounds on ion-exchange resins W. Sloniewicz, K. Kucharczyk, J. Zahau*: A gravitational lymphographic syringe Available Frrm cpsti TT-66-57ooe/

182 PROBLEMS OF INFORMATION TRANSMISSION Vol.'3, No 1, USSR - Following is a complete translation of the Russian-language periodical Problem Peredachi Informatsii (English version above), Vol. 3, No 1, 1967, pages Author's name and original source page accompany each article. CONTENTS Page Source Report Method of Majority Decoding of Abbreviated Cyclical Codes The Transmission of a Finite Number of Messages on a Binary Asymmetrical Channel Interference Stability of One Class of Wide Band Discrete Information Transmission Systems Limiting Form of Bayes Estimate of Regression Coefficients in Presence of Non-Stationary Noise "27 35 Information Losses in. A Non-Ideal Electromagnetic Channel Investigation of a Multi-Channel Square-Law Receiver of Electromagnetic Signals in Consideration of Quantum Effects ATIlble frca JP R4OlUO I

183 M9OM=U PUEDA0N WCWAIII Vol III, no I, Fir5 Source Report Comes of Continuous Automcic Machines, The Possibilities of Theoritical Conclusion of Statistical Regularities in Text (A Basis for the Zipf Law) * Stationary Solution of Equations with Delay The Problem of Queueing for a Telemetry Channel Dynamics of Operation with Discrete Automatic Machines with Linear Delays...,...,, Limiting Approximation Theorems in the Theory of Electrical Circuits and Signals Dependence of the Throughput Capacity of Incompletely Accessible Circuits with Losses on Type of Search A Letter to the Editors..., Available Frta JPM 4O,9.l SI 1 72

184 RADIO 3GFEROM4 BADIOUMcHI AND 0=2C0T4C IFU CSS - N -Y I MZKMO5NA NUMBERI CONTENTS A. A. Plstoi'kors: Determination of the Argument of the Complex Coherence Fa~~ N. L. Kaydanovskly- Design of Radio Interferaome tor-s -with. -a Superw-.L-o-ng Baa V. V Shakhgll'dyan: Probability of Synchronization Failure In a Phase Automatic VControi System M. Polishohak: A Method of Solution of the Impedance Boundazy-Valve Problem of o 1535 Electrodynuanics Ye. N. Fel'd and L. S. Benenson: Calculation of Phase Velocity of Waves in Coupled Resonator Networks Ye. M. Gershenzon, P. A. Putiloy and N. V. Some: An Autodyne Klystron with a Resonant Load B. T. Kormlitlitsn Focusing of an Electron Beam Using Periodic Magnetic ano Supplementary Electric Fields V. Grekhov, N. N. Kryukova and V. E. Chelnokov: A Study of the Propertien of Silicon p-n Junctions with Controlled Avalanche Formation L. S. Libermaen: The Equivalent Circuit of a Reverse Biased p-n Junction..., F. Aatakhov and M. M. Samokhivalov: A Variable Capacitor with a Hi1gh Capacitance-Range...I...I *0. V. Der-Shvarts, Yu. V. IKullkov and 0. B. Belonoshko: Calculation of Perturbing Potentials Related to a Weak Disturbance of the Perfect Circular Symmetry of Actual Electron-Optical Systems V. Der-Shrarte and 1.5S. Makarova: Study of Spherical Aberration of Axlsymmetric I*Elnzel-Lenses V. Der-Shvart and N. V.o Arkblpoam The Numerical Calculation of Axisymmetric Electron Optical Systems A. M. Yakobsom Evaluation of the Multiplication Factor of a Secondary-Electron Multipilie (Multidyne) with a Continuous Dynode V. Spivaki and B. B. Shlahkin: Quantitative Electro-Optical Studies of Efficient TherinloniloEmitters T. Raykthei' and V. Yareah: An investigattenof Transmission Secondary Electron Emitters M. Jedliblhka and P. V111m: The Semitransparent Antlmony-Rubidlum-Csulum IPhotocathodes A. N. Vasil'yer end A. S. Liasit The Dynamic Properties of Silicon Photocells with the Lorgltudinal Photosifeot L V. Orekboy, L.A. Linlychukt.VYe. Chelnokov and V.5B. Shuran: The Effet of the ftace Charge Layer on the Volt-Ampere Characteristic of Multilayer Diffused 163$ Structures to Silicon BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS 1631 V. P. Yakovlov- Some Properties of the Correlation Function of a Stationary Process Ye. F. Ignatov: Phase-Lock Autematic Frequency Control and Optimal Receptioa of " mrew ~cmodulation Suals ~ N. Litvinealhnai Method of yathsslaf ugnoteroge pi~solins l636 Ye. V. Sinibeula ad V. A. Voleesnis Method of Measuring lso Gala of Circular Polartsatim Asuteinaa... **...#.,...*~ 16o6 A.A. Shabror Disveotiema Properties of Nmusymauetrically Toma's Persholl Astonm.... *...* *** * 0~~~~~. V. OlebovilekTuh hreyals ye.mtqirptalee page Avil~abla ft ziititft. or M~trios &W neetrgmles bit3r

185 RADIONTIX I 3UIChIA NoO1,0 Oct 1966 pape V.A. Popov: On the Kinetic Theory of Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves by Plasma D. Ya. Ashkenazi and L. M. Vintsents: Methods of Broadening the Psasband of a Wideband T-R Device Maintaining Small Firing Power Values A. 1. Nikitin and 0. M. Strakhovskiy: Transients in a Maser Oscillator Using a Beam of Hydrogen Atoms M. E. Krichevskly: A Cause of Overheating of Semiconductor Diodes with Increased Frequency of Rectified Voltage... A. B. Kiselev and B. P. Nikonov: Effect of Oxygen Pressure on the Conductivity of Barium Oxide X. V. Panochevnyy, N. F. Kovtanyuk and D. T. Kokorev: The Current Across the Grain Boundary in Germanium A. Zakharov, B. A. Mendelev and B. V. Yudanov: Special Properties of Processes In Circuits with Diodes and Capacitors P. Novozhilov: Estimation of the Maximmn Power Converted by the Nonlinear Capacitance of a Semiconductor Junction when Doubling Frequency under Conditions of a Reverse-Biased p-n Junction A. M. Vorob'yev and V.1. Klyukin: Effect of Contact Capacitance on the Parameters of a Null RC-Filter with Distributed Constants V. Smirnitskaya and R. P. Babertayen: Charged-Particle Streams Flowing Towards 1664 the Cathode in a Penning Discharge A.A. Manenkov, V.A. Sychugov and 1.M. Chernyshev: A Microwave Power Switch Using Semiconductor Diodes GI. S. Zhdanov and V. N. Vertaner: The Heating of Objects Under an Electron Beam V. Spivak. V.0. Dyukov, N. N. Sedov, B. I. Volkov and S. Ya. Sekerzh-Zen'ovioch; Contrast of Image, Representing an Electric Microfleld, in an Emission A. Ye. Kaplan: On the Brief Communication "Transmission of Electromagnetic Wavse 1674 Througb Thin Silver Films" by F.A. Korolev and V.. Gridnev F.A. Korolev and V. L OrGdnev: Aufhors' Reply to A.Ye. Kaplan's Itter V.A. Kua'min: Concerning the Paper "A Physical Theory of Silicon p-n-p-a Structures in the Cutoff Mode of Operation," by Yu. S. Ryabinkin Y1. L".ybtnki: Correction of the Paper "A Physical Theory of Silicon p-n-p-n rfhturein the Cutdi Mode o Operation"... 0 EDITCRI' NOTE With the exception of certain tinometric and hyperbolic finotnos, Soviet mathematleal symbols are the same as those emouered in the American litrature. for the reader's convenience a list ofeush Oemlons and their Ameriom eqidvaws Is given helow. Soviet Usil American equivalget ooshcethi "otbh-) silabtash- coa-t cot' eet' 4"r 6c rc cot) 60J cog) Arah Aroth Arab Arth area" arcena aroets sxeam sint 4ro ado) attg t %QJ eh cooa ecseeect rot elk ee0th curl ~h seek tea t"c AVi2&b1.?rat ImutlttM ct33* of V la~ tromlm Easlin~r - 1T' -

186 RUDA.RSKO METAIUFaIR No 3, ]966 ZBOEMNH CONTENTS L. Kwvino and S. Grafemer: Op"c Study of the Data Phas osbsn 1.. S A.Ocapk: Problems in Colloidal Grinding o1 Nonmm*a Materials D. MkavM: The Ecomy of Asting with the Ne Epui a,kmose and ovitrori" F. Vod, ytis. B&mddko a" J. Mosawr: Aussmiuic Grain S in Stea.. 39 F. Mliuar: Expeurience a Gallery Supportina i me Zarie CoalMi,.. s5 Available Fr Cm CFS-TT /3 Si - 17T5 - I

187 vetytm XqtaUlV Table of Contents Vol. 6, No. 12 j l.,roza,, Metals 1Q65 &WDeombu. Enigh Tranjlatlon.-,; m YEAR - NEW SU~c~Z, see.&... l (1). A. Ax.: ]:<ov IN MEW CONDITIONS ONE MST USE NEW APPROACHES (2) X. A.. SE,: MICONDUCTOR RECTIFINIS REDU1J 3LECTRIC POWER CONSU)MTION IN FOR A Th. -OUGH T-CHNI3AL AND ECONOMIC JIALYSIS OF APPROACHES TO TECHNICAL PROGRESS 8 (6) :. V. parm wnov FOR ACCELERATION OF TIX INTRODUCTION OF PROFGESSIVE TECHNOLOGICAL L.. Gazarpan PROBLES ENCOUNTENED IN ALRINGM TECINOLOG! AT COPPER PLANTS... 1U (11) A. INMTRI***...o... A. Mo c awv SOME QUESTIONS CONNECTED WITH ~ TECHNICAL PROME IN THE COPPER o.. o ~ ~. ee o o.. 21 (18) i. N. KurW t'ev, M. I. Konovalovs and G. A. Voronchikhin FLOTATION MACHIE OUTPUT 26 (23). A. Fisban and 1. G. Belookina PRODUCTION OF HIGH-QUALIT! BISNUTH CONCENT- PATse... s as... s... ooa oooootgsoss oomoooo*o... oo (25),. A. Abraov EFFECT OF ph ONTHE CONDITIONOFTHE MITE SURFACS (30) V. G. Brovkin, M. P. Palymaev, Tu. A. Slobodin, and M. S. Chetvertkov MATERIAL A:ND IAT ALNCES FROM SMELTING SULFID COmA-NICIML ORES IN ELECTRIC URNACES OF 30o00 oo va AACT (34) 0. P. Walganova AN EXAMINATION OF HM O= FROM IOA-CEHANC HATERIALS IN THE EZMLYLTIC REFINZ&N OF NICKSL (40) A. V. X-oAsev' L. X. Giudin# V. F. Zakbysov, and 1. A. Dhomiko A HDROMETALLUR- GICAL ZTHOD OF TREATING KBOW -AKE L COBLT-NICKEL CO1 NTRATES (*4) V. Ia. Zaitsev, A. V. Vaneyuko, and V. P. Bystro WETTING OF SOLID CRARGE VATERI- AL BY OLTEN SULFIDES AND ITS EFFECT ON CERAIN PYRONSTLLW GICAL PROCeSSES (47) A. A. Koztyukov and M. F. Koapenlets DTERMINING THE MOLUR PATIO OF NF:sAl 3 IN ELECTROLITES OF ALUMINUM =CTROLZS GOCNTAINING MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE (52) A. V Vuobov LITHIUM FLWORII - A K RCESSA ILT COW T OF ALKINUM 61 (56) X. A. Zorobov, X. X. Vetyukow G0. F. Vedeidnwkov, t. B. Shml'kova, and u. G. Uapel'niatL EGRL OF CM OALCINATION IN MARUFACTURM OF ANOME VATERAL (58) K. Ta. Sbapfro, Tu. I. Turkwkevh, V. A. Feaeohialo, A. F. Bedim, A. I. iar'kovekil, V. V. bulakaws, and L. N. lremeno 1DIJTRUAL TESTIN AM INTROIDUCTION OF AhMNIA IPURVICATION OF IUIOSTIC ACID WITH AN INC RASM 10 MUK CONTENT (62) V. V. P4dyskin, V. P. 01GAov, V. 3. Ustlnov, 1. A. Lrutytmv, A. 3. Petuniko, Z. ":. ik, and Kiseolew SPARATI OF TITANIUMIZ KMC A' D M1- P :0:OF COMRCIALT SWIM PR...,.*... o.* (67) P. F. nflo v, I, 1. D. Mlllob, V, 0. hemot4vo, A L. Tooftl and S. b* S.eaqu Sand 0. V. Chorepok 5SON ASP&MT OF CRACK F~IGMTIO WWIS 1ROOU0DS ":.~:. ls7' WITH Lam CROsS S (72) : :=. 1., TU NES MADE OF8 ASl'tOT ?9() g. V..%blodch141%, V. A. Tay, r, and K. 0. IbrkUa XJWU X AND WMIC&ATION UM Amilablo ftm Prft7 8fotro# Vol Vi, No 12, p 1965Me

188 Vol f f, -116o I, 2965 V.N. Brinna and V. S. Lepekin PROTECTiG TITANIUM ALLOYS AGAINST OXIDATION (77) R. A. Ul'yanov and S. F. govtun ClADDING TITANIUM IN A VACUUM* (79) 9. V. 'tl'*tsev and L. N. Mcrozov BEAT TREATMENT OF SOM NON-FlRRGIS, PIFRACTORY, AND) RWl METALS A-NO ALLO0YS IN INERT ATMDSPHfERES...e (82) S. A. Kushakev'ich and Z. K. Mbnn PICKLING TITANIUM ALLOYS BY THE SULFURIC AC ID %THOD e... *t s e s (86) X...lubaichkin and M. A. Ashrafyan RARE METALS FOR METALWURGY AND MACHIS L. N. KIyachko SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL CONPRE N ON THE PRODUCTION AND QUALITY id".ww7e,%sr OF TW'IISTEF WI o (91) it:93rs DISCUSS THE WORK OF THE JOURNAL, r-svetnte METALLYf" (92) LTAB1S OF CONTENTS OF OTSVETNZE METALLI" FOR o. *..#see.*so...* 102 (93) + CLi z unbers in narentheuses,renreont rnue numbers in lpassian nrliinal.... MA3IP4 XBBOlMEVIATIOM IN TE31 A~ SR...,...Acadeny of Sc3a(aocs,~ US~SR,~ 7Z (?U... Central Consittee, Communist Party, Soviet Union. n.-.. e' "w.. State Institute of Non-F.rrou6 Metals. o... State Institute for the Design and Planning of establiulbmets in the Basle Chemical Industry. GJ lotsvetmet...*... State Institute for the Design and P2anning of Non-errous Metels Industry Es Ablishments. Giredmst State Rare Motals Sclentiflo Research Institute* rospleui... State Planning Comittee of the Council of Ministere of the USSR. S. sees All-Unon Standai-d. L Foreign Literature Publishing House..-a SSR*..,o~oo. ooo9o. Fazakh SSRo S... Leningrad Mining Institute.... z ,... State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Literature on l:hchinory Vt,.lir~ L~i.... State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Literature on Ferrous and Non.J',rouu Metallurgy Scientific Research Institute ýnsci... 'Scentific ]a. V. Saw'lov). Research Institute of Furtilisers and Ineectifuges (in. 00, 0-D1. o... S.. State Trust for Promoting Effioiency in the Chaedoal Industryo Sa2 v'khozp Council of the at.-oml Eoone '. T. 3,I hermot...*... Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrou Metallurgy. Uab SSRoo#...oo.o.oo*. Usbek SSR. VANI...oo.o,...oo... All.Cnion lualimm and kegoeui.m Institute* Available From Priiwry Sou8ce0 Vol VI, No 12, Dec

189 MJWBI MIMMCKSKZK MKAK Vol Lm=X, No 34,p JuY-Aug 1966 sovi,.- PHYSICS USPEKI VOLUME 9, NUMBER 4 JANUARY- FEBRUARY 1967 Russian CONTENTS Page Reference R~esearch in the Field of Gam-na-resonance (M6ssbauer) Spectroscopy (E) V. 1. Gol'danskIl , 333 Elect ý*omagn.etic WVaves in Metals in a Magnetic Field (T)... *.'.'.*.* i. '. A'.' K'a nier an'd' V. G'.* Sk'ob (, v' , 367 Chemniluminescence In Solutions (E) R. F. Vasil'ev , 409 MutaeAcceleration of Particles In a Potential Electric Field by Means of Charge Exchange (T)... *' '*...G. N. Vyalov and M. M. Fiks , 437 Accelerators with Colliding Particle Beams* (E) G. 1. Budker , 533 Power-ful X-ray Emission of Radio Galaxies V. L. Ginzburg , 549 Liquid Crystals (E) G. Chistyakov , 563 Th iolation of C Invariance I... L. B. Okun' , 603 Physics of Our Days i'he "Hot" 'Model of the Universe (T) Y. B. Ze'dovlch , 647 Methodological Notes Howv Quantun..%.echanics Helps Us Understand Classical Mechanics P. Paradoksov G18 89, 707 New Fxperiments on the Combining of Mechanical Vibrations and on Mechanical Resonance... Ya. E. Amstislavskil and A. S. Mamakov , 710 From the Current Literature Nuclei with Excess Neutrons (T) N. A. Vlasov , 511 Meetings and Conference Twelfth All-union Conference on Low-temperature Physics M. I. Kaganov, B. I. Kochllaev. and V.,G. P'esc~h~anskllT , 719 Third All-union Conference on Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collision G. F. Drukarev and L. A. Sena Personalia Aleksandr Nlikhaflovich Prokhorov Brhkv.G I... :* A.,1,,B*r,* o, N. G... Basov, F. V. Bunkin, V. G. Veselago. N. A. Irisova, N. V. Karlov. and A. A. Manenkov , 521 Lenin Prizes for L. V. Keldysh and E. V. Shpol'skil , 526 Avallable ftn American Institute of Physics Vol IZX, So hp, Jan-Feb

190 VESNIK ZAVOD ZA GREO A I GEOFnZCrA ISAZIVANJA Series B, No 4-5t 1964/65 CONTENTS Page Milovanovi, B. Epirogenedc and Orogemic Movements in Mhe Outer Dinarida and ProbLkm of Pale.- karstification and Geological Evolution of Holokarst Zolovid, D. A Critical Survey of the Present Approach to the Hydrogeoloicul Role of Dolonites in the Adriatic Karst Komatina, M. On the Problem of Determination of Groundwater Diddrs and Directions of Groumdwater Circulation in the Karst Novak, D. Hydrogeology of the Osapsha Reha Area Josipovit, J. Free Groundwater; of Semben'a and the Possibility of Capturin Artesian Water. 85 Knefevic, V. Hyvdrogeological Problems of the Junkovac Coal Mine in the Eastern Part of the Kolubara Basin Bogdanovi6, P. and B. Filipovi6. Geological and Hydrogeological Characteristics of the Eastern Part of the Kolubara Coal Basin uti:h Special Reference to Mioe Water Gojgi, D., M. Janjid, and S. Lukovii.. Einecnng-Geologiod Conidons of the Formation of the Landsl Natural Dam, and Lake at Zavoj Bilbija, N. and M. Janjie. Ornamental Stonw and Its Behavior on Some Buildings in Belgrade Available Prim C -M-TT &03/2 N 19

191 VESTNIK OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES No 4, April 1967 [Following is a cover-to-cover translation of the Russian-language periodical Vestnik Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk SSR (English version above),"no 4, Moscow, April 1967, pages Other bibliographic information acoompanies each article.] Page CONTENTS Source Report Some of the Problems Related to the Development of Soviet Cardiology LYe.I. Chazov] 3 Plethysmography -- A Clinical Method of Examining Vascular'Tonus (B.Ye. Votchal, V.P. Zhmurkin] Urgent Problems in the Study of Mechanisms of Onset and Development of Myocardial infarction [I.K. Shkhvatsabaya, M.Ye. Rayskina] The Problem of Myocardial Infarotion in the Young [G.A. Nikitin] New Data on the Pathogenesis of Esspntial,Hypertension [Hypertonic Disease]j [X.N. Zamyslova, V.V. Suchkov] 3N1 47 Some Problems Related to the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis [L.A. Myasnikov, V.F. Zaytsev] Available Frix JPRS 11,1i 19 (Continued)

192 VWNXK AKADUEI ==DWlSI8 RAUX SSR No 4.. April 1967 Nei., Approaches to Diagnosis of Thrombosis S~ouroe Report - an d Atherosclerosis using Radioactive Lytic Agents and Coagulants [V.M. Bogolyubovj Atherosclerosis of the Aorta and Coronary Vessels Associated with Different Diseases ra.m. Vikhert, V.S. Zhdanov, Ye.Ye. Matova] The Quantitative Aspect of Cardiac Glycoside Therapy [M.Ye. Slutskiy, B.Ye. Votohalj Pathogenesis of Acute Cardiac Insufficiency Following Open Heart Surgery [V.I. Burakovskiy, S.Ya. Kisis, G.D. Knyazeva] Experience in Surgical Management of Postinfarction Cardiac Aneurysms under Extracorporeal Circulation [A.V. Pokrovskiy, D.A. Velikoretskiy, L.Xh. Derzhavets, X2.Ye. Klammer, B.M. Kogan] T.1etralogy of Fallot in Infants (Some Questions Lealing with Pathogenesis, Symptonatology, and Surgical Management),.3.A. Konstantinov] Experience wiih Anesthesia during Surgery for Congenital Heart Lesions in Infants V.A. Kovanev F.F. Beloyartsev, M.A. Slyunyaszi'ovj infor.ation about Competitions for Prizes to be Awarded in 1967 by the USSR Aoademy of MAedical Soienoes Available * = JPR8 41,149 tx -182.

193 ZEURNA EKBPERI3MmAL'NOI" I. TEM ICE OI FIMI Vol LI, No 4, NOT SOVIET PHYSICS JETP YULU/ME 24, NUMBER 4 APRIL,.1967 Page Russian Reference Measurtment of the Shear Elasticity of Fluids and Their Boundary Layers by a Resonance Method (E)... U. B. Bazaron, B. V. Deryagin, and A. V. Bulgadaev , 969 3row ii.n Motion at the Critical Point of Two-phase Liquid-liquid Equilibrium (E) Ya. A. Bai'tsevich, V. G. Martynets. and E. V. Matizen Heating and Decay of Plasma Produced by a Giant Laser Pulse Focused on a Solid Target (E)... N. G. Basov, V. A. Bolko, V. A. Dement'ev, 0. N. Krokhin, and..... G. V. Sklizkov , 989 :erromagnetic Resonance in Cobalt Single Crystals (E) A... Ya. S. Shur and 0. I. Shiryaeva Format:on of Slow Ions When Fast Protons and Hydrogen Atoms Pass Through Nitrous. Oxide ke)... V. A. Gusev, D. V. Pilipenko, and Ya. M. Fogel' , 1007 Scattering of Highly Excited Argon Atoms by Hydrogen and Formation of ArH' Ions (E) , S. E. Kupriyanov Electron Nuclear Double Resonance of F Centers in KCl (E/T) M. F. DeTgen, M. A. Ruban, S. S. Ishchenko, and.n. P. Baran , 1014 Concerning the Temperature Dependence of the Magnetic Anisotropy Constants of Ferromagnets and Ferrites (E)... A. I. Drokin and L. I. Slobodskoi , 1023, Piezom-ignetic Effect in a-fe (E).. V. P. Andratskil and A. S. Borovik-Romanov Concerning the Thermodynamics of the Phase Transition in Ferroelectric Triglycine Fluocoberyllate (E)... B. A. Strukov, S. A., Taraskin, and V. A. Koptsik , 1037 Investigation of the Magnetic Properties of Neodymium Monochalcogenides at K (E) V. E. Adamyan and G. M. Loginov , 1044 Isomer Shifts on Sn 1 ' Impurity Nuclei in Pd-H Alloys (E) V. V. Chekin and V. G. Naumov , 1048 Effect of Pressure on Magnetic Transformations in Manganese Arsenide (E) N. P. Grazhdankina and Yu. S. 'Berbenev , 1052 Density of the Normal Component in Concentrated Helium Isotope Solutions (E) V. N. Grigor'ev, B. N. Esel'son, V. P. Mal'khanov and V. I. Sobolev 707 5L 1059 Velocity of Fourth Sound In PIe 3 -He1' Solutions (E)... S... B. N. Esel'son, N. E. Dyumin, E. Ya. RudavskiT, and I. A. Serbin , Relaxation in a Systenm Subjected to Suddenly Changing Perturbations in the Presence of Correlation Between Successive Values of the Perturbation (T) A. I. Burshteln and Yu. S. Oseledchik , 1071 Magnetic Impurity Levels in Antiferromagnets (T) N. G. GuseTnov and Yu. M. Seidov * 1084 Contribution to the Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation R. in M. a Yul'met'ev Liquid (T) , 1090 Doubly-logarithmic Asymptotic Form of the Compton Effect for Large-angle Scatter. ing (T)... V. G. Gorshkov, V. N. Gribov and G..V. Frolov The Instability of Waves in Nonlinear Dispersive Media (T)... V. E.. ý&itharov , 51, Rapid Recombination of Plasma Jets (T/E)..... **''*... *....L. I. Gudzenko, S. S. Filippov and L. A. Shelepin , 111 The Role of Diffusion Processes in the Scattering of Slow Neutrons in Liquids (T) G. K. Ivanov The Nature of the Central Body In the Schwarzschild Solution, (T)... S M. E. GertsenshteTn Photon Bremsstrahlung in Collision of High-energy Electrons (T) ,.1127 S... V. N. Barer, V. S. Fadin. and V. A. Khoze , 1135 Integral Form of the Einstein Equations and a Covariant Formulation of Mach's Principle (T)... B. L. Al'tahul*r (Zmti,,ued) Available frtm Aieroea TMtltUt, of Fay.±s Vol XXIV, No I4, Apr 196T. 182a -

194 ziumlal EIMPEDOMflALNOI I!1EFTCHK I KIzx Vol LI, No l&, Rov9 Page Russian Reference Concerning One Mechanism for Absorption of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Oscillations by Localized States in Crystals (T).. M. A.'Krivoglaz and I. P. Pinkevich , 1151 Study of Magnetic Properties of Two-band Superconductors in the Vincinity of the Upper Critical Field (T) V. A. Moskalenkc , 1163 The Effect of Collisions on Spectral Characteristics of Gas Lasers (T) S. G. Rautiarn , 1176 Propagation of Wave Packets and Space-time Self-focusing in a Nonlinear Medium (T)... L. A. Ostrovski , 1189 "Quasilocal" Heisenberg Operators and the Problem olrenormalizability in Quantunr Field Theory (T) A. D. Sukhanov ,. 119!. Slowing Down of Dislocations by Scattering of Elastic Waves From Impurities (T) A. M. Kosevich and V. D. Natsik 810' 51, 1207 The Effect of a Periodic Lattice Potential on the Optical Properties and Other Integral Characteristics of Cubic Multi-valent Metals (T) R. N. Gurzhi and G. P. Motulevich , 1229 "Nonlinear Motion of a Plasma With an Arbitrary Electron Velocity Distribution (T)... I. A. Akhiezer and A. E.'Borovik Virtual Scattering Effects in Direct Nuclear Reactions (T) V. A. Kaminskil. Yu. V. Orlov and I. S. Shapiro Observation of Complex Singularities of Direct Nuclear Reaction Amplitudes (T) E. 1. Dubovol and I. S. Shapiro T.ieorem About Third Order Inviriants for, Irreducible Representations of Space Groups (T) M. S. Shur Calculation of the Effective Cross Sections i r Proton Charge Exchange in Collisions with Multi-electron Atoms (T) V. S,. Nikolaev , 1263 Available 1r AfricM 1=t1tui* -Of "hies Vol CXIV, No 4, Apr A - l8 -

195 INDEX TO AUTHORS This index does not include authors listed in the cover-to-cover tables of contents. - A - Ashratov, E. A. 112 Abduvakhabov, A. A. 55 Aslanov, S. K. 100 Asnis, A. Ye. 83 Abramovich, G. N. 102 Astashkina, N. V. 99 Adamchuk, Yu. V. 91 Asztalos, Istvan 35 Ahmed, Mohamud Giama 25 Aumann, D. C. 97 Akashi, G. 87 Avdonin, V. I. 104 Akimov, H. N. S Avgustinik, A. I. 104 Aksenov, V. I. 39 Awender, H. 84 Aksenova, A. N. 4 Azzolini, A. 59 Aksenova, G. P. 67 Azzoni, Piero 98 Albulescu, Emilian 36 Aleksakhin, I. A B- Aleksandrov, Ivaaov 50 Aleksandrov, N. G. 17 Baba, If. 111 Ab.ksandrov, Yu. A. 91 Babaian, K. E. 8, 44 AleksfNdrova, V. R. so Babayev, A. 13 Aleksardrovskiy, V. P. 47 Babayeva, N. F. 88 Alfons-, N. 54 Babenko, K. I. 103 Alial -inskaya, I Babenko, N. K. 65 Aliycc, M. I. 102 Babic, M. 22 Al'tovskiy, I. V. 90 Babsho, Y. 78 Amirkhanov, B. F. 38 Bagdasaryan, G. Ye. 101 Andriyev'skyy, S. 54 Bagramyants, V Andrusenko, P. I. 44 Bagratuni, G. V. 60 Andrysek, Oskar 94 Baikov, I. S. 91 Angles d'auriac, P. 84 Bakhirev, N. F. 66 Anh, Le 28 Bakre, Jhasan 28 Ankele, W. 75 Balaba, L. 57 Ansprenger, Franz 26 Balabukha, D. K. 86 Antoshin, Ye. V. 13 Balandin, A. A. 54 Arabei, B. G. 70 Balarin, M. 97 Arasly, D. G. 102 Balavadze, B. K. 62 Arifov, U. A. 99 Baranov, B. A. 66 Aristakov, Yu. 3 Baranov, Yu. B. 4 Arkad'yev, V. I. 16 Barashenkov, V. S. 90 Arlyuk, B Barashkov, G. K. 43 Armand, G. 95 Barbasa, Rudolpho Pinto 33 Arnautov, P. 16 Barbu, N. 36 Aronoy, D. A. 103 Barczyk, B. 79 Arpai, F. 50 Bardoll., J. 73 Arsenin, V. V. 93 Barkan, V. F. 6S Arsov, Stoyne 18 Barta, Laszlo 19 Artanonov, A. A. 55 Barulln, Yu. N. 86 Ar'yev, T. 50 Barzykin, V. V. 107 Asaul, Z. I. 42 Bashenina, N. V

196 Basov, Yu. S. 61 Blum,, E. Ya. 102 Bataillon, E. 51 Bobkova, E. V. 40 Bauchert, J. 108 Bobrownicki, WV. 40 Bawuiers, J. 68 Bochkarev, 1. A. 8 Bav'r, Reinhold 77 Bochko. A. 2 Bauschulte,, W. 113 Bochvar, 0. S. S6 Bayakov, G. R. 48 Bodrov, V. A. 45 Bayborodin, Yu. V. 103 Boehmu, H. 97 Bayer, V. N. 94 Boersch, HI. 77 Bazazyants, N Bogdankevich, L. S. 94 Becher, H. J. 77 Bogdanov, G. A. 47 Becker, K. 58 Bogdanov, M4. A. 61 Becker, U. 38 Bogdanova, V. V. 106 Bedcher, F. S. 112 Bogomelov, Ye. N. 112 Bednarova-Novakova, Bojkov, R. Do 38 B. 37 Bokarev, V. A. 15 Bekleiuishev, K. V. 62 Bollobas, Bella 81 Belakhov, L. Yu. 14 Bondarenko, V. K. 46, 47 Belgert, Bongard, S. A. 86 Belik, N. P. 100 Bon?4ardion, Go 68 Belkin, S Bonnelle, C. 37 Belli, Giuseppe 98 Bonnet, B. 108 Belobzhotskiy, 1. 1 Borenkov, A. 7 Belotserkovskiy, G. B. 63 Boryczka, J. 40 Belotserkovskiy, S. M. 102 Botvinkin, 0. K. 102 Belubekyan, M4. V. 101 Bouillon, F. 73 Belyayev, N. M. 100 Bouissieres, George 57 Belyis N Boyarchuk, A. A. 37 Bender, Peter 22 Boyarinov, V. S. 102 Benko, Yu. K. 61 Boytsovs V. V. 13 Berescu, Gheorghe 22 Bradeanu,, P. 22 Berezin, B. 2 Brainina, Kh. Z. 93 Berezin, V. I Braudo, S Berg, H. 108 Brether, C. 52 Bergnan, A. A. 104 Bredenberg, J. 74 Bergushevski,, Z. 91 Breido, 1' Berman, 0. L. 80 Brinberg, 1. L. 13 Bernshtein, S. A. 8 Brish, N Bertinov, A* Brodacki, Krystian 22 Bertone, Franco 23 Brodin, N. S. 105 Beasho, J. 69 Brun,, C. 97 Betruchenko, L Budyko, Bezrukilkh, V. V. 38, 113 Bufalini, Paolo 24 Bianchi, Go 59 Bui, Ngoc Lam 36 Bier, K. 109 Bulanov, V. 41 Biguet, Andre 108 Bulavin, P. Ye. 100 Bilushi, S. Go 41 Bulic, Andjica 20 Bindewald, Hilmar 96 BuI'kov. S. 2 Binonfold, Regina 20 Burakovskiy, V. Ye. 62 Biryukov, V. 2 Burchanko,, P. Ya. 64 Biziaye.v 1. N. 43 Burkov, V. A. 62 Blajovici, Petro 20 Burkova, N. V; 61 Bleijerveld, I Burlatskaya, S. P. 61 Blohorn, Andre 25 Burmeister, V. s -185

197 Bykhovskiy, Yu. 1. S Courbon 73 Bykov, G. S. 14 Cucconi, Odoardo S3 Bykov, V. P. S, 6 Cvetanovic, A.* 20 Bystrov, A Czekaluk, B. 85 Czono, Noboru 53 C- Cabral, Ainilczr 32 Callobaut, Charles 74 Dahl, Paul 68 Capellen, W. M4. 81 Daniburg, R. 91 Caprioglio, G. 59 D'ans, Jean 58 Carlsson, Hans 24 Davitashvili, T. Sh. 105 Carriere, P. 34 do Blicquy, Julien 74 Ceausescu, C. 90 do Boxaca, M. C. 54 Cech, J. 108 do Camnpos, J. H. Cociu, Ion.V. 20 Nogueira 32 Ceresuola, Rene 86 Defant, A. 63 Ceuleneor, R. 97 Degen, lure 19 Chabba1, Robert 51 do Groot, Paul 29 Chalot,, Andre 94 Dogtiyayov, A. A. 43 Charalambous, S. 94 Dekhtyar, 1. Y. 70 Chayovskiy, Ye. V. 70 do Leouw, Seraphin 94 Chebatarevskiy, V. 3 do Loeuw-Giorts, Ch'eu, Tung 107 Ghislaino 94 Choropovitskiy, V. A. 38 do Maeyor, L. 97 Cherniakova, E. G.. 49 Demeur, M. 97 Cherniakovskiy, E. R. 9 Demnm, N. 16 Chorniarskiy, G. 4 Dem'yanenko. V Chornova, V. F. 39 Deniolou, G. 94 Chornyak, R. Ya. 65 Donisonko, 1. F. 10 Chernyak, Yu Doryagin, B, V. 101 Chernyakov, S. M Detkov, S. p. 92 Chermyavskiy,' L. 3 Devay, J. 68 Cheyshvili, 0. B. 100 Diallo, tmady 25 Chia, Yu-chluan 107 Diarra, Idrissa 26 Chlion, IHsuoh-sen 114 Dionst, WV. 97 Chikara. Oymna 53 Dikmnskiy, N. S. 90 Chikova, V. M4. 48 Dimanov, Diman 18 Chin, Chih Ch'.ng 28 Disitriev, YB Chu, Van Tan 30 Dimitrov, Atanas 21 IChuiko, Chumn, Liang 57 Dimitrov, Nikolay 1s A. V. 55 Dinescu, A. 114 Chukovich,, V. M,. 40 Discik, 1. 7S Chvelova, A. D, 67 Deitriyev, A. N. 60 Cierpial, H, 79 Dobroscu, Niu 20 icolin, Cihal, Vladimir 73 Dobrolyubov, A Codo, Enrique Martinet 22 Dodge, C. II. 42 Cogito, G. 59 Do!gov, A J, 74 Dolyatovskiy, V. A. 40 Cosnt*$ Gilbert 26 Dome, S. 97 Conte, Madeleine 73 Doarin, V Costa,, P, 109 Donchonko, ft. V. 62 Coumul, HI. 51 Donetskaya, V

198 Dorfman, A. Sh. 80 Fester, W. 58 Dorman, L. I. 38 Filatov, A. N. 42 Dorner, Heinrich 97 Filatov, A. V. 89 Dostalik, Milan 21 Filimonov, N. 1 Doynikov, B. D. 112 Filimonov, V. N. 34 DrewnOwski, Jerzy 19 Filippov, K. F. 104 Dubcek, Alexander 21 Filippov, Ye. "92 Dubovik, V. M. 90 Fischer, F. 109 Dufay, Jean 39 Fischer, W. 59 Dufay, Maurice 39 Fizzotti, C. 98 Dupuy, Josette 95 Fleischer, Dusek, K. 57 Fohlhaber, L. 39 Dusza, Jan 19 Fontanesi, Sergio 52 D'yakonov, S. G. 106 Form, G. W. 76 Dykhne, A. M. 99 Fournier, J. 51 Dyukov, V. G. 102 Frait, Z. 83 Francesco, Belvisi 69 Franco, Rui Ribeiro 31 - E - Francois, Contre 73 Frank, W. 97 Ebert, U. 75 Frenzel, if. J. 77 Egorov, V. S. 49 Fridman, A. L. 9 Eigen, M. 97 Frieser, E. P. 58 Eliseyev, S. M. 90 Eliseyeva, V. I. 56 Fromm, Eckehard 85 Ellperin, I. T. 100 Funke, H. 18 Emerov, B. D. 7, 10 Futtermenger, W. 96, 108 Ender, A. Ya. 37 Engler, G. 113 Erkhumar, Bertil 24 - G - Esafov, V. I. 57 Espanion, G. 75 Gablankowski, L. 80 Asada, Eurchi 110 Gabrycki, S. P. 99 Gaigalas, K. S. 43 Gal, P F- Galan, P. 73 Galanskiy, V. M. 103 Fadeyenko, Yu. I. 83 Galitskiy, V. 14 Farkas, Gh. 70 Galkin, S. I. 101 Fatkin, Yu. M. 64 Galuzns'ka, V. 54 Fayn, V. S. 42 Galyun, N. S. 112 Fecdwer, Wolfgang 84 Gangrskiy, Yu. P. 91 Fedchenko, R. G. 70 Gartner, G. 76 Fedorenko, N. 3 Gaviglio, J. 108 Fedorov, G. I Gavrilova, N. S. 104 Fedorov, S. S. 9 Gazenov, St. 17 Fedorova, L. V. 8 Gehrig, H. 113 Fedorovich, E Georgi, Rudi 19 Fedyayev, V. E. 7, 10 Gerard, B Gerashchenko, 0. A. 99 Fehlhaber, L. 39 Gerdes, G. 3S Felix, F. 9S Germain, P. 108 Feodos'yev, V. I. 101 Geronimus, B. 3 Fernandez, Alfredo 33 Gerovich, M. A, 54, i i

199 J Gershanovich, D. V. 7 Gershgorin, Grosskopf, 5. J Gershunov, Ye. Grosul, M. Ya Gvkan, Gruenoisen, MI. E Gilli, H. Gruncharov, 114 Yanski 57 Ginier, R. Gruntfest, 84 R. A. 107 Gispert, Grusoa, Eduardo H. H.N. 32 Gruz, SO Gitezon, M. I. 68 I. 60 Glauber, Cruzdev, A. P. F Gleiter, II. Gubler, E.V. 52, Gligor, V. Gudimov, A Gobeltz, J. Guerrero, L. 34, B Godnev, Guerry, T, N. Vincent 41, Guhi, Harald Godovikov, N. N Goebels K. Guigonis, G. 77 Guiraud, J.P. Gol'dberg, 35 L. I. 49 Guradyan, Guirud,. C. p.84 Gol'din, S. V. A Gol'dman, I. M. Gurov, 11 A. F. Gurtovoi, E. B Goldovskiy, E. H. 86 Gusika, P. L. 103 Golikov, A. N. 60 Gutmann, A. H. 90 Golikov, V. N. 88 Gutman, L. M. 83 Golovnyak, Yu. D. 13 Guyot, Raymond 23 Golubev, V. M. 5 Guz', A.yN. 104 Golyshev. Gombas, G. P Gvishiani, D. Gombos, Gyorgy, W. 13 Andras 19 Gyunninen, E. H , 104 Gomez, Raimundo Goncharenko, 32 E. N. 41 Goraj. Ludwik 36 Gorbatenko, V.,H. 6 Haarer, D. 110 Gorbunov, G. H. 112 H 21 Gorbushin, Gordohn, P. Gordon, 2, IS H. H. p.m 2s 1 Haessner, HuaSe, Erich 67 Frank 2 Haeusler, J. 97 Gorelik, H. A.67 9Hagen, 68 Gorlovy Gustav. V Gorodetskoy, S.S. Hlaidara, 72 mahauane Goto, H. Alassane Goto, K. Hamovic, Rade Hannesen, R. 77 H Go Wuasa, Grahovac, Petar Hareyama, Albert T. 79 7arloff, 19 Granitzki, K. E. 76 Greb enicheko, V. G. 8 Harrari, ifasegewa, Roland H. S1 87 Groewn, J. 77 Hasegaew, Y. 110 Greytag, R. 59 Griadunov, Hashizume, A. Tadashi 53 4 Hssan Ahi ed Gridnev, Ibrahi- V. 27 N. 107 Grigorov, Hassan, N. AbduIrahman L snohmed 26 Gringauz, K , 113 toru 'irinshteyn, Td V Hattori, Critsyuk, Taiao A. I Hauben, Grob*, isser. V. W Hauser, Gromov, H. N. K Hausar, A. 97 Groniowski, Janus& S4 Hausae, A. 59 Groshev, L. V. 90 Hautecler,, M. 73 Hayashi, Y

200 i.hoff, Hayosss B. 108 Ivanov, 1. A. 67 Heden, Carl-Gorut 54 1vunov, Kiril 21 Hodvallo J, A. 74 IYSROY, No 1 Heinz., K. e5 Ivanov, V. Lo 103 Helfrich, F. 96 Ivanoy, V. Ye. 71 Hennark, Kai 24 Ivanoval A. 12 Henselg F. 74 Ivans,, A. V. 64 Hensel* H. 76 Ivashkin, V. T. 42 Herai, T. 74 Ivchonko, A. Y. 89 Herenguel, Jo 76 Iwamura,, S. 69 Heslot, H. 51 Izrailev, F. M Heyde, Erhard 18 Izuchi, M4.11 Hill$ F. 7S Hirata, A. '87 -J- Hirose, Yasuo 98 Hirota, M4. ill Jacquemart, Jo 73 H. 96 Jacques, Roger 51 Hofmann, Lothat 18 Jaeger, Franz 77 Holmquist, Benst 114 Jahrn, T. 76 Hornbogen, Erhard 97, 109 Jalal, Salah 35 Horny, Povol 62 Jambrich, M4. 75 Hornykiewytsch,.Tamet, Sylvain 35 Theophil 97 Juin'yan, B. 28 Horstmann, D. 76 Jankovic, V. 81 Hoshino, S. 87 Jarczyk, A. 22 Ho Van, 36 Jasper, Liselotte 68 Hsiang Tung-fei, 28 Jen-Yuan# C. 59 Huang, Ke-tse 107 Johannsen, R. 75 Hubalek, Josef 18 Jost, H. 75 Ilunek, Tadeusz 35 Kaasen, E. 24 Igolkin, A. 12 Kabacik, T. 70 Igolkina, L Kachina, T. F. Ill 48 lida. T. 87 Kadomtseva B. B. 107 Ilyukevich, M4. Ya. 55 Kadulin, V. 2 Ima 1, A. ill Keinredi, P. 75 Ines, L, N. 99 Kalinin, Ye. M nand, A. ill Kalinkin, L. F. 38 Inoue$ Be 87 Kelisheve, L. V. 65 Iones, V. A. 4, 8 Kelmykov# A. A. 101, 102 lonov, A. Go 12 Kaeanukiy, E. V. 66 Irlin, I. S, s0 Kaczolov, V. N. 102 Isakov, V. N. 49 Kaneoka, S. 70, 79 *Isaeys, S. I. 62 Kanekol To 69 Ishmaeyvs S. N. 91 Kansomi, Nagese 78 Ismatkhodiheyev, S. K. 103 Kaniat A. 94 Issaks 5. F. 26 Keperko, P. F. 41 Iudanovo K. L. 12 Kaplan, So A* 36 Ivankov, V. N. 42 Keramcer, Antoni 80o Ivmnnikova, I. M. 41 Karapetyan, T. 82 Kerevaeyvo Go I Ivenovo A. 1, rliners H. Me 90 1_9

201 -u -r --- Karlyyev, K. 16 Kiwaki, H. Karuazins 69 V 1. A. N. 65 Kiyanovskiy, M. P. 60 Karpachev. D. 1 Kiyevsiciyo V. Karpnaan, 81 E. L. 41 Kiyotaka., Furuno 60 Kashcheyev, V. M. 100 Kizevetter, I. V. Kashtalyan, 44 Yu. A. 72 Kjoerboel, Johs 94 Kasuya, K. 87 Klein, A. 70 Katagiri, Michio 98 Klijenko, E. Yu. Katanami, 90 S. 87 Klinskiy, A. 3 Katovch Yoshios Klonowsak, M4aria E. ill Kao osi 3Klopfstein,, Katoen,, G. J Kmito, A. A. 114 Katsnel'son, B. D. 66 Knooks Bastiaan 107 Kaufmann, G. 75 Knop,.W. 59 Kavitskiy, N Kobozev, S.I 6 Kawaguchi, T. 110 Koch, Guenter 97 Kawasaki, T. 34 Koch, R. K, Kaydarovich. 63 V Kochenov, 1. S. Kazakovy, 105 V. 2 Kochnev, S. S. 5 Kazatchkovskiy, 0. D. 92 Kodera,Makita11 Kazuo Furukawa, 98 Kogan, G. 71 Keilin, V. E. 63, 90 Kogan, M. N. Kemimnitz, 102 G. 75 Kogan,, Yu. 10 Kern, W,. F. 75 Kogel, Hermann 76 Kqzhoyan, A. Kh. 9 Kohl, H. 74 Khakhaa, I. B. 56 Koide, G. Khailov, 86 K. M. 49 Koiter, W. T. 73 Khalipov, V. 15 Koizumij, Masumichi 69 Khalturin, D. K. 47 Kokado, H. Khalturin, ill V. 2 Kokhanenko, V. V. 66 Khar'kov, G Kokhanskaya, E. M. KakoE1.16Kolarik, 43 Khinchin, A. Ya. Z Kolesnik, Khoroshavin, V. D. L. B KesioVD.65 Khristimnovich, S. A. 82 Kolesnioy, V. D. 100 Khromonozhkin, V. v. 93 Koleszojcy k F. Ad. Khvan, E, A. s Kolomlyots, V. G. 106 Kiefer, H. 96 Kolotyrkin, Ya. M. 56 Kiepurski, J. 22 Kolpakchi, 1. A. Kierspe, 81 IV, 77 Kolychev, Boris Kiesskalto 93 S. 84 Komochkov, N. m. Kikoin, K. 93 Kofori, Takuui Kikuchi, S Kondrashov, A. 3 Kil'chevskiy. N. A. 104 odaeven. Kionishi, 4 H. 60 Kondrhat.s Kiper man, 6 H.. N.04 3 Konishi, Yu.P.9 Kirionko, B. 88 Konoplevs H. 1, Kirillin, 6 V. 65 Konovalovy, Ye. 83 Kirillov, V. V. 104 Kanyukhova, V. N. Kirov$ 89 Tador 17 Ko Oneda, 85 Kirpichnikov, 105 Kopnin, Yu. U Kiselev, V. 13 Kiselev, 88di.Stnsa V. K. 10 Kordziky, S1mns Kislyakov, A. G. 66 Korolev, G. K. 41 Kiss, A. 70 Korotkov, K

202 Korotkov, Yu. 11 Kukush, V. D. 59 Korotkov, Yu. L. 4, 10 Kulikov, N. N. 62 Korovchinskiy, N. V. 112 Kumabe, Isao 11 Korshunov, B. G, 55 Kundius, M. 10, 11 Korzhinskiy, A. F. 54 Kunz, We 110 Kosarev, A. A. 101 Kurdin, V. 15 Kostadinov, Georgi 17 Kuriat, Re Kostousoy, A. 81 Kurilenko, A Kostylev, E. F. 45 Kurita, T. 86 Kostylev# Yu. S. 14 Kurlyandaskaya, E. B. 41 Kostyuchenko, V. A. s0 Kurotchenko,, V Kotov# V, 14 Kurth, Reiner 59 Kovacevic,, Milija 20 Kuselevs 0. N. is Koval'chuk,, G. K. 44, 45 Kuthe, B Kovalenko, V. F. 56 Kutsko, Ye. A. 66 Koval'skiy, 45 Kutzelnigg, A. 77 Kovan, I. A. 99 Kuzemchenko,,A. Ye. 82 Kovmnits, Pavel 91 Kuzuin, A. D. 66 Kovrizhnik, 0. M. 38 Kuznetsov, N. V. 106 Kovylin, V. E. 3 Kuznotsova, I. S. 67 Koyanaka, Yoshio 98 Kvasnikov, L. A. 112 Koyu Hirono, 59 Kozhevnikov, G. P. 2 -L Kozina, 0. G. 104 Kozlov, V. T, 72 Lach, Wiktor 35 Koznlovaki, Jan 34 Lagunov, 1, 1. 28, 47, *Kozyreva, V Kramarenko, N. L. 105 Lagumov, Le Lo 44, 45 Kramrov& A. Ya. 92 Laibach, F. 52 *Kramida, Ye. 92 Laikhtinan, D. L. 39 Krasheninnikov, S. Yu. 113 Lallement, R. 109 Krasnogolovyy, B. N., 6S5 Lang, N. 52 Krasnushkin, P. Ye. iris Langhans, Kurt 21 Krasovskiy, V. 1, 37 Langhof, H. 52 Krayev, N. P. S Lanin, 1. S. 66 Krekeler,, K, A. 76 Lapin, A. G. 88 Krmewntulo, V. V. 82 Lapin, Yu. V. 106 Kress# H. 3S Lapahin, Krivoglax, N. A. 106 Lague, Horst so Krivonosov, A. 82 Laskin, A. S. 112 Krivoruchko, 0. N. 82 Laub, He 76 Krivutsas Yu. N. 37 Lavremchik, V. N. 92 Krugbyv, L, A. 12 Lazareve,, A. G. 3S Krumbiegelt D, 3S Lazawevas N. Krutov, V. V Le Phuong Hang, 36 *Krutmner* F. 75 LID Thi Thap, 30 Kryloy, G. N* 104 L~ 'A. # 3 Krylova, 1, V. 56 Lsbdgtva# T. N. so Krylovich, V Ldeduc JO 84 *Kublaks, Nagiater Lee$ ahii-se 89 Nichal 6o Iafebyvn, Pernand 29 Kaachkin, S. A. 83 Legoux, Yvette 57 Kw~ucmA,A.Yee 71 Iahar, F. 73 Khim, F. 96 Lobl, Herbert 58 *191.-

203 Leipunskiy, A LeMagnen, J. Si Leonov, M. Ya. 71 Leonova,, N. 83 Lepshinskiy, 1. A. 112 Lesir, M4. 73 Leutz,, Ho 21 Levine, B. S. 40 Levinson, I. B. 90 Levitskayao T. Ye. 101 Li, P'ei-tzu 107 Lifshitso V. M, 7, 88 Lifshits, Ye. H. 107 Lindenbraten, L. D. 41 Lishin, I. V. 39 Lisitsa, M. P. los Liu, S. To 58 Liu,, Yao-Ch'i 89 Lobov, G. A. 93 Loch, Erwin 84 Logi 24 Loiseau, H. 108 Loitsch, J. 76 Loitsyanskiy. L. G. 8o Lokshing 1. L. 82 Loksin, j. 13 Lomoy, N is Longhams, Kurt 21 Lopatina,, K. A. 55 Lopez$ Hl. S4 Lopin, Yu. V. 106 Lorenzelli, Robert 9 Loytsyanskiy# L. G. 106 Ludiug, E. 7 Lukanina,, A. 14 Lukhno, N. S. 7 Lukin, V. p 0 6 Luk'yancheako,, V. K. 88 Luk'ynamko, V , 4S Luk'yagov, S. Go 48 Luklyanovich, V, N. 103 LrAVSny Vo V. 102 Lupakovs is s. 71 Lu, Shih 113 Luzhnov, G. 1* 106 Laazov, A, A. 35 Lynev, R. 8 Lylubaviftf Yu# p. 93 Lyubimovs V. No 101 Lyubskiys G. S

204 - m Meters, Jerzy 19 Metlitskiy, L, V. 41 Ma, Teng-yumg 83 MttR 1S Macherauch,.77 Meyer, R Macpherson, Yeyr L. 110 Magale, Andre 51 Meyern, I Magdeburov# G.N. 43 Miarzovn, V. P. 109 Magnitskiy, V.A. 107 Mihailescu, M. 54 magnuski, Jonusz 22 Mika, Miroslav 29 Makarin, V. K. 63 Mikhailov, A. A. 37 Makarov, G Mikhailov, M4. V. 88 Makarov, V Mikhaylovskiyo Yu. 1M. 66 Makhmudov, A. M. 49 Mikheile, I.. M. 37 Mukino, K. 79,87 Mikhel'son, Makita, M4. III Mikhlin, M4. 3?Malashenko, 1. S. 72 Mikolajczyk, Zbigniew 19 Malendoina, Timothee 25 Mikuz, Miroslav 20 Malevanchik, B. S. Mills M4. L. 34 Malinin, G. 16 Milanov, Ahivko 22 Maliutin, V. S. 42 milanovo Zh. 21 Malov, A. N4. 83 Milojovic, Stojka 20 Malovitskiy, Va. B. 62 Mil'shteino V. V. 46 Mal'tsev, V. Mo. 90 Milushev 6 Yordan 35 Malyugin, V. -2 Mims. Go 79 Malyukevich, V Mindoro R. A. 45 Mannarella, Luigi 39 Minkov, V. A. 100 Mandry, P. 73Mironov, Yu. M4. 64 Marchenko, A. T. so Mitrokhin, Yu. A. 41 Marnn, J. 63 Mitru, Gh. 54 Maninov, N. A. 71 Mityakova. E. E. 38 Markaryan, Sh. i5 Mntaknv R. B. 81 Markel# A. k. 41 Mock, Ui. 58 Markov, B.N. 91 Mock. W. 58 Martin, Adelfo 31 Modde, H. 52 Martin, Andre 94Molnar, Geza 29 Martynov, No V. 3 Honre B.3 Marushkom, 1. A. 104 Monrocq, R. 73 Mauyeam, 4asatomo 53 Montagnier, L. 51 Masatak&#Sugiyama 79 Morachovskiy. V. G @lonikov. Yui. 49 Moretti, Gimncarlo 52 Matekhov. P. F. 45 oi.8 Maev vlco 1Morimoto, K. 87,111 Matviny:v, S: Ks 70 Moriwaki, Yoshio 69 Maydr, U76Marozova, N. Go 63 Mayorov, L. V. 91 Morshtyn. H. 45 mayorove yo. 61 Moskalenke, M, P. 40 Mayorova, S. No 9 lmoskalonko. N. F. 43 Naso.1% V. A. 56 moskovskaya, N. V. so Meche I, P. 891 M~liko,. s Mosses A, L.10 Moliovb.So s ostert, K. 77 Her&, go9 MOStaovV V. to 91 Msshows Goori 57 Motomlya. J. 87 9"eseuukov, Yu. 49 Moyntia, N. S. 83 wesovetis, costa 27!4ovshovich# S

205 lmoyseyeva, E. B. 47Novikov, Mucha, Z. 70 N.P. Novofastovskiy, E. 4 Mukhamodzhanov, G. K. 8S oohly,2 lmuravier, P. A. Nozunz, H. 87 Murguilescu, I. c. 90 Nosko N'Singa, H. J. 2 Nfurzjnov, 1. N Myallonnier, A N-Oborotov, V, Odinets, E. A. 1 Nabikanov, M. B. 12 Odintsov, P. N. Ogata, 5S Nafe, Ibrahim Hiroshi 27 ill Nagashima, S. Ogawa, T, 110 ill Nagyp Fe Ogryzkov, V. M Nagy, Jozsef Ohta, H. is 87 Nakai, Yasuo Ohflo, Akira Nakajima, Kentaro Okerbiom. Yu Nakamuura, K. Okhapkin, 6 K. 16 Nakamura, Sen-ichi Olteanu, Nakamura, Y. Ono, Yoshinu Nakamura, Yoshio Ooue, S Oym, NmVa36Opara, Y, 87 Namba, S. 87 B. K. 71 Naoumidis, A. Oparin, 97 A. 1. Ordan'yan, s Narjus, Raimo 24 S. S. 104 Naumov, V. A. Oren, M4ordecai Nazarov, R. Orlov, Yu Nazaroy, V. Oswatitsch, 45 KI. 63 Nechayeva, T. Ots, B. A. A Nechushkji, A. 14. Ouayo, 92 A. B. Overko, 25 Negrerie, S. H Noimark, Yu Nekrasova, M. A. P Nerinovskiy, 49 a. v. 104 Noshov, G~orzgi Pachutap 57 Stanis law 8 Nesmashnyls P. Pajda# Tadous: s 22 Neusehaffer, K. Pajic, Dragoslav Nevskii, S. P. Pally,, N. 56 F, 8 Nieciunskj,, P'an, Witold Chi-iwan as8nile 107 Niedergang, Marcel 32 icleg Nifontov, B, 1, Papandtii 83, NCol. 109 Nikiforov. N. Paaehke,, 114 Fritz Pasquet, 69 Nikitino E. 3. R Nikitint B. P. Patusse, 67 Ante 35 Nikitin*. S. Patin, S. A. 56 Nikolayev, A. K. Paull, Nikolayev$ G. Pavlov, N. M. 101 A. 9 Nikol'akiy. G. V. 46,10 Pavlov, G. 1D. Nishikava, PMAVIOV& S. Ns 79 A. 9 Nitta, K. Prvlovy, ill V. A. 104 Nitta,, rakashi Pavlyuk, A. 29 P. 89 Noether, Bony Pawlowski. 81 Cezary 9 Nojiri, Toshiaki Pazynich, 98 G. 1. 9,4S Noskov. N. M. Pe*lvic, 93Penzin, Striten, 20 V,

206 "Pereira, Rubens M. 32 Protasov, V. P. 41 Peaelechtein, I. I. 56 Pruidze, V. G. 48 Perov, V. I. 64 Pruss, P. Wei. 86 Petermmnn 84 Prutlo, N. V. 86 Peters, K. 109 Prytkova, M. Ya. 62 Petrash, I. P. 41 Przegalinski, S. 80 Petrishchev, N. A. 10 Pshenichniy, B. P, 46 Petrosyants, M. A. 39 Pshenichnov, G Petrov, G. N. 89 Psurtsev, N. D. 89 Petrov, V. P. 6S Puglasi, M. 69 Petrova-Deneva, A. Petrovic, Milan Purebbaata, G. Purga, A. P Petukhov, V. P. 60 P'yanov, I. I. 90 Pichugin, A. 81 Pierucci, Mariano R Pietsch, Erich 58 Pietrewicz, Miroslaw 36 Rabinkova, E. V. 41 Pietrewiczowa, Monika 36 Rabkin, S. Yee. 89 Pietsch, Erich 58 Radchenko, A. N. 65 Pilispanen, Osmo 84 Rademacher, K. 108 Pines, K. 28 Radice, Lucio Lombardo 24 Pines, B. Ya. 83 Radin, R. 15 Pines, K. 28 Radomysel'skiy, I. D. 71 Pinskaya, I. 13 Radushkevich, B. V. SS Pinter, Ferenc 110 Rakhman, L. N. 114 Piontelli, R. 69 Ramakers, H. 34 Pisarski, Grzegorz 19 Ramazashvili, R. R. 68 Pivovarov, Y. L. 2 Rasmussen, Ole B. 74, 73 Plachy, C. 18 Rass, T. S. So Planck, Ukrich 27 Ratner, A. M. 105 Plastinin, V. s Ratsimor, M. Ya. 39 Pletnev, I. Ya. 81 Raub, Ci. J. 78 Ploch, S. 78 Raub, E. 78 Podgornyi, I. H.99 Ray, Michele 29 Podlesnyi, A. V. 10 Raygaert, J. 108 Poincare', H. 37 Raynot, A. P. 61 Poitevin, P. 95 Reibel, I. M. 56 Pokhvalin, V. 16 Rein-Freiburg, H. 52 Poluliak, S. I. S Rciss, R. 108,57,S8 Polutov, I. 44 Rekhina, N. I. 11 Polyakov, V. K. 91 Ronennikov, B. S Poor, Dov 63 Restrepo, Cmmilo 32,33 Popa-Zeletin, I. 54 Ret, A. 69 Popescu, Gh. 19 Reytout, 0. Sl Popov, A. 81 Richter, P. 77 Popov, Konstantin 17 Rindi, Alessandro 94 Popov, L. A. 47g48 Risaliti, Livo 23 Popov, N. 1. $6 Rita-Ferreira, A. 26 Popovici, Stefan 19 Robin, Marcel G. 95 Popyrin, L. S. 64 Robinson, L. s8 Posadas, J. 32 Rodriguez, Carlos R. 31 Pospelov, G. A. 112 Romani, Anerea 26 Povitskiy, A. 5. S4 Romanov, A. A. 83 Priela, A. S7 Romisheowkiy, Ye. A. 92 Prilezhayeva, N. A. 66 Roques, Pierre 2S 195 -

207 Rotfarbs, R. M. 55 Savcheakoo Yu. G. 65 Rounov, Be 25 Saychuk, M. Ya. 42 Rozenblyiu, N. D. 72 Savenko, E. SO 49 Rozenfel'da 1. L. 55 Savin, Go N. 104 Rozental. 1. S. 40 Savin, N , 80 Rozhanskiya V. N. 100 Savitskiy, K. Ya. 71 Rozhnov, V. 1 Savostimnov, V. 4 Rubinstein, G. 25 Savostlyanov, V. S Rubinshtein, F., I. 55 Savrasov, V. K. 10 Ruch'yev, A. 81 Sayapin, Go N. 102 Rudenko, M. G. 55 Sayushov, V. 3 Rudnev, K. 1 Sazanov, B. V. 86 Rudnitskiy, MI. A. 16 Schadow, K. 113 Rukhadze,.A. A. 94 Schaefer, Hans-Ulrich 84 Rusznak, Schaper, Helmut 76 Ryabinkova G. M. 82 Scharf, G. 58 Ryabov, V. 35 Schauer, Harry 18 Ryabukhin, Yu. S. 41 Schauvinhold, D. 77 Rymsah, V. A. 62 Scherzberg, H. 76 Rypar, V. 73 Schittko, Hermut 76 Rythkov, V. M. 38 Schiatter, Re 75 Rzhavskaya, F. M. 44,4S Schmid, H. 58 Schmidt, Rudolf Schmidt, W. 75 Schoffmann, E. 76 Saskov, V. So 49 Schoize, G. is Saakyan, P. So 72 Schramm, Josef 26t Saito. Shosaburo 59 Schubart. H. 95, 96,Sakai, To 69 Schuet:, Wilhelm 109 Sakai, Z. 110 Schulz, We 84 Sakovets, Schumann, W. 59 Saks, V. N. 62 Schwalenberg, Albert s0 Sakurai, Junji 53 Sealing, H. 95 Sakuri, T. 87 Segot 94 Salavev, K. M. S6 Semenchenko, V. K. 72 Saltup, a. 48 Semenove K. 16 Sonarzceva A. C. 78 Soemonovskiy. A. G. 08 Somokhin. Me V. 100 Sergauin. Zho. F. 106 Sandakova, Ye. V. 37 Sergaychuk, K. Yo. 89 Sano, Shunichi 98 Sergeyeva S Sapeyov* Go A. 65& Sorgeyev, V. A. 61 Saposhnikova, 3. Ya. 93 Sorgeyov, V. L. 101 Saprouiova V. M. 12 Soriy, V. V. 61 Seautikova, A. S. 41 Sevast'yanova 3. A. 6 Sarkisov, G. A. 61 Shabanove A. N Sasaki, Hirotaka 69 Shadley, N. 90 Sasso a So 68, 96 Shafranov. V. Do 65 Sattaroy, Shakhov, 0. P. 3 Sauborlich, K. 77 Shakhuarin, S Sauskan, V Shal'nev. K. K

208 Shapiro, 1. 1 Smitten, N, A. SO Shapiro, I. S. 90 Suolin, V. N. 91 Shapirovskiy, N. I. 61 Smolina, L. N. 43 Shashkov, A. G. 100 Sobolevskiy, K. M. 64 Shashkov, A. S. S6 Soelle, Horst 18 Shatalov, N. N. 81 Soils, Horst 18 Shatil', A. A. 66 Sokhanskiy, S. 66 Shcheglyayev, A. V. Shcherbakov, A. P Sokol, G. P. Sokolov, A. V Shcherbakov, A. Z. 106 Sokolov, Ye. Ya. 66 Shcherbakov, B. A. 4 Sokolova, N. M. 93 Shehu, Mehuet 17 Solntsev, S. S. 72 Shepkin, Yu. G. 91 Soloveychik, L. M. 67 Sherman, D. I. 82 Sominskiy, V. 1 Shevchenko, Yu. N. 104 Somiya, T. ill Shevelev, I. 81 Somov, V. 14 Shevtsov, S. E. 88 Sorokin, A. V. 8 SheVtsov, V. M. 64 Sorskiy, A. A. 60 Shevyakov, A. A. 112 Soskin, M. S. 10S Shibata, Sinkichi 53 Sotskow, B. S. 70 Shigei, Y. 69 Span, H. J. Th. 83 Shikotan, Spiess, H. 52 Shimise, T. 78 Spieth, Albert 78 Shinbara, Shoji 29 Spieth, Rudolf 78 Shinyayev, A. Ya. 103 Spivak, G. V. 102 Shirman, Ya. D. 88 Sputa, A. 50 Shishakov, N. A. 56 Stal'noy, I. 14 Shishido, C. 86 Stancev, Ilija 36 Shlezinger, Stanel, S. 22 Shlyapoberskiy, V. I. 64 Starok, J. 18 Shono, N. 86 Staroveyko, I. 2 Choshan, Zelig 17 Startsev, G. P. 63 Shpaykher, A Stenko, B. P. 106 Shraiber, I. M. 6 Sternsdorff, Hans- Shtekh, G. I. 60 Wolfgang 21 Shuvayev, G, V. 67 Stiller, G. 96 Shvets, A. I. 107 Stoev, Vladimir 68 Sibirtsev, G. 46 Strauch, Hanapeter F. 23 Sibirtsev, G. G. 47 Strokalovskiy, V. N. 106 Siebel, G. 77 Strelkova, 0. S. 41 Siksn8, Ya. Ya. Silbiger, Stevan Strigin, A. Strughold, D. H Simek, V. 18 Struyev, A. 13 Simon, S. SI Subbotin. V. I. 113 Simuwi, L. N. 106 Sueptitz, P. 97 Sinml'nikov, K. D. 107 Sugimtsu, A. 59 Sinyakov, V. S. Skachkov, V. P Sukhorukova. E. V. Sukrutov, N Slavchev, Pavel 17 Sung, Kuo-man 57 Slavnova,. I. 92 Suvkov, G. A. 92 Smakula, A. 109 Surkov, Yu. A. 90 Sailjkovic, Rados 21 Suaki. K. 79 Sminrov, N. S. 101 Suzuki, K. 40 Smirnov, V. A. 37 Sventitsky, Saroov, V. I@ 72 Svinarev, G. A II

209 Svaboda, Oldrich Si Towak, M4. 1. S Suit, Alfred III Tong, Andre 29 Syer, p. 74 Totsenko, V. G. 92 Szeker, Gyula 19 Toure, Ahmed Sekou 25 Szent-Ivanji 53 Toure, Ismael 25 Szynkarczuk, Adam 35 Toure, Mamuuowa 51 Szyszjievlcz, J. 54, 89 Tran, Chi 30 Tran, Duc Hoat 29 TTraut, M. 8 Tret'yachenko, L. A. 103 Tada, 0. 11Trokham, A. M. 100 Tagnanov, K Trolidenier, G. 52 Taitelbaum Tronnier, H. 52 Taits, N. Yo 103 Troyanovskiy, F. M. 47 Tajima, D. 87 Trumg, Kien 30 Takaba, Sadao 69 Trunov, I. A. 47 Takagi, To 69 Tsapko, A. 46 Takahashi, Y. 110 Tsiuuerman, Z. A Takashige, Y. ill Tsipis, Ya. L. 62 Takeda, Seiji 98 Tsusoda, To 87 Taki. Y. 69 Tsutsuiui, S. ill Takibayev, Zh. S. 106 Tsvetanov, P. 17 Taktarov. G. 11 Tsybushnik, M. B. 3 Taabovtsev, B. 48 Tsyplukhin, V. F. 61 Tamura, Sbuzo 98 Tulinov, V. F. 38 Tanaisescu, V. 54 Tuna, J. 107 J Taranov, A. 4 Tuominen, Erkki 23 Tarasenko, Lo Go 86 Turchin, V. F. 93 Tarasov, N. 1* 60 Turpin, M. 74 TarasOVa, Z. N. 72 Tatarashvilit Sh U- Tedone, 0. 81, 110 Tepliakov, V. 42 'Ubeid, Farour 27 Teplitskiy, V. A. 4 Ugarts, Mario 32 Terekhova, K. S. 89 Ulezko, Yu. S. 6 Terent'yev, N. M Unckol, H. 76 Terenttyevao A. K. 37 Urbakh, V. Yu. 94 Tarlemszyans G. is Urudzhevt R. S. 71 Tetsalf,, Ghenrikh 20 Ushakov, S. A. 60 Teumin, L tisava Yu6 Fe 6 Tikhomirov, E. A. 46 Ijspenskaya, M. S. 41 Tikhonov, V Tikhonova, E. A Timofeyev, A. D. 101 Tomofyerv, G. A. 38 Vadlejch, Jan 22 Timpi, P. 96 Vulbise, Ya. 99 Tindo, 1. P. 36 Vailkovskeay, 1N Titarenko, S. 15 Van der Held 109 Miove, E. Y a 106 van der Luyt, J. 24 Miove, L. K., 41 van Po Py, G. A. 71 Titsu, Furukme 3Vni J. S. 3 Thachanko, V. V. 14 Vantu,, Victor 20 T1.ubergenov, Sb. 9 Vartanyang 5. 6S Tokarev, V. V. 64 Vashkulat, N. Z. 71 Tolmachev, M. 8 Vasil'yev. C. K

210 S.... i. J~u i i,,,, Vasil'yev, G. V. 86 Vyagis, Yu. K. 72 Vasilyev, K. P. 60 Vykhovskiy, Yu. I. 4 Vasiunina, N. A, 54 Vyletal. M. 34 Vas'kin, V. I. 88 Vater, MI W - Vavilov, V. 1 Vavilova, G. F. 66 Wada, M. 87 Vaynberg, M. M. 92 Wahnert, C. 109 Vaynshteyn, P. 13 Wakabyash, Akira 29 Vecheslavov, V. V. 99 Wang, C. T. 86 Velev, Radoslav 21 Watanabe, If. 79 Velikhov, E. P. 99 Weber, D. 84 Veloso, P. 33 Weber, Henryk 19 Verge, J. 51 Weibel, J. P. 34 Verschuur, K. A. 94 Weize, H. 52 Vertgeim. B. A. 93 Welzel, G. 53 Vertsman, M. Ya. 67 Wesley, Savage 1H. 78 Veselov, K. Ye. 65 West, T. S, 56 Vetlov, I. P. 38 Wiedmer, Hermann 85 Vidal, J. 30 Wilhelm, G. 75 Vieboeck, F. 52 Wille, P. 89 Vielstich, W.e 58 Windhaus 84 Vigdorovich, V. N. 71 Winternitz, P. 73 Viglin, A. 107 Wippermann, F. 109 Vila, Paul 39 Wirbitzky, G. 68 Vinetskiy, V. L. 105 Wisniewska, Barbara 19 Vinnikov, Ya. A. 41 Woschni, E. G. 81 Vinogradov, A. P. 90 Wueneke, C. D. 108 Viratelle, Gerard 25 Wuilleumier, Francois 95 Virtsev, V. S. 9 Wuneke, C. D. 96 Vishn6vskiy, A. P. 86 Wuneke, C. W. 96 Vitushkin, A. V. 80 Wust, Georg 63 Vitvitskiy, P. M. 71 Wutz, Max 85 Vives, Jose 33 Wyler, Ernst 24 Vladimirov, V. V. 2 Wyszomirski, Tadeusz 22 Vlasenko. V. M. 55 Vlasov, Yu, S. 113 Y Voelkel, V. 108 Vohler, Yablochkin, N. A. 105 Volkov, A. 2 Yablonskiy, Yu. A. 72 Volkov, A. A. 6, 8 Yahara, S Yakimovich, K. A. 89 Volkov, E. D. 64 Yakov, R. 27 Vollrath, L. 75 Yakovlevskiy, 0. V. 113 Volodichev. N. N. 93 Yamada, Y. 87 Volovik, S. P. 44 Yuaaguchi, T. ill Vorob'ev, I. P. 9, II Yamasaki, Hiro 98 Voronov, A. A. 64, 67 Ympol'skaya, R. G. 99 Voronov, G. S. 39 Yas'ko, 0. I. 100 Voskresenskiy, N. A. 105 Yastrembskiy, V. 16 Voytovich, I. D. 64 Yasuyuki S3 Voytsikovo B. N. 3 Yazykov, S. 2 Vukoviv, Dusan 20 Yem.l'ymenko, 0. V. 102 Vukovf'., M. 85 Yemel'yanova, M. B. 14 Vulchanov, T. 17 Yermolanko, S

211 Yerofeyev, V. M4. 88 Zvonarev, K. A. 62 Yevseyenko, E. S. 14 Zykhov, F. N. 64 Yoshida, Y. 86 Zysina-?dolozhen, L. M. 105 Yoshio, Iwakura 60 Yudin, D. Me. 100 Yudin, L. A. 41 Yudin, Ye. Ya. 70) Yuditskaya, A. I. so Yur'yev, N. 1 Vusufovich, B. 1 Zabavina, I. N. 88 Zaborova, N. N. 14 Zakharova, L. A. 46 Zakharova, 0. A. 42 Zen, D. 46 Zamiatina, 0. N. 49 Zanotti, Oscar 33 Zarski, Tadeusz 85 Zaskurski, Jerzy 85 Zasosov, A. V. 8 Zaucha, Janusz 80 Zavodovskaya, Ye. K. 99 Zaytsev,, A. A. 112 Zdravkovlc, A. 20 Z.1'dovich, Yin. B. 107 Zeulyanskiyo B. A. 102 Zhandarov, A. Me 113 Zhandarov, V. BE 82 Zharikov, G. P. 103 Zhamnovetski, K. 91 Zharov, V. L. 6 Zhdanov. V. K. 65 Zhilltsov, V. P. 66 Zhitnik, I. A. 37 Zhukovskiy, A. B. 14 Zhuravlev, Yu. P. 40 Zidek# Ziolcznskii, M4. 98 Zinger, N. '4. 66 Zitter, H. 59 Ziotowska, Z. 70 Zaijarevic, Ante 20 Zodotv, V. N. 66 Zolototrbv, Zolototn~v# I. I.11 0 Zo~otykhin, V. G. 90 Zotova, L. 1 Zubov, K Zubrikov, A. F. 11 Zueat S. 9S Zvoysne, Yu Zvozhicskiy# S. M

212 UNCLASSIFIED 0.1 1ti tllige nce ý' 7 September 2004 Ms. Roberta Schoen Deputy Director for Operations Defense Technical Information Center 7725 John J. Kingman Road Suite 0944 Ft. Belvoir, VA Dear Ms. Schoen: In February of this year, DTIC provided the CIA Declassification Center with a referral list of CIA documents held in the DTIC library. This referral was a follow on to the list of National Intelligence Surveys provided earlier in the year. We have completed a declassification review of the "Non-NIS" referral list and include the results of that review as Enclosure 1. Of the 220 documents identified in our declassification database, only three are classified. These three are in the Release in Part category and may be released to the public once specified portions of the documents are removed. Sanitization instructions for these documents are included with Enclosure 1. In addition to the documents addressed in Enclosure 1, 14 other documents were unable to be identified. DTIC then provided the CDC with hard copies of these documents in April 2004 for declassification review. The results of this review are provided as Enclosure 2. We at CIA greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions concerning this letter and for coordination of any further developments, please contact Donald Black of this office at (703) Sincerely, Sergio N. Alcivar Chief, CIA Declassification Center, Declassification Review and Referral Branch Enclosures: 1. Declassification Review of CIA Documents at DTIC (with sanitization instructions for 3 documents) 2. Declassification Status of CIA Documents (hard copy) Referred by DTIC (with review processing sheets for each document) UNCLASSIFIED

213 0,~~~ 70 ~ 0ý ~ c., 8 U)l C1 10 LO U)U) I UO ))UIU CUU) 0. coo c) 0) I) 0) C 0l) 0) m) 0),) a) C a) 0 0) ) 0) 0)a U') 0 0 %() in~ u0 j 'C T (.nc~ Nn c--, (D (D ( CD CC C c) cc Cf L C -0 0o o = k I. - D (4) (D (U (U.0) ) (1) (1) a) a ) )D 0~ ) a) Q) >)0 >Ta _L C CL CL IL I ak C_ C L CO COLCQ1, CL a CL CO a C L _L _L ~ a ~ ) a o oý N0 co co co CO C\)-, - ~ -\ -,- -~l 0' (D wm m~ 0 a'co~coco J) q ~ U U) U) U ).o 4 (o CaC 75~C Q q 0~ ( c C w; 2 2) < cl)~) 0 z C OILL co 0, o'~ 0 00) 4) I 10 M0 omc I.-0 M~~ c 1,n (0 z -0.0) 0- N,' p o - z 'I- 0- U - - I I- LL L.- - U) (0') (0 0)'< C) 40 (0 N- (0 ) N-),~ W,0 at 0- r-'n w- ( 0 (0 0 (0 t0 ( (0 :3 n0 U' Cn C () 10 U) U) ( U) 10 CD w : ) 0 00 c~ 000 c c' ' C r_ C' C') ': ')~ ' C :)' c''' c~ 2 ( 'o '.0('(0 Q (H0.(0(0(02 (0.(v20(0( q0... w, CD -0(~~1 - (0 (0 -' N0t N 4) CD( - 0) a)'' -5 'C'2'2 ) 0) 10 0 ( ( ( ( 100 cc 0 0 m ICC') i No canc No C') a0 ' 0 (0 (00'C'a( 0.0 T0( (0 (0 (0.3 (0 (0 ( , , o 0oo 0oC0,0C 0) )a 0 a I~~~lL L0

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