White Egypt. by Arthur Kemp. In fact, the driving force of Ancient Egypt was unquestionably White.

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1 White Egypt by Arthur Kemp This page has been built to refute the lies currently being spread by Black supremacists which claim that the civilization of Ancient Egypt was Black. In fact, the driving force of Ancient Egypt was unquestionably White. The most common lies and distortions currently being made by the Afro-centric Black supremacists are dealt with graphically on this page: readers interested in the true full story of Ancient Egypt are invited to read Chapter 8, of the book March of the Titans: A History of the White Race Before we start, a few general points about Egypt: The first thing that must always be borne in mind about ancient Egypt is that there were Semites and Blacks present in that country from the very beginning. No-one claims the contrary in fact, this was the very reason why that civilization fell, as it was eventually overrun by Blacks and Semites if there had been none of those racial groupings present, the Egyptian civilization would still be going! What this means is that of course there are going to be images of Nonwhites in Egyptian art. Art after all, usually reflected the society of the time, so it is not unusual to find Black or Semitic types in Egyptian art. What has to be borne in mind though, is the date WHEN these portraits or art pieces were made. The Black supremacists have a few Egyptian busts which they use to try and prove that Egyptians were all Black: but these busts were virtually all made during the 25th dynasty (730 BC- 633 BC), that of the colored king Takhara. That dynasty was a colored one and also, of course, the LAST Egyptian dynasty. This colored dynasty was the result of racial integration which diluted the original White population of Egypt which then led to the disappearance of the Egyptian culture. For details, please read chapter 8 of Europa: The History of the White Race (see link above or below). So, busts made during the 25th dynasty, or the last dynasty, would of course reflect the society of that time colored even if they were making statues of kings of older times. So before anyone accepts any Negroid featured Egyptian bust as being an accurate representation of Egyptian society, find out exactly WHEN that bust was made. Page 1 of 10

2 This means that a bust of say, an Egyptian king not made in his time, cannot be counted upon as being an accurate reflection of that particular king s features. So a bust of say, Menes (also known as Narmer), the very first Egyptian pharaoh (3100 BC), which was made during the 25th dynasty, (730 BC) will most certainly not be an accurate representation of what the king actually looked like. It is most likely that a sculptor working in the 25th dynasty would, if he was making a bust of an ancient pharaoh, make it look like the pharaoh of his own time. And he would probably not even know what the original king looked like in any event. This dating technique is actually quite logical, and as long as it is remembered and applied, it is very easy to disprove the Black supremacists lies: most of the busts and artwork to which they refer dates from the 25th dynasty, (730 BC to 633 BC) which was colored, and which also collapsed precisely because it was not an original White dynasty. It was the very last Egyptian dynasty, representing the final fall of what remained of the original White civilization. It is thus very ironic that the Black supremacists use the 25th dynasty which represents the final fall of the White Egyptian civilization to try and prove that the Egyptians were Black! If it were not so tragic, it would be funny. The very thing which destroyed the White Egyptians, being used to try and prove they were not White! THE LIES EXAMINED: Lie 1: Narmer, or Menes, the first King of Egypt, was Black This nasty little lie is based on a Negroid bust which the Black supremacists claim is that of Menes (also known as Narmer), the almost legendary first king of Egypt who united the land and started the First Dynasty around the year 3100 BC. This Negroid bust which is used to prove that Menes/Narmer was Black, looks like this: The Black supremacists use this Negroid featured bust, which clearly dates from the 25th colored dynasty (circa 700 BC), to try and show that Menes, who started the first dynasty (some 2300 years earlier), was a Black. What is the truth? In fact, there are NO images of Menes/Narmer dating from his time at all! Page 2 of 10

3 The closest we have to any indication of what Menes he looked like is contained in something called the Palette of Narmer. The Palette of Narmer, which has been dated at about 3000 BC, was a palette used for preparing cosmetics, and has engraved on its surface, events from reign of Menes. The palette was found in the temple at Hierakonpolis, an important center of Upper Egypt. One side of the palette shows Narmer/Menes with the white crown of Upper Egypt and the other shows him with the red crown of Lower Egypt. Menes is shown striking down one of his enemies, and on the other side, he is the largest in a row of people carrying standards, probably representing divisions of his territory or army and reviews decapitated victims, and as a bull breaking into a walled town and trampling a victim. From this Palette, which is the only (almost) contemporary to his time, image of Narmer/Menes, it can be seen that it is impossible to claim that he was Black. While the image on the Palette was not drawn with intent to emphasize racial features, it is nonetheless very clear that it looks ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like the fake Negroid face of Narmer which the Black supremacists claim to be his image. This is even more apparent on the smaller of the two images of Menes/Narmer on the palette the one on the back side. Here is the Palette of Narmer/Menes, first the original Palette and then a drawing taken from the Palette, which makes the images clearer: Left: First ( front ) side and right: second ( back ) side and below: a sketch of the detail. Note the profile of Narmer/Menes: he is the character shown striking an enemy on the front side; and on the back side, the largest of the figures in the upper panel : most certainly NOT Negroid! While the Palette of Narmer/Menes was obviously not drawn to highlight racial types, we can show the race of Narmer in yet another way: he was first mentioned in Egyptian history by Manetho, the 3rd century BC Egyptian historian, who wrote that Menes had seven successors in his line: Manetho grouped all seven successors together as being from the same place, obviously of the same race: and no-one disputes the race of the 2nd to 8th pharaohs of Egypt they were all White. Page 3 of 10

4 There is one more object which is supposed to depict Narmer the so-called Macehead of the Scorpion King, but its date is unknown, and no-one knows for sure if it indeed represents Narmer or not. In any event, the figure on it is certainly not Black. The Macehead of the Scorpion King shows in one of its upper panels a procession of military standards surmounted by the emblems of various names of provinces. Facing in the opposite direction, is another procession of standards having bows similarly attached, but only one complete standard is preserved. The meaning is clear, the Scorpion king claimed victories over the Nine Bows, i.e. the various people in and on the borders of Egypt, which included the Semites and Blacks, or Nubians. Based on all available evidence, it is therefore impossible to claim that Narmer/Menes was Black: the only contemporary image of this first Egyptian king indicates that he was a White: and all his successors were White. Lie 2: The Sphinx has the Face of a Black Man, and the flat nose was shot off by Napoleon s troops in 1802 Most certainly not: the features on the Sphinx are clearly of the White king Khafre, upon whose order the Sphinx was built. The Sphinx was built by the great Pharaoh Khafre, fourth king (circa BC) of the 4th Dynasty of Egypt. He built one of the pyramids of Giza; the Great Sphinx nearby is a likeness of the king. (Source: Khafre, Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.) That this is so, can be seen very clearly from another surviving bust of Khafre: A portrait of Khafre, to be found in the Encarta Encyclopedia: this is what the Sphinx looked like originally: certainly not Negroid. The Sphinx has suffered damage as a result of thousands of years of sand abrasion: and was used for target practice by occupying Nonwhite Islamic Arabs in the 14th century. Nonwhite Arabs shot off its nose some 400 years before Napoleon got there: the French troops did not touch the Sphinx. Lie 3: According to the Egyptians themselves in their Book of the Dead, they came from the south of Egypt. The ancient Egyptians had always held the Page 4 of 10

5 south in high reverence. The Sudan was commonly called the Land of the Gods. The Book of the Dead deals exclusively with religious rituals about the dead and the afterlife, and does not refer to the origins of the Egyptians. The Black supremacists try and pull this one off in the hope that it will be highly unlikely that most people will actually get hold of a full translation of the Book of the Dead and read it so they make claims which they hope most people will not bother to check out. But even a reference to south Egypt in ancient Egyptian terms is not a reference to the Black areas of the Sudan or Ethiopia. The city of Thebes, for example, was regarded as being in south of Egypt by the Egyptians themselves: and it is a long way from Ethiopia or the Sudan. Further south than Thebes was officially called Nubia, and never the south. To repeat: the south of ancient Egypt was never in Sudan, or Ethiopia: see this map of the geographic areas of the ancient kingdoms to see exactly where the boundaries were situated (taken from the Encarta Encyclopedia 1998): Only by the time of END of the Third Kingdom (1070 BC) did the Egyptian boundaries extend into only the very north of the Sudan: and this inclusion of partly Black population is reflected in the changing racial makeup of the Egyptian population: by 800 BC, all the Egyptian Whites had vanished, absorbed into the Nonwhite mass. The Sudan is only referred to, in some sources, as the land of the Gods because the powerful red headed White Pharaoh, Ramses II, built a massive temple there after he occupied those lands and defeated the Blacks in that land. Lie 4: Pharaoh Akhenaton had a flat nose, thick lips, and lower protruding jaw. His mummy shows that he was black Akhenaton, or Ikhnaton, also called Amenhotep IV, was pharaoh of Egypt from about 1350 to 1334 BC. Akhenaton was the son of Amenhotep III and Tiy, and was the husband of the great White queen Nefertiti, whose beauty is now famous through the portrait bust (which can be viewed on the front page of the themarch of the Titans web page. Page 5 of 10

6 Akhenaton s son-in-law was Tutankhamen, who is most famous for the very anti-black pictures on objects found in his tomb (See Chapter 8 of March of the Titans for these, which include bound Black prisoners in Tutankhamen s shoes and Tutankhamen riding over Blacks in his chariot). The Black supremacists rely for the lie that Akhenaton was Black, on a slight distortion of his mummy s nose, which has obviously been caused by the bandaging. A picture of the mummy is below: where the distortion can be clearly seen as artificial. Note also the hair and skull shape neither of which are Negroid. Alongside the mummy, is a bust of Akhenaton, made during his lifetime. Above left: the mummy of Akhenaton, showing the distortion of the nose, obviously caused by the bandaging used in the mummification process; note the hair and skull shape neither of which are Negroid. Right: a bust of Akhenaton, made during his lifetime note the close resemblance between the bust and the mummy in skull shape, eye pit formation and chin. Lie 5: Pharaoh Zoser, who built the first pyramid at Saqqarah, was Black with a flat nose, thick lips, and a lower protruding jaw. The claim that Zoser was a Black, is based on a limestone statue which was found in the otherwise empty tomb complex at Saqqarah. The statue (below) is in fact very badly damaged virtually the entire side of the face, the nose and a part of the mouth has been broken off. The damage to the statue has given the Black supremacists the chance to claim that he was Black based purely on the damaged lips of the statue. Sadly, there are no other crystal clear images of Zoser once again, this is very convenient for the Black supremacists all the other kings for whom there are other portraits to cross reference, they make no such claims of Blackness! There is however one more image of Zoser which can also be found on a wall at Saqqarah: this is reproduced below and although slightly unclear, it can still be easily Page 6 of 10

7 seen that he had none of the Negroid features that the Black supremacists want to attribute to him. Left: The conveniently damaged statue of King Zoser which the Black supremacists use to try and claim that the king was Black: and right, another image of Zoser on the wall of the Saqqarah complex: although weathered through time, the king is not portrayed with any Negroid features. Zoser ordered the building of the great step pyramid of Saqqarah by the engineer Imhotep : look here into the face of the White man who was the architect and builder of the Saqqarah pyramids: a feat for which he was later worshipped and made into a god of wisdom. Imhotep: the builder of the Saqqarah pyramid. Lie 6: What proof is there that King Ramses II had red hair? The mummy of Ramses II is on public display at the the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Here is a fine picture of the mummy of this red haired Egyptian king who reigned from BC: His hair had faded slightly by the time he died, and the embalmers did touch up his hair with henna. Microscopic examination of the hair which has been carried out has shown conclusively that he had red hair. See K.A. Kitchen, Pharaoh Triumphant: The Life and Times of Ramesses II, King of Egypt (1982, reprinted 1985). Lie 7: On the tomb of Ramses III, there are depictions of four racial types: a Black; a pale skinned and fair haired White; a Semite and a dark Egyptian, almost indistinguishable from the Nubian. The pale skinned White is clearly a foreigner: how is this explained? Ramses III reigned from BC, and was the last great Egyptian military leader who repeatedly saved that country from foreign invasion. In the fifth year of his reign, Ramses III defeated an attack by the partly mixed race Semitic/White Libyans from the west, and two years later he routed the Indo-European Page 7 of 10

8 (Nordic) invaders known as the Sea Peoples. In his 11th year he again repelled an attempted Libyan invasion. He also launched major campaigns against the Black Nubians in the South, eventually extending the borders of his kingdom into the very north of Sudan. It is these victories which are depicted on the walls of his mortuary temple at Medinet Habu, near Luxor. So the figures shown on the mortuary walls of Ramses III are in fact pictures of those people captured as PRISONERS of the Egyptians! This is why some are Black, some are Semitic and some are Indo-European: Ramses III beat all these groups at different times during his reign. It is thus utterly FALSE to claim that these pictures of prisoners of Ramses III s military campaigns are representative of the Egyptians! They are in fact pictures of the ENEMIES of Egypt, captured during Ramses III s great military campaigns. The dark Egyptian is easily explained by the by then increasing use of Nubian and other mercenaries by the Egyptians, and the fact that Egyptian society was already by then becoming increasingly racially mixed (it is no co-incidence that Egypt started going into terminal decline after Ramses III). Even during the reign of Tutankhamen, which preceded that of Ramses III, imagery in Egyptian art showed Blacks and mixed racial types serving as slaves or as soldiers. Lie 8: The old Egyptian language does not resemble any Caucasian tongue, but is linked to Somali. This is proof that the Egyptian civilization was not White in origin. Of course the Ancient Egyptian language does not resemble any Caucasian language. The Caucasian languages are the Indo-European languages, those spoken by the Indo- European peoples (Germans, Balts, Slavs and Celts) who started invading Europe and other parts of the world, starting out from the Caucasus mountain region of southern Russia. They were Nordic racial types. The Ancient White Egyptians were a mix of original White Mediterranean types and a number of Proto Nordics: they were never part of the great Indo-European peoples. In Page 8 of 10

9 fact the Egyptians fought wars with the Indo-Europeans twice: once against the Sea Peoples and then against the Hittites. So it is obvious that the Egyptian language will not be related to the Indo-European or Caucasian languages. As to being related to Somali well, that is just funny- of course what happened is that the Blacks in Nubia who were conquered by the White Egyptians, took on parts of the White Egyptian language, and this is why small parts of the languages spoken in Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia may today resemble Ancient Egyptian. But the Arabic influence has been far too widespread across the entire region to make any definite claims about this. How did the Egyptians view their Black neighbors? The White Egyptians left many written references to the Black population in Nubia and in their own midst: and at one point, even forbade Blacks from entering their country at all. An overview of these written inscriptions is highly worthwhile and devastates claims by pro-black historians that the ancient Egyptian civilization was Black in racial origin. A full review of these writings is made in chapter 8 of March of the Titans. The most complete record and translation of these scripts was undertaken by professor James Henry Breasted, Professor of Egyptology and Oriental History in the University of Chicago in his work History of Egypt, from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest, Second Edition, 1909 for anyone interested in a detailed overview, based on original Egyptian sources, this book is well worth reading. During the Twelfth dynasty, the inscription on the stela of Sihathor, an Assistant Treasurer is now to be found in the British Museum., reads as follows: I reached Nubia of the Blacks, I forced the Nubian chiefs to wash gold. Page 9 of 10

10 This is a reference to the fact that the White Egyptians exacted a yearly tribute from their Black neighbours and there is an illustration of this washing of gold at work, dating from this era: Blacks depicted in graphic racial detail presenting gold tributes to the Egyptians. This was how the White Egyptians depicted their Black neighbors. Page 10 of 10

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