CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Aligning communication and information technology to education and social development

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1 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 2014 report Aligning communication and information technology to education and social development

2 Board of Trustees José Formoso Martinez Carlos Hernán Zenteno de Los Santos Co-Presidents Antônio Oscar de Carvalho Petersen Filho vice president Gustavo Soares Silbert Alberto de Orleans e Bragança COUnseLOrs Board of Directors José Formoso Martinez Carlos Hernán Zenteno de Los Santos Co-Presidents Antonio Oscar de Carvalho Petersen Filho Executive Vice President Luiz Bressan Filho Director of Finance and Administration Marcello da Silva Miguel PROJECT DIRECTOR Audit Committee MeMBers Andrea Morango Pittigliani Francisco Carlos Perrota Márcia Motta Sá Substitute Members Jorge Luiz Matheus Sílvia Teixeira de Carvalho Mauro Martins I59r Instituto Embratel Claro 2014 Report: aligning communication and information technology to education and social development / Instituto Embratel Claro; Luiz Bressan Filho; [organized by] Kath Pacheco Batista Lousada and Fernando Viana Felix. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Embratel Claro, p.: Il. 1.Report 2.Social Responsibility I.Lousada, Kath Pacheco Batista II.Felix, Fernando Viana III.Bressan Filho, Luiz IV. Título. CDU (047) Cataloging prepared by Librarian Rosa Maria Romanelli Pereira de Almeida CRB 7/3121

3 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 2014 report Aligning communication and information technology to education and social development

4 Introduction The Instituto Embratel Claro is committed to social development and widespread access to information and knowledge. With this in mind, for the past 13 years the Institute has been promoting the overall growth of Brazilian communities, establishing partnerships with other institutes and foundations dedicated to the sustainable development of the country and providing Internet access to an increasing number of people. In 2013, the Instituto Embratel Claro became accountable for all actions promoted by the Embratel Institute (created in 2001) and by the Claro Institute (created in 2008). Aligned to the concepts of the América Móvil Group of being an organization that makes a positive and permanent impact on the communities it serves, and of which it is part, the initiative of unifying corporate responsibility institutes aimed at enhancing the performance and scope of activities that seek social, cultural and educational development of Brazilian communities. The Instituto Embratel Claro has been certified by the Ministry of Justice as an OSCIP since 2003, and in 2012 it was awarded the Associative status of the Public Information Department of the United Nations. The presentation of this annual report brings us great satisfaction, and it is an exercise of transparency and responsibility. Enjoy your reading. José Formoso and Carlos Zenteno Co-Presidents of the Instituto Embratel Claro


6 Technology is a bridge that unites people and reduces the gaps related to education and social exclusion and inequality. As for Brazil, a continent-sized country, new solutions using communication and information technology are creating new access bridges to learning and inclusion opportunities. In this in mind, the Instituto Embratel Claro highlights the projects carried out in 2014, which focused on the creation of opportunities to reduce such gaps. Education for neglected communities or located away from urban areas Embratel Claro Educação 10 Embratel Claro Education Educando para Incluir 12 Educating to Promote Inclusion Student integration and participation within the classroom (formal education) Programa Dupla Escola 13 Dual School Program Opportunities for outlying suburban communities Naves do Conhecimento 17 Knowledge Centers Ponto Comunidade 17 Community Point Casa Rio Digital 18 Digital inclusion workshop at the Claro Store/Embratel Headquarters 19

7 Technology and innovation applications and methodologies that allow to decrease the digital breach Campus Mobile 20 Mobile Campus Desafio Tecnologia é Ponte 22 Technology is a Bridge Contest National Science and Technology Week 23 Cidade Transmídia 24 Transmidia City Empowerment and employability for persons with disabilities Gente Capaz 25 Capable People Environmental and technological support for sustainable development Claro Recicla 26 Claro Recycles Rede + Criança 27 + Children Network Pé de Pincha 28 Tem Quem Queira 29 Projeto Parintins Cidade Digital 29 Parintins, a Digital City Project Culture and citizenship Ação Social pela Música 30 Social Action Through Music Prêmio Imprensa Embratel Claro 31 Embratel Claro Press Award 123 Alô! A voz da criança e do adolescente Hello! The voice of children and youth SMS Solidário 32 Charitable SMS ASUME 33 Festival Vale do Café 35 Vale do Café Festival Animated short films 35 Mayas Exhibit 36 Anniversary of Mexican Independence 37 Support to sports and health actions Meia Maratona Faz um Dial 21 Half-Marathon Projeto de Braços Abertos 38 Open Arms Project Rei e Rainha da Praia 38 King and Queen of the Beach Desafio dos Mares 38 Challenge of the Seas Support the overall development of communities, establishing partnerships with institutes and foundations dedicated to the sustainable development in Brazilian regions, and provide access to the Internet and to new information technologies and communication to an increasing number of people. Those are the goals pursued by the Instituto Embratel Claro. Institutional information 39

8 Awards and acknowledgments VALUES OF BRAZIL Award Through the Institute, Embratel received the fourth edition of the Values of Brazil Award, granted by Banco do Brasil, in the BB Vendors category. Carried out in partnership with the Regional Northeast, North and Center-West Executive Board, the award-winning technological innovation project Technology for Sustainable Development, digitally includes Ilha da Marchantaria and the cities of Iranduba and Careiro do Castanho, located alongside the Solimões river (AM). BRAZILIAN ENVIRONMENTAL BENCHMARKING RANKING The Instituto Embratel Claro ranked 27th place in the 2014 Edition of the Best Practices in Brazilian Social- Environmental Management, with the case Cell phone unit, battery and equipment collection program. Ilha Grande Ecological Junior Brigade During the 25 th anniversary celebration of the Brigade held in Vila do Abrão, Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, RJ), the Instituto Embratel Claro was honored for the support and partnership in the sustainable development of the Ilha Grande Basin. Xuxa Meneghel Foundation Acknowledgment of the partnership and support to the Xuxa Meneghel Foundation in its 25th anniversary celebration.

9 PROFESSOR SYLVIO VIANNA FREITE s AWARD For Excellence In Business Administration Granted by the academic community of the Béthencourt Silva University FABES/Arts and Crafts School of Rio de Janeiro, for actions that contribute to an ethically and socially fair society. REGIONAL ACCOUNTING COUNCIL OF RIO DE JANEIRO (CRC-RJ) CRC-RJ certified the Instituto Embratel Claro as a Citizen Company for the fourth consecutive year CIEE RIO SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AWARD Dedicated to companies, institutions and individuals concerned with an ethical and transparent relationship and the sustainable development of society. The acknowledgment was granted to the Institute based on the Capable People Program, developed in partnership with the Human Resources Department, training, empowering, and employing persons with disabilities since WWF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Corporate Club, the Institute received a tribute of appreciation for its partnership and support to WWF actions. CONSCIOUS VENDOR CERTIFICATION The Claro Recycles and Transmidia City projects received the Conscious Vendor Certification in 2014, granted by the Vendor Development Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (IDF-RS), in the Ecology and Culture categories, respectively. Pro-Blood Foundation Appreciation for Instituto Embratel Claro support to the Blood Donor Week celebrated from November 24 to 29, With the Charitable SMS program, Claro clients who agree to receive text messages from the company are encouraged to participate in blood donation campaigns.

10 Education for neglected communities or located away from urban areas Projeto Embratel Claro Educação Embratel Claro Education Project The National Education Plan (PNE) was approved in June 2014 through Law No The PNE establishes 10-year guidelines and goals for the Brazilian education system, in many educational levels and modalities: child education, literacy, elementary school, high school, special/inclusive education and adult education, professional education, higher education and post-graduate studies. The PNE reflects the society s expectation of overcoming educational delays, and it expresses the need of activating several sectors of the society on behalf of a better educational quality. For 13 years, the Instituto Embratel Claro follows the school standardization guidelines, aiming to overcome educational inequalities with the promotion of citizenship and training for work within a humanistic, scientific, cultural and technological approach. It validates the democratic management principles within the school environments, respecting and enhancing the teaching profession, human rights, diversity and social-environmental sustainability.

11 Asserting its broadened conception of education and human development, the Instituto Embratel Claro contributes to education enhancement, not only with projects specifically focused on digital inclusion in the public educational system, but also articulating projects focused on social and sustainable development. With the Embratel Claro Education Project, the institute has been investing for eight years in allying information and communication technologies to the education and social development in Brazilian communities. PLURALITY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY WITHIN THE COMMUNITIES Public schools receive social-educational contents and applications through access to broadband Internet via satellite. Over 54 thousand students from local communities benefit from this initiative. Among them, there are extraction-based, quilombolas, riparian and family-based farming communities. On Ilha da Marchantaria (AM), for example, four schools are served through fiber-optic cables, which is the result of a joint technological innovation action along Embratel s Northern, Northeast and Center-West branch. In general, when we imagine the lives of people living in cities with a low HDI, we envision groups of people who live in remote locations, who subsist on family-based agriculture in small properties, small-sized farming and natural resources locally available. And that, due to infrastructural gaps, this population does not take advantage of the social benefits most usually available in urban areas, such as: education, health, public services, among others. However, the countryside is conceived as a live social area, with its own cultural identity and habits, which are shared and socialized by those living there. Extractivists, indigenous communities, quilombolas, rural settlements, as well as communities concerned with the local development, express the strength of this cultural identity and their diverse social demands. Nonetheless, they are united by their countryside environment, as well as by the substandard infrastructure and poor access to public services and social assets, in a much deeper way than the ethnic and cultural dimension. With this in mind, the Embratel Claro Education project seeks to meet the demands of these communities access to communication enlarging the realm of information and knowledge, which is necessary for these communities to build a high-class education, situated in their own environment, within the perspective of cultural enhancement focused on citizenship. GUIDELINES OF THE 2014 NATIONAL EDUCATION PLAN (PNE) 1. Eradication of illiteracy; 2. Standardization of educational services; 3. Overcoming of educational inequalities, focused on promoting citizenship and eradicating all forms of discrimination; 4. Enhancement of educational quality; 5. Training for work and citizenship, focused on moral and ethical principles on which the society is based; 6. Promotion of the principle of democratic management of public education; 7. Humanistic, scientific, cultural and technological enhancement in Brazil; 8. Setting of targets for the application of public resources in education as a share of the GPD, which ensure that expansion needs are being met, based on quality and equity standards; 9. Appreciation of education professionals; 10. Promotion of principles of respect of human rights, diversity and socioenvironmental sustainability. 11

12 Educando para Incluir Educating To Promote Inclusion (JOINT PROJECT) In the scope of the Embratel Claro Education Project, in December 2012 the Institute signed a cooperation agreement with Petrobrás, the Municipality of Bacabeira (MA), and the Trompowsky Foundation/Brazilian Army to carry out school tutoring and digital inclusion projects focused on students with low academic results and age discrepancy in the municipal education system of Bacabeira (Social Exclusion Index No. 4453). The project implemented 20 Internet access points in 19 schools of the municipal edu- cation system in addition to a call center, meeting the needs of 3,897 students and 201 teachers, and collaborating to the didactic process. The Instituto Embratel Claro also provided computer training for tutors appointed by the Municipal Secretariat of Education. In 2014, the Educating to Promote Inclusion project enabled the city of Bacabeira to reach an excellent result in the measurement of the basic education development index: leaping from the 24th to the 2nd position in the state. The project also provided the certification of 140 teachers of the municipal education system (108 in post-graduate studies and all others in specialization courses since they did not finish undergraduate studies) in the Postgraduate Course in Pedagogical Conceptions. We were able to complete the course thanks to the Internet access provided by the Instituto Embratel Claro, which allowed an online follow-up of students and tutors throughout our course. Sergio Murilo PEDAGOGICAL COORDINATOR

13 Student integration and participation within the classroom (formal education) Programa Dupla Escola Dual School Program (JOINT PROJECT) Hebe Camargo State School (Guaratiba) Technical course in telecommunications In 2013, the Instituto Embratel Claro signed an agreement with the Secretariat of Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Xuxa Meneghel Foundation to develop the Dual School Program. It is the first full-time public high school institution integrated to the professional training in telecommunications. Inaugurated in February 3, 2014, the Hebe Camargo State School features four Technical/ Electronic labs, fiber optic cabling, WLAN and TV/Satellite provided by the Instituto Embratel Claro, in addition to a collection of telecommunication-specific content offered to the school library. The commitments made by the Instituto Embratel Claro includes the costs of hiring a pedagogic consultancy service to develop the course plan, and the costs of hiring the teaching staff to administer the courses related to the technical disciplines. The first class of technicians will graduate in

14 Marquês de Salamanca City School (Três Rios/RJ) In partnership with the Instituto Embratel Claro, the Marquês de Salamanca Institute and Municipality of Três Rios, in August 2013 the Marquês de Salamanca City School inaugurated a Computer Center to offer pedagogical activities to students and the whole rural community of Três Rios. The Computer Center features 16 network computers installed in one of the classrooms adapted for this purpose, all connected to the Internet. The institution considers Internet connection of the utmost importance, based on the number of people who used the computer center to perform online searches. The institute identified a total of 1,618 Internet accesses (data from 2014), which reinforces the role of this center as a reference to the community, in addition to offering an excellent opportunity to attract new students. The school s IT teacher, Rosemere Dutra, is responsible for the center, offering activities in line to the pedagogical content for the 106 students attending the school. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, classes are offered to students aged between 12 and 50 years old. This initiative meant a great achievement to the families representing the school and the Estrada Itajoana community. For many adults, it was the first time they had access to a computer, because they were afraid of handling the machine. When they were first introduced to the digital world, they showed interest in searching, typing, and changing computer settings, thus widening their knowledge and information base. In 2014, 25 students finished the course, 3 of which attended classes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and the other 22 attended the weekend classes. The justification for the low number of students attending the Tuesday and Thursday classes is due to the fact that I could see that many adults had never been in front of a computer, let alone browsed the Web. When I introduced them to this new reality, they were thrilled, since some of them were afraid of handling the computer. Now they can handle this new tool, and have learned how to search, change settings, etc. They have finally entered the digital era. Rosemere Dutra The Estrada Itajoana community extends for 10 km of land inhabited by 133 families, residents and workers from the local farms. The outlined profile of this population showed that 60% of them did not finish elementary school, 55% work with livestock and farming, 63% have a monthly wage between 1 and 2 minimum wages, and the age range varies between 32 and 57 years old. 14 Corporate Social Responsibility

15 many students work, and therefore could not attend classes during the week. The course lasted 11 months and has become a reference among city residents. In November, the preventive maintenance course was opened, which will last 6 months. Classes are offered on Saturdays from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm, enrolled by a total of 12 students: 4 adults and 8 teenagers. The students showed great interest in learning how to fix computers. The next step is to keep up with the dissemination of the basic course which will start on January 2015, in order to attract new students, providing digital inclusion to this community. The partnership with the Ins tituto Embratel Claro has contributed profoundly to the dissemination of new communication means to the Estrada Itajoana community, broadening their knowledge and integrating them with other people and realities, says the teacher.

16 Opportunities for outlying suburban communities

17 Nave do Conhecimento Knowledge Center (JOINT PROJECT) Inaugurated on May 8, the Cinematographer Santiago Andrade Knowledge Center is located in the neighborhood of Bairro Carioca in Triagem, Rio de Janeiro. The site has become the management center of the digital community space network that are being deployed in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This is the eighth branch of the project coordinated by the Special Secretariat of Science and Technology, featuring 34 MB of dedicated Internet access provided by the Instituto Embratel Claro. Connectivity is present in virtually all environments of the center offering free access to high-tech equipment and to the Internet, as well as IT courses, startups projects, professional training, robotics lab, virtual reality, among other activities. The other branches of the project, located in Padre Miguel, Penha, Irajá, Santa Cruz, Vila Aliança, Parque Madureira and Triagem, registered 1.5 million visitors, more than 150 thousand people enrolled, and more than 14 thousand youngsters and adults trained in workshops and courses offered in the areas of Information and Communication Technology. Ponto Comunidade Community Point With social-educational purposes, it promotes the access to the most modern means of communication, bringing digital culture as a mean of social inclusion. Currently, it is estimated that more than 130 thousand people per year are benefited in the branches of the Community Point in partnership with the following institutions: n Xuxa Meneghel Foundation Pedra de Guara tiba, Rio de Janeiro n NGO Amigos do Bem Buíque, Vale do Catimbau, Pernambuco n Ilha Grande Ecological Junior Brigade Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro n Alternative Technology Service (SERTA) Ibimirim, Pernambuco n Santo Agostinho Foundation Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro n Maricá Digital House Maricá, Rio de Janeiro n Marista Reflorescer Center Ribeirão das Neves, Minas Gerais n EcoMuseu/UERJ Ilha Grande, Angras dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro 17

18 Casa Rio Digital (JOINT PROJECT) From the partnership between the Instituto Embratel Claro and the Xuxa Meneghel Foundation and the Special Secretariat of Science and Technology of the City of Rio de Janeiro, a technical cooperation agreement was signed to extend the service to the community of Guaratiba and train youngster and adults in courses offered by Intel and CISCO, among others multimedia contents, in addition to providing the related tutoring, computers, equipment, and furnishing. This is a key initiative to increase the education opportunities of low-income population, ensure the preservation of local culture (with the dissemination of sites and contents linked to of our daily life), initiate vocational retraining of workers and encourage the creation of better jobs students enrolled graduates current students Quantitative chart of service offered to students of the PEDRA DE GUARATIBA community (data as of October 31) CLASS ENROLLED GRADUATES IN PROGRESS Digital Literacy Technology and the Community Technology at Work Cisco It Essencials Quantitative chart of service offered to students participating in projects developed by the Xuxa Meneghel Foundation REGISTERED CLASSES/PROJECTS ENROLLED CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GROUP START Conectados com o Brincar 22 4 to 6 year olds March/2014 December/2014 Quem tem boca vai onde quiser 22 teenagers March/2014 December/2014 IPI IPI 25 teenagers March/2014 December/2014 Aculá é Aqui 35 teenagers March/2014 December/2014 Aculá é Aqui 24 teenagers March/2014 December/2014 Vem pra Roda Cirandar 15 teenagers March/2014 December/2014 Chorus 20 teenagers March/2014 December/2014 END 18 Corporate Social Responsibility

19 Data regarding Internet Access to the Community Point/Casa Rio Digital Digital inclusion workshop at the Claro Store / Embratel Headquarters In 2014, the Embratel Institute continued the activities of the digital inclusion workshop offered to students of the public school system in Rio de Janeiro in a virtual space shared at the Embratel/Claro store at the company headquarters, located at downtown Rio de Janeiro. The community-access computers connected to the Internet are reserved on Thursdays to be used by young adults visiting the company. The idea is to have users exchange experiences on handling the computer and browsing the Web. Throughout the year, 256 children and teenagers residents of the communities of Chapéu Mangueira, Pavão-Pavãozinho, Cantagalo, Santa Marta, and Complexo do Alemão participated in digital inclusion activities promoted by the Institute FeB Mar APr MaY Jun Jul AUG SeP OCt 19

20 Technology and innovation applications and methodologies that allow to decrease the digital breach Campus Mobile Mobile Campus (JOINT Project) College and high school students throughout Brazil aged between 18 and 35 years old participated in the third edition of the Mobile Campus program, an initiative of the Instituto Embratel Claro in partnership with the Laboratory of Integratable Systems (LSI/Poli/USP), which has the support of USP Polytechnic School, Qualcomm, Movile, Zenvia, and The goal of the program is to identify, stimulate and contribute to the education of young talents to work in the development of contents and innovative mobile telephonic services, in addition to contributing to the Brazilian social development. In this edition, 421 people enrolled in the Mobile Campus. Of this total, 280 have not

21 The three stages of the Mobile Campus Program Stage 1 The Instituto Embratel Claro and the Stage 2 Students linked to selected projects in Stage 3 It is time to set goals for the six Association of the Laboratory of Integratable Systems (LSI-TEC) have selected up to 80 projects, limited to the maximum number of 80 students. The chosen participants have the opportunity to put into practice their ideas through a Virtual Learning Environment, in which they can count on the support of dedicated tutors, in addition to the learning material. They can also interact with other participants and invited experts through discussion forums, audio and videoconferencing. the first step will join the Face-to-Face Attendance Week in São Paulo, participating in training and immersion activities in order to conclude the projects. Among the participants of this stage, six projects are awarded, three within the social technologies category and three within the Entrepreneurship category. projects selected in the previous stage. Students with the best performance in each category are awarded a trip to the city of Palo Alto (United States), to visit the Stanford University Transformative Learning Technologies Lab (TLTL). This region, known as the Silicon Valley, is famous for its scientific and technological innovations through associations between universities and companies, especially in the manufacture of electronic circuits, electronics and computer equipment. completed the enrollment, and 141 have. As a final assessment, the balance was positive with 617 people interested in the program. Out of the completed registrations, 93 projects were submitted for the Social Technologies category, and 48 were submitted for the Entrepreneurship category. The 268 students were distributed in groups of up to three members in both Mobile Campus subjects. For each category, the candidates presented ideas of applications for mobile devices that might promote environmental, educational, health and citizenship benefits, focused on developing new and innovative products and services. This and other information about the Program can be found at campusmobile/ 21

22 Desafio Tecnologia é Ponte Technology Is A Bridge Contest (JOINT PROJECT) The Instituto Embratel Claro, in partnership with Ashoka s Changemakers, a global community that connects social entrepreneurs from around the world, launched in August 2014 the contest entitled Technology is a Bridge: reducing educational gaps, with the goal of awarding new solutions that, through information and communication technologies (ICTs), assure the enrollment of students from 6 to 20 years old in educational and social inclusion projects. According to data from the Ministry of Education and Culture), 3.6 million school-age kids do not have access to proper education. For this reason, the main criterion for highlighting the best solutions will be the ability to break access barriers, speed up digital literacy, and promote economical growth. Teachers, parents, students, designers, developers, and educators who, by means of ICTs, have created opportunities to decrease educational gaps were eligible to participate in the contest. The points of interest are works that promote accessibility of persons with disabilities, education to neglected populations, integration and participation of students within the classroom, involvement of parents and teachers in the inclusion and access issue, in addition to applications and methods that ensure the elimination of limitations to formal or informal education. Projects must observe innovation, social impact and sustainability criteria. The contest received 101 projects. During the program, 44 were selected for the semifinal stage, and 12 were selected for the final. At this stage, the creators received tutoring with experts in social networking, fundraising, communication, financial planning, education techniques and social entrepreneurship to improve their projects. Learn about the projects that participated in the contest by visiting 22 Corporate Social Responsibility

23 National Science And Technology Week As a way of promoting knowledge and science, the 2014 National Science and Technology Week (SnCt 2014) was held on October 13, throughout the country, featuring the theme of Science and Technology for Social Development. For ten years, the Instituto Embratel Claro has been participating as organizer and supporter of the event that takes place at the Miécimo da Silva Sports Center in Campo Grande, Western region of Rio de Janeiro. In this year s Edition, held on October 13 and 14, the unit hosted students, educational institutions, foundations and NGOs interested in science and its practical possibilities, accounting for approximately 4 thousand visitors. Among the 32 exhibitors, the public could see Robotic prototypes developed by students of the Hebe Camargo State College from Guaratiba, Institution of the Dual School Program that offers professional training in telecommunications within the full-time and integrated school model, a project carried out by Seedu in partnership with the Instituto Embratel Claro, and the Xuxa Meneghel Foundation. The Instituto Embratel Claro also supports the participation of Santo Agostin Foundation (FunSAG) as an exhibitor of SnCt in Western Rio. Two tutors and two students shared their experience of using the Suspended Mandala, a sustainable technique of soil irrigation in gardens. The SnCt that takes place at the Miécimo, is highlighted for involving the participation of institutions, schools and people who work with social development, while the other units can count mainly on higher education and/or research institutions. The National Science and Technology Week of Western Rio de Janeiro is organized by the State University of the West Zone (uezo), the Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences (MASt), the 9 th Regional Educational Office, the Xuxa Meneghel Foundation, the Instituto Embratel Claro, and the Cecília Meireles Reference Center for Social Assistance. 23

24 Cidade Transmídia Transmedia City (JOINT Project) A digital urban mapping project that took place in Rio Grande do Sul through on-site workshops, multimedia productions and use of urban spaces. Transmedia city rescues cultural aspects and memories of the cities of Santa Maria, Caxias do Sul and Porto Alegre. Created in 2010 in Spain, and implemented in Rio de Janeiro in 2013, Transmedia City shares a new insight on cities, rescuing their local culture. Using techniques that blend different medias, the project workshops seek to explore and map urban spaces through the eyes of fictional characters, created by the participants. Participants are divided into groups, create a fictional character and set its path within the city map. This path is documented, from the perspective of the character, in video and photo, while they perform interventions in the urban space. After editing the videos and pictures, the material is incorporated into the virtual map and can be accessed at any time on the project website In addition to the workshops, at the end the activity promotes a meeting open to the public in which participants present their creations. Workshops and free gathering events took place in Santa Maria (from June 9 to 13), Caxias do Sul (from July 14 to 19), Pelotas (from July 21 to 26 ) and Porto Alegre (from August 25 to 30). Transmedia City was made possible with the tax incentive provided by the State Secretariat of Culture Procultura - RS. Empowerment and employability for persons with disabilities 24 Corporate Social Responsibility

25 Gente Capaz Capable People (JOINT Project) As we believe corporate social responsibility is an institutional value, for eight years the Instituto Embratel Claro, in partnership with Embratel Human Resources Department and since 2013 in Partnership with Ciee performs a promotional action for the development and employability of persons with disabilities, known as Capable People. The program is managed by an interdisciplinary team, comprised of experts in the field of social responsibility, education, training and recruitment, whose main goal is social inclusion and income generation for those professionals. In 2014, among the activities carried out by Program, was the admission of 50 employees (through a partnership with the Consultancy Office Sem Barreiras ) in Rio de Janeiro; São Paulo and the Federal District, in addition to on-site trainings for new employees, through IT training courses (Word, Excel and Access); and the creation of two special classes for the ASuMe program. The Instituto Embratel Claro maintains, on average, 12 graduate trainees with disabilities through a cooperation agreement with Ciee. In continuous evolution, in 2014 the program counted with 353 professionals hired by Embratel through the Capable People program. The program was also present at the First International Forum of Corporate Diversity, held in São Paulo and sponsored by the Instituto Embratel Claro. In December 2014, the project promoted the fourth edition of the Capable People week, an event which aims to share experiences and discuss diversity issues, promoting news perspectives on social inclusion.

26 Promotion of the environment and technologies for sustainable development Claro Recicla Claro Recycles Access to information and facilitated conditions for purchasing and replacing cell phones or devices has created a new global problem: electronic waste. According to the Report entitled Recycling from e-waste to recourses issued in February 2010 by the UN Environment Programme, 40 million tons of e-waste are produced annually. Brazil alone disposes around 100 thousand tons of computers, 17 thousand tons of TVs and 2.2 thousand tons of cell phones each year. Seeking to minimize the impact of electronic waste in the environment, in March 2008 Claro created the Claro Recycles program, which aims to contribute to the awareness about the importance of properly disposing unused cell phones, rechargeable batteries, SIM cards and devices. In 2014 alone, 6.7 tons of devices were collected and routed to recycling. The control of the items collected during the program is conducted through reports and online follow up. The company oversees the entire process of recycling devices in each of the 2 thousand collection points located at Claro-owned stores and authorized agents throughout Brazil. In addition, the Ins tituto Embratel Claro perform actions to encourage the conscious disposal of cell phones, preparing educational material such as booklets and videos about electronic waste. Read the booklet at Watch the video at 26 Corporate Social Responsibility

27 Collecting And Recycling Process The content discarded in Claro Recycles boxes throughout Brazil is constantly collected by GRI (Gerenciamento de Resíduos Industriais, a Waste Management Company and routed to the company s warehouse in the city of São Paulo, where all the appliances go through a screening process. The different types of parts such as batteries, cell phones and chargers are counted and weighed. Finally, the waste is sent to several recycling industries. It becomes a simple act of citizenship to consumers, as they might discard outdated devices from any supplier in collecting boxes authorized by the carrier. The initiative contributes with environmental preservation and encourages a responsible attitude from consumers. The appropriate disposal of electronic waste helps to prevent contamination of water and soil. It properly handles toxic materials, reduces the amount of waste and decreases the extraction of heavy metals. The program complies with the National Waste Management Program approved in August 2010, which requires points of sales to assure the reverse logistics and recycling of traded items. Benchmarking The Cell phone unit, battery and equipment collection program established by Claro/ Instituto Embratel Claro has been approved to integrate the 2014 Ranking Benchmarking. The program counted on some top-class cases, which makes this achievement even more special. The ranking is a credible reference due to the methodology applied in assessing practices, in which experts from many countries assign grades to several criteria of the case, unaware of the organization responsible for it. Rede + Criança + Children Network (Projeto em Parceria) To ensure the connection of Network + Child, the Embratel Claro Network provides satellite broadband Internet access for locations participating in the project. Boqueirão dos Vieiras, in the city of Codó (Maranhão), the Borari School, in Alter do Chão (Pará), the 29 de Outubro School in Pontão (Rio Grande do Sul), and in Quilombo São José da Serra in Valença (Rio de Janeiro). The Community Points in Guaratiba (Xuxa Meneghel Foundation) and Santo Agostinho Foundation (FunSAG), in the countryside of Cabo Frio have already joined this network. The initiative was critical to provide Internet connection for these regions, enabling greater interaction among children of various localities of the network. The arrival of antennas is a result of influence on public policies made by children who participated in the project. + Children Network is a continuation of the + Child project presented at the Rio + 20, in which children from all regions of the country held a reinterpretation of the Earth Charter and created the Kid s Earth Charter. This action is recognized by the Ministry of the Environment. 27

28 Pé de Pincha (JOINT PROJECT) This Community Handling of Chelonians Project supported by the Instituto Embratel Claro in partnership with Embratel s Sustainability department is carried out in the communities of Igapó-Açú located in the city of Borba, and Mamori, in the city of Careiro do Castanho, in Amazonas, along highway BR 319 and within the Sustainable Development Reserve of Igapó-Açu. The work of protection, preservation and release of baby turtles in the nature is carried out by volunteer environmental agents trained within the program, by the community, with the supervision of technicians from the Federal University of Amazonas (ufam), project managers, and Unisol, the institution that holds the cooperation agreement signed by the Institute. 28 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

29 Tem Quem Queira (SPONSORED PROJECT) In partnership with the NGO One Man s Trash is Another Man s Treasure initiated in 2010, the Institute keeps a project to recycle vinyl canvas used in advertisements of Embratel Group s companies, turning them into a variety of bag models. The action aims at recovering the self-esteem of former convicts from Rio de Janeiro, since it is an external workshop conducted entirely by convicts, in line with environmental preservation. The project, sponsored by Embratel through the Culture Incentive Law (ICMS/RJ), was developed in partnership with the NGO One Man s Trash is Another Man s Treasure. Projeto Parintins Cidade Digital Parintins, a Digital City Project (JOINT PROJECT) For the past nine years, the Institute has participated, along with Embratel, in the Project responsible for turning Parintins, in the Island of Upinambarana, in the Amazon River, into the first digital city of the Amazon region. The company cooperates with the transmission and reception infrastructure through WiMax technology, managing all operations. The project serves two public schools, a community center, a public library, a training center, and a health care unit. In schools, teachers and students count on computer labs with broadband Internet access via WLAM technology, in addition to social-educational contents provided by the Embratel Claro Education Program. Using Embratel satellite signal and equipment donated to the Health Care Unit, doctors from urban centers can interconnect with doctors in health care units from distant locations, in order to practice phone-medicine, benefiting 110 thousand inhabitants of the island. 29

30 Culture and citizenship Ação Social pela Música Social Action Through Music (Projeto Patrocinado) Since 2010, with the support and sponsorship of Embratel and the Instituto Embratel Claro, the Social Action through Music promotes citizenship through art, creating centers that offer teenagers and children belonging to low-income communities in Rio de Janeiro the opportunity to practice a musical instrument and choir, following current social action models established in several Latin American countries. In the community centers, 800 children and teenagers from Santa Marta, Babilônia, Pavão-Pavãozinho, Chapéu Mangueira, Complexo do Alemão and Complexo da Penha participate in all types of musical activities, such as music theory classes and musical practice, orchestral instruments, choir, luthiery (repair, maintenance and construction of musical instruments), and general musical knowledge. In addition, they attend rehearsals and concerts of the symphonic orchestra of Rio de Janeiro. The participants also receive psychological and social services, family counseling, meals and basic food basket. Orchestras that consist of young musicians participating in the project have been receiving frequent invitations to participate in events, such as Embratel anniversary celebration at the Candelária Church (RJ), the opening of Hebe Camargo State School, presentations in orphanages where Embratel employees perform volunteer work, the opening ceremony of the Capable People Week at the company s headquarters, and Bairro Chic Forum, an event of innovation for sustainable housing and community development, which took place at the Net Rio Theater and included the presentation of the orchestra at the end of the event. By supporting Social Action through Music, the Instituto Embratel Claro promotes social development not only through access to technology, offering the necessary resources for an education based on the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, capable of arousing a transforming potential in individuals. 30 Corporate Social Responsibility

31 15º Prêmio Imprensa Embratel Claro 15 th Embratel Claro Press Award For 15 years the Embratel Claro Press Award follows the development of Brazilian Journalism, recognizing top-quality jobs that promote insight and results through a comprehensive coverage of the social facts that have a profound impact in the country. In contemplating stories in 16 categories and offering the Barbosa Lima Sobrinho Grand Prize, the Embratel Claro Press Award preserves the historical grounds of journalism: learning and investigating the facts, and presenting an accurate report, free of opinions and biases. The 15 th Edition celebrated knowledge and information, journalistic efficiency, technological innovation on behalf of communication processes, widening horizons and transforming the global experience. A total of 1,812 reports were submitted to compete for the Award, 257 of which were in regional categories and 1,555 in national categories. Prizes were granted within 16 categories, and the Barbosa Lima Sobrinho Grand Prize was granted to photographic reporter Domingo Peixoto for his work entitled Crime against freedom of the press. The 2014 edition of the Award presented a few changes: photographic and video stories were gathered into a new category. Stories broadcast through the radio are no longer submitted in a specific category, but are placed either into national or regional categories. The Instituto Embratel Claro Press Award, one of the greatest journalistic acknowledgments granted in Brazil, is sponsored by Embratel and by Claro, undertaken by the Instituto Embratel Claro with the support of the Brazilian Press Association, National Federation of Journalists, and the Professional Association of Photographic and Cinematographic Reporters of Rio de Janeiro (Arfoc). By the end of each edition, the Institute prepares a commemorative book with opinions from a national judging panel and exclusive interviews with the winners of each category, presenting the background of the award-winning story. The book is available at and 31

32 123Alô! A voz da criança e do adolescente 123 Hello! The Voice Of Children And Youth (SPONSORED PROJECT) 123 Hello! consists of the deployment, management and operation of a free channel providing the means for expression phone and web service that is high-quality and easily accessible, where children and adolescents can be heard. Thus, it is possible to interact with them about their issues, attitudes, questions, requests for information or guidance, in order to identify solutions to their troubles and establish links with other specialized services, if necessary. The service is also an tool to motivate and enhance networks for protection and promotion of children s rights, as well as a survey of information that may influence public policies aimed at children. The communication channel specialized in rendering services to children and adolescents is internationally known as childline or child helpline. The Instituto Embratel Claro sponsors the project by providing free calls and Internet Connection to users of 123Hello! SMS Solidário Charitable SMS Charitable SMS is a social responsibility program developed by Claro in 2008, which sends messages with information about civil and government campaigns, aimed at encouraging clients to take part in citizenship actions. 123Hello! can be reached by phone at , or chat, available at index.php?t=pagina &a=chat

33 The following messages were sent in 2014: n In the campaign to fight elderly violence in Sergipe the message Do your part: dial 100 and report violence against the elderly. The City Council for the Elderly, MPSE and the Instituto Embratel Claro support this initiative was sent to about 450 thousand Claro clients in Sergipe, from September 15 to 17. n In the Blood Donation Campaign of the Pro-Blood Foundation in São Paulo the message November is blood donor s month. Donate today. Call or visit www. prosangue. sp. Claro supports this initiative was sent to approximately 3.8 million clients of Claro São Paulo from November to 21. n The Blood Donation Campaign from the Blood Bank in Belém do Pará the message Give a Christmas gift to the one in need: donate blood at Hemopa Foundation. Visit hemopa. pa. or call Support: the Instituto Embratel Claro was sent to about 310 thousand Claro clients in Pará, on December 18. ASUME The Human Development Program created in 1980by the Mexican Civil Association ASUME A.C., aims at the full human achievement in eight aspects: physical, emotional, social, economic, aesthetic, intellectual, moral and spiritual. The international philosophy of the program follows the guideline that says that every human being is capable of enhancing themselves, improving and developing all their innate abilities through a continuous and ongoing process of personal self-improvement. Presence Of The ASumE Program In BRAZIL Manaus (AM) Goiânia (GO) Campinas (SP) Curitiba (PR) Access the report which includes the record of the activities developed by ASUME at publicacoes/relatorio_asume.php São Paulo (SP) Porto Alegre (RS) São Luis (MA) teresina (PI) Fortaleza (CE) Natal (RN) João Pessoa (PB) Recife (PE) Maceió (AL) Aracajú (SE) Salvador (BA) Brasília (DF) Belo Horizonte (MG) Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 33

34 34 Corporate CORPORATE Social SOCIAL Responsibility RESPONSIBILITY

35 FESTIVAL Vale do Café Vale do Café Festival (SPONSORED PROJECT) For the seventh consecutive year, Embratel co-sponsored one of the most traditional events in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Created in 2003, the Coffee Valley Festival aims at creating a touristic and cultural point of interest and expedite the economic development of cities of the Coffee Valley region, comprised of the cities of Vassouras, Valença, Rio das Flores, Paty do Alferes, Miguel Pereira, Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin, Paracambi, Mendes, Barra Mansa, Barra do Piraí, Pinheiral, and Volta Redonda. One of the milestones of the festival is that activities are carried out on centenary farms and slave houses where coffee was produced, which was the country s main economic activity at the time. The event took place from June 7 to 27, and the schedule included, among other activities, concerts and shows in churches, mansions, public squares and centenary farms of thirteen cities. In 2014, the Festival paid tribute to the 100th anniversary of Dorival Caymmi, a songwriter from Bahia, whose work was interpreted by many great artists during the celebrations. This year, the event also celebrated the 100th anniversary of Conductor César Guerra-Peixe, known for his passion for music and art and for disseminating the national culture. The Coffee Valley Festival is sponsored through the Culture Incentive Law ICMS/RJ. ANIMATED SHORT FILMS (SPONSORED PROJECT) Combining art and technology to education has been the main goal and the major challenge of projects that are aimed at updating traditional teaching methods A successful example is the Animated Shorts Films project, supported by the Instituto Embratel Claro. Between October 2014 and February 2015, five short film workshops were delivered by the Animated Cinema Center in Campinas (NCAC), which resulted in the production of animated short films whose theme addressed the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. The production of the videos relied on the work of students from public schools in the city of Campinas. Schools that received the workshops n Grupo Primavera Group: 1 workshop n Dom João Neri State School 2 workshops n Clotilde Barraquet Von Zubem Municipal School: 1 workshop n Gente Nova Project PROGEN: 1 workshop 35

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