Functional Valuation of Ecosystem Services on Bonaire

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1 Funtionl Vlution of Eosystm Srvis on Bonir - An ologil nlysis of osystm funtions provi y orl rfs - Ingri J.M. vn Bk MS Aquultur n Fishris Spilistion Mrin Rsours n Eology Wgningn Univrsity Th Nthrlns MS- rport Aquti Eology n Wtr Qulity Mngmnt no. 009/2011 Novmr 2011

2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In th first pl I lik to thnk my suprvisor Erik Mstrs from IMARES for this grt opportunity to o my thsis rsrh on mrin ology topi in th Duth Crin n for ll th support n lrning xprins uring th ight months w work togthr. Espilly th sintifi ommnts on my rsrh sign, th sttistil tsts n os writtn in R n th vlopmnt of mps woul not hv n possil without his hlp. W lso m grt tm oing fil work, Erik s orl iologist n rtiv spirit n m s fish xprt n orgnistionl riving for. Dt olltion for this rsrh ws m possil thnks to Rmón Lón from STINAPA n Ml Nv from STCB, who kinly hlp out with rrnging ots n ot rivrs for our survy. Spil thnks gos to Mrylou Hilrn, who ws working with us for wk n lwys hrfully ropping us in th wtr n piking us up vry 500m tim ftr tim, n Din Domss who hlp out on rough lotions. I m lso grtful to Vinnt Bor from Univrsity Groningn who prform som of th sttistil tsts n my suprvisor Rui Roijkrs from Wgningn Univrsity who provi mny itoril ommnts on rft vrsions of this thsis rport. Lst ut not lst I lik to thnk Esthr Wolfs th Duth ministry of EL&I unr grnt numr sk Esthr for funing knowlgmnts, n hr trust in m n my ontriution to this projt. 2

3 ABSTRACT My thsis rsrh s 1970 with thory to quntify n montiz ntur (Huting, 1970). Rfrns to th onpt of osystm srvis t k to th mi 1960s n rly 1970s ( Groot t l., 2002) A Ph rsrh into th vlu of ntur y D Groot (1992) mphsiz th n to iz osystm srvis y intgrting ologil informtion. In 2005 th Millnium Eosystm Assssmnt (MEA) rport us th osystm srvis pproh to light th importn n rivrs of hngs of osystm srvi livry (MEA, 2005). Th Eonomis of Eosystm srvis n Bioivrsity (TEEB) pltform uilt on th frmwork of MEA, ut spifi osystms in unrlying funtions, prosss nomi nfits of ioivrsity n osts of ioivrsity losss (TEEB, 2010). Vlution of osystm srvis n on t thr lvls, montry, quntittiv n qulittiv. Qulittiv sris nfits in non- numril sl, quntittiv msurs nfits n hngs s on numril t n montry uils on quntittiv vlu n tths montry vlu (Whit t l., 2011). This rsrh is smi- quntittiv nlysis of th funtionl vlu of orl rf hitts on Bonir to support osystm srvis. It is prt of n onomi vlution stuy of mrin n trrstril osystm srvis on Bonir. Th onomi vlution stuy stimt montry vlu of slt osystm srvis. My rsrh msur th funtionl vlu, fin s th ologil importn of hitt, on n orinl sl with four lvls (0-3). Th TEEB thortil frmwork ws ppli y stuying th unrlying ologil funtions, prosss n struturs of orl rfs tht trmin th pity to livr orl rf osystm srvis through litrtur rviw. Th funtionl group pproh ws us s msur of th importn of hitts s on th lvl of rprsnttion of fish n orl funtionl groups. Th mthoology to nlyz th funtionl vlu ws inspir y stuy of Hrorn (2006) tht stlish th funtionl vlu of Crin orl rf, sgrss n mngrov hitts to osystm prosss. My rsrh ppli this mtho using Bonir s s stuy n pt th mtho to trmin th funtionl vlu of hitts to osystm srvis inst of osystm prosss. This wy th stuy of Hrorn hs n tkn stp furthr y mking th link twn th onomi nlysis foussing on osystm srvis n th ologil nlysis foussing on osystm funtioning. Th othr pttions m wr th sptil sl, th hitt typs n th t olltion mtho. Hrorn trmin th vlu y oing mt- nlysis of mpiril litrtur on prosss in tn orl rf, sgrss n mngrov hitt typs. For my rsrh primry t of fish n nthi funtionl groups wr ollt t ovr hunr lotions long th ntir lwr ost of Bonir to vlu just two orl rf hitt typs. Outom of this rsrh r mtris prsnting rltionships twn soio- onomi srvis n ologil funtions, prosss n fish n nthi spis rprsnting funtionl rol. Anothr outom r mps prsnting th funtionl vlu of h lotion to support twlv osystm srvis s on th primry t ollt. Ths mps wr nlyz tking into ount rsour us on Bonir n show whih r r of importn for h srvi. This rsrh is innovtiv in its ttmpt to link th onomi vlu of osystm srvis with n ologil vlu of hitts to support ths osystm srvis. In ition th survy of nthi ovr n fish ioivrsity n unn hs not n on t suh lrg sl oring to our knowlg sin th mpping of Bonir in 1985 (Vn Duyl, 1985). 3

4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introution Bkgroun Bonir IMARES Prolm finition Thsis rsrh Ojtivs Rsrh qustions Mtho ovrviw n sop Strutur of rport Rsrh mthoology Thortil frmwork Eonomi vlution of osystm srvis Th onomis of osystms n ioivrsity Funtionl vlution of hitts to osystm prosss Conptul mol Funtionl group pproh Stp 1, 2 n 6: Eonomil nlysis Stp 3, 4 n 5: Eologil nlysis Stp 6 n 7: Vlu mp n Thrt nlysis Hitts Dt olltion Litrtur rviw Primry t olltion: Snorkl survy Primry t olltion: Stkholr workshop sssion Sonry t olltion Dt ntry n qulity ontrol Dt nlysis Rltionship nlysis Funtionl vlu nlysis Rsults rltionship nlysis Eosystm funtion, srvi or pross? Linking osystm funtions n osystm srvis Intifition of osystm srvis Intifition of osystm funtions Rltionship twn osystm funtions n osystm srvis Linking funtionl groups n osystm funtions Intifition of ologil prosss n iophysil struturs Intifition of funtionl groups Rltionship twn funtionl groups n osystm funtions Rsults snorkl survy Mrin n ostl rsour us t survy lotions Funtionl vlu nlysis of fish funtionl groups Fish funtionl groups n funtionl rols

5 4.2.2 Orinl sling n mpping of fish funtionl vlus in survy lotions Diffrns in fish funtionl vlus twn rsour us groups Funtionl vlu nlysis of orl n othr nthi funtionl groups Corl n othr nthi funtionl groups n funtionl rols Orinl sling n mpping of nthi funtionl vlus in survy lotions Rsults funtionl vlu nlysis Funtionl vlu of hitts n lotions to livr osystm srvis Assigning funtionl vlus to hitts n lotions Funtionl vlu mps of hitts to support osystm srvis Disussion n rommntions Contxt of this rsrh n othr stuis Mthoologil flws, ssumptions n gps Projt mngmnt implitions Nxt stps n suggstions for furthr rsrh Conlusions Rfrns Appnis

6 1 INTRODUCTION My thsis rsrh for th Institut for Mrin Rsours n Eosystm Stuis (IMARES) ws prt of onomi vlution of osystm srvis on Bonir. For this projt IMARES is proviing sintifi informtion n unrstning of th ologil funtioning of thos osystms. Som kgroun informtion on Bonir, th projt n IMARES is prsnt in hptr 1.1. In my rsrh I stui th funtionl vlu of orl rf osystms, n th pity of orl rfs to provi osystm srvis. Th rtionl for my stuy ologiz of osystm srvis is xplin in hptr 1.2, fol y th ojtivs n rsrh qustions of my rsrh in hptr 1.3. Th lst hptr outlins th strutur of this rport. 1.1 Bkgroun Bonir Bonir is n isln in th Crin S lot 80km north of Vnzul [1] s shown in figur 1. It is prt of th Kingom of th Nthrlns. Sin th issolution of th Duth Antills on 10 Otor 2010 Bonir m spil muniiplity of Crin Nthrlns [2]. Figur 1. Position of Bonir in th Crin S (Sour: Th isln ovrs n r of 288 km 2 (RLG, 2009), 38 km long n twn 5 n 11 km wi [1] plus n itionl 6 km 2 for th smll uninhit isln of Klin Bonir (Wolfs, 2011). Thr r oth trrstril n mrin prott rs. Th Bonir Ntionl Mrin Prk nompsss th mrin prott r of out 27 km 2 long th ntir ost of Bonir from th wtr mrk to 60 mtrs pth, n inlus orl rf, sgrss n mngrovs [3]. Th rfs roun Bonir n Klin Bonir r fringing rfs, strting t th shorlin n xtning to mximum of 300 mtrs offshor. Thy provi hitt for out 65 spis of stony orl n mor thn 450 spis of rf fish (IUCN, 2011). Th sgrss n mngrov hitts r minly foun in L By, whih is not only lol mrin prott r, ut lso glolly rogniz wtln n prott RAMSAR r [4]. Th topogrphy of th isln is ivrs, with mountins, ry forst n roky shors in th north- wst n flt lnsp with slt lks n orl rul or sny shors in th south- wst. Th winwr north- 6

7 strn ost is hrtriz y limston pltus, roky shors n iffiult ss to s u to wvs, whil th lwr ost hs gnrlly lm wtr n sy ss to s. Bonir hs out inhitnts, th mjority of thm living in Krlnijk [1] n long th lwr wstrn ost. Tourism is th most importnt sour of mploymnt, minly in iv tourism s Bonir [1], in ition to ruis tourism n surf tourism in L By. Othr importnt inustris r th oil storg trminl in th north- wst n th slt proution inustry in th south- wst [1] is soio- onomi vlution of osystm goos n srvis n ioivrsity of Bonir. Th projt is n inititiv of n oorint y Esthr Wolfs, n inpnnt onsultnt living on Bonir. Th ojtiv is to provi informtion for poliy mkrs to mk ttr- inform isions n rgultory msurs for ntur prottion (Wolfs, 2011). Th rtionl for th projt is tht smll isln onomis in th Duth Antills pn hvily on thir mrin n trrstril osystm srvis for inustris suh s tourism, fishris n s trnsporttion (Wolfs, 2011). Eosystm srvis r th nfits popl otin from osystms (MEA, 2005). On Bonir ths srvis r thrtn y ostl vlopmnt, inrs runoff u to grzing y frl livstok, lk of suffiint wst wtr trtmnt, inrs of visitors, ffts of limt hng n othr nvironmntl prssurs (Wolfs, 2011). Th im of th soio- onomi vlution stuy is to gt insight in th onomi vlu of irt n inirt osystm srvis n to ttr unrstn th soio- onomi impts of hngs within osystms. Within th sop of th projt it is knowlg tht th onition of osystms n ioivrsity n its unrlying ologil prosss inluing rivrs of osystm hng r importnt to unrstn in orr to trmin th onomi vlu of osystm srvis. Th ky osystms on Bonir slt for th stuy r orl rfs, mngrov forst, sgrss s, ostl wtrs, hs, ostl vgttion, n ry forst (Wolfs, 2011) IMARES IMARES is n inpnnt n ojtiv rsrh institut tht is prt of Wgningn UR (Univrsity & Rsrh ntr) n provis knowlg nssry for n intgrt prottion, xploittion n sptil us of th s n ostl zons. Erik Mstrs, tropil mrin ologist n rsrhr t th prtmnt Eosystms of IMARES lotions Txl n Dn Hlr, is within th institut rsponsil for h rol of IMARES in th projt is to provi sintifi informtion n unrstning of th funtioning of slt osystms in Bonir, n to ssss th impts of hngs in osystm onitions on th provisioning of srvis. 1.2 Prolm finition informtion ws lry mphsis y D Groot (1992) in his rsrh into th funtions n vlus of ntur. Ds ltr Th Eonomi of Eosystms n Bioivrsity (TEEB) pltform, glol 2- yr stuy of hunrs of xprts, rports tht knowlg out th rol of osystm prosss n ioivrsity in th provision of srvis for humn wlfr is still lking, n tht rsrh fforts r n to gt ttr initors to msur ioivrsity n th provision of srvis s sis for onomi vlution (D Groot t l., 2010). Aoring to Krmn (2005) ologil unrstning of most osystm srvis is still limit. Eology n onomy n to ttr link in orr to mk inform isions in th onsrvtion n mngmnt of osystms. Eonomi vlution of osystm srvis intifis supply of goos n srvis n stimts montry vlus, ut os not msur how osystm funtioning n ioivrsity trmin n influn th quntity n qulity 7

8 of goos n srvis provi (Krmn, 2005). Lk of knowlg out th rol of osystm prosss n ioivrsity on humn wlfr n th rol of humn tions on nvironmntl hng r intifi s rsons for lrg sl n ontinuous osystm grtion n lrting loss of osystm srvis n ioivrsity (D Groot t l., 2010). Ths omplx ynmis might th rson tht ologil prosss n osystm funtioning hv not n suffiintly intgrt in onomi vlution stuis. Th omplx ologil intrtions from nvironmntl onitions to iologil prosss to ologil funtion livry (Fri t l., 2008) might nothr rson for th Th soio- onomi vlution stuy of Bonir provis th opportunity n frmwork to rss this rsrh gp on lol sl, using th osystm srvis of orl rfs in Bonir s s stuy. Th im of th ologil rsrh within th frmwork of th soio- onomi vlution stuy is (1) to intify ky ologil prosss n orrsponing pross initors tht trmin th onition of th osystms n (2) to intify inirt n irt rivrs of osystm hng n orrsponing initors of hng in th sttus of th osystms (Wolfs, 2011). Th fous of my rsrh is on mrin osystms in gnrl, n on orl rfs in prtiulr. Two intronnt osystms, sgrss s n mngrov forsts, r inlu in this rsrh with rspt to thos prosss tht r link to th srvis provi y orl rfs. For xmpl, mngrovs r nursris for juvnil spis n support fish n invrtrt iomss n ivrsity on orl rfs, inrsing rsours vill for xtrtiv us in fishris n non- xtrtiv us in iving tourism. Th qulity of osystms is th sis for ll osystm funtions n ontinuous provision of srvis (Boum n vn r Plog, 1975). Wll- funtioning osystms r mor likly to provi sustinl livry of osystm srvis. Sustinl in this ontxt mns tht th stt of th osystm mts th ns of th urrnt humn popultion without ompromising th ility to mt th ns of futur gnrtions (MEA, 2005) to livr osystm srvis. Wll- funtioning osystms r osystms tht hv vlop into or r in th pross of vlopmnt towrs - sty stt osystm tht is stl t th rltiv short- trm of 50 to 200 yrs (Boum n vn r Plog, 1975). A stl stt osystm is hrtriz y th rsilin of th osystm (Boum n vn r Plog, 1975). Rsilin is th pity of n osystm to op with isturns without shifting into qulittivly iffrnt stt tht is ontroll y iffrnt st of prosss (D Groot t l., 2010; Mynr t l., 2010). Th stl stt of hlthy orl rf is orl- omint stt (Shppr t l., 2009). A qulittivly iffrnt stt is n lg- or vn rul- omint stt (Mynr t l., 2010). Ths ltrntiv stts o not support th ioivrsity n struturl omplxity tht orl rfs offr, n suh hngs in osystms will invitly l to hngs in osystm srvi livry. In th s stuy of Bonir, most irt n inirt us of osystm srvis of orl rfs pns on th urrnt orl- omint stt. For xmpl, iving tourism rlis on th unn n ivrsity of orls n rf fish, ut lso rgulting srvis suh s ostl prottion rquir th orl rf strutur tht issipts wv nrgy n provis nturl rkwtrs. Whil osystm srvis r pnnt on wll- funtioning n stl osystms, t th sm tim us of osystm srvis n provi nothr srvi. Popl n funtion within th stl stt onitions of n osystm, howvr frquntly osystms r unl to op with n to nutrliz th nthropogni impts (Boum n vn r Plog, 1975). Corl rf rsilin is rlt to funtionl n struturl omponnts of th rf osystm. Th sttus of ths omponnts n hrtris y initors tht n msur. Evlution of ths initors n us to inform stkholrs on th sttus of th osystm n its funtions, th impts of nturl n nthropogni prssurs on th futur livry of osystm srvis n inform mngmnt on msurs to mitigt impts. 8

9 1.3 Thsis rsrh Ojtivs Th ovrll im of this rsrh ws to nlyz for Bonir how osystm srvis provi y orl rfs n intronnt sgrss s n mngrov forsts r trmin y iffrnt ologil prosss n struturs tht ply ky rol in osystm rsilin n th sustinl livry of nomi vlu of osystm srvis is to nlyz how ths mrin hitts rprsnt osystm srvis s wll s ky ologil prosss. Th rsrh ojtivs r twofol: Th first ojtiv is to vlop mtho to nlyz th funtionl vlu of orl rf hitts in Bonir to ky ologil prosss n struturs, y ssigning vlus to hitts whr ky ologil prosss n struturs r tking pl s on th prsn of funtionl groups of rf fish n orls n thir funtionl rol in ths ologil prosss n struturs. Th son ojtiv is to nlyz whih orl rf hitts n lotions in Bonir ontriut most to th osystm srvis provi for in Bonir, in orr to know whih mrin hitts n to trgt in onsrvtion mngmnt n how to inorport th sustinl livry of osystm srvi Rsrh qustions Wht is th funtionl vlu of orl rfs in Bonir to osystm srvis msur s th rprsnttion of ruil funtionl groups tht support ky ologil prosss n iophysil struturs tht provi osystm srvis (n ultimtly support orl rf rsilin)? In orr to nswr this rsrh qustion, th foling qustions n to nswr: 1. Whih osystm srvis r provi y orl rfs on Bonir? 2. Wht r ky ologil prosss n struturs tht trmin osystm funtions (n th pity to livr ths osystm srvis)? 3. Wht r ruil funtionl groups n thir funtionl rols to support ths ky prosss n struturs? 4. Wht is th lvl of rprsnttion of ths funtionl groups in orl rf hitts n lotions on Bonir? Mtho ovrviw n sop This rsrh onsist of two prts: litrtur rviw on orl rf osystm srvis n unrlying ologil prosss n struturs n n nlytil stuy of primry t ollt through snorkl survy. Not ll osystms whih r wr xmin, ut just th orl rf osystm. Furthrmor it i not intn to sri th omplt n omplx funtioning of orl rf osystm s whol, ut only thos lmnts tht r link to thos funtionl groups of orl n fish tht n inlu in visul nsus thniqu. For xmpl th miroil loop tht is onsir ssntil in th nutrint yl on orl rfs is not inlu s ths singl- ll orgnisms r not visil whil oing snorkl survy. Rsrh into th impt of thrts to osystm funtioning n osystm srvi livry ws not inlu ithr. 1.4 Strutur of rport Aftr this introution th mthoology of th rsrh is xplin in hptr 2, inluing th thortil frmwork with xisting thoris n onpts tht rsult in th onptul mol for this 9

10 rsrh. It lso lorts how h stp of th onptul mol is us to nswr th rsrh qustions. In hptrs 3, 4 n 5 th outoms of th two omponnts of this rsrh, th litrtur stuy n th nlytil stuy, r prsnt. Chptr 3 nswrs th first thr rsrh qustions s on litrtur rviw y proviing n ovrviw of osystm funtions n linking thm to (1) osystm srvis tht n livr y thos funtions in hptr 3.2 n (2) funtionl groups tht support ths funtions n th unrlying prosss n struturs in hptr 3.3. In hptr 4 th rsults of primry t nlysis r prsnt: th sltion n rprsnttion of funtionl groups in th orl rf hitts. This nswrs th fourth rsrh qustion for fish funtionl groups in hptr 4.2 n for orls in hptr 4.3. Th ovrrhing rsrh qustion of th funtionl vlu of orl rfs on Bonir is nswr in hptr 5, s on th rsults from hptr 3 n 4. In th isussion in hptr 6 th vits of gps, ssumptions n mthoologil limittions r Finlly, in hptr 7 th onlusions n summry of th rsults r prsnt. 10

11 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Th sign of this rsrh is summriz in onptul mol whih outlins th pproh of th ologil nlysis n how it fits in th onomil nlysis. Th mol uils on thortil frmwork of xisting thoris n onpts whih is prsnt in hptr 2.1, fol y th onptul mol itslf in hptr 2.2. Chptr 2.3 lorts on th mthos us to ollt, pross n nlyz t. 2.1 Thortil frmwork This rsrh is s on thr xisting onpts: onomi vlution of osystm srvis, Th Eonomis of Eosystms n Bioivrsity frmwork (TEEB) n funtionl vlution of hitts. Th first onpt inits how osystm srvis n intgrt in ision mking through onomi vlution. Th son onpt xplins how onomi vlution n improv through intgrtion of ologil prosss n iophysil struturs to trmin osystm funtions n intgrtion of rivrs of hng ffting osystm funtions. Th thir onpt is mtho to ssss th funtionl vlu s initor of th importn of hitts to ologil prosss. Th lst onpt ws us in this rsrh for th funtionl vlution of orl rf hitts on Bonir, to ssss whih r importnt hitts n lotions for osystm funtions tht provi th pity to livr osystm srvis Eonomi vlution of osystm srvis Eonomi vlution of osystm srvis n us for svrl purposs. Th min im of vluing nturl pitl n osystm srvis is to mk ttr inform isions (Dily t l., 2009) y putting montry vlu on th nfits tht osystms livr for humn wll- ing. Th Millnnium Eosystm Assssmnt (MEA, 2005) fins n osystm s ynmi omplx of plnt, niml, n miroorgnism ommunitis n thir non- living nvironmnt intrting s funtionl unit. Eosystm srvis r fin s th nfits popl otin from osystms (MEA, 2005). MEA (2005) lssifis thm in provisioning, rgulting, ulturl n supporting srvis. Provisioning srvis r th prouts provi y osystms (MEA, 2005) suh s fish for foo n gnti rsours for th phrmutil inustry. Rgulting srvis r th nfits popl otin from th rgultion of osystm prosss (MEA, 2005), suh s limt rgultion n wtr purifition. Culturl srvis r th non- mtril intngil nfits popl otin from osystms (MEA, 2005) suh s spiritul nrihmnt, ognitiv vlopmnt, sthti xprin n rrtion. Supporting srvis r thos tht r nssry for th proution of osystm srvis (MEA, 2005) suh s primry proution. For onomi vlu stimtion osystm srvis r lssifi in irt us, inirt us n non- us vlu. Dirt us rfrs to us of srvis tht r ithr xtrtiv, suh s fishris, or non- xtrtiv, suh s iv tourism. Inirt us rfrs to us of srvis outsi th osystm itslf, for xmpl ron squstrtion from mngrov forsts for glol nfiiris. Non- us rfrs to osystm srvis inpnnt of ny prsnt or futur us, suh s th knowlg tht rr spis xist or th insurn tht futur gnrtions n us th srvi (Vn Bukring t l., 2007). Dirt us vlus of provisioning srvis r sy to stimt (Vn Bukring t l., 2007), us srvis oftn hv mrkt vlu. Inirt us vlus r mor iffiult to stimt us of th omplxity to stimt th lvl of us in rltion to th osystm (Vn Bukring t l., 2007), ut thr r lso vlution mthos to stimt inirt us vlu of rgulting srvis n vn non- us vlus suh s most ulturl srvis. Supporting srvis r gnrlly not vlu s this woul rsult in oul ounts, us th srvi thy support is lry inlu in th vlution. Th ontriution of onomi vlution in osystm mngmnt is tht it provis informtion on th vlu of ntur in omprhnsiv wy, y inluing not just irt us nfits with mrkt vlu. Th totl onomi vlu of ll nfits rprsnts th osts for soity if osystm srvis r lost u to hngs in osystms. 11

12 Figur 2. Rol of onomi vlution in osystm mngmnt (pt from Dily t l., 2009). Furthrmor th onomi vlu n us in ost nfit nlyss to ompr th nfits with th osts of protting osystms. Th frmwork prsnt in figur 2 shows tht vlution of osystm srvis is not n n in itslf, ut wy of orgnizing informtion n stp in th lrgr n ynmi pross of ision- mking (Dily t l., 2000). Eosystm ynmis inluing th impt of thrts n th fft on provision of srvis r n importnt stp in this pross s wll Th onomis of osystms n ioivrsity TEEB, Th Eonomi of Eosystms n Bioivrsity pltform, is glol 2- yr stuy, in whih hunrs of xprts from roun th worl r involv. Thy hv nlyz onomi nfits of iologil ivrsity n osts of ioivrsity losss n hv rport thir finings t th Convntion for Biologil Divrsity in Otor 2010 (TEEB, 2010). Thy rport tht knowlg out th rol of osystm prosss n ioivrsity in th provision of srvis for humn wlfr is still lking, n tht rsrh fforts r n to gt ttr initors to msur ioivrsity n th provision of srvis s sis for onomi vlution (D Groot t l., 2010). TEEB uils on th frmwork of th MEA, ut spifis osystms in unrlying osystm funtions, ologil struturs n prosss, provi (D Groot t l., 2010). This is shown in th uppr- lft hn ox in figur 3. n prosss tht unrpin th pity of n osystm (TEEB, 2010). This is iffrnt from osystm srvis, us funtions rprsnt th pity to provi osystm srvis, not th tul us of srvis. For xmpl th iomss of fish is th funtion, whil th srvis provi r fish th n fish ioivrsity to njoy for ivrs s ulturl srvi. Furthrmor osystm funtions mk th link twn ology n onomy mor istint, s funtions r trmin y ologil prosss n iophysil struturs, whil srvis r trmin y th irt n inirt us for onomi, soil n ologil wlfr. Eosystm prosss r fin s ny hng or rtion whih ours within osystms, ithr physil, hmil or iologil (TEEB, 2010) whih inlu omposition, proution n nutrint yling. Eosystm strutur is fin s th iophysil rhittur of n osystm, for whih th omposition of spis mking up th rhittur my vry (TEEB, 2010). Finlly, rivrs of hng r ffting osystm srvis through osystm hngs. Drivrs r fin s ny nturl or humn- inu ftor tht irtly or inirtly uss hng in n osystm (TEEB, 2010). Inirt rivrs suh s mogrphi shifts, thnology innovtion n onomi vlopmnt fft th wy popl 12

13 irtly us n mng osystms n thir srvis. Dirt rivrs r ivi in ngtiv, nutrl n positiv rivrs. Ngtiv rivrs inlu hitt strution n ovr- xploittion. Nutrl rivrs n hngs in us. Positiv rivrs nhn nturl pitl n inlu osystm onsrvtion n sustinl mngmnt (D Groot t l., 2010). Figur 3. TEEB onptul frmwork (D Groot t l., 2010). Eosystm funtion tgoris istinguish y TEEB r th proution funtion, rgultion funtion, hitt funtion n informtion funtion. Thy r link to provisioning, rgulting, hitt n ulturl srvis. TEEB omitt th MEA tgory of supporting srvis s ths r sn s sust of ologil prosss in th TEEB frmwork (D Groot t l., 2010). This is in lin with th prinipl to voi oul ounts in onomi vlution. TEEB hitt srvi to light th importn of osystms to provi hitt for migrtory spis n gn pool prottion (D Groot t l., 2010). Aoring to th TEEB lssifition 22 srvis r istinguish. For omplt ovrviw of ths srvis, inluing omprison of similritis n iffrns twn TEEB n MEA lssifition is rfrr to ppnix A Funtionl vlution of hitts to osystm prosss Th thir onpt on whih this rsrh proposl is s is mtho sign y Hrorn t l. (2006) to ssign funtionl vlus to osystm prosss in Crin orl rf, sgrss n mngrov hitts. Th mtho is s on n mpiril litrtur rviw of osystm prosss ross th Crin. Hrorn t l. (2006) xmin th importn of orl rf, sgrss n mngrov hitts in h of ths prosss, whih is fin s th funtionl vlu. Th funtionl vlu is xprss on n orinl sl in smi- quntittiv tgoris: non,, or. Ctgoriztion is s muh s possil s on quntittiv mpiril t, n othrwis s on hitt mps r vill, funtionl vlus n ssign to th hitt mp to rt hotspot mps with funtionl vlu or to rt pross mps with lyr pr pross to rss prtiulr ologil n mngmnt qustions (Hrorn t l., 2006). 13

14 Hrorn t l. (2006) istinguish tn hitt typs n lvn osystm prosss. Hitt typology is s on gomorphologil strutur n ioti n ioti nthi omposition (Mumy n Hrorn, 1999). Th slt sl of hitts is lrg nough to isrimint hitt typs y - rsolution optil rmot snsing. Gomorphologil zons typilly foun on Crin orl rfs r lgoons, pth rf, k rf, rf rst, spur n groov, for rf n srpmnt. Bnthi ommunitis typilly foun on Crin orl rfs r ivi in 4 min groups: orl omint, lgl omint, r sustrtum omint n sgrss omint. Tl 1. Funtionl vlus of Crin orl rf, sgrss n mngrov hitts to min osystm prosss (pt from Hrorn t l., 2006). Hitt typs Funtionl vlu: Non Low Mium High Eosystm Pross Unit of msurmnt 1. Wv nrgy issiption % of nrgy Mngrov Lgoon - sgrss Pth rf - orl Bk rf - orl Rf rst - orl Aropor Forrf - lg+gorgonins Shl forrf - orl Montstr Forrf - sn Dp forrf - orl Montstr Esrpmnt - orl 2. Nitrogn fixtion nmol N 2 g fw -1 h Gross primry proution g O 2 m Dnsity of hrivors fish 100 m -2 - Stoplight Prrotfish Sprisom viri - Surgonfish Anthuri spp. - Thrspot Dmslfish Stgsts plnifrons - S urhin Dim (<1983) - S urhin Dim (>1983) 5. Dnsity of plnktivors fish 100 m Dnsity of invrtivors fish 100 m -2 - Whit Grunt Hmulon flvolintum 7. Dnsity of pisivors fish 100 m -2 - Nssu Groupr Epinphlus stritus - Spiny Lostr Pnulirus rgus iniviuls h -1 - Qun onh Stromus gigs iniviuls h Gross lifition kg CCO3 m-2 yr-1 9. Community iorosion kg CCO3 m-2 yr Corl rruitmnt juvnils m Corl ivrsity Shnnon ivrsity inx Tl 1 shows th tn intifi hitt typs s on thir strutur n min nthi omposition (Mumy n Hrorn, 1999). Tl 1 lso shows th lvn osystm prosss n thir unit of 14

15 msurmnt n stnriztion of quntittiv mpiril t. Th prosss r slt s on th frmwork of mjor prosss sri y Hthr (1997): orl rf rtion, iologil proution, orgni omposition, iogohmil yling n mintnn of ioivrsity. 2.2 Conptul mol th ynmi ision mking pross s shown in figur 2 wr nlyz oring to th prinipls of TEEB s shown in figur 3, y xmining th unrlying ologil prosss n iophysil struturs tht trmin osystm funtions. Th onptul mol of this rsrh is prsnt in figur 4 n shows how th ologil n onomil nlyss wr link through th funtionl vlu s introu in hptr Arrows onnt th iffrnt stps in th rsrh n rfr to rltionship tht ws xmin. Dsh rrows rfr to rltionships with omponnts of th projt ll outsi of th sop of this rsrh, ut r nvrthlss inlu in th onptul mol to show th ovrll pitur of th projt. Th ologil nlysis xmin th ky ologil prosss n iophysil struturs s on funtionl groups of rf fish n orls n thir funtionl rols in ths ologil prosss n struturs. Th onomil nlysis trmin th min osystm srvis for nfiiris in Bonir n stimt th onomi vlu of h osystm srvi. Th onomi vlu n llot to spifi hitts s on th funtionl vlu of h hitt. Eh stp in th onptul mol is xplin in mor til. Figur 4. Conptul mol of funtionl vlution of osystms. Th numrs rfr to susqunt stps in th rsrh: For th onomil nlysis th stps wr 1) intifition of osystm srvis 2) stimtion of thir onomi vlu n 6) mpping of ths vlus. For th ologil nlysis th stps wr 3) intifition of osystm funtions n 4) funtionl groups, fol y 5) stimtion of th funtionl (ologil) vlu of survy sits to support osystm srvis s on th rprsnttion of funtionl groups. Stp 7) intifition of thrts tht impt th funtionl vlu of sits fll outsi th sop of this rsrh. Th hrtrs rfr to th rltionships twn omponnts: A) whih funtions n unrlying prosss n struturs trmin th livry of h osystm srvi, B) whih funtionl groups hv funtionl rol to support h osystm funtion, C) wht is th funtionl vlu of survy sits, msurs s th rprsnttion of h funtionl group t h survy sit n D) wht is th funtionl vlu t survy sits for th potntil livry of h osystm srvi. 15

16 2.2.1 Funtionl group pproh Th rsrh mtho how to ollt t n nlyz osystm funtionl vlu ws s on funtionl group pproh. Funtionl groups r fin s olltion of spis tht prform similr funtion irrsptiv of thir txonomi ffinitis (Stnk n Dthir, 1994). This funtionl group pproh hs n slt for thr rsons: First, it hlps to simplify th ologil nlysis s it prmits n xmintion of pttrns without th n for til t olltion t spis lvl (Stnk n Dthir, 1994). Son, it provis th sis for mnging unrtinty in onsrvtion y mintining not iniviul spis ut th funtionl groups tht support ynmi ologil prosss (Bllwoo t l., 2004) n sustin osystm srvis (Hughs t l., 2005). Thir, it is possil to lssify funtionl groups oring to th fous n ns of th rsrh, s on ithr morphologil, physiologil, hviourl, iohmil or trophi ritri (Stnk, 2001). With rgrs to th son rson, funtionl runny of iniviul spis pns on th rspons ivrsity twn spis in th funtionl group. Within funtionl group spis rihnss trmins th funtionl runny, whry th loss of on spis is potntilly ompnst for y nothr spis (Bllwoo t l., 2004). This ts s n insurn ginst nvironmntl hng, howvr funtionl runny is infftiv if thr is rspons ivrsity (Bllwoo t l., 2004). Rspons ivrsity is th rng of rsponss to nvironmntl hng y spis within funtionl group (Elmqvist t l., 2003) for xmpl iffrns twn orl spis in lhing s rspons to ris in s surf tmprtur. With rgrs to thir rson, fish funtionl groups wr slt s on hviourl n trophi hrtristis n orl funtionl groups wr slt s on morphologil hrtristis. Fish funtionl groups r gnrlly us synonymously with guils of spis from iffrnt trophi lvls in th foo hin. Guils r spis with similr rsour us, lik foo rsours us y hrivors, plnktivors, invrtivors n pisivors (Blonl, 2003). This lso rflts thir rol in trnsfrring nrgy to th nxt lvl in th foo hin (Don t l., 1996). Fish funtionl groups hv lso n intifi y thir rols in osystm prosss (Bllwoo t l., 2004). Hrivors for xmpl r thn split in su- groups of srping, roving, roing n rowsing hrivors (Bllwoo t l., 2004), us ths iffrns in fing hviour r importnt for thir funtionl rol in iffrnt ky ologil prosss suh s grzing of lg (Mumy, 2006; Mumy t l., 2006) n iorosion of orls through srping of orl prts whil grzing lg (Huthings n Kin, 1986). Corl funtionl groups hv lso n intifi y thir funtionl rols in th ky ologil prosss, suh s lifition n onstrution of rf strutur (Bllwoo t l., 2004) for ostl prottion n provision of hitt n shltr. Sltion ritri us for orl funtionl groups wr hrtristis tht ply rol in ths prosss, suh s orl morphology. Morphology is th prtiulr form of n orgnism (Lvin, 2000) so pning on th shp of orl it provis rtin strngth n strutur Stp 1, 2 n 6: Eonomil nlysis Stp 1 rfrs to th intifition of osystm srvis on Bonir tht wr slt for th stimtion of thir onomi vlu in stp 2, whih ws input for stp 6 to ssign onomi vlus t sptil sl to spifi rs on Bonir in vlu mp. Stp 1, 2 n 6 r prt of th onomil nlysis rri out y projt oorintor Esthr Wolfs n rsrhrs of th Institut for Environmntl Stuis (IVM) of VU Univrsity n s suh wr not prt of this thsis rsrh. Howvr, sin th im of my rsrh w y nlyzing th funtionl rltionships twn osystm omponnts n how thy fft th provision of srvis, it ws importnt to trmin th rltionship twn srvis n funtions. 16

17 Furthrmor, th funtionl vlution of hitts n lotions ssign funtionl vlus t sptil sl to rs on Bonir, whih oul lso us s input for th vlu mp. Th projt oorintor provi, with input from IVM n IMARES, list of osystm srvis livr y ll ky osystms on Bonir s prt of th projt n spifi in hptr 1.1.2, inluing orl rfs. Only for sltion of ths srvis th onomi vlu ws stimt, pning on t vilility n fsiility to us pproprit vlution thniqus. Eosystm srvis of orl rfs s intifi in stp 1 r rport in hptr This rport os not furthr lort on stp 2, th onomi vlution mthos n rsults. Stp 6 is rifly rss in hptr to lort how funtionl vlus t sptil sl oul us in th vlu mp Stp 3, 4 n 5: Eologil nlysis In stp 3 ky ologil prosss n iophysil struturs unrlying osystm funtions of orl rfs hitts wr intifi. This ws on y mns of litrtur rviw, using s strting point th lvn osystm prosss intifi y Hrorn t l. (2006) s prsnt in tl 1 of th thir thortil onpt. Aitionlly, osystm prosss n struturs whih r onsir ssntil for orl rf rsilin oring to th litrtur wr inlu. (A) Th rltionship twn ologil funtions intifi in stp 3 n osystm srvis intifi in stp 1 is rport in th rltionship mtrix A in hptr In stp 4 th funtionl groups of rf fish n orl wr intifi s on thir funtionl rols in th ky osystm prosss in orl rf hitts, s intifi in stp 3. In ition, othr initors or kyston spis othr thn rf fish n orl wr inlu if onsir n importnt initor for ky ologil prosss, for xmpl s urhins n thir funtionl rol in grzing of lg. (B) Th rltionship twn funtionl groups slt in stp 4 n ologil funtions intifi in stp 3 is prsnt in rltionship mtrix B in hptr In stp 5 of th ologil nlysis funtionl vlu of hitts n lotions is ssign similr to th pproh in th thir thortil onpt of Hrorn t l. (2006). Funtionl vlu is fin s th importn of h hitt to h ologil funtion (Hrorn t l., 2006). Th importn is msur s th rprsnttion of fish n orl funtionl groups in h hitt t n orinl sl (3=, 2=, 1=, 0=non), s on fish nsitis n nthi ovr. Slt orl rf hitts wr th shl zon n th rf zon, s xplin in hptr Ths two hitts wr survy t 116 lotions on Bonir n Klin Bonir, for whih sit sltion is rfrr to hptr (C) Th rprsnttion of funtionl groups in th shl zon n rf zon t 116 survy lotions is rport in mtris C.1 n C.2 in hptr 4 for fish n orls rsptivly. Ths mtris show for h funtionl group th funtionl vlu t 232 sits, whih numr of sits rsults from oupling hitts n lotions. (D) Th orinl sl vlus of funtionl groups from mtrix C nl smi- quntittiv nlysis of th hitt funtionl vlu t 232 sits to support osystm srvis. For h osystm srvi th funtionl groups with funtionl rol in th livry of tht osystm srvi wr slt using th stlish rltionships twn srvis n funtions of mtrix A n funtions n funtionl groups of mtrix B. Orinl sls of slt funtionl groups 17

18 wr summ, inluing wighting ftor oring to th lvl of importn, ssntil or supporting, for srvi livry. Th rsulting mtrix D ws us to prou funtionl vlu mps in hptr 5, whih wr nlys to fin out whih prts of th isln r ologilly importnt for whih osystm srvis Stp 6 n 7: Vlu mp n Thrt nlysis Stp 6 is th onomi vlu mp, n ssign vlu to th most prious rs for onsrvtion lik ioivrsity hotspots (Wolfs, 2011). This vlu mp is sign y IVM through mpping th onomi vlu of osystm srvis. Eonomi vlution stimts irt us, inirt us n non- us vlu. As mntion for irt us vlus r sy to stimt (Vn Bukring t l., 2007) n sy to mp, us th lotion of us is usully known. Inirt us vlus r mor iffiult to stimt us of th omplxity to stimt th lvl of us in rltion to th osystm (Vn Bukring t l., 2007) n lso mor iffiult to mp s th unrlying osystm funtion n not th lotion of us ns to mpp. Thrfor it is importnt to inlu in th vlu mp not only th onomi vlu, ut lso th funtionl vlu of hitt lotions to osystm funtions, us th unrlying ologil prosss n struturs n to onsrv to sustin th futur livry of osystm srvis. Suh funtionl vlu mp lights hotspots of funtionl vlu to osystm funtions tht hv th pity to livr th osystm srvis. Ths hotspots of funtionl vlu n thn onsir for onsrvtion (Hrorn t l., 2006). Suh mp lso rvls rs of r snsitivity, rsistn or rsilin to nvironmntl prssurs. As prt of this rsrh, svrl mps wr prou. In hptr 4 mps of funtionl group rprsnttion t th survy sits r rport for h funtionl group. Funtionl vlu mps for h osystm srvi, showing th funtionl vlu of survy sits to support osystm srvis, r rport in hptr 5. Stp 7 is thrt nlysis, whih prou n ovrviw of irt n inirt rivrs of hng(wolfs, 2011). Th funtionl vlu mp is m mor informtiv if thrt mp is, showing susptiility to impts tht r likly to ru funtionl vlus (Hrorn t l., 2006). For this thrt nlysis is rquir of irt n inirt, nturl n nthropogni rivrs of hng n thir impt on funtionl vlus, whih fll outsi th sop of this rsrh. Howvr, in th nlysis of funtionl vlus mps n ttmpt ws m to link th outom with th sn or prsn of intifi thrts suh s ostl vlopmnt, ruis tourism (Wolfs, 2011), pollution from soli wst n swg, run- off, limt hng, iss, invsiv spis n ovrfishing (Mstrs t l., 2010). Furthrmor mny rivrs of hng will hv irt impt on ithr hitts or funtionl groups: ovrfishing might us pltion of rtin fish stok tht r ritil within thir funtionl group; nutrint loing n pollution my ltr ky osystm prosss from on stt to n ltrntiv stt; hitt strution rus th siz of th hitt n thry th vilility of strutur. This rsrh filitts n nlysis of potntil rivrs of hng n thir impts y proviing frmwork of ritil funtionl group n ky osystm prosss tht r rquir for hlthy osystm tht livrs osystm srvis in sustinl mnnr Hitts This rsrh i not opt ll tn hitts tht hv n us in th thir thortil onpt of Hrorn t l. (2006), whih lssifition is s on ostl gomorphology n nthi ovr (Mumy n Hrorn, 1999). Inst only two orl rf hitts wr intifi for th snorkl survy for th foling rsons. First, hitts pr thn pproximtly 10 mtr oul not inlu in th snorkl survy u to pth limits in visul nsus from th surf. Son, not ll hitts r 18

19 prsnt in th gomorphology on th lwr ost of Bonir, suh s mngrovs n sgrss lgoons whih r prt of th tn hitt typs of Hrorn t l. (2006). Th two typs of orl rf hitt istinguish in th snorkl survy wr: shl rf flt (pproximtly 0-5m) n pr for rf (5-10m), inluing th rf rst n th shorwr rf flt with rul, sn n som orl pths. Rf is th prt of th rf swr from th rf rst to th uppr forrf with orl- omint nthi ovr (pproximtly 5-10m). This lssifition ws s on simpl orl rf zontion into k rf, rf rst n for rf. Eh of ths zons inlus multipl hitts. Bk rfs, lso known s lgoons, hv sgrss s, mngrov forsts, sn plins n pth rf [5]. A hrtristis of fringing rfs is tht th rf grows t th g of th ost without intrvning lgoon (Pint, 1998) whih is pplil for Bonir whr suh lgoons r snt on th survy lwr ost. Rf rsts r th g of th rf slop n inlu lgl rigs n rf flt hitts. Algl rigs hrly our in th Crin, inst winwr rf rsts r omint y th rnhing orl spis Aropor plmt. Rf flts r hitts ompos of orl rul n ront sn t th shorwr si of th rf rst, osionlly us to not th ntir k rf zon [5]. Bus th k rf on th lwr shor of Bonir is virtully non- hitt typ is th rf rst, inluing th rf flt with rul, sn n som pths of orl. For rfs r hrtriz y rf sloping from th rf rst to th sfloor with <45 slop (Mumy n Hrorn, 1999). In this rsrh only th uppr for rf is inlu, whih typilly xtns swr from th rf rst to 15 mtr pth [5]. 2.3 Dt olltion Th hrt in figur 5 givs n ovrviw how of rquir t, olltion mthos n t nlysis outputs. Figur 5. Dt rquirmnts, mthos for t olltion n outputs of t nlyss 19

20 Dt olltion ws on through omintion of primry t olltion on Bonir n sonry t olltion in th Nthrlns through n xtnsiv litrtur rviw. Primry t olltion inlu snorkl survy, n intrisiplinry stkholr workshop n ky informnt intrviws. Th lttr hlp to ollt itionl sonry t from gry litrtur Litrtur rviw Th litrtur rviw ws on s prprtion to sign th rsrh pproh inluing thortil frmwork, onptul mol n mthos to ollt n nlys t. Th litrtur rviw ws lso us to intify osystm funtions of orl rfs, unrlying ky ologil prosss n iophysil struturs n ruil funtionl groups n thir funtionl rol in ths prosss n struturs, in orr to nswr th first, son n thir rsrh qustion. Rviw litrtur inlu minly pr- rviw pprs, som rfrn ooks s wll s gry litrtur rports prou n pulish y govrnmntl gnis, non- govrnmntl orgniztions n sintifi institutions Primry t olltion: Snorkl survy Th snorkl survy im to nswr th fourth rsrh qustion y ollting primry t on prsn of fish n orl funtionl groups on s mny lotions s fsil within prio of two wks n givn th wthr n wv onitions. Du to th usul wvs n iffiult ss on th winwr ost, rfs inlu in th survy wr on th lwr wstrn ost of Bonir n th ntir ost of Klin Bonir. Ths lwr fringing rfs typilly hv trr of mtr with tht gntly slops to rop- off t 5-15 mtr pth (Vn Duyl, 1985). Th sign of th survy ws visul nsus mtho using snorkl inst of th mor frquntly us su. Snorkl survys r mntion in svrl fish, mro- invrtrt n nthi ommunity nsus mthos (Hill n Wilkinson, 2004) n it ws slt for this rsrh to inrs th numr of lotions n ovr lrgr r, nmly th ntir lwr ost. A survy ovring this lrg n r hs oring to our knowlg not n on sin th mpping of th rfs of Bonir y Vn Duyl (1985). A survy with su trnsts hs limittions in mximum iv tim n minimum surf intrvls twn ivs, whil snorkl trnst took lss th 30 minuts inluing trnsporttion to th nxt trnst, mning trnsts pr y wr fsil. Othr vntgs using snorkl r tht fish r lss istur y snorklr ompr to ivr (Hill n Wilkinson, 2004) n tht ounting iniviuls from th sustrtum to th wtr surf (Grn n Bllwoo, 2008) is sir whil looking own from th surf. Th isvntgs using snorkl r limit pth rngs tht n survy (i.. not th rop- off) n ru ury to osrv smll or rypti spis t grtr pth. To prvnt osrvr is in th osrvtions on osrvr ollt fish n nothr osrvr ollt orl t, to t lst mk osrvr is onsistnt n inrs prision. Furthrmor trnsts wr vio- ror to mk til nlysis of th nthos possil. Sit sltion: Trnsts wr slt in Googl Erth y mrking trnst sit vry 500 mtr. Sits wr givn trnst intifition (ID): B00 B96 for sits on th lwr ost of Bonir n KB00- KB20 for sits long th 11 km ostlin of Klin Bonir. Evn ID numrs (B00, B02, t.) mrking h kilomtr wr ntr in Googl Erth, s shown on th lrg mp in figur 6. If possil sits wr ss from shor, for xmpl th sits mrk y th yl GPS trk lin on th smll mp in figur 6. Sits not ssil from shor wr survy y ot, for xmpl th sits with th lu GPS trk lin. Two sits (B23 n B68) h to skipp u to ss prolms, i.. t th oil storg trminl lrg oil tnkr of 330 mtr lok ss to on of our trnsts. Longitu n ltitu oorints of slt trnst sits wr stor in portl GPS rivr. This GPS ws us to srh h sit uring th survy, n GPS wypoint of th tul sit ws m t th strt of h 20

21 trnst. An itionl portl GPS rivr ws sl in wtrproof s n rri on th wtr surf uring snorkl osrvtions to msur istn n irtion of trnsts. Riving GPS signls work wll through th s n t th surf. F igur 6. Lrg mp: plnn survy sits on Bonir (trnst ID B00-B96) n Klin Bonir (trnst ID KB00- KB20), whry vn numrs wr ntr ing on kilomtr prt from h othr. Smll mp: los-up of tul survy sits ss from shor (yl GPS trk) n y ot (lu GPS trk), whry th short trks prpniulr to th ost pit trnsts survy n th onnting lins show th rout trvll y r or y ot to ss th sit. Trnst sription: Trnsts wr prpniulr to th ost, swimming from th shor to th rop- off n k n th othr wy roun whn ssing th sit y ot inst of y r. This mnt h trnst ws ovr twi. For orl on trk ws vio ror, n th othr trk ws us to rgistr nthi funtionl groups. For fish on trk ws us to rgistr unn of funtionl groups n th othr trk to rgistr fish ioivrsity of othr spis. Osrvr swimming sp ws on vrg 8 mtr pr minut. Rommn sp is 10 mtr pr minut for vio trnsts n 6 mtr pr minut for rypti Srrni (grouprs) whil for fish in gnrl onstnt sp is mor importnt s mor fish is sn whn swimming sly (Hill n Wilkinson, 2004). Trnsts wr onut twn 8.30 n hours, whih is within to th rommn tim for fish trnsts n los to th rommn tim for vio trnsts from 8.30 till hours (Hill n Wilkinson, 2004). 21

22 Fish osrvtion: Fish minimum siz for inlusion ws 10 m or 5 m for smllr spis suh s Pomntri (hromis n msls). Fish trnst imnsion ws 2.5 mtr on ithr si of n imginry trnst lin. This trnst with of 5 mtr n th vril trnst lngth msur y GPS wr us to stnriz fish ounts pr trnst to fish unn pr 100 m 2, unit ommonly us in fish survys inluing in th sonry t ollt. Aim of th rsrh ws to gt unn of funtionl groups pr lotion msur t smi- quntittiv sl (3=, 2=, 1=), ut this ws s on mor til, quntittiv t olltion. This involv mor t to ollt, ut nvrthlss ws us to voi intrprttion of sls uring osrvtion n to filitt tht osrvtions uring th ntir trk wr inlu s ojtiv s possil. In totl 89 spis wr inlu in th survy s list in ppnix B: 49 spis from 7 fmilis (Sri; Anthuri; Pomntri; Hmuli; Lutjni; Srrni n Crngi) plus 8 prtory spis from nothr 7 fmilis wr istinguish to ssss funtionl groups; nothr 32 spis from 17 fmilis wr inlu for th ioivrsity ssssmnt. In ition fish mximum siz ws ror for Srrni n lrg spis of Lutjni n Crngi (80 m or ov). Corl osrvtion: For th nthi omposition th prntg ovr of mssiv, rnhing n soft orls, mro- lg, ynotri mts, spongs, orl rul, sn n rok ws ror s on visul pprisl of th survy r. In ition thrts or impts from thrts to stony orls wr ror, suh s orl mortlity, isss, lhing, prrotfish (Sri spp.) it mrks n prsn of nuisn spis, suh s tunit mts (Triimnum solium). Othr prmtrs ror wr orl ivrsity, orl mximum siz, s urhins (Dim ntillrum) n rf topogrphy on sl from 0 to 4 whry 0 = no vrtil rlif, 1 = n sprs rlif, 2 = ut wispr rlif, 3 = mortly omplx, 4 = vry omplx with numrous vs n ovrhngs. Equipmnt: Dt wr rgistr on fish n orl tshts of wtrproof ppr, for whih is rfrr to th xmpls in ppnix C. Mtrils us wr wtrproof ppr, unrwtr slt n pnil on string. As mntion rlir th osrvr roring orl lso us Snyo vio mr typ vp- h2000, two GPS, Qstrz lp timr to ror trks n Grmin Trx H to srh trnst sits n mk wigh points, n Ottrox wtrproof s for th GPS rri t th wtr surf. In ition STINAPA ots, th hif mrin prk rngr n ot rivr voluntr wr vill uring six survy ys to ss sits tht wr not ssil y r from shor. Trining n tsting: Prior to th survy thr ws mpl tim for m, th osrvr ollting fish t, to rfrsh n prtis fish intifition skills, using lmint wtrproof fish intifition rs. Ths rs, for whih is rfrr to ppnix D, show spis y funtionl group with thir sintifi n ommon nm, s wll s thir mximum n vrg totl lngth, s on informtion n piturs from FishBs [6]. A pilot of nin trnst ws on fw wks prior to strt of th survy, to improv th sign of th t ntry shts, to giv input into th orinl sling (of,, lvls) n to mk rlisti plnning. Of th plnn sits in lvn ys plus two spr ys, tul t olltion ws omplt oring to pln in lvn ys Primry t olltion: Stkholr workshop sssion Th stkholr workshop hl on Bonir from My 2011 ws th kik- Th workshop ws l y n nvironmntl onomist of IVM n ttn y lol n intrntionl stkholrs from th fils of orl rf ology, mrin iology n ntur onsrvtion from STINAPA, th orgnistion mnging th mrin n trrstril prks, th S Turtl Consrvtion Bonir (STCB) n rsrh instituts Crmi on Curo n CIEE on Bonir, s wll s y rprsnttivs of th govrnmnt, ulturl n tourism stors. In this workshop sssion on th 22

23 ologil omponnt of th projt ws prsnt y Erik Mstrs of IMARES n myslf. Th ojtiv of this sssion ws twofol. First, this rsrh pproh n th snorkl survy wr prsnt. Son, in four intrisiplinry working groups stkholrs wr sk to intify impts of givn thrt on hitts n osystm prosss n to trmin th rltionship twn thrt n osystm srvi livry. Th four min thrts for Bonir, slt uring th workshop y th stkholrs, wr invsiv spis, ostl vlopmnt, ruis tourism n soli wst Sonry t olltion Sonry t rfrs to rnt orl rf stuis spifilly on Bonir, suh s gry litrtur rports (Stnk n Arnol, 2009) n orl rf rsilin ssssmnts (Bruknr t l., 2010; IUCN, 2011) s wll s pulish stuis on th orl n fish ommunitis of Bonir (Snin t l., 2008; Sommr t l., 2011). Ths t wr ollt through prtiiption in th stkholr workshop n ky informnt intrviw with th Bonir Ntionl Mrin Prk mngr to gt ss to unrlying t of th rports. 2.4 Dt ntry n qulity ontrol Dt wr ntr from th wtrproof ppr in n Exl tsht ily uring th filwork, immitly ftr finishing th survy. Avntg ws tht unlr t wr ntr orrt in Exl y hking th vio, mmorizing th survy sits of th y or onsulting th t or mmory of th othr osrvr. Dily qulity ontrol on typing rrors in Exl ws on th nxt morning prior to strting th survy n rsing th t to us th wtrproof ppr gin. Aftr th filwork ws finish, qulity ontrol of Exl tshts ws on to hk on ompltnss n orrtnss, to stnriz t ntris n to prpr t sts for sttistil nlysis in softwr pplition R. Dt wr omplt with oorints of wigh points n trnst lngths msur from th GPS survy trks tht wr ownlo into Googl Erth. Fw missing t suh s n tim n fish mximum siz wr omplt from rsptivly th tsht of th othr osrvr, n y lulting th vrg mximum siz. Dt wr orrt for minor inonsistnis in t rgistrtion t th first y of th survy, whn ourrn inst of unn ws ror for thos spis tht wr inlu to msur ioivrsity. Th prprtion for t nlysis inlu filling mpty lls in th t sht with vlu zro n trnsposing t to gt t pr survy in row n t pr prmtr in olumn s prfrr y sttistil pplitions suh s R. In th fish tsht th foling lultions wr, us ollt t wr ounts of iniviuls t spis of spis of h of ll spis); fish ioivrsity (ount of spis); n trnst siz in m 2 (lngth x with). Finlly, stnriztion of t ws on to nl omprison with quntittiv sonry t from othr survys n to pply orinl sls in th t nlysis tht wr s on th stnr unit us in litrtur. Fish unn ws stnriz from numr of fish pr trnst into th unit fish pr 100 m 2 (fish/ trnst siz in m 2 x 100 m 2 ). Bnthi omposition xprss s prntg ws stnriz to up to 100 prnt. Fish ioivrsity ws not stnriz to 100 m 2, us msurmnt ws s on spis sn, irrsptivly of th numr of fish pr spis ror. 2.5 Dt nlysis Dt nlysis ws twofol. First, th litrtur rviw ws us to nlyz th rltionships twn funtionl groups n osystm funtions s wll s osystm funtions n osystm srvis. Son, primry t wr nlyz to trmin th funtionl vlu of hitts n lotions, using sonry t from gry litrtur to trmin pproprit orinl sls. 23

24 ESF ESF FGr ESF H H ESS P&S P&S FGr FGr ESS (1) (2) (2) (2) (3) (3) Rltionship nlysis Funtionl vlu nlysis Figur 7. Stps in th t nlysis (1) Rltionship Eosystm Funtions (ESF) Eosystm Srvis (ESS) (2) Rltionship Eosystm Funtions (ESF) Funtionl Groups (FGr) in 3 stps (2) Eologil Prosss n Biophysil Struturs (P&S) unrlying Eosystm Funtions (ESF) (2) Funtionl Groups (FGr) s on thir funtionl rol in Prosss n Struturs (P&S) (2) Funtionl Groups (FGr) n thir funtionl rol in Eosystm Funtions (ESF) (3) Funtionl Vlu of Hitts n Lotions (H) Eosystm Srvis (ESS) in 2 stps (3) Funtionl Groups (FGr) rprsnttion in Hitts n Lotions (H) (3) Importn of Hitts n Lotions (H) to support Eosystm Srvis (ESS) Rltionship nlysis Two rltionships wr nlyz in th litrtur stuy: (1) funtionl groups vrsus osystm funtions n (2) osystm funtions vrsus osystm srvis. Th outom of this nlysis is prsnt in tls or mtris listing.g. olumns with ll funtions n rows with ll srvis n th prsn or sn of rltionship twn h funtion n h srvi. Th rsulting mtris from this rltionship nlysis r illustrt in figur 7 n xplin for h stp : (1) Th rltionship osystm funtions vrsus osystm srvis ws trmin, strting with th intifition of osystm srvis n osystm funtions pplil for orl rfs on Bonir. Eosystm srvis wr intifi using th TEEB lssifition of 22 srvis s mntion in hptr n list in ppnix A. This list ws spifi for srvis provi y orl rf osystms, s on litrtur. Th finl shortlist only inlu srvis rlvnt for Bonir, s on osrvtions of th rsrhr n input from th projt oorintor. Eosystm funtions wr intifi from iffrnt sours of litrtur, whih r spifi in th mtris in hptr 3. (2) Th rltionship osystm funtion vrsus funtionl groups ws stlish (2), y spifying th ologil prosss n iophysil struturs n for h intifi osystm funtion (2). Thn sltion of funtionl groups ws m s on thir funtionl rol in h ologil pross n/or strutur (2). Critri for funtionl group sltion wr lso fsiility for t olltion in visul nsus survy using snorkl Funtionl vlu nlysis Th funtionl vlu nlysis to trmin th funtionl vlu of hitts n lotions to support th livry of osystm srvis onsist of two stps: (3) Anlysis of th rprsnttion of funtionl groups in hitts s on two min vrils from th primry t, unn of spis within funtionl groups n ourrn of spis to msur ioivrsity. Ourrn is fin s ror of spis, whthr on or mor fish or orl olonis. Aunn is fin s th numr of fish or prntg orl ovr ror in tht ourrn. Th funtionl vlu nlysis strt with ompring th stnriz tst of funtionl groups in ll 232 hitt lotions with th orinl sl to trmin if th lvl of importn ws,, or not importnt. Ths smi- quntittiv orinl sl lvls h n fin prior to th filwork for h funtionl group, in orr to know how to sl th quntittiv t ollt (.g. # fish/100m 2, % orl ovr). Th mtho us to st rngs for h lvl ws s on quntittiv t from rnt stuis on th fish n orl ommunity sttus on Bonir. For stting lvls of orl funtionl groups quntittiv t of two rsilin stuis y IUCN (2011) n Bruknr t l. (2010) 24

Hospitals. Internal Revenue Service Information about Schedule H (Form 990) and its instructions is at

Hospitals. Internal Revenue Service Information about Schedule H (Form 990) and its instructions is at SCHEDULE H Hospitls OMB No. 1545-0047 (Form 990) Complt if th orgniztion nswr "Ys" to Form 990, Prt IV, qustion 20. Atth to Form 990. Opn to Puli Dprtmnt of th Trsury Intrnl Rvnu Srvi Informtion out Shul

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