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4 +61%-,0&"2 30,)%61)"2,2#1" (B.S. Gorman 0 A.E. Wessman, P.G.Zimbardo 0 J.Boyd). AG /'322 #'66@'1#0&'216;.'. &"#'J2)02 6%:61&2))% @" 30,)%61)"7 6@"63%&,.%1%#'; 5%D&%3;21 6%D/'14 6%83'6%&'))+O 60612@+.%%#/0)'1 /3; J0D)0. =" 61%0@ )' 5%D0$00, &.%1%#%- «52#652.10&'» 5%)0@'216;.'. «1%,.' D#2)0;», «&0/» 030 «%:D%#», 1.2. &#2@2))'; 52#652.10&' Q1% &D83;/ )' 6&%O J0D)4 6 1%,.0 D#2)0; 1%8% 030 0)%8% &#2@2)0: 5#%P3%8%, )'61%;928% 030 :+/+928%, ' 1'.J2 &0/2)02 07 &D'0@%6&;D2- (K.B2&0), R.*O112), J. Goldberg 0 C. Maslach, B.S. Gorman 0 A.E. Wessman, J.Hornick 0 D.Zakay, J.C. Lennings, R.E. Ornstein, L.Tysk). E.H0@:'#/% 0.% &2#J/'O1,,1% «A#2@2))'; 52#652.10&' (AG) Q1% %6)%&)%- '652.1 & 5%61#%2) %3%80,26.%8% &#2@2)0,.%1%#%2 &%D)0.'21 0D.%8)010&)"7 5#%$266%& #'D/23;O907 J0D)2))"- %5"1,23%&2.' )' &#2@2))"2 #'@.0 5#%P3%8%, )'61%;928% 0 :+/+928%» (P.Zimbardo, J.Boyd, 1999). *2.%1%#"2 0)/0&0/" :%322 %#02)10#%&')" )' :+/+922, /#+802 :%322 %#02)10#%&')" )' )'61%; )' 5#%P3%2. E.H0@:'#/% 6.%3328'@0 &"/23;O1 /&' '652.1' %1)%P2)0;. 5#%P3%@+:!"#$%&'!(" )*(+,(" (5#%P3%2 &0/016; )25#0;1)"@ 0 &"D"&'O90@ %1&#'92)02); 0 )(,(-&%",.!/" 0/1,& ( )*(+,(0 (5#%P3"- %5"1 0 &#2@2)' &0/;16; 5#0;1)"@0, ",2#2D #%D%&"2 %,.0", 6 )%1.%- )%61'34800). I'))"2 '652.1" )2 ;&3;O16; ')%1%)0@0,)"@0, )'; &"#'J2))%614 %/)%8% 0D '652.1%& )2 &32,21 :%322 63':+O 5#2/61'&32))%614 & 6%D)')00 /#+8%8% '652.1'. (&1%#" 1'.J2 &"/23;O1 /&' '652.1' %1)%P2)0;. )'61%;92@+. 2"3(!&1%&4"15(" 5%3)%2 +/%&%3461&0;,.%8/' $2)016; )'63'J/2)02 :2D 6%J'32)0; % /'34)2-P07 5%632/61&0;7 5%&2/2)0; 0 6%&2#P2))"7 5%61+5.%&. C1)%6;64. )'61%;92@+ 6$%$,&1%&4"15&, 3O/0 &2#;1 & 6+/4:+ 0 5%/,0);O16; 2-, 5%3'8'; 0D@2)2)0; )2&%D@%J)"@0. A Q1%@ 63+,'2 5#%;&3;216; )265%6%:)%614 5%&30;14 )' 6%:"10; )0 6&%28% )'61%;928%, )0 :+/+928%. A %1)%P2)00 :+/+928% &"/23;216; 1%34.% %/0) '652.1 (*&"!%$7&8!$ 9:3:;"",.%1%#'; 7'#'.12#0D+216; )'30,02@ $ ')%& )' :+/+922, 0 5%&2/2)02@, )'5#'&32))"@ )' %6+9261&32)02 Q107 53')%& 0 $232-. E.H0@:'#/% 6 6%'&1%#'@0 0.% '.J2 &"/23;O1 6:'3')60#%&'))+O &#2@2))+O 52#652.10&+ (%#02)1'$0O) 5607%3%80,26.0-.%)61#+.1, 6&;D'))"- 6 80:.0@ #'D@"P32)0;@0 % 5#%P3%@, )'61%;92@ 030 :+/+92@, & D'&060@%610 %1 601+'10&)"7 1#2:%&')0-, %$2).0 #26+#6%&, 30,)%61)"7 0 6%$0'34)"7 %$2)%.. G%&2/2)02 3O/2-, 0@2O907 &"6%.02 5%.'D'1230 5% Q1%@+.%)61#+.1+, %5#2/23;216;.%@5#%@066%@ 030 6%/2#J')0;@0 #25#2D2)1'$0-5#%P3%8% %5"1' (52#2J0&')0-), J23')0;@0 )'61%;928% 0 '/2.&'1)"@0 5#2/61'&32)0;@0 % :+/+907 5%632/61&0;7. G#2/5%3'8'216;,,1% 1'.'; &#2@2))'; %#02)1'$0; ;&3;216; )'0:%322 %510@'34)%- &#2@2))%- 52#652.10&%- 6 1%,.0 D#2)0; 5607%3%80,26.%8% 0 <0D0,26.%8% D/%#%&4;, ' 1'.J2 <+).$0%)0#%&')0; 0)/0&0/' & %:9261&2 (P.G.Zimbardo, J.Boyd, I.Boniwell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rake, E. Duncan, F.Sutherland, C. Abernethy, C. Henry, 2008). A F%6600 1' /%&')0; )2 5#%&%/03064.

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11 #'D)"2 105" 3O/2- &.%) %1)%P2)0;.% %#8')0D'$ #+.1+#0#%&')0; 6&%28% J0D)2))%8% &%28% &#2@2)0. G#2/61'&32) 5'1%5607%3%80,26.0-5%/7%/. 5#%:32@2 )'#+P2)0; &#2@2))%- 52#652.10&" (F.Melges, Epley, Ricks, T.J.Cottle, S.L.Klineberg,!%.%3%&' V.U.). F'66@%1#2)" 6%&#2@2))"2 5#2/61'&32)0; % &#2@2))%- 52#652.10&2 30,)%610 0 &#2@2))"7 %#02)1'$0;7 30,)%610.'. %,2#12 30,)%610. %5#2/232)0- Q107.%)61#+.1%&,.%1%#"2 %1#'J'O1 #'D)%%:#'D02 5%/7%/%& %$2).0 0 )2%:#'10@% 5#0&%/;1. 5+1')0$2 5%);10-, )2&%D@%J)%610 6%%1)2610 #2D+341'1",. :%34P%- 5#%10&%#2,0&%610 #2D+341'1%&. A #'@.'7 Q1%8% )'5#'&32)0; #':%1'O1 L.Tysk, R.E.Ornstein, C.A.Dilling, A.I.Rabin, E.Martz, B.S.Gorman, A.E.Wessman, J.Hornick, D.Zakay, C.J.Lennings, L.L.Carstensen, E.Klinger, W.M.Cox, J.E.Nurmi, L.Pulkkinen, A.Ronka, R.W.Schmidt, H.Lamm, G.Trommsdorff, A.Strathman, Z.Zaleski, N.E.Strumpf, E.E.Lessing, K.L.Fingerman, P.G.Zimbardo, J.N.Boyd. A"/23;216; 5%/7%/ E.H0@:'#/%, 8/2.%)61#+.1 &#2@2))%- 52#652.10&" #'66@%1#2) )'0:% @'10, &62%:N2@3O92, 0 F'66@'1#0&'O16; 5#%:32@" 5607%3%80,26.%- /0'8)%610.0 &#2@2))%- 52#652.10&" 30,)%610. A D'.3O,2)00 Q1%- 83'&" 5#0&2/2)% %506')02.%)$25$00 &#2@2))%- 52#652.10&" E.H0@:'#/% 0 #'D#':%1'))%- /3; 22 %$2).0 (Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory: ZTPI). A '$/'B/, $%#*/3/ 1/$."0 63%.2 /') %:D%# %6)%&)"7 6%&#2@2))"7 )'5#'&32) /%&')0- &#2@2))%- 52#652.10&" 30,)%610 & 6&;D.2 6 #'D&0102@ 30,)%610 )' 5#%1;J2)00 &62- J0D)0 (life-span), 5#%:32@'@0 5607%3%80,26.%8% :3'8%5%3+,0; 30,)% %32#')1)%610. )2%5#2/232))%610. F'66@%1#2) &.3'/ 5607%')'3010,26.%8% 5%/7%/' 0 12%#00 %:N2.1)"7 %1)%P2)0- (C.A.Colarusso; P.Hartocollis),.%8)010&)%- 5607%3%800 (R.G0'J2, E.Tulving, A.Y.B;+/06, F.Melges), /0)'@0,26.%- 5607%3%800 (K.B2&0)), 6%:"10-)%8% 5%/7%/' (V.L.>%3%&', (.(.K#%)0.; H.Rappaport, K.L.Fingerman 0 /#.), 12%#0- %#8')0D'$00 &#2@2)0 J0D)0 (K.(.(:+347')%&'-!3'&6.';, (.K.S%3%1%&', A3.L.K%&'32&, U.(.G'&3%&', B.A.S%#%D/0)', L.(.!50#0/%)%&'), 12%#00 6%$0%-Q@%$0%)'34)% &)%610 (L.L.Carstensen, F.R.Lang; R.A.Cate, O.P.John), «life-span» psychology (X.X#0.6%), I.S.S#%@32-, B.L.Neugarten, D.J.Levinson, R.J.Havighurst 0 /#.), 12%#0; <%#@0#%&')0; 0/2)10,)%610 (J.Marcia), 12%#00 &%D@%J)"7 «Y» (C.Ryff). F'66@%1#2)% &30;)02 61#266%&"7 6%:"10- )' 0D@2)2)0; &% &#2@2))%- 52#652.10&2 (=.T.='8%@2/-X@0)%&, A.A.*+#.%&', *.A.U'#':#0)', M.Beiser, E.Martz), ' 1'.J2 5%D010&)"7 6%:"10- (L.!.I'&"/%&', M.K.!1#23.%&). F'66@%1#2)' 5#%:32@' 61'#2)0; 0 6+:N2.10&)%8%.',261&' J0D)0 0 :3'8%5%3+,0; (B.L.()$"<2#%&', I.S. S#%@32-, *.K.K%#6'.%&', C.*.=%3,')%&', *.E.T'7@'1%&, X.X#0.6%), L.L.Carstensen, E.Diener, R.Levine, E.Roysamb, R.M.Ryan, C.Ryff, S.W.Sadava). F'66@%1#2).%)61#+.1 6:'3')60#%&'))%- &#2@2))%- 52#652.10&",.%1%#"- 5#2/5%3'8'21 %5#2/232))%2 6%,21')02 &#2@2))"7 52#652.10& 30,)% :.%614 )0@0. G%.'D')%,,1% 1#0 %:907 <'.1%#' 6:'3')60#%&'))%- &#2@2))%- 52#652.10&" (:+/+922, 5%D010&)%2 5#%P3%2 0 82/%)0610,26.%2 )'61%;922) &'J)" /3; #'D)"7 '652.1%& 5%D010&)%8% <+).$0%)0#%&')0; (I.Boniwell, P.G.Zimbardo; G.Litvinovic, C.J.Lennings, E.L.Shostrom, B.M.Boyd-Wilson, M.Csikszentmihalyi, A.='63%+, V.L.>%3%&'7', E.Kazakina, E.Kahana, B.Kahana, T.A.Wills, J.M.Sandy, A.M.Yaeger, Z.Zaleski, A.C.Bohart, E.Diener, M.Seligman).

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