Final report Emergency support to IDPs and host communities in Mogadishu through distribution of food, water and drugs.

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1 Final report Emergency support to IDPs and host communities in Mogadishu through distribution of food, water and drugs.

2 Appello /Appeal East Africa Drought Associato CISP Consorzio 1 / Member Agency Consortium Titolo del programma / Programme title Emergency support to IDPs and host communities in Mogadishu through distribution of food, water and drugs. Indicare un titolo il più specifico possibile [max 120 caratteri]. Sommario / Abstract Fornire riassunto giornalistico del programma: localizzazione, obiettivi, strategia, beneficiari, risultati attesi. [max 10 righe] The project envisages a mitigation of the high mortality and malnourishment rates recorded in the area (GAM 27%, SAM 9 % according to FSNAU) due to lack of access to food, clean water and essential drugs. Hence the project aimed to supply basic dry food baskets and 7.5 liters of water per person per day to 6000 newly IDPs settled in Hodan and Bondhere districts of Mogadishu. Both food and water supply provided to reach families extremely in need and food insecure. The selection of the beneficiaries followed the criteria used by FAO and the WASH cluster for similar activities. The intervention furthermore included distribution of drugs to the MCHs of Bondhere and Wardinghley districts and to the maternity wing of Benadir Hospital, Dharkeynley district, in order to address the malnourished children and women within the IDP and host community. The action was based on a needs assessment, carried out in July by CISP Team. 1 Se consorzio, indicare il capofila e le organizzazioni associate consorziate.

3 1. ANALISI DEI BISOGNI / NEEDS ASSESSMENT 1.1 Periodo di assessment / Date(s) of assessment Indicare le date e il periodo di copertura del needs assessment. [max 5 righe] CISP carried out the assessment in Mogadishu from the 18th to the 31st of July Metodologia di analisi / Methodology and sources of information used Specificare in quale modo è stata condotta l analisi e quali sono state le fonti di informazione utilizzate. [max 30 righe]. The assessment team was composed by 1 wash officer, 1 health, 1 nutritionist and 1 liasion and 1 logistic officer. The assessment covered the districts of Hodan, Boondheere, Hamarwayne, Hamarjajab, Waberi districts and Benadir hospital in Mogadishu. The assessment plan was designed on the grounds of the humanitarian reports from OCHA, FSNAU and UNHCR and a preparatory mission was conducted by the field coordinator in two phases: in April 2011 and from 18 to 25 July During the preparatory phase CISP officer met relevant authorities and local stakeholders to gather information on the areas in need of emergency intervention. In the meanwhile at Nairobi level CISP consulted the 3w matrix of the Health, Protection, Shelter and Livelihood Clusters and the 4w matrix of the WASH Cluster within the UNOCHA coordination system in order to map existing actors and interventions. According to the mapping exercise the main actors are UNICEF, ANCON, NRC, NCA, OXFAM. During the mission CISP surveyed a spread presence of SAACID especially in the nutrition sector. The main gap that emerged, also during cluster meetings, was the insufficiency of integrated initiatives in the sectors of food, health and wash. The methodology included: Visits and direct observation of health facilities (MCHs) and areas hosting IDP communities in the selected districts Individual and group interviews with key informants (health care staff in MCHs; the Minister of Health and his advisors, the Mayor of Mogadishu, the district commissioners of Hodan and Bondhere; UNICEF Field Focal Point). Random screenings and consultations at MCH level and in the IDP settlements The main tool used was the Initial Rapid Assessment tool (IRA) reviewed by the assessment team and the coordination team in order to adapt it to the tools enhanced by the WASH and Health clusters.

4 1.3 Definizione dei problemi /Problem statement Riassumere i risultati dell analisi dei bisogni, indicando le conclusioni più rilevanti ai fini della programmazione dell intervento. Qualora sia disponibile, allegare eventuale rapporto. [max 1 pagina]. Findings from the assessment revealed a worsening humanitarian situation in the districts visited. Households were extremely food insecure with more than 100,000 people being in need of humanitarian assistance. In the areas we visited CISP noted that food scarcity had aggravated the situation. The assessment also indicated that needs of the people resident in Hodan, Boondheere, Hamarwayne, Hamarjajab, Mayer, and Benadir areas are cross cutting the sectors of shelter, water, food, health, and sanitation. MUAC Hamarwayne Hamarjajab Boondhere Waberi Benadir Hospital Pediatric ward No % No % No % No % No % Oedema <11.5cm cm Total Screened Tab.1 Children with malnutrition screened during the assessment Poor water and sanitation conditions, limited dietary diversity, increased food sharing and reduced food access had caused malnutrition rates to increase above emergency thresholds. Malnutrition and morbidity rates are rising, and an estimated one in three children now suffers from acute malnutrition in some areas. According to Dr. Luul who is based at Benadir Hospital, many children are affected by the hunger. He says children are emaciated and that 1 out of 10 malnourished children die daily in the area as a result of malnutrition related complications. Findings from the assessment also show most people are now fleeing the effects of drought. An estimated 80% of these individuals live in areas inaccessible to the humanitarian community, given Somalia s difficult security conditions, but an estimated 90,000 people have fled to neighboring country, Kenya. According to Mr. Ali Hassan Jamal, a community elder in Benadir area, Diminishing hopes of receiving food assistance make several Somalis walk the miles to Mogadishu or cross the border to neighboring countries in search for survival. Families have walked for days, weeks. They have left everything behind, carrying only what their strength has allowed them to, and they arrive in the worst state of physical weakness and despair that we have ever seen.

5 2. STRATEGIA GENERALE DELL ASSOCIATO / GENERAL STRATEGY 2.1 Strategia paese / Strategy in the country Fornire indicazioni sulla presenza e il lavoro già svolto nell area o nella regione, dando particolare risalto ai collegamenti esistenti con il presente programma. [max 1 pagina]. CISP launched its activities in Somalia at the beginning of 1983 when a primary health care project was implemented in Middle Juba Region. All throughout the civil war CISP continued emergency operations in Banadir, Galgaduud, South Mudug, Hiraan and Bari Regions. Nowadays CISP is running several emergency projects in South Central Somalia in the health, education, livelihood and water and sanitation sectors. CISP s support to the rehabilitation process of a country shaken by a conflict is carried out through partnerships with local organizations, the civil society, the Somali diaspora and a team of international experts. Health Currently around 25% of the population has access to basic health care services in Somalia. CISP has worked in the past 2 decades with the objective of increasing access to preventive and curative health services for people in need. With this aim, 3 referral hospitals (in Ceeldhere, Harardhere and Dhuusamarreeb), 14 maternal child health clinics and 6 health posts have been established in Galgaduud and South Mudug Regions. CISP is also running vertical programs such as HIV/AIDS and TB and 10 out patient therapeutic feeding centres. Annually, about people benefit from these services. Education Currently, only 28% of school age children and youth are going to school due to civil strife, insecurity, droughts, recurrent floods and economic crisis. CISP works in the education sector with the aim of increasing the access of pupils to quality and equitable primary education, as we believe that education saves children s lives and gives the capacity to future generations for rebuilding a peaceful country and a sustainable economy. In Dhuusamarreeb, Ceeldhere, Gal ad and Harardhere districts, CISP is at present supporting 30 primary schools and 40 Koranic schools, almost children and 140 teachers with the rehabilitation and construction of classrooms and water and sanitation facilities, teacher training and incentives, CEC and DEB capacity building, distribution of teaching and learning material. Currently CISP is starting vocational and non formal education programs in Hiran, Galgaduud, Mudug and Benadir Regions. Water and sanitation CISP has been working to increase access to clean water for IDPs and local hosting community in Gurieel, Dhuusamarreeb, Herale Gadoon, Hobyo, Budbud and Dhajimaale (Galgaduud and Mudug Regions). The achievements include 42 sanitation buildings and 20 rehabilitated ones, 9 rehabilitated and/or equipped

6 wells and 2 drilled borehole. These interventions have improved the lives of approximately people between IDPs and host community. Livelihood CISP works to strengthen the livelihood assets and improve the food security level of pastoralist and fisher communities through an integrated approach that combines distribution of livestock and fishing boats, and improvement of animal health. CISP has been supporting pastoralists and fishermen in Dhuusamarreeb, Hobyo and Ceeldhere districts. Furtermore CISP has rehabilitated infrastructures (roads) to imrpove trade activities and the NGO includes cash for work strategies in rehabilitations and costruction works. In 2010 an average of 4000 people benefited directly from the cash for work approach. IDP Protection The NGO has established women and youth support and protection centres and child clubs in 10 IDP camps in Guriceel (Dhusamareeb district), providing life saving information, support to income generation, trainings and materials for IDPs in order to reduce their risks and vulnerabilities. The support provided enhanced also the local livelihoods by distributing assets and promoting IGAs. Food Distribution Direct food distribution is not included amongst CISP s core strategies in support of people affected by natural and man made disasters. Nonetheless CISP has implemented food for work and short term food distributions as spot interventions in order to respond to extreme emergencies. Within the current famine crisis CISP has participated in food distribution actions targeting Somali refugees in Kenya and crossborder areas in partnership with Somali Diaspora groups, Somali Local NGO Afrec and a canadian Foundation. On the base of the assesments so far carried out and considering current drammatic conditions, we consider life saving food distributions and support to access to food an unavoidable necessity. 2.2 Esperienze precedenti / Previous operations Indicare esperienze nell implementazione di programmi simili a quello presentato. Indicare quali lezioni sono state apprese da esse e come hanno influenzato la progettazione dell intervento proposto. [max ½ pagina]. CISP has been implementing health programs in support of MCHs since 1985 in South Centrale Somalia, including Mogadishu. Distribution of drugs at MCH level has always been part of the overall health programs. Currently CISP is supporting 15 MCHs with funds from UNICEF, UNOPS and CHF. CISP s water program started in Amongst the other actions, namely rehabilitation and constructions of water points, treatment of water etc., water tracking has been part of the emergency response plans in several rural and IDP settlements. In particular CISP has been providing water with funds of Italian Cooperation and UNOCHA emergency funds. Distribution of food, in particular within food for work and cash for work programs have been implemented as part of CISP s livelihood support effort. Moreover direct food distributions have been carried out targeting approx 1000 families on the Kenya/Somalia border. CISP has

7 been operative in Mogadishu with health and education programs. CISP staff is familiar with the targeted districts and has longterm experience in the area. 3. QUADRO OPERATIVO / OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK 3.1 Localizzazione / Exact location of the operation Specificare esattamente dove viene realizzato il programma. South Somalia, Benadir Region, Mogadishu urban area. Districts targeted: 1. Hodan IDP settlements (Goobween lat= , lon= , Booko lat= , lon= , Dariel 2. Bondhere MCH lat= , lon= and Bondhere IDP settlements lat= , lon= Benadir hosp. lat= , lon= Periodo di implementazione / Implementation period Indicare data di avvio delle operazioni e durata del programma in mesi. L eleggibilità della spesa può anche essere retroattiva: in tal caso occorrerà specificare le azioni già realizzate nel successivo riquadro delle attività. The duration of the action was 4 months starting from 13th July Beneficiari / Beneficiaries Indicare: 1) stima attendibile dei beneficiari diretti (per settore di attività); 2) informazioni sulla popolazione potenzialmente interessata ( catchment population); 3) modalità di coinvolgimento dei beneficiari nella definizione, implementazione e valutazione del programma. [Max 1 pagina] The direct beneficiaries were divided along each sector as follows: o Sector food: individuals, o Sector water: individuals o Sector health: approx. 95, Settori di attività / Sectors of activity Specificare, sottolineandoli, i settori di attività del programma. Food security Non Food Items Water & Sanitation Rehabilitation/continuum Health Disaster preparedness & mitigation Nutrition Special mandates Shelter Specific actions Demining and awareness

8 3.5 Obiettivi generali / Principal objectives Specificare gli obiettivi generali a cui il programma intende contribuire. [Max 40 righe] To contribute to mitigate the humanitarian crisis of host community and displaced families in Mogadishu with focus on access to food, water and health 3.6 Obiettivo specifico / Specific objective Indicare, per ciascun settore di attività, l obiettivo specifico che si intende realizzare. L obiettivo specifico deve essere uno solo per ciascun logframe. [Max 1,5 pagine] To improve access to drinkable water for 1500 families of newly IDPs To improve access to food (min 2,100 kilo chalories) for 1000 IDP families To improve access to child and maternal health care 3.7 Risultati e indicatori / Results and indicators Definire gli output del programma, indicando per ciascuno di essi l obiettivo specifico a cui si riferiscono. I risultati sono sostanzialmente i prodotti finali delle attività intraprese. Aggiungere anche i relativi indicatori ( smart ) e le fonti di verifica per il successivo monitoraggio del programma. [Max 2 pagine] Logical Framework Specific Objective To improve access to drinkable water for 1500 families of newly IDPs To improve access to food for 1000 IDP families To improve access to child and maternal health care Outcome 1 Planned Activity 1.1 Indicator 1.1 Outcome 2 Planned Activity 2.1 Planned Activity 2.2 Communities and authorities, including the district commissioners of Hodan and Bondhere, are aware of the intervention and collaborate for the identification of the beneficiaries according to the designed criteria Conduction of introductory meetings with the communities involved and with the district commissioners. At least two meetings carried out in Achieved results: 9000 each location within the first 10 beneficiaries days of the beginning of the selected project. Suppliers for food, drugs and water distribution are contracted Conduction of procurement process Purchase of required items

9 Indicator 2.1 Indicator 2.2 Outcome 3 Planned Activity 3.1 Indicator 3.1 Outcome 4 Planned Activity 3.1 Indicator 3.1 Outcome 5 Planned Activity 3.1 Indicator 3.1 Suppliers are contacted and able to send quotations per each activity Achieved results: at least 3 suppliers for each activity answered the request of quotation Suppliers are selected according to Achieved results: 1 supplier for the performance capacity and the each activity best price offered was contracted Water is distributed in Bondhere and Hodan districts Transportation and distribution of water Beneficiaries receive the water in Achieved results: 7.5 liters was agreed distribution points for 21 supplied to days the 9000 individuals Drugs are distributed to the selected MCH Distribution of drugs in Bondhere and Wardigheley MCHs and Bnadir Hospital Transport and delivery of the drugs Achieved results: basic sets of to the selected health facilities essential drugs were available in the selected health structures for 3 months Food is distributed in Bondhere and Hodan districts Distribution of food for extremely in need HH belonging to the IDP communities of Hodan and Bondhere Beneficiaries improve their access Achieved results: 1000 HH to food received 2100 kilo calories per member for 2 months

10 3.8 Attività / Activities Descrivere le azioni che si devono intraprendere per ottenere i risultati sopra indicati e indicare una tempistica generale di realizzazione. Mantenere anche in questa sezione la suddivisione per settori di attività. [Max 3 pagine] The implementing strategy was based on the assessed gaps, confirmed at both Nairobi and Mogadishu level by the WASH and Health clusters. The support to the identified MCHs was meant not only to empower in short and long term local health care structures but also to create a base to identify beneficiaries for WASH interventions. The supplies to be guaranteed to each HH were calculated on the grounds of nutrition indicators in order to guarantee 2100 kilo chalories per beneficiary. The required ingredients and related quantities were purchased in Mogadishu following a request of quotation to the main suppliers (at least 3). The chosen suppliers hand over the required goods, in the indicated day, to the transport company that guaranteed the storage of the purchased items in rented stores near the identified IDP camps, one in Bondhere district and one in Hodan district. Before the distribution day enrolled staff members prepared the baskets to be distributed to each family. In the meanwhile the project coordinator and the assistant coordinator selected the beneficiaries together with representatives from the district commissioners. The selection was done by going through each settlement and identifying the HHs according to the following criteria: An HH with an <5 affected by SAM HH with a woman as head HH with more than 6 members HH with more than one child <1 HH previously included in food programmes The selected beneficiaries received a voucher that entitled them to redeem the food baskets during the fixed distribution days in Hodan and in Bondhere. The distribution happened 2 days after the selection of the beneficiaries in order to prevent as much as possible the shift of the vouchers from the selected beneficiaries to other individuals (through stealing, selling or other forms of diversion). The outreach approach, distributing the food in the camps rather than hand over a voucher to allow individual to purchase directly the food, was preferred given the distance between the suppliers and the settlements and therefore the eventual difficulties for people in need (i.e individuals affected by SAM, mothers that can t abandon the shelters etc etc) to reach the market. The same reasons led to choose a water trucking activity rather than voucher for water. The 9000 beneficiaries received 7.5 liters of water per person per day during the water trucking implementation. The water supply complemented the dry food distribution. The water was purchased at private boreholes far 4 km and 1 km respectively from Bondhere and Hodan. The water was transported to the camps and stored in pillow tanks (10000 lit. Each) provided by CISP. The distribution happened 3 times per week for 3 weeks. At the end of each week the 2 locations received a total of liters, enough to supply daily 7.5 lit. to 3500 individuals in Bondhere and 3500 in Hodan.

11 The drug distribution targeted the MCHs of Bondhere and Wardighley and on Benadir hospital. The items purchased and provided included antibiotics (i.e Amoxycilline tabs, Ceftriaxone inj 1g, Doxycycline caps 100mg), drugs excluding antibiotics (i.e Allu hydroxide tab 500mg, Ephedrine inj 1mg/ml, Ibuprofin tab 200mg) and supplies (i.e Butter scalp vein N25, Catheter IV 24, Envelopes for drug). The drugs were distributed following a negotiated procurement. The items supplied guaranteed 3 months consumption in each target health centre. 3.9 Monitoraggio e valutazione / Monitoring and Evaluation Indicare i meccanismi di monitoraggio e valutazione previsti dall Associato come complementari a quelli disposti dal Segretariato di AGIRE. [Max 1 pagina] The monitoring process counted as key actors CISP project coordinator and the field assistant, mandated to supervise the logistics of the procurements undertaken by the logistician, the distribution activities contracted to third parties and the selection of the beneficiaries. 3 officers supported the project coordinator and the field assistant by supervising the specific component of the food distribution and the water supply. The 3 officers made sure the list of beneficiaries that received the voucher were the same attending the distribution points. The project coordinator and the field assistant reported on the status of the project to the health and wash PMs and the country coordinator through: Ad hoc meetings arranged at both Nairobi and Mogadishu level Weekly reports that included pictures, testimonies, quantitative and qualitative indicators The wash and health PMs provided the adequate templates to facilitate the reporting process. Eventual corrective measures were decided by the specific coordination team put in place for this intervention and composed by: WASH PM Health PM Health officer Country coordinator Field coordinator Liaison officer

12 4. RISCHI E CONDIZIONI / RISKS AND ASSUMPTIONS 4.1 Pre condizioni / Pre conditions Identificare le ipotesi favorevoli che devono essere soddisfatte prima che abbia inizio la realizzazione del programma. [Max ½ pagina] The intervention was designed under the assumption that the security situation could allow the implementation of the proposed activities. The second basic requirement was that the authorities, namely the district commissioners, could guarantee the committed support in terms of: security and mobilization of the communities. The third key assumption was the cooperation of the communities by their understanding of the aims and the limits of the intervention (i.e. that we could not cover all the existing needs). All the assumption met our expectations. 5. RISORSE NECESSARIE / RESOURCES REQUIRED 5.1 Budget di programma / Total budget Indicare il budget complessivo dell intervento e fornire eventuale giustificazione dei centri di costo considerati più rilevanti [Max ½ pagina]. Euro See attached budget 5.2 Risorse umane / Human resources Indicate le figure di staff necessarie alla realizzazione del programma, evidenziando quali sono direttamente coinvolte nelle attività e quali svolgono invece funzioni di supporto. Specificare eventuale staff a livello di headquarters. [Max ½ pagina] The following human resources were deployed for the implementation of the programme: Direct costs: 2 m/p project manager (expatriate) 3 m/p field coordinator (local) Indirect costs: 3 m/p M&E expert (expatriate)

13 2 m/p logadmin (local) 6. SOSTENIBILITA E TEMI TRASVERSALI / SUSTAINABILITY AND MAINSTREAMING 6.1 Exit Strategy Indicare strategie di hand over, coordinamento con organizzazioni e/o autorità locali, iniziative di capacity building,etc. The first phase of the programme was focused on life saving activities. This phase had to be extended until current conditions are confirmed (drought and famine in the region leading to an influx of IDPs, absence or total insufficiency of structured and widespread response by the international actors, lack of capacity to respond of the local authorities will prevail). As mentioned above the intervention will evolve towards more post emergency interventions possibly focused on the rehabilitation on health structures, WASH interventions, livelihood promotion initiatives. In the framework of the intervention a specific attention was devoted to building the capacity of local actors, namely the local authorities and local CBOs and NGOs, involved in the needs assessment/ response planning /beneficiaries selections cycles. 6.2 Cross Cutting Issues Indicare in che modo si intendono tenere in considerazione i seguenti temi trasversali: diritti umani, genere, impatto ambientale, prevenzione dei rischi [Max 1 pagina] The project was realized on the base of a strict first do no harm approach. In particular the criteria for intervention planning and beneficiary selection were defined in order to avoid as much as possible the risk of fuelling conflict over aid resources. Knowledge of local context and dynamics will be crucial in this perspective. While carrying out the intervention and in particular in the framework of monitoring activities specific attention was paid to identify situations where human rights abuses take place and was translated in the definition of specific protection oriented initiatives.

14 7. COORDINAMENTO / COORDINATION 7.1 Accordi con autorità nazionali e locali / National and local authorities Indicare se sono state ottenute autorizzazioni ad operare, oppure sono stati siglati MOU o accordi con le autorità nazionali e locali. The identification of the intervention and needs assessment have been carried out in constant and close contact with local authorities (in particular district authorities). In particular district authorities have been strongly supportive of the intervention, assisted the team in the assessment assuring security and access to areas just recently open to humanitarian interventions. 7.2 Comitati di coordinamento / Field co ordination fora Descrivere l eventuale partecipazione dell Associato a comitati di coordinamento sul campo con altre agenzie umanitarie. CISP is active part of all the relevant coordination initiatives for aid to Somalia. In particular it regularly participates in the clusters system (in this case to the Health/nutrition, WASH and protection clusters. CISP programmes are included in the CAP exercise and registered in the 3W matrix managed by OCHA and cluster. CISP is active member of the Somalia NGO Consortium since its creation. 8. INFORMAZIONI AMMINISTRATIVE / ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION 8.1 Desk Officer Segnalare nominativo e contatti per il desk officer, responsabile del programma a livello di Headquarters Sandro De Luca Area Manager Africa CISP Via Germanico Roma Tel Fax Mobile Mail: deluca@cisp

15 8.2 Programme coordinator Segnalare nominativo e contatti per il rappresentante dell Associato, responsabile del programma a livello di paese. Rosaia Ruberto Country Coordinator Somalia CISP Nairobi Tetha Lane off Lenana Road Tel /3 Mobile Mail ruberto@cisp 9.3 Coordinate Bancarie / Bank Account Specificare le coordinate bancarie a cui effettuare i trasferimenti dei fondi di programma. Banca Prossima IBAN: IT 97 I Revisione contabile / Audit Indicare a quali società esterne è stata richiesta la revisione contabile, specificando in caso di programmi implementati attraverso partner locali o alleanze internazionali il mandato e il livello di coordinamento tra le società. Crowe Horwath AS S.r.l. Paolo Dieci, Direttore e Legale Rappresentante Firma del legale rappresentante o procuratore Data e luogo Allegati: LogFrame Matrix Budget di Programma

16 LOGFRAME MATRIX Logica dell intervento Indicatori Fonti di verifica Rischi e Condizioni Security levels allows Obiettivi generali To contribute to mitigate the humanitarian crisis of host community and displaced families in No. Of people access minimum MCH services % of SAM decreases % of people access water supply M&E reports MCHs registers Community appreciation letter sufficient access to the beneficiaries Mogadishu with focus on access to food, water and health To improve access to 6000 people access the M&E reports Local authorities guarantee drinkable water for 1500 minimum quantities of water Reports provided by the the committed support in Obiettivo specifico families of newly IDPs To improve access to food for 1000 IDP families To improve access to child and maternal health care supply and food during the lifetime of the project people access basic MCH services International agencies and cluster mechanism terms of security and collaboration with project activities Local communities cooperate in the implementation of the acivities Risultati attesi Selected beneficiaries in At least 7,5 lt per pers/day M&E reports Local market prices are

17 Bondhere and Hodan available for the selected sufficiently stable Districts receive drinkable beneficiaries for at least 3 Project supplies are water weeks available on local markets Selected beneficiaries in A 2100 kcal/pers Bondhere and Hodan diversified food basket Districts receive a available for at least 2 diversified food basket to weeks guarantee a daily supply A basic kit of essential Basic drugs and health drugs and supplies supplies are available in sufficient to cover a period Bondhere, Waberi and of at least 3 months is Wardigheley MCHs available in the selected health structures Conduction of introductory Risorse Costi meetings with the Food aid ,00 communities involved and Drinkable water supply ,00 with the district Drugs supply Attività commissioners. Conduction of Personnel Support costs 8.910, ,00 procurement process Purchase of required items Transportation and distribution of water

18 Transport and delivery of the drugs to the selected health facilities in Bondhere, and Wardigheley MCHs and Benadir Hospital Distribution of food for extremely in need HH belonging to the IDP communities of Hodan and Bondhere Pre condizioni Security conditions are sufficient


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