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1 PII P, P IG ctober 215 his package of engineering drawings displays the physical elements of the cheme. It includes a location map, plans showing the proposed works and how these tie-in to the existing highway network, an outline of the land required for the safe construction and operation of the cheme and a series of engineering cross-sections through the tunnels and tunnel approach roads. IV U UPPIG CHIC CUI

2 his report forms part of a suite of documents that support the statutory public consultation for ilvertown unnel in ctober ovember 215. his document should be read in conjunction with other documents in the suite that provide evidential inputs and/or rely on outputs or findings. he suite of documents with brief descriptions is listed below:- Preliminary Case for the cheme o Preliminary onitoring and itigation trategy Preliminary Charging eport Preliminary ransport ssessment Preliminary esign and ccess tatement Preliminary ngineering eport Preliminary aps, Plans and rawings Preliminary nvironmental Information eport (PI) o Preliminary on echnical ummary o Preliminary Code of Construction Practice o Preliminary ite aste anagement Plan o Preliminary nergy tatement Preliminary ustainability tatement Preliminary quality Impact ssessment Preliminary Health Impact ssessment Preliminary utline Business Case o Preliminary istributional Impacts ppraisal o Preliminary ocial Impacts ppraisal o Preliminary conomic ssessment eport o Preliminary egeneration and evelopment Impact ssessment

3 Preliminary aps, Plans and rawings ctober 215

4 ilvertown unnel Preliminary aps, Plans and rawings ilvertown unnel Preliminary aps, Plans and rawings Planning ct 28 Infrastructure Planning he Infrastructure Planning (pplications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) egulations 29 ocument eference: 153-P-ZZZ-ZZ-P-PC-6 uthor: ransport for ondon ev. By ignature escription 1 2/1/215 avid owe (f ead ponsor) ichard e Cani (f Planning)

5 ilvertown unnel Preliminary aps, Plans and rawings Contents Preliminary aps, Plans and rawings ocument umber -K-G-XXXX--Z-11 -K-G-XXXX--Z-12 ocument itle ocation Plan cheme ayout -K-G-XXXX--Z-13 General rrangement Plan heet 1 of 3 -K-G-XXXX--Z-14 General rrangement Plan heet 2 of 3 -K-G-XXXX--Z-15 General rrangement Plan heet 3 of 3 -K-G-XXXX--Z-16 -K-G-XXXX--Z-17 -K-G-XXXX--Z-12 -K-G-XXXX--Z-13 -K-G-XXXX--Z-14 -K-G-XXXX--Z-141 -K-G-XXXX--Z-142 -K-G-XXXX--Z-15 ilvertown orthern ie-in xisting and Proposed Junction rrangements Greenwich Peninsula outhern ie-in xisting and Proposed Junction rrangements orth Portal Cross-ections outh Portal Cross-ections unnel Plan & Profile Bored unnel Cross ection hrough a ypical Cross Passage Cut-and-Cover unnel ypical Cross ection cheme Construction orks reas

6 1 CIG illimetres IV U PJC H C H 111 CK H HF BCK U C HF CI IP H 2 12 IV HHIH H ICH UHK IV U PJC I F G H BI IV H GICH PIU ICH GICH 12 PF IH 5m m 5m 1m 15m GICH cale 1:25 c Crown copyright and database rights 214 rdnance urvey rawing tatus K: uitability F IFI BUGH BUI Project itle 2 IV U rawing itle CI P cale esigned / rawn 1:1 ev escription C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-11.dwg: Plotted by: : ep 29, 215-3:42pm rawn / es riginal ize 1 uthorised rawing umber -K-G-XXXX--Z-11 evision

7 C CK U I G I G GH U I I BC K U HBU B 1 C 1 G I C GICH PIU B CK U HB U U B illimetres 2 1 IV H U HB UU U BB IU HH H U C I H P C P PP U U BU CC CK K CCK B 2 B B I JUB U I I G U H G IC H I P XI VI I I G PP IG CK U BIG CHI UCH CHB IICIV U VIC VII BUIIG U H UH P U U JUBI GU I Boro Co nst & PP U ean GH B F CC BIG High a IICIV U VIC VII BUIIG ter H C I I I XIIG CK B PP UP I CK I F I IU B V PP UGU UII CI 2 1 1m U 5m V m 5m V IV H VICI CK H ICH U U H U P P P 12 IV B I P K I H K Bdy H P U BIG CHI UCH CHB I P I G U ICH I UGH PP UP ard PP BU G I CK IG H I ICH B CH U V V PP I BI UBU G IGI H IG CH B CK CK B PP BCK U PPCH UHBU VBIG H 2 15m cale 1:25 Crown copyright and database rights 214 rdnance urvey rawing tatus CI P K: II F B CQUI U (U) uitability F IFI Project itle 2 IV U G UCU rawing itle CH U IHI U U VIC VII BUIIG cale U P FC BU F U VIC BUIIG ev : ep 29, 215-3:44pm rawn / es riginal ize 1 escription C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-12.dwg: Plotted by: esigned / rawn 1:25 uthorised rawing umber -K-G-XXXX--Z-12 evision

8 I I B B CH B CK H V V U 1 illimetres H C ICH IICIV VII BUIIG XIIG CK B PP UP 2 1 V I H PP VI BI P F IIG CK C IG H 1 I IICIV U VIC BUIIG H P B 111 IV I II VIUC. BH VIUC B IHI H U PU1/ IV U BIG CHI UCH CHB U PPCH I I CU PP U CK IGH I ICH BCH CB C I BI UBU G IGI gh n Hi ea Bdy ard t& oc Bor 1 ons 2 VIUC. BH VIUC B IHI H U at er C I G IG CK IIG FC BU F U VIC BUIIG G UCU I-CICUI CPIG IG 4 -Z-1 I IU -XXXX- C F -K-G I rawing tatus CI P K: II F B CQUI U I U G I U BI JU I I II uitability F IFI Project itle 2 IV U HK rawing itle G G P H 1 F 3 H VG IZ U U U P CV U VIC VII BUIIG cale UGU IG UI K ev 1m m : ep 29, 215-3:46pm 1m 3m 5m 7m 9m escription rawn / es riginal ize 1 cale 1:125 C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-13.dwg: Plotted by: esigned / rawn 1:125 uthorised rawing umber -K-G-XXXX--Z-13 evision

9 1 I I I H F CIUI IG -K-G-XXXX--Z-13 illimetres 1 C IV H UGU JUBI I H GICH PI I II PP U IV H I II HIP IPC PCI P H J I XIIG IV BG K PI I GICH PIU I I PG PHIX VU P PKI PI K PP UGU UII CI PIU QU H 2 UGU JUBI I H GICH I PP UGU UII CI F CIUI IG -K-G-XXXX--Z-15 PKI K: II F B CQUI U CI P rawing tatus F IFI uitability 2 Project itle IV U rawing itle G G P H 2 F 3 cale 1:125 1m m 1m 3m 5m 7m 9m ev rawn / es escription cale riginal ize 1 rawing umber esigned / rawn 1:125 -K-G-XXXX--Z-14 uthorised evision C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-14.dwg: Plotted by: : ep 29, 215-3:47pm

10 1 QU illimetres U G U I H I B I JU ICH G U PI IG I -14 IU X--Z F C K-G-XXX - P KI PP U C 1 PP UGU UII CI PP UGU UII CI IU U BIG CHI UCH CHB I H B PP U VII BUIIG U PP U VIC BUIIG XIIG PVII B PP UP XIIG UGH B PP UP GH 12 UH P BCK U UHBU UH P I U V U IU 1 2 B CK 2 B CK P P CH U P P CH U IG P HB VII U PP B F & CC BIG ( PC XIIG) XIIG BU G B V HB BCK U HBU UH P U U PP VI BI P F IIG XIIG B FBIG B V V U CC U VU 1 U HF BCK U GHU PP BCK U PPCH UHBU V BIG K: II F B CQUI U IIG FC BU F U VIC BUIIG G UCU I-CICUI rawing tatus CI P CPIG uitability F IFI Project itle 2 IV U HK rawing itle H VG G G P H 3 F 3 IZ U U U P CV U VIC VII BUIIG cale BU UGU IG UI K H UFC BIG UCU ev 1m m : ep 29, 215-3:48pm 1m 3m 5m 7m 9m escription rawn / es riginal ize 1 cale 1:125 C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-15.G: Plotted by: esigned / rawn 1:125 uthorised rawing umber -K-G-XXXX--Z-15 evision

11 1 IV - H I-I PP U 1 2 C IV IV illimetres XIIG U C IG I C G CK IGH I BCK CK IGH I BCK BCH BCH I I B I B I XIIG I BI UBU XIIG P PP IFI I BI UBU (IGI) H C B PP U VII BUIIG C I CH CH B B CH ICH C I B C I C H H IG PP H P IG VIUC. BH VIUC B IHI H U XIIG CK CK H C CK PP U VIC BUIIG XIIG CK B PP UP PP IG CK U VIUC. BH VIUC B IHI H U 1m m 1m 3m 5m 7m 9m 1m m cale 1:125 IIG FC BU F U VIC BUIIG G UCU I-CICUI 5m 7m 9m c Crown copyright and database rights 214 rdance urvey CI P K: II F B CQUI U 3m cale 1:125 c Crown copyright and database rights 214 rdance urvey IV 1m CPIG IV rawing tatus uitability F IFI Project itle 2 IV U HK rawing itle IV H I-I XIIG PP JUCI G H VG IZ U U U P CV U VIC VII BUIIG cale UGU IG UI K ev escription : ep 29, 215-3:5pm rawn / es riginal ize 1 C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-16.dwg: Plotted by: esigned / rawn 1:125 uthorised rawing umber -K-G-XXXX--Z-16 evision

12 B U 1 GICH PIU - UH I-I PP U H U U H U I K V P IG U HB C P PP IV U UH BU U U B H U H CH C B H U B H U H C CH IG I X II V P P P PP P U U K K C PP IV U H BU 2B C P P P U U I K II PP U VII BUIIG UH P U U U V U V PP UGU UII CI BCK GHU (UCHG) PP U VIC BUIIG BCK GHU GH GH I I IU I U PP BCK U PPCH UHBU VBIG B XIIG UGH B PP UP B XIIG PVII B PP UP 1 2B P K C K C 2B 2B illimetres XIIG U PP -CCI F U VU XIIG FBIG V 12 PP B F & CC BIG (PCIG XIIG) XIIG IG G XIIG BU G U VU 1m m 1m 3m 5m 7m XIIG IG G 9m 1m cale 1:125 FC BU F U VIC BUIIG G UCU I-CICUI 3m 5m 7m 9m c Crown copyright and database rights 214 rdance urvey K: IIG 1m cale 1:125 c Crown copyright and database rights 214 rdance urvey II F B CQUI U m rawing tatus CI P CPIG uitability F IFI Project itle 2 IV U HK rawing itle H VG GICH PIU UH I-I XIIG PP JUCI G IZ U U U P CV U VIC VII BUIIG cale BU UGU IG UI K H UFC BIG UCU ev : ep 29, 215-3:51pm rawn / es riginal ize 1 escription C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-17.dwg: Plotted by: esigned / rawn 1:125 uthorised rawing umber -K-G-XXXX--Z-17 evision

13 1 illimetres 1 C 1m m 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m P cale 1:1 C 1:1 c Crown copyright and database rights 214 rdnance urvey IIG F/ CC 3.m IG CK 2 X 3.65 F/ CC 3.m G VG G VG H IG IH VI IIG HBU CIG 2 X 3.65 UHBU CIG 2 X 3.65 H IG IH VI PP GU V PP PI PP CUIC BI XIIG IV UHBU -IP 11.7m XIIG 111 IV 19.m IICIV U VIC BUIIG PP PI PP CUIC BI XIIG GU V UGU IG UI K XIIG IV HBU FF-IP 11.9m U VIC BUIIG CPU VIC BUIIG CC XIIG GU V CI - C K II F B CQUI U PP GU V IIG XIIG GU V FC BU F U VIC BUIIG CPIG rawing tatus CI P uitability F IFI Project itle 2 IV U rawing itle H P C-CI G UCU I-CICUI HK U P H VG U VIC VII BUIIG IZ U U UGU IG UI K cale CV escription : ep 29, 215-3:52pm rawn / es riginal ize 1 ev C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-12.dwg: Plotted by: esigned / rawn H uthorised rawing umber -K-G-XXXX--Z-12 evision

14 1 XIIG UGH PP UP C 1 illimetres XIIG PVII B PP UP 1m m 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m P cale 1:1 C 1:1 c Crown copyright and database rights 214 rdnance urvey XIIG IG U VU G F 2x3.1m VG G VG IG 12 BCK U PPCH HBU 2x3.3m G VG IIG VG IH VI IIG HBU CIG 2 X 3.65 VG IH VI VG IH VI IIG IG 12 BCK VG U PPCH VG IH UHBU IH VI 2 X 3.65 VI UHBU CIG 2 X 3.65 IIG VG IH VI PP PI PP & CUIC BI IICIV IGHIG CU PP XIIG GU V IICIV U VIC BUIIG PP PP GU V PI PP CI - C K II F B CQUI U PP GU V IIG XIIG GU V FC BU F U VIC BUIIG CPIG G UCU HK rawing tatus CI P uitability F IFI Project itle 2 IV U rawing itle UH P C-CI I-CICUI U P U VIC VII BUIIG H VG IZ U U UGU IG UI K BU C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-13.dwg: Plotted by: esigned / rawn H CV BIG UCU cale : ep 29, 215-3:54pm escription rawn / es riginal ize 1 ev H UFC uthorised rawing umber -K-G-XXXX---13 evision

15 1 GICH PIU I H IG CH C K IC H B H 2 IV H illimetres U G I U I B JU IV H P G I I K C G U I JUBI U H C UGU JUBI I H GICH I U VIC VII BUIIG IU I BC 22 B K B CK U U PP X I C I P H VI G PP I U HB CH U U HB U ard B UCH CHB Bo lla rd I I PHIX VU I H IC H IV C Bo ll 12 G I P hingle PIU QU BU I H GICH PI K PI PI 1 GU Bo ll ard B UCH CHB Bo lla rd B U V U c Crown copyright and database rights 214 rdnance rdance urvey urvey H V U VIC VII BUIIG Bollards I GICH PIU I PKI V U U H VICI CK P 5m m 5m C 1:25 1m 15m cale 1:25 B U UH IV CIG V 1. UH P B UCH CHB CU--CV U H IV B U B U V 5. B UCH CHB H P CU--CV U VI (m).. IV B CHIG 6. HBU CIG V. V U =-35. U U - GIUI CI HIZ C 1:2, VIC C 1: rawing tatus CI P : uitability F IFI Project itle 2 IV U II V I IG F H HBU U rawing itle U P & PFI cale esigned / rawn H ev escription C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-14.dwg: Plotted by: : ep 29, 215-3:55pm rawn / es riginal ize 1 uthorised rawing umber -K-G-XXXX--Z-14 evision

16 illimetres PPXI 2425 VI G H U C 1 1 Ø II CC 51 (53+7 F G CUV) CC B U C CI HUGH PIC GC / CP C PG C 1:5 C PG CI - C 1: 5 1. II I II. CI P rawing tatus F IFI uitability 2 Project itle IV U rawing itle B U C CI HUGH PIC C PG ev rawn / es escription cale riginal ize 1 rawing umber esigned / rawn 1:5 -K-G-XXXX--Z-141 uthorised evision C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-141.dwg: Plotted by: : ep 29, 215-3:56pm

17 51 ( 53+7 F G CC ) 285 I ( VI ) illimetres 985 VI II CC C II I II. CI P rawing tatus F IFI uitability 2 Project itle IV U rawing itle CU--CV U PIC C CI cale esigned / rawn uthorised 1:5 riginal ize 1 ev rawn / es rawing umber evision escription -K-G-XXXX--Z-142 C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-142.dwg: Plotted by: : ep 29, 215-3:57pm

18 C CK U I G I G GH U I I B CK U HB U U B BC K U HBU B 1 illimetres C 1 G I C GICH PIU 2 1 IV H H 2 IU H C H P C P PP U U CK B CK 2 B I V B VIUC. BH VIUC B IHI H U JUB U I I G U H G IC I H U 1 1 U 1 H U B H nst & ean XIIG B FBIG High a ter I I I VIUC. BH VIUC B IHI H U F I IU V 2 1 1m U 5m V m 5m V IV H VICI CK H ICH U H U B P 12 IV B I P I CK I K I H K Bdy H C I P I G U ICH I GH ard Boro Co I P J CK G I U JUBI GU I XI U H U CK IG H I ICH B CH H IG CH B CK CK B U V P XI VI I I G I 15m cale 1:25 Crown copyright and database rights 214 rdnance urvey rawing tatus CI P K: II F B CQUI U (U) uitability F IFI Project itle 2 IV U PP F K IHI H IV rawing itle CH CUCI K PP F CUCI K CUCI CPU cale esigned / rawn 1:25 ev escription C:\programdata\bentley\projectwise\\dms1448\-K-G-XXXX--Z-15.dwg: Plotted by: : ep 29, 215-3:58pm rawn / es riginal ize 1 uthorised rawing umber -K-G-XXXX--Z-15 evision

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