Statistical Study of Impact of Mobile on Student s Life

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1 IOSR Jounal of Humanities and Social Science (JHSS) ISSN: , ISBN: Volume 2, Issue 1 (Sep-Oct. 2012), PP Statistical Study of Impact of Mobile on Student s Life Sadaf Nawaz 1,Zahoo Ahmad 2 1, 2 (Depatment of Statistics, Univesity of Gujat, Pakistan) Abstact: The adoption of the phone by young people has been a global phenomenon in ecent yeas. It is now an integal pat of youngstes daily lives and is fo the majoity, the most popula fom of electonic communication. In fact, the phone has tuned fom a technological tool to a social tool. This pape exploes the impact of the phone on youth pee elationships, on family elationships and on the institution.young people use the phone in positive ways to oganize and maintain thei social netwoks. Howeve, thee ae also negative impacts on young peoples pee elationships. These can include ostacism and cybe bullying.demogaphic toolsae usedto gain insights intohow students value vaious phone applications and this pupose a suvey has been conducted. We visited five well known colleges of Gujat city, Fatima Jinnah College, Maghaza College fo Women, Govenment Commece College fo Boys, Gujat College of Commece fo Gils and Gujat College of Commece fo Boys and impotant data has been collected. The data have been analyzed and the esults have been discussed. I. Intoduction The whole wold is accepting and adopting the ways towads the advancement of technology. The youth is playing a vital ole in this apid pace. The phone had been in existence fo about a decade befoe young people eally adopted this technology. The eduction in the cost of the handsets, thei smalle size and the intoduction of the pe-paid phone cad in the 1990 s contibuted to the supisingly apid adoption ate by young people(see [1] and [2]). Suveys have consistently shown that young people even pefe thei phone to television o the Intenet (see [3] and [4]). The phone is a status symbol fo young people. The featues of the phone, the appeaance and pesonalised accessoies all attest to the phone s status, with sixty pecent of young people epoting they wee keen to upgade thei phone [5]. It is seen as a fashion accessoy that satisfies the need fo individualisation by having choices in wallpape, ing tones, phone coves, cay bags and othe accessoies and yet also signifies being pat of the pee goup [6] [7]. Indeed, even the owneship of a phone indicates that one is socially connected, accessible and in demand. It can also be seen as a symbol of independence fom one s family. 1.1 The impact of the phone on the pee goup: The impact of the phone on young people s pee goups has been extensive. Adolescence is a time of change and inceasing influence of the pee goup [8] and thus communication amongst pee goup membes is cental to the identity of the individual. The impact of the phone on pee elationships has tansfomed the pee goup into a tuly netwoked society [7] Functional: One of the main stated easons fo young people s use of the phone is functionality o micocoodination of thei social life. Adolescence is a time of exceeding the family boundaies and geneating moe extensive netwoks with pees. As all social life is based on ongoing intepesonal inteaction, the fixed telephone has been an essential instument to enable young people to oganise thei social life (see [9]).In study [10] conclude that this ability to communicate has been extended futhe by the use of the phone which not only enables coodination fee fom the constaints of physical poximity, but also of spatial immobility; that is, the need to stay at specific places. The ability of the phone to diectly contact a peson allows young people even moe flexibility and spontaneity in thei lives. Young people ae able to aange o eaange social functions extemely quickly which leads to a moe fluid cultue of infomation social inteaction. 43 P a g e

2 1.1.2 Relational: Howeve, the most impotant impact the phone has had, is to connect young people and thei pee goup. Even the functional use of the phone is intetwined with the elational use; that is, it seves to link pees moe closely to one anothe even moe than the fixed phone, as it is done without adult intefeence. In a New Zealand study 56% of high school students epoted that the most impotant eason fo using a phone was to talk and text with fiends (see [5]). 1.2Impact of the phone on the family Safety: One of the most cited easons that paents want thei childen to have a phone is fo safety (see [6], [8] and [10]. In an Austalian study, 68% of paents epoted that as thei child had a phone, they knew whee they wee at any time.thee was one paent howeve, who acknowledged that this was only a peception. Thee needs to be tust in the paental child elationship, in that the child will be tuthful in epoting thei location. This study also found that 77% of paents epoted at least one occasion when they needed to ugently contact thei child but wee unable to do so. Convesely 37% of young people epoted that they wee unable to contact thei paents ugently mainly because they wee out of cedit (see [12]) Family Rules and negative impact: Howeve, along with these positive impacts, thee ae negative aspects to young people s phone use.unfotunately the counties like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh have stong cultual values, ules and customs that ae easily fetteed by the westen cultual onslaught. Ou youth is concentating on some bad choices. The telecommunication companies in ou county have been inclined towads intoducing new and attactive packages fo youth like Mobilink (ladies fist, happy hous), Waid (zem seies), Ufone (public demand, pepay life panch ka panda, u cicle) Teleno (talkshawk Aone, djuice) and Zong s life package. All necessay and nomal inteactions can be dealt with duing daytime but the companies offe the packages that stat afte end of family o business communication. My feeling is that these packages ae moe likely to spoil and destoy ou youth than to do anything ou youth segment the majoity is student community that is spell bounded by these packages. They ae losing the essence of thei studies. They ae getting away fom thei goals, destinies and talking whole night with opposite sex, they ae getting psychologically weak and pessued. Thee ae many othe physical distotions also aising due to spending the pecious time which is needed compulsoy est, elaxation, elief and mental health. They ae going fa and fa away fom the hold of families. They tell lies and have false communication with thei paents. They ae betaying the decisions, tust and expectations of thei paents. It is inteesting to note that thee ae few common family ules about young people s use of the phone. In fact, many young people (58%) epoted that thee wee no ules set by thei paents about thei phone use, and only 12% epoted that thei paents used emoval of thei phones as punishment ([12]). In [5]study concluded that 26% of young people epoting being theatened, with the phone being confiscated, as a fom of punishment in New Zealand. It has been found that some young people s sleep is distubed when fiends call them on thei phone to talk o when a text message is deposited [16]. Thee have also been anecdotal epots of young people texting unde bedcoves at night and using thei phones as thei alam clock and toch. Pobably because of the sleeping issue it has been found that the most common ule set by paents (56%) was that childen have to leave thei phones out of thei ooms at night. Ten pecent of young people also epoted that thei paents fequently had to ask them to stop using thei phone late at night with 12% saying that this was the most common disageement between them and thei paents [12] Financial issues: In addition, thee ae issues of financial disputes in families ove phone payments. In the New Zealand study 13% of those suveyed epoted they had pinched money to spend on thei phone bill [5]. Foty-one pecent of the students had no idea how much they spend on thei phone bills pe month and 34%, epoted that thei paents didn t know eithe. 44 P a g e

3 Theefoe, within the family, the adoption of the phone has meant changes in powe and contol in the paent-child elationship because of inceased feedoms as well as moe mico-coodination of daily life. Thus, oveall thee seems to be little negative impact of the phone on family elationships. II. Methodology We selected sample of 10% of the population using statified andom sampling. The data was collected using questionnaie. Fo statified andom sampling with popotional allocation, the sample sizes, n 1 =152 fom Fatima Jinnah College fo Gils, n 2 =79 fomgovenment College of Commece (Boys), n 3 =135 fom Maghza College fo Gils, n 4 =90 fom Gujat College of Commece (Gils), n 5 =44 fom Gujat College of Commece (Boys). Total espondents wee 500. The data is analyzes using desciptive statistics, coelation and Hypothesis testing. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The minimum amount of expenditue in Fatima Jinnah College is 50 Rs and maximum is In Maghaza College the minimum amount is 100 Rs and maximum is 5000 Rs. In Gujat college of commece (gils) the minimum amount is 100 Rs and maximum is 8000 Rs. Gujat college of commece (boys) has minimum amount 5 Rs and maximum 4000 Rs. In govenment college of commece the minimum amount is 100 Rs and maximum is 5000 Rs. Mobile pice also vaies fom college to college. We get lowest pice and highest pice.the students have 1000 to 50000costs of sin Fatima Jinnah college. The cost ange is 1000 to in Maghaza College, 1500 to 45000in Gujat College of commece (gils) and 1000 to 22000in Gujat College of commece (boys), 1000 to 90000in Govenment College of commece (Boys). Thee ae diffeent categoies of fathe s pofession. Pofessi on Pecenta ge TABLE-1: Fathe Pofession Businessma n Foeigne Labou Fame Teache Govenmen t Sevant Builde Lawye s Docto Oth es 35% 20.28% 4.64% 4.84% 5.44% 7.06% 2.62% 1.01% 2.62% 6.4 9% Fom table-1 we conclude that we conclude that in Gujat city most people ae businessman, Foeignes ae at second numbe, many of people ae govenment sevants and othes have thei espective pofessions. Monthly PocketMoney Peason coelation Monthly Expenditue on Mobile Peason coelation Study time afte college in a day Peason coelation Time Given to in a day in Minutes Peason coelation TABLE-2: Coelation Matix Monthly Pocket Monthly Money Expenditue on Mobile ** Study time afte college in a day Time Given to in a day in Minutes ** ** ** Coelation is Significant at 0.01 level (2-tailed) Fom Table-2 we conclude that if pocket money of student inceases the expenditue on also inceases. Time Given to in a day and time given to study afte college timing ae invesely elated 45 P a g e

4 with each othe. It means that if student gives less time to study afte college time, he gives moe time to. We also conclude that if he/she spends moe money on than he/she gives less time to study. Month ly Pocket Money TABLE-3: Aveage Monthly Dial Receive Expendit ed d calls ue on call in a Mobile s in week a wee k Study time afte college in a day in Minute s No. of SMS mak e in a Day No. of SMS Recei ved in a Day Fatima Jinnah College fo Gils Gujat College of Commece(Boys) Gujat College of Commece(Gils) Maghza College fo Gils Govenment College of commece(boy) Ove All Mean Time Given to in a day in Minutes Fom Table-3 we conclude that on the aveage student s pocket money is 1179upees.They spending 632 upees on. They give 137 minutes to daily on the aveage. They give 234 minutes to study thei books afte college timing. Fom figue 1 we can say that that 28% students use Mobilink connection, 23% use Ufone connection, 23% use Teleno connection, 17% use Waid connection, 7% use paktel connection and only 2% students use Insta connection. So thee is a wide use of Mobilink connection and less use of insta connection.fom fig-2 we see that 16% use thei to set Alam, 15% play Games on thei, 13% play songs, 12% use camea, 11 % use calculato, 11% use calenda and 8% use adio function. So thee is a wide use of Alam clock function and less use of adio function among students. Fom fig -3 we can say that 44% students use phone fo dialing thei family membes, 37% fo fiends, 12% fo education and 7% dial calls fo othe social mattes Mobilink U Fone Teleno Waid Paktel Insta phone FIGHURE-1: Use of Mobile Connection 46 P a g e

5 Use Fo Camea Use Fo Radio Use Fo Songs Use Fo Calculato Use Fo Calende Use Fo Time Use Fo Game Use Fo Alam FIGHURE-2: Use of Othe functions of Mobile 601 No. of ecieved calls fo family in week No. of ecieved calls fo fiends in a week No.of ecieved calls fo education in a week No.of ecieved calls fo social mattes in a week 1,014 3,600 3,016 FIGHURE-3: Calls fo diffeent puposes Miscalls fo call back Miscalls fo teasing Miscalls fo eminding Miscalls fo Missing FIGHURE-4: Types of Miscalls 47 P a g e

6 Fom Fig-4 we can say that 53% students make miss calls fo call back, 18% make fo missing, 17% make fo eminding and 12% students make miss calls fo teasing othes Effect on peace of mind without u Effect on daily outine without u Effect on sense of secuity without u Effect on studies eithout u Effect on time shedule without u Effect on mobility without u Effect on family contects without u Effect on social contects without u Feel Relieved and elaxed without u FIGHURE-5: Effect of absence of Fom fig-5 we conclude that 22% students miss family contacts, 13% effect thei peace of mind, 11% effect b 10% feel unsecue, 10% effect time schedule, 9 % effect social contacts, 9% effect daily outine, 8 % have effect on mobility and 8% students feel elieved and elaxed without. Hypothesis testing: We assume in null hypothesis that students give 180 and less than 180 minutes to thei on the aveage against altenative hypothesis the students give geate than 180 minutes to thei on the aveage at 5% level of significance. Afte applying testing pocedue we daw a conclusion that students give less and equal to 180 minutes time to thei in each college of Gujat. Hee we claim that thee is diffeence between aveage time given to in a day and study fo students at 5% level of significance. Afte applying testing pocedue we daw a conclusion on the aveage students give time to thei and study equally in Govenment Commece College fo Boys Gujat College of Commece fo Boys. But on the aveage students do not give time to thei and study equally in Maghaza College, Gujat College of Commece fo Gils College and Fatima Jinnah College. Hee we assume in null hypothesis that popotion of using night packages among the students is geate o equal to 50% at 5% level of significance. Afte applying testing pocedue we daw a conclusion that students use night packages gate and equal to 50% in Govenment Commece College fo Boys and Gujat College of Commece fo Boys. But students use night packages less than 50% in Maghaza College, Gujat College of Commece fo Gils College and Fatima Jinnah College. IV. CONCULSION In this fast moving wold phones and usage is an unavoidable pat of life Each and evey day the technology is updating. Now we have the wold is in ou finge tips. Hee we like to focus moe on the scope, by this we can know about the students appoach towads the and how much it influence thei life and also helps to identify what type of function which they ae eally inteested. The usage will vay fom one peson to anothe so it's clealy being identified by using this type of studies. This help the companies to implement the custome needs and the same time they can know about to what extend the customes ae satisfied with thei poducts and sevices. The usage of phone among the students have been inceased to a geat extent. Mobile phones ae not consideed as a device fo communication alone but it is consideed as a media fo entetainment. This pape helps to know moe about the pupose which the students ae using phones apat fom communication. We come to know that now a day's most of the students pefe alam in thei 48 P a g e

7 s. We conclude that mostly students give miss call to othes fo call back pupose. Fequently they dial family numbes. Geneally they use Mobilink Connection. They miss thei family when is not pesent with them. They give 180 o less than 180 minutes to on the aveage. Gils do not give equal time to and study, but boys students give equal time to and study. Boys mostly use night packages as compaed to gils students. Refeences [1] Ling, R, Adolescent gils and young adult men: Two sub-cultues of the telephone. Kjelie, Teleno Reseach & Development (epot 34/2001). [2] Ling, R, Fashion and vulgaity in the adoption of the telephone among teens in Noway. In L. Fotunati, J. E. Katz and R. Riccini (Eds.). Mediating the human body: Technology, communication and fashion, 2003, ). Mahway, NJ: Lawence Elbaum. [3] Enpocket (2005). Mobile media monito suvey. Retieved 30 June, 2005, fom [4] Hession, E. (2001). Booty call: How maketes can coss into wieless space. Dublin: Puca. Ison, A., Hayes, A., Robinson, S., & Jamieson, J. (2004, Novembe). Txt Me: Suppoting disengaged youth using technologies. Austalian Flexible Leaning Famewok. Retieved August 15, 2005, fom [5] Netsafe, The text geneation: Mobile phones and New Zealand youth: A epot of esult fom the intenet Safety Goup s suvey of teenage phone use , Januay). [6] Sivastava, L, Mobile phones and the evolution of social behaviou. Behaviou and Infomation Technology, 24, 2005, [7] Williams, S., & Williams, L. (2005). Space invades: The negotiation of teenage boundaies though the phone. The Sociological Review, 53, [8] Ling, R., & Helmesen, P, It must be necessay, it has to cove a need : The adoption of telephony among pe-adolescents and adolescents. Pape pesented at the Social Consequences of Mobile Telephony, Oslo, Noway. (2000, June) [9] Manceon, V, Get connected! The Fench Jounal of Communication, 5(2), 1997, [10] Gese, H. (2004). Towads a sociological theoy of the phone. Retieved July 12, 2005, fom [11] Weston, P., Atkinson, S., & Giles, D. Family teo as Intenet lues gatecashes to wong house: 500 teens ampage. Sunday Mail, (2005, Febuay 27). p. B13. [12] Matthews, R., The psychosocial aspects of phone use amongst adolescents. InPsych, 26(6), 2004, [13] Ling, R., The impact of the telephone on fou established social institutions. Pape pesented at the Intenational Society fo the Study of Euopean ideas confeence, Begen, Noway. (2000a, August) [14] Davie, R., Panting, C., & Chalton, T., Mobile phone owneship and usage among pe-adolescents. Telematics and Infomatics, 21, (2004), [15] Roos, J. P., Sociology of cellula telephone: The Nodic model. Telecommunications, 17, 1993, [16] Andeson, L., Sleepless teens spend half the night calling fiends. The Advetise, 2003, p. B P a g e

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