Faithful Comptroller s Handbook

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1 Faithful Comptolle s Handbook

2 Faithful Comptolle s Handbook Selection of Faithful Comptolle The Laws govening the Fouth Degee povide that the faithful comptolle be elected, along with the othe offices of the assembly, at the fist egula business meeting held in June of each yea. Faithful Comptolle Compensation The boad of diectos has set the compensation to be paid to the faithful comptolle, and evey assembly should have bylaws that confom exactly to this policy: The faithful comptolle shall be entitled to a fee of 8 pecent on all collections of dues fom membes. The faithful puse shall eceive a yealy salay of $50 and be paid semiannually at the meetings at which the tustees shall file thei epots. Bonding The faithful comptolle and faithful puse ae bonded, at no chage to the assembly, in the amount of $5,000 when the appopiate Office Repots ae pocessed at the Supeme Council headquates. Assemblies may equest additional coveage at a cost of $7 pe thousand by witing to the supeme secetay. Additional infomation on bonding: Bonding is on the offices of the faithful comptolle and faithful puse, not the pesons holding the positions. Bonding on the coveed offices is limited to $125,000 of total coveage pe assembly, including the povided $5,000 of coveage on each office. Bonding uns fom Mach 1 to the end of Febuay, and any chage fo additional coveage is posted on the assembly account annually in Mach o Apil. The chage is poated if puchased at anothe time duing the yea. 1

3 Bonding coveage is applicable only to assemblies who have popely completed the two most ecent assembly audits, which must be on file at the Supeme Council headquates. Annual Fedeal Infomation Retun Fom 990 (U.S. Assemblies) All assemblies in the United States ae exempt fom fedeal income tax unde the Intenal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(8). A goup uling ecognizing the exemption was obtained by the Supeme Council fo itself and its subodinate units. The goup uling does not extend to home copoations. All assemblies in the United States must file one of the following IRS foms: 990N Goss eceipts of $50,000 o less 990EZ Goss eceipts ove $50,000 and up to $199, Goss eceipts of $200,000 and ove The Supeme Council insists that each assembly cay out its esponsibility unde this law. An IRS fom must be filed by the 15th day of the fifth month following the end of you annual accounting peiod. Failue to file fo thee consecutive yeas will esult in a loss of tax exemption status. The Supeme Advocate will send a memoandum, containing infomation on cuent IRS laws, to all U.S. assemblies duing the month of Febuay each yea. Assembly Audit The Annual Assembly Audit Repot (#1315) fo the peiod ending June 30 is due at the Supeme Council by Aug. 1. The epots can be found at kofc.og/foms and in the Assembly Repot Foms Booklet (#325). be inseted on the line. Failue to complete any section o affix equied signatues will necessitate etun of the epot to the faithful navigato. Please send the completed audit to Knights of Columbus Fouth Degee Supeme Maste, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT Schedule A Membeship: The infomation povided in this section is used by the Supeme Council Depatment of Membeship Recods to econcile thei ecods with those maintained by local assemblies. If you assembly uses Membe Management/Membe Billing, the equiement to complete Schedule A is satisfied. Fo assemblies that do not use Membe Management /Membe Billing, to complete Schedule A, look to: (1) ecods the faithful comptolle maintains via ledge cads, ledge sheets o though the online Membe Management System; (2) semiannual Assembly Rostes povided by the Supeme Council headquates; and (3) monthly Assembly Statements sent fom the Supeme Council headquates. The latte ae especially necessay fo tansfes out of the assembly and, in some instances, death tansactions ecoded as a esult of insuance claims pocessing. If discepancies ae found between a local assembly's ecods and those kept by the Depatment of Membeship Recods, ecods will be coected as necessay to ensue ageement. Only those membes fo whom the applicable membeship tansactions have been epoted ae to be listed on the audit. When completing the membeship potion of the audit, only include additions and deductions that have not been submitted with sufficient time fo pocessing. A eview of the monthly Assembly Statements fo the audit peiod should be completed to ensue that membeship tansactions have been eceived and pocessed by the Supeme Council headquates. The figues fo "Total Deductions" in the Deductions section ae to be placed on the line "Minus Total Deductions" in the Additions section. These figues must be subtacted fom the figues fo "Total fo Peiod" to obtain the coect figues fo "Numbe of Membes at End of Peiod." All thee sections of the Annual Assembly Audit Repot (#1315) must be completed, and the audit must be signed by the faithful navigato and at least two tustees. If an enty is not applicable, the wod none should 2 Schedule B Cash Tansactions Faithful Comptolle: Cash on Hand at Beginning of Peiod will be the figue fom the pevious Audit Repot showing Cash on Hand at End of Peiod. 3

4 Figues fo Cash Received Dues, Initiations and Cash Received fom othe Souces will be the accounting peiod summay fom Recods of Cash Receipts o the Faithful Comptolle's Cash Book. Total Cash Received will be the total of the thee pevious items. Amount fo Paid to Faithful Puse will be detemined by calculating the total moneys eceived by the faithful puse fom the faithful comptolle duing the specified peiod, as shown on all eceipts. Cash on Hand at End of Peiod will be amount shown fo Paid to Faithful Puse subtacted fom the amount shown fo Total Cash Received. In most instances, Cash on Hand at End of Peiod will show a zeo balance, as most faithful comptolles pay all moneys to the faithful puse befoe the end of the audit peiod. Schedule B Cash Tansactions Faithful Puse: Cash on Hand Beginning of Peiod will be the figue shown on the pevious audit fom line Net Balance on Hand. The item Received fom Faithful Comptolle will be the accounting peiod total of the items in the Faithful Puse's Cash Book, which shows moneys eceived fom the faithful comptolle. This should agee with the amount shown in the faithful comptolle's epot on the line Paid to Faithful Puse. Unde Disbusements, the amounts fo pe capita payment and geneal expenses will equal the accounting peiod total of payment by the assembly as shown in the Disbusements section of the Faithful Puse's Cash Book. Audit Pocedues fo Schedule B: Cetain pocedues ae ecommended fo use by auditos in detemining that dues payments wee eceipted, enteed on the appopiate Membe Ledges, tuned ove to the faithful puse, eceipted by the faithful puse and deposited in the assembly's bank account. To both make these deteminations and veify whethe cedits wee posted to Membe Ledges, the following pocedue is suggested: 4 Veify seveal eceipts on each Recod of Cash Receipts sheet to detemine if cedit was given on the appopiate Membe Ledge fo the amount shown. Veify seveal Membe Ledges to detemine, in evese ode, if cedit given thee was eceived and ecoded on the Recod of Cash Receipts sheet. Veify the totals on each Recod of Cash Receipts sheet to detemine that moneys wee tuned ove to the faithful puse and that his eceipt was issued. Veify each Faithful Puse's Receipt to detemine that the amounts shown wee cedited on bank statements as deposits. To detemine if the faithful puse's check egiste is equal to the balance shown on the end-of-peiod bank statement, the following pocedue is suggested: Detemine that an authoized vouche exists fo each check issued and that the check was issued to the coect payee in the coect amount. Review the endosement on the checks to detemine that they ae popely endosed by the payee. Compae the canceled checks to the Cash Disbusement egiste and indicate initial audit esults on the check egiste. Schedule C Assets and Liabilities: This section will povide insight as to the financial condition of the assembly. Fom the audit peiod it will indicate the assembly's financial pogess o lack theeof and whee necessay, it will enable the tustees, maste and vice supeme maste, and the Supeme Council headquates to obtain a tue pictue of the assembly's financial status. Assets: Undeposited Funds ae moneys in the possession of eithe the faithful comptolle o faithful puse o both. Assets labeled Bank Checking Acct., Bank Savings Acct. and "Bank Money Makets" be the econciliation of the faithful puse's checkbook(s) showing the net cash balance(s). Outstanding checks should be deducted fom the bank 5

5 statement. Due Fom Membes data is obtained fom the faithful comptolle's Membe Ledge ecods. One indicato of the financial condition of an assembly is the numbe of membes in aeas and the amounts owed. Be cetain to include these figues on the epot. Liabilities: Figues fo the Liabilities section elative to the assembly's obligations to Supeme, as well as miscellaneous, will be supplied by the faithful comptolle fom his ecods and fom unpaid bills in his possession. Advance payment of dues by membes should be included in Advance Payments By Membes". Advance payment is a liability because it epesents dues payment not yet chageable to the membes. When a membe is suspended, the amounts he owes will appea in the Audit Repot fo the peiod in which he was suspended. If using a manual accounting system, his Membe Ledge should be emoved fom the assembly file on o befoe the end of the peiod in which he was suspended. This pocedue will ensue that a billing notice is not poduced duing the next billing peiod and eliminates the cayove of uncollectible dues o othe chages on membes who have been suspended fom one peiod to anothe. The figue fo Total Cuent Liabilities is enteed in the Assets column in the space designated Less: Cuent Liabilities and is subtacted fom Total Cuent Assets to obtain Net Cuent Assets. If liabilities exceed assets, the Total Cuent Assets should be subtacted fom Cuent Liabilities and the esulting figue shown in paenthesis. Othe Assets: Tustees ae to itemize othe assets on the lines povided in this section. Offices Online Faithful Comptolle Section The Offices Online website, accessed fom the main Knights of Columbus home page, povides faithful comptolles access to thei assembly s membeship oste and financial statement. Access to this website is 6 ganted once ecod of election to office is eceived by the Supeme Council headquates. Afte signing into Offices Online, as faithful comptolle you have the ability to ode assembly supplies, which can be chaged to you assembly s account. Fo customized gifts and appael, click on the Knights Gea logo to visit A Requisition (#1) is no longe needed to ode supplies and gift items when odeing though this website. Anothe esouce available though Offices Online is the Offices Desk Refeence. It povides infomation about ou name and emblem, home copoations, membeship issues, tax issues, fatenal issues, council and assembly issues, the Fouth Degee and social communications. Enties ae egulaly updated and expanded as new questions aise o additional infomation becomes available. The Ode s accounting system and membe database, Membe Management/Membe Billing, is also located in the Offices Online section of the Ode s website. This system allows you to manage financial tansactions; ceate, edit and achive eceipts, vouches, assessments and adjustments; maintain a list of accounts and subaccounts, payee/payo lists and assembly defined subclasses fo billing (militay, students, etc.); poduce billing notices; and manage payments eceived fom membes. The Membe Billing Application The Membe Billing application woks in conjunction with the Membe Management application. Initial Setup fo Fist-Time Uses If you assembly has just stated to use Membe Billing, thee ae a few steps that ae equied pio to geneating an assessment. Setting up you assembly s billing infomation: Billing Infomation Membe Billing allows you to assess dues to membes annually o semiannually only. If you assembly has 7

6 quately payos, they can continue to pay quately but will be billed annually o semiannually, accoding to you assembly s pefeence. The billing schedule must be selected as calenda o fatenal yea. Once the billing fequency has been established, the assembly o faithful comptolle's addess must be selected as the billing emittance addess. Class List On this sceen you may ente the assembly's dues. Be advised that the amount of annual dues fo honoay membes in the assembly is based on the sum of state and Supeme Council pe capita taxes and othe levies. The annual dues fo honoay life membes is specified in the Laws of the Ode and cannot be updated in Membe Billing. Subclass Assembly subclasses can be ceated to educe the dues fo cetain membes. Fo example, an assembly may wish to waive o educe dues fo students. A subclass of students can be added, along with the educed ate. Once established, membes associated with a subclass will need to be assigned to the subclass on the membe s Billing Infomation found unde Membe Infomation. Reason fo Assessments If you assembly plans to assess membes fo any special o miscellaneous assessments, easons fo these assessments must be added in Event/Assessments unde Billing Infomation. Setting up the membe s billing infomation: Membe Class Displays the membe as a egula, honoay, o honoay life membe Subclass Membes may be assigned as pat of a subclass and made eligible fo educed dues (militay, student, etc.). Disability On the Membe's Billing Infomation sceen, those membes eceiving disability income benefits will be noted as "Yes" and will not be assessed dues. Nothing else is equied to ensue that they ae not assessed. Do Not Assess This povides the option to not assess dues fo membes who may be expeiencing special cicumstances, such as financial hadship, duing which the assembly decides not to assess 8 dues. Be advised that honoay life o disabled membes ae not included in the dues assessment pocess, so this option does not need to be selected fo these membes. Do Not Send Bill This povides the option of not sending a billing notice to specified membes fo any eason. The membe will still be assessed, but a notice will not be geneated. Delivey Pefeence This identifies the pefeed method by which the membe wishes to eceive his billing notice: mail, o both. Language Pefeence This allows a billing notice to be geneated in a diffeent language. Billing Addess Infomation This section allows the faithful comptolle to update a membe s contact infomation, including his addess, telephone numbe, fax numbe and addess. These changes will be eflected in Membe Management to alet the Membeship Recods Depatment at the Supeme Council headquates. Pio to geneating the initial dues assessment, if thee ae membes with an outstanding balance fo pevious billing peiods, these ecods should be updated in the Membe Ledge: Billing Status When a dues assessment is pocessed fom the Pending Assessment sceen, the billing status fo all membes eceiving this assessment will be changed to Fist Notice. Honoay life membes do not eceive an assessment, and thei billing status can be manually updated to Dues Ae Cuent. Fome membes that ae listed in Membe Management/Membe Billing can be manually changed to Pio o Deceased status. Adjustments If a membe has an outstanding balance, chage adjustments can be made. Sepaate adjustments should be added if a membe owes money fo othe assessments (initiation fee, miscellaneous fees, etc.). If a membe has paid dues o othe assessments fo futue peiods, a cedit adjustment should be added. Be advised that payment of dues ae ecoded though the Dues Collection Tool found unde the Receipts section of the Assembly Ledge. This is the same pocess used when assessing new membes fo dues o initiation fees afte they have been 9

7 ecoded at the Supeme Council headquates and added to Membe Management/Membe Billing. Billing Membes A dues assessment can be geneated fo all billable membes on the Ente Dues Assessment sceen by clicking on Assessments unde the Assembly Ledge section: Billing Cycle Dues can be billed fo the calenda yea o the fatenal yea. The default fo the billing peiod is pedetemined by the billing fequency, which is selected in the Billing Setup section. As of Date All bills have a date that indicates how much is owed accoding to the most ecent accessment. Dues can be assessed in Membe Billing as ealy as 60 days pio to the billing peiod. Howeve, the As of Date cannot be set moe than 15 days pio to the billing peiod. The date used fo the As of Date when geneating a dues assessment should also be used fo any special o miscellaneous assessments. Assess Dues This will place the dues assessment in a pending status, which can be pocessed on the Pending Assessments sceen. All special o miscellaneous assessments should be assessed on the Assess Othe sceen befoe pocessing the dues assessment. A special o miscellaneous assessment can be geneated fo selected membes using the Assess Othe sceen unde Assessments in the Assembly Ledge section. Chage To This specifies who will be assessed the additional chage and is selected by membe type. All Billable will assess all egula and honoay membes; All Membes will assess all egula, honoay and honoay life membes; Honoay will assess only honoay membes; and Honoay Life will assess only honoay life membes. Voluntay o Mandatoy If an assessment is a voluntay assessment, a notation will display on the membe s bill showing that this assessment is voluntay and payment is optional. Voluntay assessments equie a valid Though Date. A valid 10 Though Date should be selected well in advance of the last day of the billing cycle (e.g. if using a calenda yea billing cycle, select a date of Sept. 1 well in advance of Dec. 31). Afte this date, you can initiate a pocess that will geneate a cedit tansaction fo all membes that did not pay the voluntay assessment. Mandatoy assessments will emain on the Membe Ledge until the membe pays the assessment o the tansaction is voided on the Membe Ledge. Reason fo Assessment Reasons fo assessment ae listed in a dop down menu. If the coect eason is not included in the list, you may manually add it in the Billing Infomation section. Assess Othe This will place any special and miscellaneous assessments in a pending status, which can be pocessed on the Pending Assessments sceen. All special o miscellaneous assessments should be assessed on the Assess Othe sceen befoe pocessing the dues assessment. All pending assessments can be posted to the Membe Ledge fom the Pending Assessment sceen. If a dues assessment is included when the Pocess Assessment is clicked, the billing status fo all membes assessed will change to Fist Notice. Geneating Notices Once the pending assessments ae pocessed, the Fist Notice can be geneated fom the Notices section of the Pint Cente in Membe Billing. If the espective offices names o telephone numbes do not display on the notice, the data can be added on the Assembly Offices Cuent Yea sceen in Membe Management. Notices can be sent via , o pinted and mailed, based on the delivey pefeences listed on the Membe Billing Infomation sceen. Thee is also an option to geneate a file copy of all notices to membes. Membe Billing also povides the ability to an individual notice to membes who have been added to Membe Management/Membe Billing. Once the membe s delivey pefeence is set to o 11

8 and pinted/mailed, an Notice icon will appea on the Membe Ledge o Billing Infomation sceens. Thity days afte the As of date, you can update all membes cuently in Fist Notice status to Second Notice status by using the Update Status sceen unde the Assessment section of the Assembly Ledge. Notices can be sent via , o pinted and mailed, based on the delivey pefeences specified on the Membe Billing Infomation sceen. Second Notices can also be saved electonically. Thity days afte the As of date of the Second Notice status, you can update all membes cuently in the Second Notice status to Final Notice status by using the Update Status sceen unde the Assessment section of the Assembly Ledge. Those who have been accessed fo the cuent billing peiod but have ecently changed to fome membe status need to have any outstanding balances and thei billing status manually updated on the Membe Ledge sceens. Pocessing Payments fom Membes Unde the Receipt section of the Assembly Ledge, thee is a Dues Collection Tool to ecod membes payments. The Dues Collection Tool is used if the membe pays his outstanding balance in full. If a membe does not pay the full amount o includes a donation to the assembly o special fund, the payment should be ecoded on the Ente Receipt sceen to ensue that the pope accounts/subaccounts ae ecoded popely. If his payment includes money fo a special o miscellaneous assessment, a Reason fo Assessment must be enteed in the Event field. Once the Save button is clicked on the Dues Collection Tool sceen o the Ente Receipt sceen, this will place the tansaction in pending status. Pending tansactions can be pocessed on the Pending Receipt sceen. A Repot of Receipts is available unde the Puse Repots in the Pint Cente of Membe Billing. Thee ae fou epots available: two fo 12 pending eceipts and two fo posted eceipts. Posted eceipt epots will display signatue lines fo the faithful comptolle and puse, which seve as a ecod that the puse eceived these moneys. If the puse s name does not display on this epot, add his data on the Assembly Offices Cuent Yea sceen in Membe Management. Pocessing Receipts Fom Othe Souces These moneys can be ecoded in Membe Billing using the Ente Receipt sceen unde the Assembly Ledge. Membe o Payo Pio to enteing the eceipt infomation, you must seach fo a membe o a payo. (A payo is an individual o entity that is not a membe of the assembly. A payo can be added to Membe Billing on the Add a Payee/Payo sceen unde Billing Infomation). Once a seach has been conducted, the esults will appea in the Seach Results box to the ight. Click on the name of the desied membe o payo so that it is highlighted in a blue banne. Click the Select button to populate the date and membe/payo in the Ente Receipt section on the bottom of the sceen. Continue to ente the emaining infomation. Once the Save button is clicked, the tansaction is placed in pending status. Pending tansactions can be pocessed on the Pending Receipts sceen. Geneating Membeship Cads Membeship cads can be geneated fo membes using the Membeship Cad section of the Pint Cente in Membe Billing. Pint membeship cads using the By Membe Type featue and have them eady fo pesentation when the membe emits his payment fo dues. Membeship Cad (#4818) stock pape can be odeed though (Cads ae eight to a sheet with 25 sheets to a package, fo a total of 200 cads.) Thee ae fou options in Membe Billing fo pinting membeship cads: 13

9 By Membe Type All Billable, All Membes, Regula, Honoay, Honoay Life, o Membes on Disability By all membes whose dues became cuent between specified dates By Degee Dates Ente a date ange fo membes that have attained the Fouth Degee By using the Membeship Cad Template fo a small goup of membes o fo new membes who have not been added to Membe Billing Institution of Payment A Supeme Council obligation DOES NOT equie assembly appoval. Receipt of the monthly Assembly Statement fom the Supeme Council headquates seves as the official notice that the amount owed is due and payable. When the assembly appoves any bill othe than a Supeme Council bill, the bill must be tuned ove to the faithful comptolle. He then issues the Ode on Puse vouche. Ode on Puse (Vouches) Afte a bill has been popely appoved fo payment, the faithful comptolle initiates issuance of a check by geneating an Ode on Puse vouche in Membe Billing unde the Vouche section of the Assembly Ledge. He then pints a Repot of Vouches fo the faithful navigato's signatue, which authoizes the puse to issue the check. When conducting the annual audit, tustees should make cetain that the faithful comptolle's eceipts agee with the vouches held by the puse. Tustees should also confim that the vouches ae in ageement with all checks issued. New Membes and eenty tansactions fom membes tansfeing fom othe assemblies: 7 yeas etention. All othe membes: 3 yeas etention. Data changes veify that the infomation was pocessed at the Supeme Council headquates, then destoy. Membeship Document (#4), fome membes: All tansactions veify that the infomation was pocessed at the Supeme Council headquates, then destoy. Financial and business ecods (e.g. bank statements, contacts, puchase odes, invoices, etc.): 10 yeas etention. Tax foms: 7 yeas minimum, 10 yeas ecommended etention In all cases, tax ID numbes including the last fou digits must be emoved. Repot of Office Elections The faithful navigato is esponsible fo completing and submitting the Repot of Offices Chosen fo the Tem (#186). Unde the Laws Govening the Fouth Degee, elections fo assembly offices shall take place annually at the fist egula business meeting of the assembly held in May of each yea. Those duly elected offices ae to be epoted to the Supeme Council headquates by July 1. The pefeed method of epoting the newly elected assembly offices is though the Membe Management application located on the Knights of Columbus website in the Offices Online section. If epoting though Membe Management pio to July 1, make sue you ae on the "Next Fatenal Yea" sceen and simply follow the instuctions included on the site fo completing the fom. Thee is no need to file a pape epot with the Supeme Council headquates afte using this method of epoting the newly elected offices. Recod Retention It is ecommended that assembly ecods be etained as follows: Membeship Document (#4), cuent membes: 14 Membeship Eligibility Aticle IX, Section 25 of the Laws and Rules Govening the Fouth Degee establishes the following equiements fo membeship in the Fouth Degee: 15

10 Ove 18 yeas of age. A citizen of the county in which he esides, o with pemission of the Maste of the Distict ove the aea whee he claims citizenship, with the undestanding that if pemission is ganted, the pledge of allegiance will be to the county of citizenship. A Thid Degee membe in good standing in his council. A fome membe whose membeship was teminated fo failue to pay dues o by a withdawal cad if he has been eadmitted to good standing in his council; and if he was a Thid Degee membe fo a peiod of moe than six months pio to his loss of good standing in his council. A pactical Catholic in union with the Holy See. Suspension o Withdawal Fom Council Membeship One of the equiements fo eligibility in the Fouth Degee is membeship in good standing in the Thid Degee. Theefoe, the suspension o withdawal of a membe fom his council shall teminate his membeship in the Fouth Degee. If the membe does not bing his membeship in his council back to good standing status, his membeship in the Fouth Degee will be teminated 12 months following temination fom council ecods. Howeve, submission of a Membeship Document (#4) fo suspension o a lette of esignation fom the Fouth Degee will esult in a membe's immediate emoval fom assembly olls. Misconduct, Nonfeasance, Tials and Appeals of Assembly Membes and Offices Detailed instuctions on filing complaints against a membe and his ights to plead and tial ae found in the Laws of the Ode, Chapte XIX, Sections A completed Membeship Document (#4) and all papewok esulting fom compliance with Chapte XIX of the Laws of the Ode must be submitted to the Depatment of Membeship Recods befoe the suspension pocessing can be initiated. This tansaction is NOT counted against Supeme Council awad quotas. 16 Membeship Pocedues The faithful comptolle should use the Membe Management application (pefeed method, when applicable) o pocess a Membeship Document (#4) fo each of the following tansactions: New Membe The initiation of new membes into the Fouth Degee should be epoted pomptly to the Supeme Council headquates. Make cetain that the applicant has signed Section 4 of the application. Also, the financial secetay of the applicant's council must attest to his good standing in the Thid Degee by completing and signing Section 8 of the Membeship Document (#4). Afte favoable action by the Admission Committee and the assembly, the faithful navigato and faithful comptolle affix thei signatues to Section 5 of the Membeship Document (#4). The faithful comptolle then sends the application to the Maste of the Distict who shall complete Section 9 afte the applicant has eceived the exemplification of the Fouth Degee. The Maste immediately fowads the supeme secetay copy of the Membeship Document (#4) to the Supeme Council headquates, along with the initiation fee and the Fouth Degee Exemplification Repot (#17). Restoation of Membeship A pio membe of the Fouth Degee may estoe his membeship in the assembly of his choice. If he left his fome assembly by withdawal befoe Oct. 1, 2003, attach his withdawal cad to the Membeship Document (#4) and collect fom him advance dues. If he was suspended fo nonpayment o left by withdawal on o afte Oct. 1, 2003, he must pay a $5 estoation fee in lieu of all assembly aeaage. The faithful comptolle sends the Membeship Document (#4) to the Supeme Council headquates and pocesses the $5 into the pope assembly account. If two assemblies ae involved, the eceiving assembly will be chaged $5 and the fome assembly cedited a like amount. These chages/cedits appea on the assemblies' next monthly statements. No monetay adjustment is made when the membe eentes his fome assembly. 17

11 18 Tansfe A membe in possession of a cuent Knights of Columbus Fouth Degee Membeship Cad may tansfe to the assembly of his choice by using a Membeship Document (#4). The eceiving assembly accepts the application fo tansfe unde the elective pocedues. A tansfe is initiated only by the eceiving assembly. Membes cannot be tansfeed out of an assembly. Thid Degee membeship is to be veified by the financial secetay in Section 8 of the Membeship Document (#4). Afte the equied signatues of the faithful navigato and faithful comptolle have been affixed in Section 5 of the Membeship Document (#4), attesting to the favoable assembly action, the faithful comptolle sends the Membeship Document (#4) to the Membeship Recods Depatment at the Supeme Council headquates. The fome assembly will be notified of the tansfe on the next monthly Assembly Statement and on the Tansfe Account Adjustment (#144). Honoay/Honoay Life Membeship A membe who has attained the age of 65 yeas and who has been a membe of the Fouth Degee fo 25 consecutive yeas shall be designated an honoay membe in his assembly and shall be exempt fom geneal fund chages, except payment of $10 pe annum. A membe who has attained the age of 70 yeas and who has been a membe of the Fouth Degee fo 25 consecutive yeas, and those who have been membes of the Fouth Degee fo 50 yeas, egadless of age, shall be designated as honoay life membes and shall be exempt fom futhe payment of assembly dues. Both the honoay and honoay life designations have special plastic membeship cads that will be sent to the faithful comptolle fo pesentation to the membe by the faithful navigato. A Fouth Degee honoay life membe cannot be suspended fom the assembly. He can, howeve, equest a withdawal o be suspended fo othe than non-payment. In such case, you must equest that he elinquish his plastic honoay life cad. The faithful comptolle continues to issue an embossed pape tavel cad to honoay o honoay life membes, as possession of the tavel cad is needed to gain enty to assembly meetings and functions. Withdawal The withdawal tansaction cannot be epoted using the Membeship Document (#4). A pesonal, signed communication fom the membe equesting withdawal (esignation) must be sent to the assembly and fowaded on to the Supeme Council headquates. A membe can esign whethe he is cuent in his dues o in aeas. The only stipulation is that he must be eligible fo e-enty as of the date he files his lette of withdawal. Withdawal is not an option fo a convicted felon, non-pactical Catholic, o one who has been suspended o expelled unde Section 162 of the Laws of the Ode. Those membes who withdaw do not maintain continuous membeship. If the withdawal is equested only in the Fouth Degee, the Fouth Degee ecod will eflect a beak in sevice. Withdawals fom the council esult in a beak in sevice in both council and assembly. Suspension/Nonpayment Section 34 of the Laws and Rules Govening the Fouth Degee states that a membe thee months o moe in aeas elative to dues payment is subject to suspension by the assembly. To effect a suspension fo nonpayment, a Membeship Document (#4) must list the eason fo suspension as Nonpayment. The signatues of both the faithful navigato and faithful comptolle ae equied. Death To epot the death of an assembly membe, the faithful comptolle completes Section 1 of the Membeship Document (#4), povides the membeship numbe and actual date of death in Section 6, and affixes his signatue in Section 5. 19

12 20

13 This Faithful Comptolle Handbook supesedes all peviously published Faithful Comptolles Handbooks and documentation

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