How To Prepare A Dinner For A Seminar In Achtergrondinformatie

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1 The Rotterdam Climate Initiative is the climate programme of the City of Rotterdam, the Port of Rotterdam, Deltalinqs and DCMR Environmental Protection Agency Rijnmond Rotterdam Climate Initiative visiting Brazil May 6th 12th 2012 Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden

2 Index Voorwoord... 4 Inleiding op de reis... 5 Voorjaar 2011: fact finding mission naar Brazilië... 5 Ontwikkelingen op landelijk en Europees niveau... 6 Voorjaar 2012: concrete afspraken met Brazilië... 7 De hoofdlijn van het reisprogramma... 7 Achtergrond Brazilië... 8 Algemeen... 8 Nederlands Brazilië... 8 Brazilië: Verken uw kansen... 9 Biomass Information Bioethanol Bio-ethanol in Brazil Biomass and Chemical industry Bio-energy research with Brazilian and Dutch involvement Bioenergy in Brazil Brazil Biomass and Renewable Energy Chem companies invest in Brazilian biomass Dutch Delegation Members Delegation list Delegationlist per activity / guest company / participant Flight Schedule Practical Travel Information Tentative Program Sunday May Monday May Tuesday May Wednesday May Thursday May Friday May 11 Ministery group Friday May 11 Santos group Company visits & Program Details Monday May Costa Pinto Cosan Cosan companies Delegation actions São Paulo Network Cocktail - offered by the Port of Rotterdam Dinner Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 2

3 Tuesday May Wednesday May The State Goiás The City Goiãnia Industrial and Commercial Association and Services of the State of Goiás (ACIEG) Round Tables Dinner hosted by the government of Goias Thursday May Group formations company visits Visiting Ethanol Plant, Biodiesel Plant and Biomass plantation in three different groups Ethanol Plant - Jalles Machado Biodiesel Plant - CARAMURU Biomass Plantation - Chips and Pellets and Energy Crops Preparation for the Rotterdam evening (during the busride) Rotterdam evening Friday May 11 Ministery Group The Ministery of Mines and Energy The Ministery of Foreign Affairs The Ministery of Science & Technology Friday May 11 - Santos Group Vopak terminals Port of Santos Boat Tour Appendix: Information on the Dutch Delegation in Brazil Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 3

4 Voorwoord Daar gaan we dan: met een delegatie van ruim 25 personen, alle op de een of andere manier aan biomassa verbonden, naar Brazilië. Ik ben verrast door de breedte van het gezelschap. Met vertegenwoordigers van de havens, de energie- en de brandstoffensector, de chemie, onderzoek en consultancy, overheden, op- en overslag laten we zien dat we in de gehele keten samenwerken. Dat is goed, want geen enkele speler of sector kan het werkveld van de biobased economy omvatten. Als Rotterdammer maak ik van dichtbij mee hoe er wordt gewerkt aan de `geleidelijke overgang van een fossiele haven naar een haven die gebaseerd is op hernieuwbare grondstoffen. Daar zijn uiteenlopende partijen bij betrokken. Samenwerking, nieuwe allianties en hernieuwde verbindingen tussen sectoren zijn noodzakelijk. Ook het programma dat voor ons ontwikkeld is, is breed: we ontmoeten bedrijven, wetenschappers en overheden op verschillende niveaus. Ook die breedte juich ik toe. Brazilië is voor ons een onmisbare partner. Om onze ambities Rotterdams, nationaal en Europees voor de biobased economy te realiseren staan we voor grote uitdagingen. We moeten waarborgen dat er voldoende aanvoer van duurzame biomassa is, zonder dat het ten koste gaat van natuur en voedselkwaliteit. Daarvoor hebben we ook in landen van herkomst van de biomassa goede en betrouwbare partners nodig. Daarnaast is deze reis belangrijk voor de regionale samenwerking. Eerder maakten we vanuit het Rotterdam Climate Initiative reizen naar de Verenigde Staten, Japan en China. Deze leidden tot vruchtbare samenwerking met de gastlanden maar het was ook goed om een aantal dagen met elkáár op te trekken. Daaruit kwamen mooie initiatieven voort, met soms onverwachte samenwerkingspartners. Ook rond biomassa is er veel potentie voor samenwerking. Samenwerking tussen partners in de keten biedt kansen om te komen tot optimale verwaarding van de biomassa. Maar ook samenwerking op regionaal en Europees niveau biedt kansen. De Europese Commissie heeft in februari een stevige ambitie gepresenteerd om de biobased economy te ontwikkelen. Hierin speelt Nederland samen met Vlaanderen een belangrijke rol. Tussen Zuid-Holland, Oosten West-Vlaanderen en Antwerpen ontstaat een biobased delta, die een uitstekende toegang biedt tot Noordwest-Europa. Daarbij speelt ook de Eemshaven een belangrijke rol. Wat deze regio's bindt, is de aanwezigheid van clusters van actieve bedrijven op de terreinen van landbouw, chemie, energie en logistiek, alsmede kennisinstellingen. Gezamenlijk vormen zij de belangrijkste voorwaarde om van de biobased economy in ons land een succes te maken. Deze zeer diverse delegatie vormt daarvan de weerspiegeling. Ik wens ons een inspirerende reis toe! Ruud Lubbers Voorzitter van de Council van het Rotterdam Climate Initiative Delegatieleider Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 4

5 Inleiding op de reis Rotterdam is vanaf het begin van de 20e eeuw een energiehaven. De regio zorgt voor een continue en betrouwbare voorziening van energie voor de haven, de regio, Nederland en Noordwest-Europa. In de Rotterdamse haven wordt nu hard gewerkt aan de geleidelijke overgang van een fossiele haven naar een haven die gebaseerd is op hernieuwbare grondstoffen. Een groot deel van de biomassa die naar Europa komt, zal via Rotterdam binnenkomen en daar ook deels be- en verwerkt worden. De overgang naar biomassa levert een belangrijke bijdrage aan de doelstelling van het Rotterdam Climate Initiative, dat de CO 2 - uitstoot in deze regio in 2025 wil halveren ten opzichte van Rotterdam richt zich op alle drie de toepassingen van biomassa: - Biomassa voor energie; - Biomassa voor duurzame transportbrandstoffen; - Biomassa voor groene chemie. Voorjaar 2011: fact finding mission naar Brazilië Om de ambities waar te maken, moet er voldoende biomassa binnenkomen, die concurrerend is en voldoet aan duurzaamheidcriteria. In 2011 reisde een kleine delegatie naar Brazilië, onder leiding van Ruud Lubbers en verder gevormd door wethouder duurzaamheid van de gemeente Rotterdam, Alexandra van Huffelen en Pieter van Essen van het Havenbedrijf. De reis vormde een eerste verkenning van de mogelijkheden om samen te werken en in Brazilië geproduceerde biomassa naar Europa te exporteren. De nadruk lag toen op vaste biomassa, met name houtpellets. Hoewel er een duidelijke Rotterdamse insteek was, fungeerde deze reis ook als fact finding mission voor de nationale overheid. Gesprekken vonden plaats met de CNA Brazil (land- en tuinbouworganisatie), de federale overheid, het bedrijfsleven (vooral bosbouwondernemingen), NGO s en de regering van de staat Goias. Een belangrijke algemene conclusie luidde dat export van biomassa nog niet significant is maar dat er op alle niveaus interesse is om biomassaproductie voor export verder te ontwikkelen. Vraagtekens bleken er ook te zijn, onder andere over de commerciële haalbaarheid en de logistiek. Uit gesprekken met bosbouwondernemingen blijkt dat er grote interesse is voor deze nieuwe bedrijfstak. Het potentieel is groot: een enorm areaal (landbouwgrond in Brazilië kent een oppervlakte van 6,5 keer Frankrijk) en een groeitijd voor hout die 7 tot 10 keer korter is dan in Finland. Ook wordt er hard gewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van technologieën om de biomassa te bewerken, zoals torrefactie en pyrolyse. Suzano, een belangrijke Braziliaanse bosbouwonderneming, heeft een voorsprongpositie in het kweken van eucalyptushout met een hoge energiewaarde. Andere bedrijven hebben interesse om die in te lopen. Zij hebben hierbij interesse in investeerders om hen daarbij te helpen. De bosbouwondernemingen zullen naar verwachting vooral inzetten op langjarige contracten met afnemers. Met NGO s werd gesproken over de duurzaamheid van biomassa. De verwachting is dat houtpellets, afkomstig van aangelegde bossen, duurzaam en milieverantwoord geproduceerd kunnen worden. Wel voorziet men aanloopproblemen. De bosbouwondernemingen hebben zich Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 5

6 bij de productie van pulp en papier verantwoord gedragen, dat heeft bij NGO s vertrouwen gewekt dat dit bij biomassa-productie ook het geval zal zijn. Een aandachtspunt vormen de certificeringsschema s, die moeten niet te complex zijn. Een ander aandachtspunt is Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC), een issue dat in Europa breed als een probleem wordt gezien. De Europese Commissie erkent het probleem maar ziet voorlopig geen oplossingen. Een heldere visie van Braziliaanse zijde op dit issue kan behulpzaam zijn bij de discussie die hierover in eigen land en op Europees niveau gevoerd wordt. Ook bij het formuleren van een voorstel voor een verantwoorde toename van de bijmengverlichting van biobrandstoffen voor transport, kan het zinvol zijn om hierover de visie vanuit Brazilië te kennen. Zoals wellicht bekend, is het Rotterdam Climate Initiative door (demissionair) staatssecretaris Atsma gevraagd om hierover mee denken. Het RCI vraagt hierbij de biobrandstoffensector om input. Er is vorig jaar ook uitgebreid contact geweest met de landbouwstaat Goias. Goias heeft stevige ambities op het gebied van hernieuwbare energie en de productie van biomassa. De staat wil graag samenwerken met Nederland / Rotterdam. In het najaar is een Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) getekend, waarin de samenwerking met de publieke en private sectoren van Goias nog eens werd bekrachtigd. Er is sindsdien onder andere een seminar geweest, waarbij de belangrijkste Europese certificeringsschema s zijn toegelicht aan geïnteresseerden in Goias. Tijdens onze huidige reis gaan we opnieuw naar Goias en hopen we een stap te zetten richting daadwerkelijke overeenkomsten tussen producenten en afnemers van biomassa. Ontwikkelingen op landelijk en Europees niveau Ook op landelijk niveau is er veel aandacht voor Brazilië. Afgelopen najaar is een MoU getekend tussen de Braziliaanse overheid en staatssecretaris Bleker. Het was een vervolg op een MoU dat in 2008 werd getekend en dat tot eerste kennismakingen heeft geleid. Het MoU uit 2011 is nog steeds vrij algemeen maar toont een duidelijke intentie om samen te werken. Belangrijke thema s zijn biochemie, biobrandstoffen en biobased economy. Belangrijk aandachtspunt is de verwaarding van de biomassa, oftewel de inzet van de grondstoffen voor het product met de hoogste toegevoegde waarde. Momenteel wordt gewerkt aan de inhoudelijke invulling van het MoU en het tijdspad. Daar heeft Rotterdam een belangrijke rol in, omdat het Ministerie van EL&I sterke nadruk legt op wat de bedrijven nodig hebben en wanneer. Op Europees niveau wordt biomassa als een grote kans gezien. Afgelopen februari presenteerde de Europese Commissie de strategie Innovating for sustainable growth: a bioeconomy for Europe. Een goed startpunt voor verdere ontwikkeling en uitvoering. Met aandacht voor issues die voor ons ook van belang zijn, zoals de aanvoer van voldoende biomassa tegen concurrerende prijzen. Vanuit Rotterdam onderhouden we contact met de betreffende bewindslieden en brengen we onze praktijkervaringen onder de aandacht. Een sterk appel dat we aan Europa doen is om te werken aan standaardisatie van bestaande duurzaamheidsnormen. In het licht van de ketenbenadering, het vormen van (internationale!) clusters die de Commissie sterk benadrukt, is standaardisatie, normering en certificering van groot belang. Ook hier geldt dat het helpt bij de Europese lobby, wanneer wij heldere signalen vanuit een groot producerend land zoals Brazilië kunnen overbrengen. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 6

7 Voorjaar 2012: concrete afspraken met Brazilië Vorig jaar een fact finding mission, dit jaar een stap verder dan oriëntatie. De reis is gericht op het verdiepen van de relaties en heeft ook als doel om tot concrete zaken te komen in de nabije toekomst. Doelen van de delegatie: - Laten zien aan de Braziliaanse business-en regeringsvertegenwoordigers welke plannen en business-kansen Nederlandse bedrijven hebben, die (kunnen) leiden tot investeringen in import / export met Brazilië. - Verkennen van de mogelijkheden van de Braziliaanse activiteiten (productie en export) rond biomassa, vaste en vloeibare, hout, ethanol, soja, biodiesel, etc. - Uitwisselen van ervaringen met logistieke ontwikkelingen (modal split) en de keuze van de laadhavens. - In kaart brengen van de huidige situatie rond Braziliaanse en Nederlandse / Europese criteria voor duurzaamheid / certificeringen. - In kaart brengen van visie op hoe we om kunnen gaan met Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC). - Input voor de Europese lobby verzamelen: kennis en argumenten vanuit de Braziliaanse partijen. - Voeren van discussie over prijzen en marktsituatie, invoerbeperkingen, juridische aspecten. - Het organiseren van business-to-business contacten. Resultaten: - Grotere bekendheid bij de Braziliaanse professionele partijen over de Rotterdamse / Nederlandse / Europese expertise, ervaring, visie e.d. - Grotere bekendheid over relevante ontwikkelingen in Brazilië. - Leveren van een bijdrage aan de Braziliaanse kennis met name over logistiek, techniek, research, training en development op relevante terreinen rond vaste en vloeibare biomassa. - Verbreding van het netwerk gericht op de industriële en logistieke ontwikkeling in Brazilië. - Stimulering van de investeringen van Braziliaanse bedrijven in Nederland. De hoofdlijn van het reisprogramma Er worden bezoeken gebracht aan lokale en centrale overheidsorganisaties en aan 10 bedrijven. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 7

8 Achtergrond Brazilië Algemeen Brazilië, officieel de Federale Republiek Brazilië, is een land in Zuid-Amerika grenzend aan Frans-Guyana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentinië, Uruguay en de Atlantische Oceaan. Brazilië is met zijn 8,5 miljoen vierkante kilometer het grootste land van Zuid-Amerika (het beslaat bijna de helft van dit continent) en het op vier na grootste ter wereld (alleen Rusland, Canada, de Verenigde Staten en China zijn groter). Er wonen 200 mln mensen. De mensen zijn divers in oorsprong: het is een mengelmoes van Afrikanen, Europeanen en indianen. Hoewel elementen van de Afrikaanse en Indiaanse culturen voortleven in de Braziliaanse cultuur, heeft Brazilië overwegend een westerse cultuur. Circa 1,4 miljoen Brazilianen zijn van Japanse afkomst en leven hoofdzakelijk in het zuiden. Het land heeft buiten Japan de grootste Japanse bevolking in de wereld. Nederlands Brazilië In de zeventiende eeuw is Brazilië drie decennia lang deels bezet geweest door De West Indische Compagnie (WIC). Met name in het Noordoosten van Brazilië zijn nog vele sporen hiervan te vinden. Op het hoogtepunt was deze bezetting de periode van Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, met de bijnaam Maurits de Braziliaan - één van de succesvolste experimenten van het Europese optreden. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 8

9 Brazilië: Verken uw kansen Kenmerken van de Braziliaanse markt: - Het WK voetbal in 2014 en de Olympische Spelen in 2016 bieden kansen voor het Nederlands bedrijfsleven. - Een afzetmarkt van 192 miljoen consumenten. - Kent een sterke groei van de agro-export en heeft een landbouwbeleid gericht op verdere verwerking van grondstoffen en diversificatie. - Kansrijke sectoren zijn: machines voor de voedselverwerkende industrie, scheepsbouw, aardolie en aardgas, waterzuivering, binnenvaart, luchthavenwerken, havenwerken en duurzame energie. Er is veel handel met de Europese Unie (26%), de Verenigde Staten (18%), Latijns Amerika (16%) en Azie (22%). Naast koffie (2,5%) omvat de export van Brazilië suiker, rundvlees, geconcentreerd sinaasappelsap, sojabonen, kippenvlees, schoenen, ijzer en staal, chemische producten, tropisch hardhout, auto's en regionale vliegtuigen. Vliegtuigproducent Embraer is de op vier na grootste vliegtuigbouwer van de wereld. Zij zorgt voor het leeuwendeel van de export-opbrengsten van Brazilië. (De neef van Tania de Grave Curado, die mee is met onze delegatie, is de president van Embraer : Frederico Curado). In de export van olie is Brazilië de 31e van de wereld. (Gegevens ontleend aan GDP 2011 (est) in millions of US$ (CIA World Factbook) -- EU United States China Japan Germany France Brazil United Kingdom Italy Russia India Netherlands Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 9

10 Biomass Information Bioethanol Bioethanol is a form of renewable energy which can be produced from simple crops such as potatoes, corn and sugarcane and Goiás is the second-largest producer of bioethanol from sugarcane on the planet. Of the 15 states producing sugarcane in Brazil, Goiás is the third largest after São Paulo and Minas Gerais, and in terms of bioethanol production alone the state is second only to São Paulo. The total area occupied by sugarcane in Brazil is less than nine million hectares at present, so with an area of over 35 million hectares, Goiás has ample space for growth. André Luiz Baptista Lins Rocha is President of SIFAEG, the syndicate which brings together the ethanol producers of Goiás. He has confidence in the state s ability to create a cleaner source of energy for the whole country: By 2015, approximately 15% of the electricity generated in the country could come from biomass. One may say that agro-energy is truly the salvation of the crop. The American Government, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, considers ethanol as an advanced fuel. In its calculations the American agency concludes it emits 60% less CO 2 than gasoline. The United States can participate in the sector here in Brazil and take back fuel that is cleaner, more efficient, that can improve the American electric power network, which is not very clean or renewable, and help to fulfill the Kyoto and Copenhagen protocols, points out Rocha. By 2015, approximately 15% of the electricity generated in the country André Luiz Baptista Lins Rocha, President of SIFAEG Another advantage is the low cost of production. The current value for ethanol production is $0.22 per liter when the feedstock is sugar cane, but $0.30/l, when corn and $0.53/l when beet is used. The United States makes corn-based ethanol and Europe uses beet. Based on these values, one can say that the alcohol produced in Brazil is the most appropriate for the consumer. The agro-energy and biofuel sectors in Goiás also represent smarter investment opportunities because of their sustainability. Agricultural areas are maintained with very few insecticides and no poisons wasps are used to eradicate potentially harmful cricket populations, and cane residues are recycled to provide fertilizers. The by-products left from sugarcane also serve as compost, meaning that bioethanol production is truly a cleaner, more sustainable means of producing energy. The climate, soil and topography all make Goiás a sensible prospect for investors, while incentive programs give the state a competitive advantage over other sugarcane producing regions. British Petroleum has recently started investing in alternative sources of renewable energy, and has two plants operating in Goiás, in Itumbiara and Edeia. The energy company has plans to double its production capacity in the Itumbiara plant. Produced by: Nadine Padrón, Ana García Navarro and Eddy García-Zapatero. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 10

11 Bio-ethanol in Brazil Brazil is, after the United States, the largest producer of bio-ethanol in the world with a annual production of almost m3 (2010). The country produces nearly 40 percent of this world market. Brazil hopes the national production in the coming years to increase to 2.6 million m3. Brazilian bio-ethanol is mainly produced from sugar cane. The main region for sugarcane, is the state of São Paulo in the south, followed by the region around Recife and Natal in the northeast. On the average, not more than half of the harvest is used for the ethanol production. A shortage of oil in the long term care for the environment (CO 2 emissions) have global levels led to increased attention to alternative forms of energy, including bio-energy. also Brazil used in this strongly. State-owned Petrobras has been for several years doing research on alternative energy, including consideration for the transportation of bio-ethanol. Transportation by pipeline may play an important role, since the cost of transportation in this way are much lower than road transport. In addition, inland waterway transport can realize a significant reduction of the transport-costs. Petrobras has announced to invest in the coming years around 3.5 billion U.S. dollars in bio-energy (production facilities, pipelines). Other large companies implement several new projects for the construction of ethanol plants, especially in the central and south-western part of Brazil. Also Europe is focusing more and more on use of biofuels. The European Directive "Biofuels" requires Member States to make efforts to increase use of biofuels. So 2020 is 10 percent of the fuel for cars from biofuel to exist. The Netherlands will also strive to that. Especially for companies with knowledge in the logistics sector offers opportunities for Brazil. The country must invest heavily in the storage of bio-ethanol, railways, water transport and portfacilities. There are also opportunities for Dutch companies that have developed technologies to 'second or third generation' biofuels. Another option concerns triangular partnerships: Brazil can deliver the technology, another third country can deliver capital and also the facilities for bioethanol production. The Netherlands would, in this way, be investing in bio-ethanol production. More information: - ANP (Brazilian Agency for Petroleum, Gas and Bio-Energy): - Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy: Biomass and Chemical industry The Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (BSIA) says to have prevented 600 million tons of CO 2 emissions by the addition of 25 percent ethanol in gasoline, since The crushed cane is not just burnt, but used as fuel for electricity generation. The BSIA no longer focuses solely on ethanol, but also works to develop plastics from sugar and look for opportunities to produce hydrocarbons. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 11

12 Bio-energy research with Brazilian and Dutch involvement Sustainable International Bioenergy Trade - Securing Supply and Demand Task: 40 Start: 1/01/2010; End: 31/12/2012 Web: and Countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK, and the USA. Taskforce Leadership Leader 1: Mr. Andre Faaij (Scentific) Copernicus Institute / Utrecht University The Netherlands Leader 2: Mr. Peter-Paul Schouwenberg (Administration) Senior Officer Regulatory Affairs-Corporate Affairs at Essent The Netherlands Objectives and scope Clearly, the strongly growing demand for biomass and biofuels make clear that there is a growing need to develop biomass resources and exploit biomass production potentials in a sustainable way and to understand what this means in different settings. In some markets, prices of biomass resources and fuels are already rising, including indirect effects on price of raw material prices for e.g. the forest industry as well as on food (e.g. sugar). Biomass markets are still immature and this is in particular true for the demand side of the market; many biomass markets, e.g. for solid fuels, rely on policy objectives and incentives, that prove to be volatile. It is particularly important to develop both supply and demand for biomass and energy carriers derived from biomass in a balanced way and avoid distortions and instability that can threaten investments in biomass production, infrastructure and conversion capacity. Our understanding of how this is best organised and managed needs further improvement. International biomass markets have been mapped by Task 40, but to date available analyses, statistics and modelling exercises still have limitations The core objective of the Task remains: to support the development of a sustainable, international, bioenergy market, recognising the diversity in resources, biomass applications Developing the sustainable and stable, international, bioenergy market is a long-term process. The Tasks aims to provide a vital contribution to such (policy making) decisions in the coming years for market players, policy makers, international bodies as well as NGO s. It aims to do so by providing high quality information and analyses, providing overviews of developments, be a linking pin between different arenas involved in the debate, a clearinghouse for information and by targeted dissemination activities. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 12

13 Key elements of the work programme and outputs Objective 1: Biomass supplies: To deliver refined insights in availability and potential production and supply of biomass resources on regional, national and global level. This explicitly includes a range of biomass residue streams, land use, and competition for land and on various markets worldwide (i.c. including developing regions). This objective is in particular to be tackled by inter-task collaboration. For Task 40 the focus will lay on development of supplies at large in relation to various drivers (demand development, improvements in production and logistics) and barriers (e.g. lack of investment, sustainability concerns). Objective 2: Sustainability and certification: To determine how the sustainability of biomass supplies, use and trade can be secured optimally and efficiently, in particular from a market perspective, with specific attention for the impacts of certification/verification on international biomass and biofuels trade. Objective 3: Trade, market and demand dynamics: To map and provide an integral overview of biomass markets and trade on global level, as well as for specific regions, identify and map new markets and products (such as Jathropha oil, demand from industry, heating markets, biorefining and future 2nd generation biofuels production). Improve the understanding on how biomass trade and markets respond to fluctuating (fossil) energy prices, developments on global markets for food and forestry products, emission trading, and policies of different countries. Specific attention is paid to the balance between demand and supply aspects versus structures, institutions, drivers, technologies, etc. influencing demand and how to organise biomass trade under uncertainties observed in the market. Objective 4: Transport, Logistics, and trade: Provide (further) insights in international biomass supply lines and logistic requirements (including new producing regions, i.e. developing countries and Eastern Europe) and these can be optimised over time. This includes increasing our understanding on how costs of biomass production, pre-treatment and transport can be reduced over time, e.g. through better organisation and applying more efficient technology. Such work includes advanced forecasting exercises on required logistic capacity to facilitate increased biomass use and trade. Objective 5: Outreach and dissemination: High quality dissemination; the Task is to provide a key international platform (with a diverse range of stakeholders) for bioenergy trade and markets (covering supply and demand, sustainability, financial products etc.). Findings of the Task are translated in analysis and advice for industry and entrepreneurs, policy makers and other stakeholders (such as NGO s). It aims to do so by delivering high quality information and analyses, providing overviews of developments, be a linking pin between different arena s involved in the debate, a clearinghouse for information and by targeted dissemination activities. Opportunities for industry and research partnerships are specifically sought after, aiming to more networking type events to draw in business. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 13

14 Bioenergy in Brazil December 2003: Guest Editorial by Dr Manoel Nogueira, Alternate Member for Brazil, and Paulo Cruz Brazil produces well above the world average level of energy from renewable sources. Energy from biomass alone increased in absolute values from 53% of 74 Mtoe in the 1970s to the current 25.5% of 187 Mtoe. This was made possible by fast transition to commercial energy plantations, lower domestic utilisation and improvement in transportation and industry. The current competitive bioenergy prices of less than US$1.5/GJ require the use of advanced technologies such as gasification and combined cycles for electricity and hydrolysis and fermentation for ethanol production. The estimated prices for bioenergy from USA plantations in 2000, 2010 and 2020 are 2.4, 1.8 and 1.4 US$/GJ respectively. Brazil currently produces bioenergy from Eucalyptus at US$1.16/GJ and intends to bring the price down to US$1.03/GJ in the near future. In a similar way to the sugar cane industry, Brazil has reached a high level of technology for establishment, management and utilisation of Eucalyptus forests. Renewable energy has also reached the automobile industry. The National Alcohol Program PRO-ALCOOL was an incentive to encourage the production of fuel ethanol from sugar cane for automobiles. The aim was to make fuel prices less susceptible to international petroleum price oscillations. In 1986, 80% of Brazil s lightweight vehicles were powered by hydrous alcohol. In that same year, the price of a barrel of petroleum dropped to US$10, which caused a major impact on the program. Nowadays, the sugar cane industry is strong enough to operate without governmental subsidies and alternates its focus between ethanol and sugar. Fuel ethanol continues to have an important effect on fuel consumption as it is added to gasoline in a 1:4 volume basis. Pre-commercial initiatives for the production and utilisation of biodiesel have led to the establishment of the PRO-BIODIESEL program. In a similar way to anhydrous ethanol, it is to be added in gradual steps to fossil diesel. Efforts are being made by the academic, industrial and government sectors to define proportions, routes and technologies to be employed. PROINFA, the new National Program of Incentive to Electric Energy from Alternative Sources will guarantee the purchase of 3,300 MW from small hydro, biomass and wind power plants. A minimum of 60% of national equipment is to be employed in the first phase and 90% in the second. It is thus both an opportunity to diversify the Brazilian energy matrix and to stimulate the national engineering industries. Although it already demonstrates an outstanding level of renewable energy production, Brazil has not diminished its efforts to pursue further energy technologies that are more socially and environmentally friendly. For more information please contact Dr Manoel Nogueira at Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 14

15 Brazil Biomass and Renewable Energy Brazil Biomass Brazil Biomass has been a leading Brazilian supplier of wood chips to the world pulp and paper industry. As specialists in the sales, marketing and trading of wood chips and biomass, Brazil Biomass team is committed to delivering quality products in the required species and volumes, to international customers. Brazil Biomass expertise includes providing competitive markets for its wood chip suppliers. Brazil Biomass has been exporting to China and New Zealand or Turkey and has a highly regarded reputation and excellent customer relationships throughout the pulp and paper industry. Brazil Biomass society of production, industrialization and export of Woodchips, Pellets and Briquetting and the development of projects with the use of forest residues plant to be installed in Santa Catharina, Brazil. Energy solutions based on biomass and bio-fuels cleaner and renewable for large national and international companies, in order to mitigate the impact that their activities have on the environment by reducing emission of greenhouse gases, generating earnings in its financial account of energy and the sale of carbon credits, and provide its energy independence not getting the mercy of the oil market. The Brazil Biomass and Renewable Energy mission is to production biomass wood chips and cooperate in the development of projects through sustainable solutions to waste management for a renewable energy and energy efficiency by biomass. Biomass boilers and CHP has a large potential to reduce both cost and CO 2 emissions compared to gas and fired units. Biomass Renewable Energy To combat climate change and to increase the share of renewable energy sources biomass will play an important role. However, it has to be assured that the increase in use of biomass For energy purposes goes hand in hand with the conservation of biodiversity environment, because biomass production may create additional environmental pressures, such as on biodiversity, soil and water resources. The optimization of all steps from biomass cultivation or collection over transport and processing may contribute to get the maximum greenhouse gas emissions reductions and to reduce emissions affecting air quality. Biomass energy plays a vital role in meeting local energy demand in many regions of the developing world. Biomass is a primary source of energy for close to 2.4billion people in developing countries. It is easily available to many of the world s poor and provides vital and affordable energy for cooking and space heating. Biomass-based industries are a significant source of enterprise development, job creation and income generation in rural areas. Modern biomass energy is widely used in many developing countries as well as in parts of the industrialized world. With proper management backed by adherence to appropriate ecological practices modern biomass can be a sustainable source of electricity as well as liquid and gaseous fuels. Biomass, therefore, is not only a vital source of energy for many today but is likely to remain an important source of energy in the future subject toots sustainable exploitation. The purpose of the Brazil Biomass and Renewable Energy Exports Biomass is to provide information on the various options of biomass utilization for renewable energy production. It aims to facilitate information transfer between producers and users of biomass energy in order to increase the use of biomass energy. Brazil, being a tropical country, has tremendous potential for energy generation. In Brazil, biomass energy is being utilized mainly for domestic, commercial and industrial applications. The administration of the company shall be held and CEO Celso Marcelo de Oliveira Managing Director of InternationalCMO Exports Biomass and Wood Chips and Brazil Biomass and Renewable Energy S.A. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 15

16 Chem companies invest in Brazilian biomass By Doris de Guzman (December 1, 2010) Biomass is in the air as both Dow Chemical and specialty chemical company Rhodia announced today their investments in this energy feedstock. Dow is building a biomass co-generation plant at its Aratu manufacturing complex in Brazil, which will use eucalyptus wood biomass to produce steam for the site's chlor-alkali and chlorohydrin production processes. Chlor-alkali processing (the production of chlorine and caustic soda), by the way, is a large consumer of steam and electricity so this move could potentially lower Dow's operating costs if the biomass feedstock is not that expensive as well as minimize volatility of their electricity costs. Steam and electricity typically account for 50-55% of total chlor-alkali production cost, according to industry analysts. Dow expects the co-generation plant to reduce the site's carbon dioxide emissions by 180,000 tonnes/year and conserve 200,000 cubic meter/day of natural gas. Dow will also receive carbon credits for the project. The Aratu site currently receives all of its electricity from hydropower. The co-generation plant is expected to be completed in December 12, and Energias Renovaveis do Brasil (ERB) will invest, install and operate the plant. Rhodia's business unit Rhodia Energy Services, meanwhile, signed a deal with Brazilian private company Paraiso for its first bagasse-based biomass project also focusing on producing electricity. Rhodia will upgrade and operate a cogeneration unit in Paraiso's sugar and ethanol facility in Brotas city using the sugarcane bagasse. The cogeneration unit that will produce 70 megawatts of electricity mostly be sold to the local grid as well as supply the site with electricity and steam. Paraiso will supply the bagasse and other sugarcane solid waste to Rhodia on an exclusive basis. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 16

17 Dutch Delegation Members Delegation list Name Company & Function 1. Mr. Onofre Andrade Argos-Northseagroup - Sustainability Manager Biofuels 2. Mr. Cees Jan Asselbergs Deltalinqs - Managing Director 3. Mr. Art de Boo TNO - Businessline Manager Biobased Economy 4. Mr. Bart-Willem ten Cate Argos-Northseagroup Director Biofuels 5. Mr. Martijn Clarijs 6. Mrs. Mariette van Empel TNO - Senior Business Consultant Port and Waterside Security Ministery of Infrastructure and Environment Director Climate, Air and Noise 7. Mr. Pieter van Essen Port of Rotterdam - Project Director Port of Rotterdam / Rotterdam Climate Initiative 8. Mr. Peter Geertse Zeeland Seaport - Commercial Manager 9. Mr. Dick Gilhuis Zeeland Seaport Commercial Director 10. Mr. Maarten Gnoth GDF/SUEZ - Manager Sustainability Projects 11. Mrs. Tania de Grave-Curado AgrenNewEnergy - Director 12. Mrs. Zenaide Guerra DSM - Director Corporate Affairs Latin America 13. Mrs. Ida Haisma TNO - Director of Innovation, Defence, Safety and Security 14. Mr. Bas Hennissen Port of Rotterdam - Vice President Industry and Bulk Cargo 15. Mr. Maarten de Hoog DCMR Environmental Protection Agency - Director Port and Industry 16. Mr. Ed de Jong Avantium Chemicals - Vice President Development 17. Mr. Dudley Juana KPMG Meijburg Senior International Tax Manager 18. Mr. Frans van Kleef Baclin director 19. Mr. Ruud Lubbers 20. Mr. Peter Mangnus Minister of State and Chair of the Council of the Rotterdam Climate Initiative Avantium Chemicals Vice president Partnering & Commercialization 21. Mr. Albert Markusse Suikerunie - CEO and member of the Executive Board of Royal Cosun 22. Mr. Dick Oskam Vopak-Brazil - Director Marketing & Sales 23. Mr. Mathijs Pelsma EMO - CEO 24. Mr. Wim van Sluis Deltalinqs Chairman Deltalinqs 25. Mr. Ger van Tongeren Deltalinqs/RCI/CTD Chairman Deltalinqs Energy Forum 26. Mrs. Mieke Vandewal Peterson - Marketing Manager Fuels 27. Mr. Wim Wolters GDF/SUEZ - Director Strategy & Business Development 28. Mr. André Zeijseink DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability - Global Director Power Generation & Renewables Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 17

18 Flight to São Paulo dinner Raizen Cocktail & Dinner Seminar flight to Goiãnia ACIEG - morning ACIEG - lunch Round-tables Palace - dinner Delegationlist per activity / guest company / participant Sunday May 6 Monday May 7 Tuesday May 8 Wednesday May 9 Surname First name Organization 1 Andrade Onofre Argos Asselbergs Cees Jan Deltalinqs de Boo Art TNO ten Cate Bart-Willem Argos Clarijs Martijn TNO van Empel Mariette Ministery van Essen Pieter HbR Geertse Peter Zeeland Gilhuis Dick Zeeland Gnoth Maarten GDF/SUEZ de Grave- Curado Tania Agren Guerra Zenaide DSM Haisma Ida TNO Hennissen Bas HbR de Hoog Maarten DCMR de Jong Ed Avantium Juana Dudley KPMG van Kleef Frans Baclin Lubbers Ruud Mangnus Peter Avantium Markusse Albert Suikerunie Oskam Dick Vopak Pelsma Mathijs EMO van Sluis Wim Deltalinqs van Tongeren Ger Deltalinqs Vandewal Mieke Peterson Wolters Wim GDF/SUEZ Zeijseink André DNVKEMA Totals Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 18

19 Ethanol plant Biodiesel plant Biomass plantation Prep. R'dam evening Flight to Brasilia Rotterdam evening Min. M & E Itamaraty Min. MCIT Lunch Flight to Sao Paulo Flight to Amsterdam Thusday May 10 Friday May 11 Surname First name Organization 1 Andrade Onofre Argos Asselbergs Cees Jan Deltalinqs de Boo Art TNO s a n t os 1 4 ten Cate Bart-Willem Argos 5 Clarijs Martijn TNO s a n t os 1 6 van Empel Mariette Ministery van Essen Pieter HbR Geertse Peter Zeeland s a n t os 1 9 Gilhuis Dick Zeeland s a n t os 1 10 Gnoth Maarten GDF/SUEZ de Grave- Curado 12 Guerra Zenaide DSM Tania Agren Haisma Ida TNO Hennissen Bas HbR de Hoog Maarten DCMR de Jong Ed Avantium Juana Dudley KPMG 18 van Kleef Frans Baclin Lubbers Ruud Mangnus Peter Avantium Markusse Albert Suikerunie s a n t os 1 22 Oskam Dick Vopak 23 Pelsma Mathijs EMO s a n t os 1 24 van Sluis Wim Deltalinqs van Tongeren Ger Deltalinqs Vandewal Mieke Peterson Wolters Wim GDF/SUEZ 28 Zeijseink André DNVKEMA Totals Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 19

20 Flight Schedule Sunday May 6 Flight KL from Amsterdam to São Paulo Departure: hrs. Arrival: hrs. Tuesday May 8 Flight G from São Paulo to Goiãnia Departure: hrs. Arrival: hrs. Thursday May 10 Flight JJ from Goiãnia to Brasilia Departure: hrs. Arrival: hrs. Friday May 11 Ministery group Flight JJ from Brasilia to São Paulo Departure: hrs. Arrival: hrs. Flight KL from São Paulo to Amsterdam Departure: hrs. Arrival: hrs. (Saturday May 12) Friday May 11 Santos group Flight JJ from Brasilia to São Paulo - Congonhas Departure: hrs. Arrival: hrs. Flight KL from São Paulo to Amsterdam Departure: hrs. Arrival: hrs. (Saturday May 12) Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 20

21 Practical Travel Information Hotels São Paulo Renaissance Hotel Alameda Santos, 2233 São Paulo São Paulo Brazil Telefoon: Goiãnia Castro s Park Hotel Avenida República do Líbano, 1520, Setor Oeste - Goiânia - GO, Telefoon: Brasilia Golden Tulip Brasilia Alvorada SHTN, Trecho 1, Conj. 1B, Bloco A & B Brasília DF - Brazil CEP: Telefoon: Reisorganisatie Frans van Kleef Tania de Grave Curado Ambasade in Brazilië Adres Nederlandse ambasade: SES - Qd. 801, Lote 05, CEP , Brasilia, Brazilië. Telefoon ambasade: ambasade: Valuta, Tijdzone, Telefonie Een Real (ook Reais) bestaat uit 100 centavos. Schrijfwijze: R$ of BRL Tijdsverschil 5 uur in São Paulo en 6 uur in Goiãnia en Brasilia (vroeger, vergeleken met NL). Bellen naar NL: etc. Collect Call naar NL: Mobiel Netwerk: Triband Stekkers en stopcontacten Type A electrische plug, ofwel flat blade attachment plug met twee platte parallelle pinnen. Type C, ookwel bekend als de Europlug is een ongeaarde stekker met 2 pinnen. Voor geaarde stekkers is dus een verloopstekker nodig! Beide typen komen voor! Voltage: volt. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 21

22 Tentative Program For the Visit of Mr. Ruud Lubbers and Delegation to Brazil Blue text: Mr. Lubbers only Sunday May 6 TIME PROGRAMME / VENUE REMARKS 07:30 Check in Schiphol Airport Mr. Ruud Lubbers through VIP Room Delegation led by Mr. Frans van Kleef Tel: :05 Departure Amsterdam Saõ Paulo by flight KL Arrival Guarulhos airport at São Paulo Delegation 22 members see page 18 Arrival, welcome by Ms. Tania de Grave-Curado Delegation will be transferred by Bus (CWT) 23 members + Tania, led by Mr. Frans van Kleef Mr. Lubbers will be accompanied by Consul General Schouten and Christina Moreno (Earth Charter) to the gate for flight to Brasilia; departure 18.35u Mr. Lubbers, arrival in Brasilia 20.24u, welcome and transport to hotel by Ambassador Kees Rade. Mr. Lubbers attends a colloquium on the Earth Charter (see page 24) 19:00 Check in Renaissance São Paulo Hotel, Alameda Santos 2233, São Paulo. 20:30 Dinner at Restaurant Figueira Rubaiyat (International) Rua Haddock Lobo, 1738 taxi s (9 bloks) from hotel. Delegation 21 members see page 18 Delegation 23 members see page 18 Tania de Grave-Curado and Mieke Vandewal will join the delegation. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 22

23 Monday May 7 TIME PROGRAMME / VENUE REMARKS 07:00 10:00 Transfer to Piracicaba Wim van Sluis with taxi from Airport; Mrs. Wanda 10:00 13:00 Visit to Unit Costa Pinto Cosan Group Raizen Piracicaba at Road SP Km- Contact: Ms. Luciane Venturini di Nizo, Sustainable Development & External Affairs 23 delegation members; Bus of Vialandauto AF 454 D 06MAY CDGGRU HK #0600 O* Delegation leader Wim van Sluis 24 delegation members Mr. Lubbers attends a colloquium on the Earth Charter (see page 24) Details and Raizen-representatives who attend the meeting see page 35 13: Quick light lunch mixture of coffee with breakfast, offering pies, quiches, juices etc.., but served as a cocktail - all standing. 13:35 Departure Mr. Lubbers Brasilia Departure Brasilia 13.35u, transport to airport and say goodbye by Kees Rade 13: Transfer back to São Paulo, Renaissance Hotel Arrival Mr. Lubbers at São Paulo Bus of Vialandauto 22 delegation members (De Jong, Mangnus, own program) Mr. Lubbers arrives at airport and will be accompanied to hotel by Mrs. De Ridder 16:15 16:45 Andre Dorff, Suzano Mr. Lubbers (one on one talk) 16:45 17:00 Short debriefing Mr. Lubbers by Van Sluis, De Grave en Van Kleef Cocktail and dinner registration By 2 hostesses of Furquim Delgado 17:00 17: : Mr. José Anibal, Secretary of Energy of the State of Sao paulo Mr. Kassab, Mayor of São Paulo (tbc) Network Cocktail offered by The Port of Rotterdam Foyer Havanaclub, Renaissance Arrival Pieter van Essen at São Paulo Airpoirt met vlucht KL 791 Part of the delegation : Mr. Lubbers, Van Sluis, Van Tongeren, and Ms. Van Empel plus Mr. Arnoud Nuijt (municipality R dam), Mr. Rade (ambassador), Mr. Schouten (consul) and Ms. De Ridder. Welcome at the door : Bas Hennissen Delegation 27 members with about 50 Brazilian guests Transport via Taxi; Mrs. Wanda Tel: :30 Dinner Event Havana-Club, Renaissance Official Opening Mr. Lubbers Mayor Mr. Gilberto Kassab (tbc) Mr. Van Essen joins the delegation, 28 with about 50 Brazilian guests Starting as every body is seated Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 23

24 International Colloquium on the Earth Charter only for Mr Lubbers A realization of the Commission for the Environment, Consumer Protection and Inspection and Control (CMA) of the Federal Senate, in partnership with the Commission on Environmental Law of IUCN, and Earth Charter International Date: 7 de Maio de 2012 Location: Plenário da CMA Address: Ala Nilo Coelho, Plenário 6, Anexo 2, Senado Federal AGENDA Opening 09:00 Senator Rodrigo Rollemberg, Chair of the Commission for the Environment, Consumer Protection and Inspection and Control (CMA); Sheila Abed, Chair of the Commission on Environmental Law of IUCN; Claudio Maretti, Counselor - IUCN 09:20 Presentations regarding Ethics, Conservation of Nature and Law Ethical Foundations for the conservation of nature, Leonardo Boff - Theologian, Philosopher and Writer The Earth Charter Initiative, Brendan Mackey Professor - Griffith University, Queensland, Australia Ethical Foundations of the brazilian Environmental Law, Justice Herman Benjamin (STJ) - Professor Catholic University of Brasilia 10:30 Coffee Break 10:45 Discussion The role of parlaments in elaborating and enforcing ethical environmental principles 1st Round: Ruud Lubbers, Dutch minister of State, one of the co-founders of the Earth Charter and member of the Earth Charter Commission Senator Aloysio Nunes (PSDB-SP) Senator Cristovam Buarque (PDT-DF) 2 nd Round: Marina Silva, former Minister of Environment of Brazil Senator Jorge Viana (PT-AC) Senator Valdir Raupp (PMDB-RO) 11:45 Plenary discussion Chair: Senator Rodrigo Rollemberg 12:20 Closing comments Senator Rodrigo Rollemberg, Chair of the Environmental, Consumers and Fiscalization Commission (CMA); Justice Herman Benjamin, Superior Tribunal de Justiça 13:00 Closing lecture Minister Isabela Teixeira, Ministry of Environment of Brazil Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 24

25 Tuesday May 8 TIME PROGRAMME / VENUE REMARKS 07:00 08:15 Breakfast and check-out from hotel 28 delegation members 08:00 08:30 Registration SEMINAR By 2 hostesses of Furquim Delgado Check ppt s with Mr. Tiago (Tania) 08:30 17:15 Seminar; (see next page for the program) 17:30 18:00 Transfer from Hotel to Airport Congonhas SP Mr. Lubbers drives with Mrs. De Ridder to the airport Distribute Take-away-lunches to the 24 delegation members Bus CWT 24 delegation members Wim Wolters en Bart Willem ten Cate fly back to A dam 18:57 20:40 Flight to Goiãnia by GOL for 24 delegation members Goodbye by Mr. Schouten en Gonneke de Ridder 21:00 21:30 Welcome at the airport by Mr. Ricardo Cantaclaro, Sabpar Brasil Participações Mrs. Helenir Querosz (president of ACIEG) 21:30 22:00 Transfer Dutch delegation to Hotel in Goiania Bus CWT 22:40 23:00 Check IN Castro Hotel 23 delegation members Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 25

26 Seminar São Paulo Tuesday May 8 AGENDA 08:30 09:00 Opening Mr. Lubbers, chairman of the seminar; co-chairing Mr. Van Sluis 09:00 09:20 Mr. José Anibal, Secretary of Energy of the State of Sao Paulo Opening 09:20 09:40 Mr. Van Sluis -Chairman Deltalinqs Rotterdam developments 09:40 09:55 Mr. Manoel Neves POYRY Woody Biomass for Energy Sector in Brazil 09:55 10:15 Mr. Albert Markusse CEO Suikerunie The role of The Netherlands in the biobased economy 10:15 10:35 Mr. Manoel Bertoni CEO BENRI (Biomass Energy Research Institute) Benri rates, measuring productivity 10:35 10:55 Mr. Onofre Andrade - Argos North Sea Group New opportunities in the international Bioenergy market 10:55 11:15 Mr. Erasmo Battistella, President of Aprobio Vision of Biodiesel in Brazil 11:15 11:35 Coffee-break 11:35 11:55 Mr.Roger Agnelli and Mr.Ivo Fouto President AGN Bienergy Exploration on the biofuels discussion 11:55 12:15 Mr. Bas Hennissen- Vice President Industry & Bulk Port of Rotterdam BioPort Rotterdam, Gateway to Europe 12:15 13:15 Mr. luciano Almeida President Investe São Paulo - Official Agency of the State of São Paulo Investments 13:15 14:15 LUNCH 14:15 14:35 Ms. Ida Haisma, TNO Port security and production storage and transportation of fuels 14:35 14:55 Mr.Carlos Cristo, Associated to Flecha de Lima Relações Institucionais (Public Affairs) Renewable energy, opportunities for investment and trade partnership 14:55 15:10 Mrs. Tania de Grave Curado, Agrennewenergy Certifications of sustainability in Brazil. How to lead with it? 15: Prof Dr. Arnaldo Walter, UNICAMP Sustainability of bioenergy production in Brazil: perspectives and impacts on trade 15:30 15:50 Mr. Flavio Castelar -APL São Paulo Secretario Executivo The Local productive (active)arrangement of Alcohol (Ethanol) 15:50 16:10 Mr. Zeijseink, Kema Biomass based renewable technology: 20 years of operational experiences from the Netherlands 16:10 16:30 Prof. Dr. José Roberto Moreira, founder of CENBIO -Biomass Users Network BUN-UN IPCC Bioenergy in Brazil -Consumption and Trade Mr Moreira also gives reflections on the subjects of this seminar 16:30 16:45 Wrap up Conclusions Mr. Sergio Braga, SAE PR (Secretariat Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil) opportunities and conclusions Mr. Lubbers, conclusion of the chairman 16:45 17:15 Networking Photo and short biography of Brazilian speakers see page 39 Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 26

27 Wednesday May 9 WEDNESDAY MORNING TIME PROGRAMME / VENUE REMARKS 8:45 9:00 Transfer from hotel Castro to Office ACIEG 23 delegation members 9:00 9:30 Formal opening Mr. Baldy, Secretary Industry and Trade Mrs. Helenir Queroz, president ACIEG Mr. Lubbers 9:30 10:30 Presentation on economics / business in Goiás 10:30 11:30 Presentations of the Dutch delegation Mr. Lubbers, Mr. Van Sluis, Deltalinqs Mr. Ed de Jong, Avantium Mr. Hennissen, Port of Rotterdam Mr. Markusse, Suikerunie Mr. Asselbergs, Deltalinqs 11:30 12:30 Introduction of participants of the four Business Round Tables concerning the business segments: ethanol / Sugar; biodiesel / grains / soybean; solid biomass and logistics 12:30-14:30 LUNCH of communication between Brazilian and Dutch@ at Acieg premises, offered by ACIEG Short introduction Developments in Rotterdam Sugarcane as feedstock for YXY process to produce 100% biobased PEF bottles. Rotterdam Bio-port The role of the Netherlands in the biobased-economy Deltalinqs Energy Forum; Education on safety 23 delegation members 23 delegation members Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 27

28 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON TIME PROGRAMME / VENUE REMARKS 14:30 16:30 Round Tables 21 delegation members (De Jong; Mangnus own progr.) Table 1 Ethanol + Sugar Dutch chair : Mr. Van Tongeren Brazilian chair : Mr. José Mauro SIFAEG (the syndicate which brings together the ethanol producers of Goiás- Unions of the Manufacture of Ethanol in the State of Goias) Table 2 Biodiesel and Grains Soy Dutch chair: Mrs. Mieke Vandewal Brazilian chair : Mr. Edwal Portilho ADIAL (Pro-Industrial Development Association of the State of Goias) Duch Companies: 1. TNO, De Boo 2. HbR, Van Essen 3. Deltalinqs, Van Tongeren 4. Suikerunie, Markusse 5. Kema, Zeijseink 6. Argos/North Sea Group Dutch companies : 1. Peterson, Vandewal 2. Deltalinqs, Asselbergs 3. Zeeland Seaport, Gilhuis 4. TNO, Clarijs 5. I & M, Van Empel Table 3 Solid Biomass Dutch chair: Mr. Mathijs Pelsma Brazilian chair: Mr. Ricardo Cantaclaro Also involved : Mr Giordano Souza- ACIEG and Ms. Débora - Sebrae Dutch companies ; 1. GDF/Suez, Gnoth 2. DCMR, De Hoog 3. EMO, Pelsma 4. Baclin, Van Kleef 5. Agrennewenergy, De Grave Table 4 Logistics Dutch chair : Ms. Ida Haisma Brazilian chair: Mr. Paulo Afonso - ACIEG Dutch companies : 1. HbR, Hennissen 2. Deltalinqs, Van Sluis 3. TNO, Haisma 4. Zeeland Seaport, Geertse 5. Mr. Lubbers 16:30 17:00 Reports of the tables Wrap up Formal end Business round table 17:00 17:30 Networking 17:30 18:15 Transfer of the Dutch delegation to the hotel Castro 21 delegation members Bus Santa Marta Mobi 19:00 19:15 Transfer Dutch delegation to dinner. Bus Santa Marta Mobi 23 delegation members (21 + De Jong & Mangnus) 19:30 22:00 Dinner hosted by the government of Goias Palace of Esmeraldas Our host will be the Vice Governor of Goiás Mr. José Eliton Jr. Mr. Kees Rade joins 23 delegation members 22:00 Transfer back to Hotel Bus Santa Marta Mobi 23 delegation members Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 28

29 Thursday May 10 TIME PROGRAMME / VENUE REMARKS 7:00 Breakfast and check-out from hotel Whole delegation 22 members 7:45 Transfer to Technical visits 3 mini-buses Santa Marta Mobi 1- Ethanol Plant Jalles Machado Mr. Lucas Galdioli - fazenda São Pedro - Rodovia GO Km 75,1 - Zona Rural Caixa Postal 04 - CEP: Goianésia - Goiás Brasil 2-Biodiesel Plant CARAMURU Ms. Cláudia Luz 3-Biomass plantation Anapolis Porto seco Chips and pellets + Energy Crops do Porto Seco-Plantation Eucaliptus ; Mrs. Silvana Silva; Syndicated Business Freight Transport and Logistics of the State ofgoias Markusse (Suikerunie); De Boo (TNO); Asselbergs (Deltalinqs); Gilhuis (Zeeland Seaport); De Jong (Avantium); De Hoog (DCMR); Van Empel (I&M); Andrade (Argos); total 8 Vandewal (Peterson); Clarijs (TNO); Geertse (Zeeland Seaport); Van Essen (HbR); Van Sluis (Deltalinqs); De Grave (Agrennewenergy); Mangnus (Avantium); total 7 Lubbers; Hennissen (HbR); Pelsma (EMO); Haisma (TNO); Gnoth (GDF/SUEZ); Van Tongeren (Deltalinqs); Van Kleef (Baclin); total 7 13:30-14:30 Lunch 3 different places 14:30 18:00 Leave site back to Goiania airport Santa Genoveva. 18:00 19:00 Preparation R dam-evening 22 delegation members Discussion in 2 groups 3 mini-buses from Santa Marta Mobi 1. Roadmap Rotterdam Bioport 2. Strategic positioning Bioport & energy port in NL & in EU. 19:00 19:30 19:30 20:10 Say goodby and boarding Flight to Brasilia by TAM 20 delegation members At the airport, Ricardo and Helenir take leave of the members of the delegation. Mr. Zeijseink, Kema flies to NL Mr. De Jong; Mangnus fly to SP Welcome in Brasilia Ambasador Kees Rade or Bastiaan 20 delegation members 20:15 21:00 Transfer to Hotel Golden Tulip Brasília Alvorada 21:30 23:00 Rotterdam evening 20 delegation members Bus CWT; 20 delegation members; Check in Reporting of the afternoongroups Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 29

30 Friday May 11 Ministery group 14 delegation-members TIME PROGRAMME / VENUE REMARKS 09:00 09:30 Transfer to Ministery MME (Mines & Energy) Bus Santa Marta Mobi 14 delegation members 09:30 10:30 MME- na Sala Plenária (9º andar). Auditorium room Mr. Dr. Marcio Zimmermann- former minister of MME in 2010 and 2011 and currently Executive secretary of MME Mr. Lubbers and delegation. 14 delegation members incl Mr. Lubbers 10:30 11:30 Itamaraty (Ministery of Foreign Affairs) 12:00 13:00 MCTI. Ministry of Sciences & Technology Ambassador Mariangela Rebuá Director of the Department of Energy 14 delegation members incl Mr. Lubbers Dr Luiz Antonio Elias, MCTI secretary Dr. Carlos Nobre, Secretary politics and development and research programs and repr of consultancy international affairs 14 delegation members incl Mr. Lubbers 13:00 13:30 Quick walking lunch 14 delegation members 13:30 Transfer to airport Brasilia CWT-bus ; Say goodby at the airport by Ambassador Mr. Rade and goodbye Mr. Van Kleef and Van Tongeren 15:22 Flight to São Paulo-Guarulhos 10 delegation members (Van Essen, Van Tongeren, De Grave en Van Kleef follow seperate program) 16:55 Arrival in São Paulo Mieke Vandewal leaves (own program) 17:30-19:00 Dinner at the airport in restaurant xx (on own expenses) De Jong en Mangnus and the six Santos-travellers join again 19:15 Departure to Amsterdam delegation 18 members Saturday May 12 TIME PROGRAMME / VENUE REMARKS 11:50 Arrival in Amsterdam Delegation 18 members Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 30

31 Friday May 11 Santos group 6 delegation-members TIME PROGRAMME / VENUE REMARKS 05:00 Departure from Hotel to Airport Mini-Bus CWT, 6 delegation members 06:00 Departure flight to Sao Paulo Gongonhas airport Pelsma, Markusse, Clarijs, De Boo; Geertse and Gilhuis Arrival in Sao Paulo Departure bus to Santos (85 km) 10:00 11:15 Welcome and tour at Vopak Terminals Santos Av. Vereador Alfredo das Neves, 1055, Alemoa, CEP , Santos - SP Mini-bus CWT Mr. Antonio Pinho, commercial director and Mrs. Sandra Pereira. Mr. Adre Lettieri (POR) will join. 11:15 11:30 Transport to POR-office Mini-bus CWT, 6 delegation members + Mr. Lettieri 11:30 12:30 Boat-tour 12:30 14:00 LUNCH Restaurant xx 14:00 17:00 Transport to Airport Sao Paulo Guarulhos Mini-bus CWT, 6 delegation members 17:30-19:00 Dinner at the airport in restaurant xx (you have to pay yourself) Together with the Ministery-delegation and De Jong en Mangnus 19:15 Departure to Amsterdam delegation 19 members Saturday May 12 TIME PROGRAMME / VENUE REMARKS 11:50 Arrival in Amsterdam Delegation 19 members Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 31

32 Company visits & Program Details Monday May hrs. Costa Pinto Cosan Cosan was founded in 1936, when it built the Costa Pinto mill in Piracicaba (São Paulo State). In the 1980s it began an expansion process based mainly on the acquisition of companies in the sector. Recently, with the acquisition of Esso s fuel distribution assets and its lubricant production and distribution business in Brazil, it has become the first vertically integrated company in the sector. Vision To be a global reference in clean and renewable energy. Mission To supply cleaner, renewable energy to improve people s lives. Values - Speed with discipline - Creating opportunities - Developing human potential - Engaging and involving customers - Producing more, better - Safety throughout the operations - Building a team Quality Cosan believes in sustainable development and in the principle of continuous improvement. So much so, that it has been seeking to achieve and go beyond best practices in the areas of Quality, the Environment, Health, Safety, and Social Responsibility. To guarantee the consistency and improvement of its products, processes and services, and also to achieve excellence, the company has implemented the Integrated Management System (SIG). As a development structure Cosan uses internationally recognized and accepted norms: - NBR ISO Quality Management Systems. - NBR ISO Environmental Management Systems. - OHSAS Health and Safety at Work Management Systems. - PDV-GMP B2 - Quality Control of Feed Materials. - Cosan s quality management system has certificated recommended by SGS and PDV:GPM B2. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 32

33 Social Responsibility - The Community In addition to its expansion and strong market share, Cosan also invests in commitments to people, the community and the sustainable development of Brazil. Through the Cosan Foundation the company goes beyond its factory walls and applies its concepts in social-environmental responsibility and the personal and professional development of a number of communities. With this initiative Cosan has effectively contributed to the improvement of quality of life and has tried to encourage those who may have a positive influence on the future of such communities. The variety of programs in the Cosan Foundation, involving partnerships with a number of public and private institutions, assists children and youths in educational and professional training centers through activities that involve culture, information, solidarity, safety, citizenship, respect, health and leisure. Projects such Saber para Crescer, Fábrica do Conhecimento, Pensar e Agir, Meio Ambiente e Brincar e Aprender reach over 60,000 people in 19 cities in the State of São Paulo. There are other projects targeting health, involving Cosan s partnership with hospitals, blood centers and laboratories. 5 Cosan companies Cosan Alimentos Brazil s retail sugar market leader, Cosan Alimentos sells two well-known brands in Brazil: União and Da Barra. The business began with the acquisition of the da Barra Plant in 2002 and in 2009, the NovAmerica Agroenergia brought the União brand to the company s portfolio. On July 1, 2011, Cosan Alimentos was spun off into an independent company to operate in new categories in the foodstuffs industry. Associated with happy times with family, União is the national leader in refined sugar sales with 74% mind share among consumers. As it commemorated its centennial in 2010, the brand expanded its product line to include high value added segments. União is a pioneer in consumer interaction and relationships, which have improved over the decades thanks to recipes printed on packages and, more recently, to the brand s strong presence on social networks. In 1958, União Docelar was inaugurated as the Brazil s first test kitchen and, two years later, the famous Recipe Book as launched. Cosan Lubrificantes e Especialidades Created in 2008 when Cosan acquired the production assets and brand rights for Mobil in Brazil from ExxonMobil, Cosan Lubrificantes e Especialidades was established to provide increasingly innovative solutions in the production, sale and distribution of lubricants to generate benefits to clients. Since then, various product launches, Brazilian motorsports sponsorships, campaigns and promotions targeting final consumers have helped solidify the company for sustainable performance. In 2011, Cosan LE assumed the distribution of basic oils from ExxonMobil in Brazil, increasing its business portfolio and offering the Brazilian market high quality inputs, reaffirming its commitment to innovative solutions that provide savings, increase productivity and reduce environmental impacts. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 33

34 In the same year, Cosan LE signed an agreement to purchase ExxonMobil s lubricant distribution business in Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay, becoming the exclusive distributor of Mobil products in these three countries. The conclusion of this operation reiterates Cosan s commitment to the internationalization of its business. Radar Brazilian agricultural lands should appreciate rapidly in the coming years due to world food and biofuel demand. Alert to this trend, in 2008 Cosan created Radar Propriedades Agrícolas to capitalize on new business opportunities in the Brazilian rural real estate market, purchasing properties with significant potential for appreciation and leasing them to major agricultural producers. After they reach their target value, the properties are put on the market. The initial focus is lands prime for sugarcane, soy, corn and cotton production. In its first three years, the company has already invested US$400 million, and today, it manages approximately 106 thousand hectares of lands. To evaluate property potential, Radar uses a satellite monitoring system that allows a detailed analysis of the terrain and physical and chemical profile of the soil and climate, among other information. Created in 2002 in partnership with Campinas State University (Unicamp), they geographic information system allows visualization with a resolution of 5 meters per pixel. A bank of satellite images of areas across Brazil with periodic photos since 1989 allows the company to see the history of the land use before acquisition and avoid, for example, acquisition of lands that were illegally deforested. Raízen A joint venture between Cosan and Shell, Raízen is a Brazilian company which produces more than 2.2 billion gallons of ethanol a year for the domestic and export markets, 4 million tons of sugar, and 900 MW of installed capacity in electricity produced from sugar cane bagasse. It operates a network of about 4,500 fuel service stations throughout Brazil, more than 500 convenience stores, 53 distribution terminals and operates in 54 airports in the aviation fuel business. It is one of the world s most competitive companies in sustainable energy. The name Raízen came out of the Portuguese words for root and energy ( raíz and energia ). The first refers to the part of plants that extracts water and nutrients needed for life, and the latter is the critical factor for any dynamic: any form of life or movement takes energy. The use of the Portuguese name reinforces the fact that this is a Brazilian organization, and the use of purple in the brand s logo is a reference to the appearance of ripe sugar cane. Rumo Logística Created in 2009, Rumo Logística was born as a major player in world logistics in sugar transportation and port operation. The company can load more than 11 million tonnes of sugar and other bulk products per year, in addition to static storage capacity of 470 million tonnes of bulk sugar and 40 thousand tonnes of bagged sugar at the Port of Santos (SP). With four dry ports in upstate São Paulo, Rumo also has static storage capacity of 1 million tonnes of sugar and other commodities. Rumo s various projects reflect, among other characteristics, its economic and environmental responsibility; its R$1.3 billion investment to transport sugar primarily by rail and not highway, Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 34

35 reducing emissions, is a testament to this commitment. By 2013, Rumo hopes to increase rail transportation from the current 5 million tonnes to 11 million tonnes per year. One of Rumo s most innovative investments is the construction of the roof at the South Terminal of the Port of Santos. Every year, rain requires a complete operational stop for approximately 120 days. Ships must wait and lines of trucks cause major traffic jams in the region. To solve this problem, the project provides for 138 m x 17 m metallic roofing that can house the today s largest cargo ships. Visit information Time schedule of this visit: hrs: Identification Costa Pinto s front desk hrs: Welcome coffee hrs: Safety instructions hrs: Raízen s presentantion and videos hrs: Rumo s presentation hrs: Transfer and visit - field hrs: Transfer and visit industry hrs: Close off the day Representatives of Raizen who attends the visit: - Natascha Nunes da Cunha - Manager of external relations - Luiz Ricardo Santiago - Manager of Government Relations (both are representing our vice president, Luiz Eduardo Osorio, who can not attend the visit) - Paulo Bento de Souza Maffei - Assessor to sustainability (responsible for the annual report and sustainability of the company) - Angelo José de Carvalho Baptista - Commercial Director of Logistics Course - Julio Fontana - President Logistics Course Delegation actions Questions prepared by Mrs. Ide Haisma and Mr. Andre Zeijesink 1. Can you please give us some insight in the development of the markets in which you are involved? 2. In Raizen you work with Shell. Do you see possibilities for other Dutch companies to work with Raizen? We think on logistics, safety, certification. 3. What are the main environment issues you experience in practise? Goal is getting an overall insight. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 35

36 São Paulo When talking about the state of São Paulo, the superlative form is a must. It is the state with the country's largest population, largest industrial complex, highest economic production, the one that receives the largest number of immigrants and, as expected, the most cosmopolitan state in South America. São Paulo was built thanks to hardworking people coming from all over the country and the world, who kept the vocation for work statewide. São Paulo has 645 municipalities and a population of approximately 40 million inhabitants. With the country's best infrastructure and a highly skilled labor force, São Paulo can be called "Brazil's locomotive". All kinds of products are manufactured in the state, mainly high tech items. Its strong points, however, are not only related to the industry. Paulistas - São Paulo inhabitants - have also transformed agriculture and livestock farming into a potency. As regards the Economy, there are more than 258 malls spread nationwide, 155 of which in the Southern region, responsible for more than 300,000 job positions, aside from a comprehensive wholesale and retail chain nationwide. São Paulo's participation in the Brazilian banking system reaches almost 50% in volume terms. Also, Latin America's largest Stock Exchange is located in the state's capital. Mayor: Mr. Kassab Gilberto Kassab (born August 12, 1960 in São Paulo) is a Brazilian politician, current mayor of São Paulo. His term ends in A civil engineer and economist, one of the most famous Brazilians of Lebanese descent. Subjects the (sub)delegation adresses: - Challegences in developments BBE and relations international/regional and national - RCI, the Rotterdam approach - Exchange of favours, The Dutch and the Brazilian added value Only : Mr. Lubbers, Mr. Van Sluis, Mr. Van Essen, Mr. Van Tongeren, Mr Nuijt, Mr. Schouten and Mrs. Van Empel. Mr. José Aníbal Energy secretary of São Paulo Discussion subject: Expectations Brazilian and worldwide developments on Bio-energy Only : Mr. Lubbers, Mr. Van Sluis, Mr. Van Essen, Mr. Van Tongeren, Mr Nuijt, Mr. Schouten and Mrs. Van Empel. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 36

37 Network Cocktail - offered by the Port of Rotterdam hrs. Delegation actions Welcome at the door by Mr. Bas Hennissen Dinner hrs. Table chair: Wim van Sluis Delegation actions After seating there will be 2 short speaches one by Ruud Lubbers and one by the Mayor Topics the Mayor will address: - History of São Paul related to Holland - Plans of the city of São Paulo concerning bio-energy - Investing possibilities Topics Mr. Lubbers will address - Goal of the delegation, - EU development on BBE, - NL added value on technology, - Logistics and worldwide-trade. Attending members and guests: (C = Cocktail D = Dinner) Name C/D Function Company Mr. José Anibal Secretario Energia do Estado de São Paulo Mr. Luiz Carlos Abrantes Diretor Link Logistic Group BHz Mr. Angelo Baptista C RUMO Mr. Angelo José de Carvalho Baptista Commercial Director of Logistics Course Raizen Mr. Renato Leite Bastos C/D SCA Brazil Ethanol Mrs. Ivonice Campos Mr. Alessandro Perelmuter Carmeli Ms. Natascha Nunes da Cunha C/D C First lady to implement Bioenergy program in Brazil President Gerente de relações externas SPBIO IND COM DE BIODIESEL E ÓLEOS VEGETAIS Mr. André Dorf CEO Suzano Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 37

38 Mr. Roberto Engels C president BIOCAPITAL CONSULT EMP E PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A Mr. Eduardo Estrada Mr. Julio Fontana D RUMO Mrs. Zenaide Guerra C/D Mr. Mirko Kranenburg Program manager ADM Mr. James Iademarco Mr. Daniel Lisak D Vice President Bio-based Chemicals and Materials Managing director of Vopak Brazil ADM Vopak Mr. Peter Lugthart Havenbedrijf Mr. Paulo Bento de Souza Maffei D Assessor para Sustentabilidade Raizen Mr. Jefferson B. Mendes Mr. Julio C. Minelli Mr. Frank Nadimi Business Development Manager DSM Mr. Guilherme Nastari C/D President Datagro Mr. Gunnar Nebelung Aprobio Mr. Rodrigo Gomes de Oliveira Mr. Dick Oskam Mr. Olavo Pitton D CEO Secretary of State and the President & CEO of Tocantins State Development Bank, director of Sales & Marketing of Vopak Latin America Vopak BIOCAMP IND COM IMP E EXP DE BIODIESEL LTDA Mr. Antonio Prado Prado & Prado Mr. Marcelo Alcantara de Queiroz Aprobio Mr. José Antonio O Rezende gerente geral Mr. Ribamar C/D Admiraaal Mrs. Gonneke de Ridder Mr. Miguel Sampol Sampol Consultorias Mr. Luiz Ricardo Santiago D Manager of Government Relations Raizen Mr. Jan Gijs Schouten Mr. Fernando Borges da Silva C Mr. Rodrigo Soares D Vopak Brazil Business Development director Vopak Mr. Francisco de Souza Mr. Paulo Bento Maffei de Souza C Raízen Mr. Jos Steeman President Vopak Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 38

39 Tuesday May 8 Seminar São Paulo: Background of the Brazilian speakers Tuesday May 8 AGENDA 08:30 09:00 Opening Mr. Lubbers, chairman of the seminar; Co-chairing: Mr. Van Sluis 09:00 09:20 Mr. José Anibal, Secretary of Energy of the State of Sao Paulo Opening 09:20 09:40 Mr. Van Sluis -Chairman Deltalinqs Rotterdam developments 09:40 09:55 Mr. Manoel Neves POYRY Woody Biomass for Energy Sector in Brazil 09:55 10:15 Mr. Albert Markusse CEO Suikerunie The role of The Netherlands in the biobased economy 10:15 10:35 Mr. Manoel Bertoni - CEO BENRI (Biomass Energy Research Institute) Benri rates, measuring productivity Mr. Manoel Bertoni CEO of BENRI (Biomass Energy Research Institute), a new company whose purpose is to provide a transparent, independent and reliable rating system to be used for credit, investment, and management, Manoel Bertone, former Secretary for Production and Agro Energy, was in charge of drafting and delivering agribusiness oriented-public policies for sugar cane, sugar, ethanol, coffee and biodiesel for the last five years. He holds a Graduation Degree in Administration from the Sao Paulo Administration School of the Getulio Vargas Foundation. He has initiated his professional career at Arthur Andersen S/C when he focused his main duties on providing consultancy for agrobusiness-based companies, mainly on the sugar-energetic sector. Either as Brazilian Government member or as private consultant, he has held a considerable international background when it comes to delivering panels and speeches on coffee and agro energy markets as well as on how to draw public policies to both sectors. Has also coordinated the implementation of the Sugarcane Agroecological Zoning in Brazil (ZAE Cana), the Sustainable Palm Oil Production Programme and the recent government-led study called Structural Analysis on the Coffee Sector which has come out with a financial-debt relief programme. 10:35 10:55 Mr. Onofre Andrade - Argos North Sea Group New opportunities in the international Bioenergy market 10:55 11:15 Mr. Erasmo Battistella, President of Aprobio Vision of Biodiesel in Brazil Nome: Mr. Erasmo Carlos Battistella Formação: Agrícola e Administrativa Experiência Profissional: - Atou no segmento de varejo de combustível há mais de 15 anos - Diretor Presidente BSBIOS - Presidente da APROBIO Associação Produtores de Biodiesel do Brasil. - Membro da Câmara Setorial da Cadeia Produtiva de Oleaginosas e Biodiesel - Presidente da Abrascanola Associação Brasilieira dos Produtores de Canola - Vice Presidente Sindibio- RS 11:15 11:35 Coffee-break Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 39

40 11:35 11:55 Mr.Roger Agnelli and Mr.Ivo Fouto President AGN Bienergy Exploration on the biofuels discussion 11:55 12:15 Mr. Bas Hennissen- Vice President Industry & Bulk Port of Rotterdam BioPort Rotterdam, Gateway to Europe 12:15 13:15 Mr. luciano Almeida President Investe São Paulo -Official Agency of the State of São Paulo Investments 13:15 14:15 LUNCH 14:15 14:35 Ms. Ida Haisma, TNO Port security and production storage and transportation of fuels 14:35 14:55 Mr.Carlos Cristo, Associated to Flecha de Lima Relações Institucionais (Public Affairs) Renewable energy, opportunities for investment and trade partnership Mr. Carlos Manuel Pedroso Neves Cristo - Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo, 1971, - Postgraduate studies in Urban and Regional Planning at the Catholic University of Louvain. - Invited professor of the National School of Public Administration, Brasil - Honorary Teacher in the University Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru - Board member of the Brazilian Association of Automotive Engineering, 2009/ Awarded by the Order of Merit of the Portuguese Honorary Orders, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Portugal in Brasilia - Associated to Flecha de Lima Relações Institucionais (Public Affairs), from Chief of Staff of Secretariat for Innovation - Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Commerce,1999/ Program Director in the Ministry of Federal Administration and State Reform,1995/98 - He was responsible for competitive intelligence and renewable energy s programs - Former Chief of Staff of Secretariat for Innovation - Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Commerce,1999/ Associated to Flecha de Lima Relações Institucionais (Public Affairs) 14:55 15:10 Mrs. Tania de Grave Curado, Agrennewenergy Certifications of sustainability in Brazil. How to lead with it? 15: Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Walter, UNICAMP Sustainability of bioenergy production in Brazil: perspectives and impacts on trade Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Walter Assistant professor at University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and Director of the Sustainability Research Program at the Brazilian Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory (CTBE). Is Mechanical Engineer, with M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. in Energy Planning; has specialization in Argentina and developed a postdoctoral research at the NREL-US and at King s College-UK. Has had professional activities in different countries, and taught in Ecuador, Peru, Sweden and Mexico. He has been executive-editor of Energy (Elsevier) since July His recent research activities have been focused on sustainability of biofuels, market assessment of biofuels and simulation of thermal systems. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 40

41 15:30 15:50 Mr. Flavio Castelar -APL São Paulo Secretario Executivo The Local productive (active)arrangement of Alcohol (Ethanol) Mr. Flavio Eduardo Barros Vieira de Castelar. Manager. Currently he occupies as Executive secretary at APL( the Local Productive Arrangement of Ethanol) at the Technological Park Bioenergy in Piracicaba. Since 2007 he is responsible for the project "Bioenergy Brazil Sugarcane Solution" which is held in partnership with APEX-Brazilian Agency of Exports and Investment, which aims to disseminate the Brazilian technologies for production of bioenergy. Address: Secretario Executivo Arranjo Produtivo Local do Álcool Rua Almirante Barroso, Bairro dos Alemães - Piracicaba - São Paulo Brasil CEP Fone :50 16:10 Mr. Zeijseink, Kema Biomass based renewable technology: 20 years of operational experiences from the Netherlands 16:10 16:30 Prof. Dr. José Roberto Moreira, founder of CENBIO -Biomass Users Network BUN-UN IPCC Bioenergy in Brazil -Consumption and Trade Mr Moreira also gives reflections on the subjects of this seminar 16:30 16:45 Wrap up Conclusions Mr. Sergio Braga, SAE PR (Secretariat Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil) opportunities and conclusions Mr. Lubbers conclusion of the chairman Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 41

42 Wednesday May 9 The State Goiás Goiás ( km2, 6 mln population, GPD per capita R$ 9.962) is a state of Brazil, located in the central part of the country. The name Goiás (formerly, Goyaz) comes from the name of an indigenous community. The original word seems to have been guaiá, a compound of gua e iá, meaning "the same person" or "people of the same origin." Neighboring states are (from north clockwise) Tocantins, Bahia, Minas Gerais, the Federal District, Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso. Goiás is characterized by a landscape of chapadões (plateaus). In the height of the drought season, from June to September, the lack of rain makes the level of the Araguaia River go down and exposes almost 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) of beaches, making it the main attraction of the State. Goiás State is connected to all Brazilian states and to the largest ports in South America via the main Brazilian highways, railways, waterways and airports. The state is also home to the Brazilian Federal District: Brasília. Goiânia, the state capital of Goiás, is at a distance of a twohour drive or a 30-minute flight from Brasília, the city capital of Brazil. Goiás boasts end-to-end, privileged logistics through which the state is able to import, export and distribute everything, from consumables to finished products. Inland Port and the Multimodal Platform in the city Anápolis serve as a hub and connect the state to the largest South American ports by using the main brazilian highways, railways, and airports. Construction work has also begun on an ethanol pipeline, which will help decrease export costs for biofuels made in Goiás, which already is the fourth largest sugar cane ethanol producer in the world. Additionally, Goiás is a major energy producer: It has eight fully-operational power plants that generate enough power to make a significant contribution to the Brazilian grid. Goiás is one of the fastest-growing states in Brazil. With a GDP of USD 40 billion, it boasts a well-established industrial base and is home to many new and upcoming industries from several segments: pharmaceutical, automotive, food, cleaning products, furniture, shoes, agribusiness and cattle farming, and the tourism industry.there are 32 industrial districts strategically located throughout the state that help bring together the supplier and consumer markets from all over Brazil. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 42

43 Governor Marconi Ferreira Perillo Brazilian politician, graduated in Law school, affiliated to PSDB. He is the current governor of the state of Goiás and he is on his third mandate ( ; ; 2011 ). The City Goiãnia Goiânia is the capital and largest city of the Brazilian state of Goiás. With a population of 1,301,892 it is the second-largest city in the Central-Western Region and the 13th-largest in the country. Its metropolitan area has a total population of 2,063,744, making it the 11thlargest in Brazil. Goiânia has the largest green area per inhabitant in Brazil, and is the second of the world, losing only to Edmonton in the world. Industrial and Commercial Association and Services of the State of Goiás (ACIEG) hrs. Acieg was born together with Goiania - An association for the entrepeneur. Slogan "A must for the entrepreneur" The pillar of performance of the entity is the unconditional defense of business and entrepeneur. Made the first school to form and train technicians of Goias. Later it went to the University. Dialogue always open with all kinds of goverment for the business and entrepeneur. Acieg is neutral independent of the party that is in power. To work objectively and intelligent in all areas for their associates. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 43

44 Round Tables Table 1 Ethanol + Sugar Dutch chair: Mr. Van Tongeren Brazilian chair: Mr. José Mauro SIFAEG (the syndicate which brings together the ethanol producers of Goiás- Unions of the Manufacture of Ethanol in the State of Goias) Duch Companies: 1. TNO, De Boo 2. HbR, Van Essen 3. Deltalinqs, Van Tongeren 4. Suikerunie 5. Kema 6. Argos/North Sea Group Organic Sugar for exportation Itaja Organic Sugar: an exclusive product of Jalles Machado, from Goias to the world. Only available for exporting, Itaja Organic Sugar has gained the international market. The product is authenticated by IBD Biodynamic Institute, which stands for production based on environmental preservation and social responsibility. IBD s authentication follows international quality standards checked by IFOAM -International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, a well-respected entity all over Europe, the United States and Japan. VHP (Very High Polarization) Sugar is used as raw material in other procedures and for refinery, due to its high polarization. During the production process, the juice requires minimal treatment, and it is sulfur and lime free, which gives it a different color. The boiling sugar mass is less washed in the centrifuge, dehumidifying the sugar and that is what makes it good for exporting, as the absence of humidity facilitates bulk transportation. It may be used for consumption, but it is often shipped to countries that use it to produce white or refined sugar. VHP sugar is exported to countries like Russia, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Indonesia, Bangladesh and India. Table 2 Biodiesel and Grains Soy Dutch chair: Mrs. Mieke Vandewal Brazilian chair: Mr. Edwal Portilho ADIAL (Pro-Industrial Development Association of the State of Goias) Dutch companies : 1. Peterson, Vanderwal 2. Deltalinqs, Asselbergs 3. Zeeland Seaport, Gilhuis 4. TNO, Clarijs 5. I & M, Van Empel Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 44

45 Table 3 Solid Biomass Dutch chair: Mr. Mathijs Pelsma Brazilian chair: Mr. Ricardo Cantaclaro Also involved: Mr. Giordano Souza- ACIEG and Ms. Débora - Sebrae Dutch companies: 1. GDF/Suez, Gnoth 2. DCMR, De Hoog 3. EMO, Pelsma 4. Baclin, Van Kleef 5. Agrennewenergy, De Grave Table 4 Logistics Dutch chair: Ms. Ida Haisma Brazilian chair: Mr. Paulo Afonso - ACIEG Dutch companies: 1. HbR, Hennissen 2. Deltalinqs, Van Sluis 3. TNO, Haisma 4. Zeeland Seaport, Geertse 5. Mr. Lubbers Dinner hosted by the government of Goias hrs. Civic Square - Palace of Esmeraldas The Civic Plaza is considered the first milestone in the construction of Goiânia, capital of the Brazilian state of Goiás. It was the first plaza built in The Palace of Esmeraldas is the official residence of the governor of Goiás since its inception in Governor Marconi Ferreira Perillo Brazilian politician, graduated in Law school, affiliated to PSDB. He is the current governor of the state of Goiás and he is on his third mandate ( ; ; 2011 ). Delegation action during dinner Table speech Mr. Lubbers Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 45

46 Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 46

47 Thursday May 10 Group formations company visits hrs. Visiting Ethanol Plant, Biodiesel Plant and Biomass plantation in three different groups. Ethanol Plant Biodiesel Plant Biomass plantation 1. Markusse (Suikerunie); 1. Van Essen (HbR) 1. Lubbers 2. De Boo (TNO) 2. Vandewal (Peterson) 2. Van Kleef (Baclin) 3. Asselbergs (Deltalinqs) 3. Geertse (Zeeland) 3. Hennissen (HbR) 4. Andrade (Argos) 4. Van Sluis (Deltalinqs) 4. Haisma (TNO 5. Gilhuis (Zeeland) 5. De Grave (Agren) 5. Pelsma (EMO) 6. Jong (Avantium) 6. Clarijs (TNO) 6. Gnoth (GDF/SUEZ) 7. Van Empel (I&M) 7. Magnus (Avantium) 7. Van Tongeren (Deltalinqs) 8. De Hoog (DCMR) Ethanol Plant - Jalles Machado Jalles Machado S/A, a very large Brazilian corporation located in Vale de São Patrício, in Goianésia, Goiás, commercializes its products nationally and internationally, using sugarcane as raw material. While developing our activities, it worries about protecting the soil, preserving natural resources and their biodiversity, as well as controlling atmospheric emissions having within the Integrated Management System - SGI, operational scope, the cultivation of sugarcane and eucalyptus, the production of anhydrous ethanol, hydrated ethanol, grain alcohol, granulated sugar, VHP sugar, organic sugar, yeast, molasses, sanitizing bleach, alcohol gel, liquid fertilizer, native seedlings and cotesia, besides sugar cane bagasse energy cogeneration. Jalles Machado s Integrated Management Strategy, concerning quality, environment, safety and occupational health, is guided by its Magna Carta. Jalles Machado in numbers The following data were based in Jalles Machado s social report, base year Internal Social Indicators (Costs in thousands of Reais/R$) - Food: Compulsory social charges: Health: Wokplace safety and health: Education: Training and Professional development: 562 Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 47

48 Environmental Indicators (Costs in thousands of Reais/R$) - Investments related to production/ Company operation Investments in programs and/or external projects Staff indicators: Employees at the end of the year Admissions during the year Mr. Otavio Lage de Siqueira Filho Mr. Otavio Lage de Siqueira Filho is the current CEO of Jalles Machado. Delegation actions Questions prepared by Albert Markusse and Ed de Jong 1. We are interested in your energy project? 2. Organic suger, what are you doing on biodiversity? 3. What is the system adopted of cutting at resources? Biodiesel Plant - CARAMURU De Caramuru is een bedrijf met hoofdzetel in de Braziliaanse stad van Itumbiara-Goiás waarvan de activiteit is de industrialisatie van graan, zoals soja, maïs, zonnebloem en canola en het verwerken van deze bonen, maïs, olie derivaten, comestíves oliën, oliën saborizados, magnetron popcorn, mayonaise en natuurlijke soja. - Aantal werknemers Certificering OHSAS 18001, ISO 9001 en Omzet R$ 2 miljard - Onder meer een biodiesel-fabriek met een capaciteit van 225 miljoen liter per jaar. Alberto Borges de Souza Presidente da Caramuru Delegation actions Questions prepared by Mieke Vandewal en Peter Mangnus 1. How do you see the difference of food production with energy crop production? 2. Why have you adopted the system of GMO, is that also valid for non-food products? 3. What are your main sources for the production of biodiesel? 4. How do see the future regarding production of biodiesel of the raw material soy-beans? 5. Could this influence the international pressure against food production? Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 48

49 Biomass Plantation - Chips and Pellets and Energy Crops Solid Biomass Porto Seco Centro Oeste Anápolis-GO Delegation actions Questions prepared by Mathijs Pelsma and Maarten de Hoog 1. How does Goias see the production of solid biomass as a new product? 2. Would you apply the certification rules from the beginning? 3. Is Goias working on efficient logistics regarding solid biomass? 4. How do you see working together on technology as added value for Brazil Preparation for the Rotterdam evening (during the busride) hrs. A. Roadmap Rotterdam Bioport a. Doelstelling b. Analyse van de bestaande situatie c. Aanpak - Regionale samenwerking met Vlissingen, Amsterdam en Eemshaven - Hamburg, Antwerpen en Gent B. Strategic positioning Bioport & energy port in NL & in EU. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 49

50 Rotterdam evening Location: Golden Tulip Hotel Brasilia 1. Presentaties van de twee groepen n.a.v. de voorbereiding s middags 2. Plenaire discussie 3. Conclusies Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 50

51 Friday May 11 Ministery Group The Ministery of Mines and Energy The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) is a Brazilian government ministry established in It fosters investments in mining and energy-related activies, funds research and sets out government policies. Previously, mines and energy were the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture. Budget 2011 R$ 25,4 billion Minister Edison Lobão Current Minister Since: January 1, 2011 Delegation actions Questions prepared by Mariette van Empel and Maarten Gnoth 1. What is the Brazilian Program or what are the plans regarding the creation of a Regulatory Framework for renewable energy? 2. We have to achieve, according to the CE, 14% in renewable sources by the year Brazil already uses 45% of renewable sources compared to only 13% worldwide. How can the Netherlands, in practice, learn from Brazil in this issue? Is it possible to promote debates on alternative energy sources together? And thus raising issues to support the legal framework? 3. What expectations can The Netherlands have, being the second biggest investor in Brazil? What can we do together to achieve a practically bilateral work? 4. Lately Brazil has set the addition of Ethanol in gasoline to a mixture percentage of of 20%. Brazil is still very much ahead of us. New guidelines have been taken in consideration to increase the production of Ethanol in Brazil and avoid short supply. How can we work together in this matter? Are there business plans that incentives Joint ventures, investments from both sides? 5. Can you tell us something about subsidies/garantees/creditlines; which procedures do you follow? 6. Europe has set lines of certification and suitability under the RED (RENEABLE ENERGY DIRECTRICES). Brazil has grown, identifying the potential social and environmental impacts as a basis for the classification of areas where suitable, unsuitable or moratorium on exploration and production of oil, natural gas, and alternative renewable energy. Could it be of any value if we would make a plan together to change some issues regarding more acceptance of these products in the CE? Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 51

52 The Ministery of Foreign Affairs Current Minister: Antonio Patriota Established: 28 July 1736 Headquarters: Itamaraty Palace, Brasília Annual budget: R$ 2.1 billion (2010) Website: The Itamaraty Palace in Brasília History The Ministry of External Relations has three relevant moments that defined it as the institution that would be later established. The first one was the signature of the 1750 Spanish-Portuguese treaty, which re-established the borders set in the Treaty of Tordesillas. This moment was not a foreign issue policy of Brazil per se, instead being a pursuit of interests by the Portuguese in their largest colony. There was, however, a notable Brazilian in the diplomatic corp, Alexandre de Gusmão, who directed the Portuguese foreign policy of trying to separate the Americas from the subject of European successions. The height of Gusmão's diplomatic effort was the signing of the Treaty of Madrid of 1750, in which the territorial issues in South America were resolved. The second relevant historic moment was the transfer of the Portuguese Court to Brazil in 1808 as a result of the Napoleonic Wars, when the capital of the Portuguese Empire and all its bureaucracy was transferred to Rio de Janeiro. The transfer of the Portuguese Court heavily influenced the Brazilian institutions that would later form. Finally, there was the participation of the Ministry of External Relations in the process of recognition of Brazilian independence. This moment's relevance surpassed the creation of Brazilian diplomatic institutions and tested for the first time the negotiation skills of Emperor Peter I's diplomatic corp, who were able to have recognition from all world powers. From that moment on and since its inception in 1822, the Itamaraty defined some of its basic principles of action such as the pacific resolution of principles and non-intervention. With the conclusion of World War II and the creation of the United Nations in 1945 the Ministry consolidated Brazilian presence in international forums. Notable diplomats in the history of the Itamaraty include the Viscount of Uruguay, the Baron of Rio Branco and Osvaldo Aranha. Foreign policy The primary objective of the Brazilian foreign ministry is to increase the process of regional integration with Mercosul and other regional and financial bodies. It has also been heavily involved in the discussion of important topics on the international agenda including issues such as the protection of human rights, environmental preservation and the maintenance of peace. At the same time, it has strengthened its links with the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries and has structured itself in order to meet the needs and ambitions of day to day foreign policy concerns. Brazil currently maintains diplomatic relations with every U.N. member country in the world. Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 52

53 Minister Antonio Patriota Current Minister; Since: January 1, 2011 Delegation actions Questions prepared by Wim van Sluis and Ger van Tongeren 1. Which developments in the world are important for Brazil? 2. Which developments in Brazil are important for Europe in the long run? The Ministery of Science & Technology The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCT) of Brazil, is the civilian cabinet organization which coordinates science and technology activities in the country. It is headed by the Minister of Science and Technology. Agencies under the MCT - Funding Authority for Studies and Projects (FINEP) - National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) - National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF) - National Institute for Space Research (INPE) - Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) - Brazilian National Laboratory of Scientific Computation (LNCC) - Brazilian National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) - Brazilian National Laboratory of Synchrotron Light - Renato Archer Research Center (CTI) MCTI - Secretary: Dr Luiz Antonio Elias - Secretary politics and development and research programs and representative of consultancy international affairs: Dr. Carlos Nobre Delegation actions Questions prepared by Aart de Boo and Martijn Clarijs 1. Can you give some insight in the research program? 2. Are there research-subjects in which we can invest together looking at the Brazilian and Dutch expertise? 3. Specially on bio-technology we are interested in the state of the art in Brazil and make a comparison with developments in Europe and The Netherlands? Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 53

54 Friday May 11 - Santos Group Vopak terminals Vopak Brazil - Alemoa Terminal Capacity 161,617 cbm Berths For vessels: 3 Ownership Vopak: % Tanks 112 Tank types Mild steel, Coated steel, Stainless steel, Temp. Contr. Carbon steel with temp. isolation Tank sizes From 100 to 3,746 cbm Access Vessel Truck Draught 11.5 m Products Petroleum products Chemicals Vegoils Oleochemicals Biofuels Services Dedicated systems Heating Chilling Weighing Nitrogen blanketing Type terminal Import/Export/Distribution Division Vopak Latin America Vopak Brazil - Alemoa Terminal Av. Vereador Alfredo das Neves 1055 Alemoa CEP Santos - SP Brazil Phone: Fax: Antonio Carlos de Pinho Dick Oskam Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 54

55 Port of Santos Boat Tour Port details Water location: South Atlantic Ocean (Ocean) Anchorage depth: 9.4m - 10m Cargo pier depth: 4.9m - 6.1m Oil terminal depth: 11m m Dry dock: Medium Harbor size: Large Railway size: Large Harbor type: Coastal Natural Max size: Over 500 feet in length Repairs: Major Shelter: Good Mr. Andre Luiz C. Lettieri Brazil representative of the Port of Rotterdam Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 55

56 Appendix: Information on the Dutch Delegation in Brazil Reis- en achtergrondinformatie voor de delegatieleden 56

57 The Rotterdam Climate Initiative is the climate programme of the City of Rotterdam, the Port of Rotterdam, Deltalinqs and DCMR Environmental Protection Agency Rijnmond Rotterdam Climate Initiative visiting Brazil May 6th 12th 2012 Information on the Dutch Delegation in Brazil

58 Index Introduction... 3 The Netherlands & Rotterdam... 3 Rotterdam Bioport... 3 High standard of education... 3 New challenges and economic spearheads... 3 Biomass in the port of Rotterdam... 4 Port of Rotterdam: Ambition... 5 Position Paper - in Portuguese... 6 Dutch Delegation Members... 8 Short Biographies Company Profiles AgrenNewEnergy Argos / North Sea Group Avantium Chemicals Baclin, Balancing Climate & Industry DCMR Deltalinqs DSM EMO, full service gateway for coal and iron ore GDF/SUEZ DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability KPMG Meijburg & Co Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Peterson Control Union Port of Rotterdam Rotterdam Climate Initiative Suikerunie TNO Royal Vopak Zeeland Seaport Rotterdam - Photo: Max Derata information Dutch delegation in Brazil 2

59 Introduction Rotterdam Climate Initiative visiting Brazil May A trip, initiated by the Rotterdam Climate Imitative (RCI) and led by former Prime Minister and chair of the Council of the RCI, Ruud Lubbers. The aim is to discuss and develop possibilities to work together on biomass. Together with others Rotterdam wants to become the bioport for Northwest Europe. This is part of the transition from a fossil-based port to a port based on renewable feedstock s. We consider this transition a condition for the ability to continue to develop in a sustainable manner. Biomass is an indispensable element in this process. Many companies are currently already in operation, innovative projects are being developed, and in the plans for the construction of the Second Maasvlakte, 80 hectares are allocated to bio-based companies. May 2012 The Netherlands & Rotterdam Rotterdam Bioport Rotterdam is a young and dynamic city with a world-class port and a strong emphasis on the knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy. It s a city of modern architecture, innovation, creativity, events, leisure and recreation. More than one million people from over 160 countries live in the Rotterdam region. Being the Gateway to Europe Rotterdam has a hinterland of 400 million inhabitants. Its open economy and stable political and financial condition has made Rotterdam a business city without parallel. Rotterdam offers an attractive climate for both large and small businesses. Innumerable trade and distribution companies operate from Rotterdam. All national and most international banks and insurance companies have an office here. High standard of education Education is of a high standard and the Netherlands has one of the most skilled and flexible labour pools in Europe. Rotterdam accommodates 20,000 students in higher technical and vocational training and 40,000 students in intermediate training. Whether your company is looking for trainees, recent graduates or temporary staff, young people of different educational levels are gathered in the various institutions. New challenges and economic spearheads Rotterdam is constantly reinventing itself. The city prepares itself for a yet stronger position in Europe. Since 2009, Rotterdam is within direct reach of Paris, London and Frankfurt by highspeed train. The realization of a citywide fiber-optic network is challenging for inhabitants, entrepreneurs as well as for the local government. information Dutch delegation in Brazil 3

60 High profile projects that express our urban ambitions are the Kop van Zuid, the new central station and surrounding area and the extension of the port with the construction of the second Maasvlakte. Rotterdam also faces new challenges. As an international seaport city with a strong industrial sector, Rotterdam is currently accountable for about 16% of the Dutch CO 2 -emissions. That is why Rotterdam wants to reduce the emission of CO 2 by 50% in 2025 as compared to We believe that enduring development of the port and industry can only be realized in a sustainable manner. Sustainability is, therefore, a prime focus for the Port of Rotterdam. Photo: Rick Keus Biomass in the port of Rotterdam Reducing CO 2 -emissions by 50%, preparing for the impact of climate change and strengthening the Rotterdam economy. These are the objectives of the Rotterdam Climate Initiative. To a large extent, the realization of the objective of reducing CO 2 emissions will depend on biomass. The port of Rotterdam offers excellent facilities for biomass trade, transport, storage, transhipment and processing. The Port of Rotterdam has joined the Rotterdam Climate Initiative (RCI) together with the other partners: Deltalinqs, DCMR Environmental Protection Agency Rijnmond and the City of Rotterdam, in order to capitalize on these opportunities. The RCI focuses on three applications of biomass: - Biomass-based energy - Biomass-based renewable transport fuels - Biomass-based green chemistry information Dutch delegation in Brazil 4

61 Port of Rotterdam: Ambition Biomass-based energy (solid biomass): if the substitution of 450 PJ of primary energy, approximately 14% of the total primary energy consumption in the Netherlands in 2009 (3,262 PJ), were to be covered exclusively by biomass, this would involve approximately 30 million tons of solid biomass. A small portion of this quantity could be supplied from domestic residual flows. The major share would have to be imported. In the next decade overseas biomass imports in Rotterdam may rise to 6 to 7 million tons annually. The port of Rotterdam prepares for large-scale biomass imports and creates facilities for the delivery of wood and bagasse pellets in combination with the establishment of a commodity exchange. Biomass-based renewable transport fuels: the port of Rotterdam has a long tradition in storage and transhipment of vegetable oils, which is also a feedstock for biofuels. Rotterdam s total production capacity for biofuels amounts to nearly 80 PJ. In addition, a lot of bio transport fuels are imported through Rotterdam, such as bioethanol and biodiesel. This illustrates Rotterdam s role as a transhipment hub within Northwestern Europe. Biomass-based green chemistry in the port of Rotterdam: in addition to sustainability considerations, strong fluctuations and expected rises in oil prices cause a need in the (petro-) chemical industry to find alternative, renewable feedstocks. In this respect, biomass is, in fact, the only option. The supply of biomass and the production of biofuels offer excellent opportunities for the chemical industry. Rotterdam offers an ideal business climate for the bio-based economy due to the correlation between solid biomass for co-firing and co-incineration, bio transport fuels and green chemistry. The sizeable industrial complex in the port allows for convenient integration of biomass feedstocks into the existing chemicals infrastructure. Photo: Claire Droppert information Dutch delegation in Brazil 5

62 Position Paper - in Portuguese information Dutch delegation in Brazil 6

63 information Dutch delegation in Brazil 7

64 Dutch Delegation Members Name Company & Function 1. Mr. Onofre Andrade Argos-Northseagroup - Sustainability Manager Biofuels 2. Mr. Cees Jan Asselbergs Deltalinqs - Managing Director 3. Mr. Art de Boo TNO - Businessline Manager Biobased Economy 4. Mr. Bart-Willem ten Cate Argos-Northseagroup Director Biofuels 5. Mr. Martijn Clarijs 6. Mrs. Mariette van Empel TNO - Senior Business Consultant Port and Waterside Security Ministery of Infrastructure and Environment Director Climate, Air and Noise 7. Mr. Pieter van Essen Port of Rotterdam - Project Director Port of Rotterdam / Rotterdam Climate Initiative 8. Mr. Peter Geertse Zeeland Seaport - Commercial Manager 9. Mr. Dick Gilhuis Zeeland Seaport Commercial Director 10. Mr. Maarten Gnoth GDF/SUEZ - Manager Sustainability Projects 11. Mrs. Tania de Grave-Curado AgrenNewEnergy - Director 12. Mrs. Zenaide Guerra DSM - Director Corporate Affairs Latin America 13. Mrs. Ida Haisma TNO - Director of Innovation, Defence, Safety and Security 14. Mr. Bas Hennissen Port of Rotterdam - Vice President Industry and Bulk Cargo 15. Mr. Maarten de Hoog DCMR Environmental Protection Agency - Director Port and Industry 16. Mr. Ed de Jong Avantium Chemicals - Vice President Development 17. Mr. Dudley Juana KPMG Meijburg Senior International Tax Manager 18. Mr. Frans van Kleef Baclin director 19. Mr. Ruud Lubbers 20. Mr. Peter Mangnus 21. Mr. Albert Markusse Minister of State and Chair of the Council of the Rotterdam Climate Initiative Avantium Chemicals Vice president Partnering & Commercialization Suikerunie - CEO and member of the Executive Board of Royal Cosun 22. Mr. Dick Oskam Vopak-Brazil - Director Marketing & Sales 23. Mr. Mathijs Pelsma EMO - CEO 24. Mr. Wim van Sluis Deltalinqs Chairman Deltalinqs 25. Mr. Ger van Tongeren Deltalinqs/RCI/CTD Chairman Deltalinqs Energy Forum 26. Mrs. Mieke Vandewal Peterson - Marketing Manager Fuels 27. Mr. Wim Wolters GDF/SUEZ - Director Strategy & Business Development 28. Mr. André Zeijseink DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability - Global Director Power Generation & Renewables information Dutch delegation in Brazil 8

65 1. Mr. Onofre Andrade Argos-Northseagroup Sustainability Manager Biofuels 2. Mr. Cees Jan Asselbergs Deltalinqs Managing director 3. Mr. Art de Boo TNO Businessline Manager Biobased Economy 4. Mr. Bart-Willem ten Cate Argos-Northseagroup Director Biofuels 5. Mr. Martijn Clarijs TNO Sen. Business Consultant Port and Waterside Security 6. Mrs. Mariette van Empel Ministery of Infrastructure & the Environment Director 7. Mr. Pieter van Essen Port of Rotterdam Project Director / Rotterdan Climate Initiative (RCI) 8. Mr. Peter Geertse Zeeland Seaport Commercial Manager 9. Mr. Dick Gilhuis Zeeland Seaport Commercial Director 10. Mr. Maarten Gnoth GDF/SUEZ - Manager Sustainability Projects 11. Mrs. Tania de Grave - Curado AgrenNewEnergy Director 12. Mrs. Zenaide Guerra DSM - Director Corp. Affairs Latin America 13. Mrs. Ida Haisma TNO - Director of Innovation, Defence, Safety and Security 14. Mr. Bas Hennissen Port of Rotterdam Vice President Industry and Bulk Cargo 15. Mr. Maarten de Hoog DCMR Environment Protection Agency Director Port & Industry 16. Mr. Ed de Jong Avantium Chemicals Vice president development 17. Mr. Dudley Juana KPMG Meijburg & Co Senior International Tax Manager 18. Mr. Frans van Kleef Baclin Director 19. Mr. Ruud Lubbers Minister of State Chairman RCI 20. Mr. Peter Mangnus Avantium Chemicals Vice President Partnering & commercialization 21. Mr. Albert Markusse Suikerunie - CEO and member of the Executive Board of Royal Cosun 22. Mr. Rik Oskam Vopak-Brazil Director Marketing & Sales 23. Mr. Mathijs Pelsma EMO CEO 24. Mr. Wim van Sluis Deltalinqs Chairman Deltalinqs 25. Mr. Ger van Tongeren Deltalinqs/RCI/CTD Chairman Deltalinqs Energy Forum 26. Mrs. Mieke Vandewal-Peterson Marketing Manager Fuels 27. Mr. Wim Wolters GDF/SUEZ Director Strategy & Business Development 28. Mr. André Zeijseink DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability Global Director Power Generation & Renewables information Dutch delegation in Brazil 9

66 Short Biographies Mr. Onofre Andrade (Argos North Seagroup) Onofre holds a MSc. Degree in Information Science at Rio de Janeiro UFRJ university. Living in The Netherlands since 2001, Onofre joined North Sea Group in March 2010 to work as Sustainability Manager for the Biofuels department. Prior to North Sea Group, Onofre worked for Rabobank and ABN Amro as a project manager in the regulatory department. Since 2005, Onofre has been following developments of international trade of biofuels and bioenergy and the setup of certification schemes based on the EU Renewable Energy Directive s sustainability requirements that are applied to biofuels for transportation and serve as a prove of compliance towards EU 2020 targets. Onofre is a member of the Bonsucro EU Committee and represents NSG in the ISCC association and in the RTRS certification scheme. Mr. Cees Jan Asselbergs (Deltalinqs) Cees Jan Asselbergs (1950) is managing director of Deltalinqs. Deltalinqs represents approximately 600 companies, both port and industrial companies, in the main port of Rotterdam consulting on a regional level with the national government and the EU on their behalf. Mr Asselbergs is a graduate building engineer who studied at Delft University of Technology. He worked as an advisor for companies in city renewal situations at the Central Institute for Small and Medium-sized Businesses, as a regional secretary at the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers. Since 1991 he was the Director of the Europoort/Botlek Industrial Foundation, that formed Deltalinqs together with the SVZ Port Industries Association Rotterdam. Mr. Art de Boo (TNO) Businessline Manager Biobased Economy at TNO. Within TNO Art is responsible for the R&D portfolio on biobased economy. This portfolio consists of three programs: biomass valorization, algae utilization and building blocks. All of these programs focus on the same goal but from a different angle. The goal TNO has, with respect to the transition towards a biobased economy, is to establish new industrial value chains based on biomass. Art formerly worked in the oil and gas industry. But originally started as Corporate Finance Consultant with NIBC (Dutch Investment Bank). He worked in different industries before joining the R&D sector at TNO in His professional ambition is to work in multidisciplinary teams on implementing a circular economy. From which he believes it should be established earlier than Art lives in The Hague area, is 43 years old, married to Marjolein Sam with whom he has three children. Catamaran sailing is his favorite activity. Mr. Bart Willem ten Cate (Argos North Seagroup) Bart-Willem ten Cate studied Business Economics at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. He went on to spend seven years at ExxonMobil and has worked the last eight years for North Sea Group of which the last five years as Biofuels Director. North Sea Group recently merged with Argos Oil, the newly formed company Argos North Sea Group is a key player on the Western European downstream oil market. Argos NSG combines storage and distribution with the international trading and sale of mineral oils and biofuels. Its customers, including major oil companies, the international shipping industry, trading houses and traders, have relied on the product quality and market-oriented approach of the independent company for decades. By expanding into Asia and South America, the European company is further broadening its position on the increasingly global oil market, paying careful attention to the issues of safety, sustainability and the environment. Over the past few years biofuels have become a key new product group for Argos NSG. As pioneer in the large scale marketing and distribution of biofuels in Europe, the company has set the market standard by information Dutch delegation in Brazil 10

67 blending sustainable biofuels with mineral oils. Last year, North Sea Group was selected as the Bioethanol corporation of the year by the World Refining Association. Furthermore, Bart-Willem is member of the Supervisory Board of SkyNRG. SkyNRG is the joint venture between Argos NSG, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Spring Associates. The goal of the company is to source sustainable bio jet fuel and use it for commercial flights. The consortium has clustered expertise and experience in legislation, ecology and technology, as well as the ability to develop bio-kerosene in an economically viable manner. Also he holds a seat in Commission Corbey, which advises the Dutch government on biomass related sustainability issues. Mr. Martijn Clarijs (TNO) At TNO, Martijn Clarijs puts focus on providing civil port authorities and port facilities with TNO security solutions. Current market solutions often lack robust performance in challenging port environments or are offered at too high a price. This seriously hinders widespread application in the competitive security market. At TNO, we are are identifying market needs and address these by working on costeffective and innovative new technologies ranging from research to prototype stage. In that context, I am combining roles of business development and project management, maintaining contacts in the network of port and waterside security stakeholders, such as port authorities, security providers, industry and end-users. In previous functions, Martijn Clarijs worked as a system designer in the surgery department of Philips Healthcare, and as a project officer at an agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. Furthermore, he worked as a scientific researcher and software developer at Delft University of Technology. Martijn Clarijs holds a Ph.D. degree in technical physics. He wrote a thesis on new applications of radiation in medicine and industry. Mr. Dudley Juana (KPMG Meijburg & Co) Immediately after graduating in Tax Economics at the University of Tilburg, Dudley started his professional career as internal tax expert in the year His main fields of expertise include the implementation of various tax planning opportunities in cross border transactions, international corporate income tax, and dividend withholding tax. Some of the major clients which are being advised by Dudley consist of large multinational companies in the both the Energy and the Oil and Gas industry sectors including major Brazilian companies in the oil and gas sector that have activities in the Netherlands. During 2007 he also became a member of KPMG Meijburg & Co s Iberoamerica desk. Within this desk Dudley is responsible for the development of the Brazil related tax practice of KPMG Meijburg & Co in the Netherlands. Dudley serves as the main contact in The Netherlands for the international tax practice of KPMG Brazil. Dudley is a member of the KPMG Advance Tax Ruling (ATR) and Advance Price Agreement (APA) which focuses on centralizing knowledge of the firm in relation to the possible ruling, tax incentives and transfer pricing. In this role Dudley has been involved in extensive negotiations with the tax authorities. Dudley is travelling frequently to Brazil to visit his clients and to update himself on new developments in those regions. Dudley is a member of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisors, The Dutch Trade Board and the Dutcham (Netherlands and Brazil Chamber of Commerce). Mrs. Marëtte van Empel (Ministery of infrastructure and environment) Mariëtte van Empel (1965) has been director Climate, Air Quality and Noise at the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment since In this position she is responsable for the national climate policy, the air quality policy and biofuels. This includes carbon emission trading, industry emission regulation, air and noise standards for vehicles and industry, and the biofuel policy. Before this Mariëtte worked as director of Strategy and Policy Advice at the ministry of Transport and Water. She also worked several years at the Prime Minister Cabinet s Office as advisor to the Prime Minister. Therefore she worked as deputy director at the Rotterdam Port Development project and at the Ministry of Economic Affairs. In 1990 she finished her Masters of Science in Business Administration at the Rotterdam School of Management. information Dutch delegation in Brazil 11

68 Mr. Pieter van Essen (Port of Rotterdam) Pieter van Essen (1948) acquired his Master s degree for Economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. In 1975 he served as a junior researcher at NVI Institute for Transport Research and in 1976 he joined the Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) in Delft as a researcher. In 1981 he started his career at the Port of Rotterdam Authority. First as senior researcher, later in different commercial management functions, responsible for e.g. port tariffs and port development. Until 2009, he was Director Industry & Bulk Cargo and in that position supervising many new investment projects in the port, notably in the chemical, energy, biofuels and tankfarm industries. In 2009 he started as Project Director for the Rotterdam Climate Initiative (RCI) while staying at the Port of Rotterdam Authority as an advisor to the Board. Within RCI he is responsible for the promotion of the port of Rotterdam as a Bioport, stimulating the supply and use of solid and liquid biomass for energy and fuel purposes and as feedstock for the so called green chemistry. This program is carried out in close cooperation with the other RCI-partners. Mr. Peter Geertse (Zeeland Seaport) Peter Geertse Commercial Manager at Zeeland Seaports, 45 years old. Started as commercial manager at Zeeland Seaports 4 years ago, after working in the shipping industry for 23 years. Training in Commercial Economics, Port Management and Shipping and Transport. Responsibility at Zeeland Seaports: Containers, Agri- and Foodsector, Liquid bulk, Sustainability projects and Bio Based Industry. Zeeland Seaports also manages Biopark Terneuzen, which in return is founding father and cofinancer (with Ghent Bio Energy Valley) of Bio Base Europe. Bio Base Europe facilitates companies in their development to the next generation Biofuels, Bio Energy and Bio based products. Mr. Dick Gilhuis (Zeeland Seaport) Chief Commercial Officer at zeeland seaports since Oct Dick worked the previous 12 years at Carrier Transicold in the reefer (cool) container industry in general management functions. Carrier Transicold is Global market leader in this specific growth segment. Prior to this Dick worked at van Hessen as sales manager and Hapag Lloyd Nederland BV in the beginning of his career. Mr. Maarten Gnoth (GDF SUEZ) Maarten Gnoth (43) is Manager Sustainability Projects at GDF SUEZ Energy The Netherlands. He is responsible for biomass upstream developments and corporate responsibility of coal and (sustainable) biomass. Maarten has 15 years of experience in international business development and consultancy in renewable energy, power generation and start up of SME enterprises in emerging economies, specifically in Africa. Prior to GDF SUEZ, Maarten has been active in international business development and consultancy in the energy sector with Nuon/Vattenfall, KEMA, Wärtsilä and Advance Consulting. Maarten holds a M.Sc. degree in International Technological Development Sciences, Social Sciences & Industrial Management from Eindhoven University of Technology. information Dutch delegation in Brazil 12

69 Mrs. Tania de Grave- Curado (AgrenNewEnergy) Tania de Grave-Barbosa Curado - A business woman for over 20 years. Master of Law and MBA, spent eight years with the family agricultural commodities and textile business (more than 500 employees), as legal advisor and business manager. Initiated and managed projects for the development and implementation of non- food crops in Brazil. Assisted the plantation of sugar cane on the family properties, based on the Pro- Alcohol programme, supported by the Brazilian government. From 1990 in the Netherlands purchased and sold properties on the Dutch Real Estate market. In that time developed a wide business network between Europe and Brazil. In 2002 founded the event company Ebenezer Hoeve Events for workshops and congresses, serving international blue chip companies. Founded the consulting and trading company, Terra Mae Brazil Ltd which trades agricultural commodities for bio- energy business. Since 2002, expanded her business network and focused on the bio- fuels and bio- energy market. As independent consultant, she set up and advised Jatropha and Crambe projects in different countries. Recently started an Agave Bio- ethanol project and AgrenNewEnergy BV, a new company which builds on work completed in the last 5 years to develop Crambe and Carmelina and deliver a major new energy business based on it with successful Nederland-based plant breeding company with years of international plant development experience. Experienced in establishing bio crop production projects and breeding locations in different continents. Mrs. Zenaide Guerra (DSM) Zenaide earned a degree in Business Administration and Law by PUC Minas Gerais and a Master s degree in International Law by Georgetown University, Washington-DC. She has a broad experience in government relations having worked at CNI (National Industry Confederation- 2011) as a Consultant of Industrial Policies and at STM (Superior Military Tribunal ) as the Ministry Legal Advisor, where she was responsible for coordinating the planning, elaboration and execution of projects, advising Brazilian Industries in commerce issues (antidumping, securities and indemnities). She has also participated in the examination of legislative amendments, elaborated strategies for Brazilian Industry growth that entailed ministerial level engagement among Foreign Affairs Ministry, Associations and Private Enterprises. Prior to this position, Zenaide worked as Attorney in Brazil ( L.O Baptista ) and in the United States ( The USA Congress and Holland & Knight LLP ) Mrs. Ida Haisma (TNO) Ida Haisma is acting Director of innovation, Safety and Security at TNO. Within this sector it is TNO s aim to develop innovative concepts for surveillance, enforcement and detection, whereby maximum cost-effective results in surveillance and detection can be achieved by delineating environment, time and resources. TNO wants to implement this together with partners. To this end TNO is looking for faster, more specific actions for enforcement, detection and assistance, better prevention of incidents by building up an information position, lower deployment of professionals through citizen participation and supporting technology, and acceleration of the development cycle for surveillance systems. Until June 2011 Ida was the Managing Director of the Netherlands Centre for Crime Prevention and Community Safety (the CCV). This centre is an authority in a (inter)national, politically sensitive environment and stimulates the cooperation between public-private partnerships in the fight against crime. At the CCV, Ida Haisma was responsible for the successful strategy and positioning of the centre as an authority in which structuring and developing public-private partnerships were very important. Ida has experience in the set up of new organizations, mergers and migration of existing organizations, including their activities and personnel. Prior to the CCV, Ida was in various management positions in several cultural organizations and educational institutions. At this moment, next to being a Director of Innovation at TNO, Ida is a member of a Supervisory Board of a large welfare organization. information Dutch delegation in Brazil 13

70 Mr. Bas Hennissen (Port of Rotterdam) Bas has been working for the Port of Rotterdam Authority as Vice President Industry and Bulk Cargo since November The Port of Rotterdam Authority is responsible for operating and developing the Port of Rotterdam, the 4th largest port in the world and the no. 1 port in Europe. Within the company the Industry and Bulk Cargo department is responsible for business development and customer relations for the oil and chemical industry, energy and utilities, tank storage, pipelines, dry bulk and shipbuilding industry. Bas Hennissen has a masters degree in Chemical Engineering and Business Marketing. He started his career with Shell Chemicals in Rotterdam in After several technical and operational jobs he moved to marketing roles with Shell Chemicals in Paris and Houston. He subsequently joined Resolution Performance Products, the former Shell Epoxy business bought by private equity company Apollo, and held several sales and business management roles. After the merger between Bakelite, Borden and Resolution into Hexion Specialty Products he became Vice President Epoxy Specialties for Hexion Specialties. Mr. Maarten de Hoog (DCMR) Maarten de Hoog (1957) is director Port and Industry of DCMR EnvironmentalProtection Agency Rijnmond. In this position he is responsible for environmental permitting, inspection and enforcement and emergency response of the industrial facilities in Rotterdam. He also represents DCMR in the Rotterdam Climate Initiative (RCI) management team. DCMR is one of the four partners in the Rotterdam Climate Initiative, which aims to realize 50% reduction of CO 2 emissions by 2025 as compared with the level of DCMR provides specific input and monitoring for the RCI, and has a primary responsibility for activities in the field of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Mr de Hoog studied Chemistry at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In 1984, he began working for the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society. In 1990 he transferred to the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, where he was responsible for the coordination of the industrial target group policy, and later on served first as head of the department of industry and subsequently as head of the products and consumers department. Switching from policy-making to environmental policy implementation, he joined DCMR in 2002 in the position of branch head of licensing and energy for the process industry. In 2005, he became member of the management team. Mr. Ed de Jong (Avantium Chemicals) Ed graduated at Agricultural University Wageningen, the Netherlands and also defended his PhD thesis at the Agricultural University Wageningen, the Netherlands on the degradation of lignocellulose by white-rot fungi (1993). He has been research associate at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada at the group of Jack Saddler, on the use of softwood species for biofuels application. He has been Head of the Department of Fibre and Paper Technology, Food and Biobased Research, Wageningen University & Research Centre, The Netherlands. He joint Avantium Chemicals in He is currently VP Development responsible for feedstock selection and Catalytic Biomass Conversion of carbohydrates. Mr. Frans van Kleef (Baclin) Frans van Kleef (1947) is co-owner and CCO of BACLIN, Balancing Climate & Industry NV. BACLIN offers excellent sustainability experience and knowledge to (manufacturing) companies and governmental organizations who want to invest in sustainable economic activities. In addition, Mr Van Kleef is owner of AVK Consultancy Group Office and Business Innovation BV. AVK has managed innovation projects since 1984, including the Office of the Future project (7 years) and (for over 25 years) office productivity projects. Together with two universities, AVK developed the peer-assisted learning (PAL) methodology, used for office productivity and energy efficiency training programs. For the last 10 years AVK is also working on biometrics projects (security and leisure). In 1998 Van Kleef founded New Horizons in The Netherlands. This company grew in 10 years to the largest IT-training-company in The Netherlands. In 2008 Van Kleef sold this company. With New Horizons (NH) Van information Dutch delegation in Brazil 14

71 Kleef got also his international experience. As Owner of NH-Netherlands he did help a lot of NH-plants of this American franchise chain all over the world. Mr. Van Kleef holds a master s degree in Economics from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He holds the position of supervisor of the Universities of The Hague and Tilburg on behalf of the government; is Director of the Dutch Biometric Forum, and member of the Board of the IT section of the Dutch Royal Institute of Engineers. Mr. Ruud Lubbers (Minister of State) Ruud Lubbers (1939, married with three children and nine grandchildren), started his business career by joining his brother in the family-owned company Hollandia, when his father passed away unexpectedly in He maintained this position until he became Minister of Economic Affairs, including Energy, in During this time in office, he was faced with the first oil crisis. In 1975, he wrote a white paper on Energy, expanding the focus of Dutch energy research, which was then limited to nuclear (enrichment technology), to include energy conservation and renewables. From 1978 until 1982, Ruud Lubbers was Member of Parliament, where he was instrumental in merging Protestant and Catholic parties into the Christian Democratic Alliance (1980). In 1982, he became Prime Minister, serving until Ruud Lubbers is now Minister of State. Ruud Lubbers started his public career at the end of the sixties, when he joined the Rijnmond Raad, a public institution to balance economic growth with environmental concerns. In 1971, Limits to Growth of the Club of Rome prompted him to recognize the global dimensions of these concerns. During the time when Gro Harlem Brundtland chaired Our Common Future, Ruud Lubbers realized the first inclusive plan on Environment and Nature in the Netherlands (1988). In 1989, the joint efforts and his friendship with Gro Harlem Brundtland led to the Declaration of The Hague, an agenda-setting document for the Earth Summit. In 1994, he retired from politics and became professor of globalization, combining this with many ancillary positions, including a position as International President of WWF. From 2001 until 2005, he was High Commissioner for Refugees. During those years, he continued his membership of the Earth Charter Commission. At present, he devotes a lot of time to chairing the Energy Research Centre in the Netherlands, which provides a focus for energy saving, renewable energy, clean fossils (climate change!) and Atoms for Peace (nuclear technology), as well as to the Rotterdam Climate Initiative. Diversity, respect, reverence for nature and the need to celebrate life mark him as an Earth Charter man. Mr. Peter Mangnus (Avantium Chemicals) Peter got his PhD degree at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. After graduation, he joined Akzo Nobel Catalysts. After 16 years with positions in R&D, Production and Marketing and Sales within Akzo Nobel and later Albemarle, Peter was appointed in 2006 in as VP Business Development Chemicals at Avantium Chemicals BV. Since last year Peter has become responsible for partnering and commercialization of Avantium s YXY business. Mr. Albert Markusse (Suikerunie) Albert Markusse (1959) is CEO of Suiker Unie and member of the Executive Board of Royal Cosun, a cooperative of 10,000 beet growers in the Netherlands. Suiker Unie produces sugar in the Netherlands and Germany. It also produces bioethanol in Northern Germany and is the largest green gas producer in the Netherlands. The gross revenue of Suiker Unie is 800 million Euro. Albert Markusse has worked for CSM in both sugar and the bakery ingredients activities. For the CSM bakery supplies business he has worked in North America and several European countries. He studied at the Wageningen University and economics at Amsterdam University. information Dutch delegation in Brazil 15

72 Mr. Dick Oskam (Vopak) Dick Oskam has been with Vopak since 1995, where he held several positions, from Commercial manager to Country manager in a variety of markets such as the Netherlands, Greece, Venezuela, Chile and Brazil. Since 2006, he s been director of Marketing & Sales for Vopak Latin America. He lives in Brazil and holds a Bachelor s degree in Business Administration from the Nijenrode University in Breukelen, Netherlands. Mr. Mathijs Pelsma (EMO) Mathijs Pelsma (1962) is Managing Director of EMO. EMO is the largest transhipment terminal for coal and iron ore in Europe and occupies a top position in the dry bulk market. Modern and multifunctional, the EMO terminal is strategically located at the Maasvlakte in Rotterdam. EMO is specialised in handling large volumes of coal and iron ore. Mr. Pelsma studied Chemical Engineering at the Deflt University of Technology. Graduating in 1987 he joined Unilever, the detergents & food company as Technical Trainee. Working for Unilever, ICI and Croda in various management roles he joined EMO as Managing Director in January Mr M.W. van Sluis (Deltalinqs) Wim van Sluis (1958) is Chairman of Deltalinqs, the Port and Industries Association. Deltalinqs represents the common interests of the logistics and industrial companies in the Rotterdam port and industrial area. The organisation is considered to be the focal point and spokesman for more than 600 registered companies and associations. In addition, Wim van Sluis, a Chartered Accountant by profession, is Chairman of RPPC, the Rotterdam Port Promotion Council, and Partner of Daamen & Van Sluis Accountants and Tax Advisors. He is a member of the Supervisory Board of Dura Vermeer B.V., a building and construction company, Blue Dome B.V., PortBase B.V., Capri, a foundation of cardio therapy, and Chief Marketing Office Rotterdam. Furthermore, he is member of the Board of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers VNO- NCW, SRA, an association of independent accountancy firms, and the Rotterdam Climate Initiative. Mr Van Sluis is a former Vice Mayor of Rotterdam, in which position he was responsible for Port, Economy, Labour and the Environment. Mr. Ger van Tongeren (Deltalinqs) Ger van Tongeren (1949) joined the Rotterdam Climate Initiative as a Board Member in 2007 in the capacity of Chairman of the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Business Platform, where he plays an important role in the realization of Rotterdam s ambitious climate program. Van Tongeren is also chairman of Deltalinqs Energy Forum, chairman of a specialist forum on Biomass and chairman of the hazardous substances-program. After studying Economics at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Mr Van Tongeren started his career at the Economic Geographic Institute and Energy Centre of Erasmus University. He then moved on to The Hague, where he worked for the Department of Economic Affairs of the Municipality of The Hague. Subsequently, Mr Van Tongeren held various posts with the Province of South Holland, lastly as Director of the Province s Department of Economy, Financial Supervision and Administrative Affairs. In 1995, he accepted the position of General Manager of DCMR Environmental Protection Agency Rijnmond. From 2005 to 2008, Ger van Tongeren was the Executive Vice President/Chief Commercial Officer of Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V. (Port of Rotterdam). information Dutch delegation in Brazil 16

73 Mrs. Mieke Vandewal (Peterson) Mieke Vandewal is working with Control Union World Group as Marketing Manager Fuels and Account Manager for 4 certification programmes (quality, sustainability and torrefaction). She completed a Master s degree and two Bachelor s degrees in the UK, Netherlands and Germany in International Transport and Logistics. Upon completion of her studies she was with Essent Trading (today RWE), a dutch Utility, where she focused on the logistics of fossil and renewable fuels. She currently is with CU, a company active in Load & Discharge port inspections as well as quality assurance. The company has a global network with over 90 offices located more than 60 countries. Around 3000 employees serve CU's clients in a wide range of commodities. She is responsible for Acquisition, Marketing, Business Development and Certifications with a main focus on renewable energy. In addition, she is an active member of the Rotterdam Biomass Commodity Network. Mr. Wim Wolters (GDF SUEZ) Wim Wolters (45) is Director of Strategy & Business Development at GDF SUEZ Energy The Netherlands (GSEN). As a member of the Board of Directors of GSEN he is responsible for outlining and implementing the Strategy, incl. performing the required business development efforts and the Public and Regulatory Affairs. Wim has been working in the energy business for more than 15 years, primarily in business development. He holds a master degree in Physics (Nijmegen University) and a doctorate in Industrial Engineering & Management Science (Eindhoven University of Technology). Mr. Adre Zeijseink (DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability) André Zeijseink holds a chemistry degree and a MBA. André started in 1990 as a (senior) consultant on water/steam chemistry, with large international experience on power plant technology. From 2002 till 2008 André was head of DNV KEMA s department Materials, Environment & Chemistry. From 2008 till 2011 André was a Country manager of the Dutch part of DNV KEMA Consulting Europe, which delivers consulting services over the complete value chain of electricity. As of January 2011 André is Global Director Power Generation & Renewables of DNV KEMA International and he is a member of the extended board. As such he is responsible for all DNV KEMA activities, in the field of electricity generation world wide. Therefore he has been responsible for the Central R&D in the field of Power generation-technology (TSA). Furthermore he is active in international forums, such as VGB Powertech, EURELECTRIC, IERE (he has a membership in the board), IAPWS and numerous other international activities, such as projects and conferences. He acts also as a lecturer in various energy-related courses. information Dutch delegation in Brazil 17

74 Company Profiles AgrenNewEnergy AgrenNewEnergy BV (AG) is a Dutch -based holding company with currently two wholly owned subsidiaries. Agro Novas Energias Limited is a Mozambique -based subsidiary of and AgrenNovas Energias Brazil is a Brazilian based subsidiary. With the target to reach the whole world with plantations of Crambe and Carmelina, AgrenNewEnergy intends to bring new varieties to different countries for the development of large scale plantation for Biofuels and the industry goals. Website: Argos / North Sea Group ARGOS is one of the fastest growing oil companies in The Netherlands. Argos North Sea Group was created in 2011 as the result of a merger between Argos Oil and North Sea Group. It is the largest independent player (not listed on the stock exchange or state affiliated) in the Western European downstream oil market, combining storage and distribution with the international trade in and sale of mineral oils and biofuels. The customers of Argos North Sea Group, including major oil companies, international shipping firms, trading firms and resellers, have relied on the Group s (product) quality and market-oriented approach for decades. Argos North Sea Group wants to play a leading role in the Western European energy market, which is constantly changing for reasons such as an increasing environmental awareness, which leads to a growing demand for alternative energy sources. Over the past few years, biofuels have become an important new product group for Argos North Sea Group. In addition to further expanding its current activities, in scale as well as geographically, Argos North Sea Group will focus on a wider spectrum of low-emission energy products with safety, sustainability and environment getting high priority at all times. These could also include activities that at first sight do not fit within the current portfolio. Argos North Sea Group furthermore seeks to become an important player in the various (emerging) energy hubs around the world. It has already taken the first steps to this end, for instance by expanding in Asia and South America. Website: Avantium Chemicals Expertise: AVT is a world wide recognized leader (Cleantech Top 100 Company) in catalytic biomass conversion into furanic building blocks and high throughput technology. It has created an impressive patent portfolio in this area. From 2011 onwards these novel concepts are demonstrated in a first of a kind pilot facility of 40 tonnes/year. AVT has over 130 employees and employs a team of 65+ highly educated professionals (>40 PhD s) who are experts in e.g. biomass pretreatment and conversion, polymer science, organic chemistry, catalysis, and process engineering. YXY technology ( Avantium has discovered the key to unlocking the enormous potential of Furanics. Our proprietary YXY technology is based on a catalytic chemical process that converts carbohydrates such as sucrose and starch into Furanics. Furanics are green building blocks for a range of materials, chemicals and fuels. information Dutch delegation in Brazil 18

75 Furanics: 2,5-Furan-dicarboxylic-acid (FDCA): The movement towards a green economy is gaining huge momentum worldwide. Sparked off by concerns about climate change and peak oil, what started as environmental awareness is now snowballing into a mainstream desire among citizens and companies to be part of a sustainable world that will transition from a fossil-based economy to a green economy. Relying on strong science and proprietary technology, Avantium plans to become a leading provider of building blocks for the emerging market of green materials and renewable energy. FDCA was listed in the top 12 highpotential green building blocks published by the US Department of Energy. Until today, Furanics had not been commercialized because Furanics production was not yet cost-effective. Commercialization Strategy: Avantium is set to change this by the development of a breakthrough technology that allows for the cost-effective production of Furanics. Avantium s proprietary process will unlock a whole new field of green materials and fuels. Beverage bottles, films and fibres: in future, all these things can be made on the basis of Avantium s green building blocks. Avantium plans to commercialize its YXY technology into these multi-billion-dollar markets in collaboration with industrial companies, using a licensing business model to monetize its unique position. Avantium has announced collaborations with The Coca Cola Company and Danone to develop 100% renewable PEF bottles with superior barrier properties compared to PET and with the chemical companies Teijin Arammid, Solvay and Rhodia on different furan containing polyamides. All applications are developed with the prospect to developing products that excel in terms of price and performance. Avantium is evaluating the different biomass sources as potential feedstocks for her YXY process. The evaluation is based on wide range of criteria including price, availability, logistic and sustainability aspects. Website: Baclin, Balancing Climate & Industry The future of our economy is sustainable business. To succeed we have to find the balance between taking care of our climate and stimulating economic growth. In this respect, industries and the logistics sector will fundamentally need to re-think their mission, their strategies and their activities. Investing in sustainable economic activities is a strong business case in itself. Yet, many organisations still lack sufficient knowhow and the network to take advantage of the opportunities within sustainable growth. Baclin offers excellent sustainability experience and knowledge to (manufacturing) companies and governmental organizations who want to invest in sustainable economic activities. Besides the representativerole, plan-development and project management, Baclin s strength is the network in which we operate. Examples are the board of the Rotterdam Climate Initiative; the board of a group of Biomass experts and the board of a group on hazardous substances. Website: The main areas we work on are: - Promoting the right balance between economic development and environmental and safety issues. Besides focusing on the challenges facing multi-nationals, Baclin also caters for the small and medium-sized business. - Innovating in port areas, such as BioPort, dry bulk trade, Energy Port as well as liquid innovations (hydrogen, LNG, bio fuel, CO 2) for the chemical industries and different logistical solutions. - Developing opportunities by matching/balancing business between companies, ports and port cities striving to be sustainable. - Overall reduction of energy consumption, CO 2 and other emissions in port areas. DCMR The DCMR Environmental Protection Agency is the regional environmental agency of the local and regional authorities operating in Rijnmond, the larger 'Port of Rotterdam'-area in the Netherlands. The DCMR was founded in 1972 in order to improve environmental protection in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond region. This region is a heavily industrialized area with refineries, waste incinerators, several waste dumping sites, many large chemical plants, metallurgy, food processing plants and about 19,500 smaller companies. The tasks of the DCMR include regulation of the industries, monitoring and assisting authorities on developing environmental policy. The DCMR issues permits to virtually all of the 22,000 enterprises in the area and carries out more than 9,000 inspections to monitor compliance with the permit information Dutch delegation in Brazil 19

76 conditions. It supervises and monitors clean-up programs to minimise the impact of soil pollution, waste disposal and noise. The DCMR issues an annual environmental monitoring report for the Rotterdam region, together with other local and regional organizations. The project team compiles, analyses and assesses the information of the Rotterdam region. The information is categorized in three main chapters: quality of the environment, sources of pollution and improvement efforts. The DCMR puts a lot of attention into the continuous measurement of the environmental quality. The environmental monitoring assesses the success and failure of regional environmental policy. The DCMR supports the development and implementation of environmental policy in the city of Rotterdam. The DCMR is involved in international projects in CEE countries and assists these countries in improving implementation of EU directives or national laws. These projects are often a co-operation of experts of the DCMR and related organizations in the Netherlands and other countries in the European Union. DCMR Environmental Protection Agency. Website: Deltalinqs Deltalinqs represents the common interests of all the logistical and industrial companies in the Rotterdam port and industrial area. The organisation is considered to be the focal point and spokesman for more than 600 registered companies and associations. Via its unique network of contacts, Deltalinqs is the consultation partner at regional level, with the government and with the EU. The mission of Deltalinqs is: To promote the collective interests of the affiliated companies and associations. Website: The main aspects of this are: 1. Economy and accessibility 2. Knowledge and labour market 3. Environment and safety Within a broader framework, the activities of Deltalinqs are focussed upon: - the strengthening the competitive position of Mainport Rotterdam; - the sustainable development of the port area; - promoting political and public support for the activities of the affiliated companies and associations. DSM DSM Bright Science. Brighter Living. Royal DSM N.V. is a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials. By connecting its unique competences in Life Sciences and Materials Sciences DSM is driving economic prosperity, environmental progress and social advances to create sustainable value for all stakeholders. DSM delivers innovative solutions that nourish, protect and improve performance in global markets such as food and dietary supplements, personal care, feed, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, automotive, paints, electrical and electronics, life protection, alternative energy and bio-based materials. DSM s 22,000 employees deliver annual net sales of about 9 billion. The company is listed on NYSE Euronext. More information can be found at EMO, full service gateway for coal and iron ore EMO is the largest transhipment terminal for coal and iron ore in Europe and occupies a top position in the dry bulk market. Modern and multifunctional, the EMO terminal is strategically located at the Maasvlakte in Rotterdam. EMO operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We handle large bulk shipments; our discharge capacity is 42 million tonnes and our throughput capacity is 60 million tonnes. You information Dutch delegation in Brazil 20

77 can count on us to approach work and planning with the greatest care. We find it important that EMO remains state-of-the-art. Keeping the terminal state of the art as well as making necessary improvements is our key to serving you. Our highly skilled EMO-trained personnel work closely together. Skilled employees working with innovative technology guarantees you the quality, efficiency and sustainability your company seeks. Meeting market demands EMO provides handling facilities that the world s largest bulk carriers require. Our terminal is a major hub in transporting coal and iron ore from all over the world to the large European hinterland. Our 160-hectare area can hold seven million tonnes of storage. EMO is ideally located on a 23 m deep waterway connected directly to the North Sea. Rotterdam harbour has excellent rail and waterway connections to the rest of Europe. EMO is a partner you can rely on and continue to trust. Why? Our company stays on top of the latest developments in the market. EMO continually analyzes your needs, the quality of our services and our terminal s performance. In anticipation of market trends and your needs, we are continuously geared towards offering a more efficient, cleaner and safer terminal, one designed to meet your expectations. Europees Massagoed- Overslagbedrijf (EMO) BV. Website: GDF/SUEZ GDF SUEZ Energie Nederland is a leading energy player on the Dutch market. We are part of GDF SUEZ, a world player in energy, services, water and the environment, and our company employs around 1100 people in the Netherlands. With six efficient production sites, including the most modern in the country, and a total capacity of more than 5000 MW, we generate around 20% of all electricity in the Netherlands. We consider it our responsibility to do this as sustainable as we can, by using all available sources of energy as reliably, efficiently and effectively as possible. That is how we not only have the energy for today, but also the energy for tomorrow. Website: DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability, with more than 2,300 experts in over 30 countries around the world, is committed to driving the global transition toward a safe, reliable, efficient, and clean energy future. With a heritage of nearly 150 years, we specialize in providing worldclass, innovative solutions in the fields of business & technical consultancy, testing, inspections & certification, risk management, and verification. As an objective and impartial knowledge-based company, we advise and support organizations along the energy value chain: producers, suppliers & end-users of energy, equipment manufacturers, as well as government bodies, corporations and non-governmental organizations. DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability is part of DNV, a global provider of services for managing risk with more than 10,000 employees in over 100 countries. For more information on DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability, visit KPMG Meijburg & Co The DNA of KPMG Meijburg & Co Taxation is an everyday phenomenon. Tax affects everybody, whether corporate income tax, personal income tax, VAT, customs duties or other taxes. The Dutch Revenue's slogan is We cannot make it more fun, but we can make it simpler. Tax legislation nevertheless remains very complex and, without the correct tax advice, you could be paying too much tax or encounter difficulties in dealing with the authorities and other stakeholders. It is also possible that you are not fully benefiting from savings opportunities. That is why it is important to have a committed tax advisor to provide you with high-quality advice. By engaging that kind of advisor from KPMG Meijburg & Co, taxation could even start to become fun! information Dutch delegation in Brazil 21

78 The key values of KPMG Meijburg & Co A number of key values are incorporated in KPMG Meijburg & Co s DNA and corporate culture. Not only do they define our DNA and the way we work, but they are proof of our dedication to simply be the best : - Our service is client driven - Our product is our added value - We want to win and we work together - We respect the individual - We provide insights - We are open and honest in our communications - We are committed to society What does KPMG Meijburg & Co have to offer? Our clients value our integrity and commitment. That is secured in both our work method and our business culture. Because every company is different and each tax issue requires a specific approach, KPMG Meijburg & Co always provides made-to-measure advice. And since service is all about people and good chemistry is the start of a successful relationship, we select a team that best suits our client. Our advisors are proactive and client driven, and are top tax experts. KPMG Meijburg & Co is an active participant in domestic and international government networks, employers' associations, universities and professional bodies; we stay up to date and participate in developments in our areas of expertise. We are guided by facts and provide reliable and objective top-quality tax advice. We assume responsibility for the quality of our services, providing true value for money. All-rounders KPMG Meijburg & Co s clients operate in various market segments and are often leading companies. Our clients range from wealthy individuals, small commercial enterprises and family businesses to domestic and multinational listed companies, but we also advise government bodies and non-profit organizations. To provide your company with the best service, our professionals work in specialized teams on all aspects of tax law. Our specialists use their multi-disciplinary knowledge for specific projects, such as mergers and acquisitions, business succession and international matters. Our teams know the markets they operate in well, which makes KPMG Meijburg & Co all-round in all market segments. We often use KPMG's worldwide network for the coordination of international tax advice. In addition, KPMG Meijburg & Co has some twenty country desks staffed by professionals with extensive experience in tax matters and in the legislation of various countries worldwide. Added value for our clients KPMG Meijburg & Co advises a great variety of clients in a wide range of tax areas: - International expansion and alliances - Legal forms (such as partnerships and joint ventures) - Mergers and acquisitions - Reorganizations - Financing - Intellectual property - Transfer pricing - Management buy-outs - Business succession - Wages and salaries - Payroll tax - Personal Income Tax - Domestic and International social security - Gift and inheritance tax - Asset management - Employment conditions and fringe benefits - Option plans en pension schemes - 30% ruling for foreign employees Control of the tax position We offer a large number of standardized services, which are supported by IT-applications. These will enable you or your company to meet your tax obligations, and can be used to define where your risks and savings opportunities lie. We offer products and applications on the subject of tax control frameworks, mergers and acquisitions, payroll tax, VAT, customs, transfer pricing, international assignment of staff, and estate planning. The applications vary from quick scans and data analysis tools to financial models and interactive management tools, and can easily be incorporated in a risk management environment, such as a tax control framework. Ever since its establishment in 1939, KPMG Meijburg & Co has successfully and consistently developed and expanded the key values making up its DNA, and our clients are willing to testify to this effect. We are proud of what we have achieved. Naturally, we can offer more than just what is set out in this brochure. We look forward to discussing the possibilities with you in a personal information Dutch delegation in Brazil 22

79 Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment is committed to improving quality of life, access and mobility in a clean, safe and sustainable environment. The Ministry strives to create an efficient network of roads, railways, waterways and airways, effective water management to protect against flooding, and improved air and water quality. Website: Peterson Control Union Logistics, quality and quantity management, inspections, audits, certification Peterson Control Union offers a broad range of services and expertise in a panoply of disciplines. As a consequence, Peterson Control Union is a decentralized, diversified group; but is also an integrated one, driven by a strong team of entrepreneurs who work together closely. Global Reach The company was established in 1920 as a privately owned inspection company for grain, which was traded and transported on the rivers and canals of the Netherlands. Over the years, our scope of activities has expanded, the product and services range has grown and our originally Dutch network now has true global reach. Compliance Compliance is a key element in being successful in what we do, and our underlying corporate values are laid down in our business principles, which combine integrity, anti-bribery and fair marketing. It is our firm belief that our integrity and reliability are of utmost importance to our clients and to our reputation. For this reason, our business principles apply to all transactions large or small and describe the expected behaviour of our employees in every office where Peterson Control Union conducts its business. Full Independence By respecting these industry-specific principles and values in ever-changing and complex environments, Peterson Control Union has gained international standing as a fully independent inspection, quality management, and logistics company. We possess national and international accreditations and recognitions related to our specialist activities and we provide services relevant to a wide range of certification programs. The certificates we issue are recognised by authorities in almost every country in the world. Dedicated People and Systems We now employ more than 2,000 professionals in more than 50 countries worldwide. They have been chosen for their expertise, drive and dedication in the services we offer. We aim to maintain the highest possible standards and seek for continuous improvement and innovation to serve our clients. Consistency and quality in our services is achieved through internal quality assessment systems, extensive internal and external training, the development and use of state-of-the-art IT and exchange of know-how between offices and agents. Safety and Quality The management of health and safety, the environment and quality is an utmost priority for us, and an integral part of the way we manage our business. Safety of our employees and safety for the environment are embedded in the heart of our organisation. We continuously invest in the improvement of the safety awareness of our people, in the development of safe materials handling solutions, in environmentally safe working practices and in the implementation of quality and safety systems. Most Peterson offices are ISO 9001 certified. The oil and gas oriented offices around the North Sea basin also possess ISO certification, as well as OHSAS Various members of the Peterson Control Union group have obtained additional accreditations that underline their professionalism in specific areas of expertise. Among these accreditations are ISO/IEC for certain inspection services, ISO/IEC for certain laboratory services, ISO/IEC Guide 65 and ISO/IEC for certain certification services. Addressing safety and quality issues involves an intense amount of effort and cooperation to ensure that our company vision and policies are translated into real, workable, everyday practices. Issues, that matter to us at all levels. It is our mission to be a reliable, innovative and safe working partner, creating added value in specialised, high-quality logistics and inspection services. Website: information Dutch delegation in Brazil 23

80 Port of Rotterdam The Port of Rotterdam Authority is manager, operator and developer of Rotterdam s port and industrial area. The Port Authority is a public limited company (N.V.) with two shareholders: the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Dutch State. As is apparent from the objects stated in the articles of association, we operate in two domains: shipping and the port area. Objects as stated in articles of association: - To promote the effective, safe and efficient handling of shipping in the port of Rotterdam and the approach area off the coast; - The development, construction, management and operation of the port area. Roles of the Port of Rotterdam Authority 1) Port Authority As manager and developer with regard to nautical matters, the Port Authority ensures that the docks are maintained at the right depth, so that ships can enter the port and moor safely. Port Authority staff in traffic centres and on patrol vessels closely monitor and supervise all movements on the water. This is in order to maintain order from a nautical point of view. 2) Port infrastructure As developer and manager, the Port Authority ensures that sufficient space is available for companies in the port. It is for this reason that the Port of Rotterdam Authority supports the construction of Maasvlakte 2. The Port Authority also invests in the improvement and construction of new roads, rail, inland waterway connections and underground pipelines. 3) Port operator As operator and developer of commercial activity in the port and industrial complex, the Port Authority encourages sustainable economic development. The Port Authority ensures, for instance, that there is an attractive climate for establishing business. To this end, we maintain plenty of contact with politicians and businesspeople both at home and abroad. The Port Authority also undertakes a variety of promotional and marketing activities (such as events and trade fairs) to interest companies in Rotterdam. Website: Rotterdam Climate Initiative Objectives of the Rotterdam Climate Initiative: 50% reduction of CO 2 emissions by 2025 as compared to % climate proof by 2025 In combination with: Strengthening the Rotterdam economy Improving the climate for the benefit of people, the environment, and the economy. That is the goal and the mission of the collective initiators, Port of Rotterdam, the City of Rotterdam, Deltalinqs, and DCMR Environmental Protection Agency. The Rotterdam Climate Initiative offers a platform for government, organizations, companies and citizens to work together on a fifty per cent reduction of CO 2 emissions while at the same time promoting the economy in the Rotterdam region. Our motivation To a significant extent, Rotterdam owes its good global reputation as an international seaport city with a strong industry sector to fossil fuels and raw materials. However, these are scarce and finite, and will therefore become ever more expensive. In the long run, this may pose a threat to Rotterdam as an international seaport city, and, by consequence, to the Dutch economy. At the same time, Rotterdam both the city and the port has great ambitions in economic, spatial and societal areas. Rotterdam will continue to grow, both in size and in quality. Today as well as in the future, a healthy and attractive living environment is an absolute requirement. information Dutch delegation in Brazil 24

81 Concurrently, we are confronted with climate change as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases in the past century. Situated in the lowest delta in Europe, Rotterdam will consequently be confronted with rising river, sea and groundwater levels, increased precipitation and greater risks of heat stress in the city. Rotterdam s aim to realize 50% reduction of CO 2 emissions and to become 100% climate proof will enable the city to maintain its international top position and to benefit optimally from the economic opportunities that are created in this context. Rotterdam will develop into an attractive, clean, accessible and safe port city. Website: Suikerunie Suiker Unie develops, produces and markets sugar and sugar specialties. Her factories for the production of sugar in Dinteloord, Vierverlaten and Anklam (Northeast Germany) are among the most modern in the world. This is also true for the factories in Puttershoek and Roosendaal, which produce dry and liquid sugar specialties. The head office is located in Dinteloord. Suiker Unie also produces bio-ethanol and biogas. They foresee a huge growth in producing intermediate products and building blocks for the bio plastic and chemical industry. Suiker Unie forms part of Royal Cosun. This international group develops, produces and markets natural foodstuffs and food ingredients. Royal Cosun is a cooperative of approximately 10,000 sugar beet growers. The group has an annual turnover of approximately EUR 1.8 billion and has more than 3,700 employees. Website: TNO TNO is a contract research organisation with the aim to increase the innovative capacity of companies, government bodies and public organisations. The daily work of some 4,300 employees is to develop and apply knowledge and work on technical innovations. TNO provides contract research and specialist consultancy as well as grant licences for patents and specialised software. TNO tests and certifies products and services, and issues an independent evaluation of quality. Finally, TNO provides licences to some 600 inventions in its patents portfolio. We operate in various markets among which Energy, Oil and Gas, Automotive, Water, Life Sciences, Space and many more. TNO is versatile and is organised around 7 themes: Energy, Industrial Innovation, Integral Safety, Health, Mobility, Build Environment and ICT. TNO Security Security has shifted from a collection of ad hoc reactions to incidents to a cohesive set of measures and effects. The potential impact and the cascading effects of incidents as well as the social cost-benefits profile of security measures requires a comprehensive approach and orchestration based on risk and effect. Perception and acceptance are key to chosen solutions and much has to be seen in the international context. TNO Sustainable Chemical Industry Diverse trends are visible in sustainable chemistry. The general trend is that the environmental impact of the industry is being repelled. Moreover, there is the risk of a structural shortage of raw materials like oil and gas. In addition, for special products (from polymers to pharma), including medicines and food ingredients, two key challenges exist: get products faster to market and be less dependent on raw material prices. To tackle these challenges, the sector needs new, advanced process technology. To develop this, TNO focuses primarily on the special chemistry and fine chemistry. This is the upper part of the value chain, from polymers to pharma. In this part of the value chain the production volumes are relatively small and there is more often investment in new equipment if this is needed to get new products to market. In that sense, this part of the sector is more innovative than bulk chemistry. Many products in the special chemistry and fine chemistry are produced in generic equipment. In bulk chemistry, by contrast, equipment is specifically designed for one product. This means that the development of that equipment for a company is often of strategic importance. Higher in the value chain generic equipment tends to be used, also developed in open innovation. The strategic knowledge of the companies is then contained in how this equipment is controlled and connected. The developments for special chemistry and fine chemistry may well lead to spin-offs for bulk chemistry, like preconnected, small-scale solutions to mix biomass in raw material flows and slight adjustments to save energy. information Dutch delegation in Brazil 25

82 For high-risk companies with complex production processes it is essential to optimise the design, control, use and maintenance of larger production systems (of more than 100 million euros and with a lifetime of more than thirty years). Therefore, TNO focuses on system modelling for processes where account must be taken of production, safety, maintenance and investments. Propositions or Business Lines in Sustainable Chemical Industry are: Bio Based Economy ; Process Intensification: Efficiency via flow chemistry and Innovative Industrial Risk Management. Website: Royal Vopak With a history going back almost four centuries, Royal Vopak is the world s largest provider of conditioned storage facilities for bulk liquids. Whether it is liquid or gaseous chemicals, oil products, petrochemicals, biofuels, vegetable oils or Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), we offer complete storage and transshipment solutions at 80 terminals in 32 countries, covering and connecting the world s major shipping routes. Vopak offers more storage capacity than any other independent tank terminal operator in the world. Vopak distinguishes itself by offering service solutions that address a single but crucial part of the supply chain and then take it one step further. When choosing to work with Vopak you are guaranteed the application of the same operational and safety standards at every country and every continent where we operate. That means we offer uniform quality conditioning your products, keeping them safe, and keeping them secure - from ship to shore and from shore to inland transportation-, wherever you take your shipments. Our history and track record in bulk liquids storage, and health, safety and environmental care is unequaled in the sector. Vopak s professionals, in our offices and in the field, deliver quality service based on global expertise and knowledge and, at the same time, listen to your needs to offer solutions to suit your specific business requirements. Sustainability Sustainable entrepreneurship is the basis for our long-term relationships with customers, strategic partners, employees, governments, neighbours and shareholders, and is therefore an integral part of the company s 32 processes and operations. In our decisions, we not only consider economic aspects but also longer-term safety, health, environmental and social aspects. Vopak, therefore, consistently applies and enforces strict Safety, Health, Environment & Quality (SHEQ) standards, rules, codes and procedures. We believe it is each citizen s and each organization s responsibility to do everything in their power to maximize their contribution and minimize the negative impact on society and the environment, and our policy is design to support that. Vopak strives to offer its employees a highly attractive, international working environment with excellent opportunities for development. The Vopak organization: Vopak is organized as five divisions: - The Netherlands - Europe, Middle East & Africa - Asia - North America - Latin America There is also a separate project organization for developing LNG terminals. The units of the worldwide organization work closely together and actively exchange know-how and expertise, enabling Vopak to respond rapidly, creatively and precisely to changing customer needs and market developments. We aim to continually improve and expand our terminal network, particularly in strategically located international ports close to our customers production centers and markets. Vopak s workforce at year-end 2011 comprises of approx 5,900 employees including group companies and joint ventures for tank storage. Vopak in Brazil In Brazil Vopak operates four strategically located terminals: two in the port of Santos, one in Aratu, Bahía, and a Joint Venture in Paranagua. With more than 10 years of presence in the country and a total storage capacity of over 350,000 cubic meters, the Brazilian sites count on specific infrastructure to handle a broad product portfolio (including chemical specialties) as well as with an experienced team of professionals focused on contributing to their customers success. Website: information Dutch delegation in Brazil 26

83 Zeeland Seaport Zeeland Seaports Driven by dedication One of the key advantages of Zeeland Seaports, the ports of Vlissingen and Terneuzen, is a strategic location on the estuary of the Western Scheldt between some of the main economic centres of north-west Europe and the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp. Zeeland Seaports is dedicated to its modern-day role as a European hub for cargo handling and logistics. The two ports are eminently qualified for this role thanks to their unique geographical location, free access to the open sea and a first-rate network of road, rail, pipelines and waterway links to the hinterland of Europe. Even the largest seagoing vessels are able to call Zeeland Seaports with a minimum of deviation from main shipping routes and without tidal restrictions. In addition, the ports handle a wide range of shortsea and inland vessels providing a comprehensive network of cargo services right across Europe. Flexibility, speed, quality and customerfriendliness are other reasons for more and more companies to choose Zeeland Seaports as the strongest link to Europe. With plenty of space for development and with new business projects springing up all the time, Zeeland Seaports has ample opportunity for future growth. Zeeland Seaports and its experienced staff look forward to helping customers develop and grow their business. Terneuzen The Port of Terneuzen lies at the entrance to the Ghent-Terneuzen Canal, partly fronting the tidal water of the Western Scheldt and partly behind the locks. The port covers 2,100 hectares and stretches from the deepwater Braakmanhaven to the long established industrial town of Sas van Gent. The lock system accepts seagoing vessels up to 265 metres length, 12.5 metres draught and 34 metres beam. Vlissingen The Port of Vlissingen expanded outside the town of Vlissingen in the 1960s with the creation of Vlissingen- Oost, a major new harbour area with facilities for industrial processing and large-scale cargo handling. Vlissingen covers a total area of 2,400 hectares and is able to handle ships with a maximum of 16.5 metres draught. Multimodal port Zeeland Seaports is well placed to make best use of inland waterway services - a cost-effective and eco friendly mode of transport. There is a choice of connecting routes to the extensive inland waterway network of Europe. Inland barges have easy access to Zeeland Seaports via these waterways. Both Terneuzen and Vlissingen are linked to the European rail network. There is a steady flow of rail freight to and from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. Customers can use block trains and tailor-made logistics to move large volumes of freight everything from raw materials to finished goods. Also via road and pipeline Zeeland Seaports is well connected to its hinterland. Zeeland Seaports has various dedicated terminals for handling specific goods: - General cargo, breakbulk, containers; - Forest products; - Food and agriculture products; - Roll-on, roll-off; - Dry and liquid bulk For handling of forrest products, Zeeland Seaports is the largest port in the Western part of Europe. In 2011 a throughput was realised of 35,5 million tonnes (seaborne cargo, in en ex). Inland shipping volume was 31,4 million tonnes. Both results were record figures. For the next years Zeeland Seaports is, together with the logistic companies in its port area, investing in extra capacity for storage of liquidbulk, dry bulk and forest products. Also new container handlingcapacity will be realized in the near future. Website: information Dutch delegation in Brazil 27

84 information Dutch delegation in Brazil 28

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