Scientific & information management considerations (Best Practice #4 and 12# and Broader consideration #3)

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1 Public education, communication & awareness (Broader consideration #6) Best Practice examples Virtually the entire community (including the local communities and the wider public) are very familiar with the MPA network and the managing agency (or agencies) 3 Most of the community has some awareness of the MPA network and the managing agency(-ies) Part of the community has some awareness of the MPA network, and the managing agency. The community has little or no awareness of the MPA network or the managing agency The community (including the local communities and the wider public) are familiar with the objectives of the MPA network. Scientific & information management considerations (Best Practice #4 and # and Broader consideration #3) Best Practice examples All available scientific, social and economic information is used to support planning and management, and it is regularly updated and used for effective decision-making. 3 There is some scientific, social and economic information to support planning and management, and whatever is available is used for decision-making. There is limited scientific, social or economic information to support planning and management, but it is rarely used for decision-making. There is little or no scientific, social or economic information base to support planning and management, or the available information is not used for decision-making. There is an ability to incorporate new information into subsequent planning or for ongoing management tasks Size and shape (Ecological Design Criteria #7) Best Practice examples Specific consideration was given to the size and shape of your MPA network when it was designed and implemented in order to maximize the effectiveness of the network to achieve its ecological objectives. Some consideration was given to the size and/or shape of your MPA network when it was designed, but no consideration overall to achieving its ecological objectives. Little or no consideration was given to the size and/or shape of your MPA network when it was designed; NOR any consideration of the effectiveness of the network to achieve its ecological objectives. Consideration was given to minimise edge effects of your MPA network when it was designed 3 comments comments comments

2 Resilience (Ecological Design Criteria #7) Best Practice examples MPA network has been specifically designed so 3% or more of the area* is free from extractive activities or habitat-altering activities, or other significant human-induced stresses. 3 Between -3% or the area* is free from extractive activities or habitat-altering activities, or other significant human-induced stresses. Only a small part the area* (<%) is free from extractive activities or habitat-altering activities, or other significant human-induced stresses. Virtually none, if any, of the area* is free from extractive activities or habitat-altering activities, or other significant human-induced stresses. MPA network has been specifically designed to maximize the resilience of the network in the face of long-term geophysical and/or biochemical changes. Precautionary design (Ecological Design Criteria #4) Best Practice examples MPA network is configured to take into consideration all or most of the known threats occurring within the wider area*. 3 MPA network considers several of the known threats occurring within the wider area* MPA network considers a couple of the known threats occurring within the wider area*. MPA network does not consider any of the known threats occurring within the wider area* MPA network has been effectively designed to cope with a lack of comprehensive data. Stakeholder participation (Best Practice #3) Best Practice examples A wide range of stakeholders (including local and regional stakeholders) were directly involved in planning the network, and assist the managers by being involved in virtually all 3 of the planning and management decisions for your MPA network Some stakeholders (ie local and/or regional) assist the managers by contributing either input and/or directly in most of the planning and management decisions for your MPA network Some stakeholders (local or regional) have some involvement, and assist the managers by having some input into some planning and management decisions for your MPA network No stakeholders (local or regional) had input into planning your MPA network, nor do they assist the managers to make any planning and management decisions for the network. A wide range of stakeholders (including local and regional stakeholders) are directly involved in decision making, e.g. through active participation in a formal capacity. comments comments comments Self-assessment checklist for MPA networks

3 Political will & leadership (Broader consideration #5 and Best Practice #) Best Practice examples There is clear and effective leadership, commitment and support at both the political and agency levels, with a shared vision and capacity to achieve success. 3 There is clear or effective leadership at both the political and agency levels, but only some limited capacity to implement the necessary strategies. There is some leadership at either the political or agency levels, but an inadequate capacity to implement the necessary strategies. There is no clear and effective leadership or commitment at either the political or agency levels, and no shared vision or capacity for success. There is political support from all relevant levels of government for your MPA network, with politicians and/or legislators involved in the planning process and aware, and supportive, of the requirements for ongoing management. Clearly defined objectives (Best Practice #) Best Practice examples There is a range of clear, achievable and measurable objectives (including ecological, social and economic objectives) defined for the MPA network and derived from the legislation; 3 There are various objectives for the MPA network which are clear, achievable and measurable; addressing at least two of the relevant aspects in the necessary range (ie. ecological, social or economic objectives); There are some objectives for the MPA network; but only one or two can be considered as clear, achievable and measurable; AND your objectives do not address the necessary range (ie. ecological, social and economic objectives). There are no clear objectives for your MPA network. These objectives were determined through an open, transparent and balanced process involving a wide range of stakeholders Viability (Ecological Design Criteria #3) Best Practice examples MPA network includes many self-sustaining viable no-take areas, which are all geographically dispersed within the wider area* ensuring viability at all levels (ie at the 3 ecosystem, species and genetic levels) irrespective of natural cycles of variation MPA network includes some no-take areas geographically dispersed within the wider area*, some of which are self-sustaining. MPA network includes a few no-take areas geographically dispersed within the wider area*. MPA network includes only a single no-take area, or does not include any no-take areas within the wider area*. comments comments comments Self-assessment checklist for MPA networks 3

4 Permanence (Ecological Design Criteria #5) Best Practice examples MPA network has the backing of an efficient combination of legislative instruments (eg statutes, laws, regulations) and administrative instruments (eg policies) at various levels (local/state/national), that collectively provide long-term protection for the MPA network and ensure its viability. MPA network has some legislative instruments (eg statutes, laws, regulations) and/or administrative instruments (eg policies), that collectively assist in protecting the MPA network. MPA network has some backing by way of legislative instruments (eg statutes, laws, regulations) or administrative instruments (eg policies), but some of these may be varied by governments and/or ignored by officials. MPA network has little or no backing by way of any legislative instruments or administrative instruments, and its viability may be affected by any adverse activities occurring either within, or adjacent to, the area. MPA network has the backing of an efficient combination of legislative instruments that can extend outside the spatial domain of the MPA network if external threats need to be addressed Compliance & enforcement 3 (Broader consideration #9) Best Practice examples A survey or other effective means indicates that over 75% of all your MPA users are aware of, understand, and comply with the regulations. 3 Realistic estimates indicate that between 5-75% of all your MPA users are aware of, understand, and comply with the regulations. Realistic estimates indicate that between 5-5% of all your MPA users are aware of, understand, and comply with the regulations. Less than 5% of all your MPA users are aware of, understand, and comply with the regulations. Integrated management framework (Best Practice #5) Best Practice examples MPA network fits within a clear integrated and holistic framework, including both planning and management at differing scales (ranging from national planning frameworks, through to regional/local planning and site planning). MPA network has some integration of planning and management at differing scales. MPA network has some integration of planning and management activities; OR there is some coordination across relevant jurisdictions and agencies. MPA network does not have a clear integrated framework for either planning or management, or there is little or no coordination between relevant agencies. A high level of management coordination exists across all relevant jurisdictions and agencies (including across the land water interface), as well as between users/sectors. The airspace above, the seabed below and the adjoining terrestrial influences may all be considered either by effective planning and/or management regimes or legislative controls Additional 3 comments comments comments Self-assessment checklist for MPA networks 4

5 Adaptive management (Best Practice #6) Best Practice examples MPA network is readily able to incorporate changes such as new information becoming available (eg. from in-the-field experience, or as a result of changing external circumstances). 3 MPA network has some ability to incorporate some changes when new information becoming available (eg. in-the-field experience, or as a result of changing external circumstances). MPA network does not have management systems nor any monitoring arrangements to determine system responses and provide a basis for adaptive management; NOR is it able to incorporate changes such as new information becoming available. MPA network has effective management systems that implement policies (ie specifying locally appropriate actions), as well as monitoring arrangements to determine system responses and provide a sound basis for adaptive management. Economic & social considerations (Broader consideration #) Best Practice examples The design and implementation of your MPA network continues to consider the economic and socio-cultural setting, as well as the real benefits and costs of the network (including both 3 tangible and intangible benefits and costs); The design and implementation of your MPA network initially considered the economic and socio-cultural setting, as well as the real benefits and costs of the network (and may have included tangible and intangible benefits and/or costs). Some consideration was given to the economic and socio-cultural setting, or to the benefits or costs, when your MPA network was initially designed. No consideration was given to the economic or socio-cultural setting, or to the benefits or costs, when your MPA network was initially designed, and little/no consideration occurs during implementation. MPA network has addressed the need for structural adjustment or compensation for lost benefits from foregone economic opportunities. Spatial & temporal considerations (Broader consideration #) Best Practice examples The design of your MPA network considered a wide range of spatial and temporal considerations including ecological processes, connectivity and external influences; and 3 managers continue to consider these as part of ongoing implementation. The design of your MPA network did consider some spatial and temporal issues; and managers continue to consider each of these issues as part of ongoing implementation. The design of your MPA network did consider one or more spatial or temporal issues; and some of these are still considered by managers in the ongoing implementation of the network. Spatial and temporal issues were not considered in the design or in the ongoing implementation of your MPA network. There is good historical baseline information (or historic data) to determine whether there are shifting baselines for a range of issues. comments comments comments Self-assessment checklist for MPA networks 5

6 Institutional & governance considerations (Broader consideration #4) Best Practice examples MPA network has well established mechanisms for the vertical integration between all levels of government (eg. national, state and local), and horizontal integration among agencies with different mandates, as well as involving local communities, Indigenous people and regional groups. MPA network has some mechanisms for the vertical integration between different levels of government, and horizontal integration among agencies with different mandates, as well as involving local communities, Indigenous peoples and regional groups. 3 comments MPA network has some legislative and administrative arrangements, but these do not provide both effective vertical integration between different levels of government, and horizontal integration among agencies. MPA network has little or no mechanisms for the vertical integration between different levels of government, nor for any horizontal integration among agencies with different mandates. MPA network has an effective legislative and administrative framework, including a nested governance structure operating simultaneously at multiple scales and levels (integrating local aspirations, national strategies and/or international obligations). Replication (Ecological Design Criteria #) Best Practice examples MPA network includes spatially-separated replicates of no-take areas within 8% or more of the ecoregions occurring within the wider area* (ie almost all known ecoregions within your 3 network have replicates to spread any risk). MPA network includes spatially-separated replicates of no-take areas within 5-8% of the ecoregions occurring within the wider area* MPA network includes some spatially-separated replicates of no-take areas, but they occur in less that 5% or less of the ecoregions occurring within the wider area* MPA network does not have any spatially-separated replicates of no-take areas within any ecoregions Systematic replication occurring throughout every ecoregion in the networks, e.g. cross shelf and long-shore replication Monitoring & assessment (Broader consideration #7) Best Practice examples A good monitoring and evaluation system exists, with progress against most if not all the objectives of the MPA network being monitored regularly and objectively, with the results being 3 widely disseminated and used in adaptive management. There is an agreed and implemented monitoring program, and progress against some of the objectives of the MPA network is objectively monitored periodically, with the results publicly available and/or used in adaptive management. There is some ad hoc monitoring and progress against at least one of the objectives of the MPA network has been monitored and/or publicly reported. Progress against the objectives of the MPA network is rarely monitored AND no assessment of MPA effectiveness has ever occurred or been reported. comments comments Self-assessment checklist for MPA networks 6

7 Connectivity (Ecological Design Criteria #6) Best Practice examples MPA network has been purposefully designed to maximize all or most of the known ecological processes (spatial and/or temporal) known to occur in the area* 3 MPA network was purposefully designed and does consider some of the known ecological processes (spatial and/or temporal) known to occur in the area* MPA network was purposefully designed and does consider a few (one or more) of the known ecological processes (spatial and/or temporal) known to occur in the area* The design of your MPA network took little or no account of any known ecological processes known to occur in the area* MPA network has been purposefully designed to maximize and enhance most of the linkages between individual MPAs in the network. Sustainable financing (Broader consideration #8) Best Practice examples MPA network has a well-developed and periodically audited program of long-term funding (assessed, and if necessary, increased against a recognised financial index) in order to 3 meet both core costs and emerging issues. MPA network has an adequate program of long-term funding for core costs and able to seek funding for emerging issues. MPA network has poor and spasmodic program of long-term funding to meet core costs, and is sometimes able to seek funding for emerging issues. MPA network doest not have a well-developed or periodically audited program of longterm funding. The budget in your MPA is well managed; and all staff understand the financial situation. Representativeness (Ecological Design Criteria #) Best Practice examples MPA network includes representative examples of 8-% of known marine habitats and/or ecological processes within the wider area* (ie 8-% of all known ecoregions are within your network). MPA network includes representative examples of between 3-8% of the habitats and/or ecological processes known in the area*. MPA network includes representative examples of -3% of the known habitats and/or ecological processes known in the area*. MPA network comprises only one or two types of marine habitat known in the area* (eg. only coral reefs are protected in the network) 3 comments comments comments Self-assessment checklist for MPA networks 7

8 of Best Practice Public education, communication & awareness Virtually the entire community (including the local communities and the wider public) are very familiar with the MPA network and the managing agency (or agencies) The community (including the local communities and the wider public) are familiar with the objectives of the MPA network. Australia Great Barrier Reef Local Marine Advisory Committees USA Channel Islands NMS Working Groups & Sanctuary Advisory Committees Scientific & information management considerations All available scientific, social and economic information is used to support planning and management, and it is regularly updated and used for effective decision-making. There is an ability to incorporate new information into subsequent planning or for ongoing management tasks Australia Great Barrier Reef Science and Research Program and Research Priorities Australia - CRC Reef Report Making a Difference Size and shape Specific consideration was given to the size and shape of your MPA network when it was designed and implemented in order to maximize the effectiveness of the network to achieve its ecological objectives. Consideration was given to minimise edge effects of your MPA network when it was designed Australia Great Barrier Reef - Biophysical Operating Principles Resilience MPA network has been specifically designed so 3% or more of the area* is free from extractive activities or habitat-altering activities, or other significant human-induced stresses. MPA network has been specifically designed to maximize the resilience of the network in the face of long-term geophysical and/or biochemical changes. Australia Great Barrier Reef - Biophysical Operating Principles Self-assessment checklist for MPA networks 8

9 Precautionary design MPA network is configured to take into consideration all or most of the known threats occurring within the wider area*. MPA network has been effectively designed to cope with a lack of comprehensive data. Australia Great Barrier Reef - Threats Stakeholder participation A wide range of stakeholders (including local and regional stakeholders) were directly involved in planning the network, and assist the managers by being involved in virtually all of the planning and management decisions for your MPA network A wide range of stakeholders (including local and regional stakeholders) are directly involved in decision making, e.g. through active participation in a formal capacity. Australia Great Barrier Reef - Public involvement in RAP Political will & leadership There is clear and effective leadership, commitment and support at both the political and agency levels, with a shared vision and capacity to achieve success. There is political support from all relevant levels of government for your MPA network, with politicians and/or legislators involved in the planning process and aware, and supportive, of the requirements for ongoing management. Clearly defined objectives There is a range of clear, achievable and measurable objectives (including ecological, social and economic objectives) defined for the MPA network and derived from the legislation; These objectives were determined through an open, transparent and balanced process involving a wide range of stakeholders. Australia Great Barrier Reef - Biophysical Operating Principles Australia Great Barrier Reef - Social Economic Operating Principles Australia Great Barrier Reef - Evaluation of extent to which operating principles implemented Self-assessment checklist for MPA networks 9

10 Viability MPA network includes many self-sustaining viable no-take areas, which are all geographically dispersed within the wider area* ensuring viability at all levels (ie at the ecosystem, species and genetic levels) irrespective of natural cycles of variation Australia Great Barrier Reef - Zoning maps showing no-take (green) zones Permanence MPA network has the backing of an efficient combination of legislative instruments (eg statutes, laws, regulations) and administrative instruments (eg policies) at various levels (local/state/national), that collectively provide long-term protection for the MPA network and ensure its viability. MPA network has the backing of an efficient combination of legislative instruments that can extend outside the spatial domain of the MPA network if external threats need to be addressed Australia Great Barrier Reef - Legislation and Regulations Compliance & enforcement A survey or other effective means indicates that over 75% of all your MPA users are aware of, understand, and comply with the regulations. Australia Great Barrier Reef - Day-to-day Management Integrated management framework MPA network fits within a clear integrated and holistic framework, including both planning and management at differing scales (ranging from national planning frameworks, through to regional/local planning and site planning). A high level of management coordination exists across all relevant jurisdictions and agencies (including across the land water interface), as well as between users/sectors. The airspace above, the seabed below and the adjoining terrestrial influences may all be considered either by effective planning and/or management regimes or legislative controls. Australia Great Barrier Reef - How Federal and State agencies cooperate in managing the Great Barrier Reef Self-assessment checklist for MPA networks

11 Adaptive management MPA network is readily able to incorporate changes such as new information becoming available (eg. from in-the-field experience, or as a result of changing external circumstances). MPA network has effective management systems that implement policies (ie specifying locally appropriate actions), as well as monitoring arrangements to determine system responses and provide a sound basis for adaptive management. Economic & social considerations The design and implementation of your MPA network continues to consider the economic and socio-cultural setting, as well as the real benefits and costs of the network (including both tangible and intangible benefits and costs); MPA network has addressed the need for structural adjustment or compensation for lost benefits from foregone economic opportunities. Australia Great Barrier Reef - Social- economic considerations in RAP Australia Great Barrier Reef - 'Measuring the Economic & Financial value of the GBRMP' (Report by Access Economics) Spatial & temporal considerations The design of your MPA network considered a wide range of spatial and temporal considerations including ecological processes, connectivity and external influences; and managers continue to consider these as part of ongoing implementation. There is good historical baseline information (or historic data) to determine whether there are shifting baselines for a range of issues. Australia Great Barrier Reef - Biophysical Operating Principles Institutional & governance considerations MPA network has well established mechanisms for the vertical integration between all levels of government (eg. national, state and local), and horizontal integration among agencies with different mandates, as well as involving local communities, Indigenous people and regional groups. MPA network has an effective legislative and administrative framework, including a nested governance structure operating simultaneously at multiple scales and levels (integrating local aspirations, national strategies and/or international obligations). Australia Great Barrier Reef - How Federal and State agencies cooperate in managing the Great Barrier Reef Self-assessment checklist for MPA networks

12 Replication MPA network includes spatially-separated replicates of no-take areas within 8% or more of the ecoregions occurring within the wider area* (ie almost all known ecoregions within your network have replicates to spread any risk). Systematic replication occurring throughout every ecoregion in the networks, e.g. cross shelf and long-shore replication. Australia Great Barrier Reef - Evaluation of extent to which operating principles implemented Monitoring & assessment A good monitoring and evaluation system exists, with progress against most if not all the objectives of the MPA network being monitored regularly and objectively, with the results being widely disseminated and used in adaptive management. Australia Australian Institute of Marine Science Environmental Change Australia Australian Institute of Marine Science Status and Trends Connectivity MPA network has been purposefully designed to maximize all or most of the known ecological processes (spatial and/or temporal) known to occur in the area* MPA network has been purposefully designed to maximize and enhance most of the linkages between individual MPAs in the network. Australia Great Barrier Reef - Connectivity The Blue Highway Australia Great Barrier Reef - Biophysical Operating Principles Sustainable financing MPA network has a well-developed and periodically audited program of long-term funding (assessed, and if necessary, increased against a recognised financial index) in order to meet both core costs and emerging issues. The budget in your MPA is well managed; and all staff understand the financial situation. Representativeness MPA network includes representative examples of 8-% of known marine habitats and/or ecological processes within the wider area* (ie 8-% of all known ecoregions are within your network). Self-assessment checklist for MPA networks

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