In het project wordt nauw samengewerkt met (overheids)partners in China.

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1 VERGADERING : ALGEMEEN BESTUUR DATUM : 21 MAART 2012 AGENDAPUNT : 8 BIJLAGE : OB Onderwerp : Government Support Programma China Het PDV is een van de financiers van het Veterinair Informatie Punt (VIP). Het VIP is een samenwerkingsverband van het Productschap Diervoeder, het Productschap Zuivel, het Productschap Vis, het Productschap Pluimvee & Eieren en het Productschap Vee & Vlees. De hoofdtaak van het VIP bestaat uit het wegnemen van handelsbarrières bij de export naar derde landen van dierlijke producten en diervoeders van Nederlandse herkomst. Een mogelijk zeer interessante markt voor Nederlandse producten is China. Op basis van gesprekken met diverse partijen in het 3 e kwartaal 2011 meent het VIP dat het mogelijk moet zijn om op een gestructureerde wijze de toegang voor Nederlandse bedrijven op de Chinese markt te verbeteren. Uit deze gesprekken, met onder meer de Chinese voedselveiligheidsinspectie (AQSIQ) en diverse ministeries kwam ook naar voren dat China een grote vraag naar kennis heeft, vooral waar het de Europese wetgeving op het gebied van voedselveiligheid betreft en de mogelijkheden voor toezicht en handhaving. Mede op basis van eerdere ervaringen in India, heeft het VIP gemeend om deze gestructureerde aanpak vorm te geven via een project onder het Government to Government (G2G) Programma van Agentschap NL (voormalige EVD). In het 4 e kwartaal van 2011 is het project ingediend en goedgekeurd. Het project onder de naam China Dutch Market Acces Program for Feed wordt gefinancierd door Agentschap Nl met ,=, en loopt van december 2011 t/m december Het Productschap Diervoeder is projecteigenaar en de uitvoeringskosten worden via het PDV verrekend. Hiervoor is subsidie aangevraagd en verkregen voor het eerder genoemde bedrag bij Agentschap NL. In het project wordt nauw samengewerkt met (overheids)partners in China. Een uit gebreide projectbeschrijving is te vinden in de bijlage. ADVIES - FINANCIËLE CONSEQUENTIES Het bedrag van wordt opgenomen in de herziene begroting 2012, werkveld Kwaliteitsaangelegenheden. De subsidie, die in één keer na afronding van het project wordt uitgekeerd, zal worden opgenomen in de begroting Vergadering Algemeen Bestuur 1 van 2 PDV 21 maart 2012

2 G2G11/IN/8/. Onderdeel van GtoG in programma Orange Pig Titel Advies NL EVD Internationaal Datum advies General Submitter(s) Date of submission Country Counterpart (s) CHINA - DUTCH Market Access Program (MAP) for feed Product Board Animal Feed (PDV), Veterinair Informatie Punt (VIP) Mr. Tjeerd den Hollander and the Agriculture Department of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in China Mr. Emar Gemmeke on behalf of Orange Pig People s Republic of China Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), China Feed Industry Association General Administration of Qauliy Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People s Republic of China (AQSIQ) Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People s Republic of China (CNCA) Beneficiary (ies) CNCA AQSIQ Netherlands implementing team NL EVD International proposes to contract PDV (VIP) for the project. The Productboard Animal Feed, GMP International, the NEVEDI, the nvwa and the CVO office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation in the Netherlands and the Agriculture Department of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in China, will be involved in the implementation of the project. Budget ± Start December 1, 2011 Project duration 13 months Project information Problem analysis Chinese benefit China is since 1990 the world leading country in the production of pork. Pork is one of the most important food sources for urban and rural residents in China, and next to rice traditionally the basic industry to guarantee food security for Chinese residents. The Chinese government predicts that in relation to pork the future demand will grow. Next to this it is stated that China wants to become self-sufficient regarding protein production, meaning that China needs to expand their domestic pork production to meet supply with demand. As land is scarce in China, consequently the central focus of the government is that China will be more and more relying on feed imports. To ensure health of the pigs and safety of pork, there is a growing need for specific quality ingredients and high-grade by-products to produce high quality feed for pig(let)s. With these feeds, feed efficiency at animal level will be enhanced and use of raw materials in feed formulation will be reduced. Dutch feed (ingredient) companies have the products and the know-how to do so and to lead China to a more sustainable feed and pork chain.

3 Coherence with other feed related projects With relation to Orange Pig: Knowledge transfer through seminars and trainings is of major importance for Orange Pig. After their success of the Pig Signals book, the Orange Pig members want to go more into depth, especially on knowhow and related products for piglets. Health of piglets through supplying high quality feed is an important topic, However, this aim can only be achieved if import barriers for specific ingredients have been eased or lifted. The Dutch feed producing industry faces several trade barriers, which disturbs the possibility to be successful in the Chinese market. The import of specific quality ingredients and high-grade byproducts to produce high quality feed for amongst others piglets is hardly/not possible. It appears that in China 8 categories of feed are defined. For each category a separate protocol have to be agreed. It is not clear which product is part of which category and what is the state of play per category. By making an overview of the Dutch (EU) and the Chinese situation and matching these together, the Dutch authorities are able to start up or speed up the market access procedure for the feed (ingredients) which are most demanded. Project purpose For detailed information: See Explanation and Schedule of activities Intensify our bilateral cooperation in the field of - animal feed production; - market access of animal feed - to facilitate bilateral trade. Increase of the market access for the Dutch feed industry. Activities The project deliveries are: 1. increased awareness of Chinese stakeholders in the field of optimizing feed production (feed quality and feed safety); 2. report on the definitions of feed in China linked to the definitions in the EU and the situation in The Netherlands; 3. market access report on the relevant regulations, import duties and the necessary steps to transparently open up trade; 4. establish regular expert exchange meetings to settle the bilateral issues in this area (in first: dedicated meetings, long term: standard topic in existing expert exchange meetings); 5. start the procedure to have the signing of different bilateral protocols (different types of feed) in future. (signing the protocols as such is probably not possible to realize in the project duration as this procedure takes up to two years.) 1. Desk research in China and The Netherlands 2. Inception mission market access PDV with Chinese counterparts on the project plan which will be confirmed in a signed work plan between both partners. Go-no-Go

4 3. Awareness of feed production chain - A seminar will be organised in China with Chinese and Dutch speakers on feed production and trade in conjunction with a big agricultural or animal husbandry exhibition - A trainee from China will be invited at the Ministry 4. Best practices / Recommendations on present market access procedures in China to the Dutch industries - The whole of administrative and technical procedures, from quarantine restriction till application for an import license will be reviewed 5. Expert exchange meeting in China and the Netherlands with the relevant experts on market access of animal feed, twice a year. 6. Official application for export of special animal feed ingredients and animal feed and drafting new bilateral protocols in cooperation with the NL CVO office. Toetsing op de programma doelstellingen G2G Relevantie BV NL 1) Verbeterde markttoegang: verminderen belemmeringen voor handel en investeringen 2) Partneroverheid stimuleren tot aangepast beleid, waardoor er een nieuwe markt ontstaat voor Nederlandse bedrijven 3) Economische diplomatie/ bouwen aan structurele publieke samenwerkingrelaties 4) Vergroten van Nederlandse export in euro s Market Acces voor diervoeder kan positief zijn voor diverse productgroepen die geëxporteerd worden door bedrijven zoals: Hill s Pet nutrition, IAMS Petfood, Van Drie Group, Trouw Nutrition, Sonac (VION Ingredients) Focal area / thema Bilaterale overheidssamenwerking Overige opmerkingen Diervoeders

5 Explanation and schedule activities Main goal: Intensify our bilateral cooperation in the field of - animal feed production; - market access of animal feed - to facilitate bilateral trade. General To achieve the main goal of the GtoG project a project officer should be stationed in Beijing China. The project officer will be carrying out tasks for all activities. Therefore the costs of this project officer are apart in the financial forms and not included in the costs per activity. The costs for the project officer are and for local transport. Normally for GtoG projects an agreement must be signed by both the Dutch as the partner country. In this case it might be wise to discuss with the Dutch embassy in China to wait with this agreement and the market access mission until the report (see activity 1) which is the fundament of the entire project has been completed. It is to be expected that developing this report will take approximately 6 months. This means in fact that there is a go-no go moment after the inception mission and the desk research. Besides the activities as mentioned several extra activities are taking place organised by the Product Board, The Ministry and the VWA. These activities will contribute to the success of this project, but will be financed by the three organisations mentioned. The total costs for the project are estimated at The project will have a duration of 13 months. Activity 1 Desk research which will be the basis for the further project plan which will be confirmed in a signed work plan between both partners. The desk research on the different types of feed consist two parts. An inventory of the 8 categories (used in China) and the exact definitions have to be made in China. And an inventory of the EU categories should be made in The Netherlands. These two categories need to be matched together and analyzed. This has to be reflected to the Dutch situation and interests of the several companies in the sector, such as Sonac, IAMS, Hill s, de Heus etc.. Also a link will be made to the requirements for import into the EU. It is advised to wait with the first official mission on governmental level until the report is finished. Based on the results of this report and activity 2 the steps 3, 5 and 6 can be initiated. - Veterinary Counsellor China - GMP International and Feed Innovation Services - Desk research in NL and China - Experts from PDV-VIP / VWA / EL&I / Sector - Project officer based in Beijing, China - Individual experts from the relevant companies - Expert meetings / phone conferences I Report The definitions of feed; China and EU Report on definitions December 2011 April 2012

6 Activity 2 Inception mission PDV-VIP with Chinese counterparts on the project plan which will be confirmed in a signed work plan between both partners. Based on the report The definitions of feed; China and EU the project management needs to discuss the acceptance of the project with the Chinese counterparts. A inception mission will be organized. The delegates of PDV and VIP will discuss together with the Veterinary Counselor in China the scheduled activities with MoA, AQSIQ and CNCA. The project employee will be responsible for organizing and preparing the meeting together with the embassy. Based on the results of this mission and activity 1 the steps 3, 5 and 6 can be initiated. - Experts from PDV-VIP - Veterinary Counselor China - Project officer in Beijing China Market access mission report Mission March 2012 GO/no GO check.

7 Activity 3 Awareness of feed production chain Seminars will be organised in China with Chinese and Dutch speakers on feed production and trade eventually in conjunction with a big agricultural or animal husbandry exhibition, such as the China Feed Expo (April 11, 2012 in Xiamen) and the VIV (September 2012)The first more focussed on the governmental side, the second more focussed on the companies and branch organizations in China Feed safety, quality and its availability are in China a shared responsibility between the government and Chinese companies. The Dutch sector is willing to assist China in the development of their industry to upgrade the feed safety and quality. The Dutch PDV and branch organizations NEVEDI and quality scheme GMP International, together with the Dutch embassy can facilitate in this development. Combined to the two seminars some workshops will be organized to discuss the issues further into depth. One workshop will be organized with AQSIQ. This workshop will be a combination of industry knowledge of The Netherlands and its supervision by the VWA, linked to the situation in China. - Project employee in China - Veterinary counselor at the Dutch embassy in Beijing - Experts from PVE-VIP / PDV / VWA / EL&I / CVI / GMP International awareness in the field of optimizing animal feed and feed ingredients production two seminars and workshops Seminar 1 Seminar 2 April 2012 (combined with CFE Xiamen) September 2012 (combined with VIV Beijing) Activity 4 Recommendations on present market access procedures Both the Dutch authorities and the Dutch industry have no clear picture on the exact procedures for the whole of administrative and technical procedures, from quarantine restriction till application for an import license in China, including information on import duties. Depending on the region, product and importer procedures can differ. For this reason desk research for the development of standard protocols for import procedures have to be developed in order to avoid unnecessary problems for the Dutch companies wishing to export to China. Developing such a procedure will benefit both countries in their international trade, as more competition will be achieved. The results of the report can also consist recommendations to the Chinese counterparts and will be discussed with them in a specially organized meeting. - Project employee in China - Veterinary counselor at the Dutch embassy in Beijing - Experts from PVE-VIP / PDV / EL&I / CVI - Expert meeting / phone conference PVE-VIP / PDV / CIQ / AQSIQ - Desk research in China 2.832

8 Market access report disclose the relevant regulation and the necessary steps on governmental level to open up / relax trade Report March may 2012 Meeting June/July 2012 Activity 5 Expert exchange meeting in China and the Netherlands with the relevant experts on market access of animal feed, twice a year. Between the Netherlands and China there is already a structure for Expert exchange meetings on veterinary issues. Goal of this activity is to set up a structure in which Feed and Feed ingredients become a fixed topic on the agenda of the Expert exchange meetings. In order to discuss the difficulties and relax the procedures. In the past 4 years several trainees from the Chinese government have been stationed at the Ministry of EL&I. For the exchange of information it is to be advised to invite a trainee from AQSIQ or the Feed Industry Association for a 2 months traineeship. - Project officer based in Beijing, China - Experts from VWA / EL&I / PVE-VIP / PDV - Expert meeting / phone conference EL&I / PVE-VIP / MoA / CNCA / AQSIQ - Trainee awareness in the field of optimizing animal feed and feed ingredients production establish regular expert exchange meetings to settle the bilateral issues in this area Preparation March-August 2012 First meeting September/October 2012 Trainee October/ November 2012 Activity 6 Official application for export of animal feed and drafting new bilateral protocols in cooperation with the NL CVO office. Based on the report with definitions and combined with seminar 1 an official application for the market access can be done by the Dutch CVO. This application will start the procedure for market access. The first part of this procedure is purely a government to government activity consisting: Reply to the Chinese Questionnaire on the Dutch feed industry and its governmental veterinary inspection regime. Receiving the veterinary inspection team on the Dutch feed industry from China. Developing the bilateral protocol - Project employee in China - Veterinary counselor at the Dutch embassy in Beijing - Experts from PVE-VIP / VWA/ PDV / EL&I / CVI - Expert meeting / phone conference PVE-VIP / PDV / CNCA / AQSIQ - Inspection team from China

9 Letter with market access request A filled questionnaire The veterinary inspection team report Concept protocol Market access request letter March/April 2012 Questionnaire July 2012 Inspection September 2012 Concept protocol October 2012

10 SOCIALE CONSEQUENTIES - VOORSTEL Het Algemeen Bestuur wordt voorgesteld met instemming kennis te nemen van dit project en de voorfinanciering daarvan door het PDV. BIJLAGE(N): 1 Vergadering Algemeen Bestuur 2 van 2 PDV 21 maart 2012

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