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1 Name: Date: Period: HISTORY 9-1 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE ANCIENT GREECE INTRODUCTION: 1. What geographical factor helped to account for the rise of separate city-states in Greece rather than one central government? Hills/mountains 2. Where did ancient Greece cities tend to develop? Near/on an acropolis 3. What is an acropolis? (a geographical feature) High hill 4. What is the name of the sea around which Greek civilization grew up? Aegean Sea 5. What did the ancient Greeks call themselves? Hellenes 6. What did the ancient Greeks call their homeland? Hellas 7. What role did the gods of Ancient Greece play in the life of humans? Interfered in the lives of humans making this fall in love, get angry with each other, fight wars, etc. 8. Where did the Ancient Greeks believe the Gods lived? On Mount Olympus 9. In ancient Greece, what did the word polis mean? City-State 10. What was the Greek word for marketplace? Agora HELLADIC PERIOD (the earliest pre-greek ways): 11. What is the largest island near the Greek mainland? Crete 12. What is the name of the first great civilization that grew up in Crete? Minoan 13. Who were the Minoans? Early Greeks that lived on the island of Crete 14. Who were the Mycenaeans? Early Greeks that lived on the mainland of Greece. The Mycenaeans conquered the Minoans 1

2 15. What was the name of the half-man/half-beast which supposedly resided on the island of Ancient Crete? Minotaur 16. What happened to the Minoan civilization that caused it eventual decline? They were impacted by the eruption of Thera tidal waves, falling ash and earthquakes. 17. What two famous Greek epics were written by Homer? Iliad and Odyssey 18. What was the name of the person whose face launched a thousand ships? Why were the ships launched? Helen according to Homer she ran off to Troy with Paris (the son of the King of Troy) 19. Who fought whom in the Trojan War? Trojans and the Mycenaeans (early Greeks living on the mainland of Greece) 20. According to Homer, how did the Greeks defeat the Trojans? The old hide in the wooden horse trick 21. Who discovered the site of ancient Troy? Heinrich Schliemann 22. Who was Heinrich Schliemann? From Germany; as a boy he loved the story of the Iliad; made millions in the California Gold Rush; use his money to find the site of Troy and Mycenae HELLENIC PERIOD (the height of Greek culture): 23. The ancient Olympic Games were held to honor Zeus. 24. If an Olympic athlete of today were to participate in some event of the Greek Olympics, what similarities and differences might that person find? Similar Competitors from many nations (city-states); winners are treated like heroes in their home country/home states; winners receive an award Differences No women allowed to watch or compete in Ancient Greece; no uniforms worn in Ancient Greece; many more events today 25. What type of government developed in Athens, permitting all citizens to take part? Democracy 26. Athens and Sparta were Greek city-states. 27. What was the Parthenon? Greek temple to Athena on the acropolis in Athens; the most famous building today from Greek times 2

3 28. Why were the Greeks able to defeat such a huge power the Persians? The Greeks were fighting on their homeland (they new it better than the Persians); the Greeks used surprising tactics; the Greeks fought harder because they were fighting for their freedom; the Persians underestimated the Greeks 29. Name three famous Ancient Greek philosophers. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle 30. Describe the Socratic method of teaching. Ask questions, students have in them wisdom; the right questions need to be asked and thought about 31. The teachings of Socrates are contained in whose writings? Plato 32. What is Atlantis? Who wrote about Atlantis? A city that supposedly sunk into the ocean in a day and night. Plato 33. What were Greek hoplites? Greek foot soldiers 34. What was the name for the Greek battle formation using a wall of shields? Phalanx 35. Describe the use of the phalanx in warfare, in Ancient Greece. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Soldiers were in lines and rows and fight as one unit like a human tank. 36. What is democracy? Which city-state had a form of democracy? A form of government in which the people make the decisions. Athens 37. Hippocrates became known as the Father of medicine. 38. Describe the difference between the city-state of Athens and the city-state of Sparta. Athens Sparta Wealthy Purpose in life is to serve the state Enjoy life Live a simple life with few things Individual Growth Produce or become fighting machines Strongest Navy Strongest Army 39. What was the primary interest of the city-state of Sparta? Military 40. What Greek city-state had the most powerful army? Sparta 41. What Greek city-state had the most powerful navy? Athens 3

4 42. What was the Peloponnesian War? How long did this war last? War between Sparta and Athens 27 years 43. Who was Herodotus? Father of History HELLENISTIC (When other people imitated the Greek way of life): 44. Where was Alexander the Great from? Macedon/Macdeonia 45. Alexander learned much about Greek culture, science, and philosophy from. His teacher Aristotle 46. What was the name of Alexander s father? Philip II 47. What change(s) did Phillip and Alexander the Great make in the phalanx? Made the phalanx more of an offensive threat - shields were smaller, swords were smaller, pikes were longer 48. Who founded Alexandria, Egypt? Alexander the Great 49. Why did the Egyptians so willingly open their city gates and readily accept the takeover of their cities by Alexander and his army? They believed that Alexander was a God 50. What was the cultural and intellectual center of Alexander s empire? Alexandria, Egypt 51. What culture spread to lands conquered by Alexander the Great? Greek 52. Besides marching his army into Persia, what else did Alexander do that resulted in an exchange of Greek and Persian cultures? Brought along with him scientists, map-makers, historians, botanists, etc. to record what was found and done; sent children of Persians back to Greece to be educated in Greek culture and ways, married and had his men marry Persian women, wore Persian dress and ate Persian food 53. What was the easternmost extent of Alexander s empire? India 54. What happened to Alexander the Great s empire after his death? Divided into three parts to be ruled by three of Alexander s generals 55. What is the term that refers to the blending of Greek and Asian cultures? Hellenism 4

5 56. What is the legacy of Alexander the Great? Areas conquered/kingdom consolidated; spread of Greek culture throughout the areas conquered by Alexander the Great 57. What is Hellenism? The spread of Greek culture throughout the area conquered by Alexander the Great CONCLUSION: 58. What is the legacy of Ancient Greece? Olympics; words in English language; use of columns; democracy; Herodotus-Father of History; theater; trial by jury; philosophy-socrates, Plato, Aristotle; Hippocrates-Father of Medicine 59. Although Athens and Sparta both had times of greatness, their values and form of government were very different. Which city-state do you think was greater? Give reasons to support your answer. 60. List the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Great Pyramid at Giza Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Lighthouse at Alexandria Colossus of Rhodes Temple to Artemis at Ephesus Statue of Zeus at Olympia Hanging Gardens of Babylon Mapwork: Identify the following places on the map provided: Greece Crete Thera Aegean Sea Mediterranean Sea Persian Empire Macedon Troy 5

6 ANCIENT GREECE TIMELINE HELLADIC (hel-ah-dik) (c B.C. 750 B.C.; the earliest pre-greek ways) c B.C. Beginning of Minoan civilization on Crete c B.C. Mycenaean civilization established on Greek mainland c B.C. Height of Minoan culture c B.C. Fall of Knossos to the Mycenaeans c B.C. Supposed date of Trojan War c B.C. Mycenaean civilization ends c B.C. Greek Dark Age c B.C. Homeric epics composed The Illiad and The Odyssey HELLENIC (hel-en-ik) (c. 800 B.C. 399 B.C.; the height of Greek culture) c. 800 B.C. Rise of the polis 776 B.C. Traditional date of the first Olympic Games 490 B.C. Athens defeats Persia at Battle of Marathon 480 B.C. Xerxes invades Greece 479 B.C. Greeks defeat Persians at Battle of Plataea c. 478 B.C. Formation of Delian League B.C. Age of Pericles; height of Greek classical culture B.C. Parthenon built B.C. Peloponnesian War 399 B.C. Death of Socrates HELLENISTIC (hel-en-is-tik) (338 B.C. 30 B.C.; When other people imitated the classical Greek way of life) 338 B.C. Macedonians defeat Greeks at battle of Chaeronea 336 B.C. Philip of Macedon assassinated 331 B.C. Alexander the Great triumphs over Persians at Gaugamela 330 B.C. King Darius of Persia murdered 326 B.C. Alexander reaches Indus River 323 B.C. Death of Alexander the Great B.C. Hellenistic Age 6

7 ANCIENT ROME ROMAN REPUBLIC Geography 1. Rome was built in an area of seven hills. 2. What is the name of the river on which Rome was founded? Tiber River 3. The mountains that separate Italy from the rest of Europe were called the Alps. Origin 4. According to Roman mythology, who where the founders of Rome? Romulus and Remus 5. According to Roman mythology how was Rome founded? Romulus and Remus wanted to establish a city where they were abandoned as infants; they got into a fight over where the city should be placed; Romulus killed Remus Government 6. The early Roman government in which voting citizens chose their leaders is called a(n) democracy. Punic Wars 7. The Punic Wars were a long series of conflicts between which two cities? Why did they fight? Rome and Carthage over control of Sicily 8. Who was Hannibal? General from Carthage 9. What was Hannibal s strategy for defeating Rome? Surprise attack Rome from the north by crossing the Alps 10. What happened at the Battle of Zama? Hannibal was defeated by the Romans. 11. What made Hannibal such a great general? He used many different tactics that were often a surprise to the enemy 12. What were the final outcomes of the Punic Wars? The Romans won all three wars. 13. What did the Romans do to Carthage after the end of the third Punic War? Burned down the city of Carthage Sold all the people from Carthage into slavery Put salt in their fields so that nothing could grow again 7

8 Julius Caesar 14. What Roman general attempted to become a dictator and later assassinated? Julius Caesar 15. What group planned to kill Julius Caesar? Why? Roman Senators they were afraid that he would become dictator of Rome 16. Who said Veni, Vidi, Vici? What does it mean? Julius Caesar - I came, I saw, I conquered 17. What famous event occurred on the Ides of March? Julius Caesar was assassinated Civil War 18. Who was Octavian? The adopted son of Julius Caesar 19. What was the name of the Egyptian queen who fought with Marc Antony against Octavian? Cleopatra 20. Why was Cleopatra so despised by Romans? She was not Roman; she married two of the most famous men in Rome Julius Caesar and Marc Antony; untrue rumors spread by Octavian 21. Who won the civil war that followed the death of Caesar? Octavian 22. Who was Augustus? Octavian When he became the first Emperor of Rome, he took on the name Augustus which means revered one Other 23. The Romans adopted the gods of the Greeks but gave them Roman names. 24. Who was Spartacus? A slave who escaped and led a slave revolt against the Romans ROMAN EMPIRE QUESTIONS: Government 25. What type of government existed during the Roman Empire? Dictatorship 26. What problems occurred because the Roman Empire had no law of succession? Chaos, violence as people tried to gain control and become Emperor The City of Rome 27. What were aqueducts used for, in Rome? Carry water 8

9 28. What new building material did the Romans discover? Concrete 29. The public square of a city where a palace, government buildings, and law courts were located was called a forum. 30. What was the largest and most famous place to fight as a gladiator during the Roman Empire? Colosseum 31. Warriors who fought to entertain Roman spectators were called gladiators. 32. What was the largest and most famous place to race chariots during the Roman Empire? Circus Maximus 33. What was the Pantheon? Temple to worship all the gods 34. Large farm/country estates near Rome were called villas. 35. What was the Pax Romana? Pax Romana means the peace of Rome. of Roman culture It lasted about 100 years and was the height Pompeii 36. What was Vesuvius? What happened to Pompeii? Volcano Vesuvius erupted sending 20 feet of ash and pumice on top of Pompeii 37. Why is Pompeii such an important historical and archaeological find? The city froze at a moment in time when it was covered by ash and pumice. Historians and archeologists have learned a great deal about Ancient Rome from Pompeii. Decline of Rome 38. The emperor who divided the Roman Empire into an eastern and western part, each with its own emperor, was Diocletian. 39. The city that Constantine selected to be the new capital of the Roman Empire was Constantinople. 40. Define inflation. The cost of a product goes up 41. The people who sacked and then burned Rome in 390 BC were the barbarians. 42. Who was Atilla the Hun Leader of the Mongols 9

10 43. What were the reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire? No law of succession; poor leaders; leaders who spent too much money; leaders began to increase taxes; the Empire grew too big to control; hiring of mercenaries, inflation; use of lead pipes; corruption; too much drinking; prostitution. These internal problems lead to a weakened Empire which was susceptible to attack. Barbarians were able to gain control of parts of the Empire. 44. What was the end date of the Roman Empire? 476 A.D. Other: 45. What is the legacy of Ancient Rome? Words in the English language; arches and domes; Republican form of government; founded major cities in Europe; European road system; our legal system; Roman numerals; colosseums Mapwork: Identify the following places on the map provided: Carthage Rome Greece Sicily Tiber River Alps Mediterranean Sea 10

11 ANCIENT ROME - TIMELINE Roman Republic: 753 B.C. Legendary Founding of Rome by Romulus B.C First Punic War against Carthage B.C. Second Punic War against Carthage (Hannibal crosses the Alps) B.C. Third Punic War against Carthage Spartacus leads slave revolt against Rome 44 Julius Caesar is assassinated 30 Mark Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide 27 Reign of Octavian (First Emperor of Rome) 0 Birth of Jesus Roman Empire: 79 Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Covers Pompeii with Ash and Pumice 100 Beginning of Pax Romana 284 Division of Roman Empire into two parts 400 Invasion of Roman Empire by Barbarians 476 End of the Roman Empire 11

12 NON-WESTERN CULTURES Buddhism: 1. Who was Siddhartha Gautama? A prince; son of an India Raja (King) 2. Who was Buddha? Siddhartha Gautama when he became enlightened 3. What does the word enlightenment mean? The light comes on; you can see/understand what you could not before 4. What is Buddhism? One of the five major religions in the world; based on the teachings of Buddha 5. Where did Buddhism begin? Where can it be found today? India China and Japan 6. What are the Four Noble Truths? There is suffering in life; suffering comes from wrong living; suffering can be reduced; to reduce suffering you must follow the Eightfold Path 7. What is the Eightfold Path? Eight areas to focus on in living life in order to reduce suffering 8. What is the Middle Way? Living life in the middle area not denying yourself nor living a life of excess 9. What is Reincarnation? The belief that the soul upon death of the body moves into a new form to live again. 10. What is Nirvana? The state in which you have reached a level of perfection and no longer need to continue reincarnating 11. How is Eastern Civilization/Culture different than Western Civilization/Culture? Eastern Culture Western Culture Cyclical Linear Reincarnation On shot deal TO STUDY FURTHER GO TO THE FOLLOWING URLS AT Ancient Greece - Ancient Rome - Ancient India



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