The effectiveness of brokerage institutions*

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1 The effectiveness of brokerage institutions* How to refer to this publication? Wijnbergen van, A., Meijs, L.C.P.M., Roza, L. & Baren van, E.A. (2013). ECSP web publication: The effectiveness of brokerage institutions. Obtained on [DATE] from erage_institutions.pdf A U T H O R S A N N E V A N W I J N B E R G E N MSC P R O F. D R. LU CA S MEIJS L O N N E K E R O Z A MSC EV A V A N BAREN MSC R O T T E R D A M SCHO O L O F M A N A G E M E N T, ERASMUS UNIV E R S I T Y ROT T E R D A M D E P A R T M E N T O F BUSINESS-S O CIETY MANAGEMENT ERASMUS CENTRE F O R S T R A T E G I C P H I L A N T H R O P Y (ECSP) C O N T A CT: EV A V A N BAREN E- M A I L: E B A R E N@RSM. NL T E LEPHO N E: +31 (0)

2 *TH E A U T H O R S W O U L D L I K E T O T H A N K C A R L O D E H A A S F O R H I S A S S I S T A N CE. T H E A U T H O R S A R E S O L E L Y R E S P O N S I B L E F O R T H E C O N T E N T S. 2

3 Introduction In recent years trends in volunteering have indicated that the diversity in volunteer involvement has increased. Volunteers now have more explicit own motives, desires, needs and conditions they would like to see met and they seem to tend more towards short-term rather than long term commitments (Hustinx and Lammertyn, 2003; Auld, 2004; Styers, 2004). To support volunteer involving organisations in dealing with the rise of new types of volunteers, a volunteer infrastructure was developed in a number of European countries (Van den Bos, 2006). While the concept of a volunteer infrastructure, organisations that provide infrastructure to promote, stimulate, and develop volunteering in general (Bos and Meijs, 2008), has been described in the literature to a lesser extent, this topic is also important when it comes to understanding and explaining volunteer behavior and activity at a more general, societal level. At first, supporting volunteer involvement had largely been the exclusive domain of intermediary organisations such as volunteer centers (see e.g. Osborne, 1999; Van den Bos et al, 2005), that would help volunteers to find suitable volunteering opportunities by matching their needs and interests with the requirements of organisations that seek volunteers. Recently, new volunteer infrastructure organisations, so called brokerage institutions, have emerged that aim to remove the barriers of volunteering instead of just acting as bridges between volunteers and those organisations that seek them. Brokerage institutions are diverse in terms of the volunteers they recruit and the focus of their programs. For instance, some reach out mostly to young professionals with skills that are needed for specific tasks while others work with students and youth volunteers that have clear learning objectives. This article deals with brokerage institutions that act as external brokers. The focus of external brokers is solely on the outside recruitment and placement of volunteers who, for example, only get involved once during a specific project or event at the organization where they are placed. Even though the initial aim of brokerage institutions is very clear matching potential volunteers to volunteer involving organisations that need them there is almost no evidence of the effectiveness of such organisations. This article will discuss the effectiveness of a new volunteer broker that may have (potential) positive effects on volunteering and philanthropy as a whole; Stichting Laluz 1 (Laluz Foundation), a brokerage institution focusing on young professionals in the Netherlands. Based upon 6 interviews with former and present Laluz volunteers, a first insight into the effectiveness of brokerage institutions and therewith the volunteer infrastructure will be provided. In addition, insight will be given into the important underlying issue of (endowed) foundations, which is the development and maintenance of a culture of giving and philanthropy. Investing in infrastructures that support this culture and actual behavior should be part of the collective responsibilities of (endowed) foundations

4 Literature Volunteering trends Traditionally, volunteering has always been a part of collective, institutional and group affairs (Eckstein, 2001; Hustinx and Lammertyn, 2003; Wuthnow, 1998). Even though cultural factors have always had an important influence on the degree of individualism of a society, modernization in societies is creating an increase in the degree of individualism in societies worldwide (Yeung, 2004). Dekker et al (2007) identify individualization, informality, information technology, intensifying and internationalization as the main drivers of changing societies which influence volunteerism. Individualization is causing a decline in the institutional determination of life choices and shows the decrease in the influence of for example church and family on one s behavior and choices. In modern society volunteerism is becoming a means to express personal involvement and choices instead of an obligation or an altruistic deed. The changing societies show more informal connections with loose ties and an equalization of authority relationships and manners. The rapid increase in the use and development of technology (social media) change communication and interaction and contributes to the fact that societal ties become looser and the increased importance of network organization. The increased need for change and variation in one s life shows that society is no longer showing herd behavior, predictability and monotony. Lastly, internationalization leads to cross-country and supra national connections between social and cultural organisations due to migration, global economy, the European integration and the spread of an international culture. All these processes are closely linked together and constantly interact with one another (SCP, 2007). As a consequence, the underlying rational of volunteering in Western societies has changed from being collective to becoming more and more individual as people are no longer readily and consistently available like they used to be but rather sporadically and for limited duration (Hustinx and Lammertyn, 2003; Yeung, 2004). Hence, people are increasingly organizing their voluntary engagement in a more autonomous and independent way (Hustinx and Lammertyn, 2003) while at the same time organisations and societies (governments) are struggling to re-embed volunteering (Hustinx and Meijs, 2011). Meijs et al. (2011) show that the changes in society have also led to a new modern volunteer. This new type of volunteer is mostly motivated by personal interests and up-to-date developments in society, chooses volunteer activities that are fun and life enriching, prefers short-term commitment to a volunteer organization and views volunteerism as a challenge to develop oneself (Meijs et al, 2011). Rehberg (2005) describes the same transformation from traditional to modern volunteers where change is mostly visible in the change of altruistic motives (achieving something positive for others instead of achieving something positive for oneself) of volunteers. Whereas traditional volunteers are mostly driven by altruistic motivations, modern volunteers are mostly driven by other factors than altruism. In addition to 4

5 Meijs et al (2011), Rehberg (2005), Hustinx et al. (2009) and Bidges-Karr et al. (2010) show that modern volunteers are very project-oriented, which indicates that they are no longer loyal to a particular organisation, but rather have specific expectations of their volunteer activities which makes them choosy in their selection of volunteer work. Yeung (2004) and Hustinx (2001) have identified the most important aspects that determine volunteering in the modern society. Choice of organization Personal interest Weak ties Decentralized structure Choice of field of Perception of new Taste for Dialogue between action biographical similarities topical issues global and local Choice of activity Balance between personal Cost/benefit Pragmatic preference/organization s analysis needs Length and intensity Short-term Irregular Conditional of commitment Relationship with Reciprocal beneficiary Loose networks Table 1 Volunteering trends (based upon Yeung, (2004) and Hustinx (2001) 5

6 Volunteer barriers The change from collective to individualistic motives to volunteer has created several new barriers within the modern volunteer society. People who are willing to volunteer are looking for short-term, irregular and flexible projects with a low level of commitment towards the volunteer organization. In addition, modern volunteers seem to have less altruistic motives which indicates that they are less interested in volunteering when there is no personal or family related benefit related to the volunteering activity (Sundeen et al, 2007). In order to address the barriers that are existent in the volunteer society, the concepts of volunteerability (Meijs et al, 2006) and recruitability (Haski-Leventhal et al 2009) are considered. According to Meijs et al. (2006) a society s volunteerability (what makes a person more or less willing and able to volunteer?), which is derived from the term employability, can be defined as the (1) willingness, (2) the ability and (3) the availability of its members. The latter can, for example, be influenced by the economic situation while the ability is dependent on the level of education. The willingness to volunteer is both influenced by social norms as well as by individual attitudes and values whereas the capability to volunteer is influenced by personal characteristics and expertise but can also be strengthened by training and guidance. The availability to volunteer is influenced by individual priorities and social obligations. Lack of time is one of the greatest barriers that (potential) volunteers face in finding suitable volunteer activities (Haski-Leventhal et al, 2009).The previous section showed that over the past years, the importance of social norms has declined and the individual attitudes and values have become very important. The related ongoing changes in volunteering have not fundamentally changed the willingness but have had considerable influence on the availability and ability. These changes in availability and ability have caused a shift towards new emerging forms of volunteering that are more flexible and more importantly, remove barriers to volunteer. Using both concepts, Haski-Leventhal et al (2009) address both the barriers on the supply side (volunteerability) as well as the barriers on the demand side (recruitability) of the volunteer society. Recruitability addresses the accessibility, resources and networks and cooperation of volunteer organisations and shows how these organisations recruit volunteers and maintain them. The first component, accessibility of volunteer organisations, shows how well volunteer organisations are accessible to (potential) volunteers. Previous research (Meijs, 2008) has proven that volunteer organisations can be very hard to reach by telephone or and that this has a negative effect on attracting and maintaining volunteers for the organisation. Accessibility does not only concern how well the volunteer organization can be reached technically, but also shows the physical and geographical reach. Volunteer organisations can improve their accessibility by empowering diversity and making it possible for people with disabilities to join the volunteer network of the organisation as well. The second 6

7 component, resources of the volunteer organisation, addresses the resources that an organisation possesses. Financial resources are important, but in recruiting and maintaining volunteers for the organisation, human resources are just as important. Training the organisation s staff on volunteer management and encouraging existing volunteers to further develop the organisation s volunteer network will contribute to a professional system for recruiting and maintaining volunteers within the organization. The last component, the network and cooperation of volunteer organisations, can also contribute to developing a professional system for volunteer recruitability seeing how this component can influence the accessibility and resources of volunteer organisations in a positive way. When a volunteer organisation is willing to create networks with other organisations and seizes the opportunities derived from these networks and partnerships, for example pooling resources and knowledge transfer, it has more potential to develop its recruitability and therewith attract and maintain a larger number of volunteers than before (Haski-Leventhal et al, 2009). Volunteer infrastructure The barriers in volunteering are present in both the demand and supply side of the volunteer society. Traditionally, the volunteer society knows three actors; the volunteers, the volunteer organisations and the recipients. Volunteers are participating in social and communal activities that enhance social capital, strengthen the community and help in delivering services that otherwise would have been more expensive or underprovided, without receiving a monetary compensation. The volunteer organisations are those providing the mechanisms for formal volunteer activities and form the link between volunteers and the recipients of volunteer work. The recipients are the target population of the activities provided by the volunteers and volunteer organisations (Haski-Leventhal et al, 2009). Over the past years, however, the concept of volunteer infrastructure is becoming more known and recognized within the volunteer society. This concept is used to define the fourth actor within the volunteer society; organisations that provide resources to promote, stimulate and develop volunteering in general (Bos et al, 2005). Bos and Meijs (2008) provide argumentation that these organisations have three levels of support, focusing on a specific target group. Organisations within the organization infrastructure can provide one of these levels of support, but can also further develop their activities with the ultimate goal of providing all three levels of support and therewith supporting all three target groups. The support that these organisations can provide is divided into six core functions. 7

8 Level of support Volunteer support Management support Community support Target Activity Core functions Volunteers Matching individuals with VOs 1. Brokerage 2. Marketing volunteering Volunteer Consulting VOs to make 3. Good practice development organisations volunteer activities more 4. Developing volunteer opportunities (VOs) attractive 5. Policy response and campaigning Communities / Supporting initiatives for new 6. Strategic development of Civil society citizen involvement volunteering Table 2 Volunteer infrastructure; level of support, target group, activities and core functions Brokerage organisations Traditionally, volunteers are recruited by internal brokers (e.g. volunteer managers) that lay more emphasis on the right fit between volunteer skills and their own internal organization requirements where volunteers are placed. This traditional way of recruiting and placing volunteers knows different barriers, both for the volunteer organisations as for the (potential) volunteers. One of the core functions of the volunteer infrastructure; brokerage, through so-called brokerage institutions or volunteer centers, aims to overcome these barriers within the volunteer society. These brokerage institutions allocate volunteers to different volunteer organisations and increase the opportunities to volunteer (Hilger, 2008). With the process of matching volunteers with volunteer organisations, broker institutions try to overcome the barriers associated with both the demand of volunteering (recruitability) as well as the supply of volunteering (volunteerability). They also differentiate themselves from volunteer organisations in that volunteers are placed externally instead of internally with the organization. Brokerage institutions can influence all three components of volunteerability. With their matchmaking process they can try to provide a solution for barriers related to the willingness, capability and availability to volunteer. Sundeen et al (2007) addresses the importance of an adequate matchmaking process in the volunteer society by stating that the volunteer s skills need to be congruent with the expected volunteer tasks. A mismatch between actual and required skills levels (people are either overqualified or underqualified) can lead to a loss of volunteer labor. Brokerage institutions function as an intermediary and match the wishes of volunteers and volunteer organisations. When a person is willing to volunteer, has experience in a specific field yet has limited time for a certain volunteer activity, he or she might not get involved in volunteering due to lack of time. Brokerage institutions can make a difference in such 8

9 situations by facilitating the process of finding a suitable activity among volunteer organizations due to the large network of contacts they have to their disposal. On the demand side, brokerage institutions can make a difference as well. They can provide a solution for the barriers related to recruitability. By outsourcing the process of recruiting volunteers to brokerage institutions, volunteer organisations can focus on their core activities. Brokerage institutions can provide the human resources to recruit and maintain volunteers while the volunteer organisations can focus on their volunteer tasks and on coaching volunteers. Although the aim of brokerage institutions (matching the supply and demand of the volunteer society more efficiently and therewith increasing volunteer opportunities) seems to be very clear, there is no empirical evidence whether their goal is actually achieved. To provide a first assessment on the effectiveness of brokerage institutions, this article will discuss a brokerage institution in the Netherlands: Stichting Laluz, based on interviews with 6 (former) volunteers of this institution. Stichting Laluz The Laluz Foundation (hereafter: Laluz) has a special focus on young professionals and places volunteers individually or within groups (mostly through corporate volunteer programs) with volunteer organisations. Young professionals looking for volunteer opportunities can either participate in one of the events that Laluz organizes or they can apply to take part in one of their projects. The events are one-day activities where a large group (approximately 100 volunteers) works together for one volunteer organization to achieve a pre-defined goal. A project is a long-term commitment between a volunteer and a volunteer organization where Laluz is only concerned with the matching process; they bring young professionals willing to volunteer in contact with volunteer organisations that can use their expertise, personal motivation and interests. Volunteers can either contact Laluz personally or they can be active in a corporate volunteering program facilitated by Laluz. The 6 interviewees have all taken part in one of the programs of Stichting Laluz. Motivation Among others, factors of volunteer motivation such as personal interest as shown in table 1 are said to be mostly individualistic which has caused volunteering to become a more personal choice characterized by individual and specific preferences. Looking at these motivational factors and comparing them to what was said by interviewees, we notice that personal interest in a volunteer organization and a balance between personal preference and the organization s needs in the field of action were most frequently 9

10 mentioned. Interviewees said that they want to be valuable for the volunteer organization and prefer that the tasks relating to their volunteer activity are in line with their professional expertise. These answers are very interrelated since volunteers with specific expertise, in for example financial administration, can be very valuable for a volunteer organization in need of proper and adequate financial management. However, except for the choice of activity where it seems like there is a clear balance between personal preference and the organization s needs the interviewees did not mention any of the other motivational factors that are listed in table 1. The interviewees, who participated in the events of Laluz, mostly subscribed to the event which was organized at that moment (there is no choice in volunteer organization) or they participated in an event that was co-organized by Laluz and their employer. The answers of this group of participants indirectly give us insight into the fact that the length and intensity of commitment is probably a motivational factor for these volunteers, although it was never directly mentioned. The majority of this group of participants says that they very much value the outcome and organization of the events and that they are amazed by the results and by what they have achieved in such a short period of time. They feel that the work which they did during the event was very valuable for the recipients due to the fast and concrete results. One of the interviewees had mentioned: the result that we achieved in one day would probably have taken the volunteer organization a few years to accomplish. The other group of interviewees, project participants, is more diverse due to the individual placement of participants. Some interviewees have been active for over 4 years with a volunteer organization while others did several short-term projects. Most projects have in common that the volunteer activities are very flexible and irregular (in length and intensity of commitment, but also in activities) which seems to be an additional motivational factor for volunteers their commitment to the organization. Only one of the interviewees mentioned the aspect of cost/benefit analysis as a factor of motivation. The answers of this group of interviewees show similarities to the motivational factors discussed earlier in this paper. Moreover, their answers are in line with the motivational factors presented in table 1 although not all of them are mentioned. The most popular answer I want to add something valuable given by most interviewees correlates to what is stated in the literature about volunteer motivation being mostly augmented by individualistic instead of collective motives. The motivation to become a volunteer via a brokerage organization differs among the interviewees. Some mention the contact with other volunteers (mostly through the events that Laluz organizes) and networking options as a very important aspect while others mention the interesting projects that Laluz is offering. A small number of interviewees have no specific motivation and say that their participation in an event or project is arranged via their employer. They are however all very positive about the concept of 10

11 matchmaking and some mention their willingness to participate in another volunteer activity via Laluz with or without the mediation of their employer. The different answers have in common that they all show the accessibility of volunteering due to the activities of this particular brokerage institution. Barriers In practice, brokerage institutions like Laluz are expected to overcome the barriers existent in volunteering. Barriers on both the demand side of volunteering (recruitability) and on the supply side of volunteering (volunteerability) should be eliminated through the concept of an intermediary acting as matchmaker. The interviewees differ in their answers given to the questions related to barriers in volunteering. The majority said that they faced certain barriers although a small number of volunteers said that they experienced no barriers related to their volunteer activities. Some of the barriers that they faced are mostly related to bad organization of volunteer activities, uninteresting volunteer tasks and inaccessibility of some volunteer organisations. One of the interviewees mentioned a previous volunteer experience (directly with a volunteer organization) and explained the lack of coordination, coaching and motivation from that volunteer organization. Other interviewees mentioned the (perceived) inaccessibility of volunteer organisations as a barrier which explains why they were not active as a volunteer before they participated in an event or project made possible by Laluz. Others mentioned that volunteering needs to stay a voluntary, on the side activity which should not be characterized by too many meetings or obligations. In addition, interviewees all give reasons as to why the activities of Laluz may help to overcome these barriers. In general they say that the projects and events that they participated in via Laluz were not only very well organized but also very interesting. In their opinion there seemed to be a good match between the volunteer organization s need and the expertise and personal interest of the volunteer. Interviewees who participated in the events mentioned that due to the adequate match during the events, it was possible to achieve such great results after only one day of volunteering. The majority of the interviewees also mentioned that by subscribing to events or projects via Laluz on a more regular basis, the risk to engage themselves in uninteresting or dissatisfying volunteer activities decreased considerably. Lastly, the barrier of inaccessibility of volunteering was also mentioned to be eliminated by the matchmaking concept of Laluz. One of the interviewees had mentioned: the power of Laluz lies in the accessibility of the volunteering activities they offer, to which you can easily say yes or no. The time a potential volunteer needs to spend on finding a suitable and interesting volunteer activity is very little due to the pre-scan Laluz makes prior to their events and projects. In 2 cases, an interviewee confirmed that without 11

12 Laluz they probably would not have involved themselves in volunteer activities, whether due to their perceived inaccessibility of volunteering or due to other reasons. The minority of the interviewees who said that they had not experienced any barriers with regard to their volunteer activities all have in common that they are very active volunteers. Among other things they said that they do not face any barriers because volunteering is part of their (professional and/or private) lives and that they know very well how to find suitable and interesting volunteer activities. Nonetheless they acknowledge that the projects or events that they have participated in via Laluz have their preference since they are characterized by a high level or professionalism and efficiency. One interviewee mentions: I would probably also be able to perform a scan on volunteer offers, as Laluz is doing, but due to their experience they can make a real difference. These answers confirm the barriers identified by the concepts of volunteerability and recruitability. Thus, on the one hand we see that brokerage institution Laluz overcomes barriers which are related to volunteerability (people involved themselves in volunteer activities that were made possible by Laluz) and on the other hand those that are related to recruitability (mostly by increasing the accessibility of volunteering). Conclusion The shift away from regular, long-term volunteering to more short-term service has made the role of intermediary organizations, which are responsible for recruiting and placing volunteers, more important over the years. Whereas volunteers used to be a natural part of organizations and although they are still around in large numbers, the diversity among them has increased. This has implications for volunteering organisations who must now determine whether their current programs and practices are also suitable for modern volunteers. Results obtained by research among those who participated in specific projects and or events through Stichting Laluz, indicate that volunteers who give service through brokerage organizations do not necessarily have different motivations than other volunteers. However, Laluz is a new instrument within the volunteer infrastructure that effectively matches supply and demand within the modern volunteer society and addresses a specific audience of potential volunteers: young professionals. Originally the aim was to place these young professionals in larger policy assignments. Over time one day events, still policy oriented, were introduced. This research shows the added value of Laluz a convenient channel through which people can respond to many flexible volunteer opportunities which seems to be attractive for this audience. At the same time it also shows that a diversity of brokerage institutions as part of the volunteer infrastructure is needed because Laluz seems to be able to attract those people to their program who 12

13 would not necessarily volunteer otherwise. In that sense, barriers to participate in volunteer work are eliminated and both recruitability and volunteerability seem to improve. Therefore we consider it necessary that foundations and other parties that want to develop a culture of philanthropy need to make investments in a broad set of such intermediary organisations. 13

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