Hello, Chicago Okinawa Kenjinkai members,

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1 Hello, Chicago Okinawa Kenjinkai members, I hope that you are enjoying the summer and doing well. The annual picnic had many attendees and the good weather helped us. There were fun games, prizes, and dances, seeing friends, and meeting newcomers while eating delicious foods. It was nice meeting you in person. The picnic was a success with the help of many volunteers. This was my first Kenjinkai event as an officer and would have been disaster without volunteers, officers, and most of all your participation. I have very sad news. Our Treasurer Alicia Berenz suddenly passed away August 7th, She was only 24 years old. She worked hard at the annual picnic greeting attendees with a beautiful smile, updating the member list, collecting membership fees, and other tasks. We were excited to have one of our Okinawan youth joining the ranks as an officer. One responsibility as Treasurer is preparing the financial statement for our newsletter. Please understand we are not posting the financial statement in this edition. We will post the statement and announce a new Treasurer in the next newsletter. We will get through this difficult time with you. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family. Sincerely yours, Mieko Zukeran シカゴ 沖 縄 県 人 会 の 皆 様 チャ ガンジュウシミソーミ ( 皆 さん お 元 気 ですか ) 恒 例 のピクニックは 天 候 に 恵 まれ 役 100 人 の 沢 山 の メンバーの 参 加 で 盛 大 でした ゲーム 景 品 踊 りと 盛 り 沢 山 と 友 達 や 新 メンバーとユンタク( 話 )をし 美 味 し い 料 理 を 食 べながら 交 流 を 深 める 事 ができたかと 思 います 会 長 して 最 初 のイベントでしたので 皆 様 の 参 加 と 寄 付 ボランテヤの 方 々 役 員 のご 協 力 のおかげで 無 事 実 施 できました 大 変 有 難 う 御 座 いました 皆 様 に 大 変 悲 しいニュースをお 知 らせ 致 します シカゴ 沖 縄 県 人 会 役 員 会 計 担 当 のアリシア.べレンズさんが8 月 7 日 突 然 他 界 しました 享 年 24 歳 でした 彼 女 は ピクニックの 時 に 受 付 で 笑 顔 で 皆 様 を 迎 え 会 費 集 め メン バーリストの 更 新 その 他 色 々と 忙 しく 活 動 してました 又 財 務 諸 表 をニュースレターに 載 せるのもアリシアが 担 当 してました 将 来 の 若 者 メンバーの 中 心 人 物 に 成 長 の 期 待 が 持 たれていたので 大 変 残 念 です 彼 女 の 短 い 人 生 を 祝 い 謹 んで 冥 福 をお 祈 り 致 します 今 回 は 財 務 諸 表 は 掲 載 しませんので 皆 様 のご 理 解 を 請 けたまれば 有 難 く 存 じます 皆 様 ご 健 康 に 気 を 付 けてお 元 気 で 瑞 慶 覧 美 江 子 会 長 次 に 会 うのを 楽 しみにしてます

2 By Vice President Linda Everitt Our annual Chicago Okinawa Kenjinkai picnic held on July 25, 2009 was yet another successful event! Dennis Potamites with his set-up/break-down crew did a wonderful job in assuring our event would run smoothly. It was a beautiful day, after some of the clouds went away and everyone enjoyed themselves, partaking in the generous amounts of food and activities with fun prizes. A big THANK YOU to Yukie Saucedo for creating and organizing games for the children as well as the adults. The fishing game had kids tittering with joy, as did the relay race. Thank you to all the volunteers who assisted with the games! Yukie also led us in the RAJIO TAISO, which brought almost all of us to our feet for a little stretching exercise common in Okinawa parking lots in the early mornings. The raffle was a big success as people were battling for the grand prizes. Up for grabs this year was an electric fish broiler, a Sony multi region DVD player and a Nintendo Wii entertainment system. Laughter could be heard from all corners of the picnic grove. Congratulations, to all of you who won prizes! An impromptu sanshin session happened under the awning, with the familiar sounds floating across the picnic area. Line dance lessons took place and obon dances were rehearsed as well. The taiko group practiced/performed to the attentive crowd. Joy spread across the lawn as our children's taiko group, which has been organized by Minori Yamaki, performed for those in attendance. Many familiar faces were present and we welcomed new members and friends to our ever-expanding "family". Thank you for participating and joining in on the "fun in the sun"! We know some of you have come from afar as well as neighboring towns. If you missed this year's picnic, we hope you can join us next year-- look for the new date for 2010 in a future newsletters or on our web site at Please view some of our 2009 picnic happenings put together by Tom Corrao on our website.

3 By: Dr. G. P. Yeh High Energy Physicist, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Okinawa Uchina Goodwill Ambassador The people, leaders, and friends of Okinawa in Japan, together with the United States and other worldwide participants have been working together towards a great, wonderful future for Okinawa. In the year 2000, Okinawa Governor Inamine enabled five graduate students to study at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois. Then in 2001, Japan s Finance Minister Omi announced a mission to create a new graduate university in Okinawa. Since then Governor Inamine and Governor Nakaima, along with Commanding General of Marine Corps forces Japan, General and Mrs. Gregson, and other leaders as well as the people of Okinawa, have been creating a new International School and improving the teaching of English in Okinawa s schools. Because of their efforts, Okinawa is becoming a great and beautiful centerpiece to Asia. The Japanese Governments, Finance Minister Omi, Former Governor Inamine, Governor Nakaima, the people of Okinawa, and other leaders of Japan, as well as many worldwide leaders of science including 15 Nobel Laureates, have been creating Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) to be a world class graduate university. The objectives of OIST are to contribute to the worldwide advancement of science and technology and create a leading intellectual hub in the Asia-Pacific region. The key concepts of OIST are the best in the world, Flexible, International, Global networking, and Industry collaboration. The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology School Corporation Act stipulates the establishment of the Graduate University as an independent special school corporation, and enables OIST to open in ( Many of the alumni of Christ King School in Okinawa have been very successful in arts, sciences, medicine, business, education, and family lives in the US, Canada, Philippines, Guam, Japan, Okinawa, and other parts of the world. Okinawa has enriched our lives in many ways. Thanks to Okinawa, Christ the King School was very special and provided the students with an excellent international education. For example, In 1967 I personally came from Taiwan to Okinawa entering Christ King School without knowing the English or Japanese languages. Thanks to the great principals, teachers and classmates at Christ King School I made it through. In 1971, I was accepted to MIT and then started a wonderful journey in physics, science, technology, and education. I now enjoy the Universe and life on Earth. In support of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Governor Nakaima is establishing Okinawa Amicus International School (OAIS) for children both in Okinawa and from abroad. Students graduating from the Okinawa Amicus International School should have the ability and skills to enter the best universities in US or Japan. ( OIST and graduates of OAIS will help to improve science and technology, advance important progress in sustainable, safe, clean energy, food and water, climate and environment, disease control and medical treatment, education, and world collaboration. The people of Okinawa are already enjoying the world's highest longevity, and plan to have the best healthcare and best life. Okinawa Amicus International School and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology will provide Okinawa with a great and wondrous future.

4 By Keith Graff Eisa dancing is big on Okinawa. Kids of all ages as well as adults are involved in this tradition, that dates back to time immemorial. In Japan, Eisa dancing is associated with the Bon holidays. In most prefectures across the region, it takes place a day or two before the three-day holiday and lasts through the final day of the celebration. The origin of Eisa in mainland Japan traces its roots back to Buddhist traditions wherein it is believed that for three days the spirits of the ancestors come back to walk the earth and be with their families. The dancing is believed to console the souls of the dead as well as honor them. In Okinawa, Taoist style Ancestors worship is the stronger influence. This is a hold over from the days when they were and independent kingdom with very close ties to China. Here on tiny Okinawa, where the people have always marched to the beat of a different drummer, the Eisa season begins much earlier than mainland Japan. Many of us who live here notice gatherings of young people at the local community centers, parks or schools beginning in sometime in late June. By early July, the night air is filled with the sounds of Taiko Drums and chanting. Eisa dancers wear brightly colored traditional garb as they perform. As they beat the drums, they chant and dance to the rhythm of the music. Some groups get quite athletic to the point of almost being acrobatic in their jumps and shouts. By mid July, street festivals are starting and the groups (Some organized by their community and others organized by their employers) are meeting and competing against each other to see who has the best Eisa. By the end of July, whole cities are holding competitions, at large public venues such as city stadiums, where groups from all over the island archipelago gather and compete. The biggest gatherings are down towards the southern end of the island in the capitol city of Naha, its suburbs of Urasoe, Ginowan, Chatan, and Okinawa city. The northern city of Nago, where the inhabitants do not like to play second fiddle to anyone, they incorporate it into one of the largest summer festivals on the island. The Grand-Daddy Eisa of them all however is in Naha where they hold the annual Eisa parade. Here over 10,000 Eisa dancers will perform for a crowd at least ten times their number. The whole extravaganza takes over five hours to complete and extraordinary effort goes in to coordinating and moving the performers in and around this tightly packed stretch of Kokusai (International) street, in densely packed downtown Naha. The whole street festival is a smorgasbord of performers ranging in age from three or four to well into their fifties. Serious groups participate alongside fun loving groups of children as well as groups of special needs performers. The best part of it all is that everyone has a blast, especially the performers. Perhaps that is what makes it so enjoyable for everyone to watch.

5 エイサー By Meiko Zukeran エイサーと 言 えば 沖 縄 沖 縄 と 言 えばエイサーが 思 い 浮 かぶ 程 沖 縄 に 根 づいている 伝 統 芸 能 子 供 の 頃 は 旧 南 風 原 村 喜 屋 武 のエイサー を 観 にいくのが 楽 しみでした エイサーはサンシンの 歌 にあわせ 大 太 鼓 中 太 鼓 ( 締 め 太 鼓 )や 小 太 鼓 (パーランクー)を 叩 き リズム に 合 わせ 掛 け 声 (フェ シ)を 出 しながら 踊 ります エイサーは 旧 盆 の 最 初 の 日 (ウンケー)に 現 世 に 戻 ってきた 祖 先 の 霊 があの 世 に 帰 りたがらないので お 盆 の 最 後 の 日 (ウークイ)に 太 鼓 を 叩 いて 脅 かし 祖 先 の 霊 をあの 世 に 迎 り 出 す 念 仏 踊 りから 伝 統 芸 能 に 発 達 したとされてます 今 でも 地 域 によっては その 年 に 亡 く なった 家 を 一 件 一 件 巡 り 祖 先 の 霊 を 供 養 する 習 慣 が 残 ってます 念 仏 踊 りが 本 土 の 念 仏 信 仰 者 によって 沖 縄 に 伝 えられ それが 沖 縄 風 にエイサーとして 発 展 したものと 言 われてます エイサーは 地 域 で 独 特 の 趣 があり 一 概 に 言 えません 戦 争 直 後 は エイサーは 人 々の 心 のよりどころとなり 建 て 直 しを 盛 り 上 げたとされ 近 年 では エイサー 大 会 などでお 祭 りの 風 靡 がある が 沖 縄 に 限 らず 世 界 中 に 移 民 して 行 った 沖 縄 県 人 や 子 孫 の 沖 縄 伝 統 継 承 と 沖 縄 に 関 心 を 深 める 役 割 にもなっています 今 では YouTube で 沖 縄 や 世 界 中 の 各 地 域 のエイサーやシカゴ 沖 縄 県 人 会 Performance Group が 沢 山 のっているので 沖 縄 が 身 近 に 感 じる ものです 一 度 試 してみたら 如 何 でしょうか If you mention Eisa, Okinawa will come to mind. If you mention Okinawa, Eisa will come to mind. This is because Eisa is deeply rooted in Okinawa culture. When I was small child, I looked forward to seeing Eisa at Kyan, in Haebaru village. Eisa dancers there played the large drum, the medium drum (Shime daiko) and the small drum (Per run kuu), and they shout (he-shi) to the rhythm along with the Sanshin (Okinawan traditional three string instrument). Eisa dances are performed for the spirits of our ancestors. During Obon, it is believed that the spirits of our ancestors descend to the living world on the first day of Obon (unke). The spirits of the ancestors then return to their world the last day of Obon (ukui). During their stay, it is said they enjoy the living world so much that they do not wish to depart when ukui arrives. Therefore, the loud noise of drums is used to scare the spirits along with the Eisa dance, which helps them to return to their world. This is why Eisa has become a Traditional dance of Okinawa. In some areas of Okinawa, Eisa dancers visit each home, which lost a family member during the year, and they pray for their ancestor s spirit. It is believed that eisa was first brought to Okinawa by Buddhists from mainland Japan. The eisa developed into a new variety of techniques and styles that are now unique to each village. After the World War II, Eisa brought joy to hearts of the people, and uplift the mood and helped in the rebuilding of Okinawa. Recently, Eisa has become increasingly more popular with many performances taking on a show like atmosphere. This is good in a way though because it deepens peoples interest in Okinawan traditions around the world, not just in people living in Okinawa, but also their descendants who have immigrated to all over the world. Now days, you can view Eisa dances from all over the world and even from the Chicago Okinawa Kenjinkai on YouTube. You should check it out as it may bring you feel closer to Okinawa.

6 By: Tom Corrao Article Complied from Internet Sources The Okinawa Prefectural Government recognized Ryukyu glass as a traditional craftwork of Okinawa in 1998; however, the distinctive glass traces its roots to well before World War II. It is said that artisans came nearly 100 years ago from Kyushu and the Osaka areas to Okinawa with the knowledge of glass making. In the beginning, they would create the necessities of daily life such as lamp chimneys, medicine bottles and jars. During World War II though, heavy bombing destroyed much of the island and in turn the infrastructure of Okinawa's glass industry. This required the Okinawan people to become more resourceful in finding new ways of acquiring resources and materials for glass making. They soon discovered that sailors living aboard ships anchored off Okinawa would throw their coke bottles overboard into the ocean and the surf would wash them up on the shore where the Okinawan people would collect them for the glass they needed. In fact, the Americans living in Okinawa provided many of the raw materials used to rebuild Okinawa after World War II. After the war, many Okinawans had very little and realized that they would need to come up with new ways of acquiring income for daily living. At first, the glass bottles they found were cut and used for common uses such as drinking cups. Soon they realized that things could be made from the glass that could be sold to the very people who were providing the resources. The materials from the U.S. military occupation of Okinawa soon became the initial source for what has now became a very distinctive style of glassware. The glassware now epitomizes Okinawan ingenuity and resourcefulness at using the materials at hand in a new and interesting ways. Looking at the colors of Ryukyu glass is like looking into Okinawa s crystal blue oceans and seeing the multi-colored coral forms and brightly colored fish beneath the water. A collection of glass is truly an amazing sight. The process of making Ryukyu glass starts with finely crushing the bottles and then putting the pulverized glass into a melting kiln. The artisan then scoops up a gob of molten glass on the end of his pipe and blows it. While blowing, he rolls the molten glass creating its unique shape. The glass may be returned to a roasting kiln during the process to keep the glass molten before adding the finishing touches to the piece. The finished glassware will crack if cooled too fast, so it is allowed to cool slowly in a low-heat kiln. After Okinawa s reversion back to Japan in 1972, promotional tours to Okinawa began from mainland Japan and Ryukyu glass became a favorite souvenir among Japanese tourists. The artisans began using new raw materials to add variations in the colors of the pieces. The artisans learned to enhance color development by adding cobalt to the blue, manganese oxide to the purples, and platina to the reds. As a result, Ryukyu glass now features clear and vivid reds, blues, greens, browns and so forth. When we think of glass as an object, we normally associated it with hardness and sharpness. However, some of the hand blown pieces of glass from Okinawa have a more organic and almost gelatinous quality to them. Bubbles are added to the glass in a highly skilled process that adds an artistic quality to the pieces. The bubbles are added to the glass for beauty and artistic individuality and are not considered imperfections. In some pieces, the bubbles appear to be precisely placed into the glass creating new and unique patterns. Some even say that the bubbles in Ryukyu Glass seem like bubbles in the beautiful seas surrounding Okinawa. As you would expect there are masters of the art of Ryukyu glass making in Okinawa now and the good news is that there are many young Okinawans eager to learn the skills necessary to take this craft forward into the coming generations.

7 Masuimi Max Everitt Date of Birth: November 18, 2008 Weight: 8 lbs Born to: Kenji & Jessica In Orange California Okinawa Goodwill Ambassadors Ikuko Nichols and Tom Corrao worked the Okinawan Cultures Booth at the 28th Annual Japan Day event sponsored by the MidAmerica Japanese Club. The event was held on June 13th & 14th at the Forest View Educational Center in Arlington Heights, IL. The Okinawan cultures booth displayed traditional bingata cloths, Okinawan karate weapons, Ryukyu hand-blown glass products, and gave out samples of traditional foods like black cane sugar from Okinawa and Andagi doughnuts. Many members of the Chicago Okinawa Kenjinkai also volunteered their time to speak with visitors at the booth about Okinawa and Okinawan Culture. Thousands of people showed up at Mitsuwa Marketplace on August 1st 2009 for the annual Bon festival. Many of our members were present and wore traditional yukata. Some members like Yoshiko Juravic (pictured to the right) and Ikuko Nichols helped others in the crowd to follow the dances by demonstrating techniques while dancing. Everyone had a wonderful time celebrating the holiday.

8 Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Chicago Okinawa Kenjinkai will not be able to publish our financial statement in this edition of the quarterly newsletter. We will publish a combined financial report in the fall edition of our newsletter. If you have questions, you may contact any of the organizations officers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank You very much for your patience. On August 2 nd, 2009, the officers of the Chicago Okinawa Kenjinkai met and discussed the possible creation of an online resource that would archive the memories of our membership in regards to their experiences while still living in Okinawa and after coming to the Chicago area. Some of us who were born in the United States could also offer a different perspective to the project by telling stories and facts that we experienced with the Okinawa Kenjinkai. The intent of this resource would be to capture and share the history surrounding the uchinanchu people who through many different avenues ended up in the Chicago area. The information could be provided in writing if a person wishes to sit down and write out their experience that they wanted to share. Another means would be by interview with an officer who may take notes or record the session on tape so that it could be transcribe to text later. If you are interested in helping build this Historical Archive, please contact on of the Kenjinkai Officer by or telephone. MIEKO ZUKERAN 1 (847) miko59@gmail.com LINDA EVERITT only please oki4taiko@yahoo.com WALLY JURAVIC 1 (847) wjuravic@sbcglobal.net DENNIS POTAMITES 1 (847) potoesan@aol.com TOM CORRAO 1 (262) tcorrao@wi.rr.com The Mexico Okinawa Kenjinkai will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in November 21 and 22, within the Mexico-Japan 400 year relationship celebration initiated by both governments of Japan and Mexico. The Chicago Okinawa Kenjinkai will be producing a congratulatory video to the Mexico Okinawa Kenjinkai in the very near future. This will be similar to the video we made for the Cuban celebration. If you would like to participate in this video production, please contact one of our officers. A link has been placed on the main menu of our web site with more information about the event if you would like to attend. It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of our organizations Treasurer Born on September 12, 1985 in Chicago she passed away August 07, The Chicago Okinawa Kenjinkai wishes to express our deepest sympathy to the Berenz family. We believe Friends are like the pillars on a porch. Sometimes they hold you up and sometimes they lean on you for support, In instances like this it is always nice to know that they are standing by if you need them. Alicia was a friend and a benefit to our organization she will be sadly missed. May she rest in peace.

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