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1 Fivefold Path Mission presents (Training Manual)

2 Contents Evergreen Revolution... Documentation... Benefits of Organic Farming... GMOs - Biological Time-Bomb... Why?... What is?... How Does Work?... What is Agnihotra?... Materials Required for Agnihotra... Agnihotra Mantras... Agnihotra Procedure... How Does Agnihotra Work?... Resonance Point Vermicompost Gloria Biosol Application of Homa Therapy in Organic Farming Soil & Water Improvement with Friends of the Farmer - Cow Earthworm Honeybee Homa Therapy Pest & Disease Management Examples of Homa Therapy Pest & Disease Management Testimonies of Homa Farmers Appendix 1: Why by Vasant V. Paranjpe Appendix 2: Agnihotra - a New Dimension Appendix 3: Europeans Beware Appendix 4: Report from Braunschweig University, Germany Appendix 5: Agnihotra Ash for Water Purification Appendix 6: Report from Agricultural University in Peru Appendix 7: Homa Vermiculture by Dr Gloria Guzman Photo Album Copyright Bruce Johnson 2008 Published by Fivefold Path Mission Homa Therapy Go Shala P.O. Mandaleshwar, Maheshwar Dist: Khargone, M.P. Price: Rs 75 2

3 Evergreen Revolution There can be no more business as usual. World food is in crisis. In the last 2 years we have consumed more food than we produced. Per acre production of food grains is decreasing. Soil condition is deteriorating. Nutrients and micro-organisms are disappearing from the soil. Horticulture crops are coming under attack from new pests and diseases. GMOs (e.g. Bt cotton) are causing serious problems. Ground water supplies are being depleted. Acid rain, ozone holes. Pollution in atmosphere, soil and water. Radiation, man-made and natural. All these combine to destroy the top six inches of soil on which our life depends. Satellite pictures show that trees in the Amazon rainforest are sick. If they die there will not be enough oxygen to breathe. Scientists have no solution. No modern technology exists to deal with this multi-sided attack Which technology can improve soil, purify water, neutralize pollution in the atmosphere, improve the functioning ability of earthworms and honey bees while simultaneously increasing per acre production of harvest? The answer lies in the super technology of Vruksha Ayurveda which is now presented as - HOMA Organic Farming 3

4 Documentation Has anyone seen the results of this technology in modern times? Yes! Successful application of has been documented by agronomical engineers connected with the Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Peru, in South America, on all crops grown in the Amazon region, on 3,000 acres simultaneously with observations for seven months. Translation from original Spanish document signed and sealed by the Ministry of the Presidency- INADE (National Institute of Development) Republic of Peru, The Headquarters of the Zone Leoncio Prado-Padre Abad Certifies: That since 7 months ago, in the area of Alto Huallaga, an Organic and Ecological technique called HOMA THERAPY, is being applied in the rejuvenation of the crops of the region, achieving to substantially reduce the existence of different pathogenic agents. As a consequence, plagues and diseases were eradicated, the yield of the harvest was increased, the fruit grew healthy, with better color, taste, weight, texture, etc. Since many years, efforts have been made to overcome the critical situation regarding plant health, with methods such as: cultural control, chemical control, biological control, legal control, etc., without having achieved any success. In the zone of Alto Huallaga to date we have established 30 modules and more are being installed in agricultural areas in which HOMA THERAPY is being applied, each one with 40 hectares. This makes a total of about 1,200 hectares. All of them are under an integrated system of perennial crops such as plantain, bananas, papaya, cocoa, citrus, avocados, coffee, tea, star fruit, mango, etc. These are combined with annual crops of a short vegetative cycle such as rice, corn, soya bean, nuts, sesame, etc., and complemented with apiculture and cattle rearing. We give full support to Dr. Gloria Guzman Mendez in her capacity as expert and the person in charge of AGRICULTURAL HOMA THERAPY in our area of influence and we have considered to give total support to the farmers who have been working in the application of HOMA THERAPY because with their work, they are making a contribution in favor of agriculture, of the conservation of soils, forests and the preservation of the environment in the area of Alto Huallaga. Tingo Maria, May 17th, 1999 MINISTRY OF THE PRESIDENCY-INADE Special Project Alto Huallaga (Signature) Engineer Jose A. Munoz Cardenas Chief, Support Office of the Zone L.P.-P.A. 4

5 Benefits of Organic Farming 1. Energy savings Studies over the past three years have shown that, on average, organically grown crops use 25 per cent less energy than their chemical cousins. 2. Reduction in greenhouse gases The production of ammonium nitrate fertiliser, which is indispensable to conventional farming, produces vast quantities of nitrous oxide a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential some 320 times greater than that of CO Water saving Agriculture is officially the most thirsty industry on the planet, consuming a staggering 72 per cent of all global freshwater. Organic farming uses much less water. 4. Globalisation problems avoided The average meal in the west travels more than 1,000 km from farm to kitchen. The organic movement was born out of a commitment to provide local food for local people. 5. Pesticides eliminated The World Health Organization estimates that there are at least 20,000 accidental deaths worldwide each year from pesticide exposure and poisoning. Organic systems encourage a variety of natural methods to enhance soil and plant health, in turn reducing incidences of pests, weeds and disease, and thereby eliminating the need for pesticides. 6. Smaller environmental impact The trend towards intensive farming is largely responsible for negative ecosystem impacts over recent years. Organic farms actively encourage bio-diversity in order to maintain soil fertility and aid natural pest control. 7. Improved nutrition and health A 2001 study found that organic crops contained higher levels of 21 essential nutrients than their conventionally grown counterparts, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin C. The organic crops also contained lower levels of nitrates, which can be toxic to the body. 8. Seed-saving The FAO estimates that 75 per cent of the genetic diversity of agricultural crops has been lost over the past 100 years. Only about 150 species are cultivated on any significant scale worldwide. Traditionally, farming communities have saved seeds year-on-year, both in order to save costs and to trade with their neighbours. 9. Jobs protection There is no doubt, worldwide farming is in crisis. Thousands of farmers leave the land every day all over the world. Organic farming reverses this trend. By its nature, organic production relies on labour-intensive management practices. 10. Sustainability Agro-chemical farming is totally unsustainable. Farmers of India are known as the farmers of 40 centuries. Of course, they were Organic farmers. Scientists Promote Organic Farming International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) Report published in April, 2008 after 4 years of research by a team of 400 scientists. Conclusion: Small-scale organic farms are the way of the future. Indigenous and local knowledge will play just as important a role as formal science. Business as usual is not an option. GMO crops are a big disaster. Chemical agriculture is a major cause of global warming. 5

6 GMOs - Biological Time-Bomb The case against GMOs Yields GMO c rops have alway s c ome with promis es of increased yiel ds f or farmer s, but this has rarely been the cas e. A three-yea r study of 87 vil lages in Warangal district, AP found that non-bt cotton consistentl y produced 30 per cen t higher yie lds than the (m ore expens ive) GM alternativ e. It is now wide ly acce pted that GM soybea ns produ ce consistentl y lower yield s tha n conventional var ieties. In 1992, Monsanto' s o wn trials showed that the com pany' s Rou ndup Re ady soybe ans yield per cent les s on harvest. Later Mons anto studie s went o n to rev eal that s ome tri als of GM canola cr ops in Australia actually produced yie lds 16 p er cent b elow the non-gm national average. ocst GM crop s cost farme rs and government s m ore mone y than the y are makin g. An independent stud y found that Bt cotton crop s i n India were costing farmer s 10% more than non-bt v ariants and br inging in 40% lo wer pro fits. Between 2001 an d 2005, more than 32, 000 Indian farmer s com mitted s uicide, m ost as a res ult of mounting de bts caus ed by inade quate crop s. Increase i n herbicide use Her bicide us e o n the major crop s increased mor e tha n 15 tim es between 1994 ( when GM cr ops we re first introduce d) and A new genera tion of superweed s have emerged on far ms in North Americ a. Wee ds have become resis tant to glyphosate herbic ide. Pest resistance Fa r from reducing dependency on pesticid es and fertiliser s, GM cr ops freque ntly increas e farmer s' relian ce o n thes e product s. Pes ts, suc h as the diamondbac k moth, hav e been quic k to develo p resistanc e to B t toxin, a nd in 2007 swar ms of meal y bugs began attacking suppose dly pest-resistant Bt cotton in In dia. Contamination Contamination and cross-fertilisation betwe en G MO and non-gmo c rops ' has happened on m any occ asions already' accor ding to a report in Ne w Scientist magazine. I n 2006, a n analys is of 40 Spanish conventional and organi c far ms found that eight wer e contaminated with GM corn var ieties, incl uding one farmer whos e crop contained p er c ent GM plants. Harmful fo r biodiversity GM O cr ops have proven more harmf ul f or biodivers ity than conventional chemica l agriculture. More wa ter requirement GM O cr ops req uire more wate r tha n th eir chemical counter parts. More suscepti ble to diseases GMO crop s ar e more susceptible to disease s and climate extremes on ac count of geneti c uniformi ty. Untested saf ety issues Despi te the best effor ts of the biotech industr y, consumers remain staunc hly opposed to GM fo od. The resul ts of tes ts on anim als expos ed to GM cr ops give seriou s cause for concern ov er their safe ty. Continued dependence on fertilizers and fossil fuels No geneticall y modi fied cro p has yet eliminate d the need for chemical fertiliser s in or der to achie ve expected yiel ds. In a world that will soo n have to c hange i ts vie w of farm ing, f acing as it does the twin challenges of clima te change and p eak oil, GM cr ops w ill soon come to look lik e a re lic of bygone practice s. 6 GMOs are Biological Pollution

7 Why? Due to hybrid and compound pollution some western Scientists think that we have reached a stage which may be termed 'Irreversible'. Organic farming methods which used to give wonderful results even fifteen years ago now fail to do so, due to hybrid pollution. The solution is: HOMA Organic Farming Nutrition through Atmosphere Homa injects nutrients into the atmosphere to prevent disease and bring natural predators. Modern science speaks only of soil analysis and water analysis but not about the atmosphere. Ancient science of HOMA Therapy states that more than 75% of nutrition to plants and soil comes through the atmosphere. So if you make the atmosphere more nutritious and fragrant by HOMA, a type of protective coating comes on plants and diseases, fungi, pests, etc, do not thrive. Plants' capacity to breathe increases and the toxic effect of choking to death due to atmospheric toxins is eliminated. Transition Period Problem Farmers making the transition from chemical to organic farming generally face the following difficulties: Low yields Poor appearances and size of produce does not meet commercial standards Insects and pest attack from neighbouring fields The Solution All these problems are totally solved with - HOMA Organic Farming Quantity of harvest per acre will be greater than that grown by any method known to modern science, whether it is organic, chemical or cultural. The harvesting time is reduced and therefore the interest the farmer has to pay on loans from banks will be reduced. The taste of HOMA produce is better than that produced by any other method for the same variety. There is improvement in colour and texture of the harvest. HOMA produce has a longer shelf-life than that grown by any known modern method. This is important from the marketing point of view. Natural predators appear automatically. Disease resistance increases. Cost of production is much less compared with other methods. See Appendix 1: Why? by Vasant V. Paranjpe 7

8 What is? the ancient Vedic Science of Yajnya. How Works HOMA Organic Farming means the application of HOMA Therapy in agriculture. HOMA Therapy means healing the environment, the atmosphere, and all of life using HOMA means Yajnya or Havan. We use these terms interchangeably. The backbone of this ancient science of HOMA Therapy is Agnihotra. Agnihotra is the smallest and basic HOMA which is performed exactly at sunrise and sunset every day. Agnihotra and HOMA Therapy can be practised easily by anyone irrespective of caste, religion, gender, age or race. In HOMA Organic Farming two more simple Homas are practised Vyahruti Homa and Om Tryambakam Homa. is holistic healing for agriculture and can be used in conjunction with any good organic farming system. By practising one can grow maximum yield in minimum agricultural area and keep the soil fertile, the water pure and the atmosphere nutritious. The soil, water, atmosphere, subsoil water are all polluted by metallic, nonmetallic and gaseous toxicants of different types. The soil in large areas of forest is nearly dead. THE SOIL NEEDS TO BE REJUVENATED FIRST BY HOMA THERAPY. In the rejuvenated soil different types of microorganisms, starting from the level of viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, thrive. Thus, a healthy micro-flora and micro-fauna is created. This gives rise to a micro environment or micro-system which is comparatively less toxic to the growing plants. The soil which has now become a living soil because of the presence of micro organisms has all the chemical components useful for life in the form of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. According to modern theory, these three together form life in the form of bacteria. We have e.g. nitrogen fixing bacteria, also bacteria working on phosphorus content of soil. After the creation of such micro environment, creatures like earthworms thrive. They eat the soil, digest it and again replenish the soil. It has been found that when Agnihotra ash is added through normal soil it increases the water soluble phosphate content of the soil and the nutrients are absorbed readily by the root hairs of the plant. Absorption of mega nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash, because of small cells and active transport is helped by Homa atmosphere. We have to tell the people this is how Homa farming works. When you perform Agnihotra and YAJNYA or other HOMAS in a garden, an atmosphere is created that is conducive to growing and therefore attracts the nutrients, insects, microorganisms and animals that would be happy and thrive in that environment. This, of course, is because nature is so wonderful, it automatically benefits the soil and the plant, and the plant thrives. Same thing happens when you put the ash or use Agnihotra ash water but it works more for the plants individually - by putting the ash around the individual plants or in the beds or spraying the plants, those elements that are best for that plant are attracted to it and it thrives. Of course, we have to use basic operations of farming like weeding, organic composting, spraying with Agnihotra Ash solution, etc. 8 PRACTICE OF HOMA, HOWEVER, IS THE KEY

9 What is Agnihotra? Agnihotra, the basic healing fire of HOMA Therapy, is a small fire prepared in a copper pyramid exactly at sunrise and sunset each day. Agnihotra can neutralize the effects of pollution on plants, animals and human beings and at the same time give nourishment. Materials Required for Agnihotra PYRAMID: For Agnihotra you require a copper pyramid of specific size. Copper is a conductor for subtle energies also. RICE: Brown rice. Highly polished rice loses nutritional value and hence low polished rice. Only unbroken pieces of rice should be used for Agnihotra. If rice is broken the subtle energy structure around the material is disturbed and hence is not fit for Agnihotra healing fire. DRIED COW DUNG: Take dung from male or female progeny of a cow. Make pancake-like patties and dry them in sun. Agnihotra fire is to be prepared from this dried cow dung. Cow dung is treated as medicine in all ancient cultures whether they be Indians of North or South America, Scandinavians, East or West Europeans, Africans or Asians. GHEE (clarified butter): Take some butter from cow's milk, which has no additives and is pure. Heat it on low heat. After the water has evaporated and white solids have risen to the top pass the liquid through a fine strainer. What passes through is clarified butter (Ghee). This can last without refrigeration for a long time. Ghee is a very special medicinal substance. When used in Agnihotra fire it acts as a carrier agent for subtle energies. Powerful energy is locked up in this material. TIMINGS: Agnihotra is practised exactly at sunrise and sunset each day. Computergenerated timetables are available for any place using software developed in Germany. How to Make Ghee Last for One Month First, obtain two litres of pure cow's milk. Heat the milk, let it cool down, then add a little yoghurt. In one or two days it will all be converted to yoghurt. It can then be churned by hand with a wooden instrument, clockwise and anti-clockwise to produce butter. From this, about 50g ghee can be produced. Use only one drop of ghee for the two portions of rice offered in each Agnihotra, and also just one drop of ghee applied to one piece of dried cow dung for lighting the fire. Then two drops of ghee per Agnihotra will be enough for one month of Agnihotra fires. 9

10 Mantras for Homa Therapy There are vibrations that exist every-where. It is only vibrations when you go into it. Where there is vibration there is also sound. When we do these Mantras, the sounds we utter activate these special vibrations that will create certain atmosphere of effects. Then the desired results are realised. These vibrations exist for everything, so anything can be activated, controlled or changed by Mantras. Agnihotra Mantras AT SUNRISE sooryáya swáhá sooryáya idam na mama Add the first portion of rice after Swáhá. Prajápataye swáhá prajápataye idam na mama Add the second portion of rice after Swáhá. AT SUNSET Agnaye swáhá agnaye idam na mama Add the first portion of rice after Swáhá. prajápataye swáhá prajápataye idam na mama Add the second portion of rice after Swáhá. Agnihotra should be performed every day at sunrise and sunset. Vyahruti Mantra bhooh swáhá agnaye idam na mama Add a drop of ghee after swáhá. bhuwah swáhá wáyawe idam na mama Add a drop of ghee after swáhá. swah swáhá sooryáya idam na mama Add a drop of ghee after swáhá. bhoor bhuwah swah swáhá Prajápataye idam na mama Add a spoonful of ghee after swáhá. Vyahruti Homa can be performed at any time except sunrise and sunset. It is also performed when commencing Om Tryambakam Homa. Om Tryambakam Mantra Om tryambakam yajámahe sugandhim pushti wardhanam urwárukamiwa bandhanán mrutyor muksheeya mámrutát swáhá Add a drop of ghee after swáhá. Om Tryambakam Homa should be performed at least 4 hours every day. It should also performed for 24 hours on full moon and no moon days. 10

11 Agnihotra Procedure A few minutes before the actual time of sunrise and sunset you should start to prepare the Agnihotra fire as follows: Place a flat piece of dried cow dung at the bottom of the copper pyramid. Arrange pieces of dried cow dung in the pyramid in such a manner as will allow air to pass. Apply a little Ghee to a small piece of cow dung and light it. Insert this lighted piece of cow dung in the middle of the pyramid. Soon all the dung in the pyramid will catch fire. You may use a hand fan to blow the air and help the flame. However, do not blow on the fire so as to avoid bacteria from the mouth affecting the fire. Do not use any mineral oil or similar material to start the fire. At sunrise and sunset the fire should be ablaze in the pyramid. You take a few grains of rice in a dish or your left palm and apply a few drops of ghee to them. Exactly at sunrise utter the first Mantra and after the word SWAHA add a few grains of rice (as little as you can hold in the pinch of your fingers will suffice) to the fire. Utter the second Mantra and after the word SWAHA add a few grains of rice to the fire. This completes morning Agnihotra. At sunset do the same by using evening Mantras. This completes evening Agnihotra. If you miss the timing it is not Agnihotra and you will not get the healing effect on the atmosphere or in the ash. After each Agnihotra try to spare as many minutes as you can for meditation. You can sit at least till the fire extinguishes itself. Agnihotra creates medicinal and healing atmosphere. Just before the next Agnihotra collect the ash and keep it in a glass or earthen container. It can be used for plants or making folk medicines. 11

12 How Does Agnihotra Work? The sun brings or takes the energy, which makes all conditions conducive to an antipollutionary change. It calms the world. The pyramid is the generator, the fire, the turbine. Just at morning Agnihotra all the electricities, energies, ethers are attracted to the pyramid in its shape. At sunset these energies are thrust out in same shape. This flood of energies at sunrise creates strong purifying effects on all levels wherever it touches the Earth. Agnihotra amplifies these purifying effects in the following way: This flood of subtle energies carries music with it. The morning Agnihotra Mantra is the quintessential sound of that flood. If you then prepare the fire in the prescribed copper pyramid, utter these mantras and offer the rice mixed with ghee to the fire, then a channel is being created through all the atmosphere and PRANA - life energy, is purified. Tremendous amounts of energy are gathered around the Agnihotra copper pyramid just at Agnihotra time. The pyramid is the generator, the fire, the turbine. A magnetic type field is created, one which neutralises negative energies and reinforces positive energies. When Agnihotra fire is burnt there is not just energy from the fire. The rhythms and Mantras generate subtle energies which are thrust into the atmosphere by fire. Also consider the quality of materials burnt wherein lies the full effect of this healing HOMA. Much healing energy emanates from the Agnihotra pyramid. An aura energy field is created around plants during Agnihotra. Thus plants become stronger and disease resistant. When the flame dies the energy is locked in the resultant ash. This ash is used for preparing various folk medicines. Therefore, by regular performance of morning and evening Agnihotra, you create a positive energy pattern on all levels. 12

13 Resonance Point Resonance Technique is a part of HOMA Therapy. Simple practices are used to heal large areas of diseased land in a short time. The same human effort is required to heal one or one hundred and fifty acres. Therefore we can install a RESONANCE POINT, to heal up to 150 acres of land. For this 10 new pyramids are needed which are charged with mantras and placed on the farm in a special configuration by a Homa Therapy volunteer who is authorized to install resonance points. Also 2 simple huts have to be built with inexpensive, natural materials, found locally, like wood, adobe bricks, mats, bamboo, stone, cane, etc. Nobody will live there. They are simply to protect the person performing the healing fires of HOMA Therapy from the sun, rain and to prevent animals like dogs, cats, chickens, etc. from entering. AGNIHOTRA HUT One hut, the main hut or Agnihotra hut is where the AGNIHOTRA fire is performed daily at sunrise and sunset. It is ideal to build this hut in the centre of the farm, if possible. Size should be approx. 3 x 4 meters, the longer side aligned with the EAST/WEST axis. Diagram of the Agnihotra Hut Made of natural materials like straw, straw mats, adobe bricks, bamboo, wood, stones and other easy available natural materials. Minimum 3 m 4 m N W Floor is 1 ft elevated with clay, stones, adobe bricks, wood, etc. S E Near the EAST wall and parallel to it, a hole of approximately 18 inches depth and 1 ft x 1 ft should be dug. All this should be ready before the Homa Therapy volunteers come to install and activate the resonance point. After activation, once the main pyramid is buried, a column of mud is built on top of it, to an approximate height of 18 inches and another activated pyramid is placed on top of it, directly above the buried pyramid. This way, the pyramid on the column is at heart level of the person sitting on the floor in front of the column. The pyramid on the column will not be used again, but acts as a Resonance Pyramid. Then two of the other activated pyramids are placed on smaller mud platforms on the right and left hand side in front of the main column. The one on the left is for the daily AGNIHOTRA performance and the one on the right is for the performance of other occasional fires. Altogether we have 4 pyramids in this hut. The Agnihotra hut is a place of silence, no words, other than the Mantras, are spoken inside. This way there is no interference with the subtle healing energies. This hut is the Generator of Healing energies. Inside the Agnihotra Hut (4 copper pyramids) 15 cm Floor level 13

14 Resonance Point Diagram of the Tryambakam Hut Made of natural materials Minimum 4 m 5 m (2 copper pyramids) Floor is 30 cm elevated RESONANCE COLUMNS The other four pyramids are installed on the boundary of the farm, at a maximum distance of 440m exactly north, south, east and west from the central point of resonance, i.e., the Agnihotra hut. On each point a column of mud is built, which should be at heart level of a person standing (approx.4 ft), and an activated pyramid is placed on top of the column. Small wooden boxes, if necessary with locks, can be built on top of each column, to maintain the pyramids clean and safe, when they are not in use. It is important that no rain or any other N W S E TRYAMBAKAM HUT This hut is to be little larger than the first one (4x5m). We call it the HEALING HUT or OM TRYAMBAKAM HUT. It is for sick people to sit there and they get automatically healed. It is the fire. We are doing the fires for agriculture, yet the whole area becomes healing area for sick plants, animals and human beings. In this HEALING hut, 2 pyramids are to be placed on small columns of mud. The one on the right is for OM TRYAMBAKAM HOMA and the one on the left is for AGNIHOTRA. We do 4 hours Om Tryambakam Homa daily and twenty-four hours on full and new moon days here. It is better to construct this hut at the entrance of the farm so that outsiders can come and go without disturbing the privacy of those who live and/or work on the farm. Layout of a Resonance Point on a HOMA farm E N W S Agnihotra Hut Height of resonance columns approx. 4 feet Farmhouse Tryambakam Hut The same human effort is required to heal one acre or 150 acres. This example shows a complex of 24 small farms which could cooperate as a single Resonance Point unit. This results in a sharing of the labour and costs between the farms. 14

15 Resonance Point ACTIVATION OF THE TEN RESONANCE PYRAMIDS Activation of pyramids is done in the Agnihotra hut only once in a lifetime. All pyramids are charged at the same time with fire and Mantra. After cooling down we remove the ash from all the pyramids, mix it with water and it can be given to a sick tree or any other plants in the area. The main pyramid which has been charged first will be buried in the Agnihotra hut, about 50 cm deep. It is important, that the pyramid faces exactly the same direction as when it was activated, i.e. the side which was parallel to the eastern wall during activation, should remain exactly parallel to the eastern wall when buried. The resonance pyramid on top of the column should be placed exactly over the buried pyramid and also exactly aligned as was the buried pyramid. According to ancient science, as the earth rotates, the sun contact is kept between the sun and this particular point. The performance of Agnihotra in this hut has to be started at sunset, not at sunrise. It is like switching on this point at sunset. To heal sick plants, to rejuvenate the earth and to improve the quality of the water, AGNIHOTRA should be performed daily at Fires to Heal 60 Hectares (150 Acres) Daily: Agnihotra at sunrise and sunset 4 hours of Om Tryambakam Homa Full Moon/New Moon: Agnihotra at sunrise and sunset 24 hours of Om Tryambakam Homa exact timings given by computer according to the longitude and latitude of the specific farm. Also a minimum of 4 hours of OM TRYAMBAKAM HOMA should be performed daily. On full moon and new moon, 24 hours or as near as possible to 24 hours of OM TRYAMBAKAM HOMA should be performed. These guidelines are to be followed in order to: - heal plants from fungi, bacteria, harmful insects, nematodes, weevils, viruses, etc. - control weeds - produce abundant and healthy crops. Along with the healing fires application of AGNIHOTRA ASH-WATER SOLUTION, BIOSOL and COMPOST (i.e. VERMICOMPOST) is recommended. The quality of the production will be superior in quantity, taste, texture, color, nutritional value, disease resistance and reduction of harvesting losses. Some Important Points For exact calculations of sunrise/sunset Agnihotra timings we use computer software developed in Germany, which uses a certain definition for sunrise/sunset (as given by the Rishis according to Vruksha Ayurveda) If Om Tryambakam Homa is being performed and time of sunrise/sunset is coming, it will be interrupted briefly and Agnihotra is performed in the left hand pyramid. Immediately after, Om Tryambakam Homa can be resumed. Keep Agnihotra ash and Om Tryambakam ash in separate vessels. Only Agnihotra ash is used as medicine for humans, plants and animals. Om Tryambakam Homa ash can be added to compost or put directly onto the field. Before entering the Agnihotra hut minimum discipline is to wash hands, feet, face and rinse your mouth. The Homa Therapy volunteer will come to the farm and set up the Resonance Point. What the farmer has to do afterwards is very simple, that is daily performance of AGNIHOTRA and OM TRYAMBAKAM HOMA. 15

16 Vermicompost Vermicompost means compost created by the biological activity of earthworms. Vermicastings are the faecal castings released by the earthworms. Vermiculture is the culture of the earthworm usually associated with agriculture. Earthworms are biological indicators of soil fertility. Soils with earthworms support healthy populations of micro- and macro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, protozoans, insects, spiders, millipedes and a host of others that are essential for sustaining a healthy soil. Earthworms are classified into surface-dwellers and burrowers. Surface-dwellers such as Eudrilus eugeniae are very effective in converting organic wastes into vermicompost. Burrowers are also good waste converters but as well, they modify the structure of Preparation of Worm Beds Composting can be done in pits, concrete tanks, well rings, wooden or brick-lined grower beds, wooden or plastic crates appropriate to a given situation. Start with a layer of gravel mixed with sand to a thickness of at least 3" to ensure proper drainage. Then a layer of soil to a height of 6" after being moistened. Inoculate this soil with about 100 locally collected earthworms. Place small lumps of cowdung (fresh or dry) scattered over the soil and cover this with a 4" layer of hay. Add a layer of Agnihotra ash. Spray liberally with water till the entire set up is moist but not wet. Cover with palm fronds. Materials for Vermicompost Kitchen wastes such as vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells. Yard wastes, such as leaves, grass clippings, straw, and non-woody plant trimmings. Animal wastes such as cattle dung, sheep dung, horse dung, goat dung and poultry droppings. Agricultural waste obtained after harvesting and threshing. Forestry wastes such as wood shavings, bark, saw dust and pulp. Not Good for Worms Metals, foils, plastics, soaps, chemicals, oils, solvents, paint, insecticides, etc. All citrus products (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit). Onions, garlic cloves, extremely hot and heavily spiced foods, and highly acidic foods. Oleanders and other poisonous plants. Meat, chicken, dairy foods. Dog and cat droppings. 16

17 Vermicompost Aeration Worms need to breathe, just like most other living creatures. Worms cannot tolerate anaerobic conditions. They will either leave the offending area or they will die. About once in a week, the top few inches of the pile should be gently stirred, allowing for the escape of any built-up gases. Moisture Worms require moisture for their survival. Too little water kills the worms and too much water chases them away. Water the pile so that it is damp, but does not remain soggy. The compost will be within the right moisture range if just a few drops of water can be squeezed from a handful of material. Temperature Temperature requirement for optimal results is C. However, earthworms can survive even at lower temperatures and up to 48 C air temperature. Keep the wormbeds under shade. They can be covered with damp gunny sacks or palm fronds to maintain temperature and moisture in the optimum range. Harvesting The compost is ready when it is completely converted into a soft, spongy sweet smelling dark brown material (21 days). Stop adding water. This compels the worms to move into the lower layers of the vermibed. The top layers can then be safely removed without much damage to the worms. The harvested compost is then put through a sieve in order to recover any worms and cocoons which may remain in the compost. Application of Vermicompost Application of freshly harvested compost to soils will passively inoculate the worms as freshly harvested compost most definitely contains cocoons and juveniles. Addition of vermicompost to soil promotes lush growth of plants. Vermicompost is one of the important ingredients in Gloria Biosol. 17

18 Gloria Biosol Biosol System of fertilization is composed of processes which lead to the bio-degradation of organic matter developed within Homa atmosphere using Agnihotra Ash and its solution with Yantra. We can use Biosol liquid for foliar application to nourish plant kingdom as well as we can also rebuild the soil health with Biosol. Biosol is superior to vermiwash because we keep the organic material for biodegradation in a bio-digester with Agnihotra Ash for thirty days. Agnihotra Ash will have a significant positive effect on all the materials used and will make the Biosol rich in macronutrients. Agnihotra Ash = 1kg Copper Shree Yantra 20kg 20lt 20lt 20kg 4 x Cowdung = 80kg 10 x clean water = 200lt 0.5 x cow's urine = 10lt 4 x Vermi compost = 80kg Materials Used (For 500 litre tank) Vermicompost Fresh cow dung Cow urine Agnihotra Ash Shree Yantra Water 80 kg 80 kg 10 lt 1 kg 1 unit 200 lt Bio-digester The bio-digester tank may be of 500 litres or 1,000 liters in volume. It is filled with organic matter and Agnihotra ash water solution. It may be in the form of cylindrical rigid plastic tank or a cement tank with air valve, liquid outlet and a lid. Care should be taken that after filling the material in proper proportion lid should be sealed carefully to avoid air leakage. The diameter of air valve opening should be one and a half inch (1 1/2 ). The air ball valve should be fixed properly. Outlet for Biosol liquid should be of six inches (6 ) diameter and oriented so as to facilitate easy removal of Biosol. Lid should be sealed with good quality adhesive and teflon tape. 18

19 Gloria Biosol Procedure 1.Put one Copper Shree Yantra at the bottom of the tank facing upwards. (Shree Yantra geometrical design is engraved in copper and, according to traditional knowledge, is a powerful energy attractor). 2.Make two hundred litres Agnihotra ash water solution (i.e. one kilo of Agnihotra Ash in two hundred liters of water). Let it stand for 3 days before use. 3.Collect 80kg fresh cow dung, 80kg vermicompost and 10 litres cow urine. 4.Divide the cow dung and vermicompost into 3 piles each. 5.Mix one part vermicompost, one part cow dung, about 3 litres of cow urine and about fifty litres of Agnihotra ash water solution and stir to a slurry. This can be done outside the tank. After stirring thoroughly, pour it into the tank. (Make sure the valves are closed before pouring.) 6.Repeat the same process with the second portion of the materials while stirring the material continuously and then add the second slurry to the tank. 7.Finally repeat the process a third time and add the slurry to the tank. 8.Add the remaining Agnihotra ash water solution to the tank and again stir. In this way filling of 160 kilos of organic matter + ten liters cow urine liters of Agnihotra Ash solution is done. Make sure that all the material is fully stirred. Seal the lid with adhesive and teflon tape. Care should be taken that glue should not fall in the tank while sealing. At an interval of seven days, release the air valve to release the gas formed in the Biodigester. In this way for thirty days the biodegradation of organic matter will take place in the presence of Agnihotra Ash. After thirty days outlet valve is opened to remove the Biosol liquid. It should be filled in air tight plastic cans of suitable sizes. The moist solid material which remains after removing Biosol liquid should be squeezed and more liquid Biosol is collected. We may get about two hundred litres of Biosol liquid. It should be used for foliar applications with water at a ratio of 1:15 to 1:20 depending on density of plant population. We can spray Biosol liquid on any type of crop at an interval of seven days. Roughly 20 litres is required per acre per month. If we preserve Biosol liquid in air-tight cans it will last longer, say about six months. Left over solid Biosol which is having maximum macro nutrients should be mixed with any type of organic manure at a ratio of 1:5. 1lt Gloria Biosol 15lt Water Dilution is 1:15 (Liquid Gloria Biosol: Agnihotra Ash Water) 19

20 Application of Homa Therapy in Organic Farming Agnihotra Ash Agnihotra ash is the Secret Weapon of the Homa Organic Farmer. Agnihotra ash is extremely medicinal. Agnihotra ash is beneficial at all stages of farming operations. Only ash from sunrise/sunset Agnihotra has this power. Ash from other Homas may also be used in composting operations. But Agnihotra ash is the key to success. Experiments conducted in Russia have shown that Agnihotra ash is NOT RADIOACTIVE, even though the ingredients are radioactive. Russian scientists have discovered that Agnihotra ash contains 92 elements. In this way the body s total requirement can be met. See Appendix 2: Agnihotra - a New Dimension and Appendix 3: Europeans Beware Treating the Soil Soil is a living system. Micro-organisms are automatically attracted to Homa atmosphere and return to the soil on a Homa Farm. One should give back to the Earth that which has been taken. In farming this comes through composting. A compost bin/pile can be constructed according to any method. To this layering of organic materials Agnihotra ash should be added. Agnihotra ash energizes the material as it decomposes, giving the earth it is treated with subtle energies to aid growth. Importance of Phosphorus Phosphorus is one of the important macro nutrients required by plants All growing plants need phosphorus for healthy growth. However, regardless of how much phosphate is added to the soil, only the water soluble portion can be utilized by the plant. Phosphorus is relatively insoluble in water and hence phosphate fertilizers have been developed to increase the amount of available soluble phosphorus in the soil. An important effect associated with is that the solubility of phosphorus in the soil increases. Dr. Tung Ming Lai from Denver, Colorado, USA has taken some trials with phosphate solubility in several types of soil. It can be seen clearly that the addition of Agnihotra ash in each case increases the solubility of phosphorus. Solubility of Phosphate Soil Used Phosphate % per gram of soil Phosphate % per gram of ash Non-Homa Homa Non-Homa Homa No Soil - Only Ash 3.40% 8.90% Weld Loam 0.42% 1.72% 21.00% 86.00% Red Feather Loamy Sand 0.23% 1.15% 11.50% 57.50% See Appendix 4: Report from Braunschweig University by Dr Sylvia Kratz 20

21 Application of Homa Therapy in Organic Farming Treating the Water AGNIHOTRA ASH WATER SOLUTION Agnihotra ash water solution is very useful for encouraging natural control of difficult pests. It can be used on the soil around the plants or as a foliar spray. See recipe on page 28. See Appendix 5: Agnihotra Ash for Water Purification Treating the Seeds Use seeds which have not been treated with chemicals. Treating seeds by the following method can make them more disease and pest resistant and give them an initial boost. 1. Place the seeds in cups or jars and label each container with the name of the seed. 2. Cover seeds with cow's urine and soak the seeds for one to two hours. Make sure that seeds mix well with the urine and none are floating on top. 3. Drain the seeds and cover them in cow dung. Seeds can be mixed with enough dung to coat them thoroughly. The dung and seed mixture can then be spread out to dry on plates, screens or boards. As some seeds cannot survive complete dehydration after having been moistened, it is advisable that the seed/dung mixture be dried until just damp dry. The mixture can then be crumbled easily and sowed down a planting row. If you are planting a small amount of seeds and if the seeds are not too small, each seed can be wrapped in a small amount of cow dung. Planting the Seeds Phases of the moon by which we plant have a great deal to do with the success of HOMA gardening. Plant on a no moon day or full moon day, depending on the type of seed planted. Try planting root crops on or before the new moon and above ground crops on or before a full moon day. When you plant the seeds, try to be full of love, do Mantra, be clean in body and mind. Plant the seeds with Agnihotra ash. It can be sprinkled along with the seeds down each row. As you water the newly planted seeds, Mantra should be done. When transplanting seedlings be sure to plant them with Agnihotra ash around the roots. Planting or transplanting should never be done in the heat of the day. Feeding the Plants Gloria Biosol is a very effective bio-fertilizer which can be produced simply in Homa atmosphere. We can use Biosol liquid for foliar application to nourish plant kingdom as well as we can also rebuild the soil health with Biosol. Biosol is superior to vermiwash because we keep the organic material for biodegradation in a biodigester with Agnihotra Ash for thirty days. Agnihotra Ash has a significant positive effect on all the materials used and makes the Biosol rich in macronutrients. 21

22 Soil & Water Improvement with Om Shree Dham, Homa Farm Australia We had a bore well drilled, despite warnings that there were no underground streams on our farm. Sub-artesian water was found at forty meters (130 Feet). It was laboratory tested and found to be HIGHLY SALINE AND ALKALINE. The ph was 9.5 and the salinity measured 1150 ppm. So, we did AGNIHOTRA by the bore and regularly placed AGNIHOTRA ASH down the bore well. The State Department of Water Resources was conducting regular tests on the bore wells in our area and we were all amazed to see that the salinity and alkalinity reduced with each lab report until finally we had POTABLE DRINKING WATER. Now the ph is constant at 7.2 which is neutral and the salinity is 720 ppm, within the standards laid down by the World Health Organization for potable water. Om Shree Dham 22

23 Soil & Water Improvement with Bhrugu Aranya, Homa Farm Poland The soil on our farm was officially tested by the agricultural laboratory in The soil in the vegetable garden was the worst, with a ph of 4.4. Though very acidic, it was much better than any other farms in the area. The officials told us We are sorry to let you know that nothing will grow here. As a result of the test, we added lime and more compost and dried cow dung to the garden soil in an attempt to improve the ph. We added Agnihotra ash as well, as always. In spite of the harsh climate, we have amazing results with our produce. Agnihotra and Agnihotra ash has improved the quality of the soil. It has increased our yield of vegetables greatly and the taste, texture, weight and quality are superior. Everything is growing here. Every year we have a really good harvest with healthy, beautiful Homa vegetables and this is the miracle of Homa Gardening. Bhrugu Aranya 23

24 Soil & Water Improvement with Tapovan, Homa Farm Maharashtra, India In Tapovan when we first started Homa Farming the soil was seriously deficient in all the major and minor nutrients. High salinity. Topsoil layer reduced to less than 10 cm (4 inches) in parts. The fine clay soil developed huge cracks in summer. In the wet season the surface was sealed like cement allowing minimal water absorption, which led to a situation of major water-logging and flooding when the rains came. We have seen a miraculous recovery of the soil here in Tapovan from its previously severely damaged state It is now producing crops of superior yield and taste which are not troubled by insect attack. All these fantastic results, are due to the practice of Agnihotra and other Homas and the use of the techniques. Tapovan 24

25 Friends of the Farmer Cow, Earthworm & Honeybee Cow The cow is a very special creature. No other animal gives so many products which are useful for a happy life. There are five products which are very beneficial for health and agriculture (panchagavya). Milk Curd Ghee Dung Urine For two of these are essential for Agnihotra and Homas - cow s ghee and cow dung. When we say cow, we mean male or female progeny of the cow. Cattle Breeding Cycle of HOMA Cattle breeding was monitored in Homa atmosphere in two projects in Peru, South America. The Dean of Animal Husbandry of Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, Tingo Maria, Huanuco, Peru, personally made observations during a period of eighteen months, comparing cows bred in Homa atmosphere with those without Homa atmosphere. In Homa atmosphere, cows produced more milk with better fat content. Only on Homa Farms, placenta was expelled completely after delivery of the calf, thus peventing many diseases. Skin of animals on Homa farms was more shiny; health was far superior among animals receiving the influence of Homa healing fires. See Appendix 6: Report from Agricultural University in Peru, South America, by Dr Jorge Rios Alvarado Breath of the Cow One beneficial aspect of the cow which is not normally considered is the breath of the cow. Breath of the cow is extremely medicinal. In European clinics of 19th century, tuberculosis patients were kept in the barn (go shala) for getting cured. 25

26 Friends of the Farmer Cow, Earthworm & Honeybee Earthworm Foreign Species Local Species Bimastos parvus (Lumbricidae) Eisenia foetida (Redworms) Eudrilus eugeniae (Eudrilidae) Lampito mauritii (Megascolecidae) Perionyx excavatus Earthworms: burrow into the soil improving soil structure. increase the population of beneficial microbes. improve soil ph. decompose organic matter. promote soil formation. increase soil fertility. increase water holding capacity of the soil. In Homa atmosphere, earthworms: generate more moisture in the soil increase the hormones secretions in their reproductive organs enabling them to reproduce at a faster rate Homa Vermiculture HOMA VERMICULTURE IS AN ECOLOGICAL DAILY ACTIVITY. Those who would like to improve their environment should practice it. Installation and management of vermiculture using Homa technology and the use of Agnihotra ash, promotes the reproductive activity of earthworms in summer and winter. Within the Homa area, a favourable micro-climate is created for the development of earthworms. With Homa, in less than one month, the number of earth worms doubles. Normally, this takes from 3 to 4 months. With Homa technology we obtain minimum 12 harvests per year. Sometimes, we have achieved from 17 to 18 harvests in a year. With conventional method, maximum harvests are 4 per year. During the composting process in Homa atmosphere, an exquisite fragrance is produced, which permeates the whole environment, contributing to the healing. This pleasant aroma attracts pollinators within the area. This is part of the bio-feedback effect from Nature which is obtained with Homa technology. See Appendix 7: Homa Vermiculture by Dr Gloria Guzman 26

27 Friends of the Farmer Cow, Earthworm & Honeybee Honeybee Due to pollution, honey bees are dying on a mass scale in all parts of the world. They cannot get enough nutrition to survive. Even if we employ all known methods of improving soil and sustainable organic agriculture, the bees will still be dying. This is a big threat to agricultural production. Bees also become aggressive in areas where chemical pesticides have contaminated their food sources. They perceive that their food is contaminated and their production is interrupted. They also become aggressive when the stored honey gets contaminated with chemical pesticides, or when the beehives receive a lot of direct sunlight. Inside the agricultural area where Homa Therapy is applied, a healthy and pure atmosphere is created, quite favorable as a habitat for bees. Bees adapt easily in a Homa environment and they can develop without attack of pathogenic agents. They have a lot of food available, due to the continuous flowering of the crops, with a high content of nectar and propolis achieved through the effect of Homa Therapy and the Agnihotra ash. This makes the whole Homa area a highly favourable place. Add to this the availability of clean water and the healing energy generated by the Homa fires. The work of the Homa farmer is complemented by the work of the bees. They contribute to agriculture with the pollination of fruit crops, horticulture, in forestry in general and also to cattle and dairy farming by pollinating the pastures. They also produce honey-combs containing high quality honey, pollen, wax, propolis and royal jelly, categorized as food and medicine through the Homa Therapy effects. The Homa farmer and the bees work together with nature, the bees doing their prodigious work to aid the preservation of the plant kingdom. In this undertaking even the drones, who usually don't work, participate due to the effect of Homa Therapy. In an area where Homa Therapy is applied, the drones begin to work like the worker bees, contributing to the maximum honey production. This special phenomenon occurs only through the effect of Homa Therapy. The availability of good, healthy and abundant food in Homa atmosphere also contributes. Inborn in the honey bee are certain hormones that are produced solely in HOMA atmosphere. This subject is foreign to anything science has encountered so far in this respect. These hormones help the nutritional levels yielded in vegetables and fruits to yield at much increased rates. The queens that are born and developed in Homa atmosphere, although they might not be of a good stock, are big and very beautiful. The abundant quantity of provisions of nectar and pollen in the area through Homa Therapy contribute to this. Queens raised in a Homa environment give birth to vigorous colonies. They themselves are also vigorous and live for a long time. They produce strong individuals, like good workers, who make good crops of honey. In an area where Homa Therapy is applied, the reservoirs of drinking water, available for the bees to drink, become pure, clean and medicinal. These characteristics are more pronounced when Agnihotra ash is added to the drinking water. Additionally, in a Homa area there is always an abundance of organic nectar, pollen, and other necessary foods for the bees. Under these ideal conditions, the beehives produce abundant honey and the construction of honeycombs is constant through the Homa Therapy effect. 27

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