A comparative study of bidirectional ring and crossbar interconnection networks

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1 Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 A comparative study of bidirectional ring and crossbar interconnection networks Hitoshi Oi a, *, N. Ranganathan b a Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA b Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620, USA Received 16June 1999; accepted 3 April 2000 Abstract For distributed shared memory multiprocessors, the choice and the design of interconnection networks have a signi cant impact on their performance. Bidirectional ring networks are considered to be physically fast due to their simple structure, but topologically slow since their communication latency grows proportionally to the number of nodes. In this paper, we will present a quantitative measure to the question of how physically fast a bidirectional ring has to be to overcome its topologically slow communication latency by comparing it to the crossbar, an interconnection network that has opposite characteristics to the ring network. A hybrid method, in which workload parameters extracted from memory traces are given to an analytical model is used for performance evaluation. Our study shows for 16nodes con guration, the performance of two networks are similar. For 32 and 64 nodes con gurations, the bidirectional ring outperforms the crossbar by 21% and 61% respectively, on the average of four parallel applications. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Interconnection networks; Distributed shared memory multiprocessor; Performance evaluation; Slotted ring; Crossbar 1. Introduction A distributed shared memory DSM) multiprocessor provides a view of a globally shared address space by sending coherence protocol messages between processing elements. Therefore, the interconnection network a ects the performance of a DSM multiprocessor signi cantly. * Corresponding author. Tel.: addresses: hitoshi@cse.fau.edu H. Oi), ranganat@csee.usf.edu N. Ranganathan) /01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S )

2 44 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 Ring networks have the advantages of 1) xed node degree modular expandability), 2) simple network interface structure fast operation speed) and 3) low wiring complexity fast transmission speed). On the other hand, the main disadvantage of the ring network is its communication latency growth rate is proportional to the number of nodes. However, when nonlocal misses are likely to be destined to neighboring nodes, this disadvantage can be alleviated by using a bidirectional ring [1,2]. Crossbar switches have opposite characteristics: they can connect any pair of nodes by one hop, but the transmission speed is expected to be much slower due to wiring and circuit complexity [3]. In this paper, we will present a quantitative measure to the question of how physically fast a bidirectional ring has to be to overcome its topologically slow communication latency, by comparing its performance to that of the crossbar switch. This paper is organized as follows: The rest of this section introduces the past studies on the comparisons of the interconnection networks for multiprocessors and instances of multiprocessor using either ring or crossbar switch networks. The architectures of multiprocessors that will be assumed in our study are presented in Section 2. Our methodology for evaluating the performance and the pro le of the applications used in the performance evaluation are described in Section 3. The comparison of the bidirectional ring and the crossbar by estimated execution times ETs) is presented in Section 4. Some conclusions are provided in Section Related work There have been several researches in the comparisons of interconnection networks for multiprocessors in the past. Ravindran and Stumn compared the performance of multiprocessors using hierarchical ring and mesh networks [4]. The miss latency was used for performance comparison. Their study mainly showed maximum number of nodes at which the hierarchical ring outperformed the mesh network. Since they assumed a unidirectional ring, nearest-neighbor communication pattern was not taken into account. Barroso and Dubois evaluated the performance of the slotted ring multiprocessor [5]. They investigated the e ect of the design choices such as coherence protocols snoopy, linked list and full-map directory) and processor speed, and compared their unidirectional ring architecture with the split-transaction bus. Lang et al. studied the e ective bandwidth of the crossbar switches, and compared it to that of the multiple-bus interconnection network using parametric simulations [3]. They assumed the dance-hall UMA architecture processors and memories are di erent sides of interconnection network). The instances of multiprocessors using crossbar switches or ring networks include the following. NUMAchine [6] is a multiprocessor developed at the University of Toronto. It has three hierarchy levels: a small number of PEs connected by a bus form a cluster called ``station'') and the stations are connected by two levels of local and central) rings. KSR-1 of Kendall Square Research was a cache-only memory architecture COMA) multiprocessor with hierarchy rings [7]. Exemplar S-Class of Hewlett Packard [8] and CP-PACS developed at University of Tsukuba [9] use crossbar switches. Convex SPP-1000 [10] uses a crossbar switch within a cluster and scalable coherence interface SCI) [11] rings between clusters.

3 2. Architecture model H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 45 In this section, we describe the architecture of the DSM multiprocessors using the bidirectional ring and the crossbar that will be assumed in this paper. Each processing element PE) consists of a processor, a memory unit with directory entries, L1 and L2 cache, and a network interface Fig. 1). PEs are connected by either a bidirectional ring or a crossbar switch network. It is assumed that both architectures are based on the CC-NUMA model with directory based cache coherency protocol. The memory unit within a PE is a part of the globally shared memory and is associated with directory entries corresponding to the part of global address space assigned to the PE. L1 cache is direct mapped, write-through and its access time and size are one clock cycle and 16KB. L2 cache is full associative, write-back and its access time t L2 ) and size are ve clock cycle and in nity. Block size of both L1 and L2 is 16bytes. L2 cache miss is responded either by the home node the PE that is assigned the portion of global address of the accessed data) or by the owner node the PE that owns a modi ed copy of the requested data in the cache). For a write access, invalidation scheme is used. On the bidirectional ring, a single invalidation message is broadcast by passing it all the way through the ring. On the other hand, the crossbar network is assumed to have the multicast functionality to send invalidate messages simultaneously to all the PEs that have copies of the block. The parameters that de ne the con guration of the system are listed in Table 1. t L2, t s, t r, t m, and t c are no-contention timing parameters, and they are represented in terms of processor clock cycles. In this paper, we consider small to medium scale multiprocessors, and hence we chose N ˆ 16, 32 and 64. The speed of crossbar network is xed, while that of ring network is varied widely to nd out the point where the performance of two con gurations match. Both bidirectional ring and crossbar are assumed to be at one level). On the bidirectional ring, a header message is divided into two packets, and it takes t r to transfer a packet between Fig. 1. DSM multiprocessor architecture.

4 46 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 Table 1 System parameters timing parameters are in processor clock cycles) Symbol Description Value N Number of PE 16, 32, 64 t L2 L2 cache access time 5 t s Crossbar switch packet transfer time 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 t r Bidirectional ring packet transfer time 1±5 t m Memory access time 50 t c Protocol handling time 10 d p Data message packet length 4 adjacent PEs. This assumption of t r is to compensate that a node on the bidirectional ring has two links for each direction. On the bidirectional ring, each link connects a pair of adjacent PEs with a minimum wire length. Therefore, it is not di cult to keep t r constant for larger N. Thus, we use the same t r ˆ 1;...; 5 for all N. t s is the time to transfer a header message between any pair of PEs on the crossbar network. We have chosen t s as follows: First, we take two instances of shared memory multiprocessors using crossbar switches, and look at their relative speed between the processor and the crossbar, the dimensional size and the data path width of the crossbar, and the word length of the processor. Exemplar S-Class of Hewlett Packard uses 180 MHz 64-bits processors and 8 8 crossbars operating at 120 MHz with 64-bits datapath [8]. CP-PACS developed at University of Tsukuba uses 180 MHz 64-bits processors and crossbar switches with data bandwidth of 300 MB/s per node [9]. Using the above de nition, Exemplar and CP-PACS have t s ˆ 1:5 and t s ˆ 8 respectively. Taking these values into consideration, we have chosen t s ˆ 4 and 8 for N ˆ 16. Next, we consider t s for larger N 32 and 64). The delay of crossbar switch grows at O N 2 due to the length of wire and number of nodes [3]. Thus, we use t s ˆ 16and t s ˆ 64 for N ˆ 32 and 64, respectively. Unlike UMA including Exemplar) in which the delay of crossbar is dominant for the network latency, both the wire connection between PEs and crossbar, which is considered to be O N, and the delay of crossbar switches a ect the latency of the network in NUMA architecture. Hence, we also use lower values of t s ˆ 8 and t s ˆ 16and 32 for N ˆ 32 and 64, respectively. A data message is assumed to be four times longer than a header message d p ˆ 4. This value is chosen from the cache block size 16bytes for 32 bit processors) assumed when the trace les were collected. On the crossbar, a data message is transmitted in a contiguous 4t s time period, while on the bidirectional ring a data message is divided into multiple packets and they are sent in possibly) uncontiguous slots. Therefore, the transmission delay of a data message on the bidirectional ring is P 8t r. 1 We assume the slotted ring con guration for the bidirectional ring. 3. Performance model The methods that have been used for performance evaluation of computer systems include analytical models [12], parametric simulations [4], trace-driven simulations [13] and execution- 1 Equality holds when all the packets are transmitted in contiguous slots.

5 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 47 driven simulations [14]. In this paper, we use the hybrid approach by Barroso and Dubois [5] by extending it to the bidirectional ring and the crossbar. Below, we brie y describe the derivation of ET using the hybrid approach. The ET in clock cycles is given by ET ˆ Inst DataAccess; 1 where Inst is instruction fetches. We assume that all the instruction fetches are L1 cache hit. Let Refs, L1Miss, L2Miss, and L2MissLatency be the number of references, the number of L1 cache misses, the number of L2 cache misses, and the penalty of L2 cache miss, respectively. Thus, Eq. 1) becomes ET ˆ Refs L1Miss t L2 L2Miss L2MissLatency: 2 L2 cache miss is responded by either local or remote memory. Thus, L2MissLatency is de ned to consist of T, the time to transmit a message either request or data) to the network, P, the propagation delay of a message to reach the destination on the network, M, the time to access the memory, and C, the time of coherence protocol handling. These components of miss latency appear di erent number of times per miss depending on the access mode and the state of the memory block. Note that M includes contention delay while t m in Table 1 does not. P is constant t s on the crossbar while it is the average message traversal length extracted from the traces on the bidirectional ring. C is assumed to be constant t c i. e. no contention at L2 cache is modeled). We model the contention at network and memory. Thus, the values of parameters T and M are the functions of the utilizations of the resources, network and memory, respectively. The utilization of the bidirectional ring R u is R u ˆ tr P P H dtrv d p DtTrv ; ET where +H dtrv and +DtTrv are the sums of header and data message traversals, respectively. On the other hand, the utilization of the crossbar switch is SW u ˆ ts +H dtx d p +H dtx ; ET where +H dtx and +DtTx are the the numbers of header and data message transmissions. This is because on the crossbar switch network, a message only takes one hop to reach any destination PE. These utilization parameters are combined with the M=G=1 queue model to estimate the ET of applications on both architectures [15]. Thus, ET itself is a function of ET. ET ˆ Refs L1Miss t L2 L2Miss L2MissLatency ET : The derivation of ET is iterated until it converges to a tolerant level <0.1%). We use two metrics to evaluate the performance of two architectures. One is the ratio of ETs, namely, the ET on the crossbar divided by the ET on the bidirectional ring. Another metric is the scalability speed up), which is obtained by dividing the ET of the uniprocessor by that of the multiprocessor.

6 48 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 Table 2 Pro le of trace les Application Refs Inst) FFT 7.44M 3.11M) Simple 27.03M 11.59M) Weather 31.76M 13.64M) Speech 22.55M 11.77M) N Miss Rate %) L1 L2 Write Local Trace les The pro le of the memory traces we use in our experiments are listed in Table 2. These trace les are from the MIT trace set [16], and are obtained from the ftp server of the TraceBase project at the New Mexico State University [17]. FFT, Simple and Weather were written in FORTRAN, and traces of these applications were derived using the postmortem method, a technique that generates a parallel trace from a uniprocessor execution. Speech was written in the programming language Mul-T, and its trace le was collected by inserting instrumentation codes into the program by the compiler. Write miss rate sixth column) is the fraction of write misses within all L2 cache misses. A write access to shared block is considered to be a write miss since it generates memory access and network tra c. The workload parameters of each application were extracted from the trace le as follows: Each trace le is fed to a cache/directory simulator developed at the laboratory for computer science of MIT, 2 and statistical information of the applications such as hit/miss, read/write, clean/dirty was collected. These trace les were collected on a 64 processor system. To extract data for the case of 16 32) processors, access traces from 4i to 4i 3 from 2i to 2i 1) were given to ith cache, where i ˆ 0;...; 15 i ˆ 0;...; 31. It is assumed that all the instruction fetches are cache hits. In addition to the original functionality, two modi cations were made on the cache simulator. First, two-level cache hierarchy was incorporated as described in the previous section. Another modi cation made to the cache simulator was to collection of communication distance number of links on the bidirectional ring) between the node where miss occurs and the home node. We assume that the rst PE that accesses a block is the home node of the block. When the miss node and the home node are the same, no network tra c is generated. On FFT and Speech, more than 2 This simulator was also provided by the TraceBase ftp server.

7 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 49 half of accesses to shared data are to local addresses, while on Simple and Weather the locality of shared access is quite low. This communication distance a ects the performance of the bidirectional ring signi cantly in two ways: First, the longer the distance the longer the propagation delay higher P). Second, the longer the distance the higher utilization of the ring higher T ). Figs. 12±14 show the distribution of request ± home node distance on the bidirectional ring. For N ˆ 64, the di erence of communication pattern among applications is observed most clearly. FFT and Speech exhibit all-to-all communication pattern while Weather and Simple have a certain level of nearest neighbor communication patterns. Especially for N ˆ 64 on Weather, 30% of non-local misses are accesses to adjacent nodes. For N ˆ 16and 32, the degree of nearest neighbor communication pattern of Weather and Simple are weaker than the case of N ˆ 64. Although the number of applications is not large, these applications exhibit variations in their workload parameters. 4. Bidirectional ring versus crossbar evaluation In this section, we present comparisons of the bidirectional ring and the crossbar using the model and the traces presented in the previous section Figures in this section are placed after the references). FFT Fig. 2) has all-to-all communication pattern Fig. 14), which is an advantage to the crossbar over the bidirectional ring. The speed up for larger N is medium among four applications Fig. 3). L2 miss rate of FFT is relatively small, and it increases by 36% for N ˆ 16! 64. However, its local miss rate is almost constant over N. This suppresses the increase of network tra c, and is advantageous for both architecture. Write miss rate of FFT decreases from 78% to 57% for N ˆ 16! 64. This is an advantage for the bidirectional ring since on the bidirectional Fig. 2. Relative performance/fft.

8 50 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 Fig. 3. Speed up/fft. ring a write miss generates an invalidation message that traverses the entire ring and hence increases the ring utilization. With fast ring speed t r ˆ 1, the bidirectional ring outperforms the crossbar by 6%, 27%, and 73% for N ˆ 16, 32 and 64 and t s ˆ 4, 8, and 16, respectively. Miss rate of Simple increases for larger N while local miss rate decreases. These cause more network tra c and hence are disadvantage for both network. On the other hand, decreasing write miss rate and increasing nearest neighbor communication pattern of Simple are advantageous for the bidirectional ring. With t r ˆ 1, the bidirectional ring outperforms the crossbar by 5%, 19%, and 70% for N ˆ 16, 32 and 64 and t s ˆ 4, 8, and 16, respectively Fig. 4). When N ˆ 32! 64, the bidirectional ring achieves speed up of 40% while the performance of the crossbar decreases slightly even with an assumption of O N communication latency growth rate Fig. 5). Weather has relatively low miss rate, and hence the performance di erence between two networks is relatively small, especially for N ˆ 16and 32 Fig. 6). However, when N is increased from 32 to 64, the e ect of interconnection network becomes stronger due to increasing miss rate by 37% and decreasing local miss rate by 40%. The bidirectional ring can still achieve speed up of 46% with t r ˆ 1, while the performance of the crossbar stays almost the same Fig. 7). The sources of this performance di erence between two networks are considered to be decreasing write miss rate by 20% and increasing degree of nearest neighbor communication for N ˆ 32! 64. With t r ˆ 1, the bidirectional ring outperforms the crossbar by 2%, 9% and 58% for N ˆ 16, 32 and 64 and t s ˆ 4, 8, and 16, respectively. The miss rate and local miss rate of Speech are constant over increasing N. Therefore, the growth of communication latency of interconnection networks is the dominant factor for the performance. In addition, since Speech has the all-to-all communication pattern, relative performance of Speech is mainly a ected by the speed of both networks Fig. 8). With t r ˆ 1, the bidirectional ring outperforms the crossbar by 5%, 16%, and 45% for N ˆ 16, 32 and 64 and t s ˆ 4, 8, and 16, respectively. For N ˆ 32! 64, the bidirectional ring still provides some level of

9 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 51 Fig. 4. Relative performance/simple. Fig. 5. Speed up/simple. speed up 18% to 66%), while the performance of the crossbar 7 can be either increased by 32% or decreased by 42% depending on the speed of the switch Fig. 9). The average geometric mean) of relative performance and speed up of both networks are shown in Figs. 10 and 11. On the average of four applications, the bidirectional ring provides better performance by 4%, 21%, and 61% for N ˆ 16, 32 and 64 and t s ˆ 4, 8, and 16, respectively. The slowest ring speed for the bidirectional ring Figs. 12±14) to outperform the crossbar are shown in Table 3. For N ˆ 16, we need a very fast ring that can operate at the same speed as the

10 52 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 Fig. 6. Relative performance/weather. Fig. 7. Speed up/weather. processor clock t r ˆ 1 to outperform a very fast implementation of a crossbar switch network t s ˆ 4. If the speed of a crossbar switch is moderate, a ring that operates at half the speed of the processor clock is su cient. For N ˆ 32, a bidirectional ring with half and one fourth the speed of the processor clock su ce to outperform the crossbar switch network with very fast and moderate t s ˆ 8 and 16) speed respectively. For N ˆ 64, it is much easier for a bidirectional ring to out-

11 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 53 Fig. 8. Relative performance/speech. Fig. 9. Speed up/speech. perform a crossbar switch network due to the latter physically slow operating speed. However, although it outperforms the crossbar, without su ciently fast ring speed, we cannot expect speed up on the bidirectional ring. For example, on the average of four applications, we have speed up of 48% on the bidirectional ring with t r ˆ 1 when N is increased from 32 to 64. On the other hand, if t r ˆ 5, which is su cient to outperform a moderately fast crossbar, the speed up is only 11% for N ˆ 32! 64.

12 54 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 Fig. 10. Relative performance/average. Fig. 11. Speed up/average. 5. Conclusions In this paper, we have evaluated the performance of the bidirectional ring by comparing it to the performance of the crossbar network. We used a hybrid evaluation method which is a combination of an analytical model and workload parameters extracted from the memory traces of four parallel applications. Our study indicates that for a 16nodes con guration, which is a

13 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 55 Fig. 12. Home node distribution bidirectional ring, 16nodes). Fig. 13. Home node distribution bidirectional ring, 32 nodes). Fig. 14. Home node distribution bidirectional ring, 64 nodes).

14 56 H. Oi, N. Ranganathan / Computers and Electrical Engineering ) 43±57 Table 3 Ring speed to outperform crossbar N t s Application Average FFT Simple Weather Speech > > >5 >5 >5 >5 64 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 typical size of crossbar switches used in some of actual multiprocessors, both architecture achieve similar performance for the link speed we have assumed. For a 32 nodes con guration, the bidirectional ring outperforms the crossbar by 21% on the average of four application programs, with an assumption that the growth rate of the communication latency of the crossbar is suppressed to O N. For a 64 nodes con guration, we can still expect speed up on the bidirectional ring 48% on the average) while that of the crossbar increases only by 8%. Further investigations could include analysis of dynamic behavior of both networks such as hot spot contention) using execution-driven simulations and the hierarchical network models. References [1] Oi H, Ranganathan N. Performance analysis of the bidirectional ring-based multiprocessor. Proceedings of the ISCA Tenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, p. 397±400. [2] Oi H, Ranganathan N. E ect of message length and processor speed on the performance of the bidirectional ringbased multiprocessor. Proceedings on the International Conference on Computer Design, October p. 267±72. [3] Lang T, Valero M, Alegre I. Bandwidth of crossbar and multiple-bus connection for multiprocessors. Trans Comp IEEE 1982;c31 12):1227±34. [4] Ravindran G, Stumm M. A performance comparison of hierarchical ring- and mesh-connected multiprocessor networks. Proceedings of International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, February p. 58±69. [5] Barroso LA, Dubois M. Performance evaluation of the slotted ring multiprocessor. Trans Comp IEEE 1995;44 7):878±90. [6] Vranesic Z, et al. The NUMAchine Multiprocessor. Technical report, Department of electrical and computer engineering, Department of computer science, University of Toronto, June [7] Kendall square research corporation. KSR1 Technical Summary, [8] Exemplar System Architecture. Hewlett Packard. [9] Boku T, et al. Architecture of massively parallel processor CP-PACS. Proceedings of the 1997 Second Aizu International Symposium on Parallel Algorithms/Architecture Synthesis, Fukushima, Japan, p. 31±40. [10] Sterling T, et al. An empirical evaluation of the convex SPP-1000 hierarchical shared memory system. Int J Parallel Prog 1996;24 4):377±96.

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