Towards Inclusive Learning Environments in Vocational Education and Training (TILE)

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Towards Inclusive Learning Environments in Vocational Education and Training (TILE) 2011-1-FI1-LEO05-06164 1

Projektinformationen Titel: Projektnummer: Towards Inclusive Learning Environments in Vocational Education and Training (TILE) 2011-1-FI1-LEO05-06164 Jahr: 2011 Projekttyp: Status: Marketing Text: Zusammenfassung: Beschreibung: Innovationstransfer bewilligt FI-Finnland The marketing text will be added later. Within the European context, national development plans and the current legislation set inclusion of diverse learners as one of the main educational goals in VET. However, national policies do not currently correlate with educational practices of vocational education and training (VET) institutions. Nonetheless, many VET institutions are trying to work towards inclusive learning environments but they lack concrete tools that support the development process. The main objective of the project was to develop and pilot a tool "A Roadmap to Inclusion of students with special educational needs for professionals in VET learning environments" that can be used to demonstrate concrete development needs of VET institutions in relation to the state of inclusion, and helps them in planning, focusing and scheduling their development work. The Roadmap is targeted primarily at VET institution management, administration as well as teaching staff. The Roadmap was developed by transferring a development tool Index for Inclusion (Booth & Ainscow, 2002) from the compulsory education sector to the VET sector. It looks at inclusion from three perspectives - policy, culture and practices - and consists of the following: lists of indicators per dimension (policy, culture, practices) and an introduction to each of the dimensions; a report on the piloting experience of the tool; as well as a commentary from an external evaluator. The project has produced a website ( A concrete plan of action has been developed on how to further develop inclusion in VET learning environments in the participating countries, focusing on the use of the Roadmap as a tool in development processes. The project has also organised national dissemination seminars in summer and autumn 2013. As the transfer process of the tool pays special attention to inclusion from three perspectives - policy, culture and practices - it supports the involvement of different stakeholders in the development process: VET administrative and pedagogical staff, students and employers in liaison with VET institutions as well as relevant educational authorities. Thus, it will encourage a shift from the idea of inclusion in VET to a more concrete and achievable goal, and help to create a common understanding of the issue, through integrating all those levels that are important when developing inclusive VET learning environments. The Roadmap is transferred in a consortium that consists of eight core partners that are experienced practitioners and developers of inclusive VET: a university teacher education unit and a VET college form Finland, Estonia, the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom. In addition, the consortium includes non-governmental organisations from Finland, UK and the Czech Republic as associated partners. The associated partners are expert organisations in the field of inclusive and special needs education in compulsory education sector or in vocational education and training. Themen: Sektoren: *** Arbeitsmarkt *** Chancengleichheit *** Weiterbildung ** Interkulturelles Lernen ** Berufsorientierung und -beratung *** Erziehung und Unterricht 2

Projektinformationen Produkt Typen: Produktinformation: Projektwebseite: Evaluierungsmethoden Homepage A Roadmap to Inclusion for VET learning environments. 3

Vertragnehmer Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu Jyväskylä Länsi Suomi FI-Finnland Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Maija Hirvonen Piippukatu 2 Jyväskylä FI-Finnland +358-400-505137 4

Koordinator Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu Jyväskylä Länsi Suomi FI-Finnland Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie Kontaktperson Adresse: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Maija Hirvonen Piippukatu 2 Jyväskylä FI-Finnland +358-400-505137 5

Partner Partner 1 Stední škola F. D. Roosevelta pro tlesn postižené Brno Brno Stredni Morava CZ-Tschechien Partner 2 Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Tartu Eesti EE-Estland Partner 3 Helen Arkell Dyslexia Center Frensham Leictershire, Rutland Northamptonshire UK-Vereinigtes Königreich Partner 4 Ammatilliset erityisopettajat ry Tampere Länsi Suomi FI-Finnland 6

Partner Partner 5 University of Northampton Northampton Leictershire, Rutland Northamptonshire UK-Vereinigtes Königreich Partner 6 Liga Lidskych Prav Brno Stredni Morava CZ-Tschechien Partner 7 Kehitysvammaliitto ry Helsinki Uusimaa (Suuralue) FI-Finnland Partner 8 Masarykova univerzita Brno Stredni Morava CZ-Tschechien 7

Partner Partner 9 Tartu Ülikool Tartu Eesti EE-Estland Partner 10 Keski-Pohjanmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä - Kokkolan ammattiopisto Kokkola Länsi Suomi FI-Finnland Partner 11 Oxford and Cherwell Valley College Oxfordshire Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire UK-Vereinigtes Königreich 8

Projektdateien Dissemination proforma Masaryk University 27-9-12.docx Example of the dissemination activities in one partner country (the Czech Republic) IMG_5194.jpg Invitation to dissemination House of Lords 3 July 2013.docx komensky.pdf minutes_brno.docx 2.workshop report/the Czech Republic Original TILE practices indicators May 28 2012 Sent to dele.docx Example of one questionnaire/practices dimension PROGRAMME June Brno 29-5-13.docx Short report of first workshop TILE.docx 1.Workshop report/finland November 2011 the Roadmap FULL DRAFT 29 May 2013.docx TILE LeafletA4 20May2013.pptx tileseminaari_ohj_0605.pdf 9

Projektdateien TILE workshop Northampton MInutes.docx 3.workshop report/england Vammaistutkimuksen päivät k2012.pptx An example of a power point prsentation on TILE/Finland/Disability studies 10

Produkte 1 2 3 4 web page of the project platform for internal communication ROADMAP Baseline study 11

Produkt 'web page of the project' Towards Inclusive Learning Environments in Vocational Education and Training (TILE) Titel: web page of the project Produkttyp: Homepage Marketing Text: Beschreibung: The official web page of the project for external use Zielgruppe: All people and institutions interested in fostering inclusive education in VET Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: For external use Produktsprachen: Englisch &prd=1 12

Produkt 'platform for internal communication' Titel: platform for internal communication Produkttyp: Homepage Marketing Text: NING-platform Beschreibung: The NING platform is for the project partners only for internal communication e.g. in the piloting phases Zielgruppe: Project partners Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Internal communication Produktsprachen: Englisch &prd=2 13

Produkt 'ROADMAP' Titel: ROADMAP Produkttyp: Marketing Text: PDF-form Beschreibung: The Roadmap includes the description how to use the inclusive education assessment questionnaires (policy, culture and practices). Zielgruppe: The Roadmap is targeted primarily to VET college administration and other staff and students. Resultat: The Roadmap is a tool for professionals how to assess inclusive education in their VET colleges. The Roadmap in English was finished in the spring 2013.The translation into other languages is in progress. Anwendungsbereich: VET colleges Produktsprachen: Englisch &prd=3 14

Produkt 'Baseline study' Titel: Baseline study Produkttyp: Marketing Text: Towards Inclusive Learning Environments in Vocational Education and Training (TILE) Beschreibung: The baseline study reports the stage of inclusion in the partner VET colleges. Zielgruppe: For internal use, published in the internal platform NING. Resultat: Study report. Anwendungsbereich: For the partners. Produktsprachen: Englisch &prd=4 15

Veranstaltungen National dissemination seminars Datum 17.09.2013 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort The national dissemination seminars will be held in each partner country in spring and autumn 2013. All interested people and institutions. Öffentliche Veranstaltung Hasso Kukemelk, Estonia Maija Hirvonen, Finland Sheena Bell, England Helena Vadurova, the Czech Republic The Czech Republic: 4-6 June 2013 England: 3 July 2013 Finland: 17 September 2013 Estonia: to be informed later Final workshop Datum 04.06.2013 Beschreibung The piloting phase of the indicator list will be done until June 2013. The final workshop (4-5 June 2013) concentrated on the main outcome of the project: Roadmap of Inclusion in VET Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Project partners (first day) Associated partners (second day) Geschlossene Veranstaltung Karel Pancocha, Masaryk University 4-5 June 2013 Brno, the Czech Republic 16

Veranstaltungen 4. workshop Datum 04.02.2013 Beschreibung 4. workshop of the project was be held in Tartu, Estonia in 4-7 February 2013. The piloting of the Inclusive Indicator tool was be done in Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus, VET college. Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort The first two days: only for the project partners. The last two days: open for all stakeholders. Öffentliche Veranstaltung Hasso Kukemelk, the University of Tartu Tartu, Estonia 4-7 February 2013 3. workshop Datum 13.06.2012 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Workshop on "Practices"-dimension for project partners only 2. day: for all stakeholders Geschlossene Veranstaltung 14-15 June 2012 Northampton University, UK 2.workshop Datum 13.02.2012 Beschreibung Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Workshop "Cultures"-dimension for project partners only 2. day: for all stakeholders Geschlossene Veranstaltung 13-14 February 2012 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 17

Veranstaltungen Launch seminar and 1.workshop Datum 21.11.2011 Beschreibung The project started with the launch seminar and the first workshop in November 2011. Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort Tha launch seminar: for project partners only. Workshop: partially open for other stakeholders. Öffentliche Veranstaltung 21-24.11.2011 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä, Finland. 18