Brian Robinson MS ATC. Former Head Athle.c Trainer; Glenbrook South High School Faculty; Northern Illinois University

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Brian Robinson MS ATC Former Head Athle.c Trainer; Glenbrook South High School Faculty; Northern Illinois University

OBJECTIVE To be able to quan.fy and ar.culate your value and worth within the secondary school community

VALUE vs. WORTH VALUE the extent to which a service s worth is perceived WORTH Street cost of a service Monetary value of a service

Understanding Value and Worth What is an AT in the public view? Would they be able to put a worth to your services? How do you explain AT services? Can you put a worth on AT services? Understand the value as perceived by consumer How to use data

What is your skill set? Skills that we possess Educa.on Personal skills Compassion listening Networking talent thinking Numerical values Crea.vity

Athle&c Trainers are diverse health care providers

Services that we consistently provide Educa.on Risk Management Preven.on Organiza.on and Management Rehabilita.on Injury Evalua.on Event Medical Care Etc.

VALUE is different depending on the person who will benefit from your services and

VALUE? Superintendent Principal Athle.c Director Teacher Coach Parent Athlete Physician

Secondary School Value Model Resource for the value assessment of the athle.c trainer in the secondary school sewng Provide the basic principles so that the athle.c trainer can quan.fy and ar.culate their value within the secondary school community Serve as a presenta.on template for secondary school athle.c trainers when secondary school administrators & parents

VALUE Risk Minimiza.on Medical Services Cost Containment Academic Success

RISK MINIMIZATION Injury PrevenMon and Care Policies P & P Manual EAPs AED/CPR Educa.onal programs PPE FMS Environmental monitoring Infec.on control Equipment fiwng Mental health Nutri.on

Medical Referral RISK MINIMIZATION appropriate medical referral system based on parental/guardian & insurance guidelines Reviewing current EBP and epidemiological concepts Facilitate PPE programs Facilitate communica.on and documenta.on with other health care professionals

RISK MINIMIZATION PracMce and CompeMMon Management Appropriate play/no play decisions Medical management of prac.ces and compe..ons Con.nual evalua.on of and condi.ons to promote safe environment Using P&P to maintain and evaluate a safe environment for all athle.c

RISK MINIMIZATION Ancillary Risk Management Strategies Recommenda.on for sport rule changes Knowledge of and recommenda.on for ins.tu.onal and governing body drug Budget management to provide adequate resources to purchase risk- educa.on supplies

MEDICAL SERVICES Injury EvaluaMon and Treatment Popula.on served Comparison to off campus health services

Injury Evalua.on and Treatment PopulaMon served Student- athletes Faculty/staff & family members Club sports Intramurals PE classes # of evals per month/season/year Time Loss vs. Non- Time Loss Early Symptom Interven0on

Injury Evalua.on and Treatment Comparison to off campus health services Based on CPT codes # of Treatments per Sport/Season/Month/ Year Worth of TXs in local clinics Cost of typical ER visit

Injury Evalua.on and Treatment Comparison to off campus health services Perceived value by coaches, parents, administrators, & athletes Availability of health care provider Standard of care: during school vs. acer school Athle.c Trainer/School Nurse team

Injury Evalua.on and Treatment Metrics Track encounters Money saved Improved class adendance

COST ANALYSIS $4,000,000.00 $3,500,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $0.00 1982 1992 1995 1997 1998 2000 2002 2006 2010

MEDICAL SERVICES Injury RehabilitaMon and RecondiMoning Popula.on served Comparison to off campus health services

MEDICAL SERVICES Injury Crisis and Management Design and implementa.on of EAP Venue and popula0on specific Development of infec.ous disease policy for athle.c popula.on Triage of simultaneous occurring emergency injuries

MEDICAL SERVICES Outside Medical Services Providers Team Physician Services Diagnos.c Injury Preven.on Programs Organiza.on/ Services Documenta.on: Injury Records & PPE Medical Creden.aling Insurance Drug Quality Control

COST CONTAINMENT Insurance premiums Liability insurance for district Risk minimiza.on EAP Facility Inspec.ons Student- athlete secondary insurance Metrics Insurance claim tracking & f/u EAP on file with systema.c review Monthly facility inspec.ons

COST CONTAINMENT Medical Services Coverage vs. Care Gatekeeper to health care system Early Symptom Interven.on Street value of in- house services Concussions Baseline, Post- concussion and rehab Metrics Injury tracking with f/u loss Referrals to outside resources Downstream revenue Tracking cost savings of co- pays & deduc.bles by in house

Medical Services More Metrics Tracking wages and produc.vity loss Per capita income Hourly rate School Absenteeism

COST CONTAINMENT Staffing and Workload Management Budget Management Fund Raising

ACADEMIC SUCCESS Unique invita.on into the lives, feelings, thoughts of the student - athlete

ACADEMIC SUCCESS Student Academic Success Non- biased/threatening posi.on Absenteeism Life Skills Mentoring, communica.on, life balance, stress management, conflict resolu.on,.me management Condi.ons Learning Concussions: Return to Learn/Academic Modifica.ons ADHD Drugs: RX and recrea.onal Counseling

AddiMonal Resources Secondary School Posi.on Proposal Guide hdp:// School- Posi.on- Proposal- Guide.pdf Secondary School Posi.on Improvement Guide hdp:// School- Posi.on- Improvement- Guide.pdf Secondary School Value Model To be released by NATA this month

Brian Robinson MS ATC ATEP Faculty Northern Illinois University