Donor interventions for flood recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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1 Donor interventions for flood recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina The EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina has in the framework of the regular donor coordination meetings taking place in Sarajevo compiled the following information provided by the listed embassies/organizations/institutions on planned and on-going donor interventions in different sectors following the floods. A summary of the priorities and needs included in the Recovery Needs Assessment is included for each sector. This list is published on the website of the donors' conference of 16 July to further facilitate donor coordination while it is clear that the information cannot be complete at this point. The Commission is not responsible for the accuracy of information received. Further information on donors' pledges will be publishes after the conference. Agriculture Recovery Needs Assessment (RNA) general (based on a draft) Top Priorities and Key Recommendations Short-term needs (period up to 12 months) 1. Address urgent needs to maintain and restore productivity and income; 2. Transition from relief to development interventions; 3. Interventions focused on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation; 4. Mainstream Build Back Better in the medium-long term; 5. Direct with in-kind; 6. Address indebtedness for farmers and agro-business; 7. Subsidize loans for low-interest rates for medium-term development. All farms: The most affected farmers which have lost crop, livestock and facilities (at least 15 villages). The still submerged assets and facilities indicate that the agricultural season for these farmers has ended. With little income sources and rising costs for recovery and investments into the next season, the most affected population will desperately need additional income. The need for income paired with the needs for the cleanup effort (which will last for years), indicate the need for a cash-forwork. Cereal (Wheat, Maize) - Provision of seeds, fertilizers Voucher schemes/cash grants for access to services for land preparation, harvesting, silage making. Fodder crops - Provision of fertilizers, seeds to revive the meadows productivity. Voucher schemes/cash grants for access to services for hay/sillage making. Horticulture - Seeds, fertilizers, phytosanitary products, small tools and sprayers. In-kind and cash grants for re-establishment of greenhouses. Cash grants for labour Orchards - Rejuvenation of affected orchards still productive (fertilizers, phytosanitary products, cash grants for labour). Replantation of orchards (vouchers for land preparation, seedlings, fertilizers, posts and iron wire, etc.) Cattle Sustain - Livestock through concentrate animal feed and Veterinary Drugs. Support for fencing and rehabilitation/adaptation of stables and animal pens. Repair damaged buy-off stations / lactofreezers Small ruminants and pigs - Sustain Livestock through concentrate animal

2 Medium-term needs (period up to 13 and 36 months) feed and Veterinary Drugs. Support for fencing and rehabilitation/adaptation of stables and animal pens Poultry and rabbits - Provision of start-up kits (animals, animal feed, vaccination, pen, etc.). Bees - Provision of start-up kits (beehives, colonies, extracting equipment and small tools) Fisheries/Aquaculture - it is important to allow a quick resumption of the production capacity through direct recovery assistance and financial for the rehabilitation and restocking of the fish farms. Adequate measures from in-kind assistance for restocking and provision of fish feed; cash grants and vouchers for rehabilitation of the fish farms (cleaning, repairs and improvement) have to be in the coming six months to allow recovering the pre-disaster production capacity. Forestry - Specific assistance to clean and remove debris, dead trees, through CFW, cash grants, repair or replacement of forestry machinery will be essential to restore the sub-sector productivity. In addition, such recovery efforts will constitute an opportunity to employment in the affected rural areas. All farms: - Cost of the farmers (apart those fully affected) are credit viable and with some can recover the damages to their households, mechanization and agricultural production. Any intervention providing reduction of the interest rates is welcomed. Cereal (Wheat, Maize) - Provision of seeds, fertilizers. Voucher schemes/cash grants for access to services for land preparation, harvesting, silage making (for the most vulnerable). Subsidised credit for more commercial farmers. Crop diversification Fodder crops - Provision of seeds, fertilizers. Voucher schemes/cash grants for access to services for land preparation, harvesting, silage making (for the most vulnerable). Subsidised credit for more commercial farmers. Crop diversification Horticulture - Seeds, fertilizers, phytosanitary products, small tools and sprayers in-kind and cash grants for re-establishment of green-houses cash grants for labour. Promotion of producers organizations and to agro-processing. Adapted credit and insurance schemes Orchards - Rejuvenation of affected orchards still productive (fertilizers, phytosanitary products, cash grants for labour). Replantation of orchards (vouchers for land preparation, seedlings, fertilizers, posts and iron wire, etc.). Promotion of producers organizations and to agroprocessing. Adapted credit and insurance schemes Cattle - Support for fencing and rehabilitation/adaptation of stables and animal pens; Implementation of Good Agricultural Practices related to manure and animal dejection collection; Support to processing business and enhancement of the value chains; Promotion and Support to producers organisations and inter-professional organisations Small ruminants and pigs - Support for fencing and rehabilitation/ adaptation of stables and animal pens; Implementation of Good Agricultural Practices related to manure and animal dejection collection; Support to processing business and enhancement of the value chains; Promotion and Support to producers organisations and inter-professional organisations Poultry and rabbits - Implementation of Good Agricultural Practices

3 related to manure and animal dejection collection; Support to and enhancement of the value chain and marketing; Promotion and Support to producers organisations and inter-professional organisation Bees - Provision of start-up kits (beehives, colonies, extracting equipment and small tools); Promotion and Support to producers organisations and inter-professional organisations; Support to and enhancement of the value chain and marketing Fisheries/Aquaculture - In the medium-term, similarly to other subsectors, promotion of and to producers organisations and interprofessional organisations, measures targeting the enhancement of the value-chain as well as production, processing and marketing standards in line with EU approximation have to be in the medium term and long term. Long-term needs All farms: - Modernise approach to agriculture taking in consideration the risks of floods and the possible mitigation mechanisms; Set flood plans and areas to be inundated in cases of breaches, saving the most valuable infrastructure and communities; Setup compensation schemes and policies Cereal (Wheat, Maize) - Crop diversification; Climate Change Adaptation Fodder crops - Crop diversification; Climate Change Adaptation Horticulture- Crop diversification; Climate Change Adaptation; Strengthening Producers organizations; Enhancement of the value-chains in line with EU approximation Orchards - Strengthening Producers organizations; Enhancement of the value-chains in line with EU approximation Cattle - Enhancement of the value-chains, Enhancement of production and processing standards, and marketing in line with EU approximation Small ruminants and pigs - Enhancement of the value-chains, Enhancement of production and processing standards, and marketing in line with EU approximation Poultry and rabbits - Enhancement of the value-chains, Enhancement of production and processing standards, and marketing in line with EU approximation Bees - Enhancement of the value-chains, Enhancement of production and processing standards, and marketing in line with EU approximation Fisheries/Aquaculture - similarly to other sub-sectors, promotion of and to producers organisations and inter-professional organisations, measures targeting the enhancement of the value-chain as well as production, processing and marketing standards in line with EU approximation have to be in the medium term and long term. Flood recovery-relief efforts Donor interventions Forestry - Improved forestry management will impact on the occurrence of flash floods, thus contributing effectively to DRR. Donor 1 EU 2 MEUR IPA 2012 Planned (under tendering expected to be contracted in October/November 2014)

4 Aim of the October 2014 October 2016 Technical Assistance to the State veterinary office (and other relevant stakeholders to include) in a country wide strategy for management of animal by-products/animal waste and on preparations for and design of feasibility study for treatment facilities State veterinary office of BiH How is the via international open service tender/service contractor Donor 2 EU - ECHO 577,000 out of 3 million under the Humanitarian Aid Emergency Decision underway 1/7/ /12/2014 Aim of the Improving livelihood through of animal feed to the most flood affected municipalities ing 1500 families with animal feed stock Donor 3 USAID/Sida FARMA Project 2M USD from USAID and 7 million SEK from Sweden/ Sida (appr ) Extension in time and funding of on-going program (supplement to on-going program) Launch - July, End 2014, mid-2015 (depending on extension of FARMA programme) Aim of the Possible reorientation within ongoing project FARMA project. Ready to be flexible to respond to the immediate and longer-term aftermath of this disaster. Restoring of productivity and income: Feed delivery through UNDP, viable farming/market infrastructure, storage, small scale equipment, irrigation type assistance, seeds etc. Livelihoods: micro enterprises, small businesses and likely including agricultural income aspects How is the Other comments Donor 4 Aim of the How is the micro enterprises, small businesses and likely including agricultural income aspects (focus on Samac, Maglaj and Doboj) grant FARMA is a five year programme ending in February 2015 (possible extension under discussions to cover 2014 and possibly, a bit of 2015 Austrian government EUR Medium Term June 2014 February Planting wheat for next season In most affected municipalities seeds of wheat for next season will be distributed to local farmers. List of beneficiaries will be decided together with representatives of entity ministries of Agriculture FAO via grant awarded

5 Donor 5? Aim of the How is the Donor 6? Aim of the How is the FAO of the UN USD Short term June 2014 November 2014 To ensure the survival of livestock (at risk), preserve the productivity and strengthen the resilience throughout the next production period, allowing their owners (direct beneficiaries) to maintain and recover their livelihoods. Agriculture beneficiaries FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (core funds) by FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and office in Sarajevo In most affected municipalities animal feed will be distributed to local farmers. List of beneficiaries will be decided together with representatives of entity ministries of Agriculture, representatives of local communities and representatives of farmers. FAO of the UN 95,000 USD Short term June 2014 December 2014 Agriculture beneficiaries, Sector Needs Assessment FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (core funds) by FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and office in Sarajevo Donor 7 Who? How much? Short/Medium/ Long-term For what? As of when? May 2014 Implementation Through UNDP, DEX mechanisms Grants-Loans Grant On-going programme/ UN response to Floods planned programme/ possible programme Donor 8 To provide to the Emergency Response in BiH. Coordination of Need Assessment for the agriculture Sector; Management and Implementation of FAO Emergency Response. USAID 754,076 USD (from the total donation of 1,500,000 USD) Short Emergency Assistance (generators, dehumidifiers, animal feed, seeds and fertilizers, disinsection and disinfection materials, milk-cooling tanks, farms disinfection, veterinary medicines, shovels, gloves, masks etc.)

6 Who? Netherlands How much? 28,966 USD / 20,000 USD Short/Medium/ Short / Medium Long-term For what? Protection of food and vegetable seedlings, animal feed, fertilizers and seeds. As of when? June 2014 Implementation UNDP/DEX mechanisms Grants-Loans Grant On-going programme/ Srebrenica Regional Recovery Project planned programme/ possible programme Donor 9 Who? EU How much? 173,555 USD Short/Medium/ Medium Long-term For what? Greenhouses As of when? June 2014 Implementation UNDP/DEX mechanisms Grants-Loans Grant On-going programme/ ISED planned programme/ possible programme Donor 10 World Bank Tbc (possibly 20M USD) Planned Aim of the WB is discussing with govt possible additional financing of US 20 million of the current ARDP project to agriculture recovery Donor 11 World Bank - Emergency Recovery Loan (ERL) Part of ERL (proportion of total allocation of 40M USD) Approved Aim of the Agricultural recovery goods: including agricultural equipment and immovable productions systems such as greenhouses, milking parlors and auxiliary installations, sorting or packaging equipment; inputs (excluding pesticides); such as seedlings for perennial crops, orchards and wine yards as well as seeds and fertilizer for reseeding of fields; as well concentrated animal forage and fodder stocks that were destroyed by floods; livestock. Civil protection RNA general (based on a draft) Top Priorities / Key Recommendations 1. Avoid the recreation of risk; 2. Identify systemic weaknesses; 3. Ensure infrastructure, businesses and services are resilient to potential future natural hazards;

7 4. Mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in all development projects and sectors. 1. Participatory approach to strengthen Disaster Risk Reduction; 2. Improving risk identification and assessment; 3. Prioritization of risk mitigation (structural and non-structural measures); 4. Strengthen emergency preparedness and response (Early Warning Systems); 5. Developing risk financing strategies. Short-term needs Substitution of lost equipment (flood related) Equipment and capacities to react to moving mine fields Equipment and capacities to handle the landslides and related dangers Medium-term needs Improve complementarity of BiH civil protection key players in terms of capacity and interoperability regarding rescue and protection. Coordination arrangement in order to be able to participate in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism Improved Early Warning Systems Long-term needs Development of modules in other areas of disaster management. Flood recovery-relief efforts Donors activities Donor 1 Aim of the Donor 2 Aim of the How is the Donor 3 UNDP EUR ongoing Support to Disaster Risk Reduction Platforms development of plans and studies and awareness raising; assessments, integration of DRR in local development strategies, training on emergency management and small-scale disaster mitigation projects. All levels of government EU 1M EUR Planned Fall 2014 Via capacity building and supplies, the project will aim to reduce the vulnerability of the country to natural and man-made disasters. The project will focus on cooperation and coordination procedures between civil protection structures, provide related training and provide supplies relevant for search and rescue operations to respond effectively to natural disasters, in particularly floods. The project will complement the DG ECHO grant with a focus on regional cooperation and training and the procurement of bigger items for flood response (pumps and boats). Civil protection authorities Technical Assistance and supply EU - ECHO 6 Million 2 Million approved, 4 Million to be approved Fall 2014;

8 Aim of the How is the Comment ) Establishment of Operational multinational civil protection modules for flood response that are able to operate regionally and through the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (Flood rescue with boats, High capacity pumping, Flood containment module) 2) Improved capacity of beneficiary countries to deal with the requirements of the EU Floods Directive and to address flood prevention Civil protection authorities of the EU candidate countries and potential candidates Call for proposals Regional project Demining RNA general (based on a draft) Top Priorities and Key Recommendations Short-term needs Physical clearance is the most expensive part of demining; Need of a non-technical survey of the situation to avoid any over-spending on the clearance process; Any potential threat needs to be identified in the immediate/short-term, marked off and prioritized for clearance. Non-technical (desk top survey) of all extended Suspected Hazardous Areas (SHAs) Replacing marking and fencing of SHAs Technical Survey and marking of new SHAs Clearance of confirmed SHAs Mine Risk Education (MRE) Community Liaison in all affected areas. In the emergency phase it is planned to gain access to the potentially contaminated 105 km² through emergency clearance with mine marking erected in order to warn the local population and reconstruction personnel of the present dangers. All repair and reconstruction activities will be restricted until the mine/uxo clearance is completed and the area is secure. The risk of a mine or Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) accident or incident will be high until the survey and clearance activities have been completed. Medium-term needs All locations (houses, gardens, roads, bridge abutments, infrastructure including power lines and water supplies) within a known SHA or potential SHA will need to be surveyed for potential mine and UXO contamination to enable essential services to start reconstruction activities. If mine/uxo contamination is confirmed, clearance will need to be prioritised based on the availability of assets. Roads and infrastructure will need to be opened. In many cases earth that may contain landmines has been removed and deposited close by, so at some point during the medium term recovery phase these earth deposits will need to be cleared so construction workers can commence work. Long-term needs All SHAs that have been identified in the short/medium term will need to be cleared. A lot of fertile agricultural land that was not given a high priority in the medium term will need to be surveyed and cleared. Note that the whole clearance process will also be complicated with the additional

9 Estimation of damages and losses (EUR) Flood recovery-relief efforts Donors activities Donor 1 Aim of the How is the contamination of debris and mud resulting from the floods. Farmers and land workers will remain to be at risk until these areas are surveyed and cleared. Existing SHAs that were already identified will also need to be cleared to remove the threat of landmines and UXO completely, thereby removing all mine/uxo risk after any future flooding disaster. From the initial 920 km2 of flooded area approximately 300 km2 was assessed to be in mine affected areas. From this 300 km2 of flooded area BHMAC identified approximately 105 km2 that could potentially contain mines and UXO that have migrated from the suspected hazardous areas (SHAs) Within the 105 km2 a total of 40 km2 was marked up as SHAs. US 3 million USD Planned programme Short and medium term AFBiH demining battalion provided with replacement parts for their metal detectors, purchase hand-held GPS s for BHMAC and the rest of the money will be used for commercial demining. BH MAC Commercial companies MoD demining battalion Grant Donor 2 Aim of the How is the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) EUR Approved Q3/Q This Donation will be used for rapid response in line with ITF competencies. The first stage will focus on technical surveys, sign remapping, and marking of the areas that present the highest security risk; the second part will, in close cooperation with re-survey teams, focus on urgent mine risk awareness for communities affected by floods. Priority areas will be identified by ITF based on preliminary estimates and in coordination with BiH MAC. Families and areas affected by the floods. ITF (ITF receives also other funding for this) Grant Energy RNA general (based on a draft) Top Priorities / 1. Recovering generation supply capacity 2. Providing meters and safe energizing of transmission and distribution

10 Recommendations Short-term needs (period up to 12 months) Medium-term needs (period up to 13 and 36 months) Long-term needs Flood recovery-relief efforts Donors activities Donor 1 Aim of the systems 3. Rehabilitation of damages, and destroyed and endangered high, medium and low voltage systems 4. Restoring the inventory 5. Rehabilitation of small hydro power plants 6. Rehabilitation of affected business premises 1. Relocation of key facilities away from flood prone areas 2. New design parameters and/or practices for energy infrastructure and assets 3. Provision of emergency equipment and material inventory 4. Review emergency procedures for future floods and insurance coverage 1. Recovering generation supply capacity through temporary measures for supplying coal from unaffected coalmines while evacuating water from flooded mine. 2. Providing meters and safe energizing of transmission and distribution system in order to help both utilities and customers to reduce supply losses. 3. Rapid restoration of transmission and distribution networks aimed at helping power utilities to reduce losses due to lower electricity demand. 4. Rehabilitation of damaged, and destroyed, endangered high, medium and low voltage systems on priority basis. 5. Restore inventory of equipment and spare parts that were used up during the emergency phase. 6. Rehabilitation of SHPPs. 7. Rehabilitation of affected business premises to ensure continuation of uninterrupted business operation. 8. Ensure all affected facilities are restored to operation with better disaster resilience capacity, rehabilitate and rebuild affected infrastructure and assets while taking into account flood and landslide protection measures 9. Explore lowest cost options to minimize damage to existing energy assets in the future (relocation of substations and assess from low flood prone areas, steep slopes etc, and new applications such as universal cable applications more resistant to water and silt, installation of SF6 medium voltage blocks in sub-stations. 10. Review emergency procedures for future floods and asset insurance coverage. 1. Relocation of key facilities away from known flood areas 2. New design parameters and/or practices for energy infrastructure and assets to improve performance and resilience. 3. Provision of emergency equipment and material inventory such as mobile sub-stations strategically located. Reconstruction and recovery efforts should be tied with existing development and growth strategies to: 1. Reconstruct / rehabilitate and construct new power distribution facilities, short-term will be the most effected. 2. Reconstruction of calculation measurement point and AMM 3. Connection of new consumers/producers to the distribution grid. None reported after the period past 36 months. Please see the list of Distribution System Operators (DSOs) below: The Energy Community Secretariat in cooperation with EURELECTRIC

11 coordinated efforts to supply aid in equipment and material to network operators in the affected regions. The Secretariat led consultations with representatives of the respective DSOs regarding technical compatibility and worked to ensure the most cost-effective solution. DSOs from all over Europe responded to the call, with the following results: 1. E.on Elnat, Sweden: of meters and 4200 power and voltage transformers made available, meters are designated to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske, transformers (the number subject to further clarification of compatibility) to Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske and to Komunalno Brčko in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2. EVN, Bulgaria: of available meters made available, 776 meters designated to Bosnia and Herzegovina for Komunalno Brčko; 3. Netzburgenland, Austria: of 30 transformers, 20 switchgears, 50 rod isolators, OH conductors and cables made available, 4 switchgears are designated to Serbia for Elektroprivreda Srbije, 500m OH conductors and 1500 LV cables to Bosnia and Herzegovina for Komunalno Brčko; 4. Thüringer Energie, Germany: of 20 transformers and 4 sets of convertors made available, all transformers are designated to Bosnia and Herzegovina to Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske and Komunalno Brčko; Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske Komunalno Brčko Flood protection RNA general (based on a draft) Top Priorities and Key Recommendations 1. Dyke and dam reconstruction 2. Reinstate river and canal profiles and repair erosion protection 3. Torrent open profiles and sediment management 4. Reconstruct torrent banks and dams 5. Stabilize landslides 6. Repair pumps 7. Reconstruct/repair gauging stations 1. Survey of dykes 2. River and canal survey 3. Create landslide database 4. Measures for improved planning (hydraulic/torrent modeling; Sava Flood Risk Management Plan Flood recovery-relief efforts Donors activities Donor 1 EIB 74 million Ongoing. Financing agreement with the EIB for a loan of 55 million was done in October Possibility for immediate extension up to is 74 million, which is a loan capacity approved by EIB.

12 Aim of the Initially planned deadline for construction is June 16. Preparation stage completed, procurement ongoing, few works contract started. All construction sites were flooded. Considering the recent damages to the existing flood protection structures several components will have to be reassessed as well as the time schedule of the programme Emergency Flood Relief and Management RS Floods response: review the current investment program and update in line with recent damages; EUR 51 m can still be disbursed under the existing Finance contract. A new Finance Contract of EUR 19 m can still be signed under the existing approval Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry RS, Water Agency Srpske Vode EIB loan and own funds How is the Other comments Total investment is assessed at 95.6 MEURO (of which own funds EUR 21.6 MEURO). It was decided to implement the project in phases, considering the immediate, urgent, short term measures and long term measures. The implementation of the project is planned over the period So far, only limited funds have been released and the loan amount can be used flexibly for areas where damages occurred (revision of work programme related to the loan). EIB informed that consultant will be hired to change tender dossiers so that they match current needs. Donor 2 EIB 200,000 Consultancy services for flood response in countries within Sava River region, Cooperation with Sava Commission Ongoing Aim of the July September 2014 Further assessments and Scoping of needs for purpose of decisions on financing of investments in BiH, Serbia and Croatia Inputs for Flood Risk Management Project in RS BiH, mentioned above How is the EIB grant Donor 3 EU 3, Approved/tender process ongoing Start pending finalization of tender evaluation Aim of the Will assist in provision of the flood protection structure to be constructed on the river banks of River Bosnia (Sarajevsko polje). The project will cover the protection of 611 ha in case of a flood of the magnitude Q1/100 (one hundred year flood). Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations (MoFTER); Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Ministry for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Agency for Sava River area in Sarajevo

13 Canton Sarajevo; Municipalities Ilidža and Novi Grad; Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Population affected with the Flood in the Ilidza and Novi Grad Municipalities; Canton Sarajevo. How is the Procurement of works as well as supervision contract Donor 4 EU million ongoing commenced 27 January 2014 Aim of the Capacity building in the water sector : The purpose of this contract is twofold: the transposition and implementation of EU water-related Directives; and to improve the management of water resources of the Sava River basin by developing the country s administrative capacity in the water management field and so enable the designated authorities to prepare a River Basin Management Plan in line with the existing legislation, environmental acquis, and the international obligations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry in the Federation and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in the Republika Srpska, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of District Brcko and, in particular for the preparation of the Sava River Basin Management Plan, the Sava River Water Agency in FBiH and the Public Institution 'Waters of Srpska' in RS. The Beneficiary will also be the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations and the Agency for the Water Area of the Adriatic Sea. How is the Direct management EU Delegation Donor 5 EU 3.1 million Approved but on hold tbc Aim of the There are currently two projects under WBIF round 10 and 11 which are positively assessed but on hold, namely "Support for preparation of flood hazard maps and flood risk maps in FBiH" (grant TA of 1.6 million) as well as "Flood risk management of RS" TA grant of 1.5 million (both EIB ed). The projects involve preparation of flood risk maps and flood risk management plans, which is required by the EU Floods Directive. Sava River Watershed Agency, Agency Vode Srpske, municipalities in Sava River Basin How is the WBIF Donor 6 EU 2.5 million ongoing

14 Aim of the Close to finalisation How is the Donor 7 EU 2 million approved tbc Aim of the In the RS (also under WBIF round 5), there is already ongoing the project "flood risk management for the RS" (grant 2.5 million). The project purpose is to ensure effective preparation of investment projects for flood protection in RS (immediate measures and to the PIU) as well as replacement and upgrade of pumping stations, preventive measures including erosion protection, flood risk mapping etc. WBIF Sava River Basin Flood Management. Main outcomes: Flood Risk Mgt Plan for the Sava River as well as flood forecasting and warning system for the Sava River Basin. State ministries (e.g. MOFTER) and relevant entity institutes/agencies in BiH,Serbia and MNE How is the WBIF Other comments Project was approved and given green light Donor 8 UNDP Tbc up to 5 million US $ (from GEF) Planned. In case the programme becomes operational, it will start in the 3 rd quarter of Aim of the The programme can include a components on policy development on flood protection and EWS, technological transfer (two million ), e.g. hydrometrological stations and other flood protection measures as well as work with local municipalities. Vrbas River basin flood protection to be be operational mid This programme also contains a component of establishing an Early Warning System mechanism on the level of the Entities and State. Other comments UNDP has established three offices in Doboj, Brcko and Tuzla. Donor 9 EIB/CEB tbc planned Aim of the Flood Relief and Management in the Federation. EIB has indicated that it could consider participating in the financing of such a project (already existing in the RS see above). CEB is reportedly equally ready to intervene in this sector. How is the loans Donor 10 Embassy of Sweden / Sida 1 million SEK, approximately 110,000 Planning to expand ongoing municipal training program (MTS), by UNDP in the field of disaster relief management.

15 Aim of the How is the Other comments July Increasing knowledge and ability for prevention planning to reduce impacts of future floodings. BiH municipalities. Through an ongoing program by UNDP. Grants. Donor 11 World Bank See below for various projects See below Up to 2019 Aim of the BiH Drina Floods Protection project - approved by the Board on May 16, 2014, effectiveness tbc. Financing - IDA Credit 24 m $US. The Project s development objective is to provide increased protection from flood events to agricultural and commercial interest and communities in the project area (Bijeljina and Gorazde). Implementation ( ) How is the Donor 12 Aim of the How is the Drina Basin Investment Prioritization Framework ( ) under implementation. Financing -the EU Western Balkan Investment Facility (WBIF) 1.2 M. The joint regional study for a Drina Basin Investment Prioritization Framework ( will focus on identifying, in broad terms, the mediumand longer-term investment opportunities, with the aim to set the stage for preparing a sustainable development roadmap able to unlock the investment dialogue among the countries and seek feasible solutions that are fully based on IWRM. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro West Balkans Drina River Basin Management Project under preparation. Financing total 10 m $US (GEF 5 m $US and SCCF 5m $US). The objective of the project is to capacity building, studies and investments to strengthen the capacity of the governments of BiH, Serbia and Montenegro to plan and implement integrated, cooperative international management of the river basin and address climate change adaptation in the Drina river basin. Implementation ( ) See above World Bank Emergency Recovery loan amounting to up to 100 million, 30million are envisaged for Regional Infrastructure Rehabilitation. This Subcomponent will the rehabilitation of strategic, regional-level public infrastructure such as transport links, dikes and other strategic public infrastructure. approved Support the rehabilitation of strategic, regional-level public infrastructure such as transport links, dikes and other strategic public infrastructure. Loan - Concessional terms

16 Housing and household items RNA general (based on a draft) Top Priorities and Key recommendations 1. Identification of hazardous buildings and structures which 1) risk collapsing; and 2) are in areas at risk of landslides; 2. Detailed identification and consolidation of information on all damages and related losses to the housing, prepared by the BiH authorities; 3. Establishment of a state managed coordination mechanism to assure that donations are allocated to the priority areas; 4. Development of specific subprojects for the repair of houses; 5.Approval by donors and/or the State and/or the Entities; 6. Implementation of subprojects; 7. Monitoring at State, Entity and/or Municipal levels. Short-term needs Repair 80% of the damaged flats Repair 50% of the damaged housing units Relocate 100% of those whose houses are destroyed. Medium-term needs Repair the remaining 20% of the damaged flats Long-term needs Flood recovery-relief efforts Donors activities Donor 1 How is the Donor 2 Aim of the How is the Donor 3 Repair the remaining 50% of the damaged housing units The repair of the flooded units may continue during this period if the repairs and relocation have not been completed by the end of the third year. Priorities will have to be continuously updated as some are addressed through donor funds and some beneficiaries may be able to do the repairs on their own. USAID ca 2 Mio for housing (part of 10M USD by USAID) planned loans EU Ca 18M EUR (Total 21M with Livelihoods) Planned Summer 2014-Summer 2015 The would be provided to the most vulnerable of society (elderly, minorities, poor, single parents, disabled) affected by the flooding, i.e. those who do not have the capacity to help themselves. The most vulnerable groups from the flooded municipalities Grant to UNDP in cooperation with International NGOs Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) EUR 60 million

17 Aim of the How is the Donor 4 Aim of the How is the Donor 5 Aim of the Approved 31/12/2017 (Project closing date) Aid to refugees, migrants and displaced persons Refugees, migrants and displaced persons in collective centres The project is approved and awaiting ratification. The scope of the project could be broadened to include vulnerable categories of the population impacted by the floods (e.g. elderly people). EU - ECHO out of the 3 million under the Humanitarian Aid Emergency Decision (amount for Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia) Underway 1/7/2014 until 31/12/2014 Cash grants to enable families to secure shelter or basic household 3000 households targeting the Internal Displaced People, returnees and refugees Cash grants World Bank - Emergency Recovery Loan (ERL) US$ 100 million Part of ERL (proportion of total allocation of 40M USD) Approved Reconstruction goods: including construction materials; construction equipment and industrial machinery (including trucks, dozers, excavators); prefabricated houses. Livelihoods and employment RNA general (based on a draft) Top Priorities and Key 1. Short cycle skills training and kits for recovery and construction-related skills Recommendations 2. Rapid launching of a finance programme for enterprises; 3. Temporary employment creation; 4. Enhance access to innovative employment services; 5. Enhance the capacity (software and hardware) of public and private local business service providers as well as financial service providers; 6. Capacity building of local institutions and entrepreneurs including a Training of Trainers on Multi-hazard Business Continuity Management". Short-term needs Revitalisation of SME sector in the flood affected municipalities would include provision of SME finance and rehabilitation of basic business facilities. Medium-term needs Reintegration of the flood affected enterprises into the value chains within the development programme programmes to boost local competitiveness. Country-wide available finance to the private sector to upgrade production standards and stimulate entrepreneurship. Flood recovery-relief efforts Donors activities

18 Donor 1 European Union Ongoing: 1.3 MEUR business infrastructure (feasibility studies) ; 0,7 million (additional) to tourism industry; 2.2 million grants local economic development See above Ongoing Aim of the Ongoing: - 2,2 million to Local Economic Development includes 5 new grant contracts which will mostly be in the northern and central part of BiH. They include the following activities: -Development of entrepreneurial centre in Posavina (Orasje) -Support to export oriented enterprises in the municipality Zepce -Development of cluster of traditional products in North East BiH -Development of technology centre for wood processing in Zenica -Development of business service centre and to tourism in Podrinje How is the Donor 2 Aim of the How is the Donor 3 - IPA 2009 TA will prepare feasibility studies for investments in business infrastructure in District Brcko, Orasje and Laktasi and investment plans for business parks in Banja Luka and Bijeljina - IPA 2008 technical assistance to tourism industry will provide small-scale renovation of tourism signalisation in both entities and in District Brcko. EU Delegation EU - SME/Local Development 9 MEUR planned Summer 2014 The objective of the project is to re-establish and improve the competitiveness of SMEs with a special focus on access to finance and business advisory services. Contribution Agreement to GIZ EBRD Up to 100 MEUR In the private sector, EBRD will use the recently approved or soon to be approved regional facilities (Western Balkans Financing Facility/Framework IV (WBFF IV), Local Enterprise Facility, Enterprise Expansion Fund). In addition, EBRD is discussing with the EU potential for financing urgent investments by SMEs, under the existing facility to make upgrades towards EU production standards. A total of EUR 4 million in grants from the EU (see above) for technical and verification consultants and incentives for subborrowers would mobilize at least EUR 20 million in new lending for investment projects to be available mid EBRD is also testing and working on a new product that will be targeted at

19 agribusiness. Mobilizing funding for this product will start in 2014 and the programme may be fully operational by Aim of the Overall, EBRD expects to be able to provide about EUR 100 million of new financing for the private sector by end 2015, which will recovery of the economy following the floods. These funds, and in particular the credit lines, are not directly targeting victims of the floods, many of which are unable to borrow, but rather general economic recovery. However, at least part of the funds will be used for flood related repairs, particularly by larger companies. Medium term (subject to approval and signing of individual agreements with private sector parties) Direct loans for and equity investments in private companies, credit lines for SMEs via financial institutions: WBFF IV: In a move to boost long term lending to local businesses and private borrowers in the Western Balkans, EBRD is extending up to 500 million for onlending to partner banks provided through the Western Balkans Finance Framework IV, structured to accommodate potential demand for additional financing as a result of the recent floods in BiH, Croatia and Serbia. The WBFF IV will provide credit lines as well as equity, hybrid instruments and guarantees to local banks and non-banking financial institutions in Albania, BiH, Croatia, FYROM, Kosovo, MNE and SR for onlending to micro, MSMEs and private borrowers. LEF (Local Enterprise Facility): The Fifth Replenishment of 100 MEUR allows LEF to continue its activities in its region of operations, as well as secure resources to co-finance deals alongside the Enterprise Expansion Fund ( ENEF ), a fund covering the Western Balkans and Croatia, established with the EU and the European Investment Bank Group, under the Enterprise Development and Innovation facility ( EDIF ). How is the Other comments Donor 4 Aim of the The Facility consists of a wide and flexible range of financial instruments (including equity, quasi-equity and debt financing) available to local enterprises and SME-dedicated financial institutions. SMEs Direct loans for and equity investments in private companies, credit lines for SMEs via financial institutions Combination of on-going, planned, and possible programmes EIB TBC Ongoing, So far no feedback from the local commercial banks /request received from BiH authorities Medium term. Subject to credit approvals and signing of agreements with the commercial banks below. EIB is ready to reallocate present loans through the local l banks to SMEs for recovery after flood damages. Extension of credits as well as new loans possible. SMEs

20 How is the Other comments Donor 5 Aim of the How is the Other comments Donor 6 Other comments Donor 7 Aim of the Various Credit Lines to SMEs are in place through the banks: Sparkasse, Intesa, Unicredit, ProCredit, which are available for SME financing. These funds are not flood related but the Bank could consider further Loans to SMEs and extend these funds to flood related issues. EIB has several credit lines with the local banks for financing of SMEs, above, the list submitted to the EUD. The relevant banks are informed on the possibility of using and ev. extending the lines for the flood damage related recovery. Federal Government of Germany through KfW 7.5 MEUR Planned Short term (as of September 2014 probably). - Within the European Fund for BiH (EFBH managed by KFW on behalf of various donors), KFW is preparing two credit lines (Flood Credit Relief Programme): Target group of both credit lines are MSMEs plus private households. Up to 6,000 KM per household/msme: One tranche of 2,5 million will be financed from funds available within the EFBH (beneficiaries: MSMEs plus private households) Another tranche of 5,0 million will be financed by funds from the Federal Government of Germany. MSMEs plus private households European Fund for BIH: Loans to local MFI s which on-lend to target a.m. groups Since more than ten years KfW is managing on behalf of various donors the "European Fund for Bosnia and Herzegovina" (EFBH). These credit lines serve certain purposes; most of them were earmarked for financing investments of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Sweden / Sida According to the Embassy of Sweden, there will be reallocations within the present development program as follows: FIRMA (4,5 million SEK, approximately 490,000 ); FARMA (7 million SEK, approximately 760,000 ) for clearing of debris and compensating for losses; CREDO Krajina (5 million SEK, appr. 540 ) for the of affected SMEs. Economic integration and the development of a market economy through livelihood/job creation is a priority in the programming period until 2020 (new regional strategy). Sida indicates that long-term effects need be considered in ing livelihood/job creation, including avoiding possible market distortion. EU ECHO (with UNDP) EU funding ( ) out of 3 million under Humanitarian Aid Emergency Need to tackle the gap between urgency and recovery phase as well as donor


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