Workflow Conductor Widgets

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1 Workflow Conductor Widgets Workflow Conductor widgets are the modular building blocks used to create workflows in Workflow Conductor Studio. Some widgets define the flow, or path, of a workflow, and others perform specific actions, such as sending an , updating the properties of an item, or creating a task. Widgets are grouped by function in the widget list in the left pane of Conductor Studio. The categories in this list can be customized by an administrator in Central Administration > Workflow Conductor Control Panel > Widget Categories. The default categories represent the major widget functions (listed below). A Frequently Used category contains widgets that administrators expect to be used most often by workflow designers. Workflow Logic: Workflow Logic widgets handle the "flow" of the workflow. This category includes widgets that allow workflow branching or parallel processing. Some of the widgets in this category are container widgets that allow other widgets to be dropped inside of them. For example, drop other widgets inside the two branches of a Run Parallel widget to allow two sets of actions to be executed simultaneously. User Interaction: User Interaction widgets request input from users, communicate to users during a workflow, or manage user accounts. Widgets that send or assign certain types of tasks can be found in this category, as well as widgets that manage Active Directory and SharePoint user accounts and groups. Lists and Items: Widgets in the List and Items category read or manipulate SharePoint items, lists, and libraries. Actions such as creating, copying, or updating list items are found here. External Data: External Data widgets access data outside of the current SharePoint environment. Access to Web services, databases, and even external SharePoint environments is provided by these widgets. To add a widget to a workflow, simply drag it from the widget list pane on the left and drop it where you want it in the Conductor Studio diagram. Most widgets require configuration, which is done in the Widget Properties tab of the settings pane. No coding is required to set the properties of a widget. General information about features common to all widgets can be found in the following sections: Common Widget Properties Using Lookups For detailed information about the function and properties of specific widgets, click the widget name in the list below: Workflow Logic Widgets Calculate: Perform a mathematical, date, or string function. Compare: Compare two or more values. Conditional Branch: Branch a workflow based on a criteria. Delay For: Pause the workflow for a specific amount of time. Delay Until: Delay until a specific date/time. Echo Test: Troubleshoot a workflow. End Workflow: End a workflow. Repeat For Each Item: Repeat part of a workflow for each item in a list or library. Repeat While: Repeat part of a workflow while a condition is true. Run Parallel: Run two sets of actions simultaneously. Set Variable: Set the value of a workflow variable. Start Another Workflow: Start another workflow. Wait for Field Change: Pause the workflow until a field meets a condition. User Interaction Widgets Add User To AD Group: Add a User to an Active Directory group. Add User To SharePoint Group: Add a User to a SharePoint group. Collect Data From User: Collect data from a user mid-workflow with a SharePoint task. Create AD Account: Create an account in Active Directory. Create SharePoint Group: Create a SharePoint group. Disable AD Account: Disable an account in Active Directory. Get User Info: Get a SharePoint user profile property. Remove User From AD Group: Remove a user from an Active Directory group. Remove User From SP Group: Remove a user from a SharePoint group. Request Approval: Request approval for an item. Request Feedback: Request feedback on an item. Send Send an from the workflow.

2 List and Items Widgets Check In: Check in an item. Check Out: Check out an item. Complete Task: Set a task Status field to Completed. Copy Item: Copy an item to a list or library. Create Item: Create a new item in a list or library. Create List: Create a new list. Create Task: Create a Task list item. Delete Item: Delete an item from a list or library. Delete List: Delete a list. Discard Check Out: Remove the Checked Out status from an item. Log to History: Write an entry to the Workflow History list. Set Approval Status: Set the Approval Status on an item. Set Field Value: Set the value of a field for an item in a list or library. Update Item: Update one or more fields for an item in a list or library. External Data Widgets Access SP via REST: Read and update items in an external SharePoint list. Call Web Service: Call a SOAP Web service. Query Database: Query a database. General Widget Properties After a widget is dropped into the workflow, it must be configured before the workflow can use it. To set the properties of a widget, click on it in the Conductor Studio diagram to display the Widget Properties tab in the settings pane. Widget Properties vary by widget, but there are a few properties that all widgets have in common: Display Name: This property will default to the widget name, but you can change it to something specific to your workflow to better describe what that widget is configured to do. For example, you might change the Display Name from "Send " to "Notify Initiator" to provide more detail about what that particular Send widget is doing. When you update a widget Display Name property, it also updates the widget in the Studio diagram. Description: This is an optional setting that allows you to add a short description for the widget to explain the purpose of it in the workflow. It is only displayed in Conductor Studio, and is not used anywhere in the workflow. Logging Level: You can select different levels of logging for each widget in your workflow. Workflow logs can be viewed using the Log Viewer Web Part. Available Logging Level settings are: Errors Only (the default) Errors and Warnings Errors, Warnings, and Info Workflow Designers can override individual widget Logging Level settings when a workflow is started. Run As: By default, widgets are executed with the permission level of the workflow initiator. You can override this for many widgets using the Run As property. The Run As property has the following options: Initiator (default): The widget will run with the permissions of the workflow initiator. Designer: The widget will run with the permissions of the user who deployed the workflow from Conductor Studio. Other: The widget will run with the permissions of another user. Click the Lookup User icon ( Password of another user account, and click Save. ), enter the Username and For a list of the properties unique to a particular widget, see the documentation for that widget. Properties marked with a red asterisk (*) in the Widget Properties tab are required. Note: After entering the properties for a widget, click Apply to save your settings. If something is not configured correctly, Conductor Studio will warn you with a message at the bottom of the Widget Properties tab.

3 Using Lookups, Variables, and References When you configure a Workflow Conductor widget, most widget properties can be defined either by typing or choosing an explicit value, or by using a lookup. Lookups are placeholders for values that are not known until the workflow runs. Using a lookup in place of an actual value makes your workflow more flexible and reusable. You can insert a lookup anywhere you see the lookup icon ( ) or the Add Lookup ( ) button. When you click the lookup icon or Add Lookup button, the Lookup Form is displayed. The Lookup Form allows you to select from various lookups, references, and variables available in the workflow, item, list, site, and even other lists and sites in this site collection or other site collections. The rest of this section describes each type of lookup and gives examples of how to use them. Current Item Field External Lookup Easy Reference Workflow Variables URL References Current Item Field Current Item Field lookups allow the workflow designer to assign the value of a field in the current item to a widget property. To specify a field, select it in the list and click Add. A {CurrentItem:Field} placeholder is inserted into the widget property. When a widget using a Current Item Field lookup is reached during a workflow, Conductor retrieves the field from the item the workflow was started on and replaces the lookup with the current value for that field. For example, if you set the To: property of a Send widget to use the Modified By field of the current item (which appears as {CurrentItem:Modified By} in the widget properties), the widget would send an to the user who most recently modified the item.

4 Top External Lookup External lookups are similar to Current Item Field lookups, but they allow designers to specify fields from other items, not just the one the workflow was started on. The other item could be in this list, in other lists in the same site, or even in a list in another site collection. First, select a Site Collection, a Site in that site collection, and a List in that site. Then, select a field in that list to return. Next, you must tell Conductor which item in the list to use, since the workflow does not know about it like it does the "current" item. Select a Field in the external list that you want to use as a matching (or "key") field, and specify the value that field must have in order for the item to be a match. You can either type something explicitly in the Equals field, or you can insert a lookup to some other value, such as a matching property in the current item. The screenshot below shows a Conditional Branch widget configured to only perform an action if the current item is newer than an item with the same Name in another list. An External Lookup retrieves the Created date field from the external list where the Name of the external list item matches the Name of the current item. Note: If the External Lookup returns more than one item when the widget runs, the first matching item is used. You can use a lookup in place of an actual Site, List, or Field name by selecting the --Other [Site/List/Field]-- option. Once you use a lookup for one external lookup form field, all other form fields subordinate to that will require a lookup or explicitly-entered value. Since lookup values are not known until the workflow runs, Workflow Conductor will fill in the actual values then. The example below shows an external lookup configured to retrieve the Created column value from a list and list item that are created during the workflow. Since the list name and the list item ID, both saved in workflow variables, are not known until the workflow runs, lookups are used to populate these values.

5 Notes: When specifying criteria for an External Lookup field that is a SharePoint Person or Group column configured to allow multiple values, the SharePoint column values must be listed in the exact order specified in the lookup criteria. For example: If the criteria is a Person or Group column matching User1; User2, SharePoint column values entered as User2; User1 will not match. When specifying criteria for an External Lookup field that is a SharePoint Choice column configured to allow multiple values, you cannot select the values like you can for single Choice columns. You must enter them as text or a lookup to text in the format Value1, Value2 (the space after the comma is required). The values must be entered in the same order they appear in the SharePoint column. Top Easy Reference The Easy Reference lookup list contains common values related to the workflow and the SharePoint environment. Just like the other lookup types, Conductor retrieves Easy Reference lookups when the workflow reaches the widget. An example of an Easy Reference lookup is the workflow initiator, which would appear as {Reference:Initiator} in the widget property field. For a complete list of Easy References, see the Bamboo Knowledge Base article KB Workflow Conductor Easy References. Top Workflow Variables Workflow Variable lookups are references to variables designers create in Conductor Studio. You can read more about how variables get created in the Getting Started with Conductor Studio and Workflow Initialization Form sections. Like all other lookups, the value of the variable is retrieved when the workflow reaches a widget that contains a Workflow Variable lookup. The Workflow Initialization Form section contains an example of a Workflow Variable lookup used to set the Due Date property for a Request Approval widget, as shown here:

6 Top URL References URL references are special references that allow you to include a hyperlink in an body with a different display name than the URL (e.g., Bamboo instead of URL references are supported in task templates, in the Send widget Body property, and in the Request Approval and Request Feedback widget Task Description properties. URL references must be typed into the Body or Task Description rich text field, and must be in the following format: [_URL( to display)] Both the _URL and the _Text properties of the URL reference support lookups as all or part of the property. Below are some examples of valid URL references. Lookups are noted in purple, and must be inserted using the Add Lookup button. Availability of specific lookups will vary between Conductor Studio and the template editor. Hyperlink to specific URL [_URL( Bamboo Hyperlink to document (Click here for more information) [_URL({Reference:List URL (Absolute)}/{CurrentItem:Name}),_Text({CurrentItem:Name})] Sample Document Hyperlink to item DispForm.aspx page [_URL({Reference:Item URL}),_Text({CurrentItem:Name}) Properties] Sample Document Properties Hyperlink to SharePoint Workflow Status page [_URL({Reference:Workflow Status URL}),_Text(Click to view workflow status)] Click to view workflow status Top Access SP via REST The Access SP via REST widget allows the workflow to read from and update items in an external SharePoint list and store the results in a workflow variable. The external site must have the Bamboo MashPoint REST Extensions installed, at which point the site is accessible as a REST service. Note: Workflow Conductor widgets can access items in any site collection in the current Web application. Use the Access SP via REST widget only if you need access to items in other Web applications or other SharePoint farms.

7 SharePoint 2007 Users: The Bamboo MashPoint REST Extensions installation package is available in the Workflow Conductor for SharePoint 2007 Setup application. To install the MashPoint REST Extensions, click on it in the Components list, and then click the Install button. Follow the installation instructions. After the MashPoint REST Extensions are installed, you can connect to the server using the Access SP via REST widget. For detailed installation instructions, refer to the section Installing the Product, or read the Bamboo Knowledge Base article KB HOWTO: Install the Bamboo MashPoint REST Extensions. SharePoint 2010 Users: The MashPoint REST Extensions are available for SharePoint 2010, but are no longer included in the Workflow Conductor Setup package. The Access SP via REST widget is disabled by default in Workflow Conductor for SharePoint For instructions to download and install the MashPoint REST Extensions and enable the Access SP via REST widget in Workflow Conductor, read the Bamboo Knowledge Base article KB HOWTO: Install the Bamboo MashPoint REST Extensions. Note: The Access SP via REST widget connects to Bamboo MashPoint REST services only. Connection to SharePoint 2010 REST services is not currently supported. Widget Limitation: The MashPoint REST Extensions do not support FBA accounts. REST Service Method (Required): Click the list: button to define the connection properties and action to be taken on the external SharePoint REST URL: Enter the URL of an external SharePoint site where the MashPoint REST Extensions are installed. For example: Username/Password/Domain: By default, the widget will use the credentials of the workflow initiator to access the external SharePoint site. If this is the desired behavior of your workflow, leave these fields blank. Otherwise, you can enter specific login information for the widget to use to connect to the site. Any login information you enter is stored with the widget and used any time the workflow runs. Lists: After you enter a REST URL, click the Get List button to retrieve a set of available lists from the external SharePoint server. Select a list for the widget to use. Action: Available REST actions include: Get: This action returns a single field value from the selected list. Select the list field to get, and then select criteria to use to find the item in the list by choosing a field and providing a criteria value in the Equals box. The value can be explicitly defined or it can be defined using a lookup. For example: Get Field Where Field Equals Value Add: This action creates a new item in the selected list. Select a field, provide the desired value for the field, and then click Add. Do this for each field in the external SharePoint list for which you want to provide a value. Any values you provide can be explicitly defined or can be defined using a lookup. Update: This action updates one or more fields in a single item in the selected list. Select a field in the external SharePoint list that you want to update and provide a new value for the field. Do this for each field in the item that you want to update. Any value you provide can be explicitly defined or can be defined using a lookup. You must also select criteria to use to find the item in the list to be updated by choosing a field and providing a criteria value in the Equals box. For example: Update Field(s) to NewValue(s) Where Field Equals Value Delete: This action deletes a single item from an external SharePoint list. Select criteria to use to find the item in the list to delete by choosing a field and providing a criteria value in the Equals box. The value can be explicitly defined or it can be defined using a lookup. For example: Delete Where Field Equals Value Variable Set To (Required): Select a workflow variable with a Text data type to store the results from the REST call. Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list. Example Add an Item to an External SharePoint Site In this example, an Access SP via REST widget is configured to allow a user to add an item in a local SharePoint calendar list to a SharePoint calendar list called "Corporate Events Calendar" in an external site. Note: Remember that workflows run in the security context of the workflow initiator, not the designer. The user running the workflow must have permission to add items to the external list, unless the designer entered a specific Username and Password with the widget.

8 Add Column Note: This widget is currently available in Workflow Conductor 2.0 for SharePoint 2010 only. The Add Column widget adds an existing site column to a SharePoint list or library. Site columns can be added to any list in any site collection in the Web application. The widget includes the following features and options: Automatically add the new column to all content types configured for the list or library. Add the new column to the default list view. Add columns to lists and libraries in other site collections. Run this widget with alternate credentials.

9 Add Column Widget Add User To AD Group The Add User To AD Group widget adds one or more existing SharePoint or Active Directory users to an existing Active Directory group. This widget uses the Active Directory Settings property in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page. These settings provide a list of pre-configured LDAP paths that can be used in the widget and determine if Conductor Studio designers can enter their own LDAP paths. See the General Settings page for more information. Note: This widget accesses Active Directory with the permission of the user account configured with the LDAP path selected in the widget. User (Required): Enter one or more users to add to an Active Directory group, using one of the following methods: Type a SharePoint or Active Directory display name or account name for one or more users and click the Check User icon ( multiple users with a semicolon (;). Click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a SharePoint or Active Directory user in the User Lookup form. Enter a lookup to user data using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the User Lookup form. ). Separate Group (Required): Click the Lookup AD Group icon ( ) to search for an Active Directory group: Select LDAP Path: Select an LDAP path and click the Get Groups button to list available Active Directory groups. If there are pre-defined LDAP paths configured in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page, they will be listed here. Select an LDAP path from the list to search for groups in one of the pre-configured Active Directory locations. If the option to Allow custom LDAP paths in widgets is selected in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page, you can also select Other LDAP Path and enter an LDAP path and a user name and password with permission to manage groups in that Active Directory location. Click the Get Groups button to load a list of available groups. Group Name: Select a group from the list and click OK.

10 Example The Add User to AD Group widget below is configured to add a new employee to a group "Conductor". In this example, the workflow designer has permission to enter custom LDAP paths in Active Directory widgets. This setting is configured in the Active Directory Settings section of the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page. Add User To SharePoint Group The Add User To SharePoint Group widget adds one or more existing SharePoint or Active Directory users to an existing SharePoint group in the current site collection. Note: To update membership to a SharePoint group, a user must be a site collection administrator or the owner of the group. If the option to allow group members to edit group membership is selected in the group properties, any group member may also update the group. If it is possible that the workflow initiator will not have this permission, use the Run As property to run the widget as another user with the required permission. This widget can run with alternate credentials! User (Required): Enter one or more users to add to the SharePoint group, using one of the following methods: Type a SharePoint or Active Directory display name or account name for one or more users and click the Check User icon ( multiple users with a semicolon (;). Click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a SharePoint or Active Directory user in the User Lookup form. Enter a lookup to user data using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the User Lookup form. ). Separate Group (Required): Enter an existing SharePoint group in the current site collection using one of the following methods: Type a SharePoint group name and click the Check Group icon ( ). Click the Lookup SharePoint Group icon ( Enter a lookup to group data using the Add Lookup icon ( ). ) to search for a SharePoint group. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section.

11 Example In this example, the Add User to SharePoint Group widget is configured to add a user to the SharePoint Designers group as part of a workflow that performs a number of activities when a user is assigned an administrative role in the company. Calculate The Calculate widget accepts Excel-style functions and stores the results in a workflow variable. Function parameters can include lookups, and functions can be nested to perform multiple operations. This widget can access items in other site collections! Formula (Required): Click the button to enter a formula: Create Formula: Enter a formula in the formula box. For a list of available functions and usage information, click the Help ( ) button. Add Lookup: To insert a lookup in a function, click the Add Lookup button. Save to Variable (Required): Select a workflow variable with a Text data type to store the results from the calculation. Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list. For additional information about the Calculate widget, see the following Bamboo Knowledge Base articles: KB Working with dates in the Workflow Conductor Calculate Widget KB Using the Calculate Widget DAYS360 function Example Calculate a Due Date In the following example, a Calculate widget formula calculates a date 10 days from today to use as a task Due Date. Note: The Calculate widget uses Microsoft Excel-style date functions, which calculate dates as a number of days after January 1, SharePoint does not understand this serial number format. Use the Text function to format serial numbers as dates, and the DateValue function to convert SharePoint dates to serial numbers, as shown in the example below. For help on Calculate widget functions, click the icon.

12 Call Web Service The Call Web Service widget allows a workflow to call a SOAP Web service and store the XML response from the service in a workflow variable. You can also use this widget to create custom calls to SOAP Web services. Note: This feature is intended for advanced users who fully understand and have permission to edit the target Web service. Web Service Method (Required): This property opens a form that allows you to define the connection and properties for the Web service. The properties below can be defined on this form: URL: Enter the URL of a SOAP Web service. Username/Password: If the SOAP Web service requires a login to access any or all methods, enter it here. Any login information you enter is stored with the widget and used any time the workflow runs. Web Service Method: After you enter a URL, click the Get Methods button to retrieve a list of methods the Web service supports. Select a method for the widget to use. Services: Select Call SOAP Service to request data using available methods published by the Web service, or select Edit SOAP Service to build your own XML request to submit to the Web service. Call SOAP Service: A list of parameters required by the Web service is displayed. Enter any required values, either explicitly or by using a lookup. You can test the XML response for explicit values by clicking the Test button at the bottom of the form. Note: The Test function will not work for lookup values, since lookups are performed only when the workflow runs. Edit SOAP Service: Enter a Content type, SOAP Action, and XML SOAP Request to send to the Web service. The SOAP Action you enter may override any Web Service Method you selected. Filter Result XML Tags: By default, the widget returns the entire XML response from the Web service. If you want to return only a specific tag within the response, enter a tag or list of tags in this field. If you enter a list of tags, the contents of the last tag in the list is returned. See the example section below for screenshots of this property in action. Save To Variable (Required): Select a workflow variable with a Text data type to store the results from the Web service call. Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list. Examples Calling a SOAP Service Here is an example of the Web Service widget properties form configured to use the Call SOAP Service option for a simple Web service that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius. Note that in this example, the Filter Result XML Tags option is used to return only the actual Celsius value.

13 Editing a SOAP Service Here is an example of the Web Service widget properties form configured to use the Edit Service option to customize a request to the same Web service. In the first screenshot, the full XML response is shown. In the second, the result after applying the Filter Result XML Tags option is shown.

14 Check In The Check In widget checks an item into a library, with options to increment versions and add version comments. Note: The item must be currently checked out to the workflow initiator, or the workflow initiator must have the SharePoint Override Check Out permission to check in items checked out to other users. If it is possible that the workflow initiator will not have this permission, use the Run As property to run the widget as another user with the required permission. This widget can access items in other site collections! This widget can run with alternate credentials! Item (Required): By default, the Current Item is checked in. Click the check in: button to open the Item Lookup form where you can select an item to Source: Select Current Item (the default) to check in the item the workflow was started on. Select External List Lookup to check in an item to another library in the site, site collection, or another site in another site collection: To check the item in to a list in the current site, select a list in the List box. To check in an item to a list in another site or site collection, make the desired selections in the Site Collection and Site boxes and then select a library from the List of available libraries. To identify the item in the library that you want to check in, select a Lookup Field and enter a match criteria in the Equals box, either by typing one or by adding a lookup using the Add Lookup icon ( ). If more than one item matches the criteria, the first item returned is checked in. Version Comments: Add Version Comments for the document by typing text in the property field or by clicking the editor. Add lookups to the Version Comments using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the text editor. button to open the text Version Type: Select a version type that matches the library Versioning settings, configured in Settings > Library Settings > Versioning settings. Major: Creates a major version of the document (e.g., 2.0), if the library Versioning settings are set to Create major versions. Minor: Creates a minor version of the document (e.g., 2.1), if the library Versioning settings are set to Create major and minor (draft) versions. Overwrite: Overwrites the current version of the document, keeping the same version number. This option works with any Versioning setting, including No versioning. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Example Check In a Major Version of a Document The Check In widget below is configured to check in a major version of the current item to a document library configured for versioning.

15 Check Out The Check Out widget checks out an item in a library. This widget can access items in other site collections! This widget can run with alternate credentials! Item (Required): By default, the Current Item is checked out. Click the to check out: button to open the Item Lookup form where you can select an item Source: Select Current Item (the default) to check out the item the workflow was started on. Select External List Lookup to check out an item in another library in the site, site collection, or another site in another site collection: To check out an item in another library in the current site, select a library in the List box. To check out an item in a library in another site or site collection, make the desired selections in the Site Collection and Site boxes and then select a library from the List of available libraries. To identify the item in the library that you want to check out, select a Lookup Field and enter a match criteria in the Equals box, either by typing one or by adding a lookup using the Add Lookup icon ( ). If more than one item matches the criteria, the first item returned is checked out. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Example Check Out Current Item

16 When you drop a Check Out widget to the Studio diagram, it is already pre-configured to check out the current item, as shown here: Collect Data From User The Collect Data From User widget creates a task to collect data from a user during the workflow using a task form. Unlike a workflow initialization form, which can only collect data from the user when the workflow starts, Collect Data From User can collect data at any point during the workflow. The workflow is paused until the task is completed. The task form can be a custom form created using the widget, or the task can use an existing form created in an earlier workflow. The ID of the task created by the widget is saved to a workflow variable so fields in the task form can be referenced later in the workflow. Collect Data From User tasks are created in the default workflow task list configured in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel General Settings page. Choose a different task list by changing the workflow options. Widget Limitation: To edit the field list in a Collect Data From User task form in a workflow template that has been deployed, you must give the task form a different name. User (Required): Enter a single SharePoint or Active Directory user or SharePoint group to assign the task to, using one of the following methods: Type a display name or account name for a SharePoint or Active Directory user or SharePoint group* and click the Check User icon ( ). Click the Lookup User icon ( Enter a lookup to user data using the Add Lookup button ( ) to search for a SharePoint or Active Directory user or SharePoint group* in the User Lookup form. ) in the User Lookup form. * Note: Groups will be expanded to send a task notification to each user in the group. A single task is created for the group. The task is marked Completed when any member of the group submits the task form. Form (Required): Click the button to create or select a task form: Select Create New Form (the default) in the Form Type list to create a new task form. Note: Once you create a Collect Data From User task form for a workflow and deploy that workflow, the task form is available for use in future workflows created in the same site collection. Enter a name for the form in the Form Name box. Click Add Field to add a new field to the task form. Click the edit icon ( ) to modify the settings for an existing field. Click the delete icon ( ) to delete an existing field from the task form. Select Use Existing Workflow Conductor Form in the Form Type list to select an existing task form. Then, select an existing form from the Workflow Conductor Forms list. Existing forms are Collect Data From User task forms created in previous workflows in the same site collection. Send Select an option to determine if the widget will send task notification s to the user assigned to the task. Task notification e- mails are customizable with global templates. Select Yes to send an to task recipients when the task is assigned and to workflow initiators when the task is completed. Select No to assign the task without sending an . Task Name: Enter a custom task name for the task (e.g., "Enter new employee information"). This task name is how the task is displayed in SharePoint task lists. If you do not enter a Task Name, a default name of "Please Review ItemName" is assigned when the widget runs. Task Description: Enter an optional custom task description for the task (e.g., Please enter new employee information to continue with the employee intake process. ). Days Until Due: Enter the number of days until the task is due. You can enter a specific number or use a lookup. The number of days is added to the current date at the time the widget is run to determine the Due Date for the task. The calculated task Due Date is included in the task

17 notification . If you do not enter a Days Until Due value, the Due Date property will be used, if there is one, or the task Due Date will be empty. Due Date: Enter a Due Date for the task. You can enter a specific date using the calendar control or use a lookup. Unlike the Days Until Due property, this property sets a specific Due Date for the task. This is useful in situations where a particular deadline must be met. The task Due Date is included in the task notification . If you do not enter a Due Date, the value in the Days Until Due property will be used, if there is one, or the task Due Date will be empty. Note: If both the Due Date and Days Until Due properties are defined, the task Due Date field will be set to the earlier of the two dates. If neither is defined, the task Due Date field will be blank. Allow Reassignment: Select Yes to allow assigned users to delegate their task to another user. If reassignment is allowed, a Reassign Task button is displayed at the bottom of the task form. See the Reassign Task section for more details about this option. Select No if you do not want assigned users to be able to delegate the task to another user. Save ID To: Select a workflow variable with a Number data type to store the data collection task ID. Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list. You can use this ID with an External Lookup to access fields in the task form later in the workflow, as shown here: Compare The Compare widget compares two or more values and stores the result (True or False) in a workflow variable. This widget can access items in other site collections! Widget Limitations: When entering a compare condition to match values in SharePoint Person or Group or Choice columns configured to allow multiple values, enter the matching value in the format listed below: Person or Group columns: User1;User2 (Note: There is no space after the semicolon for the match condition, even though SharePoint displays one in the actual column value.) Choice columns: Value1, Value2 (Note: The space after the comma is required.) The values must be listed in the same order as they appear in the SharePoint column. For example: If the condition is listed as User1;User2 or Value1, Value2, SharePoint column values entered as User2; User1 or Value2, Value1 will not match. Compare Item (Required): Click the button to define the comparison values and criteria: Value 1/Value 2: Enter two values to compare. You can enter values explicitly or define them using lookups. Operator: Select from the list of available comparison operators. Available operators will vary depending on the field types being compared: is equal to is not equal to is greater than is less than is greater than or equal to is less than or equal to

18 begins with contains Save to Variable (Required): Select a workflow variable with a Boolean data type to store the comparison results. The variable will be set to True or False. Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list. Example Compare to Another List In this example, a customer service group wants to use a workflow to set a Phone Survey field in a trouble ticket list to True when a ticket is created if a customer has purchased a support contract. To do this, a Compare widget checks the Support Level field for the customer in a Customers list and stores the result in a workflow variable. An Update Item widget then updates the Phone Survey field to the new value of the workflow variable. Complete Task The Complete Task widget sets the value of a selected task s Status field to Completed. This widget can access items in other site collections! This widget can run with alternate credentials! Task to Mark "Completed" (Required): Click the button to select a target Task List and task: Task List: To complete a task in a task list in the current site, select a Task List that contains the task you want to mark Completed. The Current Task List option selects the default Task List configured in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel. To complete a task in another site or site collection, make the desired selections in the Site Collection and Site boxes and then select a Task List. Lookup Field/Equals: To identify the item in the list that you want to update, select a Lookup Field and enter a match criteria in the Equals box, either by typing one or by adding a lookup using the Add Lookup ( ) icon. If more than one item is matched, the first item returned is updated. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section.

19 Example Completing a Task Created in the Same Workflow The following example shows a Complete Task widget configured to complete a task that was created earlier in the workflow. The task is identified using the workflow variable the task ID was saved to by the Create Task widget. Conditional Branch The Conditional Branch widget branches the workflow based on the status of up to two conditions. If the conditions are met, the workflow follows the True path. If not, the workflow follows the False path. If more than two conditions are required, Conditional Branch widgets can be nested. Drop other widgets in each branch to take different actions for True or False conditions. This widget can access items in other site collections! Widget Limitations: When entering a condition to match values in SharePoint Person or Group or Choice columns configured to allow multiple values, enter the matching value in the format listed below: Person or Group columns: User1;User2 (Note: There is no space after the semicolon for the match condition, even though SharePoint displays one in the actual column value.) Choice columns: Value1, Value2 (Note: The space after the comma is required.) The values must be listed in the same order as they appear in the SharePoint column. For example: If the condition is listed as User1;User2 or Value1, Value2, SharePoint column values entered as User2; User1 or Value2, Value1 will not match. Condition (Required): Click to open the Condition Builder form. Condition: Choose from a set of pre-defined conditions or compare two data sources using a set of logical operators: Current item was created between these dates: Checks whether an item was created within a date range. Specify start and end dates or define dates using lookups. Current item was modified between these dates: Checks whether an item was last modified within a date range. Specify start and end dates or define dates using lookups. Current item was created by this user: Checks whether an item was created by a specific user. Type a user account and click the Check User icon ( ), click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a user in the User Lookup form, or enter a lookup to a user using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the User Lookup form.

20 Current item was modified by this user: Checks whether an item was last modified by a specific user. Type a user account and click the Check User icon, click the Lookup User icon to search for a user, or enter a lookup to a user using the Add Lookup button in the Lookup User form. Current item has these keywords in the title: Checks whether the Title of the current item contains a particular text string (case insensitive). Enter a specific string or define one using a lookup. If two date ranges overlap: Checks whether the two specified date ranges overlap or do not overlap. Enter dates explicitly or using lookups. Compare these data sources: Compares two values using a logical operator. Enter values explicitly or, more commonly, define them using lookups. See the examples below for a data source comparison using lookups. The following logical operators are available: Equals Does Not Equal Is Greater Than Is Less Than Contains Does Not Contain Is Empty Is Not Empty Starts With Does Not Start With Ends With Does Not End With Add Another Condition: Click this link to add another condition to the Condition Builder. Conditions can be joined using AND or OR. Once a second condition is added, remove it by clicking the Remove Condition link. Examples Check a Field in the Current Item In this example, the Condition Builder is configured to check if an expense report saved to a Forms Library has a Total greater than $1,000. For a complete workflow example using this condition, see the Bamboo Team Blog post Workflow Conductor Use Case: Expense Report Approval. Checking Two Conditions Here, the Conditional Branch widget will follow the True branch if the item has never been modified (the Created date equals the Modified date), AND if it was created between two dates, which are specified in workflow initialization form variables.

21 Copy Item The Copy Item widget copies a list or library item from one list or library to another. Any fields that exist in both the source and target lists are copied. This widget can access items in other site collections! This widget can run with alternate credentials! Widget Limitation: The source and target list types must match or the Copy Item widget will fail. The source and target column types must match or that column will not be copied. Source Item (Required): Click the button to select an item to copy. Select source item: To copy the current item, select Current Item (the default). To copy a different item in the current list or an item in another list, site, or site collection, select External List Lookup and make the desired selections in the Site Collection, Site, and List boxes. To identify the item in the list that you want to copy, select a Lookup Field and enter a match criteria in the Equals box, either by typing one or by adding a lookup using the Add Lookup ( ) icon. If more than one item is matched, the first item returned is selected as the source item to copy. Target List (Required): Click to select a target list or library to copy the source item to. Select target item: To create a copy of the item in the current list, select Current List. To copy the item to a different list in the current site or to a list in another site or site collection, select Other List and make the desired selections in the Site Collection, Site, and List boxes. To copy the item to a list name contained in a workflow variable, select Workflow Variables. Overwrite existing items: To overwrite an item with the same Name in the target library, check the Overwrite existing items checkbox. Note: This option is only available for document libraries. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Example Copy Item From One Document Library to Another Below is an example of the Copy Item widget used as part of a more complex workflow. Copy Item is used here to copy a document that was approved using a Request Approval widget from a draft document library to a document library for published documents.

22 Create AD Account The Create AD Account widget creates an Active Directory user account in the LDAP path selected in the widget properties. The widget has the option to generate a random password, which is saved to a workflow variable.

23 This widget uses the Active Directory Settings property in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page. These settings provide a list of pre-configured LDAP paths that can be used in the widget, determine if Conductor Studio designers can enter their own LDAP paths, and set default account policies for new accounts. See the General Settings page for more information. Note: This widget accesses Active Directory with the permission of the user account configured with the LDAP path selected in the widget. New Account Details (Required): Click the button to specify the Active Directory LDAP path and account information for the new user: LDAP Path: If there are pre-defined LDAP paths configured in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page, they will be listed here. Select an LDAP path from the list to create a user account in one of the pre-configured Active Directory locations. If the option to Allow custom LDAP paths in widgets is selected in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page, you can also select Other LDAP Path and enter an LDAP path and a user name and password with permission to create user accounts in that Active Directory location. See the General Settings page for LDAP path examples. New Account Details: Complete required and optional Active Directory account properties. Properties can be entered by typing values directly or by entering a lookup using the Add Lookup icon ( ). The Auto Generated Password option is selected by default for new user accounts. This option generates a random password, which is stored in the variable selected on the main Widget Properties pane. The password will follow these rules: Password length will meet or exceed Active Directory password length requirements, with a minimum length of 8 characters. Password strength will include a random set of lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and symbols (`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{} \\ ;:'\",<.>/?). To specify a password, uncheck the Auto Generated Password option and type a password that meets or exceeds Active Directory policy. Save Password to Variable (Required): Select a workflow variable with a Text data type to store the auto-generated or manually-entered account password. Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list. The password variable can be used later in your workflow to reference the password you just assigned. Example In the example below, a Create AD Account widget is configured to create a new Active Directory account for an employee in a SharePoint list called "Employees". In this example, the Active Directory path for the account, "Domain Root", was selected from a list of LDAP paths that were configured in the Active Directory Settings section of the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page. The password in this example is auto-generated, and is saved to a variable called password. This allows the password to be ed to the workflow initiator later in the workflow by including the workflow variable in the Body property of a Send widget.

24 Create AD Group Note: This widget is currently available in Workflow Conductor 2.0 for SharePoint 2010 only. The Create AD Group widget creates an Active Directory security or distribution group in a specified Active Directory location. The widget has the following features and options: Create a group in a pre-configured LDAP path or enter a custom LDAP path (if allowed). Group names and other group properties can be entered using text, lookups, or workflow variables. Create security or distribution groups. Create groups with Domain Local, Global, or Universal scope. Store the group name in a workflow variable for use later in the workflow. This widget runs with the permissions of the user configured with the LDAP path. Create AD Group Widget Create Item The Create Item widget adds a new item to a list or library with field values defined in the widget properties. This widget can access items in other site collections! This widget can run with alternate credentials! Item (Required): Click the button to select properties for the new item: Site Collection/Site/List Target: To create an item in a list in the current site, select a list in the List Target box. To create an item in a list in another site or site collection, make the desired selections in the Site Collection and Site boxes and then select a List Target. Item Fields: Available fields in the list or library are added to the form when you select a List Target. Required list fields (marked with a red asterisk [*]) are automatically selected. To specify a value for a field, check the box in front of the field name and enter a value using one of the following methods:

25 Choose a field value (for Choice and Yes/No fields) Enter text in the field text box Add a lookup using the Add Lookup icon ( ) To remove a field from the list of fields to populate, uncheck the checkbox in front of the field name. Use Record Variable: If you want to create an item using data from a Record variable instead of specifying values for each field, check the Use Record Variable box and select an available Record variable. Important notes about Record variables: Record variables contain a single record (row) from the results of a Query Database widget. Columns in the list will be populated with data from the record field with the same name. If your database field names do not match SharePoint column names, use SELECT field AS column. If a column in the list has no matching field in the record, it will be skipped. If the column has a default value configured in SharePoint, the column will be populated with that default value. If a field in the record has no matching column in the list, it will be skipped. If the required SharePoint column Title or Name has no matching field in the record, it will be populated with data from the first field in the record. If other required columns in the list have no matching fields in the record, they will be left blank in the list. Overwrite an existing item: Check this box to overwrite an item with the same Name, if one exists in the List Target. This option is available only for libraries. Save Item ID to Variable (Required): Select a workflow variable with a Text data type to store the new item ID. Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list. The item ID variable can be used later in your workflow to reference the item you just created. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Example Add a New Announcement The Create Item widget below adds a new Announcement to the HR web site's Announcements list every time a new document is added to the Employee Policy document library. Note: For more information about how to configure a workflow to start automatically when an item is added to a list or library, see the Workflow Settings section. Create List The Create List widget creates a new list or library in the current site, another site in the current site collection, or in a site in another site collection. The list or library is created using the default SharePoint options for columns and list settings, except where noted in the widget properties. This widget can access items in other site collections! This widget can run with alternate credentials!

26 Site (Required): Click the button to select a site for the new list: Select Current Site to create a list in the current site. Select Other Site in Site Collection to create a list in another site in the current site collection or in another site collection. Select Workflow Variables to create a list in a site named in a workflow variable, selected from the Variable Containing Site Name list. If you are creating a list in the current site collection, the variable must contain the sitename portion of the site URL (e.g., If you are creating a list in another site collection, the variable must contain the full URL of the site (e.g., Title (Required): Enter a Title for the new list by typing text in the property field or by clicking the lookups to the Title using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the text editor. button to open the text editor. Add List Description: Enter a List Description for the new list by typing text in the property field or by clicking the editor. Add lookups to the List Description using the Add Lookup button in the text editor. button to open the text List Type: Choose the type of list to create from the List Type list. See below for available list types. Add to Quick Launch: Select Yes to add the site to the Quick Launch. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Supported List Types: The following list types can be created by the Create List widget: Announcements Calendar Contacts Custom List Custom List in Datasheet View Discussion Board Document Library Form Library Issue Tracking Links Picture Library Survey Tasks Examples Create a List in the Current Site This example shows a Create List widget configured to create a Discussion Board in the current site to discuss content for a new version of a document as part of a feedback workflow. The list Title and Description contain lookups to the Title and Version of the current item.

27 Create a List in Another Site Here, the same widget is configured to create the list in a Document Workspace site instead of the current site. Create SharePoint Group The Create SharePoint Group widget creates a SharePoint group for any site in any site collection in the current Web application. Note: Creating a SharePoint group requires the Create Groups site permission in SharePoint. If it is possible that the workflow initiator will not have this permission, use the Run As property to run the widget as another user with the required permission. This widget can run with alternate credentials!

28 Group Settings (Required): Click the button to specify the configuration settings for the new SharePoint group: Site Collection and Site (Required): Select the site collection and site where the group will be created. Name (Required): Type a name for the new group or enter a lookup to a name using the Add Lookup icon ( ). About Me: Enter a description for the group or enter a lookup to a description using the Add Lookup icon. Group Owner (Required): A group owner manages group membership and group settings. Enter a user or group who will be the owner for the new group using one of the following methods: Type a SharePoint or Active Directory display name or account name for a user or group and click the Check User icon ( ). Click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a SharePoint or Active Directory user or group in the User Lookup form. Enter a lookup to user or group data using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the User Lookup form. Group Permissions: Choose the permissions that users who belong to the new group will have on the site. If you do not choose any permissions, the group will be created but will have no access to the site. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Create Site Note: This widget is currently available in Workflow Conductor 2.0 for SharePoint 2010 only. The Create Site widget creates a new SharePoint site. Sites can be created in any site collection in the Web application. The widget includes the following options and features: Provides all the same options as creating a site from the SharePoint Site Actions menu. Choose from any built-in or custom site template. Save the new URL of the site to a workflow variable to use later in the workflow. Create sites in other site collections. Run this widget with alternate credentials.

29 Create Site Widget Create Task The Create Task widget creates a new task in a selected task list with values for standard task fields set directly in the Widget Properties pane. Note: If you need to define additional fields or set Priority or Status values other than the ones provided in the Create Task widget, consider the Create Item widget instead. This widget can access items in other site collections! This widget can run with alternate credentials! Task List (Required): By default, the task will be created in the Default Task List configured in Central Administration > Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings. To select a different Task List for the new task in the site, site collection, or another site in another site collection, click the button and make selections in the Site Collection, Site, and List boxes. Title (Required): Enter a Title for the task by typing text in the property field or by clicking the to the Title using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the text editor. button to open the text editor. Add lookups Priority: Select a Priority for the task. Available choices are: (1) High (2) Normal (default) (3) Low Status: Select an initial Status for the task. Available choices are: Not Started (default) In Progress

30 Completed Deferred Waiting on someone else Percent Complete: Enter a number between 0 and 100 to set an initial Percent Complete, either by typing a number or by adding a lookup to a number using the Add Lookup icon ( ). Assigned To: Enter a user to assign the task to using one of the following methods: Type a display name or account name for a SharePoint or Active Directory user or SharePoint group and click the Check User icon ( ). Click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a SharePoint or Active Directory user or SharePoint group in the User Lookup form. Enter a lookup to user or group data using the Add Lookup button in the User Lookup form. Task Description: Enter a Task Description for the task by typing text in the property field or by clicking the editor. Add lookups to the Task Description using the Add Lookup button in the text editor. button to open the text Start Date: Define a Start Date for the task using one of the following methods: Type a date directly in the text box. Select a date or date/time using the Calendar icon ( ). Add a lookup to a date or date/time value using the Add Lookup icon ( ). Due Date: Define a Due Date for the task using one of the methods described in the Start Date property above. Note: The Start Date and Due Date fields in a default SharePoint Task have a Date Only display format, and any specific time you enter for them is stored with the field but is not displayed in the Task list. Dates entered in the Widget Properties without a time will be stored in SharePoint with a time of 12:00 AM. If the SharePoint field is later changed to a Date and Time display format, the time stored with the field will be displayed. Save ID To: Select a workflow variable with a Text data type to store the new task ID. Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list. The task ID variable can be used later in your workflow to reference the item you just created. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Example Creating a Task in a Project Task List In this example, a workflow creates a series of tasks in a Project Tasks list when a new entry is added to a project tracking list. The screenshot below shows a Create Task widget configured for one of the tasks created by the workflow. Delay For

31 The Delay For widget pauses a workflow until a specified amount of time has elapsed. Note: Workflow processing is dependent on the SharePoint Timer Service, which evaluates workflow status every 5 minutes. The workflow will resume at the next timer interval after the specified amount of time has elapsed. Days: Enter a number of days to pause the workflow. You can type a number or enter a lookup to a number using the Add Lookup icon ( ). Hours: Enter a number of hours to pause the workflow. You can type a number or enter a lookup to a number using the Add Lookup icon. Minutes: Enter a number of hours to pause the workflow. You can type a number or enter a lookup to a number using the Add Lookup icon. Note: The Days/Hours/Minutes properties can be used in combination. For example: to pause a workflow for 1 hour and 15 minutes, enter 1 in the Hours property and 15 in the Minutes property. If none of the Days/Hours/Minutes properties are filled in, the workflow will pause until the next Timer Service interval (up to 5 minutes). Example Pause Workflow for 1 Day The Delay Until widget below is configured to pause the workflow for 1 day to allow a user time to complete another part of the business process. Delay Until The Delay Until widget pauses the workflow until a specified date and time is reached. Note: Workflow processing is dependent on the SharePoint Timer Service, which evaluates workflow status every 5 minutes. The workflow will resume at the next timer interval after the specified date/time. Delay Until (Required): Enter a date and time the workflow should resume using one of the following methods: Type a date and time directly in the text box. If no time is specified, the workflow will resume at 12:00 AM on the date provided. Select a date and time using the Calendar icon ( ). Add a lookup to a date or date/time value using the Add Lookup icon ( resume at 12:00 AM on the date provided. ). If the lookup value does not include a time, the workflow will Example Delay Until Based on Another Date/Time Field The Delay Until widget below pauses a workflow until the date and time specified in another SharePoint field is reached.

32 Delete Item The Delete Item widget deletes an item from a list or library. This widget can access items in other site collections! This widget can run with alternate credentials! Item (Required): Click the button to select an item to delete: Source: Select Current Item to delete the current item. Select External List Lookup to delete an item to another library in the site, site collection, or another site in another site collection: To delete an item from a list in the current site, select a list in the List box. To delete an item from a list in another site or site collection, make the desired selections in the Site Collection and Site boxes and then select a list from the List of available lists and libraries. To identify the item in the library that you want to delete, select a Lookup Field and enter a match criteria in the Equals box, either by typing one or by adding a lookup using the Add Lookup icon ( ). If more than one item matches the criteria, the first item returned is deleted. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Example Delete the Current Item The following example shows the Delete Item widget configured to delete the current item as part of a workflow that archives an item in an Issues list to another location when it is marked Closed. Delete List

33 The Delete List widget deletes an entire list or library from the current site. This widget can access items in other site collections! This widget can run with alternate credentials! List (Required): Click the button to select a list or library to delete: Source: Select Current List to delete the current list or library. Select Other List and make selections in the Site Collection, Site, and List boxes to delete another list in the site, site collection, or another list in another site collection. Select Workflow Variables to delete a list in a site named in a workflow variable, selected from the Variable Containing Site Name list. If you are deleting a list from the current site collection, the variable must contain the sitename portion of the site URL (e.g., If you are deleting a list from another site collection, the variable must contain the full URL of the site (e.g., Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Example Delete List Named in Workflow Variable The example below shows a Delete List widget configured to delete a list that was created during the same workflow with a Title stored in a workflow variable: Delete Site Note: This widget is currently available in Workflow Conductor 2.0 for SharePoint 2010 only. The Delete Site widget permanently deletes a SharePoint site from the site collection. The widget includes the following options and features: Choose to delete a site in the existing site list or specify a site URL with a lookup or workflow variable. Delete sites in other site collections. Run this widget with alternate credentials.

34 Delete Site Widget Disable AD Account The Disable AD Account widget disables an Active Directory user account. This widget uses the Active Directory Settings property in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page. These settings provide a list of pre-configured LDAP paths that can be used in the widget and determines if Conductor Studio designers can enter their own LDAP paths. See the General Settings page for more information. Note: This widget accesses Active Directory with the permission of the user account configured with the LDAP path selected in the widget. LDAP Path (Required): Click the button to select the Active Directory LDAP path that contains the user account to disable: If there are pre-defined LDAP paths configured in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page, they will be listed here. Select an LDAP path from the list to disable a user account in one of the pre-configured Active Directory locations. If the option to Allow custom LDAP paths in widgets is selected in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page, you can also select Other LDAP Path and enter an LDAP path and a user name and password with permission to manage user accounts in that Active Directory location. See the General Settings page for LDAP path examples. User (Required): Enter an Active Directory user account to disable, using one of the following methods: Type a SharePoint or Active Directory display name or account name and click the Check User icon ( ). Click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a SharePoint or Active Directory user in the User Lookup form. Enter a lookup to user data using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the User Lookup form. Example The example below shows a Disable AD Account widget configured as part of an employee out-processing workflow. The workflow performs various tasks when an employee leaves the company, including disabling the user account in Active Directory. In this case, the LDAP path selected is from a list of LDAP paths configured in the Active Directory Settings section of the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page.

35 Discard Check Out The Discard Check Out widget removes the "Checked Out" status from an item that is currently checked out and restores the previous version number. Note: To discard check out for items checked out to other users, the user configured in the Run As property must have the Override Check Out permission. This widget can access items in other site collections! This widget can run with alternate credentials! Item (Required): By default, the Current Item's "Checked Out" status is discarded. To discard check out on a different item, click the button. Source: Select Current Item (the default) to discard check out for the item the workflow was started on. Select External List Lookup to discard check out for an item in another library in the site, site collection, or another site in another site collection: To discard check out for an item in a list in the current site, select a list in the List box. To discard check out for an item in a list in another site or site collection, make the desired selections in the Site Collection and Site boxes and then select a library from the List of available libraries. To identify the item in the library that you want to discard check out for, select a Lookup Field and enter a match criteria in the Equals box, either by typing one or by adding a lookup using the Add Lookup icon ( ). If more than one item matches the criteria, check out is discard for the first item returned. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Example Discard Check Out for Current Item When you drop a Discard Check Out widget to the Studio diagram, it is already pre-configured to discard check out for the current item, as shown here:

36 Echo Test The Echo Test widget is provided for troubleshooting purposes, and would not usually be used as part of a production workflow. The Echo Test widget writes the current value of all workflow variables and any data entered in the other widget properties to the file <drive>:\windows\temp\bamboosolutions\conductor\echowidget\bamboo.conductor_echo_%workflowinstanceid%.log. If there is an address in the Trace To property, the widget will send the information contained in this file to the recipient. Trace To: Enter a destination address for the Echo Test widget results using one of the following methods: Type a display name or account name for a SharePoint or Active Directory user or SharePoint group* and click the Check User icon ( ). Click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a SharePoint or Active Directory user or SharePoint group* in the User Lookup form. Enter a lookup to address, user, or group* data using the Add Lookup button ( Type an address ( * Note: Groups will be expanded to send an to each user in the group. ) in the User Lookup form. Other Properties: Values specified for any other property in this widget will simply be echoed in the body. The Text, Subject, Rich Text, and Lookup Type properties all support lookups, and can be used to include current lookup values in the trace . Example In the example below, the Echo Test widget is configured to send the current value of several lookups, along with the current value of any workflow variables, to a trace recipient.

37 End Workflow The End Workflow widget stops the workflow with an optional message to the workflow history log. No further widgets will be executed. The primary purpose of this widget is to end a workflow inside one branch of a branched widget, such as Conditional Branch, Request Approval, or Request Feedback. Note: This widget does not need to be added to the bottom of a workflow, since workflows will always end after the last widget runs.

38 History Log Message: Enter an optional message to be written to the workflow history when the workflow is stopped. The message can be typed directly into the text field, or click the to add lookups. Example End Workflow if Request Approval is Rejected Here is an example of an End Workflow widget used inside a Request Approval widget to end the workflow if it follows the Rejected path: Get User Info The Get User Info widget retrieves a single SharePoint user profile property for a user and stores it in a workflow variable. Notes for MOSS Users: This widget uses the MOSS User Profile Account property in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > Account Settings page. This setting specifies a user account that has the Manage User Profiles Shared Services right in Shared Services Administration > Personalization services permissions. This account is used to access the SharePoint User Profile Properties list. Access to specific user profile data is security trimmed at runtime based on the permission of the user account configured for the widget in the Run As property. Notes for WSS Users: The widget will retrieve profile data from the User Information List in the current site collection. Access to SharePoint user profile data is security trimmed at runtime based on the permission of the user account configured for the widget in the Run As property. This widget can run with alternate credentials! User (Required): Enter a user, using one of the following methods:

39 Type a SharePoint or Active Directory display name or account name for the user and click the Check User icon ( ). Click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a SharePoint or Active Directory user in the User Lookup form. Enter a lookup to user data using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the User Lookup form. Property (Required): Click the button to select a User Profile property to retrieve: Property: Select a property name from the list. In a MOSS environment, the list of properties is from the User Profile Properties list in the SSP. In a WSS environment, the list of properties is from the User Information List in the current site collection. Save To: Select a workflow variable to save the Property value to. Only workflow variables that match the data type of the selected property are listed. Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Access to user profile data is security trimmed based on the settings for this property. Example Log to History The Log to History widget writes a custom message to the workflow history. Workflow history messages are shown on the workflow status page. Read Viewing Workflow Status for more information. Message: Enter text for the workflow history Description column by typing text in the property field or by clicking the text editor. Add lookups to the Description text using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the text editor. Outcome: Enter text for the workflow history Outcome column by typing text in the property field or by clicking the editor. Add lookups to the Outcome text using the Add Lookup button in the text editor. button to open the button to open the text Example Logging Workflow Outcome The Log History widget below is configured to log the comments entered by participants in a Request Approval workflow, which were captured in a workflow variable.

40 Query Database The Query Database widget executes a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE SQL statement against a database. The results of SELECT statements can be stored in a workflow variable. The widget supports SQL Server, Oracle, ODBC, and OLEDB connections. Note: In the case of SELECT statements, the Query Database widget returns either a single value (field) or a single record (row). SQL statements should be constructed with this in mind. If the query returns multiple fields or rows, the widget will only store the first row or the first field from the first row of results, depending on the variable type selected for the results. See the Save To Variable property description below for more information. Connection Type (Required): Select the type of database connection to use. Available choices are SQL Server, ODBC, OLEDB, and Oracle. Connection String (Required): For ODBC, OLEDB, and Oracle connection types, manually enter the connection string. For SQL Server connections, click the button to define the following additional properties: Server name: Enter the Server name for your SQL Server database. Authentication: Select Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication. Windows Authentication will use the login credentials of the workflow initiator. SQL Server Authentication will use the Username and Password defined in the widget. Username/Password: To connect using SQL Server Authentication, enter a Username and Password. Database: Click the Get Database button to retrieve a list of databases on the specified server, and select the database you want to query. Query: Enter a valid SQL statement. Any SQL statement you enter here will propagate to the Query String property in the main Widget Properties form. Results: To test your database connection, enter a SQL statement in the Query box and click the Test button. For INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements, only the database connection string is tested. For SELECT statements, the query string is also tested, and a result indicating success or failure is shown in the Results field. Statements containing lookups cannot be tested, since lookup values are not determined until the workflow runs. Note: You can also test ODBC, OLEDB, and Oracle connection types from this property form. Query String (Required): Enter a single SQL statement to execute against the database. SELECT statements should be constructed to return a single field from a single row or a single record (row) of results. Click the button to include lookups in your statement. Save To Variable: Select a workflow variable with a Text or Record data type to store the query results (applicable only for the results of a SELECT statement). Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list. Note: Record variables store the contents of a single database record (row), and can be used by the Create Item widget to create an item in a list. If a Record variable is used as a lookup in any other widget, its contents are displayed as a delimited list. For more information about using a Record variable to create an item, see the Create Item documentation. Example

41 Query Employee Leave Balance The following Query Database widget configuration retrieves the leave balance for an employee from a SQL database and stores it in a workflow variable. The contents of the variable can then be used later in the workflow. For example, the results could be used to update a SharePoint list using the Update Item widget, or they could be ed to the employee using the Send widget. Notice that in the SQL Server Selection properties (shown below), actual data was used to test the database connection. This is because lookup values are not determined until the workflow runs. Lookups were inserted into the Query String after the database connection was configured and tested. Remove AD Group Note: This widget is currently available in Workflow Conductor 2.0 for SharePoint 2010 only. The Remove AD Group widget removes a group from a specified Active Directory location. The widget has the following features and options: Remove a group from a pre-configured LDAP path or enter a custom LDAP path (if allowed). Choose a group to remove by querying the selected LDAP path or specify a group name with a lookup or workflow variable. This widget runs with the permissions of the user configured with the LDAP path.

42 Remove AD Group Widget Remove SharePoint Group Note: This widget is currently available in Workflow Conductor 2.0 for SharePoint 2010 only. The Remove SharePoint Group widget removes an existing group from SharePoint. The widget has the following features and options: Choose a group from the site collection group list or or specify a group name with a lookup or workflow variable. Remove groups from any site collection. Run this widget with alternate credentials.

43 Remove SharePoint Group Widget Remove User From AD Group The Remove User From AD Group widget removes one or more SharePoint or Active Directory users from an Active Directory group. This widget uses the Active Directory Settings property in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page. These settings provide a list of pre-configured LDAP paths that can be used in the widget and determine if Conductor Studio designers can enter their own LDAP paths. See the General Settings page for more information. Note: This widget accesses Active Directory with the permission of the user account configured with the LDAP path selected in the widget. User (Required): Enter one or more users to remove from an Active Directory group, using one of the following methods: Type a SharePoint or Active Directory display name or account name for one or more users and click the Check User icon ( multiple users with a semicolon (;). Click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a SharePoint or Active Directory user in the User Lookup form. Enter a lookup to user data using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the User Lookup form. ). Separate Group (Required): Click the Lookup AD Group icon ( ) to search for an Active Directory group: Select LDAP Path: Select an LDAP path and click the Get Groups button to list available Active Directory groups. If there are pre-defined LDAP paths configured in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page, they will be listed here. Select an LDAP path from the list to search for groups in one of the pre-configured Active Directory locations. If the option to Allow custom LDAP paths in widgets is selected in the Workflow Conductor Control Panel > General Settings page, you can also select Other LDAP Path and enter an LDAP path and a user name and password with permission to manage groups in that Active Directory location. Click the Get Groups button to load a list of available groups. Group Name: Select a group from the list and click OK. Remove User From SharePoint Group

44 The Remove User From SharePoint Group widget removes one or more SharePoint or Active Directory users from a SharePoint group in the current site collection. Note: To update membership to a SharePoint group, a user must be a site collection administrator or the owner of the group. If the option to allow group members to edit group membership is selected in the group properties, any group member may also update the group. If it is possible that the workflow initiator will not have this permission, use the Run As property to run the widget as another user with the required permission. This widget can run with alternate credentials! User (Required): Enter one or more users to remove from the SharePoint group, using one of the following methods: Type a SharePoint or Active Directory display name or account name for one or more users and click the Check User icon ( multiple users with a semicolon (;). Click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a SharePoint or Active Directory user in the User Lookup form. Enter a lookup to user data using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the User Lookup form. ). Separate Group (Required): Enter an existing SharePoint group in the current site collection using one of the following methods: Type a SharePoint group name and click the Check Group icon ( ). Click the Lookup SharePoint Group icon ( Enter a lookup to group data using the Add Lookup icon ( ). ) to search for a SharePoint group. Run As: This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the General Widget Properties section. Repeat For Each Item The Repeat For Each Item widget executes a series of other widgets for each item in a list. The widget can run for all items in a list, or can be limited to a specific start and stop item. Note: For widgets dropped inside the Repeat For Each Item widget, Current Item refers to the item the workflow was started on. It does NOT refer to the item the Repeat For Each Item widget is currently on in the loop. To execute a widget against the current item in the loop, use an External Lookup to the Repeat For Each Item widget Lookup Item ID variable. Widget Limitations: When specifying Start Item or Stop When conditions based on criteria in a SharePoint Person or Group column configured to allow multiple values, the SharePoint column values must be listed in the exact order specified in the widget. For example: If the widget is waiting for the Person or Group column to change to User1; User2, SharePoint column values entered as User2; User1 will not match. When specifying specific Start Item or Stop When conditions based on criteria in a SharePoint Choice column configured to allow multiple values, you cannot select the values in the widget like you can for single Choice columns. You must enter them as text or a lookup to text in the format Value1, Value2 (the space after the comma is required). The values must be entered in the same order they appear in the SharePoint column. Start Item (Required): To set the item in the current list that the widget should start on, click the button. First Item in List: Will start with the first item in the list (the item with the lowest SharePoint ID field value). Specific Item in List: Allows you to select a list field and matching condition to determine which item in the list to start on. The widget will execute starting with the first item in the list (by SharePoint ID) that matches that condition, and will continue with the next item in order by SharePoint ID. Note: This condition is only used to identify a start item. Stop When (Required): To set the item in the current list that the widget should stop on, click the button. Last Item in List: Will execute the widget on items from Start Item to the last item in the list (the item with the highest SharePoint ID). Field Meets Condition: Allows you to select a list field and matching condition to determine which item in the list to stop on. The widget will execute for items in the list until the stop item condition is matched, and then will exit. Widgets inside Repeat For Each Item are not executed on the stop item. Note: This condition is only used to identify a stop item. Store Loop Item ID (Required): Select a workflow variable with a Number data type. The Loop Item ID variable stores the ID of the current item in the loop. You can use this ID with an External Lookup to execute widgets on the current item in the loop instead of the Current Item (which refers to the item the workflow was started on). Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list.

45 Examples Archive documents older than 30 days The following example uses a Repeat For Each Item widget to copy items in a document library with a Created date older than 30 days to an another library. Since SharePoint items are assigned ID values sequentially when they are created, this workflow assumes that older items will have lower values in the ID field than items created more recently. When the Repeat For Each Item widget reaches an item that no longer meets the condition (the item is newer than the required date), it will stop processing items and exit. First, here is how the Calculate widget is configured to calculate the date "30 days ago": This value is saved to a variable called OldestCreateDate, which we will use later when configuring the Repeat For Each Item widget. The Start Item property of the Repeat For Each Item widget is configured to start with the first item in the library. This is the default setting, so there is nothing to change.

46 The Stop When property is configured so that the widget will exit as soon as an item with a Created date greater than 30 days ago is encountered. This comparison is done by comparing the Created field to the variable we saved the Calculate widget results to earlier. Note: The widget will stop processing items as soon as an item in the list is encountered that does not meet the Stop When condition, even if items with higher IDs do meet the condition. If this is a potential issue, you can leave the Repeat While condition property blank and use a Conditional Branch widget inside the Repeat For Each Item widget to test every item. The disadvantage is that the widget will process all items in the list. Depending on your list size and the complexity of your workflow, this could be slow and potentially cause performance issues. Inside the Repeat For Each Item widget, there is a Copy Item widget configured to copy the current item in the loop to another library called Archive. In order to perform an action on the current item in the loop, you must reference the item with an External Lookup using the Loop Item ID variable. This variable saves the SharePoint ID of the item the Repeat For Each Item widget is currently working on. The screenshot below shows the Copy Item widget configured to copy the Source Item with the ID that matches the Loop Item ID variable.

47 When the workflow configured above runs, it will copy all items with a Created date older than 30 days from the Documents library to the Archive library. Repeat While The Repeat While widget executes a series of other widgets while up to two defined conditions are True. The condition is checked at the start of each loop. When the condition is no longer True, the workflow exits the Repeat While widget and continues with the next widget in the workflow. If more than two conditions are required, Repeat While widgets can be nested. Note: Dropping widgets inside the Repeat While widget is optional. The widget can also be used to simply pause a workflow until a condition is met. This widget can access items in other site collections! Widget Limitations: When entering a condition to match values in SharePoint Person or Group or Choice columns configured to allow multiple values, enter the matching value in the format listed below: Person or Group columns: User1;User2 (Note: There is no space after the semicolon for the match condition, even though SharePoint displays one in the actual column value.) Choice columns: Value1, Value2 (Note: The space after the comma is required.) The values must be listed in the same order as they appear in the SharePoint column. For example: If the condition is listed as User1;User2 or Value1, Value2, SharePoint column values entered as User2; User1 or Value2, Value1 will not match. Condition (Required): Click the button to open the Condition Builder form: Condition: Choose from a set of pre-defined conditions or compare two data sources using a set of logical operators: Current item was created between these dates: Checks whether an item was created within a date range. Specify start and end dates or define dates using lookups. Current item was modified between these dates: Checks whether an item was last modified within a date range. Specify start and end dates or define dates using lookups. Current item was created by this user: Checks whether an item was created by a specific user. Type a user account and click the Check User icon ( ), click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a user in the User Lookup form, or enter a lookup to a user using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the User Lookup form.

48 Current item was modified by this user: Checks whether an item was last modified by a specific user. Type a user account and click the Check User icon, click the Lookup User icon to search for a user, or enter a lookup to a user using the Add Lookup button in the Lookup User form. Current item has these keywords in the title: Checks whether the Title of the current item contains a particular text string (case insensitive). Enter a specific string or define one using a lookup. Compare these data sources: Compares two values using a logical operator. Enter values explicitly or, more commonly, define them using lookups. The following logical operators are available: Equals Does Not Equal Contains Does Not Contain Is Empty Is Not Empty Starts With Does Not Start With Ends With Does Not End With Greater Than Less Than Add Another Condition: Click this link to add another condition to the Condition Builder. Conditions can be joined using AND or OR. Once a second condition is added, remove it by clicking the Remove Condition link. Loop Delay (minutes): Enter a delay between the completion of the last widget inside the Repeat While widget and the next condition evaluation. This delay reduces the chance that an unintentional infinite loop can use too many server resources. The default Loop Delay is 60 minutes. For longer delays or a delay until a specific time, consider using a Delay For or Delay Until widget inside the Repeat While widget. Note: Workflow processing is dependent on the SharePoint Timer Service, which evaluates workflow status every 5 minutes. Repeat While conditions will be evaluated at the next timer interval after the specified Loop Delay has elapsed. This means that the minimum effective Loop Delay settings is 5 minutes, even though you can specify a Loop Delay of as little as 1 minute. Examples Repeat While With Two Conditions Below is an example of a Repeat While widget configured to send a status update to a manager every 60 minutes while a ticket with a Priority of "High" has a Status of "Open".

49 Repeat While a Field Is Empty Here is an example of a Repeat While widget configured to check every 15 minutes to see if an Assigned To field has been filled out. Once the Assigned To field is no longer empty, the widget will exit and the workflow continues with the next widget. Notice that there are no widgets inside the Repeat While widget; it is being used in this instance to simply pause the workflow until a condition is met. Request Approval The Request Approval widget assigns one or more users or groups a task to review and approve an item in a list or library, and then branches the workflow based on whether the item is approved or rejected. Assigned approval tasks are completed using a Workflow Conductor task form.

50 This widget has the following features: The workflow can take different actions depending on whether an item is Approved or Rejected. Several options are available to configure how many approvals are required for an item to be considered "Approved". Individual users, groups, or both can be assigned tasks, either explicitly or using lookups. Approvers can be notified of their tasks by . Notification s sent by the widget are customizable with global templates. Assigned approval tasks are visible in associated Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 applications, just like native SharePoint workflow tasks. Task Due Dates can be assigned using explicit values or lookups. Approvers can delegate tasks or create new tasks for other users from the task form. Approvers can enter comments in the task form, which can be saved to a workflow variable for use later in the workflow. Widget Limitation: If the Approver property is a lookup to another SharePoint column, the following SharePoint column type and data format limitations apply for the lookup value: For Person or Group columns, person or group data can be displayed using any user information field, as long as that field has data. For example: Users displayed as Name, Account, Work , User name, etc., can all be used as approvers. Multiple entries are supported for Person or Group columns. For Single line of text columns, the value must be an account name (DOMAIN\Username) or SharePoint group name ( addresses are not supported). Multiple entries are supported for Single line of text columns, separated by semicolons (;). Calculated columns are supported with the same format limitations as Single line of text columns. A lookup to a Choice column with the option Checkboxes (allow multiple selections) selected will only work if a single entry is checked. Lookups to SharePoint Lookup columns or Bamboo Custom Columns are not supported. Workflow Properties: Approvers (Required): Enter one or more users or groups who need to approve or reject the item. Each approver is assigned a task when the widget runs. Approver names can be entered using any of the following methods: Type a SharePoint or Active Directory display name or account name for a user or group and click the Check User icon ( multiple users with a semicolon (;). Click the Lookup User icon ( ) to search for a SharePoint or Active Directory user or group in the User Lookup form. Enter a lookup to user or group data using the Add Lookup button ( ) in the User Lookup form. ). Separate Expand Groups: If a SharePoint group is entered in the Approvers property, the Expand Groups setting determines whether a single task is assigned to the entire group or if a separate task is assigned to each member of the group. Select Yes to assign each user in the group a task, as if each name was entered individually in the Approvers property. Select No to assign one task to the entire group. Only one user in the group needs to complete the task. Note: The owner of the group is considered a member of the group and is also assigned a task. The only exception is when the owner is the default system account, which will not be assigned a task. Approval Type: Select the number of approvals required for an item to follow the Approved path. All Approvals Required: All users and groups who were assigned approval tasks must approve the item for the workflow to follow the Approved path. If any user or group rejects the item, the workflow follows the Rejected path. The widget is finished when all approvers approve the item or when one approver rejects it. One Approval Required: Only one user or group must approve the item for the workflow to follow the Approved path. Any rejections that occur before an approval are ignored. Any incomplete tasks will be marked Completed as soon as one user or group approves the item. If all assigned users and groups reject the item, the workflow will follow the Rejected path. The widget is finished as soon as one approver approves the item or when all approvers reject it. Multiple Approvals Required: Allows you to specify how many users or groups must approve an item for the workflow to follow the Approved path. If the specified number of approvers approve the item, the workflow follows the Approved path. Any incomplete tasks will be marked Completed as soon as the required number of approvals has been reached. If all approvers respond and the required number of approvals has not been reached, the workflow follows the Rejected path. The widget is finished as soon as the required number of approvers approve the item or when all approvers respond. Send Select an option to determine if the widget will send notification s to approvers and the workflow initiator. Select Yes to send an to approvers when a task is assigned, and to workflow initiators when all tasks are completed. Select No to assign the task without sending task assignment and workflow initiator . Task Name: Enter a custom task name for the approver task (e.g., "Approve Expense Report"). This task name is how the task is displayed in SharePoint and Microsoft Office Workflow Task forms. If you do not enter a Task Name, a default name of "Please Approve ItemName" is assigned when the widget runs. Task Description: Enter an optional task description for the approver task (e.g., Please review and approve this expense report. ). This task description is displayed in task forms. To add a hyperlink in the task description that has a display name different from the URL (e.g., Bamboo instead of enter the hyperlink in the following format, including the surrounding brackets ([]): [_URL

51 ( to display)] (see Using Lookups and Variables for more information). Days Until Due: Enter the number of days until the task is due. You can enter a specific number or use a lookup. The number of days is added to the current date at the time the widget is run to determine the Due Date for each approver task. The calculated task Due Date is included in the task notification . If you do not enter a Days Until Due value, the Due Date property will be used, if there is one, or the task Due Date will be empty. Due Date: Enter a Due Date for the task. You can enter a specific date using the calendar control or use a lookup. Unlike the Days Until Due property, this property sets a specific Due Date for the task. This is useful in situations where a particular deadline must be met. The task Due Date is included in the task notification . If you do not enter a Due Date, the value in the Days Until Due property will be used, if there is one, or the task Due Date will be empty. Note: If both the Due Date and Days Until Due properties are defined, the task Due Date field will be set to the earlier of the two dates. If neither is defined, the task Due Date field will be blank. Allow Reassignment: Select Yes to allow approvers to delegate their task to another user. If reassignment is allowed, a Reassign Task button is displayed at the bottom of the task form. See the Reassign Task section for more details about this option. Select No if you do not want approvers to be able to delegate tasks to other users. Allow Request Change: Select Yes to allow approvers to create a new task for the item that must be completed before the approver task is completed. If change requests are allowed, a Request Change button is displayed at the bottom of the task form. See the Request Change section for more details about this option. Select No if you do not want approvers to be able to create new tasks using the task form. Save Comments To: Each approver has the opportunity to enter comments when completing an approval task. You can view task comments in the completed task. If the Send property is sent to Yes, a summary of all comments is ed to the workflow initiator when the widget is finished running. You can also store the comments in a workflow variable for use later in the workflow. To assign a workflow variable, select a Text data type variable from the Save Comments To list. Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list. If multiple approvers enter comments, each comment is appended to the workflow variable. Examples Sample Request Approval Workflow and Tasks The screenshot below shows a configured Request Approval workflow with the following properties: One Reviewer name is a lookup to the workflow initiator. One Reviewer is a SharePoint group, which will NOT be expanded - only one task will be assigned for the group. Multiple approvals are required. Throughout the workflow, an Approval Status column is updated to show the item status depending on the path of the workflow. The Task Description includes lookups to the list item Name and a workflow initialization form variable. This description will be included in the body of the task notification , which will also include a custom header and footer configured in the global Settings. The Task Due Date will be set to a due date collected in a workflow initialization form variable. Reassignment and Request Change are allowed.

52 When this workflow runs, the workflow initiator is prompted to enter a Due Date for the task using a workflow initialization form configured with the workflow. For details on configuring workflow initialization forms, see the Workflow Forms section. After the workflow initiator enters a Due Date, the workflow starts by updating the Status of the item to Pending using the first Update Item widget in the workflow, and then assigns tasks to the workflow initiator, the SharePoint group, and other Approvers assigned in the widget.

53 In this example, notifications are sent to each person or group assigned an approval task. Each approver now has the option to complete the approval task and provide comments in the task form. In this form, an approver has the following options: Approve the item by entering comments (optional) and clicking Approve. Reject the item by entering comments (optional) and clicking Reject. Reassign the task to another user using Reassign Task (see the Reassign Task section for more details). Create a new task for the item using Request Change (see the Request Change section for more details). Cancel and do nothing at this time.


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