The Webster s Phonetic Symbols

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2 The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary by Maria English Society The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 1

3 The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary 2013 by Maria English Society All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise without prior permission in writing from the author. Published by Maria English Society Sound file of this book can be downloaded at: This book uses the phonetic symbols of the Online Google Dictionary. The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 2

4 Pronunciation The alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Vowels A E I O U Consonants B C D F G H J K L M N P Q R S T V W X Y Z The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 3

5 The pronunciation of a / ā / age day May face lake play stay cake rain eight / a / add bad apple cat cap back bag black happy taxi / ä / ask car far star class glass card art park father Quiz 1: Pronounce the following words. say /sā/ at /at/ jar /jär/ Quiz 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct vowels. gag /g _ g/ safe /s _ f/ farm /f _ rm/ ant /_ nt/ The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 4

6 Long vowels Words can be divided into units called syllables. When a syllable ends with a vowel, the vowel usually has a long sound. 1. Open syllable Examples: no, go, we, he, she ba-by, stu-dent, se-cret, ze-ro, pho-to-graph When there are two vowels, the first vowel usually has a long sound. The second vowel is silent. 2. Vowel-consonant-silent e, Examples: cake, face, take, place, mice, vote, mute 3. Double vowel syllable Examples: meat, seat, plain, rain, goat, road, lie, pie Short vowels When a syllable ends with a consonant, the vowel usually has a short sound. 1. Closed syllable Examples: at, odd, us, it, cat, dog, man, hat, mom, dad, got mat-ter, con-struct, hap-py, Sep-tem-ber The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 5

7 The pronunciation of e / ē / eve she see feet meet week green sheep tea seat / e / ever pen ten red leg pet desk neck egg pencil Quiz 1: Pronounce the following words. keep /kēp/ end /end/ Quiz 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct vowels. sense /s _ ns/ seal /s _ l/ leak /l _ k/ The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 6

8 The pronunciation of i / ī / ice five fine like wife bike child iron China cry / i / it in ink big pig fit pick miss fish ship Quiz 1: Pronounce the following words. wine /wīn/ tip /tip/ Quiz 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct vowels. sit /s _ t/ site /s _ t/ kind /k _ nd/ The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 7

9 The pronunciation of o / ō / open no nose rose cold home road coat boat snow / ä / odd hot fox not top / ô / of dog fog cost cough / ô / order four born force lord short ball call tall wall Quiz 1: Pronounce the following words. low /lō/ cod /käd/ order /ˈôrdər/ Quiz 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct vowels. god /g _ d/ sort /s _ t/ snow /sn _ / door /d _/ The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 8

10 The pronunciation of u / yo o / use unit uniform due duty cute student computer new few / ə / us up bus cup cut duck mug much sun run Quiz 1: Pronounce the following words. usage /ˈyo osij/ under /ˈəndər/ Quiz 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct vowels. tube /t _ b/ ugly /ˈ _ -glē/ lunch /l _ nch/ The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 9

11 The pronunciation of oo / o o / fool food noon room moon too two boot cool school / o o / book foot good look wood cook hood shook crook could Quiz : Fill in the blanks with the correct vowels. hook /h _ k/ tool /t _ l/ scoop /sk _ p/ Note: When the words finish with "oon" or "ool" the sound is long. Examples: moon, spoon, fool, cool, school. When the words finish with "ook", the sound is short. Examples: book, cook, took, look. The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 10

12 The pronunciation of ou, ow The pronunciation of oi, oy / ou / out ours house loud mouse cloud owl now cow bow / oi / oil boil join noise voice boy joy roy soy enjoy Quiz : Fill in the blanks with the correct vowels. toy /t _ / hour / _ (-ə)r/ blouse /bl _ s/ The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 11

13 The sound ə for a, e, i, o, u The sound ər for er, ir, or, ur / ə / ago effect police comfort method common Oxford family upon purpose / ər / serve verb birth firm girl word worse turn curve church The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 12

14 The sound ir The sound er / i(ə)r / ear near fear beer here / e(ə)r / air hair chair care bear The sound our / o or / tour tourist sure moor boor Quiz : Fill in the blanks with the correct vowels. search /s _ CH/ career /kəˈ _ (ə)r/ poor /p _ / pear /p _ / oppose / _ ˈpōz/ spare /sp _ / The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 13

15 Consonants b c d / b / big bag bud job rob c = /k/ /s/ car cart cartoon cell ice / d / dog day door head bed f g h / f / for fish face of off / g / go girl gill dog fog / h / hot head hand hard help The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 14

16 j k l / j / job joke jump juice joy / k / kid kiss kind park duck / l / lot leg like ball will Quiz : Try to pronounce the following words. bulk Joyce lag fog hood gill The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 15

17 m n ng / m / mad miss must ham arm / n / no note neck sin sun / NG / sing king ring song long p q r / p / pig pack put lip harp qu = /kw/ quick quit quote quiet quilt / r / red rent ride tear wear The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 16

18 s t v / s / say see six laughs picks / t / ten taxi tea cat get / v / vine visit vow five love Quiz : Try to pronounce the following words. mono tangle van quest rope prone The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 17

19 w x y / w / will work wait went wit x = /z/ /ks/ Xerox xylophone six fax tax / y / yes Yen yet yard yellow z / z / zoo zero zebra rose wise Quiz : Try to pronounce the following words. wax yeast zest west yard zone The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 18

20 The sound sh The sound zh / SH / she ship shop fish English finish / ZH / vision decision occasion measure pleasure leisure The sound ch The sound j / CH / chair child China watch lunch French / j / job joke jump age change bridge The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 19

21 The sound th The sound th / TH / thin think thank bath mouth cloth / TH / this that they bathe mother bother Quiz : Try to pronounce the following words. shine chain jog thirst clothe division The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 20

22 Voiced and voiceless consonants Voiced b d g v z ZH j TH m n NG w y l r p t k f s SH CH TH h Voiceless th and th Voiceless / TH / thin think three thing tenth third through throw thousand thief Voiced / TH / the this that those these there then them mother brother The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 21

23 ed as /t/, /d/ or /id/ Voiceless / t / picked jumped laughed asked missed placed mixed hoped helped washed Voiced / d / filled aimed signed trained rowed robbed begged raised feared agreed / id / wanted acted tested studded s as /s/, /z/ or /iz/ Voiceless / s / picks jumps laughs asks hopes Voiced / z / fills aims signs fears rows robs begs trains agrees / iz / pieces closes watches washes The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 22

24 The sound ts The sound dz / ts / seats shots tents reports parents / dz / lends reads needs roads words Quiz : Try to pronounce the following words. cats standards rights brands waits spends The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 23

25 Practice 1 Long vowels / ā / / ē / / ī / / ō / / yo o / ace base bee bye both bugle cake cease cite cold Cupid day deed die dole duke eve face fee five foam few game geese guide goat / hay he hire home huge ice jail jeep jive joke / Kate key kite koala cute lake leave light low / May me mile mode mute name knee nine note new open pay peach pile pole puberty quake queen quite quote / rate reed ripe rope / safe seal sign sow / taste teeth tide tone tube use vain vehicle vine vote view wave we wine woe / / / exile / exuberant yea yeast yikes yoke Yukon zany zeta enzyme zone / The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 24

26 Practice 2 Short vowels / a / / e / / i / /ä/ /ô/ / ə / at bat bed big boss bud cat cent cigar cod cup dad den did doll duck ever fan fence fix fog fun gap get give got gum hat hen him hot hut it jam jet jigsaw job juggle Kant Ken kick cock kung fu lad let lip lot lunch man met milk mock mud nab net nib not nut odd pack pen pig pop pump quack quench quick / / rat red rib rob run sand set sit soft sun tap ten tin Tom tough us van vent vim vodka vulgar wax web win wok / exact executive exit exotic / yam yes yip yonder yummy zap Zen zip zombie / The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 25

27 Practice 3 bl- blaze bled bliss block bluff br- bring break bread brown bright cl- clam cleft clip close club cr- crab crept crib crop crust dr- drag dress drive drop drum fl- flag flesh flit flop flume fr- frame fret frill from frustum gl- glad glen glide globe glume gr- grand Greenwich grip grove grunt pl- plan pledge plinth plot plush pr- prate press prize prop prussic sc-/sk- scale sketch skill scot skull sl- slave sledge slip slow slush sm- smash smell smile smoke smutch sn- snake snell snipe snow snug sp- spade spell spin spot spun st- stand step still stone stuff sw- swam swell swim swollen swum tr- trap trench trick trod truck tw- twain twenty twins / / The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 26

28 Practice 4 Pronounce the following words. name /nām/ game /gām/ late /lāt/ say /sā/ key /kē/ she /SHē/ speak /spēk/ eat /ēt/ high /hī/ ice /īs/ hide /hīd/ light /līt/ loaf /lōf/ row /rō/ snow /snō/ home /hōm/ cute /kyo ot/ unit /ˈyo onit/ you /yo o/ duty /ˈd(y)o otē/ add /ad/ apple /ˈapəl/ cat /kat/ hat /hat/ men /men/ dead /ded/ said /sed/ bed /bed/ big /big/ dish /dish/ milk /milk/ quick /kwik/ boss /bôs/ cough /kôf/ shot /SHät/ chop /CHäp/ bud /bəd/ gum /gəm/ lunch /lənch/ tough /təf/ The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 27

29 towel chart firm large /ˈtoul/ /CHärt/ /fərm/ /lärj/ third throw bunch weigh /THərd/ /THrō/ /bənch/ /wā/ though wash reign doubt /T Hō/ /wäsh/ /rān/ /dout/ circle ache guess question /ˈsərkəl/ /āk/ /ges/ /ˈkwesCHən/ social society oppose opposite /ˈsōSHəl/ /səˈsīətē/ /əˈpōz/ /ˈäpəzit/ The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 28

30 Practice 5 Find out the Phonetic Alphabet of the following words from your dictionary and try to pronounce them. man pan bat men pen bet said cod cough dead bother tough serve march fund turn force harp quarrel pigeon smutch bluff prudent prate chef wash anchor Chicago orphan wrestle The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 29

31 Summary: Vowels A: age add ask E: eve ever ago (for a, e, i, o, u) urgent (for er, ir, or, ur) I: ice it O: old odd/off order food foot U: use us hour oil owl boy A: / ā / / a / / ä / E: / ē / / e / / ə / (for a, e, i, o, u) / ər / (for er, ir, or, ur) I: / ī / / i / O: / ō / /ä// ô / / ôr / / o o / / o o / U: /yo o/ / ə / / ou / / oi / The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 30

32 Quiz: Did you pronounce the brand names right? Christian Dior /ˈkris-CHən dēˈôr / Louis Vuitton /ˈlo oē vi tôrn/ Hermès /er mes/ Givenchy /ZHi vôrnshi/ agnès b /əni es bī/ Gucci / go otshi/ Godiva /gəˈdīvə/ The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 31

33 Answers P.4 gag /gag/ safe /sāf/ farm /färm/ ant /ant/ p.6 sense /sens/ seal /sēl/ leak /lēk/ p.7 sit /sit/ site /sīt/ kind /kīnd/ p.8 god /gäd/ sort /sôrt/ sow /sō/ door /dôr/ p.9 tube /t(y)o ob/ ugly /ˈəglē/ lunch /lənch/ p.10 hook /ho ok/ tool /to ol/ scoop /sko op/ p.11 toy /toi/ hour /ou(ə)r/ blouse /blous/ or /blouz/ p.13 search /sərch/ career /kəˈri(ə)r/ poor /po or/ or /pôr pear /pe(ə)r/ oppose /əˈpōz/ spare /spe(ə)r/ p.15 bulk /bəlk/ Joyce /jois/ lag /lag/ fog /fôg, fäg/ hood /ho od/ gill /gil/ p.17 mono /ˈmänō/ tangle /ˈtaNGgəl/ van /van/ quest /kwest/ rope /rōp/ prone /prōn/ The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 32

34 p.18 wax /waks/ yeast /yēst/ zest /zest/ west /west/ yard /yärd/ zone /zōn/ p.20 shine /SHīn/ chain /CHān/ jog /jäg/ thirst /THərst/ clothe /klōt H/ division /diˈvizhən/ p.29 man /man/ men /men/ pan /pan/ pen /pen/ bat /bat/ bet /bet/ said /sed/ dead /ded/ cod /käd/ bother/ˈbät Hər/ cough /kôf/ tough /təf/ serve /sərv/ turn /tərn/ march /märch/ force /fôrs/ fund /fənd/ harp /härp/ quarrel /ˈkwôrəl/ bluff /bləf/ pigeon /ˈpijən/ prudent /ˈpro odnt/ smutch /sməch/ prate /prāt/ chef /SHef/ Chicago /SHəˈkägō/ wash /wäsh,wôsh/ orphan /ˈôrfən/ anchor/ˈangkər/ wrestle /ˈresəl/ The Webster s Phonetic Symbols in Online Google Dictionary Page 33

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