DISCLAIMER. Copyright 2011 by Brent Hauver/SUNWARRIOR. All Rights Reserved [2]

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2 DISCLAIMER The statements made within this document have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The statements and products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Copyright 2011 by Brent Hauver/SUNWARRIOR All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher and Author. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. The publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services, and you should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. [2]

3 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: Mercury and Other Heavy Metals 6 Mercury 6 Caution to Mothers 9 CHAPTER 2: The Importance of Detoxification 10 Mercury Poisoning 10 Health Effects of Chronic Mercury Poisoning 11 The Body s Detoxification Systems 12 Detoxification Outside the Liver 12 Enzymes and Antioxidants 13 The Anti-oxidation System 14 The Concept of Chelation 15 CHAPTER 3: Supporting Mercury Removal 18 SUNWARRIOR Ormus Supergreens 18 Liquid Light (Fulvic Acid) 20 Healthy Detoxification Pathways and Organs of Elimination 21 Length of the Detoxification Program 21 CHAPTER 4: Preparing for Removal; The Pre-Removal Program 23 Minimizing Mercury Exposure 24 Additional Support Measures 24 Establishing Baselines for Detoxification Monitoring 26 Removal of Amalgams 26 CHAPTER 5: Choosing the Right Alternative 27 Mercury Free Dentistry 28 [3]

4 Alternatives to Amalgams 28 Metal Free Dentistry 28 Biocompatibility 28 CHAPTER 6: After the Mercury is Gone the Post-Removal Program 30 Nutrition: Guidelines for Optimal Health and Well-being 30 Monitoring Protocol 30 Follow up to the Detoxification Program 30 CHAPTER 7: Monitoring Protocol 32 When to Begin Monitoring 32 Objective Testing 32 Fecal Metals Test 32 Hair Analysis 33 CHAPTER 8: Optimal Nutrition 35 Optimal Supplementation for Mercury and Heavy Metal Detoxification 35 Vitamins and Antioxidants Specific to Mercury and Chemical Heavy Metal Detoxification 35 Minerals Specific to Mercury Detoxification 37 Natural Foods, Herbal, and Other Supplements 38 Other Nutritional Sources 44 CHAPTER 9: Intestinal Support 46 Intrinsic factor, Heavy Metal, and B Symptoms of Mercury Overload and of Vitamin B 12 Deficiency 47 Mercury Re-absorption 50 Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) 50 Resistant Oral and Intestinal Flora 50 Oral Intestinal Support 51 Mechanical Intestinal Intervention 51 Constipation 51 [4]

5 CHAPTER 10: Brain and Neurological Support 53 Supplements That Support the Brain 53 Side Effects 55 CHAPTER 11: The Central Role of the Liver Detox 57 Detoxifying the Liver 57 CHAPTER 12: Infrared Sauna Benefits and Detox 59 Sauna Benefits 59 Far Infrared Sauna Effective Way to Burn Calories 59 Types of Saunas 60 Supervision and Safety 60 An Integrated Health Program 61 ADDENDUM: Detoxification of Radioactive Materials 62 [5]

6 CHAPTER 1 MERCURY AND OTHER HEAVY METALS Toxins--toxins everywhere in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use-- environmental toxins seem to be all around us. We see oil spills, tsunamis that lead to nuclear accidents and seawater contamination, factories that spew smoke, dust and particles, forests decimated by fires. Often, we seem powerless to do anything about it we may not be politicians, lawyers, corporate officers or even anyone with a voice anyone will listen to! Can we as individuals DO anything to control our own health? The short answer is yes, yes we CAN do something! The first step is educating ourselves, taking steps to cleanse ourselves.and then educating others at least those who will listen. We hope the following pages will be part of your first steps in controlling what YOU and your loved ones eat, drink, breathe and buy and will send you down a path of better health and greater control over your own life. Knowledge is Power, they say and we want to give you the knowledge to gain the Power over your health, happiness and life! Mercury Mercury is the most toxic, non-radioactive substance on earth it is more toxic than lead or pesticides - yet, over 100 million North Americans carry it in their mouths, oblivious to the danger. Astonishingly, 72 tons of mercury is deposited directly into our teeth every year. The tiniest amount of mercury in the body is capable of inflicting widespread damage to cells, tissues, and organs. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no known safe level of mercury. WHO data shows that mercury released from amalgam fillings is by far the greatest source of human exposure; an astounding six to seven times greater than exposure from fish or other food sources, and 400 to 500 times the level of exposures from the environment. Mercury s most profound damage is inflicted on the central nervous system; primarily, the tissues When Jove sent blessings to all men that are, in the brain and the spinal cord. Most frightening, And Mercury conveyed them in a jar, mercury can pass through the placenta of an That friend of tricksters introduced by stealth expectant mother and infiltrate the fetus s central nervous system. Disease for the apothecary s health, Whose gratitude impelled him to proclaim: My deadliest drug shall bear my patron s name! Although the controversy regarding amalgam fillings has been raging for over 100 years, the fact that mercury in amalgams is a toxic, dangerous substance has never been disputed. The United The Devils Dictionary States Occupational Safety and Health --Ambrose Bierce ( ) Administration (OSHA), requires the use of unbreakable, hazardous waste containers and that the amalgam material must be stored away from heat. OSHA also mandates rules and regulations for the protection of anyone handling the materials. The only way to eliminate harm caused from amalgam fillings is to eliminate the substance. This book explains how to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body safely and thoroughly through the process of detoxification. [6]

7 Sources of Mercury Dental Amalgam Fillings: According to the US National Institute of Health (NIH), these fillings, which are approximately 50 % mercury by weight, are continually releasing mercury vapor which is then breathed in. Research confirms individuals with amalgam fillings have a greater body burden of mercury than those who do not. However, the amount of mercury an individual absorbs from their fillings varies considerably from person to person; this makes individual testing important. In a step that is crucial to health, mercury vapor from fillings can be converted to a more toxic elemental mercury and methyl mercury in the body, and both can accumulate in the brain. Food: The major source of mercury contamination in food is fish. Atmospheric inorganic mercury from natural and industrial sources is absorbed by large bodies of water where it is converted by bacteria into organic methyl mercury, the most toxic form. This methyl mercury then enters the food chain and reaches dangerously high levels in large predatory fish such as shark, swordfish, tuna, and king mackerel. Many authorities such as the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the U.K. have now advised the public, particularly pregnant women, to limit their intake of fish. Water: Municipal water supplies are rarely contaminated with mercury; but it can happen. Mercury can enter the water supply as a result of precipitation depositing atmospheric mercury released from rock and soil, and via contamination from industrial and agricultural sites. Most of the mercury found in the water supply is inorganic, although some can be converted to methyl mercury by bacteria. Air Pollution: Mercury pollution of the air comes from a few major sources: The combustion of fossil fuels (as in coal and gas-fired power stations that release from metal smelters The incineration of mercury-containing products, such as electronic devices and batteries. In the US, using data submitted by power companies to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the non-profit Environmental Working Group reported in 1999 about 98,000 lbs (49 tons!!) of mercury was emitted directly into the atmosphere by coal-burning power plants. The US and other nations have enacted, or are in the process of enacting, regulations on mercury emissions. Vaccines: Media attention on autism and a possible connection to vaccinations have made the mercurycontaining compound, thimerosal, well known. This additive was used in vaccines as a preservative. Due to pressure from autism groups and others and due to the possible linkage with the increased rates of autism, it has been removed from the majority of vaccines in the US and other countries. Health Effects of Mercury The health effects of mercury are lengthy and varied they are all bad, especially the ones involving the nervous system because these kinds of symptoms can get to the heart of WHO you are! If you have memory loss or depression, it affects everything about you more than an upset stomach, a headache or even some disorder because it changes the way you look at your own life.so, here are some of the possible symptoms. Central Nervous System: Irritability, anxiety, nervousness, breathing difficulties, restlessness, exaggerated response to stimulation, fear, emotional instability, psychological and emotional changes such as depression and suicidal tendencies, memory loss, inability to concentrate, lethargy/drowsiness, [7]

8 insomnia, numbness and tingling of hands, feet, fingers, toes, or lips, muscle weakness progressing to paralysis, loss of muscle control, tremors/trembling of hands, feet, lips, eyelids or tongue, disorders resembling Myasthenia Gravis, a sensation of heavy arms or legs, electric shock-like sensations throughout the body, nervous disorders such as Bell's Palsy, multiple sclerosis, shingles, epilepsy/convulsions and dizziness (acute, chronic vertigo). Head, Neck, Oral Cavity Disorders: Bleeding gums, bone loss, loosening of teeth, excessive salivation, bad breath, metallic taste, burning sensation, tingling of lips, face, tissue pigmentation, patches on the tongue, sores in the mouth, ulceration of gingiva, palate or tongue, ringing in the ears, hearing difficulties, speech and visual impairment, glaucoma, restricted and dim vision. Gastrointestinal Effects: Food sensitivities, especially to milk and eggs, abdominal cramps, colitis, diverticulitis or other gastrointestinal complaint; chronic diarrhea and constipation, ulcers, and Crohn's Disease. Cardiac and Cardiovascular Effects: Abnormal heart rhythm with characteristic findings on EKG, unexplained elevated serum triglycerides and elevated cholesterol, abnormal blood pressure (either high or low), heart or chest pains, angina, tachycardia (heart racing), heart murmur, endocarditis, partial heart blockage, heart attack. Immunologic: Repeated unexplained and unusual infections (viral, bacterial, mycobacterial and fungal), cancer, autoimmune disorders. Systemic Effects: Chronic headaches, allergies, severe dermatitis, unexplained reactivity, thyroid disturbance, subnormal body temperature, cold, clammy skin(especially hands and feet), excessive perspiration with frequent night sweats, unexplained sensory symptoms, such as pain, unexplained anemia, chronic kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, kidney infection, adrenal disease, general fatigue, loss of appetite, with or without weight loss, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), arthritis, lupus erythematosus (LE), scleroderma, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and unexplained rashes. As mentioned previously, the most toxic form of mercury is methyl mercury which is easily absorbed and harder for the body to rid itself of than other forms. Mercury is particularly toxic to the nervous system; damaging brain cells and interfering with communication between them. Chronic fatigue, depression, and poor memory are all common signs of mercury toxicity. Mercury chronically activates the immune system and leads to the development of autoantibodies (antibodies which cause autoimmune diseases). High mercury concentrations in hair have been linked to metabolic syndrome, causing inefficient insulin function and imbalanced blood sugar levels. This can ultimately lead to the development of diabetes. Methyl mercury is 5 to 10 times more toxic to developing embryos than it is to adults. In its 2000 report on the toxicological effects of methyl mercury, the National Research Council concluded that the highest risk for mercury toxicity was for the children of women who consume large amounts of fish and seafood. The report estimated that more than 60,000 children born each year in the US are at risk for adverse neuro-developmental effects due to methyl mercury exposure in the womb. 60,000!! What if that was YOUR child, grandchild, niece, nephew or neighbor! [8]

9 Testing for Toxic Metals Hair Mineral Analysis is a cheap and easily performed way of assessing levels of toxic metals in the body. All that is required is a sample of hair which the lab then analyzes to determine the concentrations of various toxic metals it contains. The levels found in the hair give a fair estimation of those in the body as a whole. Controversy does exist over the accuracy of such tests, however. One study found hair mineral analysis was an inaccurate technique for measuring nutrient minerals (e.g. magnesium, calcium) but was more helpful for detecting exposure to toxic metals. Hair testing has been found to be more accurate for some toxic metals than others; mercury levels detected are more representative of the mercury distributed throughout the body than those of aluminum. It must also be kept in mind that hair samples may be contaminated by external sources such as air pollution and cosmetic hair products. There is also some doubt due to the different techniques used by laboratories and variability in results from different laboratories. Hair mineral analysis is therefore best used as an initial screen for toxic metals; more accurate methods can confirm concerning results. To confirm metal toxicity suggested by inexpensive hair mineral testing, urine levels are often tested after a person is given a chelating agent, an agent that binds to metals and removes them. This can give an accurate result if carried out by a skilled lab technician using the latest equipment. Many expert environmental medicine doctors now recommend testing of a whole blood sample as the technology is now very accurate. Everyone who has, or has had, amalgam fillings should consider participating in a program of mercury detoxification. Symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning may not be clearly evident. Nevertheless, mercury absorbed into the body from mercury-amalgam fillings and other sources can easily accumulate faster than the body s immune and natural detoxification systems can remove it. Moreover, once Caution to Mothers The general consensus among mercuryfree dentists is that pregnant and nursing mothers should not have mercury-amalgam fillings placed or removed. We concur that women of childbearing age should have mercury amalgams removed and undergo detoxification at least six months before conceiving. mercury is absorbed into the brain and the central nervous system, it is highly unlikely that the body will be able to eliminate it without the support of a mercury-specific detoxification program. Provided you are in good health and exhibit no or few overt symptoms of mercury toxicity, you can safely participate in a self-administered detoxification program. The objective of the program is twofold: to remove as much accumulated mercury as possible and to restore your immune system to optimal health and function. Should you be suffering from a number of mercury-related symptoms or diseases and/or poor general health, please undergo a complete health evaluation by a qualified health care professional before beginning a detoxification program. If your health is already significantly compromised, it is best to enlist the assistance of your health care professional in the detoxification program so that your specific health issues can be adequately met. The program may require subtle modifications if undertaken in concert with other medical treatments. Naturally, it is important to be in the care of a health professional sensitive to the importance of the whole body approach to health. It is often noted that, following a detoxification program, health problems that had previously resisted treatment either noticeably improve or disappear altogether! That s a good thing, now isn t it? [9]

10 CHAPTER 2 THE IMPORTANCE OF DETOXIFICATION Mercury Poisoning The body is an astonishing organism, designed to strive relentlessly toward optimum health and capable of eradicating almost any toxic invader. As with any system, neglect or abuse can compromise the body s ability to operate at optimum efficiency. The introduction of excessive amounts of toxic substances can overwhelm its capability to eliminate these invaders. In very small amounts, mercury is effectively removed from the body through its natural detoxification system, which includes individual cells as well as a number of physiological systems: the respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, dermal, and lymphatic systems. As long as the body is able to cleanse mercury and other toxins at a rate equivalent to exposure, it can avoid the health issues that arise when these substances begin to accumulate. As much as 80% of the mercury vapor released from amalgam fillings travels directly to the lungs, subsequently moving into the blood stream. Evidence indicates that mercury vapor can also pass directly to the brain through the nasal cavity and sinuses. There are three types of mercury: elemental, inorganic, and organic. Elemental mercury is the type used in amalgam fillings. While all forms of mercury are extremely toxic, organic mercury is the most toxic, followed by elemental and then inorganic mercury. The membranes of human cells are composed mostly of fatty substances. Elemental mercury vapor is highly fat soluble and, therefore passes readily through the cell membrane and easily crosses the blood brain barrier, entering the central nervous system (CNS). Once inside the cells of the CNS, elemental mercury is oxidized to its inorganic form and can then attach itself to molecular sites, kicking out the essential minerals. Inorganic mercury is not fat soluble; thus, it cannot easily pass back out of cells or the CNS. It is for this reason mercury accumulates in brain cells and is extremely difficult to remove. Mercury carried in the bloodstream has three possible outcomes: 1. Mercury vapor in the red blood cells attaches to sites on the hemoglobin molecule. Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying substance in your blood. Because mercury attached to the same sites to which oxygen attaches, the ability of the red blood cells to carry oxygen to the cells is diminished and an oxygen deficiency may result. Fortunately, the average life cycle of a red blood cell is 120 days, with new blood cells continuously produced. The mercury from the spent red blood cells is carried to the liver and kidneys for elimination by the gastrointestinal and urinary systems. Once the blood stream is no longer exposed to mercury vapor, any related symptoms will disappear. Provided they are available in sufficient amounts, the body s detoxification substances found in the blood (for example, Vitamin C and glutathione) can remove some of the mercury found there. Unfortunately, the amount of mercury entering the blood stream is often greater than can be captured. This first line of defense against mercury, [10]

11 therefore, may not be completely effective. 2. Mercury that is not bound in red blood cells passes out of the bloodstream and attaches to enzymes, proteins, cell membranes and hair follicles throughout the body. 3. Ultimately, mercury crosses through the blood brain barrier (BBB), entering the central nervous system (CNS). In the CNS, it enters nerve cells and attaches to various cell components. Once in the body s cells, the damaged mercury disrupts fundamental processes in three critical ways by: 1. Promoting the formation of free radicals--unstable molecules that can form chain reactions of damage in virtually any structure or compound in the body, particularly in essential fatty acids. 2. Inhibiting antioxidant processes, binding to and causing irreversible depletion of critical compounds, such as glutathione. 3. Disrupting the structure and function of numerous important proteins through direct binding and changing the shape of the protein. When proteins critical for the structure and function of cells are distorted, they become cellular junk that must be removed as soon as possible. Health Effects of Chronic Mercury Poisoning Mercury is primarily classified as a neurotoxin. Consequently, the majority of symptoms related to chronic mercury poisoning are neurological. However, mercury has a direct and damaging effect on everything it comes in contact with: nerves, proteins, enzymes, DNA, and other important components of cells. It disrupts the ability of the body s cells to carry out the normal metabolic functions required for health, and can cause mutations that may lead to cancer. Competing with other elements for binding sites, mercury disrupts the body s normal metabolism of such needed minerals as zinc, cobalt, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, potassium, and sodium. In addition to the harm that results from a deficiency in these minerals, the process of displacement generates toxic free radicals. Mercury from amalgams binds to proteins and amino acids. These substances are used in every enzymatic process in the body, including important detoxification functions. Other detoxification systems are adversely affected by mercury as well. An additional effect of mercury is its attack on, and confusion of, the immune system. It can inactivate important types of immune system cells that help protect the body from bacteria and other foreign agents...and even cancer! It also creates autoimmune disorders by changing the shape of the proteins. When this occurs, the immune system perceives the mercury-altered proteins as foreign substances and, in its effort to eliminate the problem, generates an immune system response against your own cells! [11]

12 Directly and indirectly, the damage that mercury can inflict on the body is utterly insidious, requiring a comprehensive and intensive detoxification process. The Body s Detoxification Systems The human body utilizes a number of mechanisms to rid itself of toxins, involving multiple organs and systems. Most important are the organs specifically designed for cleansing, the liver and the kidneys, as well as a variety of antioxidant detoxification compounds and the immune system. The conversion of metabolic products and toxins into soluble, safe compounds which can be eliminated via the urine or through the gall bladder into the intestines is one of the body s most vital functions, generally known as detoxification. Sorting, rendering harmless, and eliminating the toxins we ingest or absorb through our skin involves many processes, but can be separated into two basic steps (Phases). In Phase I, enzymes break toxins down into intermediate forms, which can then be safely eliminated though the processes of Phase II. In Phase II, the intermediate compounds are routed along one of six chemically driven detoxification pathways, where they are further broken down and then bound to specific types of protein molecules. The binding process, known as conjugation, allows the compounds to exit the body through the kidneys (as urine) or the bile (as feces). Phase I reactions are catalyzed by several families of liver enzymes, known as cytochrome P450 oxidases, which introduce oxygen into the molecular structure of the toxins or metabolites. Typically, the toxins are converted to water-soluble compounds which can be excreted in the urine. The oxidation reaction can be blocked by an excess of toxic chemicals, or a lack of enzymes, lack of nutrients and/or a lack of oxygen, resulting in a build-up of toxic substances. The intermediates created during Phase I detoxification include free radicals and are often more toxic than the original toxins. Their harmful effects are primarily kept under control by antioxidant nutrients and enzymes that actively participate in the detoxification process. Naturally, a plentiful supply of antioxidant substances is essential for safe detoxification to proceed. While some substances enter Phase II from Phase I pathways, others enter Phase II detoxification directly. Conjugation involves the combining of a metabolite or toxin with another substance that makes it water-soluble forms meaning it can now be excreted. Because the intermediate metabolites produced during Phase I may actually be more harmful to the cells than the original toxins ingested, it is critical that Phase II detoxification function in balance with Phase I. Correctly functioning, Phase II will transform the intermediate metabolites to non-toxic, excretable end-products. Detoxification Outside the Liver While the liver and kidneys are the primary detoxification organs, the body employs multiple additional organs and systems in its struggle to cleanse itself of toxins. The immune system is responsible for detecting and capturing microbes and foreign harmful [12]

13 substances such as mercury and other heavy metals that have become bound to proteins. Once the various components of the immune system have neutralized these harmful substances, it is the function of the immune system to detoxify them, reducing them to harmless substances that can be safely eliminated. The lymphatic system, often considered to be a component of the immune system, transports dead cells and other wastes through the lymphatic channels. Wastes discarded from the immune system s attack on toxins are suspended in lymph fluid, a colorless, odorless, absorbent fluid that fills the spaces between the cells in all tissues and which drains into the venous blood. The lymph fluid is taken to the liver and kidneys for detoxification and elimination. The spleen also helps to clear the lymph of debris. The gastrointestinal (GI) system includes the liver, the colon, and the rest of the GI tract. The intestinal lining is most often the primary interface between xenobiotics (chemical substances foreign to the body, such as mercury, pesticides and dioxins) and the body, providing the first barrier against ingested toxins. Poor diet, prescription medications, and exposure to allergens and toxins can increase permeability or leakiness of the GI tract, greatly diminishing the body s detoxification capability. Maintaining a good balance of microflora (normal bacteria populations) in the intestines and colon assists the body s capacity for detoxification, since gut microflora can produce compounds that either induce or inhibit mercury detoxification. The respiratory system the lungs, bronchial tubes, throat, sinuses, and nose, all work to excrete, expel, and eliminate toxic substances. The lungs also aid the body s detoxification response by expelling metabolic wastes (primarily carbon dioxide) that build up from basic functions of the body. The skin, technically the largest organ of the body, is permeable and can absorb toxins directly from the environment. The skin can also excrete toxins, through the sweat and sebaceous (oil) glands. Regular use of saunas or steam baths encourages the discharge of toxins through sweat. Moreover, the skin operates as a detoxifying agent by transforming toxins from lipid-soluble (oil-based) compounds to water-soluble forms, which can then be removed from the body via the kidneys. The hair also allows the body to eliminate mercury and other harmful minerals by walling-off these substances in its keratin, allowing release when the hair is trimmed. Enzymes and Antioxidants Among the chemical systems developed by the body to prevent the accumulation of toxic substances are various enzyme systems and antioxidant compounds. Enzymes, best known for their role in digesting food, are involved in a HUGE number of bodily functions. For example, metabolic enzymes catalyze, or spark, the many reactions within the cells; without them, the cells, tissues, and organs simply would not work and you wouldn t be reading this! Metabolic enzymes also perform detoxification functions, breaking down toxic substances so that they can be excreted, rather than building up in cells and tissues, causing harm. While the body manufactures some of these enzymes, others are obtained from our diet. An adequate supply of enzymes is essential for the liver, the main organ of detoxification, as well as for the bowels, where they aid in both elimination of toxic substances and prevention of their reabsorption. [13]

14 When a toxin exists as an organic compound, enzymes can break it down into harmless products that can then be eliminated more easily. However, because mercury is a pure element, and by definition cannot be changed into another element, enzymes CAN T break it down into something less toxic. This is why removing mercury from the body through detoxification is necessary, and yields improved overall health and well-being. The Anti-oxidation System Another major system of detoxification, the anti-oxidation system, functions primarily by countering the free radical damage caused whenever mercury comes into contact with organic compounds. Antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and selenium, control the effects of toxic substances by preventing damage before it happens, rather than by removing toxins that are already in the cells. Glutathione (GSH), the premier antioxidant utilized for mercury detoxification, works to protect the cells of the body from mercury in an additional way. GSH also captures mercury, enabling its elimination from the body. All proteins are made up of various combinations of amino acids and must be broken down in the stomach into their component amino acids before they can be assimilated into the body. Glutathione consists of three amino acids cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. Because cysteine is further broken down in the gastrointestinal tract, taking oral glutathione is not the most effective way to provide cysteine and raise the body s levels of GSH. Nevertheless, taking oral glutathione allows it to be taken up by the cells of the intestinal wall, an important factor in supporting and protecting the intestine because the cells of the intestinal wall are the first line of defense for preventing mercury and other harmful substances from entering the body. Acting as an antioxidant, GSH may be damaged and require minor repairs to restore its function. Once repaired, it can generally be used again and again. Used as a capturing agent, however, GSH is eliminated along with the mercury. Because mercury is an element, any compound capturing mercury must escort it all the way out of the body. Therefore, under long-term chronic exposure to mercury, a loss of glutathione will occur and, if the GSH is not replenished, the body will become progressively less effective at detoxifying harmful substances. Glutathione performs so many critical functions in the cell, in addition to its role in detoxification that it is vital to provide the body with an abundance of the substances required for its production. Whole grains, beans, eggs, potatoes, avocados, grapefruit, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, and asparagus contain small amounts of glutathione. Because the glutathione molecule is so poorly assimilated, however, it is important to supplement it with more stable components, such as NAC. N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is promoted as an anti-mercury supplement. Although it is considered a powerful antioxidant, NAC s greatest value to mercury detoxification is as an important precursor or forerunner for glutathione. It provides cysteine, one of the three amino acids that make up glutathione. The form of cysteine found in NAC is much more stable than the individual amino acid L-cysteine. Consequently, it is able to resist breakdown in the stomach and intestine and is more readily assimilated and available to increase production of glutathione. Other compounds that encourage glutathione synthesis are the amino acids, glycine and methionine. [14]

15 Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA), another important antioxidant that performs the dual roles of free radical quenching and chelation of mercury and other toxic metals. It is an important part of the detoxification protocol for a third reason. Although it is only a weak chelator of mercury, alpha-lipoic acid s more important role is to foster the increase of glutathione in the cell, aiding in the recovery from GSH depletion during detoxification. In its role as an antioxidant, ALA is particularly effective, because it is water and fat soluble, enabling it to work both inside and outside the cells and allowing it to readily cross the blood brain barrier to access mercury sequestered in brain tissue. Mercury s high affinity for fatty tissue makes alpha-lipoic acid one of the most if not the most important of the body s naturally produced chelators of mercury and other heavy metals. Although ALA may be more effective than glutathione at removing mercury from the CNS, the body doesn t produce nearly as much of it as it does glutathione. ALA can also help restore other important antioxidants, such as glutathione, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium, and beta-carotene, guarding against the depletion of these important antioxidants and chelating agents. In addition, ALA is an important component in the energy production process in the cells and supports the immune system and liver function. Because mercury can seriously deplete ALA, supplementation is vital during a mercury detoxification program. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals and is also believed to chelate mercury from the blood. Linus Pauling, a Nobel Prize winning chemist was one of the first to understand the importance of Vitamin C for health.of course, your mother already knew it, but Linus Pauling made it famous! Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): Similar to Vitamin E, CoQ10 is an effective antioxidant and chelator. Extremely important in maintaining an effective immune system, CoQ10 is an essential part of the electron transport chain used to make ATP, the energy currency of every cell. Not only does CoQ10 assist in energy production, it also cleans up the free radicals that are produced during that process. The Concept of Chelation The Greek term chelation means to claw. The goal of strong mercury chelating agents is to attach to mercury and form a chemical bond stable enough to ensure that the attached mercury leaves the body. In addition to some of the body s antioxidants, pharmaceutical chelators may be used to eliminate mercury and other minerals. Although pharmaceutical chelators generally form a stronger bond with toxic metals than do antioxidants, they are indiscriminate about what they remove from the body. Along with toxic substances, pharmaceutical chelators will remove metals the body requires, such as zinc and copper. Care must be taken to replenish essential minerals if pharmaceutical chelators form a part of the detoxification program. Rectal Chelation A New Delivery Method for Chelation Therapy The newest, easiest, most convenient,and efficient technique for detoxifying heavy metals out of the body is by means of rectal chelation therapy. People exhibiting toxic metal burdens now are able to chelate themselves while sleeping by use of this non-prescription chelator. Merely insert the firm gelatin pill into the rectum, go to sleep, and awake in the morning partially detoxified. Not so bad, is it? You can [15]

16 repeat the procedure until testing shows that there is no more metal poison remaining in the body. With this suppository method, the main obstacle to intravenous EDTA chelation therapy spending three or more hours per infusion session in a clinic hooked to an IV has been eliminated. You may take less than a minute to insert the suppository at home before bedtime. As an additional benefit, use of a suppository eliminates the psychological stress and time associated with getting stuck with a needle for twenty or more such IV treatments. Also, each suppository contains a cocoa-butter base (melts on body contact), which is very therapeutic for the rectal mucosa and the colon wall. Since many people cringe at the thought of getting stuck with a needle for any treatments, use of a suppository eliminates this psychologically stressful and time-consuming obstacle. Rectal administration is less invasive, is minimally uncomfortable, and is generally greatly preferred over IV treatments. Taking three to five suppositories over a 30-day period is medically equal to approximately 2-EDTA IV treatments. Rectal chelation therapy does the job of detoxifying in a low-cost way by effusing EDTA through the bowels walls and into your blood stream to directly clean toxic metals from all body cells. Almost all the blood from the rectum Recipe for Cilantro Pesto You can start with the basic recipe below and add other nuts and spices to suit your taste. Ingredients 4 cloves garlic 1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium 1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine) 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium) 2 cups packed fresh coriander (cilantro, Chinese parsley) (vitamin A) 2/3 cup flaxseed oil 4 tablespoons lemon juice (Vitamin C) 2 tsp dulse powder Sea salt to taste Put the cilantro and olive oil in a blender and process until the cilantro is chopped. Add remaining ingredients and process to a lumpy paste (you may need to add a touch of hot water and scrape the sides of the blender.) You can change the consistency by altering the amount of olive oil and lemon juice, but keep the 3:1 ratio of oil to juice. (It freezes well, so you can make several batches at once.) makes its way to a tributary of the liver blood system, so that the EDTA chelates toxins leaving the liver and the EDTA in the suppository goes directly to the organs of your body without being filtered through the liver first. The suppository offers many advantages over the intravenous and oral methods of EDTA chelation. It avoids the expense, risk of needletransferred diseases and the discomfort of the IV methods. The rectum allows better EDTA absorption because of its neutral ph and there is less enzyme degradation. The rectal mucosal tissue is much more tolerant of various agents than is the gastric mucosa (stomach). In fact, absorption with any oral EDTA tablet is so low that you would need to take 135 (500mg) EDTA tablets to equal just five suppositories. The Calcium EDTA in the suppository has an extra bonding site compared to the older Disodium EDTA. This gives the suppository EDTA a higher affinity for mercury that is then excreted by the feces. For this reason, the suppository s ability to utilize the colon wall for EDTA assimilation makes it a powerful mercury chelator. [16]

17 Cilantro and Detoxification Leaves of the coriander plant can accelerate the excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum from the body. In recent studies, the mercury level in urine increased after one consumed a SINGLE healthy serving of Vietnamese soup. The soup contained Chinese parsley--better known in this country as cilantro. (Some of you may also know it as a coriander, since it comes from the leaves of the coriander plant.) Further testing revealed that eating cilantro also increased urinary excretion of lead and aluminum. Additionally, when cilantro was used concurrently with antibiotics or natural anti-viral agents and/or fatty acids like EPA with DHA, to treat infections, the infection could be eliminated. It is believed the active components in cilantro are easily destroyed during processing. For this reason, the fresh herb is highly recommended. It can be eaten raw in soup or salad, on tacos, or as garnish with practically any dish. In light of the ever-worsening quality of our water and soil; and the widespread use of metals in everyday items like deodorant and cans, the strong suspicion among healthcare professionals is that all of us have some toxic metals in our body. A recent study showed that 100% of those tested even those of whom lived a healthy, natural lifestyle were contaminated with a wide range of toxins and foreign substances 100%! And, unless these toxins are carried out by a chelating agent, things like lead, aluminum, and mercury remain in the body forever. This is of grave concern, given that such metals have been associated with arthritic conditions, depression, muscle pain and weakness, memory loss and deterioration, and perhaps even Alzheimer's disease. [17]

18 CHAPTER 3 SUNWARRIOR Ormus Supergreens SUPPORTING MERCURY REMOVAL SUNWARRIOR Ormus Supergreens are a wonderful raw green superfood loaded with probiotics and nutrient-rich chelating greens foods. SUNWARRIOR Supergreens are full of antioxidants, natural vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and green phytofoods that support the natural detoxification processes of the body as it replenishes the nutrients used up by this process, and recharges the immune system through powerful antioxidant support. SUNWARRIOR Ormus greens are produced and grown organically in America in a pristine ancient sea bed in a volcanic region of Utah and Arizona and are grown in paramagnetic soil loaded with platinum, gold, silver and Ormus trace minerals that give the greens Ormus property. This Ormus property increases the vibration and frequency of those who consume it. SUNWARRIOR uses a patented cold-drying process that protects and preserves the heat-sensitive bioactive constituents and phyto-nutrients of SUNWARRIOR Ormus Supergreens. This patented process makes SUNWARRIOR Ormus Supergreens a superior living food that is raw and bio-available. SUNWARRIOR cultures the greens in house creating a powerful green superfood probiotic that is alive and active. The natural and nutritious ingredients in Ormus Supergreens are: Oat Grass: Oat grass (Avena sativa) picks up the highest amounts of noble elements and Ormus from the soil. Oat grass is used traditionally to help build sexual stamina. Oat grass has a relaxing and stimulating action that nourishes and strengthens the nervous system. Barley and Wheat Grass: Barley and wheat grass are both loaded with high trace minerals, calcium, iron, all essential amino acids, Vitamin C, flavonoids, and a number of enzymes and minerals. They also contain superoxide dismutase (SOD), a powerful antioxidant enzyme that protects the cells against toxic free radicals. Alfalfa: Alfalfa is a plant which sends its roots down twenty to thirty feet into the ground and brings up the minerals that are not available on the surface. The Arabic word for alfalfa means "father of plants." Alfalfa is rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that play a vital role in the strength and growth of our bones and in the maintenance of a healthy body. It contains protein and vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and vitamin K. It also contains calcium, potassium, carotene, iron, and zinc. Alfalfa is also a powerful cleanser of the blood stream. Chlorophyll: Ormus Supergreens are loaded with natural chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a substance in all green plants, and is very similar to our own hemoglobin, the oxygen-binding [18]

19 substance in blood. In fact, the molecular structure is nearly identical. This similarity makes it easy for the body to assimilate chlorophyll. Chlorophyll increases the hemoglobin count of the blood. More hemoglobin translates to a more oxygen rich blood. Chlorophyll aids in this rebuilding of the blood. For example, animals with a low red blood cell count that were given wheat grass had a healthy blood count level within five days. In addition, chlorophyll detoxifies the blood of drug deposits and de-activates carcinogens. It also stops bacterial growth in the digestive tract as well as the production of yeasts and fungi. Chlorophyll eliminates bad breath and acts as an internal body deodorant. Yucca: Yucca are desert plants that are part of the Agave family. Yucca extracts have antiarthritic and anti-inflammatory effects including anti-fungal and anti-protozoal activities. Yucca is also a rich source of phenolics, including resveratrol and a number of others. Yucca extracts and its phenolics are also anti-oxidants and free-radical scavengers. Parsley: Parsley is perhaps one of the most commonly used but therapeutically under-rated of herbs. Parsley is very high in bio-available Vitamin C and is a good source of manganese, calcium and potassium. It also contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants. Parsley is also rich in vitamin A, well-known for its effects on vision. Vitamin A can also mitigate risks of atherosclerosis and diabetes. Parsley cleanses the blood, dissolves sticky deposits in veins, maintains elasticity of blood vessels, facilitates removal of moderately sized kidney and gallstones, is used for deafness and ear infections, and benefits the sexual system. Parsley helps with bad breath and is one of the most important herbs for providing vitamins to the body. It's like an immune-enhancing multi-vitamin and mineral complex in green plant form. Spinach: Spinach is a rich source of protein, minerals, vitamins, pigments and phytonutrients. The many health benefits of spinach are due to presence of vitamins, pigments, phytonutrients and minerals like potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium. Spinach is a source of vitamins like folate, niacin, vitamin A, B6, C and traces of the rest of the vitamins. Other important elements, including thiamine and riboflavin, that are used in various reactions in our body are also found in spinach. Spinach is rich in pigments like beta carotene, lutein and xanthene and chlorophyllin. Popeye had a good idea going! Strong to the finish, when I eats my spinach! Probiotic Culture: SUNWARRIOR uses a live active culture that is different from other companies who just mix probiotics into their greens. Healing probiotics that come from culturing are specific to green plants and are powerful healing nutrients. Traditional probiotic foods include kefir, miso, and sauerkraut and are very good for the body and digestive tract. Science has learned that cultured foods are easy to digest and create lifeenhancing nutrients. Peppermint: Peppermint makes Ormus Supergreens easy to drink and very palatable. [19]

20 Peppermint is also an age-old herbal medicine that has been used to treat a wide range of abdominal woes, from flatulence to stomach cancer to gallbladder disease. Several studies have shown that peppermint seems to be effective at relieving irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a collection of symptoms that includes abdominal cramping and pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. Peppermint also has anti-parasitic properties and has been used in folk remedies to get rid of parasites. Whole Leaf Stevia: We use the whole leaf stevia herb which has been used for centuries in South America to aid diabetics and people with low blood sugar. Research has shown that a whole leaf stevia herb has a regulating effect on the pancreas and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Herbal stevia is therefore useful to people with diabetes, hypoglycemia, and candidiasis. Other traditional uses of herbal stevia are to lower elevated blood pressure (hypertension), as a digestive aid that also reduces gas and stomach acidity, and for obesity. The herb acts as general tonic which increases energy levels and mental acuity. The stevia herb has also been shown to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay, making it an excellent addition for the teeth and gums. Liquid Light (Fulvic Acid) Liquid Light (Fulvic Acid) has the capability of transferring metals to and from metallo-proteins in the body. These proteins play a role in metal storage and sequester excess metal ions, preventing a toxic build up. Metallo-protein concentrations are the highest in the liver where metals accumulate in the metallo-thionein of this organ. Metallo- proteins can be found in many other human tissues, including small amounts in the blood plasma, which suggests that these proteins play a role in the transport of metals as well. When the free metal binding capacity of Liquid Light gets saturated or contains a high concentration of a metal humate (attachment of metal to Liquid Light), then will transfer this metal to the protein-type molecules that are able to bind and utilize it. On the other hand, if the free metal binding capacity is high, then Liquid Light will form complexes with metals that are free or attached to metallo-proteins, helping to excrete these metals (i.e., in the case of toxic heavy metals, like cadmium). Therefore, Liquid Light acts somewhat like metallo- proteins due to its chelating activity and ion exchange capacity. Primarily, investigations have focused on the ability of a product, containing standardized Liquid Light, to deliver essential minerals while also eliminating toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and mercury. Oral consumption of Liquid Light administered daily for six weeks significantly decreased blood cadmium levels and increased urine cadmium in 31 adult workers continuously exposed to occupational cadmium. In the majority of subjects, the abnormally low serum iron levels increased, and markers of kidney and liver function improved. Research indicates that absorption of cadmium and mercury from the gastrointestinal tract and its toxicity are influenced by the supply of elements such as Zn, Cu, Fe, Se, Ca, and Vitamin C. The ability of [20]

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