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3 SOMESB Sociedade Mantenedora de Educação Superior da Bahia S/C Ltda. Gervásio Meneses de Oliveira Presidente William Oliveira Vice-Presidente Samuel Soares Superintendente Administrativo e Financeiro Germano Tabacof Superintendente de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão Pedro Daltro Gusmão da Silva Superintendente de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Acadêmico FTC - EaD Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências - Ensino a Distância Reinaldo de Oliveira Borba Diretor Geral Marcelo Nery Diretor Acadêmico Roberto Frederico Merhy Diretor de Desenvolvimento e Inovações Mário Fraga Diretor Comercial Jean Carlo Nerone Diretor de Tecnologia André Portnoi Diretor Administrativo e Financeiro Ronaldo Costa Gerente Acadêmico Jane Freire Gerente de Ensino Luis Carlos Nogueira Abbehusen Gerente de Suporte Tecnológico Romulo Augusto Merhy Coord. de Softwares e Sistemas Osmane Chaves Coord. de Telecomunicações e Hardware João Jacomel Coord. de Produção de Material Didático MATERIAL DIDÁTICO Produção Acadêmica Produção Técnica Jane Freire Gerente de Ensino Ana Paula Amorim Supervisão Jussiara Gonzaga Coordenação de Curso Denise Silva Sonia Alcântara Autor(a) João Jacomel Coordenação Carlos Magno Brito Almeida Santos Katiane Andrade Nascimento Revisão de Texto Mariucha Silveira Ponte Editoração Mariucha Silveira Ponte / equipe citada Ilustrações Equipe Angélica de Fatima Silva Jorge, Alexandre Ribeiro, Cefas Gomes, Cláuder Frederico, Diego Aragão, Fábio Gonçalves, Francisco França Júnior, Israel Dantas, Lucas do Vale, Marcio Serafim, Mariucha Silveira Ponte, Tatiana Coutinho e Ruberval Fonseca Imagens Corbis/Image100/Imagemsource copyright FTC EaD Todos os direitos reservados e protegidos pela Lei de 19/02/98. É proibida a reprodução total ou parcial, por quaisquer meios, sem autorização prévia, por escrito, da FTC EaD - Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências - Educação a Distância.



6 Apresentação da Disciplina Welcome dear students! Nós estamos muito felizes em convidá-lo para continuar trilhando o caminho do aprendizado da língua inglesa na nossa disciplina PRODUÇÃO ORAL E ESCRITA DA LÍNGUA INGLESA III. Nossa disciplina dará continuidade ao desenvolvimento das quatro habilidades comunicativas: Speaking, Listening, Reading e Writing, agora num nível intermediário, onde você desenvolverá uma maior consciência da língua, ampliará o seu conhecimento a nível funcional, gramatical e léxico, e, com certeza, começará a produzi-la com um pouco mais de proficiência. Esse material impresso está dividido em dois blocos temáticos: Life events e People and Their Choices. Cada bloco é subdividido em dois temas, sendo, ao todo, quatro: Accidents and events, Life Experiences, Future Possibilities e Urban and Country Life. Ele apresenta, também, diálogos e textos contextualizados com atividades que lhe fará pensar nas regras da língua além de incentivá-los a usar a sua informação pessoal, fazendo com que o aprendizado se dê de uma maneira mais interativa e interessante. Nós também incluímos notas culturais e referências gramaticais sobre a estrutura e uso da língua, numa tentativa de proporcionar-lhe um estudo orientado dentro de uma abordagem comunicativa, com ênfase no aprender a comunicar-se através da interação com a língua-alvo. Gostaríamos de contar com a sua efetiva participação nas várias atividades propostas no material impresso, mas sem deixar de pesquisar de forma autônoma e independente, dentro da filosofia proposta quando se estuda num curso a distância. Lembre-se que o aprendizado tem de ser feito de maneira prazerosa. We hope you have fun learning English! Denise Silva e Sonia Alcântara

7 LIFE EVENTS ACCIDENTS AND EVENTS WIERD FACTS WEIRD FACTS are strange and peculiar facts that, sometimes, happen in our lives. Identify some of them in the dialogue below. WEIRD FACTS são fatos estranhos e peculiares que, às vezes, acontecem em nossas vidas. Identifi que alguns deles no diálogo abaixo. Read the dialogue below and observe the sentences that are underlined: Leia o diálogo abaixo e observe as frases que estão sublinhadas: Diálogo 01: Jake: What an awful story! A couple was sailing their yacht from Hawaii to Mexico. While they were crossing the Pacific, their boat hit a whale and sank! Anne: Is that true? What happened to the whale? Jake: It doesn t say. Oh, and here s another one. A guy in Los Angeles was robbing a bank. But as he was escaping, he got caught in the revolving door. Anne: I guess it was his first bank robbery! Jake: Yeah. Oh, and listen to this. Some guy got locked out of his house, so he tried to get in through the chimney. Anne: Don t tell me! He got stuck in the chimney! Jake: Exactly. And he was still trying to get out two days later when the police rescued him. RICHARDS, J. C. New interchange: English for international communication. 12ed. Hong Kong: Canbridge University Press, 2003 p.20. Now You! Try to write the meaning of the two sentences that are underlined in the dialogue above: (Tente escrever o signifi cado das duas frases que estão sublinhadas no diálogo acima): Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 7

8 LANGUAGE REFERENCE THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE Now, read the dialogue above again and observe the sentences that are underlined. The underlined sentences are in the Past Continuous Tense. In English, the Past Continuous Tense is also called The Past Progressive Tense. This verb tense is formed with the past tense of the verb TO BE (was, were) and the most important verb in the gerund, that is, with the ING ending. The Past Continuous Tense expresses an activity that was in progress at an specific moment in the past. Agora, releia o diálogo acima e observe as frases que estão sublinhadas. As frases sublinhadas estão no Passado Contínuo. Em inglês, The Past Continuous Tense também chamado de The Past Progressive Tense. Esse tempo verbal é formado com o passado do verbo TO BE (was, were) e o verbo principal no gerúndio, ou seja, com a terminação ING. O Passado Contínuo expressa uma atividade em progresso num momento específi co no passado. Observe the examples below: I HE SHE IT WE YOU THEY Pay Atention! } } (Observe os exemplos abaixo): WAS WATCHING THE NEWS 5 MINUTES AGO. WERE READING THE NEWSPAPER AT 10 O CLOCK THIS MORNING. WE use WAS with the pronouns I, HE, SHE and IT, and we use WERE with the pronouns WE, YOU and THEY. SO, the form WAS is the past tense of AM and IS, and the form WERE is the past tense of ARE. Observe the sentences below: (Usamos WAS com os pronomes I, HE, SHE e IT; usamos WERE com os pronomes WE, YOU e THEY. Sendo, portanto WAS o passado das formas verbais AM e IS; e WERE o passado da forma verbal ARE. Observe as frases abaixo): I AM RELAXING NOW. (Present Continuous) I WAS RELAXING TWO HOURS AGO. (Past Continuous) PETER IS DANCING NOW. (Present Continuous) PETER WAS DANCING A MOMENT AGO. (Past Continuous) 8 FTC EaD LETRAS

9 THE STUDENTS ARE STUDYING NOW. (Present Continuous) THE STUDENTS WERE STUDYING THIS MORNING TOO. (Past Continuous) Now You! Complete the sentences below with WAS or WERE to form the Past Continuous Tense: (Complete as frases abaixos com WAS ou WERE para formar The Past Continuous Tense): 1. Mary visiting her grandmother in Paris two weeks ago. 2. Susan and Brian talking five minutes ago. 3. I writing a letter this morning. 4. The cat drinking milk when I arrived. 5. You and Bob dancing when the telephone rang. 6. We stopping the car when the boy crossed the street. LANGUAGE REFERENCE: ING ENDING When we add the ending ING to a certain verb, we sometimes need to make some necessary changes. Observe the situations below: a. When the verb ends with the vowel E, drop the E before adding ING. As an example we have DANCE DANCING. b. Whenever the verb has only one or two syllables but with the stress in the last one, and ends with a consonant preceded by only one vowel, repeat the last consonant before adding the ING. As examples of a verb with only one syllable we have STOP / STOPPING or CUT / CUTTING, and as an example of a verb of two syllables we have PREFER / PREFERRING. *We don t need to make any changes to the verbs that end with Y. We keep the Y. As examples we have PLAY / PLAYING e STUDY / STUDYING. Quando acrescentamos a terminação ING a um determinado verbo, precisamos, às vezes, fazer algumas modifi cações. Observe as situações abaixo: a. Sempre que o verbo terminar na vogal E, retire o E antes de acrescentar a terminação ING. Como exemplo, temos DANCE DANCING. b. Sempre que o verbo possuir uma ou duas sílabas sendo que a última seja a mais forte (oxítona) e termine em uma consoante precedida de uma só vogal, repita a última consoante antes de acrescentar o ING. Como exemplo de verbos de uma só sílaba, temos STOP / STOPPING ou CUT / CUTTING e como exemplo de verbo de duas sílabas temos PREFER / PREFERRING. * Não precisamos fazer nenhuma modifi cação nos verbos terminados em Y. A consoante Y deve permanecer. Como exemplos temos PLAY / PLAYING e STUDY / STUDYING). Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 9

10 Now You! Now, complete the sentences below with the Past Continuous of the verbs in parentheses. Don t forget to use WAS or WERE and the most important verb with the ING ending: Agora, complete as frases abaixo com o Passado Contínuo dos verbos em parênteses. Não esqueça de usar WAS ou WERE e o verbo principal com a terminação ING: 1. Janet when her mother got to the club. (to swim) 2. We the cake when our sister opened the door. (to cut) 3. I in the park at 6 a.m. (to jog) 4. You your daughter to the doctor when I saw you this morning. (to take) 5. At 9 a.m. Sam and Louise the sandwiches to bring to the pic-nic. (to make) 6. Thomas last night. (to study) LANGUAGE REFERENCE: NEGATIVE FORM In the Past Continuous, the negative form is formed adding the word NOT after the forms of the verb TO BE WAS and WERE. Observe the examples: No Passado Contínuo, a forma negativa é feita acrescentando a partícula NOT após as formas do verbo TO BE WAS e WERE. Observe os exemplos: I was cleaning the house two hours ago. (Affirmative) I was not cleaning the house two hours ago. (Negative) The boys were playing in the morning. (Affirmative) The boys were not playing in the morning. (Negative) Now You! Passe as frases abaixo para a forma negativa. Change the sentences below to the negative form: 1. Cathy was getting up at 7 o clock this morning.. 2. Peter and Joan were sleeping at 10 o clock last night.. 3. We were taking pictures at the party last night.. 4. I was listening to music ten minutes ago.. 10 FTC EaD LETRAS

11 LANGUAGE REFERENCE: CONTRACTIONS We can, also, use contractions in the following way: Podemos, também, usar as formas contractas da seguinte forma: WAS NOT = WASN T WERE NOT = WEREN T Examples: I WASN T CLEANING THE HOUSE TWO HOURS AGO THE BOYS WEREN T PLAYING IN THE MORNING. Now You! Change the same sentences above to the negative using contractions: Passe as mesmas frases acima para negativa usando a forma contracta: 1. Cathy was getting up at 7 o clock this morning.. 2. Peter and Joan were sleeping at 10 o clock last night.. 3. We were taking pictures at the party last night.. 4. I was listening to music ten minutes ago.. LANGUAGE REFERENCE: INTERROGATIVE FORM The interrogative form in the Past Continuous is formed changing the position of the verb TO BE (WAS and WERE), putting it in the beginning of the sentence, that is, before the subject. Observe the examples below: A forma interrogativa no Passado Contínuo é formada modifi cando a posição do verbo TO BE (WAS e WERE), colocando-o o início da frase, ou seja, antes do sujeito. Observe os exemplos: Jennifer was dancing very well. (Affirmative) Was Jennifer dancing very wel? (Interrogative) The kids were playing with a toy. (Affirmative) Were the kids playing with a toy? (Interrogative) Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 11

12 Now You! Change the sentences below to the interrogative form: Passe as frases abaixo para a forma interrogativa: 1. Mary Lee was calling John ten minutes ago.? 2. Joseph was working in the U.S.A. two years ago.? 3. The teachers were correcting the tests in the cafeteria this morning.? 4. Robert and Michael were watching a film yesterday.? LANGUAGE REFERENCE: SUMMARY OF THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE IN THE FOUR DIFFERENT FORMS To summarize, observe the examples of the sentences in the Past Continuous in the four forms that have been studied: Resumindo, observe exemplos de frases nas quatro formas estudadas do Passado Contínuo. Tom was studying last night. (Affirmative form) Was Tom studying last night? (Interrogative form) Tom was not studying last night. (Negative form) Tom wasn t studying last night. (Contraction) Tom and Mary were dancing last night. (Affirmative form) Were Tom and Mary dancing last night? (Interrogative form) Tom and Mary were not dancing last night. (Negative form) Tom and Mary weren t dancing last night. (Contraction) LANGUAGE REFERENCE: SHORT ANSWERS WE can t forget the short answers. Observe the examples below: Não podemos esquecer das respostas curtas ou, melhor dizendo, SHORT ANSWERS. Observe os exemplos abaixo: -Were you sleeping an hour ago? -Yes, I was. -No, I wasn t. 12 FTC EaD LETRAS

13 -Was your mother cooking yesterday morning? -Yes, She was. -No, She wasn t. -Was your father drinking beer last Sunday? -Yes, He was. -No, He wasn t. -Was the cat sleeping two hours ago? -Yes, It was - No, It wasn t. -Was i studying last night? -Yes, You were. -No, You weren t. -Were you and your son traveling last weekend? -Yes, We were. -No, We weren t. -Were your parents watching TV last night? -Yes, They were. -No, they weren t. *In the short answers we only use pronouns, and never nouns. In the affirmative short answers we can t use contractions. In the negative short answers we can use contractions. *Nas respostas curtas só podemos usar pronomes e nunca nomes. Nas respostas curtas afi r- mativas não podem ser usadas formas contractas. Nas respostas curtas negativas podem ser usadas formas contractas. Now You! Observe the pictures and give short answers to the questions below: Observe as gravuras e dê respostas curtas para as perguntas abaixo: 1. Was he washing the dishes five minutes ago? 2. Was she working yesterday? 3. Were they riding their bicycles last Sunday? Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 13

14 4. Were they swimming yesterday morning? 5. Was he studying yesterday? 6. Was I writing a letter last night? 7. Were you taking a shower at 6:15 this morning? LANGUAGE REFERENCE: QUESTION WORDS Observe the interrogative words below and try to remember the meaning of each one observing and analysing the words in bold in the answers given: Observe as palavras interrogativas abaixo e tente relembrar o signifi cado de cada uma analisando a informação em negrito em cada uma das respostas dadas: What were you doing at 7 o clock this morning? I was getting dressed at 7 o clock this morning. Who were you kissing last night? I was kissing my girlfriend last night. Where were you watching tv at 8:30 last night I was watching TV in my house at 8:30 last night. How were you feeling this morning? I was feeling tired this morning. When were you eating lunch? I was eating lunch at 1 P.M. Why were you crying ten minutes ago? I was crying ten minutes ago because I had a terrible headache. 14 FTC EaD LETRAS

15 Now You! Give complete answers according to the pictures below: Dê respostas completas de acordo com as gravuras abaixo: 1. How was Diana feeling this morning?. 2. When was Robert visiting his girlfriend?. 3. Why were Peter and Martha crying?. 4. Who was Diana kissing five minutes ago?. 5. What was Andrew doing this morning?. 6. Where were Mr. and Mrs. Smith dancing last night?. Now, go back to the first dialogue and match the columns according to it: Agora, retorne ao diálogo inicial e relacione as colunas de acordo com o mesmo: ( a ) A couple... ( b ) A guy... ( c ) Some guy... Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 15

16 ( )... got locked out of his house and tried to get through the chimney... ( )... was robbing a bank... ( )... was sailing their yatch... ( )... but when he was trying he got stuck in the chimney. ( )... when he got caught in the revolving door. ( )... when their boat hit a whale and sank. Observe the word WHEN in bold in the exercise above. It is always linking a sentence in the Past Continuous with a sentence in the Simple Past. Observe a palavra WHEN em negrito no exercício anterior. Veja que ela está sempre unindo uma frase no Passado Contínuo com uma frase no Simple Past. 1. A couple was sailing their yacht when their boat hit a whale. 2. A guy was robbing a bank when he got caught in the revolving door. 3. When he was trying to get through the chimney he got stuck. Now You! Change the three sentences above to Portuguese: Passe as três frases acima para a língua portuguesa: To Remember... THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE The Simple Past Tense is used to refer to events, actions or situations that happened in a definite time in the past, and have been concluded. O Simple Past deve ser empregado ao nos referirmos a eventos, ações ou situações que aconteceram num momento defi nido no passado e, no momento da fala, encontram-se concluídas. Adaptada de: TORRES, N. Gramática Prática da Língua Inglesa: o inglês descomplicado. 8ª ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2000, p AFFIRMATIVE FORM Examples of sentences in the Simple Past with regular verbs - regular verbs are those that take ED at the end to form the past. Exemplos de frases no Simple Past com verbos regulares - verbos regulares são aqueles que levam ED no fi nal para formarem o passado): 16 FTC EaD LETRAS

17 I played soccer yesterday morning. (PLAY) Peter traveled to the U.S.A. last Sunday. (TRAVEL) Tricia and Daniel danced salsa three days ago. (DANCE) Example of sentences in the Simple Past with irregular verbs irregular verbs are those that have a different form or, sometimes, the same form of the infinitive, to form the past. Exemplos de frases no Simple Past com verbos irregulares (verbos irregulares são aqueles que tem uma forma diferente ou igual ao infi nitivo para formarem o passado: You bought a new car two weeks ago. (BUY) Anna ate pizza last night. (EAT) Our cat drank milk yesterday evening. (DRINK) INTERROGATIVE FORM -REGULAR VERBS Did I play soccer yesterday morning? Did Peter travel to the U.S.A. last Sunday? Did Tricia and Daniel dance salsa three days ago? -IRREGULAR VERBS Did you buy a new car two weeks ago? Did Anna eat pizza last night? Did our cat drink milk yesterday evening? NEGATIVE FORM -REGULAR VERBS I didn t play soccer yesterday morning. Peter didn t travel to the U.S.A. last Sunday. Tricia and Daniel didn t dance salsa three days ago. -IRREGULAR VERBS I didn t buy a new car two weeks ago. Anna didn t eat pizza last night. Our cat didn t drink milk yesterday evening. Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 17

18 *Observe that either the regular or the irregular verbs are used in the past with all the pronouns (I, he, she it, we you, they). Also pay attention to the fact that the regular and the irregular verbs only take the form of past in the affirmative sentence. In the interrogative and in the negative forms the verbs return to the infinitive form, in this case, the auxiliaries DID and DIDN T make evident that the sentence is in the Simple Past Tense. *Observe que tanto os verbos regulares quanto os irregulares são usados no passado com todas as pessoas (I, he, she, it, we, you, they). Veja, também, que tanto os verbos regulares quanto os irregulares só fi cam no passado na forma afi rmativa, pois, tanto na interrogativa quanto na negativa, os verbos retornam à forma de infi nitivo, fi cando o passado marcado pelos auxiliares DID e DIDN T. ACCIDENTS Now read the texts below and fill in the blanks with the Simple Past Tense or with the Past Continuous. Observe that the sentences are linked by the words WHEN e WHILE: Agora leia os textos abaixo e complete as lacunas com o Passado Simples ou com o Passado Contínuo. Observe que as frases estão ligadas pelas palavras WHEN ou WHILE: PETER AND THE BIG CAT Twelve-year-old Peter Sutton had the experience of his life yesterday. He was alone in the house, and he (wash) the dishes in the kitchen when he (see) a large animal in the yard. At first he thought it was a big dog. When he realized the animal was a tiger, he felt frightened. He was shaking all over, he said, but he went to the kitchen door and shut it. He then called the police. When the police and a tiger trainer (arrive), the tired young Bengal tiger (sleep) peacefully in the sun outside the kitchen door. Peter looked down at it from the window of his bedroom upstairs, with the door locked. What a story to tell at school. Este texto foi adaptado do livro: LETHABY, C. & MATTE, M. Skyline 3A. 1ed. Thailand: Macmillan Education, 2001, p. 8. JOGGER GETS SHOCK A jogger got the shock of his life while he (walk) around a city park on Saturday. He (pass) under a large tree when he (feel) something drop on him. At first he thought it was some branches, but then he realized it was a snake. The snake wasn t particularly big, but it gave him a quite shock while it (move) on the ground. Este texto foi adaptado do livro: RICHARDS, J. & HULL, J. & PROCTOR, S. New Interchange 3. 10ed. Hong Kong: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p19. WHEN X WHILE LANGUAGE REFERENCE: WHILE The conjunction WHILE is used to link two events that were happening at the same time, that is, two events in the Past Continuous Tense. See the examples below: A conjunção WHILE é usada para ligar dois eventos que estavam acontecendo ao mesmo tempo, ou seja, dois eventos no Passado Contínuo. Observe os exemplos abaixo: 18 FTC EaD LETRAS

19 Example: While Peter was washing the dishes, the tiger was walking in the yard. The tiger was sleeping while the the police were looking for it. Now You! Complete the sentences below using the Past Continuous Tense: Complete as frases abaixo usando o Passado Contínuo: 1. I went to a very good party last night. Everybody had a good time there. While Peter (to dance), his friends (to flirt) with some girls. 2. Some girls (drink) beer while Robert (to prepare) some drinks using red fruits. LANGUAGE REFERENCE: WHEN We use WHEN to link an action in the Past Continuous and an action in the Simple Past Tense. Example: Usamos WHEN quando temos uma ação no Passado Contínuo e uma no Passado Simples. Peter was washing the dishes when he saw a tiger. Now complete the dialogues below with THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE or with THE SIM- PLE PAST TENSE: Diálogo 02: A: Guess what happened to me last night. When I (to go) to bed, I (to hear) a loud noise like a gunshot in the street. Then the phone rang. B: Who was it? A: It was Mariana. She always calls me late at night, but this time she had a reason. She (to drive) right past my apartment when she (to have) a fl a t tire. It was very late, so while I (to change) the tire, she (to ask) me to spend the night. Diálogo 03: A: I m sorry I m so late, Kathy. I was at the dentist. B: Don t tell me! You (to meet) someone when you (to sit) in the waiting room. I know how you are, Tom! A: Well, you re wrong this time. The dentist (to try) to fix my tooth while I (to hold) his hand. You know I m afraid of dentists. Os diálogos acima foram adaptados do livro citado abaixo: RICHARDS, J. C. New Intercange. 10ed. Hong Kong: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p.20. Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 19

20 CULTURAL ISSUES You will know a little about one of the American traditions, the HALLOWEEN. HALLOWEEN is the night of October 31st, and people say that it is the time in which the witches and the ghosts can be seen. On this day, the American children dress costumes of ghosts witches and others. Você vai conhecer um pouco sobre uma das tradições americanas, o HALLOWEEN. Halloween é a noite de 31 de outubro e dizem que é a época em que bruxas e fantasmas podem ser vistos. Nessa data, as crianças se fantasiam de fantasmas, bruxas e outros monstros. Now You! Read the letter below and then, answer T (true) or F (false): Agora, leia a carta abaixo e, em seguida, responda verdadeiro ou falso: Dear Pablo, It s hard to believe I was in Mexico three days ago. Yesterday was Halloween in the U.S.A. Halloween is on October 31st. Children go trick-or-treating on Halloween. They knock on their neighbors doors and say trick-or-treat! The person who opens the door gives them candy. Some people don t give them anything. Then the children play a trick on those people. When I arrived at Linda s house, she was getting dressed in a Halloween costume. We were going to a trick-or-treating. I was wearing a tall black hat and a monster mask. Amanda was wearing a white sheet. I thought she was a ghost! While Linda was getting dressed, I was making a jack-o -lantern. First, I cut off the top of a pumpkin. I took out the inside. Then I cut triangles for the eyes, nose, and mouth. I put a candle inside the empty pumpkin. I was carrying the jack-o -lantern to the front door when there was a knock. When I opened the door, I saw some ghosts. Linda s little sister screamed. Don t be afraid, I said. They aren t real ghosts. All the best, Joe AMOS, E. & PRESCHER, E. New ACE. 3ed. Brasil: Longman, 2002-p Yesterday was Halloween in Mexico. ( ) 2. Halloween is on October 30th. ( ) 3. Children go trick or treating at Halloween. ( ) 4. The children knock on their neighbors window at Halloween. ( ) 5. The children play a trick on those people who give them candy. ( ) 6. When Joe arrived at Linda s house she was ready. ( ) 20 FTC EaD LETRAS

21 7. Joe and Linda were going to school. ( ) 8. Joe was wearing a black cap and a black cloak. ( ) 9. Amanda was dressed like a ghost. ( ) 10. Joe was making a jack-o -lantern while Linda was eating dinner. ( ) 11. Joe cut the eyes, nose and mouth of the jack-o -lantern. ( ) 12. He put a lantern inside the pumpkin. ( ) Atividade Complementar NOW IT S TIME TO WORK! 1. Write a paragraph about what each person in your family was doing while you were watching TV last night. 2. Write a dialogue between you and a friend talking about something weird or an accident that has happened to you. 3. Some people are very nosey (very curious about other people s lives). Make believe you are one of those people and ask one classmate five questions to know about his / her routine yesterday. Prepare your five questions in the Past Progressive using the cues below. DANCE AT 10 LAST NIGHT STUDY AT 9 YESTERDAY MORNING READ AT 5:30 YESTERDAY AFTERNOON WATCH AT 8:15 LAST NIGHT COOK AT 10:30 YESTERDAY MORNING Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 21

22 4. Today your classmate is a little impatient with you and he / she only gave you negative answers to the questions above. Write the negative answers your classmate gave you and finish them with the sentence below: STOP IT. YOU RE A PAIN IN THE NECK. This expression means that someone is really boring. 5. Watch the film Mrs. Doubtfire (Uma babá quase perfeita) and make some sentences in the Past Progressive and in the Simple Past about it. Use WHILE and WHEN to link the activities that the babysitter was doing with the activities that the children were doing. LIFE EXPERIENCES SPORTS Observe the pictures below and match them with the correct sport: Observe as gravuras e relacione-as com o esporte correto. ( ) basketball ( ) skiing ( ) parachuting ( ) tennis ( ) sailing ( ) rock climbing ( ) scubadiving ( ) volleyball 22 FTC EaD LETRAS

23 Study the diagram below: Estude o diagrama abaixo: Now You! A - Read the text below and answer T (true) or F (false): Leia o texto e responda verdadeiro ou falso: Gabrielle Reece In the past two years, Gabrielle Gabby Reece has rock-climbed on a mountain in France, driven a race car in Gainesville, Florida, and parachuted out of an airplane 12,000 feet (4,000 meters) above San Diego, California. Why does she do all these scary activities? Well, I work on TV, she answers. Esse texto foi adaptado do livro: LEE, L. Transitions. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1998 p In the past two years, Gabby has climbed a tree. ( ) 2. She has driven a race motorcycle. ( ) 3. She has parachuted out of an airplane 4,000 meters above San Diego. ( ) 4. Gabby works for the radio. ( ) B - Now, look at the questions below and answer: Agora, veja as perguntas abaixo e responda: Yes, I have or No, I haven t. Yes, he has or No, he hasn t. Yes, she has or No, she hasn t. 1. Have you ever played tennis?. 2. Has your father ever gone skiing?. 3. Have you ever played volleyball?. 4. Have you ever gone scubadiving?. Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 23

24 5. Have you ever driven a motorcycle?. 6. Have you ever played soccer?. 7. Has your mother ever played basketball?. C - Form questions in the Present Perfect Tense Using EVER: Formule perguntas no Present Perfect Tense, usando EVER Example: eat Japanese food Have you ever eaten Japanese food? 1. go to the mountains? Yes, I have. 2. fish in the ocean? No, I haven t. 3. travel to see a Formula 1 car race? No, he hasn t. 4. climb a mountain? Yes, I have. 5. go surfing? No, she, hasn t. 6. watch a rugby match? No, they haven t. THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE GRAMMAR REFERENCE The Present Perfect Tense is formed with the auxiliary verbs HAVE or HAS and the PAST PAR- TICIPLE of a verb. Examples: O Presente Perfeito é formado com o auxiliar HAVE ou HAS e o Particípio Passado de um verbo. I have played volleyball many times. You have driven a motorcycle once We have gone surfing twice. They have played soccer very often. He has played in a soccer team from time to time. She has watched a tennis match on TV recently. It has played with a ball lately. 24 FTC EaD LETRAS

25 Attention to some of the expressions of time that can be used with the Present Perfect Tense: Atenção para algumas das expressões de tempo que podem ser usadas no Presente Perfeito: Many times = Muitas vezes Once =Uma vez Twice = Duas vezes Very often = Frequentemente From time to time = De vez em quando Recently =Recentemente Lately = Ultimamente The Past Participle of a Regular Verb is equal to the Simple Past Form, so we only add ED to the base form of the verb. O Particípio Passado de um Verbo Regular é igual à forma de Passado Simples, portanto nós, apenas, acrescentamos a terminação ED. REGULAR VERBS Infinitive Simple past Past participle BRUSH BRUSHED BRUSHED COMB COMBED COMBED DANCE DANCED DANCED KISS KISSED KISSED LOVE LOVED LOVED PLAY PLAYED PLAYED STUDY STUDIED STUDIED WATCH WATCHED WATCHED WASH WASHED WASHED WORK WORKED WORKED The Past Participle of an Irregular Verb can be equal to the Simple Past Form or not. Observe the table below: O Particípio Passado de um Verbo Irregular pode ser igual ao Passado Simples ou não. Observe o quadro abaixo: Infinitive Simple past Past participle BE WAS/WERE BEEN BECOME BECAME BECOME BEGIN BEGAN BEGUN BUILD BUILT BUILT IRREGULAR VERBS Infinitive Simple past Past participle BUY BOUGHT BOUGHT CHOOSE CHOSE CHOSEN COME CAME COME DO DID DONE Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 25

26 Infinitive Simple past Past participle DRINK DRANK DRUNK DRIVE DROVE DRIVEN EAT ATE EATEN FLY FLEW FLOWN GET GOT GOT / GOTTEN GIVE GAVE GIVEN GO WENT GONE HAVE HAD HAD HEAR HEARD HEARD KNOW KNEW KNOWN LEAVE LEFT LEFT MAKE MADE MADE MEET MET MET PUT PUT PUT READ READ READ RIDE RODE RIDDEN Infinitive Simple past Past participle RUN RAN RUN SAY SAID SAID SEE SAW SEEN SEND SENT SENT SIT SAT SAT SLEEP SLEPT SLEPT SPEAK SPOKE SPOKEN SPEND SPENT SPENT SWIM SWAM SWUM TAKE TOOK TAKEN TELL TOLD TOLD THINK THOUGHT THOUGHT WAKE WOKE WOKEN WEAR WORE WORN WIN WON WON WRITE WROTE WRITTEN Infinitive Simple past Past participle UNDERSTAND UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD Pay attention to the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms in the Present Perfect Tense. Atenção às formas afi rmativa, negativa, contractas e interrogativas no Presente Perfeito. Affirmative - Peter has played rugby twice. Contraction Peter s played rugby twice. He s played rugby twice. Negative - Peter has not played rugby twice. Contraction Peter hasn t played rugby twice. Interrogative Has Peter played rugby twice? Affirmative The boys have watched the sports news from time to time. Contraction They ve watched the sports news from time to time. Negative - The boys have not watched the sports news from time to time. Contraction The boys haven t watched the sports news from time to time. Interrogative Have the boys watched the sports news from time to time? 26 FTC EaD LETRAS

27 Now You! A - Say if the contraction S is the contraction of the verb TO BE IS or the contraction of the auxiliary verb HAS, which is used to form the Present Perfec Tense. Put an X in the right parentheses and give reasons to your answers: Diga se a contração S é a contração do verbo TO BE IS ou a contração do verbo auxiliar HAS, usado para formar o Presente Perfeito. Coloque um X no parêntese correto e justifi que a sua resposta: 1. That athlete s reached a new record. ( ) That athlete is ( ) That athlete has. 2. From time to time Lula s played soccer with some ministers. ( ) Lula is ( ) Lula has. 3. The boy s tired of playing so much. ( ) The boy is ( ) The boy has. 4. Lucy s mother is a fan of Ronaldinho. ( ) Lucy is ( ) Lucy has. 5. Pele s played soccer in a World Cup three times. ( ) Pele is ( ) Pele has. 6. Barrichello s been a world champion many times. ( ) Barrichello is ( ) Barrichello has. Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 27

28 B - Complete the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense using the verbs in parentheses: (Complete as frases no Presente Perfeito usando os verbos em parênteses): 1. Ronaldinho gold medals many times. (to win) 2. A lot of reporters articles about the violence in the stadiums lately. (to write) 3. Athlets uniforms to take part in the games recently. (to wear) 4. Some soccer players never to a World Cup (to be), others twice. (to be) 5. I golf once. (to play) 6. you ever in the Pacific Ocean? (to swim) 7. My father never a boat. (to sail) 8. your mother ever a horse? (to ride) 9. Cacá and Romário whiskey lately. (not / to drink) 10. Daiane dos Santos her mother lately. (not / to see) C - Read the text below and give complete answers: PAST AND FUTURE CHAMPION Frank Voltaire, at Imola, San Marino, April 9, 2000 It was a close race here at Imola, but Schumacher beat champion Mika Hakkinen. So Michael Schumacher and Ferrari have won all three Grand Prix so far this year. When Schumacher moved to Ferrari in 1996, he was the Formula 1 Champion, but Ferrari was losing races. In the four years since then, he has made Ferrari successful. Sadly, he missed the Driver s Championship only because of a broken leg. Schumaker won the Championship twice with Benetton, in 1994 and 1995, and I am sure he will make it three times this year. At 31, he has not finished winning races. His driving ability is evident. He is completely dedicated to auto racing, and he also has more technical knowledge than most car drivers. There is no doubt that Schumacher is a past and future champion. Esse texto foi retirado da obra: LETHABY, C. & MATTE, M. Skyline 2. Thailand: MacMillan, 2001 p Where was the race?. 2. Who won it?. 3. What have Michael Schumacher and Ferrari won so far this year?. 28 FTC EaD LETRAS

29 4. When did Schumacher move to Ferrari?. 5. Has Schumacher made Ferrari successful?. 6. Why did Scumacher miss the Driver s Championship?. 7. How many times did Schumacher win the Championship with Benetton?. 8. Has Schumacher finished winning races?. 9. Is he dedicated to his sports activity?. 10. Does he have any technical knowledge?. 11. Have you ever driven a race car?. D - Ask questions to the answers below. Pay attention to the information in bold. 1.? Yes, I have played table tennis many times. 2.? No, my mother has never taken part in the Olympic Games. 3.? I have played soccer at school lately. 4.? My father has watched the sports news on TV very often. 5.? Fátima Bernardes has written about spots recently. Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 29

30 LANGUAGE REFERENCE The Present Perfect Tense is used to express an action in the past but in an unspecified time, or an action in the past that lasts until the present. If the action has finished and if it happened in a determined time in the past, we use the Simple Past Tense. O Presente Perfeito é usado para expressar uma ação no passado, porém em um momento não determinado, ou uma ação no passado que se prolonga até o presente. Quando a ação já está concluída, e se ela aconteceu em um determinado momento no passado, nós usamos o Passado Simples. HENRY: Have you traveled a lot, Ted? TED: Yes, I ve already visited more than a dozen countries. HENRY: Really? Have you ever been to Japan? TED: As a matter of fact, I went to Japan last year. Diálogo retirado da gramática: Torres, N. Gramática Prática da Língua inglesa: o inglês descomplicado. 8ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2000 p.167,168. Now You! Unscramble the words to form sentences in the Simple Past Tense or in the Present Perfect Tense. Pay attention to the time expression. 1. Mary / go / to the mall / lately. 2. Peter / go / to the club / yesterday. 3. Mary / never / write a letter / to her father. 4. Robert and Tom / visit / us / once. 5. I / leave / the hotel / two hours ago. 6. Jeniffer / eat / pizza / very often. LANGUAGE REFERENCE When we use the Present Perfect Tense of the verb TO BE to talk about a place, we are expressing a place where the person went, but has already come back. When we use the Present Perfect Tense of the verb TO GO to talk about a place, we are expressing a place where the person went but hasn t come back yet. 30 FTC EaD LETRAS

31 Examples: Mary has been to London once, but she has never been to Paris. Peter has already gone home, the plane has taken off. Quando nós usamos o Presente Perfeito do verbo TO BE para falar de um lugar, nós estamos expressando um lugar onde a pessoa foi, mas já retornou. Quando nós usamos o Presente Perfeito do verbo TO GO para falar de um lugar, nós estamos expressando um lugar onde a pessoa foi, e não retornou ainda. Exemplos: Mary esteve em Londres uma vez, mas ela nunca esteve em Paris. Peter já foi para casa, o avião já decolou. Now You! Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Tense of the verb TO BE or with the Present Perfect Tense of the verb TO GO: Complete as frases com o Present Perfeito do verbo TO BE ou com o Presente Perfeito do verbo GO: 1. ANNA - you ever to New York? MIKE - Yes, I there twice. 2. PAUL Where you? I was here half an hour ago. JOHN I to the toilet. 3. ALICE Where Thomas? He s not at his desk. AMANDA I think he to the doctor. 4. SALLY - you to anywhere interesting lately? ARTHUR Yes, I to a very nice Italian restaurant on Park Avenue lately. SO FAR X JUST X ALREADY X YET LANGUAGE REFERENCE The expression SO FAR is used with the Present Perfect Tense. It means UNTIL NOW. Make sentences using SO FAR according to the example and to the folowing pictures. A expressão SO FAR signifi ca ATÉ AGORA. Forme frases usando SO FAR de acordo com o exemplo e com os quadros a seguir. Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 31

32 Now You! It s 8 o clock in the morning. So far Peter has woken up So far Peter. (to take a shower) 3. So far Peter. (to get dressed) 4. So far Peter. (to have breakfast) 5. So far Peter. (to brush his teeth) So far Peter. (to leave home) LANGUAGE REFERENCE We use JUST and the Present Perfect Tense to talk about an action that finished a moment ago. Nós usamos JUST e o Presente Perfeito para expressar uma ação que acabou de acontecer. Observe the picture and see the example: Thomas has just bought flowers. 32 FTC EaD LETRAS

33 Now You! 1. Mary. (to take a shower) 2. Mr. And Mrs. (to have dinner) 3. Bob. (to close the door) 4.Julie. (to paint a picture) LANGUAGE REFERENCE We use the Present perfect Tense with ALREADY when we have a list of things to do and we want to talk about what have done up to a certain moment. We use The Present Perfect Tense with YET in the negative to mention the things from the list that we are going to do but we haven t done up to the present moment. Nós usamos o Presente Perfeito com ALREADY = JÁ, quando nós temos uma lista de coisas para fazer e queremos falar sobre o que fi zemos até um certo momento. Usamos o Presente Perfeito com YET = AINDA, na negativa, para mencionar as coisas da lista que vamos fazer, mas que ainda não fi zemos até o presente momento. Observe the table with the activities that Michael is supposed to do today below. The activities with an asterisk (*) are those that HE HAS ALREADY DONE today, the others are those that HE HASN T DONE YET. *8:00 a.m GET UP *8:15 a.m TAKE A SHOWER *8:30 a.m HAVE BREAKFAST *8:45 a.m TAKE THE SCHOOL BUS TO SCHOOL *9:00 a.m MEET HIS FRIENDS *11:30 a.m HAVE LUNCH *1:30 p.m PRACTICE BASEBALL *2:30 p.m ATTEND A VIOLIN CLASS Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 33

34 3:00 p.m LEAVE SCHOOL 3:30 p.m ARRIVE HOME 4:00 p.m DO HIS HOMEWORK 5:00 p.m PLAY COMPUTER GAMES 6:00 p.m WATCH TV 7:00 p.m HAVE DINNER 8:00 p.m DO THE DISHES 9:00 p.m GO TO BED Now You! IT S 3:45 P.M. A - See the example below and form sentences to mention everything that Michael HAS ALREADY DONE today. 1. Michael has already gotten up. 2. He B - Now write about the things that he HASN T DONE YET. 1. Michael hasn t left school yet. 2. He Read the texts below with attention and give complete answers to the questions that are below it. TEXT 1 - The Browns receive their mail every day at eleven o clock. It is five minutes past eleven. The mail carrier has just delivered some letters. Mabel is going outside to get the mail. She is expecting a letter from her sister in Los Angeles. Texto retirado do livro: Harris, T. & Rowe, A. Exploring English 4. New York: Longman, 1995 p When do the Browns receive their mail?. 2. What time is it now?. 34 FTC EaD LETRAS

35 3. What has the mail carrier just done?. 4. Why is Mabel going outside?. 5. What is she expecting?. TEXT 2 - Anne Jones and Johnnie Wilson both live in the same neighborhood. They have some friends in common, but they have never met each other before. Anne has just entered Johnnie s bookshop for the first time. She wants to buy a Chinese cookbook. Johnnie has just seen her. He thinks she is very attractive. Texto retirado do livro: Harris, T. & Rowe, A. Exploring English 4. New York: Longman, 1995 p What do Annie and Johnnie have in common?. 2. Have they met each other before?. 3. Has Anne been to Johnnie s bookshop before?. 4. What does she want to buy?. 5. Has Johnnie seen Anne before?. 6. What s his impression of her?. TEXT 3 - Barbara is getting ready to go out. She has a date with Tino tonight. She has already taken a bath and gotten dressed. Right now she is brushing her hair. Barbara hasn t put on her makeup yet. She is going to do that next. Texto retirado do livro: Harris, T. & Rowe, A. Exploring English 4. New York: Longman, 1995 p Why is Barbara getting ready to go out?. 2. Is she going to take a bath?. 3. Has she already gotten dressed?. 4. What s she doing now?. 5. Has she already put on her makeup?. Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 35

36 TEXT 4 - Peter loves to travel and he has a great ambition: he wants to visit every part of the world. He has already been to Europe, Asia, and South America. But he hasn t been to Africa yet. He plans to go there next. He thinks it will be a great adventure. Texto retirado do livro: Harris, T. & Rowe, A. Exploring English 4. New York: Longman, 1995 p What does Peter love to do?. 2. What is his great ambition?. 3. Has he already been to Europe?. 4. Has he already gone to Africa?. 5. Does he plan to go there next?. 6. What does he think a trip to Africa will be like?. Diálogo 04: PAUL What is an ecotourist, Martha? ECOTOURISTS MARTHA It s a tourist who likes to admire nature and wants to observe its aspects. He s usually curious and loves adventure. PAUL What kind of places do they prefer to visit? MARTHA Places with natural beauty. They like to take pictures of the animals, the plants, the rivers... PAUL Have you ever been to Bahia? It s situated in the Northeast of Brazil. MARTHA Sure, I have been to Praia do Forte and to Mangue Seco. They are wonderful places with very beautiful beaches and birds. PAUL - In Praia do Forte there is a Project created to protect the sea turtles. It was created by IBAMA and it is called Tamar Project. MARTHA I know it. I have visited it twice. There I could see big and small turtles and sharks, too. It was really fun. A - Read the dialogue above and answer T (true) or F (false): Leia o diálogo acima e responda verdadeiro ou falso: 1. An ecotourist likes to observe nature. ( ) 4. Paul has been to Praia do Forte. ( ) 2. There is ecotourism in places with natural beauty. ( ) 5. Tamar Project is in Mangue Seco. ( ) 3. Martha has never been to Bahia. ( ) 6. There are turtles in Praia do Forte. ( ) 36 FTC EaD LETRAS

37 B - Complete the summary below according to the dialogue between Paul and Martha: Complete o resumo abaixo de acordo com o diálogo entre Paul e Martha: Ecotourists to admire and to its aspects. They usually curious and adventure. They prefer to places with beauty. They love to photograph. Plants and rivers. Martha already to Praia do Forte and Mangue Seco. They are places with lots of and. Tamar Project is in and Martha it twice. There she could see and sharks too. Now You! Form sentences using the Future with GOING TO, the Present Continuous Tense and the Present Perfect Tense with JUST: Exemplo: Forme frases usando o Futuro com GOING TO, o Presente Contínuo e o Presente Perfeito com JUST: They are going to eat pizza. / They are eating pizza. / They have just eaten pizza. Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 37

38 HOW LONG (FOR AND SINCE) Read the text below and circle the word in parentheses that best completes each sentence: Leia o texto abaixo e circule a palavra em parênteses que melhor completa cada uma das frases: Texto Complementar MICHAEL JEFFREY JORDAN Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. He is a retired American professional basketball player, in fact, he is widely considered one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Jordan became one of the most effectively marketed athletes in the 1980s and 1990s. At the age of seven, Jordan moved to Wilmington, in North Carolina. Jordan attended Emsley A. Laney High School in Wilmington, where he anchored his athletic career by playing baseball, football, and basketball. In his early career, playing for the Chicago Bulls during his first season in the NBA, Jordan averaged 28.2 points per game on 51.5% shooting. He quickly became a fan favorite even in opposing arenas. On October 6, 1993, Jordan announced his first retirement. He mentioned a loss in his desire to play the game. Jordan later stated that the murder of his father, earlier in the year, shaped his decision. James R. Jordan was murdered on July 23, On March 18, 1995, Jordan announced his return to the NBA through a two-word press release: I m back. Jordan retired for the second time on January 13, But on January 19, 2000, Jordan returned to the NBA not as a player, but as part owner and President of Basketball Operations for the Washington Wizards. His responsibilities with the club were to be comprehensive, as he was in charge of all aspects of the team, including personnel decisions but opinions of Jordan as a basketball executive were mixed. On September 25, 2001 Jordan announced his return to professional play with the Wizards, indicating his intention to donate his salary as a player to a relief effort for the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Jordan was often unsatisfied with the play of those around him. At several points he openly criticized his teammates to the media, citing their lack of focus and intensity. With the recognition that would be Jordan s final season, tributes were paid to him in nearly every arena in the NBA. In his final game at his old home court, the United Center in Chicago, Jordan received a prolonged standing ovation. Jordan married Juanita Vanoy in September 1989, and they have two sons, Jeffrey Michael and Marcus James, and a daughter, Jasmine. They filed for divorce on January 4, 2002, citing irreconcilable differences, but reconciled shortly thereafter. They filed for divorce again on December 29, 2006 commenting that the decision was made mutually and amicably. It is estimated that Juanita will receive a settlement in excess of $150,000,000, making this the largest divorce settlement in history. Jordan has lived in Highland Park, Illinois for many years and both of his sons attend Loyola Academy, a private Roman Catholic high school located in Wilmette, Illinois. Jeffrey is a member of the 2007 Graduating Class, while Marcus is a member of the 2009 class. This text is from: wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - _ jordan - 190k 24abr FTC EaD LETRAS

39 1. Michael Jordan was born in (1063 / 1980). 2. Many clubs wanted to have Michael Jordan in their (teams / practice), because he scored many points. 3. Jordan studied at (Wilmington High School / Laney Jigh School). 4. In his early career, playing for the Chicago Bulls, Jordan scored (28.2 / 51.5) points per game. 5. In 1993, with the death of his father, Jordan mentioned his first (game / retirement). 6. Jordan returned in 1995 with the words ( I m here / I m back ). 7. In (1993 / 2000), Jordan was President of Basketball Operations. 8. In 2001, Jordan donated his salary to the victims of the (Tsunami / September 11th attacks). 9. Jordan was (satisfied / unsatisfied) with the play of those around him. 10. He openly criticized his (coaches / teammates) to the media. 11. Jordan received a prolonged standing ovation in (Chicago / New York). 12. He ended his career in the ( / ) season. 13. Jordan is (married / divorced). 14. He has (three / two) children. 15. Jordan has been divorced (for one year / since 2002). 16. He has lived in Highland Park Illinois (for a year / for a long time). FOR X SINCE We use the Present Perfect Tense with SINCE or FOR to talk about an action that started in the past and is going on up to the present. See the examples below: Nós usamos o Presente Perfeito com SINCE e FOR para falar sobre uma ação que teve início no passado e que tem continuidade até o presente. Veja os exemplos abaixo: Michael Jordan has lived in Illinois for a long time. Michael Jordan has been divorced since So we can say that Jordan went to live in Illinois a long time ago and he still lives there. We can also say that Jordan had a divorce last year (2006) and he is still divorced. Portanto, nós podemos dizer que Jordan foi morar em Illinois há muito tempo atrás e que ele ainda mora lá. Nós também podemos dizer que Jordan divorciou-se no ano passado (2006) e que ele ainda está divorciado. Now You! Complete the sentences below in the Present Perfect Tense: 1. Michael Jordan interested in sports since he was a little boy. (to be) 2. Today he got up, took a shower and turned his TV on. He a basketball game for thirty minutes. (to watch) Produção Oral e Escrita da Língua Inglesa III 39

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