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3 أصول اللغة العربية القرآنية ESSENTIALS OF QURANIC ARABIC Volume 2 Intermediate Level by Masood Ahmed Ranginwala edited by Dr. Abu Zayd 1

4 Copyright Masood Aḥmed Ranginwala 2013 First Edition May 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. ISBN Published by: ILF - Islāmic Learning Foundation (NY) ICNA (Islāmic Circle of North America) th Ave Jamaica, NY Additional copies of this book series including Volume 1 can be purchased at < <>, or <>. An e-book version of this series is also available at < Cover design by Ādam Ranginwala and Omar Ranginwala. Any mistakes or shortcomings in this book are due to errors of the author, and all that is correct and true solely are due to Allah. Please feel free to contact the author at the listed above to notify him of any errors present. 2

5 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و الحمد لله رب العالمين و الص الة و الس الم على نبينا محم د على آله و صحبه أجمعين و من استن ب سن ته إلى يوم الدين ت ن ف د أ ن ق ب ل ال ب ح ر ل ن ف د ر ب ي ل ك ل م ات م د اد ا ال ب ح ر ل و ك ان ق ل ر ب ي ك ل م ات و ل و ج ئ ن ا ب م ث ل ه م د د ا Say: If the sea were ink for the words of my Lord, the sea would surely be consumed before the words of my Lord are exhausted, though We were to bring the like of that (sea) to add. (Sūrah Kahf: 109). 3

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7 Acknowledgments All Praise is to Allah for this work could never have been accomplished without His Help and Guidance. Furthermore, this book on Qur ānic Arabic was made possible through my many teachers who have guided me and imparted me knowledge in this sacred language. I am even more indebted to my parents who have raised me on the Deen and its foundation, and who continue to advise and guide me. I am also grateful to my wife and children who have been very patient with this effort, and whose precious time I have sacrificed. I am very grateful to Dr. Abu Zayd, founder of the Qur ān Literacy Institute who edited this textbook and improved on its format and readability. A special note of thanks also goes to one of my early teachers, Ustādh Nouman Alī Khan, founder of the Bayyinah Arabic Institute. He was my initial inspiration to teach what I learned of Qur ānic Arabic and make it accessible to those who wish to learn from its treasures. I thank my teachers at the Qibla Institute (formerly the Sunnipath Institute) namely Sheikh Hamza Karamali and Sheikh Farīd Dingle. I also thank Sheikh Shakiel Humayun from the Foundation of Knowledge and Development. The individuals involved with websites The Qur ānic Arabic Corpus, Zekr, and OpenBurhan also deserve thanks as their resources were used extensively for this work. May Allah reward all these special people and others not mentioned here who contributed to this book. The journey of learning this sacred language has been an arduous one for me and has come with its challenges. It is my hope that this book series can facilitate this journey for other students, enabling them to understand the lofty and majestic words of the Qur ān. 5

8 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSLITERATION KEY 14 FOREWORD 15 PREFACE [الص ر ف] LESSON 1: IMPORTANT PRINCIPLES OF MORPHOLOGY 19 [الص ر ف] I. INTRODUCTION TO ṢARF II. IMPORTANT PRINCIPLES FROM ṢARF [ت خ ف يف] Principle # 1: Deletion of a Letter Principle # 2: Changing of the Hamza [إ د غام] Principle # 3: Merging of heavy letters or light letters 21 [إ د غام] Table 1: Examples of Idghām 22 [ت ع ل يل] Principle # 4: Changing of weak letters preceded by a vowel 22 [الت ع ذ ر] Principle # 5: Impossibility of Pronouncing Any Vowel on an Alif 22 [الث ق ل] Principle # 6: Difficulty of Pronouncing Certain Vowels on Alif/Yā Table 2: Examples of -[الث ق ل] Variation of Endings on Alif and Yā 23 Principle # 7: Adding or Deleting the Tā letter 23 Table 3: Deletion of the Tā Letter ا ل ف ع ل ال م ه م وز و ال م ض اع ف : HAMZA/SHADDA LESSON 2: IRREGULAR VERBS - ROOT LETTERS WITH I. INTRODUCTION TO IRREGULAR VERBS 25 ] 26 ف ع ل الث الث ي إ ىل غ ي ر سال م ] VERBS II. IRREGULAR ] 26 ا لف ع ل غ ي ر سال م [ VERBS I. IRREGULAR A. Classification and Division of Family I Verbs 26 B. Algorithm for Classification of Regular and Irregular Verbs [ ا ل ف ع ل ال م ه م وز ] LETTER III. VERBS WITH A HAMZA ] 28 ا ل ف ع ل ال م ه م وز [ for Table 4: Verb Conjugation Summary 28 ] الف ع ل ال م ض اع ف [ LETTER/SHADDA IV. VERBS WITH A DOUBLED ] 29 الف عل امل ضاع فال [ for Table 5: Detailed Verb Conjugation 30 ] ا ل ف ع ل ال م ض اع ف [ of Table 6: Various Conjugations 31 ا ل ف ع ل ال م ع ت ل LETTERS: LESSON 3: IRREGULAR VERBS - VERBS WITH VOWEL 31 ] ا لف ع ل ال م ع ت ل [ LETTERS I. INTRODUCTION TO IRREGULAR VERBS WITH WEAK 31 ] الف ع ل ال م ثال [ Verbs: A. Irregular 31 [الفعل املثال [ of Table 7: Various Conjugations of the Derivatives 32 [الفعل املثال [ of Table 8: Conjugations of Past/Present Tense 32 ] الف ع ل ال أ ج و ف [ Verbs B. Irregular 34 [ الفعل األ ج و ف ] of Table 9: Various Conjugations of Derivatives 34 [ الفعل األ ج و ف }و{[ Table 10: Conjugations of Past/Present Tense Verbs Table 11: Conjugations of [ الفعل األ ج و ف ] in Jazm and Naṣb [ الفعل األ ج و ف }ي{[ Table 12: Conjugations of Past/Present Tense Verbs ] 37 الفعل األ ج و ف [{١} Verbs Table 13: Conjugations of Past/Present Tense 37 ] الف ع ل الن اق ص [ Verbs C. Irregular 6

9 Table of Contents ] 38 ا ل فعل الن اق ص [ of Table 14: Conjugation of Various Derivatives 38 ] ا ل ف ع ل الن اق ص }و [} of Table 15: Conjugation Table 16: Conjugation of [ ا ل ف ع ل الن اق ص ] in Jazm and Naṣb 39 ] 40 ا ل ف ع ل الن اق ص }ي [} of Table 17: Conjugation ] 41 ا ل فعل الن اق ص }ا [} of Table 18: Conjugation ] 42 لف يف ال م ق ر ون [ & ] ل ف يف امل ف ر وق [ LETTERS: II. VERBS WITH TWO VOWELLED 42 ] ل ف يف امل ف ر وق ] letters A. Verbs with Two Separate Vowelled 43 [و ق ى] }: ل ف يف امل ف ر وق { of Table 19: Verb Conjugation of Various Derivatives 43 ] ل ف يف امل ف ر وق [ of Table 20: Verb Conjugation 44 ] ل ف يف امل ق ر ون [ letters: B. Verbs wi th Two Adjacent Vo welled ] 44 ل ف يف امل ق ر ون [ of Table 21: Conjugation of Various Derivatives 45 ] امله م وز و الن اق ص [ COMBINATION III. VERB CONJUGATION OF IRREGULAR VERB ] 45 امله م وز و الن اق ص [ Verbs Table 22: Conjugation of Other Irregular 46 ] ف ع ل الث الثي ا ل م ج ر د ال غ ري س امل [ of Table 23 A: Summary Table 23B: Present Tense Verbs and Their Different Inflections ف ع ل الث الث ي امل ز يد ف يه إىل غ ي ر س ال م X: LESSON 4: IRREGULAR VERBS IN FAMILIES II TO I. IRREGULAR VERBS OF THE HIGHER FAMILIES 49 A. Introduction 49 B. Examples of Irregular Verbs in Families II to X 50 Table 24: Examples of Some Irregular Verbs of higher families ] باب "ف ع ل " غ ي ر سال م [ II II. FAMILY ] 50 باب ف ع ل [ Verbs Table 25: Irregular Family II 51 ] باب "ف اع ل " غ ي ر سال م [ III: III. VERB FAMILY 51 ] باب ف اع ل [ Verbs: Table 26: Irregular Family III 52 ]باب "أ ف ع ل " غ ي ر سال م ] IV: IV. VERB FAMILY 52 ] باب أ ف ع ل [ Verbs Table 27: Irregular Family IV ] 53 باب "ت ف ع ل " غ ي ر سال م [ V: V. VERB FAMILY 53 ] باب ت ف ع ل [ Verbs Table 28: Irregular Family V 54 ]باب "ت فاع ل " غ ي ر سال م [ VI: VI. VERB FAMILY ] 54 باب ت ف اع ل [ Verbs Table 29: Irregular Family V ] 55 باب "ا ن ف ع ل " غ ي ر سال م [ VII: VII. VERB FAMILY ] 55 باب ا ن ف ع ل [ Verbs Table 30: Irregular Family VII 55 [ باب "ا ف ت ع ل " غ ي ر سال م ] VIII VIII. VERB FAMILY 56 ] باب ا ف ت ع ل [ Verbs Table 31: Irregular Family VIII ] 57 باب "ا س ت ف ع ل " غ ي ر سال م [ X: IX. VERB FAMILY 57 ] باب ا س ت ف ع ل [ Verbs Table 32: Irregular Family X 58 ] ال ف ع ل الر باعي امل ج ر د [ ROOTS X. QUADRILATERAL VERBS: VERBS WITH FOUR-LETTER ] 58 ال ف ع ل الر باعي امل ج ر د ] Verbs A. Introduction to Quadrilateral 58 [ف ع ل ل ] on pattern [الفعل الر باعي امل ج ر د [ of Table 33: Conjugation Table 34: Conjugation of [ الرباعي املزيد [الفعل and its Various Derivatives [الفعل الر باعي غري سال م [ Pattern B. Quadrilateral Verbs of Irregular 59 [الفعل الر باعي املزيد [ Families C. Quadrilateral Verbs of Higher 7

10 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic 61 [الن واس خ] & ] أ ف عال الن اق ص ة [ VERBS LESSON 5: INCOMPLETE 61 ] أ ف عال الن اق ص ة [ VERBS I. THE INCOMPLETE A. Introduction ] أ ف عال الن اق ص ة [ Verbs B. Division and Classification of Incomplete C. Categories of the Incomplete Verbs [كان و أ خ وات ها [ SISTERS II. KĀNA AND ITS A. The Grammar of Kāna and its Sisters [الفعل املاضي اال س ت م راري [ Tense B. Past Continuous 64 [الفعل املاضي الق ريب [ Tense and Near Past [الفعل املاضي الب ع يد [ Tense C. Far Past 65 ] أ خ و ات كان [ Kāna D. Sisters of 66 ] أ خ و ات كان [ Kāna Table 35: Sisters of III. LAISA [ل ي س ] AND OTHER NEGATIVE INCOMPLETE VERBS [ل ي س ] A. Laisa B. Additional Negative Incomplete Verbs 68 Table 36: Laisa and Negative Incomplete Verbs 68 ] 68 أ ف عال ال م قار ب ة [ PROXIMITY IV. VERBS OF 69 [كاد و أ ف عال ال م قار ب ة [ Proximity Table 37: Verbs of 69 [أفعال الشروع [ INITIATION V. VERBS OF 70 ] أ ف عا ل ال م د ح و الذ م [ BLAME VI. VERBS OF PRAISE AND 71 ] أ ف عا ل ال م د ح و الذ م [ Blame Table 38: Verbs of Praise and 71 ] أف عال الت ع ج ب [ WONDER VII. VERBS OF 72 ] إ ن و أ خ وات ها [ SISTERS VIII. INNA AND ITS 73 ] إ ن و أ خ وات ها [ Sisters Table 39: Inna and its 73 [اإلنذار ات] IX. OTHER VERB-LIKE ENTITIES: WARNINGS 74 [اإلنذار ات] Table 40: Warnings ] 75 الن ف ي ة و االست ث ناء [ EXCEPTIONS LESSON 6: NEGATION AND 75 [ا لن اف ي ة] I. NEGATION Table 41: Particles of Negation [ال] A. The Different types of Lā 78 [ماء الن ف ي Negation[ B. The Mā of 79 ] ا ل إ س ت ث ناء [ EXCEPTIONS II. 79 [إ ل ا] A. Exceptions with B. Additional Particle(s) of Exception 83 LESSON 7: PARTICLES -[احلروف] A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW 85 DIVISION AND CLASSIFICATION OF PARTICLES 85 ] 86 حروف عام ل ة [ I RĀB I. PARTICLES THE AFFECT 86 [حروف ج ار ة [ Jarr A. Ḥarf 86 [حروف ج ار ة [ Jarr Table 42: Ḥarf 88 ] ح روف ناص ب ة [ Naṣb B. Ḥarf 89 [الن واص ب] Table 43: Ḥarf Naṣb on Verbs 90 [حرف ج ز م/ اجل واز م [ Jazm C. Ḥarf Table 44: Ḥarf Jazm 91 8

11 Table of Contents 92 ] حروف غ ي ر عام ل ة [ I RĀB II. PARTICLES THAT DO NOT AFFECT A. Particles of Negation 93 ] 93 ح ر وف ال ع ط ف [ Particles B. Connecting 94 ] ح ر وف ال ع ط ف [ Particles C. Qur ānic Examples of Connecting 94 ] ح ر وف ال ع ط ف [ Particles Table 45: Connecting 95 ] ح ر وف ال إس تئ ناف ي ة [ Particles D. Resumption 96 ] ح ر وف االس ت د راك [ Particles E. Rebuttal 97 ] ح ر وف االس ت ف هام [ Interrogation F. Particles of ] 98 ح روف ال اس ت ف هام [ Particles Table 46: Interrogative Table 47: Lām and Nūn of Emphasis on Verbs [حروف الن داء [ Calling H. Particles of 101 [حروف الش ر ط [ Particles I. Conditional 101 ] ح ر وف الش ر ط [ Condition Table 48: Particles of 102 ] ح ر وف م ص د ر ي ة [ Particles J. Verbal Noun 102 [حروف اإلست ق بال [ Future K. Particles of the 102 ] ح ر وف الت ن بيه [ Warning L. Particles of ] 103 ح ر وف الت ح ض يض [ Encouragement M. Particles of 103 ] ح ر وف اجلواب [ Response N. Particles of 104 [حروف الز مان و املكان [ Containers O. Particles Time and Place 104 ] ح ر وف الز ائ د ة [ Redundancy P. Particles of 104 [الم الت ع ريف [ Al Q. The Definite Article 105 [الم الت ع ريف [ Al Table 49: The Definite Article R. Miscellaneous Particles 106 Table 50: Miscellaneous Particles 106 S. Particles with Multiple Distinct Grammatical Roles [ما /و [ Roles Table 51A: Particles with Multiple Distinct Grammatical 108 ] ف /ال/ما [ Roles Table 51B: Particles with Multiple Distinct Grammatical 109 ] ل و /ح ت ى/ب / م ن [ Roles Table 51C: Particles with Multiple Distinct Grammatical 110 [ل /ب ل /لك ن/ ل و ال [ Roles Table 51D: Particles with Multiple Distinct Grammatical 111 ] إ ن /ل [ Roles Table 51E: Particles with Multiple Distinct Grammatical 112 [أن /أن ] Table 51F: Particles with Multiple Distinct Grammatical Roles 113 ] امل ن ص وبات [ CASE LESSON 8: NOUNS IN THE NAṢB 113 [م ج ر ورات] & [م ر ف وعات] I. REVIEW OF NOUNS OF THE RAF AND JARR CASE Table 52: Noun Categories fixed to Raf and Jarr 113 Table 53: Review of Inflections of Nouns Based on I rāb ] امل ن صوبات [ CASE II. NOUNS OF THE NAṢB 115 [امل ن صوبات] Table 54: Nouns of the Naṣb Case 116 ] ظ ر ف ال م ك ان [ Containers ] and Place ظ ر ف ال ز مان [ Containers A. Time 117 ] ظ ر ف ال ز مان [ Containers Table 55: Time 118 ] ظ ر ف ال م ك ان [ Containers Table 56: Place 119 ] م ف عول ل ه [ Action B. The Reason for an 120 ] م ف ع ول م ع ه [ Action C. Noun Accompanying an 121 ] م ف ع ول م ط ل ق [ Action D. Intensifier of the 9

12 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic 122 [احلال] E. Ḥāl: The State or Condition of an Action 124 [ال ت م ي يز [ Clarifier F. 126 [امل نادي] G. The Vocative 128 ] الت اب ع ل لم ن ص وب [ wers H. The Follo 129 [ظ ن ] ], AND THE VERB ا أل س ماء امل ش ت ق ة [ NOUNS THE DERIVED,[ا لت واب ع] LESSON 9: THE FOLLOWERS 129 [ا لت واب ع] I. THE FOLLOWERS 130 [ال م ع طوف] B. Connecting Nouns 130 [الب د ل] C. Replacers 134 ] الت و كيد ل لت واب ع [ Emphasis D. Nouns of ] 135 ا أل س ماء امل ش ت ق ة [ NOUNS II. DERIVED 135 ] ا أل س ماء امل ش ت ق ة [ Nouns Table 57: Derived ] 136 الص ف ة ال م ش ب ه ة [ Adjective A. The Derived 136 ] الص ف ة ال م ش ب ه ة [ Adjective Table 58: The Derived 137 ] ا س م الت ف ض يل [ Noun B. The Comparative Derived ] 138 ا س م الت ف ض يل [ of Table 59: Conjugation 139 ] ص غ ة امل بال غ ة [ Noun C. The Intensive Derived 139 ] ص غ ة امل بال غ ة [ Noun Table 60: Intensive Derived 140 ] ا س م ال آل ة [ Action D. Instrument of an 140 ] ظ ن و أ خ وات ها [ OBJECTS III. VERBS TAKING TWO DIRECT ] 141 ظ ن و أ خ وات ها [ 61: Table 143 [ا ل أ ع داد] LESSON 10: NUMBERS INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS 143 Table 62: Arabic Numbers Table (#1-30) 143 I. NUMBERS 1-10 [ ١-١١ ] 144 A. Dual Numbers 144 B. Rules for Numbers 3 to II. NUMBERS [ ١١-٠١ ] 145 A. Rules for numbering B. Rules for Numbering III. NUMBERING [ ٠١-٩٩ ] 148 IV. NUMBERING 100 AND GREATER [ ١١١ ] 150 A. Convention(s) for Writing Complex Numbers 100 and greater [ ١١١ ] 150 B. Rules for Numbering 100 and greater [ ١١١] 151 V. NUMBERING 1000 AND GREATER [ ١١١١ ] 152 Rules for Numbering 1000 and greater [ ١١١١ ] 153 Table 63: Summary of Rules for Numbering ] الع د د الو ص ف ي [ NUMBERS VI. ORDINAL 155 ] الع د د الو ص ف ي [ Numbers Table 64: Ordinal 156 ] الع د د الك س ر ي [ FRACTIONS VII. Table 65: Fractions

13 Table of Contents LESSON 11: GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS OF QUR ĀNIC ĀYAHS 157 I. ARABIC SENTENCES: REVISITED 157 II. REVIEW OF I RĀB OF VERBS 157 Table 66: Verbs Categorized by I rāb 157 III. REVIEW OF I RĀB OF NOUNS 158 Table 67: Nouns Categorized by I rāb 158 IV. MERGING OF WORD CONSTRUCTIONS 159 A. Jarr Constructions and Linking [حروف العطف [ Particles B. Connecting V. PAUSES AND BREAKS WITHIN QUR ĀNIC ĀYAHS 160 Table 68: Diacritical Marks in the Muṣḥaf 161 VI. EMBEDDED SENTENCES WITHIN QUR ĀNIC ĀYAHS 161 VII. METHODOLOGY OF GRAMMATICAL BREAKDOWN OF QUR ĀNIC ĀYAHS 162 THE 4 STEP METHOD IN ANALYZING A QUR ĀNIC ĀYAH/ SENTENCE 162 A. Step 1 Word Analysis 162 B. Step 2 Identifying and Merging Word Constructions 163 C. Step 3: Identifying Sentences within a Qur ānic Ᾱyah 164 D. Step 4: Translation 165 VIII. ANALYZING QUR ĀNIC ĀYAHS USING THE 4-STEP METHOD 166 IX. TRADITION METHODOLOGY OF I'RĀB/GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS 172 LESSON 12: ADVANCED GRAMMAR TOPICS FROM QUR ĀNIC STUDY ] ال ت ق دمي و الت أ خ ري [ SENTENCES I. SHIFTING WORD ORDER IN A. Normal Nominal and Verbal Sentence Patterns 175 ] 176 م ف عول ب ه [ Object B. Shifting Direct ] 176 ش ب ه مجلة [ tion C. Shifting Jarr Construc 178 [معطوف] D. Arrangement of Connected Words E. Established Word Arrangements in the Qur ān [احل ذ ف] II. OMISSION A. The Passive Tense and Omission of the Doer 184 B. Omission of the Verb 185 C. Omission of a Noun 187 D. Omission of a Particle 188 E. Omission (Miscellaneous) [ا ل ت فات] III. NARRATIVE SHIFTING IN SENTENCES A. Narrative Shifting: 3rd person to 2nd person 190 B. Narrative Shifting: 2nd person to 3rd person 191 C. Narrative Shifting: 3rd person to 1st person 191 D. Examples from the dynamics of Narrative Shifting 192 ] 193 الت ع ريف و ال ت ن كري [ NOUNS IV. DEFINITE AND INDEFINITE A. Definite Words 193 B. Indefinite Words [الم الت ع ريف [ Al Table 49: The Definite Article 196 ] ت ذ كري الفعل أو ت أنيث [ VERB V. CHANGING THE GENDER OF THE VI. ACTION NOUNS FUNCTIONING AS VERBS 197 VII. THE PERMANENCE OF NOUNS AND THE TRANSIENCE OF VERBS [ال ق ط ع] I RĀB) VIII. BREAKING (FROM THE EXPECTED 11

14 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic 201 ] البالغة [ ELOQUENCE LESSON 13: IMPORTANT PRINCIPLES OF 201 [البالغة] INTRODUCTION TO BALĀGHA 202 ] ع ل م الب يان [ ELOQUENCE THE STUDY OF 202 [اجملاز] I. METAPHORS 205 [اجملاز امل ر س ل [ Mursal A. Majāz 207 [اجملاز ب االس ت عار ة [ Bil istiārah B. Majāz 209 [اجملاز العقلي [ Aʻqli C. Majāz 210 [اجملاز املرك ب [ Murakkab D. Majāz 211 [الت ش بيه] II. THE SIMILE ] 212 أ ن واع الت ش بيه [ SIMILE TYPES OF 213 [الت ش بيه] Examples of Simile 217 [الك ناي ة] III. IDIOMS ] 223 إ ع جاز ال ق رآن [ QUR ĀN LESSON 14: INIMITABILITY OF THE 223 ] إ ع جاز ال ق رآن [ TO INTRODUCTION I. EXAMPLES OF QUR ĀNIC ELOQUENCE 224 B. Deep Meaning of Arabic Words 228 ] 229 ال ت ق دمي و الت أ خ ري [ Sentences C. Word Order in D. Contrasting Simi lar Āyāhs / Qur ānic Phrases 229 E. Coherence of Qur ānic Sūrahs 233 F. Coherence between Sūrahs ] امل ن ط ق و الع ب ر ة [ Qur ān G. Gems of Logic and Admonition in the ] 242 الس ج ع و الت س ويت [ Qur ān H. Rhyming Schemes and Phonation of the 245 ] الت صوير الفن ي [ Qur ān I. Graphic Imagery in the 246 [اإلعجاز العلمي [ Miracles J. Scientific CONCLUDING REMARKS 251 DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE ARABIC STUDY 251 REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR ESSENTIALS OF QURANIC ARABIC 253 LESSON 1 REVIEW QUESTIONS 253 LESSON 2 REVIEW QUESTIONS 254 LESSON 3 REVIEW QUESTIONS 255 LESSON 4 REVIEW QUESTIONS 256 LESSON 5 REVIEW QUESTIONS 257 LESSON 6 REVIEW QUESTIONS 259 LESSON 7 REVIEW QUESTIONS 260 LESSON 8 REVIEW QUESTIONS 262 LESSON 9 REVIEW QUESTIONS 263 LESSON 10 REVIEW QUESTIONS 265 LESSON 11 REVIEW QUESTIONS 267 LESSON 12 REVIEW QUESTIONS 269 LESSON 13 REVIEW QUESTIONS 271 ANSWERS FOR REVIEW QUESTIONS 275 LESSON 1 ANSWERS 275 LESSON 2 ANSWERS 275 LESSON 3 ANSWERS

15 Table of Contents LESSON 4 ANSWERS 277 LESSON 5 ANSWERS 278 LESSON 6 ANSWERS 279 LESSON 7 ANSWERS 280 LESSON 8 ANSWERS 281 LESSON 9 ANSWERS 283 LESSON 10 ANSWERS 284 LESSON 11 ANSWERS 286 LESSON 12 ANSWERS 290 LESSON 13 ANSWERS 293 APPENDIX 297 Table 69: The 10 Forms Table Conjugation of Verb Families 297 Table 70: Conjugation of Irregular Type I Verbs 298 Table 71: Conjugation of Irregular Verbs - Families I through VI 299 Table 72: Conjugation of Irregular Verbs - Families VII - X 300 REQUIRED QUR ĀNIC VOCABULARY ASSIGNMENTS 301 SUPPLEMENTARY QUR ĀNIC VOCABULARY 302 SUPPLEMENTARY QURANIC VOCABULARY ] الت شبيه - األجو ف [ TERMS GLOSSARY OF ARABIC GRAMMAR 306 ] الت ش بيه البليغ - ا ل ح ذ ف الن ون [ TERMS GLOSSARY OF ARABIC GRAMMAR 307 ] ح ر ف - ض م ري م ن ف ص ل [ TERMS GLOSSARY OF ARABIC GRAMMAR ] 308 ظ ر ف - الفعل املاضي اال س ت م راري [ TERMS GLOSSARY OF ARABIC GRAMMAR 309 [الفعل املاضي الق ريب - م ت ك ل م [ TERMS GLOSSARY OF ARABIC GRAMMAR 310 ] امل ثال - امل ف ع ول ف ي ه [ TERMS GLOSSARY OF ARABIC GRAMMAR 311 ] امل ف ع ول م ع ه - ن ظ م [ TERMS GLOSSARY OF ARABIC GRAMMAR REFERENCES 313 About the Author

16 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic Transliteration Key f ف r ر ئ/ؤ/أ/ء ١ ā ز z ق q k ك ک/ s س b ب l ل sh ش t ت m م ṣ ص th ث n ن ḍ ض j ج ه/ه ṭ ط ḥ ح w, ū, u و ẓ ظ kh خ y, i, ī ي ع d د gh غ dh ذ h This transliteration key is being provided to help bridge the gap between Arabic and English letters. There are several letters that are specific to the Arabic language, and do not have an English equivalent. Please also note that we have chosen to capitalize many of the Arabic terms mentioned in this book, especially those of a grammatical context. Furthermore, Arabic terms written in English have been pluralized in English to facilitate the reader. 14

17 Foreword Foreword Dr. Moḥammad Yūnus Arabic grammar deals with principles by which the states of the endings of the words are known in regard to declension (I rāb) and construction (Binā ), and the manner of constructing one word with another. It is highly essential for the students of Arabic to learn this science in order to be proficient in the language. Acquiring an understanding of word patterns (Ṣarf) is also of prime importance in learning the language. Essentials of Qur ānic Arabic is a book compiled for easy understanding of Qur ānic Arabic with focus on its grammar rules. There are many books on Arabic grammar on the market today. For example, Hidāyatun Naḥw is one classical book that has been used in teaching Arabic grammar for generations. The goal of this book is to enable the student to read, translate, and understand the āyahs of the Qur ān, Ḥadīths, and Arabic sentences without difficulty. Emphasis is also placed on learning vocabulary with the help of a standard dictionary. Topics in Essentials of Qur ānic Arabic are organized in a simple and coherent fashion such that they can be easily understood and learned. Review questions at the end of this book are very useful to practice and revise the concepts learned during the study. This is a comprehensive book dealing with all the important aspects of the subject of Qur ānic Arabic grammar. I am confident that when a student studies this book thoroughly with the guidance of a teacher or engages in self-study, they would develop a very good foundation in this science, and it would absolve them of the need to study similar books on the subject. I pray to Allah that He may make this book beneficial for the students of Arabic grammar and simplify the path to understanding the Qur ān, and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muḥammad. I also pray that Allah bestow rewards for the compiler and everyone who contributed to its completion and publication. آم ني Dr. Mohammad Yūnus is currently the director of the Tarbiyah Department of ICNA, and has held the position of Amīr of ICNA for 17 years from He is the Imām/Director at Masjid Daʻwah in Bonifay, FL. Dr. Yūnus is a cardiologist and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Florida State University, College of Medicine. 15

18 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic 16

19 Preface Preface The Qur ān is undoubtedly a vast ocean of Guidance and Wisdom. In order to obtain a deeper meaning of the Qur ān, it is required that the student have a certain depth and knowledge of the Arabic language while also being familiar with Classical Tafsīrs. Furthermore, it goes without saying that the student must develop a strong connection with the Qur ān on a daily basis. The Prophet said: ] إ ن ما م ث ل ص اح ب ال ق ر آن ك م ث ل ص اح ب ال إ ب ل ال م ع ق ل ة إ ن ع اه د ع ل ي ه ا أ م س ك ه ا و إ ن أ ط ل ق ه ا ذ ه ب ت [ The parable of someone who knows the Qur ān is that of a tethered camel. If he attends to it, it stays with him. If he lets it go, it wanders away. 1 A daily connection to the Qur ān is essential whether it be recitation, listening, reading its Tafsīrs, contemplating its meanings, etc. Additionally, memorizing the sacred words of the Qur ān as much as possible has numerous benefits even if it is done without consciously delving into its meaning. Likewise, listening to its recitation on a regular basis strengthens one s connection to the Qur ān. Moreover, it is perhaps best experienced through listening, preferably when standing in prayer, before Allah. Keeping this close connection with the Qur ān prevents it from wandering away, and allows one to attain a unique bond with one s heart and mind. The Qur ān becomes devoid of benefit to those whose faith is not increased, and those who are not propelled by it to do good deeds. The Qur ān is indeed a vehicle in attaining prophetic character. When Ā isha, the beloved wife of the Prophet, was asked about him, she stated: خ ل ق ه ال ق ر آن ],[كان His character was the Qur ān 2. Thus, righteous deeds and excellent conduct are endpoints attained from deep understanding and implementation of the Qur ān. The main reason behind the Two-Volume series Essentials in Qur ānic Arabic is to bridge the barriers to understanding and comprehending the Qur ān. Specifically, to enable the student to understand its language by learning its grammar. In particular, the focus is kept on Qur ānic Grammar, and Conversational Arabic is not emphasized. The goal of Volume 1 was to ground the student on the fundamentals of Arabic grammar. There were several important principles in Qur ānic Arabic Grammar that could not covered in Volume 1 due to their advanced nature and difficulty. Our aim here in Volume Two is to extract a correct basic meaning from the Qur ān. Furthermore, many of the topics in this Second Volume are found in Arabic grammar texts like Al-Ajrūmiyyah,[األج ر وم ي ة] those dealing with the study of Morphology,[الص ر ف] and other.[كتاب فضائل القرآن] 1 Saḥīḥ Bukhāri: Ḥadith #4743 in Chapter on the Bounties of the Qur ān.[ب اق ي م س ن د ال أ ن ص ار ] 2 Musnad Aḥmed, Ḥadith #24080 in 17

20 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic texts of Intermediate Grammar. Please note that several topics specific to the study of Ṣarf are merged in this volume with topics of Naḥw to keep a simplified approach and keep the focus on Qur ānic study. One chapter has been devoted to learning a specific methodology to analyze āyahs from the Qur ān. The last three chapters are focused on more advanced discussions relative to Qur ānic Arabic such as Eloquence (Balāgha), the Inimitability of the Qur ān (I jāz al-qurʾān), and other advanced grammar topics. Similar to the first volume, numerous examples from the Qur ān have been given so that our focus is maintained. Review Questions are included in the back of this book and are an essential part of this text. These questions force the student to review the material each and every week. It is hoped that the content presented here in this second volume will allow for a more thorough understanding of the lofty words of the Qur ān along with other Classical Islāmic literature Inshā Allah. 18

21 [الصرف] Lesson 1: Important Principles of Morphology [الص ر ف] Lesson 1: Important Principles of Morphology [الص ر ف] I. Introduction to Ṣarf Ṣarf is the study of morphology of Arabic words in their specific and varied forms. This science deals with Arabic words that have irregular, difficult, or awkward pronunciation or phonation. In particular, it deals with changes of certain letter(s) of the word so that its pronunciation and phonetics can be enhanced. Please note that Ṣarf does not cause a grammatical change or a change in meaning per se. The rules of verb conjugation and derivation of specific types of nouns 3 from a root verb do not change. A good grasp of Ṣarf helps a great deal in learning Qur ānic Arabic, since there are numerous Irregular verbs and nouns found in the Qur ān. Please note much of the discussions involving verb conjugation, verb families, and action nouns directly involve the study of Ṣarf. Half of Ṣarf is really knowing the default conjugations of verbs and verb like nouns such as those found in the 10 Forms Table (see Appendix). II. Important Principles from Ṣarf There are three important principles that will be commonly used when looking at conjugation of the Irregular verbs in Lesson 2. [ت خ ف يف] Principle # 1: Deletion of a Letter 1. Changing of a Hamza to a weak letter ع ل ة] [ح ر ف or deleting the Hamza. This occurs in.[ ا ل ف ع ل ال م هم وز [ 2. Deleting the Hamza: Command of [س أ ل ] is.[ا س أ ل ] Here the Hamza is deleted to get.[ا س ل ] Since it is impossible to have two consecutive Hamzas, the Fatḥah that was originally on the.[س ل ] since the Hamza al-waṣl is removed to get [س] Hamza is placed on the Command of [أ ك ل ] is.[ا ؤ ك ل ] The Hamza is deleted to obtain.[ا ك ل ] Subsequently, the.[ك ل ] Hamza al-waṣl is removed to obtain Principle # 2: Changing of the Hamza :[آ] 1. Joining of Hamzas to an Elongated Alif Conjugating the verb [أ ك ل ] in the first person present tense, the verb.[أ أ ك ل ] Here,.[آك ل ] the two Hamzas are merged to form an Elongated Alif to get 3 Nouns that are conjugated from verbs are termed [ ا س م فاعل,] ]اسم مفعول[, [ مصدر ] which are mentioned above, but also include nouns termed.[ظرف] These nouns were covered in Volume 1 in some depth. 19

22 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic :[حر ف ع ل ة] 2. Changing of the Hamza to The Maṣdar of,[آم ن ] which is the Family IV verb from the stem [أمن] is.[إ ئ م ان ] Here, the second Hamza gets changed to the weak letter [ي] because of the preceding.[إ ي مان ] Kasrah. And from this, the Maṣdar becomes [إ د غام] Principle # 3: Merging of heavy letters or light letters 1. Idghām refers to merging of heavy letters or of light letters 4. This principle occurs primarily in Verb family VIII [ا ف ت ع ل ] and in [ الفعل ال م ضاع ف ], verbs that contain root letter bearing a Shadda. 2. If the letters are doubled or there are two consecutive light letters / ذ / ز],[د then there is Idghām and merging of letters into a Shadda..[ع د ] is converted to [ع د د ] e.g. Verb 3. If there are two similar letters preceded by a Sukūn, the vowel on the [ع] letter will be transferred to the preceding [ف] letter and there will be joining of the similar letters..[ي ض ر ] then finally [ي ض ر ر ] It then becomes.[ي ض ر ر ] stem in present tense is [ض ر ر ] e.g. 4. In Verb Family VIII conjugations and its noun derivatives, please note following phenomenon that can sometimes occur with the extra inserted Tā [ت] on the [ف] letter. If the [ف] letter is one of the heavy letters [ ض / ص / ط / ظ ], then the Tā [ت] is changed to the,[ط] which,[د /ذ [ letters letter is one of the light [ف] letter. If the [ف] phonetically agrees with the heavy then the Tā is changed into a light Dāl [د] or is merged into a single letter bearing a Shadda. 4 In Tajwīd, Idghām term classically denotes merging of letters,[ن/م/و/ي] or with the letters.[ر/ل] In this Volume however, this term is describing the merging of similar non-vowel letters for enhanced phonetics as per principles of.[الصرف] Specifically, the rules described above are based on Idghām called متماثلني] [إدغام and متجانسني],[إدغام whose discussion is beyond our focus here. Arabic has 28 letters, eight of which are heavy, and the remaining letters being light. The heavy letters are the following:.[ق/غ/ظ/ط/ض/ص /خ] 20

23 [الصرف] Lesson 1: Important Principles of Morphology 5. Examples of Idghām [إ د غام] Table 1: Examples of Idghām B Form باب A Form ف ع ل امل ج ر د ص ب ر ا ص ت ب ر VIII ا ص ط ب ر ض ر ب ا ض ت ر ب VIII ا ض ط ر ب ذ ك ر ا ذ ت ر ك VIII ا ذ ك ر ز ج ر ا ز ت ر ج VIII ا ز د ج ر form A or B can be used below د ب ر ي ت د ب ر V ي د ب ر ذ ك ر ا ت ذ ك ر V ا ذ ك ر م د ث ر اسم الفاعل م ت د ث ر ت د ت ر م ص د ق ة اسم الفاعل م ت ص د ق ة ت ص د ق 6. Examples of Idghām from the Qur ān No Idghām ي و م ي ت ذ ك ر ٱل إ ن س ان م ا س ع ى The Day when man will remember that for which he strove. (79:35) Idghām س ي ذ ك ر م ن ي خ ش ى ] أ ٱط ت ل ع ال غ ي ب أ م ات خ ذ ع ن د الر ح م ن ع ه د ا] He who fears [Allah] will be reminded. (87:10) أ ط ل ع ٱل غ ي ب أ م ٱت خ ذ ع ن د ٱلر ح م ن ع ه د ا...و م ن ت ز ك ى ف إ ن م ا ي ت ز ك ى ل ن ف س ه و إ ل ى ٱلل ه ٱل م ص ري And whoever purifies himself only purifies himself for his soul. And to Allah is the [final] destination. (35:18) Has he looked into the unseen, or has he taken from the Most Merciful a promise? (19:78) و م ا ي د ر يك ل ع ل ه ي ز ك ى But what would make you perceive, that perhaps he might be purified (80:3) 21

24 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic [ت ع ل يل] Principle # 4: Changing of weak letters preceded by a vowel.[ا] the letter becomes an Alif,[و] or,[و,] ي] [ a a) If a Fatḥah is followed by.[خاف ] becomes [خ و ف ] e.g., is actually an Alif, and specifically called [ى] (the [ج ر ى] becomes [ج ر ي ].[ أ ل ف ال م ق ص ور ة [.[ف يل] is converted to [ف ي ل] or [ف و ل] b) The form.[ق ي ل ] becomes [ق و ل ] e.g..[ف ع ي ] becomes [ف ع و ] c) The form.[ر ض ي ] becomes [ر ض و ] e.g..[ف يل] becomes [ف و ل] d) The form.[م يزان] becomes [م و زان] e.g..[ي و ع ل ] becomes [ي ي ع ل ] e) The form.[ي ي ق ن ] and not [ي و ق ن ] becomes [أي ق ن ] e.g. The verb [الت ع ذ ر] Principle # 5: Impossibility of Pronouncing Any Vowel on an Alif This applies to both verbs and nouns. When this occurs, the vowel is simply omitted and the result is an Alif. which is really an,[أ ل ف ال م ق ص ور ة] ت ر ض ى becomes ت ر ض ي (a م وس ى becomes م وس ى (b [الث ق ل] Principle # 6: Difficulty of Pronouncing Certain Vowels on Alif/Yā This principle applies to both Nouns and Verbs, and does not affect I'rāb. a) [ي] preceded by Kasrah cannot take Ḍammah or Kasrah. b) [و] preceded by Ḍammah cannot take a Ḍammah. c) Cannot have two consecutive silent letters (i.e. two continuous Sukūns). i. ال قاض ي ] [ي د ع و is incorrect because rule (a) and (b) are violated. ii. [ ي د ع و ال قاض ي ] = correct. iii. [ ي ن م و م ف ت ي ] = incorrect; م ف ت ] [ي ن م و = correct.[الث قل] is changed into two Kasrahs because of [م ف ت ي ] iv. Other words that can be changed into a similar pattern are those below. [قاض ] becomes [قاض ي ] or [قاض ي ] ث مان becomes [متاين ] or [مثان ي ] 22

25 [الصرف] Lesson 1: Important Principles of Morphology Table 2: Examples of -[الث ق ل] Variation of Endings on Alif and Yā Alif [ا] Yā [ي] إعراب ر ف ع ج ل س ال قاض ي ج ل س ال ف ت ى ن ص ب ر أ ي ت ال قاض ي ر أ ي ت ال ف ت ى ج ر أ ش ر ت إ ىل ال قاض ي أ ش ر ت ب ال ع صا ر ف ع ج ل س قاض ج ل س ف ت ا ن ص ب ر أ ي ت قاض يا ر أ ي ت ف ت ا ج ر أ ش ر ت إ ىل قاض أ ش ر ت إ ىل ف ت ا Principle # 7: Adding or Deleting the Tā letter Another principle of Ṣarf that is frequently found is the addition or deletion of Tā [ت] in the conjugation of certain verbs and their derivatives. 1. Deletion of the Tā is allowed in certain [ مضارع [فعل conjugations of Family V and VI verbs. The conjugations where the deletion of Tā is allowed are highlighted in the following table. [ت ف ع ل ] Family V Table 3: Deletion of the Tā Letter [ت ف اع ل ] Family VI الفعل املضارع م ف ر د م ث ن ى ج م ع م ف ر د م ث ن ى ج م ع غائ ب م ذ ك ر ي ت فاع ل ي ت فاع الن ي ت فاع ل ون ي ت ف ع ل ي ت ف ع الن ي ت ف ع ل ون غائب م ؤن ث ت ت ف اع ل ت ت ف اع الن ي ت ف اع ل ن ت ت ف ع ل ت ت ف ع الن ي ت ف ع ل ن م خاطب مذك ر ت ت ف اع ل ت ت ف اع الن ت ت ف اع ل ون ت ت ف ع ل ت ت ف ع الن ت ت ف ع ل ون م خاطب مؤن ث ت ت ف اع ل ني ت ت ف اع الن ت ت ف اع ل ن ت ت ف ع ل ني ت ت ف ع الن ت ت ف ع ل ن م ت ك ل م أ ت فاع ل ن ت فاع ل ن ت فاع ل أ ت ف ع ل ن ت ف ع ل ن ت ف ع ل 23

26 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic 2. In Family VIII verbs, if the [ف] letter is a weak letter or a Hamza, then it is replaced by a Tā. This enhances its phonation. This is specifically the case with the verbs [ا ت خ ذ ] and,[ا ت ق ى] both of which are found frequently in the Qur ān. ا ت خ ذ أ خ ذ ا ئ ت خ ذ Family VIII ] replaces ت ] ا ت ق ى ] root letter ف ] ا و ت ق ى و ق ى 24

27 [الفعل املعتل [ Verbs Lesson 2: Irregular Lesson 2: Irregular Verbs - Root Letters with Hamza/Shadda غ ي ر سال م إ ىل الث الث ي ا ل م ج ر د ف ع ل ال م ض اع ف ال ف ع ل و ا ل ف ع ل ال م ه م وز I. Introduction to Irregular Verbs : In the Qur ān, Irregular Verbs and their derivatives are used very frequently. It is necessary that the student be familiar with their anomalous morphology and structure. This cannot be done unless there is a sound understanding of the conjugation of Sound or [سال م] verbs, inflection changes from particles, and derivation of action words from the verb in question. Thus, the conjugation tables presented in Volume 1 need to be learned cold, backwards and forwards. The same holds true for the 10 Family Table, which really incorporates within it, the essential principles of Ṣarf. If any of these are not thoroughly learned, Irregular Verbs can be quite difficult to learn. The rules of Nominal Sentences and Verbal Sentences and recognition of individual sentences need to be internalized. The acquisition of new Qur ānic vocabulary is very important with advance in grammatical study. At this stage, the need to stick to Arabic terminology will be of more importance. The student should also be able to readily recognize Qur ānic words and categorize them into nouns, verbs, and particles. This is irrespective of knowing the meaning of the word. Furthermore, for nouns, the student should be able to determine its I rāb, even if its meaning is not known. Other characteristics such as plurality, gender, flexibility, or belonging to a specific word category (verbal noun, Doer noun, etc.) should also be readily identified. If the word is a verb, the student should be able to determine its tense and conjugation. The verbal Doer [فاعل] and Direct object ب ه ] [م ف ع ول or Indirect object should also be recognized if applicable. If the word is a particle, they should be able to determine which I rāb it causes and whether it acts on a noun or verb. If there is still a great deal of unfamiliarity in the above, then Volume 1 must be revisited and restudied. 25

28 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic ف ع ل الث الث ي إ ىل غ ي ر سال م II. Irregular verbs ] ] A. Classification and Division of Family I Verbs Verb Family I [ ع ل ال م ج ر د الث الثي [الف is the root verb for the vast majority of Arabic nouns..[غ ي ر سال م] and [سال م] Irregular You can divide Type I Verbs into two types: Sound Please refer to the Verb Categorization Algorithm below for a complete scheme on verb classification. 1. Regular or Sound verbs do not have any of the following letters in its three-letter root: أ / و / ي / ا / 2. Irregular Verb I types have one or more of these above letters in the 3-letter root including doubled letters (with a Shadda). These verbs follow the same rules of conjugation, and noun derivation as Sound verbs that were previously mentioned. 3. Irregular verbs can be broken into 3 categories:.[ا ل ف ع ل ال م ه م وز] )- أ ( Hamza a. Verbs containing a.[ا ل ف ع ل امل ضاع ف] b. Verbs containing a Doubled letter with a Shadda c. Verbs containing a weak letter ع ل ة] [ح ر ف like ( / ١ / ي و ). A verb, which contain a weak letter as one of its root letters is called امل ع ت ل ].[ا ل ف ع ل This verb type امل ع ت ل ] [ا ل ف ع ل is further broken into five different types depending on where the weak letter is located..[م ثال] letter, then it is called [ف] (i) If the weak letter is on the.[أ ج و ف] letter, then it is called [ع] (ii) If the weak letter is on the.[أ ج و ف] letter, then it is called [ل] (iii) If the weak letter is on the.[ل ف يف ال م ف ر وق] then it is called,[ل] letter and on the [ف] (iv) If the weak letter is on the.[ل ف يف ال م ق ر ن] then it is called,[ل] letter and on the [ع] (v) If the weak letter is on the 26

29 [الفعل املعتل [ Verbs Lesson 2: Irregular B. Algorithm for Classification of Regular and Irregular Verbs ف ع ل الفعل الر باعي ال ف ع ل الث الثي الر باعي املز د ي الر باعي امل ج ر د الث الثي املز د ي الث الثي امل ج ر د غ ي ر سال م الس ال م غ ي ر سال م الس ال م امل ع ت ل م ضاع ف امل ه م وز امل ع ت ل م ضاع ف امل ه م وز ال أ ج و ف الناق ص امل ثال ال أج و ف الن اق ص امل ثال ل ف يف امل ق ر ون ل ف يف امل ف روق ال م ق ر ون ل ف يف امل ف روق ل ف يف III. Verbs with a Hamza Letter ]ا ل ف ع ل ال م ه م وز ] (1) The [ الف ع ل ال م ه م وز ] verbs are almost like [سال م] verbs, with very few exceptions. (2) In the command tense for these verbs, the beginning Hamza can be cut off, or it can be conjugated like a typical Family I verb. preferred. This, however does not happen for the Lām of [ Please note that the abbreviated, truncated form is.[ا ل م ه م وز [ا ؤ ك ل ] or [ك ل ] أ ك ل.i [ا ؤ م ر ] or [م ر ] أ م ر ii. 27

30 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic (3) In the present tense conjugation for first person, the two Hamzas join to become an elongated Alif.(آ) See the example below..[آخ ذ ] instead becomes [أ أ خ ذ ] conjugated to [أ خ ذ ] Verb Table 4: Verb Conjugation Summary for [ فعل املاضي ق ر أ ] ا ل ف ع ل ال م ه م وز املضارع األمر ال نصب اجلزم الم ه م و ز ]ف ] أ خ ذ ي أ خ ذ ا ؤ خ د / خ ذ ل ن ي أ خ ذ ل م ي أ خ ذ ي ق ر أ ماضي جمهول أ خ ذ مضارع جمهول ي ؤ خ ذ الم ه م و ز ]ع ] س أ ل ي س أ ل ا س أ ل /س ل ل ن ي س أ ل ل م ي س أ ل س ئ ل ي س أ ل الم ه م و ز ا ق ر أ ل ن ي ق ر أ ل م ي ق ر أ ق ر ئ ي ق ر أ ]ل ] [الف ع ل ال م ه م وز] (4) Qur ānic Examples of س ل ب ن ي إ س ر ائ يل ك م آت ي ن اه م م ن آي ة ب ي ن ة....i ii. Ask the Children of Israel how many clear signs We have sent them....( 2:211) [ ] [فعل ماض فعل أمر [..ك ل وا م ن ط ي ب ات م ا ر ز ق ن اك م... [فعل أمر] (2:172) you.. Eat of the good things that We have provided for [الف ع ل ال م ض اع ف] IV. Verbs with a Doubled Letter/Shadda (1) The ال م ض اع ف] [الف ع ل follow the same conjugation pattern as Sound verbs with the exception that in some occasions, the Shadda letter is preserved, and in other cases the Shadda letter breaks. (2) For the Command Tense [ الف ع ل ال أ م ر ], the Shadda can be either broken or retained. It also has a multiple number of forms for single person command tense. The Forbidding Command will have a similar number of forms as well. These are due to complex rules of Ṣarf that cannot be elaborated here. An example of Command Tense conjugation is in the following:.[ا م د د ] or [م د ] becomes [م د ] 28

31 [الفعل املعتل [ Verbs Lesson 2: Irregular (3) For Verb conjugations where something is added to the end with a Sukūn on the last root [م د ] letter, the Shadda typically breaks. For example, let us examine the conjugation of the verb below. For the [أنتم] and [أنت ] conjugations, the Shadda breaks, and two letters are used instead of a single Shadda letter. This happens whenever an unvowelled letter follows the Shadda letter. م د ت م م د د ت م أنتم م د ت م د د ت أنت م د م د وا م د ا ه م ه ما ] الف عل امل ضاع فال [ for Table 5: Detailed Verb Conjugation الفعل املاضي الفعل املضارع [ظ ن ] م ف ر د م ث ن ى ج مع م ف ر د م ث ن ى ج مع غائ ب م ذ ك ر ي ظ ن ي ظ ن ان ي ظ ن ون ظ ن ظ ن ا ظ ن وا غائب م ؤن ث ت ظ ن ت ظ ن ان ي ظ ن ن ظ ن ت ظ ن ا ظ ن ن م خاطب مذك ر ت ظ ن ت ظ ن ان ت ظ ن ون ظ ن ن ت ظ ن ن ت ما ظ ن ن ت م م خاطب مؤن ث ت ظ ن ني ت ظ ن ان ت ظ ن ن ظ ن ن ت ظ ن ن ت ما ظ ن ن ت ن م ت ك ل م أ ظ ن ن ظ ن ن ظ ن ظ ن ن ت ظ ن ن ا ظ ن ن ا ظ ن وا * female conjugation ظ ن ا Command5 ظ ن /ظ ن /ظ ن ا ظ ن ن * ظ ن ا ا ظ ن ين 5 For [ مضاعف [الفعل in the Command Tense, there are three different possibilities for the tense of male single person. Specifically ]. ي ف ل / ف ل [ and ] ي ف ل / ف ل [ stems. There are two possible conjugations in this tense for ]ف ل /ف ل /ف ل ] are ], these ي ف ل / ف ل [ stem for the verb 29

32 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic ] ا ل ف ع ل ال م ض اع ف Table 6: Various Conjugations of [ Vowel in مضارع الف ع ل املاضي الف ع ل ال م ضارع Ḍammah ح ج ي ح ج ال ف ع ل ال أ م ر ا ح ج ج ح ج /ح ج / ح ج ا ف ر ر * ف ر /ف ر Kasrah Fatḥah *multiple possible forms ف ر م س ي ف ر ي م س ا م س س * م س / م س ال نصب اجلزم ماضي جمهول مضارع جمهول ل ن ي ح ج ل م ي ح ج ج ح ج ي ح ج ل ن ي ف ر ل م ي ف ر ر ف ر ي ف ر ل ن ي م س ل م ي م س س م س ي م س ا س م ال م ف ع ول فعل ا س م ال فاع ل م ص د ر م د ماد م م دود م د [ا ل ف عل امل ضاع ف] (4) Qur ānic Examples of ق ال ت أ ن ى ي ك ون ل ي غ ال م و ل م ي م س س ن ي ب ش ر و ل م أ ك ب غ ي ا.i [فعل ماض ] (19:20) me. She said: "How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched ii....و ظ ن نت م ظ ن ٱلس و ء و ك نت م ق و م ا ب ورا [فعل ماض ] (48:12). harbored an evil thought, and you are an immensely evil iii. و ج ع ل ت ل ه م ال ا م م د ود ا [ا سم مفعول] (74:12) wealth. and to whom I granted extensive iv. ك ال س ن ك ت ب م ا ي ق ول و ن م د ل ه م ن ٱل ع ذ اب م د ا No! We will record what he says and extend for him from the punishment extensively. (19:79) [] [مصدر فعل مضارع [ 30

33 [الفعل املعتل ] Lesson 3: Irregular Verbs Lesson 3: Irregular Verbs - Verbs with Vowel Letters : ف ع ل الث الث ي ا ل م ج ر د إىل ال م ع ت ل ا ل ف ع ل سال م غ ي ر ] ا لف ع ل ال م ع ت ل [ Letters I. Introduction to Irregular Verbs with Weak امل ع ت ل الن اق ص ال أ ج و ف امل ثال الف ع ل ال م ثال Verbs: A. Irregular (1) In the present tense, the Wāw is replaced by a Yā. As a result, the present tense verb conjugation is composed of at least three letters instead of four letters with a Sound verb. (2) In the command tense, the Wāw is omitted and appears like verbs with a beginning Hamza. This is similar to other verbs that we have studied. [الفعل املثال] Table 7: Various Conjugations of the Derivatives of الفعل امل ثال املاضي الضارع الفعل األمر ال نصب اجلزم ماضي جمهول مضارع جمهول و ز ن ي ز ن ز ن ل ن ي ز ن ل م ي ز ن و ز ن ي و ز ن Kasrah in مضارع و ض ع ي ض ع ض ع ل ن ي ض ع ل م ي ض ع و ض ع ي و ض ع Fatḥah in مضارع و ر ث ي ر ث ر ث ل ن ي ر ث ل م ي ر ث و ر ث ي ور ث (rare) Kasrah in ماضي مضارع and 31

34 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic [الفعل املثال [ of Table 8: Conjugations of Past/Present Tense امل ضار ع املاضى [و ض ع ] م ف ر د م ث ن ى ج مع م ف ر د م ث ن ى ج مع الغائ ب امل ذ ك ر ي ض ع ي ض عان ي ض ع ون و ض ع و ض عا و ض ع وا الغائ ب امل ؤ ن ث ت ض ع ت ض عان ي ض ع ن و ض ع ت و ض ع تا و ض ع ن امل خ اط ب ال م ذ ك ر ت ض ع ت ض عان ت ض ع ون و ض ع ت و ض ع ت ما و ض ع ت م امل خ اط ب امل ؤ ن ث ت ض ع ني ت ض عان ت ض ع ن و ض ع ت و ض ع ت ما و ض ع ت ن امل ت ك ل م أ ض ع ن ض ع ن ض ع و ض ع ت و ض ع نا و ض ع نا [ا ل ف عل امل ثال] (3) Qur ānic Examples of ال ف ع ل األ م ر ض ع ض عا ض ع وا ٱلش ي ط ان ي ع د ك م ٱل ف ق ر و ي أ م ر ك م ب ٱل ف ح ش اء....i ii. [فعل مضارع [ (2:268). immorality... The Evil one threatens you with poverty and orders you to... و م ن ي ه اج ر ف ي س ب يل ٱلل ه ي ج د ف ي ٱل أ ر ض م ر اغ م ا ك ث ري ا...He who forsakes his home in the cause of Allah, finds in the earth, a refuge, wide and spacious. [فعل مضارع جمزوم [.(4:100) ] الف ع ل ال أ ج و ف [ Verbs B. Irregular (1) In [ا ل أ ج و ف] verbs, there is an Alif on the [ع] letter. (2) The letter Alif on the [ع] letter often represents a [ي] or [و] even though it appears to be an Alif. This Alif is known as [ ق ال e.g..[ أ ل ف ال م م د و د ة.[ي ق ول ] its present tense is,[ق و ل ] : its Maṣdar is.[ي ج يش ] its present tense is,[ج ي شان] : its Maṣdar is جاش.[ي نام ] its present tense is,[ن و م ] : its Maṣdar is نام [فعل مضارع], the middle letter in the ا, or و, ي (3) Depending on the middle letter, whether it is a form retains this letter. We see that the [ع] middle letter for [قال ] is a [و] because the middle letter is expressed as a [و] in its [ فعل مضارع ] form..[ي] letter is a [ع] its middle,[باع ] (4) Similarly, for the verb 32

35 [الفعل املعتل ] Lesson 3: Irregular Verbs (5) A less common case is when the middle Alif is actually an Alif. This happens in the case of verbs like,نام,خاف or.شاء In the command tense, there is a Fatḥah, not a Ḍammah or Kasrah. An exception is its conjugation in the past tense, when there is a Kasrah before Sākin letters (letters carrying a Sukūn. For example, for [خاف ] in the conjugation of [أ نا] is conjugated as,[خ ف ت ] not.[خ ف ت ] as (6) For the Command state, the weak letter [ ح ر ف م ع ت ل ] is deleted during conjugation of the single,[أ ن ت ما [ like For all other conjugations of the Command Tense.[أ ن ت ن [ for and [أ ن ت retained. 6 the weak letter is,[أ ن ت [ and, ن ت م Even though the weak letter is deleted, the vowel is male tense form [ أ ]] retained which denotes the specific deleted vowel. For example, for the verb,[قام ] the middle letter و ] ] is deleted to derive.[ق م ] Here, the Ḍammah on the first letter ق ] ] indicates that the deleted weak letter was indeed a و ] ]. For the verb سار] ], the Command Tense form is.[س ر ] Here the Kasrah.[ي] ] indicates that the deleted weak letter is a س ] on the (7) For the Jazm state in present tense,[املضارع] the conjugation of the [ا ل أج و ف] form is practically identical. The م ع ت ل ] [ح ر ف is again deleted as in the Command Tense of all single person conjugations (except single second person female) and plural female. The other conjugations retain [ت ق م ] it becomes,[ت ق وم ] ] acts on the conjugated verb ح ر ف ج ز م [ a the weak letter. For example, when as the weak letter is omitted. Similarly, for the conjugated verb,[ن س ري ] its Jazm state is.[ن س ر ] For the conjugated verb,[ي س ري ون ] however, its conjugation is [ي س ري وا] as the weak letter is retained since it is a plural male form. Please see Footnote #6 below regarding the deletion or retaining of the weak letter during conjugation. (8) For the Naṣb state in,[املضارع] the weak letter is retained in all conjugations except the conjugations with the Feminine Nūn. 7 Similar to Sound verbs, the last vowel on single person conjugations retain a Fatḥah while plural or dual conjugations have their last Nūn deleted. 6 For the verb,[ق ام ] the Command Tense conjugation for [أ ن ت ] is [ق وم ي ] not [ق م ي ] simply because it is not possible grammatically to.[س ر ي ] not,[س ري ي ] it would be,[س ار ] have two consecutive Sukūn letters. Similarly, for the verb 7 The exception is the [ن] of Femininity [ ون اإلناث,[ن which is [م ب ن ي] and cannot change its structure irrespective of I rāb. This occurs in the tense of [ه ن ] and [أ ن ت ن ] in verb conjugations. For example, the conjugated verb [ت ق وم ] in Naṣb is [ت ق وم ] while [ت ق وم ون ] is [ ت ق وم وا ]. The.[ت ق م ن ] containing the feminine Nūn remains [ت ق م ن ] conjugation of 33

36 Essentials of Qur ânic Arabic ]الفعل األ ج و ف ] of Table 9: Various Conjugations of Derivatives ] ح ر ف ع ل ة [ املاضي املضارع األمر النصب اجلزم ماضي جمهول مضارع جمهول on middle letter و قام ي ق وم ق م ل ن ي ق وم ل م ي ق م ق يم ي قام ي ز اد ي ز يد ز د ل ن ي ز يد ل م ي ز د ز ي د ي زاد ا خ اف ي خاف خ ف ل ن ي خ اف ل م ي خ ف خ يف ي خاف ] ح ر ف ع ل ة [ فعل ا س م ال فاع ل ا س م ال م فعول م ص د ر و قال قائ ل م ق ول ق و ل ي ز اد زائ د م زيد ز ي د الفعل األ ج و ف }و{[ Table 10: Conjugations of Past/Present Tense Verbs [ امل ضار ع املاضى [قال ] م ف ر د م ث ن ى ج مع م ف ر د م ث ن ى ج مع الغائ ب امل ذ ك ر ي ق وم ي ق ومان ي ق وم ون قام قاما قام وا الغائ ب امل ؤ ن ث ت ق وم ت ق ومان ي ق م ن قام ت قام تا ق م ن امل خ اط ب ال م ذ ك ر ت ق وم ت ق ومان ت ق وم ون ق م ت ق م ت ما ق م ت م امل خ اط ب امل ؤ ن ث ت ق وم ني ت ق ومان ت ق م ن ق م ت ق م ت ما ق م ت ن امل ت ك ل م أ ق وم ن ق وم ن ق وم ق م ت ق م نا ق م نا ف ع ل األ م ر ق م ق وما ق وم وا 34

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