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1 Including Examiners Comments R103 MAINTAINING PLANT HEALTH Level Monday 9 February :30 14:0 Written Examination Candidate Number: Candidate Name: Centre Number/Name:.. IMPORTANT Please read carefully before commencing: i) The duration of this paper is 50 minutes; ii) iii) iv) ALL questions should be attempted; EACH question carries 10 marks; Write your answers legibly in the lined space provided. It is NOT necessary that all lined space is used in answering the questions; v) Use METRIC measurements only; vi) vii) viii) Use black or blue ink only. Pencil can be used for drawing purposes only; Where plant names are required, they should include genus, species and where appropriate, cultivar; Where a question requires a specific number of answers; only the first answers given that meet the question requirement will be accepted, regardless of the number of answers offered; ix) Please note, when the word distinct is used within a question, it means that the items have different characteristics or features. Ofqual Unit Code Y/505/835 Please turn over/..

2 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS MARKS Q1 a) Explain what is meant by the term physical pest control. b) State TWO benefits and TWO limitations of the use of physical pest control methods in a garden compared to using chemicals, by completing the table below. Benefits 1 Physical Control Methods Chemical Limitations 1 Total Mark Please see over/..

3 Q a) Describe the biology of an annual weed naming TWO examples. 4 b) Name TWO perennial weeds that can be found in herbaceous perennial borders. c) Describe TWO problems caused by EACH of the perennial weeds named in b) in an herbaceous border. 4 Total Mark Please turn over/.. 3

4 Q3 a) Describe, using a labelled diagram, the life-cycle of the Large Cabbage White Butterfly. 6 b) Describe how knowledge of the biology of the Large Cabbage White Butterfly can help in the control of this pest. 4 Total Mark Please see over/.. 4

5 Q4 a) Describe the damage caused by Apple and Pear Canker. b) Describe TWO distinct methods that can minimise the effects of Apple and Pear Canker Total Mark Please turn over/.. 5

6 Q5 a) State ONE method of avoiding EACH of the following disorders: i) frost; ii) high temperature damage. 1 1 i) ii) b) Describe TWO symptoms of EACH of the following plant disorders by completing the table below. Disorder lime-induced chlorosis 1.. Symptom water logging 1.. rose balling 1.. drought 1. Total Mark. Please see over/.. 6

7 Q6 a) Describe ONE example of an appropriate use of a resistant cultivar to minimise plant health problems. b) State ONE distinct method of control for THREE NAMED glasshouse pests by completing the table below. 1 Pest Method of control 3 c) State TWO horticultural practices which disturb the natural balances between organisms which damage garden plants. ******* Total Mark 7

8 These questions are the property of the Royal Horticultural Society. They must not be reproduced or sold. The Royal Horticultural Society, Wisley, Woking, Surrey GU3 6QB. Charity Registration Number: 879/SC0386 8

9 R103 MAINTAINING PLANT HEALTH Level Monday 9 February 015 Candidates Registered 583 Total Candidates Passed % Candidates Entered % Passed with Commendation % Candidates Absent/Withdrawn % Passed % Candidates Deferred % Failed % Senior Examiner s Comments: 1 Candidates should be able to demonstrate a good range of plant knowledge and be able to give accurately named plant examples where appropriate. Common names and generic names are often too vague and cannot be rewarded in the positive manner that genus, species and where appropriate, variety/cultivar can. This is particularly important when answering questions relating to particular (named) plant(s). Marks can only be awarded for these narratives where the example(s) are correctly and fully identified. Candidates must be able to display accurate knowledge of the technical terms and concepts detailed in the syllabus, in the context of horticulture and also be aware that wider interpretation will not be rewarded. The examination should be regarded as a possible introduction to higher level studies, which will only be open to those who are in possession of a clear understanding of the horticultural terms and concepts which are current. 3 The introductory rubric given on the first page of each question paper should be read carefully by candidates. At each examination there are a significant number of candidates who ignore or misread the instructions given and consequently may not perform as well as they could have done. 4 Candidates should pace themselves during each paper. The most successful candidates allow sufficient time to read the question thoroughly before answering it and also take time to read through their answers. They should take care to write as legibly as possible, so that the examiner is in no doubt about what is intended. 9

10 5 Candidates need to interpret key words within questions, particularly those such as state, list and describe. Questions requiring descriptions or explanations obviously require a more detailed answer than those requiring a list. 6 It is important to ensure that responses to questions are to the point. Candidates should bear in mind that small sketches might be used to convey information more succinctly than words. 7 Successful candidates ensure that their answers are focused and to the point. It is disappointing when they cannot be rewarded for their efforts because the answer is irrelevant to the particular question. Candidates should take note of the mark allocation for specific sections and allocate their time and efforts accordingly. 8 Diagrams can enhance an answer and where appropriate can replace detailed descriptions. They should be large, clear and well annotated, ensuring that labels are properly attached to the features they describe. Diagrams should preferably be in pencil. Colour may be used successfully but only where it is relevant to the answer. 9 In each examination it is clear that some candidates are ill prepared to answer papers of the type set. It is essential that candidates have the opportunity to practice questions. Ideally some papers should be answered in a time constrained situation. Appropriate feedback must, in any case be provided. 10

11 Q1 a) Explain what is meant by the term physical pest control. b) State TWO benefits and TWO limitations of the use of physical pest control methods in a garden compared to using chemicals, by completing the table below. MARKS Benefits 1 Limitations 1 Physical Control Methods Chemical Q1a) Most candidates understood the concept of physical pest control as the removal of the pest from the plant e.g. slugs or prevention by the erection of a physical barrier e.g. to prevent damage from carrot root fly and gained full marks. Q1b) Candidates who stated distinct benefits and limitations for both physical and chemical pest control methods were awarded full marks. Acceptable answers included; Benefits of Physical Control Methods Safer for the environment as no potential harmful chemicals are used. Safer for the operator as no potential harmful chemicals are used. No build up of resistance to the control method. Limitations of Physical Control Methods A knowledge of the life cycle of the pest is required. Barriers can make access to the crop difficult. The crop may be damaged if infected material is removed. Benefits of Chemical Control Methods The chemical targets the problem at its most susceptible phase in its life cycle if used correctly. Chemicals can be applied as a preventative measure. Chemicals can be fast acting and be pest specific. Limitations of Chemical Control Measures Pests and diseases may build up a resistance to the chemical over a period of time. Chemicals may cause damage to other plants in the area. Harm may be caused to beneficial organisms. 11

12 Q a) Describe the biology of an annual weed naming TWO examples. 4 b) Name TWO perennial weeds that can be found in herbaceous perennial borders. c) Describe TWO problems caused by EACH of the perennial weeds named in b) in an herbaceous border. 4 Qa) The majority of candidates correctly described an annual weed as one which germinates from seed, grows, flowers, sets seed and dies within one year and gained full marks. Suitable examples named included; Poa annua and Veronica persica. Qb) Candidates named a range of suitable perennial weeds and were awarded full marks for botanical names e.g. Calystegia sepium and Aegopodium podagraria. Qc) The best candidates related the problems specifically to the weeds named in b) e.g. Calystegia sepium will strangle ornamental plants and is unsightly while Aegopodium podagraria invades the roots of herbaceous perennials making it very difficult to lift and replant them. 1

13 Q3 a) Describe, using a labelled diagram, the life-cycle of the Large Cabbage White Butterfly. 6 b) Describe how knowledge of the biology of the Large Cabbage White Butterfly can help in the control of this pest. 4 Q3a) Candidates who provided clear diagrams of the life cycle that were well annotated were awarded maximum marks. Inclusion of the four parts of the life cycle i.e. egg, larvae, pupa and adult with details of each were required. The over wintering pupa emerges as a butterfly in April and May, mates and lays 00 yellow eggs in clusters on the underside of brassica leaves. The caterpillars feed on Brassicaceae and Tropaeolum majus only and pupate in a crevice of a woody stem. At least one other generation will occur each year. Q3b) Candidates who related how a knowledge of the life cycle and biology of the Large Cabbage White Butterfly informed the method of control gained full marks. Suitable answers included; By having a knowledge that the butterfly will lay its eggs on Tropaeolum majus will enable the grower to sacrifice these plants to help divert the butterfly away from the crop. By having a knowledge of when the adult butterflies may appear allows the grower to fleece/net the crop before the eggs are laid. By having a knowledge of where the eggs are laid may help the grower to physically remove the eggs and/or caterpillars before serious damage has occurred to the crop. 13

14 Q4 a) Describe the damage caused by Apple and Pear Canker. 6 MARKS b) Describe TWO distinct methods that can minimise the effects of Apple and Pear Canker. 4 Q4a) The best candidates described the damage caused by apple and pear canker as; new cankers forming from spring onwards with dead, sunken bark. The infection may girdle the stems of younger branches, killing them completely and causing the branches to break off. On older branches concentric rings of damaged bark can be seen. Bark may be shed from trees exposing dead wood beneath and the raised edges of callus can be seen in advanced infections as trees attempt to repair the damage. Developing fruit can be infected causing them to rot and drop. Candidates who gave the symptoms of bacterial canker could not be awarded any marks. Q4b) Most candidates were able to describe two methods to minimise the effects of Apple and Pear Canker and gained full marks. A range of suitable answers were provided including; Prune out all affected branches and spurs back to fresh green tissue. Keep pruning tools clean to reduce the chance of cross infection. Use a fungicide e.g. Copper Oxychloride after harvest and after leaf fall. Ensure that the soil is not acidic as this can encourage the disease. 14

15 Q5 a) State ONE method of avoiding EACH of the following disorders: i) frost; ii) high temperature damage. 1 1 b) Describe TWO symptoms of EACH of the following plant disorders by completing the table below. Disorder lime-induced chlorosis 1.. water logging 1.. rose balling 1.. drought 1.. Symptom Q5a) The majority of candidates stated a suitable method to avoid plant disorders e.g. cover tender and frost tender plants with fleece or bring tender plants into a protected environment to avoid frost. Use shading under glass by installing blinds or paint wash and increase the humidity by damping down the floor in a greenhouse to avoid high temperature damage. Q5b) Candidates who provided detailed descriptions of the symptoms of the plant disorders were awarded full marks. These included; Lime-induced chlorosis Yellowing of the leaves. Interveinal chlorosis. Water logging Browning/yellowing of the leaves. Black, dead roots. Rose balling Outside petals rot and stick together so that the bud cannot open. Flower bud rots and falls off. Drought Drying, crisping and curling of the foliage. Bolting i.e. vegetables e.g. lettuce going to flower. 15

16 Q6 a) Describe ONE example of an appropriate use of a resistant cultivar to minimise plant health problems. b) State ONE distinct method of control for THREE NAMED glasshouse pests by completing the table below. 1 Pest Method of control 3 c) State TWO horticultural practices which disturb the natural balances between organisms which damage garden plants. Q6a) Most candidates described a suitable use of a resistant cultivar to minimise plant health problems e.g. Potato Sarpo which is resistant to eelworm and blight and Carrot Fly Away, which is resistant to carrot root fly and were awarded full marks. Q6b) Candidates who named specific glasshouse pests and distinct methods of control gained full marks. A range of suitable answers were provided including; Glasshouse whitefly, controlled by the use of Encarsia formosa (biological control), Peach potato aphid, controlled by pinching out the aphid infested growing tips once the plant reaches maturity (physical control) and Vine weevil controlled by the use of the chemical Thiacloprid (chemical control). Q6c) Candidates stated a wide range of horticultural practices which can disturb the natural balances in a garden and were awarded full marks. Acceptable answers included; the use of pesticides at the wrong time of day that can cause the death of beneficial insects, the continuous use of pesticides which can cause resistance to build up in certain pests, composting of infected material and cutting hedges in the bird nesting season, which could cause a reduction in the bird population that could predate on pests. ******* 16

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