Mobile Consumer Report Combat showrooming Showrooming with personalization

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1 Mobile Consumer Report Combat showrooming Showrooming with personalization Personalization October 2013

2 Table of contents Executive summary 3 Key takeaways 4 Showrooming Personalization 12 Next-level mobile messaging 18 Mobile relationship management 24 Table of contents 2

3 Executive summary There will be more smartphones in the world than people by the end of 2013, predicts the Cisco Visual Networking Index, demonstrating that the growth of smartphone usage shows no signs of slowing down. Because smartphone usage is so widespread and so ingrained in consumers everyday lives the average smartphone user reaches for his/her device an average of 150 times per day* there is a new reality that retailers and marketers need to understand and address in order to build and maintain relationships with their customers. In our research last year, the 2012 Mobile Consumer Report: Understanding the Showrooming Shopper, we focused on the growing trend of showrooming and what that meant for retailers. In this year s study, we examined the drivers of showrooming and the way mobile consumers use their smartphones in-store. Our research revealed that showrooming is more mainstream than ever before, with 44 percent of consumers showrooming frequently. With the 2013 holiday shopping season rapidly approaching, this report provides rich insights into how smartphones impact the consumer s path to purchase and shopping experience. This second annual Mobile Consumer Report: Combat Showrooming with Personalization reveals consumer attitudes and behaviors related to smartphone usage in retail stores, personalization and mobile messaging preferences. This definitive research can help retailers win mobile consumers today, this holiday season and drive loyalty into 2014 and beyond. *Mary Meeker s 2013 Internet Trends Report Executive summary 3

4 Key takeaways Showrooming is a new reality that most retailers and marketers are seeking to understand and address. Research from the Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Report shows that personalization can help retailers combat showrooming. The smartphone is an integral part of the shopping experience Consumers use their smartphones in-store to shop more than ever and are not afraid to do product research while shopping. There is a personalization disconnect Consumer desire for personalization is high, yet many retailers are not currently delivering personalized content. 44% are showrooming frequently 36% use their mobile devices to shop more in-store than they did two years ago Smartphone usage has exploded in-store: 23 percent purchased a product from a competitor (9 percent in 2012) 49 percent compared prices on a competitor s website (33 percent in 2012) 24 percent purchased a product from the store s website after they left the store (11 percent in 2012) 40 percent researched a product on the store s website (20 percent in 2012) 49 percent looked up a product review (31 percent in 2012) 25 percent used a company s app (17 percent in 2012) Content, timing and frequency matter 89% of consumers would sign-up for mobile messages if they were personalized 18% of consumers frequently see personalization from retailers and brands Consumers who have opted into a retailer s mobile database want messaging that is contextually relevant and timely. 79% 66% 56% 32% of consumers are looking for incentives and coupons when signing up for mobile content from a brand or retailer (70 percent in 2012) said receiving too many messages or updates is the main reason they unsubscribe (69 percent in 2012) would unsubscribe if the content wasn t relevant to them (60 percent in 2012) would unsubscribe if the messages were untimely (30 percent in 2012) Key takeaways 4

5 Showrooming 2.0 Showrooming using a store as a showroom to browse and then buying from a competitor for a less expensive price is a reality that most retailers and marketers are seeking to understand and address. Despite many reports that showrooming is not a growing concern for retailers in 2013, showrooming has been taken to the next level. Showrooming 2.0 means showrooming is no longer an occasional behavior that some shoppers are doing. It is now a mainstream shopping behavior that most shoppers are doing. With smartphone usage at an all-time high, consumers today are savvier than ever with their smartphones. The speed of browsing and the availability of online comparison shopping allow shoppers to validate their choices with just a few quick taps. In this section, we examine showrooming behaviors and attitudes and illustrate how consumers think about brands as they formulate their upcoming holiday shopping plans. Showrooming 2.0 5

6 The current state of showrooming Showrooming is more prevalent than ever before. This is not surprising given how attached consumers are to their mobile phones, especially when shopping at their favorite stores. Forty-four percent of consumers say they frequently use their smartphone in-store to comparison shop/buy from a competitor, indicating that showrooming is a legitimate point of concern for retailers. It is interesting to note that younger consumers tend to showroom more frequently than other age groups. More than 50 percent of those under the age of 35 are showrooming at least half of the time, while only 31 percent of those over the age of 35 do so. Additionally, showrooming transcends income levels. Those with household incomes of $150,000 are just as likely to showroom as those with household incomes under $50,000, and every income in between. PG 5 Showrooming frequency of smartphone use for in-store comparison shopping/purchasing Net 44% 26% 17% 20% 19% 12% 7% Every time I shop Most of the time Often Sometimes Rarely Never Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Showrooming 2.0 6

7 Retailer actions to combat showrooming Many retailers are proactively combating showrooming. We asked consumers what steps they have noticed retailers take to ensure they complete their transaction in-store versus buying online from a competitor. Offering a price-match guarantee (59 percent) and in-store incentives/sales (51 percent) were the most common steps retailers have taken to ensure that purchases are completed in-store versus with a competitor. Free delivery, knowledgeable staff and personable staff were also noted as ways retailers can ensure in-store purchases. It is important for retailers to embrace the showrooming shopper if they are not, someone else will and they may lose the sale. Providing price matching and special incentives for in-store purchases such as free delivery can help drive instore sales. But retailers need to cultivate that loyal relationship before, during and after the purchase to remain competitive and drive repeat business. Awareness of retailers methods to ensure in-store purchase Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Offer price match guarantee Offer an in-store incentive/sale Offer free delivery Provide knowledgeable staff to help me find the right product Sales people who are more personable Provide visible and easy-to-use QR Codes to scan for more information Provide product information/ reviews in aisle Provide push notifications with personalized deals or promotions when you re in the store Sales people with mobile devices that streamline the check-out process Other I haven t noticed retailers doing anything to keep me from shopping with a competitor 59% 51% 37% 26% 24% 20% 16% 14% 13% 1% 14% Showrooming 2.0 7

8 Impact of in-store comparison shopping After comparing prices on their phones while in-store, most consumers either used the information to get a better price at the store where they were shopping (37 percent) or purchased the item online at Amazon (31 percent) the latter shows the new reality for retailers that need to compete more aggressively with online retailers. How concerned should retailers be about showooming? After consumers compared prices on their phones, 47 percent completed transactions; 45 percent went elsewhere to purchase the item; and 7 percent did not make a purchase. This shows that retailers have about a 50/50 chance of a showrooming shopper completing the transaction in-store. G 7 37% 47% 31% Action taken after in-store price comparison (49% of total sample) 45% 7% 10% 8% 6% 6% 1% I used the information to get a better price at the store where I was shopping I made the purchase while I was in-store, paying the price that was marked I purchased the item online at Amazon I purchased the item online at a competitor s website I purchased the item in a competitor s physical store I did not purchase the item anywhere None of the above Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Showrooming 2.0 8

9 Changes in the in-store shopping experience past two years To understand the impact that showrooming has had on the shopping experience, we asked consumers how their in-store shopping experience has changed during the past two years. The data reveals that 36 percent use their mobile phones more to shop in-store than they did before; 30 percent rely on their mobile phones to make purchasing decisions; 30 percent said there are more opportunities to connect with their favorite brands; and 26 percent enjoy a more personalized shopping experience with their favorite brands because they have signed up for loyalty programs. It is interesting to note that consumers are relying on their phones (36 percent) more than in-store personnel (21 percent) to improve their shopping experience. This validates that during the past two years, shoppers have put a premium on using their smartphones in-store. PG 8 How the in-store shopping experience has changed over the past two years 36% 30% 30% 26% 21% 16% 4% 18% I use my mobile phone more to shop in-store than I did before I rely on my mobile phone to make purchasing decisions more There are more opportunities to connect with my favorite brands I enjoy a more personalized experience because I have signed up for loyalty programs In-store personnel have become more helpful In-store personnel have become less helpful The way I use my mobile phone in-store has not changed The shopping experience has not changed at all Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Showrooming 2.0 9

10 Smartphone usage in-store explodes What a difference a year can make. There is a significant increase in the frequency with which consumers are demonstrating mobile in-store behaviors. Across the board, consumers are using their smartphones to make their shopping experiences better. We have highlighted the showrooming behaviors at the top of the graph below. Half of consumers say they have looked up a product review and/or prices on a competitor s website while shopping in a retail store recently, highlighting the fact that consumers are seeking quality merchandise at the best price. This is a significant increase from 2012, where only 31 percent of consumers looked up a product review and 33 percent compared prices on a competitor s website. Recent in-store behaviors Showrooming behavior Compared prices on a competitor s website Purchased a product from a competitor Purchased a product from the store s website after you d left the store Researched a product on the store s website Looked up a product review Used a company s app in the store Scanned a QR code (for product information or an offer) Checked-in using a location-based service (i.e., Foursquare) to get a deal or offer Sent a text message to join a subscription list Sent a text message to get more information on a product or offer I haven t done any of these while shopping in a retail store 9% 11% 24% 20% 17% 23% 33% 31% 17% 25% 27% 31% 12% 19% 9% 18% 10% 15% 40% 49% 49% 2013 Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August Base: Total n=603 Source: Vibes 2012 Mobile Consumer Report August 2012 Showrooming

11 Building consumer confidence The theme we discovered last year about consumer confidence using the smartphone as a research tool to feel better about making purchases is still a major factor driving consumers to research a product from their smartphone while still in-store. Consumers simply want to feel better about the purchases they make. Providing accurate and accessible product information builds consumer trust and loyalty. Among consumers who either texted or scanned a QR code to get more information/a special in-store deal, PG percent said doing so made them feel better about the purchases they were going to make anyway. However, 40 percent a 186-percent increase from 2012 made a purchase they had not planned on making beforehand because of this valuable information. This proves that product information can greatly impact in-store purchase decisions and reinforces the opportunity that retailers have to increase revenue by leveraging effective mobile marketing techniques such as text and QR code calls-to-action. Impact of in-store text/qr scan (31% of total sample) 186% 47% 42% 40% 14% 22% 12% 5% 7% I was going to make the purchase anyway, but felt better about it I made a purchase I hadn t planned to because of the information I received I was going to make the purchase, but the information didn t sway me The information dissuaded me from making the purchase Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Showrooming

12 Personalization: The anti-showrooming weapon As stated earlier in the report, showrooming is more prevalent than ever before and a new reality for retailers. Personalization is a tactic marketers can use to combat this growing trend. The more personalized the mobile content, the more likely the consumer is to take notice and respond by making a purchase. Personalization has been a common marketing practice for other marketing channels such as direct mail, and digital advertising for many years. With mobile marketing now a key channel in the marketing ecosystem, the discipline of targeting and segmentation which leads to more personalized experiences is now a reality for the mobile marketer. This was not necessarily the case a year ago. In the second half of the 2013 Mobile Consumer Report, we closely examine personalization, what that means to consumers and how it can help retailers increase foot traffic, drive revenue and increase average lifetime value. Personalization 12

13 Current state of personalization One of the characteristics that makes mobile unique is the ability for retailers to deliver personalized content. Marketers who have been leveraging mobile marketing to engage with consumers have been largely sending one message to their entire database or doing light segmentation based on keywords. These marketers are starting to understand that this one-to-many approach is not yielding the results they could get if they were personalizing the content delivered. PG 12 To understand the current state of personalization from the consumer s point of view, we needed to gain an understanding of the impact personalized content would have on consumer s perceptions of the retailer and their purchase intent. When asked if retailers do a good job of personalizing mobile content and mobile experiences, one-third of consumers think that retailers do a good job most of the time; 38 percent think retailers do a good job half of the time; and 28 percent of consumers have rarely and/or not at all experienced personalized mobile content. Do retailers do a good job personalizing the mobile information/experiences they offer? 7% 28% 38% 19% 9% All the time Most of the time Half of the time Some of the time Not at all Net 35% Net 28% Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Personalization 13

14 Personalization frequency Only 18 percent of consumers have received personalized mobile messages from their favorite brands and retailers. This is not surprising given that many retailers are only beginning to experiment with personalization and are doing light segmentation and targeting of their mobile databases. With showrooming now a mainstream consumer behavior, retailers are aggressively seeking new weapons to encourage shoppers to complete purchases in their stores and have been turning to mobile as an effective channel to combat showrooming. When mobile marketing programs are taken to the next level with personalized, contextually relevant content, marketers have another strong connection to drive loyalty and mitigate price sensitivity through high-payoff mobile touch points. PG 13 Frequency of receiving personalized mobile messages from brands/retailers 40% Net 66% 4% Net 18% 14% 26% 16% Always Most of the time Sometimes Rarely Never Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Personalization 14

15 The power of personalization When retailers take a personalized approach to their mobile marketing efforts, consumers take notice and action. Personalization is also a way for retailers to combat showrooming. While the majority of consumers have not seen or received personalized messages, most consumers (89 percent) would be likely to sign up for mobile messages if they were personalized. This shows that when marketers leverage personalization, they are able to attract more consumers to sign up for mobile marketing programs presenting a new opportunity to grow PG 14 their mobile database. As you have seen with data in this report, there is a disconnect between the consumers desire to receive personalized content and the retailers and brands executing mobile marketing programs that feel personalized. Even lightweight segmentation (male/female) can feel relevant and personalized and improve response rates. Personalization will become much more common as more and more retailers invest in their mobile marketing strategies and integrate with their CRM platforms. Impact on sign-up if mobile messages were personalized 8% 28% 53% 11% Absolutely, without a doubt Very likely Somewhat likely Not at all likely Net 89% Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Personalization 15

16 Consumer attitudes toward personalization Many shoppers today prefer a mixture of interacting with their smartphones and in-store personnel to receive personalized experiences. Two-thirds of consumers would prefer to have a personalized experience through their mobile phone. Of that number, nearly 40 percent would like it exclusively from their mobile phone. It is interesting to note that only 20 percent of consumers prefer to receive personalization from in-store personnel. This further demonstrates the growing reliance that consumers have on their smartphones while shopping. PG 15 What are your feelings toward personalization? 39% 20% 27% 15% I prefer my personalized experience to be delivered via my mobile phone I prefer my personalized experience to be delivered by the in-store personnel I would prefer a mix of both I do not have a preference Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Personalization 16

17 Personalization preferences There is no doubt that personalization is important. Our research has shown that consumers want to receive personalized content through their mobile phone versus in-store personnel. Many marketers may be asking themselves what aspects of personalization are most needed and wanted by the consumer? Sixty percent of consumers said personalization that uses their preferences such as shopping categories, brands and sizes is the most important. Retailers can take the information they know about their consumers based on explicit and implicit data to notify them via their mobile phones that their favorite items are on sale, that they have a special offer waiting or that they have new inventory that may be of interest to the consumer based on past shopping experiences. PG 16 Twenty percent of consumers said the most important aspect is timeliness when they are getting ready to make a purchase. It is critical for retailers to think about timing when sending out mobile content. For example, if a retailer is having a promotion during the weekend, the notification sent Thursday or Friday morning will be more effective than a message delivered Saturday when the sale is almost finished. It is interesting to note that location when a consumer is in the store or around the store ranked low at 13 percent. This is because many consumers have not yet experienced the location-aware functionality through their smartphones. We expect to see this change over time as more consumers interact with location-aware mobile wallet content. Most important aspects of personalization 60% 20% 13% 8% Uses your preferences favorite sizes, brands, shopping categories Timeliness when you re getting ready to purchase that item Location when you re in the store or around the store Uses your name Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Personalization 17

18 Next-level mobile messaging It is clear that consumers are using their smartphones in new ways, and innovative tools such as mobile wallets are changing the mobile marketing landscape. This creates both opportunities and challenges for marketers working to maintain relationships with their customers who are glued to their smartphones. Whereas showrooming behavior and personalization expectations are relatively new for consumers, mobile messaging has been around for some time and is really the foundation of mobile marketing. In this section, we provide insight into how consumers think about their relationships with brands and retailers. Consumers desire for how marketers approach mobile messaging is nearly identical to This provides a reliable benchmark for retailers and marketers on best practices around mobile messaging what consumers want and what they do not want to help marketers determine their mobile messaging strategy now and into the future. Mobile messaging which has expanded beyond SMS to include MMS and push notifications arms retailers with direct channels to build and maintain relationships with their customers on an ongoing basis. Next-level mobile messaging 18

19 Text-message marketing More than one-third of consumers have received SMS messages from retailers that they have opted-in to receive messages, demonstrating that consumers are open to receiving text message marketing. This presents an opportunity for marketers to drive engagement, loyalty and foot traffic with mobile marketing campaigns. As stated earlier in this report, consumers are using their mobile phones more in-store than ever before. During the last year, there has been a 50 percent increase in consumers who have cited sending a text message for more information while in-store. SMS messaging is one way for retailers to combat showrooming by providing consumers in-store features such as texting to get product information and special offers, encouraging consumers to transact at the store and not showroom with online competitors. PG 18 63% No 37% Yes Do you receive SMS from brands? Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Next-level mobile messaging 19

20 Building your mobile realtionships Next, we sought to understand what entices a consumer to sign up for mobile messaging from their favorite brand or retailer. Overwhelmingly, 79 percent said they subscribe to receive incentives or coupons. If retailers are not including special sale promotions and deals as part of their mobile marketing strategy, it is definitely something that should be considered to drive engagement and to grow their mobile database. It is important to note that even if retailers do not use coupons and offers, sending out reminder notifications for special promotional and exclusive events can have a huge impact on conversion. Only 10 percent of consumers said this was not applicable because they do not subscribe to any brands or retailers. This is good news for marketers because it shows that the majority of consumers are open to subscribing to their favorite retailers and brands. PG 19 What entices you to subscribe to a brand or company? 70% 79% 32% 46% 29% 45% 27% 43% 0% 10% Incentives or coupons Product info & updates Exclusive content Store news & events Not applicable Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August Base: Total n=603 Source: Vibes 2012 Mobile Consumer Report August 2012 Next-level mobile messaging 20

21 Maximizing your mobile relationships 20 When a consumer subscribes to a retailers mobile database, he/she has granted that retailer access to communicate on their most personal and intimate device their mobile phone. How can retailers leverage this once the consumer is in, and how do ensure they don t opt-out? Once a consumer subscribes to a retailers mobile database, the retailer needs to provide them with appropriate content at the right time. Two-thirds of consumers said that too many messages or updates were the main reasons they unsubscribed. When asked how many messages they consider too many, 41 percent of consumers said receiving more than two messages per day would cause them to unsubscribe from a brand or company; 27 percent said that receiving one per day would cause them to unsubscribe. Other notable reasons were the information was not relevant (56 percent); the coupons or incentives were not good enough (40 percent), the messages were untimely (32 percent); and they could not personalize the information they received (20 percent). 76% 66% 67% What actions would make you unsubscribe from a brand or company? 56% % 40% 34% 32% % 20% 2% 9% 1% 7% Too many messages or updates The information wasn t relevant to me The coupons or incentives were not good enough The messages were untimely I couldn t personalize the information I received Too few messages Other None of the above 2013 Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August Base: Total n=603 Source: Vibes 2012 Mobile Consumer Report August 2012 Next-level mobile messaging 21

22 App usage According to Nielsen* research, the average consumer has 41 apps on their smartphone. Push notifications help marketers optimize the investiments they have made in their apps. Push notifications provide marketers with the mobile messaging opportunity to drive deep-link experiences within the app, promoting things such as upcoming promotions and new product announcements. PG 21 This data illustrates the need for marketers to deliver the right communications at the right time to encourage their consumers who have downloaded the app to re-engage and use it. Percentage of smartphone apps used regularly 4% 12% 40% 24% 21% All of them Most of them Many of them Few of them Not many Net 56% Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 * Nielsen, State of App Nation - A year of Change and Growth in U.S. Smartphones, May 2012 < Next-level mobile messaging 22

23 Push notification activation We asked consumers how often they enable or allow push notifications from their apps. The good news is that 60 percent of the time consumers say they do allow for this type of communication when downloading an app to their phone. To effectively leverage push notifications, marketers need make them an integrated part of their overall messaging strategy and think through this channel in the context of other mobile marketing channels (text messaging, mobile , etc.). PG 22 40% No 60% Yes Do you allow push notifications? Source: Vibes 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey August 2013 Next-level mobile messaging 23

24 Mobile relationship management We have shared a lot of data in this report about showrooming, personalization and mobile messaging. As a marketer, you are probably asking yourself, How should I be thinking about this mobile marketing opportunity? The answer: Mobile Relationship Management (MRM). Mobile Relationship Management is the convergence of technology, strategy, execution and data to deliver personalized mobile experiences throughout the customer journey from awareness and engagement through transaction and loyalty. We pioneered this concept in 2011 and have established the Mobile Relationship Management framework to outline the key ingredients to help you successfully achieve nextlevel mobile marketing. Before we break down the components of Mobile Relationship Management, it is important to think about the consumer experience as they advance through the customer journey toward transaction and loyalty. Put yourself in the customer s shoes and think about the journey they go through with your brand. Imagine all of the opportunities you have to communicate and engage with them using mobile in-store signage, direct mail, , social media. Mobile touch points allow you to flow from one channel to the next and advance the consumer toward purchase and repeat purchase making it the perfect complement to a well-crafted omnichannel marketing strategy. Technology. At the core of Mobile Relationship Management is technology. Once you move beyond experimentation, you need a mobile marketing platform to help you manage your customer relationships at scale. A good mobile marketing platform organizes and automates your customer engagement along SMS/text, MMS, QR codes, push, post-click engagement, mobile wallet (Apple Passbook and Google Wallet) and mobile CRM. Similar to marketing automation or marketing platforms, a mobile marketing platform should be easy to use, intuitive, cloud-based and offer a whole host of application program interfaces (APIs). Strategy. To achieve next-level mobile marketing, you need to integrate your mobile strategy into your overall marketing mix. Mobile should complement and work in concert with your other marketing channels such as , direct mail, advertising, in-store and social media. Additionally, it is important to define your objectives, establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and build a long-term plan. Your mobile strategy should not be an afterthought; it needs to augment your other marketing activities. Mobile relationship management 24

25 Execution. Once your strategy is in place, it is time to execute. At Vibes, we have a mobile marketing maturity model that we call Walk/Run/Fly. Each phase has a distinct set of activities that describe where a marketer falls along the maturity curve with their mobile marketing programs. It is really important to gauge where you are and where you want to go. Those who are in the Walk, or experimentation, phase treat mobile as a standalone and take a project-based approach. Those in the Run phase take a program-based approach. They are building their mobile database, run regular campaigns and use multiple mobile channels. Those who are in the Fly phase are achieving true Mobile Relationship Management. They have a long-term mobile strategy and combine mobile into their overall marketing mix. They use several mobile channels, integrate CRM data, activate advanced segmentation, measure their programs with in-depth metrics and ROI and achieve one-to-one marketing. Data. If you have a great strategy in place and are executing mobile marketing programs, you are going to be collecting an incredible amount of data. You can leverage this data that you are collecting along the customer journey to drive engagement with your customers through personalized mobile experiences. This is not just about merging the data you have into your CRM system; it is about augmenting the data with the mobile behavioral data and using it to deliver true one-to-one marketing. Achieving mobile relationship management Now that we have presented Mobile Relationship Management, it is time to apply these principles to your own marketing strategy. Leveraging these mobile strategies and best practices will help build deeper customer relationships, drive foot traffic, increase average order value and increase lifetime value. Mobile relationship management 25

26 Overview & methodology The Vibes Mobile Consumer Report was fielded by the independent panel research firm Equation Research. Responses were generated from a survey among 1,000 smartphone owners from their online opinion panel. All respondents are age 18 or older and living in the continental United States. The margin of error for the survey is +/-3.1 percent. About Vibes Founded in 1998, Vibes is a mobile marketing technology leader that helps some of the world s biggest brands acquire, engage and deepen relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Vibes Catapult mobile relationship management (MRM) platform enables brands, agencies and media companies to launch a wide range of mobile solutions. Vibes integrated mobile wallet capabilities into Catapult right when Apple introduced Passbook in September 2012 and has been at the forefront of the non-payment side of mobile wallet ever since. Recently named a Cool Vendor in Mobile Marketing by Gartner Research, the company has delivered more than 3 billion mobile experiences on behalf of customers that include Sears, Verizon, Allstate, The Gap, Tribune, Fox, Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Gannett and the Chicago Bulls. Vibes is one of only seven Tier 1 aggregators with secure, direct connections to all the major carriers. To learn more about Vibes, visit or connect on VibesMedia or About Catapult Catapult is a cloud-based mobile relationship management platform that enables direct marketers to build deeper relationships with their customers that drive revenue growth and loyalty. The foundation of Catapult is mobile messaging and activation text messaging (SMS), push notifications and QR codes. Catapult also offers strong capabilities for post-click engagement such as mobile landing pages and mobile coupons. Catapult includes features for Mobile Wallet Management that help marketers leverage the power of Apple s Passbook and Google Wallet Objects for mobile offers and loyalty. Catapult s advanced targeting and segmentation capabilities enable marketers to create closer connections with their most valuable customers through smart, targeted mobile experiences. Learn more about Catapult at Overview & methodology 26

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