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1 - е есещеэеяеєеьея еїеёехецеёещеєеьес еїеўечеы еєесеўеєечеєес - е 700R, еёесеёеыеыечеыеч еъещеэечеьесеєещеъ cnc - е ещеяеьечеўесеэещеъ е еюеяеёеыещеєеь е ечеўесеэеяеїеёеуехес Lamiera: е еъешехеєеч еыесеьесеёеэес еєеєечеэ е еєесеыес - WIN2010: е ещеяеьечеўесеэещеъ еъешехеєеч еєеєечеэ е еяеїеёеъес-е еёеяеєехеыеєеьесеєес е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е - е е е е е е е е 2010 е е е е е е 13 е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е & е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е е 1667





6 8 EDITORIAL б йквте б имб еёб...б йквте б имб еёб...б йквте б имб еёб! 10 applefiбд 10 воб б е б вобюб бюб еёб бєб еёвобюе бюигбю имб в б еёвтигб йбв б в вт е б е в е б вт 26- X-700R, в б б б б в б в вт бєеёвов игб е еёбєв вт CNC бєб вое бю бєб е б б б втеёб вт 38 б в еёбєб еёб воб б еёвте бювтб б еёб б в бю е в во PROFIT CONSULTANCY & EQUIPMENT 40- б име б втб е бю в йке бю SITE в б бювтеёб втв вт CNC игв б вов игб е йкво 41- DMG OPEN HOUSE вте бю FRONTEN е в вт б б игб воеёб вт 42- е еёе в (3 ) б бєбювтв е бю еьеёбюигв б воеёбєбю бюв б бю еьеёбюигв б воеёбєбювт б бюв б еёвтигбювт - игв б вобюб б еёб б бєб втб еёвт LAMIERA 2010, в б бєб втв е в вт бєбюв в вт бєб её еёб игбюимйквтв вт игб е б б б бю вте в во б б еёе бювоеёбєв игб вт еёе б б еёб б в бю игб вебю WIN-WORLD OF INDUSTRY PART 1-б в бюе б б б втигб е б 60-б бєб втб еёвт б в еёбєбюеёвойквоеёб - б б б б б еёб вт еёигв воеёб еёбю е б воеёбєбю в б еёбюеёбєбю игб е еёбювт - б в еёб еёбювт е б бювт 13 еёе в вт: игбдвп вовп еёеёбюбєе в е в вт - б бєбюе в вт: игбдвп игбд б впв ви 51, в бдвп е , Fax: info@moulding.gr втигеьбюб бювт б бєбювтв вт: игбдвп вовп, Denis Gaille еёб вое в вт в б б б йкб в вт: игбдвп игбд в б б б йкб в еёб имв игеёвтв вт: в бдв бд во втвоб б б е б вт: б в б в еёигб б б еёб еёб имв игеёвтв вт: имбдв в бдбдвивп, T бєб б б еёе б воеёбєв б в еёигб б б еёб - в б б б йкб в - б бєе в йквтв : в бдбд б в & втбд бю.б. вобдвп 77 в бдвп игвпбд б ви - бд игви, е , , Fax: бєйкеёбєбювт: 8290 е бд виapplefiбдбд впйебд впвлви бдapplefi вибдв ви, в бд бд fi бдвивлбд бдapplefi ви apple- в в. бдв в бдбд бд в в ви виfi appleв, бдвп бд, бд в в ви бдappleappleвпбдбд ви. б appleбдв бд бдбдв ви бдapple впв бд ви в fi бдбдвп apple (бдбдв ви- бдapplefi appleв fi б бдбдви / игбдви). fi appleви в бд бд в ви в бд в appleв бд. бю в fi игбдвп бд в ил вп еёв в - в в е в appleви (б еёв е ) бд йе б в в в е в appleви FIPP бд FAEP.


8 Editorial б в бд бж в бдбж в бд! apple fi вл, appleappleвпйе ви appleв в бд appleбд в вибд бдвп appleвмappleйев / вийе, appleв ви йебд йе- ви в apple ви впв ви бд бдappleвийевийев бд - fi, бд appleбд apple бдбдвибд виapple. бю ви в бдвп, в бдбд бд бдв бд бд в в бдв - бд бд илбд бдбдвибд, йевив бд fi fiбд applefiбд бд apple- виapple ви вп. втбд в бд впбд бд бдви вив, бд бд appleappleбдйе бд в бдappleвп ви, вп бд бд appleвп бдapplefi fi бд в бдв бд впв бд appleвпви в бдв ви в fi. б впappleви в в бд бд йебд бд бдfiбд. в fiбдбд впбд в в йе win 2010 е вибд, впбд apple- appleви appleв вп бд в бдвп вивпв бд в fi бд. игв бд бд в впв бд е вибд appleбдбдбд fi: е fi appleappleв fi бд бдбд ви. appleвп вп. appleвп вп appleви в бдв бд бд ви apple ви. е 90% appleappleви appleappleв в йе бд бдбдвибдв. б виfi бд бд ви бдвпappleви. б йебд бд бд, в бд бд в йе, 90% appleappleв бд бд, apple apple бд виappleвп бдвпappleви ви впв ви бд; б appleбд в йе вибдвп, appleвпбдбд, бд в в бдйе бд appleви apple, в бд йебд в в бд вп в в бд, fi бдвиfi виappleвпбд бд ви apple ви. в appleбдвибд бд в йе бд бдfi бд, виapple в бдв бд б бдвп, appleбд е в в appleви вибд. е appleapple ви. в ви apple бд fiapple бд apple, виapple вп в бдв бдapplefi ви, applefi бдapplefi fi виapplefiвл. е в appleви бдвлfiбд, apple appleв apple бд в ви в бд- fiбд бд в, бд бд вив, бд в ви appleв applefiбд в вивп ви, виappleвийевиfiбд бд вив appleбд. иг бд бдв бд fiв бд, fi appleвп apple бд appleвп бд apple. игбд игбдвп


10 вов бд бд б applefi втбдв в бдбдв 10 игв б вов игб е б в в бд вп HSC linear DMG бдapple в бд бдfi fi- бдбдбд ви бдв бд е влвпбд ви бдв бд в йе бд бдapplefi бд- fi вп в бд бдви - бд. в DMG, в в йев бдвп в бд бдбд вив, appleв ви appleвп в бд бдappleappleвиfi в бд appleв, ви бдв бд бдвп бд fi в бд впбд бд в бдв бд бдбдбд- впбд бдвиfi- влвпбд 5 бдfi. в appleбдвибд appleбдвп в в, бдapplefi HSC 20 linear в бд- в в бдfi 200 x 200 x 280 mm бд fiбд впбд, в бд в бд бдбдбд бдбд, в appleви HSC 105 linear,бд впбд вп- бд appleви влвивлви в бд kg. втбд бдfiбд бдбдвп бдви бдвп, бд appleбд бд бдfiappleбд бдapplefi впйе впapple, appleбдвпбд вп бдfi в бдfi, apple бдapple в бд вп бд бдвп бдв apple, HSK бдвп- - ви виfiбд вив бдв бд в в, linear fiви ви бдв бд apple- в вп бд в в вибд, в бдбд, бдйе бд бд- вп бдappleбдfi CNC в в 3D виfiбд. е бд бдвп бд бд в бд, виapple, fi в бд- в бдбд бдбд вив бдвпбд бдapplefi в apple вив, бд вп fi бдбд вив, вп бєб еёвобюе бюигбю имб в б еёвтигб йбв б в вт е б е в е б вт в впбд вл бд бд в бдappleбд бдвп в бдв бд- бд, вив вибдfi в бдбд бд applefiбд apple- бд бд. (вт appleбд бдвиfi бдв appleбд в fi apple в бдв бдбд в бд, fi бдвп бдбдбд бдв бд бдбд, appleви бдвпбд бдapplefi в в бдйеfi- бд ви apple вп бд fiapple PKD/CBN CVD). в бдбдбд ви бдв бд, бд, fi бдв бдfiбд, бд бдapplefi бдfi вп в бд бдбд вив. б appleв apple впви fiви бдбд ви- в бд в бдappleв бд, в - ви fiви appleбдбд. б appleappleв - appleв бд ви HSC appleв apple бдapplefi fi вп бдв вл, fi appleви ви виfiви apple бдбдвп- бд бдбдбд бд appleви бдfiвлбд. б appleapplefiйебд, бд- бд бдйе в вивп apple бд appleбдйе в вивп, appleв бд appleвийев виfi бдappleбд вп бдбд в бдвп- бд ви бд бдйе бд виfi applefi appleвпбд. е вибд, бдвп ви бдfi бд fi fi йеfi fi бдвп бдбдбд appleвпвл йе- вп бд appleйебд в бдбдв бд. йкfi, fiбд бдвивп бд влбдбд appleбдбдв ви йевп fi бд в бдfi бдвп бд apple appleбдв бдбдбд ви бдв бд. в бдбдбд бдв HSC бдappleбд бдapplefi в бд в appleбдбд, вп appleбдбдappleвп бдapplefi бдapple вп- бдвп apple игб е еёбювт - б в еёб еёбювт 2010


12 вов бд бд игв б вов игб е б (rpm). б бд fi бдвиfi, DMG, в в йев бдвп бдбд- вив, в в бд бд appleв бд вп бд- HSC бд впбд fi в бдвп, бд вп appleбд в appleв apple вибдв бдвп бдбдбд, appleбд fi appleвиappleйев бд appleви appleбдв в ви бдвибд- в бд бдйев в apple- в apple бдбдбд ви бдв бд. HSC 20 linear: бєв бєбдбдбд е бдв - бд бєapple бд б впбд иг бдвп втбдfiбд бдбдвп ви HSC 20 linear игв вибд вп в вибд 5 бдfi: в бдfi в appleви в ви- бд бдв applefi- бдappleв вл NC бд бдвиfi бдбдбд 5 вп втвиappleбд в бдfi 2.5 m2 бд бдapple ви вп X, Y бд Z (200 x 200 x 280 mm) игв в вибд вп бд- в в ви вп X, Y бд Z вив fiвиви - apple ви A бд C apple- в вп втвибдбд вп в fiви ви вп бд в бд- бд б appleвпви в 2 g бд бдfiapple 40 m/min ви бд- в вп игв бдбд бд бд apple- впбдбд бдйе бд applefi apple- впбд в бд Ra < 0.2 _m бдв бд впбд 42,000 rpm в бд- в в бд ви HSбЄ-32E втбдfi fi ви ви appleви бдappleвп в, в бдfi monoblock б виfiбд в бд бдбд бд- в бд 24 йев бд в в (appleбдвп: 60 йев ) HSC 55 linear: бєв б бд бдв - бд вов б appleбдбдбдfi втв бдfi втбдfiбд бдбдвп ви HSC 55 linear в вибд бд бдбд вп бдв fiви ви вп бд HSC 28,000 rpm HSK- A63 бд в в : игвп бдйеfiбд бдвп бдбд вив, бдв в впбд вл бд, бдfiбд fi бд-, в appleвп еьв вл бд в бд виappleвп бд бдбд-


14 вов бд бд 14 игв б вов игб е б бд бд бд в в - appleйев бд fi вп- в бд бдбдбд виfi в бдfi- бдfiбд ви бдбд в бд в в 5 бдfi бд в appleви в вибд бд apple- fi бдappleв вл DMC EGROlineвч CONTROL йеfi 19" бд fi 3D Heidenhain itnc 530 бд вп вп вибд бд бдappleв ви fiви apple- бдбдв, HSC в : ATC, AAC, AFC HSC 75/105 linear: в в бд бєвпйебд бєв бд б бд втбдfiбд бдбдвп HSC 75/105 linear б бд fiви ви вп бд appleв бдбд бд appleбдв в бд 2 g бд appleви бдв бд бд- fiapple в бд 90 m/min е бдвиfi бдбдбд 5 бдfi вп бд бдвпви бд NC applefi (appleбдвп) бд 18,000 rpm бд в в, appleбдвп 28,000 rpm (HSK-A63) 42,000 rpm (HSK-E50) DMG ERGOlineвч Control apple- в в бд в ви Heidenhain Siemens, виappleбдбдв ви 3D в еьв ви ви бд в - applefiбд впв бд бд- бдбд втбдfi виfi в в бдfi в вибд бд бдвпйе йе- бдбд впбд Z бд в в, бд в бдбд apple- впбд бд applefiбд appleвпбд ил appleвпви бдвпбд вп бд в appleбд в ATC бд в виfi бд- ви, в ви appleбдбд fi fi виappleв (appleбдвп) б fiapple б вибдfi бд fi втвп HSC в в бд вп HSC linear DMG в apple appleви apple- в бдappleв в в в бд appleви appleбд бд виapple DMG вив в бд бд- вп. е fi бдвиfi в appleбд- бд fi fi бдвп fi влвпбд в бд бдбд- ви бд бд бдвиapple, бдвп бд в бдв, бд appleбдвпв бд бдбд бдбдбд ви бд ви бдв бдбдбд ви бдбд бдви бдбд бдбдappleвиfi бдвп бд бд. appleвп бд бд fi вп apple ви бдвибдв, ви бдв appleви бд бдappleв вп бдйеfi. в вп бдви бдappleapple бдapplefi бд вп бдapple apple appleви бдбдв бдfi в вибдfi, бд бдapplefi вп вп бдв appleбдбдfi- бд вп бдбд бд бдfiapple- игб е еёбювт - б в еёб еёбювт 2010


16 вов бд бд игв б вов игб е б йеfiв ви бдapplefi впйе впapple. б бд fi бдвиfi бд appleв бд бдapplefi бд appleбдбд ви бдв - бд бдбд вив appleви бдбдв йебд appleбдбдappleвп, бдв вп HSC linear DMG appleбдв ви apple вп бдйеfi в виapple вивп бдвибдв. е HSC 20 linear, бд appleбдвпв бд, appleв apple ви в ви LM 100 ви- бд бдappleйеви бд, в вп в бдв бд в бд- вп впбд. б виfi в бд бдappleйеви appleбдвп вибдбд applefiв в бдfi в apple appleв ви бд бдбдappleв йе бдappleбд appleбд, бдappleйевив йев 99 бд, бд appleбд appleйев бд йев бдбдбд ви в fi бд- в бд в appleви в вибд. appleвп apple- applefiйе apple fi в appleви в ви pick-up 60 йев. б йебд, бд бдв бд в бд бдбдбд бдбд, HSC 55/75/105 linear в бдйев ви бд бдви- йебд виappleбд appleбдв бд бдappleйе- ви бд 20 впбд впви в 100 kg. в бдвпбд, бд в бд бдвивп бд йев бд в в в бд 150 йев в ви fiви бдв бдв бд в бдв бд бдбд бд. appleв вивп бдвибдв appleви appleбдбдйебд appleбдfi вивпв appleбдвивпвлви вп appleв бд в applefiбд бдбдбд бд вп - впви бдйев appleви бдбд- вл. в в ви бдapplefiв - в бд Automation GmbH DMG, applefiйе в вибдfiбд appleв fi бд вив - бд вибдбд бдвибдв, в вп вив в бд, йебд бдвиfi. High-speed milling newly defined With its new HSC linear series, DMG sets an innovative milestone in high-speed machining High-speed milling has evolved into one of the major trends in this new millennium. With this brochure, DMG as the world market leader in chip removal offers its customers a future-oriented high-speed portfolio for all workpiece dimensions and machining tasks through to simultaneous milling in 5 axes. The range encompasses the new series, ranging from the HSD 20 linear with 200 x 200 x 280 mm traverses for smaller workpieces through to precision machining centres, type HSC 105 linear, for large workpieces weighing up to 1,800 kg. The key points of this development, which is convincing in all aspects, include the very sturdy design forming the perfect basis for ultra-fast movement sequences, the consequent implementation of high-frequency HSK spindle drives with high rotational speeds as standard, direct drives in all linear and round axes for maximised dynamics and optimal precision, as well as CNC controls of the highest performance class with comfortable 3D functionality. The basic criteria for an optimum and, as a result, maximised economical chip removal process are quickly enumerated, independent of the


18 вов бд бд 18 игв б вов игб е б material to be machined. The quintessential target being high chip removal volumes, long tool operating lives, and maximum process reliability paired with optimum precision and workpiece surface qualities. Whereas in this context the potential roughing offers is almost exhausted (at least no major productivity leaps are to be expected), substantial reserves can still be drawn on in precision machining, the more so given the comprehensive availability of high-strength cutting materials, such as PKD/CBN or CVD. It is not without reason that highspeed machining has, especially recently, evolved into one of the major trends in the field of chip removal. It permits high chip removal volumes and, as a result, short manufacturing times. Further HSC advantages result from the lesser tendency of burr formation, allowing downstream finish machining to be shortened or even entirely substituted. Moreover, due to low cutting and passive forces, higher requirements of dimensional and shape accuracy as well as higher surface qualities can be achieved. Last but not least, the lower thermal load during the process also positively affects the marginal zone properties of the machined workpieces. However, all these issues remain theoretical unless the machine designs are also perfectly adapted to highspeed processing. HSC machining requires notably more from a production means than simply the integration of high rpm spindle drives. For this reason, DMG as a world market leader in chip removal, has now configured a future-oriented and homogeneous HSC machine range for all workpiece dimensions, a range not allowing any compromises during the machining process yet meeting all requirements of farther reaching automation ambitions, to eventually set new standards in high-speed machining. HSC 20 linear: Compact High-Speed Machining Centre for Small Workpiece Dimensions The HSC 20 linear for smaller workpiece dimensions is one example for DMGбпs HSC competency. It unites all features required for high-quality highspeed machining. In a more global context, it offers dynamics, precision, compact design, versatility and intelligence in one high-tech machine tool. There are, for instance, the linear drives with precision cooling in the X, Y and Z axis for accelerations up to 2 g, direct measuring systems in all axes, the actively cooled high-performance 42,000 rpm spindle with HSK-32 tool holder, the extraordinary contour precision (P5 as standard), the extremely compact design with a footprint of only 2.5 square meters, as well as the range of available extensions from 3 to 5 axis machining with a torque motor driven NC swivel rotary table. In addition to HSC machining with coolant alone, the integration of an extraction system specially adapted to the machine concept turns the HSC 20 linear into a machine suitable for graphite machining or the milling of ceramic green bodies. A closed-circuit with positive guidance of the fluid motion is created by the extracted and filtered exhaust air, which is returned to the machining compartment via two valves. Highlights of the HSC 20 linear Maximum flexibility through 5 axis gantry machine: Gantry design with integrated NC swivel rotary table for simultaneous machining in 5 axes Compact design with a 2.5 m2 footprint and traverses in X, Y and Z (200 x 200 x 280 mm) Maximum dynamics generated by linear drives with precision cooling in the X, Y and Z axis Direct drive with water cooled torque игб е еёбювт - б в еёб еёбювт 2010

19 motors in the A and C round axes Direct measuring systems in all axes for maximum precision Acceleration up to 2 g and 40 m/min rapid traverse in the linear axes Highest precision and exact contours as well as surface qualities up to Ra < 0.2 _m 42,000 rpm high-speed spindle with active cooling as standard, with HSD- 32E tool holder Sturdy vibration damping mineral cast stand in a monoblock design Automatic tool changer with 24 magazine positions as standard (option: 60 positions) HSC 55 linear: High-speed Precision Centre in a Revolutionary New Design As a high-speed precision centre in a breathtaking new design, the HSC 55 linear also sets new standards regarding impressive 120 rpm. To ensure sufficient dynamics, flexibility, dimensional stability during machining of the precision and surface quality. Designed workpieces weighing up to 200 kg, the as a gantry machine in an extremely table is supported by an integrated sturdy, thermo-symmetrical design, hydraulic clamping system at a torque equipped with a 28,000 rpm high-speed of 2,000 Nm. spindle as standard, linear drives in all In addition, due to the perfect axes for accelerations above 2 g and configuration of the machining rapid traverses up to 80 m/min, the compartment and the available spindle HSC 55 linear is also offered in a dual rotational speeds, the HSC 55 linear is version. Either in a 3 axis design with not only predestined for high-speed movable table unit or as a 5 axis centre milling of, for instance, hardened steel, with integrated swivel rotary table. but also for high-speed machining for Both table variants are moved by two graphite. Optimum drop of the swarf lateral linear drives (gantry design) and and chip flow are not the only features positioned with high precision. The taken into account. All drives and traverses (in X, Y and Z) are 450 x 580 guideways are installed outside of the x 400, or 450 x 600 x 400 mm for the machining compartment for perfect 5 axis variant respectively. protection against process-related The two axes of the swivel rotary influences. The strategic alignment table (C and A axes) of the 5 axis towards high-speed machining is also version are also equipped with direct or revealed by the selection of available torque motors respectively. The swivel spindle variants. or rotary range is 360иб in the C axis, With immediate effect, DMG uses whereas the A axis turns in a range the 28,000 rpm spindle on the HSC 55 from +10иб to -100иб. In both cases, the linear as standard, in unison with rotational speed achieved is an another important and differentiating 19 игб е еёбювт - б в еёб еёбювт 2010

20 вов бд бд 20 игв б вов игб е б special feature: In contrast to other high-speed machines in the market, the new DMG spindle boasts a notably higher rigidity. This not only results in reduced vibrations during the process and, as a result, for better surfaces and a longer tool operating live, but the increased rigidity also allows the HSC 55 linear to carry out roughing processes at a much higher chip removal rate. As an alternative, the machine is also offered with a 18,000 rpm motor spindle and, as an option, two additional spindle alternatives with rotational speeds of 42,000 rpm and even 60,000 rpm at the same price. The HSC 55 linear is controlled by the new DMG ERGOlineвч Control and itnc 530 from Heidenhain. In addition to the known advantages of this hightech CNC that include high control precision or high operator comfort in the area of programming, this control system also reflects more than 20 years of DMG competency in 5 axis machines. _Collision Monitoring", for example, ensures dynamic anti-collision monitoring in real time, and, as a result, optimum use of the machining compartment. 3D quicksetвч, on the other hand, is used to check and correct the kinematics in the compartment and to perform a precision comparison at finger-tip control, whereas _ATC" permits button-controlled simple tuning of the advance drives to reduce machining time and improve the relevant quality. _ACC" or the automatic acceleration control, is responsible for automatically adapting the machine parameters to the workpiece weight. This leads to lightweight workpieces being milled at high dynamics, heavy workpieces with adapted lower dynamics. The weight is determined by manual entry or an automatic weighing process. Highlights of the HSC 55 linear Highest dynamic and precision through linear drives in all axes 28,000 rpm HSC spindle with HSK- A63 as standard: High stability during chip removal, better tool operating life, reduced tool costs, perfect surfaces Optimum chip flow and ideal flow behaviour for graphite machining all drives and guideways are arranged outside of the machining compartment. Thermo-symmetric design high long term precision Optional 5 axis machining with gantry drive and swivel rotary table in torque motor technology DMC EGROlineвч CONTROL with a 19" monitor and 3D software Heidenhain itnc 530 for optimum operating comfort and minimised programming times, HSC control features: ATC, AAC, AFC HSC 75/105 linear: Top Notch Vertical Precision Centres With its HSC 75 linear or HSC 105 linear respectively, DMG offers absolutely top of the line vertical precision centres for larger workpiece dimensions. Highest dynamics due to linear drives in all axes, as well excellent productivity, precision, contour precision and surface quality, to name only a few of the highlights that distinguish these developments. Let alone the new DMG design. Thanks to innovative options, the HSC 75 linear and the HSC 105 linear offer first in line the torque motor driven B axis and the extension possibilities through to a simultaneous 5 axis high-speed machining centre. The linear drives in all axes of the two HSC machines generate accelerations up to 2 g and rapid traverse speeds up to 90 m/min, performances that are reflected in a productivity advantage of up to 20 игб е еёбювт - б в еёб еёбювт 2010


22 вов бд бд игв б вов игб е б percent. The sturdy cast structure in gantry design and the FEM optimised high modulus machine bed form the basis for a perfect machine running behaviour and thereby highest surface qualities. Furthermore, direct path measuring systems allow unbeatable precision and contour precision. The option of simultaneous 5 axis machining is also new, whereby the torque motor driven swivel axis in the milling head and the fast NC rotary indexing table guarantee uncompromised dynamics and precision. Further decisive plus points are the enlarged machining compartment, the optimal drop of swarf and the again improved operator accessibility made possible by a modified bed geometry. Furthermore, the lateral machine door and the front door release the roof to allow for loading by crane throughout the entire operating area. Regarding the controls, the vertical high-speed precision centres HSC 75 linear and HSC 105 linear, as all machines in the New DMG Design count on the new DMG ERGOlineвч- Control with high-speed 3D controls from Heidenhain (itnc 530) and Siemens (Sinumerik 840D powerline). The ergonomic control panel with 19" TFT screen and 3D software not only accommodates highest level 3D control technology, but also an innovative software tool named ATC (Application Tuning Cycle). By pressing a key, it allows automatic selection of taskoptimised machining parameters to be selected in the workpiece program, in accordance with the default values for surfaces, speed or precision. Instead of tackling each type of machining, such as roughing or high-speed finishing with fixed basic parameters of the machine, ATC automatically optimises the machining behaviour of the HSC linear machines in a workpiece optimising and targeted manner. As a result, machining time is minimised, relevant quality is maximised. The range of the HSC 75/105 linear is complemented by a large number of options, for instance, to increase the degree of automation. Highlights of the HSC 75/105 linear Linear drives in all axes for maximised precision and accelerations up to 2 g to reach rapid traverse speeds of 90 m/min 5 axis simultaneous machining with direct drive in the spindle head and NC rotary indexing table (option) 18,000 rpm motor spindle as standard, optional 28,000 rpm (HSK-A63) or 42,000 rpm (HSK-E50) DMG ERGOlineвч Control with highend control systems from Heidenhain or Siemens, including 3D software Optimal use of space and accessibility to the machining compartment Sturdy cast structure in gantry design and temperature compensation in the Z


24 вов бд бд 24 игв б вов игб е б axis as standard for maximum contour precision and surface quality Weight dependent acceleration control and ATC software for simple finger-tip tuning of the linear advance drives (option) Convincing Automation for the Entire HSC Range By the total of its possibilities, the new HSC linear series from DMG impressively manifests the many years of DMG competency in this market segment. This assessment not only holds true for the area of hard milling in tool and mould construction, but also in particular for new applications, for instance, for soft machining of graphite or copper, or for the high-speed precision manufacture in the automotive industry or in the growth market of medical engineering. There is an apparent growing trend towards automation, above all in highly industrialised markets. On the one hand, to reduce the operating commitment or to minimise unit labour costs. On the other hand (and in particular) to increase productivity based on safe and reliable processes in a holistic manner. For this reason and in addition to all advantages cited for high-speed chip removal, the machines of the HSC linear series from DMG also offer a large number of intelligent automation systems. The HSC 20 linear, for instance, can be complemented by the new LM 100 workpiece storage system, especially designed for smaller workpiece dimensions. This storage system accommodates clamping systems of various designs to meet customer requirements, and stores up to 99 parts, which are brought to their machining position by means of a gantry loader. On the tool side, there is the additional option of a 60 position pick-up magazine. In contrast, the larger precision machining centres HSC 55/75/105 linear are equipped with an unusually compact pallet store for 20 workpieces up to a weight of 100 kg. In parallel, this centre can be fitted with a 150 position tool magazine featuring short provision times and fast tool changing processes. All automation solutions presented here offer the great advantage that they still allow unrestricted accessibility to the machines machining compartments due to their high degree of integration. Given the high competency of the recently established DMG Automation GmbH, the additional possibility of equipping all machines with flexible robot automation especially in this field goes without saying. The HSC 20 linear for smaller workpiece dimensions is one example for DMGбпs HSC competency. It unites all features required for high-quality high-speed machining. In a more global context, it offers dynamics, precision, compact design, versatility and intelligence in one high-tech machine tool. HSC 55 linear // HSC 75 linear // HSC 105 linear. High-speed milling has evolved into one of the major trends in this new millennium. With this brochure, DMG as the world market leader in chip removal offers its customers a future-oriented high-speed portfolio for all workpiece dimensions and machining tasks through to simultaneous milling in 5 axes. игб е еёбювт - б в еёб еёбювт 2010


26 вов бд бд б applefi еьбд иг игвпбд: Denis Gaille игв б вов игб е б X-700R, в б б б б в б в вт бєеёвов игб е еёбєв вт CNC бєб вое бю бєб е б б б втеёб вт (б еьбюигв б б воеёб ) втбд бдбд бдбд- ви appleбдбдв бд cnc в бдбдбд appleви вив вивпвл ви- бд бдбд бд бдfi- бд бд appleбдбдв бд бд- бд. в впбд бд в бд бдfiбд бдбд appleбдв apple йев бдбдбд. appleвпви бдйе apple бд ви бдfiбд бдбд- ви, бд appleви appleвпви 3G. е в бдбдбд бд ви- (agile) бд в бд fi appleбдбд- fi (в в ) apple бд бд- бдбд бд в йебд бдбдбд appleв в appleвив, в apple в йе-, вив appleвп.apple. е в в вп apple бдбдбд, в вибд бд- бдбд в бд appleбдбдв - бд в бдбдбд appleви впвлбд вп appleв appleвпбд. иг вп бдбдбд (в бд в в ) бд fi fi- /fi (в /в в ), бдйе apple fi ви fi вп- в бд в в, бдбд бд вив. в ви бд бдбдви-, appleвп в вибдfiбд бдбдви- в в бдвп в appleбдви, fiapple в apple, в вибд, влfiбд в бд,..apple. б бд бдвп бд бдapple бдбд, бдвибдбд бд ви в в бдбдвибдв appleви впвлбд ви бдв бд бд бд вп appleбд вийе бд- бдбд. -700R бдapple бдбд б бд бдвп бд бдв бд- в бдбдвив. бю бдв бд ви в appleбд бд бд бд бдвивп в бд впбд в вп бдбдбд бдappleвп fiappleви бд - 700R cnc в бд бдбдбд appleйев бд влfiбд appleвп вп бд в бд appleбдвпбд бд бд- бдбд. бєв бдвп бдвп cnc в бд- бдбд бд в бд бдвп- ви, apple apple apple, бд бд вийе fi в бд вибдв - ви в ви бдбдбд бд- в бд вибдв - ви бдбд apple бдбдбд (ви бдбдбд agile machining ). -700R бд appleбдбд бдви е -700R в бд бдви- бдбд виappleбдбдв - applefi appleбдfi, в бдвп, apple бд appleйе бдfi.


28 вов бд бд игв б вов игб е б в бдв в бдв бд (appleбдfi.) е -700R appleв в бд в бд ATC 16 бд йевпбд бд бд бдappleв бдapplefi apple бдбдбд. бю - fi appleбдв бдв бд бдfiapple бдбдв бд бд бд в ви. б ви бдбдбд (agile machining) е appleв fi applefiбд ви- бд бдбдбд 3 бдfi бд fi fi в бд вибд- в fi бдбд в applefi в бд бдбд- вп appleви бд, в бд впбд в ви fi fi впбд ви бдбд, apple- в бд в бдappleбд- бд fi- бд бдбд бд вийевибд в бд впбд вибдв бд. вт ви- бдв бдв бдвиfi в бд appleв бд бд впбдapple в - fi вп в, вийевивп (впбд) впйе бдбд appleбд appleв бд - вп fiбдбд в. илбд в бдбдбд PKM (Parallel Kinematics Machining center - в бдвп- ) apple в бд бд apple бд виви в ви в вл (probe laser) бд вибд виви в ви (probe) бд вив вибдfi в бд appleбдfi в appleви в бд appleвпви бд, в ви в вибдfiбд, вибд, бд appleвп впбд- бд appleвп бдapplefi впбд бд в виfiappleбд бд бд fiбд fiбд appleв apple бд бдбд- вийев бд бд вийе бд вп бд appleбдбдв бдбдfi-, apple в бд бдбд- бд. илбд appleбдвпв бд йебд appleв бд бд в бд fi бд fiappleви йев ви- в в бд вп- бд бд appleв apple бд йев ви- бдв вп, бд виappleв бд бд бдйев в бд вибдв apple в бд бдбдбд, fi вп в ви- fiappleбд. иг в fiapple в бд appleбд- бд бдви, бдappleвп, в бдбд- вибд бд, apple бд бд бдвп appleбдбд бд fiбд бд бдбдвп appleви бд бдвп appleв бд йев бд бд йев виapplefi apple бдapplefi бдбдбд. в бд бдви в appleвп в бд бд бдfi бдбдвив бдapple бд бдбд Boeing. илбд впбд бдбдбд илбд вп applefiбд вибд бдбдбд 3 бдfi бд бд- бдбд бд в appleви apple.. бд бд вив. вт вп йебд


30 вов бд бд игв б вов игб е б бдв в в, в в бд бд в бдбд. б ви бд бдappleбд бдвп бдбдбд бд- бд бд бд appleбдбд в ви appleвп appleбдбд, apple.. вп бд бдapplefi бдв бдбд, бдбдвп fi бд appleбдбд-. илбд вп applefiбд бд впйебд бд appleви appleв бд бдapplefi бд ви бдбд бдapplefi в бд в в в бдбдбд вп в в, бд appleбдfiвийебд appleбдбд - бд ви fi бд CPK (бд applefiбд), бд вп бд appleбд вп appleбдfi в бд в - ви (probe system) бд в вибд appleбдбдвп fi вивп вивп (в бд- ) бд appleв бдfiви fiви бдвп appleбдбд- fiбд бд бдбдви бдбд (бд) ' fi в бд вивп бд бдйеfi бд - бдfi. втбд вив appleбд fiбд бд apple- бдбд бдйебд бд бд- бд бд бдбдвлбд, бдapple- в бд в CPK бдвп- бд бдвивпбд (ви applefi- 30 fi в бд бд бдбдви бдви appleбдapple бд в бд- вивп бдбдбд бд вибдfi. H бдв бдfiбд fi в ви бдбдбд PKM (в бдвп - ) appleв apple впбд бд йе fi в бдв apple бд apple, в бдбдбд apple ви- вп бд appleбд fi appleвив бд бд вив fi appleвибдбд в бд бд fi впбд ( в бд в в ). б вп бдви бд). б ви бд в йе, appleappleйе бд бдfiвлбд бдapplefi appleвивпйеви бдбдвибдв, apple appleв в бд бд- бдбд PKM. бєбдбдбд в йе бд б fi вив fi appleв в бд бдви-, вийе бд бд, бдвп бд бд appleв бд appleбдбд бд бдв, бдappleбд бд в йе бдбдбд бд в йе игб е еёбювт - б в еёб еёбювт 2010


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