EVALUATION ONLY. Whether you are creating a new. Creating Tables ACCESS 2013 LESSON OUTLINE LEARNING OBJECTIVES

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1 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR ACCESS Designing a Database and Creating Tables LESSON OUTLINE Designing a Relational Database Normalizing Databases Linking Tables with Primary and Foreign Keys Creating Access Tables in a New Database Retrieving Data Concepts Review Reinforce Your Skills Apply Your Skills Extend Your Skills Transfer Your Skills LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this lesson, you will be able to: Plan, design, and create a relational database and associated tables Define and implement database normalization Define data relationships and primary and foreign keys Define and create an Entity Relationship Diagram Sort and filter records Whether you are creating a new database to organize a soccer team or run a small business, it is essential to begin with careful planning. Successful projects often begin by examining existing business procedures and compiling a list of tasks to accomplish, designing an outline of how to accomplish those tasks, and making preparations to develop the final product. In short analyze, design, and develop. In this lesson, you will plan and design a database. You will gather information as needed to make a complete list of the required tables, records, and fields. You will define the data type for each field and assign ID fields so you can create relationships to link your tables. You will create several tables and enter records. Then, you will apply record sorts and filters.

2 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR CASE STUDY Creating a Database Winchester Web Design is a small website development company. The company specializes in websites for small businesses. The main deliverables are homepages (site navigation, overall website design, and cascading styles), secondary pages, blogs, and small business shopping carts. Website designers must analyze a client s needs and desires before creating a website that includes the site homepage layout, navigation structure, and site styles. Once the homepage layout is determined, secondary pages can be developed. You have been asked to build a database for Winchester Web Design. As you begin your work, notice how the web design and development process has many similarities to designing a useful and efficient database: analyze, design, and develop. The Winchester Web Design database will contain tables from which forms, reports, and queries will be created. AC02.2

3 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR Designing a Relational Database The Employees table is related to the Invoices table via the EmpID field. The Customers table is related to the Invoices table via the CustID field. Video Library Video Number: AC13-V0201 Early database programs stored data in one large, flat file similar to a spreadsheet. If a company sold merchandise and the same product was sold many times, these databases required a person to enter and store the same product description and product price for each transaction. Such repetitive data entry is time consuming and requires voluminous storage space. Flat files also increase the chance of typos and are prone to inconsistent data. For example, just think of how many ways one might enter William into various tables: Will, Bill, Willy, Billy, or William. If you searched for all sales records for William Smith, you probably would not find the listing for Bill Smith. Flat file databases repeat data for each record. Smith is physically entered and stored three times in this table; the description and price are manually entered for each record. Well-designed relational databases separate data into linked tables to reduce storage space, data repetition, and potential errors. What Is a Relational Database? A relational database contains two or more tables that are linked (related) to each other by unique and identifying key fields, such as ProductID or Invoice Number. For instance, if you are adding a record to the Invoice table, you could select the ProductID from the linked Products table and also display the product description and product price. The product information is only stored once in the Products table, but it is available to all the tables, queries, forms, and reports that are linked in the database. Access 2013 Designing a Relational Database AC02.3

4 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR The Invoice Details table includes a drop-down list of product information. The Invoice Details table is linked to the Products table by the key field ProdID. You can select the key field ProdID to access the Product Description and Product Price from the Products table, without storing those two fields in the Invoice Details table. Gathering Data The drop-down menu lists the linked data stored in the Products table. Before you create a database, you must analyze the needs of the business and the requirements of the database. You will need sample copies of employee records, customer records, product or service records, and any other pertinent documents or forms. You will need copies of every existing report, ranging from individual invoices to yearly sales summaries. You will also need a sketch, or mockup, of the complete layout for any new forms and reports that the business desires to add. Samples of forms and reports collected at the start of a project. There may be handwritten forms as well. This data gathering process must take place before you begin to design the objects in a database. AC02.4 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

5 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AC02-D01 Collect Information for a New Database In this exercise, you will use Microsoft Excel to create a list of the reports and forms needed to fully analyze the needs of your database. Of course, as a student, you will not have real documents; this is a brainstorming exercise. With this in mind, you will create a worksheet that represents the typical design process. 1. Start Microsoft Excel 2013 and click Blank workbook in the Backstage view. If you do not have Excel 2013, you can use an older version of Excel. 2. Follow these steps to create a list of Winchester Web Design reports, records, forms, and relevant documents: List the tables, reports, records, and forms shown in column A, under DOCUMENTS. Type DOCUMENTS in cell A1 (increase the column width, if necessary). Type FIELDS in cell B1. List the individual fields to be included in each document in column B, under FIELDS. This figure shows only part of the data gathering process. Some fields may be included on more than one document, such as ProdID, ProdDescription, and Price. 3. Following the template above, after the last field in the Customer List, add a table named Employees that contains Name and Address, Telephone, , and Hire Date fields, and a Yes/No Web Certification field. Access 2013 Designing a Relational Database AC02.5

6 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR 4. Click Save, navigate to your AC2013 Lesson 02 folder, and save the workbook as AC02-D01-WinWebDesign-[FirstInitialLastName]. Replace the bracketed text with your first initial and last name. For example, if your name is Bethany Smith, your filename would look like this: AC02-D01-WinWebDesign-BSmith. 5. Keep the workbook open for the next exercise. Unless directed otherwise, always keep your working file open at the end of each exercise. Importance of Good Database Design Video Library Video Number: AC13-V0202 There are a few basic principles to guide you through the database design process. Follow the steps outlined here to create a database that will perform efficiently. PRINCIPLES FOR GOOD DATABASE DESIGN Objective Separate Tables Assign Keys Atomize Fields Description Normalizing Databases Video Library Organize and separate data fields into tables with specific subjects (e.g., person, place, or product) so you can easily locate records and reduce redundant data and inconsistencies. Example: A small business may have an Employees table, a Products table, and an Invoices table. Set a unique key field for each main table to link to data in other tables. This is done so data are only entered and stored one time, saving time and disk space, and reducing data entry errors. Example: If the ProductID key field is entered into the Invoices table, the ProductDescription and ProductPrice can be linked from the Products table and displayed in an invoice. Break fields into the smallest single values, called atomization. Example: Instead of a Name field that contains the value of Jay Winchester, create two fields FirstName (Jay) and LastName (Winchester). This allows you to sort/ search by LastName and, if desired, print a report without including FirstName. Video Number: AC13-V0203 Organizing tables and fields into their smallest distinct parts, and then efficiently linking the data together through the relationships of key fields, is called normalization. Normalization eliminates data duplication, decreases data entry errors and inconsistencies, reduces file size, and streamlines the search for necessary information. As you add table fields, be aware that Access has reserved words, which have special meanings and cannot be used as field names. Examples of reserved words are Name and Date. If you need to use such fields, name them FirstName, LastName and BirthDate or HireDate, which are more descriptive. AC02.6 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

7 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR When assigning field names, it is common practice to avoid using spaces, which you have no doubt noticed already. This is especially helpful when performing calculations on a field. For instance, a field named Hours Worked, almost looks like two fields (one named Hours and one named Worked). Consequently, most professionals would use the field name HoursWorked or Hours_Worked. Space can be easily added for readability when designing your forms and reports. As you work through the activities in this lesson, you will begin to shape the relationships among database objects toward normalization. DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AC02-D02 Separate Data into Tables and Assign Key Fields In this exercise, you will divide your gathered document data into tables, each of which describes a single category. You will break down each field into its smallest components, then name each field and assign them to the most appropriate table. Finally, you will add a unique identifying key field to each table. 1. In the WinWebDesign workbook, click the New Sheet button. 2. Follow these steps to create a list of database tables and the fields that each table will contain: C Type the name of each table in column A, as shown. D Type each field name in column B, as shown. A Type TABLES in cell A1. B Type FIELDS in cell B1. This figure shows only part of the normalization and data assigning process. With the exception of key ID fields, no field is listed more than once. Access 2013 Normalizing Databases AC02.7

8 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR 3. Enter the following fields for the Employees table: EmpID EmpLastName EmpFirstName EmpAddr EmpCity EmpST 4. Save the workbook. Planning Related Tables Video Library EmpZIP EmpPhone Emp EmpHireDate EmpWebCert Video Number: AC13-V0204 In most cases, determining the tables required for a database and identifying the data or fields each table should contain is relatively simple. After analyzing the business reports and forms for Winchester Web Design, you have determined that you will need an Employees table and a Customers table, in addition to a Products and an Invoices table. You have also identified which fields are required for each table. At this point you should examine each table and confirm that any unassociated data has been moved into a different but appropriate table. Now you will link the tables with key ID fields so you don t have to enter the same names and products over and over. By establishing relationships between database tables, you prevent repeated data and redundant fields (except those key identifying fields that establish relationships between tables). Linking Tables with Primary and Foreign Keys Almost every database table should have a primary key field with a unique ID that will not be the same for any two database records. Your social security number and a student ID are examples of unique primary keys. Primary Keys Not everyone has a spouse or an address, so some fields may remain null or empty. However, if a table contains a primary key, then a value must be entered for that key field every time a new record is added. Without a value, that record cannot be linked to any other table in the database. All taxpayers have a social security number; all students have a student ID. Each time you create a new table in Datasheet View, Access automatically creates an ID field and marks it as the primary key field. When you manually create a table in Design View and do not assign a primary key field, Access asks if you want to create one before you save the table. By default, this primary key is the first field listed in a table and is assigned the AutoNumber data type. AutoNumber values start at 1 and are automatically increased by 1 for each subsequent record. You can also rename this field, change its data type, remove the primary key designation AC02.8 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

9 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR from the field, or assign the key to another field. The primary key field must contain data; the field cannot be empty. Foreign Keys As you review your Excel workbook, notice that most key fields (ProdID, EmpID, and CustID) are used in more than one table. In the Customers table, the CustID field is its unique primary key. However, individual customers will also need to be displayed in the Invoice table to show their purchases. A foreign key is a field in a secondary table that corresponds and links to the primary key field in the main table, where the specific information for a particular item is stored. The foreign key must be the same data type as the primary key, except in the case of AutoNumber. If the primary key is set to AutoNumber then the foreign key should be set to a Number data type with its Field Size property set to Long Integer. Here, the CustID field in the Invoices table is a foreign key that links to the primary key in the Customers table to obtain the customer name, address, and customer contact information stored in the main table. If the primary key is a number, then the foreign key must also be a number; if the primary key is text, then the foreign key must also be text. DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AC02-D03 Assign Key Types to Key Fields In this exercise, you will assign primary and foreign keys in the Winchester Web Design workbook. 1. Follow these steps to label the keys as primary or foreign: Type KEY in cell C1. Type Primary in cell C2 to identify the primary key. Type Primary and Foreign as shown to identify keys in each table. Access 2013 Linking Tables with Primary and Foreign Keys AC02.9

10 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR 2. Assign the primary key designation to the EmpID field in the Employees table. 3. Save the workbook. Identifying Relationship Types Video Library Video Number: AC13-V0205 Individuals and teams within organizations establish relationships to effectively interact and cooperate with other teams. The same is true of tables within an Access database relationships must exist. Relationships in databases connect data in one table to data stored in other tables. Access supports three different types of relationships: One-to-one One-to-many Many-to-many One-to-One Relationships A one-to-one relationship means that each record in Table A can have only one matching record in Table B, and each record in Table B can have only one matching record in Table A. This is the least frequently used relationship. A one-to-one relationship requires both of the related fields to be primary keys. This relationship is generally used for storing information that applies only to one small portion of the main table, such as to isolate part of the table for security purposes. A good example of this is a main Customers table linked to a CustPassword table. In this one-to-one relationship, each employee customer is only linked to one password. A join line connects one key field to another key field. The 1s identify the relationship type. Primary key fields. AC02.10 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

11 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR One-to-Many Relationships A one-to-many relationship means that each record in Table A can have multiple matching records in Table B, but a record in Table B can have only one matching record in Table A. For instance, one employee will have many sales, and a product will be sold many times. This is the most common type of relationship. Many-to-Many Relationships One employee may have many sales or invoices. The 1 on the join line for EmpID indicates one employee; the infinity ( ) symbol indicates many sales. A many-to-many relationship occurs when two tables each have many matching records in the other table, but they do not share key fields, so they use a third junction table to tie other tables and complete the relationship. The junction table generally has a one-to-many relationship to each table. An example is a vendors table and a products table, where one vendor provides many different products and one product is available from many vendors. In this many-to-many relationship, items in the Products and Vendors tables each have a one-to-many relationship with the Product- Junction table. As a result, the business could buy the same products from multiple suppliers. Access 2013 Linking Tables with Primary and Foreign Keys AC02.11

12 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR Developing an Entity Relationship Diagram An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) helps to model and display relationships between entities, specifically the relationship between tables and fields, as established by key fields. There are a variety of tools that can be used to develop this diagram, ranging from Microsoft s Visio to the open source and free MySQLTM Workbench. And there are different techniques that may be used to display this relationship diagram. Microsoft Access s Relationships tool provides an excellent way to both set and view these relationships. A relationship diagram generated by Microsoft Access displays each table, each field, and how the tables are linked by their key fields. Defining Data Types Video Library Video Number: AC13-V0206 If you have ever filled out an online form, you might have seen instant formatting of some fields. When typing in currency values, the dollar sign and decimal point may appear automatically, and when entering a date, the slashes between month, day, and year spontaneously appear. This can be accomplished by assigning a data type to the field. A data type sets the characteristics of a particular field, identifying the type of values it may hold, such as alphanumeric text, or numbers, or dates, yes/no values, or even a hyperlink. Identifying Field Data Types FROM THE RIBBON Database Tools Relationships You have identified and named your fields and assigned them to a table. You also made sure you did not assign any field to more than one table with the exception of a foreign key. Now you will assign each field a data type. As you define each field in a new table datasheet, Access displays a drop-down list from which you can choose the type of data you plan to enter in the field. AC02.12 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

13 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR By defining the type of data each field will contain, you can reduce both the time and the amount of formatting you must apply as you enter the data. Defining a data type also reduces the potential for errors. For example, if you set a field s data type to a number, a user will not be able to enter values such as the letter l for the number 1 (one) or the letter O for the number 0 (zero). Defining data types can also decrease the storage space needed. A description of data types available in Access 2013 databases is shown in the following table. ACCESS DATA TYPES Data Type Short Text Long Text Number Date & Time Currency AutoNumber Yes/No OLE Object Hyperlink Attachment Calculated Lookup Wizard Description Default data type that contains up to 255 characters (any combination of alphabetic and numeric characters, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers); text fields may contain numbers but are not used in calculations Text entries that contain between 1 and 63,999 characters Numeric data to be used in mathematical calculations Fields that hold date and time values Numeric values representing dollars and cents or fields in which you want to prevent rounding off during calculations A field for which Access automatically assigns a unique identifying number to records as they are added to a table; cannot be modified; cannot be reused in a table, so deleted records result in gaps Single-character entries in a Yes/No checkbox format used to enter data that can be only one of two possible values (true/false, yes/no, or on/off) Use the Yes/No data type for a checkbox that indicates whether an employee has web certification or a college degree Embedded or linked objects (e.g., Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, images, audio, video, etc.) with a storage limit of 1 gigabyte Links to web pages or other files when clicked Data type that identifies a file, such as a document or an image, that will be included in the database as an attachment Field created by doing math on values in other fields within the table Field that displays a drop-down list of values from another table or from a list of values you type; a common lookup field is a drop-down list of State abbreviations Access 2013 Linking Tables with Primary and Foreign Keys AC02.13

14 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR NOTE DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AC02-D04 Define Data Types In this exercise, you will assign data types and sizes to the fields in your Winchester Web Design workbook. 1. In your workbook, enter the data type of each field in column D as shown. Then, specify field sizes in column E (on the right). The Notes field is a Long Text memo/comment field and has no entered size limit. 2. Assign the Short Text data type to these fields in the Employees table: EmpID, EmpLastName, EmpFirstName, EmpAddr, EmpCity, EmpST, EmpZIP, and EmpPhone. 3. Assign the Hyperlink data type to Emp . 4. Assign the Date & Time data type to EmpHireDate. 5. Assign the Yes/No data type to EmpWebCert. When in Datasheet View, tap [Spacebar] to check or uncheck a checkbox. 6. Assign the same field sizes you assigned to similar fields in the Customers table. 7. Save the workbook. AC02.14 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

15 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR Creating Access Tables in a New Database Video Library Video Number: AC13-V0207 Now that you have analyzed the needs of your new database and designed the structure for the tables, fields, and primary keys, you are now ready to create your database in Microsoft Access. Creating a New Database An Access database serves as a container that holds all the tools, data, and various database objects that help users enter and organize data and obtain meaningful information from that data. As a result, you must name and save the database when you create it. After you create a new database, Access automatically creates and opens an empty table, named Table1, in Datasheet View. When a table is created in Datasheet View, the first field, by default, is the AutoNumber data type. DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AC02-D05 Create a New Table in Datasheet View In this exercise, you will create a new blank database and add an Invoices table in Datasheet View. 1. Start Access Follow these steps to create and name the new database: Click Create. Click Blank Desktop Database. Click the Browse Folders button and navigate to your AC2013 Lesson 02 folder. Type AC02-D05- WinWebDesign- [FirstInitialLastName] for the File Name. In step c, remember to replace the bracketed text with your first initial and last name. Access creates the new database, shows the database name in the application title bar, and creates a new table named Table1 in the Access window. Access 2013 Creating Access Tables in a New Database AC02.15

16 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR NOTE 3. Follow these steps to add field names and set data type: Double-click the ID field column heading and type InvNum as the key field for column one. Tap [Tab] to go to the second column and choose Date & Time from the data type list. Once the data type is selected, the heading Click to Add a new field is automatically named Field1. 4. Type InvDate as the new name for Field1 in the second column and tap [Tab] to complete the name and move to a new field in the third column. 5. Choose the data type Short Text for the third field and change the field name to EmpID. 6. Tap [Tab], choose Short Text for the fourth field and change the field name to CustID. Full field names/column headings may not appear if the columns are narrower than the field name. Drag the right edge of the column heading to adjust column size. 7. Follow these steps to enter data in your new table: Click in the first row under InvDate and type 12/15/2013. Tap [Tab] and type JFW. Use [Tab](forward) or [Shift]+[Tab](backward) to navigate among cells and enter the remaining data. Tap [Tab] and type SmithW under the CustID heading. When you create a table in Datasheet View, Access sets the first field as the Primary Key with an AutoNumber data type. Because InvNum uses the AutoNumber data type, Access fills in consecutive numbers automatically. AC02.16 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

17 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR 8. Follow these steps to save the table using a new table name: Click Save. The name in the object tab changes from Table1 to Invoices. 9. Click Close to close the table. Leave the database open. Creating Tables in Design View Video Library Video Number: AC13-V0208 Type Invoices in the Table Name box. Click OK. Many people believe that it s easier to create a new table in Design View because it offers a straightforward layout and provides intuitive options for entering field descriptions, setting field properties, and easily setting or removing primary keys. Entering Optional Descriptions In Design View, descriptions may be added to each field in a table to help identify special information about a field. For example, in the Customers table, the customer ID consists of the customer last name plus the customer first initial. So you might enter the following description for the CustID field: ID = Last name and customer first initial. Setting Field Properties Once you assign a data type, you can modify the field s properties further. As you define each field in a database table, Access sets properties for the field that control the number of characters the field can contain as well as the format of the data and the type of characters that are valid for the field. You can accept Access default properties or modify the properties. Properties available depend on the data type selected for the field. Access 2013 Creating Access Tables in a New Database AC02.17

18 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR Requiring Data in Key Fields The field identified as the primary key field must contain data it cannot be empty. When Access creates the primary key field, by default it sets the key field to automatically number the records. This ensures that each record has a unique number. Businesses often create their own coding system to identify customers and accounts, and use this identifying code for the key field. If a column in the table is too long or too short for the data it contains, you can adjust its width. Access provides some useful tools for changing column width. Drag a column border: Dragging a column border enables you to make the column on the left of the border wider or narrower. Double-click a column heading border: Double-clicking the right border of a column changes the width of the column on the left to fit the longest data entry in the column or column heading, whichever is wider. Right-click a field heading and choose Field Width: Selecting the Field Width command in the context menu opens the Column Width dialog box so you can type the desired column width, reset the standard column width, or select Best Fit to automatically size the field width to the longest entry. DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AC02-D06 Create a New Table in Design View In this exercise, you will create a new table using Table Design View. Then, you will adjust the width of the columns in the table. 1. Choose Create Table Design. Access opens an empty table in Design View. 2. Follow these steps to create the first table field, which will be the primary key: Type CustID in the first row of the Field Name column and tap [Tab]. Click Primary Key. Tap [Tab] and type Customer Last Name and First Initial. Note that Short Text is selected as the default Data Type. AC02.18 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

19 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR 3. Tap [Tab] and repeat step 2 to add the additional fields and field information shown here. 4. Click the CustLastName field and enter the values shown: Change the Field Size value in the Field Properties section to 25 characters. In the Caption text box type Last Name. 5. Repeat the procedure shown in step 4 to change the caption properties of the following fields: Field Size Caption CustLastName 25 Last Name CustFirstName 25 First Name CustStreetAddress 25 Street Address CustCity 15 City CustState 2 ST CustZIP 5 ZIP Code CustPhone 15 Telephone Cust 6. Save the table as Customers. If you forget to save, Access will prompt you to save when you close the table. Access 2013 Creating Access Tables in a New Database AC02.19

20 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR 7. Click the View drop-down arrow and choose Datasheet View. 8. Enter these records: Notice that the street address for DavisP is slightly cut off (the y in Way is difficult to make out). You will adjust column width next. Change the Column Width 9. Follow these steps to change the width of two columns: Double-click the column header between Street Address and City to auto size it. Click between the ST and ZIP header. The mouse pointer changes into a double-headed arrow. Drag the ST column header to the left to manually resize it. 10. Close the Access table and database. Save and close the Excel workbook. Retrieving Data Video Library Video Number: AC13-V0209 Whether you re processing an order, announcing statistics, or updating records, the primary purpose of any database is to be able to locate and retrieve data quickly and efficiently. Access provides three main tools and features for helping to locate and retrieve data. Sorting features Filtering tools Find and Replace commands Sorting Records Access automatically sorts records according to the primary key field identified when a table is created and fields are set up. You can also automatically sort tables by an AutoNumber as you AC02.20 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

21 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR enter records. The database sort feature enables you to rearrange table records based on data found in other table columns as well. Two main sort orders are available in Access. NOTE Position the insertion point and click any record in the Last Name field. Sort Ascending: Arranges data in alphabetical order from A to Z, in numeric order from lowest to highest, or in chronological order from first to last. Sort Descending: Arranges data in reverse alphabetical order from Z to A, in numeric order from highest to lowest, or in reverse chronological order from last to first. Sorting Records Using Tables and Forms Regardless of whether you are working with a table or a form, the primary procedures for sorting records are the same. Because the Winchester Web Design company is a small business with only a few employees, customers, and products, in the remainder of this lesson we will use the Raritan Clinic East database to get a better feel for the power of databases. For the rest of this exercise, you will work with a Raritan Clinic East database. DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AC02-D07 Sort Records in a Table In this exercise, you will sort records in the Raritan Clinic East database. 1. Open AC02-D07-RCE from the AC2013 Lesson 02 folder and save it as AC02-D07-RCE- [FirstInitialLastName]. 2. Double-click the Patients table in the Navigation Pane to open it in Datasheet View. 3. Follow these steps to sort records alphabetically by last name: Choose Home Sort & Filter Ascending. Access 2013 Retrieving Data AC02.21

22 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR 4. Follow these steps to set a descending sort order and then remove the sort: Click any record in the Doctor column. Choose Home Sort & Filter Descending. Records are rearranged in Patient ID order again the default sort order. Sorting Records Using Multiple Fields Video Library Video Number: AC13-V0210 Click Remove Sort. Data can be sorted in more than one table field at the same time. This can be useful, say, when more than one person in a family visits the same medical clinic. When this happens, selecting the first name field as a second sort field within a last name sort is appropriate. The last name field is the primary sort field and the first name field is the secondary sort field. The secondary sort field is only considered when multiple records contain the same data in the primary sort field. How Multiple Column Sorts Work Access sorts data in multiple fields from left to right. Consequently, the left column must be the one you want sorted first (primary sort field). Access then considers the second column (secondary sort field) only when it finds identical values in the primary sort field. You can perform more complex sorts on multiple fields using the Advanced Filter/Sort options, or sort multiple columns by rearranging them in the datasheet so that they appear side by side. AC02.22 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

23 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR QUICK REFERENCE SORTING RECORDS Task Procedure Sort ascending Sort descending Clear sorts Sort in multiple fields Click in the desired field and choose Home Sort & Filter Ascending. Click in the desired field and choose Home Sort & Filter Descending. Choose Home Sort & Filter Remove Sort. Arrange the desired fields with the primary field left of the secondary field then select both field column headings and click the desired sort button. DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AC02-D08 Sort Records Using Multiple Fields In this exercise, you will sort data in a table based on the values found in two columns. 1. Follow these steps to sort table records based on the values in multiple fields: Click the Last Name column heading and drag the mouse to select the First Name column heading. Notice the downward pointing arrow as you drag the mouse. Choose Home Sort & Filter Ascending. Access 2013 Retrieving Data AC02.23

24 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR 2. Review the record sort results to see the effect of sorting on two columns. There are two patients named Cook and two named Frost. The patients with the same last names are also sorted alphabetically by first name. 3. Choose Home Sort & Filter Remove Sort. Click any value in the Street Address column to deselect both name columns. 4. Follow these steps to sort on the same two columns and obtain different results: Click the First Name column heading to select the column; then click and drag the column. left so that it appears to the left of the Last Name column. Click any other field to clear the selected column. Select both name columns and choose Home Sort & Filter Ascending. The records appear in alphabetical order by first name the Barrys are together and the Marys are together. AC02.24 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

25 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR 5. Click Close to close the Patients table. Because you have changed the sort order a couple of times and then cleared the sorts, Access recognizes that you have changed the layout of the table and prompts you to save. If you click Yes, the changes will become part of the table design. You want to discard the changes. 6. Choose No in response to the prompt to save changes. Filtering Records Video Library Video Number: AC13-V0211 So far, you have sorted all the records contained in a table. When you work with large volumes of table data, there will be times when you want to locate a group of records that contain specific values in specific fields. Filtering enables you to select and work with a subset of records contained in a table. Using the Filter Tools The Filter tool lets you identify a value in a table field and tell Access to select only those records in the datasheet that contain the same value in the selected field. This process applies a filter to the table that hides (filters out) records whose active field contains data that does not match. For example, if you work with a database that contains thousands of records for consumers across the country, you could apply a filter to identify people who live in a specific state. Access provides two types of methods for filtering records: Filter by Selection and Filter by Form. Filter by Selection: Selects records based on the value contained in the active field in the table. Filter by Form: Selects records based on values or conditions (criteria) you type into form fields. Access searches only the fields you specify. Filtering Records by Selection There are two basic ways to filter by selection. You can tell Access to select all records containing data that matches the value or selected text in the active field of the selected record. Or you can select all records containing any value other than the one selected. Access searches only the selected field to find matches. Removing a Filter If you close the table after you have applied a filter, Access prompts you to save changes to the table. You will often want to save changes, especially in cases where you widen or hide columns. However, filtering data in a table is typically a temporary view while you work with the data, so you do not want to save a filtered table. To remove a filter, choose Home, and in the Sort & Filter section, click the Advanced menu drop-down, then choose Clear All Filters. Access 2013 Retrieving Data AC02.25

26 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR Locate a record with a Zip field value equal to and double-click to highlight the Zip value. Two records contain the invalid Zip code. Using the Toggle Filter Tool The Toggle Filter tool in the Sort & Filter section of the Ribbon serves two purposes: After you apply a filter, clicking the Toggle Filter button removes the filter and displays all records. After removing a filter, clicking the Toggle Filter button reapplies the last filter applied. In addition, when you point to the Toggle Filter button, a ToolTip displays to let you know what action you are performing. For example, when you point to the Toggle Filter button after applying a filter, the ToolTip displays Remove Filter. When you point to the Toggle Filter button after removing a filter, the ToolTip displays Apply Filter. DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AC02-D09 Filter Records by Selection Two records in the Raritan Clinic East Doctors table contain an invalid zip code. In this exercise, you will filter table records, correct the zip code, and then remove the filter. 1. Open the Raritan Clinic East Doctors table. 2. Follow these steps to set a filter: Choose Home Sort & Filter Selection. Select Equals from the Selection menu. Click Toggle Filter to switch between the filtered records and the entire table. Access applies the filter immediately and displays two records that contain the value. The navigation bar indicates that the results are filtered. AC02.26 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

27 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR 3. Click the Zip field for each of the errant records and type Choose Home Sort & Filter Advanced Clear All Filters to remove the filter and display all table records. Filtering Records by Form Video Library Video Number: AC13-V0212 Filter by Form allows you to select records based on values in multiple fields without rearranging the layout of table fields. When you filter by form, Access remembers the sort criteria. As a result, it is important to clear all filters after you apply this filter. Identifying Comparison Operators When you use the Filter by Form feature, you will often apply comparison operators so Access can locate the exact records or the range of records that contain the data you want to find. COMPARISON INDICATORS AND SYMBOLS Comparison Symbol Description = Equal: Records in the table must contain a value that equals the value you set for the field. < Less than: Records in the table must contain a value less than the value you set for the field. > Greater than: Records in the table must contain a value greater than the value you set for the field. <> Unequal: Records in the table must contain a value different from the value you set for the field. <= Less than or equal: Records in the table must contain a value less than or equal to the value you set for the field. >= Greater than or equal: Records in the table must contain a value greater than or equal to the value you set for the field. The format of the Filter by Form entry palette depends on whether you are filtering from a table or from a form. If you are filtering from a table, a datasheet palette opens. If you are filtering from a form, a blank form opens. Using Wildcards Database users often want to locate records that contain data in a specific field which may contain additional text or data. To accommodate this, Access accepts the use of wildcards, such as the asterisk (*), which can be used to represent multiple characters, or the question mark (?), where each question mark represents a single character. Access 2013 Retrieving Data AC02.27

28 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR USING WILDCARDS TO LOCATE DATA Example Description Will* *ill *ill* Will? Will?? Finds all records with the search string text will at the beginning of the field value regardless of how many other characters follow it. This search string will find Will, Willy, and William. Finds all records with the search string text ill at the end of the field value regardless of how many characters precede it. This search string will find Will, Bill, and Jill, but not Willy or William. Finds all records with the search string text ill anywhere in the field value, whether or not other characters appear before or after the search text. This search string will find Bill, Jill, Will, Willy, and William. Finds all records with the search string text will at the beginning of the field value and with only one character after. This search string will find Willy but not Willie. Finds all records with the search string text will at the beginning of the field value followed by exactly two additional characters. This search string will find Willie but not Willy or William. DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AC02-D10 Filter Records by Form In this exercise, you will use a table to filter records by form. 1. If necessary, open the Raritan Clinic East Doctors table in Datasheet View. 2. Follow these steps to open the Filter by Form tool: A blank record opens. Choose Home Sort & Filter Advanced. Choose Filter by Form. AC02.28 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

29 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR 3. Follow these steps to filter and select records in which the City value is Sarasota: WARNING Click Toggle Filter to filter the records. Click in the City field. Click the menu button at the right side of the City field and choose Sarasota. Access finds the records that meet the criteria and places a filter icon beside the field name. Only records with the City field value of Sarasota are displayed. Notice the Filter icon in the City heading to indicate that it is a filtered field. 4. Review the results then choose Home Sort & Filter Advanced Clear All Filters. Toggling the filter off does not remove the filter from the table; it just toggles between showing all the records and the filtered records. To remove a filter, choose Clear All Filters from the Advanced menu. 5. Click Close to close the table. Choose No when prompted to save. Access 2013 Retrieving Data AC02.29

30 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR TIP Update Records with Find and Replace Access Find and Replace tool improves the efficiency of maintaining a database that constantly changes. Using this tool, you can easily locate, delete, and edit records. When you have specific edits to make to individual records, finding the records and making the edits works well. There are also times when you need to update the data in one field for multiple records with the identical replacement data. For example, if the area code for a city changed, multiple records would need to be updated with the same value. The Replace command allows you to update these records by replacing existing data with new data. Use the Replace command to: Replace: Replace text for each occurrence of the search text, one at a time. Replace All: Replace all occurrences of the search text with the new text, all at the same time. Use Replace All with caution to avoid unexpected results. For example, if you wanted to replace the area code 813 with 941, Replace All would also change the phone number to The Find and Replace dialog box is probably already familiar to you. However, because data stored in a database is somewhat different from the text stored in other files, you will find some fields that are unique to the Access application. FROM THE KEYBOARD [Ctrl]+[F] to open the Find command page of Find and Replace [Ctrl]+[H] to open the Find and Replace dialog box AC02.30 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

31 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR FIND AND REPLACE COMMANDS Feature Description Find What Replace With Look In Match Search Match Case Search Fields As Formatted Enter the text, numbers, dates, and other values to locate. Finds a value and replaces it with a value you specify. Search only in the active field or in the entire document. Search for only data matching the whole field, any part of the field, or at the start of the field. Search up or down from the active cursor (to the end of the table or to the beginning of the table) or the whole table. Matches the exact capitalization pattern you type. Search for data as it is displayed in the datasheet rather than as you type it. If you uncheck the box, you would find March 5, 2013, even if it is formatted in the datasheet as 3/5/2013. DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS AC02-D11 Update Records Using Find and Replace After a long career, Dr. Bonifay (DocID 223) is retiring. In this exercise, you will use Find and Replace to transfer her patients to Dr. Lawrence (DocID 209). 1. Open the Patients table. 2. Click the Doctor column heading to select the field to search. You must select the field to search first. 3. Choose Home Find 4. Follow these steps to locate and replace text with new values: Click Replace All. Type 223 in the Find What box. Type 209 in the Replace With box. Access 2013 Retrieving Data AC02.31

32 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR Access warning states that you will not be able to undo this action. 5. Choose Yes to replace all the values. 6. Click Cancel to close the Find and Replace dialog box then scroll to confirm that the 223 doctors values have indeed changed to Close the table, saving if prompted. 8. Press [Alt]+[F4] to exit Access. Concepts Review To check your knowledge of the key concepts introduced in this lesson, complete the Concepts Review quiz by choosing the appropriate access option below. If you are Using the Labyrinth Video Library Using elab Not using the Labyrinth Video Library or elab Then access the quiz by Going to Logging in, choosing Content, and navigating to the Concepts Review quiz for this lesson Going to the student resource center for this book AC02.32 Access 2013 Lesson 2: Designing a Database and Creating Tables

33 Lessons from Microsoft Office 2013 FOR Reinforce Your Skills REINFORCE YOUR SKILLS AC02-R01 Design a New Database Kids for Change is a non-profit organization that helps young adults organize social/community service. They recently received an influx of funds to invest in computerizing the organization. In this exercise, you will gather and organize the information to determine the tables and fields needed for the new Kids for Change database. Design a Database 1. Think about what pieces of information should be included in the database. Consider the kinds of forms and reports they might want to generate. 2. Start Excel and add the following headings for the columns in the first row: Column A: Table Column B: Field Column C: Key Column D: Table Column E: Field Column F: Key 3. Type a list of data that should be included in the database. Resize the columns as necessary. Normalize the Database 4. As you examine the data, break down each piece of information into its basic parts. 5. Divide the data into tables based on the following categories: Activities, Staff, Sites, Volunteers, and Children. List the table names in columns A and D. 6. With the exception of key fields used to link tables, make sure no field appears in more than one table. List the corresponding fields for each table in columns B and E. Relate Tables with Keys 7. Enter a key ID field for each table to show the relationships that should exist between tables. Indicate which fields are primary or foreign keys in column C. 8. Save the Excel spreadsheet to your AC2013 Lesson 02 folder as AC02-R01-K4C- [FirstInitialLastName]. 9. Submit your final file based on the guidelines provided by your instructor. To view examples of how your file or files should look at the end of this exercise, go to the student resource center. Reinforce Your Skills AC02.33

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