540 Bibliography 9, 365~370 (1963) 3, 184~192 (1972)

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10 Subject Index Anaesthesia 1, 152 Artery, accessory meningeal 24,33, 134 -, alar 9, 14 -, alveolo-antral 133 -, angular 9, 126 -, anterior auricular 131 -, - cerebral 34 -, - deep temporal 25, 136 -, - palatine 132 -, - tympanic 20, 24 -, ascending cervical 19 -, - palatine 10, 132 -, - pharyngeal 60ff., 132, 134, 135, 248 -, - -, anterior branch 14 -, - -, posterior branch 15 -, basilar 134 -, buccal 28, 129, 130 -, deep lingual 9 -, descending palatine 30, 131, 133 -, dorsal alar 126, 131 -, - of tongue 7 -, ethmoidal 132ff., 247 -, facial 45ff., 125ff. -, inferior dental 27, 125, 131, 133 -, - -, incisor branch 28 -, - -, mental branch 28 -, - labial 125, 132 -, infraorbital 29, 126, 129, 133 -, - branches 30 -, internal auditory 19 -, - carotid 17,27, 134ff. -, - frontal 131, 136 -, - maxillary 94 ff., 129, 132 -, - - variations 23 -, labial "en T" 12, 13 -, lacrimal 136 -, lateral nasal 14 -, - palpebral 26 -, - sphenopalatine 31, 133 -, lingual 5, 37ff. - to lingual nerve 28 -, -, pharyngeal branches 7 -, -, suprahyoid branch 7 -, medial mental 13 -, - sphenopalatine 32, 133 -, middle deep temporal 25 -, - meningeal 109ff., 134ff., 247ff. -, - -, paramedian branches 34 -, - sternomastoid 18 -, mylohyoid 28 -, nasal 9 - to nasal septum 13 -, occipital 23ff., 131, 134, 135 -, - of falx 247 -, - of foramen rotundum 27, 134, 135 -, - of inferior concha 31 -, - of middle concha 31 -, - of superior concha 31 -, - of uvula 10 -, ophthalmic 9, 126, 131, 133ff., 156,248 -, posterior auricular 80ff., 131 -, - -, anterior auricular branch 20 -,- cerebral 34 -, - cervical (splenial) 18 -, - superior dental 29 -, pre-masseter 12 -, proatlantal intersegmental 18 -, pterygopalatine 26 -, sphenopalatine 132, to sternomastoid 17 -, stylomastoid 19, 20 -, sublingual 7, 125, to submandibular gland 7 -, submental 11,125 -, superficial temporal 84ff., 132 -, - -, frontal branch 22 -, - -, parietal branch 22 -, superior cerebellar 134 -, - labial 9, 126, 132 -, - tubal 26 -, supraorbital to temporomandibular joint 20ff. -, transverse facial 126, 129 -, - -, branches 21 -, tympanic 19 -, vertebral 18, 19, 134, 135, 248 -, -, meningeal branches 16, 134, 135 -, -, nasal 9 -, Vidian (of pterygoid canal) 26, 132, 134 -, zygomaticomalar 130, 136 Balloon catheter 155ff., 409 Canal, condylar 134 -, facial 134 -, Jacobson's 134 Cerebellopontine angle 251 Chemotherapy, intra-arterial 2 Cylindroma 366 Duct, Stensen's 43 -, Wharton's 7 Embolisation, complications 152 -, contraindications 151 -, materials 152, 153 Epithelioma 362 ff. Ethmoid region tumours of 253 Failures of catheterisation, causes 2 Fibroma, nasopharyngeal 253, 338ff. Fissure, inferior orbital 134 Fistulae, carotico-ca vernous 409ff. -, meningeal, to lateral sinus 407ff. Foramen, jugular 134 -, lacerum 134 -, magnum 134

11 550 Subject Index Foramen, mastoid 134 -, mental 12 -,ovale 134 -, rotundum 134 -, spinosum of Vesalius 134 Fossa, peterygopalatine 24 Ganglion of Kutner 18 -, sphenopalatine 24, 26 -, superior cervical 17 Ge1foam 151 Haemangioma 390ff. Haemangiopericytoma 353 ff. Haematoma 372 Hyoid bone 6ff. Intra-oral radiographs 5 Kigular bulb 16 Little's area 32, 133 Long facial artery 9ff., 13, 126, 136 Magnification radiograph 5 Malignant tumours 253, 364ff., 389 Meningeal angiomatosis blood supply to tumours 247 Mesenchymoma 367 Nerve, accessory 17, 18 -, auriculo-temporal 23 -, glossopharyngeal 17 -, hypoglossal 6, 17, 18 -, mandibular 25 -, maxillary 24, 27 -, sublingual 7 -, superior laryngeal 6 -, vagus 17 Orbital anastomotic arcade 21, 130, 136 Paget's disease 374ff. Perioral arterial circle 126 Phleboliths 158 Pituitary gland 16 Plate, cribiform 134 Rete mirabile 35 Sarcoma 252 Sclerosants 154, 157 Short facial artery 9 ff. Sinus, superior sagittal 34, 134 Submandibular gland 7 Subtraction 2 Syndrome, Franc;ois 138 -, Rendu-Osler 157, 159, 168 ff. -, Sturge Weber 400ff. "Tache vasculaire" 30, 133 Tentorium 134 Thrombase 151 Tonsil 10 Tonsillitis 368 Trunk, meningohypophyseal 135

12 Cerebral Angiomas Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy Editors: H. W. Pia, J.R W. Gleave, E. Grote, J. Zierski 161 figures. X, 285 pages ISBN Distribution rights for Japan: Maruzen Co. Ltd., Tokyo Contents: Morphological Aspects. - Clinical Aspects. - Angiographical Aspects. - Pathophysiological Aspects. - Operative Macro- und Microsurgical Treatment. ~ Cryosurgical Treatment. - Artificial Embolization. - Radiotherapy. - The Natural History. Advances in Cerebral Angiography Antomy - Stereotaxy - Embolization - Computerized Axial Tomography Inserm-Symposium Marseille, May 13-16, 1975 Editor: G. Salamon 222 figures, 8 tables. XVI, 375 pages ISBN Distribution rigths for Japan: Nankodo Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan Spinal Angiomas Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy Editors: H. W. Pia, R Djindjian Approx. 230 figures, 40 tables. Approx. 220 pages ISBN Contents: Introduction. - Blood Supply and Vascular Pathology of the Spinal Cord. - Pathology of Spinal Vascular Malformations and Vascular Tumors. - Operative Findings in Spinal Angiomas. - Symptomatology of Spinal Angiomas. - Clinical Symptomatology and Natural History of Arterio Venous Malformations of the Spinal Cord. - Radiological Findings in Spinal Angiomas. - Angiography in Angiomas of the Spinal Cord. - Operative Treatment of Spinal Angiomas. - Surgical Treatment ofintramedullary and Anterior Spinal Angiomas. - Operative Treatment of Spinal Angioblastomas. - Treatment of Spinal Angiomas by Embolization. - Embolization of Spinal Arterio-Venous Malformations. H.W.Kolmel Atlas of Cerebrospinal Fluid Cells 2nd, enlarged edition. 251 figures, 139 in color. VIII, 142 pages ISBN Contents: Cytologic Techniques. - The Cells of Normal Cerebrospinal Fluid. - Cells ofthe Mononuclear Phagocytic System. -Eosinophilic Granulocytes. - Plasma Cells. - Bacterial Meningitis. - Lymphocytic Meningitis and Meningoencephalitis. - Tuberculous Meningoencephalitis. - Cerebral and Spinal Syphilis. - Meningoencephalitis in Beh~t's Disease. - Giant Cells. - Tumor Giant Cells. - Tumor Cells. H.M. Duvernoy Human Brainstem Vessels Preface by R WaIWick Illustrations by J.L. Vannson 108 figures, 2 folding plates. Approx. 195 pages ISBN Contents: Arteries and Veins of the Brainstem: Medulla Oblongata. Pons. Mesencephalon. - The Vascular Architecture ofthe Brainstem. The book provides a complete view ofthe vascularization of the brains tern in man, comprising the arteries, the veins and the capillary network. Divided into two parts, the first part concerns the superficial ramifications of the arteries and veins, their points of penetration into the nervous tissue or emergency from it, and their corresponding territories of distribution. It is abundantly illustrated both by photographs and color diagrams. The second part concerns the capillary network of the brainstem and is illustrated by photographs of transverse, coronal and sagittal sections showing the vascular architecture ofthe medulla, the pons and the mesencephalon. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York

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