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1 ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA május 11. INFORMATIKA ANGOL NYELVEN EMELT SZINTŰ GYAKORLATI VIZSGA május 11. 8:00 A gyakorlati vizsga időtartama: 240 perc Beadott dokumentumok Piszkozati pótlapok száma Beadott fájlok száma A beadott fájlok neve OKTATÁSI ÉS KULTURÁLIS MINISZTÉRIUM Informatika angol nyelven emelt szint gyakorlati vizsga 0911

2 Important information You have 240 minutes to solve the practical exercises. Devices allowed for the exam: computer assigned to the candidate, paper, pen, pencil, ruler, sealed notepaper. You can take notes on the internal sides of the exercise sheet and the notepaper, these should be submitted at the end of the exam but their content will not be evaluated. The exercises can be solved in any order. Please pay attention to frequent saving (every 10 minutes); it is suggested that you save your work every time you start a new exercise. You should save your exam work in the exam directory that corresponds with your identifier. Check that the directory that corresponds with the code on the exercise sheet is accessible; if it is not accessible, notify the supervising teacher at the beginning of the exam. Save your works in the exam directory and at the end of the exam check that every solution is in the given directory because only those solutions can be evaluated. Check that the files to be submitted are readable because files that can not be opened can not be evaluated. The source files can be found in the exam directory. It is suggested that you read through the exercises first, then solve the individual exercise parts one by one. If your computer has technical problems, indicate it to the supervising teacher. The fact of indication and the observed problem will be recorded. The lost time will be added to the duration of the exam. If the problem is not of computer nature, the correcting teacher should take the description of the case in the record into consideration. (The system administrator can not help the candidate with the solution of the exercises.) At the end of the exam you should indicate the number and name of files created and submitted by you and located in the exam directory and its subdirectories on the first page of the exam document. When finishing the exam, do not leave the room until you have done so and have shown it to the supervising teacher. Please indicate the operating system you work with and the programming environment you use. Operating system: Windows Linux MacOS X Programming environment: FreePascal Turbo C++ Explorer Turbo Delphi Explorer 2006 Borland C++ 6 Dev-C++ 5 Visual C# 2008 Express JAVA SE Perl Visual Basic 2008 Express Visual Studio 2008 Professional gyakorlati vizsga / május 11.

3 1. American football American football is a very popular sport not only in the United States, but also in the whole world. In Hungary the game exists since the 1990s. Due to enthusiastic players and fans its popularity increases in Hungary as well. In the following exercise you have to create a document introducing the history and the rules of American football. The files available for it are AFC_base.jpg, NFC_base.jpg, NFL.jpg, Bobby_Lane.jpg, field.jpg, history.txt, teams.txt, field.txt, rules.txt. The text files are UTF-8 encoded. Save the created document as a_football in the default format of the program. 1. The page size of the document is A4. Set the margins according to the followings: the top and bottom margins are 2 cm, the left margin is 2.6 cm and the right margin is 2.4 cm. The font type of the text is Times New Roman (Nimbus Roman) and Arial (Nimbus Sans), its size is 13, 16 or 36 points (unless specified else). 2. Add page numbering at the bottom of the pages. The numbers are aligned right. As later a front page will be added to the description, start the numbering from Enter the title, American football, then format it according to the example. Set a spacing of 6 points before and 18 points after it. 4. Insert the text from file history.txt after the title. Set justified alignment in the document. Format the chapter title The history of American football according to the example. Set a spacing of 6 points before and 10 points after it. 5. Insert picture NFL.jpg into the second paragraph after the subtitle and align it left. 6. Insert picture Bobby_Lane.jpg into the fifth paragraph after the subtitle. Resize the picture proportionally to 70% of the original size keeping the aspect ratio. Align the picture right. 7. Insert the contents of file teams.txt after the text created so far. Format text NFL teams according to the subtitle created previously. 8. Create a table from the text tagged by tabs that is after NFL teams. Format the table according to the followings: a. The width of the table is 14 cm and it is aligned centered. b. It has three columns; the column widths are 2 cm, 6 cm, 6 cm, respectively. c. Align the texts in the first row centered horizontally, to the bottom vertically and set bold font style. d. Set the font size of the other rows to 11 points. e. Merge the cells in the first column containing words East, North, South, West according to the example, then align the words to the center vertically, and set bold font style. f. Set the colour of text American Football Conference (AFC) in the first row to red, colour with RGB code (192,0,0). Set the colour of text National Football Conference (NFC) to dark blue, colour with RGB code (17,67,138). The exercise continues on the next page. gyakorlati vizsga / május 11.

4 9. Insert picture AFC_base.jpg into the first row of the table according to the example. This picture contains half of the AFC logo. Copy the picture, then create the AFC logo shown in the example through reflection. Upon joining do not allow the picture parts to be shifted relative to each other, to have a gap between them or to overlap each other. 10. Insert file NFC_base.jpg into the first row of the table according to the example. Add the stars to letter N using the drawing tools of the word processor according to the example and the following description: a. The size of the stars should be the same. b. The stars should not overlap each other and should not touch the border of letter N anywhere. c. Rotate all three stars in the way shown in the example. d. The colour of the stars is white and the line colour is also white. 11. Insert the text from file field.txt under the table. Format the text in the same way as before. After the first paragraph insert picture field.jpg centered according to the example. 12. After the description of The field insert the text from file rules.txt. In the text word (subtitle) appears after the titles to be highlighted. Delete these and format the subtitles according to the example. Set a spacing of 6 points before and after the subtitles. After formatting, ascertain that the subtitles appear on the same page as the paragraphs that follow them. 13. For the text in subchapter The aim of the game set an indent of 0.5 cm starting from the second paragraph and set bold style for the expressions shown in the example. 14. In subchapter Scoring set bulleted listing for each paragraph starting from the third paragraph. Set an indent of 0.5 cm for the listing and a hanging indent of 1 cm. 30 marks gyakorlati vizsga / május 11.

5 Example for the American football exercise: gyakorlati vizsga / május 11.

6 2. Personal ID The personal identifier (personal ID) used in the public administration system stores several information. The structure of the personal ID depends on the date of birth. Its use and rules of formation are prescribed by law, which was amended in the following way on 1 January 1997 and on 1 January 2000: 1. The personal ID is an eleven-digit number. 2. The personal ID should be formed in the following way: a) the 1 st digit stands for the century of birth and the gender of the citizen in the following way: Date of birth between 1 January 1997 Date of birth after and 31 December December 1999 male female male female b) the 2 nd to 7 th digits contain the last two digits of the year, the month and the day of birth of the citizen; c) the 8 th to 10 th digits give the ordinal number of those born on the same day; d) the 11 th digit is a check digit calculated from the first 10 digits through mathematical methods. 3. The 11 th digit of the personal ID is calculated in the following way: each digit formed according to items 2. a)-c) is multiplied by a number, namely the 10 th digit by one, the 9 th digit by two and so on. The products should be added and the sum should be divided by eleven. The ordinal number according to item 2.c) may not be issued if the remainder of the division by eleven is equal to ten. Display the information content of personal IDs using a worksheet processing system. During the solution take the followings into consideration. Whenever possible, use a formula, function or reference to get a correct result even if the source data are modified. There are parts in the exercise that use the results from a previous question. If you could not solve an exercise part completely, use its solution as it is, or enter an arbitrary value and work on with this value. This way you can receive marks for this exercise part as well. 1. Open data file idsource.txt, which is tagged by tabs and is UTF-8 encoded, using a worksheet processor so that the first value appears in cell A1. Save the table as persid in the default format of the worksheet processor. 2. Change the name of the worksheet to Result and insert a new worksheet named Details. 3. On worksheet Details enter the heading into the first row according to the example. 4. On worksheet Details columns B:L should contain the digits of the personal IDs using functions that can be copied flawlessly in both vertical and horizontal direction. 5. Columns N:W should contain the products that correspond with the method of formation and column Y should contain their sum. (The products should be formed only from the first ten digits of the personal ID. For the solution use a formula that can be copied flawlessly both horizontally and vertically.) 6. In columns B:F of sheet Result the information that can be acquired from the personal ID should be displayed according to the example. (The numbers may include leading zeros, for example 12 and 012 are both correct.) gyakorlati vizsga / május 11.

7 7. In the cells of column G display Correct or Incorrect using the results of the calculation parts depending on whether the 11 th digit of the personal ID satisfies the rule of formation or not. 8. On worksheet Result format the data and the results of the calculation parts so that each number and text can be read clearly. Display the borders only for those cells that contain data. In columns A:G of sheet Result set the font formats and the alignments according to the example. As a hint a few functions that can be used for the solution of the exercise: Hungarian version English version Explanation =közép() =mid() Returns a given number of characters from the text starting from the given character position. =érték() =value() Converts a text representing a number into a number. =maradék() =mod() Returns the remainder when a number is divided by another number. Example: 15 marks Worksheet Result Worksheet Details gyakorlati vizsga / május 11.

8 3. Kossuth Prize The highest state award in Hungary is the Kossuth Prize. The data of the winners between 1948 and 2008 are available in files person.txt, profession.txt and when.txt. 1. Create a new database named kossuth. Import the data tables into the database with name person, profession and when. The text files are UTF-8 encoded, tagged by tabs and their first lines contain the field names. 2. After importing set the suitable data formats and keys. Tables: person (persid, persname) persid The identifier of the awarded person (or group) (number), this is the key persname The name of the winner (text) profession (id, persid, profname) id The identifier of the records in the table (number), this is the key persid The identifier of the awarded person (number) profname The profession of the awarded person (text) when (identifier, persid, ayear) identifier The identifier of the award (number), this is the key persid The identifier of the awarded person (number) ayear The year of awarding (number) Create the solution of the following exercises. In the queries pay attention to display only the requested values and no other data. Save your solutions with the names given in brackets. 3. Using a query, list the name of the awarded persons who received Kossuth Prize in 1990 in alphabetical order. Display only the names. (3ninety) 4. Using a query, list the name, occupation and year of award of those whose profession contains the word engineer. (4engineer) 5. Using a query, give the names of those who received Kossuth Prize more than twice and the number of awards for each of them. (5morethantwice) 6. Using a query, determine the year when the most Prizes were awarded and the number of awarded persons in that year. (6maxprizes) 7. Using a query, give the name and the year of award of those whose occupation is the same as Varga Imre s. Do not display Varga Imre s name in the list. (7vargaimre) gyakorlati vizsga / május 11.

9 8. Using a query, list the occupations of the people who received the Prize in 1948 and later no other person with the same occupation received the Prize. In the list display each occupation only once. (8ceased) 9. The naming of professions changed during the years. In order to have unified namings, change each occurrence of the profession actor into stage actor. (9actor) 10. Create a report about the name of poets grouped by the year of award. Next to the years the names should appear in alphabetical order. The report heading should contain the title Kossuth Prize winning Hungarian poets. You can create an auxiliary query or temporary table for the solution. (10poets) Example: 30 marks gyakorlati vizsga / május 11.

10 4. Plots In Streamville the area at the end of the village that is yet unbuilt on is divided into two parts by the Stream Bits. The municipality decided to create residential area Brave Future by forming building plots. After the building two streets will be created in a rectangular area: Prosperity Row and Fortune Row. The inhabitants of the two rows are foot-to-foot neighbours, but their plots are separated from each other by the Stream Bits. The two streets are parallel, the distance between the street fronts is 80 metres. On each row the same number of rectangular plots were designated, at most 30 plots per row. On Prosperity Row only odd house numbers, on Fortune Row only even house numbers were issued (starting from 1 and 2, without any omissions). The width of a plot is at most 40 metres. At the ends of the streets the two banks of the stream are connected by bridges. Upon designating the plots the path of the water course was taken into account. A registry of the designated plots has been created, it can be found in file plots.txt. The first line of the file contains the number of plots to be sold, the following lines contain the data of the plots one by one. The first data is the house number, the second is the width of the plot, and the third is the length, which is the dimension perpendicular to width. In the case of Prosperity Row every data is available, but in the case of Fortune Row there are zeros in the place of the length data. There is exactly one space between the data. Create a program named plots, which solves the following exercises. Before displaying the result of the exercise parts requiring output on the screen display the number of the exercise on the screen. (E.g. Exercise 3:) 1. Read the data from file plots.txt and solve the following exercises using them. If you cannot read the file, then enter the data of plots no. 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 Prosperity Row and gyakorlati vizsga / május 11.

11 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 Fortune Row from the file into the program and solve the exercises using these data. 2. How many metres should one walk to walk round the two streets? Display the calculated distance on the screen. 3. The local authority prescribes that in the case of plots whose width is 20 metres or less complete street front building is required. Determine and display on the screen the number of plots affected by this regulation on Fortune Row. 4. How many houses are there between the plots with the largest and smallest area on Prosperity Row? Display on the screen the number of plots between the two plots, the house numbers and the corresponding areas of the largest and the smallest plots. 5. The local authority will impose a tax on the plots. The tax is calculated in Pinny-pennies. In the case of plots with area 700 square metres or less the tax is 51 Pinny-pennies per square metre, in the case of plots larger than this it is 51 Pinny-pennies per square metre for the first 700 square metres, above 700 square metres to 1000 square metres it is 39 Pinny-penny per square metre. For the part above 1000 square metres the tax is not calculated per square metre, it is a flat sum of 200 Pinny-pennies. The owners of plots whose width is 15 m or less or whose length is 25 m or less receive a 20% tax allowance. When determining the tax, it should be rounded to 100 Pinny-pennies (e.g. in the case of 6238 it is 6200, in the case of 6586 it is 6600). Determine the tax revenue of the local authority from Prosperity Row. 6. Which are the last 3 plots on Fortune Row? Display on the screen the house numbers and the distance of the plots from the head of Fortune Row according to house numbers in decreasing order. 7. Determine the length of the plots on Fortune Row. Take into consideration that the minimum distance between the borders of the opposite plots towards the stream is 10 metres measured in the direction perpendicular to the street front. The plots are considered to be opposite each other even if only some parts of their borders lie on the same line. (For example the plots opposite to plot number 10 are only plots number 9 and 11.) In your calculation designate the largest plots that satisfy this condition. Write the data of Fortune Row into file fortunerow.csv. Each line should contain a house number, a corresponding width and a length. The data should be separated from each other by exactly one semicolon. 45 marks Sources: 1. American football Source of the pictures: Source of the original texts: gyakorlati vizsga / május 11.

12 maximum mark Word processing, presentation, graphics, web page creation American football Worksheet processing Personal ID Database management Kossuth Prize Algorithmisation, data modelling Plots Mark of the practical exam part 120 achieved mark signature of examiner Date:. Szövegszerkesztés, prezentáció, grafika, weblapkészítés / Word processing, presentation, graphics, web page creation Táblázatkezelés / Worksheet processing Adatbázis-kezelés / Database management Algoritmizálás, adatmodellezés / Algorithmisation, data modelling elért pontszám egész számra kerekítve / achieved mark rounded to an integer javító tanár aláírása / signature of examiner programba beírt egész pontszám / mark entered into the program as an integer jegyző/registrar of the Board of Examiners Dátum/Date:. gyakorlati vizsga / május 11.


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