Material Design and Production subprocess - 1/12

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1 Material Design and Production subprocess - 1/12 MATERIAL DESIGN AND PRODUCTION MODELS M aterial design and production general m odel MATERIAL DESIGN MATERIAL PRODUCTION D1 P1 Specific processes of each stage

2 Material Design and Production subprocess - 2/12 MATERIAL DESIGN D1 - To design a learning unit Process responsable To structure the content m aterial of a learning unit fitting the skill and knowledge objectives Input - Prerequisite knowledge and skills - Expected target knowledge and skills - Course description (syllabus) O u tp u t - Proposition of design of a learning unit to be approved Hum an resources - Author, instructional designer O ther resources - Knowledge details and structure of content - References to detailed deeper content - Duration of validity of all content elem ents - K n o w le d g e a n d a c tiv itie s lin k e d to m e ta d a ta (c la s s ific a tio n, re p o s ito ry, reusability) and reference inform ation Procedures - T o d e fin e th e s c e n a rio o f th e u n it - T o d e fin e th e in te ra c tio n s w ith th e s tu d e n t - To choose of delivering m edia/technology - To define the list of resources needed and available (included infrastructure, staff, costs) for production m aterial - To define the resources needed by the student - T o d e fin e tim e c h a ra c te ris tic s (s y n c h ro n o u s o r a s y n c h ro n o u s ) - To define the frequency of updating - T o ta g u n its in o rd e r to fa c ilita te fu tu re u p d a te Q U A L IT Y C R IT E R IA RISK MANAGEMENT - The learning unit does not fit the prerequisite knowledge and skills - The chosen pedagogical m ethod is not efficient - Students m ay learn obsolete content - Som e learners have difficulty to use the learning m aterial and loose tim e on solving problem s which are not relevant with the content - The learning m aterial cannot be reused easily and the return on investm ent is too low to assure a balanced budget on a long term period - Pedagogical efficiency - Updating m anagem ent - Hom ogeneous content - Usability for the end user - R e u s a b ility - D e s ig n fa c ilita tin g th e s p lit a n d re b u ild in g o f re s o u rc e s fro m e x is tin g u n its - W ell structured sequence RECOMMENDATIONS

3 Material Design and Production subprocess - 3/12 MATERIAL PRODUCTION P1 - To develop a learning unit Process responsable To develop the m aterial of a learning unit Input - From d2: Approved design of a learning unit Output - M aterial Hum an resources - Author, instructional designer - Graphic designer, audiovisual expert, developer Other resources - Graphical and audiovisual resources Procedures - To develop the m aterial - To im plem ent the supports of the activities - To develop the graphical and audiovisual resources QUALITY CRITERIA RISK MANAGEMENT - Respect of the design of the learning unit - Respect of tim e schedule and budget - Reusability of code units - Hom ogeneously built docum ent in term s of structure & navigation - U s a b ility fo r th e end user - T im e s c h e d u le is n o t re s p e c te d : s o m e le a rn e rs w ill n o t b e a b le to fo llo w th e tra in in g in tim e - Budget is not respected: som e parts will n o t b e p roduced or will b e p roduced in a lower quality - Norm s and standards are not respected - Som e students have difficulties to use the m aterial RECOMMENDATIONS - Use of a hom ogeneous graphical design - Use of an autom atic generation process - T e s t o f u s a b ility

4 MATERIAL DESIGN AND PRODUCTION CHART Material Design and Production subprocess - 4/12 ROLES ACTIVITY ARTEFACTS & TOOLS ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS The first group of roles is devoted to the content. From the different e-quality scenarios, previous roles were submitted such as the content producer, author or the information searcher. This set of roles is integrated in the proposed macro-role Author (also considering external experts as usual contributors to the content development) because it is a clear reference in the whole environment. There is a second macro-role related to contents, not with the building up but with the legal management, which is the law specialist that integrates previous roles as lawyer or copyright specialist. Author - To search information to be integrated in the learning materials - To create contents based on the established goals and taking into account the ODL specificities - To create learning activities - To create educational resources in the frame of the course - To reuse existing contents - To provide references such as books, articles, websites - To decide the pedagogical choices with the rest of the staff involved, specially with the instructional designer - To choose, together with the instructional designer, the modalities of interactions in the VLE and the pedagogical resources such as simulations, problem solving, cases studies for the objectives accomplishment Content management system Text editor Quotation software Documents to be used by the instructional designer and the rest of the team. All kind of text software in order to reach all kind of contents. Databases, information sources, internet, browsers State of the art resources Libraries Correction software. Dictionaries. Encyclopaedias Legislation. Best practices. University system. Curriculum Law specialist - To revise the conditions of use of the referenced documents in the materials - To insert the requested legally symbols and documentation in copyright terms - To implement the copyright protocol within the needed certification entity - To revise the reused contents in legal terms - To write the contract templates - To elaborate the author contracts - To negotiate the conditions of the author s contracts with the authors - To prepare the individual contracts - To reach agreements with third institutions in case an external content is going to be used - To give advise on copyright issues to the people involved in producing documents and resources, or reusing the existing ones - To manage the author s rights - To manage the copyright issues inside and outside the institution Legal forms Contracts Copyright memento Copyrights and intellectual property agreements Latest laws, modifications in existing laws. Jurisprudence. The graphic designer is a role that integrates some other professionals with different names depending on each local context, for instance the navigation designer, lay out expert. The term graphical designer is chosen because it is more common and accepted.

5 Material Design and Production subprocess - 5/12 Graphic designer - To create the images - To create the illustrations - To create icons - To create graphs - To create the graphical chart (Create a unique graphic style) - To create a graphical template for the different kinds o the course documents such as activities, contents, extra resources - To insert the graphical resources already developed into the different interfaces of the digital course Photograph editors Graphic editors Images databanks Scanner Digital camera Web editors Media editors Ergonomic principles Media resources Internet Graphical standards (SUN or Microsoft) Information on students screen resolution Apart from the graphical appearance of the materials, there exist some other media that are usually implemented and consequently some professionals are working in these developments for example the sound expert, or the animation expert. A common role that integrates all them is the audiovisual specialist. Audiovisual expert - To create locutions - To insert locutions in the course - To extract sounds from existing files (as pieces of songs) - To insert sounds in the course - To register environmental sounds - To insert environmental sounds - To create and insert music or any other sound - To connect the sound media with the course interface - To create and insert 3D resources - To create and insert digital animations - To create and insert video Audio software Audio in different supports: cassette, CD, etc. Music instruments. Synthesizers. Animation software. 3D software. Production software Images Sounds Internet Voices Songs The worker in charge of assembling the different media, and also the one who connects the material with the Virtual Learning Environment receives different names such as integrator, technical coordinator, tester, or developer. The macro-role that considers all these activities is going to be known as the developer. Developer - To insert the different media productions in the course s interfaces; such as text, video, animations, etc. - To insert the different technical productions in the course; such as dhtml, applets, scripts, etc. - To make the needed links in order to navigate through the course - To test the different versions obtained in order to find errors, malfunctions, problems, etc - To respect the main e-learning standards (SCORM) - To create intranets in the Learning Management System to allocate the course - To create communication tools such as debates, forums, boards Integration and development software Media software Web editor Text editor FTP software Learning Management Systems Didactic materials and learning resources Internet Computer languages

6 Material Design and Production subprocess - 6/12 - To solve technical problems - To control the state of development in the production stage anytime - To create prototypes and a final version of the course - To advice about the technology constraints to the rest of the multidisciplinary team There are a lot of different terms when speaking about the professional who is in charge of leading this process, as the knowledge engineer, the pedagogical coordinator, the content designer, the e-learning engineer, the instructional designer and the planner of the pedagogy. The selected term is going to be the instructional designer because its commonly and internationally accepted. In some scenarios, the instructional designer is also the responsible of the ergonomic and usability issues. The usability expert could be considered a part of previous provided roles; as the ergonomics specialist, but it has been selected because of the student centered perspective, in other words, how end users are going to use the materials. Instructional designer - To coordinate the production of the different learning objects, units and modules - To establish the teaching and learning methodology - To establish the learning objectives - To work out the contents for the objective achievements and the estimated time of the course - To supervise the content production considering the student characteristics - To provide the student activities; individual or in group, that fit with the accepted methodology of work - To provide the answers of the questions formulated - To design the initial, continuous and final evaluations - To coordinate the development of the complementary resources apart from the material - To design the global storyboard of the course - To produce the mock-up to dialog with authors - To choose the media adapted to the content, the public and the rest of pedagogical elements - To choose, together with the author, the modalities of interactions in the VLE and the pedagogical resources such as simulations, problem solving, cases studies for the objectives accomplishment - To set up a plan and an implementation of a procedure of reusable components for further training actions - To control the design assignments - To integrate the content design and the graphic and navigation designs - To link the course with the rest of the institution formative offer - To coordinate and control the rest of the staff involved in the material design and production Learning plans Methodological resources Mock-up of user interface A metadata grid for each reusable component of the resource Project management software Complementary educational resources. Media resources Learning Management Systems Quality capabilities Legislation Best practices Innovative practices. Didactic materials A resource model with all the components, each component is tagged as reusable or not Web editor Theory about adult learning

7 Material Design and Production subprocess - 7/12 - To adapt the course design to the pedagogical model of the institution - To create a learning plan Usability Expert (in certain institutions, these activities can be assumed by the instructional designer) - To do user studies - To analyse the information obtained by the users - To offer guidance about ergonomic decisions - To contribute to the course structure - To define the navigation system Text editor Software for the quantitative and qualitative data analysis Software for rapid prototyping Human perception capabilities Ergonomic knowledge (overall cognitive ergonomics) Social psychology Device knowledge Usability labs Methodologies of user study

8 Material Design and Production subprocess - 8/12 SET OF INDICATORS RELATED TO THIS SUBPROCESS Formal aspects - The materials format is justified and there is a guidance of use - The design is attractive - The structure is open and flexible - It has a clear index - The titles offer guidance about the expected contents - The key information is underlined - There are recapitulations - There are graphic marks that guidance about the expected work to develop (read, synthesis, work in groups, etc, etc) - Images complement and reinforce the contents - The expected students tasks are well defined - There are graphs and charts to help the students understanding - The course is complemented with links to related further resources - There is a proper vocabulary according to student level - The content is structured in a clear way, taking into account the students level - There are metaphors and analogies to reinforce the understanding - The examples are close to the quotidian life of the students - There is a different kind of questions addressed to students - The requested answered in terms of form and content are different - Courses are designed with a consistent structure, easily discernable to students of varying learning styles - The course includes a glossary, bibliography, etc, etc - It has a help option - It has a map site - It is possible to print - There is a quality audio media - Students have the chance of adjust the audio volume - It is ease of use - It has interactivity - It is modulatered - It is motivating - It is multiculturalism including language - It is multiplayer - There is a clear definition of the target groups - There is an appropriate use/mix of different media - The course has aesthetic quality - In the course production, the different metaphors, images, icon, etc. have a proper quality level, promoting attractive interfaces - Guidelines regarding minimum standards are used for material design - Material design is managed by multidisciplinary team, content experts, instructional designers, technical experts, and evaluation personnel (some of the tasks could be subcontracted due to this category institution volume) - The appearance of the different courses consider the same identity elements in order to assurance they belong to the same institution Information provided by the marketing department related to the amount of expected students for a course is a key element for the course design. And also implies the destination of resources for it - The course is linked with the accessibility policies of each institution - The course is linked with the academic norms of each institution - Support territorial centers can be used for the information delivery (e.g. in CD) if this option has pedagogical reasons - The course is well connected with the subject spread plan Relation between learning objectives and contents - Objectives and contents are put in relation with the capabilities expected to reach in each stage - Objectives are defined - There is an explanation about the correspondence between objectives and contents - There is an explanation related to the used criteria for the contents election

9 Material Design and Production subprocess - 9/12 - Contents include facts, concepts and concept systems - Contents include work flows - Contents include attitudes, rules and values - The material is coherent with the purpose - Identification of the learner objectives is assured - There is a coherence of the didactic strategy with course objectives - There is a close relationship between the course and the strategic studies plan The course responds to a programme requirements, while the programme responds to a govern council requirement. Contents - The information provides of different sources - The information sources are available - The information is updated and provides from different cultural ambits (tradition, popular, scientific ) - Culture, race, religion or gender diversities are treated in a positive way - The possible different points of view are show, whether it is the same of the author or not - At the beginning of each unit, there is a summary of contents - Contents are linked with previous learning - Contents treat practical problems - Contents and demanded activities are well linked - The contents are reliable and update - It is available a relevant background of the authors of materials - It has brand recognition - The content structure and organisation coherent with the didactic model - The content includes the acquired knowledge - The contents include examples - The theorist pillars of the material are explained - The pedagogical model is explained - Transversal contents are integrated - There is an explanation about the relations between contents belonging to different units - Interfaces are not full of text making hard the student reading - The course is suitable of the language and contents to the targets - There is an explanation about the relation of contents between different courses - There is an specific author contract, and it is used for this course - There is author rights management in place - The Learning Environment System is coordinated with the course content in order not to repeat aspects - In the programme design participates all the involved stakeholders. Consequently in any different course, content repetitions would be avoided. - The programme is build up in a collaborative way. In this sense each course content had the contributions of the whole involved personnel - The programme construction consider external experts opinions in order to assurance the updated of the contents and a objective approach Teaching and learning process - It is concreted a teaching and learning model - Activities have a different level of complexity - Activities are adapted to diversity, mainly to the different learning styles - Activities look forward assess the progress - It is indicated the estimated time each activity need to be accomplish - Complement activities are suggested - The material dedicates a part for the activities resolution - The activities are open and flexible - For the activities development different products are demanded - Guidelines for the activities execution are provided - Activities look forward reflection - Alternative sources of information are suggested to the students - It is permitted and autonomous work - There is a balance between the individual work, little group work and big group work - It is possible a peer collaborative work - Material incorporate self-assessments tools - Courses are designed to require students to engage themselves in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation as part of their course and program requirements - Problem solving procedures are in placed

10 Material Design and Production subprocess - 10/12 - Supporting learner s diverse needs is assured - Peer and tutor support processes are in place - A communication strategy had been designed - It has multiple ways of accessing in term of back ground knowledge and skills - The materials are learner driven - It is an explanation in how to use the material - It is an out line work for the different units - There are different proposals of use for each unit - The material includes an explanation about the expected student characteristics, mainly the starting point they might have - Proposals about how to find out the starting point are giving - Didactic guidance is offered to enhance previous knowledge with learning activities - Activities offer the chance of developing examples of the contents - Guidance is offered about how to develop the different activities (comprehension, summaries, synthesis, etc) - Guidance is offered about how to develop alternative and complementary activities - The material design is based on a competence model - The material design is based on a knowledge model - The course is connect with the defined tutor role - The course is connect with the defined counsellor role - The institution methodological guidelines are considered for the course design Evaluation aspects - Initial evaluation is suggested - There are templates, checklist or guidelines for the continuous evaluation - There are continuous evaluation controls in order to let the student notice their learning - There are final controls - There are explanations about the criteria used for each kind of evaluation - Activities are suggested to students taking into account his/her evaluation results - Instructional materials are revised periodically to ensure they meet program standards. - Procedures for testing draft version of the materials are put into practice - Procedures for updating materials are put into practice - Tools for monitoring the costs related to learning resources are implemented - Learning accreditation system is available and linked to the national/european accreditation system context (e.g. ECTS) - General criteria are offered for the student assessment - The course can be reused - Different proves are made in the course production, consequently the material is being improved - During the course production there is a malfunction list, where technical and pedagogical problems are recorded and solved - The cost of the course production are linked to the rest of the global cost of the institution - The course consider the university norms - The credits achieved are transferable between programmes Link with other materials - There is an explanation of these materials - Guidance is offered in how to use the complementary materials - It is specified when the student should use each of this materials - It is an explanation of the possibilities that this resources offer, they reinforce the learning, they permit go further - There is a maintenance service of the existing links in order to check in a regular way whether the all the links (moreover the external ones) are available anytime or not - The course is coordinated with the publication plan Technical aspects - The different media are integrated property - The course has technical quality - The material is conformance to standards - The material has interoperability with other systems - The material has portability with other system - The material is secure - It demand identification prerequisites - It has low cost - Learning outcomes determine the technology being used - In the material design it is considered that some technical problems can be solve by the support territorial centers

11 Material Design and Production subprocess - 11/12 CONCEPTUAL MAP OF THE MATERIAL DESIGN

12 Material Design and Production subprocess - 12/12 CONCEPTUAL MAP OF THE COURSE DEVELOPMENT

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