2010 Alabama Course of Study Social Studies High School Psychology

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1 A Correlation of Prentice Hall Psychology Minter/Elmhorst 2012 To the Social Studies High School Psychology

2 A Correlation of, to the for Social Studies Social Studies Students will: 1. Trace the development of psychology as a scientific discipline evolving from other fields of study. 1.a Describing early psychological and biological inquiries that led to contemporary approaches and methods of experimentation, including ideologies of Aristotle, John Locke, Wilhelm Wundt, Charles Darwin, William James, Frantz Fanon, and G. Stanley Hall 1.b Differentiating among various modern schools of thought and perspectives in psychology that have evolved since 1879, including each school s view on concepts of aggression or appetite 1.c Illustrating how modern psychologists utilize multiple perspectives to understand behavior and mental processes SE/TE: What is the history of psychology as a scientific discipline?, 5-9 SE/TE: What are the major modern psychological perspectives?, 10-11; How is the field of psychology continuing to grow?, SE/TE: Describe Development During Infancy and Childhood, ; Table 12.2 Piaget s Theory: Four Stages of Cognitive Development, ; How do children develop socially and emotionally?, 158; Table 12.3 Erickson s Psychosocial States of Development, 159; Describe Development During Adolescence, ; Table 13.1 Kohlberg s Three Levels of Morality, 164; How do reasoning and morality develop during adolescence? ; Describe Development During Adulthood, ; Pavlov, Watson, and the Dawn of Behaviorism, 8-10; What are the principles of classical conditioning?, ; How can classical conditioning be specialized to affect emotions?, ; What are the principles of operant conditioning?, ; What are some specializations of operant conditioning?; ; What occurs in observational learning? ; How does observational learning function in everyday life?, 196; What is the psychodynamic theory of personality?, , How do behaviorists and social cognitive theorists explain personality?, ; How do humanistic psychologists explain personality?, What are historical and current views of the trait perspective?, ; What are the different types of psychotherapy?,

3 A Correlation of, to the for Social Studies Social Studies 1.d Identifying major subfields and career opportunities related to psychology SE/TE: What are the major subfields of psychology? Describe research strategies used by psychologists to explore mental processes and behavior. 2.a Describing the type of methodology and SE/TE: What methods do researchers use strategies used by researchers in different to study behavior? 17-21; How do psychological studies psychologists study development?, 144; Examples: surveys, naturalistic Table 11.1 A Comparison of Three observations, case studies, longitudinal Developmental Research Designs, 145 studies, cross-sectional studies 2.b Contrasting independent, dependent, and confounding variables and control and experimental groups 2.c Identifying systematic procedures necessary for conducting an experiment and improving the validity of results 2.e Describing the use of statistics in evaluating research, including calculating the mean, median, and mode from a set of data; conducting a simple correlational analysis using either calculators or computer software; and explaining the meaning of statistical significance SE/TE: Experimental Method, 20-21; How do researchers ensure their findings are valid?, SE/TE: How do researchers ensure their findings are valid?, SE/TE: Learn the Basic Concepts of Data Analysis, Explain how processes of the central and peripheral nervous systems underlie behavior and mental processes, including how neurons are the basis for neural communication. 3.a Describing how neurons communicate, SE/TE: What are neurons, and how do including the role of neurotransmitters in they work?, behavior and the electrochemical process 3.b Comparing the effect of drugs and toxins on the brain and neurotransmitters 3.c Describing how different sections of the brain have specialized yet interdependent functions, including functions of different lobes and hemispheres of the cerebral cortex and consequences of damage to specific sections of the brain 3.d Describing different technologies used to study the brain and nervous system SE/TE: How do drugs function at the synaptic level?, SE/TE: Understand the Structure and Function of the Brain, SE/TE: How do people study the brain?, 54; What advances have made the brain easier to study,

4 A Correlation of, to the for Social Studies Social Studies 3.e Analyzing behavior genetics for its contribution to the understanding of behavior and mental processes, including differentiating between deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), chromosomes, and genes; identifying effects of chromosomal abnormalities; and explaining how genetics and environmental factors work together to determine inherited traits SE/TE: How do genetic and factors determine who we are?, 66-67; How do heredity and environmental factors interact to affect our development?, 67-69; How do evolved tendencies influence our behavior?, Describe the interconnected processes of sensation and perception. 4.a Explaining the role of sensory systems SE/TE: Explore How the Senses Work, 80- in human behavior, including sight, sound, 92 smell, touch, and pain 4.b Explaining how what is perceived can be different from what is sensed, including how attention and environmental cues can affect the ability to accurately sense and perceive the world 4.c Describing the role of Gestalt principles and concepts in perception SE/TE: What are the distinctions between sensation and perception?, 78; What is a sensory threshold? What is a sensory adaptation?, 78-79; How do our experiences and expectation influence perception?, SE/TE: What are the Gestalt principles of perception?, Explain ways to promote psychological wellness. 5.a Describing physiological processes SE/TE: What effect do hormones have on associated with stress, including hormones the immune system?, 51-52; How can associated with stress responses stress affect physiological and psychological health?, b Describing Hans Selye s general adaptation syndrome (GAS) SE/TE: How can stress affect physiological and psychological health?, c Describing the flight-or-fight response in terms of the autonomic and somatic nervous systems 5.d Contrasting positive and negative ways of coping with stress related to problemfocused coping, aggression, and emotionfocused coping 5.e Explaining approach-approach, approach-avoidance, and avoidanceavoidance conflicts 5.f Identifying various eating disorders and conditions Examples: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, obesity SE/TE: The Somatic Nervous System and the Autonomic Nervous System, SE/TE: What are effective and ineffective ways to deal with stressors?, TE: approach-approach, approachavoidance, and avoidance-avoidance conflict, 481 SE/TE: What factors motivate eating?, ; Figure 27.5, Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, 352 4

5 A Correlation of, to the for Social Studies Social Studies 6. Describe the physical, cognitive, and social development across the life span of a person from the prenatal through aging stages. 6.a Outlining the stage-of-development SE/TE: Describe Development During theories of Jean Piaget, Erik H. Erikson, Infancy and Childhood, ; Table Sigmund Freud, Carol Gilligan, and 12.2 Piaget s Theory: Four Stages of Lawrence Kohlberg Cognitive Development, ; How do children develop socially and emotionally?, 158; Table 12.3 Erickson s Psychosocial States of Development, 159; Describe Development During Adolescence, ; Table 13.1 Kohlberg s Three Levels of Morality, 164; How do reasoning and morality develop during adolescence? ; Describe Development During Adulthood, Describe the processes and importance of memory, including how information is encoded and stored, mnemonic devices, schemas related to short-term memory, working memory, and long-term memory. 7.a Distinguishing between surface and deep processing in memory development SE/TE: What are levels of processing?, 275; Figure 23.2 Levle3s of Processing, b Comparing ways memories are stored in the brain, including episodic and procedural 7.c Identifying different parts of the brain that store memory 7.d Differentiating among different types of amnesia 7.e Describing how information is retrieved from memory 7.f Explaining how memories can be reconstructed and misremembered SE/TE: How is information stored in longterm memory?, ; Figures 23.4, Types of long-term memory, 282 SE/TE: How and where are memories stored in the brain?, SE/TE: How does amnesia occur?, SE/TE: Learn How Memories Are Retrieved From The Brain, SE/TE: Can memories change? How reliable are they? Describe ways in which organisms learn, including the processes of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational conditioning. 8.a Identifying unconditioned stimuli (UCS), conditioned stimuli (CS), unconditioned responses (UCR), and conditioned responses (CR) SE/TE: What are the principles of classical conditioning?, b Describing the law of effect SE/TE: What is Thorndike s law of effect?,

6 A Correlation of, to the for Social Studies Social Studies 8.c Describing original experiments conducted by B. F. Skinner, Albert Bandura, Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, and Rosalie Rayner 8.d Differentiating between reinforcement and punishment, positive and negative reinforcement, and various schedules of reinforcement 8.e Describing biological limitations on operantly conditioned learning 8.f Differentiating between observational learning and modeling 8.g Analyzing watching violent media for effects on violent behavior SE/TE: Pavlov, Watson, and the Dawn of Behaviorism, 8-10; What are the principles of classical conditioning?, ; How can classical conditioning be specialized to affect emotions?, ; What are the principles of operant conditioning?, ; What are some specializations of operant conditioning?; ; What occurs in observational learning? ; How does observational learning function in everyday life?, 196 SE/TE: ; What are the principles of operant conditioning?, ; What are some specializations of operant conditioning? SE/TE: Biological Constraints on Operant Conditioning, SE/TE: What occurs in observational learning?, ; Behavior Therapies: Learning new Responses, SE/TE: Violence in the Media and Aggression, Describe how organisms think and solve problems, including processes involved in accurate thinking. 9.a Identifying the role of mental images SE/TE: How are mental images and and verbal symbols in the thought process concepts involved in the process of thinking?, b Explaining how concepts are formed SE/TE: Concepts, c Differentiating between algorithms and heuristics SE/TE: What methods do people use to solve problems and make decisions?, d Analyzing different types of heuristics to SE/TE: Heuristics, determine effects on problem solving 10. Describe the qualities and development of language. 10.a Identifying common phonemes and SE/TE: What is language and how is it morphemes of language structured? b Describing how understanding syntax and grammar affect language comprehension SE/TE: How are language and thought related?,

7 A Correlation of, to the for Social Studies Social Studies 10.c Demonstrating how qualities of sign language are similar to spoken language 10.d Describing how infants move from babbling to usage of complete sentences SE: For related content see: Animal Studies in Language, TE: Animal Studies in Language, 203 SE/TE: What are the stages of language development?, e Explaining how hearing loss in infants and children can affect the development of spoken language SE/TE: For related content see: Language Acquisition Compare various states of consciousness evident in human behavior, including the process of sleeping and dreaming. 11.a Explaining states of sleep throughout SE/TE: How does the sleep cycle work? an average night s sleep, including nonrapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) 11.b Describing the mechanism of the circadian rhythm SE/TE: What is the circadian rhythm, and how does it relate to sleep?, c Evaluating the importance of sleep to good performance 11.d Comparing theories regarding the use and meaning of dreams 11.e Analyzing the use of psychoactive drugs for effects on people, including the mechanisms of addiction, withdrawal, and tolerance 11.f Evaluating the phenomenon of hypnosis and its possible uses SE/TE: Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Are You Sleep Deprived?, SE/TE: Do dreams serve a function?, SE/TE: Understand the Effects of Psychoactive Drugs, SE/TE: How does hypnosis work, and why is it controversial?, Describe the role of motivation and emotion in human behavior. 12.a Identifying theories that explain SE/TE: What are the major cognitive and motivational processes, including cognitive, biological theories of motivation?, , biological, and psychological reasons for What is the humanist theory of motivation?, motivational behavior, and Abraham Maslow s hierarchy of needs and arousal theory 12.b Describing situational cues that cause emotions, including anger, curiosity, and anxiety SE/TE: What biological and environmental factors influence the expression and experience of fear?, ; The Angry/Happy Man, c Differentiating among theories of emotion SE/TE: What are biological, behavioral, and cognitive components of emotion?, ; What are the major theories of emotion?,

8 A Correlation of, to the for Social Studies Social Studies 12.d Identifying universally recognized emotions 13. Describe methods of assessing individual differences and theories of intelligence, including Charles E. Spearman s general (g) factor of intelligence, Howard Gardner s multiple intelligences, and Robert J. Sternberg s triarchic theory of intelligence. 13.a Describing different types of intelligence tests, including the Flynn effect SE/TE: Cross-cultural psychology, SE/TE: How do psychologists define intelligence?, 321; What are some established theories of intelligence?, SE/TE: What is the history of intelligence testing?, ; Hos is intelligence measured today?, b Describing how intelligence may be influenced by differences in heredity and environment and by biases toward ethnic minority and socioeconomic groups SE/TE: How do heredity and environment influence intelligence?, Explain the role of personality development in human behavior. 14.a Differentiating among personality SE/TE: What is the psychodynamic theory theories, including psychoanalytic, of personality?, , How do sociocognitive, trait, and humanistic behaviorists and social cognitive theorists theories of personality explain personality?, ; How do humanistic psychologists explain personality?, What are historical and current views of the trait perspective?, b Describing different measures of personality, including the Neuroticism- Extroversion-Openness Personality Inventory (NEO-PI), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), and projective tests SE/TE: What techniques do researchers use to measure personality? Are these techniques reliable and valid?, Describe major psychological disorders and their treatments. 15.a Differentiating between normal and SE/TE: What is psychologically abnormal abnormal behavior behavior?, b Describing different approaches for explaining mental illness, including biological and medical, cognitive, and sociocultural models SE/TE: What are the major models of abnormality?,

9 A Correlation of, to the for Social Studies Social Studies 15.c Differentiating types of mental illness, including mood, anxiety, somatoform, schizophrenic, dissociative, and personality disorders SE/TE: What are the challenges of diagnosing ma mental illness?, 421, What are the different types of anxiety disorders and their causes?, ; What are the different types of somatoform disorders and their causes?, ; What are the different types of dissociative disorders and their causes?, ; What are the different types of mood disorders and their causes?, ; What are the main symptoms, types, and causes of schizophrenia?, ; What are the different types of personality disorders and their causes?, Describe how attitudes, conditions of obedience and conformity, and other influences affect actions and shape human behavior, including actor-observer, self-server, social facilitation, social loafing, bystander effect, groupthink, and group polarization. 16.a Explaining the fundamental attribution error 16.b Critiquing Stanley Milgram s work with obedience and S. E. Asch s work with conformity 17. Describe various careers pursued by psychologists, including medical and mental health care fields, the business world, education, law and criminal justice, and research. SE/TE: How do people use attribution theory to explain the actions of others?, SE/TE: Conformity, ; Obedience, SE/TE: Figure 1.2 Work Settings and Subfields of Psychology, 13; Explore Career Options in Psychology, Explain how culture and gender influence behavior. 18.a Identifying gender differences and SE/TE: How do men and women differ in similarities thinking, social behavior, and personality?, b Explaining ways in which gender differences are developed 18.c Describing ways in which gender roles are assigned in different cultures SE/TE: What factors influence the development of gender identity?, SE/TE: Culture and Gender,

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