Rettenøgle til: Focus on Grammar

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1 Rettenøgle til: Focus on Grammar AVU Engelsk niveau F-E-D Tine Friis-Jensen/Susanne Rytter RETTENØGLE Lars Bjerre/Orla Dall 1

2 TO BE (at være) Find alle udsagnsled og tilhørende grundled i den følgende tekst. Bestem udsagnsordenes tid, person og tal. I am (nutid, 1. prs., ental) My sister is (nutid, 3. prs., ental) My parents are (nutid, 3. prs., flertal) We are (nutid, 1. prs., flertal) I was (datid, 1. prs., ental) (There) was so much (datid, 3. prs., ental) People were (datid, 3. prs., flertal) I have never been (førnutid, 1. prs., ental) one of my friends has been (førnutid, 3. prs., ental) His father is (nutid, 3. prs., ental) he was (datid, 3. prs., ental) he had already been (førdatid, 3. prs., ental) I hope (nutid, 1. prs., ental) I shall be (fremtid, 1. prs., ental) (I shall) live (fremtid, 1.prs., ental) Indsæt de korrekte former af TO BE i nutid My name is Lisa. I live in Harlem, which is the north part of Manhattan, New York. There are many black people in Harlem. In my family we are four kids. My Dad is dead. We like living here because there are so many people we know. Of course there are also a lot of people on drugs, and there are gangs and shootings. But Harlem is my home, this is where I belong. Opgave 3 Indsæt de korrekte former af TO BE i datid Prince Charles was born in In 1981 he married Lady Diana Spencer. Their wedding was shown all over the world on television. Charles and Diana were very popular, but unfortunately their marriage was not very happy. In the end they were divorced, and a short time later Diana was killed in a car accident. Opgave 4 Vælg den korrekte form af udsagnsleddet i parentesen 1. Many children (is/are) interested in football. 2. Baseball (is/are) a popular sport in USA. 3. Once women (was/were) not allowed to go to the pubs. 4. Everybody (was/were) watching the game. 5. My sister and I (was/were) looking at David Beckham. 6. There (is/are) somebody at the front door. 7. There (is/are) many homeless people in London. 8. There (was/were) a lot of hooligans in the streets. 9. There (was/were) very little we could do about it. 2

3 TO HAVE (at have) Find alle former af to have i den følgende tekst. Bestem udsagnsordenes tid. Peter has (nutid, 3. prs., ental) He and his wife, Julie, have got (nutid, 3. prs., flertal) his mother lives (nutid, 3. prs., ental) her husband was (datid, 3. prs., ental) they had (datid, 3. prs., flertal) he died (datid, 3. prs., ental) she has had (førnutid, 3. prs., ental) The house has got (nutid, 3. prs., ental) they have (nutid, 3. prs., flertal) the children grow (nutid, 3. prs., flertal) they will have (fremtid, 3. prs., flertal) Indsæt de korrekte former af TO HAVE. London has many open spaces and parks. One of the most famous ones, Hyde Park, has a beautiful lake called the Serpentine. Many people have lunch in one of London s pubs. Peter usually has tea instead of coffee. Today London has a very mixed population. During the 50s and 60s London had many immigrants from India, Pakistan, and Hong Kong. Many immigrants have settled in London s East End. Opgave 3 Vælg den rigtige form af udsagnsordet i parentesen 1. Prince Charles (has/have) got two sons, William and Harry. 2. Britain (has had/have had) many famous kings and queens. 3. Most British people (has/have) a house of their own. 4. But some people (has/have) nowhere to live. 5. Peter and Julie (has had/have had) their house since Somebody (has/have) left the door open. 7. Their house (has/have) three bedrooms. 8. Today Julie (has had/have had) lunch with one of her colleagues. 9. She and Peter usually (has/have) lunch together. 10. Tomorrow Peter (shall have/will have) breakfast at 8. 3

4 REGELMÆSSIGE UDSAGNSORD Find alle regelmæssige udsagnsord i flg. tekst. Bestem deres tid. Many people visit (nutid) London during the summer. Students from many different countries want (nutid) to improve their English. This summer Monica from Italy stayed (datid) at a language school in London for a month. She feels (nutid) she has discovered (førnutid) so much about London. She has visited (førnutid) all the famous places she wanted (datid) to see, and she has talked (førnutid) to a lot of different people. She loved (datid) it all! In fact she has enjoyed (førnutid) her trip so much that she is afraid (førnutid) she will cry (fremtid) the whole way back to Italy. Indsæt den rigtige form af udsagnsordet: 1. (listen) I usually listen to music every day. 2. (watch) Anne always watches tv in the evening. 3. (like) Peter has never liked jazz music. 4. (arrive) The train from London arrived 5 minutes ago. 5. (cry) Little Tim has cried the whole morning. 6. (rent) Last summer we rented a car in Italy. 7. (pass) Time passes by very quickly when you have fun. 8. (walk) After 2 hours we had walked all the way home. Opgave 3 Lav sætningerne om fra nutid til datid. 1. I want/wanted your hand 2. She loves/loved you. 3. I like/liked the way you look/looked tonight 4. Miss Otis regrets/regretted she must/had to go. 5. Miss Winter polishes/polished her fingernails 6. Some people study/studied Chinese literature 7. Some people enjoy/enjoyed football 8. Peter supports/supported the Conservative Party Opgave 4 Indsæt førnutid af udsagnsordet (læs evt. 70) 1. (ask) Peter has asked Jane out for dinner. 2. (move) Now we have moved to Oxford. 3. (disappear) Suddenly my money had disappeared. 4. (live) I have lived here since (arrive) The train had arrived from London. 6. (love) They have loved each other for many years. 7. (happen) What has happened to him? 4

5 UREGELMÆSSIGE UDSAGNSORD Lav alle tider i 3. person ental af udsagnsordene i skemaet ovenover. He/she/it becomes He/she/it became He/she/it has become He/she/it goes He/she/it went He/she/it has gone He/she/it puts He/she/it put He/she/it has put He/she/it thinks He/she/it thought He/she/it has thought Find alle uregelmæssige udsagnsord i denne tekst. Bestem deres tid. Peter s mother has told (førnutid) him that his great-grandfather came (datid) from London. When he was (datid) 21, he met (datid) a Danish girl in London, and very soon they fell (datid) in love with each other. When the girl had gone (førdatid) back to Denmark, they wrote (datid) long letters to each other. One year later Peter s great-grandfather set out (datid) for Denmark to marry the girl. Very soon they had (datid) a big family in Denmark. Now Peter has become (førnutid) curious about his English ancestors. He has heard (førnutid) very little about them, but he thinks (nutid) he will find out (fremtid) some more, now that he spends (nutid) his holidays in London. Opgave 3 Indsæt de rigtige former af udsagnsordet. 1. (go) Harry goes to Scotland every year. 2. (go) Last year he went to Inverness. 3. (spend) He spent a week by Loch Ness. 4. (see) But has he actually seen Nessie, the monster? 5. (think, see) One night he thought he saw something. 6. (run) He ran down to the lake to have a good look. 7. (fall) Unfortunately he just fell into the water. 8. (drink) He had probably drunk too much whisky. 9. (catch) He was lucky he was not caught by Nessie. 10. (meet) He still hopes he will meet her one day. Opgave 4 Indsæt udsagnsordet i førnutid eller førdatid. 1. (know) I have known you since (lose) Simon has lost all his money. 3. (go) They have gone to school for 5 years. 4. (grow) My mother has grown old during the last year. 5. (leave) My boss has left the office early today. 6. (put) Who has put my trousers on the floor? 7. (read) Anna has read quite a lot of books about horses. 8. (teach) My father has taught me never to hit anyone. 5

6 NAVNEORD Find alle navneord i den følgende tekst. Bøj dem i ental og flertal. End/ends Century/centuries Revolution/revolutions Place/places Industry/industries Factory/factories City/cities Machine/machines Coal/coals Mineral/minerals -/goods Textile/textiles Ship/Ships Bridge/bridges Train/trains Railroad/railroads Country/countries World/worlds -/people Coal-mine/coal-mines Condition/conditions Housing area/housing areas Wage/wages Man/Men Woman/women Child/children Hour/hours Indsæt flertalsform af ordene i parentesen. In 1842 children (child) under 5 worked underground in the coal-mines (coalmine). Often they had to work for 12 hours (hour) a day for just 2 pennies (penny). The workers (worker) in the factories (factory) had no power at all. Their lives (life) were very hard, but their work helped to make a new country with iron bridges (bridge) and railways (railway) and national wealth. Opgave 3 Bestem navneordets tal og vælg den rigtige form af udsagnsordet i parentesen. Inden du løser opgaven, kan det være en hjælp at læse 109 og The money I gave you (is/are) in the kitchen. 2. (Is/are) there any news from your uncle? 3. My clothes (is/are) quite new. 4. All the information you need (is/are) in the book. 5. I think my wages (is/are) too low! 6. The contents of this box (has/have) been completely ruined. 7. There (is/are) a lot of furniture in the livingroom. 8. The news about the accident (was/were) quite shocking. 6

7 KENDEORD 1-10 og Sæt a eller an foran følgende ord: A book, a car, an apple, an umbrella, a university, a year, an hour, an old man, a useful book, a young woman. Indsæt ubestemt kendeord (a/an) hvor det er nødvendigt. 1. My brother wants to be a carpenter. 2. I want to be an actress. 3. Our grandfather was captain of the Titanic. 4. My neighbour is Hindu. 5. George is a protestant, and Mary is a Catholic. 6. I am not religious, I am an atheist. Opgave 3 Indsæt bestemt kendeord (the) hvor det er nødvendigt. 1. Shakespeare is the author of Romeo and Juliet. 2. Do you play the guitar? 3. No, but I play the piano every day. 4. Do you like to go to school? 5. No, I prefer to go to work. 6. I like the school I go to now. 7. Many people enjoy nature very much. 8. Most people are worried about crime. Opgave 4 Indsæt det rigtige kendeord (a/an/the) hvor det er nødvendigt My grandfather was an artist. My mother is a lawyer. She is a Catholic. When I was a girl, I learned to play the piano. When we were in London, we saw the Thames. I have always been very interested in history. In 1994 Bill Clinton was the president of the USA. We are going to have dinner with the Osbornes. My brother knows a lot about hinduism. 7

8 EJEFALD (genitiv) Forbind ordene parvis så de danner ejefald 1. John s shoes 2. Man s car 3. Boys mother 4. House of the family 5. Rooms of the house 6. Windows of the shop 7. Teachers of the school 8. Charles ( s) grandmother Hvilken form står de understregede ord i? (ejefald, flertal eller udsagnsord i 3. person ental) 1. I have just met my brother s girlfriend (ejefald) 2. She s 24 years old. (3. prs. ental) 3. Where are the children s mother? (ejefald) 4. It s really hot in here. (3. prs. ental) 5. The boys are waiting outside. (flertal) 6. The girls room has been cleaned. (ejefald) 8

9 OMSKRIVNING MED TO DO Læs følgende sætninger og tag stilling til om der er omskrevet med to do. Do you like your new neighbours? Yes Well, I do not really know them very well yet. We have not met more than a couple of times. No What do they do? Yes He is a carpenter, and she is a nurse. No When did you fall in love with your wife? I never answer questions like that. So you will not tell me? No, I don t think so. No Indsæt den rigtige form af to do i flg. sætninger: 1. He does not look well today. 2. We did not sleep very well last night. 3. Do you often watch TV at night? 4. Yes, but yesterday I did not. 5. Does he speak Greek? 6. No, he does not, but he speaks Italian. 7. Where did you put the money? 8. I do not know. Why do you ask? Opgave 3 Lav flg. sætninger om til spørgsmål (brug samme tid) 1. Lisa lives in New York. Does Lisa live in N.Y.? 2. Claudia went to New York last year. Did Claudia go to N.Y. last year? 3. Alex has been to London this year. Did Alex go to London this year? 4. Peter and Anne live with their parents. Do Peter and Anne live with their parents? 5. They would like to get their own flat. Do they want to get their own flat? Opgave 4 Lav flg. sætninger om til nægtende sætninger 1. I like to work in the garden. I don t like to work in the garden. 2. We went to Dublin last week. We didn t go to Dublin last week. 3. She runs very fast. She doesn t run very fast. 4. He likes black coffee. He doesn t like black coffee. 5. They were sent to prison. They weren t send to prison. 9

10 MÅDESUDSAGNSORD Understreg mådesudsagnsordene og gør rede for deres betydning. Find også hovedudsagnsordet. 1. I shall do it tomorrow. Fremtid 2. Next year you will be much happier. Fremtid 3. I can swim faster than you. Evne: kan, er I stand til 4. You may (1) kiss me, but be careful my mother might (2) see us. (1): tilladelse, må. (2): risiko, kan måske 5. The baby is awake so I must take care of her now. Nødvendighed, skal 6. We ought to think more about the future. Forpligtelse, burde Indsæt mådesudsagnsord i sætningerne, så de giver mening I m very busy today, so I m afraid you must do the shopping. Will you help me do my homework tonight? I would like to help you, but I can not. I ought to/must go to visit grandmother. Dad has come home now, I can hear him singing. Try to ask him, he may help you. 10

11 THE FUTURE (fremtid) ( 62-63) 1. shall, will almindelig neutral fremtid 2. to be going to fremtid med hensigt el. plan el. naturlig konsekvens. 3. to be ing bevægelse el. plan 4. to be about to meget nær fremtid 5. to be to efter aftale, plan el. skæbnebestemt Hvilken type fremtid er der tale om? 1. Are you leaving for Ireland tomorrow? Number 3 2. The wall is going to fall down if we don t do something. Number 2 3. Will you be here tonight? Number 1 4. He is to meet his girl friend at 3 o clock. Number 5 5. They were about to give up hope. Number 4 6. We shall be in Germany at this time next year. Number 1 11

12 DE UDVIDEDE TIDER Vælg almindelig tid eller udvidet tid Sheila always (needs / is needing) money. Every Friday she (goes / is going) shopping, and after a few hours she (has spent / has been spending) all her money. Today she (looks / is looking) for some fancy new shoes. When I (entered / was entering) the classroom, Lisa (talked / was talking) to her sister on the phone, Phil and Cathy (argued / were arguing) about something that (had happened / had been happening) during breaktime, Jill (chased / was chasing) Peter round the room, and Sarah (shouted / was shouting) out of the window, Hurry up, the teacher (comes / is coming)!!! Lav sætninger i udvidet tid. Brug am/is/are + et af følgende udsagnsord i ing-form: have listen kiss watch cook hurt Look! Peter is kissing his new girlfriend. Where are you? In the bathroom. I am having a shower. Please be quiet. I am listening to the radio. My mother is in the kitchen. She is cooking dinner for us. Stop hitting me. You are hurting me. It is 9 p.m. so my parents are watching the news. Opgave 3 Lav spørgsmål i udvidet nutid af ordene i parentes. Lav også et kort svar (yes../no..) 1. (Lisa / read / a book) Is Lisa reading a book? Yes, she is. 2. (Peter / do / his homework) Is Peter doing his homework? Yes, he is. 3. (the children / play ) Are the children playing? No, they aren t. 4. (I / bother / you) Am I bothering you? Yes, you are. 5. (you / speak / to me) Are you speaking to me? Yes, I am. 6. (your father / watch / TV) Are your father watching TV? No, they aren t. 7. (Ted / play / football) Does Ted play football? No, he doesn t. 8. (Lucy and David / have / an affair) Do Lucy and David have an affair? Yes, they do. 12

13 SÆRLIG BRUG AF ING-FORM Hvad er rigtigt: navneform el. ing-form? (i enkelte tilfælde kan begge dele bruges) 1. We have enjoyed to dance/dancing 2. He avoided to tell/telling her the truth. 3. He stopped to repair/repairing his car. 4. It s no good to try/trying to fix it. 5. You must help to do/doing the washing up. 6. But I m busy to do/doing my homework. 7. We look forward to see/seeing you again. 8. Have you started to smoke/smoking? 9. No, but I have stopped to drink/drinking. 10. We don t mind to sleep/sleeping on the floor. 11. But I can t stand to listen/listening to snoring people. 12. I am tired of to write/writing these exercises. 13. I really feel like to stop/stopping now. 13

14 ORDSTILLING Find grundled og udsagnsled i begge sætninger og bemærk forskellen på ordstillingen: Dansk Sidste år var jeg i Spanien o x I Danmark har vi mange slotte o x Pludselig begyndte det at regne o x Må jeg få en kop te? o x Har du mødt din lærer? o x Engang glemte jeg mine nøgler hjemme o x Engelsk Last year I was in Spain x o In Denmark we have many castles x o Suddenly it started to rain x o May I have a cup of tea? o x (o) Have you met your teacher? o x (o) Once I forgot my keys at home x o Indsæt småbiordet i parentesen på den rigtige plads i sætningen: 1. She never dances (never) 2. She always says that she will never marry (always/never) 3. He is always afraid (always) 4. We often go to Spain in summer (often) 5. I can never remember a thing (never) 6. I have just seen a snake in the jungle (just) 7. My parents often say that I m always naughty (often/always) 8. I hardly believe him (hardly) 9. I just know that she is always in trouble (just/always) 10. The old lady really hoped that her son would soon leave home. (really/soon) 14

15 TILLÆGSORD Gradbøj følgende tillægsord i højere og højeste grad 1. grad 2. grad 3. grad big bigger biggest silent more silent most silent bad worse worst easy easier easiest difficult more difficult most difficult large larger largest little less least expensive more expensive most expensive fine finer finest good better best (NB FEJL I SÆTNINGERNE) Find 1 fejl i hver af de følgende sætninger og ret den: 1. You re lazyer lazier than your brother 2. He is the much most awful man I know 3. My new teacher is worser worse than my old teacher 4. This dress is the expensivest most expensive 5. This is the baddest worst crisis we have had for many years 6. I think my brother is more pretty prettier than me 7. He is much very old 8. This is the most happy happiest day of my life 9. Please be carefuller more careful next time 10. He is the bigest biggest boy in the class 15

16 BIORD TILLÆGSORD ELLER BIORD 138 Indsæt tillægsord eller biord: 1. (good) I remember him well 2. (slow) The trafic was slow 3. (terrible) It was quite clear that it would end up in a terrible fight 4. (impatient) Leave him alone, his sister begged impatiently 5. (happy) And they lived happily ever after 6. (usual) He usually takes a glass of whisky in the evening 7. (nervous) My wife walks nervously about the house all day 8. (awful) He behaved awfully 9. (terrible) He was a terribly good driver 10. (careful) He handled the things very carefully 11. (proper) One of the engines wasn t working properly 12. (calm) Suddenly the captain s very calm voice sounded 13. (happy/safe)) She was happy that the plane had landed safely Dan biord af følgende tillægsord og lav en sætning, hvor ordet indgår: quick angry quickly angrily complete completely hard hardly good well 16

17 FORHOLDSORD Indsæt det rigtige tidsforholdsord i følgende sætninger: Three days ago my cousin phoned me saying that she would come in a week, on Friday. She also said that she would stay for a week. My cousin lives in Copenhagen and she could make the trip in three hours if she went by train. On Friday, very early in the morning at 6 o clock the phone rang. It was my cousin telling me that she would arrive in the afternoon at 3 PM. During the conversation I was thinking of all the things I had to do before she came. In half an hour I had taken a shower and a cup of tea and was on my way to work. I had to be at the office at 9 o clock because I had a meeting with my boss. During the drive I planned what I would like to do together with my cousin. There wasn t much traffic so much to my surprise I was at work within/in half an hour. Indsæt det rigtige stedsforholdsord i følgende sætninger: 1. The police stopped them because there were 15 boys in the car. 2. Your pencil is lying on the desk. 3. They all had a nice weekend in the country. 4. We have a lot of paintings hanging on our walls. 5. There was not a cloud in the autumn sky 6. He lives at 10 Downing Street 7. The children must not play in the street 8. There were many refugees on the boat 9. My daughter always wants to sit by the window in planes 10. There were many horses in the fields 17

18 FORHOLDSORD OG THAT -SÆTNING 248 Find fejlene i sætningerne og omskriv dem, så de bliver korrekte: forslag: 1) He was afraid of that the dog would bite him. 2) She was sure of that the dog would bite her. 3) Did he tell you about that he is leaving home? 4) She drew his attention to the fact that she was a married woman. 5) He liked her in spite of the fact that she was ugly. 6) She did it without that anybody noticed noticing it. 7) He made jokes about the fact that I stammered. 8) They left the restaurant without that the waiter saw seeing it. 9) There is no doubt about that they will come tonight. 10) She is sorry about that he is leaving. 18

19 AKTIV OG PASSIV FORM Lav sætningerne om til passiv (NB brug samme tid som i den aktive sætning) 1. Peter tells the story. The story is told by Peter 2. Sue has told the story. The story has been told by Sue 3. Mum and Peter made the dinner. The dinner was made by Mum and Peter 4. The strange man paid for our drinks. Our drinks were paid for by the strange man 5. We had painted all the windows. All the windows had been painted by us 6. The postman will bring the newspaper. The newspaper will be brought by the postman 7. My wife is washing my shirts. My shirts are being washed by my wife 8. A group of actors were performing Hamlet. Hamlet was being performed by a group of actors 19

20 EJESTEDORD Indsæt det rigtige ejestedord i følgende sætninger: 1. (my/mine) My car is quite new. 2. (your/yours) Is this your book? 3. (your/yours) Is this book yours? 4. (our/ours) Our son has just left for Paris. 5. (our/ours) No thank you, that suitcase is not mine. 6. (my/mine) If this isn t my money, where is mine then? 7. (its/it s) The restaurant was famous for its good meals. 8. (her/hers) Was it her dress? No, it wasn t hers. 9. (their/theirs) Their shoes were well polished. 10. (my/mine) He is a friend of mine. 20

21 PÅPEGENDE STEDORD Indsæt det korrekt påpegende stedord: This car here is cheaper than the blue one. We have been very busy this morning. Peter can have this chair and John have that one over there. We have had a bad summer this year. That house over there is very old. I like these pears here much better than those at the supermarket. Vælg den korrekte form: 1. This/that man over there is the guide 2. Those/that people are the owners of the shop 3. In those/these days we were in love. 4. I have read that/the story you are talking about 5. This/that morning he is late 6. That/the girl who lost her purse went to the police station. 7. This/that winter we have a lot of snow 8. This/these article is very interesting 9. He does not live in this/that town. He lives in London. 10. This/these children are very irritating. 21

22 TILBAGEVISENDE STEDORD Indsæt det rigtige tilbagevisende stedord: You must defend yourself. They enjoyed themselves the whole day. She married on the 24 th December. The Indians defended themselves. I have made the dress myself. The Queen herself visited the exhibition. I want to talk to the manager myself. You must hurry to get there in time. The old man couldn t shave himself. The hairdresser sometimes cuts himself when he is working. We couldn t do it ourselves, we needed help. 22

23 UBESTEMTE STEDORD Find alle eksempler på ubestemte stedord i følgende tekst: I went to the Zoo some days ago. However, I couldn t see all the animals because some of them were inside and not in their cages. Somebody told me that the lions would come outside at 12 o clock. Then I wanted to see the monkeys, but I couldn t see any because they were hiding in the bushes. I asked some of the visitors if they could see any monkeys but nobody could help me. Then I wanted to have a cup of coffee but every table in the café was occupied. Everything went wrong that morning. Forklar hvad nedenstående sætninger betyder: I like some pop music [noget af det] I don t like any pop music [slet ikke noget] I like any pop music [alle slags] I don t like some pop music [noget af det kan jeg ikke lide] Opgave 3 Indsæt some eller any eller sammensætninger: 1. There are some flowers in the vase. 2. Have you got any presents for your birthday? 3. Yes, I have got some. 4. Has anybody seen my bag? 5. Can I have some tea, please? 6. You may come any day you like. 7. There is something wrong with my computer. 8. If you have any money, I would like to borrow

24 HENFØRENDE STEDORD NB: Husk at there aldrig kan være henførende stedord! Find de henførende stedord i teksten: William Shakespeare, who lived from 1564 to 1616, wrote many plays which have become world famous. He was born in Stratford-on-Avon, which is in the centre of England. We know that he wrote 37 plays tragedies, historical plays and comedies. One play which is still performed at theatres all over the world and which is studied at schools in many countries is Macbeth. This play, which is set in Scotland in the 11 th century, is a drama about a great nobleman, Macbeth who is destroyed by his own ambition. He is married to Lady Macbeth whose ambitions to be queen of Scotland are very strong. Indsæt det rigtige henførende stedord (who (m), which, whose) The book which I read the other day was very exciting. Where is the money which you got last week? Peter, who is one of my best friends, couldn t come to my birthday. The house, whose owner is away on holiday, has burnt down. They saw a dog which had lost its way. The shop whose owner I know also sells clothes. I met a man whose children were very rude. The police want to talk to everybody who was at the party last night. Is that the man who(m) I have heard so much about? The house which is next to ours has been sold. The man from whom I bought the car has left town. 24

25 SPØRGENDE STEDORD Indsæt who, whom eller whose i følgende sætninger: Who has stolen my car? Which shop is the most modern? Who has made the mistake? To whom did they give the job? _Whose house burnt down last night? Who did you meet yesterday? From whom did you get the new dress? Indsæt which eller what i følgende sætninger: Which of the two dresses is the cheapest, the blue one or the green one? _What have you paid for the coat? What material did you use for your dress? Which month of the year is the shortest? What furniture do you prefer? What music do you like? I ve got gin and whisky. Which do you prefer? 25

Rettenøgle til: Focus on Grammar

Rettenøgle til: Focus on Grammar Rettenøgle til: Focus on Grammar AVU Engelsk niveau F-E-D Tine Friis-Jensen/Susanne Rytter RETTENØGLE Indsætnings- og udfyldningsopgaver af Lars Bjerre/Orla Dall Oversættelser af Susanne Rytter 1 TO BE

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